The Basement Yard - Other People's Lives

Episode Date: February 27, 2017

On this episode, I have my buddy @GregDybec on to talk about our new show Other People's Lives. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. It's Sunday, February 26th. I'm with my The one and only the one and only my co-host on the other podcast other people's lives. Mr. Greg die back You say my name so weird. What is it? Die back. Oh back back. I say die back. Why don't you fucking correct me? I all this time. I've been fucking it up Except this one I can interrupt our show whatever I can I can do that now because I'm 25 guys I turned 25 yesterday Yeah, it was a good time my friends they all threw a surprise party for me at a bar and
Starting point is 00:00:38 I didn't drink at all because that I had acid reflux like a fucking 90 year old I don't know what happened to me. It was 4 a.m. The night before my birthday and I woke up and my Upper chest and throat felt like they had a fever Like it was on fire and I was like am I about to throw up like what's going on? So I just stood up and was standing over the sink and I was like, I guess not and then I just went back to bed I just I actually know I downloaded a doodle jump Hell's doodle jump. I'm glad you asked if you go to their site. No You know, you never heard a doodle jump. It's kind of sounds familiar. It's like it's this game
Starting point is 00:01:14 Where it's just like a hop thing, you know, maybe so you Yeah, okay, okay No, I didn't throw up I just had where you felt like yeah, I didn't know what it was Let me download a game instead I was like, let me distract myself because if I sit there and I just think about the fact that my throat's on fire Then I'm gonna like get in my head and just be you know Smart. Yeah, I try not to be a hypochondriac, you know, because but if I think about it, then I become one and then I start getting cold sweats I don't want to do that. So the next day I woke up and I was like, you know, obviously looking it up
Starting point is 00:01:46 And it said I either had cancer or acid reflux. So I figured it was acid reflux Because everything was on fucking WebMD. It's like, do you know, I'm not even making this up. There was a time where My hand my left hand was like peeling like everywhere like all over my hand like the bottom of my hand Yeah, the palm of my hand was like peeling. I don't know why Jesus and I was like, what is going on and No, I mean I'm making it sound like way worse than it is but then I looked it up and Like I just found I found AIDS and I was like AIDS. Yeah, so I was like super nervous
Starting point is 00:02:22 I was like do I have AIDS and I thought that the fact that my pop was fucking shedding I guess I Was like I have AIDS, you know Once you get lost on like WebMD, it's over and I don't you know I don't do the whole unprotected sex with random people thing at all. So I had nothing really to worry about But I was still super nervous Psych like swap blood or something. Yeah, and you know like you go insane
Starting point is 00:02:50 Like I was playing basketball that one time and that yeah, yeah, I sweat hit me in the lip I don't know what happened and then you start thinking of like wait like what is going on And then the last girl before that I had sex with before that Like I don't know what I was looking for but I just went to her Instagram page And I remember in her profile in her bio It said something like be positive and I'm like I don't need to see positive Like I was just you know, whatever but you definitely want to see I'm a psycho pictures of hers her with other guys Yeah, like I was like
Starting point is 00:03:26 I would have been you know so deep in I don't know was I was expecting like that day she was posting a SCD tests on her Instagram or some shit, but Yeah, I'm done like that, but I thought I had acid reflux, but yeah, I'm 25 now. Well, happy birthday. Thank you How's it feel 25? I don't really That's an age where a lot of people freak out cuz it's just I don't I mean I don't I mean a 30 I'm going to lose my shit You're gonna lose it before that probably. I don't think so. These are all middle ages for me. This means nothing Yeah, but 21 was a thing in your mid 20s and after 25
Starting point is 00:04:02 You're in like your upper 20s. I Mean, I don't know. It helps that I have friends who are older than me because I'm like, ah, they're you know They're not doing anything yet. It's like all my friends were like married and had kids and shit I'd be like, okay. What oh god, you know what I mean? Cuz then it feels like then the next step is kind of you know Whatever like thankfully I've you know, I've been People like the fact that I'm an asshole on the internet So I know what I'm doing until it crashes and burns you've got your thing for now, right? So I'm not like too worried about that stuff
Starting point is 00:04:35 And I'm moving into my new place on Wednesday. So I mean that's nice as well. You're making moves. No, yeah Not bad for 25. Yeah, I mean I give it till 27 and then I'm like, you know crash and burn I hope I could keep this up for another two years. I have to say though. I was partly involved in the Planning for this surprise party and you made it so difficult Right for everyone involved because they were all at a bar and I was like, oh, I'm Greg texted me in the middle of the day and he's like, you know, you want to stop by Joe's garage Yeah, my job was to get you to the bar for a drink I was like it would be us but everyone would be there. Yeah, and then and then you come out with acid reflux
Starting point is 00:05:12 Yeah, none of my friends let me live that down yesterday, by the way I feel like you're not drinking you got acid reflux you fucking fairy. I was like, yeah, man, sorry But I didn't drink and then the actual day that was the day before my birthday and then my actual birthday I literally just stayed home watch black mirror, which is a fucking great show great show my god Whoever writes those episodes Amazing, I think it's it's one of the it's one of the best written shows I've ever ever seen it's so spot Not that I know anything about that Technology society the satire. It's just oh, it's beautiful guys watch black mirror
Starting point is 00:05:50 You might be a little thrown off by the first episode of the first season, but just keep this power through It's totally fine But yeah, what else are we talking about here, I don't fucking know but yesterday was was a lot of fun I've never had a surprise party thrown for me. The best two was when we finally Somehow got you to the bar with a small group of friends. Oh, yeah, didn't know everyone else was at the bar So hold on real quick when I showed up to my house Some of my friends were there like Greg was there and then like four or five other my friends were there Surprise I was like, oh shit like and one of my friends had lied and my friend Frankie was like, you know
Starting point is 00:06:31 I can't come this weekend. I have shit to do at work blah blah blah. I was like, okay, whatever. It's no big deal I don't really celebrate my birthday. Anyway, so he shows up and I was like, oh you fucking liar You told me blah blah blah so there and then Frankie was like listen I'm not I wasn't lying about working tomorrow like I actually have to go to work So like can we actually hit a bar and not just sit in your house? All right, so I was like, all right Yeah, let's go to a bar and then but I wasn't gonna drink So I just went to the bar and in the car on the way there I was like, you know, I have a bold prediction
Starting point is 00:07:03 but I'm gonna save it for later and the prediction was that my friends were gonna be in the bar and When I walked into the bar, no one was in there, right? None of my I mean, there was a couple of the people but like there was none of my friends were in there It wasn't like packed or anything either you could see the whole place. So I was like, all right I guess I was wrong. So I just went into the bathroom and I'm peeing which is perfect Yeah, you walked right into the bathroom when you got there, right? so I went to the bathroom I'm peeing and then two of my friends walk in and They're just kind of talking to me and my friends like did you tell Frankie about blah blah blah?
