The Basement Yard - Salad Tossing 101

Episode Date: May 2, 2017

On this episode, I have @TimothyDeLaG of Goin' Raw on to talk about salad tossing & other things.... mostly that though. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today. I am joined by a returning guest. He was here I actually looked it up. It was about half a year ago. Oh six months ago. That's not even a long time ago No, I felt like it was like I said he asked me how long it was. I was like easily over a year Yeah, but I thought a while ago. Yeah, I'd like what you don't want the place. Oh, yeah It's a new place. Mm-hmm different place the old studio very small White walls by the way, this is Tim DeLaGhetto everybody who doesn't know hi I'm Timothy DeLaGhetto You might you might have seen him on MTV's while and out
Starting point is 00:00:32 Maybe or all over YouTube Maybe you know they use the kids used to watch me on YouTube not so much anymore. That's much anymore. It happens It's been ten years. Yeah, but I feel like Everyone knows Tim DeLaGhetto. No, they want it like you're like on a Mount Rushmore sort of you know Um, you know what? I'm certain people. I feel like you want I mean you're on my Mount Rushmore if I didn't pick like five people when I was starting I don't even know who like the rest would be but like I'm definitely I feel like I'm definitely considered an OG in the space
Starting point is 00:01:02 Yeah, like even like the people that aren't necessarily familiar with my my work Like know who I am in terms of YouTube and yeah, and in the community, you know, Sam Yeah, I feel like I'm a complete opposite Community knows shit about me because I'm all the way on the East Coast But it's still it you might be the only one that's still on the East Coast I think so because people get like 20,000 followers. They're like well fuck school. I'm going LA now And they just head on over there and live in these big ass houses
Starting point is 00:01:34 And I don't know how they do it, but they do at like 16. Yeah, but then they're in there with like five other people Yeah It's a weird it's a weird thing. I was just having this conversation with someone the other day about how You know these These kids are just kind of like fucked school. I'm just doing this now and they just fucking go I went when Vine was super poppin That was like the beginning of it too. That's what everyone's like. Yeah, I'm definitely just gonna move. Yeah So there was a house
Starting point is 00:02:03 That was owned by like these guys at this company that was creating con like helping the Viners basically create You know I'm saying and they moved in and like there's a handful of Viners living in this house And I went to the house and I'm not gonna say his name, but this kid it was so annoying and So like the guy like he was like hey man, let me show you on the house I'm like cool cool cool. He's like let me and choose to the blah blah blah He was a popular you know one of these cutie cutie whitey Viners, you know cutie whitey yeah, the cutie whitey crew and I walk into this room and he's sitting there playing video games
Starting point is 00:02:31 while these little Teenage white chicks watch him play video games and then I go in and he's like he's like hey man Um, hey, I want you to meet Tim and they got in the kids playing his games And he's like and he goes and he goes hey, and I was like oh, I hate this for ever for ever And just recently I want to say like a few months ago My my manager hit me up. She was sent me an invite She's like hey, did you want to come to this premiere for this movie starring this kid? And I was like I'm gonna pass. I don't like him. I very much dislike him. So no, thank you
Starting point is 00:03:06 Oh my god, that's not the first story. I've heard someone else told me like they were Me that like the pretty much the exact same thing where they met one of these kids And he just like wouldn't look him in the eye and yeah, it was real. Just like we're in sunglasses and just Chillin like this like oh my god You know how it is man when you're like in high school when you're like 16 you think you're the shit You know and it's like these kids like they're 16 got a bunch of money got a bunch of like notoriety really fast Yeah, so it's like you just you're just an asshole, you know, yeah And I always see these like random videos on YouTube. They pop up my feed which I don't know why because I'm not watching
Starting point is 00:03:43 I'm watching any of this shit, but like it's like these off-brand TMZ Companies, I don't even know their names, but they're following these kids and like they're at lunch and they're running up to him like Hey, man, what's going on? You got projects in the world. Are you serious and you can tell that these little like vine kid like I've seen like Cameron Dallas and Those two these the twins I forgot their names, but there's those two twins and like they were all chillin or some shit I think it was that three and this dude walks up with a camera and starts asking him questions So you kind of see that they're like hype. Hmm like yes
Starting point is 00:04:14 Yeah, you know I mean and I would be like the complete opposite like I hate that You know it's funny is like, you know for the most part I mean most of them are are they're nice. They're nice kids. You know I'm saying like I used I used to yeah They're misguided. Yeah, because you came into that too quickly But like I met Cameron Dallas once at the Streamys and And we kind of made eye contact at a couple of tables like he turned around and I was like And we kind of made a contact and he was like And I was like and I was like hey, thanks, man
Starting point is 00:04:45 I went up and shook his hand and we're talking and he's like hey, man You know like I just feel like there's such like a divide between Viners and youtubers and you know I feel like, you know, we're all just creating blah blah blah and I was like well aren't it's honestly, bro Okay, I talked shit about Viners, but you're a nice guy Yeah, yeah, yeah, there is I kind of felt bad like I would feel bad because I would you know, I would I would talk shit and then I mean I used to talk shit originally. That's how I was I think I you know I was a little like there was definitely a little do we talk about this the last time
Starting point is 00:05:15 I feel like we did a little bit We kind of touched on it where we where it was kind of like where the fuck did this come from right? Like there was a little salt on my behalf where it was like, you know I felt like I would have been creating on on line for so long And I like was really thought I was putting like effort into creating these like three four five minute long sketches Yeah, and then it's like and then there's like these kids came along and they were doing six second things And then and then now they're at the same events as me and I'm like what the what did you come from? You know, it was also like I mean you started way before I did and then you know
Starting point is 00:05:49 But even when I was starting out like there wasn't a whole lot of like money in the whole thing You know what I mean? This is over time and then these kids got in where companies are like, yeah Fuck it. We'll give you $40,000 to fucking do this and we're like I've been fucking working for four years and like you know I mean like shit. I'm like I'm like, okay. Well, here's what I'm neat I'm gonna like to get my crew together and my editor and my sound dude, and I just gotta flush out a script I'm gonna send you a script and then these kids are like Six seconds. Oh, yeah, I saw this online. Let's just redo that that we fire and they just put it up But I did feel bad one time I went to this I went to the party and um
