The Basement Yard - Stop Burning Your Clothes

Episode Date: September 17, 2018

On this episode, we discuss people burning all their Nike gear and creepy teachers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today is me and Danny I just want to remind everyone very quick before we start of our patreon if you want to support the show You can go to slash the basement yard. You get some extra episodes. You get every episode a week early And you also get to support the show So we appreciate everyone who's signed up and you also get like promo clothes off a merchant shit the Santa got a anyway How you feeling feeling good? How you feeling? I'm feeling good. You're coming off a big win. I am coming off a big win I'm riding high. Yeah, I would say it's it's the highest I've written in the history of my writing I got to be honest with you that just tells me right away. You haven't written too high
Starting point is 00:00:38 But it let me I want to throw back to a previous podcast. Okay You did say that You're very confident man. I'm a confident man. You're one of them. You're one of the more confident men I've ever met It's attractive. Trust me. It's one of your more attractive It's one of the more attractive things about you But you did say on a Previous podcast that you are so confident that if you have to pick up a sport
Starting point is 00:01:10 Yeah against anybody. Yeah, like that isn't like obviously like a professional athlete, right? You're gonna beat them, right? Like 100% Yes, I'm confident in that We picked up a sport hold on we didn't pick up a sport We picked up so what happened what happened is yesterday and you can see it on my vlog channel YouTube comm slash extra Joe videos We play mini golf we did we didn't pick up a fucking sport. Well, one of us played mini golf. I play mini golf One of us just tried to survive. Okay
Starting point is 00:01:44 We're gonna do this. We are gonna do this Anything wasn't wasn't my day. It was very hot. It was a hot It was a he's a federal or lost to you know that right? That's true. It's because of the heat the great The greats all go down in the heat. Yeah, you know what I mean? That's why that happened. Yeah, right, of course absolutely Yo all joking aside Throw away the jokes. Yeah
Starting point is 00:02:10 What a fucking day you had. Yeah, it was pretty impressive No, not impressive Absurd is the right word this kid was hitting this ball so hard and it was bouncing off 10 walls and then either Landing three inches from the hole or going in algorithm in Yeah, you know that meme of Zack Alifanakis from the hangover. Yeah, that's what was going on every hole Every every hole. Yeah, every hole. There's that one bullshit hole, too. Oh, yeah Yeah, that was crazy. You also the crazy the craziest one was the it wasn't a hole in one But it basically was what where I hit the divider three times and it came back one two three
Starting point is 00:02:51 And then on the fourth shot a hole shot a hole Yeah, that was nuts to save that hole and have what did I beat you by five strokes first of all hold on You didn't beat me by five strokes because the real rules are Max strokes you can get on a hole or five if you're a child. Yes. No, these are the rules of mini golf You have to respect the game. Do you respect the game or you disrespect the game? I'll respect the game. There you go. If it saves face for you. Yes, so you lost what you disrespected the game You lost by two strokes one stroke one stroke because it almost was All I know is this I know is out there sinking them first of all we were tied basically the entire time
Starting point is 00:03:29 Oh, please. Oh, what was it the last three holes? Yeah, there's where the money the money maker holes It's true, but it's not like it was a fucking a pants down ass spanking the whole time. You got saved by a stroke rule I think it's saved if you there was no stroke rule that is put in there for children so they can compete with their friends You would have lost by five or six strokes That's just what this is what it was We're gonna need to get in a knock to gun But the reason why this mini golf game is very exciting. Oh You okay? I