Starting point is 00:07:34 And so I was telling him a story and then after that was over I guess they did that to like stall me so like everyone was like outside around the corner and then came in So when I came out of the bathroom, they were all there. It was literally like 40 people It was a lot of people and then it was like surprise and I was like, oh fuck It was awesome. Dude literally like everyone everyone was there. Yeah, that was awesome. It was crazy Super dope My friend Ahmed was fucking drunk as hell. It's just dancing the whole time You know, remember people used to dance and like take their hat off with like their elbow and I was literally doing that shit
Starting point is 00:08:10 Me and Greg ran house and darts. Oh Any challengers out there? 8 p.m. Every night and then I just got a new dartboard for my birthday. Actually Keith got me a dartboard So this will probably be the last you hear from us. Yeah, this is the last episode. Sorry darts from now on all darts And if I get a ping-pong table, you're never gonna see my face again You got a sick gift too though that all your friends threw in for oh, yeah all my friends They got me a signed Eli Manning helmet and like a case to put it in amazing It's for the man cave. Oh
Starting point is 00:08:46 The man cave is my entire place That's basically my I feel like I'm trying to be mature with the stuff that I buy because I'm like this just can't be like a frat house looking thing Definitely not off to a good start. I know I'm not I have a dartboard and a football. Yeah, right But uh, like as long as my living room kitchen area looks mature It's got like a nice couch or something. Yeah, I mean I have that couch out there that I have in here I'm probably gonna keep because you know, whatever. It's a couch. I don't give a shit, but um Yeah, I bought some other stuff like I hate to buy dumb shit like I was buying lamps
Starting point is 00:09:21 I'm like the fuck am I buying two lamps two lamps 130 dollars The fuck I'll light a candle Give me a fucking What's that called a lantern? The fuck I need two of these things. Oh god It's so stupid. The place is amazing though. No, the place is the place is fucking awesome And there I haven't seen in person yet, but if those were actual photos that you showed me, it's incredible No, I made them up
Starting point is 00:09:48 No, yeah, it's it's it's huge. It's it's really it's I want to say it's probably quadruple the size of the place that I have now um It's the best part the best part is the roof. I can't wait. There's a there's a private roof That's you know, pretty big and there's roof furniture. You can lay down you can sit you could barbecue And there's an outdoor shower up there. Really? Yeah, it's not like in clothes It's just like at the beach when you're leaving and you press the button Oh, right. Yeah, it's like that you have to take your showers up there and no, yeah naked just straight
Starting point is 00:10:22 Because like there's not like other roofs next to you. I think like I don't I can't remember like They're definitely not on the same level as you like you you can't if you fall off your debt Basically, that's what I'm saying. Just don't slip on the soap. Exactly. So I mean you could tan naked up there straight up If you wanted to if you could shower naked on your own roof, like you're on top of the world Yes, that's incredible Some people could see you but when are you ever going to see these people, you know Like there's a big city bank building right behind you and it's like, you know Hundreds stories or whatever it is, but like you do that far away. Give them some excitement during their work
Starting point is 00:10:56 Yeah, we take some binoculars. You're gonna need them You know water's cold on the roof Uh luckily, uh my new landlords they had a uh Like a bed because like they have like an so it's like three floors sort of It's a walk up and then you're in the living room and there's a master bedroom an office Stairs and then when you're at the landing of the top of the stairs, there's the bedroom with a bathroom And that's where I'm going to use it with my bedroom. The roof is like low because it's like an attic But like I can stand in it, you know, I'm like 5 10
Starting point is 00:11:34 On a great day. Yeah, I was gonna say I am 5 10. Are you 5 10? Yeah, I guess I'm 5 not yeah, whatever So like it's it's fine for me. I'm not like 6 4 and they're gonna like have to bend over to whatever Um, and there's a skylight right above my bed, which is fucking sick um And then if on those stairs if you continue going up, that's where you get to the roof So it's fucking it's awesome, but you're gonna actually live there too. Yeah, I'm actually gonna live there Yeah, I haven't slept one day here. Yeah, not once so this is this is big for you Oh, yeah, this is like kind of like your first apartment. Yeah, I got your own right it is
Starting point is 00:12:11 Congrats, and it's not like walking distance. I'm not really nervous. The only thing I'm nervous about is my dog Uh Just because like I don't know man I feel I'll feel bad for him. He you know, he stays with my other dog all the time And we have a front yard that they go and they can see people walking by and they're entertained like that Here he's kind of you know, we're on the third floor And there's not really I mean there's a view like whatever, but it's just me in there So I feel bad in that aspect. Should just build a giant fence around the roof and like let him chill up there
Starting point is 00:12:45 No, yeah, which is what there's there's fences. There's Uh Guard rails or whatever that he definitely can't like jump off of unless he's like Crazy suicidals. You have to like go for it. You know My mom was like, what if he sees a bird? I'm like, what? It's like if I throw a tennis ball two feet in the air, he can't see that Anyway, uh, let's get the sponsors real quick here. Uh, first one I'll be honest. I didn't open it yet
Starting point is 00:13:15 We got a zip recruiter Hold on. Let me read this. Are you hiring? Do you know where to post your job to find the best candidates? Sorry posting your job in one place isn't enough to find quality candidates If you want to find the perfect hire you need to post your job on all the top job sites And now you can with zip You can post your job to 200 plus job sites including social media networks like facebook And twitter all with a single click find candidates in any city or industry nationwide um
Starting point is 00:13:53 No juggling emails or calls to your office quickly screen candidates rate them and hire the right person fast So yeah, go to Right now you my listeners can post Jobs on zip recruiter for free by going to zip slash basement. That's zip Slash basement Okay, one more time
Starting point is 00:14:15 for you deaf sons of bitches zip slash basement the next Sponsor we have is me undies guys if you haven't gotten a pair get up I'm moving into a new place. This is not a lie and not a joke. I am throwing out every Underwear that I have that isn't me undies Partially because mostly because it's the most comfortable underwear that I own and I'm really I really mean that and also because I I'm I'm ready. I'm ready to start over
