The Basement Yard - Should We Arm The Teachers?

Episode Date: February 27, 2018

My guests @DannyLopriore & @Frank_Alvarez80 come on the show to discuss Pokemon, Pooping in Public, & Arming the teachers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What did we left? Oh, shut up. Here we go. Welcome back to the basement yard today I'm joined by two of my buddies Frankie's back and Danny's here. Hey, what's that? What was that? I don't know. I can do a Kermit though. I thought you were gonna go more. I thought you're going more do Kermit Someday you will find it but rainbow connection. Yeah That's not that bad. I can't do Kermit. You can't do anything That's Ernie he's like a bird. Oh And Bert was like a little like I can't do anything. I'm just Michael Jackson basically
Starting point is 00:00:49 That's Michael Jackson very good By the way, you got like before right before we started this pocket. There it is first break of the day but I went to go to the bathroom right before this and as I got to the door I Had my intentions to pee as I got into the bathroom I was like, let me shut this door cuz I got a shit and then as soon as I shut the door I turned around. I was like, I don't have to shit. I have to pee now Isn't that weird your body's a marvel?
Starting point is 00:01:21 No, no, no, no, no, but have you ever done that you sit down to shit and then you end up peeing and then you feel way So bad when I do that cuz I'm like, I'm I just set to pee like I literally used to make fun of people like oh So and so sits to pee Yeah, you can't you can't stand up and like pee after that with your pants down by your ankles No, no, no, if I'm no that's like full third grade like there was always a kid in your school that I've talked about that numerous times You would always ask them and they would always miss yeah, what are you doing? He's like I'm peeing but that was back when like the urinal and was this big and the floor was right next to it
Starting point is 00:02:07 So it was basically impossible to not pee on the floor. Yeah, it was an outhouse in there. Yeah disaster I've numerous times walked in there people shitting in urinals. You ever shitting a urinal. Yeah, I don't we talked about Oh, yeah, you didn't shit in a year. I don't think I have yeah That's something you know I Don't think I have why you saying I don't think like you're unsure. There are a lot of things in my life I'm still fuzzy about Let's make sure we get that clear. I don't really know what you're referring to but Whatever takes a lot to shit in a urinal from like come
Starting point is 00:02:43 I've done it. I've done it. Why because when I was a day We were trying to ruin your prank. Oh because of which ha ha ha ha ha ha someone's got a clean shit The teachers don't need to clean it. They just keep doing the water thing until it just goes away. I mean flushing it. Yeah You got to keep doing the water thing. I don't know. I don't know the names You can't flush poop in a urinal enough times you can You know one time it's a lot of flushing my dad was at my cousin's house And they were playing beer pong, but they all had like separate cups because they didn't want to drink at the same cup My dad was like livid about that take up. God you guys are chicks
Starting point is 00:03:19 You know what I mean? So he he starts drinking out of other people's cups like he'll walk over and like Hold on. What's going on and drink out of the cup? Yo, come on Whatever and then my dad's talking to my cousin who's just like a neat freak. He has like a weak stomach and everything And they're talking about peeing in the shower. It's like, oh, yeah, I peed in the shower He's like you peeing the shower. He's like yeah, I'll do that. He's like I'm surprised He goes you ever shit in the shower and my am I am I my cousin's like what you guys yeah Yeah, and my dad goes. Yeah, I mean I shouldn't the shower. I just step on it Oh, which isn't true. It's not true. He's fucking with him. And my cousin's like
Starting point is 00:03:55 I've never shit. Have you ever no no no that I know in the shower Maybe when I was like a two-year-old and I know dude even then I feel like it's you know I might try it. No, it's innate in you to not shit in the shower Do you pee in the shower when the when the shower water isn't all the way down? No, I wait for it Wait what I wait I never pee you know like sometimes your shower somewhere else and the water doesn't go all the way down immediately What does that mean? It like it pulls elsewhere. You need to wait for it to go toward the drain Oh, like it doesn't drain automatically. They're still like a good No, no, no, I don't want to stand in pee. No, no, no, I mean I'll say that's thing. I'll stand in pee
Starting point is 00:04:34 I don't that doesn't bother. I've done it before this does not bother me You ever pee on your foot on purpose just a few of the warm senses. Oh No, you guys haven't I've never pissed on myself. Oh, I'm in the shower. It's pissed central I'm pissing all over myself. I don't care in like an outdoor shower outdoor shower an outdoor shot What are you an Indian would you open an outdoor shower? No, but I used to have an outdoor shower at my lake house And I was in there showering and I stepped on human shit. Who's shitting in the shower? I don't know. I was so distraught. How old are you? Like 17 it was not long ago. Why was that even relevant?
Starting point is 00:05:11 What age somebody He's like, wait, how old you cuz you're kid. I get it You take it two ways if you're 17, you're like some motherfucker got me came to my house Shit in my shower. I'm an outdoor shower and the first person stepping it was me Was it an outdoor? What if you're gonna shit in a shower, it's out so it's in a rather it be inside Why because I feel like you're in like a confined space like someone's gonna exactly why you should yeah No, that's gross, but like someone's gonna like but I can like clean myself
Starting point is 00:05:49 Like if I can clean my feet off or like, you know what I mean? Like if I'm outdoors, someone's gonna shut the water off as soon as I step in shit Gotcha, you know what I mean? Like that's that's that's a that's a horror movie right there Hold on. Have you ever I just saw a video of a guy. Did you guys see it where the guys don't know what you're talking about? Video of a guy. Have you seen it? Maybe honestly? Dude did I hit that one at the park? Sweet spot a sweet part of the bat bang. Um, did you say pang? It sounded like pang to me
Starting point is 00:06:37 He came up I got to the place just pang As hard as I could and pang So back to this fucking so there was a story that there was this video of like a surveillance or whatever There's this guy outside. I guess he had to take a dump and he went into a spot unfortunate There's a camera literally he's dead center in this video and he pulls his pants down It kind of wall sits and then shits and I guess like as soon as he was done He was panic, you know and he tried to you know get his pants up real quick slipped fell in the shit No, I was just got
Starting point is 00:07:19 Shit see like that. He's in his own shit, but he started off professional like you ever shit in the woods You have to do that wall sit up. Oh, yeah You gotta you gotta you end up kind of like almost pooping back into your own pants I know you got it. You got to take your pants to your ass. That shouldn't be a shaman bear it. Yes Yeah, you really do that. That should not be a crime like pissing in public. I get it if you got a shit in public I'm not trying to sexually harass anybody. I'm trying to not shit myself exactly like if someone arrested me for shitting in public I would my defense would be I where did you where did you want me to shit myself? Yeah, and if they said yes They're a bad person. I wonder how much the ticket is. It's like has anyone ever gotten written up like hey
Starting point is 00:08:01 Urinating I once got a ticket for urinating in public and that was $50. Oh, it's gotta be more expensive for shit We know someone that has two and if they get one more they get put on the sex offender registry. Oh, really? Yeah, three I don't know. Yeah, it had to be like around a school or well It was also like a little kid just has to be watching you do it Be on his face fucking binoculars that'd be so weird if you're taking a piss Do you keep going? Yeah, like what do you do? Do you keep going? Honestly? I like to like I can't like stop being there have been times where like you ever tried that It's pain stop. Yo, it's the worst. It's the most it's awful. It's almost physically impossible
Starting point is 00:08:39 No, I can do it but like literally for a second. Yeah, you can't hold it It's like a deadlift. It's like you get it up. You got to drop the weight real fucking fast There have been times like at my lake house second second. I got a lake house guys Where like there'd be like lake house little kids in the water next to me and I'm just I'm pissing like I don't care I don't care if these little kids are there fucking splashing, you know, so it's warm. It's warm Yeah, because you're swimming in my piss. Yeah, doesn't Nick have a lake house too that you guys used to party at? Nope, that was Frankie. That was mine. Oh, I thought he had like his grandma's house. Oh, yeah Lake house house is a grandma's house. That wasn't that was in Jamaica, Queens. Yeah
