The Basement Yard - Orange Things Suck Ass

Episode Date: April 10, 2018

On this episode, @DannyLopriore & I are talking about things. Enjoy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Basin yard today. I am joined by Danny Lopiori. He is back back in the building in the build Aggressive it's aggressive followed up by the cough followed up by the cough I feel like I'm getting a little sick for some reason. I don't know why like head cold. Maybe could be you have allergies. I Have it sometimes and then sometimes I don't I don't know why do you know like what you're allergic to because I'm like pollen and shit like But one year. I'll like be like bad and have to like I can't come out because it's bad like some years I'm fine like sinus headaches and stuff. Yeah, like you know, you've been sneezing a lot like the last few days Have I yeah a good amount. No, I haven't really noticed. I don't know if it's around you more But like you just carry pollen. Yeah, I might be yeah
Starting point is 00:00:46 But I've always been finding that you've been sneezing pretty hard and you're kind of a loud sneezer I Get I get up there like an aggressive sneezer. I've gotten that it's better than being one of those like inside Sneezers like I hate those people. I hate my girl. Your eyes gonna pop out of your fucking head like like girls can honestly just be like Girls don't sneeze like loud. Why don't they sneeze like that shit out sneeze? I will say this though. I Feel like the older you get the louder you sneeze I'll agree to that. My dad is like a ridiculous sneezer. My dad Will smoke your dad and you won't my dad has literally sucked the oxygen out of rooms
Starting point is 00:01:28 Why do they do that? I don't know my dad has no regard for anything I think and it's so funny how easily they just carry on with what they were doing. Yeah, and nothing happened Well, he'll be reading the paper. She's like I Keep reading the paper. I'm like dad. Are you dead? I'm not kidding. My dad literally he like goes Oh, he lets you know like he like he it's like crazy like it's like and then it's just Dude, it's like a flashbang and especially like the lights hitting the right way you see all of it I'm like dad another thing to just one of these and another thing if he does cover his face
Starting point is 00:02:07 Out here. Yeah, it's like 10 feet from his face. You're not blocking shit. No, you're not a big cut You're not a big face cover either though It depends where I am. Yeah, it definitely depends where you are. I'm in the comfort of my own home I'll sneeze how I fucking want mouth open just blowing that shit Ah Why do we even sneeze? I don't know what that is never really thought about it. Yeah, you're blowing my mind I know I know I know why do why do we sneeze? Such are we that's such like a like a whether they call it the rabbit hole like that's yeah
Starting point is 00:02:46 I don't even I don't even want to be even doing here. Why are we how but it definitely is true that? Why are we how? Why are we how I thought you said why do we howl and I was like I don't think we howl I don't think that's not a thing I do Person howl a long time. Yeah, yeah, they always get sensitive too though. Yeah, my dad gets so mad at me Well, Mike dude, he's like what what what I can't sneeze in my own house. Yeah dad. Just relax All right, I know the Giants are down 13 relax Yeah, so eventually he sneezed it was a little aggressive called you out take it easy eventually I get upset
Starting point is 00:03:20 I can't sneeze in my own house Mike. Yes, literally walk outside if you're gonna do shit like this That's such a dad thing to say to and my dad is I'm a convinced He's allergic to the Sun because in high school He used to drive me to the bus stop so you get on the bus. Yeah, and every time we got in the car I don't know if he's a vampire. What's going on every time we got in the car in the sunlight hit this man Oh There's so many pump fakes, you know, I mean I'm like dude
Starting point is 00:03:56 It's insane and there was one time we were all cuz he had like a he had like a van and there was one time He had no regard for anyone's life. No, we were sitting in the van. Yeah, and my dad by the way Never touched a tissue in his life. He's a big paper towel guy Yeah, he has a whole roll of bounty in his car because of how much this man is by the way When windshield you like turn the windshield where it was kind of like dirty and it's on the inside Okay, the dirt's everywhere on the inside, but anyway, so this guy This guy we fucking we're driving the whole family's in this car. He starts going
Starting point is 00:04:33 Like all this whole fucking thing right? Yeah, it's your dad good. No, no, no, he's just gonna sneeze So your dad what's going on him? No, but he but he's doing that Takes his hands off the wheel because then he's trying to like block his face We're on the highway. Yeah Sneezes then grabs paper towels wipes his face Puts it down then puts his hands back on the wheel. It was about 45, Mississippi That my life was just up in the air. Yeah, cuz this guy just had to sneeze I gotta handle this first. You know, they also say it's impossible to keep your eyes open when you sneeze
Starting point is 00:05:08 I was just gonna I was gonna bring that up before where like I've actively tried to do that like Have crazy of a person That's terrifying I feel like if I tried there's so many like mythical things around sneeze So many mythical things. I really do hate the inside sneeze though. My sister's a big in-time sneezer But she's she sneezes and then makes a noise. I'm like usually the noise is with the sneeze, but she'll go You I'm like that was not necessary and there's those other people that can go like You know what I'm saying though. Yeah, they hold their nose. I'm like, dude
Starting point is 00:05:50 Why'd you just hold your nose? It's got to be horrible for you. Yeah, it's fucking sneeze the back of your fucking head's gonna blow out My dude, what are you doing? It's real. I don't see you fucking sneeze. I haven't kidding. It scares me I feel like don't your ears pop when you do that. Yeah, if I did that one time my ears would shatter You ever yawn and you're like I've never heard this well before in my entire life. Yes when your ears pop you're like, oh my god Yeah, or you're like going up a mountain your ear pops. You're like What is this sound I could hear everything. It's like when fucking like colorblind people put on those glasses It's like, oh my god. That's exactly what it is. I can hear fucking everything. I'm like, dude
Starting point is 00:06:30 I'm deaf all the time. Yeah. Yeah, but my dad's We got our dads. I gotta have a sneeze off at one point. I don't know how you said that a lot of pepper Well, I have a pay-per-view. We'll get it out. Have a nice undercard. We'll go up against each other our sneezes my sneeze I'll fuck you up. I think your sneezes will will fuck me up. My mom also Big Pap I was at my neighbor's house next door. I'll throw her through the wall like my take it fucking easy All right, cuz she like scream
Starting point is 00:07:02 I'm like ma She sounds like she's like fighting in a sword fight. I'm like my chill the fuck out Why do all people sneeze so loud? I don't know. I think they just stopped caring. You know what it is But for the most part I've seen like girls aren't really big sneeze ears. No, you know what I mean I'm like, yo fix that. Yeah, what's that about? Yeah, how'd you do that? First of all, I don't know what I just did Do you do the finger in the ear thing when your throat gets itchy? Yeah, I do it sometimes. Does that even work? I don't know. I feel like we all just look like assholes. I know Not good gonna ask you a big time question. Okay. Do you still pick your nose?
