The Basement Yard - My Very Own Board Game

Episode Date: November 27, 2017

On this episode, I'm talking about my new board game "Speak Out: Joe Santagato Edition" that you can buy on Amazon RIGHT NOW! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. It is just me today Because I couldn't record it last week. It's Sunday night right now. It's like 10 o'clock. I might sound a little weird or a little kind of Just off because I just had a massive panic attack before I started this shit I'm still I still kind of have it right now So I'm kind of just whatever but I wanted to throw this on because there was something I wanted to talk about I didn't want to forget it and record it tomorrow
Starting point is 00:00:28 But Yeah, I fucking I don't know what was happening I was I was driving from my mom's house and I started to feel it coming and I'm like alright Whatever usually I'm good with that matching that and then it parked my car and as I'm walking to my apartment It's just like bad And I'm like alright here. We go and I get upstairs And I'm laying on my couch and I can't fucking breathe like I just I can't like it's all in your head You know you think you can't breathe so you start hyperventilating and then it just then it makes you dizzy because you're hyperventilating and then
Starting point is 00:01:00 You're like oh my god, I can't breathe and just you know it freaks you out and it's I have no idea why it was happening I think you know actually maybe I think it could be I haven't been like eating too well and like Exercising as much as I should have I don't know man. I'm a fucking wreck But yeah, it was weird man, I was just like I haven't had one of those like a really bad one like that in a while So it was it was freaky, but anyway, happy things I The reason why I was on my mom's house because I was filming a video that's gonna be out on Tuesday. I hope But you remember the game speak out that
Starting point is 00:01:39 I did with Hasbro You know just to give everyone like a anyway, let me just get to this real quick There is a version a Joe Sanagato version addition of the game speak out and all the cards in it are Cards that mean my siblings actually made up We wrote them down. We kept a Google doc or whatever and we sent it to Hasbro and they created this game It's now the Joe Sanagato version I'm on the front of the box my siblings and I were on the back of the box and It's just it's fucking crazy and it's available for purchase right now
Starting point is 00:02:15 so if you looking for you know Christmas gifts or something like that you can go on Amazon right now and Search Joe Sanagato speak out and it'll pop up and you'll see it And it's just got my dumb face on the front of the box and it's just like it's in its insanity It's really crazy that this is actually happening, you know because To how this started even if you don't know what I'm talking about let me just explain here, okay So basically how this all started I Saw James Corden on his show
Starting point is 00:02:50 He had these things they're called cheek retractors like dentists use them when they're whitening people's teeth They're just holding your cheeks open so they could work on you or whatever and he had Melissa McCarthy on there and They had them in their mouths and they're trying to do things like blow bubbles and I mean basically what it does is you can't use your lips so you know You're the ability to lose your lips is that you can't use them and it just looks funny and They were trying to blow bubbles They're trying to drink water and do stuff like that and I was like oh I got to do a video with these things I don't know I'm gonna do but I'm just gonna buy them and
Starting point is 00:03:24 They were like sold out on Amazon forever because I guess a lot of people were trying to get their hands on them but I found this one thing on Amazon that had next-day shipping and it was just a box of Dentist Equipment just random dentist equipment and it was like 60 bucks and then I paid for overnight shipping and it got there And I only used like and and it had like five cheek retractors in it And I was like fuck it and I threw the rest out like I'm so stupid but I Had this intention of doing a bunch of different games with my siblings like oh we're gonna shoot this and you know
Starting point is 00:04:02 There's gonna be a bunch of different things happening and when we sat down and we're trying to shoot it We're like this isn't good Let's just whatever and kind of like at the same time like collectively We're like let's just write down a bunch of phrases on pieces of paper and then try to get the other team to say it You know what I mean? So With these in your mouth. It's hard. You can't say We're like the letter B the letter P V like these are very hard to say with these in your mouth. So saying something like baby blue just sounds like
Starting point is 00:04:37 It just sounds like that like it's ridiculous so My sister being a speech pathologist was like oh the she like let us know like these are the letters that people can't say without their Lips or whatever so it was like easier for us to come up with these ridiculous sayings and We shot the video and it went fucking viral. It went crazy and It was wild because like I mean it wasn't that long ago. I would say it's like a year and change maybe and And
Starting point is 00:05:07 The video did well overnight, but like the next day I remember being like, okay, this thing's not slowing down and it was going crazy But that night when I put it out A lot of people were dying laughing and they were saying like is this a real game like what is it? so that night mind you this is when I first got signed by William Morris my agency and This was like it's the first week I was there and I was calling and emailing my agent at who I barely knew at the time And I'm just like yo, you'll wake up dude. Who would blah blah blah and like he didn't wake up
Starting point is 00:05:42 But shout out to him. He's the man But the next morning hit me up and he's like what's up? And I'm like, you know, I want to I want to make this an actual game Like is there a person we can talk to about creating this and like blah blah blah and back then it was called watch your mouth Watch your mouth which someone stole by the way and created their own version of the game and like sell it or whatever Which is fucked up, but whatever People tweet me all the time like oh look I bought your game. I'm like, that's not my fucking game. Some fucking guy made that anyway