Starting point is 00:09:17 Only like not close to the lake right there. They're like giant puddles, but no legs. Yes, you guys were partying hearts Yeah, we were getting after it, you know, you ever shooting in the showers and stuff. All right, that's like think about poop Hopefully but like I'll keep talking poop. I don't care. I'm all about poop. I'm not have you ever pooped to actually two more poop Thanks. Have you ever Have you ever pooped and not wiped and got right in the shower? No, no because what am I gonna wash my hand with you? I'm not saying I did I know people have done it No, no, no, you definitely have done it. Yes. I'm not saying I've never done that a friend of mine No, no, no, no, but I have
Starting point is 00:09:52 Done this and it's the worst when you shower and you get out and you're all clean and you have to poop I get ready to show you slide around the toilet. Oh, you ever take a shit at the pool impossible the pool the worst Yeah, you remember when you went to the pool as a kid not even as a kid. I was in Vegas a few years It is so uncomfortable Mario Kart because then you're dripping like on yourself and like you're cold It's very very uncomfortable. I'm gonna fall in here. Yeah, I'm gonna fall into this. Yeah, it does suck So you've never you've never pooped like went straight poop on your butt into the shower. No, no That's crazy. I know like like the foundation of hygiene and that is I'm pretty sure like rule number like two or three Yeah, don't don't forget to wipe for you to go in the shower. You have to wipe
Starting point is 00:10:45 Were you like using a like a loofah and like you like no, there's I only did it once so you did do it I never said that I didn't do it. Yeah, you did. You just said that You said I'm not saying I don't do it I've done I've done it once but it was kind of like a drunken type of thing. I didn't like really go get after I didn't play my day around it Did you woke up? You're like, you know, I'm gonna do tonight I'm gonna take a shit and then that wipe get right in the shit and then I'll figure it out from there That is repugnant
Starting point is 00:11:18 Spell repugnant right now our EPUG and a NT repugnant boom There might be a solid Oh my god, can we can we talk about what you said me today? Oh Steven Segal Steven Segal guys He's a legend really really nice resume this guy's got this is killing it first of all does he Yeah, what does he have? Two movies and then 99 straight to DVD
Starting point is 00:11:52 Fucking movies. He's got squinty eyes. Now. He had under siege. He's got slick back hair. He inspired your hair No, he didn't don't you ever yeah, don't you ever that either. Yeah, that is the Segal Segal had no no no no Have you ever seen under siege? Yeah, I've seen under siege under siege is actually a pretty good movie. No, it's fine That's what he does that's your Segal impression Kick all your asses. He just saw his face always looks like he's sticking his head out of a car going 90 on the highway Out of the car into the like he's mid sneeze. Yeah, so much pain So he has his own Bitcoin is what you sent me, right? I didn't know the name wait How do you just create a Bitcoin? I think he's the spokesperson of that Bitcoin
Starting point is 00:12:36 Bitcoin is literally like I'm trying to find it all these crypto currencies are basically like The rule like they have the same rules as who's linings in any way like the currency doesn't matter and the points don't exist like It's like they don't they're not real where people are trading things that are not physical and basically not accepted anywhere I mean, I have no idea are like Online places like Amazon are they moving towards using crypto currency? There's rumors that they will so what are you gonna do? You're gonna buy if bitcoins valued at fifteen thousand dollars You're gonna go and buy use one Bitcoin to buy fifteen thousand dollars worth of stuff No, no, no, it's you can break it down. You can break it down. You could buy like point zero zero zero five
Starting point is 00:13:16 Bitcoin coin. I know I know that but I'm saying like You're putting all this money into something and then you're gonna buy fraction It off when you're using it for transactions like that's so that that's stupid to me I guess it's supply and demand though. Someone's willing to buy it and use it But I think I agree with you. It's pretty dumb, but Zen master Steven Segal That's not a good impressive thing How you doing? Yeah, you can work in a pizzeria. I'm also a Zen master Confirms he is the face of new superior coin Bitcoin with two eyes
Starting point is 00:13:49 To Jen so it's called Bitcoin to Jen all one word It's like a screen name that fuck is that pretty sure that yeah, I'm pretty sure that's like yeah the villain like corporate Person in like a resident evil game. Yeah, or like Mass Effect. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but uh, yeah They publish a press release on February 12th announcing Segal's beliefs that the development of physical self is essential to protect the spiritual man has nothing I feel like everyone should start stretching more Yeah, what the fuck is he talking about no that clearly is someone that they said look We just just sign on for this. Yeah, what what if what if they asked me questions?
Starting point is 00:14:36 Just say what you gotta ever. Yeah, it doesn't matter, but also it just adds to the Mystery that you were just talking about is like Bitcoin's just a fucking huge. You can't get an answer out of someone when you ask Them what Bitcoin is They just start throwing out other things what is Bitcoin ad blockchain. Yeah, what's that? It does say Ethereum or whatever the hell it is Bitcoin to Jen which is Segal's new thing Uses the Ethereum blockchain So blockchain and what is that even though that now tell me what Ethereum blockchain is well, it's uh, you know
Starting point is 00:15:15 It's based off of Bitcoin Like did you ever see Rob Schneider tell that story about Steven Segal? No, I learned something about Rob Schneider that I Apparently never knew and I don't know if you guys knew and it blew my fucking mind what he's five three He is right. Yeah, he's gotta be that Rob Schneider's tiny dude No, do you know that song X's and O's? Yeah, that's his daughter. Is that really wait who who sings that Zoe King or whatever That's his daughter and she dropped the last name because she like has a bad relationship with him. She's smoky
Starting point is 00:15:55 She's she's she's there for you. She's up there She's up there for you first of all if a girl comes up to you and she's like not that hot But she's like Rob Schneider is my dad. You're like well now. You're definitely the point system Here's my dad Rob Schneider The point is Rob Schneider He's a stapler The point system goes out the window At that point. Oh, so Rob quick Steven Segal story told by Rob Schneider. So Rob Schneider was doing a movie with him
Starting point is 00:16:22 Wait, serious. Yeah. Yeah. How did we get here? Yeah, and Steven Segal was doing the movie Rob Schneider And he comes out he goes I just read the most amazing script Rob Schneider goes. Oh, oh, that's great. Who wrote it. Steven Segal goes. I did There's another one. I will watch him after this fantastic So Rob Schneider was uh doing a movie with Keenan ivory wayans and Keenan ivory was telling him this story, uh On uh, they were on set together and Steven Segal came in. He's like I just met with the Dalai Lama and um He made me into a deity
Starting point is 00:16:59 Which is like a god a god a god. Yeah. He's like I feel more cleansed. I feel More patient. I feel special And then he goes right after that Steven Segal's assistant comes in and goes Hey, Steven, uh, you're uh your ex-wife's not gonna be able to drop the kids off Steven Segal turns and goes you tell that fucking country She better have those fucking kids here by tomorrow You tell that fucking country
Starting point is 00:17:28 It was the greatest story. Can we let Steven Segal on here? Oh, he'd probably do it. Let's reach out to Stevie Sigg Maybe even Rob Schneider made that up. You're all right. I don't know Stevie Sigg's I just I just blacked out. Yeah, Stevie Sigg's So Siggie Siggie. Yeah, he'll definitely uh, I was not about it Then I heard you call me Stevie Sigg and I like that. I like that. It works. Let's change the name of the bitcoin Just Stevie Sigg to Jen Not even Jen too by the way to Jen. Yeah, I don't know It doesn't make sense because he would did all like that shit where he would like this armed people with like weapons and shit
Starting point is 00:18:02 You ever see him do those displays? He does like karate and stuff, right? Doesn't he? I'm like Therosin like Therosin the guys. You have to watch his demonstrations or just people come after him. He's just like Therosin rolls them and like hundreds of people come at him and he's so big. No, the best Do you remember the video we used to watch of Bass Rootin? Yeah. Yo, did you ever see that one where he's like And then you hit them at the dang at the dang at the dang He's like and next thing you make some space pick up a chair Throw at this guy. Yo, but you ever seen those karate videos how there's always the guy who just has to stay in there and get Fucked up for half an hour. Yeah. It's like, all right. Yeah flip me. There was this one video I saw
Starting point is 00:18:38 It was the funniest thing I've ever seen but it was uh Basically the karate guy whatever you want to call him the ninja Was throwing his fingers at your throat like the space that meets like where your chest and your neck starts right there It's like a very sensitive spot. Yo, he throws like a at this guy's neck and he just goes He hits him like legit hits him the guy had to take a step back He hit him the guy was like Yo, I was fucking in tea. I was crying. Do you ever see that video that marine guy that's like the pressure point guy?
