The Basement Yard - Sober Joe's Inspirational Thoughts

Episode Date: September 13, 2016

On this episode, I just went completely off the rails and gave a long inspirational speech.. or at least I hope it was inspirational. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome back to the basement yard it is Monday September 12th I am alone today and I'm also like a little bit hungover so if my voice sounds fucking weird that's why I just I've been drinking beer for the past three days I think ever since football hit the TV I'm like all right well back to drinking fuck it and that's all I've been doing and like I'm barely sleeping and just overall very unhealthy that's the whole thing that's all I do now but anyway so the NFL season has started which means I'm back to having everyone at my house on Sundays and I was gonna have them here at the studio at the apartment but okay
Starting point is 00:00:40 but TV's a little fucked up still I so I got slingbox and it's really fucking hard to figure out I mean I have it working and everything but I need to like master it because if I have like you know 15 of my friends over and the TV goes out for a second everyone's gonna beat the shit out of me and I didn't want to deal with that so it's like let's just go to my house my mom's I'm gonna be there she's gonna be you know with my aunt because my aunt just got surgery or something I don't know why I'm telling you this but my aunt just had surgery and she was hanging out with her so yeah so we're there my whole
Starting point is 00:01:13 house smell there was literally I think there was because listen all right my group of friends when I was younger like in like fourth grade there was like five of us right and we only knew each other because we would go to the same park and we'd always play basketball on these like the same kids we play basketball with every day after school so like our cool we became friends blah blah blah then it grew a little bit more then like one day we're playing soccer and we met these other kids that were a little younger than us and they want to play so they started playing with us and I go play tomorrow and then like we became friends
Starting point is 00:01:44 with them and then and that's fine and then we played football together and I've had the same friends forever like I tell people that all the time but then as of recently we've we've been we added a couple of more people onto this fucking friend circle this group chat's now like 17 deep and now everyone's at my house for fucking Sunday football and it fucking stinks I gotta be like most of it's me I'll be I'll be honest like I farted a couple times everyone was complaining for 10 minutes I don't know what it was honestly I couldn't even tell you because I've been eating healthy maybe eating healthy is not good
Starting point is 00:02:19 for me I don't know does anyone else feel like that that like every time you eat healthy you start to feel like shit like you just need like a pack of Skittles and a pizza you're like I need that I'll feel better that's where I'm at right now like I think at this point eating shitty would be more healthy for me I don't know if that makes any scientific sense but yeah but the whole house smelled like ass and cheese I don't know if it was the ass that smelled like cheese or if there was cheese and there was ass but it smelled like both of them at the same time and the air conditioner was on it usually is fucking
Starting point is 00:02:50 freezing in there it I didn't even know it was on I was sweating it was a fucking disaster and there's two dogs chasing Charlie running around fucking Charlie's with his big-ass balls just fucking bouncing all over the room and shit he's barking it was a disaster someone told me that it looks skinny also which makes no sense because well here's what I've been doing like this is how I find to be the easiest way to diet not that I'm dieting because I'm not really trying to lose weight I just want to be healthy so I can be like mentally sharp because lately I have like a lot of shit that I have to get done and if I eat like
Starting point is 00:03:28 unhealthy then I just procrastinate and I don't feel like getting up I have no energy so I'm like so I just try to eat healthy during the week and then on the weekends I allow myself to eat whatever the hell I want and drink but during the weeks like I don't have bread I don't have dairy so I just eat like salads and like grilled chicken and just like just fucking it sucks just grass like I don't eat anything a lie you know some something like meats and stuff but that's it like I don't eat pasta I don't eat pizza I don't need any bread no fucking sandwiches nothing I'm reinter I'm just repeating myself but someone told me I
Starting point is 00:04:03 look skinny and I wasn't happy because I was like what the fuck because what that means because like I haven't lost weight like I'm still like around 175 and it's just because I've lost all muscle in my body like my arms are just tiny now like I just look at oh god it's a disaster you can't tell by like my face and I've always had like a pretty good shoulder to trap ratio so my traps look like I'm kind of jacked if you can't see me like see the rest of me so if you just see me traps up I look fine but I'm telling you it's it's it's bad it's getting bad so I gotta go back to the gym I just haven't even like made that step I could
Starting point is 00:04:45 probably go and like lift and stuff I wouldn't squat because of my knee and my ankle still but yeah also gotta fucking get my MRI I've been putting that off okay I've also started vlogging again kind of it's the vlog channel is slash extra joe videos which are just videos of like my day-to-day operations I don't know what the fuck I'm saying right now but yeah those started going up again I'm gonna be filming shit tomorrow and I'll probably go up you know some other day but this weekend also I'm going back to Vegas so anyway what I'm gonna be doing there in Vegas is I'm working with the rock like I've