Starting point is 00:06:25 And I walked in and I was like fucking minor kids are here and then I was in and I shook his hand I was like, hey, what's up, man? This one kid and then we were in the bathroom And I think he was watching his hands as I was going into pee and then I just like nodded him. What's up? And he's like, hey, man, I've been watching you since I was a little kid. You like your videos inspired me to start creating content I was like, oh I'm such a dick. But, you know now finds dead. So hey, fuck him No, but but but to its credit Some like some really talented
Starting point is 00:06:58 Viner turned youtubers are like killing shit right now. Like yeah You have you have you seen like liza liza stuff is like dude that girl and david dobrik. Yeah, they're they fucking They're killing shit. I can't even imagine how much money those two are making dude and plus and they're fucking like legit Awesome people. Yeah, and and and liza's like really funny. Like she's legitimately just funny Yeah, and so is that like I feel like because I've watched david's videos before david dobrik And they have like a crew of friends And I mean, I think all of them are like not from LA But they all like moved there and like found each other, I guess
Starting point is 00:07:33 I'm like, they just have like a funny ass group of friends and You know, all of the all the views that they get are like well deserved That's coming from me who fucking hates everyone. But you know what I mean? I uh, there's they're like super nice people though. I remember when I first discovered both of them I like tweeted like yo, I love these two Whatever and they both DM'd me to be like, thank you. I was like, I didn't need to do that. But like, you know what I mean? It's a bot And oh, yeah, yeah automatically does that don't feel cool. Joe. Okay. No problem
Starting point is 00:07:59 um Speaking of creating you've been creating a really long time. You do have your new show now Which is also on full screen guys. This is all a plug. This is all the plug I flew to new york just so I could advertise my show because we have a different uh demo I feel like you probably have a lot more attractive Females that watch you than that watch me But um the difference is um minor legal, right? So
Starting point is 00:08:27 I can have sex with them. No. No, I can't wait. What was that noise for? Well, my that noise was because my demo was actually changed. Is it yes. It's quite older now. Is it? Oh, well, yeah, we're older Yeah, that is true. Yeah. Well, that's a little hey the blessing So anyway, the show is called going raw. I have a show called going raw on uh, the full screen The full screens. What is it full screen? He doesn't know what it is Hope every uh money well spent guys. My show is called uh going raw So if you're watching his show, you probably already have the app or you are signed up for your free trial Exactly. So, uh, just uh click out of this right now and go watch mine. It's this is as good as it's gonna get
Starting point is 00:09:10 I'm telling you right now Uh, but yeah, man, it's a fun show like um, I'm going for a whole like Uh, rap city remember rap city, uh the basement big tigger. Yeah big tigger. I'm going for like a rap city slash wanes world Slash just like pee weas play house slash mr. Rogers Slash naked and afraid vibe, you know naked and how the how'd you incorporate that one in there? You'll find out I guess so I mean I watched the first episode with king batch on there. Oh, yeah, that was a good one And then I saw I was just I was just on like full screen before and I saw you had like a bunch of people
Starting point is 00:09:44 Um a bunch of guests you just had jimmy tater on there, which last time you were on my podcast We talked about he how he was a cool dude too. Yeah, fuck his shit. Oh tater's episode comes out. Uh, yeah, it's out Yeah, it's out. I just saw yeah It's coming out. I have no idea. I haven't even watched it But it's a good one. Yeah, and he has you have a cool ass set too. It's like dog My set is so sick like I want to live on it. It's tight There's like it looks like it's in a garage. Yeah, and then there's like basketball hoops in the fri- there's a stripper pole There's really that's where the naked and afraid is coming from
Starting point is 00:10:19 Have you put that to good use yet? Not yet But we are gonna have on a future episode. Um, I have a stripper friend Um who is gonna come and do some stripper things. That's totally fine. If you need me to be on that You don't even have to ask. I'll be there. Hey, you can help me on that episode, bro Do it do it. It's fun. She's actually really good too. Um at stripping at like if she likes she's got like a crazy core Yeah, her core is crazy. Bro. It's crazy. Sometimes you see them doing things and you're like How like yeah, no, it's amazing the strongest legs and it's pretty dope Those are the ones where it's like even if they're not attractive. I'm like, I need to tip this girl
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yeah, like you're doing a great job. Yeah, because otherwise it's like it's only the cute ones Yeah, and she's not like just up there like, you know Gyrating her hips. She's she's fucking working out. Not that I'm like, I don't mind just up there like hip. Oh, gyrate gyrate You know, there's got to be some gyrating. You know, it's crazy. It's like I don't know how the strip clubs are in new york, really, um, I've only ever been the aces and Starlets starlets, um Yeah, I had a good time. Oh, yeah. Um, the ones in LA though, there's like a there's like a different kind
Starting point is 00:11:22 There's like two different kinds of strip clubs. You know what I'm saying? It's like there's the ones in LA where If you get butt naked, you're not allowed to sell alcohol at the strip clubs, right? Um, so it's like there's the ones where there's kind of like there's a butt naked girl There's one girl on stage kind of like just kind of like grinding and like kind of like moving and just but it's just cool Because she's naked, right? And then there's like really like the more fun turn upy strip clubs, right? Like there's a spot called sam's hoff bra. Will you go there? Hoff bra? Hoff bra. What the fuck's that mean?
Starting point is 00:11:51 I have no idea. That's got to be some like latin shit sam's hoff bra Hoff bra, but you go there and as soon as you walk in there's like Eight beautiful girls twerking on stage, but they're not naked. They're all in like g-strings and stuff like but titties Not even titties, bro. No, wait, you can have titties out and sell alcohol. No I don't know why I'm asking you guys like you own strip clubs. No, you can you can but here's the thing They'll sometimes they'll take their titties out. Um, and like a five more tips and shit But like for the most part the draw for that one is just like they're beautiful and they're all twerking and it's amazing Um
Starting point is 00:12:26 But and that's more of like a throw a bunch of ones type spot But then like the one where there's just like that one girl naked on stage kind of grinding That's where like you go for like a lap dance. You know what I'm saying? That's where you go like during the day when your wife is yelling at you and shit. Yeah dude I mean I've been to a strip club and you see some guys in there. You're just like, what are you running away from right now because You don't like he's got like four glasses on his table and like a newspaper and he's sitting there like He's in the park and there's just a chick but they're all bouncing in his fucking face, bro
Starting point is 00:12:56 The weirdest shit man. There was a strip club in uh, I think it was Orlando. I went to uh to visit a friend of mine who's dancing right and um, they're like, oh, this is a you can you can eat food here It's like there's like a really like good there's a good food Yeah, and I've had good like really good wings at a strip club in Texas but so I go to the spot and I saw like the tables and stuff and I walk in there's a girl in the poll like, you know stripping and stuff and this dude Is sitting there just eating a steak not even looking at the stripper But literally the polls like right here and he's like chilling and I'm like, yo, what is the point?
