The Basement Yard - Shootin' The Sh*t with Cody Ko

Episode Date: January 30, 2018

On this episode, @codyko & I are talking about Logan Paul, Lele Pons, & other things that aren't so great. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Basement Yard today I am joined by Cody Coe and his girlfriend Kelsey. Hello. Not Kelsey or some other variation of that name. Kelsey. Yeah, next time. How do you spell it? K-E-L-S-E-Y. See that's the way you spell it. But it's pronounced Kelsey. Kelsey. Some way, some variation of that. People have that all the time. It's like yeah, my name is Mike. It's like yeah, but why is there a Q in this, Mike? Why is there a 3? At the end. You know what? I want to talk about this because sorry. Do your thing!
Starting point is 00:00:40 Oh man, dear, you're fucking bugged. Wait, hold on a fucking second. I just haven't talked to anyone about this yet and I want to talk about this. There's this guy, this Spanish artist, okay? This should be good. Brand new artist. He's only got one song on Spotify and I saw it because someone's advertising his music. Like on something. I got like a banner ad for his music. Okay. Like when do you get banner ads for Spotify songs? I don't know. But anyways, this guy's name, his stage name, is Mike Eleven. Mike Eleven. Yes, it's like he fucked it up and he thought it was the password field. Yes. Artist name. Sounds like a screen name. My name is Mike Eleven.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Dude, Mike Eleven! He's got one song. I love this dude. Was it a good song? It's an amazing song. Was it really? This guy sounds like Santana. Oh, it's like a, is it a Spanish song? Yeah. It's like a Spanish guitar. No, it's like Spanish guitar and then it's like modern or it's like it's featuring Jeremiah. Jeremiah. Jeremiah. Jeremiah. It could have been easy. Just beat Jeremiah. Don't, don't change the way you spell it and now we're all confused. I think it is Jeremiah. That's why in a world of calays and Jeremiah's, it's good to just have a guy like Mike Eleven. Yeah. Wait, is it like one one or like Eleven spelled out? One one. It's a screen name. How fucking amazing is that? I'm telling you, I'm this dude's biggest fan. Mike
Starting point is 00:02:03 Eleven, if you're listening, I want to, I want to come to your concerts. I'm your biggest fan. I hate to burst your bubble. Not listening. But I mean, for those who don't know, Cody does YouTube. He's a YouTuber. I don't really get the opportunity to talk to anyone from YouTube. Very isolated here. There's no one in New York who doesn't know, but you do a lot of commentary. You make fun of like people all the time. Shit. You know what I mean? Is it weird? Because you live in LA and they all live in LA. Do you ever like run into these people and they're like, What's up, dude? You fucking asshole. Yeah. No, for sure. Do they like get at you? I've never like actually met someone in like, I've met like Jake Paul's friends, for example. And I'll be like,
Starting point is 00:02:46 there's no one. I'd like to fight every one of them. I'll be honest with you. I haven't met them. And maybe like they have a persona, you know, and they're different people, but whoever they are online, if they're the same, would love to fight them. Yeah. I mean, well, they have to be because they're always filming. So that is who they are now. Right. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. And so, dude, how do you, every day thing is like, that's psychotic to me. How do you film every day? I don't know. I respect it because it's like, that's literally, that's psychotic to me. I would not be able to do that at all. I know. We're gonna pay you $5 million you film every day for a year. Like, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yeah. I'm not doing that shit. I lose my mind. I mean, like you do it, but then you just like, there's this feeling of like impending doom. Like it has to implode on itself at some point. And it did. It fucking did. Yeah. When he filmed the dead guy. It's like, it had to have cut, like, you know, it had to have come to that at some point. When I talked about that, I was saying how it's like, all right, like, let's keep in mind this kid films every day. This kid doesn't have an idea of what's going on anymore. You know what I mean? He's completely disconnected. Yeah. And it's like, you know, he's been winning for so long that no one is ever going to be like, I don't think you should do that because it's like, no, you think it's a good idea. It's probably
Starting point is 00:04:06 going to work. And he's like, no, we got it. You can't lose. You can't lose. Do it. Do it. Make him like a little puppet in that video, that random kid. Go up there and like, fuck around with his arms and shit. You can't lose. Dude, go hug him and be sick. Yeah. Take this picture. That one kid in the video was like, they see, they see the body and he goes, grab the cameras. Let's go. I know. I was like, yo, this kid's out of his mind. Who is that guy? Is it a cameraman or something? Yeah, I think so. I think Jake Paul did like a video today where he's like, he talks about it like about what he thinks. And it's like the same thing you would think. He's like, everybody makes mistakes, man. Like these, you know, he didn't mean to hurt
Starting point is 00:04:46 anyone. It's almost as if like they, everyone was talking about it. And then they waited for him to release a video so that everyone can keep talking about it. Like everyone was over it. And then they were like, no, Jake, get in here and start talking about it again. So that everyone like, it's not old news anymore. Oh, that's so true. That's so fucking true. That probably was like Logan's dad or something. Now you should make a video about it because Logan's about to do his comeback. And this is all just a big fucking PR stunt. Dude, they're dead. Sucks. Sucks. Yep. Yep. He's so creepy. Dude, that video. I've never, I've never seen it. Just don't see him. Don't get, don't do it. Close your eyes. Just remain ignorant to that. You don't want to.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Stake all your eyelids closed. Yeah. Are his parents married? No. Oh, yeah. When you posted that video, I was like, watching this video with my divorced parents and you were like, just save my parents. Yeah. Just reacting to things with my divorced parents. So was that like the video? The title of the video. Stop it. Yeah. I'm like, there's your parents. Like what? Like like with my divorced parents and also my like my bald dad and my blonde mom. Terminalio grandma reacts to me. Oh, man. Fucked up, dude. Oh my God. That's hilarious. But there was that video that his fucking dad kissed some 19 year old girl. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Fucked. It was like, oh, let's blood first of
