The Basement Yard - Slapping Harvey Weinstein

Episode Date: January 16, 2018

On this episode, Davino returns with Frankie to talk about Harvey Weinstein getting slapped. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And bowls and all that shut up Welcome back to the basement yard today. I'm joined by Frankie and DeVino. They're here We should just not talk and let him do the whole thing. I'm only here because of Frankie you guys both ruined that Frankie having a beer DeVino. What is that? Truly Truly it's grapefruit and it's horrible, but we don't waste alcohol. No see, you know It's funny you drink those in the summer on the beach. I when you have this Like horrible, I don't like this
Starting point is 00:00:30 You had the choice to have beer and that and you chose that yeah, if I drink one of those beers I won't be able to drive home. What it's those are those are like a five four points five, you know No, no, no, they're not a five the eight point fives are in the other fridge. I keep those away. This beer is amazing I know a fridge. Yeah, I have the mini fridge with my IPA upstairs in your no, it's in the office next door Do I don't want to try it? No, okay, this is five percent. I'm all right You're complaining about this that will do more damage because it's disgusting God It's literally vodka sugar and like grapefruit juice Well, that's who I am oh
Starting point is 00:01:09 My god So wait, what is that grapefruit wine cooler? It says grapefruit and pomelo. What's pomelo? Let me see who knows Oh I'm gonna look it up. If you guys want to get real serious. I had Panera yesterday Panera, why would that be getting real serious? Yeah, that is like is that is that like a crazy day for you? Honestly, are you do like going under guys? Guess what crazy thing went to Panera wait check it out I went to I went to Dix yesterday on woodhaven you go to Dix you drink truly's you go to Panera You're the next Caitlyn Jenner
Starting point is 00:01:45 You're so shut up So I went there to find boots and I didn't find any so I said I told my girlfriend I was like I want to go to Panera. I want to I want to because that's where you'll find boo I might as well just went to like fucking Portobello and got really good food because I paid like fucking $35 Yeah, that shit is wild. I might get the fuck daddy. I'm never coming back here. It is good Don't watch the dinner. They're mac and cheese is oh like I would I would shove that in my ass No, no, no, no, no, yo Panera is garbage. You're out of your mind There is a hideous yourself a bread bowl broccoli cheddar. No. Oh, yeah, or a French onion and then their chicken
Starting point is 00:02:21 Their chicken salad sandwich. Yep. Oh, that is horny Panera bread is the same quality of food as McDonald's. You're out of you are literally like you Wow this morning and said how could I piss off the world the chicken the chicken in a snack wrap Isn't the chicken they give you a no no way. I love snacks. I do no way, dude When you're having a hard day have a snack wrap everything's better I haven't had McDonald's and do you know that literally could not be the furthest thing that is the complete opposite I won't eat McDonald's, but I'll like if I go to McDonald's. I have no choice I'll eat snack wrap
Starting point is 00:02:55 I will only eat McDonald's if I've been having like a really good month and I'm like I need to get off this hot street You know, or I like quarter pounder, but I won't eat it or I'm like right like honestly I can't even front. I don't like McDonald's anymore, but when you're drunk McDonald's is like It fucking your senses are on like an astronomical level. I haven't had fast food a long time And I don't miss it at all I don't I don't fast food like I said like I'm working in the Bronx if that's the only safe place I could go to to get food. What the fuck is this man? I'll get uh, you know, what do you mean the only I walked into a Kennedy fry chicken. Well, cuz I want because I said pizza so I was like all right
Starting point is 00:03:31 I'll have a slice boy proof glass everywhere. They get to get to the cash You think McDonald's would be a safer place cleaner. It's a franchise McDonald's is cleaner That's basically a subway. Well, it's a set where I went. It was a lot cleaner So all right back to my story So I'll just get like a snack wrap because it's like the healthiest thing they have Nothing they have is healthy at all. No, but I'll go for a snack wrap. It's grilled chicken Not grilled. I don't care what it is. It's not real chicken, but in my head it is. Yeah, it looks like it's you know It's so funny because like people have fast food for like convenience and price and it's neither of those things in New York
Starting point is 00:04:06 Like if you go to a McDonald's in Manhattan, you'll still drop fucking like 14 bucks on a burger. Can I say this? I was I don't think so definitely. I was working in Morris Park. That's like a really nice Italian area the Bronx It's beautiful there. Very nice clean. I go to a Dunkin Donuts a small coffees like $2. Okay, fine We go to the Bronx go to like by Yankee Stadium. Yeah, 271 like We're in the Bronx. Isn't everything supposed to be like at least a dollar cheaper. I Don't know man. I don't you're just like shitting on the Bronx today You should on everything, but you're shitting on Panera and you're gonna yeah
Starting point is 00:04:42 No storm of people that are gonna come for you is gonna be out of control Well, obviously people are just like they'll go after anybody for anything I got fucking yelled at for my oatmeal the other day I posted a picture of oatmeal and then I was like oatmeal fucking sucks, which let's get this out of the way It does it does is there anyone on the service like you love oatmeal? No, but the cinnamon brown sugar oatmeal once in a while. It's okay once in a while No, but no one is like You know what I can when I'm craving right now
Starting point is 00:05:09 Is there any other reason to eat oatmeal other than the fact that like this is kind of healthy? I'll eat this instead. No, and I mean if it's quick it is kind of quick in the morning You can't make oatmeal good like you can't say oh, this is gonna be bomb ass oatmeal No, it's just oatmeal and I've done everything to like try to lessen that so I told you this I can't I can't eat oatmeal anymore. I ate it so much my senior year at college I swear to God if I put a spoon in my mouth, I will fucking like I'll gag my body will not my throat closes up How do you go on? I don't know but like I once like put it in like my protein shake to like drink it like that Still awful. No, if not worse
Starting point is 00:05:47 Do you guys remember the oatmeal where you pour the hot water on the oatmeal and the dinosaur eggs hatch? Yeah, yeah, that was no I don't remember the dinosaur eggs. Do you know what Dunkaroos is? I know what Dunkaroos is because that's unhealthy, but I wasn't eating oatmeal when I was younger I was like yo past the fucking Applejack so hard. Did you hear that they created a hybrid cereal of? Frosted flakes and lucky charms stop so it's first of all that's um what that is a Go back to milk for that. It's I it's frosted flakes with the fucking marshmallows in it That's incredible. What's it called? Is it what does that milk taste like? I don't know
Starting point is 00:06:24 It's got to be amazing because frosted flake milk ridiculous awesome Dude, that is a business right there Can you imagine gallons of frosted flake they have that already today at a milk bar in the city the fuck is milk bar um Mumu Fuku like you go there and you get the you get the ice cream and they put the corn flakes around it Yeah, they sell that milk. It's like it's called cereal milk, and it's just tastes like yeah That's all but it comes in powder form, and then you know see Bullshit bottle it sell it million bajillion dollars. I haven't embossed right, but I saw it in the powder form powder I don't like any milk and powder. That's fucking disgusting. It is