Starting point is 00:05:32 been working with a rock actually his youtube channel and his team and doing this contest called rock the promo and the finale is in Vegas so I have to go there and do the finale with the rock which would be sick too so I'll probably vlog that also get to get to know this bastard maybe I'll make a video with him I have no idea man honestly I don't fucking know but it's gonna suck man first of all I hate flying it takes so much out of me I don't know why I'm just like sensitive to the air but it's like a five-hour flight and I land Friday at 1 30 Vegas time and then I'm leaving the next day at 9 o'clock at night so it's
Starting point is 00:06:14 like I'm there and I'm fucking out and I'd land at home at like 5 a.m. or whatever the fuck it is Jesus Christ sorry but I learned to like 5 a.m. or whatever it is I'm just and then there's football all day and then people are gonna be at my house that is gonna be a disaster I just oh god I can't even as soon as I get off that flight it's gonna be 5 a.m. I'm gonna sleep for like actually that's not a bad I'll be fine I could sleep from the time I get home which was probably like 6 30 until like 1 as soon as the game start and I'll be fine I'm just planning my weekend like live on a podcast so you guys don't give
Starting point is 00:06:55 a fuck anyway what are we doing here let's do a let's do a reading because I do have a long fucking speech that I want to get to and there's a reason for it and you know we'll get to that but I want to knock this out first so there's nothing that gets in the middle of it but basically the sponsor for this one is paint night paint night events are our social painting parties basically you go to this place you get hammered and you paint and it's fucking sick like my mom and my sister have done it and I was like I want to fucking do this because it literally you just it's not in our class it's like a party you go there and
Starting point is 00:07:35 you just like no one can fucking dry it's not you go there like I have an artistic background like no one gives a fuck if you can draw or not you show up you get hammered and then you just paint this thing I'm pretty sure they have someone in the in the front of the class who like kind of goes through things with you tries to teach your fucking uncreative ass how to draw something how to draw a palm tree or whatever and you just paint get hammered socialize have fun whatever it's like being at a bar but with drink and food menus and shit it's awesome so if you want to go oh sorry if you want to go you can visit
Starting point is 00:08:11 paint night dot com that's p a i n t n i t e dot com and use a code basement for thirty five percent off your tickets okay drink creatively okay at a local paint night event that's paint night dot com offer code is basement thirty five percent off night spelled n i t e okay don't spell it the correct way spell it the wrong way anyway let's move on to this shit because I have like a just the whole fucking thing that I want to talk about and honestly I know some people might not want to hear it and it might be something I've said before but whatever but so this all stems from the fact that you know as you guys know if
Starting point is 00:09:01 you listen to this podcast like on a daily basis not on a weekly basis you know that I have a sports podcast called veterans minimum and I started it like a year ago with three of my friends and we've been doing it for a year and you know I before we did it we just kind of talked about it all the time we're like oh that'd be cool like we always have put we always talk about sports anyway we should make one and just blah blah blah and they're like fuck it let's do it so I bought the equipment and we started doing it and you know obviously they weren't getting like crazy amounts of views or anything like there was like
Starting point is 00:09:37 a hundred people who are listening but we were hype and I wasn't pushing it at all because I wanted it to grow organically I just didn't want to throw it in people's faces like oh yeah you like my jokes here's some fucking sports like I didn't want to just shove it in people's asses or anything like that okay poor choice of words there but now we're a year into it and you know we have like a good you know four to five thousand listeners every week which is like insane like in a whole in a year that's happened and like I said I barely pushed this thing like I don't put it in videos I don't you know I tweet it I tweet the
Starting point is 00:10:14 links to it like whatever but I don't like you'll go crazy with marketing it or in any way but it people seem to enjoy it and there's people who are actually legit fans of the show and now we just dropped our first ever video on YouTube and I plan on doing a ton of video stuff with sports but it's not gonna be like your typical you turn on ESPN and you just watch sports and it's a guy and just going like hey I gave 110% and he's a good player and we're all good players everyone's good player and yeah everyone's playing pretty good like no we're not gonna do that shit okay we're gonna be fucking real whatever
Starting point is 00:10:52 however I do my videos and you know I don't filter shit right YouTube wants to take out cursing I don't give a fuck I don't care so we're gonna do that we're just doing that but with sports it's gonna be the same thing man it's and it's gonna be a lot of fun and and it's just it's just cool to fucking do man and I and I the reason why I'm bringing this up is because because I'm promoting it and I want you guys to go listen to it right now and this whole thing is just a cheat plug and that's all no but seriously the reason why I'm even bringing this up is because I I told like a couple people about it when the
Starting point is 00:11:27 video came out I was like hey you know the sports podcast I do yeah the video just came out so go check it out whatever people who I know who are interested in sports or whatever and someone that I know said something along the lines of like oh man that's awesome I wish I could do something like that and I'm just like of course you can you know what I mean like you of course you can like there's nothing that you can't do and I know the last time I did one of these speeches I was like drunk or whatever the fuck it is but I'm completely sober and now I have my thoughts a little more organized and I
