The Basement Yard - Rest In Peace AIM

Episode Date: October 9, 2017

On this episode, I have @DannyLopriore, @Frank_Alvarez80, & @LambVM10 on to talk about AIM dying. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today. I have a bunch of guests Danny Lopriori's back. What's it Frankie's here with Hey, you're probably wondering why there's so many people and it's because today's a monumental day Okay, today is today's Friday October 6th, and it was announced today that aim is closing Aim is shutting down 20 years 20 20 years of creeping Epic away messages a lot of lyrics a lot of lyrics a lot of chat rooms where ASL was thrown out like I wanted to know everyone's ASL age sex location for people who don't know I feel like people don't some people don't know that they didn't grow up in the era a lot Yeah, a lot of your audience some of you at least some of your audience might not remember aim because by the time
Starting point is 00:00:54 They were coming up. It was my space and it was like bbm to When did aim fall off like I was like Facebook 2007 2008 no cuz I was my space in I mean hard. Yeah, I think bbm killed it cuz ready to laugh Frank. I had a sidekick until about like yeah One of the reason why you had the sidekick was because of the aim to yeah It was I remember the reason I remember is because the girl that I started dating in 2007 her screening was bb so fine And I remember just
Starting point is 00:01:31 Destroying her for having that as her actual Did she smell like a girl like one capital letter? Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, it was another capital. It wasn't even baby. It was bb bebe So s zero oh Fine two eyes Message but what she was she false advertising was she was she a bb so fine? Well, I should be careful because we were 15 at the time. That's very true See we had that conversation briefly. It was in the vlog a little bit
Starting point is 00:02:00 I think this is a good place to air it out before we continue talking about aim, right? So if if I Was like I like I found a girl attractive when I was 14 years old, right? And she was also 14, right? Can I at 25 be like she was so hot? Yes, and I'm gonna give you the perfect argument for that I'd love that. I'm like yes, also. Well, you're a scumbag. We know that. Thank you I was the same age as Hayden Panetti airy in Remember the Titans and we were both like six super young, right? And she's been hot for like over a decade for me. So Two decades I'm older right. She's still fucking hot. So it's not weird. Yeah people. They were hot and you're
Starting point is 00:02:45 Gonna come with some groundbreaking I think if someone's hot in your era, they could they could transcend errors of hotness But that's really tough. That's deep. That's really tough You did save yourself there because I didn't really understand because if I now said a 14 year old is hot I'm getting locked up. You're not getting like that's like saying what you're saying somebody was hot when you were 14 Yeah, you were at the same age as them at the time. There's really nothing wrong at the time. It was fine, but now What it like can I say like what if now they're just not good at all? Like what if like they if she was hotter when she was 14. Yeah now you're
Starting point is 00:03:28 Jerk, yo, those are getting blurred. I'm not gonna say who it was but someone that we all know said that I know you're talking about and I could guess who he was talking about. No, you don't you don't know who it was and you Don't know what you're talking about. I brought up. I was like, oh so and so is is really hot now And they were like she was hotter when she was 15 and I was like don't say that ever again I definitely know who you're talking about. Yeah, now I know who you're talking about. You might remember. There's two examples of that I'm gonna write it down and show the room. I don't see the problem with that if you grow up with somebody in the same era and They were hot that it's not that you're same age Yeah, I know there's no creeping going on
Starting point is 00:04:07 If you go back and jerk off like picking on her when she was 15 Now yeah, you're gonna need to call somebody about that, but I think if somebody was hot when you were a kid It's not that bad. Yeah, that's the one. I was thinking about too Frankie wrote it down I have another one that I'm gonna write down. Yeah You don't know who the person that's alright. I'm just gonna write a random name But they're nicknamed I nicknamed them glory hole. So nice Anyway, what the fuck were we talking about? What was your what was your screen name? I had a lot of screen names. My first one ever was Joe mud 22. Yep. Yes, it was
Starting point is 00:04:47 I was on my I was at my cousin's house and they were creating screen names First of all Keats first screen name farts burn butts 11 farts burn butts 11 continues I I had a lot of screen names like I just found another one that I made so I was before we were recording I was trying to log into my One of my accounts to see if I can pull up because I used to save I am conversations. Oh Yes, yes, yes, that's another new and I agreed with him on that one. Sorry for going off topic But Joey just brought up another situation This is a ridiculous. I logged in and I found a new one. So my first ever screen name was
Starting point is 00:05:27 Pokey Mf 07 poke wait what poke a M poke a for Pokemon M for master F For Frank. I thought this was like poking motherfucker. Oh, yeah, I thought it was Motherfucker like I had like an AOL kids account and all I can go on was like Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network comm and play games the whole time First of all, you ever you ever like instant message a bot. Oh Hey, but suck my cock. I don't really know what you're saying right now smarter child about bots Hard I was talking about all fucking day. Show me your tits. Oh, they'd be like, I don't know sir. We don't comprehend. Yeah Unfortunately, I can't Unfortunately, I can't do that. I'm sorry. I don't understand your wording. Can you imagine if it just like grew sentient and was like, okay?
Starting point is 00:06:13 And it like just like came through Speaking of popping up a tits remember that shit. Well, I'd be on aim and all sudden titties would just pop out of nowhere My dad my dad would be like, what are you doing? I'm like, we both know this is your fault This is when you saw the the computer in the downstairs. Yeah First of all, I was I was yanking it in the fucking dining room in my house My computer was in the kitchen too. I was doing it to the door. Who the fuck puts a computer in a kitchen? Puerto Rican Work we didn't have enough money for the office. So we just threw it in the kitchen. Yeah, but like any other room
Starting point is 00:06:55 I would have been like, oh, okay Literally, you could have just moved it into another room. Yeah, but everybody's room was a room So it's like, you know, but I rather you know jerk off of my parents room in your room I'm gonna let you know Right next to the stove. Yes. All right No, but my my computer used to be in my mom's room. Then it was in the dining room. Can't jerk off in your mom's room Oh, no, no, you can't I was gonna Tell you right now, dude, I was lime wiring. I was downloaded a lot of stick figure death theater in that room
Starting point is 00:07:33 A lot of that a lot of Barry Sanders highlights That was that's back in the day Frankie downloaded a bunch of porn and then put it into a file on his computer and labeled it Barry Sanders highlights. That's as if he was downloading highlights You can go back and watch highlights Listen, I was changing the game since I was fucking like all these memes now that people do I was doing that shit We get what are you getting that porn from cuz I don't I don't it probably was from Kaza Bear share. I don't even understand bear share whole this was before YouTube, right? Yeah, you had to doubt you literally had to type down whatever you downloaded and it took a long time
Starting point is 00:08:10 It's fucking So I was saying earlier to off air we had a In my high school We had a film class and I for our final project made a movie and I edited it and I couldn't edit it on my sister's computer So I was like, yo Nick and I borrow your laptop. He's like, yeah, of course And he gave me his laptop and literally 10 minutes into doing it it shut down What the fuck and I thought I did something so I bring it to my cousin who was in like the fucking mouse squad or whatever it was called a Bryant and
Starting point is 00:08:48 He in the middle of our high school opens it and starts going through. He's like, yo I've never seen so much It shut down because it was like an abundance of porn and like Like a lot to shut down a fucking computer a lot of porn is getting those though the dynasty Yeah, those Heather I deep throw compilations. Oh, dude. I swear to Oh my god, big Heather. Yeah Heather Turned me into a man really first of all Have a couple throwback Thursdays. I'll do it. What I'll do it dude at least twice a month. I'll do it. Listen Heather, right?
