The Basement Yard - Oh No, Not Again

Episode Date: December 27, 2016

I have @KeithSantagato on to talk about Christmas & his new YouTube channel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. It is Monday December 26th the day after Christmas as always this podcast is sponsored by the McGee closet the merch store. So if you want some merch Go to the McGee closet Big Cartel comm for that the stuff that's up there is only gonna be available For the rest of the week and then it's down forever. Okay, Keith. You drink so loud Oh, by the way, I'm with Keith Keith's here. Yes. I'm here the person who's Swallowing loudly. Ah, sorry. That was a little weird. It's what I get for breaking my neck That's not why you swallow loud. No, but it's cool to go ahead drink that drink that right now. Everyone can hear it
Starting point is 00:00:45 And that's not fake and he doesn't have the microphone near his throat. It's like out in front. That's how loud Burps when he drinks water Yeah, anyway, yeah, it's the day after Christmas had a lovely Christmas. It was great It was it was actually really good. It was this is part of the best Christmas I think we've had in a while. It was the most I've drank in a while, too Yeah, it was a good time. Yeah, we polished off a bottle of Jameson yesterday. Oh a leader, too Yeah, it was a big bottle. Yeah, it was a good amount. Do you see all the liquor we have in our house though? No, I don't God, it's terrible. Joe. We have a whole bottle absolute. Yeah, who drinks that?
Starting point is 00:01:23 We'll be a fucking freshman in high school on a party bus mom bought it Yeah, it's like a $4 bottle of absolute garbage absolute since my sophomore year of high school absolute is absolute garbage It is it's it's horrendous. It's right next to there goes fucking Georgie. There goes that sponsor. Yeah Yeah, you go to put in basement That's not gonna get you a damn fucking thing They're probably kick you off the site It was really cool because this is the first year that I was able to go crazy and
Starting point is 00:02:01 Just lose it spend a spend a bunch of money on my family Yeah, it was really fucking cool. So I bought a bunch of stuff for my sister and my brother and everyone But I wasn't a couple secret Santas. Oh, I had those secret Santa with my friends. That was like early That was December 10th. I think but Christmas the date of what? No, yeah, it was Christmas Eve. I was in a secret Santa and I got the dopest gift It was just a pair of customized boxer briefs and on the ass. It just says gang bang slut Yeah, I was so hype. I was like wow, that's great. Yeah, Donnie's girlfriend got it for me
Starting point is 00:02:38 I was literally gonna ask that it was Donnie's girlfriend And she also got me a shirt that was customized that was like a pit So I sometimes randomly in the group chat that I'm with them in that's not a sentence I fucked that sentence right up didn't I till I'd never make sense. It's alright Yeah, the group chat that I'm in with them. Sometimes they'll just be a contest if who can put the Worst picture ever in there and I took a really close face shot Right like a real like I got really close to my face and took a picture and then she took it and put it on a shirt It's just like how you got a word in the video and I was like, I definitely will one day
Starting point is 00:03:15 But yeah, and then the gang bang slut Boxer briefs which I'm hoping mom just finds and goes what the who's are these? Yeah, right? That'd be great. Um, yeah, those are Sam's. Yeah, I don't know So you You uh, what the fuck was it? Oh, yeah, so yesterday we had a lot of Jameson, right? We started the day off in the morning. It was like 11 a.m. Yeah, and we're like let's do a shot I think we did three shots before we left the house. It was nice. It was a stupid idea Um, then we got to our uncle's house. We drank a little bit. I didn't drink it really because you fell asleep
Starting point is 00:03:51 I mean, I mean, I fell asleep like an two an hour and a half two hours. No, I didn't no way I was fucking exhausted but then we got home because last year when we got home from Christmas at our aunts and uncles we just put on Billy Joel And a bunch of classic rock and danced in a living room and just drink Whatever the hell we had Yeah, we just drank that mom was taking shots too. Yeah mom. Well, that was mom had a uh, uh Guitar hero guitar and she was like playing it jamming out. She's a rock star