Starting point is 00:19:14 No, you just touch people and they pass out. No, I feel like that's a real thing It is and a hundred percent is like an actual just boop. Yeah, he's like, all right. Just watch and he's just like And the dude just fucking falls asleep. There's like weird points on your body that can make you do wild shit So my cousin's a massage therapist and she's like there are points in your foot that like can like release your bowels What? I swear to god. I am about that. Really? Yeah, but here's what here's the thing. No way I feel like I literally triggered that by by some point Every part of my foot has been pressurized But like I've never like been like pressurized across like a like your shoe like a surface area
Starting point is 00:19:52 Like you're not walking on fucking pins and it's like getting every single point. You know what I mean? Oh, she's like acupuncture. Yeah, shithole stuff. It's like a reset button. You got to get a pencil Yeah, basically That's basically what it is. We're gonna clean you out real quick Reset it's like I'm kind of backed up. No worries. Get the reset button. Ow That's really true. I would love for that to happen to me Would you let somebody do that to you knowing you were gonna shit your pants one? I would like go out of my way to the one you just drink a fucking laxative. No, because I don't want that's not
Starting point is 00:20:22 No, you want the pressure? Oh the fun is someone fucking with your body and doing that. Yes someone putting Think about how humble you would be after that if somebody with their hands made you shit your pants I feel like one thing I'd be fucking changed. I feel like I would have believed in a lot more things I would have a different perspective on magic, you know, maybe that's what maybe how I do Maybe that's what happened to segaul and now he's the zen master. Maybe we'll be there one day I don't know. But do you think you think steven segaul can make us shit ourselves? Yeah, steven segaul is also a big dude. He's like six five. He'll kick all our asses really He's huge. I mean, he's a black belt. So he'll kick our asses no matter how tall you think like he's a black belt
Starting point is 00:21:00 He knows enough to beat all of us up. I I mean, how hard is that? That's not very hard I mean, if it's drunk, I don't know if he's gonna make me shit my pants drunk joey. No one could beat him up Drunk joey. This is like Oh my god, you're painting a bad picture because I don't have beer muscles. No, you don't have beer muscles But there was one night. Does he get drunk and just be like, yo the night of the night No, no, no, no, no. He's a very he's he's a lover. He's not a fighter But there was one night where we were You want to fucking love bro
Starting point is 00:21:28 There was one night the christmas party We were upstairs on his on his roof smoking a cigar and like hanging out having some drinks And eric our friend eric who always talks about fighting people Like started bringing it up and joey was like, yo, honestly, I could fuck like every one of you up I'll be honest with you. I don't even remember. I swear to god And I was like, all right And you were like it was like me you eric boss and espo and you're like, yo, I'll say I'll fuck like you all Except for eric, but like frank, I'll fucking kill you
Starting point is 00:21:55 And I'm like cool, dude And like I was just trying to be like, all right, awesome. And he's like, I like seriously I will fucking like honestly like one-on-one fight. I will fucking murder you I was like, I don't remember this at all. I was like, okay. I mean again, you're not you're not a violent person We know that but like I love that he just Like skipped over your buddy eric and he went after everyone. Well, eric's a big dude. Yeah, like he got so charged up off of eric You just told everybody else Yeah, we'll kick everyone's ass here
Starting point is 00:22:29 Thanks for the motivation eric now get out. It's like I'll kick everyone's ass out here eric go inside Everybody out here is getting it anyone on this roof In front of me as you're turning around Oh god, what were you drinking? Here we start the IPAs everything. I don't even remember dude. That was a horny night. It was Wait, do you think like steven segal got a lot of Vagine for like fuck. Yeah. He's a movie star. I don't know. Like do you think like like ninjas get pus? Or is it like they're like monks. They're like ninjas. No ninjas. Fuck. They're like magicians at bars
Starting point is 00:23:03 You know what I mean? Like they gain someone's attention like magicians will do a fucking card trick And then a ninja will be like you want to see me fucking never jump on that Pedestal right there from the ground And that would never make you want to fuck somebody. I feel you know this dude is creepy as fuck If you saw a grown man jump up on a pedestal in a bar, I would be kind of weird turned on I'd be kind of like freaked out. I mean, I don't know about that but No, I don't know about that But if you pull that a ninja star and like I throw a shuriken
Starting point is 00:23:30 I throw a card in the air and he like hit it against the wall with the star I'd like or if he's like if he goes that's cool. You want my number throws a piece of paper in the air And it fucking sticks to the wall, but I think take it If i'm right about ninjas Just that sense um if i'm right about ninjas ninjas used to be sent in by the emperor To uh like kill people stealthily. Yeah, they're assassins. Yeah, but they were under the step They were under the ninja thing Like if you're close to the emperor, you're you're getting puss. So definitely ninjas get puss samurai's too
Starting point is 00:24:09 I don't know samurai's definitely you see a samurai walking around. I mean, I'm fucking drenched How do they walk around with all this shit? They're smashing the geishas. Is that the same country geisha? I don't know. I'm gonna be treading some water here That's why I shut up why because we all were like wow I just remember my mom was reading that book like memoirs of geisha. Yeah, yeah, yeah every mom had that at something every mom had that Isn't that a movie? Yeah, they made it into a movie. First of all, Mulan trash. You're out of your mom Not her as a person the movie trash. No, you're treading in the other waters now. What girls can be soldiers, dog Yeah, no, it's not about that the movie sucks. Yo fucking 2018 bro grow up
Starting point is 00:24:51 So here we go. Come on And you guys are gonna force me to go on cnn and apologize for shit that I didn't mean eddie murphy is mooshu Joe Santagato is hate sorry about what he said about Mulan. I was like, yo the movie Mulan sucks That turns into he doesn't think women should be in the army But you said about Mulan on the basement yard was so offensive that movie's trash If you don't like favorite, that's fine. Huh, what's your favorite Disney movie? I don't know. That's easy I just like the like the disney like like the original like the classic good shit that came in that big white Oh, yeah. Oh my god. The big white vhs holder
Starting point is 00:25:26 Things like this big dude. I I swear to god. I used to bite that thing and he used to feel so good I swear to god the bite it's so weird because it had so much padding Yeah, it had so much padding. So like when plastic padding. Yeah, it was plastic padding. So I would just Bite it like at the corner. Do that again. I like that. Yeah, I'm mad hearty. You all right But um dude if there is no better That was mad hearty broken that I know for the exchange like do that again. All right. Good job. Let's keep going All right, anyway, nothing is better than Aladdin. I will fight. Yeah I'm also happy that you guys knew exactly what like holster. I was talking about it would have been weird if you
Starting point is 00:26:09 Definitely knew I had a ton of I think my mom still hasn't met the house. I hope so I still have Aladdin and the Lion King. I know for sure. I have those two When I think anywhere any people still use vhs. I I do I have one but it's not hooked up We have like old family tapes on vhs and we have like a dvd vhs player in the living room And if I'm ever feeling nostalgic fucking pop that bad boy in now You think it's more nostalgic to put a cassette in like would you ever rip it to a dvd? If I if I could I mean I'd love to keep that stuff forever. Yeah, you should do that Absolutely. Oh, yeah, you can get it on the dvd and then put it on your computer. So god forbid you ever if like
Starting point is 00:26:42 Yeah, I mean like I have my favorite things to watch and this is gonna sound weird are like when I record a show and the commercials So like I remember I recorded like an episode of like power rangers one Saturday morning And they had commercials for like You know like power rangers toys wonder balls and then like the upcoming episode of goose bumps and shit And I was just like One Saturday morning, I fucking forgot about that shit Yo, one Saturday morning Saturday morning lineup that were that we had on fox was out of this world. Was that recess?