Starting point is 00:07:39 100% I'm a big picker. I pick I'm down to pick down because especially when you live in an area like where we live Everything's industrial. What the fuck does this have to do because you're getting all way more dust and shit up your nose What is this fucking excuse that you're No, no, no, I'm gonna pick my goes my goes my nose regardless if I live in the city or live on a farm I'm picking that nose picking the nose, but blowing your nose Doesn't do shit. I hate blowing my nose. Get your fingers in there. Do you know what else? I heard you know Roll your sleeves all your sleeves up and dig in this might be a little gross
Starting point is 00:08:18 But you ever have that one booger that just pulls all the way out And then you feel like you could breathe through your nose like you've never been able to breathe Yeah, that's another thing. Yeah, I know what you mean, but like You know what else is like a pet peeve for me Mm-hmm when you sneeze once and then someone goes do you need a tissue? I'm like, I'm good. I know like what do you think? I'm just like yeah Should be in a bubble like what the fuck you make Sneeze one time and you're like do you need a tissue? Yeah back off another thing. I hate to it's like oh you sneeze three times in a row
Starting point is 00:08:51 You have a cold Who the fuck is what kind of stupid sneeze I also hate when people are like When when they just like have a runny nose. They're like, oh, yeah, I got a cold. I'm like grow up Yeah, dude, we're gonna you're gonna go to urgent care for a cold Jesus Christ a lot of people do that. I hate that. I read really drives me insane She got I had to go to the doctor. I had a cold. I'm like, dude. Stay home. I know what do you mean? Watch it. I put blanket on watch some Netflix. It's always what about bitch always hard to like prove you have a cold though Fuck that. I've never took in anything for a token. I've never taken anything for a cold in my life
Starting point is 00:09:25 Well, cuz we talked about it before cuz like you had like the two pizzeria jobs. Yeah, so like did you ever call in sick to those? Yeah, but I was never sick. That's what it is. You got to be like you got to give him that Hey Yeah, I don't know man. I'm just not feeling great Not having it. It's not having it. Well, it's like 50 degrees in my the park. Yeah, it's point game I'm like, well, I'm not leaving out here people having fun. She'll be like, yo Joe check the ball. It's like, yeah Yeah, my chest is bothering I have a rep respiratory infection. Yeah, but I'm a picker big time big time. That was picker. I mean not like big time
Starting point is 00:10:01 Let's relax here. But like, you know, would you say you pick your nose every day? I'm gonna have really paid attention. No, you will. I guarantee you will. Yeah, I'm gonna pay 10. I'll get back to you on that Yeah, I'll do a case study. Just clean it up. I'll make an Excel sheet. Just clean it up. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah It's fine. Let me ask you a question. Yeah Hit it Go for it. This is gonna be completely random, but I just like need to know I don't know why this just popped into my head to be honest with you, but But you're like favorite Dorito
Starting point is 00:10:31 If you had to pick gun to my head gun in your head, cool ranch It's the right answer. If anyone it's the right answer. Come on. Would you trust somebody that eats fucking? Nacho cheese Doritos. So here's the thing. I'll eat a nacho. Gee if it's there Yeah, but I'm not like if the two were there and you're reaching for nacho No Because you also cool ranch you also got those nacho cheese Doritos too in there that like don't have a lot of cheese on them And it's just a chip. What the fuck is this? It's a it's a it's a never miss with cool ranch. Here's the thing too. Here's how I eat chips. It's weird
Starting point is 00:11:11 No, I'll I'll go in there. Yeah, first of all, I'll take a look inside. This is every chip by the way I don't just go in there like blind. Yeah and grab a chip eat the shit Mm-hmm. I'm looking in the bag trying to find the fucking dustiest chip super dusty Then I pull it out and I inspect both sides. Yeah, and then I toss that bitch sometimes when I eat it You know, they're curved a little bit. Yeah, I'll put the curved sides down onto my tongue just to just bathe in cool And just let the fucking blitz the bliss that it's fucking cool ranch Doritos They're the best one they're easily the best one another one No, hold on anyone who's choosing nacho cheese if you're out there and you're watching this or you're listening to this
Starting point is 00:11:55 Literally fuck yourself. Yeah, and turn this off. Yes nacho cheese is your favorite Dorito You are a basic piece of shit go get a cool ranch chip. Yep and change your life. Yes, okay Fuck. Yep What the hell I blacked out for a second. Yeah, I don't know. Oh, I was gonna say Dark horse Dorito spicy nacho Keats a big spicy nacho guy. It's a it's a dark horse. Like I'd rather eat the spicy nacho than the regular nacho Yeah, you know, like I'd rather challenge myself That's another thing too even just like with spicy foods. It's like
Starting point is 00:12:34 Who's enjoying Lucy really enjoying it. So yeah, I want to I just want to like be in physical agony for like 30 minutes What the fuck is that like when you go to like wing stop or something like you guys want atomic? I'm like, yeah, I'd like to like have like be able to go throughout the rest of my day Yeah, and I have to shit fire for the next two hours, and I just hate that they call it like mild Like make feel like a bitch to like Yeah, all right. Yeah, it's like regular mile wings this guy gets me like ten minutes Yeah, it's so it's like when you go to a place and they have like all right mild hot really hot atomic Nuclear fuck ass, and you're like who's ordering this
Starting point is 00:13:14 I never nuclear fuck ass Fucking flavor Who's who's eating that like this is good? I'm enjoying this if you ever get into the wing business You have to make a nuclear fuck ass I just want to make a sauce nuclear fuck ass. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's the nuclear fuck ass That'll rock your socks. I'm not crazy about like spicy foods in that regard But you did say like you would want to be like man versus who though, right? Was that you that said that I said that I was a cool job. It's a cool job, but it's also think about you're eating some spicy shit
Starting point is 00:13:44 Yeah, I know but like I didn't like those episodes like dudes like sweating and like yeah his face is red I'm like dude Adam take it easy, bro. Maybe you go eat like a thousand pancakes. Yeah, that's what I'm interested in You know what I mean all these random ass burgers that they you know the people in the south are really fucking crazy Yeah, they're not like they take burgers and then they put fries and like a Different kind of burger and like a chicken parm hero and then put the fucking bun on it Then they deep-fry it and they soak it in grease and it's like here and it's fucking amazing And then they cover it in cheese. We didn't have lunch today. I'm so far. I would love that you just Do you want a burger? You just blew much it with that. I want to I want a burger so bad
Starting point is 00:14:24 You can't do it. We wait. We it's Monday gotta get through Monday. Fuck that. Yes, sure I'll eat a sweet potato fry. You ever like fake diet like that We went to UFC this past weekend and we're in like a deli. It's like two o'clock in the morning This dude walks in he goes, uh You guys got sweet potato fries. It's like fucking no I looked at him. It's like dude get the fuck out of here It's a weird request at 2 a.m. I feel like everybody else is like this guy's just a sweet potato fries Grab a twinkie or get the fuck out of here If you're not eating you have you're eating candy after two o'clock. Yeah, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:15:02 I'm not going to fucking get in a spinach wrap at 2 30 in the morning. You guys got a caramelized onions Oh, okay. No. All right. I'll see you later. You guys have kale. It's fucking Brooklyn I know it is 2 a.m. It was 2 a.m. You're still pulling this shit. Yeah, you think everything's whole foods Yeah, enough. All right, you guys got flaxseed here or dude. We have bacon egg and cheese sandwiches You guys have snowballs. You remember those? Oh Kind of disgusting now They're all they're awful. Yeah, I'd never liked them literally I think 2,000 calories. I think yeah absolutely honey buns though
Starting point is 00:15:36 5,000 calories probably. Yeah, probably they're amazing. They're really good. Those will kill you I'm satisfied like if you only ate honey buns every day for like a month, you'll die. I Would say less than that. I was giving it like two and a half weeks Two and a half weeks honey buns every day. They're so good. They're so good. So good. So good All right. Oh wait, so we talked about chips. I have a question for you now. Mm-hmm put it on me Cheetos wait Crunchy no puffy all the way puff puff daddy puff puff daddy who's picking crunchy? I don't want what kind of psychos are out there. Why did they even make that? I don't know and by the way flaming hot Cheetos
Starting point is 00:16:19 Overrated They taste like shit miss me with the flaming hot Cheeto I had what it was weird because I did I had a one good experience with them but then The other time I was like, you know what these aren't that good. I'm not I just I'm not you're not gonna get me also It's like there's certain snacks or certain occasions obviously. Yeah, like when I eat popcorn I eat popcorn one by one and here's why oh, I don't do that. Here's why I'm a fucking idiot with popcorn. Here's why
Starting point is 00:16:52 There is no way that someone could eat popcorn without a little bit falling on the floor Okay, think about it. Yeah, no handful of popcorn. It's always get all over me all over you. Yeah, I can't do it I hate that I got a vacuum. That's what it is and like smart food popcorn. You get all that white cheddar all over It's like oh, yeah, oh, yeah, and it makes your hand feel like Like old jizz glove on don't like that. It's like candle wax Just like white cheddar candle wax is gross. That's what it does actually feel like candle wax fucking gross And even when you lick it off, it's like no, I'm still here. Yeah But that's good fucking popcorn the white cheddar. Do you get popcorn you go to the movies?