Starting point is 00:04:25 Uh, but this year it was just me Uh, it was just me and my brothers and we just kind of just sat around all in onesies too all in onesies Yeah, it was a dress code which is essential by the way Keith came downstairs. She's like it's it's because thomas didn't have one You're like, do you want to be a superman? It's like, no, I don't want to be superman two minutes later. It's like, go get the superman And we're all just sitting around you wanted the uh, the monkey one though. I couldn't find it. We're all like over the age of 25 basically, I mean, I'm 24. I'll be 25 in eight minutes
Starting point is 00:04:57 I'll be 25 in February, but we're all just all this hell in onesies drinking Jameson Keith drank a lot of Jameson. Oh man. I don't know how that happened to you because I got home I told you that Like remember when I said, yeah, I don't know how I get drunk I start sneezing. Yeah, I like sneeze a lot and then after that's over. I could literally drink till Like six in the morning and my body reacts as if perfectly fine. I don't know how that's It's it's it's actually fucking dumb. What is this blackout keith and I bullshit Uh started. Yeah, because I just keep going and my body's like, yeah, you got it. You got it. Don't worry about it, buddy
Starting point is 00:05:38 Yeah, and it started to go to sleep. It's like Niagara Falls Showed up Oh my god, but yesterday when we got home Like I went to go change and put on a onesie because I wanted to be comfortable By the way, I have a lot. I have I maybe have double digit onesies. Yeah, you have an unokay amount of and now I have two robes Because I got two robes for christmas. Y'all that robe is dope. Oh man. It's the one mom got you is good too Yeah, so I have two robes 10 onesies. I'm like a five-year-old. It's crazy two partridges. Yeah
Starting point is 00:06:14 Good one, right good one dick not one two Where was I going with that? I don't know. You're just naming shit that you had no, but there was a reason for it Oh god, this add is really not helping me during this thing. Yeah, I got it too Oh, that's what I want to say we we got home And I went downstairs. I was downstairs for maybe 15 minutes trying to figure out this thing My sister got me this Thing I think it's called a tile or something And it goes into your wallet and then you hook it up to your phone
Starting point is 00:06:44 So that if you lose your wallet, you could just ring it and find your phone Wallet and I lose my wallet all the time. So she got it to me. I was like a joke. Haha I get it, but it's like a really good thing So I was trying to set it up, but it wasn't working So I was downstairs like 15 minutes trying to set this thing up by the time I got upstairs Keith's looking at me with his half open eyes. I'm like, how many shots did you fucking do? You were drunk in 15 minutes. I took what soon as we came in We started
Starting point is 00:07:10 Well, sorry, I came in put the onesie on came back downstairs and then I had like two shots and a beer in like a matter of like Seven minutes And then that's when you came upstairs Yeah, I don't know how that gets into your bloodstream that quickly and then I told you that uh, you guys that yeah, and then I just drank probably I know all in all in the whole day. I might have did like 15 shots of Jameson Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:07:41 And and it's actually scary that my body can take it. Do you know what's scary? I Last night I probably had I want to say seven eight shots and felt totally sober And I don't know what that says about me and my character We're irish. What were irish, man? I get it, but still it's that's bad. I was just like it's terrible I was like, I feel fine. I'm not I'm I'm good But what happened to you you woke up today. Yeah, I woke up another christmas present. Uh-huh It was a wet one
Starting point is 00:08:17 My bed turned into a slip and slide at night. Oh my god. Yeah What happened? I'm just like I'm waiting for the day that I shit my bed But um, do you like do you know it's happening? No, I wake up the only reason I wake up too is I'm freezing Because I woke up in the middle of the night with this like I am completely saturated Jesus I'm completely saturated. Yeah, and I wake up and I'm like shivering Isn't pee warm. I'm gonna die of hypothermia one day get pissing his bed and got pneumonia We'll knock on where's wood? There's no wooden here. I'll knock on my knock on your dick
Starting point is 00:08:59 So so wait, you woke up at like four in the mornings like Warnings both. I don't know. But what times you wake up? When did you notice the pee? I mean, I went to bed at two in the morning I probably woke up at 435 In the morning and felt a pee everywhere. I felt coldness is what I felt and then what did you do? I literally out loud went out not again Luckily had the rubber sheets that I should call that I shouldn't title that the podcast. Oh, no, not again