Starting point is 00:09:27 Compilates people who I don't even reason why I know the word compilation Yeah If I publish Compilation, you know it because of porn. No or because you're a fucking human being Have not seen that word anywhere except on porn sites Okay, anyway, the reason why Heather has such a nice place in my heart By the way, if you don't know this woman Heather, she's a blonde woman who could suck a dick Like a big dick like you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose
Starting point is 00:10:01 No, but like it's a after it, right? So she the reason why is because I went to go download a song and I don't remember what song it was, right? And then you know because this would happen online. Why would you probably like Toma? But you would you would go to download a song and it would download you go to play it and sometimes like it would be porn Fuck and you have to try and get rid of it But this time I opened it up and it was Heather and I wasn't expecting it to I was a soft It was like finding like it was just like Christmas up in June. You're like what what is this? Yeah, where did that guy's dick go? did you
Starting point is 00:10:33 So it pops up and I remember vividly of her saying because this is around the time of What's her name Paris Hilton? Yeah, Paris Hilton that whole sex tape came out She goes something about she's like Paris Hilton may be famous, but she can't suck dick like this Yes, and then she started sucking a dick and she was right It was wild and honestly That was one of the first like porn experiences I ever had and as soon as I first saw her I said we're gonna do this for a long time With her video she used to have like whatever deep throat calm and it had a year next to it Do you remember that? No, so I was like, oh man
Starting point is 00:11:14 It's oh three was great, but oh four Everyone's wrong. I didn't know she did oh five I didn't know she came out of retirement. Oh, but so then you know you have other stuff that you can go into But Heather I deep throat. I could not be more like the undertaker coming back for one WrestleMania every year It's the main event. I seriously don't oh You're missing out. I really really don't it's ridiculous. I'm not gonna go Decades did you guys ever did this ever she comes back? I will react. Oh my god. Yes Did this ever happen to you where you would be downloading something on like cuz a lime wire frost wire bear sure and you would go to preview it and it
Starting point is 00:11:52 Was like a like a voice clip of Bill Clinton I swear I used to get it all the time and it was like oh you can go on this website Like and I was like fuck like I'd always preview it cuz I remember when you can preview Downloading I usually get the one they would be like half of the song then it'll go like Oh, yeah, I would skip a lot. Yeah, I remember trying to download it in my white tee By them franchise vote. Yes. That that was our banger back in my white tea. There are a couple hits though It was that we would rock with it. We would rock with it in my white tee That was it. No, no, there's one more
Starting point is 00:12:32 We're good. We'll find it. We'll find it, but there was they kind of had hits I might be wrong pop lock and drop it. That's baby Huey Listen, I'm back in the day Like me. Oh, I think they like me. I literally lived on MTV Jam They started like that snapshot MTV Jams was my fucking shit. I lived on it, but back to it So it was your name first it was poke MFO 7 then it was faxed to great 3000 Then I just found this one. It was razor's edge 1992 That's a good one. Then it was a killing kid 730
Starting point is 00:13:12 Right, then it was a little Colombian pimp Which is the one we all know the class right and then faxed the great. Oh, no, no fax 280. I Had a lot of screenings. I remember I went to Louis Armstrong middle school Which is LMS and my screening was lambs hot shot. Yeah fire lambs hot shot. It's not bad I had another one. It was nah. I'm from Astoria. Yeah, and I remember that one First of all nah, I'm from Astoria lasted like a week. Yeah, that's ratchet though It was bad You would always make new ones just to like change up things. Yeah, and you love hitting girls up being like oh, it's up
Starting point is 00:13:49 Who's this? It's judge switch From Astoria, I'm a hot shot. Yeah What was did you guys ever put like alerts on when certain people signed on so you what? When people had Noises to come when they signed on. Yeah, so you knew all the girls had Shit she's on or then the door closing when they would get off I would never get off dude. I mean my cousin ours was dirty pat I
Starting point is 00:14:23 Don't know if I had one where I signed on I don't know but I know that I had like there was this website It was I fucking forgot the name of it But remember how you had like your profile icon? Yes. Yeah, I used to get so many them because they'd be like ones where it would Be like a stick figure walk it up and like grabbing it and breaking it and fucking medicine like that And then my biggest thing was my profile Which naturally was an all-red background with lime green coloring and it had my girlfriend then name in there and the Date till forever till we die Do you know what I you know how people may create like pictures with like symbols and stuff like yeah
Starting point is 00:14:58 Yeah, I copied one from this kid's thing and pasted it in mine And it was just a crucifix and in the middle of it. It said you go miss me when I'm going That is heat I remember when you would go home and whoever you wanted to Fuck at that point You would just hope like that when they would be idle and their shit would be gray Like that like their screen name and you were just waiting for them to take that fucking away message off that a yellow All day waiting for that shit to come off you like did you guys have any good away messages? My shit. We're all like fucking rat lyrics. So
Starting point is 00:15:36 Like the popular one I only remember one because I got in trouble for it But it was like running around my house naked catch me if you can my mom furious She's like what the fuck is this and I was like it's a joke I used to always do like The meta ones where I would put remember how you could put like percent n and it would give back the person's name Oh, yeah, yeah, and I would I'd always be like hey percent n What's up and like try to keep them to like talk and then it'd be like ha ha just couldn't I'm gone I was that asshole that had that voicemail
Starting point is 00:16:07 You know We're getting away from from fucking screen names for a second because I need to tell the story what Frankie just said right? Before cell phones were like a pop and thing right we were grown up grown up Frankie had a cell phone before I did and we went to the fair So we we went to this fair On on dimmars, it was like a couple blocks from house. We're mad young and my dad Called Frankie, but his phone was in his pocket didn't even know where it was or isn't it's like a back his backpack I used to carry around a backpack right Spring backpack don't want to tell you what's in it. So
Starting point is 00:16:48 My dad was like looking for me because I didn't check in or something like that and he called Frankie Frankie's voicemails. Hello Hey, what's up, man? No, no, yeah, no Yeah, I Got you, dude. This is my voicemail my dad when I got home was like you're fucking friend Frankie's dad He's gonna kill him because my dad was looking for me and he got tricked by his voicemail If this was the 1970s your parents would have beat me with a fucking lead pipe Oh, just in in the middle of the town like bad. I did something stupid like that too when I was real young
Starting point is 00:17:23 I thought it would be cool to make my voicemail that scene in training day when he's like you told me suck your dick But he's doing the whole like oh, all right, all right, it's like you motherfuckers think you can do this to me I Told all you motherfuckers right basketball to Pelican Bay motherfucker My voicemail was like I remember I got a voicemail from my mom after that. She was like when you fucking get So I wish you were in fucking Pelican Bay Fuck you up Anytime I would ever put curses on my voicemail. I always got in fucking trouble doing that I don't think I ever had like it. I don't think I had a voicemail
Starting point is 00:18:02 I actually know I did have one and I always got made fun of for it. You were like hey What's up guys? Yeah, when you first get a cell phone you were mad young and then hey, it's me years later Your voice is completely different. Hey, what's up, it's Nick And I never changed it What was your first cell phone ever it was like a Nokia Oh with the snake with the game snake Everyone started with the snake is the is the original og also that Nokia phone was You it couldn't be destroyed that thing would go through hell and back. Yeah, so strong. Literally. It was crazy But I remember one year Christmas
