The Basement Yard - She Asked Me To Spit In Her Mouth

Episode Date: April 5, 2016

I'm on with @AntVino today to talk about a variety of things. Just take a listen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. It is Monday April 4th 844 I'm doing this pretty late, but I have a guest with me my friend Anthony De Vino. There he is. There he is. Hello. Hello It's been a while. People probably some people know who you are probably because we have a lot of text message Conversations that get posted to Twitter. It's very vicious. It's very vicious a lot of and it's always at fucking 7 a.m. You're like, hey, what's up? I'm in a good mood I had my coffee and I just want to go, you know every every word I meant What kind of coffee drink straight black straight black at home I got a little macadamia nut coffee and a little cinnamon sometimes I mix I go crazy
Starting point is 00:00:39 How much fucking coffee you have a day? I want to say six six cups of coffee. Yeah You breathe I drink coffee. How do you like doesn't that get you just wired? Oh, how do you sleep? I'll be honest I don't you don't sleep. I do you give that up. I try Listen, I'm gonna be straightforward with you. If I do not have coffee before work. It's the worst day ever. It's What about like five hour energy or like monster? I don't do that. It's not good for you straight black No sugar. No cream fucking six cups of coffee is fine What about red bull? Absolutely not. It's even worse. It tastes like liquefied sweet
Starting point is 00:01:13 I'm not gonna lie to you that aftertaste in red bull is amazing. You have no idea A red bull aftertaste. Have you ever tried it? I've never been a fan of any aftertaste ever Red I've had red bull. I hate it. It tastes like liquefied sweet hearts or sweet I love it, but don't mix it with your alcohol Red bull and vodka. Don't do it. Why not? I'm not a fan. It's not good for the health you threw up No, I'm not listen All right, so anyway, um whiskey drinker first of all speaking of whiskey I just want to inform everyone that uh, I rearranged my room
Starting point is 00:01:45 So, uh, you might see that in the next video that I filmed for tomorrow Because I changed it up and I'm also in the process of building a bar In my basement and you know, it's crazy It's like like now I'm forcing myself to drink But I went to home goods because I was like, let me try and make my room look nice I recently repainted it like a couple months like a month. Oh, it does look pretty good Yeah, we repainted it made a white because it was all fucked up. It looked, you know, terrible So I went to home goods and I was like, let me get some nice shit
Starting point is 00:02:16 Uh for the room and I went there and like I did it's not the kind of store I was expecting but I walked in and I saw this big metal sign That just says bar So I was like, I think it's perfect and casual it's But isn't if I walked in I was like, this is great So I threw it in the cart and then as I was walking around like I didn't really See much of stuff. I was looking for a mirror, but they were really expensive. They're like 200. I was like, fuck that
Starting point is 00:02:41 200 dollars for a mirror. What kind of like a ceiling mirror? No, it was like I want to see how I look before I leave mirror. Exactly. It was one of those But it was fucking big and thick mine if you want. No, I don't want that shit. I don't want your bullshit mirror Beautiful, uh, so I bought that and then I was walking around and then I found this um bottle opener That goes on your wall and there's like a dish for it that catches the bottle caps And I was like, I'm sold now. I'm making a bar. So tomorrow. I'm heading to pc ridgers. I'm gonna buy a Fridge some whiskey too Yeah, I might throw a couple of bottles of whiskey in there and then just a bunch of beers
Starting point is 00:03:12 Like only bottle though. Never can never sober never Don't be it's gonna be ridiculous I'm gonna be like watching baseball games during the week and drinking beers by myself playing xbox at night xbox at night hammered What's sober star wars? You know what I mean? Anyway, there it is. Let's get right to it. All right, anthony duvino's here for a reason There's a story that I want him to tell you Specifically he's got tons of stories too many the guy The guy's full of stories. All right. All right, nonfiction nonfiction zero. These are these are real sometimes like to go wild Sometimes I like to go wild. All right, so, um
Starting point is 00:03:51 Do you know what I'll let you I'll let you tell the story listen first. Oh, let me just you know preface everything so I don't know how this came up You started telling the story because you you're having a conversation about sex or whatever and then I don't know if I brought it up or you brought it up. But I was like something about spitting Right. I was like, you know spitting during sex Right, and then duvino tells tells this story. Go ahead. It was a it was wild. It was a snowy night snowy night