Starting point is 00:13:28 What is this? He's gonna hit with like a sweat particles and he's just eating a steak. Yeah I mean I've heard of that. I think um I saw an interview jake hold it one time where he said that He sometimes he goes to strip club just for the food because it's that good and he just chills like he doesn't even like interesting I mean, hey I mean, whatever does it for you, you know, like I said, I like the wings. I had a strip club Wait, hold on before we move on let me do these sponsors real quick. Uh, the first one we got here is me undies I say this every time, but it's true
Starting point is 00:13:57 I've thrown out every piece of underwear that I own besides me undies one because they're free two because they're comfortable As fuck elevate your underwear game to the next level with me undies guys. They have this stuff Micro modal a fabric three times softer than cotton They can't be lying because it's comfortable as hell and like especially now the summer's here and it's like humid So like when it's humid that space in between your balls and your leg is always soaked But not when I wear me undies it just kind of just soaks it up. It makes it like, you know, I mean, it's not wet either It's like dry. I don't know how it's like some crazy science that I don't know but You know
Starting point is 00:14:39 It's dope You know, they got a bunch of different cool patterns. You can you can choose from it's not just black white red, whatever Um And guess what you can save time and money each month with a monthly subscription And if you're not ready for a subscription, that's okay. You can still save that's because me undies is offering you 20% off your first pair Just use our special url me Slash basement and get 20% off your first pair. Again, that's me Slash
Starting point is 00:15:06 Basement the next one we got up my mom's favorite blue apron Blue apron is the number one fresh ingredient and recipe delivery service in the country If you sign up to this, uh service You will get a box in the mail With pre portion food and instructions on how to cook and make dope meals uh Things like salmon piccata with orzoan broccoli and spicy shrimp coconut curry with cabbage and rice Cool meals great meals, uh, healthy things as well. Um
Starting point is 00:15:39 You put in all your information about what kind of food you like what food you don't like what you're allergic to or whatever And then you get a nice meal. Uh, it comes out to less than 10 dollars a person Which is a fucking steal if you ask me So check out this week's menu and get your first three meals free with free shipping by going to slash basement That's basement So wait your show is called go and roll. So is there like A theme to your show or is there just like a fucking disaster like this one? Um, uh, it's it's a beautiful disaster
Starting point is 00:16:11 You know i'm saying uh going raw just kind of plays off of the fact that um, you know We're having like just like real conversations, you know uncensored and a lot of it has to do with like we answer relationship advice and people submit like Relationship and sex questions and we give them advice and also because I hate condoms So i was gonna ask that like is there like a correlation here between the name and your lifestyle here? Yeah, I mean, I definitely you know, I definitely don't enjoy condoms, uh, but who does you know? But I always tell the kids, you know, make sure you wear condoms Oh, yeah, wear them
Starting point is 00:16:47 You know if you're gonna like if you're fucking because I mean your relationship I'm in a committed relationship right and you were in a committed relationship from what I know before that as well Yeah, and if you're using condoms in a committed relationship, I just I just I feel like that's wrong. That's what let's be strange Yeah, yeah, that's almost like an insult to the girl. You know what i'm saying? It's like I don't trust you I don't yeah, it's like like a prenup before you guys get married like a pre-nut. She will agree That was fire I actually don't even know if it was fire if people are gonna hate that but I liked it pre-nut. She will approve pre-nut. She will But yeah, I uh
Starting point is 00:17:26 I was gonna you know, I lost my virginity without a condom That is when you use one I also did and did you oh, let me tell you oh, let me tell you what happened It was so stupid because like, you know, of course you bust in like two seconds. Yeah, so I um I remember it because I looked at the clock because I was like, I want to know how good I am and I remember it being seven minutes Which was you know, I was I was proud of that seven minutes bro. I I feel like I'm lucky if I hit a minute On that first day Uh, because I was so excited and then uh, and here's here's here's why I didn't wear the condom because this girl
Starting point is 00:18:03 The first time I hooked up with her, um, or the first time I thought it was gonna happen. Um, I was just like Going down on her for a long time and then I couldn't find but in my inexperience I didn't know when the right time was to be like, hey, she like about a fucking I get a condom What should I write where do I how are you doing over there? Can I is it my turn? Is this what's this doing for you? Yeah, I didn't know what to do. So like eventually I was just doing it for way too long and I was like, I was like, hey, so She was like, she's like, I gotta go like she literally had to go somewhere and she had like a prior engagement She had to go to some award show as like a date for somebody some shit and I was like
Starting point is 00:18:42 How about a fucking someone who's about to head to an award show? Yeah, she was hot pretty good And uh, and also I didn't lose it till I was like 18 too. So Um, so and then so the second time when I was like, I felt like this was the this was the day I didn't want to risk anything getting in the way of it, you know, so I was like, I was like, okay It's about to go down. I'm not even gonna ask about the condom. I'm just gonna like Just whip that shit out to whip it out and go in right and then and then um, and then I did and then like, you know Of course, I'm like 10 strokes in I was like, I gotta I'm out, you know what I'm saying? And then like and but but then also it's like, what do you it's your first time?
Starting point is 00:19:19 What do you do in that situation? Like so much is going through your head, you know It's like, oh, am I doing this right? Is she feeling this? Does she like this? Oh my god? I'm about to come. What do I do? Do I do I pull out? Do I put jizz on her? Is this okay with her? It's like, I don't know. You know, now it's like now they were experienced. It's like, oh you jizz all over them They don't care but like paint a picture. Yeah, and you're gonna experience. It's like, what do I do, right? Yeah So so I ended up like I thought maybe on my way out. I might have like The first couple like jizzes might have might have got her right. Um, just I yeah, just I So just I
Starting point is 00:19:54 Oh about that. We got we got a bunch more coming the way So I'm like, dude, I think I think I might have like, you know in you a little bit and she's like, ah What do we do? So I had to call The nearby ride aides that to see if anybody had like like morning after pills or whatever Which are like fucking $50 by the way. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I had to pay for it. Oh and then And then that was like my first time and it's funny because I was late to work because of all this shit that was happening I was late to work at footlocker, you know, yeah
Starting point is 00:20:26 And um And this girl I you have to know this fact for the for the ending. All right. This girl was I took her to homecoming. All right So, um in high school and uh, so I I called him late to footlocker. I told him that like, hey, man Uh, my home girl like she like broke her arm. I had to take her to the hospital I'm like, all right, cool. I finally show up to work and he's like, oh, okay. So how's your friend with all with the with the arm? I'm like, oh, she's she's cool now. You know, I had to take her to the doctor He's like, okay. You weren't you weren't like trying to like get it in with the prom queen or something, right? And I was like, huh?
Starting point is 00:20:58 Like, oh, you knew I was not are you crazy, man? But I was like, holy shit. What kind of weird ass reference Specific ass references that yeah, that's not an expression at all. Like, why would he say that? I don't know I think he was like hacking your phone and shit. Yeah, maybe dawg. I mean I had a flip phone back then Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I just watched it. You watch black mirror. We would I was just talking about black mirror I just watched the episode where they talk about It's like the episode about covering the webcam on your laptop. Mm-hmm I haven't seen a shift. Don't don't it'll fuck you up. You're not with me. I was making fun of uh One of the producers of the show because he tapes is I saw it with the he had tape on his laptop