Starting point is 00:18:41 Did you guys ever go searching for your for your presence or every year I used to find them all yes I used to find my mom literally put them in the living room under a blanket. Yeah, I found Sega Dreamcast one I went hard I found everything. No, so so one year I'm like looking I couldn't find anything like I wanted a cell phone so bad Then in the closet when you first walk in there's like a little closet for your jackets and shit Mm-hmm. I hear a phone ringing. I'm like, so I go and I look and there's two boxes with two phones there And I'm like Two days later was Christmas Keith and Shannon not me
Starting point is 00:19:16 Oh That's furious my first my first phone was the I-95 next tell you guys remember Oh, the boost who's mobile. No Tiger Woods 98 golf on it or some shit. Yeah, my first one was a golf My first one was like a Nokia brick and then I had some like Weird no, and then I had a bunch of next tells I had like the I5 70 the I5 80 next those were cool I used to make my own ringtones, and I was that douchebag
Starting point is 00:19:49 The lollipop remix was on all the time Lollipop lollipop dress it doesn't like dolly pot in That became the ball there like the walkie-talkie like blue smoke was like a knockoff. Yeah guys have razors No, never had a razor never had a razor. No from the I had a sidekick probably One of the sidekicks so fuck yo With the one finger to swag it out anyone that had a sidekick was either like It was either fucking kids that didn't need it and we're annoying with it or like the most chunk let our girls Every single Dominican girl every Dominican girl. I knew I had it added a T-Mobile
Starting point is 00:20:35 All the girls I knew were either black or Dominican. Yeah, it's easy They all had sidekicks and they all had those belts that had the lights that would like pass by and you could customize them Yo, oh, yeah, can I hold your belt? And then I just hit my name in here you go life was so much easier back I know sidekicks you didn't need to work either remember how slow the fucking internet though was I had one of those belts What I have one of those customized belts you had a light-up belt not the light-up one with the customized one that I had like It said fax to fire. Why don't I remember you wearing this thing? Was it with the big bulb buckle? Yeah? And then I had a Nintendo SNE NES controller one that I remember that man
Starting point is 00:21:17 That's pretty cool Batman school Frankie was so so stylish and like just straight. No, I had a pair of ice creams I had no joke. I had like 70 Fitted yo also Frankie had a shirt The snowman the snowman snowman one would that say it was I had a jeezy shirt that my mom bought it was glitter There was glitter on it. It was it was glitter Yeah, it was a glittered and it was a like when jeezy first came out with Clap and it was I got that snowman and my mom bought it for me not knowing what a fucking man And then there was this this place on dip mars right next to a Popeyes
Starting point is 00:21:53 That was this guy. They used to spray paint his own shirts and sell them amazing. Yeah, I got shirts from him I got one was you know this the the cereal life Yeah, it was the cereal it was the cereal box and it said thug life and like in the bowl was like a chain a watch And you put at that time probably thought it was so fucking The best this is the best one and the other one I had was a spray-painted dip set shirt Yo Cameron Jim Jones and Joel Santana and it said diplomats dip set get your lips wet I bought a pair of dip set basketball shorts that I have they were like 60 bucks
Starting point is 00:22:35 But I would pay 120 for a pair of diplomat. I would wear that today I have a pair. I don't know if you've seen them But I have them there these Reebok ventilators that that camera on put out they call like the purple hey shit And in the end the soul is a picture of him with the pink next stop. Yeah. Yeah, I'll show them to you Yeah, he was like the innovator of everything pink. Didn't you have like the pink Range Rover or something? Pink make the pink range make me and the pink me game. So it was a shit That was everything. What was your what was your name name is it was not that cool. No, I think I work cool NYC's
Starting point is 00:23:14 1887. Yeah, so you know it was 187 That's why I had it and and then Because of that song that came out it was like dr. Dre and Snoop and all that So I had that and then I forgot the passwords. I made it NYC's finest Greek 1887 I just remember the 1887 one. Yeah, I was trying to think as you because you said Joe I remember Joe mud and little Colombian pig pimp. No fact you Fact 280 was a screen. Yeah, I'm actually it was like the last last one because by the time like Seriously by the time like we really started hanging out a lot
Starting point is 00:24:00 like I Night we wouldn't talk on aim We would like we wouldn't like really talk to each other on aim It was for girls and people we went to school with yeah, I would not talk to it was because every day we were together at the park Yeah, and then we would go home school friends ever we'd go home and we'd play Xbox and that's where we would talk Did you guys ever fuck the same girls? Wow
Starting point is 00:24:32 Because if you guys were sitting like because you guys were sitting on the same aim talking to the same girl I mean, they were no what they were wait, what'd you say now? We also went to different high schools. Yeah Yeah, so he went to prep you guys hung out in the park I went to a different middle school in the same girls in the neighborhood. We grew up There were some neighborhood girls that like we all like Experimented with at a certain point Show me yours, I'll show you. Yeah, put your just put the toe in And I don't want to I don't want to bury anybody on here
Starting point is 00:25:08 But I thought that you guys were like all like kind of like the sexual the same sexual loop of aim What does that mean? Yeah, who's getting buried? No. No. No. No. I didn't know who the fuck is getting buried Nobody wanted to mention names before which I didn't want I didn't want to get into a situation where you have to name a lovely lady Oh, yeah, we probably should have both Threshed at some point you're not we all but we all went to different schools He went to for a certain point. So he went to middle school and high school Literally by myself. Yeah, and then he went to middle school him and I
Starting point is 00:25:42 Oh, I went I went to middle school with danie and dawg. Yeah, you were in 141 I was in 141 for one year and then I left to go to fucking baccalaureate Jesus and then which I destroyed that school that school was turned upside down in high school I was at brine by myself and then I got there and well and dylan got there Well, yeah after but I'm saying about like us the the guys that we grew up with in the beginning Everyone was kind of yeah, everyone did their own thing. I went to lyc danie went to mclandy I was under the impression that you guys all went to school No, we never like we're all in the same school ever. Well, no if ps2 a majority of us were like
Starting point is 00:26:19 Yeah, but we didn't hang out with any. Yeah, we were all in it wasn't you danie It was so it was so backwards. We all became friends when we weren't at the same school Yes, that's what I was thinking. I said oh because it was we guys most of all like dated the same chicks That's what I thought so like it's weird But you know him and I were always very good friends and we knew each other and we would hang out at the park and Him and danie used to hang out and play kickball at ps2 So we met them and we'd hang out with them and then we would show up to the park and they'd be there And they'd play football and our friend dominik showed up and then like it literally was just like that
Starting point is 00:26:52 It's like bridging gaps. So they were friends. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah And there was like a group of like girls that we used to hang out with but I don't think there was like any Obviously, I'm not gonna name name There were there were times that like there were some girls that like I dated for like two seconds And then joey dated for like a second and a half and then you know Nick dated her for like three days and like there was literally a time where a girl I asked a girl out at the top of a block and then we got to the bottom and she broke up with me because she liked joey But were you on the same hill?