Starting point is 00:04:19 You know and there's nothing that's nothing left to do You know, it was summertime. It was summertime snowing in the summer. I wouldn't be surprised Global warming. It's a real thing. Say you heard Leo. You heard his speech So so we're we're a little hammered and it was um spoggy. I don't remember much. What day was it? I wish it was my birthday, you know It was a tuesday though Probably yeah, I want to say it was a weekday because I had worked the next day Let me tell you having sex the night before work
Starting point is 00:04:52 Not good big mistake, right? Definitely. It's like just no Let me tell you morning sex before work. You're just asking for a fucking tom x bomb to the face Yeah, you don't want to go to work. All right, so we're sitting there, right? It's it's it's the middle of the night, you know, the parents are sleeping. I only respect show respect Wait till they go to bed That's a royal, you know sometimes. Yeah, hope wakes up You know and yes, yeah, he wakes up. He wakes up off by the way being his father. He calls his father hope I do yeah, we go great guy
Starting point is 00:05:26 Wakes up in the middle night goes to the bathroom bathroom's connected to my room You know, there's like a closet and then walls are very thin Paper thin poor guy All right, he's chill. So We're in we're in it. It's going it's going now when you say you're in it It is Well, it's not protected right So so it's going it's going let me tell you those
Starting point is 00:05:54 It's like Christmas when she says listen to them on the pill Christmas birthday Kwanzaa everything just just take it all rip it apart and just thank you and I've been lucky probably a lot A lot by the way guys. Dovino gets blood tests every I want to say eight hours. Yeah every eight hours I like to be sure I like to be sure I'm clean 110 all the time And if I wasn't damn I've had two blood tests my entire life. No, bro. I'm I'm addicted to the needle Ha ha ha ha ha ha They know my first name when I walk in oh, hey, you do you need another one? Yep, you get a re-up. I got I got marks on my arm
Starting point is 00:06:33 They got vials of your shit. They got a whole closet full of your blood. I have like a special locker You know, they got me. Oh my god. Anyway, so you're in there. There's no coat. It's raining soaking wet I pulled the goalie. Yeah, you did always and Gets wild. I'm I'm not Wild sex is great sex. Here we go. All right, never look in her eyes I'm not gonna lie. Is that a rule you have? I just I think you have some intimacy issues if you don't I don't think I don't It's just I'm just you know, it's just
Starting point is 00:07:06 Better, you know, I don't look. Where do you look then at the ceiling? You're fucking posters She was staring at me. It looked like she was crying and I think after that just ruined me It ruined me. I was like, all right, this isn't wait what she so she was crying It looked like it and I was maybe it was just like glistening in her eye Maybe she's really maybe the moonlight here that way the moon because it's ridiculous Like why would you moan like that? Maybe it's just maybe her eyes are just glistening from the moonlight All right, whatever it was I was like, what's going on and I never after that
Starting point is 00:07:35 I was just like forget it. No more looking in the eyes. All right, so we're going right Eyes are closed. Eyes are closed. Oh, I'm looking at the tv sometimes the tv's on, you know, what's on, you know, put her on So she's talking, you know Always talk and talking is the best. It's like instant bus. You know, we both have add And just like the store is gonna take 20. All right. Yo So so so she look she's like just spit in my mouth. She said spit in my mouth Spit in your mouth. I come what I did. I was confused. I was you were caught off guard spit slow or You know, like yeah, I remember yeah, you weren't sure like what what kind of spit was it a spray one like a
Starting point is 00:08:14 You know, or just like a like the little ones. No filter spit on the deck is great All right, but when she asked me to spit in her mouth Now that's something never in my life. Have I done that before I'm with it for anything not everything But if you said spit, I was going through my it took me like good like five minutes five minutes as long What are you waiting for and I'm like, uh, I gotta prepare. I gotta um, I I'm pretty sure I asked What do you mean like how how do you want it? Like, you know, I'm like how and she just could just go she's like just spit in my mouth Like did you like hot? Are you gonna swallow it or you guys spit back at me? Yeah, give me a warning. It's like a dodge it