Starting point is 00:17:36 And not really not really like someone else you should get popcorn I'll eat it cuz like they don't sell normal Amounts of popcorn. Yeah, like what do you want a small and it's a fucking Bucket, yeah, you look like the fuck of the thing is like 1300 calories It's like a size of a 13 year old. What do you want 10 pounds of fucking popcorn? Yeah, we'll soak it in butter Yeah, and I'm also convinced that butter is like gasoline that butter is that butter is But literally it's butter kerosene and like whatever they're dumping into the ocean You might a mixed up you might be incriminating yourself here, but
Starting point is 00:18:12 Do you sneak in snacks or do you buy snacks? Dude I sneaks. Yeah 100% if you don't sneak snacks rich Yeah, I know buying snacks at the movies. Who's got that kind of money? You also think about how big of a fucking square you have to be to be like, oh, no, it's against the rules. Oh I don't even check your bag. I'd like to spit in that person's face. I would too hundred percent. Yep I hate that. No, but like in sour patch melons all over this food Not only that but you you go to the movies and you're like, all right Let me shell out $35 for this fucking little box of cookie dough bites or whatever then you get the butt dude
Starting point is 00:18:52 These motherfuckers that are making these candies. I'm not kidding. You get there. I'm paying Fucking ten times the irregular amount if I walk down the store to get in the deli then I get the box I open the box. There's a bag in here. Why is there a bag in here? Yeah, there's a bag and then the bags have full It's like one of those Christmas tricks where you're like, oh, you're presents inside a box box in another box It's like do fuck this. There's a box with a bag and then the bags have full and it's like but you paid $35 for eight pieces of fucking sour patch Also, the tickets to the movie are fucking expensive to take it. Don't get me started like $13 You're better off waiting for him to come out on fucking DVD. I'm fucking on demand
Starting point is 00:19:40 Wait for it to come out on cassette just go see it and pick it up from blood mustard. We'll get the laser Remember laser discs. They're huge the fuck is laser disc. They used to have these like laser Yeah, it goes this kid dropping his phone There's no case on it either You're what you're richer than the people fucking don't have popcorn pray for popcorn. I will say Being this is a rich person move. It really is not having a case, but I but I am not rich So everybody let everybody know this is an accident waiting to happen if you would have dropped that homeless Yeah, the iPhone 10 though. It's slippery as fuck. Is it hell? Yeah, you got to get a case on that
Starting point is 00:20:21 That's why I got the rubber case on the back of it. Yeah, first of all, you're you're no case on that. Uh-huh Insane move and you're not even on wing, which is fucked up. I'm not your friend. You're not saving money. Yo Yes, how we make that how do we make that happen then I've been trying to get you on wing for the past 19 Yeah, but you know how it is when I got so much to do around here If the last thing I forget about is this it's not a fucking time-consuming thing you go Joe I'm ready. I go. Oh, okay, and then I call fucking Greg or wherever and we switch over It's easy. All right. So if I was going to do that, what's what's the process? Well, obviously Greg Greg could hook it up Well, I'm about to do like the sickest spot for fucking wing right now. It's all right
Starting point is 00:21:00 No, but if you could really save me money, I will fucking do it I'm not even kidding it when how much is your bill literally you want me to be honest. It's pretty I don't want you to lie to me. It's high as fuck. What is it? It's 141 You're paying a hundred forty one dollars for your phone bill. Yeah, that includes like the fuck does it come with that? Does it suck? It's it's it's a security. I think it's like 12 bucks So what's like a security? Security don't touch that Follow me. What the hell is insurance?
Starting point is 00:21:31 Dude, but it's like 130 something before that dude That if I'm paying a hundred forty dollars, there better be someone walking next to me that if I drop my phone They fucking better catch it You I think you do I know I think that's unlimited though. Yeah, like I could do whatever I want No, dude the unlimited plan $70 success something like that, but like literally your bill. I think would be like You probably save $40 $50 on your bill. No, I like easily off the bat and do you have a lease on that?
Starting point is 00:22:01 Yeah, so you could switch the lease over to they'll take it. Yeah, just we get you same phone same phone number all that so I could keep like It'll be the same exact phone Like I update my back up my phone, but I'll be able to like have picked the same thing your phone is not gonna change It's just gonna be like your phone and But you're just save a bunch of money. So like and the service is like legit I mean, I've been on it for like close to a year. I think and I haven't had any fucking problems Yeah, if you're gonna save me forty-fifty dollars, I'm fucking down So get fucking Greg on that. So people my god, like doesn't make any sense. Yeah, it's literally very simple
Starting point is 00:22:40 I've been procrastinating. That's my fault. Yeah, and I know I know it sounds like I'm doing just like an advertiser right now But like literally which I am fucking about to do but just like literally it's like very fucking simple like I've been trying to tell people because And I'm an owner of this company like I worked with these dudes and we're building it from the ground up and we you know We've worked together in the past on other projects and that worked great out Right worked out great too, but It's it literally when I was approached and and we were talking about it. I was like, dude Is this like actually gonna fucking work because I didn't want to be on it Dude, I'm on my phone 24 seven right like well, I'm not gonna get on this fucking network if it doesn't work
Starting point is 00:23:17 Well, that's not when you initially brought it up to me. I was like, oh, yeah But like, you know, you think you have your skeptical you're like, right? Oh, this is dickhead. It's got a phone company or whatever. No, no, but it's not that you're skeptical But it's like I'm already into this thing and they make you fucking sign these leases and that's a thing too People think they're on contracts and shit. That doesn't even exist. I know such things the contract You have a lease but they will buy out your lease right and then bring your phone over. It's the same thing because that's the only thing it's like And your team smaller too, so it's they probably have normal people that talk to you Yeah, it's not like random people from Sri Lanka who are fucking there's like 19,000 of them in a fucking factory
Starting point is 00:23:57 Yeah, I go hard on Twitter sometimes like what does that mean? Like just being like, you know, this phone like Like it sucks. I know you'd be surprised if they hit you up to be like, oh, we're sorry We're sorry to hear that contact us Jerry DM. Yeah, fuck you. Fuck Jerry. Fuck dude. Fuck Jerry. Fuck Jerry. Look at that Shout out shout out Jesus. But yeah, so all right. How fast can we do this? So literally like for anybody listening like honestly like the the wing company it's a telecom company It's like rise and sprint and shit like that. I am a part owner in this and like I am very involved in the marketing and like I know the people who like are the CEOs and like everyone Keith works for this fucking company Like I am so invested in it. Look at you go. I'm just no, but I'm saying like the these
Starting point is 00:24:45 It's very simple to save money because it's like dynamic pricing too So it's like what it means is like you only pay for the gigs that you use and you get money back I use mad gigs though It doesn't matter because like listen if you if you Like a lot of people don't use mad gigs too. That's the thing too So if you're also I'm also idiot and forget to turn my wi-fi on sometimes Right, but if you're on wi-fi all the time and like you're paying for unlimited your bills like a hundred something dollars or some shit People don't even realize like yo, you're not even using anything close to that
Starting point is 00:25:14 Like you're using like six. I ought me me Right who's people always complain. I'm on my phone all the time. I use like six gigs a month because I'm always on wi-fi You know, I mean when my phone to the office. Yeah. Yeah, so like I I get money back every month. I've got I My mom's phone bill. Yeah, I'm not even kidding was 13 dollars. What keats phone bill was 36 dollars These I'm not making these numbers up. Literally. Those are their phone bills. Well, you know, you know my rent Your rents for My rents ridiculously high. My rent's high as fuck. So you had me say 40 dollars. There you go So
Starting point is 00:25:50 Whoever we got to talk to gray. We'll do it after this. We'll figure that out. Yeah, I don't want to like I'm fucking I feel like I've talked about it long enough. No, I don't want people to like, you know I should also get a case Definitely get a case for sure because I'm actually gonna put it in my pocket right now That'll save you more money because if you drop that good bit By the way, the last thing I'm gonna say is if you do want to sign up and you're interested in Saving money or phone bill just go to wing Uh and just read everything just educate yourself if you feel like it's not for you then don't feel obligated
Starting point is 00:26:17 But you're gonna save money regardless. So again, if you want to go just go to wing and uh, just read up on it All right before we move on here, let's get to the sponsors. Uh, we have blue apron Which is fire. Yummy the leading meal kit delivery service in the us Which always shows up To my apartment. Otherwise, I would not Be eating same here Danny knows Uh, but basically blue blue apron, um, you sign up They send you food to your place that is pre-portioned
Starting point is 00:26:47 Uh ingredients with step-by-step recipes right to your door that can be cooked in under 45 minutes Not that time consuming big payoff though. And they have like dope stuff and not just like Lunchables or like some weird thing, you know, there's real real good food in there really good food High quality. They only send non-gmo ingredients. Okay and meat with no added hormones Healthy business here. Okay, healthy and even if like they have like they they have it down to like the salt and pepper
Starting point is 00:27:20 Like this is how much salt you need. They'll portion that out So when you get it, not only do you have a nice meal, but you also have You know, you can make your own little cookbook with all these blue apron recipes. So it's fire Um Anyway, blue apron is treating the baseman yard listeners to $30 off your first order if you visit blue slash basement All right, so check out this week's menu and get $30 off at blue slash basement
Starting point is 00:27:47 love it baller stuff And uh, the next one we have here is me undies. Okay, which i'm currently wearing. Look at this. Hold on Uh Polka dots polka dots Black and white polka dot me undies very comfortable. I'm I I'm off the boxers They do make briefs. They do make boxers as well. They are comfortable, but I'm not a fan of boxers Do they make boxer briefs? Yes, they do. That's I'm all over that. I am all over that. Oh, wait. No, I think that's what I'm talking about Boxer. Yeah, I think briefs is like it's like tidy. Why are you basically definitely don't fuck. No chill
