The Basement Yard - So.. Is This A Crime?

Episode Date: November 7, 2017

On this episode, Franke & I say things. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. I am joined today by Frankie You he's going to town on this fucking to see pop so fucking good it is I'm about to go get one You might have you should have got it should I get one yeah, I'll just scream from the other okay I'll do I'll do it while you're gone. All right. I'm going to get all right I'm gonna do my best Joe impression Welcome back to the basement yard. This is Joe bow This week we're gonna be talking about I don't know. What do you guys talk about usually? What do you talk about usually?
Starting point is 00:00:41 That was quite aggressive all right, I'm back in color Dude chocolate chocolate is it's crazy It doesn't sound like it'd be the best one and doesn't taste like chocolate and it does it tastes like does it? It has a faint like I should faint chocolate like a chocolate I feel like it tastes like a chocolate. I see not like chocolate. You know Chocolate chocolate By the way Tutor pops best
Starting point is 00:01:14 We always need to arguments over shit, but this is the best lollipop. There is dude. Hold on a sec Blow pops How do you argue with blow pops? Whatever's in the center of a blow pop? It's not gum It's not gum not gum, but getting there is so fucking awesome and then like Getting there yeah, you mean just like having a giant like the giant ones like the blue rasp like blue raspberry ones Oh my god No, what do you mean? No, I don't want whatever Well, I work so hard to get to the middle of a fucking a fucking lollipop in here's yes
Starting point is 00:01:54 Delicious to see roll. Yeah, but you know that is a fucking it tastes like an ACL Wow, but you see like you know what's on the inside of this. You know what I mean? Like you can get this taste anywhere that gum is that gum? It's the blow pop gum if they don't sell it by itself. I don't but it's not good Nor does it have any kind of flavor for the first like 30 seconds. It's awesome It's like juicy fruit Juicy fruits one of the worst gums there is are you fucking stupid? Fucking dumb garbage juicy fruit is the greatest
Starting point is 00:02:28 Tasting thing for the first like 40 seconds. You're an idiot and then it tastes like burnt rubber. No, you've got to be kidding me Juicy fruit is is anything other than juicy fruit gum and fruit re-dent you fucking idiot. What's free dent exactly? I don't even know what that is. It's probably your favorite. You made it up Let me guess. Oh, you're also a big fan of the the the fruity stripes the ones that had the the zebra I take it back. That is a piece of shit. Okay, at least we agree on that in like a World War two canteen No, no, that was the Band-Aid one. Oh, yeah, the fruity stripes are the one that came the zebras the zebras Yeah garbage and each slip was like It's own slip so at the end you had like a like a stack of paper in your head. Yeah, yeah fuck that
Starting point is 00:03:14 No, no, that was trash juicy fruit I don't even respect that gum to have him in this car. You're out of your mind. You see fruits amazing It's not better than like winter fresh and fucking Big red big reds classic big red is classic red. I Honestly, I can lick a subway pole and I get the taste of big red that you can't yeah Yeah, you can you know what a subway pole tastes like the center of a blow pop. You're dumb I'm not dumb you're out of your mind and you put winter fresh up there winter fresh is every minty gum out there Yeah, yeah, we're gonna stand if we're gonna go best gum of all time. It's by far watermelon big league chill
Starting point is 00:03:53 See I was packing gaggers when I was fucking five years old I Used to get in trouble in middle school in high school because I would blow bubbles that would they were just fucking huge Yeah, first of all the reason why I'm kind of biased when it comes to big red But do you remember when we were younger and I was kind of like a klepto like every time I walk into a deli I would steal candy. Yeah, I had a fucking talk the guy out of in what was then Eckerd now that I stole You know, he would never do this. You would never do that. It was some wrong. It was some wrong me But gum was one of the easiest things to steal because it was right there and it was small Yeah, and I would always take big red and I would just take the whole pack and
Starting point is 00:04:32 Jam it in my mouth. You've always had a thing it would burn my lips Had a thing for hot like hot tamales. You've always like like that was your shit. That's my is a good You literally I remember any time I went to your house. You had a box and you would eat it like Like a like a fucking walking dead like a fucking demogorgon used to eat that shit. I was like what in God's name Where are we going with this? I have no we literally started talking about we always get into like food arguments We for as close as we are agree on barely anything Seriously like guys, this isn't just for like the entertainment of the podcast. This happens 24-7 We have had screaming matches at bars. Yeah, there was one time we went to this bar on time
Starting point is 00:05:18 Remember when we went Nostalgia on Dimars remember when we went to the Pomeroy and there was a woman sitting next to us I think we told this story and we because we were like rating. She was blown away. She was blown away She's like you guys are just so funny. I'm like, we're not being fun. We're not trying to be funny Yeah, Joe like Joe. We got like angry at me and yeah, go it comes with the territory of being as smart as I am, you know Not everyone's gonna believe you or agree with you. I mean it happens. By the way, where do we rank bank lollipops? I Have no idea what they are like they could be made of like frozen milk. Yeah, that's what they look They're like you can chew them. They're chewy sort of I Use I use those more as weapons than anything because when you when you like lick them enough