Starting point is 00:04:03 Just saw a drop of water go right into Joe's I just drank out of this cup And then just piss in my eye. Oh, I don't stay out at you quick thing if you drink soda out of glass Mm-hmm Can you put water into it and continue drinking or do you need a brand new glass? Like say there was so Finish the soda. Yeah, I was like who adds water. No, no, no, no, no. Yeah. This is say this is sprite Yeah, I'm holding water right now. Sure. I drink it all mm-hmm Oh, I want some water. I just put water into the glass. Can I do that? Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:40 I'd be able to do the reverse. I'd yeah reverse I could do yeah can't do can't do soda to water I can't have half and I did the other day. I did it the other day I did that, you know, it's so weird that you brought that that's so weird that you said that Because the other day in my head I was thinking about it because I just I had just did it, but it was Gatorade Which is a little different a little different because they both have the same Like you're drinking soda for taste, but I think it's like a member like in your head kind of it's like this quench Is my thirst so does water they work together not only that you could you could put water in Gatorade and like then it's Yeah, Gatorade rain or whatever the bucket. You know what I mean? It's just you could cut Gatorade
Starting point is 00:05:20 You could cut Gatorade can't cut soda. Oh, that's gross like I don't want my water to have like a hint of brown No, oh, that's why I don't like seltzer. It's like this is water and someone like threw a lime in it I can't believe you don't like seltzer. It's disgusting, bro. Yo, listen carbonation is awful. Yeah, you pound beers Yeah, I know, but I don't like the carbonation. That's true. And then you burp for like an hour. I don't even burp Well, you did. Oh, yeah, I burped the other day guys. I burped so I don't know if anyone knows this, but I can't fucking burp Yeah, I just haven't burped he burps like this. He goes So what happens is water water. Oh my god air travels Obviously, there's air in your stomach your body, whatever you die for him. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:06:02 I don't know if that's the right term, but we're gonna keep moving forward But anyway, so the air comes up and it's supposed to be a burp, but I just I you know, I was never taught That kind of thing no one burped you as a baby. Yeah, no one did it So it just comes up to here and then I just go And I just let it out. I asked them. I was like, what's going on there? Yeah I was like, you having a stroke. What are we doing here? It I know So it's like nothing
Starting point is 00:06:29 But the other day I like mid conversation rolled out of your mouth and I wasn't even expecting it at all It just came. Oh, I was like, whoa. You're like, what was that? I think I just burped there. It was nice. How did it feel? Not good. Not good. I thought I was gonna yak it Yeah I thought there was gonna be fucking throw up all over my steering wheel. No, you're good. You can't throw up in that car You can't do anything to that car. You can't throw up on any car. No Which my dad has done before by the way, your dad's throwing up on a car in a car in And on same time. I've thrown up in a car. You want to hear something disgusting? First of all, that's gross
Starting point is 00:07:01 second of all My dad was driving on the highway and he got sick and He doesn't know why but I know why because he's disgusting. Yeah, my dad He's probably gonna watch this dad. You know this my dad doesn't think this is a big deal But he'll get like a subway sandwich that's like ham turkey lettuce mayo Right. Yeah, eat half of it. Leave the other half in his car. Come back
Starting point is 00:07:28 I don't know 13 hours later Eat it. Eat the other half in a hot car. Yeah, it's gross. So like you wonder why but anyway That wasn't the case this day, but he got sick and he ended up throwing up All over the steering wheel as he was driving and I think my brother thomas is in the car And then he rolled down the window because this is when you had to roll windows down. Yeah, and threw up outside The window of the car which is impressive and painted the entire side of the van And oh the car was moving. Yeah, we were on the highway. Oh, we're driving. Okay. Not we I wasn't there, but like The car was moving at high speeds
Starting point is 00:08:06 You got to go at least 60. I mean, that's pretty impressive though. I mean, yeah one to throw up He's lucky to be alive. Yeah, yes at so's Thomas Yeah He's he threw up out the side of the window painted the side of the car with it I remember getting home and someone's like your father's sick And then my brother was like, dude, he threw up all over the car So I went outside to the corner and it was parked in the corner. Dude. There was just a giant streak against it
Starting point is 00:08:31 And this is a true story A car behind them Passes them windshield wipers off. Oh, yeah acted on their car I don't know if that's gross or legendary. Oh, it's amazing. I think it's great I think it's more legendary than my dad's my hero. Yeah, like that's amazing. Another thing dads are good at spitting out of the window of cars Yo, they're amazing at it. Yeah, I don't know My dad was good at at getting things out guy stuff