Starting point is 00:28:23 But me undies will be the most comfortable pair of underwear you will own Trust me they made from this thing that is three times softer than cotton I'm not even gonna try and pronounce it because I'm gonna screw that up, but it's all right. It's soft, dude I'm telling you can I ask you one thing when I wear my underwear my underwear rides up No, there's none of that this material that it's on it's like sleek. It's like you ever you remember book socks Yes, it's like that kind of wow and like imagine like putting your junk in there. It's like just very nice That's the biggest problem. I have in my briefs now is that they they go up. They bunch up. No, they clump up There's no bunch. It's real. I'm not even kidding. It's really nice. No bunch. No clump. No bunch. No clump. I'm in
Starting point is 00:29:02 We're doing quite the commercial here. No bunch. No clump me undies. I'm in um But yeah For the fellas me undies diamond scene pouch Kratos your jewels and gives your stuff the support it needs without feeling too tight See what I'm talking about 100 satisfaction guarantee They will guarantee you will love them or your money back and right now me undies has an exclusive offer You get 20 off your first pair and free shipping
Starting point is 00:29:27 and uh, like I said 100 satisfaction guarantee 20 off free shipping. I don't know what you're waiting for to get all this the 20 off and the free shipping and the guarantee Uh, go to me slash basement. That is me Slash basement. It is a limited time offer. So Definitely hop on that. The last one we have here is quip my toothbrush Actually, my toothbrush not a joke
Starting point is 00:29:56 I will Call me out on it. I will show you that is my toothbrush. I don't know. It's gold. It is. It's it's legit They actually hit me up. They're like, yeah, which one do you want? I was like gold 100 um, but it's fire It's the new electric toothbrush that packs just the right amount of vibrations into a slimmer design at a fraction of the cost of Fulkier traditional electric brushes, which is a fancy way of saying This shit is fire Then I was saying that too because like you know, I'm like your toothbrush has like a crazy amount of vibration And like toothpaste is just flying all over the place
Starting point is 00:30:27 I hate that it's not like that at all and I actually tested it to see if it would do that too Because I don't I don't like that you loaded it up I like put toothpaste on it and I started brushing my teeth a little and then I just like held it out And I was just like, yeah, nothing's going everywhere. I love it. I'll have to try quip. No, they're fired. I'm not even kidding. Um They also have guiding pulses alert when you need to switch sides You know I'm saying like you brush on one side and then it's like uh, uh, and it's like, all right You got to go to the other side now brush it. Don't forget. Uh, but they're really good and they also um
Starting point is 00:30:59 Have a subscription plan that refreshes your brush on a dent dentist recommended schedule Okay, delivering new brush heads every three months for just five dollars including free shipping worldwide in australia. I don't care. It's free in in fucking Japan doesn't matter. Okay, it's all free um quip starts at just 25 dollars And if you go to get slash basement right now You'll get your first refill pack free with a quip electric toothbrush
Starting point is 00:31:31 That's your first refill pack free at get quip dot com slash basement, which is spelled g e t q u i p dot com slash basement. I'm crushing these today dude smashing Do you think you could ever switch back? Like you think you could ever switch from like an iphone to like an android Here's the thing with those phones or whatever I'd like the only real real like I think that apple does because like android people are like Android came out with this fucking two years. Like I don't care about that. The reason why I like apple is because
Starting point is 00:32:03 Their shit is just clean and everything I have is apple Yeah, and it's just like yo, it's just like clean and they wait for you to do it and they go That's pretty cool. We're gonna do something better than that. It's expensive. It's expensive But you figure it out but switch into like those air pod things. Yo, those things are awesome air pods are fire They are fucking awesome when they first came out. I'm like, this is so stupid I thought this that's why I waited so long to get them. They're good for working out. Yeah, they're fire Because regular regular ones bounce out of my ears and dude a fucking uh, what's that called? The fucking pods that you just jam into your ear. Yeah
Starting point is 00:32:34 Garbage who's using that it's garbage. It's like having you know, the doctor looks into your fucking ear. Yeah It's like having that in your the whole time. Yeah, it's terrible. I hate that speaking of jim. I thought I was gonna pass out today We were getting after it. We were big chest workout big chest workout a lot of sled work a lot of sleds A lot of sleds almost was there. I pushed this shit out of you on that's what's led I'm burly boy too. So you got after it. Joza is getting me back in the shape. So uh, dude, we are getting kicked in my ass Today today was today was fucked up today was fucked up I almost threw up today If you I wish you would have thrown up it was close. It was close if I didn't drink because you do this
Starting point is 00:33:12 Do you ever like thrown up from working out? Yeah, absolutely But you do this weird thing. I don't know if a lot of people you don't eat before you work out now No, yeah, I don't which I'm trying to adopt Like if I didn't have like take like that pre-workout today, I would have been fucking dead. Yeah I can't believe we haven't ate yet. No, I haven't eaten yet. What time is it? Yo, it's like it's after three two. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah something like that. Yeah, I haven't eaten yet You gotta get after that. I literally The only thing I had today was amino energy that fucking
Starting point is 00:33:43 Which is like candy, bro Yeah, but that one was nasty. It was like strawberry dick or something. It was just disgusting. I didn't like that That's the one thing I think I'm gonna miss now that I'm like trying to like clean my life up is candy I still eat it though. What? Yeah, but like I've crushed your cats But you're in better shape them like you have a little more leeway like I got to cut that shit out to get like back Here's the thing like And I I've learned from doing like someone I put out a vlog the other day and someone on the comments was so funny It could be because I like barely vlog, right?
Starting point is 00:34:15 Uh, I'm trying to get back into it, but you don't know We'll take care of it. We'll take care of it. But uh Someone commented and was just like because I put them out like once a month or something It sounds like what let's see what new diet shows on because like every time I would go on it I would like have some new diet, but I just think that I've come to the grips with the fact that I'm never gonna eat clean Yeah, like For an extended period of time. So what I try to do is just eat clean For the most part. Yeah, and then on the weekends. I don't give a shit about anything
Starting point is 00:34:45 You know what I mean? And I know that and if I know I have like an event coming up like when we went to UFC I was like, well, I know I'm gonna be a complete piece of garbage this day. Right, you know, I mean, I'm down for a pizza beer I don't give a shit. It's a wash So I'll try like those days before to be really clean the biggest thing though I think is just going to the gym and working out. That's the thing but I also honestly I think the biggest thing is is what you put in your body Yeah, but I think the consistency of going to the gym and and like what if you're there every day
Starting point is 00:35:12 You know, you don't want to waste your time. So that helps with not eating like shit If I could eat clean And like like I can't stop drinking beers. No, I'm too young. I'm too young Once I have a kid just cut out bread and and and like bull shit rice and shit, you know what it is Snacks is where that fucking kills me. Absolutely. So I just that's why I have nothing in my house because if I had anything I would just eat all day super hard and then when you usually have stuff here. It's like smart pop. Anyway Yeah, it's like skinny pop and fucking granola bars it makes nuts
Starting point is 00:35:44 Not nothing fun. Yeah, and also you can't you don't sneak healthy stuff in like like how back to what like the movie theater Like if you go to a movie you're eating candy. No, who the fuck When I go to a fucking movie theater at a granola bar gross Fucking what am I some kind of asshole? Somebody is in a movie theater right now eating granola. That guy fucking sucks big question Starburst Yes, what was that the question? No, no, no, no Give me your top three colors in order
Starting point is 00:36:16 Well pink Pink's number one pink's number one. Why are you like even like even thinking about it? I don't know. I go back and forth I like red sometimes It's true It's true You don't like red starburst Over pink No
Starting point is 00:36:38 What are you talking about? Pink is good. Pink. Pink is good. Dude. If you were closer to me, I'd grab onto you Not one part of that sounded threatening at all. I was gonna get to the threatening part, but then you stopped me. It's all right. And then like But then you said it's purely sexual. Yeah, it's fine. It's fine. A lot of pent up a lot of pent up No, no, no, but like if pink pinks. All right, so pink. Here's my here's where it gets on popular Okay, give it to me my number two Which I'm gonna start screaming because I get angry with this shit Number two is yellow and those are the fucking facts. Okay. I just know what I'm talking to a yellow mic. So that's nice, but
Starting point is 00:37:14 Yellow's number two. I don't know where the internet got this random inside joke that yellow's garbage I don't think it's that bad. It's it's good I don't think it's that bad. What the fuck like if I was gonna rank. I would say red pink yellow I Switch that red and pink right now for you. I'll do it. But but but like when you're not here I'm going red pink yellow when you're here. I I will I will go pink. I don't like red anything like whoever mixed them What does that mean like a red and a yellow how the what like tie it together eat them at the same time you do Oh, dude. Yeah, kidding me. You gotta do that. Which ones would you rather mix? Yo pink and red get after it
Starting point is 00:37:57 Fuck red. I don't like red Gatorade. I don't like red fucking starburst stop trying to make red happen Yeah, I don't like it. Okay. It's a good color. Just not those things another one for you By the way, orange things fucking suck. It's disgusting. Oh my the orange starburst I never throw it out. I'll throw it out the window I'll go out of my way to throw that in the garbage the only thing too also tropical starburst I don't fuck with it. I could I could get into it. Really the yellows are like pineapple. I feel I feel like I'm cheating Cheating like like what they're like hotter. I feel like I'm Caribbean like Caribbean sister. I'm on an island right now, you know It was one time. Yeah, no I was on vacation, but
Starting point is 00:38:41 I have another one for you. Okay Sour patch kids. Yeah Is it might affect our friendship sour patch kids? Yes, we're sour patch melons Like the watermelon ones Uh-huh, dude the watermelon. Yes Who the fuck would pick sour patch kids sour patch kids are trash. I don't have time for the orange Ones, I don't I don't have that kind of time. They're terrible get it out of the back also though I think we're shitting on orange, but you want to know what else sucks?