Starting point is 00:06:07 They become like a scythe like both sides are like sharp. First of all, I'm biting. I'm biting. You're going bite I bite lollipops. I can't man if I don't bite from the beginning But once it gets like soft enough to buy I'm chewing either way, but then it gets like clogged in your teeth Yeah, I'm all fucked Yeah, I can't I'm not a biting lollipops type of guy Oh, I'm like I'll get halfway through this thing and bite the shit out of the way. No way, dude I'm gonna hear a crunch in like four minutes Like when it starts like on this to G pop when you start seeing the tootsie roll peek out of the sugar
Starting point is 00:06:39 Exterior the exoskeletons then I'll buy then I'll bite into it, but I need to wait. Yeah By the way, what's going on your shirt? I I'm literally seeing 10 buttons and like I only see half your shirt Why is there 10? Honestly, I don't know. This is there's there's three on the sleeve. I got two up top for no reason What is that? I don't know. There's buttons on your traps. Yes, there's buns on his traps I literally have no idea, but it was casual Friday at work again No, I do a casual Friday. This is definitely more casual and more casual than the last one you weren't pointed shoes though Now the shoes you're like a like a from the lollipop guild
Starting point is 00:07:21 You know what these are great shoes. These are wingtip slip-on loafers Yeah, exact all those words don't relate to casual Friday That's the most casual. No casual Friday is like new balance and I and like you know what I mean If you think I'm wearing new balances Like a 48 year old man You're out of your mind new balances are the dad shoe the ultimate dad shoe You know who wears them like they're going out of style Tim Does he fucking loves a good pair of new balance loves a good new I might be making that up
Starting point is 00:07:53 But I feel like if anyone were to wear them, it would be Tim new bouncer are always worn with like light jeans too Dungarees I should say because that's what my dad calls them. Where's my dungarees? Yeah, like dad I have no idea what the fuck that and white socks. You can't wear new balances with anything but white socks You know my dad's never worn ankle socks his entire life. I Also, don't think they make them. I was gonna say I don't I remember one time I like jokingly tried your father's chew on it was as long as it was wide He has the most fat foot. He has the most choded foot. Oh, it's it dude. It's bad. It's crazy I I've never seen anything like it. Yeah, he also can only tie shoes one time
Starting point is 00:08:36 Walk me through that because like then he's just gonna slip them on he's not gonna bend over He does like the loose tie and then just slips them on from there on out. Yeah, I used to do that with some that's fine. Yeah What so where did we go again well Halloween's over and Right, I know it's fun. You were with us. You didn't come you in here last week. I talked about that very briefly Yeah podcast, but it was fun. It wasn't honestly. It wasn't anything crazy, which I'm kind of glad I'm not a Halloween guy. Do you remember what we used to do on Halloween Halloween was fuck I was worried about my car on my block. Yeah, that's so adult It's so adult like Halloween has not become going out having shaving cream fights and egging shit now
Starting point is 00:09:18 It's like worrying about your shit getting egged. I remember. Yeah, this one. That's when you know, you're getting old Yeah, like fuck. I have things now. Yeah but Do you remember when we went out and we had shaving cream and like eggs and stuff and my parents would buy us eggs Which you know looking back on it? Enablers dumb enablers. Yeah, my mom used to as well because they didn't sell eggs in our town For like kids. Yeah, two weeks before Halloween. Yeah, did not sound like they wouldn't sell them the kids So our if we wanted eggs our parents would go by them and like our mom would buy like my brothers and I like an 18-pack each
Starting point is 00:09:58 And then just be like don't get arrested Run Do you remember one time we were we were with a big group of kids this one one kid in particular? He grabbed a pumpkin and threw it at a taxi mm-hmm I was like, okay, that's this is out of control. This is murder. Yeah, we almost killed a person Yeah, like wasn't there a story like someone like took like a piece of a tree trunk in our town and threw it at a bus What I really remember that I don't remember that I vaguely remember a tree trunk
Starting point is 00:10:31 Like someone had cut down a tree and they left like pieces next to it like a branch. No like a like a Trunk like a piece of a trunk. Yeah And threw it at like a city bus Which you might as well just Walk to rakers from that. Yeah, you're sprinting there. You know what I mean? Fucking crazy That is weird, but my biggest issue right now is Halloween's over and
Starting point is 00:11:00 Now people are like straight to Christmas. Yeah, the disrespect that Thanksgiving gets so disrespected. That's the spec foam That's always how it is and I'm a big Christmas guy, you know me. I'm all about are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? I fucking love Christmas like Mariah season very soon Me I'm right there with you, but I'm with the Bain Crosby the Elvis Christmas album. You know what I got which is heat The Muppets and John Denver Christmas album. Do you remember you having that? Oh my god a lot of good music here But it's it's very disrespectful. I just I don't get like people forget that Thanksgiving exists. Thanks. Yeah, it's lit I look forward to the Thanksgiving Day Parade Are you kidding me? It's a I mean the whole idea of a parade is kind of like weird to me. It's kind of you know