Starting point is 00:27:19 Were you there? I was not. First of all, this girl, I was in love with this girl. Joanna You're going for it. Going for it. Yeah. This girl Joanna. Shout out Joanna. It was this girl Joanna and uh I hung out with her all the time We used to like go to her house and hang out in her fucking like basement watching movies and I remember being one of those The best fucking days, you know, doing shit like that. Yeah, zero kids just making like a Blanket for it just trying to go for it and just like praying to god She'd let me grab her ass When I had my first kiss it was as a result of like, uh playing truth or dare
Starting point is 00:27:52 Do you remember this and then we went to like another like party hangout and I was like I'm I'm just saying I'd play truth or dare again Anyone I'm like down for round two if anyone's down to get after it real quick before because I have a I have a story to to tell I have to do this sponsor real quick. Oh All right. brings all the services of the u.s. Postal service right to your fingertips buy and print official us postage for any letter any package any class of mail using your own computer and printer
Starting point is 00:28:27 makes it easy They'll send you a digital scale automatically calculates exact postage will even help you decide the best class of mail based on your needs Um, I've used in the past by shipping like merch and shit very easy You don't have to go to the you don't have to go to the post office. So It makes life better that place is terrible. Um, it right now You can go enjoy service with a special offer that includes a four-week trial trial plus Postage and a digital scale without long-term commitments go to click on the microphone at the top of the homepage and type in basement That's enter basement
Starting point is 00:29:05 And you'll never have to go to the post office ever again now What I wanted to say imagine if they type in basement to like the search engine and just like basement porn pop stuff Basement porn? What is basement porn? I don't know. I don't people getting chained to that not how And be like, yeah, you know what I'm really into these days? Fucking basement porn Everything's dark You can't see just like that musty old basement smell. It's moldy my grandparents golf clubs are down there. It's really hot All right, you should have quit while you were ahead. Hey, listen, don't ever come at me
Starting point is 00:29:37 Yeah, what I wanted to say was we were talking about truth and truth truth and dare. Hello. They're different things truth or dare We were at this girl Chelsea's birthday It was like fifth grade and I was in love with this girl. Jamie growing up like every year like I was in love with her These are all real names. These are all real names. Yeah. Yeah, if they're she's married now If they're listening, they know who they are. Yeah, they're not but I was in love with this girl. Jamie forever, right? And we were at a Fucking birthday party and we're playing truth or dare and frank. He's my boy, you know
Starting point is 00:30:08 So he's trying to throw me alleys and he's like we should play truth or dare and I'm like, yeah, we should I I literally always would make an ass of myself just to set him up. Yeah, you put him over Put him over like a good friend like a good heel. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So then he goes. All right, let's play I'll go first and I'm like, all right sick and he goes All right Jamie I dare you to kiss joey and then I froze up and I was like Oh
Starting point is 00:30:36 And I was just like and I got up and left. Yeah, and that was the night that you see not a terrible move, man You should have you know Broken the ass. Shut the fuck up. You should have eased that in can't go right into the main event And then that was the night that I had my first kiss with her I know so say no at the first time and then after it was uh Another girl that was there and then another girl. So it literally like he left So it was me with one in the bathroom. No, no, no, you're thinking you're thinking of a different thing That that was a different day
Starting point is 00:31:08 It was it that was that someone else's house Whose house? Oh, is this that chelsea's this is that? I left that day didn't come back. I walked all the way home The other time though the girl jamey that I was like in love with they were playing truth I was there and I was like, oh, I got to go home for dinner left They're playing truth. They're like, yeah, I made out with all of them. Yeah, and it's all right I told you this I don't know if I've ever said this publicly but some people know the story But we were in her basement. She had a bathroom
Starting point is 00:31:35 You know kind of like off to the side and we would go in there It would literally be like I go in there kiss for like 20 seconds then come out And I remember we were kissing and I opened my eyes and behind her was a mirror And I opened my eyes and I just took my hand up and thumbs up myself If she ever heard this now she knows that I thumbs up myself I was so proud of myself and then I told you and you got mad at me Of course you got to tell him though. Yeah. Oh, yeah, he told me I was devastated. I actually don't remember being like super upset. I remember like getting like you were mad
Starting point is 00:32:08 You weren't like fucking pissed off. Yeah, like we were like We still went to the park and played ball. Yeah, like the ball up nukem didn't pass at them though Balled up, you know when you play truth or dare you got to shoot high so they'll say they'll do something less That's why I was afraid of the giant. Yeah, like give my hand job. You know suck his dick Yeah, I like I like kiss him or something. I'll jerk him off. All right, fine. I'll take it That's how you negotiate. I'll take a hand job, I guess Have you ever played spin the ball? I've never played that. Yeah, I played spin the ball. I've never played that game for yeah it's it's literally
Starting point is 00:32:47 Spinning a fucking bottle and kissing whoever and literally it was no way I know the rules. No, but it was like people think of it and like let me break down the rules for you Yo, you're gonna take this bottle, right? You go spin. No, but like people when they think it's been the bottle They think it like that's where like, you know bodies awaken when fucking kids are going through puberty. It literally was just like, oh, you okay All right, next Little peep out, right? Yeah, but we're about seven minutes in heaven. I never played that went down I never played that either. That was where shit went down. You played all these games. You're fucking savage Don't do this
Starting point is 00:33:21 Ben to like tell me right now a seven seven minutes in heaven Who the fuck you're gonna fuck up the wire. Are you dumb asshole? There was a kid that I was in sixth grade. I was a kid. I was friends with he was in class 6 13 His name was pager His name is pager Was a social he had a birthday meaning with petra No, he had a birthday party and there was a girl there and they literally dared her and I to go into the room And it was like seven minutes in there and I was just like
Starting point is 00:33:49 What do we like I I didn't know if she was like about it She's like, all right. Well, we're in here for seven minutes and she like kissed me and I was like, holy shit Like I was like, oh my god. Did you go straight for the boob? No I I was too terrified to do a damn thing. Is this pre or post thumbs up in the mirror This is post There was a nine month. There was a pretty much all of sixth grade. I was just all about truth or dare Like I didn't play that much and then I and then seventh grade came and I was just like I became a sociopath Yeah, you're a sexual maven
Starting point is 00:34:25 You're 100 percent a sexual maven. I don't know what that means It means that you love sex and you're and you're all about it and you've been about it since a young age What seven I'll take it. Uh, I guess I mean how old are you when you play that? At sixth grade so I like 12 Yeah, that's normal Now it's fucking kids to have phones and shit now Well, I remember kids are like fucking leaking each other's nudes in like fourth grade Like oh, send me your fucking nudie nudes