Starting point is 00:39:10 grape Yeah, but I think it fucking sucks grape is like universally trash though I think no one fucked with anything purple growing up. I hated everything purple. Yeah Except Barney Barney was kind of cool. Got it guy fucked guy fucked. Yeah, Barney got after it. Yeah, wait, didn't he just get like cough or something? Barney, no, no, no, I don't I don't want I don't want to stay in his name off the record. That never happened. Yes Anyway, purple sucks I don't mind purple ice pops
Starting point is 00:39:43 purple ice But I'll eat any ice pop. You know what I've done before Like as a psycho child cut open Unfrozen ice pops and just dump that shit into a cup and drink it that is gross disgusting, right? That is disgusting so bad But here's what I did those things were awesome. No, we got to do this summer when it gets like hot Do that put it in a blender and then put some like rum in it. Oh, yeah, and just fucking It's diabetes sugar alcohol. I'm trying to fucking slow my heart rate and jack it up at the same time I used to hate cutting them
Starting point is 00:40:20 Yeah, the top in the corners of your mouth with the I was like, I hate the way this thing feels like a paper cut Yeah, I was like, I don't want this. I hate that but I loved ice pops we were Like I honestly try to remember the last time like an ice cream man song The ice cream man, did you ever chase the ice cream man? We all did right chase the ice. That's like a staple in american culture. You have to yeah, but it's just weird at one Why do they always never stop? I know like dude. I'm you could see me. I know big-ass side mirror It's the size of a person. You don't see me. You don't see 14 children running after you
Starting point is 00:40:57 With their currency in their hand. Yeah, stop holding it up in the air like a flag. Oh, man My guy's name was bobble-oo like well, he started He started calling us bobble-oo. So I was like, all right, I'm gonna call you bobble-oo back I don't know what it means. What you had a thing with your ice cream man. Yeah, we were close He actually let us go in the truck too. Oh, this is getting weird now Say that out loud. There's some repressed stuff coming out here. There's not Guy was a great kisser too
Starting point is 00:41:26 No, but we've been such a A big mustache I remember it's bristly now. No, no, no the guy He used to hook us up though all the time like if I was at the park and be like, yo, let me get like an ice cream You know, like I'll spend like six dollars and he'd be like, all right, you're good. Like give it to me tomorrow Oh, damn, so he gave out credit. It was like a fucking drug deal I only did it one time and then my dad got really fucking mad at me that you took credit out on the ice cream Yeah, he made me give him ten dollars
Starting point is 00:41:53 Like why I don't know my dad's a psycho aggressive. He said you don't do that to bobble-oo. My dad was just going bobble-oo Where is bobble-oo right now? I don't know, but if I see that fucking truck bobble-oo. He's like, hey That's where to go. Oh, yeah, he looks like an ice cream man, too Like we used to love running after the ice cream man and then just one day it was like And we're just like nah Yeah, I don't know. Isn't that weird? I don't know for me. I still kind of get a little a little jittery like for a second I'm like, oh you get a quick pop. Yeah, it's like if you put like a
Starting point is 00:42:26 a syringe of Fucking heroin right here and I'm a heroin addict. I'm like, oh But then you knock it off the table because you don't want to get in there. Yeah, you don't want that but Also, I've done it. I've done it. I've gotten it. I've gotten it like recently. I would do it Dude, are you soft or uh, wait? I got two things real quick. Okay. Do you remember the super mario pops? Yeah, they were awesome Yeah, the gum though gross. That's not gum Not gum. What is that? It's dust. It's hard dust because you chew into it twice. It's like, why is this in a thousand pieces? Gross it becomes nerds and then they had the baseball mitt one. Yeah with the baseball with the baseball on it
Starting point is 00:43:03 I'm a big two ball screwball kind of guy Got a dig to get the fucking dusty gum The tweety bird the bugs bunny. Yeah Uh of the bugs but first of all, what do you get bugs bunny had chocolate on him, right? No, I thought wasn't there one like a bunny with like chocolate ears. I don't know Choco tacos Good fire good. Wait, what what do you get like the soft serve? What's your order? Oh, I get that swirl What is that swirl? Oh that swirl that's that's vanilla and chocolate mixed
Starting point is 00:43:36 Swirl wait, do you get like the double cone thing or not? No, no, I just get it in one Oh, he double swirl and that's it. Yeah, no, no, no, I'll get top I'll get a little fudge on there and some chocolate sprinkles I know I'm fucking starving Do you fuck do you fuck with like vanilla rainbow sprinkles? Um Honestly, I can't I hate vanilla. I hate it. I hate it. Excuse me soft serve vanilla. I could do. Yeah Another thing too when you would always get that tube The the neapolitan fucking ice cream. Oh the three, you know, that strawberry was the last soldier
Starting point is 00:44:12 It was always staying there I was carving the because it was vanilla chocolate in the middle and then the fucking strawberry on the outside I was carving chocolate. Oh, yeah Strawberry ice cream is fucking If you didn't get to that vanilla or that chocolate First you are fuck. So I've had so many summer nights. Just thrashed by that. Yeah, no Just fucking strawberry. Oh, it sits there forever It stays in your freezer forever got another hot take
Starting point is 00:44:43 Mint ice cream gross Mint chocolate chip I don't fuck I could do it dude mint If I want a piece of gum, I'll have a piece of gum also frogert though If I want ice cream like frogert, could you do like like what is frogert? You mean like gogert? I'll fro yo Who's frogert? I think you just made up the term. It's frozen yogurt. Yeah, fro yo. It's frogert It's not frogert. I think it is. It's fro yo
Starting point is 00:45:14 Frogert you said you said gogert. Yeah, you remember gogert. Yeah, it was great. Yeah, it was amazing. Not yogurt though Trix yogurt. I remember someone asked me like do you eat yogurt? I'm like, I'll eat Trix yogurt like that shit You want sugar gel? Yeah That shit was so bad for you. It was just really good tasting shampoo. That's all Trix yogurt was. Oh 100% It was not good. Like if you really think about like Animals We got to take a break after saying that vanilla or chocolate but animals to dip in Oh, I'm sorry. The fuck are you doing animals? I'm talking about dunkaroos
Starting point is 00:45:50 Shit vanilla or chocolate dunkaroos. I'll take whatever I can get But the best one was the fucking like vanilla with the fucking rainbow little things in them. I forgot about that Another thing too that sucked as a kid those fucking, uh Like assemble lunchables Bitch, I don't want to build my own fucking pizza. Oh, yeah, I gotta spread this fucking sauce I gotta spread this cancer sauce all over and kill myself. Yeah, what is this fucking make it for me? This is ridiculous. Lunchables were gross
Starting point is 00:46:21 Disgusting like fluid pieces of pepperoni here a butterfinger and some fucking weird bread and then just a packet of that's a lot of responsibility for a kid What Lunchables was third grade. I gotta build my food too. Give the fuck out of here Those lunchables were definitely like one of the ingredients was also made with the stuff it's packaged in Yeah, because like there was plastic in that bread. It was I don't know what that bread was not bread though Bread's bad for you to begin with that bread though. Literally he's got tires and they also You have to cook it
Starting point is 00:46:55 What? It's a pizza Oh, yeah, it's just cold mozzarella cheese. Just cold sauce. Yeah. Oh, this is for your kid Then I'm fucking throw it in the oven. I'm in the third grade Don't got this kind of time Yeah, you know what else is like really really bad the fucking ham and cheese ones Crackers this thick ass block of
Starting point is 00:47:18 Substitute ham garbage. What what is it? What what is it? I never even liked eating those No, like if my parents got it for me be like, you know, my parents fucking hate me because it sucks terrible I would trade out of that. You would not believe 100 most big rectangle pizza guy. Yo, elios Elios, I fuck with doesn't satisfy me in the slightest. No, it feels like you're eating cheesy paper, but like yeah I could literally I'm not even kidding. I eat maybe 10 of those if I had to oh question I wanted to ask you don't know why I would have to but under the circumstances gun in my head. Yeah gun in your head 10 How many hot dogs With a bun. Yeah catch up or male. Uh, not male mustard male
Starting point is 00:48:02 I meant to say most literally almost threw up out of my butt if you put mayo on your hot dog. I'm worried about you. Yeah Do you put ketchup or mustard on it? You do both ketchup? Oh, I don't fuck with mustard at all. I do both sometimes I don't fuck with mustard. How many could you eat in one sitting comfortably? How big is this sitting? You got dirt you got an hour an hour. Yeah Am I drinking? No, you're just going in. I just going like you literally walk downstairs and it's like it's there for you with a purpose No, just like hanging out just in a sitting normal barbecue normal. How many putting down an hour? No purpose no purpose I would I would say like six that's a comfortable number But a purpose I could be sorry. I could do six with a purpose though. Yeah