Starting point is 00:11:51 Walk me through that It's exactly what it is you're walking through the streets and you just like that's it like what is what am I looking at here? People admire you and it's cool. They have like stuff for kids like they have like, you know The Pikachu float like oh my god Look, it's Pikachu or SpongeBob and then yeah, but you're a 25-year-old man with a lot of buttons on his shirt You don't you don't really watch it. Okay careful pressed by this is coming from the 25-year-old man That still wears a hair flip a front hair flip. All right. I Stopped that in sixth grade Joey. I stopped it to brought it back
Starting point is 00:12:27 Brought it right back. I love the parade. It's so like to like wake up Thanksgiving morning after What now is like a fucking rager of a Wednesday night? I never go out that night either. We did once Yeah, it was awful awful hated it. Yeah, I don't like that night That's the that's when I started like talking and like kind of halfway enjoying a med again Do you remember what he said to us? No, we were on like that top loft of that club And he come you and I are like looking over like we're the fucking kingpins or something Yeah, and he comes over and he goes See that girl right there points down this girl's just getting
Starting point is 00:13:06 Making out hard like she is just going to check deep and some dude neck deep and he goes It's my ex-girlfriend And I was just like it's funny and I don't hate you anymore And then and then now I hate him again, right? That's how usually how that goes. Yeah, um but Yeah, I don't like how they do that with I feel like this only happens with Thanksgiving also Christmas seems to be like the favorite kid like everyone just wants to get there as soon as possible
Starting point is 00:13:37 You know what I mean? Even September people like you started to go to stores and you're like is that fucking candy cane like what's going on? Yeah, like Thanksgiving is too close to Christmas to people for people to still like appreciate it It's like being born on December 22nd. You know what I mean? Like your parents are like you'll get your birthday and your Christmas gifts in one. You know what I mean? Yeah So shit. Yeah, absolutely bullshit. I am a big Thanksgiving guy. Love it I mean, I like Thanksgiving dude the food and then it doesn't really feel like a holiday though to me It's just like let's just eat. You know, I mean like we don't celebrate shit
Starting point is 00:14:13 Oh, my family and I we sit down and like before didn't we say like what we're thankful for and do you really? Yeah, like a kindergarten class like a family. Yeah, like a family dishes Yeah, like a family we do that you know, I'm thankful for my health. Yeah, I'm thankful for my friends Yeah, and then your brothers go. I'm thankful. What I love. Yeah, my brothers are those fucking idiots literally break the tension every time I usually will like start with my mom who and she'll cry can't make it through four words without crying And then my sister goes full housewife mode. Yeah, I want to say I'm thankful for you know, like this and like cooking I'm like, okay Resources that we have and then it gets to me and everyone's always like I hear good Frankie's long speech and I'm like
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yeah, I'm begging for you guys You know my girlfriend my friends. That's it and they're like, oh, that's it nothing and then my brothers would be like Thank you for my twin Uh, I'm thankful. I'm thankful for rogue. I love you, baby. You're a dog I'm thankful for being able to fucking blow that fuck your shit down I'm just like what fucking God's name Green Lantern. Yeah fucking Aaron judge. Yeah Thank you for the Yankees and then my mom will like Like it's but yeah, we do that and then my dad cries too
Starting point is 00:15:36 You Hard my dad fucking sobs. Let's go my dad cries hard. That's dope Which I I like crying call me crazy. I like when other people cry No, I like a good cry every now and then what's a good cry like a happy cry like after you cry You don't feel like flushed out. Oh, dude. Sometimes I just get like like Penta like you just have it all there Like a cry oh, and I go right to YouTube soldiers coming home every time just like weird shit I don't I swear to God that and like I recently saw this thing and like this girl like her dogs being put to sleep
Starting point is 00:16:12 And she like oh fuck that dude. Oh hard fuck hard I was and I look at that shit at work and I'm sitting there like Fucking idiot. Well, you look at it, but I couldn't look away. Yeah, but I like a good cry. Oh, I you I feel like it's necessary I I don't remember the last of my cry it might have been it may have been a couple months. Oh I need one. Yeah, it's been a couple months for me. I haven't like sob cried in so long I'd like shit like, you know, like I'm a man cry, you know, like yeah Sob crying one of my favorite things to watch no to do. Oh, I guess so you get so tired It's a work
Starting point is 00:16:52 Oh You know what I mean, yeah, I'm awesome. Yeah, I don't remember the last of my sob cried But like I man cry, you know, like it clenched my jaw Yeah, you know, you remember how you know Freddie Prince, Jr. You know him, you know doesn't know the prince Yeah, the prince of the 90s. He would always clench this jaw And those two things would come out of the side of it. I would drive girls just fucking ape shit I whenever I cried I would do that. Oh, and it would drive women ape shit Oh, no, I wouldn't cry in front of would you ever post a video of you crying?