Starting point is 00:14:50 I don't want to keep this old shit And I'm throwing out all my socks also because I have a thousand socks and I just want to start over and I haven't worn matching socks I was gonna say they never match. They don't match. I just I haven't worn matching socks in years, but anyway Uh me undies elevate your underwear game to the next level with me undies. You've perfected your wardrobe But what about the stuff and not everyone else gets to see underwear vagina dick things like that So it's on the inside can't really yeah of the underwear Um, yeah, this stuff is twice twice as soft as cotton
Starting point is 00:15:23 Seriously, it makes your balls feel like they're in a cloud. I heard it's made from Another human skin. That's wrong. This is made from stuff. That's twice as soft as cotton Uh Micro modal model model. I don't fucking know. Um Guess what you can save time and money each month with a monthly subscription And if you're not ready for a subscription, that's okay. You can still save That's because me undies is offering you 20% off your first pair. Just use our special url me slash basement and get 20% off your first pair. So go ahead
Starting point is 00:15:56 revamp your underwear drawer like I am I really am However, I am going to try and squeeze them for some free shit Since I'm doing this Anyway, uh, that's me slash basement Check it out. Get some free underwear doing that shit When did you make the switch from tidy whiteies? Yo, I swear to god, that's a lovely question
Starting point is 00:16:22 But I I don't know exactly but I was pretty young But I remember when I made the switch I showed everyone Oh, it's a it's a big moment for guys. I don't know if people realize that. No, it's huge I thought I it's like you remember when you're kidding you got new sneakers And you you just had to be like, yo, I could beat you in a race now Like you thought it made you run faster and like I wore boxers and I would say like I would just like I was pretentious because I had boxers. I'm like, dude, I can't even like hang out with you Like you're immature. Some people are late bloomers
Starting point is 00:16:54 It's like it's weird because as a kid you have to find out Like on your own that oh wait, not everyone out there is wearing Really constricting right white like almost see through like what are these things and then you see boxers And then you have to like approach your mom or something. It's like, yeah, you're like, yo, I need Yeah, is that what it's like when you like trying to buy a period for the first time or like buying a bra for the first Yeah, that's a good example But yeah, it's like, uh Yeah, there's something else out there. Yeah, it's I don't know. I remember I remember though specifically
Starting point is 00:17:27 I remember where I was wearing they weren't even mine. They were my older brother's boxers And they didn't even like fit me. I just wore them because I was like, yo, what's good, you know So my neighbor next door I forgot what he said, but he said something and I was like, yo, you don't even wear boxers I remember specifically saying that and I was under the age of 10. I know that No, you you feel good in your first pair of boxers. Yeah, but now I'm over boxers. I'm straight up briefs I don't think to be tight I can't if I wear a pair of box, you know when it starts to like fold out the top like a fucking
Starting point is 00:17:58 Like a bathing suit or something. Yeah, the fuck is this flopping around Yeah, I don't like anything constricting my thighs. Like I never wore Cups in baseball or football or anything because I was like this this fucking hurts You know, I'm I can't fuck with it. I'll take the dick hit Safety, I never really got hit in the dick, which is nice, you know, I was good on the field. I was like Ray Ardonius I could hit. I mean, I can't hit but I could field Just like just like Ray Um
Starting point is 00:18:29 But yeah, tiny whiteies are just like a disaster They're not good. Why do they exist? I don't know and then my dad like I think he still wears them So like growing up if I ever For some reason saw my dad in his underwear, which happens. You see you see that like my dad Majority of the time war is underwear. Yeah, that's it. So so it's like you just think you go through your whole life Like, oh, I'm gonna be an adult one day still wearing this shit diapers. Yeah. Yeah, dude And you know, it's you know what else I don't get first of all white Why why like just asking for dude, we have it's like a sick joke whoever made tiny ways like ha ha everyone's wearing these
Starting point is 00:19:08 Like dude, I have a man ass like sometimes things You know I'm dying to buy a pair of tiny whiteies just to see myself in them. No, I I don't want to like yo like I'll be honest here. All right for you for those of you who are not aware a guy's asshole Looks like a like a A dessert like a nightmare like a like a maybe there's like what's a good a tim Burton film. Hmm. That's what they look like It's bad from like Lord of the Rings or whatever. If you watch porn, that's not real guys asses don't look like that
Starting point is 00:19:48 Tanned and clean and shit. No Dude, if I scratch my ass There's there's marks. There's something in my underwear. I'm telling you right now What does that mean? What does that even mean? I've been like skid marks, you know, okay, it happens, bro I'll be honest. I think I'm the most average wiper in the world. I don't think I'm great I don't think I'm great
Starting point is 00:20:25 I like baby wipes You know, I don't fuck with the paper. Yeah, baby. I never think to buy baby wipes I know, but if you're at someone's place and they have baby wipes, it's like it's like you're on vacation Yeah, it's like, oh god, I'm not leaving. I'm staying five stars. I'm like, I'm not going home now I got paper there. And then in school you had that brown paper. It's like, yeah, I'll just wipe my ass with card Fucking sandpaper. Why don't I? But anyway, by the way, I just want to quickly address this bathing suits Okay
Starting point is 00:20:57 I'm talking to all bathing suits right now. I hope you're listening bathing suits. Stop putting nets in your shit What is that? What is the nets? I cut all the nets out What is the point of that? You're constricting my thighs and and and uh Making the tip chafe Yeah, I would get a rash all the time. That's why I still don't like the beach and then sand gets in the net
Starting point is 00:21:22 Oh, and it's like it's like a torture device. Yeah. God forbid a like a fish got it Whoever invented tidy whitey's definitely invented the net bathing suit. The net bathing suit is so dumb and they're just fucking with everyone Yeah, like oh god It's dumb. It's not easy being a guy I'm kidding Oh, I had this conversation the other day. I was like if I had to pick Every year what I wanted to be at the end of the year guy every time 100% Every like it's without a doubt
Starting point is 00:21:53 Anyway, um yeah, so For those of you who don't know me and Greg have this podcast called other people's lives and I guess it kind of started I mean it was your your idea in the beginning and then we kind of morphed it together But what was the original idea?