Starting point is 00:09:01 Big time sneezer Yeah, we're like if he was in this room and he started to sneeze because I don't know why but I feel like dad's got to Suck in all the oxygen in the room. My dad's like And then I'd be like I can't breathe hurry up. I can't breathe and then he just That's called not giving him Explosion and if the sunlight was hitting on the right angle, I felt all of it. I just felt I just felt that exactly You'd ever see like a for breeze. Yeah spray it. That's what it would look like if my dad sneezed. God forbid you told him about it, too Oh, yeah, what what I can't sneeze my own fucking out of my own house
Starting point is 00:09:35 I can't sneeze when you paid the bills you tell me what to do. Okay. Is anybody more sensitive than dad, so my dad My dad my dad is way too sensitive Mad sensitive. I love that in my own house. Yeah. Yeah in my own in my own house Dude, you know, it's so funny my dad There's so many things That like me and my siblings like randomly like we'll all be together and let's story come up about my dad And then I'll just turn into the dad hour I'll just keep going through all the stories the greatest hits and we just
Starting point is 00:10:09 Cry laughing every single time we've heard these stories. We live through it. Like it's still funny But my dad If my sister was like being disrespectful and said something he wouldn't even yell at her. You just look at like also something like No, no, no, she's disgusting, isn't she? He's like, no, no, it's disgusting the way that she talks to me, isn't it? You know, it was so funny. I fucking loved it I used to hate that when the parent like They would look at you though kind of for like clarification of what was going on. I was just like
Starting point is 00:10:39 I don't want any part of my dad would always just do that. He would just look away and look at me See What is this? Dads love telling you to look at stuff. Look at this. You see look look at this See look at this. Look at this, you know No one else around just you and him and he's pointing at you. Look at this. Look at you. Yeah Come here. Come here. Look at this. Yeah, yo working with my dad was the was the absolute worst because he owned his own construction company His dude could build a house like from nothing like he was one of those guys, right? Man's man
Starting point is 00:11:12 We're such pussies, but anyway Um, he uh hands are probably so fucking calcy. Oh my god. Probably just start a fire just rubbing the side of your face He's just like rubbing the concrete. There's the sparks going after it. Yeah, exactly Uh, but working with him. He'd like go get it. I'd like what just go get it I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, Jesus. All these quets like he would just I think I know what he's talking about Dude, you know one time he got electrocuted because he held two ends of like a wire right and
Starting point is 00:11:47 So much electricity went through his body That the lights turned on He was a conductor for the fucking Whoa, and the lights like turned on your dad's a god. Yeah, I don't know how he's he's basically Thor Did he have to go to the hospital after that? No, he was good. He was fine. That's another thing. Dad's back then they walked everything off I couldn't tell you in my entire life that I lived with my father Maybe twice
Starting point is 00:12:17 He went to the doctor Maybe yeah, my dad my dad only went to the doctor when he had his heart attack My dad didn't want to go then either I'm good now. Yeah, my dad's a lip got cut all the way open So he had to go get stitches or whatever and I think he refused to get a shock He's afraid of needles, which is funny. Yeah, he actually told me a story one time How a nurse or a doctor put a needle right through his shirt
Starting point is 00:12:39 Because he didn't want something and they were like you got to get it and like bang Just hit him with a fiction though. I think so. Damn. It's crazy. Yeah. That's wild man. Oh, he's nuts. He would throw up all the time. It was great We were cleaning the garage once and he he unorthodox sweeping method Because he would sweep instead of sweeping outward he'd sweep in towards him So the desk is hitting his body and then traveling up right Right into his face leading into a big man's knees and he's just going Spitting like a little spitting as he's sweeping and then eventually that would turn into a full blown