Starting point is 00:06:13 Where the fuck was I oh, so I hit him up. I was like, yeah I want to make this game or ever and then we were talking to some independent companies and I was gonna shell out all this money so that we could put into production just to kind of see it and Just just to see how it would do and Then he's like, you know, I actually had and then somehow we came in contact with Hasbro and It just like kind of worked out like they had been thinking about making a game like that and whatever and we just did it and then I was I'm just been, you know working with Hasbro on these things and Hasbro, by the way, if you're unaware is one of the biggest toy companies in the world when I was growing up
Starting point is 00:06:51 everything I had was made by Hasbro like it's it's crazy. It's really crazy and Then then it like it dawned on me like before speak out even came out when we were just talking to him about I'm like, yeah, this is gonna happen. Like this is really nuts This is a game that me and my siblings just kind of like made up on the fly You know what I mean? And then when it came out, it was so but by the way the video went absolutely apeshit It had like a million shares on Facebook and like Millions and millions of views like I think like a hundred million views or some shit like that Uh, and when the game came out, it was such a success and it was like everyone loved it
Starting point is 00:07:33 Everyone wanted it. I would go into Toys R Us and I would see it on the shelves and be like, wow It would be on it would have like a display case when you first walk in and one of my buddies was working at Target at time He's like, yeah, we sell out of that like every time it comes in like people just like love it And then I turn the TV and I see Ellen playing it And she's on her show with all these celebrities like it was like Kevin Harden, Chloe Kardashian like everyone's playing this It was just like wow This is really crazy But it was just
Starting point is 00:08:03 It was such a moment for us, you know what I mean? Because this is something that kind of dates back to when we were kids when we were kids like every friday night, we called it game night and we would play a board game with our Like our whole family, you know what I mean? And We would just sit at the table and play board games that night and it was just great Like we played cards or something or whatever and I I guess that always kind of stuck with us because me and my siblings are very close and we love playing stuff together and You know every so often every so often we'll play catchphrase or you know, whatever
Starting point is 00:08:34 I remember there being just like a random saturday night uh You know when I was over the age of 21 And there was a bunch of my friends over it was saturday night and we were at my house playing like Scrabble or something and my my dad Was like, you know, it's kind of wild how you guys are You know You're here on a saturday night playing scrabble
Starting point is 00:08:57 You know, he's like he was saying like it was cool You know because like a lot of kids our age would be like, yo, let's go to the bar like every saturday We could get her go to the club or whatever it is I'm like, yeah, we just want to play some scrabble, you know, so like it's just wild how it kind of just It just came full circle with that and it was just crazy to see it on ellen And it was just like wow, yo, this is this is really something that We were a part of making and you know marketing and stuff and uh
Starting point is 00:09:24 Dude, I fucking I would do anything like and I'm I'm bugger But like I would love to be on ellen and just like be on the show and like play with her because Now that my own version of this game is out and it's all things that actually, you know scratch that I want me and my siblings to go on ellen and play this game with her and kind of just Just explain how this came about because it's really crazy. You could you're sitting at your your mother's dining room table Just playing this game with your
Starting point is 00:09:56 brothers and sisters and then it turns into this very successful Board game It's like what the hell and then you have your own version with you guys on the box like Hasbro made this shit like that's what like you know what I mean like they believe in me enough to make that That's crazy to me That's really wild and
Starting point is 00:10:20 I would love to be on ellen man. I fuck with ellen ellen's the best Yeah, back in 2013 too like when I first started doing youtube. I think it was like 2012 when I first started but in like 2013 uh I I don't know how it started but back then The trending hashtags on twitter were like a big deal Like if you if you made something trending it was like everybody saw like whatever. I don't think it's that much of a deal anymore but Back in the day it was like huge and someone started the trend like out of nowhere like get joe on ellen
Starting point is 00:10:52 Hashtag get joe on ellen and I was like fuck. Yeah, like let's just run with this and I was just like Telling everyone who followed me at the time which wasn't a ton of people It was like oh trend this trend this trend this and it never trended but ellen's producers hit me up And they were like oh we want to have you on the show like whatever and I told them I was a big fan of their nowhere go I think that's called nowhere go series and basically they just put these people on these like Big big ass pedestals and they ask them trivia questions and if they get them wrong
Starting point is 00:11:23 Then something happens. There's some sort of punishment or whatever. So I told them like hey, you know what I'll create my own version of this game and I did I had two cameras set up and Actually, I think I had three cameras set up Which is wild. I don't even have three cameras now. I don't know where I got three cameras from but I made this like game show whatever it was on my old channel