Starting point is 00:22:16 I think the original idea I was just I think I mentioned it to you one day Where I'm just like obsessed with finding ways to learn stories From strangers and like how like how can I talk to more strangers and the name kind of comes from In my book. There's a chapter called the art of living other people's lives Where I just eavesdrop on everyone. I've been doing that for like Five years So I collected all these amazing quotes from people that I just heard like walking past them in the street and I'd always write them down
Starting point is 00:22:49 So I think it kind of started there and then I just kept thinking like what other format can this exist in or how? Can we just reach out to strangers even if they're anonymous and We were going back and forth. It's hard to do that Like we had some bad ideas like let's just call random numbers and see who picks up Yeah, just meet people on the street and ask them to get on the phone with us Yeah, and that wasn't realistic and then I think as we talked about it more Kind of the light bulb went off in both our heads like uh the internet exists. Yeah, we should just use that Yeah, um, so basically, I mean if you haven't seen unlike my
Starting point is 00:23:26 Social media or you have seen it and went fuck that shit. I don't need another fucking show from this piece of garbage Understandable totally get it but for those of you who are interested um On the show we just basically we've been scouring craigslist I mean craigslist mainly craigslist where where we just look for the most interesting things like We've had you know the first episode was about a guy who wants to platonically cuddle naked with another man Right, so he put a craigslist ad up just saying like i'm searching for a guy who will come to my apartment Get naked
Starting point is 00:24:05 With me and just cuddle and no not a sexual thing. No strictly platonic right just want to cuddle So we see an ad like that and we're like dude. We gotta fucking talk to this guy. Yeah So we we literally we email them beforehand and we tell them like hey listen like we have this podcast We're gonna be recording you But you know, whatever and then we don't that's it and then we call them on air And then we just ask them like dude. What's good with you and cuddling other dudes with their dicks out And you know, they give us these answers and it's all Here's the thing. So I know how I am
Starting point is 00:24:38 Everybody hears this and goes. Oh, yeah, Joey's shitting on these people But no, I'm not trying to do that with this. I'm trying to like do like a completely different thing Where it's just I want to know why people are Are doing this, you know, I'm not saying like they're wrong or They're fucking nuts. I'm just saying like It's interesting to know why people act a certain way You know this guy actually give you know, just because they believe something. I don't believe I'm not gonna go I have fucking idiot. Like, you know, I'm you know, I'm a logical person. This is a more serious thing
Starting point is 00:25:13 Exactly when I'm on the internet doing, you know, the other crazy Shit and people listen if a guy wants to jerk off in a tornado, which one guy did Uh, in one of my in my craigslist video. So he was like, can you come over and if there's a tornado We'll go outside. We'll drop off in the tornado That is a little over the top. But but again, like the videos are me You know making fun of these people or just kind of like having fun with the idea But with the podcast we're really diving deep into their Psyche and just saying like dude. All right. Why why are you doing this? I feel like a lot of people have
Starting point is 00:25:51 Legit answers as to why yeah, and they're they have interest or Whether it's a fetish or a lifestyle or the way that they were raised Which is kind of like alternate or they they can't walk around openly and talk about this, you know, this guy can't go to work and say Hey Co-workers who wants to cut it with me naked or like, oh, I love like busy after work I love like in my spare time Like wearing a diaper like I get home from and this is a real thing There's like a community like I get home from work and I just wear a diaper or
Starting point is 00:26:25 Trying to think of some others you've seen like There's adult breastfeeding adult breastfeeding the one who was into Just come over and spit my mouth. Yeah, that was an interesting one, which we have to reach out to. Yeah, we're trying Yeah, we've recorded a couple episodes. So we have some in the bank and there's some interesting stuff um this This thursday you guys should go follow the uh the the the soundcloud page I'm getting it up on itunes
Starting point is 00:26:50 But you could just search other people's lives or on twitter It's at opl show and then all the episodes were dropped there or if you follow at san agaos. Jesus. I have so many fucking platforms I'm such an asshole You follow at san agaos studios. It'll all be there, but um Yeah, there's just so many things. Yeah, well, we have a couple of people the the um The one you sent me the other day was really good Which one is that uh the platonic spanker spanker. Yes another one where it's not Not sexual. I think he's gay, but he wants to be spanked
Starting point is 00:27:23 By a straight man so that there's no sexual tension that says uh-huh, but yeah spanking and it's like what Okay, like why spanking like same with cuddling and you know when you listen to that episode He gave a really profound answer and kind of walked us through His life up to this point and why it makes perfect sense. So I think like spanking would be interesting too It's not necessarily a sexual fetish for someone and I think what's cool is Like this show can become a platform To hopefully reach other people who have similar interests and that's the thing like these these ads are all over craigslist They're on the internet places where people can remain anonymous
Starting point is 00:28:01 But there are so many people out there with like these same interests habits fetishes But they don't get to talk about it openly So we're just trying to reach out to these people and just You know learn why and just have a conversation with them yeah, and I know I make fun of people a lot, but like I do have an extremely open mind and You know, I'm all for it learning why people do certain things at the end of the day
Starting point is 00:28:25 Anyone could do what they want and I'm not going to be like that's wrong. That's dumb. That's whatever I might say that as a joke, but at the end of the day what I truly believe I'm just like dude do your thing. You know what I mean? Like you're not bothering anyone All right, you know unless you're showing up to my house and you're forcing me to spank you I don't like at that point. I'm like get the fuck off my lawn But yeah, these are people pushing their beliefs on yeah, no one's doing that If anything we're trying to get them to tell us, you know, we're begging. Please tell us more about your thing um