Starting point is 00:21:36 I'm like, you're fucking one of those people. You kidding me? Yeah, and then I watched that episode. I was like Oh man, that would uh That would that would suck if someone was always just watching you. Yeah, it's weird because I'm a uh I'm like I'm like a laptop in my bed Masterbader, you know, really? I'm all mobile now. Are you? Yeah, it's such a small screen Bro Not if you boom just like that, you know, I guess you just turn it sideways and you got it I don't know man. I like uh, I like I like the laptop
Starting point is 00:22:11 I mean, I fuck with the laptop I haven't used the laptop in a while if I'm being completely honest and I never go desktop I I retired those days in like 2003. I don't even have a desktop. But back in the day. Yeah back in the day like my parents, bro my my computer First of all the ones that look like air conditioners for the young kids You don't even know what the fuck that is
Starting point is 00:22:32 But they look like air conditioners and they just sat in a living room and like Everyone's around and shit. So you have to like sneak out of bed. Everyone's just watching you jerk off like they're having dinner behind you But I had to like wake up at like 2 a.m I had to like plan my jerk off. You know, I'm jerking off tonight And then I'd set an alarm 3 a.m. Wake the fuck up. By the way, I set an alarm not on my phone Didn't have one on alarm clock. Oh man. Pray that no one woke up from it, bro Even though I shared a room
Starting point is 00:23:04 Then head downstairs like Christmas fucking morning. Here's a struggle for us back then, bro. It was bad I didn't have to download shit from limewire. Dude, my connection was so slow. Here's what I would do I would As soon as I got a free from free time at home, right? I would I would like click something some point to load and then I would go like take a shower take a shit Do like do like chores and then come back to the loaded porn so I could master made comfortably without like shit skipping You know, it's or we're buffering
Starting point is 00:23:35 Yo buffering first of all, you know what I do even to this day how I watch porn I'll pick like three Three ones and then open all of them. Yes Pause them all let them all let them load all the way because I want to be able to look and see like if I can skip forward A little bit see what's going on or maybe if I want to watch it from the beginning get some backstory I don't want to deal with any buffering and just find the best parts of each one Yeah, and then just just pick. You know what I mean? It's like having like a highlight reel
Starting point is 00:24:02 I feel like a lot of people do this. I feel like they should if people aren't doing that. I think they're doing it wrong Yeah, pick five videos you like And just load them all have the tabs one time I I felt I felt fancy and I was like I'm gonna order porn on on demand and I'm gonna watch it In my living room because I was like finally living alone I was like, I'm gonna I'm gonna watch porn on my big screen. I want to see this on my fucking statement. Yeah, dude So I'm like in my living room on my couch Load like what about to watch this porn on my big screen and immediately I was like
Starting point is 00:24:40 Committed to one one option. Yeah hour. It sucks But and if the backstory isn't all that good the acting is not doing it for you like I just I gotta pay for like at least you can fast forward But still I was like, all right, I'm over it and the thing about it is it's an hour long I'm like you're only jerking off like what like 10 minutes and then it's like There's a waste of money It's crazy. Yeah, I mean sometimes you don't even know sometimes I'm like Sometimes I get picky some nights. It's like all I need is like three videos. I'm you know, I'm good
Starting point is 00:25:07 You know what I mean? But some nights I'm picky dude. We can go through 20 30 videos before I'm like, this is the one I uh, I'm I'm I'm looking for porn for so long before I'm actually Jerking off. Yeah, or it's like, uh, I don't know. I think I just start and then I'm like, no, I'm over this Yeah, and I just but then it's like you risk like I'll be over and I'm like It's like what if it takes a long time to find the next one? It's like and then you like, you know, then you're not in the mood anymore. You know, it's like and it's me That has happened a few times where I started. I'm like
Starting point is 00:25:41 I just I can't do this right now. I get fed up. I'm like, I can't the internet's not working and Everything's all spotty and shit. Once I'm my my boy tweeted that um That he's like sometimes he wants to jack off at night, but then he just gets tired and gives up And I was like, dude, not me bro. I don't care how sleepy I am if I'm started I keep on going until I finish and he's like he's like, wow, that's like it's almost like a uh Inspirational. Yeah, he's like that's kind of like why you got where you are today I don't I don't start a job and not finish it. I'm jerking off. I'm jerking off. Yeah, totally house catches on fire We're gonna figure this out afterwards. We're gonna figure this out
Starting point is 00:26:19 Use the jizz to put the fire out. Who knows This is some some weird shit, man You ever click on a porno that's like Some fucked up shit. Yeah, I watch I watch shit. I can't yeah Do you watch like fucked up porn? I watch weird ass porn sometimes, but the only thing that what's weird though I don't know man. There's not a lot. Okay. Look, there's like You can find some dope weird shit if you just type in like weird japanese
Starting point is 00:26:49 I mean, yo, the japanese will Fucking put their dicks or mouths on anything. It's insane. It's it's pretty innovative sometimes. It is like it's pretty sweet It's also like very illegal sometimes as well. Like it's like a dude's blown a dolphin or something like that That's a real thing. I saw a tumblr once back. Have you been in my favorites? No, I haven't but You know, they don't fuck around. I mean they made two girls one cup, didn't they? No, no, that's white. That's white people shit Yeah, yeah, that's like no those asian girls. No, no, no, it was not I'll hit up the fucking
Starting point is 00:27:23 It does sound like a white people's thing. I'll put it. I'll pull it up. I don't even remember the site It's been so long. Do we got a do we got to pay for this too? No, I put two cups. See I'm all rusty I don't even know the names of shit anymore two cups one girl. It's one girl shugging shit Two girls one cup. Oh god, these girls are definitely asian. No, they're not Look forgetting we got pop-ups. Oh my god, it's been so long Oh god, oh my god, did you get a virus from watching two girls one cup? Oh my god I didn't go dot-com, but I definitely like I'm fucked now. You have like some weird pop. Here we go. Yeah See see she's eating shit right now
Starting point is 00:28:13 All right, she is not a one girl's white one one is like indian Whatever is it's not good. Also. I think I just got this like fake FBI warning type shit. Yeah, you had some weird Some shit popping up You can't close it. Oh my god, it says welcome to apple support. Oh my god. Sorry about that. It's just turn your shit off It's worth it. It's worth it. We're gonna keep this so they're not asian. No, they're not see The only thing I'll ever click out of that I'm like grossed out by is whenever the girl says like Oh, this is my dad. I'm like, oh
Starting point is 00:28:58 Why why is the incest shit like I don't like sometimes I'll watch and I'll be like Just just just say step that please just say step that because I saw that I clicked on a hot ass girl Yeah, and she was like she kept they kept doing the whole like that scenario and I was like just say step dad And then she was like, oh, she's like, oh dad. I was like, ah, I can't watch this You know what though? You know how you fix that you just go volume off true and now it's a regular porn But I enjoy the sound, you know, no, I love the sound Yeah, you need the sound I will risk getting caught to hear some sound. I also don't like but um stuff In porn. Yeah, I don't like when they do the like I'm gonna spread my butt. Yeah, I'm like, this is like invasive
Starting point is 00:29:42 I don't like that. Yeah Yeah, I will always pick out of that. Yeah, we're about like eating ass porn I don't mind a little uh eating the butt. Um, I don't like when when he looks which way when they lick the guy's butt That's what I'm gonna say. No that always makes me ah But you know, look at this poor girl. It's so it's so it's never good because she's always she always has to get like under the Ball this yeah, it's like now you have like a like half chub on your eye And then balls on your face And then your mouth's on an asshole or girl's kind of like
Starting point is 00:30:15 That's that's a recipe for a disaster. Uh, do you enjoy that though getting your butt? No, I this listen and this is why I brought it up too because I I'll go on the record. I have never given or received The ass I've uh, I've never received. Um, I heard it's amazing Uh, I used to be against uh Lick in the booty hole as well until uh, you know, like I feel like I got to a point with my girlfriend where um Well, let me not say my girlfriend, but I I just feel like when you truly love somebody you get to a point where um, you know, there's nowhere you won't put your mouth