Starting point is 00:17:26 Like if you were like do a serious video and crying it would you post it? Yo, I think about that all I don't think about it all the time, but I like they don't cry this week I mean, I see like youtubers post videos of them They're just like saying something and crying whatever and I'm like You could just edit this out like why did you leave this in? Yeah, it seems a little self-centered at like if it was like a live Broadcast I'd be like that's dope But like yeah, the fact that they like look at it after crying like after I cry crying Yeah, after I'm done crying. I'm like why the fuck did I cry every time like I'm not like dope
Starting point is 00:18:03 I cry and I'm like what a fucking idiot. Yeah, but you're editing this watching it back Yeah, that's what like a hundred times you're watching this like oh, that's a good tear right there Yeah, I don't like that. Yeah, that makes no fucking sense to me. Would you cry at Instagram live? Why not? I've been on Instagram live like twice I think you were there both times. No, I was there one. We were fucking hammered Yes, never good every time we get drunk and like do something like I need to we post a picture the next day I'm like why did you do that? Yeah, an idiot. I look like an idiot. I do that a lot, too Yeah, but just about like most of life
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yeah, I just I'm an idiot dude. It's alright. It happens. It's it's more fun to be stupid It's more fun to be stupid kids, you know Anyway, let's do these sponsors real quick and then we'll move on First one we have Do the song Frank? Stamps they get you bunch of tramps Make you turn Like a lamp
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Starting point is 00:20:35 Keep going next here. We have me undies me undies. I Lost my spot The most comfortable underwear you will wear in your life. I Literally only own me undies now. I actually have one pair of boxers and I had to wear them the other day because I had a That's me. It's not like I was gonna that I shit myself But it was like it was like laundry day and it was the only pair I had and I was fucking miserable my old chafing It was just disgusting. It's just bad Anyway with tons of styles and patterns to choose from for both men and ladies me undies will have the perfect fit for any personality
Starting point is 00:21:12 What does that mean? They are unmatched because they use a naturally soft fabric that is three times softer than cotton for a limited time only check out me undies first Ever glow in the dark print hold the fuck on Glow in the dark underwear This is this danger. This is lit. Can you make it say whatever you want? Oh, what's relax? I'm just a rational consumer over here To get 20% off the best and softest underwear and socks you will ever own free shipping and a hundred percent Take two hundred percent satisfaction guarantee go to me undies calm
Starting point is 00:21:51 Slash basement. That's me undies calm slash a base Hey, I don't know what that was put a little flair on the end of it, you know, sometimes I gotta get flair I Like to just add flair to random things. I do like I'll kick my leg up when I'm walking upstairs sometimes What I don't know why I just like the first step. I'll just like kick my leg up and step on it like that Don't know it makes me unique. No, it doesn't Does anyone else that you know do that? ballerinas Do you know any ballerina? I don't really know any ballerinas now. I think about it
Starting point is 00:22:32 There you go I need to get out more because I definitely need to know a ballerina I was at the level of understanding if you need to get out more like a hundred percent knowing ballerinas I feel like I know most jobs I think I just cut my tongue. There you go. Um, I know most job like I know like oh, um is ballerina a job A dancer. Yeah, I would assume so, right? My brother's girlfriend. She's dancer Right She's a dance instructor. Oh, yeah, she does like ballet. Yeah, I know. I'm you know, that was a stupid question
Starting point is 00:23:03 obviously ballerinas could Remember like money that way in high school like when like being a ballerina Or like doing ballet was cool because like all the kids in the football team be like, yeah, you know what football players do Ballet, what's up? Yeah, not so dumb now. Is it and yoga and yoga? What's up bar class because back then everyone's like you do yoga dude. You're gay. I tried yoga. It's so hard Can't do it. Yeah, I can't do it because I don't have the patience dude. It's fucking hard I did it twice and it's fucking rough. Yo, your legs are burning my uncle one time was like You want to go do hot yoga? I'm like, what's that?
Starting point is 00:23:43 He goes, oh, you put on this suit and it's a hundred and five degree room and you do yoga I was like, you couldn't fucking convince me to do that. Are you kidding me? You want to go live on the edge? Yeah, you want to go basically die You want to go hang out in a desert? Why the fuck would I do that makes no sense I don't know Also, did you finish stranger things? Oh, yeah Crush that. Holy shit. I crushed it. I watched four episodes
Starting point is 00:24:13 In one day and then I stopped for like three day Hello, welcome back. I don't know why my voice cracks a lot. It does a lot a lot once every podcast I'd I don't know. I think I'm I don't know what it is. I think you just guys, you know, just like Not go through your sentences so fast like take say a couple words Swallow and then go for the next one. You think I talked too fast. I Think you I do intros really fast Every now and then say something Take a second and I go for the next thing. Are you coaching me on how to speak? Mm-hmm. Okay
Starting point is 00:24:56 That's sick. There you go You I passed you don't know if you would have had your voice crack, but you prevented it from happening. Hmm It's good. Sometimes it cracks in like weird situations You know definitely in a place where you don't want to crack in I need to like swallow every now and then and if I don't My voice will my my throat will stop. So I'll be talking up and I'll just like My voice will just fucking go away. I'll be like you fucked up dude one time I so I went to
Starting point is 00:25:31 UFC 205 when McGregor fought Eddie Alvarez And I was with this company these dudes from this company. They brought me so we're at the they had like this pregame place in the garden and They had an open bar it's like oh, let's do shots do shots Whatever like what do you guys want and I was like, you know, honestly like I if we can do shots of whiskey That'd be cool because not a big tequila guy and I definitely don't want to do a shot of vodka like I'm fucking What the fuck's doing that welcome back to high school. Yeah, just psychotic That's not a word
Starting point is 00:26:05 Psychosity no psychosis Psychosity, why not? Psychosity sounds like a dope like that sounds like a major in college. What do you major in psychosity or psychology? Yeah, psychosity could be like a cool superhero name. Oh Don't don't take it. It's mine. It actually sounds like a like you're going really fast Yeah, it could be like a I've reached psychosity like you're a villain to the flash What's your name psychosity? Yeah, whoa, cool. That's dope