Starting point is 00:08:54 If anything, I'm saying get a towel present, you know So we should uh step into the bathroom. Yeah, all the time Shower sex perfect. Listen. Listen. So I I said okay to myself, right? You know and I nice and slow you did a nice and slow one like, you know when like Right the ones where you would you would let it uh What's the word like it would droop down and then you suck it back up One of those light light it was I'm pretty sure it was dark. I don't remember but it was slow And I don't think she liked any second of it. So she didn't like it never asked again
Starting point is 00:09:30 She never asked again. Did she say anything at the time? No No, nothing, but I didn't I didn't know what to expect out of it Right and she swallowed it. I guess Usually when when you like, I mean, I'm not speaking from experience But I'm saying if I'm asking someone to spit in my mouth and they do it I'll say thank you. You know what I mean? I'm a polite guy. At least let me know I did a good job Yeah, it sucks or give me some constructive criticism. Hey, dude, not a very nice spit Try harder next time. You know a little more power. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:10:01 She wants some spray. She wants them on the lips and chin. She wants some Yeah, you know spray her eyes a little bit. Go away. You gotta wipe you gotta wipe it off, you know Oh my god, but I'm not There was this the spitting was an issue. It was but everything else choke me You know like choke you. Yeah, of course. Was this pre or post spit? Um Um Before and after oh, it was it was pre and post the spit in my mouth part was a shocker. I was like I don't know how I'd feel about that. I was like, I don't even think I've seen up. Maybe I don't know
Starting point is 00:10:35 Yeah, you've seen porno I have but I don't ever like click on one of the pornos and it's one of those like violent ones and you're like I don't like this. Yeah, I don't understand it's like it's like a girl Like they're having sex and all of a sudden the guy like spits in her face and slaps her I'm like guys. Geez. No spin in the face. No, I'm talking about like the tying to the bed. Those knots are pro knots I don't understand. Those are fishermen knots somebody I uh, I work with told me he went on youtube and he looked up how to tie those knots because it's like a safety issue And I said good for you. Jesus. I am no you would have to need you'd need a saw in your room
Starting point is 00:11:07 I think I'd go from i'm horny as fuck to all right. I got to tie you to the bed now I don't I don't even want to fuck no more. Yeah. No, that's a whole day's work. Yeah Yeah, I think it takes like three minutes. No, Jesus Christ. Let's do some box jumps before we let's get to the point You know get into the bathroom. I don't care. Let's just fuck Quick I don't not all this extra shit like dominatrix. They have swings They have I gotta put on this hat that covers my eyes. Don't get me into that. Don't get me into that What if a girl told you that like you said you're down for anything so if a girl goes, hey I brought this fucking paddle who she want to smack me. Yeah, she wants to hit you with it. Yes, but yeah
Starting point is 00:11:46 What if all right, so what if you walk into this girl's apartment, right? She's smoking hot. She's an 11 out of 10, right? I'll let her kill my parents So she's an 11 out of 10, right? Yeah, you get into this place And um, she goes let's you guys are sitting on the couch glass of vino, you know Some wine and you guys have it feeling good. She touches your thigh. She looks at you in the eye and she goes I think we should make a way to the bedroom and you go. Oh fuck. Yeah And then you open the bedroom door. Yeah, there's a sex swing
Starting point is 00:12:22 Hanging above this woman's bed and she goes And she just looks at you and she goes Am I getting in? I'd be like, excuse me. Let me take a couple of three shots Couple of three. Let me take at least four. Let me get ready because I'm down for whatever but you would not time me up I will not take the time. But what if she wanted shit? I don't even I'm not even listen If a dominatrix is listening to this right now, I said I sound very uneducated. Call me. I don't know how sex swings work I know that they're