Starting point is 00:13:18 And then just throw up everywhere. Oh He does big puker huge puker can't stand me. It's my god. Yeah Danny low priority as he says. Yeah, love it. Love it. It's the best We got to call him one day and be like, what's that? How's it going? We got to give him on the podcast one day Yeah, he's got to get on. We'll like phone him in be like to verify a story or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah, like Make sure when uh Maybe he has some gems too. Oh, you know, dude, I'm telling you right now. He's got him. Yeah
Starting point is 00:13:48 He does even if he doesn't try you know It's like I have like a few I'm like Having stories is one of the best things you could have like gems Yeah, you know, or just the knockout ones like your top five where you know, they're just hilarious All of our stories that are like the funniest are when my parents were like hitting us. Yeah It's true though No one could find it like you gotta find a humor in that
Starting point is 00:14:14 Yeah, my mom hates when we tell those stories. Oh, she has to Yeah, because they make them it make them look like monsters, but they're not my mom was the first hit me too I wasn't knowing as shit. My dad was like The four hitter my mom was leading off though. Yeah leading off like oh kuna Like hitting them out hitting them out. So like you need me a four spot. You know what I mean? My dad was just there for a certain percentage of highs. Fuck. Yeah, like we just need a reassurance runs Like that's where my dad came in where it's just like there's too many of them I need you to go upstairs and just like corner of them. Yeah, you know, like a couple would get by your dad
Starting point is 00:14:48 Yeah strikeout was basically loaded. Maybe everyone my mom was always making contact new runners. Yeah. Yeah my mom too The primer Yeah, because she raised us. She didn't work at the time. My dad worked like two jobs Uh, so that she didn't have to work and she like raised all of us. I can't even imagine that I know I don't know how my mom's not staying in asylum ever in her life. My mom is such a nice like She like floats she she like flows around like she's the nicest woman in the world. She's like very loving and caring Mean left hook
Starting point is 00:15:24 I would love to see her kick the shit out of you Like like if we could go back in time in a time machine. Yeah, and just watch her kick your ass I swear to god, I would I'd pay More than you think to be able to watch all of it. I honestly I'm certain that's the most entertaining Thing I've ever seen. Oh, yeah, probably you'd be cracking. I should be because of Keith. Keith would always laugh at my mom Yeah, like they they'd hit Keith and he'd laugh He just couldn't help it. Yeah, and like how frustrating is that where it's like I can't even get through to this kid
Starting point is 00:15:56 Yeah, it's like Better start crying. You better cry. My dad once locked me in mic in a room and turned the lights off What the fuck and he was in there He was He's like glow-in-the-dark war pain on his face. He took my head and mic's head And just fucking Andre the giant bashed them together. Yikes. Yeah He's like he's like you guys. He's like I can't stand you. He's like I can't stand you
Starting point is 00:16:29 And now you're gonna die I swear to god and now you're gonna ask like this he will clarify That's so funny. I know it's funny. He took our heads and fucking pinged them together and I just remember just hearing I was like concuss. Yeah, my dad concussed me. I love you dad. Don't hit me another thing Another thing too. I don't know why I was just pop into my head. I'm just thinking about like growing up and like whatever I think there was always two guys. Do you have a did you have a crazy guy in your neighborhood? Yeah, everyone has one. His uh There was a couple. There was rocky talking like this. His name was what rocky
Starting point is 00:17:03 Yeah, guys, uh, you're talking like this all the time. Are you sure it wasn't lily arms wrong? No, he was he was nuts. He was nuts and then we had uh We had another kid I don't want to say his name because it was like kind of a mean name But he was like kind of nuts but so we had two but rocky was the craziest one We had uh mongo Mongo that sounds like a crazy person. Yeah mongo always drinking and then uh crazy tony
Starting point is 00:17:29 Crazy tony who we found out was actually a sex offender like years later. Yeah, we had crazy warren too crazy warren Yeah, who would always like wear a match jacket? He was a homeless guy That I remember one time he was kicking a trash can and somebody said all the warren's moving That's my job. He was so fucked up. But you know, there was a guy that lived on my block. He's just old-ass dude and I don't know what his deal was like. He was just like nuts Like this is when my sister was super young. I remember she came running down the street one day because he came outside