Starting point is 00:27:13 That's no recess was every day after school and it wasn't disney channel recess. It was it was Wait, wait, wait, there were Saturday morning cartoons. Yeah that were on fox. I'm talking like fox. Yeah So we had like power rangers the live action teenage mutant ninja turtle show pokemon Like and then it would get into like all that shit was on fox Uh, pokemon was on how do you remember the channels? I don't I didn't know anything about channel 11 I think was pokemon six was nick Nickelodeon 22 was cartoon network. I remember that I used to crush cartoon network and hard
Starting point is 00:27:46 Well, all right, I never really watched power rangers. You're out of your mind. I didn't like not like it I just never watched it. Who's like the like you know what fucking sucks. Here we go digimon. You're out. You're stupid I never I never Dude digi go I can't say it. You're fucking pissing me off digimon is amazing. It's not better than pokemon They may be better than pokemon. It doesn't mean it's trash. It's not even and yugioh is better than it too I will tell you no first of all yugioh is amazing. That is true. I first of all I'm about to ruin everything the internet's gonna hate me for this dragon ball z garbage not that good not that good Not that fucking good. Okay, not that good. I don't love that shit. Not that good
Starting point is 00:28:29 I know like it's fine, but not that I was never into it Dragon ball z was good for a little while. This is the thing. This is what you're confused about Pokemon the games were amazing red and blue The first season was great and then after that they go to fucking island made-up islands. Oh the the the the the like weird First of all, you can't speak second of all made-up islands the shows made up Pikachu's not real frank. I'm sorry I know dude. I know but like they're going to made-up islands Listen to what I'm saying the first listen after the the second movie that show went off the fucking rail What's the one digimon the first like three seasons are amazing. They're so digimon cards
Starting point is 00:29:16 Which one's the pokemon movie when snorlax hell holds everyone just goes like full beast mode and keeps them from getting sucked up into the air Uh I don't maybe I only know the one we're like I watch the first three I think it's like the second movie snorlax saves everyone It's the first one pokemon the movie and I read the novelization of it That's how you know I was fucking and I wrote a book report which was the easiest thing I ever did nerd of that So you collected cards though too though. Oh my god. I had so many I collected cards too I had so many I didn't have digimon cards, but digimon had like the little like figures
Starting point is 00:29:46 I used to collect this shit out of those. What about magic the gathering never for me I couldn't get into it. We used to have magic the gathering. We used to have like blood match yugioh card games I want a tournament and yugioh. Is that the one we have to spend something? No, no, that's beyblade beyblade That was by the time we were Yeah, the little kid that feeling is probably Getting a good spin on your blade Nothing nothing better. I'd rather get a good spin than to get a good beach. We used to What's up? I saw that hurt it actually
Starting point is 00:30:24 Dude we used to play yugioh matches Yeah, like keepsies like put three cards down winner keeps them all Yeah, I never knew how to like take like keep score because you're a bitch I'll say it. I recently downloaded a yugioh card game on my phone and played it and then deleted it The yugioh game on the gameboy Advance heat dude loved it, but I always lose to kaiba I don't know that it is. You know who it is and then pegasus with the tomb deck, you know You know
Starting point is 00:30:52 He's playing cool right now Which pokemon game did you have red or blue or did you guys get in late and get that stupid yellow shit? First of all, fuck you. I had I mean blue like the color scheme was cool, but it was weird because like I had my two brothers So they one had red one had blue one had yellow and I had the I never played red. I played yellow and blue charizard My guy. Yeah, charizard. That's first of all. All right. So here. Let's do this. This is an easy question. Let's do this. Let's do this You could if you have those first three pokemon, which one you picking charmander Squirtle
Starting point is 00:31:28 Bulbasaur that's an easy hold on don't answer yet. I think this is one of the easiest questions of all time Yeah, that's the easiest thing I've ever heard. It's charmander on yep I like squirtle though You only reason why here's why because he has no weakness and then gary's gonna take a fucking bro. Blastoise is fire Yeah, but Yeah, but remember the cartoon he was like all mean to ash and squirtle was never mean to ash Yeah, but that's dope. We want someone that has a little bit of an attitude. Yeah I want my pokemon to have some pizzazz and first
Starting point is 00:31:58 What was that pizzazz pizzazz Water beats fire and first of all the stories The stories in the show On how he got all three of them. The charmander one is by far the best do charmander impression right now Charmander was cool. It's not bad. Charmillion's my guy too. All right name your starting six wheezing Wheezing your what kind of a wheezing wheezing I know I remember coughing coughing
Starting point is 00:32:30 Wheezing Sounded like my fucking uncle. It was literally Wheezing sound like somebody's a scrooge fun fact wheezing fun fact wheezing is like every coal mine or ever No, do you want to know? I swear to god. I read this. Do you have five? Do it? All right. Hold on, bitch I watch a lot of those like did you know video game movies not movies like tea clips And coughing and wheezing were originally named ny and la to signify the pollution in new york and la But they didn't go with it in the u.s. Yeah, but that's amazing Let me guess you also like fucking muck. First of all, it was a joke. So lick my grungle and second
Starting point is 00:33:13 Second of all name your top five zaptos. First of all, isn't there aren't there six? What who cares? I'll say five pokemon. All right. All right. All right. All right. I'm going charizard Zaptos a hundred percent zaptos is my favorite new two. I mean, that's two. You're gonna pick all the legendary I'm not going to I'm not going you too. You can only pick two legends I'm going what do we pick in like what we're picking for like cool. No, bro. These are your fucking pokemon You gotta live like do I gotta fight with these dudes? Oh, you're done if I fight you with mice top six Like you're done. What are you getting this six from five five? Whatever All right
Starting point is 00:33:44 Stuff your poke deck up your ass What do you want decks? Yeah, but I hated it. Okay. I had one zaptos. Okay Uh, garrados. Oh big dose guy big dose guy. I always say gyratos Because you're an idiot. It's gyratos. Go on gyratos. I'm Puerto Rican. You know, yeah, you know how they do Gyratos How do they say these pokemon names in like Now oh, who do I oh keng is gone. I fucked with him. Okay. Yeah Uh, I like cipher, but he's not strong but like I fuck with him. I like cipher. Yeah, that's good. Um
Starting point is 00:34:31 Who's the one In machamp. Oh, that's a good one. Machamp. See I'm going Charizard Arcanine Charizard They're like an extra syllable in there. Arcanine arcaneine. However you say it. I said arcaneine arcaneine um Zaptos zaptos
Starting point is 00:34:54 Mewtwo It's hard and then I fucking for some reason love lapras It says it's a pretty pokemon. Yeah, that's a nice. That's a no wait. Who's that the Loch Ness monster? No, no, no Ninetales is the hot nine tails. It's pretty hot. Any jinx fans in the house. Ah It's like that was like the tranny of pokemon. Yeah, that literally was um wood though. Kind of Kind of yeah, you know slap them around She's stout I'd slap him right dude. It looks like a little camera kind of misty still like
Starting point is 00:35:32 What did he say? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah misty still holds a beautiful wonderful place in my heart misty is a legit 9.6. I gotta be honest. I was like searching like Remember like anime porn. No, like ebombs world one day And like there was like a thing on the side that was like Ash uses his poke nuts to fuck misty. Yeah There was and I like I didn't click on it, but I I stared at the thumbnail a while Yeah, because they have like it was like a gift of like
Starting point is 00:36:04 What could happen? I like that Big geodude fan by the way, what the fuck is that come on dog? It looks like a testicle. He's the best. Yeah, he's the best. I mean then it gets the grabbler Which whatever then golem it looks like literally looks like a turd What are we talking about? Is this porn? Although geodude would be a great porn star. Yeah, that's why I heard geodude And he said he was jacked and small like most porn stars like jacked and small those dudes True onward
Starting point is 00:36:38 Onward and upward I guess it's true fucking do some wait. Did you do what's your top five? Well Charizard you took a red. I'm trying to take one so you guys didn't have blast always definitely stupid Also was was mew and mute to who was stronger I think it was a really great question that we knew was more rare You too was like so I'm gonna throw a mew in there kind of cute and mew's the only only person that can learn Metronome I think in the first one and it could like do any random move. I just like fucks you up. I'll go with mew Charizard's gotta be in there too because he is a beast
Starting point is 00:37:15 You can't take blast always in Charizard that literally goes against the rules of the game Yeah, but they were they were like two of the coolest Why can't I know you want for cool or you want for like winning? Yeah, bro I don't want these fucking Pokemon. I want to walk around and be surrounded by cool fucking. First of all relax professor oak Let him give us top five. You don't understand. I've been waiting to talk about this for years All right jinx to even it out And then uh my fifth It's a lot of pressure actually. Yeah go with someone crazy onyx. Oh, I fuck with that. I like that onyx. It's cool
Starting point is 00:37:47 yo Kino also guilty pleasure wiggly tough Chansey I was more of a j-puff. I was a j-puff guy too. Yeah big jp guy wiggly tough was wiggly tough Yeah, man, any right shoe fans. Fuck right. No, right shoe sucks. You're gonna take away my bigot shoe. Suck me Yeah, I accidentally involved my bigot shoe. I was livid. You can't do that unless you give it a thunder stone You liar. I know but I didn't know what the fuck I was doing Got him, bro
Starting point is 00:38:16 I fucking got him Show me your thunder stones right now, but um put him on the table. Yeah Fan him out. Yeah, pokemon. Damn. I forgot. I love pokemon dude. I might have to last summer Last summer pete and I went and bought uh 2ds's and we're playing pokemon again. I remember that I still have it It's still horny. It's still horny. It's still fucking amazing. I haven't finished yellow still clicking Are you guys one of those that you just like don't care about catching pokemon until after the game? No the fucking game is to catch pokemon Oh, because I I remember when I was younger. I just played like only like the six I have
Starting point is 00:38:51 Win everything and then like go back for pokemon later. What are those fucking dungeons too? You had to go in to find mutu at the end of the fucking game And he had to get all the rare the articuno zaptos and multras uno dose trace Did you ever see that one? Articuno. Oh shit zaptos Moltres Wow, no, no man honestly
Starting point is 00:39:12 This is I'm a sad human being because I know this. Yeah, he knows anything. I do. He knows the ins and outs. It's out of control One last thing Before we move on from pokemon So one more time Compted on my video. I was like It's like who the fuck's this guy with the pidgeotto haircut dude. That's the funniest thing I've ever heard in my entire life It's true