Starting point is 00:12:52 Spread eagle hanging from the fucking ceiling and shit. Yeah, but I don't know what to do with that I don't know if there's rules. There's a lot of rules in that. I feel like she could be a 14 out of six But for all we know is that she'll leave me there and kill me. Yeah, that could happen that that you know I'm saying I don't think I would try that unless it was with my girlfriend Right the time if I had yeah, that's cool. No, no, no, you can't let a stranger tie you No way she'll take everything she could she could rob you. She could take pictures of your dick Tell her And tweet them codes to the atom bomb. I don't know. Yeah, this is not what it is
Starting point is 00:13:31 What about furries? Do you know what that is? No, you don't know what furries are like No, no, no, no hit me with furry stuff. No, no, no, here we go So I don't know if you know this is because well, you know, I can't even speak because I'm baffled by this conversation I don't know if you know this exists, but there are certain people that like to dress up in animal costumes like furry animals And they have like trapped doors for I'm guessing mouth ass beef
Starting point is 00:13:59 Doors, right? I would assume and or veg, right? So they have all those doors that are wide open You mean to tell me and they bang in the suits you mean to tell me you have a girl ride you right now But I'm in a suit. She's in a suit with the chicken suits. Yes chicken. And that's not gonna give you fucking limp dick I apparently not people love it. Can't do it. Can't do it. Maybe if like It was a cool like a like a gorilla suit like if I'm superman maybe superman. She's like Well, that's different, you know, I'm saying like the girl from Fast and the Furious wonder woman Fire bitch Love her shout out. She's she is that's a different story, but you're not you're not dressing me in a gorilla suit
Starting point is 00:14:39 That's that's like, uh, that's what's that role playing. That's role playing I'm talking about furries. I'm not with a mask on your face isn't showing her face isn't showing You know, I mean, I think I would try it once check it off the list of yeah I think I would check it off the list as well. Yeah, why not? I think there's a lot of sweating though unless there's like air conditioning Mechanisms or it's winter and you roll up all the windows And you got air going through the room now. Yeah, there's no way you could have sex in the summer doing that Hell, no, you'll die. You'll die. Yeah, let me ask you a question. Have you ever fallen asleep while having sex?
Starting point is 00:15:14 Uh No, I think after right after I've oh, yeah That's I would say How do you 43% of the time I'm out right now. How do you fall asleep having sex? I'm not sure. I think you have to be extremely drunk I've heard stories that mid they're like, you know what let's just We're let's just not do it. I have fallen asleep mid-beige
Starting point is 00:15:40 And uh, well you're relaxed chilling. I had no but like that I was I was I had like 20 something beers that night and There was beach and I don't even know what I mean I could have been awake for the whole thing, but I'm not really sure. I mean I'm I tend to not I've only had like four nights of my life where I've woken up and like what happened I don't remember anything and that night I remember pretty much everything up to that point I remember it started and then I woke up and my shit was still out. So I have to assume that Mid I was out. Maybe you don't know and you finished You just forgot
Starting point is 00:16:16 That could have very well happened. Hopefully, but I'm not sure win-win for everyone. Yeah I mean, I feel bad for her because uh, we don't even know where she went The girls are very uh Sensitive when it comes to certain things like that and I didn't want her to feel like Hey, you're doing such a bad job. I'm tired. I fell asleep. No, but no, I was drunk drunk off my little drunk. I was fucking I was fucking Yo, you lit It's about to be I should have brought some beers down. Listen to follow up with that spit
Starting point is 00:16:50 Fuck the spitting story. You didn't choke her. She would choke herself Wait, hold on Now we have now we I have questions now. So what it so the girl who wanted you to spit in her mouth. Yeah If she if you didn't choke her So if she was like choke me and you're like, I'm busy right now. I can't I'm doing other things She would choke herself. Yeah, that was like her way of saying choke me asshole, right? I guess Right, and I was like, yeah, she ever slapped a shit out of you. Yo now. Let me tell you Son I didn't even ask she was just on top and all of a sudden I was like, whoa