Starting point is 00:34:58 I still use the word nudie fun fact Frankie is a grown man with facial hair and ball hair and says the word nudies So, okay, you remember back in the day with like nudies and like I'm like, dude, why are you even before you're like, hey You're an adult Stop saying nudies It's enough enough is enough Um, what the fuck was I just about to say? Oh, shit. We had in seventh grade There was a girl who was who I was having a conversation with my friend and I guess she like overheard and she's like You guys are virgins
Starting point is 00:35:27 And I felt like an asshole because I was in seventh fucking grade Now I'm looking back like that girl. She heard she heard dad miss some baseball games. Yeah That girl's a fucking whore Could you imagine growing up like in our formative years doing the things that we did with the fucking technology they have today? Oh, no, it'd be oh, it's it was really bad. That's like being like, what would mickey man will be right now? Could you fucking imagine like with snapchat and like all that shit I like I really genuinely Like it fucking creeps me out like it terrifies me because of the shit that But listen, I started laughing but I agree with you though
Starting point is 00:36:12 It's fucking terrifying Think about like if you have a kid right now in this fucking day and age and you're and you have a daughter Think about all this relentless Fucking dick shit that your kid probably hasn't you'll think like seriously for a sec Like when you were fucking really going through puberty Yeah, you were the most ruthless horn bald motherfucker on the planet. I literally I literally I agree with you 100% Think about how insane we're all friends, right? No one's gonna listen to this, right? Right, so I'm just gonna say this. Oh fuck there there. I actually one time
Starting point is 00:36:46 Oh boy, like when when going through that Oh boy going through that phase. I had some girl leave me like a voicemail of her like moaning just moaning Yeah I was expecting something crazy Oh, yeah, oh the moaning voicemail, of course. No, but she wasn't like doing anything. I'm just like just moan. That's all I need You wait you requested this or this was just like Oh, no, this was a request. Excuse me. Can you just moan for me? That's exactly how it went
Starting point is 00:37:17 I remember like I used to like like talk to like a girl on the phone and be like, all right It was like what phone sex probably was back in like the 20s. It was like Describe what you want to do and it would be like, oh, well, I'm gonna wake up and I'm gonna like caress your titties like it was said just like Caress your titties. I was expecting something way worse from what you were gonna be. I have some stories that unfortunately I can't tell on air because Yeah, you'd be a real yeah, I'll tell like I'll tell People like some of them are Joey knows some of them
Starting point is 00:37:51 I told them one recently when we went to go get some pizza and he was like, I hope one day you can tell that story One day I'll tell you guys. Oh my god. You know, it's what I'm talking about. All right is the best story I've never had like phone sex though. No, I've never done anything. I'm like, yeah, like I'm like Slapping your titties with my dick right now How do you do this out if I like Yo, so she's like, oh, yeah, that feels good, baby. I'm like, no, I can't I can't I'd be so embarrassed doing that So do you think the person saying no everything that they're saying they're doing that stuff?
Starting point is 00:38:25 No, it's because they're like No, because there was there was one time There was one time one of our friends we were in Connecticut I want to mention his name But I walked in in the room to get something and he's on the phone with this girl And and she's like he's on speaker and this kid is kicking the soccer ball off the side of the bed like back and forth Right. I'm like, what are you doing? He goes just listen Yo, his girl is going to town on the other side. He has her on speaker and he's not doing anything to like
Starting point is 00:38:56 Get her off in any way. He's just like over there. So I'm just thinking is that how all the Please tell me, you know what story I'm thinking of right now. Hold on Do you remember that we we invented catfishing? First of all, yeah Do you remember we catfished one of our friends? David? No Well, we did no, no, no listen, but it was funny the screening that we used Was ski to my face xx. Oh my god. I remember ski to my face xx. Yeah. Oh, we were young It was my space days. So by the way, only reason why I knew ski that kid over there I'm starting to get that impression right now
Starting point is 00:39:33 Anything that you know anything that you know sexually came from this guy. I taught him everything he knows Oh, yeah, I'm trying to play fucking truth there. No, I got you. I got you. This is how you do it. Listen, man I'ma fuck them all first Yeah, you got you got those after your first in line Ski to my face Yeah, also there was a there was a person wait and tell what happened with this catfish It wasn't it was people that told us it was people we hung out with that were like, oh, it's us and we were like, that's kind of funny But it was girls that we hung out with it wasn't us
Starting point is 00:40:09 Oh I can't I because I remember who the girls were Wait, the girls were ski to my face It was these girls and they said ski to my face. It was this girl. So this ski to my face xx x Um, not to be confused with ski to my face xx Completely totally different Um she
Starting point is 00:40:32 It was not real and literally one day we all got friend requests and like the facebook Like the all the myspace profile pictures were like her just like fucking topless like Just like crazy picture and we were like, oh, who the fuck is this? And then we found out it was these girls that we had hung out with and they were like, oh, it's us and they were like Messaging one of our friends like aggressively And he was into it Did this person ever like find out probably not no no no he has no idea. We don't really hang out with him either No, he just wants me
Starting point is 00:41:08 Did he's gonna run through names and just wait until our eyes wide he's like, all right, Mike Going through yearbooks while you guys like Speaking of yearbooks my middle middle school yearbook This girl wrote and this is the girl that I dated in eighth grade She wrote on an entire page I la luh
Starting point is 00:41:29 you Mad much I love you mad much. What was your response? I love you mad much, too That's the only with the number two with the number two All my whole because like my middle school was like mostly spasha and and black and joey and me in there And all like most of my yearbook was just like You mad cute white boy and like all this shit or like gringo or some shit Real for a white boy. You mad cute and shit. That has
Starting point is 00:42:01 Was a good one. I'm trying to think like There were always people that used to have like those funny ones that were like You are too good to be for got 10. You wrote that and I don't know. Oh, no tiffani win wrote in both of ours Shout out to tiff. You wrote that Really quick mad creator. I was the one that would write in his yearbook Like dude can't wait till we go to middle school and see boobs and his parents would see it And I wouldn't be allowed at the house for dinner for a week Frankie I was dating this girl
Starting point is 00:42:31 Daphne in eighth grade and whenever he would call my house. He would do a deep voice like Hi, this is Daphne. It's joey there I'm like, uh, joey your girlfriend's on the phone. She's like, what's up, dude? It's me. Yeah, like, all right. Thank you Do you remember three-way calling? Yeah, three-way calling was a game changer. I loved it. First of all, it was like far Yo, can you get further away from the mic dan? I'm sorry. I'm sorry Well, that's a three-way dude. Yeah. Yeah, I know about it No, but uh