Starting point is 00:48:52 Gun your head. You could eat 12 hot dogs in an hour Yeah, you could double that out. Yeah, I did a hot dog eating contest once. How'd you do? Not good But I was also drinking butt heavies Yeah, but heavies and I was also scared because I was like in the middle of the diet But I had to do it for like how old are you it was like last year Oh But it wasn't an actual one. It was just me boss and tommy that did it
Starting point is 00:49:17 And tommy started off hot dude crushed three hamburgers about three hot dogs Like two minutes and then he slowed down, but I got I ate three in 10 minutes And boss ate like eight That's that's pretty good. Was it 15 minutes? Might probably was 15 minutes. Yeah, I had like three. It's not bad. I also drank a beer, which is like you're fucking yourself up You're putting it's bread. Boss was also like making me gag because this kid was like dipping the bun in water Like I might do this isn't not his first rodeo. It's not coney island dude. Just like don't do it Not his first rodeo. He's watching like Kobayashi like highlights. I think I think I think no purpose just chilling
Starting point is 00:49:54 I could I could knock out six hot dogs like Like nothing. So those are like the good like Oh, man, I can't wait for barbecue season. I fucking love barbecues. Love that shit Like the barbecues as a kid were like, wait, are you hot dog or hamburger guy? I'm both. I'm both like I have no problem You are so sick. Yeah, oh dude, you're so hungry right now. I could tell uh both I have no problem both but If you bring me some
Starting point is 00:50:27 If you eat a hamburger What is wrong with you? Wait, what put some cheese on that? Don't get an hamburger throw some cheese on that on that. Yeah On that on that radio edit like that, right? Yeah, I can't curse on here. I don't know. I'm crazy. Fuck that. I remember though, uh, like Even like as a kid going to barbecues though, it was kind of fly. I used to show up back in the day T-mobile sidekick flipping it out T-mobile sidekick remember those do I remember those they were the shit
Starting point is 00:50:59 They were the coolest things ever and I didn't have one could never connect to the internet though ever they're awful Not good. I used to try and stunt at like barbecues What what do you mean like if you had a sidekick back then You were pretty fucking cool. You were pretty fucking cool Your trend setting because if you had it on the clip Yo clip phones were huge back then. Hell yeah. Do you know do you remember what your first cell phone was? Yeah, I had that like brick Nokia thing with snake on it Oh, it's the best and there were like rubber buttons and my buttons came off. So whenever I had to call my house
Starting point is 00:51:35 Because there was a six in it. Yeah, don't look me up But there was a six in my house phone number. I used to have to take a stick and hit the six button I'm not even kidding. That's a real story snake was a game changer though. That shit was like Number flip phones. Yeah, fuck. Yeah when flip phones came out. We're like Oh My first cell phone was a nextel i90 those were baller straight up Bleeping hard and you just like to play your ringtone at any time anytime. Where's your ringtone? Um, one of it was some Albanian song because I got my phone from this Albanian kid
Starting point is 00:52:09 Yeah, it was an Albanian song. You're just bumping a song. You had no idea what the lyrics were Yeah, and then the other one was uh What the hell was that? I think it was like this is why I'm hot by memes Mims this is why I'm hot I don't gotta rap. I gotta take this. I gotta take this. Yeah, that's me. Sorry. Oh, sorry. Mims is bumping. Remember those Oh my god, I never had one of those either. I hadn't had any coolest fucking phone man Did you have the razor? No, I didn't have that and that sucked and like I didn't like I had this red foot phone That was so basic and shit the buttons on the razor were so fucking trash. I hated it. I wanted to throw in the garbage
Starting point is 00:52:41 It was very sleek though Yeah, and I had a good camera from like for back in the day. Yeah, it was all right But like even like ringtones That's like the ringtone era. Yeah, they were so expensive. They were like two dollars a ringtone 15 seconds Not even killed us insane And then there was like at like you could plug your phone into your computer and like download them from like line wire
Starting point is 00:53:02 Like make your own. You know, honestly, I was a big reason It's not like I was gonna say a big retard. Yeah, I was like That was a big retard. No, I was gonna say I was a big ringtone guy. I love the ringtones. Yeah I like making them now still You make ringtones. Yeah, they're mad easy to do on your phone. You have ringtones some for what just for like Alarms and like certain type of shit. Oh Like I don't I don't like they're like the apple alarm things. I like more calming shit So yeah, I like I don't like to be woken up. I I'm like, yo
Starting point is 00:53:36 Yeah, like I don't want my first moment of the day is me terrified. Yeah I I I I have my alarm is a very calming song as well. Yeah, it's like waves You have to you have to wake up like that. Yeah, it's nice like that one of this Yeah, I'm like, dude, how much do you want to hate your life? The fuck is this you wake up immediately hating your life Yeah, I'm like fuck. That's why people hate alarm clocks. That's true Fuck my alarm clock because it's like, oh, I feel like cell phones had to kill alarm clock industry. You still have an alarm clock now Also, another thing with sidekicks is it had aim
Starting point is 00:54:11 On it to you could like instant message from other fuckers. What was your first screen name? I know it. It's like really corny though. It's not corny. I've no one's proud of their first screen in corny What is it? It was ryu 914 The fuck is that Raiu is like a character from street fighter. So I was yeah, I love street fighter. So I think I mean that makes sense Yeah, and then it was always the area code after for me. I always put my area code Mine was not like so like my my first screen name was joe mud 22
Starting point is 00:54:50 First of all, yeah Where the fuck did mud come from? It was like, I don't know like I remember I made it at my cousin's house And I was like, oh like joe mud, you know like joe dirt, but like mud That was that was my thinking the fact that you wanted to name yourself after joe dirt. I I don't know what that was. Do you know what keats first screen name was not a joke not a joke Farts burn butts 11. Yeah, that's pretty solid though. It's hysterical. That's what he made it. Yeah, it's great Yeah, I always there was always some dude that was always like lax boys 12. Yeah, I was that guy too though But like so Frankie's first screen name was a little columbian pimp and his mom found out and fucking
Starting point is 00:55:33 Reamed him. She's like you don't eat that right now. You know what a pimp is And he had you obviously had no idea. I'm just like, oh yo pimp because like 50 cents album just dropped, but like, uh I also had joe dog joe dog joe dog looks cool. I mean, that's not Do you remember the like when aol used to have the login sounds though? Yeah, and like people will leave the door closed Yeah, yeah, but you could make music at yours remember. Yeah, all the girls had You want to know what mine was what Right carry right carry and the other one that The other one ahead was uh kind of harmonizing here. Yeah, it was great
Starting point is 00:56:14 I've been really killing it as far as like I'll be short singing on the podcast. I'll be honest with you. I think that's 100% My doing because I sing around you so yeah You sing so around me so much that I now can sing. Yeah, I'll take it. It's tele telekinesis That's not right. Yeah, we'll figure it out fix it and pose But no the other thing the other one I have was dirt pop dirt pop. That was another one Dirt pop. I heard it every other one that people had That was just like uh because you could have a login and a log off one. Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:56:47 You remember away messages. They were the best They're awesome. Mine were always like third eye blind lyrics though Wish you would step back from that ledge my friend. How's it gonna be? That was the best that was the one and also you remember your profile Yeah, of course dude. I had a profile. I think I've told you this before. Yeah, maybe I set out a podcast or something Yeah, I think we might we might have brushed upon this before in my aim profile Uh-huh You know you could like make pictures out of like
Starting point is 00:57:17 Like backslashes. Yeah. Yeah, like somebody like standing there. It was a crucifix And in the middle of it. It said you go miss me when I'm gone I was like what the fuck I'm also like seventh grade. They're like, what am I doing? I'm also I'm also thinking of you in the seventh grade. He's going Yes Fucking enter it's like they are going to miss me. They are definitely especially when I'm gone I was listening to a lot of good charlotte probably back then. I don't know what that was