Starting point is 00:09:32 That's what I do and uh, so now yeah, I woke up whatever And uh Blanket soaked. There you go The sheets were So I could wring out the pee. Oh my god and uh, where is all this fucking but wait this one was weird. Okay. Okay because I don't know what I was wearing exactly
Starting point is 00:09:59 but um I got wet like obviously where up was wet But then the bottom of my clothes were wet not the top What the hell does that mean? Like my back was wet and then so was my ass and my legs. I mean that makes sense but usually it like Gets your chest. Yeah, how the fuck was your dick pointed upward? I don't know what's going on there
Starting point is 00:10:28 I don't know how it gets that bad Yeah, I don't either Keith. Oh and I forgot to mention The pee really did travel um It uh, it's so the carpet in the hallway was Um Um It uh My pillow was wet and so was my hair. Yeah, my hair was fucking wet
Starting point is 00:10:55 That's so disgusting and I didn't take a shower till Like one in the afternoon. Oh my god, Keith. Yeah, that's being lazy right there. That's disgusting. It is I'm not proud of it I'm glad you showered at least. Yeah, otherwise I'd kick you out of here Oh, yeah, probably would have smelled you though That's bad That's terrible. That's what jameson does to you. I guess it does like now. I feel like shit. They should put that on the bottle You know like my legs don't work like drink responsibly or you could wake up in the back of your head. It's gonna be soaked with piss
Starting point is 00:11:30 And it might not be yours. Yeah, could be anybody's it doesn't I don't have no idea uh, by the way real quick last week I did a A sponsor reading for adam and eve the The sex toy company And then I had a conversation afterwards about
Starting point is 00:11:49 Dick molds and how you could mold your dick And make it into a dildo and apparently this company actually does that So you're gonna do it. I mean I was thinking about it because it's just funny I don't want to see it like I like I was thinking about like how funny of a vlog that would be Like if I what getting your dick molded. Yeah, and then showing your dick exactly on youtube and then getting banned That's the part that I can't do. Yeah, but I thought that would be so funny to like actually go through it with it and just get like Mold my dick and it's only 45 bucks. That's a steal Now they molding a soft dick or hard dick. I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be hard
Starting point is 00:12:26 But how can you be hard for that long? Yeah, nah viagra, bro. I'm not taking a viagra at 24 I might no No, but I don't like But how long are they molding it? I don't know what are they paper machined? It might just be like a quick thing like you know when you go to the dentist and you get like a tray of clay or whatever And they do your yeah, yeah, yeah, like it might be just like that now. I have a really good question now. Yeah Uh Who signs up for that job like I'm gonna mold dicks for
Starting point is 00:13:03 No, they apparently they send you like a diy Type of do it yourself. Yeah, yeah, they kind of send you this shit. You have mold it you mail it back And then they send you a dick a rubber cad They send you that send you your dildo back of your own dick. I mean that yours will be cheap though not a lot of material That's your worry about it. It's on the house. It's on the house. Sorry for that by the way That sucks, but Yeah, man, I just sorry it's such a big box
Starting point is 00:13:35 I just wanted to let people know that for 45 dollars. You can actually just mold your own dick And give it to like your girlfriend or your neighbor instead of a dick pick you want a an actual size of it Here you go. You can have it. You can try it out before you try me out Oh my god, that's great. I wonder if they mold the balls as well. This is probably extra Yeah, right. Do you guys any like send extra mold? I need do you put hair on it? By the way, I'm pretty sure the term isn't dick mold because that sounds Awful and an std. What would you call it? I don't know penis sculpture. But yeah, that's better Dick mold sounds like something you get if you don't