Starting point is 00:18:05 And this is when kids played outside. Yeah, so Front yards that you see weren't just decorative. Like people were out there playing and shit. Yeah back in the day The yard was the yard. Yeah, it was like the playground literally an extension of the whole block Everyone's outside whatever he would just come out No pants stick out Yeah, I can't be doing that and I remember she like my neighbor across the street She was like he had his dick was like dripping like he had just peed. Oh Can you imagine seeing that is just mongo or crazy tony? No, this is just some random old guy
Starting point is 00:18:36 Oh, this guy. Yeah, he's just all over the place Jesus every like 30 feet. You did it one, you know That had to happen in the summer, right? Oh, absolutely. Yeah crazy shit happens in the summer Yeah, and he lived right where Mr. Softy would stop He's picking them up Yeah, so whenever we'd have to go up to the we had to go up to that spot to get ice cream It was just like you know keeping an eye on for like the door Because if he comes walking out here
Starting point is 00:19:02 Might be a cockfest. I had a vice principal who was a pedo Jesus did I tell you that story? Yeah, I did right? Did I tell it on the show? I don't know. I feel like maybe you should hold on to that one though. Yeah, that's a heavy story Yeah, that one's weird I Mean you I mean if you want to tell it you don't have to I mean it's because now at this point years At this point it sounds super weird if you don't tell it. Yeah, but so uh at my high school
Starting point is 00:19:31 the vice principal was like, uh He was like a super cool guy And he was very nice, but like you could tell he targeted kids that were like a little troubled here and there like, you know They got in the trouble He was like the most beloved guy in in our school like every everybody loved them. All right But like He took a like a liking to me And like, you know, he would help me like when I was like academically suspended and shit and like get me back on the basketball team
Starting point is 00:20:03 so like Long story short, he ended up leaving our school and going to another school And he would send me like birthday cards Yeah, and like happy birth Yeah, but like nothing it like it never crossed the line into like Supersexual happy birthday. Yeah. Yeah, but like how's your day? But my dad would always be like, yo, why is this guy sending you birthday cards? That's very not good. He's like, this is weird I don't like it. But as a kid like I'm not
Starting point is 00:20:34 I'm not naive enough like I'm not gonna let this dude suck my dick or whatever he wants to do No, no being serious, it happened to me. I was wait, wait, wait, what happened to you? He didn't suck my dick. Yeah, I was gonna say I was saying this You know I felt as I got older this guy was targeting me Yeah, okay, so nothing happened, but he just took he was just like helping you out Yeah, but your whole life. We think he this guy is going out of your way to help you out because he's a good guy Yeah, and then two years later you say I'm on the fucking news He was sending sexually charged messages to some other kid
Starting point is 00:21:15 So he cheated on me Fuck it. You're so bad. No, I'm no so that Oh, you're nuts. No, man. Fuck that shit. No, fuck him. Fuck him. Yeah, that guy's that guy's just that's Oh, I can't even yeah, so like now it's like you go through Now when everyone finds out that this happens, you know, my phone's ranked Yeah, I went to a small school and your boys probably hit you with jokes to this day Yeah, they would always be like, yeah, like, yeah, miss like mr Whatever, thank god and say his name. I almost did why fuck that dude. No, no, I can't I don't want to do it
Starting point is 00:21:53 Because because I knew like his like kids and shit and then they were nice, but um So, uh My phone was blowing up. Yeah And everyone was tech texting me or calling me be like, yo, like are you all right? Like is everything okay? But I know what they wanted to ask but yeah, let's do like try to finger you exactly But they were dancing around it dancing around it. So like everyone's like, hey, man Like I hope you're all right. Like I know like you guys are like, you know, whatever
Starting point is 00:22:21 I was like, I know you guys want to ask me this guy sucks I was like, no this never happened because Before all of this there was a group of us Of like kids that I guess he targeted or whatever. Yeah, and we'd be like, you know, do you ever get like a little like A little vibe from them A gay vibe Like not a gay vibe, but a petto vibe. Oh, okay