Starting point is 00:11:49 I don't I don't have it up anymore, but it because it's terrible but We made this game or whatever and then I sent it to them and they were like this is really cool or whatever and it made its way up the rankings over there at ellen and then Ultimately it came down to like they said that my content wasn't really Friendly which it which it's not, you know, it's not like You know, you can't like have me on ellen and then be like, let's check out what this guy does and it's me going like
Starting point is 00:12:17 Ah, yeah, fucking idiots at walmart, you know, I mean the can't be that Uh, but the game I feel like is like an isolated thing. It's kind of away from what I'm doing. It's more of just This family, you know, who just would play board games all the time You know made this game up on the fly and it turns out to be a success. Like it's it's a different thing But I I understood at the time, but it's just interesting how you know, I always wanted to be on that show especially back then and now
Starting point is 00:12:48 She's playing the game without even knowing like yo Fuck man, I was a part of that, you know, I mean like it's just really fucking it's just it's crazy But yeah, I think that would be awesome for us to be out there and just kind of Whatever because I mean, I do think and I've always said this about my friends and family that If the world would just see them You know what I mean? Like if they would just get a glimpse Of the people in my life, they would be like wow like
Starting point is 00:13:19 These these people are wildly entertaining and funny You know what I mean? Because I always tell people like people think I'm funny But all my friends and my family are way funnier than I am. If you come to Christmas With my entire family You wouldn't even know I was there because I could barely get a word in because everyone is just so damn good And it's you know I just steal all their material and that's all I did, you know But
Starting point is 00:13:43 Anyway, I just thought that was really cool. But yeah the game It's it's just wild man. It's it's like I said, if you go to amazon, let me just do it real quick. So I'm not sending you in the wrong place, but If you go to amazon and you type in joe santagato speak out Yeah, the first thing that pops up You see it speak out game joe santagato edition. It's 15 bucks amazon prime. What's good?
Starting point is 00:14:13 Uh, but yeah, and then right under me is this piece of shit right here this guy. Watch your mouth. This isn't it man Fucking asshole stole everything Uh, but yeah, man, it's it's it's just really crazy and I'm incredibly like I don't know if it's the anxiety attack that I just had but I'm incredibly like It it honestly does make me sort of emotional
Starting point is 00:14:38 Which never happens to me really with what's Accomplishments or whatever because I don't really care about Those things I'm more of just like I want to just keep going and keep creating things because this is the only thing that keeps me Happy right is to create stuff and and hope that people like it And I will continue to do that until people like it, you know, but I for some reason this just hit me like right like when I was coming over here and you know mid anxiety attack, uh
Starting point is 00:15:09 I was just like This is this is crazy because I get to do it with my My family, you know, I mean and I was very adamant about like, you know I want them on the box like no matter what and they were just like cool with it off the back. They're like, yeah for sure Which is fucking crazy. And now and now it's just like That lasts forever, you know, you're you made that like you did a fucking board game You know, which to some people might be like dude to relax it's it relax It's not a big deal
Starting point is 00:15:38 But for me it is because like I said like as kids we were like super into board games and I was like, yeah, you have your own basically It's cool. It's really fucking cool um Yeah, that's just that's wild Um, yeah before we continue though Let me get to these sponsors here the first one Uh blue apron, which by the way, I find to be like one of the most useful uh
Starting point is 00:16:07 Products that I use because I live by myself And I work here in my apartment So it's really hard for me to like take time out and just like go Figure to the supermarket and figure out all the stuff I need to buy and then, you know, how do I cook it? Like it's just like it's a lot and with blue apron They're the number one fresh ingredient and recipe to delivery service in the country and you know They'll send a box to your front door
Starting point is 00:16:35 with pre-portioned meals so they'll give you instructions on how to Make these meals that are just like and it's not just like standard like oh like I if I'm gonna go to the supermarket and buy something like oh, I'm gonna go buy you know Stuff to make a burger or something or like pasta like nothing crazy But with this there's a bunch of meals that I didn't even know existed because I don't really know anything about uh
Starting point is 00:17:00 Cooking like sweet pepper chicken with bok choy and rice like these things I'm able to cook now because when I get this box It has all the ingredients there. It's all pre-portioned. So I don't have to worry about like is this two ounces of how much shall what? Like now I just I just know what I have to make and uh, it's less than 10 dollars a meal, which is very affordable And yeah, it's just awesome And if you're into cooking or if you're into like you want to start cooking This is definitely something that can get your foot in the door So, uh, you can check out this week's menu and get $30 off your first order with free shipping by going to
Starting point is 00:17:35 Basement that is slash basement also uh I forgot what I was going to say never mind. I'm blanking out. Anyway, um Next here, we have me undies, which is the only underwear that I am currently wearing Uh, because They send me a bunch every month. No, they don't send me something like three pairs a month, which is like super dope Um, but these this is the softest