Starting point is 00:26:36 Good movie. What the fuck were you talking about? I don't know. Oh, I took us so so they were like, yeah All right, we'll do whiskey the only whiskey they had and I didn't see the bottle was knob Creek which is a hundred proof you're not supposed to do shots of this and Hundred proof is only 50% alcohol. Well, maybe I'm saying something wrong Nob Creek is it's potent. It's not you're not you're supposed to sip it. Yeah, you're not supposed to rip shots of this I took a shot of it and My voice Disappeared I tried to talk back that was great. Like it was just nothing came out. It was so weird
Starting point is 00:27:14 I was like, huh? Like only half of words came out like it sounded like we had bad reception. I was like, oh, yeah Like it was just weird if we're like a good 20 seconds There have been times where like I'd like stub my toe and I couldn't speak. I'd like stub my toe and be like Like I'm just not my body's not ready to do anything repair itself You know in your body, it's just slow to process pain and you have that like one second window where it's like Oh It needs to catch itself before I can release when you burn your hand you're like this is about to suck
Starting point is 00:27:51 It's about to suck it sucks right now Yeah, and I'm the psycho that like Presses on it to see like if I like nick my finger on something to see if I'm gonna bleed I like squeeze my finger, you know what I mean? So like if I like get a burn or something. I'm like Yeah, and then it hurts and then it hurts I I Told you You've been right through it. I'm really impressed with what I did to this. I
Starting point is 00:28:18 Did that the other day. I'll be honest with you. I don't it's like dum-dums, but never wow dum-dums never Dum-dums, right? They don't even count. I just drooled all over the place. Dum-dums don't really count as lollipops. They're like Bite-sized candies on a stick dum-dums are for like kids at the dentist You know, I mean like oh, I'll give you a fucking lollipop when someone wants to trick you into thinking that they're giving you candy They give you dum-dums, right? You know what? I mean like it's not real is the equivalent of like giving out pretzels on Halloween Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've spit like loogies that are bigger than dum-dums. I Went there Jesus Christ Anyway, what the fuck we strange your things oh that show was fuck I audibly I watched it with Becca and
Starting point is 00:29:05 Watching it we were cheering like I've never cheered watching. I was like I swear there was oh Like I was like fuck like I was so invested in that show emotionally dude It's weird how Invested I was in this little children relationship in the show I didn't realize how weird it was for me to root for a two twelve year olds to kiss, right? That's I was like yeah, I'm on my couch like Should I be saying yeah, and then and then like
Starting point is 00:29:39 You know, we don't want to give away spoilers But like I was rooting for like two other characters to get together and then I'm like yeah, they're still in high school like Still weird. Yeah, but do you have make your move make your move sleep in a bed together? And I'm like fuck like this is strange. Yeah Stranger strangers. Good job. You know But holy shit that show is so good. Yeah, it's good. I love that kid too Finn Wolfhard awesome name Yeah, what a fucking name. What a name and he does exactly what?
Starting point is 00:30:15 He's supposed to do with that name. He's in a fucking like rock band. Yes. Yeah, dude fucking shreds He's in a rock band. Yeah with like other kids There's like this girl in it, and she's fucking filthy What? Yes, I need that. He's a lead singer Finn I could do without but Wolfhard. Oh my god. I would never I would never I was bought that He's a guy first thing I do when I turn 18 I walk directly to whatever office I have to to completely get rid of my first name. Yeah, and just Wolfhard Yeah, Finn like it's not the worst worst name first name, but like
Starting point is 00:30:51 Zack Zack Wolfhard or like what else like Tyler? No to no to like to You know, oh, yeah, I'm gonna hit my wife one day or like I'm a mean guy Tyler Yeah, I'm thinking of like a Abercrombie and Fitch Like bathes in their cologne if your name's Tyler you like play the cross and then you like yeah your dad But you a car on your 16th birthday. Yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah, you wear a watch to the gym
Starting point is 00:31:21 Yeah, what is that? No idea, but that's what that's that's what Tyler does, right? What are there some what other first names like a cool first like a dope one? Rocky What Rocky Wolfhard? No Rocco Rocco Wolfhard. No too much. No, I Don't just just no first name. You're going straight straight Prince. You're gonna seal Wow, just Wolfhard or just Wolf Dude Wolf's a fucking ridiculous name. If that's the real name
Starting point is 00:31:58 I know a kid with the last name Wolf and he was the worst. Yeah, but Wolfhard it like Takes an awesome name and then pads it with more awesome Hard, you know You can add that to anyone's last name and it just makes it doper like Santa gato hard You're like, all right It doesn't really work for like Alvarez hard It doesn't flow Alvarez hard wolf hard just flows it does. I'd love to know are they German Wolfhard, I don't know, but they imagine so they would definitely taken over land like you would not believe you kidding me
Starting point is 00:32:35 If they I I'm closing my eyes wolf hard. I think of like Tormund Wolfsbane from Game of Thrones, that's who I think of like that's a dope person to be thought of yeah You know what? I mean his family was fucking up bunches of villages. Oh my god They carried around axes and drank grog What the fuck is that? Yeah, exactly. Okay. Is it green? Yeah, I think so I think it's like early beer or maybe I've just been playing too much of that Lord of the Rings game Yeah, that's exactly what's going on. Yeah, cuz you can like poison grog and like the people go and drink it and they die It's pretty dope
Starting point is 00:33:14 Okay, I Actually wanted to bring something to your attention Okay So I told you I wanted to talk about this and you asked me for clarification and then in the middle of clarifying you said wait No, don't tell me. Yeah, I'd rather hear it like see a live reaction for us. Okay, so University of Hartford, Connecticut, do you know how I feel about that state? Student was blamed and arrested For contaminating her roommates belongings
Starting point is 00:33:47 Okay This is gonna be good There better be shit in this student at the University of Hartford and Connecticut was charged with criminal mischief Mischief and expelled from school after boasting about having contaminated her roommates toothbrush Toothbrush face lotion and other belongings in an effort to drive her out the room Wow Her roommate was black so it's racially charged because she used to call her roommate Jamaican Barbie Okay, you know so