Starting point is 00:57:46 People would always put like very for the day they started dating on there Yeah, you want to know these are huge back in the day. Yeah, I think we talked about this too, but like Any girl that would do x capital letter Then lowercase than capital was definitely giving up the buns. Oh my god They were the girls that first started kissing people on the cheek. Yeah There was always like baby bella or something. Yeah, a little baby little sexy baby Yeah, like it with the eye sexy. We're like x s e x c i i and the eyes were always lowercase. Yeah. Oh, yeah Yeah, you can't have a capital i
Starting point is 00:58:21 Little little sexy baby little sexy mommy little hotty body. I'm like, yo like you guys are 12 Yeah, like it's cool because it's cool because i'm 12 as well, but relax with the hotty body stuff. Okay It's your fucking underdeveloped body. Yeah, it's fucking weird. Yeah talking to me. No Yeah, but a personal attack to be honest with you aol because a first of all AOL, why did it make that noise? Which one? Oh the dial up shit. Yeah Like I know you're not calling anyone right now. Yeah, like let's make that up. Remember who picked up the fucking phone
Starting point is 00:58:59 What when you'd be on the internet and someone picked the phone up? Oh, yeah Oh my god, and you couldn't use two things at one shit. Yeah get off the phone who picked up Sorry death Idiots idiots. No, I know dude. I miss aimed so much. I one time I had I tried to log back in when they when they got rid of it I know I tried to do because I wanted to see other people's screen names. I had like a bunch Uh, but I remember my way messages. I got in trouble for my mom because one of them was Running around the house naked catch me if you can and I was in like sixth grade She's like the fuck is this? I know, you know what I mean? And then the other one was uh
Starting point is 00:59:34 Kanye lyrics from slow jams was like I got in trouble with that type of stuff too slow jams It was like bring the cool whip that I want you to strip. She's like Who the fuck are you like? Who's reading this? You know what I mean? You're in sixth grade enough I had like uh Like some like dmx lyrics up there one time my mom was just like what what the fuck is this? You know, he's got crazy songs. He's like I got blood on my dick because I fucked a corpse. That's what it was It was like it was in that song
Starting point is 01:00:04 Because I fucked the corpse because they hugged our corpse Yeah, I think it might have been that song actually But yeah, I got knocked for that big time and also my voicemail one time was like the scene and training day Which one when he's like you motherfuckers. Oh, yeah playing basketball and pelican bay when i'm done with you Yeah, oh you motherfuckers. I need my money. Jake And then my mom's like I'm taking your phone away. Yeah And then a part of me is like how stupid are you? I don't know why we would do that. Do you know I call
Starting point is 01:00:37 the we're like You instead of a dial tone. It's a song. I hate that. Yeah, and it was always like It was always like I don't want to hear his orchestra music. Yeah, what are we? No, I don't want to hear any of that. Fuck that. Also. I think we talked about before though, too As well as when people are like hey Oh, all right Oh, sorry. Yeah, fucking you you jerk. Look at your dicks only because I got caught every time. Yeah. Yeah I want one question. I wanted to ask you
Starting point is 01:01:09 go for it. Um Do you ever think like when you're playing vietnam just real quick because this is like out of nowhere Okay, but like recently we were talking about like Like old video games that we loved or whatever growing up. Do you ever get kind of scared like how evolved video games are sometimes? As long as we don't fucking get robots going I'm cool. Yeah that robot thing scares the shit out of me. Fuck robots hard I'm terrified of robots. No, I I'm not even kidding. I legit am like I'm a legit afraid And I saw this like thread on twitter the other day. It was like predictions about the future based on
Starting point is 01:01:44 You know science or some shit and there were some really cool things like they're like, oh apple's gonna release this car Which I don't whopping by the way. You're gonna cop it. Yeah You're not gonna you're not gonna cop that Yeah, if they're fucking I've had six hundred dollars imagine how much a fucking apple car is gonna be that's true. That should be That's just gonna be like and they'll put it on the screen that's fucking asshole. Yeah, like and it's only Five million five million dollars people just fucking suck Ah man
Starting point is 01:02:17 Think about how big of a nerd you have to get me to like go to one of those Yeah, I used to watch this shit out of them. I watched them too I feel like nerd out for like you know, they you know, they dropped a new phone yet. I'll come back I want to tease you too. We'd be like and here you are with The home pod. I'm like, I don't give a shit about this. I have a bluetooth speaker right the fuck where he's just talking about the Oh, the future thing. Oh, just like like the evolution of like technology So what I wanted to say was like this thread had like shit like that and then it had this one thing where
Starting point is 01:02:47 It was like this robot. That's like a fucking Like a butler in everyone's home. It's terrifying and I'm like, dude. Fuck that. I'm like in a robot just to hang out with No, no, that's cool. None of that's cool. No and dude like I just I don't like it or like there was something else I saw with like, oh you put a chip in your arm And then you're like, yeah, I'm not chipping shit. Fuck you. You're not chipping me Is is charlie chipped your dog I think so
Starting point is 01:03:15 That makes sense. You want to find your fucking dog? Yeah, you get your ass out there and you find that fucking dog No, but I my dog's chips, but that's not me. Yeah, if I get lost leave me charlie chips Yeah, charlie's chipped up, but I'm not I'm not doing any of that like I don't I don't fuck with any of that shit Like, uh, I just heard bill burr talking. I think it was bill burr talking about this too like Like ancestry where you spit into a vial and you know my mom just did that Isn't that kind of weird like very weird does someone just have like everyone's dna now? Well, that's the thing. It came back like I'm part irish like
Starting point is 01:03:50 From like, yeah, but like who fucking cares. Yeah, it's true. I was like, oh i'm 0.08 irish I was like, okay. Yeah, I just My sister did she's like, uh, we're like 99 percent european. I'm like, I know. Yeah, right? I know that I could see you could see it. I just that's it I don't care if i'm like point like less than 1 percent from fucking chili Yeah, that's true Like now someone just has vials of your spit your dna and eventually they're gonna start cloning
Starting point is 01:04:24 100 and then make a better version of you that's gonna fuck you up That's gonna be weird to the point like say like you're married And one of you is gonna die, but you can clone them Mad There's a there's a black mirror episode about that I need to watch the show black mirror how you haven't watched it I've only watched the first the last episode I watched was the one with john ham In it
Starting point is 01:04:47 What a fucking sexy dude, you know hurdy's got the fucking ham piece. Wait, how do you hurt? How'd you hear that dude? It went viral John ham's dicks out there. No, it's not his dick. You know, but he's side piping so hard Yeah, it's insane. Wait side piping who? Like no, like like side pipe is like yeah, yeah, yeah when your dick sits in one side of your jeans all the way down. Yeah Wait, where where where this guy's fucking I'm like a god damn horse got the ham. Yeah, it's full of hammer Full of hammer
Starting point is 01:05:18 It's girth too. You could tell Idris alba too Guys got a hog on him does he yeah, I mean he looks like he's got a hog on He's just like in good shape fucking accent english that guy could fuck whatever he wants. Yeah I'd like both of them fuck whoever I end up marrying But yeah, please for my for my birthday do this for me. Yeah, me and Idris smash the same chicks. It's fire You know what I mean? No, but I just want to get money to fuck you up. I want
Starting point is 01:05:48 Yeah, I wouldn't you uh, no No, but the reason I was saying like the evolution of video games Like because you're gonna start twitching soon, right? Yeah So Are you only gonna play like new games or the like or do you think you'll dabble? Like I feel like everyone's talking about fortnight right now fortnight and pub g Yeah, I mean I play fortnight, but like I don't really fuck with too many games like I might because I'm like Gonna be on fucking twitch or whatever. I'm just gonna play one game forever. That'll be fun. That'll be fun
Starting point is 01:06:18 My entire life. I played like mad and fifa call duty and fucking and now I've played like fortnight Like that's pretty much. Yeah, you know, I don't oh, I actually played assassin's creed like crazy, too and fortnights All over the world right now. You gotta play that. It's out of control. I I know where you land, but where do you land? Fucking snobby snobby Like I landed a couple spots though. Also, I don't like have a name Well, is that one time you landed a tilted towers and nobody found you. Yeah, that was weird forever That was awesome though. That was good. That'll never happen again. Probably not