Starting point is 00:12:06 can actually explain what I mean by this is it's just like I'm I'm extremely proud of my friends for doing this podcast for so long and not being discouraged because I think that's the biggest problem with most people that when they start something and they're like you know what I'm gonna do this and they start doing it if they don't see immediate results they're like fuck it like I tried I failed it's like no you you cannot do that you know what I mean so I'm proud of my friends for sticking with this podcast for so long because especially when you know I have a bunch of followers and I could put the video
Starting point is 00:12:50 out and and just like drive this traffic there but I'm like fuck that I'm not doing that there's no like there's nothing in there there's like there's nothing there's no what you remember when I said I had my thoughts fucking organized I lied apparently but what I mean is like these kids on YouTube they collab they're like oh subscribe to my friend we also put a huge channel you go to subscribe to huge culture everyone subscribe and a bunch of people they don't give a fuck about you know what I mean if the people are gonna listen on a week-to-week basis basis basis I want them to give a shit I don't want
Starting point is 00:13:21 them to listen because I told them to and there's some brainwashed 14-year-old that's not what I want I want people to like the shit I want to be good I want that if it sucks then we have to fucking figure it out and do other shit I don't want people to go there because they're forced to go there I want them to be interested and I want it to be good and that's all I've ever fucking cared about but when that kid said something I wish I could do something like that I'm just like dude you can do literally anything and you know he's starting to tell me like yeah I know but I have like you know a job and all this shit it's
Starting point is 00:13:54 like dude it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you have a job or it doesn't you may you find the time you just gotta do whatever you love and most importantly you have to protect it as well and I'll get to that but like I just know so many people who have crazy talents but they're either they either get discouraged too quickly or they compare themselves to other people like if you're an artist and I don't know why I keep you know going back to this example but it's just that I've just been so you know I've been buying art recently and and just for I'm probably from people who don't sell a bunch of
Starting point is 00:14:31 art but I just like I don't know I just think it's so cool to me because I wish I could draw so to me right I can't draw like at all but if I practice I could draw I could figure it out it's not like some people just have it but of course over time they get better you know what I mean if you say if you have an art like some dude who's an artist right who's like 20 some years old he's like an artist when he was like 14 and he loved drawing his whole life when he was like 14 you show him a picture of something he drew a 14 he'd like that fucking blows because he gets better over time so if I start drawing today in a year I will be
Starting point is 00:15:05 significantly better and that's that's with anything it doesn't matter what the fuck it is anything if you do it for a year if you love something and you just do it for a year you're you are sick you are like years ahead of where you were a year ago and then now and now everything doesn't seem so fucking crazy like if I if I wanted to be an artist right to me to me selling ten dollars of art a month is successful to me like someone has something you made in their house hanging up to me that's worth more than the money that's to me that's impressive and all I ever want to be is impressive but people see other people who do what
Starting point is 00:15:44 they do and compare themselves like oh man they make fucking two thousand dollars a month selling art and I can't sell shit I've only sold two hundred dollars worth of art in two months you can't do that you can't compare yourself to other people because you're not that person they you know whatever they they got to where they got for whatever fucking reason or the people see even like you know we'll compare it to like youtubers and shit right like there's certain youtubers who have a cool fucking hair style and a rolled up t-shirt at the sleep like a whatever they're rolling the sleeves up on their sleeveless t-shirt
Starting point is 00:16:20 I don't even know how that fucking works by the way people have t-shirts that are short sleeve and then they roll them up how just get a tank top then what the fuck you're doing but anyway you have one of these kids and they say shit like oh everyone's beautiful everyone and they get five thousand fucking views and there's a kid over here struggling he's trying to make short movies and no one's watching that shit he's like I worked on a month to make this fucking thing this kid's over here talking about his pencil case and getting five hundred thousand views what the fuck but you can't compare yourself to people like that because
Starting point is 00:16:50 those people aren't in your lane but a youtuber is a very loose there are youtubers are dumbest fucking title in the world when people say that I'm a youtuber I get fucking I'm like no I like I'll just say yeah but I'm not you know what I mean I'm just not that because youtuber I don't know what the fuck that means dude I don't know YouTube as far as I'm concerned is a platform to for people to create anything a youtuber is someone who just I don't even know they just cater to some audience I don't even know what the fuck that means honestly I just don't want to be it I want to do tons of
Starting point is 00:17:27 different things oh god anyway but like it's gonna come it took me six seven years or six years whatever it was five six years and the first two years I wasn't making any money at all three years the first three years I wasn't doing it I had no money I was doing it because I liked it and not a lot of people watched in the first two years at maximum 10,000 people watched and that's in two years 10,000 is high honestly that probably wasn't the one a couple thousand I would say four or five thousand which was like unheard of for me I'm like four fucking thousand people watch this do you even fucking people