Starting point is 00:18:01 Underwear I've ever put on my body Because it's not like dry fit It's soft. You know what I mean? How dry fits kind of like Nylon-ish. It's not like that. It's like soft and it like hugs your parts, you know, I mean hugs your dick and balls like it just it just feels really good for some reason Um, but especially now that we have the holidays coming up You can definitely send someone some underwear or buy them underwear. I know Underwear is like a staple in christmas gifts. Okay, and me undies is the one that you need to do
Starting point is 00:18:38 Not only that, but they have like seasonal Patterns and stuff like they have a bunch of shit It's great. And they also have shirts and other stuff also, but you know the underwear I I'm a huge fan of Keeps my balls nice and dry and soft feels like my digs in a cloud Not that I know what that's like, but I assume this is what it's like Uh, three times softer than cotton naturally sustainably sourced fiber. Don't know what any of that means, but hello Uh, this holiday season to get your exclusive 20 off the softest underwear and socks you will ever wear
Starting point is 00:19:09 Free shipping and a 100 satisfaction guarantee go to me slash basement. That's me slash basement All right, cool. Um Yeah, oh geez this anxiety is just like fucking me up, man I hate it drives me crazy But it's like my own fault. I I really was good for years without having an uh like a an attack Or anything, but I think it's now that
Starting point is 00:19:42 I've just gotten lazy like I was going to the gym every single day For a very long time. I would say like not a very long time, but I mean like five months I was eating really well and I was going to the gym every single day and exercising and you know on top of my shit And I just kind of fell off in the past. I would say two or three weeks I haven't really gone to the gym in two weeks Uh the week before that I was just like I maybe have went three days Which I don't really count, but so I haven't really been exercising and then Since I'm not exercising. I'm like, all right. Well, whatever then I'll just eat whatever the hell I want
Starting point is 00:20:17 And I'll just have like a ton of pasta or I'll just have like You know burgers and I'll just go out drinking and you know before you know it you're back to fucking square one where you started five months ago because you know, it takes a while for You to when you put in work at the gym and exercise and diet and all that it takes a while to see Really good results like you'll see results fairly quickly, but really good results It takes a you know a while
Starting point is 00:20:44 I would say at least half a year at least six months until you see something like Legitimate like oh my god like this is amazing Uh, but it's very easy to fall off and gain it all back and kind of just fuck up Your hopes and dreams Which kind of what is what happened and happened to me I mean, I didn't lose like all of it, but like I just I definitely like Gained a few pounds and like fuck my whole shit up and now I have to just Start from square one and like I have to go hard because I can't
Starting point is 00:21:14 I can't like ease into shit like tomorrow. I'm waking up at 6 a.m And I have to do like two a day. So I'll be in the gym and then later at night I'm gonna go running like I just have to do that because I just you know I'm a psycho. I can't I can't work like that, but Yeah, I all in all besides the uh The whole speak out game, you know coming out and playing that tonight and filming it with my Brothers and sisters like I kind of had a shitty day and it's not because of any one thing. It's just kind of
Starting point is 00:21:48 I don't know what it is I I feel I had like a revelation today that kind of want to share with you guys And I know this is gonna get pretty fucking serious. So if you're not into it, you can shut it off I'm not gonna feel bad, but it's just about just like The idea of happiness right and this is gonna sound real emo off the bat, but just let me explain um I feel like today I sort of Put myself in a hole like I let shit pile up and I just thought about
Starting point is 00:22:17 Thought about it too much and I overanalyzed and that never is never good. So anyway, this idea of like happiness, right? I'm starting to think That because I mean people get upset because they aren't happy Right, you get upset and you're like, why isn't this going for me? You know, why isn't this happening or whatever and it gets you upset and you you are constantly chasing this idea of happiness and you see these people on instagram or wherever you see people and like I wish you could be that happy like oh my god, they live the life like I would I want to do that and
Starting point is 00:22:49 I feel like So this is where the emo part I'm starting to think that happiness is kind of unattainable and not that you can't be like before you flip out about that not that happiness Is like Not that you can't be happy because everyone can be happy, of course But this idea of happiness that everyone has right it's basically Like euphoria. It's you know, it's heaven. It's every single day you wake up and everything's going for you
Starting point is 00:23:16 You have no worries about money or you know your relationship or just anything, you know, you have no worries And that's just not I don't think that's like attainable There's always going to be something That's going to fuck up your day sometimes I I start to I feel like I had a revelation today And I don't even know if I'm correct honestly, I don't this is this is I'm like vomiting words right now, but I'm starting to think that you just have to wake up and make yourself happy today and not necessarily worry about
Starting point is 00:23:50 You know the your your life Because that's such a big Thing And you're changing all the time. So it's like you something can make you happy right now But that doesn't mean it's going to make you happy like forever Or five years from now Whatever, you know, people change people mature and some of the same things that made you happy 10 years ago to make you happy now