Starting point is 00:28:57 Yeah, it's just it's it's super interesting and and when Greg approached me at the idea. I'm like, dude totally I'm totally down to do this because there are there are so many weird things that people are into Uh, but they they never really say like everyone has weird things about them I had this conversation once and I was blown away by some of the weird things people have but I don't know if you have anything like this, but like I have weird I don't know if they're ocd or if they're just weird things and this is kind of completely unrelated to this Not completely, but it's just a weird thing that I don't know if anyone is anyone else does but
Starting point is 00:29:35 Listen to how weird this is and this is 100% true. I can't wait to when I am driving my car And I'm headed towards a traffic light If it's a green light I'm thinking in my head if I see a yellow light As I'm passing through this I'm gonna have a bad day
Starting point is 00:29:56 Really? Yeah And I don't even know if I believe it, but I will go out of my way to look for a yellow light Like if I'm driving towards a green light, right? Like if this turns yellow before I pass through it It's gonna be a bad day And even if I pass through it and it's still green I'll look at my review to see when it changes I swear to god I do that if you do see it or you don't see a yellow if I know if I don't if I don't see a yellow good day
Starting point is 00:30:19 Okay, but if I do say yellow Not that it's gonna be a bad day, but it's just like It's kind of like a game. I guess like I just lost or some shit. You know what I mean? Like I do that constantly. Yeah, that's I have this thing. I think we're just talking like OCD tendencies. I guess just like weird. Yeah, I have this thing where like when I take my shoes off I can't have like one of the shoes like on its side like both shoes always have to be on the ground And if I see like someone else's I like sometimes I have to stop myself from like fixing a random person's shoe Yeah, dude. I have so many
Starting point is 00:30:50 just like Weird things, you know what I do sometimes also a dude. I can't believe like It's so funny to say these things out loud because you realize how I guess you feel crazy because you're like no one does this But maybe people do right, but when I'm taking a shower I have a glass shower like whatever and the windows fog If I
Starting point is 00:31:14 Don't like something in my life I will write it and then and then wipe it away on the fucking glass I swear to god. I like that actually. I don't know why I started doing that, but I do that all the time. Wow Yeah, dude, it's just like very Specific things and that's what I think, you know the goal of this podcast is is that we want to find people who have these very specific and interesting things because
Starting point is 00:31:43 You know, I was when I was trying to explain this to my mom before we started this whole thing. It was like Okay, so this guy the naked cutler, right, which is what we call him. I don't even know his real name honestly But no, I mean most of people remain anonymous, right? So he's the naked cutler to me So the naked cutler I feel like I love how we give him like superhero names So the naked cutler, right? This guy likes to cuddle naked dudes. I am definitely I know You know, I'm completely comfortable in my sexuality, but I know for a fact that's definitely not something I'm interested in What I am interested in
Starting point is 00:32:14 Is why he wants to do that. Why? Are you interested in that? What does it do for you? How does it start? Whatever, right? His reasoning behind why He likes to do that or goes out of his way to do that Could relate to me in other aspects of my life and help me understand that because you get a lot of validation when people are able to What's the word They I don't know
Starting point is 00:32:45 They have like the correct verbiage for your like articulate articulate. That's the word. Wow It's what I'm here for. Thank you. You wrote a book. I didn't do anything. I went to college for five minutes, but whatever So they're able to articulate your thoughts and it feels validating when someone's able to explain it Where someone says something you go, dude, I've been thinking that and like thank you for saying it because now I know how to You know Tell other people about it But that is the whole purpose of it and I love learning about people I feel like I've been people watching my entire life
Starting point is 00:33:14 like I went to a predominantly Spanish and black middle school and My public school is in queens the most diverse place in the world And then my high school was like a catholic high school with it's like straight up white people It was like a company, you know what I mean? So I was like, I've been around every type of person and I still live in queens Like it's still the most diverse place. Isn't that crazy. It is the most diverse county in the world I've heard in the whole world. That's incredible. Uh, so, you know, I I know people of every ethnic background and it's like I What a blessing to be able to do that, you know, just like the people who have
Starting point is 00:33:50 Who live wherever and they go to a new place and they see out like a Spanish person for the first time and like, whoa Yeah, no, it's such a privilege Yeah, you're like what diversity in your life But yeah, I feel like that that also Has helped me have an open mind because I have been around so many Different people my entire life and that's why I'm super interested in this podcast and just doing it is so fun And it's yeah, well because we truly never know what the conversation is going to be. I mean with the second episode that's up
Starting point is 00:34:20 we Assume this ad for it was like a guy who wants to create a family for lonely men And we're like, are you alone or lonely need a family? That was the title So it's like what is this gonna be? Is this just gonna be some weird Sex thing. Yeah, and I mean like when he started talking about what it actually was Which didn't come across in the ad like I just remember looking at each other like we were like, oh, what? Yeah, we were like, oh, okay, uh, I'm an asshole But yeah, and that it also helps you
Starting point is 00:34:56 you know Have an open mind when I mean with us doing it It helps you not judge people in a way because you can read an ad and see this And take it for face value and just make up your opinions opinions about it The same way we do when we see people that we cast but may never get to know or you heard something about them And you go, oh, yeah, fucking that guy is whatever and it's not your opinion It's someone else's opinion that you just chose to take right and I pride myself on never doing that ever That's why I like I wear I mean I do it
Starting point is 00:35:28 as a joke, but I I never really Like I know people talk about shit about celebrities all the time. I never really do that I always give people benefit benefit of the doubt because I don't know them. I haven't met them I only see what they what happens on fucking TMZ. Do people follow me around cameras? I'd be a fucking asshole, too you know what I mean, so but um It's cool, and it makes you think that just how Many strangers we pass throughout the day. I mean, we're in new york city. So it's like