Starting point is 00:06:14 all in this fucking PC world that we live in now for this to just go under the radar and no one talk about is mind blowing to me. They were like, there was some random girl who I don't, I've never seen her before. They were like, we're going to put a blindfold on you. Already bad. Don't blindfolds. Keep that. Yeah. Maybe not a good, you know, unless you're doing a taste test thing. All right. Put a blindfold on her and like three different dudes kissed her. It was like a kissing like she had to try to figure out who the best kisser was. She was like, okay, let's do it. Yeah. She probably wasn't like that. She was probably like, I'm doing this for the $800. You're going to give me the worst part was that she the dad
Starting point is 00:06:54 wasn't involved in the competition. He just swooped in. Okay. So with the blindfolds and three different guys are going to kiss you and you have to say who the best one was. Right. And then at the end, the duck snuck in and got a little kiss for himself. Yeah. And then obviously she picked him and he was like, you're praising the dad right? Just say it. The kids had to learn from someone and it sounds like the dad. That's what I'm saying. Like it makes sense because this dude's clearly like, yeah, no, I know he vlogs. Yes. Really? Yeah. It's sad. I think I've just like refused to look too much into them. Good. No, do it. I'm sad that I know this. I'm sad that I know all this. So am I because like, I didn't for the longest time know anyone on YouTube
Starting point is 00:07:37 at all. And just, you know, I wouldn't watch anyone. And I was like, who do you watch? I was like, I don't really know. Or it's like, how do I do this? It's like, I just upload and leave. Like I don't really know anything about it. But now it's been, it's become so big that's, it's hard to ignore. It's like in the news now and like these people are getting all these just coverage or whatever. It's just like, Oh my God. And there's those random these random YouTube channels that are like Hollywood gossip. There's like a knockoff TMZ that only interview YouTubers. And you can tell when they run up to them and they're like walking out of fucking, I don't even know whatever store they're in. Like, Hey dude, what's up? It's like,
Starting point is 00:08:17 yeah, man, I can't really talk right now. Like they try to be, you know what I mean? But inside you can tell they're so hype. That's like, yo, keep filming. But like, I'm going to act like I really actually have all the time in the world for this. But I'm going to pretend like I don't. So yeah, I have all the time in the world. I work you again. What's up? Hey, Jeff. Fucking guy. But you, you've ran into these kids before. What did they say? Like I, I've never like, I've never met like the Paul brothers, but I've met like the people that lived with them. And I'm like, did they see my videos ever? And they're like, oh yeah. Yeah, they watch your shit. Nice. And they watch all this shit. All everyone making fun of them.
Starting point is 00:08:56 They watch all that shit because they get off on it, I think a little bit. No, they're very insecure. I would think from my experience, but it's also because like the amount of like yes men like around them, I think they've just like kind of developed this like perspective where it's like, well, haters going to hate. If you got haters, you're doing some great, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. And it's like, no, but like everybody hates you. Yeah. Like I get it. Everyone has haters, but at a certain point it's like, a lot of people hate you. I'd say majority of the people hate you. Yeah. That means you're doing something wrong at that point, right? Like otherwise,
Starting point is 00:09:30 if you continue to believe that haters going to hate, you're doing some right, you're going to film a dead body. Exactly. You're going to be like, I have offended my family. There's a difference between people hating like the shit you put out, than hating like you as a person. Right. No one actually likes them as people. Like they may not like their videos. That's one thing. Like that's cool. It's not, but like, you know what I mean? But then everyone just thinks they're shitty people. No one likes them in general. So it's just bizarre. I know. But they love it. Like I don't care. Like if someone like, I don't know why this happens, but like
Starting point is 00:10:01 if I'm out somewhere, some girl will come up to me and be like, like I fucking hate when this happens. It's like my biggest pet peeve. It's like, yeah, my friend over there is freaking out, but like I have no idea who you are. I hate that. I fucking hate that so much. I'm like, I don't, like I'm not offended. Like I'm sorry, but I have no idea who you are. I was like, I'm not, I don't care. Yeah, I know. I know what I mean. It's like, why do you have to fit that in? My friend loves you. I don't know who you are, but I don't know why she's freaking out. Like you're just a guy. You're just a guy. But like, I was like, yeah, I agree,
Starting point is 00:10:29 but you're just being very rude about it. I don't know who the fuck you are. You fucking idiot. But like my friend over there, she's also freaking out, but I'm going to take you down a peg before you go say hi to her. Okay. Because you're nobody. Yeah. And then like, they'll do it like nine times in a row. Well, they're like, yeah, I'll take the picture. They take the picture as they're like, you know, they're like, by the way, I swear, I swear, I don't know you. No, no, no, I fucking believe you. Okay. Tons of people don't know who I am. Like it's not, you know what I mean? I was not walking in here thinking everyone knew me. Yeah. So I know. For you to say that makes me feel weird. Some girls came up to me one time. She said that she goes, I don't know who