Starting point is 00:14:20 It's a scrotum scrotum Dick mold is something you don't get is something you get when you don't take a shower until 1 p.m After you just pissed yourself for the bill for that Dick mold. Yeah dick cheese. I am dick mold. I am dick mold That should be the title No, because last week the title was something about dick molds and then if I have two in a row then people are gonna be like, okay Uh, Joe too much dick dude enough with the dick Put the dick down put the dick down
Starting point is 00:14:51 Um, anyway in uh other news. By the way, if you just like to whatever If you do decide to get your dick molded, I don't want to see it. All right, I mean Why don't you show it to mom? Don't show it anymore. Yeah, hold on. Hey ma check this out. Are we fucking crazy, Keith? Hey ma come downstairs I gotta show you a little something. Is it is cool? It's my dick Mom hasn't seen my dick since it was Fucking half. It was like a grain of rice and a little tic-tac when I was born Little lean little head. That's it. No no shaft
Starting point is 00:15:33 That's disgusting Um, but yeah, I don't think I'm gonna go through with that because I can't show my own Like a dick mold on on uh, maybe you could could you show mine? I don't know if I could show can you show like is it a dildo against community guidelines? It probably is There's got it. No, I don't think that's gotta be What's wrong with it though? It's rubber. It's not like an actual well, call them up. You should vlog that Yeah, I'll call you too. Yeah, can I uh, if I molded my dick. Can I record that? Yeah, it's not my It's not my dick. It's plastic. No flesh just rubber
Starting point is 00:16:10 Is that cool? You heard me plastic. Yeah, it's a plastic dildo. That's not fun. That would hurt I feel like some of her plastic, you know Some of them have to be like your first one ever Is just like trash when you gotta graduate to rubber. I'm pretty sure you do So what have they got sandpaper ones like? No, but do you think there's moms out there who like go dildo shopping with their daughter like, you know, like This is terrible. Yeah, this is definitely like I was thinking of like, you know when girls get bras for the first time
Starting point is 00:16:42 They kind of go with their mom and their mom's like, this is where they keep the just it's your size and Think of like a training bar or whatever. Is this like one day they have a conversation With their mom like I kind of want to get a dildo. It's like, all right, we're gonna go to the store. You know what? You're ready Here you stay away from the fisted ones you go right to here Yeah, I was having a conversation with someone And like in the middle of it. I was like, this is the weirdest fucking conversation I've ever had What of how does a girl get to fisting? Like how does it get that bad?
Starting point is 00:17:16 It's not get what i'm saying because the vagina stretches I understand so you got to start slow you go one you go two you go three You go four and then you kind of cone it. Yeah, and then you go hell boy. No, no You just kind of cone it You know like you make a cone with your fingers. I'm well aware joe start doing that And then eventually your hand just fits in there. Yeah, and then you're you could fit I mean a person comes out of there and then your fist bumping at the club exactly
Starting point is 00:17:44 I'm pretty sure you could fit a whole foot in there. I mean, I don't know if that's exactly true You remember that I don't advise anyone to try that either. Do you remember the old old porno the guy sticking his head? Yeah, but I think that was fake. I hope it was. I'm sure people have seen that everyone could be like I don't know what you're talking about, but there was a video that went around it was like two girls one cup It was like one of those videos, you know, it was like a weird sex fucking japanese fucking thing Uh, I can't believe I watched and what is with that? It's always like overseas They're always doing weird stuff whenever I stumble upon one of those crazy dominatrix videos where the girl like Rope tied around each tit which I don't they're talking and yeah, they got a rubber bands around there and yeah
Starting point is 00:18:25 In clothes pins. Yeah, it's like, okay. You know what you guys are doing. I mean either they know something we don't Or it's just, you know, that's their I don't fucking know man Uh, but it was a video of a guy like putting his head into someone's vagina and like that kind of I was like, oh my god He could have killed himself. Yeah, I was like, oh my god. It's so dangerous I didn't know to expect the first time. I was like a virgin at the time I had never seen a vagina in my life and I was like this And that was a really bad one to look at I was like, is this what it's going to be like?