Starting point is 00:06:58 I think about like You're wasting a lot of food basically to kind of make that milk like you'll have to like strain it through frosted flakes No, you know what you do you fill up a fucking jug with frosted flakes like three fourths of the way Don't milk in and then put like a filter on the tops when you pour it out It doesn't know that's in your yeah, but then you what do you do with the food you throw it out Yeah, I know you can kind of pour it out afterwards and eat soggy. Yeah Soggy frosted flakes are popping. No, they are not are they are dude soggy cereal I rushed through my I don't think I've like had a bowl of cereal last longer than like 20 seconds because I rushed through that shit
Starting point is 00:07:36 Stupid I love soft cereals Like Lucky Charms soft is disgusting. It's like no there was no such thing as a good soft cereal I like for us. It's literally like oatmeal or um or um the cinnamon toast crunch You guys are all out of your mind. No, no, no, I like it. Davino. I'm with you. Oh 100% I'm down. I kind of like I kind of like hard. I love hard Free pebbles. Yes. We talk about cereal a lot on this show. Yeah pebbles soft fruity pebbles Yeah, I don't like I don't like soft fruity pebbles, but I do like hard. I like hard fruity pebbles
Starting point is 00:08:10 But like soft frosted flakes is good. No way. Do you guys you know how I eat cereal? Do you guys? Yeah, we know how you eat cereal at the very end at the very end Do you guys like trying to shove it all in your mouth and then eat it? You know, you mean just eat it No, I shove it all in your mouth leave it in the side of your cheek keep going Well, Joey and he's gonna fucking hate me for saying this Joey is the king of of side-eating Yeah, I chipmunk it Joey chipmunks him you and Keith you guys chipmunk like every you'll take like nine bites Put them in the sides and then take another bite and then just like I'm like where's this food coming from? It's crazy. Yeah
Starting point is 00:08:48 I don't know. I haven't seen it. You know it's another thing I do all the time, too And I forgot who I was I say that you or Dennis that was giving me shit one day But I eat burgers I'll take a big bite and then I'll take two little bites on the sides Oh, cuz it's like it's like pointed. Oh, yeah Wasn't me that that gave you shit for that but yeah, this is riveting stuff No, my biggest pet peeve and I know you only do it to piss me off is when first of all when you're eating on Xbox You know how much I hate that? You know, it's it's infuriating but that's your Michael when you have like hot tamales and it like the sugar like builds up and you're like
Starting point is 00:09:24 Oh, I do that to be a dick. Yeah, I'll be eating something. I'll be Yo, what do you hate it? It's like yo, are you saying hot tamales? I really thought it like tamales the Spanish food you would know what I'm talking about I know what tamales are. I mean, I do know what you're talking about. You would know I'm talking about there racist But the the oatmeal shit like people were giving me shit like I posted a picture of the bowl And I was I was just raw dog in it like I didn't put anything in it
Starting point is 00:09:54 There's just water and I don't think there's anything I've ever eaten where I just find it is raw dog But yeah, I was wrong except like no bun hot dog No, but hot dogs kind of fucking nuts dude that is like it's it's you're basically a psycho Like I'm pretty sure like Dom or ate it like that, dude You don't eat if anyone eats a hot dog first of all if you cut your hot dogs with a fork and a knife kill You're a fucking ass question for you guys to debate. What's worse? raw dog hot dog or piece of white bread folded up
Starting point is 00:10:26 Around the hot dog. I'd read I want there to be bread. You know at least made an effort They sell the hot dog bun that looks like that like it looks like bread folded. I hate that. Yeah That just reminds me of all the times. I never had a hot dog Do you know what you know what drives me insane when people eat fries dry? Like you don't dip your fries in anything you fucking. Yeah, that's bad. I'll dip them into water before I don't drink ranch Rain any like blue cheese with wings fire even just like plain old hot sauce. I gotta dip everything agree. Yeah, I'm a dip guy I'm definitely a dip guy. I'm down But when you have the what do you call those french fries those palm freaks with the with the cheese on them
Starting point is 00:11:06 Fries disco fries. Oh, yeah those with the the cheese and gravy. Yeah, yeah poutine as they say Well, I think and it's not kind of a poutine. It's like something like they it's what we eat is not poutine There's like something else that they put on it. I think all the ingredients are fries gravy and cheese Yeah, you can dip fries in anything and it's delicious fries are ridiculous honestly Like I like when I go and get like a gyro extra satsuki sauce fries going in it dude fries are good with anything I'll eat it with like lasagna a soup. Here's a question. Well, you guys soup. That's a power move honestly I don't I'm not a soup guy. Are you guys the ones that you get a burger side of fries? Do you put the fries on the burger some man? I really got to feel like I really got to be hungry for that shit
Starting point is 00:11:49 Yeah, same. I fucking I love my god waffle fries on a cheeseburger. Yeah, no, um, I I don't know you to be honest I'm not a big fries guy Like I there's so many other sides that I would rather have I fucking I've fallen in love with sweet potato fries. Oh high fives Okay. Yeah, sweet potato fries are good good subs to Four regular fries. Yeah, I think they taste better. You're a yuka fries. Oh my god. You wouldn't know about that. Yeah Everything Spanish Frank, you'd know about that. The Colombian hot sauce the green one that shit is good. Yes The Colombians make great hot sauce. Yeah, that's actually I forgot where I was at But they had that like a bottle of that on the table and I was just like
Starting point is 00:12:34 Basically drinking mom is empanadas on Steinway. Mm-hmm. I Literally when I go there and I get an empanada I asked I'm like literally take two handfuls of this also put it in the bag because I literally can drink that shit Yeah, yeah, if you like that green hot sauce, so there's a Cuban That's where I was Is it my There's a punch all over When we went to mama's empanadas that night, we had a ton of green sauce
Starting point is 00:12:59 Oh, this shit is first of all mama's empanadas They cook those empanadas at one million degrees. Yes agree and they also serve them at that temperature I lost my like I bit into one once and like poured it like the oil out Yeah, you don't go like oh, let's let's head to mama's empanadas at two in the afternoon No, it's 4 a.m. You're like this is the only place open I need this food now. Yeah, and then you burn your mouth because you're trying to shove this yeah And we used to fucking there was like a year span where we raged at Raven's head before it became like fucking gang fight central Oh, yeah, I remember that at literally I love 2 a.m. Until 345 4 o'clock
Starting point is 00:13:34 That was the spot like they were fucking like or the place next door to Raven's head that Eric. Yeah, yeah Yeah, those are the homemade ones. Yeah, those were pretty good to any empanada. I don't I've never had a bad empanada Oh, I did recently when it snowed the first day it snowed was it Thursday. Was it Thursday at snowed or Wednesday? All right, whatever. Um, I was eating this empanada that my girlfriend's parents got and it was um It it tastes like the outside of an egg roll and it was way too oily through that shit in the garbage First time ever threw away an empanada. I love empanadas. It's disappointing. I can't believe you did that I'm so shocked by that. Oh, no, it was this way so I'm sorry I know I'm jumping around a little bit, but people really got mad at you for your saying that oatmeal sucked