Starting point is 00:18:05 that is like you have to think about it in that way four thousand that's a shit ton of people that's insane like be proud of that shoot for the small things like the rest will come you cannot compare yourself these people were just getting five thousand fucking views for talking about Starbucks and shit like you can't do that but people ask me for business advice all the time now but they never used to do that like the only reason why people ask me for it is because I've showed results but nobody believes me when I that I could do any of this like you got to believe that you can before before anyone else does and I
Starting point is 00:18:42 know you hear that all the time probably on fucking memes and tumblr and you know all these fucking sexual gifts on Twitter or whatever the fuck it is but it's true if you don't think you could do so you're you you will only go as far as your perception of yourself so if you can't even see yourself doing it then you can't you can't even see it what the fuck you think's gonna happen someone's just gonna hand you opportunities that's not how it works you have to go get them and I know I'm just like I'm not trying to like act like your father or whatever and like but this is this is serious I'm so I'm so serious it's
Starting point is 00:19:18 correct like I really like I don't know what it is man I really believe I can just do anything I really do I really think I could do anything I think and I think I I think I know better than anyone else and I don't mean that in an arrogant type of way because whatever I know I got from someone else instead of like hating and getting jealous of other people I asked questions I learned I trusted other people to know the answers to things I didn't know I put my pride aside and you said you know and I said you know what they know more than me and they're successful at it so I'm just gonna listen there was tons of nights
Starting point is 00:19:49 where I would just sit and just look up interviews of actors and comedians and directors and just all these people it I don't even direct like I just watched anyone who's six who is successful has something to offer you it doesn't matter who it is even Kim Kardashian who everyone fucking hates and I still don't understand why but even Kim Kardashian who everyone hates has something to offer you she is successful that is not an accident tons of people sucked a dick on video but they don't have a hundred fucking hundred million hundred where the fuck she has tons of money she has something to offer even if it's one
Starting point is 00:20:28 little thing she has something to offer and I never hated on anybody and I've never hated I've never been jealous of anything anyone's ever had all I wanted was to know how they did it I want to know what they did what their story was I've literally watched every single inside the actor studio on YouTube and if you're interested in acting at all than I in or anything if you're interested in just being successful at all I highly recommend watching those it's with James Lipton he interviews these big actors and sometimes comedians and it's just their whole story it's just like from when they were born they're
Starting point is 00:21:06 upbringing how they got started their struggle and like their success and where there are where they are now it's it's really it's that's all I'm interested I want to learn from these people I don't hate these people at all like I don't care who it is I don't look at someone go there's their famous for no reason they're just fucking whatever they have nothing to offer but every anyone who's successful has something to offer they know something even one thing that's why you can't dismiss anybody and just be like fuck them or just whatever like you can't be like all fuck those guys like I don't know what they're here
Starting point is 00:21:40 and I'm there dude fuck that like I want to learn from everyone I would I of course want to pass everyone as well so I need to learn everything I want to know all the secrets that you have I ask everyone everything even people that I don't want to say work for me like I'm some fucking kingpin but people who represent me in certain ways I ask them questions about their job even things that I'm not like remotely interested in like I'm not trying to be like an agent or like an ad rep or anything like that but I want to know everything just in case you never know I want to know everything just because I'm always
Starting point is 00:22:12 counting on everything going to shit I want to have a backup plan I want to be knowledgeable in every aspect I don't want to ever go into a meeting without knowing anything I don't want to have a conversation about something and not know something you know I mean you have learning from everyone is the easiest thing that's why I didn't go to college and what the fuck do you learn in high school you know I mean like let's be honest what the fuck do you learn your whole school career organization and discipline that's pretty much it like that's all I've ever like you that's that's it you learn fucking vocab words
Starting point is 00:22:44 you forget in the next period you learn about certain math formulas that you have no fucking I don't even know what PEMDAS is anymore PEMDAS whatever I mean I pronounce it I don't even know how many planets we have but I consider myself a smart person not because I can pass a test but because I ask questions I learned from everybody and and I'd never hate on anyone I just I don't do that and it's crazy even someone like Kanye like you remember when Kanye I'm gonna say remember when because he probably still does it but when he was saying he was like a god or Steve Jobs or the fuck he was saying everyone said he was