Starting point is 00:35:57 Even just riding the subway or like I always used to think It's like oh Like is someone on this train a serial killer like we'd never know But beyond that it's like who who is going home and putting on a diaper or cuddling naked or has a fetish or Whatever it may be like you're just never gonna know and it's interesting to then go out into the world and Like look at people and think like wow like I have no idea. I think it's also kind of comforting too to know that You know because I think
Starting point is 00:36:30 You know one of the main insecurities that most people have is that they don't have their shit together and they uh have This weird thing that they're interested in and no one else is really interested in it And I guess that's kind of it makes you feel insecure in a way But when you find out that people are into a bunch of weird shit, you know what I mean? It's just no one talks about it because it's not necessarily Accepted or whatever and hopefully this podcast, you know once we have built a catalog of episodes It's like now. Here's a ton of stuff
Starting point is 00:37:01 That people that you can hear about people doing like all the weird stuff that they do when they get home And it's only weird because like it's been labeled weird. Why weird meaning, you know Out of the norm, right? And which by the way understand that too, you know completely which by the way the other day I was talking about this I forgot who was talking to it too, but I was saying like if you aren't weird like I don't want to talk to you like if you're just going to tell me Like normal shit all day like the mold of what do something different You know what I mean? Like do something
Starting point is 00:37:35 Like have a thing like are you that's like at least these people who do quote-unquote weird things are brave enough to actually do them But to be a person and just go through life and feel like that's weird I'm not going to do that even though I really want to like how much of a bitch and a boring piece of shit Can you be like if you're not going to tell me something new don't tell me anything Like I don't want to like how boring can your life be And isn't it cool that all the conversations we've had so far? I feel like we walk away like that person was awesome Or that was a great conversation or like I feel like I would there's been like one where I was kind of like I mean I wouldn't hang out There's going to be those yeah, I mean but for the most part everyone's like yeah, they have this weird thing
Starting point is 00:38:20 But they're a totally normal person who just have this thing that they like You know, yeah, and they're just trying to meet like-minded people and Yeah, it's cool. I mean the people who have agreed and It's awesome when they do agree to be on the show because I think that does take a lot of courage Oh to put themselves out there, you know even remaining anonymous It's their hope that they can talk openly about these things that you know are taboo or stigmatized and maybe reach other people and help them kind of come out of their shell or You know understand that it's it's okay to
Starting point is 00:38:55 Be into what you're into or think what you think. Yeah, and I you know, I struggle with like Because I know this sounds crazy coming from me out of all people because I mean I'm the kid that makes the craigslist videos the idiots of the internet and Fucking people of walmart. I just see what they look like and make fun of them like but that that's a different That's comedy. That's a different thing right if you want to if you want to say like you want to get on a deep level and like meaning of life and Uh, you know my real real real opinions Of course, I would never go up to these people in walmart and be like, huh
Starting point is 00:39:35 Wow, you're a fat slob, huh? Like I am not that person obviously But as a joke, of course You know i'm all for that and i'm all for people making jokes about me I love it. I think it's great. Yeah. No, I mean obviously Like I I know you Outside of just your videos and everything too like I knew that this was an idea I could bring to you to help shape it and create it without worry that It was going to be like a judgmental thing or making fun of people not at all
Starting point is 00:40:06 I'm super interested in in everything like I I want to know and I think that's the only reason why I'm able to To make these jokes because for some reason I I make With my videos people know that I'm making jokes, but I think for the most part people who Watch me for a long time know that I'm not a like a bad guy and I'm I'm not like Trying to offend anyone because if anyone who I made fun of like I mean in the beginning
Starting point is 00:40:37 I wasn't really blurring out anyone's face, but I started doing that Because like I don't want to run into that problem, but if someone hit me up I'm being like, you know They they were hurt by what I said in my videos. I would be crushed I'd be so upset. You know what I mean? Like Like that is not my intention at all Like I'm not trying to do that and like people like will send me Messages all the time like dude. She's fucking shit on this guy's life. I'm like, dude relax. My god
Starting point is 00:41:05 Definitely not the point. Yeah. I like, you know, we're just we're just having fun. Yeah. Well, that's a great thing about comedy It lets you push those limits because there's I think an understanding that like this is performance This is comedy. Yeah, it's just it's funny. You know what I mean? And like I'm that's I made a video making fun of myself It was called on the worst It's fucking I do it all the time constantly But you know when I say I'm a piece of shit. I don't go home like I'm I'm a piece of shit You know what I mean? It's a fucking joke Yeah, this is uh, is this a
Starting point is 00:41:37 A new side of joe people get to see I hope so Journalist joe journalist joe. Well, I mean you still get you still get joe. It's still funny. I don't want people to think No, yeah, no, no people. This isn't like cnn like having fun with these people not at all. Yeah, it's it's a lot of fun, but um Yeah, well, I mean my opinion is still in everything that I do Uh You know, especially with this with this pot with this podcast it's straight up like These are completely real Things like I'm asking questions because I'm genuinely yeah, I don't fucking know why you want to do this