Starting point is 00:14:12 They were just like hitting me up and saying like that's not how you make it There's someone actually said this to me wrote a paragraph about how my water to oats ratio was off and like given me I'm like, do you got nothing going on? You got nothing to do You're giving me a water to oats ratio speech about my oatmeal. Was it too watery? I mean, it was a little It was I'm amazed side. It was I'm amazed at what people are able to like get mad about nowadays I feel like they just do it just to be like I'm the first I got mad about it. I did it first I think it's just like a trend now like now when you see like like yo for instance for People whenever you say when you go black people in the beginning of a sense people like whatever he says
Starting point is 00:14:55 It's racist because you don't know what's coming and you just you're just kind of programmed to think like he's saying black people So it has to be bad. Maybe you know what I mean? Some of these people and now it's like if you say anything that like relating to a race or anything like oh, you know Yeah fucking Spanish people or blah blah blah. It's like wow. You're so racist And it's like what we live in a very sensitive time and we don't obviously we don't talk politics here At least I haven't spoken about politics here No, but I we live in a very sensitive time where there are People that are important to this nation that may be doing or saying things that could be
Starting point is 00:15:31 Misconstrued so everyone is just on alert all the fucking time. It's ridiculous. It's it is sad, you know, like I hope one day It's not fun like how like aren't you like don't you want to have fun? It's not fun Can you just laugh? Yeah, and that's my thing like I need to be fucking laughing at everything because if not, I'll Fucking put a 357 in my mouth. I'm saying how like how are these people not just like miserable people like you know You're really upset like I tweeted this thing today. It was like a picture from LBC I don't know what the fuck this is. It's some British company leading Britain's conversation these fucking idiots It said Millennials watching friends for the first time on Netflix as the show is sexist homophobic and transphobic Oh my god, how have our values changed over the last 15 years?
Starting point is 00:16:13 Friends first of all 20 years Let's put that out there friends really friends, you know what it is. This is sexist I think are you kidding me? I think people are just like they're out there and they just want to cause an argument They want to cause something to talk about because then maybe people will trend on it. No See look, I'm not a big friends fan to be completely honest with you But I have so many other questions about that show before I would go into like if they're like even like borderline Misogynistic or transphobic or homophobic and I just don't like I don't get where people get that from it
Starting point is 00:16:50 It legitimately boggles my mind Yeah, I have no idea Like that's someone that I would just go the show fucking blows That's someone that had too much fucking time on their hands and not even that's how can I upset people today It's just a miserable mindset because it's clearly not like even if it is like I've seen numerous episodes of friends and You know whatever and I'm not like a fucking like all this
Starting point is 00:17:21 PC bullshit like whatever like I'm not about that like I'm all for progression and whatever and being aware But it comes to a certain points. I do come on take a rest like this is fucking stupid now I think that it's become so popular to to be to be labeled or labeled yourself Or others as politically correct and you know social warriors that people are Doing insane things that that cross the border of being Reasonable, you know what I mean and look I'm right there with you, you know, I Wholeheartedly would consider, you know myself to be a little bit more aware of social issues But at no point will I start making some up just to be like well, this this is something too
Starting point is 00:18:02 You know what I mean? I think like that's where people just start to fucking lose their mind and and the idiots of the internet Because that's really let's be honest what 90 where 90% of this stuff comes from then have a platform to Talk and other idiots hear them and they gain a backing Yeah, I don't know I just It's just to me. It's like a miserable mindset to always just feel like oh, I need to be offended by this I need to be an on guard all the time. It's like dude. It's fucking friends like I'm all about like intent or whatever and It's like because you know
Starting point is 00:18:37 With what I do like I make jokes and shit and sometimes I'll say stuff That's like super hypocritical to things I've said before and it's supposed to be I'm telling a fucking joke I'm being funny. You know what I mean? Yeah Like even the tweet I just I I tweet it out where I was just like nothing says I'm a narcissist like Screenshotting your tweet and posting on Instagram, right which I've done before but people are already on Twitter Sending me screenshots of tweets. I've Instagramed you do it. I know I do it. I know that I'm fully aware That's the joke. Hmm. You're fucking people are so quick to kind of like the day You down perfect example Dave Chappelle his recent Netflix stand-ups a lot of people were upset about you know
Starting point is 00:19:20 the one the during his second episode where he's talking about, you know, the the Louis CK stuff and I'm 99% sure the people that got upset about it didn't watch it or listen to it because He like pretty much pads that conversation with some incredibly insightful Like ways that we should approach a situation like that and how we should Support women and you know, it's not enough to just say like women need to be strong You know men need to be strong for them and you know, it's like It's it's kind of crazy how people see with blinders on when stuff like that comes up And they don't take into account the whole the whole picture
Starting point is 00:19:59 It's also a comedy show like what do you expect like I don't I don't get hecklers at comedy shows Like you walked in here. What do you think is gonna happen? Like why do you like you're really gonna get offended by someone what someone is saying on stage? Even if I was someone that would be offended By something that someone would say on stage I wouldn't like yell out like what kind of person are you? You know what I mean? What kind of person heckles at a comedy show? I don't I don't understand and I understand that now with Netflix It's not just that room anymore. You know what I mean, which Dave Chappelle does does which is awesome
Starting point is 00:20:29 You know, he does a show with John Mayer And I wish I could have gone to that show but I don't know if they're still doing it But they did a show where John Mayer would come out and he would do like 30 minutes He would play some songs and then Dave Chappelle would come out and he would do like whatever and then they both like He'd be telling jokes and John Mayer would be playing in the background and they forbid phones Like they put all the phones in bags. Yeah, they lock them up and lock them up so that no one could take video because
Starting point is 00:20:58 Then it's just that room. It's not I'm not speaking to the world We they can take more chance They could take bigger risks on stage and stuff like that because With Dave Chappelle stand up the people who are in that room. It's what he's saying is funny. I'm sorry Like it's it's hilarious. They got and he's also a fucking genius. Yeah, it's offensive But it's like in a funny way like it you know what I mean like has Being offensive sometimes is hilarious People have been super offensive to me and I think it's funny because if it's funny, it's funny