Starting point is 00:24:10 So this whole idea of chasing happiness Is sort of unattainable. It's like an never-ending race to me You know what I mean as email as that sounds. I'm sorry, but I'm just saying But I do find some comfort in realizing that and and being realistic with myself and saying, you know what I don't need to Feel like You know because sometimes I I live an extremely privileged life like I got lucky and I am I am beyond grateful for you know, my friends and family are some of the greatest people in the world
Starting point is 00:24:44 And I have a ton of friends and you know, some people don't have one friend, you know So I am extremely lucky in that and you know, I do this this youtube thing and I get to Make people laugh and I get to do podcasts and I get to say my thoughts and people actually care about it and you know, they take it in and they judge it they do whatever they want with it and that's amazing, but But There are days where I wake up and I'm just like why am I not happy? Today, you know, I mean not overall, but just like right now like why am I not happy right now? You would think on the outside looking and you'd be like
Starting point is 00:25:22 There's no reason to be unhappy here. You you have it all Which I do feel like I do you know, and I think and and that's that's not like Materialistic or anything like that because you know, I don't have like a ton of nice shit or anything You know, there's people who fucking have tons of nice shit and I don't have any and it's it's not like that but
Starting point is 00:25:48 On the outside looking in You're like you you have all these things and yet you're still unhappy like what what is the problem there? And then that makes me upset that I don't know and it's like oh, no I'm missing something or whatever and I don't know if that is even the answer so like That's when the overall overanalyzation starts happening where you're like all right if I'm upset or not upset But if I'm unhappy Why am I unhappy right now? And then you just start looking For answers for that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:26:18 Like you start to fuck with yourself and make yourself more unhappy than you actually are You're like wait. Why am I unhappy is it because of this it's because of that and then you start for looking for the bad and things And that's not good And I feel like that's how people You know fall into I'm not going to say depression because That's like Very serious and I'm not saying like that's the only way that you fall into depression
Starting point is 00:26:42 but I do think that is a way that people kind of Just dig themselves into a hole is that For some reason you wake up one day and you're just not feeling it, you know, whether it be the the weather Or whatever or you just started your day Like if I wake up and I stub my toe to start the day chances are I'm gonna have a shitty morning Just because like that is setting the tone for the rest of my day You know what I mean? And then I kind of have to force myself out of that Or you know, you're like every little things start to become big problems
Starting point is 00:27:13 When when something small bothers you and you don't even know why it bothers you because on some days it doesn't You know, uh, you wake up and you don't have milk Some days you're like, ah, fuck. I gave it milk some days. You're like, oh, I now I don't even have milk now and you start to freak out. You're like not even milk Uh, but that's what I mean But you know this whole thing of happiness that's the reason why I bring it up is because that's what happened to me today is I just
Starting point is 00:27:41 You know this game came out I have all this stuff going for me and You know this year was huge for me And you know, it's been amazing and there's nothing that's been wrong and then I just for some reason Was like in a bad mood or just like unhappy and I'm like, why the fuck am I unhappy? And then I just started looking for things like oh, maybe it's this maybe it's that and then After a while, I'm just like, dude, what the fuck are you doing? Like you're going nuts
Starting point is 00:28:09 The hell's wrong with you? You know what I mean? Like why you look at like you know, like I'm very grateful for the things that I have and I tell people all the time like I don't need anything else There to me. I feel like there's no difference between me And warren buffett who if you don't know I think is the richest man in the world or bill gates Whoever you want to say these two people are fucking billionaires. It doesn't even matter at this point They have so much money that it doesn't even matter
Starting point is 00:28:35 They could lose 70 billion dollars and still be fucking set for 10 fucking lifetimes Uh, but I don't see any difference between me and them because I don't feel like I need anything else You know and and I could have I would have felt this way with way less money than I have now too I don't need a lot to be happy because it truly truly No bullshit. No disney like trying to inspire the youth shit Truly the only things that are going to keep you happy are the relationships that you keep
Starting point is 00:29:09 truly There's no item. There's no nothing You know Not even like I don't even think like your job for me personally. I love what I do what I do But if I had to do this and have no friends And my family was just like fucked up or whatever
Starting point is 00:29:29 I mean, it's not sustainable. I mean I even said that too like God forbid something happened to one of my friends or Family or whatever like that would completely throw me off I wouldn't even know if I could do any of this ever again like it would just I don't know I don't even want to talk about that but Basically, I've been rambling. Hopefully this makes sense. I always like hope when I Ramble like this it starts to make sense basically like I mean the whole Big picture here is that I feel like people just need to wake up
Starting point is 00:29:58 Or at least for me I don't want to say people because like this could be shitty advice and you don't have to listen to me But the fuck do I know I'm 25 years old, right? um But for me, this is kind of me just like figuring it out while talking to a microphone But I feel like I just need to wake up and just figure out all right How am I going to make myself happy today because every day is different and you have different things to get done every single day You know, even if you have to go to the same job, there are certain things you have to get done like different things