Starting point is 00:23:24 crazy but I was sitting there like yo I know what he means I I did like I would never say it was a god or anything like that I'm a you know whatever he has his way of saying shit but I would never say I was a god or anything but I do think I'm capable of anything and I don't think I'm capable of anything because I'm special because I'm not I really think that anyone could do anything if they have the right mentality and drive it's all about practice like like I said before if you pick something and just do it for a year you're gonna get good at it you do it for four years you're amazing at it like imagine you spent
Starting point is 00:23:56 your entire high school career doing one thing I don't know I'm you know I'm just thinking of high school I don't know why but I just think in high school like when you're in high school your whole life is like I just wake up go to school and you know I just have to pass this next test you don't necessarily worry about your future yet well maybe some people do but you don't necessarily worry about your future yet and your hobbies consist of either you know your after-school sports or you know parties and shit but imagine you you were really interested in you know I mean comedy and you were doing you're getting
Starting point is 00:24:32 on stage and doing stuff like that like by the time you got out of high school and people were in college you could still you're still figuring out you still have another four years to study stuff and you're still doing comedy by the time you get out you have eight fucking years of under your belt and now you're really good at shit and you didn't wait to the last second but again it doesn't matter when you start you could just do it whenever it doesn't matter I tell I tell my friends like I tell my friends that all the time I encourage anyone to do anything like if anyone has an idea that's like weird or
Starting point is 00:25:07 just like out there like I wish I could do that and I'm just all about it I'm like yes let's fucking do it I'll help you or just anything you know what I mean like I want I want to do it too you know I just get so excited I love making new things that's why this YouTube channel is so fucking cool for me because the veterans minimum thing I'm starting brand new it's not I put out a video and now overnight it gets like 300 400,000 views and I'm just like yeah whatever it's not it's not like that it's like now we are back to square one the video right now if you type into if you type into if you type veterans minimum
Starting point is 00:25:47 into YouTube it should show up it's like 2016 NFL week one picks the video has like 300 views or 400 views or something so it's like it's not you know it's not anything crazy you know what I mean I have fucking an insane amount of fucking likes on Facebook and and subscribers on YouTube and this video that I that I'm putting out has 400 views on it in a couple of days and I could not be more excited to work on it because building things from the ground up I just want to show everyone that I could do it you know what I mean that's what I feel like that's my whole like drive for anything I want to show people that I can do it
Starting point is 00:26:34 because for a long time I was figuring out what I wanted to do and the reason why I'm telling you this is not to like oh pat me on the fucking back because I don't give a fuck about that I don't need anyone to pat me on the back I don't need that I'm telling you this because some people can relate to it and are in the same position and if this fucking idiot right here who dropped out of college after eight minutes can do it you can easily do it if you have more education than me I'm telling you it's all about mentality and changing the way that you just look at everything like or or yourself look at yourself you can do
Starting point is 00:27:11 fucking it doesn't fucking matter what it is it really doesn't it really fucking doesn't you could be a chess master or you could be like an architect it doesn't fucking matter man it's out there you could do it you know what I mean it's so fucking easy but for a long time I was figuring out what I wanted to do and you know my family is a big there are traditional family and like all the guys played football and they graduated college and now they have a good job and families and stuff like that and their own homes and stuff and you know growing up I didn't know what the fuck I was doing so when you go to Christmas and
Starting point is 00:28:03 Thanksgiving and all this shit and your aunts and your uncles are kind of asking your your parents or you you know what's going on what are you doing and you just always have to be like I'm you know I'm still figuring it out or you're like I'm yeah I'm studying this but in the back of your mind you're like I don't really give a fuck about what I'm studying I'm just kind of I just need something to say right now and that was me for a very long time and now I get to go there and tell people at these you know family get-togethers like I I've been building these things you know what I mean and and I built this YouTube channel and now
Starting point is 00:28:37 it's it's it's doing very well it's successful but now I get to say you know I'm starting this sports thing and I'm building this now and you know what a lot of people can look at my YouTube channel and go oh he got lucky or you know you got where you where you got because of your fucking your looks or whatever a lot of people say that about me as well which I don't even I don't you know whatever they could say what they want so they can say you know you got where you got because of your looks and people like looking at you and you're not that funny and you can't do it on a stage which I fucking did also by the
Starting point is 00:29:14 way because that's another thing that people said to me is like yeah well that you know that's totally different than stand-up comedy and you probably you know wouldn't be able to do that or this is a totally different thing and then I fucking did that also so they had nothing to say but do I rub it in people's faces no because that's not what it's about because I don't give a shit about that all I care about is being impressive and doing impressive things and creative things and now with the sports thing I'm able to go I am creating this thing and in the back of people's minds they can go no like you did your thing