Starting point is 00:30:53 Yeah, right. Um And uh, I remember When I used to wear a footlocker, um me and this me and this fellow uh employee We were just just sharing different like stories of girls and stuff like that and this older black dude He was like putting some putting some sneakers out of stars and he looks down at us. He's like hey Fuck all that you ain't no real man till you had a girl lick your asshole And we were like, uh, what like this was before even the booty was even like a trend like it is now You know, he's he was ahead of the game. Yeah, he's like till you had a girl lick your asshole
Starting point is 00:31:27 He's like he goes it'll make you go Oh my god And I was like, I don't know man. I can't do it. I can't do it And that's what happens in these pornos too the dudes are like, oh Like they go they fucking love that shit. Yeah, I just feel like It's just weird. Yeah, I couldn't do it I've had a friend tell me is like, yo, if you're not eating ass or getting your ass eaten You're not having sex. So I've been a virgin now for 25 years. I hope everyone's I mean
Starting point is 00:31:54 Like I I only eat the booty if I if I'm in love, you know, it's like special Damn, that's romantic. Apparently it's like it's great. You don't even like say it. You don't say I love you You just kind of like this is how you're gonna tell her. Yeah, you say I'm not gonna say the words, but I'm just gonna like I'm gonna eat your ass You're doing it. She's like you mean it Oh my god, like you said it tonight Yeah, I don't know man, but I mean there's some weird ass porn like I clicked on a porn once and Like it was fine because like I'm super down
Starting point is 00:32:32 with it feeling like This could happen to me. Like I don't want like with the whole like Hard fake ass tits and then a guy's a plumber and comes over and she's like, I don't have money But I could blood like that's not gonna happen or like she's the plumber and he like it's not gonna happen If you have that negative attitude. No, it's not. It's not. Honestly. I'm a realist I'm a realist everyone, but There was this one I clicked on because the girl's in the car with him I'm like, oh, he's about to get blown in the car like I've gotten blown in cars
Starting point is 00:33:02 Like I can I can put this image in my head and all of a sudden like It got, you know, aggressive. But like Forceful and then before I knew it. I skipped the head because I'm like, oh, I don't like this part Let's just go with the nice part And then it didn't get nice. It got worse because there was rope Oh, and she was like hog tied and shit and I was like, I can't do this. See I'm into it I don't mind that it was like a right point is what I'm trying to get at Yeah, but it's like, you know, um, I've watched some dope ones where it's like
Starting point is 00:33:30 It's it's like that but then afterwards they're the guy they're always like, oh, so how was it? She's always like, oh, I had to get she's wiping all the jizz off. She's like, I had a really good time You know, I think came coming in here. I thought I was gonna hate it but No, I love it Like I feel like with the really aggressive ones like that They they they they'll put in a little like after the like the scene, you know what I'm saying Which is kind of like, it's like, yeah, no, it's really ain't nothing spending was super fine. Yeah, I didn't I didn't stick around for that This guy was mean man
Starting point is 00:33:57 He was a bully. Oh, he was uh, he was definitely a bully I think some of the weirdest stuff I've tricked off to was uh If you look up like parody on on on porn websites, you get like the funniest but dopest shit sometimes and like There was an avatar Yeah, oh and like and the makeup was so good like it was actually really good I'm like admiring It's a really good makeup. Yeah, because lighting is phenomenal as well They put like the prosthetics on like I was like, wow
Starting point is 00:34:26 This leaves like they could be characters from the from the movie, you know They had like yellow contacts and yes And they were like completely blue and as they're having sex like the blue paint's not even like rubbing off I'm like, this shit's tight. This is high level production. Yeah So it's like you like you like you start thinking like, whoa, I'm like watching like aliens have sex right now Yeah, this is cool. I'm into it I would fucking alien Yeah
Starting point is 00:34:48 What am I not gonna? When are you ever gonna get the chance? They're gonna show up eventually and they're gonna be like, yeah Yeah, give us all your money or let it like fuck us. I'll fuck you right now Like put like put your head in my belly button. That's how I get off. That's how I wonder how aliens fuck. It's probably wild Or it's like regular or it's just yeah, or it's like they don't even touch each other Just fuck like with their minds and stuff or it's like they like suck noses And they're like, oh my no, you suck my nose. All right. That's a robot Uh
Starting point is 00:35:17 Wait, no, no, that's an alien. Oh robot is like you. We don't know what they sound like so they could sound like that. You never know Who knows but um, who knows He's funny bro. That's three Funny guy Who knows? Uh By the way, so I knew I was going to talk about eating ass on this show So I looked some shit up. What I looked some shit up this guy I don't even realize that I'm doing this
Starting point is 00:35:43 But I looked something up and uh You know, it's kind of like my concerns with the whole thing Right. Like I wanted to find if people shared the same concerns as me. There's them which people do. There's definitely some concerns Oh, for sure. So this one is uh from stef. She's 24 orange county Obviously, uh This story that she wrote submitted. It's called the brown eye Say here I'm laughing in the closet
Starting point is 00:36:12 She said I was licking the ass of my boyfriend. Why didn't she say it like licking the ass of my boyfriend? It's kind of poetic. That's like how you would say it in Spanish Like ass of my boyfriend, you know what I mean? But like I was licking the ass of my boyfriend. Oh, no, no, no, the rest of the sentence. It makes sense El culo de mi novio Exactly I was licking the ass of my boyfriend at the time and while that was happening. He suddenly ripped a big fart on me Which is
Starting point is 00:36:39 The golden rule don't right, you know right under don't shit in my mouth. It's don't fart at me He collapsed in a giggle fit While I was completely turned off and kind of pissed I didn't think much more of it until a few days later when I woke up with my eyes glued together with crust My boyfriend had given me pink eye from farting while I tossed his salad in both eyes though She said eyes We have a plural here. She was blinded. She was in that fucking ass. Is that that's what that means? Holy shit, that's disgusting
Starting point is 00:37:15 Bro, she said I didn't break up with him over that. What a fucking trooper Yeah, but as she said I didn't it's no surprise. We didn't last much longer, huh? Which I would assume so if you fart in my face and give me pink eye I can pretty much guarantee That a millisecond afterwards you will become single. I'd be pretty pissed. Yeah, you can go shit in someone else's face God But like that's one of my concerns because that's just that's just not that's also like I feel like when you're having because Yeah, I'll be honest
Starting point is 00:37:43 I farted in people's face by accident. Sometimes, you know, I mean like, you know, it just happens like during like what during like You know bj's and stuff like that. Oh man, you're an asshole. No, I don't happen once, but I didn't like force it out I just couldn't like Stop it from leaving. I mean no bro in that situation you wait until it goes Back into your stomach. No, I'm always sucking in, you know I mean like keep the air in and then my intestines start to hurt But I'm like, I'll just fart this out later But on this occasion, I didn't even know it was in there and that's the thing
Starting point is 00:38:14 I don't really blame anyone for you know, this guy was obviously pushing and farted on purpose. Yeah. Yeah My fart was like, you know She said ripped a big fart mom is you know, it was mediocre. That's my stuff special There's actually like a porn blooper. I've seen that and she gets pissed She punches him in the ass Punches him in the head, it's fucked up. It's it's really funny I felt really bad when it happened to me, but it happened when you were licking an asshole. No, no, no It was no no, it was no ass. This was a a beach. This was a beach
Starting point is 00:38:46 So like it technically I didn't fart on her. Yeah, it was just like just in the vicinity. Yeah, which is still It's still fucked up. Yeah. Yeah, and like I know she knows that I did it because I know that I did it Like I kind of heard it at that point at that point you take the blanket and hold her down That's the worst day you've ever had in your life. I can tell you right now Um, let's move on to this story This one is like gets a little creative. Okay. Okay. Now. This could be a solution to many people who are trying to think Like should I get into it? Should I start eating ass? I don't know. I don't know if I'm gonna like it I can guarantee you're gonna like it if you do this