Starting point is 00:30:23 But you have to make yourself happy today And maybe set yourself up a little bit for tomorrow. I'm not saying like to spend all your money today That's obviously not what I'm saying. So don't be a dick but You just have to figure out how to go day by day with that because you are going to wake up some days And you're going to feel like I'm not feeling it today. And then something's going to just throw you off a little bit and you're either going to You know, stay strong and realize that
Starting point is 00:30:52 This shouldn't be bothering you this much And in the grand scheme of things, it's it's not a big deal Or you're going to let yourself spiral out of control And I feel like what I used to do when I was younger there was a lot of shit going on in my house when I was younger and I was the youngest so I always would just like hop in my car And try well, if I couldn't hop in my car, I had a bike This is when I was younger
Starting point is 00:31:18 But I would get my car and I would drive to like a certain spot or I'll just drive in general like no phone. No anything Uh, maybe listen to music or whatever Music with no words, by the way, this is really dramatic now that I'm talking about it But I would just drive and it's sort of like meditation. I don't know how to meditate. I don't know how to do that Uh, it sounds interesting But I I feel like it was meditating in a way But it's just kind of sitting with your thoughts and kind of sorting things out and like figuring out like what what is what or whatever
Starting point is 00:31:46 I am the type of person because I think because of that because I would do that all the time that I don't It's so rare that I make a decision based off emotion Like if i'm really mad and I have to make a decision, I like I won't do like I will walk away and I need to just You know figure it out because like I hate that. It's one of my biggest pet peeves Uh doing that my other big pet peeve, which I just figured this out the other day You know in movies
Starting point is 00:32:17 You know in movies when actors Have to like shoot a basketball or throw throw up baseball or something sports related And they just look like a fucking idiot doing it My god, that drives me crazy It drives me insane even zack afron in high school musical I understand he's a good looking dude and he was singing his heart out back then And he had like, you know the haircut was like crushing it back in the day He would flip that all these girls would just fucking die
Starting point is 00:32:44 but This guy dribbling the basketball. Jesus christ So can we get him a coach for like five months before the movie starts like what's going on? Oh my god, I was watching punisher and he threw a football and it was like a tight spiral. It was a great form I was like good. Thank you. Here we go This guy can this guy can do Can throw a football this guy can do sports Okay
Starting point is 00:33:11 Don't get me some fucking guy. Oh another thing 13 reasons why that show on netflix the fucking asian dude who was like the best the star of the basketball team Can't dribble can't shoot. Why the fuck would you cast this guy? He's the captain and star player of the basketball team and he can't fucking dribble Keep looking Find someone else It makes no sense like that really bothers me Jesus
Starting point is 00:33:45 That really drives me insane. I really I really hate that But yeah, I was watching I was watching punisher. By the way, that's the greatest show netflix has ever made the punisher It's incredible It's a marvel show, but you don't even know that it's a marvel show So if you're like, ah, I'm not into superheroes. First of all, he's not a superhero. It's just a badass show. It's fucking awesome But he threw a ball and I was like, look at that Great form. There you go, john Fucking killing it
Starting point is 00:34:10 um But yeah Back to happiness or whatever the fuck I was talking about To see mo shit But like I said, man To be chasing this idea of happiness where you're like, oh, if I get this, I'll be happy Or if I get those things, I'll be happy I don't think so
Starting point is 00:34:34 I think you I think that's foolish. I I you know, I've come to realize that that is not true You know because there are some days Where I I'm currently living in an apartment that I never in a million years Thought I'd be able to afford in a million years And that's not like a flex or whatever these kids say nowadays, but it's it's not like that at all. It's it's really just like I'm incredibly grateful and it's and the reason why I'm telling you that is because I'm sitting in this apartment and I have all these things going for me and I can still wake up and be unhappy You know and and people would say that I have one of the easiest jobs in the world
Starting point is 00:35:15 I'll argue that but people will say that right and you can have all these things that people think are like Best case scenario, you don't have to wake up and work for someone else You don't have to wake up get on the train and go into the city and work a job 9 to 5 And stay over time because you need the extra money and then come home and just Go to sleep and wake up the next day and do it again. Like I don't have to do any of that anymore So people think that like you have it all But yet you still can wake up and be unhappy about shit, you know, and it's gonna throw you off
Starting point is 00:35:48 And I just and you know, this this might be just like very obvious shit and you're just like yeah, duh, you dumb dick Which you know You deserve to say that because uh, but I don't think it is obvious to some people I I mean at least to me it wasn't because this it wasn't until today that I kind of Realized that I always I'm chasing this idea of happiness thinking like I'm gonna get to a point Where every single day I'm gonna wake up and everything's gonna be fucking cool