Starting point is 00:17:29 I was like, okay. She slapped you. Hell. Yeah in the face damn. Yeah. It's like an almost instant bust You liked it Yeah, she wow I was never been slapped. I was like I have she has asked I don't hit girls ever But she asked you a bedroom, you know, yeah in the face. Hell. Yeah, like harder. I was like, I don't Give me give me like a one out of ten like One out of ten. I'm not gonna go all the way. I'm gonna maybe you know, you're not gonna give her a 10 Yeah, yeah, I don't know a 10 like like a five eating. Yeah A 10 you're taking your debt. You're trying to hurt. I mean, it's not gonna be like a
Starting point is 00:18:06 Right, you know, you know, you want there like a quick little a little quick, you know, bang You want there to be sound talk dirty right slut, you know, like that. Yeah, you called her a slut. Well, I don't do it I'm my own behalf She there's permission right right. Yeah, right. You are yeah. Yeah So as long as permission is granted beforehand then you will participate in these activities See, I don't know how I react in those situations I've never been in that situation where someone's like spit in my mouth at that point. I'd probably be like I mean
Starting point is 00:18:38 if I do this You're kind of on your own You know after that, I'm kind of like, you know, you're good now like that's that should be the ending I don't you know what I mean? I'm not I don't know that's a lot I don't think she's spit in my mouth. Maybe who knows see I wouldn't like that at all Like do it. Yeah. No. No, it's about the dick like I would rather someone punch me in the face than spit in my face And if it gets in my mouth, I'll be even more upset. I'm not sure
Starting point is 00:19:06 I can't it's just, you know, the wild sex can can lead Lead up to anything a smack in the face. I'm not against I mean, I don't want to give that. I don't want to like give anyone ideas. She could smack me while she wants Fucking keep going Yeah, so ladies if any of you ever end up having sex with Anthony DeVino, just immediately Just start taking your day out on them. Yeah, don't punch them, you know, but uh, definitely give them a couple a couple of Yeah Couple of back hands a little bit, but I'm telling you it's a good time. What else what else was it?
Starting point is 00:19:39 Like, um, she liked having her hands behind her back when she got it from the back, right? That's uh, so I think that's you know, that's pretty if I didn't do that on my own She's kind of like put her hands there. All right. All right. Catch me catch me catch me. Okay Catch you. Well, she jumping off the bed onto you. I'm saying like, you know, put she put her hand behind her back And follow with the other one. Just okay. I see what you're saying. Yeah. Sorry for the movements. Like uh, yeah, don't do that I'm sorry. I'm right here fighting my lips. It's just us in here. You don't have to you don't have to do that Don't all right. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave Oh man, the stories though the stories are great
Starting point is 00:20:17 But I will you won't catch me dressed up in leather. Fuck that. No Fuck I'm walking around. I think I could see you doing that. Walk me around the streets Just like a belt wrapped around your neck for no reason like fuck it. What about that? If she listen, hold on time. T the fuck out do it, right? So Do you know what autohorotic if x fix can't say this word I can't say it. No, I do. I'm just not allowed. Where are you coming from? No idea. Okay, you know what? So dictionary autohorotic
Starting point is 00:20:44 Is it a movie? That's the word. It's not a movie So apparently if you cut off your breathing I'm done talking What I don't want to if you cut off your breathing while you It feels better. I I heard about this I had a so what dudes do is they get belts and they strap the belts to like a post or like a Doorknob and they just lean You know so that they can't breathe and they beat it and
Starting point is 00:21:17 People die like that Imagine dying kill yourself busting. Yeah kill your I mean killing bust You know which comes first or maybe some people don't even get to Yeah, it's pretty dangerous, man. I wouldn't recommend it. I wouldn't recommend doing that either No, sir. It's not it's not worth it. Somebody did regular jizzing is pretty fun if you ask me. It's pretty solid Yeah, of course go go to the gym do legs come home. Fuck. Oh Yeah, it's great or even just you know come home beat it. You feel good Yeah, it's not it's like yeah, it's not even like a I don't I don't think of it as like a
Starting point is 00:21:52 I don't know. It's like You know like a stress ball where you grab it and you just smush around your hands and it just like, you know It makes you feel fine. That's what jerking off is. Yeah 100 and stressed out beat it out Stressed out beat it out. Wow. That's a t-shirt. That is t-shirt go make shirts right now. I'll buy one $50. I will You'll make $30 off of it. How much does it make take me to what? I can't speak. I'm sorry. Um, but I had a story about that I think I've told you about that whole cut you circulation up before you bust Um, apparently there are rules to the process. There's rules. There's rules a man. So you need to know