Starting point is 00:39:27 Many years ago while in my 20s in london. I dated a guy named simon Why did she say his name? Like this is he was filthy. Okay I'm already disgusted. Yeah, he was filthy and loved it. Okay He was filthy He was filthy and loved to shove ice cream up my ass and then eat it out Then in parenthesis wrote I know freak Well, one day he used chocolate ice cream and as he came up for air. I looked at his face
Starting point is 00:39:57 It was not pretty needless to say it killed the moment. Oh, because it looked like shit Yeah, I don't that's kind of open ended there. I don't know if she like shit and like it was disguised ended But that's like another thing another thing too like Just like cleanliness like hygiene like that's a lot of trust. Yeah. Well, here's the thing I would never eat the booty after a long day like mate like right it's always right after the shower Yeah, you gotta you gotta catch him at a good time. Yeah, I can't be like I just got off my shift Me just as a here's here's what I here's what I learned about About new york people. Okay, cuz like, you know me whenever I know a girl is gonna be like going down on me
Starting point is 00:40:43 I keep it as fresh as possible. Oh, yeah, you know like I'm self-conscious. Yeah me same same Like I I key I try to just stay with like just fresh balls I think like my I treat my dick as like a restaurant Like people are gonna leave and then they're gonna obviously tell people about it You want them to be like out of the food fucking stuff? No, you want them to be like, oh, it was fire It smelled like dentine ice and it was fresh. Yeah, like you could you could you could eat off of that dick? Exactly. That's what I you know, you want it to be but what you're saying about new york people Well, here's the thing because and then there was this girl that uh like way back and I and she was gonna come through and like
Starting point is 00:41:17 And she's gonna come through for some sex and you know we and then she knew I was gonna be going down on her and all that And then um, but she was like, yeah cool. I just got off the train. It's gotta walk like whatever whatever whatever You know I'm saying like eight like however many blocks it was and it was like a hot day and then um and then she got there and And in my head I'm like, all right, cool. She's gonna. Yeah, she's gonna go to the bathroom like rinse off real quick You know I'm saying she's walking around all day. Yeah, but then grab a wipe But then she did not she got to the room and just got in the bed and I was like So inconsiderate of you. Yeah, you know, and it was definitely like like musty
Starting point is 00:41:49 But I feel like but like that didn't stop you know, I mean no that didn't stop me, of course not But but I feel like it's too late by that point I'll turn him back But in my head I thought oh new york people are so used to walking everywhere Maybe you guys aren't thinking maybe I should wash my my genitals off before getting down Maybe people are just comfortable with the the walk around must before we go put our faces down there You know, is that a fact or not? Is that facts be you know the way you say it it makes sense when you think about like
Starting point is 00:42:18 I mean, I'm assuming a lot of people get on the subway And like not everyone washes their hands and shit like I am a germ freak So I made chicken the other night and I must have washed my hands like 10 times while making it because I'm like Oh if I'm touching this I gotta wash my hands and then go back Like I can't fuck with I like I don't like that and then the subway is disgusting So as soon as I get off of that I'm washing my hands And then if I am not 100 certain that I did wash my hands, I'll wash them again Dude because like I'm not trying to get sick. I wash my hands. You know when you wash your hands after you pee
Starting point is 00:42:49 Yeah, I wash my hands before I pee because I feel like there's so many dirty people I don't want their germs on my beautiful dick So it's like I will like wash my hands before peeing before touching my penis because I don't want to contaminate my like clean ass penis Here's the thing though. I don't wash my hands after I pee in my own home No, no It doesn't like I can't I can't unless I'm like my dick's dirty. I was you know, I was hot all day But if I had like just showered and I'm just like watching tv and I pee I'm not gonna like I just don't here's what's weird Honestly, here's what's weird. I I always wash my hands after I pee even if I'm home
Starting point is 00:43:25 But I will jerk off for 30 minutes and not wash my hands afterwards Just let it rock, but I'm touching the same dick But I feel like it's the um, it's the motive, you know what I'm saying? It's like when I'm touching my my my penis when I'm peeing it's like I'm like getting out this dirty juice You know what I'm saying? I don't want any splash back, but it's like when I'm jacking off. It's like this is like nature's These natural shoes are all vegan right now. This brings life to the world. It's like soap. Yeah Yeah, it's more like conditioner. So there's no need to wash
Starting point is 00:44:01 It's clean. It's holy So like I mean, I can't agree with that So you wash your hands after you jerk off Yeah, I don't I just don't like the the the feeling of what just like I don't know you contain that shit, man. I don't I never let the juice touch me What the hell does that mean? I don't let the jizz get on me at all. What do you like jizzing standing up? I I place a towel or sock
Starting point is 00:44:33 Appropriately under where I'm jizzing and like I just I'd like clean up Thoroughly, but it never gets on me though Oh, you're one of these guys all over No, it's just on your hands. So like, you know on the back of the knuckles and shit Oh, okay, because you know, I think it's just the technique. I do it in a way that it does not get on me Okay, so I don't that has happened. You know, that's very nice because you're like Yeah, it's whatever. Yeah Also, sometimes you gotta throw in the occasional, uh
Starting point is 00:45:05 Spit right. I don't do that that you're missing the fuck out. I don't do that If I if I do need to do that, I'll use like lotion or something. See that's the thing I don't know like I I always see that stereotype in movies where it's like kids got jergens and like You know fucking napkins and shit not napkins, but like tissues and stuff. I'm like Never done that. It has to be it has to be like a special occasion for me to use lotion I mean, I was younger. I did use shampoo once but like I don't recommend that at all That was a one-in-one type of time so gets near your your p-hole. That's shit. It feels like you gave yourself an std immediately
Starting point is 00:45:39 You're feeling here's what here's what messed me up one time for whatever reason when I was younger I thought icy hot might be like good to drink off with and it was it was not immediately You did not I tried after like and I feel like three seconds. I was like, ah Jumped in the tub right away and like, you know wash it all off. You know, you know the thing about icy hot is though It's like you it's like oil and water like you can't get rid of it. Like it's just the water just glides off of it It just stays. Yeah, it wasn't good. It wasn't good God But yeah, I'm more of a uh, I'm more of a just to use my hand
Starting point is 00:46:10 Like without anything, you know what I'm saying when you when you can manipulate the skin properly We all know how to do that. You know what I'm saying? No one can jerk me off better than me. Exactly. You don't even need lubrication You know what I'm saying? No No All right, now we're gonna drink each other off. Yeah, we're just reflecting now. I'm just like thinking about it like yeah This is that is a great thing. We're gonna say who can jerk the other dude off the fastest and go ready go That's the after yard. Yeah, exactly. That's what's gonna happen on the after yard. We're gonna it's a jerk off contest Dude, but I mean I and I've gotten some really bad
Starting point is 00:46:45 Handjobs before but you know, I've never gotten like a full hand job till completion. Yeah, gotta get you a jackoff massage, bro I guess so you need to go to japan. They'll bring in like a squid and that thing will jerk me off. Oh my god Oh, man, that sounds actually like could be it. Yeah, it sounds fire actually. They're kind of slimy and shit Um, I I've gotten the uh the jerk off till completion. Uh, I enjoy that on it on every once in a while Yeah, that's like a dope thing. It's a really specific mood. You got to be in though. You know what I'm saying? I just feel like aren't you tired? Yeah, I feel bad I start to feel bad for them when it's going too long, especially it's like a dry one I'm like, this isn't like first of all, you're not doing it better. No, no, no if a girl's doing it