Starting point is 00:36:21 Everyone I know is gonna be good. My family's gonna be good. I'm not gonna have to worry about money. I'm gonna Just I just everything I've ever wanted is gonna be there and that's why I'm gonna be happy and it's just really not like that it's more happiness is Kind of just like upkeep. I feel like you know what I mean It's first of all, you have to constantly be chasing something. I'm a big believer in the fact in that if you Are just like done like you feel like you accomplish everything and you're done You're just gonna sit there and just live like I don't think that That is sustainable at least for me a person like me like I need to create things. I need to
Starting point is 00:37:00 You know, I need that I can't just like be like, I'm good Like I did thought of retiring quote-unquote Really fucking scares me like the idea of like, yeah, I'm just gonna go sit on a beach in Florida now Like fuck that dude. I would I'd rather put a bullet in me than that happened like honestly but Yeah, I was always chasing this idea of happiness like I'm gonna have all this stuff one day And I'm just gonna be happy and every day is gonna be good and then I'm just gonna live a happy life
Starting point is 00:37:26 And it's really not like that. It's not like you're gonna you're gonna Just attain these things and then that's gonna set you up like it's upkeep every single day You know, I mean you have to Keep these relationships good and fresh and like whatever And you know, you have to be it's just a lot of upkeep that a thing's gonna Keep you happy, you know, there's not an item or an amount of money That's going to make you happy. It will make you less stressed for sure I'm not saying that not having a lot of money is gonna be like
Starting point is 00:37:57 Oh, that's that's not gonna make you happy at all Like obviously that's gonna make you happy because then you are in a position where you could help out friends You can have a family and you don't have to worry about your you know making Rent or your bills or whatever And that's a load off your mind, but it's not Happiness to me you know, uh It's less stress
Starting point is 00:38:18 It's peace of mind But it's not happiness like you there's a difference there and sometimes I feel like that line gets blurred with people like I don't care about anything. I just don't want to have to pay my student loans, which I get but Even when you after you pay those student loans, you have other bills you have other things you have to pay for and it's just like Dude, it's always there and even if you had the money It's different pieces of mind and happiness are just different things You have to do things to keep yourself happy and obviously you need to have peace of mind for certain things
Starting point is 00:38:53 and Those never end. That's my whole point those two things. They never end if you want peace of mind And you want happiness those things never end you you are constantly chasing those things and You know, I just like let myself fall into a trap today because I felt like I'm never gonna be happy Like if I have all this shit and I can't be happy then it's never gonna fucking happen. It's just not on the cards for me, you know Which which sounds super emo, but it's like and that's only today like I was only unhappy today
Starting point is 00:39:25 Like I've been good for like I've been on a hot streak I've been happy for the longest time and just today for whatever reason I was just like I was just in a bad mood I don't know why but It just it just happened and obviously if and not obviously but it did end up fading for certain periods of time But then it always creeps back into your mind like Ugh, you know what I mean? It's just it comes back it comes and goes but I'm fucking over it dude. I'm over that. I'm done. I never feel sorry for myself like oh man
Starting point is 00:39:58 You have so much going on you got this but but like obviously I never feel sorry for myself. I never do any of that shit I'm not gonna sit here. I'm not trying to whine either like oh man. Yeah the fucking fucking youtube kid He's got problems. That's what he thinks You fucking loser. I'm not trying to do that I'm just Trying to be as honest as possible because I know some people can relate to that and hopefully You know this does help at least one person where they're kind of just like yeah, you know, I've been dealing with that shit too That's why I do this. I'm not trying to like make this about me
Starting point is 00:40:34 Um a fucking panic attack isn't gonna kill anybody. Okay Or maybe it has I don't know has it killed anyone. I don't think so I know stress kills people that's fucked up um Anyway Yeah, I think that's it But yeah, so today I was just kind of struggling with that but I'm good like I'm good especially now I'm fucking great like it's sunday night. I couldn't be more happy because
Starting point is 00:41:00 First of all that game came out and I'm just like super grateful about that I'm glad that I'm able to take a moment and just kind of let myself be Emotional about it and feel it and just like be just like super proud of you know myself and my Brothers and sisters that we did this shit And because like that rarely happens for me that I'm able to do that and for whatever reason I don't know why but I just sometimes I'm just unable to do that But I'm glad that happened. I'm glad I had this fucking panic attack and just put things in perspective for me Tomorrow's fucking monday. I'm gonna be up at 6 a.m. Like I'm getting my shit back together
Starting point is 00:41:35 Like it's exciting. You know what I mean? Whenever something some bad shit happens to me I'm always I goes right into fix mode like I don't you know sit in it and just be like You know, let me just be upset for a couple days or let me just ride this out or whatever. I'm like y'all fuck that like there's some Something empowering about when bad shit happens. You like I got like I'm gonna fix this shit, you know Especially when it's internal stuff you have the ability to fix any of that you're in control You know what I mean? You're in control of your destiny. I truly truly believe that
Starting point is 00:42:10 Like in any sense like yo, you can do that and I feel like in the back of everyone's mind. They know that They know that if they woke whatever it is Unless it's dunking a basketball and you're like fucking You know 48 like yeah That's a lot of fucking squats. You're gonna have to do but maybe one day you'd be able to get up there but You know all the aside from dunking pretty much everything else if you just put your mind to it you could do it and