Starting point is 00:11:09 you are, but I just saw someone take a picture with you or something like that. And I just like, I don't know who you are. And I was like, so why am I talking to you? Why the fuck are you talking to me then? Like this is just we're just like two random people now. Yeah, with no relation to each other at all. Why are you wasting my time? That's a good one. I wish that happened to me. I was like, so what would you like? Yeah. So then like, why are what are we doing then? If you have no interest in talking to me because you don't know who I am, then why it's just weird. Dude, I just saw you like buying a hot dog. I don't know who you are. I'm just like, I like hot dogs. And so I figured we kind of just like chat for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:11:43 No, what she did was walk up and go, I say you got a hot dog. I'm not a big fan of hot dogs. All right. All right. So thank you for that. I appreciate your input. There was one time was at Party City and I'm waiting on the line. It was like a long ass line. It was like around Halloween. And this guy comes up to me and he goes, Hey, Joe, can we take a picture real quick? I was like, Yeah, cool. Take a picture. Whatever. Now I'm standing in line. Two minutes later, the lady standing in front of me turns around, didn't know a celebrity was standing behind me in line. I was like, What do you say to that? I'm like, I'm not a fucking celebrity like whatever. Then she pays for her shit. I'm still waiting in line. She goes to leave. She comes over and
Starting point is 00:12:23 our husbands got her phone and she goes, Can we take a picture? I'm like, All right. But I'm like, you don't know who the fuck I am. What are you doing? So annoying. Like, what are you uncomfortable? What are you telling people when you show them that? Yeah. Who the fuck is this? I saw it. I saw it today. They're like, Who is this? I don't know. I thought you I was hoping you'd know. I'm trying to piece it together here. I thought you'd piece it out. That was just so weird. There's been people from my videos that will DM me right out. Like, the travel one. Did you watch that one that I made fun of like traveling? Yeah, yeah. Jay Alvarez DM me like two hours later and was like, bro, I'm watching your video. It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And then the one I did with grant card or what I did about grant card down. I don't know the rich. I made fun of like Tai Lopez or like, he's basically like this rich dude that just like promotes his method online and gets like rich doing that. Jesus. He DM me like two hours later and was like, Hey, like, can I send you my free book? Like, I love the video. And then like, Tai Lopez saw the one I did about him and invited me over like people are generally like pretty receptive to being made fun of. That's good. Yeah, because they should be. Yeah. You know what I mean? So yeah, because you're not over there like, let's fucking kill this guy and ruin his life. Yeah. I mean, there's, there's people like, like, like H3H3 got, they got sued. Right. I mean,
Starting point is 00:13:45 that's like the worst case scenario. That would suck. He, he puts it like, I mean, would you do it when he does a little different though? He like puts together a fucking profile, like a good 20 minute video on people and like gets after. Yeah. Which I still think, why the fuck would you sue that guy? Like he's just being funny. Oh yeah. 100%. You know what I mean? But it's just the wrong person to make fun of. And this dude was just like a really, yeah, I don't know. He was pissed. Yeah. But they ended up winning the lawsuit, but it was just like lawyer fees and all that shit. They fucking crush it though. But that girl from the travel video that you made fun of, like responded to you and was like,
Starting point is 00:14:22 I'm so honored that you like roasted me, but then responded to like one of her fans and was like, whatever people are going to hate, but like, you can't let him get you down. Like it was like so, and then they screenshot it and send it to you. And it was like, why don't you screenshot her saying that she was stoked that you made fun of her? Yeah. Like, which one is it? I know. Just be real. I know. JBR, just be real. Jesus Christ. Well, that's my motto. He's promoting a merch line. The shirts will be out soon. It's my method. JBR, just be real. Just drop some acronyms. Teaching an online class on how to be real. It's 50 bucks a month. And yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But um, so Jay, you know, first of all, Jay Alvarez, what does he tell people?
Starting point is 00:15:07 Like when they say like, so what do you do? I think he probably just says like, I'm a, I'm like an open soul and the earth is my canvas. Some stupid shit like that, probably. Dude, I was just worried about that too, because like I would, I lie to people constantly. People are like, what do you do? Like I, dude, I went to a comedy show the other day. I was praying, praying that the comedian goes, where are you from, man? What do you do? Like, I was, I was like, you know, I got to think of something. Yeah. Yeah. This is like, I can't be like, I do YouTube. He go, yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, really? You're about to get made fun of for like an hour straight. Yeah. Like I'm not about to do that. But thank God that didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:15:49 But that was something that I was like worried about too, because like I said, in New York, no one does this shit and no one knows what the hell it is. You don't know anything. In LA, you could see people with the cameras out and you're like, okay, I know this is something. But if in New York, someone's like, so what do you do? And I was like, I, you know, I make YouTube videos like sick, you're unemployed. That's why you're sick, dude. Why don't you like do something? You know what I mean? That'd be nice. If you did that, parents must be so proud. Yeah. I think in LA now it's like gone to the point where it's almost weird if you don't have the camera out, you know, when you're really walking on the street. Do you like see people don't
Starting point is 00:16:24 when you see people don't vlogging? You're like, what are you don't waste your time? What do you do? What do you mean? You're just living when you see people not vlogging. That was completely people don't vlogging. Like, what are you a lawyer? Fucking idiot. My God. Yeah, what do you do? Go to an office? I mean, still, you should be vlogging that. I mean, that's something that. Dude, you know, I thought it was so funny. I think it was you who did this, but like Jake Paul's a money making channel or whatever the fuck. Was that you? No, that was Drew. Oh, yes. No, his business one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, that I'm watching it. I'm just like, wait, wait, hold on. It was probably you again. You're the only fucking person I'm watching here.