Starting point is 00:29:45 with the YouTube channel just stick with that and you know ride that out as much as possible blah blah blah but no I'm not gonna do that because I I've seen if I can do what I did with this fucking YouTube channel I can you can apply that anywhere else and I really want people to know that because if I can build this YouTube channel and guys I did not take an easy route I did not do anything you know I didn't buy views I didn't you know send all my videos to people via email I didn't like beg people to why I put them out and that was it that's all I did and that's all you need that's all you need you just need to be consistent and want
Starting point is 00:30:31 to be better and put your pride aside and know when you suck or or or you're sucking and get better and that's it be real with yourself that's all and you will get to where you need to get it's the fucking easiest formula in the world and I know you know it's fucking easier said than done and I and I could sit here and people be like yeah you can sit there and say it now like oh yeah just do it have whatever but it's true it doesn't matter the amount of time it takes and I tell people that all the time people who told me about this sports channel to like yeah okay yeah man you got this the sports channel now you're
Starting point is 00:31:07 gonna try and do this like good luck you're not gonna get it done I don't give a fuck if these videos that I put out in the sports channel get 100 views for an entire year it doesn't matter to me because I'm already doing it so I have this thing that I'm doing you can't tell me that I don't have a sports like network or whatever the fuck you want to call it I'm currently doing it that means you know I do have a sports network it doesn't matter how successful it is I'm not gonna stop doing it because one day it will be successful that's my attitude towards anything and I tell that to my friends I'm like dude you
Starting point is 00:31:43 guys all have talents you can you know and if you're not interested in what you're studying or what your job is you could just do literally fucking whatever it is that you love doing it doesn't matter and I was like and if I help you I promise you we cannot lose we can't lose we can't lose I say that all the time so my friends I really do and it was great because like you know thinking back on it like I didn't even like it didn't even register with me at the time but you know after my show at Caroline's which was a huge moment for me I had two shows and they sold out at Caroline's that's unheard of like I couldn't even dream of
Starting point is 00:32:28 that okay that wasn't even on my radar honestly that's how big that was for me and you know I say things to people all the time and I hope that they stick and and like I said guys please don't think that I'm you know talking about myself because I need attention or I need validation I'm really just trying to help because I really just want people to do things I want them to just be like you know what fuck this I'm gonna I'm gonna do this shit you know what I mean and you don't have to jump you know ship on your on school or anything like that you can do both at the same time it's a lot of work but if you want if you want
Starting point is 00:33:05 your dreams it's gonna take a lot of work but I say things to my friends all the time and and I tell them like listen just do whatever you want to do I will help you we cannot lose it's impossible I really feel like that I really feel like I can't lose it's impossible I will do whatever it takes and I will do it for as long as possible until it becomes successful this sports channel I waited my YouTube channel for five or six years to make any type of money to support myself any type of money I waited five or six years doing doing this I was flagged I wasn't making any money for a while so it's like I could if you apply
Starting point is 00:33:44 that to anything you can do it and you know I like I said I say I say the things my friends all the time and after my show you know it was a McGregor fight and I had a bunch of people at my apartment but I wasn't there yet I had to go to a party and I showed up late and all my friends were there already and when I walked in they had a cake for me like as a congratulations for my show and on the cake it said we can't lose I just got goosebumps right now because the fact that that was on the cake it means more to me than anything just just that they know you want to mean that it stuck even if it did for a second they
Starting point is 00:34:27 believed it you know what I mean they believed that we can't and everyone listening you we can't I'm telling you man you can't lose there's no such thing you can't if you want it bad enough then you will sit up all night listen if you want it bad enough you will sit up all night watching YouTube videos reading articles reading books going to the library taking out books talking to people that are that have experience or any just at your whole life becomes it that's it your whole life becomes this one thing and you cannot tell me that if you dedicate your basically your entire life to one thing for five years that
Starting point is 00:35:20 you will not be successful at it you can't tell me that I can't even think of an like a fucking example of that happening your you dedicate your whole life anyone who's successful is not special they just did it they just made their whole it made it their business to know everything and that's all that's all nothing really interests me anymore like that was a stupid sense nothing really interests me anymore that's not super like creative like to me going out and drinking at a bar is fun especially my friends it's a lot of fun but if I have the opportunity to sit down and and talk about ideas and how to create a