Starting point is 00:42:57 Frank Frank, this is listen. Why is this about me now because you're a fucking demon. Yeah You're a sexual maven And I hope you look it up because you don't know the definition If you do you will say it's you whenever whenever like there was like an argument or there was anything Frank's like All right, we're gonna three-way call You pretend like you're not here because you would never know who's on the call It was all this is all landline by the way. Just straight up. Oh back clicking over doing everything. Yeah, hold on I'll I'll I'll patch you in just stay quiet
Starting point is 00:43:27 Hey, are you there? Okay, drink. Yeah Wow, that was good. Did you hear that? That was a good one. Yeah, it was really good. And then you pick up. Hello Yeah, Joey's just really upset because you uh, I think you're mad at him or something. What? What? Yeah, I just think you're mad and I'm in the background like Good time. Listen, man, I think the theme that we see here is I was just trying to help you You just wanted that's that's my big takeaway from what you just wanted everyone the fuck I'm the most selfless friend on the planet. I want you to know that And what have you done for me until you're there comes around you pushed me off a slide about him
Starting point is 00:44:05 You pushed me off a slide onto my head. Oh, here we go. You did you physically did okay? I was trying to tag you We were playing tag he was at the top of the slide and I kind of tag regular tag regular tag dog Freeze tag. It's a little aggressive freeze tag. I'll be honest. I'll be honest. We had friends I didn't have to go double hand tag I did and he fell off the slide hit his head and then woke up and then got up and pretended Like he had amnesia I felt like six feet off of a slide and pretend it on my head and pretend it to have amnesia
Starting point is 00:44:43 Yes, pretended You did it Did you fall onto your head from the I walked by that park When you jumped on my head you fucking piece of shit The island in Connecticut and I jumped from one side of it to the other which is Like the size of the table. It's not that impressive of a leap But freaky was coming underneath because the seat had the vent so you could come up and like breathe on it It's like on water. It's like a flotation device on water. What the fuck you guys talking about
Starting point is 00:45:11 Nick left out a bunch of flotation devices in Connecticut It's like these things they're called islands They go into the water and there's just like a bunch of a bunch of seats on them Okay, and in the middle is like a place where you could put your feet So it's like your feet are in the water like it's on a lake So you could come up underneath it because it's like on the next seat. Yeah So like get air and then go underneath. Yeah, so he jumped across and landed on his fucking skull I I swear to god. I like that was the closest I've ever been to death
Starting point is 00:45:38 I was underwater and the only reason like I didn't die is because I had my arm like around the tube like this Yeah, and I fucking had a concussion An amnesia and then he made out with jamie Those are years. I thought I was you. I had an issue to part. Oh, no It's like those were years apart years apart Years have you ever been close to death Dan? Yeah, I've been close to death a couple times when I was Four or five years old. I stumbled into the street after a tennis ball and I almost got hit by a bus My brother saved my life. Yeah, it's true
Starting point is 00:46:12 My brother saved my brother Uh, my brother jarrett, you know, you probably know, I only know of one. Yeah, you mic me. Yeah, yeah mics mics. All right, fucking But yeah, yeah, he didn't save me from a bus so you can kiss my ass But uh, yeah that time and then I was in like a pretty like bad car accident one time like the car flipped once twice That's a bad one. Yeah. No, but it was like real it was chill. It was chill They had a lot of fire and everything everything was That's pretty comfy. No, but it was that's about it I feel like I've almost drowned a couple times but that was just more of me just like not knowing how to swim
Starting point is 00:46:49 Yeah, just being reckless and like Being able to grab the side of a pool like if there was no side of that pool, I would have definitely been dead But luckily it's it's not that crazy of a story It was just a kid didn't know how to swim and grab the side of me. Have you nick? Have you ever been close to death besides the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror? I actually about two weeks ago. I was good one frank. That was dark. I was eating a subway sandwich And I went to swallow way too much of the sandwich without like really buying down on it Yo, it was stuck in my throat and I was like forcing myself to swallow and it wasn't moving
Starting point is 00:47:27 And I was just over there and like I I turned I turned fucking pink And my mom was like, are you okay? And I was just like I'm doing like the like cut it cut it Yeah, and yeah, I was the closest and no no joke. So how did you live? I ended up throwing up Oh, nice onto the dinner table everywhere. That's crazy. My mom was just like what is going on? I was like, listen if this didn't happen, it would have been over for me. I saved my dad's life like that one time My dad was eating and I was fucking like Just chilling in the kitchen. My dad just ran in like how you just looked and he was like
Starting point is 00:48:01 Like pointing at his throat in his face and I'm like, oh my god My dad's dying. I was like, he's having a heart. I thought he was having a heart attack And then he was like, dude, I'm not even kidding. I gave my dad the Heimlich maneuver and saved his life Hasn't given me a dollar since How old were you? I was 20 21 because my dad doesn't move fast around the house. He'll move slow So I heard him coming fast. I said, oh my god, I must have did something. He's gonna fuck me up or something
Starting point is 00:48:28 So, sorry dad, but he comes running in and his face is like you said like pink and blue And I'm just giving him the Heimlich and I'm fucking my dad up. I'm lifting him up off the ground and shit Belly to back suplex and all that shit. I'm Brock Lesnar suplexity the whole shit And this fucking piece of food comes flying out of his mouth And I was pretty convinced he was gonna die. That's crazy. Yeah, it was pretty. Yeah, it's felt like forever with that thing in there That's what he said too. Yo, that's exactly what he said. He was like, I was convinced I was gonna die and time was going so slow Yeah, I asked my mom. I was like, yo, how long was that? She's like 10 seconds if anything I was like, yo, I felt like it was like a minute and a half and it was I was like, yo
Starting point is 00:49:08 It was over you ever try to force food down your mouth and then it's like, I know nothing was moving at all It has to be terrifying. I've never I was getting a job breaker mind you. I don't know if you guys called it. I said two weeks ago No, no bullshit like two weeks ago. This one. Oh this happened. Yeah Oh, shit, I don't know. Oh, I thought you said this was like a long time ago. No two weeks ago. This happens Yeah, so you saved yourself. Yeah by throwing up Yeah, I'm letting you know right now if you died because of a subway sandwich My dad would just use that as a joke for the rest of time. I gotta be honest like I'll be sad
Starting point is 00:49:41 But too easy too easy too easy you choke on a foot long I'm not even bullshitting you it crossed my mind as this is happening like Can't go out like this If I'm going out I want to go out in a bad ass way like I don't want it to be like oh He died because he had an infection that made a you know softball size abscess in his ass Like I want it to be like he was walking down the street and a bear mold him You know what I mean? Like I don't want it to be some lame ass way. I almost choked to death one time
Starting point is 00:50:11 I was I was like 13 years old and I had like a jawbreaker or one of those uh Whatever they are like the smaller ones and it was in my mouth and then Something like that but a little bigger like the atomic like cinnamon atomic ones that size. Yeah. It was that size Yeah, those can fuck you up for sure and it was in my cheek. Yo, that's like the size of a handball No, no, what the fuck are you eating? I'm talking about the big one The jawbreakers are they're like fireballs or something the fireballs are like this But you know which ones I'm talking about too