Starting point is 00:17:10 But like the video of him, he made this whole like business. Yeah. Now. Yeah. About no, no, no. It was some other kid. So it was some other kid. I forgot his name, but it was his like kid from the UK. Jake Paul has this like business. Yeah. Where it's like, you can buy and he'll teach you how to be successful. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What? Yeah. That's what I'm modeling JBR afterwards is Jake Paul. It's called Ed Fluance. I think it's. Oh, yes, it is. It's called Ed Fluance and it's, it's really like he charges now like monthly and you're like, which kind of, what kind of influencer do you want to be? It's a comedian and a picture of fucking a picture of Amanda Cerny under a comedian.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Which? Shoot me in the face. Jesus Christ. Dude, I, nothing on Instagram has ever made me smirk. Oh yeah. Or even just go. Yeah. Nothing. Like if you're trying to, like the Viners who went the Instagram route are just like the worst. Yeah. The worst. I know who the fuck watches those videos and I've talked to some of those people and they're like good people and shit, but it sucks. Yeah. And it's like, how are you still on the Bay cheating thing? I know. Everyone's getting cheated on on Instagram. Yeah. It makes no fucking sense. I know. Everyone's getting cheated on and everyone's wearing Jordans and shit. It's like, and everything's like a little racist too. I'm like, a little. It's just a very stereotypical. But yeah, it's just like, how prevalent is cheating
Starting point is 00:18:38 in this? Like, do you, what are your relationships actually like if this is based on real things? Like, are you just like literally not opening your phone in front of your significant other? Like, that's the most important thing in the entire world is that your Bay doesn't go through your phone. I know. It's like, what? Like, how many fucking girls are you texting? They probably think it just never like is outdated. Like cheating is always going to be a thing. So people will always find it funny. Someone who's getting cheated on, they're going to laugh at this. And who's commenting? Like, oh my God. It is. It do be like that. It do be like that. Yeah. Oh, fuck. That's funny. Has anyone else come up to you though? Like anyone who like you've made fun of? Not just not those guys.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Not in real life. I don't think. Do you see like a bunch of YouTubers? I fully expect to happen. I'll see, like, like, I'll see, like, I imagine there's like parties and shit. And like that whole, I don't really, yeah, I'm not really, I'm like kind of out of the scene, I would say. The only people I do see regularly are like Matt King and I don't know if you know David Dobrik and that whole crew. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I'll see them. But like that's basically. Dobrik is fucking great too. Yeah. Yeah. He's great. Like that crew, hilarious. Yeah. Those are people that I could actually be like, okay, these people are like fun. And they vlog a lot. But they're also not, you could tell they're not disconnected and just like have lost their fucking minds. There's a
Starting point is 00:20:00 select field where I'm kind of like, all right, this one I'm not like too crazy about. Yeah. You know, I just think like they're the stuff they post like comes from a place of entertainment rather than vanity. Right. Where it's like they're vlogging because they want to entertain. Right. Not because they want to show off their lives. I have a car. Yeah, exactly. And so like that, I respect that because they're constantly worried about like bits, making sure it's funny, blah, blah, blah, which is good. At that point, it's like you're disentertaining, right? That's like anything else. Yeah. And they're fucking like funny too. Yeah. Liza is fucking crushing it. She's killing it. Yeah. Yeah, that girl. I mean, obviously, like her content is like not for me,
Starting point is 00:20:39 obviously, it's not meant for me. But like for what she does, it's like, great. She's fucking crushing it. I can't even imagine what she is doing. In terms of money. Yeah. Yeah. It's like saddening to think about it. All right. Yeah. God forbid I say like one ad, I'm like, that was a lot of fucking money. Yeah. They're crushing it right now. Yep. Before we move on, let's just get to the sponsors real quick. The first one we have is movement watches, MVMT watches. Holiday shopping can be tough. And we both know that Valentine's Day is coming up. So getting someone a watch can be a nice gesture. They started just $95 at a department store. You're looking at 400 to 500 bucks. And that is no bullshit. I was at the mall, literally for
Starting point is 00:21:31 Christmas with one of my friends. He tried to buy a watch. He's like, how much is this one? She's like, yeah, that one's four feet. He's like, goodbye. I'm not even forget it. So these watches are nice. I have a black on black one that is super sick that they sent me. And it starts at just 95 bucks. So dope classic design quality, construction and styled minimalism. How nice is that sound? Over 1 million watches sold in over 160 countries. And right now you can get 15% off today with free shipping and free returns by going to slash basement. That's slash basement. Like I said, I have the watch, really nice watch. It goes good with any like holiday or like any gift really, you know what I mean? Anytime you have to exchange gifts,
Starting point is 00:22:19 if you have an anniversary coming up or some watches, a nice gesture. So there you go. 15% off these watches and they're already $95. So come on, how much money you got to save? The next we have here is me undies, which is my entire underwear drawer is filled with me undies. I have them on air right now. And that is because they are made from sat wow, they are made from fabric that is three times softer than cotton. And it just makes you feel great. Makes you feel great to just have it all in place. I used to be a boxers guy. You know what I mean? But I can't I can't even fuck with that anymore because it makes it all loose. Everything like bounces around. It goes where it wants. These like hold everything together
Starting point is 00:23:03 where they should be. You know what I mean? It's like breathable, whatever. I'm sure there's some signs involved that I don't really know about, but it's nice. You never sweat or anything. These are the best underwear on the market. And they have 100% satisfaction guarantee. They guarantee you will love them or your money back. All right. Right now me undies has an exclusive offer for my listeners get 20% off your first pair and free shipping. Okay. So 20% off free shipping and the 100% satisfaction guarantee. I mean, what are you waiting for? These deals are just unheard of. Okay. To get your 20% off free shipping and their guarantee. Get the best and softest underwear you will ever own. Go to slash basement. That's slash basement.