Starting point is 00:21:27 If it makes you laugh then it's funny. Well, bo bernum said it in one of his stand-ups on netflix He said he's like if I don't if I don't poke fun at the things that are going on and laugh a little bit and learn to smile I'm going to become as cynical as the worst people in the world And that's how people you fall into deep depressions and that's how people lose their minds and you know, it's not about People are not going up there to be offensive With malicious intent. You know what I mean? They're not going up to say, you know what? There's divino. I'm going to fucking ruin his day. He's because he's a gray haired
Starting point is 00:21:59 white Little person from Astoria like that's not a person. That's not what they do. You know, they go up there and they they they Fucking give some legitimately smart Commentary on some things that are going on and then they poke fun at it because that's what that's what we need to do as a community It's just it's just um divino What do you think? I like listening to you guys talk Do you you want to kiss me right now? Yeah, I will really
Starting point is 00:22:28 No, no, no, no like I just had a cold sore. So it's yeah, it's true Some residual cold sore. I won't even kiss my girlfriend. It's been like two weeks. Really you haven't kissed your girlfriend in two weeks It's incredible. Well, I have a cold sore. I know that's amazing. I love it That's you know what see how long you can let that go. I am going to do me a favor Can you spell narcissist? No Just just try and I'll stop you where you get right. I just don't and are
Starting point is 00:22:55 us No, goodbye Can we do like a like a quiz divino thing? No, we did that last time. Oh, you know what I wanted to talk about You know what? I'm gonna get to that after we let's get some sponsors here sponsor sponsor the first one we have here Blue apron the number one fresh ingredient and recipe delivery service in the country one of my favorites Every month I get a box full of food With instructions on how to make things. So your boy is cheffing it up in my apartment On the daily, I'm not gonna lie not on the daily, but you know every other day. Sometimes I get lazy. I gotta order some food from the diner
Starting point is 00:23:32 But yeah They have so basically like if you sign up for blue apron, like I said a box will come to your your house pre-portioned meals You know, you can make really good food. It's not just like, you know Shitty stuff. It's not like they're sending you, you know, some fast food or anything like that I'm sorry These kids are doing wild shit in the background Blue apron offers 12 new recipes each week and customers can pick two or three or four based on
Starting point is 00:24:02 What best fits their schedule? It sends only non-gmo ingredients with meat. No added hormones. So this is healthy stuff And if you guys want to sign up you can go to blue Uh Slash basement and you get $30 off your first order So check out this week's menu and get your $30 off with free shipping at blue slash Basement guys this if you're trying to get into cooking. This is the way to go Okay, you blue apron shows up at your house with the food the instructions on how to make it and then you just cook it
Starting point is 00:24:33 You look like a genius and then you have that knowledge of you for the rest of your life Do it blue slash basement Um Anyway Next one we have here is harry's razors a company started by two ordinary guys jeff and andy Who are fed up with getting charged an arm and a leg for razor blades? Um, so they started harry's to fix that. Uh, I have gotten harry's in the mail before phenomenal shave
Starting point is 00:25:01 Okay, not that I Shave anything other than my neck because if I feel like if I shaved my face, how ridiculous would I look? How would I look? Honestly from one to ten, right? Let's just go those points if I shaved my face like Just the whole thing How many points am I losing? I mean, I think you're a perfect 10 no matter what you do. Oh, wow. That is dude You're such a good friend. I'm gonna go four points though. No. Yeah. No, you'll you'll be uglier for sure
Starting point is 00:25:25 But like still better looking than me Well, that's not saying much Dude ugly comedy Um, we need to laugh about we need to laugh about it, right? I'm being offensive Um harry stripped out the unnecessary features like a vibrating handle heating blades 15 lubricating strips And the unnecessary cost to deliver customers one perfect razor at an amazing price Um Harry's is so confident. You're going to love their blades
Starting point is 00:25:53 They'll give you their trial shave set for free when you sign up at slash basement Just play just pay for shipping. Uh claim your free trial offer from harrys today $13 value for free when you sign up. Just cover shipping. Uh, it comes with a weighted razor handle five precision engineer blades with lubricating strip and trimmer blade rich a lathering shave gel and a travel blade cover Um, again, that's slash basement Again slash basement What are you guys doing?
Starting point is 00:26:24 I'm spitting at divino's crotch There's something there. I had to wipe it off. It looks like you guys were having sex from across the room Maybe that's kind of what that was like, but I wanted to talk about uh Oh, oh harvey weinstein Harvey Weinstein, uh, everyone knows what happened with this dude. I mean he was like sexually harassing and basically raping For years In hollywood because of his position or whatever like i'll put you in a movie if you'd watch me jerk it
Starting point is 00:26:54 Which I still don't fucking understand. I don't understand it. Um, I would say yes You And that's the unfortunate culture that people are still fighting. I'll let you be in a movie if you let if you just watch me beat off It's crazy. Yeah, okay. I don't do anything But you don't want to watch this fucking piece of shit jerk. No, obviously not and then you want to go fuck after you know a woman We're not yet divino. Are you just completely unaware what's going on in the world? No, i'm just saying what what did harvey weinstein do you don't you don't have to I don't know this topic So this dude harvey weinstein he was like terrorizing women like he would like invite them or he forcefully
Starting point is 00:27:34 He was so sex to some woman. Yeah, so while she was on her period, which wait. Did he really? Yeah Oh, I did not know that So that's out of control. He was like one of the most powerful men in hollywood And So he has that levers like I'm going to do this and you're not going to tell me no because then I'll just shut you down And you won't have a career like wait Did did you guys tell me about this before where he would like tell girls like come to his hotel room? And he just started like beating the wall that was like lucy came in. I mean basically. Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:01 Yeah, that's just weird old white dudes just like they would talk about it and he was just be like I have a problem I'm sorry. That was lucy k Um, well, anyway, like they would yeah People would bring it up to like Harvey Weinstein's like bodyguards and then he'd be like, sorry. That's hot. That's classic. Harve Big h big big old harve. Yeah, he's a fucking idiot But recently he was I think he was in Atlanta or some shit still Arizona. He was in Arizona I don't know why I said Atlanta, but he was in Arizona. He was at a restaurant and then I read. Did you read the article? I
Starting point is 00:28:33 I saw the video and I read the tmz stuff. Is that if that's what you're referencing I I don't know if it was tmz. I can't remember. I fucking hate tmz Let's get started. But anyway, tmz sucks It's apparently a dude went up to him and asked for like a picture and he was like, no I don't want a picture like whatever then after he was Done eating he was leaving and the same dudes came up to him He told his friend, you know record this and he walked over and he like Double he doubled backhanded slapped harvey Weinstein. He was like you're a fucking piece of shit. Would you do to all those women?