Starting point is 00:18:56 um Sorry So anyway, uh big news and other news a um So for a long time I've been trying to get this to happen. Okay, because I thought it would be Uh Very entertaining not only for maybe other people, but definitely for me And something that I would want to watch
Starting point is 00:19:21 um, but this christmas I got Keith a couple gifts and He is starting a a uh a youtube channel Oh, yeah, it's going down. Mm-hmm. It's gonna suck for like a year, but yeah. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, it's gonna be terrible But that's what I think is so funny like you're gonna look back on it and like just be uncomfortable that wow I don't think I let that get put out. No, I
Starting point is 00:19:48 Dude, I just I can't wait I think everyone's been asking for like all the people in the comments are like, oh that kid has his own channel Whatever, but it's basically going to be like a gaming channel So I like my Favorite video that I've ever done was inside keats mind where I'm interviewing him While he's playing video games because when he's playing video games, he's just like in the zone and he just
Starting point is 00:20:09 flips out sometimes and he says wild shit and it's the funniest thing in the world And I feel like if there was just a whole channel dedicated to that It would just be well, I'm gonna go in different directions. I'm not just gonna be Flipping out. No. Yeah. I mean you could do whatever the hell you want. Honestly. It doesn't matter, but I mean, I'm gonna watch all of it That's for fuck sure So I got one view. That's it There's no custom URL yet, but I'm pretty sure if you just type in Keith Sanagato There should be a channel that pops up. Yeah, and you'll see the picture of him with the fucking
Starting point is 00:20:42 Mouthpiece in his mouth. Classic Keith. You can go subscribe to that channel, but we're gonna be Working together on this channel. I'm gonna be like editing and stuff and kind of You know making sure he knows what he's doing in the beginning And then I'm not doing a fucking damn thing and then I'm gonna stop doing the channel No, but I'm so fucking excited. So My one of the first videos I ever put out You know I talked about this in a vlog the other day By the way, if you don't subscribe to my vlog channel go watch that I I post on there like
Starting point is 00:21:12 Two or three times a week now like I'm just obsessed with doing it now It's slash extra joe videos But on the latest one I was talking about how I just watched this video It was called top five things you didn't know about Joe Sanagato And one of them was the first video I ever posted on youtube was the video where I was waking you up by screaming at you Which isn't true. It's not even close the first video. I mean it is close It was like the second but the first video I posted do you remember what it was? No, you put that up
Starting point is 00:21:38 That was the first video. No, it wasn't yes. Yes, it was but You're talking about the talking about sluts, right? No is your actual first video. No So what is The first thing I ever posted on youtube was me you and espo driving around espo's car and yelling compliments at people Oh my god, you remember that? Yo, that was so fucking. I wasn't there for that. But nice fucking bike Oh man, I was just yelling
Starting point is 00:22:08 but Yeah, that was so long ago, but I put that up and then mom was like you can't record people without their consent They're gonna sue us So I took it down and then the first video that people can see and go back and look is the one I'm waking you up but Among those first videos like there was uh, it was like maybe the second or third video I've ever posted and it was just Literally Keith was in our room. He was flipping out playing halo. So I just set up It was like a camcorder and I put it into a shelf
Starting point is 00:22:36 of one of the Shelving units we had in our room and I just let it record and he was flipping out and I just made it into this whole Uh video and I'm not like I it's deleted now like it's not there But um, so you can't like go back and look at it. But yo me and my friends fucking love it They love every second of it. But we always talked about this happening and now it's finally happening. So Keith is gonna start Dipping his foot in to YouTube
Starting point is 00:23:05 Are you excited kitch? um, yeah, but more like just trying to feel out the uh Yeah, it's hard to explain I mean here's at the end of the day like Like I know it's gonna suck for a while But that's it doesn't match like I try to say this to anyone who wants to start a channel Whatever you literally just have to put out stuff that that you like you can't Try to appeal to an audience and be like oh people will like this or like