Starting point is 00:23:54 But that I've always felt like that too, where I was kind of like disconnected from it because like when I was coming up, there were these like, did you fest in like these, whatever the fuck you want to call them? And I went to two of them. The first one I went to, I got hammered and the dude was so mad. The guy who like runs it. Really? Yeah. Because I, I brought like a big ass, like a big ass bottle of sorok, like a, look like a fucking PVC pipe size though. Okay. And I was just like drinking it out of the box. Cause I was just kind of like, this is fucking, I was just on the tour. Like you were like, yeah, I wasn't on the tour. Like I went to the show because it was in Philly and I was like, oh, it's like two hours or whatever. So I went to the show because they're
Starting point is 00:24:36 like, yeah, we're going to pay you like 600 bucks. And I was like, fuck yeah. So I was like, all right. And I went and I was like hammered and the dude comes into the green room and I'm just like chucking this like beach sorok. And he's like, you know, you're about to get on stage in front of a bunch of kids, right? I was like, yeah, I know. That's why do you think I'm doing this? And it's like, those shows drove me insane. Cause it was like, all these kids getting on stage and doing what? Like, what am I doing on stage? What did you do on stage? Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. I went up there and went sup and everyone went fucking Ape shit. That was it. Really? Yeah, dude, I'm telling you, it was just like, but I, I used to be in a collab channel. Okay. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Which people are like blown away by because it was completely not what I do. But I wasn't making any money off of my original YouTube channel because I got flagged for something. I don't even know what I did, but then I was making no money for like two and a half years. No money at all at all. Not one cent, zero dollars, zero dollars, zero dollars. What? When I first started, it was like, as soon as I got my AdSense account, I built up like eight dollars and then I got shut down, did not make a dollar for two and a half years. Oh my God. So I, and I, but I had, but it was like building. So I was like, I can't just throw this away right now. You know what I mean? So then I got to a point, I think it was like 250,000 subscribers and I was like,
Starting point is 00:26:06 all right, I can't do this for free forever. There's a, you know, a good amount of people here. So I just like switched over and created the new channel that I have now. And then I ended up, you know, ended up working out thankfully, but. Oh, so you created a whole new channel? Whole, yeah, I started from zero. I went into 250,000 and then started from zero because I couldn't make any fucking money. And I didn't, it wasn't like they transferred order right away. Transfer order right away. It was not like that. Like I had to fucking start completely over. Huh. Sucked. It's crazy. Damn, that's nuts. Yeah. I mean, it ended up working out. But the reason why I did the collab channel is because I wasn't,
Starting point is 00:26:37 I wasn't making any money and they were like, Oh, you can get paid for videos if you do them on here. And there's like a whole new audience of people that are like ready and like these other dudes that are in here who have audiences who don't know you. And like, I was like, all right. Who did you collab with? So there, there was a bunch of, it was like you, it was like you, one person posts a day. So I had whatever fucking day. I don't remember what day I had. Oh, I see. You just put out a video, but there was always like a theme. Okay. To like, Oh, it's fucking, I don't even know. Like this school, basically some shit like that Halloween week and like stuff like that. So you make a video for it and you put it out. And it
Starting point is 00:27:13 was fine. Like the dudes who do the, who were on that channel are like cool people. Yeah. But like their content is like geared towards younger people and I'm not at all. So I didn't do that. Like I just did what I did and it was fine. It was, you know, whatever. But after a while, I was just kind of like, I can't fucking do this. You know what I mean? So that's why I was on that tour because they, as a group, it was like, Oh, you do this. And it was literally like you go out on stage and people ask you questions and you just kind of answer them. I'm like, dude, you could just tweet me this stuff. And I just felt so weird because I'm standing on stage and I'm looking at some of the parents like, and I see the confusion in their eyes. Like what is,
Starting point is 00:27:50 what am I paying for? You know what I mean? And I'm like, I can't do this. And all the people that I've met, like when I went to two of those things, I went to playlist one year and I'm like, this is like psychotic because like I get like crazy anxiety when people are like, Oh my fucking God. And I'm just like, I can't, like you're dumb. Like, why do you feel that way? You know what I mean? I can't even like process that. And then you go there and it's like on steroids. Like everyone, it's just like everyone's can just walk anywhere they want. They can like wait in the lobby and you can't go anywhere. It's like, you know, it's like ridiculous. And then not only that, I can't like hang in the room because now I'm stuck with these fucking rando YouTubers who are just like,
Starting point is 00:28:31 Oh God, you know, it's so tough. Like what I'm just like, Oh my God, you're fucking the worst person ever. It's terrible. Yep. But like, from all of the people I met, I'm just kind of like, you know, these kids are out of their minds and just like completely out of touch and to think that like, when they go out, they have to wear hoodies and glasses and hats. And like, I can't, I just can't deal with it right now. Yeah. Oh yeah, your life's so fucking hard. Yeah. Shut up. It's ridiculous though. So true. So true. Are you gonna get on Vine too? Yeah. Snap answer. Fuck yeah. 100%. 100%. I hate like people like, You were like waiting for him to ask you. Yes. Thank fucking God. Yes. And if you're listening,
Starting point is 00:29:15 hit me up. Yeah. I want the beta. I just like people. I don't know. Like it's weird. Like I see people that used to do Vine that had a following on Vine being like, I don't know, man, like I've outgrown it. It's like, what? No, you haven't. It's just like a thing. What do you mean? You just like do it? Like, what do you mean? Like, don't think about it. Like, obviously I'm gonna do it because it's fun. I'm just gonna post stupid shit like I used to. I don't know, man. I'm just, it's in the past. You know, I'm a new person. I can't be as artistic as I want. Yeah. It's like, all right. Sick. Then I'll get all this fucking Vine too, money. Yeah, exactly. Dude, I swear to God. Vine was another, like I met the, you know, Marcus Johns and Cody Johns.
Starting point is 00:30:01 I met those dudes. Me meeting them was like the Pope meeting the devil. Like it was the, like, they're the nicest people in the world. Like to the point where like- Oh, you're the devil. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, because they are just like the nicest people in the world. They don't curse and they're just very like polite and just like- Yeah, they love God. They're radiant. Yeah. They're just like beams of light come off of their bodies and I met them and I'm just kind of like, God, I can't, I feel weird even talking because I'm my person. I just don't want to like, you know, they're go home and like, I got a shower. But I met like some, some Viners and shit, like back in the day, like, because when I was doing YouTube for a while and then Vine came out
Starting point is 00:30:44 and then I started doing it, I should have stayed on it because I mean, that would have been nice. But I stopped doing it because I was like, ah, whatever. I'm just like more interested in YouTube. Like I was one of those people that was like six seconds. It's not even like, why does everyone fucking care? Yeah. So I was one of those people. But I had a lot of followers initially. So all those people knew who I was and then I stopped doing it and then everyone's like, oh yeah, I got five million followers and I'm making $60,000 of Vine. I was like, oh, that's nice. Yeah. But how long were you doing that before you started to like gain traction? Like probably like a year. Yeah. Yeah. Probably. Yeah. Yeah. I'd say about like a year where it was just like doing
Starting point is 00:31:26 ads and shit. I did like one, I think, or two. I didn't want for Trojan condoms. Stop. And I did one for some TV show one time. And that was it. And then eventually and then like that was right. That was three million. Wow. And it was like right when that was like, I started getting, I started like finally being like, all right, I'm just going to do ads right when the things started dying. And then it died. And I was like, I should have just crushed it. I should have just like just squeezed that for everything it was worth. You know, there was a lot of money that I didn't make, but whatever. Did you were you like still like active on it when it was when it died?