Starting point is 00:29:04 which like Good for him. This dude deserves to get slapped. I'm all for slapping the dude but like That's super corny I'm in the middle. I was talking about this the other day. So Harvey Weinstein deserves The worst that can happen to someone. What did he do after he got smacked? He like stumbled. He like stumbled. He was he was drunk Oh, like he was drinking. So like he got slapped and he was just kind of what is he gonna do?
Starting point is 00:29:32 He's not gonna fight this dude. Like you're already in fucking hot water So this is my thing and I was talking about this the other day and this might be unpopular with some people This is gonna be fucking this is gonna be unpopular with me. I know I Wholeheartedly agree. He deserves the worst that can happen to someone. He is a piece of shit What he did has ruined so many people and has influenced so many others not to get involved and follow their dreams Because of his actions and I think he is truly an evil person at his core but like Watching that video. I kind of like a part of me was like
Starting point is 00:30:05 I felt a bit of compassion like I felt like Damn, you know what I mean? Like I don't know why maybe it's just because i'm a softy, but I don't know You know what I think it is. Did you see the video? Yes, but what you're seeing is a video and there's When you watch that video, there's no context in it because if you watched a video if it was a movie and you watched Him do this to all these women and then that happened. Yeah, fuck this guy Yeah, absolutely
Starting point is 00:30:32 All you're seeing is a video of some guy who was Caught off guard getting slapped and then stumbling and like oh no and then walked away But like there's at no point in that video. Are you like this is this is what you're watching him fucking harass all these women I did not I will say this clearly salt. I should I did not feel bad for him in any regard, but Like this is someone who is facing like their own demons right now, and it's probably like let's be honest Probably has thought about killing himself Or has like considered like or made active attempts. We don't know. He's in rehab Because that's what he was doing in Arizona. Oh, wow, and it's like
Starting point is 00:31:12 You's got to like put yourself in that person's mind But like I know it's very difficult because he's a piece of shit and none of us would ever do that but like He's being kicked when he's down and as much as he deserves it like a part of me is still like Well, of course a part of you of course because You're not that type of person that would do something like that like and neither am I by any means I'm not the type of person that like if someone does me wrong. I'm not like let's go get revenge I'm not about that like this person whatever, but I don't I don't feel bad
Starting point is 00:31:41 I don't really feel any sort of compassion I I do understand what you're saying how on a human level like you feel bad for anyone who gets slapped Yeah, if I see anyone getting hit. I'm like that that kind of sucks. Yeah, but in this situation I'm just kind of like what I don't give a shit like that guy didn't give a fuck when he was Yeah, 100% assaulting these people. Also your sentence was mad weird. You're like this guy deserves the worst But he got slapped and I kind of feel bad. Well, no, fuck He deserves he deserves to get the shit kicked out of him from the right people Like some fucking random bro who's hammered at a scotsdale, Arizona restaurant that wants to take a picture with him and gets denied
Starting point is 00:32:14 And then hits him is not the right person. Yeah, that guy clearly was like there was The women that he fucking ruined and and the people's lives who he affected and just broke their trust and destroyed them They're the ones that should be lining up and fucking cocking back with a wood plank stone. I think this dude should like We should start doing the game of thrones thing shame just naked through the streets. Yeah, let him walk it Let him walk it. Well, that's why he got in trouble in the first place throw some stuff No, but I'm saying yeah, but like let them get hit with rocks and shit, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:32:48 I think everyone should get a shot. We don't do that. We're in America. I know but I'm saying we should go back to that Were we ever there? I don't know. I don't think we were over there. Well It's not the middle. It used to be well, we should you know what they would do back in the day They'd cut this guy's dick right off and be like now you can't show anyone your dick because it's not there Show them the nub Show them the nub. Maybe you should have gray worm. Well, what they used to do actually is When they would sentence people to death it was uh death by shooting gallery By shooting squad shooting. I don't remember the right term
Starting point is 00:33:17 What do you mean shoot a gallery? Whatever it is. Oh the guys would line up and shoot so they would like whoever was going to be dying They'd put a fucking bag on their head and they'd turn them around or or have them face them They'd have like six guys or five guys or girls and they'd give them all one round Let's be honest. It was all dudes back then But one round was live and they would say aim for the head So they wouldn't know who killed the person and the reason they stopped is because Like the people that did it started feeling like ptsd. Oh wow
Starting point is 00:33:44 So it's fucking crazy. I don't know if I could kill someone like They would have to do like severe Bad to the world and to me for me to like fucking kill like kill my family some shit. Yeah, like yeah, I'll kill you Kill my family. I'll fucking Fuck you then kill you. Well, hold on wait. Yeah, I mean at least you went in that order because if you wanted the other one Now we would have some questions Still a lot of questions, but the other one would be a lot more questions Yeah, like, all right, to be now. What's going on? Yeah
Starting point is 00:34:15 Would you like hate fuck them? Yeah, do you know what hate fucking is? Yeah, I said that the other day to my girlfriend And she's like, what is what is that? So define hate? Divino, what's hate fuck? You just want to smack her and call her a whore. Well, hold on. I didn't say that Well, fuck her, you know while you're doing it. No, you got a lot of demons. I don't know of sex Can we just we'll just go with what you said. I'm not agreeing nor disagreeing, but it's not a bad time Have you hate fucked someone? No, but you know Are you like what do you get like aggressive? I don't like it into this. Here we go. I'm in a relationship This is very personal. Does it get you horny sitting next to me? Yeah
Starting point is 00:34:53 Can you speak into the mic like a fucking? I have been well, you haven't you've been like down here Hello, I'm down here. We want you up here. Hi. Can you hear me? Hi, how are you? Oh, I found something else today that I wanted to show you what Remember we talked about objective sexuals. Yes, eco sexuals. What is that? You fucked the environment that fuck the earth Wait, like a hole in the ground like we'll dig a hole and rub the dirt like question in their dick and asshole and vagina Where do you find this shit? What do you look up when you're at work? Twitter's a deep dark place. Wait, hold on. They they like
Starting point is 00:35:28 So they'll have like weddings in the forest and they're like, I am marrying the pacific ocean Yes, the whole ocean the whole fucking ocean You can't marry the ocean. That's a big marriage. That's a big like the whole ocean. Wait, how do you how do you get off? How do you like get away with doing something like that? I mean, I don't think you're not like legally marrying it Can you imagine going to the beach with that person? Get out of there. That's my wife. That's my wife. You bastard. You bastard. That's good. This is good Then what do they like? So if I if I piss in the ocean and I'm married to the ocean, is that like some like kinky like shower?