Starting point is 00:39:34 They had like a little you know Pidgeotos has slept on pic too fuck with pidgeotto always had him in my deck better than pidgeot Yes Wait, is pidgeot the final one? Yeah, pidgeot is the final one. I fuck with pidgeotto. I always like pidgeotto more than pidgeot Yeah, just because pidgeotos way more fun to say you've you dana. You strike me as like a spiro guy Like you probably had like a spiro Pidgeotto is always cool cool. I hated all those ones for tata was a wacky Nothing made me more angry than abra trying to catch abra
Starting point is 00:40:04 Remember that you'd go to fucking catch it and it would just Yeah, gone. All right, hold on before we go any further We have to get to the sponsors for this episode. The first one we have is me undies, which is my favorite underwear On the market. I currently have a pair on right now. What color are they? Let me check real quick Blue or indigo. I don't even know indigo's like kind of blue, but whatever Uh, this is my favorite underwear. I will not put anything else on my body I have completely given up on anything else except me undies They're just the right amount of tightness and it can it's like breathable stuff
Starting point is 00:40:40 So you don't start sweating and going crazy down there like swamp ass swamp front ass or whatever you want to call it Uh, it's just nice. Okay, and it's made from stuff. That's three times softer than cotton And the ladies will love it too. It's not just for guys. They got ladies underwear They got all kinds of shapes and cuts or whatever you want to call them I don't even know but uh, they also have a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee. They will guarantee That you will love them I mean, I love them. Have I ever steered you wrong? Possibly, but not not right now. Okay. Me undies is the way to go
Starting point is 00:41:13 You can get 20 off your first pair and free shipping. Hello And me undies is so sure you will love their underwear again 100 satisfaction guarantee You order a pair if you don't like your first pair get a refund full refund Not this half stuff full refund. This is a no-brainer. Try 20 off Free shipping 100 satisfaction guarantee. What are you waiting for? Um to get all these things to guarantee free shipping 20 off Go to me slash basement and then make your purchase. Uh, that's me
Starting point is 00:41:44 slash Basement like I said guys I don't I don't wear anything else and that's not a lie if I literally can take a picture of my underwear drawer It's all me undies different patterns and stuff. It's all comfortable um The next one we have here is quip, which is my brand new toothbrush um And that's not a lie. Okay. It's also like the coolest one I've ever had. It's like
Starting point is 00:42:09 Gold or like rose gold or something and it vibrates. It's just it's legit Quip is the new electric toothbrush that packs just the right amount of vibrations into a slimmer design at a fraction of the cost Of bulkier traditional electric brushes guys. I'm not even gonna read the rest of this. I know there's like a Script here. I'm supposed to have some talking points. Here's the deal. Okay This company sent me a toothbrush And I couldn't even tell you why but you just have to trust me on this one I don't know why it's like the best toothbrush I've ever used in my life Because usually I have pretty sensitive gums and I like bleed for no freaking reason at all
Starting point is 00:42:47 But this one is just like the sizing of it is like perfect for me And I feel like I have like normal. I don't have giant teeth. I don't have tiny teeth I'm right in the middle, you know the sweet spot Uh, but it's like really good and like it gets all the whatever it's not it's not like a long toothbrush Where you're accidentally like gagging because you went too far you're trying to brush a molar or something Like it's like the perfect toothbrush And this thing also comes with a mount that suction's right to your mirror and then it like unsticks So you can use it as like a travel case or whatever. It's it's perfect
Starting point is 00:43:19 And the best part about it Is that they have a subscription plan that refreshes your brush on a dentist recommended schedule Delivering new brush heads every three months for just five dollars including free shipping worldwide So it's basically like getting Like a new toothbrush every three months, which is what doctors recommend Five dollars. Are you kidding me? What are you What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:43:44 Throw out your toothbrush and get a quip. Okay They start at just 25 dollars and if you go to get slash basement right now You get your first refill pack free With a quip electric toothbrush. That's your first refill pack free at get quip qi p dot com slash basement Spelled g e p q u i p dot com slash basement Don't wait another second. Go get your teeth brushed
Starting point is 00:44:14 Or whatever go get your new tooth. I'm gonna get out of here. I'm sorry go get your new toothbrush So anyway, let's talk about something serious. All right It's literally impossible to to switch off of this subject. It's not Did you ever bring yours to school? You Your game boy. Oh, yeah, lunchtime was hardcore game boy time I'm gonna play right now. I'm gonna go play pokemon tonight. I'll tell you this right now They let these teachers start having guns. You're not gonna be bringing pokemon school. I'll tell you that
Starting point is 00:44:49 That was how we did it. That's why I started laughing It's like I don't know how to segue into this and he's like you ever bring it to school No, because I wanted to talk about how ridiculous it is. First of all, did you see what I tweeted? Some dude a governor said that fucking These killings are because of video games and in movies. Yeah, that's one of the most that's one of the dumbest the dumbest thing I've ever heard of that's one of the most like You have to be insanely disconnected to think that yeah, you know what I mean? You need like ah, it's the video games
Starting point is 00:45:21 there are literally Studies that show that video games actually have a benefit on people like their cognitive ability their decision making their hand-eye coordination like people that sit there and think that that's why people are going out and committing these crimes are Idiotic idiotic stupid a video game would never make me ever want to kill somebody Maybe want to break a controller. I'll break the shit out of a controller. I've spiked some controllers in my day He's throwing controllers at me It's honestly like kind of scary how quickly I lose that anger though like I'll be furious and ready to kill
Starting point is 00:45:57 Like my sit My sister Are you gonna see myself like I'm ready to like just like smash something and then I turned it off and I'm like Yeah, you come out of like the real world. Yeah, I'm like I'm good like an incredible hulk haze You just come out. Did you like half naked being like why the hell do I just go crazy for you play video games naked? Don't you I have multiple times. I never you never played a video game naked before no you guys are fucking losers I'm just sitting like You guys are fucking losers. You ever play in a rope
Starting point is 00:46:25 In what you never played video games in rope. I heard rope. I heard what's going on like in rope. What is that? What are you doing? You're tying yourself up from the ceiling or what's going on? I don't never played in rope. I don't own a robe. I've never owned a robe I'd love to I had almost still one from vagus. I probably shouldn't have done that Yeah, they're still looking for your friend. I said I almost that didn't Yeah, well I've still won multiple robes from hotels. Really? Actually, I don't know if you can steal them because if they find it missing they just charge your card So I've I've bought many robes. So if you try to say so if theaters have guns in schools
Starting point is 00:47:02 They have to train them. No, but I can't believe people are even entertaining that that they think like here's what's gonna fix this Let's put let's give the teachers guns The they're believing that the solution to gun violence is more guns Which is the dumbest thing. She's like, you know, we should do you know, it's better than a than a school shooting A shootout with a bunch of people running around a lot of guns. That's like, oh, you're fat. You know what fixes that eat more Eat more and it'll it'll work if everyone else is fat. You won't be fat like that's it's just ridiculous and I you know, I don't like to show my my
Starting point is 00:47:39 political views on here because it can be we're in a very Interesting time in our country where literally someone says they like someone and it you lose all credibility for them, but There is a very clear and obvious answer to this that people are not talking about What's that? Well, people are talking about it. It's just the people that don't want to do it are not talking about it for some fucking reason And it's get ban Weapons of war. I just don't get like I understand like you know how like you have the rides of bear arms. Like yeah, whatever I don't know why you need a machine gun though. I know like it's funny though. Cause then you
Starting point is 00:48:13 Do you want you can't go hunting with it? You're not gonna like tear apart a deer with a fucking No, like what is the point? Like I don't ask them to just be like to protect myself Yeah, from who from what I saw from other people with machine guns. I saw something today and it was like You guys know the story of chris kyle, right? Yeah chris kyle was the most like decorated american sniper like best like documented shot in history And he was unfortunately gunned down by someone at a gun range Like not knowing that they were gonna shoot him or I mean you could sit there and argue that but Basically if we're gonna arm teachers, we just need them to be better than chris kyle's shooting
Starting point is 00:48:55 Yeah, that'd be trained better than him. I guess yeah be better than him, which is ridiculous First of all two things one if any of my teachers growing up had a gun Not good. That's all I'll say I wouldn't be here today Also. Oh, no, also two. I have never had any teacher. I feel like you know, they'd be pretty good with a gun I think they'd be able to handle that. Do you think you'd be more scared to like leave class and shred if your teacher had a gun though? I'm skipping third period rings and I
Starting point is 00:49:26 Dismiss you and they fucking fire around off into the ceiling That's like the fucking holster. He's like holding it the whole time It's just because then unfortunately this if you arm teachers, you're going to have Yeah, an opportunity for someone Dude, I can really picture that the bell doesn't dismiss you I dismiss they just let go up to you. Do you have your homework? Just lift their shirt up. Yeah Try to intimidate you. Where you going? Where you going? No, no, we're sorry. Sorry. Yeah, that's right Have you said you're turning every teacher into like an action hero
Starting point is 00:50:01 Or a potential psycho. Yeah, so I'm saying just like a fucking maniac or the next potential you know criminal in this regard like It's He starts cleaning it during a test I don't know what I'm gonna do with you Jackson. You're just too much You just fucking put this creepily You can see that happening like detention. Yeah. Yeah, the door's open. You can leave but uh I could believe what I would out of the lake or something. No one's ever got out of here
Starting point is 00:50:32 It just it doesn't make sense. No, that makes no sense to me. You can't have guns in school If they like there's no way that that actually happens. I don't think if it does come on and crazier things have happened Crazy things happen, but I don't think I don't think you'll see that should happen like down south before it happens anywhere I mean, it's true that like float like places with like less strict fucking They walk around like they already have in texas gun to the supermarket. That's what I'm saying. What are you worried about?