Starting point is 00:32:02 Yeah. Yeah. I was I rode that shit all the way. I just genuinely really liked it. Yeah. I really enjoyed doing it. I really miss it. Like I miss it. Yeah. You know what I mean? And not even like fucking watched vine compilations as is everyone. We just sit in bed and watch these fucking vine compilations. Dude, my entire of my own vines now. One time he's like, babe, check this one out. Cody, we've seen this. He's like quoting them all. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, I'm performing them for you as they're going.
Starting point is 00:32:37 It's like, this is my favorite one. No, no, no, this one is my favorite. It's like, wait, wait, wait, wait for this one. This one's all right. Funny story about this one. But yeah, I remember that shit. It was crazy, man. There was a lot of people that just kind of like disappeared. I mean, there's some Oh God, what happened? What happened? That was so quick to how long was vine to like that felt like two years, three, three years. I think was it? Yeah. I don't know. I don't know when it died. I see. I wasn't like a viner. So I just watched them and then they stopped making them and I was like, okay, I'll just move on to something
Starting point is 00:33:11 else. It didn't really affect me that much. There were so many vines that were so good. Like it was always like the random people. It was like one vine that had that went viral and it's just like, this is fucking hysterical. Yeah, but like fucking all those big viner's that were making like consistent, like let me edit this and then make it a stereotype drove me insane. Yeah. And someone like Rudy, right? Rudy Mancuso, extremely talented kid. And it's a shame that all your content is just like geared towards being Mexican. Yeah, I know. It's like, dude, you're like, you could play the piano, the drums and all this shit. It's like, do that. Yeah. You know what I
Starting point is 00:33:51 mean? Don't do this shit. I know. Like every video is like that. I just fucking saw this shit with, I was on like Waylate Ponds' YouTube channel or something. Oh God. Some sketch with Rudy and someone else and it had like millions and millions of views. Yeah. And the very first thing, I like, it starts playing and I'm like, what is like, I'm trying to figure out what's going on. And then I read the title and it's Latina Hunger Games. Oh my God. And all of a sudden she starts like dancing and they start getting mad at each other. You know what I mean? The girl starts getting mad at the guy in a classic Spanish, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. So I bet someone's going along at some point in this video and she's like, why does this always have to be some
Starting point is 00:34:30 stereotypical shit? Yeah, I know. It's just like, it's not racist because we are Mexican. Yeah. Right? Yeah. All right. Yeah. Left. Yeah. Exactly. It's like, all right. And then there's that one dude. And I'm like, it do be like that. I have no idea what it do be like, you know? I don't know what it do be like. Exactly. And then there's that one dude who, it always confused me that the Arab dude, I don't know his name. Oh yeah. Okay. I know who you're talking about. Anwar. Anwar. All right. That's his name. Anwar. So he was doing all these vines with these people who had like millions and millions of followers and he had did not have any of that. Like who's this guy? They're just putting on. Is he paying for this? I know. It's so true. And now he's fucking huge
Starting point is 00:35:11 on YouTube. Yeah. They pushed him. Shit. He gets like, they probably got a percentage in there. They have to. That made no sense. I think that's what the, so there's like the shot studios. And it's like Justin Bieber has invested in that they used to do. He knows the founders. It's like John and whatever the other guy's name is. I remember shot. Yeah. I thought it was an app. It was like an Instagram wasn't it? Yeah. And then they shut that down and they turned it into shot studios. They now produce Rudy's, Lele, Hannah, fucking whatever name is Anwar. They're like a production house now for those people I hate. Yeah. So it's just like just pumping out bad content, really high quality bad content. Yeah. That's what they do now,
Starting point is 00:35:51 I think. And so like Anwar now is I think just like one of the most popular people in that group. Dude, what the fuck happened? It's crazy. I just don't understand who's watching the videos. Like who's, where are they getting the millions of views? Because anyone you talk to our age are like, wait, those people are posting on YouTube. Yeah. I think they've kind of faded out because they were like the big people on social media. They are. If anything, they're bigger. Really? Yeah. Because I don't like, I don't know. It's crazy. I've always just been like in the fucking shadows. Like people are like, I have two million subscribers. I don't think anyone knows who the fuck I am. Yeah. Like no YouTubers or anyone's ever like, Joe said like no one knows
Starting point is 00:36:34 who the fuck I am. Yeah. Which is like, I love that. Yeah, that's the way to be. But like it's so weird how that, how that works. I was like, I just, I'm not, you know, they're fucking weird, man. They were like afraid of me when I met them too. Like a legend. Like a name. Like a myth. You know what I mean? Yeah, myth. The myth of Santagato. Santagato. Yeah, exactly. It was like fucking Voldemort and shit. It's like, does he live in LA? I don't know where he lives. Yeah. People tweet me at times like, is he real? It's like, I'm also from Brooklyn. I was like, really? Because I'm not from there. It's like, yeah, I know, but Staten Island. Nope. Jersey? Getting warm. But uh,
Starting point is 00:37:14 where are you from? From Queens. I was born and raised here, like 30 minutes from here. Got it. Yeah. But everyone thinks I'm from all kinds of places. You're from Canada, right? Where are you from? I'm from Los Angeles. Oh, nice. Yeah. From the valley. You love it? You know, no, I don't love it. It's just not exciting to me. Like it's just, it's just home. Like it's, it's nothing exciting. He gets like excited about it. I was talking to your dad about this at dinner when you guys were in the bathroom because I was like, I get excited every time I come back to LA because I love it. And I was like, Kelsey doesn't feel that way because she was raised here and he was like, I still feel like that. He's like, I love LA. My dad grew up in upstate New
Starting point is 00:37:55 York and moved to LA when he was 30. Well, that is a fucking difference. Yeah. But he's lived there now for how long in LA? He moved when he was like 30, so 30 years. Yeah. So like that's, I feel like that's enough time where you'd get sick of. Yeah. But he's like, no, he's like, I know I love this shit. Yeah. Yeah, it just, it doesn't, I mean, I love it. I know that if I lived anywhere else, I'd be like, I'd miss it. But just when I'm there, it's just like, cool. Yeah. Sunny. I don't know. It just doesn't excite me. It just doesn't excite me. Oh, the sun. This excites me. Sweet. Sun sucks. Oh, wow. Sunny again. Great. I don't know. Like we were in Montana and it was snowy and like, he was so excited to come home and he was like, are you excited?