Starting point is 01:06:55 Where are you going with this? Oh, no, I'm just saying just like we were thinking about like the evolution of cell phones So we went from like the sidekick to the air to like these fucking iPhones now It's been the same thing like video games, too Do you ever think about how like video games could eventually one day be like, you know, you're up in my watching tv right now? I know Yeah, the other day Uh, I was playing and a lot of saw me playing. She's like all the Yankees are on I was like this M will be the show. She was like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:07:21 She's this is a video game. Yeah, she was like, this is a video game Yeah, and remember at one point like when we saw games from like 10 years ago. We were like, you know, the graphics are amazing Crazy, dude, and it was just like pixelated shit There's a lot of like girl gamers too Now like on like on twitch girls who got titties They all got titties, but like girls who got like I meant like
Starting point is 01:07:52 Because yo, I'm not saying this is like the way to go I'm just saying though. There are a lot of girls that are on twitch that just have the titties out Yeah, they drop the bombs. They drop the hams out full funk flex Yeah, they like have the cleave showing a lot of cleave a lot of cleave mass together do it too though Dude, what? Yeah, if I had like hot ass tits, I would definitely promote them on like on a live stream Watch you, you know rake in money. You're kidding me But a lot of them like there's been people who do that the only thing I'd ever be I'm not saying all of them do that
Starting point is 01:08:24 I'm just saying like if you have big ass teas You get you're at an advantage 100 because who's on this app for the most part nerdy gamer kids Absolutely, and when they have the chance to see some fucking teas and video game at the same at the same Simultane Dude sign me up. Yeah tits are for our fire dude Yeah, yo, can I be honest with you? Yeah, I fucking love boobs. Come on. Who doesn't love boobs? But you're like I feel like you're more of an ass man though. What gave you that idea? I don't know
Starting point is 01:08:57 I feel like People ask you that like yo you're a tick I ask I'm like dude. I fucking like I'm a big ratio, dude Yeah, I love I love boobs like a nice set of boobs. They're great You're so so added. Oh, dude. I just I just feel like for girls out there. It's like, you know, just It's rock. I'm just rock with your titties. It's all right Like if you want to get cosmetic surgery because to make you feel better Like titties I understand So like you see these people that they get like cosmetic surgery that look like ducks
Starting point is 01:09:33 I hate lip surgery. Like why do you want to look like that? I think that looks so dumb It looks so dumb. I don't think I've ever seen one that looks good. No Looks weird. No fake titties are cool though. I mean fake enough. I think a fake ass is weird Like black china's ass Or like Nicki Minaj's ass. It's like you have a implant in your butt cheeks. That must feel weird walking around Yeah, like when you sit on the toilet, can you feel like your ass on there? Yeah Yeah, what yeah, you know Kind of bugs me out. Is this real weird like they literally I think
Starting point is 01:10:07 I think literally is taller sitting down from the research I think so. She's built like a garden gnome but like the thing is like I think they cut your butt and then they flip and and they put like an implant in there like with your fat That's also in there. I think That's kind of nuts. Yeah, I would want that. I'm just rocking my butt. There's dudes that have caffeine plants What is that? I don't know, but it's true I can I can see that happening because there are a lot of guys like I'll go to the gym
Starting point is 01:10:37 And I'll see some guys who like skinny ass legs. I know and like they're strong Looks like you just can't get your calves. I was blessed though. My calves are pretty legit. Yeah My legs are sick. I got some thickums. Yeah, you're you're a fucking you're a thick boy. I'm a thick boy I'm a thick boy, but I remember watching But some people are like their legs are match strong, but they just can't get them big and they look Well, I watched that you remember that show obviously you remember true life Yeah, like there was one where these people got like cosmetic surgery and that guy got fake silicone calves The fuck gross. It's really weird. Also true life was so fire true life was weird
Starting point is 01:11:14 Some of them are just like weird Tommy from the shore though. Tommy from the shore fucking cheese balls That one guy I'm trying to find someone to fall in love with tonight. I need you to show What really? Yeah, here's where you're doing that. He's like we go in there. We dance we take over the club And that's it. I'll be honest with you. I'm not the best-looking guy and I don't smell the best But I'm a good fucking dancer. She wiped my head. I knew she was the one What kind of girl would do that? What kind of girl go get napkins come back away be a fucking head I want to be there. I'm gonna bring I'm gonna bring it up. Did you watch the New Jersey Shore? No
Starting point is 01:11:51 I watched like half of it. I didn't it's okay I just feel like weird watching because I'm like, oh god, these guys are 40. I know Yeah, they're probably gonna fat ass check though fat ass check I'll check in on it from time to time. Yeah, I mean that that show was incredible The original dude think about how monumental it was. It was it's a it's a ridiculous Dude, I would run home to watch it Yeah, and you couldn't not watch it because you're like, yeah What are you just not gonna be you're gonna partake in any conversations the next day because that's all anyone talked about
Starting point is 01:12:19 That was it that was it and Jersey Shore was huge Jersey Shore was huge I wonder whether they're making like an episode now probably dumb stacks. I don't know They get paid differently though. What do you mean? Oh as for like popularity where they are. Yeah, I think so But like still I don't think yo poly D ricks. Fuck. Yeah, dude. He's like he had like a residency He had fucking in vegas. Yeah, they showed him was like, yeah, that's my Rolls Royce right there. You know, we keep it clean I was like this dude's got a fucking Lambo a Rolls Royce. Everything's white Yeah, you know, you're winning when everything's white everything's white all white everything crazy No, but he was like a dj for him for you ever since Jersey Shore. He was in he's I think he lives in vegas killing it
Starting point is 01:13:02 Crushing good for him. Yeah. I mean you made time and then you know mike on the other end I know a little trouble. Yeah, he's not paying you taxes. I know you'll check it out at some point What the Jersey Shore thing? Yeah, I mean if it like If it goes like viral and there's a reason to like I don't want to go watch the same show Like I'm not interested in it. Well, I feel like you don't watch you don't watch like a lot of tv I don't watch tv at all. You're a netflix guy Yeah, I don't really watch anything like that to be honest. Yeah well, I think uh
Starting point is 01:13:34 So I got to check out black mirror and then mine Why watch sons I finished that she was fire. Yeah, you want you finished it? No, all right Don't say shit to me dude. You got a lot going on. What season are you on five? Oh, you saw some big-time deaths then already did But don't say anything. I know I don't want to spoil it for anybody here. We'll talk off. Yeah, but mine hunter Dude, my hunter was fire. I'm gonna start tonight then so good. I heard it was dope. It was But black mirror that's my favorite show by far It's kind of it's some of the best writing I've ever seen in my life That's exactly what I was gonna say from all the episodes that I watched even the first one about like
Starting point is 01:14:10 Everyone rating each other excuse everyone rating each other. Yeah It's kind of what happens now It's terrifying. I like how it's it's very uh, it has like deeper meaning. Yeah They definitely try to cross over but it is still like an extreme. It's fucking awesome. I love black mirror I gotta check that out. I'm so horny for black mirror You have no idea and also the other thing the push that you told me about was awesome The push I encourage anyone Who has an Netflix account to watch the push? It's fucking
Starting point is 01:14:40 Insane. Yeah, it's kind of wild. It's pretty great Anyway, I think we could wrap this up, huh? Yeah, we gotta get some burgers. Dude. I gotta. Yeah, I gotta eat some food Man, I love you. I'll do a podcast with you any day of the week. But boy needs to meet All right, we're gonna get just get some food But where can they find you Danny? You could find me at Danny little priori on instagram and twitter Find me on a black disobey in the law. Yo first acorn. Where is he? I don't know. I think he's like saving the world. Good for him. I fucking loved acorn. Dude, acorn's the fucking man And then like what young G the ha ha like right underneath it
Starting point is 01:15:20 Yeah, you know, they made fire a season. We got to listen to that when we're outside Yes, all right snowman make it snow. Anyway, uh, yeah, that is all for this week's episode of the baseman yarn Thanks for listening. Well, I'll see you next time you motherfucker

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