Starting point is 00:50:40 Those are fucking enormous That should have been it so it was in my cheek. The fireballs are like a quarter Okay, it was in my cheek and then all of a sudden just slipped and went down my throat And I could not breathe at all and it was bad because I was like I can't even Like cough or like get airing at all. So yeah, no, shit And there was no around and I was by myself in the basement and I leaned over a chair And like was doing this and then I jumped it went like that and it came out really
Starting point is 00:51:04 Yeah, one of the words so hard. I remember when I was younger. That's fucking terrifying. I know I was really young I um, you know how like fucking like Burger King and these places have like the ice chips, but they're like fucking chips Like they're like square and like kind of like I don't know what you're talking about like the 3d chips. Yeah You know what I'm talking about. They're they're literally ice chips. They're like chips of fucking ice. Okay I swallowed like three and they were stuck in my throat and I was freaking out My mom was like, can you breathe and I was like, uh And she was like, but can you breathe and I was like, yeah, and she was like you just need to let them melt
Starting point is 00:51:40 And I fucking sat there. I was like, yeah, your mom's fucking bad ass I was just let it happen Frank dude. I seriously I was freak. I remember at my house. I was freaking. I was like Like I could breathe but they were fucking laundry and she's like you need to let them melt like Doing anything could like make it worse like let them remember that happened to my uncle Yo, it sucked. Do you guys ever like The wind's so bad that you this could be like I could be completely wrong But you ever have like the wind so hard that you can't breathe like walking into the wind. Have you ever had that before? You guys never had that before
Starting point is 00:52:14 Howdy die windy day I choked on wind I don't know what I know what you're talking about too because like when you stick your head out of a car window It's like I can't breathe. It's like I guess it's that feel like if someone went skydiving and I feel like you can't Dude, I swear to god. I feel like that all the time. I went indoor skydiving. I didn't know how to explain it But but out but in there I felt like I could like Get little breaths in but I couldn't like just breathe comfortably. Yeah, and it's fucking hard I didn't know how to explain it, but you made it sound way easier than how I did
Starting point is 00:52:49 My brother Keith told me that he was eating a anoreo And bit off a piece and it was stuck in his throat And how he saved himself This is when he claims Is that he cocked back and punched himself in the throat broke the cookie and was chilling away 0% and I'm I'm sanely insulted that he would even think that I would believe that for a second. Yeah, there's no way I punched myself in the throat to save my own life. There's no way. I was like, are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:53:22 There was a time when I was younger where like I must have been like sick But like I had like an like my like lymph nodes or something were swollen or like my throat was swollen And I couldn't swallow like easily and I was eating spaghetti and they like got stuck and I literally had to pull it out strand by strand That's insane. That's fucking soft Donnie Sammy's brother Donnie was in a pizzeria one time and this dude is eating pizza eating pizza obviously and He starts choking Right like bad and he's just sitting online and he looks and he's with his daughter this guy
Starting point is 00:53:53 And he gets up and he just like stands up and he's pulling cheese out of his mouth because like the cheese like melted It was too hot so he's pulling cheese out of his mouth and he's just like choking It's like super red Donnie runs over there starts giving him the Heimlich And the guy ends up throwing up Yeah, right like crazy and then he goes and he sits down at the table and he just goes And just starts eating didn't even say thank you God, what a scum. Have you ever heard they're like They're like real life cases of people that like will like give the Heimlich or give like CPR to people when they're choking
Starting point is 00:54:34 Or where they're dying and they'll like crack a rib. They'll save their life But they'll crack the person's rib and then they fucking sue them. You kill people like that Yeah, you literally like you put a ski mask on you go to their house and you kill them You turn yourself in and you smile for the rest of the days in prison Seriously, like there's actual fucking cases where like people will be like Yeah, like they were choking and I fucking gave them CPR and they came back to life Or they were dead. They like gave them CPR. They came back to life I broke a rib and then they fucking sued me for their broken rib. Think about how big of a piece of
Starting point is 00:55:04 Shit you have to be to do that somebody that saved your life. It's insane. That's like a logical thing to do that I had the epi-pen and kid once I used to be a camp counselor and this kid got stung by that's another one too That people get in trouble for this kid got stung by v and I was the only one that was uh, because uh That had a first aid in CPR certification So I had to literally stand side by side with this kid the entire summer With this fucking little epi-pen and a plastic bag with his name on it And then one day we're fucking out there. We're playing he comes up to me and he just goes I got stung by a bee
Starting point is 00:55:35 And I went Holy fucking shit I get stabbed this kid I did not see that I don't like now I'm like now i'm panicking though because I have training to do it, but I'm like Oh, what's different now that you really have to do is like which side is the top? Oh, like do I go oh my god So I put him on his side like he's not going into like shock or anything yet
Starting point is 00:55:57 But you have to do it immediately after these kids fucking get stung by bees because they'll fucking they still have to go to the hospital It's not like that. Here's everything. Yeah. He had to go right to the hospital. I fucking just Stabbed this fucking little kid in his leg and gave him the epi-pen shot and he was good But now is that when it was an actual needle because I know like the new ones now or like it's like a big piece of plastic and it's a button that This was when you had to Press it because you would load you would load the epi-pen like you would load it to the point where now it's ready for you to like Fucking stab this kid's leg
Starting point is 00:56:31 So I was like, oh my god like here it goes And I hit him with it And he like didn't even feel the kid was a gangster Didn't even feel it and then like you said that he had to go to the hospital after like get like Yeah, dude, that's fucking intense. You've ever seen dude. I was like 15 or 16 years old when that should happen Oh, shit It's not like something that happened like five years ago. Like I was a kid and I was I was a part stabbing kids
Starting point is 00:56:54 But the only reason I had my certification because I was a lifeguard at the time So I had to have it So I was the only one that I had to babysit this kid basically all the time This is one of those kids that was allergic to everything. Yeah, fucking hate those. Yeah, you know, did you ever see? Have you ever seen? Have you ever seen pulp fiction? Yeah, how they give her the adrenaline shot with the fucking giant needle. That's a real thing Yeah, those adrenaline needles those adrenaline needles
Starting point is 00:57:18 You need to like go hard enough to break through their sternum But not hard to the point where you'll fucking go through their back like it's crazy imagine giving someone a dude Do you want to hear something funny? My dad hates needles like won't do it. I do too. He he was he was He was doing construction and some dude punched a window And it broke and it hit him in the face and he got like his whole face was like torn up your dad Yeah, and my dad's face when I was super young and then uh, he wouldn't get novocaine He's like just do it because he hates needles This is one time he's at the doctor and he needed to get a shot for something and he's like, I don't want to do it