Starting point is 00:22:47 So at a young age, you guys all had this pow wow. Yeah, we were 15 16 years old I thought you were a superhero. No, I was in high school. That's why I knew I'm not gonna put myself in this situation He's not gonna be able to trick me. I thought you were way younger. No, no, no This was in high school. So I remember being at football practice with a couple other kids that were in trouble too be like yeah, like He might be a little weird. Yeah But we were like, no, no, no So then he ends up eventually leaving the whole school is sad people crying in the hallways
Starting point is 00:23:18 two years later Find out this guy takes a fucking plea deal for like Texted in a boy and shit and having him in his car Jesus christ, dude Yeah, so some of that was my mentor Right going out of their way to get me back on basketball teams. What was he doing it for? Yeah Probably these sweet brown buns Yeah
Starting point is 00:23:48 Like I don't want to laugh because it's It happened to me though. I know that's true. I can laugh about what happens to me these sweet brown buns I can laugh about what happens to me. Oh, that's great. You know What do you think you were back then you're like an eight? Oh, I was hot as fuck back then. Hell yeah, I'll show you pictures. I was one of the hottest kids in school This guy thought he was hitting home runs. Yeah, man, but like, you know, I'll be honest with you I've never said this publicly that should fuck with me for years Well, I would assume so like I had major trust issues after that. Yeah, I mean, dude
Starting point is 00:24:23 First of all, it's just like a Weird thing like you can't imagine like imagine I thought you were younger No, no, no because imagine being a young kid and it's like, yo, you don't know. It's like, oh, he's just holding my hand Yeah, no, no, that would have been way different. Yeah, that's that's disgusting I don't even want to think about and then people would always be like, yo, like why are you so close with him? I was like, I don't know. He just like looks out for me because like I'm an asshole in school Yeah, he was actually I don't know to this day. I don't know I that's another thing. I also think high schools have that one teacher
Starting point is 00:24:51 We're like this dude like yeah Like he's being a little weird. Yeah with the girls or whatever always one We had a couple I had I can't I have three off the top of my head. Oh, yeah. I can name two one clarified right and it's like, um You're being a you're crossing lines here. It gets a little weird. It's that's that's scary It's scary. Oh to know that like you could have a yeah a teacher potentially praying on your children And you have to go there every day. Yeah, it's terrible, man. I remember my uncle when he found out he goes knew it
Starting point is 00:25:28 She really? Yeah, my dad too Wow, my dad too doesn't surprise me Yeah, damn man. Did you ever have any like scandals at your school? My high school. They're all fucked up. Like I don't fuck with that Like where I went to high school like apparently all the because I went to a catholic high school Yeah, like all the brothers like there's been numerous Things really I don't know if they're all like convicted or whatever, but they're like alleged like oh there was a Touched a boy or did this and did that? So I'm just like
Starting point is 00:25:59 It's hard to rep that I never really ripped it anyway to be honest your high school. Yeah, I feel like you didn't have like a like a Connection to high school like you did but you didn't yeah, I did I had my friends Um, I was on the football team You know what I mean? I did like intramural shit after school too like I wasn't just like I'll go to school Come home. Yeah, and don't talk to anyone. Yeah, like I had my high school friends and shit, but I wasn't I wasn't like Because I already I've had the same friends for so long that it was like You know a lot of people like they have they bounce around schools and then they get to high school when it's like
Starting point is 00:26:33 All right, we're going to smoke drugs Right and drink some beer together, right and then we're going to go to college And get fucking laid. Yeah, you know and then like you have Like you you meet your best friends in high school whatever like I met my best friends And I was like third grade. Yeah, I met my best friends and I was in seventh So like when I was in high school, I didn't really feel in the need to be like Oh, I'm going to go out to this party and go out of my way for it because like I don't have a car I'm gonna get on the fucking bus. Yeah, fuck that. Yeah, so forget it. I reckon or I can go like