Starting point is 00:36:06 Oh, yeah, dude people take dumps in the ocean. Oh You ever pee in the you know first of all peeing in water for me is so tough. What it's so hard That is the easiest thing. I don't know my my body like doesn't really like it takes me a while Like I can't I can't I can't and then once a little gets out. It's like, okay, we'll pee Yeah, but I have to like push it out when we were in Vegas the time I went with you guys Here we go. I was in the pool and I was pissing everywhere But it did take me a long ass time because you win the other 4 000 people in that pool I remember like sitting next to Danny and I just I'm like, I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:36:39 I mean the bathroom is way too far. I just had to do it But wait, it did take me like a good like it's tough. It's like push push. Yeah, it's tough I am like seriously in my life I think one of my main goals for 2018 is to Into water. No is to figure out how to like Master the art of not letting people know that you're pissing in water Like it's such like a like you're in a kiddie pool. It's pretty easy Like I like I need to like start a conversation pre piss
Starting point is 00:37:08 Hold that conversation during piss and then end the conversation Like after piss that sounds like a plan. I'll do what you gotta do. You just got to like Find like a hot spot and then pee in the hot spot. But yeah, it's just warm over here Have you ever peed and then blamed it on somebody else? No, I don't think people could tell me when the Pissing in pools that like you have all these stories pools lakes Is basically a toilet. Oh, I'm like you're in the lake The fish get to shit in there. I'm shitting. Yeah, absolutely. Are you kidding me? I'm not shitting it I had this listen to this. I had this conversation with joey when I was taking a shit once
Starting point is 00:37:41 Do you put toilet paper on the seat when you shit? Oh in public places? Yeah, no, I find that stupid Yeah, I don't either so that's not protecting anything. Yeah piss on that seat you wipe it off All right, and then you're not putting toilet paper down. Yeah, but like who cares like what's gonna happen to my ash cheeks Unless I have an active like open wound which With me No, but like that's that's what I never got like people are like, oh you can get gonorrhea from it I'm like a gonorrhea on my butt cheek. Like what's gonna happen to my butt cheek I mean
Starting point is 00:38:14 I would if I had an open wound. I I'm fucking who's got open wounds on their ass Unless you fell down a hill. Sometimes I scratch my ass and I scratch it Oh, do you remember mb at finn's house? Oh when he fell into the boiler when he fell into the boiler room What oh, no, no you were what oh my god His ass was a wrong dog. Yeah, I mean obviously when the shit like that happens, but uh, but like when I go into Toilets and like you know what the thing is too with those pieces of shit that make those like may shift Toilet seat covers. They don't they don't flush it. They just leave that shit there. Some people do I flush you walk in It's like they want to show you that they're clean. I've had to yeah, like this toilet's been mummified now
Starting point is 00:38:53 And I gotta sit on this I've had to wipe my ass with that once With what no toilet paper. So I had to use that you had to use someone else's oh no no my own Oh, oh someone else that's gotta be unfun like the opposite of fun. Have you ever like shit in the woods? Yeah Oh, I've shit in the woods Twice. Yeah, I don't think I I made Dylan shit in the woods on the way to your house and can I do remember that? No, you were in the car for that. He wiped his ass with like a ranger's towel Dylan was like yo, I have to go to the bathroom. Oh, I'll tell you story We were trying he goes yo, I have to go to the bathroom. I was like no, we're almost there
Starting point is 00:39:24 So this is what I didn't care about. They were like 15 miles away. Yeah, so I was like, yo, we're almost there So I'm speeding and I'm passing gas stations like on that No, I would you know, I would literally grab you and flip the car. Don't just I'd shit in the car This is when Dylan was like what eight and like maybe like 17. So he really didn't know he was like 20 No, he wasn't I swear to god. I don't I don't have that stupid hair recent what is bangs. No so So he was we were sitting and he was like, yo, I really need to go So I was like, I whatever I pull over for you and he's shit in the in the woods and I add a video of it
Starting point is 00:39:59 dude, that was really sick when we went up to a little next summer house or whatever and Uh, there was like a river and we were on the river and we were on like to first of all that river freezing And we I got taken all the way down and then you have to walk back up So on the way back, I was like, yo, I really got a shit I remember that and I just did a wall sit against a tree and just shit it out like a bear I've um, and it was terrible. Remember when we rented the loft for new years I was not like a week ago. No, no, no
Starting point is 00:40:31 Like two years. Oh, yeah on our way back. We um, we were in the cab and I had to get out and uh You know the park by um on 21st when you turn left onto 21st There's like a park underneath the bridge by Astoria park By Astoria park wait the park by Astoria park It's before the track like you you know how we're going up Astoria boulevard the cheese box We played hockey No, the cheese box is in college point But no, so I don't know what you're talking about. You know when you're going up Astoria boulevard and you make a left
Starting point is 00:41:01 And you're under the bridge Yes, you get on 21st. There's like a little oh the bridge the the park under the bridge. Oh, yeah So we were in a cab me Eric staff it was new years old and I was in Dead sleep and I woke up from this. Hey It's you have to it's time to go And I I was like I could hold it and I looked at where we were and it just got worse So I was like, let me out. So I I was like, you know, I gotta throw up So I I got out I went behind that little there's like a little a little bathroom
Starting point is 00:41:31 And I was in a suit Pulled out my pants I leaned up against the wall and I took a shit and I wiped my ass Oh, you lied and said you had to throw up and I wiped my ass from the box. I give a fuck It was like four in the morning. Nobody was out. Wait, how do you ask the taxi to pull over? Yeah, and I was like, yo, Eric, I'll find my way home and I got out and he's like, uh And I'm like, don't worry about it. It took me forever to get a cab and I was freezing And it was fucking new you you shit out in the open
Starting point is 00:41:56 In a park it was it was dark and it was four in the morning. Nobody was out I wiped my ass from my boxer. You were playing with my suit was clean. You're playing with fire, my friend Yeah, you get caught for that in public a certain amount of times you are going to be on this sex offender register I already once Yeah, uh, is it once or is it twice? I don't think it's I don't think like shitting in public should should be a sex offender thing Well, there's a kid like I get peeing because like your dicks apple like shitting. It's like I just feel bad for this I don't I'm yeah, I