Starting point is 00:23:37 This works already. So I know I know that this kind of video works on the internet So I'm gonna make this like you can't even like think like that you literally have to try and make your youtube channel just kind of like a I don't want to say not a memoir but a Just like a scrapbook almost where you want to look back on stuff that You that you like you know what I mean? Like so you want to be able to look back and watch a video like a year from now and still enjoy it And I mean and and just like enjoy the content and you obviously you can critique it
Starting point is 00:24:09 And be like this could have been better this could have been but but just putting on stuff that you enjoy Putting out. You know what I mean? And I think that well, I enjoy playing video games. I enjoy Screaming while playing video games Yeah, so if it's like edited it's just It's it's just a lot of fun. Like I encourage anyone to make a youtube channel and just post things and Not worry about how many people are watching or why it's not successful So it looks bad and people would blah blah blah dude the other day I forgot
Starting point is 00:24:42 I commented on someone's video right so someone who i'm not subscribed to I don't know them at all I commented on their video. It was like some popular youtube I really wish I remembered who it was because I don't remember but I commented something like I put a timestamp of a joke they made and I was like this is hilarious And the the comment got like seven likes or whatever and then the first person commented was like I feel bad that you have a million subscribers and only seven people like this comment What I was like what the fuck are you talking like who gives a fuck who liked it?
Starting point is 00:25:14 I was like I don't give a shit And then so and then so and then these fucking other kids were joining and like yeah, it's a little crazy like how no one liked the comment Who gives a fuck? My god, that's not why I commented to see how many people would like it you dumb dick Jesus christ. I was like what is this some people the only reason they do Shit is to get the likes and they don't get a certain like people do this on instagram all the time girls are notorious for this shit They put out a picture or something like that And if they don't get the amount of attention that they usually get they take it down
Starting point is 00:25:47 I know and that's stupid. It's really dumb because especially something like youtube like You first of all you need a catalog for even to even build Of a quote unquote fan base like you're not going to just Average thousands and thousands of views. Yeah, I know every single video when you're just starting out Who the fuck do you think you are? It's not realistic. It's not yeah, and You know, you're gonna have to do it consistently for a year And this is just in general to anyone who's starting a youtube channel or is interested in making content or whatever Just keep doing it like eventually
Starting point is 00:26:21 You know if you if you like it enough if you actually enjoy it you like it Then you'll want to get better and you will get better You won't get discouraged by the numbers because it's not about that It's about I like doing this and I'm and and I want to make it good and I want to be better That's those are the people that are going to to succeed Not the people that post it because they want money or they want views to be to show people like oh look at all these views I'm getting and they want to be Quote unquote famous or whatever. Yeah, those people are not a they're not going to last even if they do make it
Starting point is 00:26:53 And and they're not going to make it most likely Because there's no and then those are the people If they do get big and all that stuff, you know, what's the fucking talk to you? Not only that. I mean, it's just it's not sustainable If you're if you don't care about being good You just will put out shit because you know people will watch it like that's only gonna last for so long I know and that's not going to get you anywhere So I mean it's not about the views or about like anything like it ain't about the money money money
Starting point is 00:27:24 Some of my favorite stuff that I've ever edited Has minimal amount of views like all the stuff I edited for thomas like on because my oldest brother He also made it Like a youtube channel because he always goes on hikes and stuff and he wanted to keep those memories and he surfs and And uh And she like that so he wanted to keep those memories, you know, so they're they're locked in a vault somewhere I mean the vault being youtube for everyone to watch but he he wanted To have it and be a part of some creative