Starting point is 00:47:26 She'd know no lotion or something. Yeah, it does gotta be some sort of Lubricant. Yeah, because it's tricky. You know, the thing is they get too close to the base And they start pulling the rest of your body with it. I'm like Saddle down like they get like here But like at this point like this is my stomach or whatever you want to call it. This is all coming up with it So I'm like, man, you got some aggressive jerk jerk offers
Starting point is 00:47:53 I mean, it only lasts. You know what the thing is too? Like I feel bad in that moment. So I'm not going to go Hey You're hurting me lady. I'm just I just deal with the pain I know whatever just do what you gotta do. I know that struggle It has to really get to an unbearable point for you to like say something. Yeah, I don't say anything during sex I'm like wolverine. I've smashed my head on walls and I'm like, I didn't feel that at all this girl one time like
Starting point is 00:48:18 Just swore it like that like Biting it was like like or like using her teeth in some way was like hot And I was like, dude, don't do that. Like I was at first. I thought it was on accident I was like, she's doing this shit on purpose. And I was like, can you not don't do that anymore? And she kind of like gave me this like little like smirk and like kept doing I was like, no It's not like biting a lip. Yeah, exactly. This is not like something like special aggressive shit that people like this is not like
Starting point is 00:48:44 Like spagging your ass or like choking you like I don't enjoy this pain. You're biting my fucking dick I do not like that. I had a girl one time Do this like she had my dick and then went like this on the top Oh, dude, what do they get that from with the thumb and they just like like people I mean if you're not watching this, you don't know what the fuck i'm doing But like basically they grab it and then they put their thumb on it like it's a detonator Then they just wiggle their thumb like over the top And you're just like what? Yeah
Starting point is 00:49:11 Is that like I don't know where they got that but I was just like not a bit that hurt Yeah, like I had some dry skin You know like I had like Rugburn and shit Yeah, I think I think that's just that comes from like someone's seeing some random Porno and they think like it looks like it would feel good. Yeah I don't even like I'm not even about the lip-binding shit like I mean I guess to a certain extent but like Girls go crazy with that like to see Chan and Tatum do it and all of a sudden they're
Starting point is 00:49:40 Putting holes in my fucking mouth like relax It's I'm cool with just the standard here There's a lot of other stuff we could do they dig it though like they yeah girls really like that you bite their lip They're like, oh my god, that's the thing they go back. See it's again. It's a restaurant When you have sex with someone they're gonna leave they're gonna write a review on yelp They're gonna leave a fucking five star rating or three or whatever He bit my lip if you bite her lip that is on the list of reasons why they enjoyed the place Give you the give you the thumbs up the thumbs up or the fucking
Starting point is 00:50:15 Star yeah, whatever it is. Yeah, I really like this restaurant thing. I just thought up Yeah, I use that in the future. Yeah, dick yelp dick yelp That is a lovely Happ idea girls. Yeah. Well, I don't know. I don't know how that would work. I think No, you can't do that I was gonna say you just upload a picture of your dick People can rate it based on like, you know, I guess girth length
Starting point is 00:50:45 And then just overall I have like I have a dick pic. I really want to leak because it's so funny And uh, it's funny. It dude. It's so funny. Okay. Well, first of all I I took a great dick pic, right? I started with a great dick pic like the angle's great The lighting is on point makes my shit look huge Um, it's just a really aesthetically pleasing dick pic And um, do you remember when views and Drake views came out? And remember like the cover of views was where he was sitting on the edge of
Starting point is 00:51:18 And you could little Drake and they had a little app where you could put little Drake on anything So I was like, oh, so it's like my dick and then like little Drake is just sitting on the tip of my dick And it's so funny, bro And I'm like, I just want to leak. I want to accidentally leak this on purpose, you know Just because I think it's like just really funny, but But I can't Maybe I will one day. We'll see one day. Just let that shit go. It's so good, dude. That's I feel like a lot of people have probably done that
Starting point is 00:51:47 Probably like with the Drake sitting on the tip. Yeah Or just like on the edge because I know some people take dick pics horizontal You know what I'm saying Where you where angle you going from up top birds have you I go this is this is the ideal angle for me I feel like I get next to a natural light source Um a window And I get the
Starting point is 00:52:11 From from here from the floor from no, no, no, no. I like let's say like let's say this is let's I get like like a right here Um front and then this is the camera's facing this way. Yeah, and I get like the under like but it's like uh You got facing it though. No, no, no, no, it's I gotta be careful with it But it's like you just gotta be it's a more like from the side. This is a dangerous from the side So this is a sideways. Yeah a diagonal angle count It's more from the bottom. It's like a profile from the bottom. Okay, and you just kind of like like maneuver it um And uh, you get the good light
Starting point is 00:52:44 Uh, I haven't I've never done that one. I gotta try that dude. It's a good one And here's here's the if you if you turn if you make sure the camera the the bottom part take it from the bottom part That gives it like the like it makes it look huge, you know, yeah Because now you're getting the whole I don't even know the word here, but Like if you're standing under the Empire State Building, it looks way bigger than it is. Yeah far away. Yeah, that's kind of like what you're going for here Exactly See I always went like birds. I view which I guess is like the complete opposite of what you're saying
Starting point is 00:53:15 I'm gonna send you guys these pictures for the you do you have little Yeah, you can just put them up on the screen if you want to do this. Uh, I guess I'm gonna have to take some It's a new uh The new angle here We'll see start snapchatting them out One second though catch them off guard. Oh, and it's already gone You're not able to screenshot You know snapchat should take the feature from you guys because full screen you can't screenshot shit on this app
Starting point is 00:53:45 You can't no What do you mean if I tried if I if you try to take a screenshot of like video It just comes out black. I've never even like heard of this interesting. Why fucking? I don't know because they don't want anyone to they don't want anyone to see change that Change that silly. I think it's because people could just rip the videos and upload them to youtube then Oh, that kind of defeats the whole purpose. Is it? Huh? Oh Yeah, oh, wait, maybe maybe if I screen record Maybe if you all screen record, this is getting cut out by somebody
Starting point is 00:54:20 I was like, yeah, we can't put that in that's our secret But I tried I tried to screenshot the picture a picture and it came out black and I was like, what? It's amazing But if they have that for snapchat, everyone would get a dick then I feel like Yeah, I mean actually, you know that phone boom You know, it's funny that you can do on snapchat Um, and I uh, you know, I've been in relationships I haven't been able to send these to anyone except for like my chick, but um, if you draw a tiny face on your penis
Starting point is 00:54:50 The it'll recognize it and you can put the filters on there. No, I swear to god Well, you you can draw it. Wait, would like in person draw it or like no, no, no, no I'm talking about take your take your actual penis And take a pen of some sort or a marker and draw just like little eyes and a nose and a mouth You talking about real life on your real life dick. Yeah. Yeah on your real life penis And then you take the snapchat app and it'll recognize it as a face and then you can put all the fun filters on your dick This is life-changing This is real can someone go get markers
Starting point is 00:55:24 Because I have a lot of work to do today. I promise you it's it's it's pretty funny. How many times have you done that? handful every day handful couple twenty every time there's a new like a new filter. I'm like oh, man. Oh shit I gotta try that one Oh Is that dry erase? I don't know if that works. I got a crazy dick. So yeah, it's just
Starting point is 00:55:52 It's not that smooth Something else Can't have a permanent marker either Permanent marker doesn't stay on as long as it's not permanent, you know, I mean, yeah, but still like you got to like You just got to explain your chick, babe. I was doing this thing Yeah She's like, why don't I get the picture? Don't worry about it. Yeah, I know right Who are you sending snapchat dick filter pics to?