Starting point is 00:51:01 You're buying milk in texas They're I'm pretty sure like a few years ago. They had passed a law that allows guns on college campuses That's what I'm saying. Nice in dorm rooms a lot more teachers have guns than you think already. It's it's like you're inviting Not necessarily on them, but if you go to these places where everyone has guns, you don't think teachers have them I mean, I guess so like in texas. They're not gonna be they can't walk around the school But I wouldn't be surprised if some places were doing that shit I don't know man. I just don't understand why people feel the answer to school shootings or mass shootings is to have more guns. I just feel like
Starting point is 00:51:44 You want to get a handgun for protection? Go crazy get get a handgun But there's literally no reason for you to have an ak-47. No, just get like Protecting yourself get like a 38 and like keep that shit under your bed Yeah, because at least then like a handgun you can't kill like 30 people unless they're all like asleep and remain asleep when you're shooting the gun like I don't you know, but I don't understand like these like why do you why do we have to sell those to people? and it's crazy because The people that are saying we don't want those guns are saying we hey, we just don't want
Starting point is 00:52:19 AR-15s on the street that you can go and purchase like keep your handguns But then the other people are like they want they're taking all of our guns They want to take all of our guns first AR-15s then it's gonna be our handguns like It's it's not the case and they're not saying they're gonna take They need more reform like they need more control on this stuff like it. Yeah I feel like The best way to do it is like don't take anyone's gun Whoever has your gun keep your gun now, but then you just can't from now on
Starting point is 00:52:51 Sell these fucking automatic weapons like just give people handguns because I understand I also understand the other side where people are like if we have no guns Then we have no we can't fight against the government at all You know what I mean, but see that's that's dated because the second amendment Basically in its In its most basic definition says You are allowed to have you're allowed to be armed with what the military has so if you want to revolt you can revolt This was made when it took four minutes to fire a single shot
Starting point is 00:53:29 And these guns are shooting like 60 60 rounds us a minute basically And It's outdated. So and then what it's basically saying is whatever the government has you can have so give me a drone Give me a tank. You know what I mean? Like that's that's the way that the law is kind of written and It should not be that way It shouldn't because we have the technology now where if you want to do you want to give sally down the street, you know, uh Fucking rpg. No, you don't
Starting point is 00:53:59 Oh That's a scare. That's a scary thing is that these things are accessible like people will say like it's actually a lot harder to get guns than you think That kid went in there and got that gun. Yeah, like I don't give a fuck what you say Yeah, that kid went in there and got that thing and then even like the one in vegas Like you fucking hear how fast those shots are coming out of that thing There's no there's no need for anybody to have to own it. I hope I don't piss anybody off by saying that It's a little fucked up. Yeah, no I like like I said, I can't I can't imagine
Starting point is 00:54:29 That and I but I do try to understand the other side of it too because I don't want to be super like I'm not saying that I'm not like that either. I'm saying like I understand how you're like Yo, if we have nothing we can't fight like they could literally do whatever they want with us at that point I get that but I'm saying like But you also got to think like These places down like that's all they know Yeah, it's like fucking guns. Yeah and doing all that shit So like I guess it's easier for us to say that because like I guess we're from where we're from
Starting point is 00:55:01 But a lot of fucking people own guns up here, too Yeah I don't know man. No no big guns. Not a big thing here. Not a big gun guy. Not a big gun guy Although I went to vegas and I was shooting guns. It was kind of fun. Are you shooting? I'm shooting a lot of shit. I was shooting some handguns some suppressed shit Like That's pretty cool. It was fire and they're really easy to shoot Hey guns, but they're mad. Yeah, they are fucking fucking fun to shoot off. But yeah
Starting point is 00:55:33 They they were scary to me The first time I shot a gun it was scary because a lot of people talked up when you hold the gun You feel the power of a gun. It's like whatever I felt nothing Yeah, and I was just kind of like this is like I feel like I'm playing a game So I was like, I don't want to even fuck with that because you you'd kill a person by accident. You know what I mean People little Wayne shot himself. Yep almost killed himself. Yep um But yeah, there's never into it never never really saw any need to fucking
Starting point is 00:55:59 Have the heat for no reason have the heat one day, maybe Watch pick up a gun He said that so like what you gonna do pick up a gun pick it up join the militia son. Yeah, no, but uh I don't know I will see I feel like if I was to get a gun I would want to get like a sniper And I get a farm and see now now we're in trouble and like shoot like cans off of a Fucking fence that's like a mile out. Yeah now Joe's on the FBI list. Why is that? Literally I wonder what my FBI profile says about me. Do you think you have one?