Starting point is 00:34:21 On and on and on after one and a half months of spitting in her coconut oil Putting moldy clam dip in her lotion moldy clam dip This is a good one now rub rubbing used tampons on her backpack What the fuck? Putting her toothbrush places where the sun doesn't shine and so much more I can finally say goodbye to Jamaican Barbie said the post that she had once posted and now deleted when she posts this shit I'm assuming on social media What an idiot
Starting point is 00:35:04 First of all, I need to know and many more. What is that? Because first of all listen This person's obviously psychotic and like what she's getting charged with something. Where does she come getting charged criminal mischief? Right. What does that even mean? Basically just doing crime things Frank is a cop everybody You know you're doing crime things so we got to take you in yeah
Starting point is 00:35:37 Yeah, I really feel like I talked about this on a podcast I don't know if you were on it or not, but I feel like we should legalize just one good punch in the face Yeah, we said that yeah, so like this is one of those things like just deck her She gets kicked out the school and then give her roommate like just one clean shot Yeah, like let let her let her roommate just like bring out to the town square if those exist You know and just have her just rock her in the face one good time and be like there you go Yeah, I'm like the more and then just move her the fuck out and then the worst that happened like the worst stuff Like the worst the case like you can get like two punches in the face
Starting point is 00:36:16 Right or a punch in the face and a punch in the gut. Yeah, I agree with that Well, she should get punched in the face and then she should do everything that she did her stuff to her Like you know what I mean like take his tampon and like Straight up like Simba her forehead moldy clam dip in her lotion. That's disgusting. What is clam dip? I don't even know but who would eat that to just begin with I don't know psycho psychos eat and clam dip What it should be like red flag number one and then what is she like keeping it like I wait until you This gets moldy her roommates like hey, you know, you've had this clam. I've been here I know I know
Starting point is 00:36:54 Saving it for a good day and then like like the spitting stuff is gross not bad though, but not the worst right Spit in my was it shampoo? It was in her her coconut oil Which you either eat or like I know some people use it for like hair like some people put a coconut oil in their hair Okay, um, I like that. Yeah for cooking and yeah, yeah, like they're cooking they use I mean you could spit my coconut oil. Okay, if I don't know what's there I've probably ingested a lot of spit if I don't know what's there. I'm okay. I really am yeah Yeah, cool, you know what I mean, but probably not from someone who's eating clam dip though Oh, no, unless she was eating clan dip right before then I have problems and I have a lot of issues
Starting point is 00:37:33 But yeah the tampons the tampon first of all that one is confusing. Yeah, that seems like a third-grader thing we're like ooh you remember when when when like Back in the day someone would take your pen and like rub it like on their dick Yeah on their dick, but like through their jeans and then and then it'll put on your desk and you grab me like oh my god Those are my dick. Yeah, okay sick dude. I don't care Yeah, she could have gotten off way worse like yeah, you use tampons on her backpack Yeah, what like that's such a like when people see use tampons are like oh what the fuck but it's like on their back That's like rubbing the back of my hand with something like it's not it's the back of my hand
Starting point is 00:38:14 The back of my hand could literally have anything on it. I don't care. I don't care at all And it like her backpack of all things like yeah, it's fucked up because it's her property and it's disgusting Real simple fix. Yeah, get a new backpack Or hey even go as crazy as to get a sponge wash the back Yeah, like the back of my hands and like my feet I'm cool. Honestly my The holes in my body You know pee hole ass hole mouth hole eye holes ear holes
Starting point is 00:38:51 There's one more and mouth nose and nose right those places as long as it's not near there. I'm cool with anything You know, yeah, I agree with that I'll like stick my hands and buckets of shit and my feet like I don't care. Yeah. Yeah. That doesn't bother me as much I wouldn't do it for sport. No, I would just I would do it though under these circumstances where you're like, you know Some psychotic like cover me. I don't call me crazy But like those videos I'm like fear factor of people lying in a coffin of cockroaches. That's so fucking easy to me I get to wear a fucking goggles goggles and keep my mouth closed. I'll fucking Put more cockroaches in there. Yeah, I let the cockroaches start shitting
Starting point is 00:39:29 Yeah, all of them. I would be fine. But like that when it's like, uh, you know, let this tick burrow in your skin Yeah, fuck that. No way things that can make their own openings. No way. I don't I don't want anything to go inside Yeah, that's where I drop like laying in Fucking that of like like stick your feet in the poop Okay, like I I've stepped in dog shit before with no shoes on like wait It was at my lake house If it were to happen anywhere, that would make sense. Yeah, okay, but like, oh no, that's a rough day though He stepped in dog shit like that. No, just go fucking wash it off. All right
Starting point is 00:40:06 like That's bad. That sucks for her roommate But like she got off easy Yeah, I mean, I mean her her roommate is a psycho like the one who was doing all this stuff is Oh, yeah, her fucking mind and like this is more Mentally and emotionally damaging right at least she wasn't like Taking her toothbrush and fucking like, you know, she could have been doing all kinds of shit with that I'd love to know like what drove her to not because it's as I said, it's probably it's racially charged now
Starting point is 00:40:34 So people believe that it has to do with race But if it didn't like what was the thing that drove her to like not want her in the room with her, you know I don't know. Just being a fucking just psycho like No, no, she didn't want the she wanted to get the the Her roommate out of the room. No, I know black girl. I'm saying like why did she not want her there? Like did they if it wasn't racially charged, which yeah, we're just being a complete psycho. I don't know That's I don't know. I can't I don't understand that I can tell you from someone that worked in that profession
Starting point is 00:41:08 There are fucking crazy people out there like crazy roommates and shit like I have heard of people doing shit like this at like where I Worked just jamming toothbrushes and asses That's that's an that's like the bare minimum that people can do See I probably know more people that That have jammed a toothbrush in their ass than more than people that have not done that to somebody else You know what I mean? That's a lot. It's a lot of people. I've never done that. So I haven't either but Have you ever like fucked with anyone's stuff?