Starting point is 00:57:53 Whatever I would I'll just deal with it Whatever the fuck it is doctor literally took the thing and stabbed him through his shirt in his chest Are you serious? Yeah, he's like I wanted to fucking kill the guy. He went right through his shirt Why did he do that? Because he's a fucking gangster, dude That's uh, that's so It was fucking awesome But it was like one of those things like how the doc would be like all right like on the counter theory
Starting point is 00:58:11 I'm gonna prick you What? He was like my dad was put up a fight and he's like fuck this and just hit him That's so dope That's dope That's fucking awesome Dude, you know what? You know something else? You know throat cultures? Yes So I hated that growing up like when you have a sore throat they got probably q-tip
Starting point is 00:58:25 Oh my god That's the worst thing ever Swab like to hold back your yeah, my doctor hangs out back there. I'm just like So I didn't like it and there was this one time. I swear to god where I had One nurse holding one arm. You think point stars are good at those another nurse holding the other. I think they're amazing It's like yeah, get ahead get the back get deeper in there I didn't even know you in there That one was holding my one was holding each leg one was holding each arm and one was holding my nose
Starting point is 00:58:53 And then the last one was doing the throat culture She got raped Basically They were holding every limb because I was like, I'm not fucking doing this. That sounds awful How awful were those days when your mom be like, all right guys time to go. We're all going to the doctor I we barely went to the doctor I really don't remember it to be honest and I wish I had went more because my body's a fucking civil war I'll tell you that
Starting point is 00:59:18 Because it's weird because the like your parents would be in the room when you went to the doctor And like they would be having a casual conversation with your parents like while they're like examining your body Always kind of weirded me out. And as if you weren't there either. Yeah. Yeah, just be like, yeah, so what's up like? Oh, John looks pretty good this year. That's nice. All right. All right. That feels good I'm like this guy's gonna touch my dick soon and I'm not a big fan of it and my dad sitting right there I'm sure it's like a lot of like for pediatricians. I'm sure it's more for like so parents feel better at Yeah, to make yourself to see it. See what's going on. Yeah. Yeah, that's a that's a good point It was just it was weird that I'm getting my dick touch while my dad's right there and they're having a conversation
Starting point is 00:59:56 I was super nervous. He's like cool with it. I want anyone to be there when I'm getting my dick touch. It's my dad. Yeah I was always super nervous. I'm like I hope I don't get a boner right now And then when I think like that then I'm like, oh, no, no, I'm in my head Because like the doctor would always start like up here and be like, all right and like like do this thing Yeah, like press on your stomach fingers and like he would brace the other Brace your stomach be like it's getting closer to my dick. I said, here he goes. Here he goes Oh my god, he's touching my dick. And then I'm like, please stop touching my dick
Starting point is 01:00:33 And those two seconds like you said choking feels like forever Those two seconds felt like forever. I said, please get your doctor hands off my dick. I hated it I hate the the touch of gloves. I hate the touch of gloves And how when they when you used to give blood, they would hold your fingers so all the blood would like go to the top And pop you with that thing Do you know I have blood everywhere. You don't just squeeze my whole fucking the last time You know what I mean? You could go anywhere in my arm and take blood. All right. We need as much blood as we can get Let's go to the smallest surface area on your body. Go to the smallest part and squeeze the shit out of it
Starting point is 01:01:08 Dude, to be honest though, I do that now when I get cut or if I think I get cut I just Squeeze it to make sure I don't bleed sometimes. It's kind of weird. Yeah, it's definitely weird. Yeah We're fucking we're bros. We're bros Uh, the last time once we got my blood taken it was this girl who was like, I guess training because Literally, I'm not making this up trying to be funny. She missed three times Fourth time's the charm. She but look how big the vein is in my arm. Yeah, you could see it from across the table Yeah, she was like, oh, I just can't I'm like, what the fuck lady
Starting point is 01:01:41 I don't know, but you know one time so all right, we're gonna tell this story now I told this to Frankie the other day. Uh, I had a aid scare Oh, yeah, but like a stupid aid scare not like it's like really jumping the broom right there. I know because herpes. Yeah You know, I'm scared 40 pounds in a week or no, no, no. So here's the thing right you're gonna laugh your ass off when I say I say So you're gonna laugh your ass off when I say this right 40 pounds this week. I think I think I think I might have aids So is it my hands? This is so weird, right?
Starting point is 01:02:23 So listen, this is a true story. This is a Oh So I hooked up with some girl on the weekend and then I came home and my my palms were just like peeling like crazy And I was like I was like, what the fuck is going on? So then I go to google obviously And I type in
Starting point is 01:03:04 Peeling palms and of you know, of course everything on webmd comes back to aids or cancer or something So I was like, oh, shit. I thought I have I think I have cancer So I I was like, I didn't know what to do like I went to the the girl who I hooked up with I went to her instagram because I'm like, I don't know what answers I was looking for there But I went and it was private but her bio was be positive And I was like, oh no, it was stay positive and I was like, this isn't a good I was like, I'm cursed right now So I was like rushing to get like a fucking wait. So is is peeling hands the side effect of aids?
Starting point is 01:03:40 I don't think so But somehow I got there in google Oh my god I just stopped crying from that that entire experience. That was unbelievable Well, I'm happy that you don't have aids. Oh, yeah, it's pretty pretty sick. That makes you feel a lot better Yeah, did you find out why your hands were peeling? Uh, I don't know just being grimy as fuck. Yeah, probably jay in it Jay in it. Jay in it too hard
Starting point is 01:04:08 That's what I'm saying if you're gonna have an aids scare like something really bad has to happen to you before you kill Well, I'm like over all the other scd's. I used to be like a crazy hypochondriac like I thought I had colon cancer Because I was shitting black for like four days. Well, that makes sense. That's an actual side effect problem Right. Yeah, bone cancers, but peeling hands Probably not it. Yeah, I know. I was weird. Oh my god. Good times. What a time Oh my god, so I think we should wrap this up. Yeah. Oh my god. I'm uh, anyway, uh Frank where can I Uh, not here. Uh, same
Starting point is 01:04:51 Find me on twitter at frank underscore alvarez 80 instagram f alvarez underscore 80 and i'm gonna steal next Thunder uh nick and I do a wrestling podcast if you guys like wrestling, um out of san agato studios, uh, the culture hub Everything that comes out of the studio. So uh, you can find that we call ourselves the squid circle jerks on twitter at sc j pod Real easy. Actually had danion last week. Yeah, we had danion this week Channeling is inner mark inner mark big time big time But where about you dan? Uh, you can just find me on twitter instagram. My name is danny low priority lop r i or e
Starting point is 01:05:32 Hit me up. I do follow back Sometimes uh nick lambi m 10 on twitter instagram snapchat avi sports betting and dfs podcast degeneration bets Also frank mentioned the wrestling and along with joey were part of venerance minimum. So check that out And uh, that is all Thanks for listening. Awesome

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