Starting point is 00:22:28 What you're doing before you do it. Oh, no, this sounds like something you need to be certified for it's like cpr You can't just do it. Apparently you need a safe word and like a tap out Because if you're choking too hard They won't you kill her. You might kill her. You don't know you need a safe word. You gotta know Don't close your eyes while you're doing it because Could be out purple exactly, you know what I'm saying? So I need like a safe word like oh banana and she goes. Oh his head Sorcerer's stone, you know, right? I mean, that's a little long, you know, you could be dead by the time you get off that
Starting point is 00:22:59 Out quick or like sorcerer stone, you know leopards a good one That's a quick word leper, you know, I'm saying like we're just like bees or pineapple locks What the fuck is that? Who knows, you know Pineapple locks. Fuck it. I don't know. What would your safe word be if you had a safe word? Oh, wow. Do you want me to tell you what my safer? Right? I know. I already know mine water bottle syndrome Water bottle syndrome, you gotta watch out. Be careful. Yeah Mine would mine would just be pony
Starting point is 00:23:34 Pony's good. I like you gotta be crazy about it though Like you gotta you gotta get a like a card in your pocket. You gotta take it out and read it out loud Yeah, yeah, it's be like something wild like Like ostrich burger. Yeah, which is that a thing? Do they make burgers? They do bear burger shout outs Do they I thought it was like kangaroo or something. I've had kangaroo burger before and let me tell you I felt like shit after because It's an innocent animal So are cows I know I can't
Starting point is 00:24:05 I'll save a kangaroo before Like Well, technically you're not saving a kangaroo, but I didn't people are still making those kangaroos You know, they're like koalas No, they're kangaroos. They're koalas completely different animals. So happy. They're so happy to be alive You know what a baby kangaroo is? Uh, jimmy joey joey jimmy A joey, yeah, a joey. That's why I was growing up. My favorite animal was a kangaroo
Starting point is 00:24:33 It's a wallaby. Isn't it a baby kangaroo's a wallaby. I just told you what it was. You dickhead. It's a joey All right, there you go. God, you don't fucking listen too many slaps in the face You don't know what the fuck's going on now favorite animal my favorite animal All right I have like a three-way tie Tell me So I love dogs love penguins
Starting point is 00:24:56 and Wait, I just had the third one. Oh monkeys lamest three animals Monkey dog and penguins. What are you basic? No penguins. Everyone loves penguins Who the fuck is every first of all? I love penguins my entire fucking lines It's all these people that just grow up and start liking these fucking penguins. They're full of shit They need to get they're spitting dogs. You can't make a dog. Everyone has a dog. I guess you if you don't want to count that That's a domesticated. I have a chinchilla. I want to kill it You know what I'm saying? You have two dogs. Yeah, you love dogs. Of course. Okay. It's not your favorite animal a monkey
Starting point is 00:25:29 So go out and buy a fucking monkey. You have two dogs favorite animal time out dick first of all the monkey The dog I can keep in a cage. I put a monkey in a cage. They're smart. They have thumbs. They'll figure it out They open it. They come and they just fucking hide let it live around the house Let it just walk around be free. Yeah, I come home and he's got you know all types of shit going on A chimp. You have a little baby chimp. My grandma had one. They took it away You ever hear about the people who get like orangutans and they get big and they just beat the shit out of them when they get old Yeah, but my grandma had a baby chimp. My mom told me about it Had a diaper. It walked with the tans up. Stop it. I'm not lying. They came to her house
Starting point is 00:26:03 No, my grandma your grandma had a at a monkey where to god She had no a chimp baby chimp. She had a chimp. It was small a chimpanzee chimpanzee with a diaper But mind you this is now in the 70s All right, what the fuck's that mean? It's cool. A chimp. You could kill a person with a gun and drop the gun And you'll save You know what I'm saying, but so she just had a chimp. She's like she went to the forest She found she found my mom told me she had a chimp. She had a diaper. It was nice It helped around the house the neighbors called whatever they're called. What are they like animal control?