Starting point is 00:41:40 Not like that. That's that's I don't I don't do that because I'm like Someone's gonna get me back and I definitely don't want to deal with the repercussions here. Yeah, that's that's rough You know what I mean? It's not even about karma. It's about someone's gonna do this to me Yeah, I've pranked people before but like not like that's not a prank Yeah, like you get a bucket of water on your head, but I'm not gonna fucking just shit in your shampoo. Yeah. No, that's rough That's or like jizz in it. Someone jizzes in your shampoo. You have no idea literally That's yeah, that's a rough like jizz is like Tressa may or any of these companies
Starting point is 00:42:08 It looks like jizz as it is They could fill up a bottle of human jizz and I'd just be washing my hair with it I love it every second. I'll be honest though. Isn't it good for your hair? I hear it's good for hair and if I don't know Out of sight out of mind and I'm putting jizz in my hair and it's working wonders on my hair Don't tell me keep it coming. Just make it Just make it smell a little yeah, you know add add some, you know perfume in there and yeah I'm fine with whatever else is in there
Starting point is 00:42:43 Oh, man Good times great times. I would never do that to someone's toothbrush though I don't do you know, I actually at my mom's house my toothbrush like everyone's toothbrush is On the sink in like a holder or whatever I take mine and put it on the other side of the room Just so I like no one accidentally takes my I have one of those like pods that you put on top of it Yeah, you know what I mean just to protect it because I don't fucking trust people I don't I saw a video once that really fucked me up like I was on facebook and
Starting point is 00:43:14 They said that When you flush your toilet they showed like a Yeah, they showed like a heat Map heat map sort of and it's it showed like when you flush a toilet how much bacteria gets kicked up into the air It looks like you put dynamite into your toilet bowl and it just fucking It goes everywhere just red. Yeah, and I'm like I'm just Brushing my teeth, but you know what they say is dirtier than your toilet though Your cell phone there have been like oh, yeah 100 there have been tests that are like they like
Starting point is 00:43:50 They took like swabs from a toilet And like found that there's more bacteria per square inch or Square centimeter or whatever on a phone there is on the fucking toilet. Well, yeah 100 I can't clean my phone. That's disgusting What am I supposed to do? I every now and then I clean my phone not even good. What were the clocks wipe? It's good I take it out because you know like with these cases it gets like dusty and shit down here I take it out or I'm around it being bang boom Lock it put it down
Starting point is 00:44:19 Yeah, I don't do that like something like I'm kind of a germaphobe when it comes to anything I wash my hands no matter what before I eat every single time I feel like everyone should but I used to never be like that I used to just wash I wouldn't think about it. I would just whatever Yeah, and a lot of times I'm out with people and we'll just come back from the gym or We'll be playing basketball or something and they'll just eat and I'm like I could never do that ever again Yeah, no, I I've definitely become like that more over recent years But like also I take the train to and from work every day the train is as literally the first thing I do
Starting point is 00:44:50 You remember the first thing I did when I came into your apartment today. What I do wash my hands Yeah, and same thing like anytime I use a bathroom and now I wash my hands Which is pretty much the standard what or at least what it should be but like I don't trust people man. Can I ask you a question? Sure You're in your home. Yes You're doing whatever you're doing Where am I doing it? You're doing it in your home. Okay. Just live in in my home live in okay, and then you have to pee And you go upstairs you pee you pee good. Yeah, I do
Starting point is 00:45:22 Do you wash your hands? Yeah, and then I purel them too. Oh, I don't oh, I don't at all I wash my hands and then I purel. I wash my hands after every shit. I take that's for fuck. I do it all the time But I don't wash when I when I pee yeah, because I I know how clean my butt like I'll shower in the morning and shower at night You know in the middle of the day, how dirty can a dick be when it's covered by so many layers? I don't know It's really close To your asshole Not that close Depending on how giant your dick is. Yeah, and we know
Starting point is 00:46:07 But yeah, I I wash and then I purel because I love the feeling of purel Oh, I heard purel is not not that good for you. It's not because it takes away good and bad bacteria. Yes. Yep I don't use purel. I use purel maybe like six times a year Weird number. No, I use it like once a day Do you really? Yeah. Oh, that's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah It's more because it's there Right if I didn't have it. I wouldn't use it, but it's there. So I'm like fucking Like yeah, I'll take a pump. Give me a pump. Give me a pump
Starting point is 00:46:40 All right That's the only times I use it like I never like go out of my like I need purel Yeah, I'll never go and buy purel. But if it's there, I'll use the shit out of it Yeah, the foam purel is like fake purel. Yeah, I feel like dirty after I have that Yeah, it's like, what did I just do? I need liquid purel that I can basically drink Hmm. First of all the liquid purel after I'm done. I'm like, I just ruined my hands Like I feel I literally feel like I just killed everything on my hand I'm not even kidding you like I have an issue where I bite my fingers and I bite my nails