Starting point is 00:38:37 And I was like, I kind of like snow. Yeah. I was like, I like trees and mountains. What was the first time you saw a snow? I was in eighth grade. And where were you? I was 13. We went to Mammoth, Mammoth Mountain. It's like a ski mountain in California. I find that so weird sometimes, where it's like people in California are like, I have never seen snow. I was like, I wish I had your life because it's fucking awful. Yeah. I just want to experience something for the first time at this age. Do you know what I mean? Like something like something so basic, like snow. That's like seeing a new color for the first time. Like that's just like, holy fuck. This is a new like form of matter that I've just never even seen or felt. It's like, it's like a
Starting point is 00:39:17 whole new experience. Damn, I don't even know what like, what if I not see diving? It's like the only thing that I could do right now that dude, fuck that. First of all, I went indoor skydiving. And even that was like, like this is, first of all, it's way harder than I thought. Why? Yeah, it's intense. Yeah. Cause you have to like keep your body like fucking like in this position. You can't like, oh, I got an itch because then you just start fucking spinning. Oh, really? It's just like a giant wind tunnel. Yeah. And they just like float there. You've done it? Yeah. Dude, that sounds relaxing when I say you float there because it's really not relaxed. No. I was like, holy shit. It's like Gale Force winds blowing you directly in the face. It's like,
Starting point is 00:39:57 hold on a plank. Yeah. Yeah. And you do it for like a minute. And then when you get off, you're like, if I would have had to go for a second, I would have just went into a cannonball. It's like, it's so tiring. It's insane. And when I went, there was this old woman who was like, I got it. Did not have it. It's like he was bouncing off the walls and shit. I was like, this lady was acting like she was, you know, jumping out of planes for a whole life. She's like, yeah, whatever. Could you? I grew up in an indoor skydiving thing. I grew up in a wind tunnel. I've been floating for years, but you have, they make you take like a seminar and the whole time she was like chirping from the back. She's like, yeah, we got it. This lady better be good.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Please no heckling in the seminar lady. She was just bouncing off the fucking wall. She was showing my eyes closed. But yeah, that's, that's terrifying. Like I don't even, like I'm not crazy about flying like like flying in a plane as opposed to flying out of a cat. No, yeah, I like birds as opposed to just flight in general, like birds flying. I'm not a big fan of things flying. Drone's fucking hate them. Birds. Oh man. Maybe I can fly. Fuck that. I hate Superman, dude. You have no idea. Weirds me out. Really weirds me out. Man, I hate flight. That is funny. No, but I don't,
Starting point is 00:41:21 I don't like flying. It gives me a fucking anxiety. I don't even know why. Like I don't, I'm not like afraid. Like I'm not thinking like, but I'm also just kind of like, we can't pull over. Like I'm just like so out of, I'm like out of control. That's why I don't like it. That's exactly why I don't like it. Cause I don't know how it works. I don't know how we're up there. Yeah. It makes no fucking sense. No, I don't get it. Every time we're in a plane, I look out the window, I'm like, Oh God, I feel like we're higher than like last time. Why would you get higher? I was what there was returning a little bit too steep. That's a little bit too steep. When we were flying here, there was a girl in front of me who had like the screen that said
Starting point is 00:41:57 like the altitude and the speed and I was just staring at it and I was like, I don't think we're supposed to be going that fast. I was like, it's a little bit fast. Don't you think here? All of a sudden you become a pilot and you're like, he's turning a little too sharp here. You know what I mean? He's like, that was not a good landing. Are you sure we should be going this fast? Like ding, like turning on the fucking help button. She's like, I think we're going a little fast. She's like, what do you need? Do you need water? No, no, I'd like you to tell the pilot, just slow it down. Slow it down. Nobody's in a rush here. I think we should slow it down. I was watching the altitude change. I was like, well, that went down 100 feet. We're going down.