Starting point is 00:26:33 Yeah, they came they took the chimp chimp gone. That's fucked up chimp. Go home night night That's it. But your three animals are lame as fuck. Listen, you need some wild chimp. Okay. What do you want? No, this is my rule. Okay. I don't want any animals that I can't beat the shit out of just in case You know what I mean? Why would you beat the shatty dogs? No Dude, what if I had a dog right and I was a bad owner and just for whatever reason one day the fucking Microwave goes off. He snaps and starts chewing on my forearm. I have to be able to beat the shit out Then it's your fault that you bought a dog. I'm aware of that But I'm saying I wouldn't get an animal that I can't take the shit out of you
Starting point is 00:27:09 You sue the dog I can't I wouldn't get an animal that I try to tell me you're gonna beat the share of a penguin feel okay about it after If it fucked with me and it was like, you know trying to chew a hole for my heart or I don't know what they do What was it there a lion? Oh monkey. Yeah Monkeys are tough too. I don't know if I could beat up a monkey like a baby monkey like the one from friends Yes, all right Not like a chimp. Those will beat the shit out of me and everyone. Let me tell you my three All right, here we go. All right. So my three animals
Starting point is 00:27:40 Go definitely. I'm gonna be basic here. I'm gonna call it a koala Now if I could go out of my way and quit my job And just all right, I just koala and and race 16 of those fucks 16 16 living in my room chilling Everyone get to hug in the morning Everybody 16 hugs every morning. That's a lot. No, everyone will have the same name What's their name? Louie All right. Yeah, all right. That's my first animal. Like I said, everyone gets a hug and everyone gets eggs and bacon Right. All right, everyone. It's a lot of eggs and bacon. All right the rest of the day
Starting point is 00:28:15 They're on their own. They got to do what they got to do right go on a fucking bike ride. I don't care. Yes. All right All right Now my second animal. I'm gonna go crazy here. I'm gonna go out of out of the box. I like it All right. Now I would go out and buy myself an anaconda Are you fucking crazy? I would have that shit so tamed that it'll call me sir sir No, that's never happening. Also. Where the fuck you putting an anaconda. Have you ever seen the movie? It almost eats jailo You saw my last week. What the fuck's in that movie? You favorite of my last you saw anaconda in the mississippi
Starting point is 00:28:49 Yeah, I did that was a Dude that that fucking the anaconda could eat you you're gonna be sleeping at night your whole fucking Torso is gonna be gone. I will beat the shit out of that thing. You can't fight a Snake dude. I could fight a shark. You cannot fight a shark. Maybe on land. You can fight a shark on land. Listen I Ran after a bear before you didn't run after a bear. No, I can't I'm a natural born hunter Torok Torok
Starting point is 00:29:18 So wait, what's the third one? I'm I don't know if I sure you're ready. I am now if I can go out and buy myself a wolverine I would what the fuck is that? Let me tell you why what is it? Is that an animal wolverine? Yeah, rabbit wolverine Is it? Yeah, I don't even know what they look like. I gotta google it french. Yeah, they're pretty french So it's like it's got claws. Look that up real quick. I don't think you believe me a rabbit wolverine All right, you see the movie. I'm looking. I'm looking. I'm looking. Oh, this only pictures a huge jackman coming up So I gotta like type in the animal wolverine animal Here we go. Yo, oh these are fucking. Oh, these look like uh, yeah, they look like bears, dude