Starting point is 00:42:24 Can I comment on this? No, there's this kid at work that has I think Crohn's disease is what it's called Yeah, and there are times he's like, yo, I'll be walking and it's broad daylight and I have to stop and no matter where I'm I'm I shit I shit against the car the other day and he's like I squatted by a car and I took a shit It was broad daylight people saw me Do you get a want do you get a summons for that if you get caught? Absolutely, but he has Crohn's disease. He has no choice but to go. Uh, there's a choice No, no, I'll say where they'll fucking say like wear a diaper or some shit. Yeah, that's true But he can't hold it
Starting point is 00:42:55 I I understand that but you also can't just like let people with Crohn's disease just shit all over the fucking neighborhood No, yeah, you're right Because I'm once you let one person do it That would be it's a free passage is I hate shit everywhere and you guys know this about me I hate talking about fucking poop hate it hate it so much about poop hate it Don't know why just don't like it sometimes. You know, you just scratch your ass and you have shit Yo, what's up? I'm just Oh my god, stop
Starting point is 00:43:22 Maybe when I was seven Seen this is Seven days ago I can't believe you shit in the park in broad daylight. It was no it was 4 a.m. Listen to the man's story listening to the man's story I can't believe you shit in the park in pitch black It was yo getting a cab sucked. There's freezing. All I had was a suit jacket. Would you rather? Here we go. I'll do anything except like the most anxiety I ever have is when I'm out. I'm like, wait, I got a shit
Starting point is 00:43:53 Would you rather? Shit your pants no Or the other thing Suck a dick like whatever. Okay. All right. That's it. What were you gonna say? I was gonna say suck a dick No I can't you know, I hate that feeling so much. I I've never I don't think I've ever shit my pants in my adult life Like like there's like some crust come on it What first of all, I'm just getting a little too creative. I'm just yeah, what's going on in that mind
Starting point is 00:44:24 Christ those star wars band-aids. Yeah, I burned my fingers today. Wait star wars band-aids Yeah, oh, didn't you say you put toothpaste on your burns and it goes away? Yes And if anyone that is listening to this does that as well, uh lightsaber divina, you know what that is stupid Some spanish shit If you are unlucky enough to get a burn instantly put a fucking Dab of toothpaste on it and it'll go away. Where did you burn that at work? No at home I was fucking cooking because I wanted to be like, yeah, why you got toothpaste at work
Starting point is 00:44:52 What's the fuck? No, I was at home cooking right before I left for work. What were you cooking rice? Oh, yeah I gotta admit I am offended What were you cooking now? I was cooking uh eggs in a basket Wait, wait, what are you saying? Eggs in a basket. Have you never had eggs in a basket explain? What is eggs in a basket? It's a piece of toast and you cut out a circle in the middle and you drop an egg in it It's called a bullseye you idiot. Whatever the fuck it's called. I've I've had people call it egg at the hole in the middle Uh eggs in a basket. It's a bullseye. Have you never had that? It's like eating french toast, basically
Starting point is 00:45:27 Yo, it's fucking amazing. I mean it's eggs and bread. Wait, do you do you put the Bread like as you're making french toast with some cinnamon on there? No, you don't do that You fucking put the bread in with you know toast both sides a little bit drop the egg in the middle Let it cook flip let it cook and then you got a nice runny yolk in the middle So when you cut into it, you have your toast and your egg in one. So wait, why are you cutting into it? I would just fold it and um no because it's in the middle. So you're cutting it now Yes Oh, mom. I'm gonna go make eggs in a basket
Starting point is 00:45:56 Eggs in a basket. There's no basket. Oh, you want a basket? Technically the basket's the bread If you guys have never had it you're so basket you fucking idiot. It's called a bullseye. It's not called fucking eggs in a When you say eggs in a basket, what are you thinking? Not egg in a fucking piece of bread I was thinking like Easter Bunny. You know what I'm saying? Like yeah, what do you know? Oh, yeah, because when you hear bullseye, you'll really think about now. He's offended. Look at him Which my fucking lightsaber on my finger First of all bullseye makes sense. Thank you. How the fuck does it how does egg in a basket not make three?
Starting point is 00:46:26 Bullseye is in the middle and an egg in a basket of bread. It's not in a basket because it's not touching the bread There's no yes, it is only on the outside. It's not being held up. It's a piece of bread It's in the bread. There's no basket on the basket It is a basket a basket if there's no bottom to it. Thank a basket needs a bottom exactly. Oh, it's the egg No, Frankie. It's not no well a basket without a bottom is not from now on The reason I call it a basket is because when you put the egg in the bottom cooks So the yolk just kind of sits in it. Yeah, but the egg's not in the basket the egg is the basket Just like that house you go off. Fuck you both. I'm right. You're both fucking idiots
Starting point is 00:47:04 You just made up some weird fucking I guarantee tweet at Joe Sanagato if you had eggs in a basket and you call it eggs in a basket because he's clearly a Psycho pass tag me if it's called bullseye because it's obviously yeah, and if it's been called bullseye Fucking go to the nearest hotel and just run through the wall and until you pass out. All right bad explanation the verdict is in Eggs in the basket. Yeah It's a name. It's a name. Yeah type bullseye and see what comes up. You'll get the fucking target dog type in bullseye breakfast Yeah, it's the same thing stupid idiot bullseye breakfast. All right
Starting point is 00:47:42 So I burnt my hand cooking eggs in a basket. You fucking weirdo It sucked. I dropped a weight on my finger today and damn near cried in the gym Oh See look this is eggs in a basket. Can I say this makes sense? You take a piece of bread you put it in a cup and then you cook it like that. This is a basket. Can I see it? I can't see that's stupid joey. I can't see okay relax if you cook eggs Like those psychopaths that cook eggs in cups need to get like off this planet Can I ask you a question? Would me why'd you wake up and say, oh, I'm gonna make eggs in a basket
Starting point is 00:48:16 I eat eggs every day. I just change up how I have them. I don't need eggs I got three ways. Sure. I have them either. I do gordon ramsey eggs scramble them time out They're called scrambled eggs. Yes, but the gordon ramsey way. What does that mean? What is it? So you were you just talking to british accent? Yes, and you insult everyone which my dog's the only one there So she gets a lot of insult stone at her I believe it And it's like the way of cooking and then at the end you go like on the heat off the heat on the heat off the heat And then at the end I don't have creme fraiche, but you put a dollop of sour cream in it
Starting point is 00:48:44 Oh, it is horny. This sounds like This sounds like scrambled eggs to be hot and cold hot and cold So he all right, so he cooks it like he puts the eggs. He doesn't whisk them outside of the the pot You put all the eggs in it with like little like pieces of butter in the pot And you whisk it in the pot and then you cook it Take it off And you fucking like you constantly like you're constantly whisking it. You're never stopping. So you just move it away from the pot Frankie, why is this any different?