Starting point is 00:27:54 process You know what I mean? And I think that's good because I think being a part of something creative like stimulates your mind and something like that is so Like thomas has no interest in being like a personality or entertainer or something like that But being able to like 10 years from now look back on these videos that you made Not for anyone else other than yourself even though even though other people do enjoy them, which is nice But looking back on them and being able to be like that was so cool. Like I did that hike I was surfing blah blah and
Starting point is 00:28:25 You know, that's the real reason why you do anything. That's the reason why I started making videos for myself I wanted to show I wanted to show my friends and then be able to look back and be like, oh, this was funny You remember this blah blah and and do that like it turned into This sort of job that I have now wow Okay, what was that? Sounded like uh spongebob's uh Snail gary. Well
Starting point is 00:28:50 But yeah, I just uh People you can't get discouraged What are you doing? I was uh blew out a snot rocket. There you go. I need more of those in my life Blow on snot rockets. Don't we all don't we all? That's gonna happen once or twice on your channel. I can tell oh my god. I might break your I might break a camera Please don't I know I gotta get more comfortable with the camera though. That's my whole thing. Yeah, I mean that will come You're never gonna know
Starting point is 00:29:18 That one that you're never gonna know it's there after a while. I know but that's that's what uh like For instance veterans minimum when I started doing a camera with in front of these kids The first episode and the third episode or light years apart from each other the first one the first episode the week one picks If you watch that and then watch the third episode you'll see how crazy comfortable everyone is in front of a camera after two videos it was like You know it's it becomes habitual and you stop caring It's all about I know I'm gonna get there. It's just yeah, that's just something you gotta work on
Starting point is 00:29:52 No, I mean I haven't even watched the footage yet. I'm gonna edit it right after I finished this thing but It's not good I can't wait dude. You have no idea. First of all, I came downstairs I set up the camera and stuff for Keith and I was like you're good to go and then uh, I went upstairs and when I came downstairs Mom was like he's cursing very I was like, yeah, I mean I was talking. I was actually talking too much while playing There's no such thing because a lot of my shit is like sporadic. Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:24 Where I can't just be playing and then it's just like I like to flip out but I was more like just rambling I remember in our old room we shared a room and Keith was playing video games at like 3 a.m. I'm like a school day
Starting point is 00:30:42 Oh, man I don't know how mom didn't drop kick me. I mean so he would be cursing or whatever. I'm like Like whatever my mom came in one day and she was like Keith I gotta go to bed blah blah blah So she goes back into her room like two minutes later. He screams He's playing halo and she goes oh suck a dick She came into the room
Starting point is 00:31:04 Flipping out. I was in my bed pretending to sleep dying I was like rolled over trying to breathe. I don't know how Suck a dick She's like shut the fuck up, Keith But the the funniest ones that I did I didn't even realize doing was like I would talk calm and it would like exponentially get higher. Yeah. Oh my god You know, I really can't wait to fucking watch this shit. All of our friends are gonna fucking
Starting point is 00:31:34 Just eat this shit up pause Why are you always gonna pause everything? I'm kidding I'm in Simon Yeah, anyway, we're gonna do a quick episode. So we're gonna wrap it up here Um I started this super late. It's already fucking 9 30. So this is not gonna be up to probably 10 o'clock I'm gonna try and get it up as soon as possible, but
Starting point is 00:31:59 That's what I said one. Yeah, go go subscribe to my vlog channel slash extra joe videos Uh, a lot of updates and stuff like that will be posted to there to there, but I love making those videos now and also go to youtube Search Keith sanagato look for the channel. There's not gonna be any content on there right now But the first video should be up. I mean you could put it out tomorrow if you wanted to I'll put it out now. You could put it out now too. That's fine. I mean, they're not gonna hear it Because this is gonna go out before the video
Starting point is 00:32:30 No, that's fine. I'll subscribe to the video put the notifications on so when keith drops You'll know You'll know about it. Yep. And what's your twitter? Twitter is at keith sanagato. There you go and instagram same shibbity hip And that is all and thanks for listening. Yeah, motherfuckers

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