Starting point is 00:30:00 Yeah, they're cute and innocent and they have claws like hell yeah Now if you put the wolverine and the 16 koalas in the same room, who's gonna come out alive? I'd say the wolverine. You think so until I train those koalas to fight you And you got the anaconda in there too now. Let me ask you a question. You got a three-way going over there. What do you got? Uh I don't know. Uh, I would say anaconda I don't think so man. You got 16 koalas. What claws? I don't yeah, but they're slow or am I thinking sloth? Ew, I hate sloths and the fact that girls. Oh, they're so cute. I love no
Starting point is 00:30:34 They are the ugliest looking things I've ever seen in my entire life sloths dude Don't I've pet one before where it was very upset. I went discovery coat remember Oh, yeah, it does anymore. I was and the lady was holding it And I'm just I had to pet it just and you pet it and you're like, I'm not a fan I could kill them all I would wow, you know, that's a lot and uh But listen, I'm gonna be straight up honest with you. You're not gonna get an anaconda, dude
Starting point is 00:31:01 My three favorite pets are awesome. Well, will I buy a sugar glider? Yes, I will now. What the fuck is that if if Look, something you put in your coffee. They're like, um, if you look at a squirrel with wings Okay, and big black eyes bang sugar glider. I would name it. So I'll bet I would buy two of them I would name one Nutella and one Napoleon. Right. Why is that? Are you serious? You want to name your your your two animals Napoleon? What's your what are you gonna name your firstborn son? All right, I I wanted to name him Anthony, but that's basic Right. Well, I might just live on Anthony Devino. I have to yeah, you have my son, right? So the first second son Diego Diego, okay, Diego Devino. Wow. Yeah, dd. Double D. Right. Double D's. Yeah. Why not?
Starting point is 00:31:49 Go crazy. I just feel bad for your kids. You're like probably one of the worst Like naming things, right? I named my chinchilla bowser, right? And uh, you found out how long into having it two years. It was a girl Yeah, so two years into having this chinchilla. That's when he found out. Oh, this is a girl Bowser stayed so bowser has seizures and hopefully you have better, you know Lock with your kids. You'll know pretty unlike a little sooner. Maybe a year in my kids have male or female I hope they have their mothers because I'm fucked up It's gonna be a vicious day. It's gonna be a good day. Let me find out. Oh
Starting point is 00:32:29 Um, anyway, let's let's wrap this up here Um, I gotta I gotta put this out because I think the people are gonna want to hear this Not sure what to call it. This was a good conversation. There wasn't this was a nice conversation I just like to cash out somebody out. Yeah, you could shout someone out to shout out Frankie Alvarez You know, and I miss you and I just want to say thank you for the $10,000 check you sent me Trust me. I cashed that shit real quick real quick. All right. Yes, you did. Have a good night. Have a good night DeVino If they wanted to contact you
Starting point is 00:33:00 You know anywhere, where can they find you and ask you questions about? You know how to spit properly or to choke someone. I won't give them your cell phone number right now No, please don't I don't know it by heart. I don't even know my own My mother my dad's birthday had no idea. Listen. My twitter is antvino a n t Vino, that's it. That's antvino Uh, and yeah, thank you for coming to the basement yard. You're welcome job. I'm very excited I actually did you're gonna be a returning guest. You know, I had it was a pleasure to have you I have a lot of things to do. You just looked at your wrist and there's a hair tie
Starting point is 00:33:34 No, there's a hair tie because that hair tie Just makes me remind myself of what not to do right in life. I don't know what the fuck that meant Yeah, but good. I'm happy for you. And I just like to say I'm sorry Dillon for ditching you tonight Um, yeah, and that's all guys. Thanks for listening you motherfuckers

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