Starting point is 00:42:39 Like that's all it takes and that's why when bad shit happens. I'm like, I'm gonna fix this like I got this Like it's nothing crazy. It's not You know it's nothing like that, but I'm happy. I might be that I could do that I love that, you know when bad stuff happens and I'm able to turn around really quickly I don't like sitting in my pity or just feeling like oh god. I need someone to pat me on the back or something like Fuck that dude. I just I just want to fix it like I want to go to the gym right now You know what I mean? I want to I want to wake up early right now even though I'm awake. That doesn't make sense I'm sorry, but that's how I feel like I already want to I already want to get going
Starting point is 00:43:20 You know, I already want to start fixing everything I want to just like, you know Turn over a new leaf and just start getting rid of habits that I've Contract like bad habits that I've contracted over the past couple of months Just get rid of those and just kind of fix everything, you know Okay Speaking of contracting my brother has pneumonia if he gave me that I'm gonna beat the shit out of them There's some happiness
Starting point is 00:43:51 Whooping his whooping Keats ass would give me pure joy. You have no idea Anyway, I think that's where I'm gonna end this um Anyway, yeah guys the speak out game again Cool christmas gifts, uh, and anyone who's been watching my videos all these years I feel like you you know how huge this is for me and It's just really fucking cool and I want it to do well So, you know, I'm not gonna beg people to buy it, but I I want it to do well and I just want
Starting point is 00:44:25 This is gonna sound so So like so much bullshit, I swear to god I know it's gonna sound like bullshit and I know it's gonna these fucking people who aren't genuine have ruined this for me but I truly just want people to know that There is nothing really like there's nothing God, I'm I'm going insane I truly truly truly want people to just be like If he can do that
Starting point is 00:44:58 Then I can do a ton of shit There's a ton of things that I could do If he's able to sit at that table with his siblings And come up with this idea I can fucking I'll I'll do anything Or like tomorrow's gonna be easy, you know what I mean? Just just something like that and I know that sounds like bullshit And I'm not trying to be like yo
Starting point is 00:45:21 I'm like I'm trying to be inspirational so you're like yo, I'm gonna buy this this kid's like blah blah blah I don't care if you buy it. I really don't if it doesn't sell one Well, I'd already sold one copy. I bought it myself, but if it doesn't sell another copy. I do not care I truly don't guys. I really don't give a shit anyone close to me knows what how I feel about money. I don't care Do not give a fuck if it didn't sell anything, but If you saw it and go, yo, how the fuck did he do that? Like that's crazy And then you sort of felt empowered by that because that's how I feel about people
Starting point is 00:45:58 When I see successful people and people that You know, I don't even know and and they're able to do something that's just like cool and like something I couldn't even like picture. I'm like, wow like this is inspiring to me Then it makes me feel like oh, I can get shit done or if I'm working on something I'm like, I can do this if they can do that. I can do this You know, I hope it's like a stepping stone for someone like that. I really do. I'm all about that and and I could not be happier because I mean I've said it before
Starting point is 00:46:28 My friends now some some of my friends now have Told me like, yo, they they saw what I did From my fucking basement and then to where I am now and that's sort of inspiring to them that like, yo if you just put in the work it's just like There's results and there's no better feeling than that There really is nothing better than that to know that you kind of played even a tiny less than 1 part in someone's success is like
Starting point is 00:46:56 the best feeling in the world and this is coming from someone who fucking dropped out of college and you know feels like they barely can Get it every week. You know, I mean on tuesdays. I feel like I'm barely getting there And just, you know, whatever it put it when people tell you shit like that It's like the best shit in the world. It's the best feeling in the world. And now this game is like
Starting point is 00:47:20 It's just really fucking cool, man. It's just it's it's the dopest shit I've ever done and you know Don't feel obligated to buy it. I swear to I really mean that don't feel obligated to buy it I will say it is very fun. It is a very fun game But uh, yeah, if it's a game you want to play with your your family around christmas time or new years or whatever or just whatever uh Definitely go go buy it, man
Starting point is 00:47:48 It's it's fucking dope the all the cards that are in there me and my siblings actually wrote down and came up with and uh Yeah That's that's pretty much it. Just go on amazon. Joe Sanagato speak out. You'll see it Once you see my dumb face They'd be like, all right. I know that guy. I know that asshole Here's the 15 bucks, bitch um
Starting point is 00:48:10 Anyway Guys that is all thanks for listening to me ramble if you got all the way through I know we uh hit a rough patch in the middle there where I was kind of serious and uh Whatever the fuck sometimes that happens if you if you've been listening to the podcast for You know like a year and a half now You know you know that every couple of months There's one day where I sit in here by myself and it's just like It's either like what the fuck did he just say or it's like, all right. That was pretty cool. Nice
Starting point is 00:48:39 Different side of joe. That's what happened today. So It happens. Um, we'll be back to regular scheduled programming Next week, but that is all Thanks for listening. See you later

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