Starting point is 00:36:12 new thing and and I'm taking that ten times like every single time I will do that if anyone like I remember some kid recently has emailed me and he had this whole fuck he's 17 years old I wish I remembered his name but he emailed me and he's 17 years old and he told me that he has this idea for a company like this media company and he had this whole fucking thing planned out and I wrote him back a really long a long email and just like yo shit like that is so cool and he's 17 years old like he's starting so early I didn't start until like 20 you know like oh man I wish I could go back and just do everything differently like
Starting point is 00:36:54 it I mean I don't mean that I mean like start earlier you know what I mean and just and just learn because for a while like like I said in high school or I cared about was like oh god I gotta go to what's what's first period tomorrow like I didn't really think about my future or anything or being creative or creating anything but that's just me man I don't really know if this could resonate with everyone but I really hope it does I really hope that you I really I just really hope it does man and some people are doing that and I'm not saying like you know regular jobs aren't the way to go because that's not what I'm saying I'm
Starting point is 00:37:33 just saying whatever you're interested in like you just do it people who are right now who are listening who are who get to do what what they love and get paid for it and get to live comfortably they know what I'm talking about and I'm sure they know already what I'm saying they're like you're preaching to the choir like they're just they turned it off already because they're like you fucking I know this shit that's really all it takes man that's it that's really all it takes it's not fucking rocket science and if you're interested in rocket science then just fucking make it about make it your whole business free
Starting point is 00:38:08 for five years you'll be a rocket scientist I think I don't know how long that school goes who the fuck knows oh my god I'm sweating now man but this is something that I'm so passionate about you have no idea I could really rant about this for hours but I really I feel so I I'm just so passionate about it and just you you gotta you just kind of do it man you can't make excuses for yourself you can't be like I can't do that or fucking you know this is taking too long or it's taking up too much of my time like dude if you love it you'll never say shit like that and if you are saying shit like that then you might
Starting point is 00:38:48 want to reconsider what it is that you're doing because you can't go into something thinking like this is gonna make me a lot of money so I'm just gonna do this and that's why I'm gonna do it that's not what I'm talking about I'm not saying like oh I have an invention idea and just fucking try to make a quick dollar that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about things you are super passionate about things you are super passionate about those are the things that you pursue and you know what a lot of people go through life and they never know what they're passionate about or what they truly care about a
Starting point is 00:39:21 lot of people never know because they're just distracted by everything you know these expectations and just you know you you have to survive and you have to do this and you have to do that but you you know if you ever find something that you're truly passionate about that's it there is no plan B that is it do it and you can do two things at once because like because you have to survive of course I'm not gonna sit here and tell you quit your job spend all your time doing this thing I'm not saying that I'm saying get home from your job and start working that's what I'm saying you like singing you want to be a
Starting point is 00:40:04 singer be sure that you want to be a singer be sure and then if you want to be a singer then you should be at open mics you should be getting lessons you should have a job that's paying for these lessons you should be looking up shit on YouTube about whatever look up interviews about singers about hate how they made it you need to relate to these people you need to just have the same mentality that's it and I know it's really sounding like Joe thinks he has all the answers I don't know if I have all the answers because I'm still figuring it out I'm no fucking millionaire billionaire or whatever you
Starting point is 00:40:38 are like this extremely successful person I'm not that I feel successful right now but I know that at any moment it could be taken away from me so that's why I'm extremely humble and I never talk about myself unless it's for this reason unless it's to help other people so that people can see like I'm not special all I did was obsess for fucking years and that's all that happened you know people see me and they forget they just forget that I'm making videos every year every day wow I don't even know I'm making videos 52 videos a year a one video a week for six years that's a lot of work and they're all you know for
Starting point is 00:41:20 the most part different there's series and shit like that but all the content in is different and it's hard coming up with shit every week people ask me how you come up I don't fucking know man I don't even know what I'm doing tomorrow it's fucking Monday night I have no idea but I'll figure it out I'm never worried I have a I have a big belief in myself and I think that's that's the biggest thing I think that you have to have a belief in yourself and if you don't have one then you I don't know you need it because like I said no one special I'm not special I'm not the most successful person in the world you
Starting point is 00:42:00 shouldn't listen to everything that I'm saying either that's another thing when I talk to people who are successful and who have you know they're just successful and I want to know more about that I want to know about what they did I want to know about this I want to know about that their beliefs what they don't believe in what works what doesn't I don't just take everything they have you know everything they tell me and just be like yeah this is cool I'll just do the same thing you just said no I take bits and pieces of the things that I think relate to me things that I think are correct and I use those I don't take