Starting point is 00:56:37 I think everyone has one. No way. I really hope not. Why? Because like mom would just be like, yeah This kid jerks off a lot. He jerks off a lot, dude. Yeah, but I'm saying like there'd be stuff on mine That's like this kid will never be a threat. No, no, no, no. He's too sleepy. Yeah Too sleepy and jerked off. He's uh, he's not gonna kill me He's can't commit to a diet. He's definitely not gonna commit to like anything crazy This kid jerks off four times today. He's not worried about we could shut this down. He's at threat level green We're good. Go ahead shred this file. It's no big deal. If you really think you have one
Starting point is 00:57:11 I think that um, I don't think so and physically is filed. So so My friend tim told me that one time he was he had his phone out and he was just talking about Man, I forgot what it was, but it was something very specific It was like a football player something like let's just say Lynn swan's catch right the famous catch that Lynn swan had Let's just say it was that it wasn't but let's just say that Immaculate reception. Yes. Let's just say right. So then he goes. Oh shit. Remember that like oh, it was mauvon Something was somewhat mauvon home run
Starting point is 00:57:47 Something right? So he goes. Yo, that was crazy. So he goes. I'm gonna go look up a video of it So he goes to youtube and he types in m And then uh mo and then it comes out like mauvon home run hit like the exact thing that he said to his friends He's like that was fucking weird. So he has this whole conspiracy of how he thinks. Yeah, I was listening man You think so all the way Do you know what they say too with like your macbooks? You should always close them because they could see through that camera. Yeah, but do you ever see black mirror man? Yeah, that was that episode. Jesus. Why do you sound like a real like hippie right now? I'm pumped man
Starting point is 00:58:21 No, I'm see black mirror man. It's fuck. They're watching man fucking rocky man. I mean, I'm in the middle I think that they have nothing to hide exactly like what are they gonna get on me? You know that I fucking spend way too much time watching You know videos on you know the universe like Who cares like what are they gonna see if I'm naked? I'm naked. Have a show Yeah, that's gotta be illegal though That's like more hackers. I think here's the think though. Here's the think here's because the fbi hires hackers like they'll do that Yeah, they'll hire like the best ones and be like, yo that was you did some ill hired frank abingham. Yeah, frank abingnell jr. They did it with him
Starting point is 00:58:58 but here's the thing right so When when tim was telling me that story, I'm like, dude The way I think I'm like, well good like I have nothing to hide like I don't care if they if they hear me say like Something weird or like, oh my mom's a bitch or whatever. You know what I mean? Like I don't care like I'm not saying anything crazy Yeah, that's foul. Yeah, my mom's an angel. Anybody think otherwise anybody think I'm fucking around. I'll fucking pull up I'll fuck up everyone out here. I'm fucking except for Eric. Eric except for Eric. Eric if you're listening not you everyone else though, dude No, but um, I have nothing to hide and and I'm thinking about it. How many times have they Maybe gotten information from this
Starting point is 00:59:35 Thing. Oh, they definitely have exactly. So I'm like, that's a good thing because I have nothing to hide anyone And I know who's like a decently A decent person they have nothing to hide like I don't care if they're listening The only thing that freaks me out is like how like ads follow you around like shit Well, that's the government though. That's just that I know that's that's when they said a cookie That's scary though Like is that like why someone delete your cookie cash? I know but that should say then another week. I got all new cookies I got all new cookies in my cash
Starting point is 01:00:02 A lot of what they call them cookies is like no, we're friendly They're delicious Yeah, no take this swing set I you looking at patio furniture I I get that people don't want to be watched but like If that's what needs to happen to protect to protect us like you need to compromise a little bit I don't know. Everyone's like, oh, this is my privacy or whatever. It's like, dude, you're not even gonna know what's happening All right, but we're saying that with like
Starting point is 01:00:30 No knowledge is that we've ever been watched, but if you knew you were being watched Like I honestly assume came up on your phone and was like, yo, hey, we're watching you for the next 24 hours Everything you do. I would put my fucking phone down They wouldn't have to tell me I if you told me right now, right you worked for the fbi You're like everyone's being recorded at all times, which I already assume I it doesn't change my life Honestly, I would say hopefully that will help fucking get douchebags and like real criminals off the street because What am I what am I saying? You know what I mean? Like I'm talking. I'm making fun of shit. Like I crack jokes That's why I'm less scared of the government. I'm more scared of like fucking the hackers and shit
Starting point is 01:01:10 You also have to think like, yo, if you're like, oh, yo, look like Selling weed or smoking weed or like something like illegal but not like crazy They don't give a shit about that if they're listening through your phone. You know what I mean? They're not gonna make it gonna be like hey, yeah, our dealers are always the worst on the phone, too They'd be like, yo, that's it. I'll be like, yo, what's good. Can I get one to be like 25 minutes? I'm like, okay, can I tell you what I want and they're always like they're mad weird on the phone I'm like, dude, it's for 40 dollars. Just fucking call me. No one's fucking listening to this. Yeah The phones are tapped. Yeah get outside get a prepay if someone like gets in trouble for selling a little bit of weed now
Starting point is 01:01:45 I'm astonished because it's like such a different culture than it was even like 10 years ago like We were fucking younger. It was like no, I know it's like whatever do you think? I don't care. It's um I mean, I also live with the uh the most like animated caricature
Starting point is 01:02:05 Like if they have weed socks put it like that like Yo, what are you doing tonight? I'm smoking a fat blind Like just say you're hanging out like just don't tell me that you don't need to you like that's Stupid Really dumb. Yeah, but it's also cool though. Like if you're like Like a drug dealer is not like a full-blown drug dealer like super awkward and weird It's better when they're like nice and welcoming. But hey, what's up, man doing all right? How's everything? Give it to you. Then you go your separate ways
Starting point is 01:02:33 I've had zero experience with drug dealers. So you're you would know better than I. Well, you smoke pot back in the day You would always have to try and go through somebody else or do that Fucking marries, but um you go I've never done drugs before so Fuck it marries. I knew I knew I smell satin on you. You never smoked weed before never never in your life. Never in my life No, I could tell you've never smoked weed before. No, what is that supposed to mean? You thought why you think that's a good thing. It's a good thing. Spanish Steven Seagal over there. Look like it Look at this guy. This guy looks like he's been selling fucking quarter pounds since he was six years old
Starting point is 01:03:12 That was racial profiling. That was super racist. I've been racist against Asians today, and then you're done It's more the hair like the mustache only white people could be racist. I'm not going to go into this but Uh, that was super fucked up. Dude. You just assumed My drug preference What I think it's a pretty good one could have been worse like what like harder drugs like what like meth or like Do I look like my teeth? I sent you a picture of my teeth. You don't do meth Yo, it's kind of wild how like people like go out of their way to do meth It's like dude. Do you not see these before and after pictures? You're like still signing up for this
Starting point is 01:03:48 This is called being an addict though. No, dude. The wildest one is harrowing. You have to like do it to be an addict Dude, the wildest one is heroin. They got to inject themselves Like I'm fine with needles, but giving a needle to myself is No, that's why gateway drugs, I guess is kind of real though because you have to get there somehow Yeah, dude. I don't know. It's just like Like people go from like prescription pills to fucking like banging heroin and shit. That's how it works because it's the same Shit, they're opiate. They're opiates. Yeah, I was watching that that showed on netflix that you told me about dope Yeah, and the guy who was like look I hurt my back at work
Starting point is 01:04:24 And I had like prescriptions for it. It was like really bad Like I thought I wasn't gonna walk and then my insurance company stopped with the prescriptions I needed to get it. I bought more and then I turned to heroin and it's just like Jesus like that shit is real That really terrifies me dude because like I mean drugs That's the worst is that you actually have to use that to get better, which is terrible I it's sort of like pain and stuff, but I remember when you got perks you're like, you know, I'm not taking them I yeah, so I got knee surgery and I First of all, my body had a bad reaction to it
Starting point is 01:04:54 I had to put like that patch on the back of my neck or the back like behind my ear What happened it like it like because so people would take like perks and stuff they get like nauseous And that was one of those people and I put the patch on the back of my ear So I wouldn't get nauseous and after a week. I was like I'm done. Yeah, like I remember the last time I took them was on Christmas 2009 I was like, I'm not taking these anymore. I just got freaked out like I'm like I don't want Let's just make you like they make people fucking dope sick. I hated the feeling. Yeah, like I was not I was there But like I was not in control of like my body. It was like just high as fuck Yo, I was fucked up like it was it was all that shit scares me like prescription medicine and all that shit
Starting point is 01:05:35 All that shit fucking scares me. I don't even take like Tylenol like if I have like if I'm hurting or if I have like a headache or something I'll just ride it out I just I'd never take anything really. I don't know No, but I'm saying like I don't even do that like I don't even take like any of this stuff because like that's fine I mean just can't you like you can naturally like your body's gonna fight stuff. Yeah And it's also I'm like weird like that too. Like I don't use like hand sanitizer because I think that it gets rid of some It does like like it's really good bacteria. Yeah, and I don't use soap on my face. Have you ever looked that up though?