Starting point is 00:47:11 And when I do that thing where I like bite the side of a nail and it like pulls back skin Oh when you put purel on that I put purel on that just to like this ain't getting infected today Because that's happened to me before where that shit you got infected. You put purel in your cuts Yeah, it kills everything I don't know if that's it's it's alcohol, dude. It's like putting an alcohol swab on it. That's that's really crazy It burns, but oh it burns. You got to do it Because I've gotten one of those things where like those I think it's called like a pernicki or something like that or a pernicki but
Starting point is 00:47:41 It got infected and my finger under my nail was all pussed up Ew, it was the fucking worst. Oh, I never I never had that problem. I never bought my nails. Oh, I bite mine bad Really bad. I need to stop. I'll go like two months without doing it and then I just chomp away. No, I don't do that It's rough I just don't pay attention to my nails. My fingernails and my toenails get really long Yeah, they do. I don't want to call you out, but they kind of do it does not right now. Now we're fine. We're good. We're good right now Yeah, I clip my toenails frequently. Do you know why it's because my nails don't grow that fast? So if you don't if I go a week and I look at my nails and I'm like, oh, they're we're chilling
Starting point is 00:48:20 And then I go another week and I'm like, oh, I'm still kind of good and then I just forget after that I'm not on top of it every, you know I know it's bad when if I put my hands like this on the table and I my nails are and I go like that if I hear my nails clicking against a table Yeah, like right now mine are just like skin. Yeah, but like then I know it's bad. Yeah All right. Well, we got to get this wrapped up because we got some important business tonight. Yeah, we're going to see Thor Ragnarok I needed to see it. Hemsworth by the way What a fucking dime
Starting point is 00:48:55 Dream boat dime and he's hilarious. Is he he's like I heard this movie I really hope that's not true because then I'm gonna follow him on twitter and just harass him with like and he's an Aussie Yeah, there's nothing bad about this. He's awesome if he if Listen Go it go for me and him started dating And he was abusive
Starting point is 00:49:17 I just deal with that. That's that's what I'm trying to say. I'm not contributing to that It's a slippery slope my friend. I know that's all you can't I'm just making a joke But I have think I'm making it as of right now Uh, since we're going tonight I have seen every single Marvel cinematic universe film on the day it came out and I will never break that nice So I'm fucking pumped. You know how much I love these movies, dude We've been hitting them together too. We have
Starting point is 00:49:48 I came out. Yeah, we went to the last the last one. What do we see? The uh, we saw spider-man No, no, no, no, no. We saw star wars star wars, right which that's in a few weeks Right about a month's time because then two weeks. We have justice league Yep, and that's the same day that the punisher comes out on netflix. Holy shit And that's the same day that star wars battlefront comes out. Yeah, I'm not talking to anybody Anymore like no one speak to me and uh, and then a month after that it's star wars This is gonna be a good winter. This is gonna be a fat winter. It's gonna be
Starting point is 00:50:21 I'm gonna be so fat Oh god, all right, and then call duty today. I'll call it duty. It's over. I was just on it I had so much editing to do and I I usually get it done Around like one o'clock and then I have a couple hours to kind of just hang and then I have to start doing whatever I have to do But today I was like, fuck that, dude Like I did one that was like really important that house time sensitive how to get out in the morning. Did that That's like
Starting point is 00:50:49 I sacrificed my lunch break to go buy call of duty on my lunch break today and I haven't eaten since 7 a.m. Yeah So worth it. Oh my god. And now what we're gonna do go eat fucking pretzel bites at the moment I'm gonna kill a pretzel bite hard. I'm taking one hard. Do you want me to drive by the way to the movies? Do you don't have your car? But I have to drive. Oh, you need to drive back. That's right. That's right There's gonna be a horny day. It's gonna be a horny fucking day, dude Anyway Frank underscore alvarez 80 on twitter
Starting point is 00:51:24 Oh F alvarez underscore 80 on instagram and then follow my wrestling podcast the squared circle jerks And on twitter we are at scj pod if you like wrestling That's all for me guys. Also, uh, go check out the merch store the san agata Oh, it's good stuff on there Oh good stuff. It's heat. Oh, it's coming. It's hot I I have a lot of stuff coming out for the winter also. So honestly, I mean, I'm this is probably not my best interest to say this But you might want to hold off Don't go yet. You know what I mean? Don't go there yet
Starting point is 00:51:54 Hold off because there's gonna be stuff coming out for the winter and then you can kind of take your pick Give it a little bit. Give it a little bit. Give it a little bit. Hold off on it. All right And that is all thanks for listening

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