Starting point is 00:42:34 everything so everything that I'm saying you don't have to listen to 90% of it but if there's 10% of what I'm saying that makes sense to you use it and move forward that's it you know I'm just fucking rambling here and this is just my experience with with things but it's it's just it's crazy man and I don't mean to get all fucking dark here for a second but just think about like you could something could happen God forbid and you could be gone tomorrow so wouldn't you want to use today and just take the steps and just fucking do something great and do something impressive wouldn't you want to do that
Starting point is 00:43:21 everyone has dreams everyone has aspirations even if you weren't like you know raised to think that you could do anything I'm telling you right now you can and it doesn't fucking matter what it is and it you don't even need to put a title on it doctor fuck that you you don't even need to it like I said you don't need to put a title on it it could be something like I just want to make people happy something as simple as that something as simple as that that can go a long way you start doing things to make people happy you will find your way things will attach it themselves to you and eventually it'll turn into a title
Starting point is 00:44:01 or you could just create a whole new lane you could just do that and it doesn't matter who the fuck believes in you either because like I said people ask me for business advice right now like I know what the fuck I'm talking about like I run some fortune 500 company I don't know shit all I know is what I did but people are asking me why because they see success but I actually in actuality I don't know fucking anything about like running a business yet I'm trying to learn from people I'm asking questions and shit so I'm trying to learn and one day I will fucking know but I don't know right now but the
Starting point is 00:44:35 reason why they're asking me is because they see success and they weren't asking me when I started the YouTube channel they weren't asking me they didn't know and I specifically remember a specific night you hear me I specifically remember a specific night where it was like 5 a.m. and we were near this lighthouse like a bunch of our friends and I was just having this conversation with like a couple of people and this one kid in particular was like I was telling him like you know this was had one when I was like thinking about dropping out of college I was still in it and he was just like you know you
Starting point is 00:45:09 should stay in because you know you can you know you can't really do anything without it you know all these jobs they're not gonna hide they're barely hiring so if you don't have a degree they're not gonna hire anyway and I I didn't want to argue with him because I understood why he said that I understand that when you are we're just you know socialized into thinking that but I I respectfully disagreed and all I said was I will find a way and that's it and even now and like I said before when you have your dreams and you know what you love and you start doing it you need to protect it as well and you can't sell it
Starting point is 00:45:51 for money either because this veterans minimum thing it is nothing right now and it is in its building stages we still don't know what we're doing we're still trying things out and we're still trying to make it happen and and do whatever but I know the vision and I know what we want we've talked about it I shouldn't say I we know what we want and we know what we're trying to do with this so that so if a company and this has happened where companies will say okay we want this show but it's gonna kind of be like this and kind of be like that and they're offering a lot of money okay a lot of money so they're
Starting point is 00:46:37 offering this money for the show but they get to tweak it and make it a little different or just or very different or we're gonna take this out and put that in no no I'm not afraid to say no and I'm because I'm protecting it I know what I wanted when I started this thing I'm not gonna sell it for money it's just money I could care less that's just paper I don't care I want to build something I wanted to be impressive I'm not gonna sell it for money so you could turn it into some stupid fucking whatever some shit that already exists because that's what these companies do they see something that's successful and
Starting point is 00:47:17 be like I need to make something like a version of this but just put a different person in the chair and that's what they do they like to say that's why you see the same fucking shows everywhere I am not selling it for money I have this thing I know what I want and if you don't believe in it and you think we need to change it I will say no I will walk I don't care how much money you're offering I don't care I'm gonna make it and what I'm gonna do is do it on my own so that's what I'm doing I have the YouTube channel and we are going to make this show until it's successful I don't care how long it takes I could I'll die
Starting point is 00:47:49 making it I don't care 40 years I will make the show it's going to happen I'll do it by myself if I need to but I know these guys are gonna stay with me and they're gonna do it but we will die to make this show successful okay I will keep doing it until it's successful to the point where a company goes you know what you guys obviously know what you're doing you do whatever you want here's the money here's the production blah blah blah and that's what's gonna happen that and that's it you get a vision you find something you love you start working and you get a vision and you protect it you do not sell it for
Starting point is 00:48:28 money or for anything and you don't change for anything and you don't fucking listen to anyone not even me and I'm done with this fucking speech I'm sorry that it's not a funny podcast whatever but I just felt inclined to to tell you this because you know this thing happened the other day and I just wanted to talk about it but anyway like I said before we go you find something you love you start working you protect it and you don't sell it for money or for anything and thanks for listening your motherfuckers

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