Starting point is 00:42:37 She's like, why did we just drop so fast? What is going on here? I've become like an actual psychotic person. I'm cool with like the middle of the flight where it's like, we're at 30,000 feet turn here. I'm like, cool with that. Fine. Like turbulence doesn't really bother me, but landing. I'm like, all right, dude, this is cut and turns. I'm like, dude, chill. I'm like, this wing is a little low. It's like one fucking jet stream. You sure we're lined up with it because I'm seeing the other ones and they're where I'm supposed to be going. Every time the plane lands, I'm like, we're at the end of the runway because I'm like, seeing a lot of runway shows things long enough. We're going to fucking make it because then we
Starting point is 00:43:25 land and I'm like, and then I pray to God we don't crash. What's weird enough is that landing is the only part that I'm like that I'm at ease for some reason. As soon as I start to see buildings and stuff and little cars driving, you know, saying looks like a little fucking doll, you know, yeah. That's a real thing right there. Yeah. That's the point where I start like feeling comfortable again. No, no, no, no. Mine's like landing. That's like where I start. I mean, statistically, I think that's the most dangerous part is this landing properly. Dude, I took a spirit flight to Vegas one time. Literally the scariest moment in my life. I've heard spirits terrifying. Do not fly spirit. Do not. I am so willing to burn that bridge. Do not ever. Yeah, this podcast is sponsored
Starting point is 00:44:08 by JetBlue. No, but it's like, dude, you can't, you can't. It's so bad. First of all, just like the pricing. The pricing, it's like eight bucks. Yeah, whatever, flight to Vegas. But then you go up, you like go to check a bag. It's like, yeah, $9,000. Oh, it's too big for overhead. That's another $400. It's like they get you with these fees. And then the plane, I'm like, looking at the wing, I'm like, did someone just like weld this on? I was like, why does it look like that? And we hit crazy turbulence to the point where, dude, I was so scared. Like we were dropping and rocking back and forth to the point where people behind us are just going like, oh, I'm like, just doing this shit. My friend literally looks so crossing, crossing their head, whatever you hope, you know
Starting point is 00:44:53 what I'm saying? Sign of the cross. Sign of the cross. Yeah, whatever. Nothing. People are doing that shit. Cody's very religious. Father son. Doing this thing. Father son, holy spirit, almonds. There we go. Father son, up and down. What a hell one or two. As soon as you start seeing people doing that shit, that freaks me out. And then I'm like, maybe I should be praying. No, no, no. Yeah. My friend looked at me and he goes, uh, should we pray? Like, tell me I'm so right. Yeah, it was so bad. And I heard a story one time. There was this girl on a plane and she had fallen asleep. I forgot who it was, but someone I knew was on a flight and they were coming back from like Cancun or something. So it was a bunch of like college kids. And this girl
Starting point is 00:45:32 had fallen asleep and she was on the window and they were like coming into the airport. So they know they do the turn. Yeah. And you're like looking at the floor. Yeah. So she wakes up, sees the floor and screams, we're going down. And everyone's like, dude, if I was on that plane, I'd be in jail because I would have beat that girl up so fast. Don't you ever say that ever. It's like, it's like when you're like on a road trip and you like are driving behind one of those trucks that has cars on it and your friends sleeping and you're like, and you wake up, you go, oh my God. And they're like, they freak out every single time and it's such a fucked up prank. I'm willing to lose my life by punching whoever in the face to do that.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I also hate driving behind those things because I mean, bad boys too, when they start just letting them go, you're going to drive around them. They have that and they're like, just letting the cars go at the back. I'm like, that's what's going to happen. Or like driving behind trucks that have the big, final destination right through crush my skull. One of these things is just going to fly off. Man, I can't. In those situations, I'm just making up ways that I'm going to die. I'm so superstitious too. I'm really actually, I don't know why I said that. I'm not, but when it comes to flying, I'm always just like, oh man, why was my, I buy stuff from like some stores like came out to 666. So I don't know. I'm the same way. $6.66. I don't know if I
Starting point is 00:47:03 should get on this fucking flight right now. I almost didn't get on a flight for some reason. It was so stupid. I was like, I don't think I should get up. Oh, I was actually not a stupid reason, but I was in Vegas by myself and I had a flight back to New York. And first of all, let me put some context. Vegas by yourself. I was actually shooting the thing with the rock. It was like the finale was there. I don't just go to Vegas and gamble by myself. Yeah, big hooker bender. But I was flying back to New York and there was like a bomb threat in the city and Manhattan and like a bomb went off or some shit. And I was like, shouldn't get on this flight. I was like, I don't know. I was so scared. I got the fuck on and I did not sleep a second. And it was a red
Starting point is 00:47:44 eye. I was so fucking scared. Jesus. Basically what I'm saying at the end of the day, I'm a bitch. That's what I'm trying to say. We already knew that. Yeah, I mean, that's not hard to fucking tell. Not at all. Obviously. Anyway, I feel like we could wrap this up. Sure. It's been real. Yeah, I really have to pee. Yeah, pee, dude. Yeah, go ahead. Do it. Oh, right here. Yeah, go for it. Sure. Let one loose. Oh, God. Oh, God. Sorry if it smells a little bit. Sorry if it smells a little bit. Yeah. You push that hard. Oh, yeah. It's not easy. It's not easy. Yeah, it's not. It is. I don't want to confuse. We're not that old. You know, how old are you? I'm 25. I'm gonna be 26 in a month. Okay, really? Damn. I really am the oldest person. Yeah. Yeah. Wait, 28? 27. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:41 27, bro. What do you like? 32? No, I was the oldest person. No, I was 28. Yeah, he's 28. Yeah, he looks every day. That's fucking old. 27. Still fine. That kid's fucking hilarious, by the way. Yeah, he's really great. Yeah. Anyway. Yeah, he's great. Good guy. Great guy. Great guy. Great dick. You know what I mean? That's how he is. So, where can people find your YouTube channel? What is it? Yeah, look me up. It's Cody Co. And then I got a couple podcasts, one of which Joe was just on. Oh, yeah. It's called Insanely Chill. Oh, yeah. My other podcast is called Tiny Meat Gang. That's the one with Noel. And then, yeah, YouTube, Cody Co. Kelsey's also on YouTube. Yeah, Kelsey, what's your YouTube channel?
Starting point is 00:49:28 I just started a YouTube channel like a month ago. It's my, it's my name, Kelsey Crepple. Crepple. Look it up. Crepple. Okay. Yeah. I was like, well, it's that one, I'll, I'll correct your pronunciation. She's like, uh, sorry. Um, anyway, thanks for coming on, guys. Appreciate it. And it's been real. Thanks for listening. Bye.

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