Starting point is 01:06:06 Is that true? Yeah True in my true in my heart I like that. I like that. I like that, but I also don't put soap on my face and shit Well, no, all right now that I watch my face. Let's keep going. What else don't you do? Come on He knows something. I don't know. You don't smoke pot. You don't wash your face He just looks that good effortlessly. He just looks that good. I'll shower. Look at us. Look at us right now, dude You know your problem is too much. So
Starting point is 01:06:37 Yeah, we care we try to look too good and you just do it effortlessly So, yeah, I don't even eat duck. I'm just scared to eat that hair flip. Honestly. That's the way his hair grows No, uh No, but I I don't I don't like do it all the time I heard you're not supposed to use shampoo every time you take a shower. You're not you're supposed to wash your hair like once a week Oh, because you have like natural oils in your hair and shit and also like lice like cleaner heads That's why mostly white people. Have you ever have you ever had lice? No, I've never had lice. White people get lice. Yeah That was like double, right? No, no, that's true. Like if you like the two things I remember about lice is one
Starting point is 01:07:14 One like they they like clean heads Like really clean like people that wash their scalp every day and two black people really don't get lice Like they don't it's true It's not I mean, I'll take your word for it. I don't know that it is true I don't know the uh the stats here. Do you think they still do lice checks? Do you remember that true though? Remember lice checks says white people get head lice more often than other racial groups Yeah, see Fucking white people man white people under lice
Starting point is 01:07:44 I hate white people as they're doing the wu tang or whatever that new fucking dances. They're getting lice the wu tang What the fuck are you talking about? I heard there's like an old man now. You sound white It's like, oh, yeah doing the fucking doing the wu tang and the jumpy jump. Sorry guys What was that? I'm getting a phone call from quarry scott fire. This is crazy. I will If you guys knew quarry scott, you know why it's crazy that he's calling me let the record show frankie's watch is ringing I have an apple watch uh Watch uh watch uh, that's white girl right there. Oh my god, uh, I yo that drives me and drives me fucking nuts Oh, when they just like add like stop. Uh, yeah, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:08:25 I don't know where you guys have heard that recently. I haven't heard that in years. All right, frankie. Shut the fuck up It's because you don't hang out with white people because you don't like lice Because they don't like lice. Yo, what's up? Yo, you're white. I bet you got lice and shit But yeah, but you got a ton of lice. Yeah, I'm telling you whole family got lice I remember I remember when they would come in and check lice in school And that was the day that I felt like The most itchy ever. I'm like, yo, I got lice. Yeah, it's like you just hear that they're checking you're like Fuck my head's itching right now
Starting point is 01:08:51 I remember they used to put him behind that curtain with that fucking fine tooth comb that had it was like this big But it had like 90,000 fucking teeth on it. Yeah, have you ever got lice before you asked me this and I said no Oh, I did already. Sorry. I've never gotten a lice. No, and I'm like super white I worked at a camp once where this some fucking you've done it all you shit and don't wipe and get in the shower You get lice work at a camp. I never said I got lice. Did you get lice telling you lice? We're about crabs. That's like Big lice never got crabs. I love some crabs though like to eat good story No, just to like have no you get the shampoo and then like you brush it out or you shave your whole shit off Well, that's where you're supposed to leave some pubas
Starting point is 01:09:29 You're supposed to yeah, you're not supposed that It's literally that hair is there for protection. Hair is protecting our body. Wait. What is the hair protecting your your From diseases. That's why crabs get caught in the hair. First of all hair is not protecting you from from It's from or or any type of std. I think I had pubes dude hair is literally meant to protect us Our eyelashes not doing a good job. Our eyelashes keep shit out of our eyes My pubes not doing anything for me because you have none You don't know that. Let me see it. If you have pubes, let's see them right now. I have pubes. Let's see them I keep a little
Starting point is 01:10:02 stand up stand up Obviously, I'm not going to put this in the fucking video. Yeah, well, I'm not asking you to put it in the video Why do you want me to stand up? I want to see your pubes. I'm showing you This is kind of out of control Frank. You're being real adamant about dude. I'm a fan. Do you not believe me? You think I'm bald eagling down here. I'm a fan of pubes I used to bald eagle way back in the day. I used to well, I obviously used to bald eagle Obviously
Starting point is 01:10:29 No, seriously when you're like when you're like like when you first get pubes, you're excited like oh, I got pubes Then you're also excited to be like I got a shave. I have something to shave. Yeah And I was over there just cutting my dick every so every three days. Oh cut your dick And that might well sometimes that's happened. You've clipped in right There's a clip and you're like great. No, that's the worst. I remember when I was like 20 years old. This was recent. I was like I was This was recent. I clipped that dick. No, but like I was gonna I was preparing for a sexual encounter and I shaved and I clipped and I was bleeding so I had to cancel that at the base
Starting point is 01:11:08 Yeah, I based it up. Yeah, that's that's where you cut up the base and I'm like, yeah, forget it Get like a liquid band-aid can't take that risk. You kidding me? I go buy a liquid band-aid fucking pour that shit on Liquid band-aid. Yeah. Yeah. What is the liquid band-aid? It's literally seal Basically for your skin. Yeah, how do you get it off? It just dissolves. I don't trust that It dissolves in sex. I think yeah, maybe you'll fuck that liquid band-aid off. I'll tell you that right now Trust me. That was jack hammering back then. Have you ever clipped your base? I've clipped my base dude. I my base looked like fucking Swiss cheese
Starting point is 01:11:44 It's gross. Get that whole base. Let's get that out of there Let's get that out of there. That's staying. No. Yeah. I don't know. That's happened Yeah, I've definitely now I just close it up. I just give shape-ups. You know what I mean? Good number one I once uh Funny story in high school in my senior year in high school I had uh shaved uh a mohawk into it You had a landing strip a landing strip and I went to go get a physical And the doctor was checking and he literally looked at me. He's like really?
Starting point is 01:12:20 How old were you as senior year at high school? And he was like, yeah, you gotta fucking why why did why did he comment on it? You had to yeah, why did he do that? Dude, it's a bro thing. He's playing with my balls. He needs to say something. Yeah, but I love it. It's that's weird That's an interesting. Why is he looking at your landing strip? It's like dude. I mean, it's hard to ignore You need a you need a like an exclamation. This like eclipse is the fact that you even had a landing strip But like why would your doctor be like, oh nice one? No, he looked at me. He said really that's weird. He must have been jealous. I would have got a new doctor I have
Starting point is 01:12:54 We moved on yes, you should be like, what do you got? Yeah Let me can you beat it? Yeah. Yeah. What do you got over there? So look at this the boy who lives it's it's the jet symbol check it out. What are you wearing a skirt? Yeah, so you're pulling it up not open You mean coats The lab coats whatever they're called jackets they got hoodies on them He's got like a bomber jacket. All right, let's see your balls. Let me see your landing strip, man That's actually hilarious. I've never like shaved my pubes into something like cool. I don't really think my doctor wore that many coats actually
Starting point is 01:13:37 And that's probably because it was your uncle or something. It was uh, yeah, let me check you my second cousin actually He's retired now Oh I'm up my why oh, yeah, like I've only got my balls checked like twice. I think Oh, I had to get probably should I had to get my balls checked. I had a lump in there once. Yeah, I did too That's rough. Yeah, my word. I've never checked my I'm gonna check my balls now Now mine was there's like a tube that connects from like your testes to your nose. It was twisted It was twisted. I had the same shit and it caused like a build up. Yeah, and then yeah fucking hurt
Starting point is 01:14:11 Dude, it felt like you had like a lead ball. Yeah, you had heavy nut. Yeah I mean I can't sleep and shit. It was terrible dude. It was so bad I'm glad that I've never had that I had that and varicose veins Which are little literally just little fucking veins that go through your nut sack and like fuck everything up That's a great word It goes right through your nut sack. I wish that was like a medical term. That'd be amazing Nut sack scrotum. So let me check out your nut sack It was like short. There's like a longer like latin version of it like nut satchela
Starting point is 01:14:43 I'm not satchelina Satchelina We just cut it to nut sack for sure Nut sack is funny, man When's the last time you went to the doctor? I don't really go That's the italian, isn't it? No, but like I think my dad went to a doctor like three times
Starting point is 01:15:02 She's like No, I've been you know, thank god. I I don't really get Sick to the point of like it's it's gonna take a lot for me to go to the doctor I'll have to be sick for at least two weeks. What's the last time you went to the doctor? No, I'm there all the fucking time. My body's a civil war. Are you into like seriously like I are you like a hypochondriac? No, you really have I really have shit. I used to be a really bad hypochondriac Yeah I used to be really bad and and I guess then I was going to the doctor a little more frequently
Starting point is 01:15:28 But like I haven't been to a doctor's office since like I would say even two years Dude, it sucks. I I had surgery last year and it was so fucking. Would you get done? I'm not talking about it on here. Oh, it's that bad. What would you get done? But I was like What's your social security over like the last like year and a half? I've been poked and prodded with at least like 200 needles It's the fucking worst. Dude, this sounds lit Dude, what are you fucking rodeo clown or something? Oh
Starting point is 01:15:57 Why is everything broken on you? It's like make foley over there. It sucks. Yeah, I have like you've never seen my fake teeth He made that up. He made that up. Yeah Yes Yeah, it's too late for that. Um, it's too late into the podcast Can you imagine this kid's like, no, look, he's all right. Bye. Hold that. Hold that all of my dentures He has like back up once It's like, yeah, funny funny funny stories. This is my arm either. Boom puts it on the table. Yeah, but what surgery did you get? Again, I'm not fucking speaking. Can you tell me off the air? Yeah, sure. I'll tell you off the air pussy
Starting point is 01:16:36 It's good. Oh, anyway, I think we should wrap up here. It's been a long podcast. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're getting delirious I was going off the wedding. Delirious. I'm pretty delirious right now. All right, frank, where can they find you? Uh, at the doctor's office Kid's so sick. Yo, you're mad sick. Yo, I fucking suck Fight me at frank underscore alvarez 80 on twitter f alvarez underscore ad on instagram And I do a wrestling podcast that comes out every week and danny's been on it a few times like wrestling joey's been on it Like once or twice, but we don't fucking like him Called the squared circle jerks. You can find us at scj pod on twitter. Uh, give us a shout
Starting point is 01:17:21 I really like that show. I want to come back on too. Dude, you're welcome all the time mania All the time nice nice We're gonna find you dude at danny little priori on twitter and instagram and uh, sometimes on the squared circle jerks And sometimes you're in the basement. That's the uh, I love it. Love it team player. All right, and that is all yeah Thanks for listening

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