Starting point is 00:42:15 You know what I mean? Uh, I of course don't frame the questions that way like dude. What the fuck diapers? What's good dog? I mean, look at look at the last one we did we spoke to Two people have have basically dedicated their lives to research For the belief that the earth is flat right like that's not something I would ever consider Yeah, like you know and I To me it's like well who gives like who cares what the fucking shape it is. You know like I don't fucking know but uh One of the guys said that they that the moon was not real and I was like What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:42:53 He's like it could be a projection and then I was like like Batman like They shine the light into the clouds and he shows up like that's the moon So, I mean that's just one of the things I literally said that to him But that's one of the things that you know that that episode is going to be up this thursday Um, yeah, that'll be the third episode. Yeah, so But yeah, man, it's fucking I loved I loved doing that podcast Especially when we have like a good episode. It's like oh, dude. Yeah, it's fucking awesome It's also like I feel like even though we're doing it. So I guess we're more in it, but even if you're
Starting point is 00:43:32 Listening to it Every day or every week rather if you're listening to every week it kind of changes the way You move around in society, you know what I mean? You start to or you kind of just like make up stories about people like this Like the cashier is like this guy, you know Could be into some weird shit Sucking on toes platonically doesn't want to have sex just wants to suck someone's toes Yeah, there's a lot of weird seemingly sexual
Starting point is 00:43:58 Thing platonic things want to be just want to be spanked just want to cuddle naked straight up So interesting that one guy just wanted to hang out naked in his apartment. Yeah. Yeah, just a nudist looking for friends Yeah, and there's something about being like so the nudist thing, right? The nudist thing I I feel like I get it You know what I mean? I don't necessarily do it. But like when you're Like how good does it because then this is what this is how my thought process is, right? It's easy to hear about someone who just wants people to come over and just hang out naked with him and go
Starting point is 00:44:33 Fucking what? So it's easy to do that. But when you really think about it, all right One of my favorite times of the day is when I get out of the shower And I'm just like laying in my bed straight up naked because you're just like, yo You know what I mean? You're just naked. You're just chilling When you have sex, which is the most like intimate part of your life, I guess you are naked
Starting point is 00:44:59 Unless you're not which I don't know why you would not be Uh, but you're naked that like the I don't know because when you think about it in that way you're kind of And then you think about where the clothes come from. Why did that start wait? Do you do you keep your socks on during sex? No Not really. I mean I do if like It's like a spur of the moment thing because like I'm not gonna like Take the time to reach down and grab my socks off kills the mood a little bit. Yeah, like I don't got time for that I'll get the main stuff off
Starting point is 00:45:30 You know I'm not reaching all the way down there to get my sock I'll try to scooch them off with like the bed, you know She won't notice this happening. I know I know people though who like they need to have their socks on Or they make people put their socks on put y'all. Can you put them back on? I wonder if there's a sock fetish I'm sure there is dude. There's a fetish for everything And you know listening you as a sock fetish People like to be farted on. Yeah
Starting point is 00:45:57 That'd be a good conversation. I we could find a farter for sure. We will we will see these are what people We're gonna find and also listen If you are listening to this and you have a thing that you want. What's the email? Uh, oh, it's at if you go to opl show dot com There's a contact form on there and then we'll get you fill that out Submit it and then we'll get it as an email Right, so if you have a thing that you that you think is like interesting or one of these unique things that we're talking about Or you just want to share something it doesn't necessarily have to be an episode if you want to just share something
Starting point is 00:46:32 Because that could spark us To have a conversation with someone else about something But if you want to do that just definitely hit up opl show dot com and hit the contact form And send us an email because I mean we could get on the air with you if you want to do it Yeah, and if you want to remain anonymous, that's totally cool if you want your voice to be Changed somehow or something like I mean, I don't really want to do that. But if you know, we had to then sure Uh, but yeah, if you want to remain completely anonymous We could do that. So I mean just just let us know but
Starting point is 00:47:05 I don't do this podcast. We just recorded the episode with the flat earthers Yeah, my head's like still spinning from that. It's like, you know, it's not spinning the flat earth that we're on right now Space is Dude, like who knows see because Here's my thing too. I Was always one of those people and I'm sure there's a lot of people like me that I always ask why you know what I mean? Like I never Growing up. I never not that I didn't respect teachers because I do respect teachers
Starting point is 00:47:38 In that I think they should be paid way more. I think they're Really hard working. They never stop working. I have uh two friends who are teachers and they just My girlfriend's a kindergarten teacher. I've never seen anyone work harder. It's insane Right. My whole thing with teachers when I was younger. I was like, why do I have to listen to this person? I was like I was always like, there would be like sit down and everyone would sit and I'd be like, why the fuck would I you know what I mean? Like To me, I was always asking questions and that's like a bad example
Starting point is 00:48:07 But I was always asking questions. Why are certain things this way? Two plus two equals four. Why was What is numbers? What does that even mean? You know what I mean? Like what are numbers? The fuck is that? You know what I mean? I would ask those questions like the origin of things um And Yeah, and then I completely forgot where I was going with that. I'll be completely honest. I don't know I was talking about some shit went right off 80 a
Starting point is 00:48:32 Fuck in 80d. Good night. Wow. Hmm Well, maybe just like fuck general curiosity you're talking about or I don't know I'm losing it. I'm 25 now. I'm senile. Yeah Is your acid reflux kicking in? No, I see you need some pep dough or something. First of all, it's tums pep dough is like your Same. No. First of all, you have a drink pep dough. Yeah, no wonder it helps fucking Diarrhea, it's like glue. You're drinking glue and it probably just clogged your asshole Your shit pink Jesus right into your tidy whiteies