Starting point is 00:49:09 Do you is that the normal way to cook scrambled eggs to go on the heat off the heat on the heat off the heat? Does that make it taste different? It tastes the same. It's so different. I guarantee it. Oh my god. I'm telling you I'm telling you. I'm telling you. I'm telling you this dude. I'm telling you This is the try it's more because it's saturday This is the second dumbest thing Other than the eggs in a bag. You're all stupid when it comes to the breakfast dude Gordon first of all Gordon Ramsay can do no fucking wrong. So don't you dare talk about my god? All I'm saying is are you serious my president? He is my president
Starting point is 00:49:38 Frankie that's like saying if you're cooking a steak You're cooking it and then you take it off and then you put it back on No, but once it's cooked to whatever temperature it is. It's the same No, but that's why you take it off because you don't let it get too hot and you just let it cook amongst itself because you keep Adding heat. It's gonna overcook. Can I ask you how long do you take it off for? Literally you fucking whisk whisk whisk whisk whisk off off off off off off off off It takes like fucking two and a half minutes to make. It's the best eggs. You'll ever have that's one way Can we hear the other two? I can't do this. All right. Uh, I do I tried
Starting point is 00:50:08 No, I don't fry. No, this is fun. Well, I do do them over easy sometimes Um, because that's another great way and then sometimes what I'll do is if I have like cold cuts like I had like turkey Take a muffin tin Time out Muffin tin, please. What is it a tin that you make muffins in? Why do you that listen to me? That's like a huge tray. Listen and you put like Two or three slices of turkey like the things you peel off the muffin No, you idiot a muff what you bake muffins in you suck on like a sheet. It's a huge ass tray
Starting point is 00:50:39 It is And you put like three like pieces of turkey in the muffin like tin the single one And you drop an egg in it and you bake it and it comes out like a little turkey mushroom Turkey egg cup that you see that's terrible because then now you're using the oven instead of the fucking frying Yeah, and it takes 10 minutes and it's fucking you can leave it and how many do you make at once three I have three eggs every morning in different ways. That's so weird a muffin tin and at all like a little mushroom And then I'll have I'll have what is a baked egg tastes like the exact same way that any other egg Oh now eggs taste the same there is no, but got him
Starting point is 00:51:16 Listen, Gordon Ramsay does he blindfolds while he cooks So it tastes different No, the way that it's cooked the scrambled egg that Gordon Ramsay make it's like it's it's it's like a cloudy It's like a cloud a little cloud of joy and it's so fucking good A dollar of a fucking dollar cream first of all since we're talking about eggs people who throw milk Into their fucking eggs are fucking idiots. It's the same thing as sour cream. No No, how how's it not first of all sour cream disgusting. You're out of your mind. I can literally eat it by the spoon I could put sour cream on a baked potatoes some scallions
Starting point is 00:51:50 Yeah, some fucking butter and cheese you want to go to Wendy's dude. No Wendy's has the best baked potatoes. No, how about just regular baked potatoes? I'll be damned if I have sour if I have a sour cream eating wife That'll be the end of that Give me a bagel with sour cream. I'm moving out a bagel with sour If anyone orders a bagel with sour cream, I will fucking move out. I don't care who they are bagel What do you mean? Bagel with cream cheese is what you're talking about. Oh, wow. Fuck. I'm fucking. I'm stupid
Starting point is 00:52:21 That's what I meant. That too is also garbage. Where are my sour cream lovers? Come on guys garbage Sour cream's all right. I'm not gonna lie. Just fucking love sour cream. No Fucking horny for sour cream all the time You want this What? I'll swear to god. I'll do it. All right. I can't handle this. I'll throw you up against the wall right now I'll put my leg over your shoulder. I'll make you wear your ankles as earrings. I've been stretching. Yeah, let me see I can touch my toes do a split
Starting point is 00:52:51 There's no way you could touch your toes on your face. You can touch your toes. Can you touch your toes? Touch your toes. I'm touching my toes today What did you do today touch my toes Let's see it. Let's see it. Let's see here we go. You got to keep your knees straight though. No bending No, you took your toes off the floor. You fucking cheater knees are bent First of all, you're touching like the tongue of your shoe I'm crazy flexible. Can you touch your toes? Yeah, that's easy. Let me see Yeah, touch the floor
Starting point is 00:53:22 That's pretty good Frank. Frank's flexible. You know me dude. I'm flexible as fuck. Yeah Davino's still over there touching the tongue of his shoe Davino, you'll never be a ballerina. I'm sorry. You can't be a ballerina. I'm sorry Davino, you'll never be a rockette. It's just not gonna happen I don't want to be a rockette. Rockettes want to be me Do you know rockette is like out of control like you have to be a certain height weight and like Your body has to look a certain way. It's weird. Like you have to be the exact It's it's crazy. It's discriminatory
Starting point is 00:54:08 You need help Anyway, we can wrap this up Um I need to get the fuck out of this room now. Uh, Davino, where can they find you? Sit on my lap Hmm, where can they find you? Um, you could find me in my house and um, You know Davino Aunt
Starting point is 00:54:32 Like the scary movie if you if dot com. What was it? What was it fear dot com here dot com? You remember that psychopath? I've never seen that movie Uh, if you're looking for me, I'll be on the block with my thing cock possibly sitting on the drop now Frank underscore alvarez 80 on twitter f alvarez underscore 80 on instagram And then I do a wrestling podcast with one of our very hairy very greek very oily friends Um called the squirt circle jerks. We just had a wrestler pro wrestler who'd been on nxt and some other cool stuff On this week with us. We interviewed him. He's really really solid guy. So
Starting point is 00:55:14 Follow us at scj pod on twitter. And uh, that's all I got. It's being horny All right, well, uh, that's it Thanks for listening

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