Starting point is 00:56:15 I was trying out something. I thought you'd like it, but It didn't work out That would be a disaster if you did use a permanent marker and then you tried it and it didn't work It wasn't recognizing. Oh man. Now you did it for no reason and you just got it's got a dick on your face Dude, you know, it was mad scary now that it's on your dick Just got a dick on your face Dude, there was one time I got really drunk and I was like, I hooked up with this girl
Starting point is 00:56:42 And the next morning at the tip of my dick. There was like these little marks That were like purple And I was like Did I get an STD? Yeah But you know science will show that you can't you're not going to find out that quickly but but it was just like, um, Basically like a hickey. Oh Yeah, it was like blood vessels From like, I guess the worst beach ever. I mean, I was
Starting point is 00:57:10 25 beers in there. Damn Lot of calories. Damn, that's scary. Yeah, it was I was terrified I was like, you know, I didn't want to tell anyone like people are looking at me and When something like that happens to you like would you ever have like an std scare? Like it wasn't an actual scare. You just scare yourself Right and you start googling everything. You're like, holy shit. My palm itches. Oh my god. You're looking at fucking aids Of course Yeah, um cancer aids this is a it's a hybrid of diseases
Starting point is 00:57:37 But whenever you have something like that Every time you see someone I was like, you want to go do this? No, I can't you don't want to do anything and You feel like they know kind of just want to get like tested asap. Yeah You're like, I just need to take my blood You kind of want to do yourself and just kind of get a microscope from the that's like such a relief once you like You have the scare and then like you go get it checked out and you're like, oh, it's just an ingrown hair. Thank god Yeah The ingrown hairs that you can't even explain that to people you're kind of like, yeah, this is an ingrown hair
Starting point is 00:58:04 Like yeah, whatever her piece. Okay. Oh, you went here and embarrassing std check story Not really embarrassing more for her than me but I was um I was at on my college campus on like just like the the the little medical area, you know, and um I was getting like a customary check and uh The nurse was like this older Big black lady, right super sweet
Starting point is 00:58:28 And uh, so she for whatever reason She kind of like got like on her knees to like check my check me for any type of lesions or anything and so like I like got erect but like In her face, you know what I'm saying and like she was down there checking me and I don't know why she was down there um And or maybe this is protocol or maybe she was sitting I don't know. I just remember her head being like down there
Starting point is 00:58:53 So I got erect and then and and my she had kind of like cursed to the right. So it was like going right to her face And uh, and she was like, oh, sorry. You know, I was like, I didn't know what to say. I was like, why is she apologizing to me? He's cool. Don't worry about it. Don't let it happen to you. I'm not offended Yeah, damn I uh, I've only gotten tested once Because my girlfriend got tested and I was like, oh, that's like I'm getting tested So I don't have to you know, whatever. I'll be even with the same chick for like for a while two and a half years or two, but
Starting point is 00:59:29 Uh, we have she if she gets tested. I'm like, well, I got tested. Yeah, I'm good. I'm cool uh, but Yeah, I got tested once and it's just like terrifying to like do you want us to check for aids and you're like Yeah, but like can I know right now? Like can you just tell me? No, you know what? Check my spine or something the age. Shit is like you find out in like 20 minutes if you have it or not Yeah, everything else takes like three but still 20 minutes feels like eight weeks. You're like, you know Because I don't know that's I don't know who has aids anymore. You know Pretty sure a lot of people got it
Starting point is 01:00:02 When was the last time you met somebody that aids the thing is though You can live a long time with aids now. It's like totally different. Yeah, you know They talk about aids, but I actually talked to a dude one time This gay dude and he has aids he's HIV positive and he says he just takes a pill He's good and he's like chill like one pill and he's like chilling, but he also said that it's so Again, I'm kind of paraphrasing and I'm trying to think of the best of my to my ability And I know people are gonna think I'm crazy, but you can go listen to it He told me that some like it's so prevalent in the gay community
Starting point is 01:00:35 Like he says like he has tons of people tons of his really. Yeah Uh, and he said that if you take this pill you can't like Give someone else aids. What? Yeah, really like it's like a Condom In a way and some dudes like
Starting point is 01:00:54 Take just take the pill. Yeah, and they just like they're cool with it like not using a condom Even though this dude's HIV positive. Whoa I was like what I was like science. What that's crazy. Yeah, I was blown away by that I was like, holy shit. Whoa Yeah, that's what he said. I don't know how true it is. He was just trying to give you some raw dick, dog I don't know I didn't think I was putting off a vibra. I'm like, oh, I'm now now. It's cool Now I'm good with it, you know, but I mean that's that's just definitely scary, man
Starting point is 01:01:23 So you got to wear condoms, you know or ask right beforehand. You're clean, right? Or right afterwards. Hey, you're clean, right? Right afterwards is best. You're clean, right? No, okay And then you figure it out, you know, all right. Well Cool I've never had to ask anyone that if I like I've never the only times I don't use condoms if I'm in Like a long-term thing with somebody like if I'm hooking up with someone for a really long time or I know the wrong and I know they're on birth control like
Starting point is 01:01:52 Then cool. I mean, I definitely I had like a good year and a half where I was like going in on like the groupie life You know, I was like engaging in in groupie festivities. Right. Um, and uh, there were a handful of uh, You're clean, right? All right, cool. Cool. Good to go Who knows but like some you know, half of them are like no symptoms. That's not Yeah, I know I know like no symptoms like wow, I could have had this yesterday then I'm scared today, but But then I yeah, that's why you know, that's why I had to get you know I definitely was getting tested to during that time of my life, you know, but I was also like I was it's not like I was just going raw digging everybody, you know, I mean, I don't roll dick random people at all actually
Starting point is 01:02:29 I did twice it happens then And it's great But it's scary. It's terrifying Babies itchy did uh babies. Oh well my pullout game is immaculate. So Yeah, well, I mean I was having a lot of drunk sex drunk sex at one point in my life Which you don't even know. Yeah when it ends like I still couldn't tell you right now Did it end? I don't even are we done? I don't even you're about to just right now. Did I just I don't know what's happening anymore and then you just
Starting point is 01:02:59 You know, you text the next day make sure that she doesn't hate you or whatever. Yeah, that's a nice thing standard standard stuff I have a story that happened like that where I didn't remember I woke up. I'm gonna tell you the story and I'm gonna get some ramen but So there was I was I was in this this groupie stage of my life And I had just done a show in Minneapolis. All right, and um, it's a rapy rap show And uh, whenever you go to like the midwest or like, um, cities like like like in the middle of the world Oh the country they always want to prove to you how hard they party
Starting point is 01:03:32 So everyone's like, we gotta show you how we do it in the midwest, you know So it was like everybody's handing me shots. I'm getting super drunk And then I just and then I blacked out and I the next morning I woke up in my bed like naked, you know But I'm like regularly wake up and it was like Yeah, like what happened last night, you know, yeah, so I'm looking around in my bed I find a pair of panties. I'm like, oh what happened last night. Who is this? What did I do? You know, but I'm like, there's no way I had sex. I would have remembered that, you know So then there's a note
Starting point is 01:04:02 On the counter that said, hey, nice hanging out with you last night. This is the most like cliche thing I've ever heard in my life totally She's like text me sometime. All right, cool. All right, so I'm texting her. I look up her name on facebook She's cute. I'm like, all right, cool. And then um, we're texting and uh, I'm like ha ha ha. Hey, uh, I'm pretending like I remember Um, and I'm like, hey too bad. I was so drunk, you know, like we didn't get to like you really do anything crazy, right? She's like, what do you mean? We had sex like three times and I was like, what? I was like, are you serious? And she's like, oh my god, you don't remember? I'm like, no, I don't. I'm sorry, you know And then and then come to find out
Starting point is 01:04:37 Come to find out. Oh What happened was we left the club with a bunch of girls and then my singer friend She knew I was on my my groovy life at that point. And so and I was like super drunk I'll probably like stumbling around and shit and she goes to the girls that we're with and she's like Who wants to get in with tim tonight? Raise your hand. And then like, I guess some chick raised her hand So she threw her in the elevator with me and now is it and I don't even remember That's all you gotta do. All right And um, what a good friend. Yeah, she wingman me like like super dope wingman, right?
Starting point is 01:05:12 That was fire and uh, and now uh, me and that girl have a child Three kids white picket fence Anyway, we're gonna wrap it up here. Yeah, I'm gonna get some ramen. Uh, tim Always a pleasure. Hey, thanks for having me, bro. Every time you're in new york, you're always welcome Not every time come to LA come be on my shit. No, yeah, I gotta come to LA and I gotta slash go in raw. That's his show. Go check it out And where can they find you on twitter?
Starting point is 01:05:41 timothy day la g Instagram timothy day la ghetto. I take really good food pictures. He does. He's about that food I really am. Oh, actually, I have a if you like the food porn. I have a food porn instagram separately now It's send foods with a z Oh and watch my youtube videos slash timothy. There you go Boom, there you go. All right. Also, uh, we're gonna have a quick segment. We're gonna Play some beer pong and talk about some shit on the extra yard So definitely go check that out
Starting point is 01:06:13 And if you're not watching, uh, you can go to slash basement yard and sign up use the promo code basement You get one month free on fullscreen And definitely go check out tim's show as well. I've watched a couple episodes. It is good. Thanks. Stand for approval. Boom. Thanks, bro And that is all and we'll see you guys next time

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