Starting point is 00:49:10 What the fuck man, what was I talking about there? I don't know This is leading up to something, but it was like I like I mean I was just talking about how I'm always asking questions Questioning everything and I guess it was four. I guess kind of this is kind of that this podcast where you're kind of like, why Is everyone doing that? Oh, this is where I was going with it. Oh, finally. I remembered not that senile yet but um You know, we have all these beliefs, right? Let's just talk about the flatter thing real quick And I'm not saying I believe the earth is flat but I am open to it being different obviously because
Starting point is 00:49:45 We've been I've just been told that for my whole life So I'm not just going to take it For face value just because that's what I've been grown up to believe Or whatever like I learned new things from different people every day that I didn't know You know, so why wouldn't this just be another thing? People used to write crazy shit back people used to think that You had to throw people in fires to make it rain And then we learned that's not how that shit goes. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:50:18 so Why can't The earth be a different shape. I mean, I'm not saying it's flat. It could be round. It could be a fucking Rumbus For all I give a shit Doesn't change my trapezoid. It doesn't change anything about my life. Honestly. It doesn't it could be whatever you want I am totally on board with whatever shape everyone agrees to That's it
Starting point is 00:50:42 But yeah, that's just kind of like my whole thing. That's why it might I have an open mind because Yes, I've been Brought up to believe certain things and I learned things when I was fucking younger and I was a sponge and just took in all this information But things can change and things can be untrue and we there's can be new findings and stuff like that Obviously it's happened From now since you know The beginning of time things have changed When we grew up Pluto was a planet now Pluto is not a planet. Yeah, whatever it was like a star
Starting point is 00:51:12 I don't know whatever and these flat earth people are saying it's not even that's a fucking not even thing. Yeah Whatever, you know, nothing's real that nothing's real. Everything you know is a is a fucking lie That's what we're saying Great point Yeah, no for me. I think it's it's also the idea that Like I'm coexisting with these people like Like from the time I was born to whenever this ends like Like you're there's so many strangers. There's so many people that you're sharing your space with so just a chance to
Starting point is 00:51:49 Get to know strangers. It's just I don't know. I walk away from these conversations and Like it's almost like a drug. It's like I like you go through your day Not interacting with people avoiding people half the time and then to just like sit down and talk to someone who you may never meet Or Would never have met Um, it's just it's awesome because it just reminds you like whatever we're into at the end of the day Like we're still on the same earth whether it's flat or round, you know, we're all still humans I feel like I think that's important. I feel like people aren't talking to strangers enough
Starting point is 00:52:24 completely against like What your parents tell you? I mean, obviously if you're fucking seven, I'll talk to a 40 year old dude He's gonna and don't be listening to this spot. Yeah, but uh Yeah, I always said to like being a bartender or something I was super interested in because you get to just sit there and have conversations I mean not a you know in a bar that's super packed and you're running around or whatever but like A bar that's like a dive bar Like you know, you could have conversations with the bartender and stuff and you get to talk to you just catch
Starting point is 00:52:48 And that's how you learn stuff, you know I was talking to this bartender one time the guy was in a death metal band. They traveled all over the place He had all these stories. I sat there. I was hammered But like you know what I mean like I think you know talking to people and getting out there and and and just Just talking to strangers is like Important in a way, you know what I mean once you get to a certain age You know when you're in a social setting like I love going to bars and talking to strangers. I love it I'm addicted to that like especially after doing this. I'm addicted to it. I go into bars and
Starting point is 00:53:23 I just talk to anyone anyone who's near me. I want to talk to you. I want to know about your shit It always ends up being interesting. Yeah, or like nine out of ten times Yeah, and nine and one out of ten times I'll just lie about who I am just for no reason just to see how good I am in lying And then but they still you know, you still find out stuff about them But yeah, I encourage everyone to talk to to fucking strangers And I also encourage everyone to listen to the podcast because without listening to you go nowhere Honestly though, if you guys didn't listen to the podcast, I'm still doing it either way. So suck a dick
Starting point is 00:53:56 Like I just love doing it. We'll find someone who likes it. I'd know I just like doing it. I'll tell all the strangers about it. I just like doing it. It's fucking awesome It is really fun and it's and you get to see us like get shocked in real time too. Like this isn't Planned out like yeah, we have no idea what's going on see the ad there might be an email or two back and forth Just to explain like When we're gonna call you. Yeah, but we get on the phone and this is the first time we're speaking to these people We have no idea where the conversation is gonna go. So, you know half the time or all the time We're just kind of going with the flow winging it asking the questions that pop into our head in real time
Starting point is 00:54:36 Oh god Yes, go check that out Anyway, Greg, where can they find you to contact you? You can find me at greg dieback Oh, can I I've been waiting for an opportunity. I gotta say thank you to some people Oh, here we go because you you had me on one baseman yard. You talked about in the vlog Obviously, if if people do know me as a recurring character in your life now I wrote a book called the art of living other people's lives
Starting point is 00:55:04 And since you know, you kind of start talking about it and joe's on the cover Big shout out to him. Let's go mortalized the back cover. The back cover. He's got a little cover though But yeah, no people have actually gone out they've read it They've taken the time to reach out to me and it's just been awesome I love getting into conversations with people who you know, I've read the book or said they could relate to a story Or have questions about it. So anyone who did end up picking up the book Through joe. Thank you. You're awesome. And uh, yeah, never hesitates to reach out. I'm always down to Talk about a good book. I've seen
Starting point is 00:55:42 I've seen some people be like, it's awesome. This is yeah, it's fucking nuts. Dude. You wrote a book like the fuck Yeah, well You're still an asshole to me, but like that's cool for other people who don't know you All right, they still like me. All right, that's it. Thanks for listening your motherfuckers

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