Starting point is 00:27:02 Six blocks and be with all my friends. I'd rather do that Yeah, we had a music teacher. Well, I wasn't at that the school at this time, but there was a music teacher too that got caught uh Trying to get kids online and they busted them And then like he never showed up to school There was a big scandal actually with one of my teachers, but it wasn't I don't think it was anything One of my friends banged a substitute. Whoa. Yeah fire. Yeah, it was pretty cool, but not fire It's very bad in in the grand scheme of it
Starting point is 00:27:35 But it's it's like that South Park episode when it's nice Like isn't that so weird how that double standard is yeah, it's like if I if I chi fucks a A tea a female teacher. Yeah, he's the man Yeah, and we completely forget the people of that age though. That's what I'm saying Yeah, the people around you for me now. I'd be like, yo, that's fucking gross Yo, and I see these teachers like she had sex with three students I'm like, what are you doing like and they're good looking you're like dude. Just walk down the street There's tons of people around Jesus swipe a little
Starting point is 00:28:08 Jesus. Yeah, I was I'm saying go get you know or it gets really bad Bangin 18 year olds. Yeah, you know what I mean? Yes 19 This way let the cap go in the air. We should push it to 19 by the way Get him in college and then do what you want as long. Yeah throw that hat in the air though Yeah, hat goes up shit goes down. Yeah, okay, but don't don't get crazy banging like 13 year olds Yeah How do you like that's just
Starting point is 00:28:35 That's how you make moves. No, it's disgusting. I mean, I'm saying then that's how they make moves because they Target kids. I know it's just weird. It's just weird. Yes. I don't it's disgusting. Yeah, you're right There is that double standard. You know one time I got a teacher fired For something like that. I actually just remember you liar. It was a real. No, it was real I didn't it didn't happen to me though. It's like this girl had told me That I actually don't know if I was the deciding factor But I did report what had happened. All right So you did the right thing because there was a girl and I was absent like there was like a field trip
Starting point is 00:29:08 but I was like six so I didn't get to go and This girl told me that the teacher um It was like our science teacher like grabbed her ass Like as she was like getting on the bus or something And mind you this is seventh grade or eighth. What? Yeah, seventh or eighth grade. Oh, no, it was seventh grade And she told me that and I was like what and she's like, yeah, you like grab my ass and she like told some people and they're like
Starting point is 00:29:35 Yeah, like whatever go on I was like what and I was cool with the assistant principal because I was a piece of shit back then and I kept get all right So you were kind in the same situation. Yeah, he was actually a nice guy. I mean, it was a woman. Yeah, miss del valle It's my it's my bitch. Um She but I would get sent there all the time. So I was cool with her and She saved me from getting kicked out of the fucking school So she's the man Like she was great and I she's the man
Starting point is 00:30:00 I was I was uh, I had a relationship with her. So I went to her and I was like, hey, listen like this dude You know apparently grab the scrolls. I asked like she's kind of she's like in my friend group. So I don't know her to be a Dramatic liar or anything. And also you got you got some hot goss there Hot goss that's hot goss a legal goss. So I was I was like cool with her. So I like, you know, I told her That's a nuclear goss. Yeah, obviously. So and I don't think even at the time I even realized how fucked up that is I knew it was wrong, but I didn't know the severity of the situation. So I like told someone about it and then I think the next year he was gone. I don't mean the laugh. I don't know in the middle year. He was gone
Starting point is 00:30:42 So like, oh, you're gonna have a substitute teacher. I don't mean the laugh. I'm just I'm just envisioning you Great going and telling somebody Hey, listen, uh, what was your name? Miss. Del Valle. Miss. Miss. Del Valle. Listen, I got something for you so I'm gonna so grab someone so spot Just letting you know. Yeah at the bus. See you tomorrow. Yeah, I'll talk to you later. Yeah All right, before we move on, let's get to the sponsors here. The first one we have is harry's razors Okay, harry stands behind the quality of their blades, but they know that switching razors isn't an easy decision So they created a trial offer. Okay, you can claim yours by going to harry' slash basement
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Starting point is 00:33:49 Um, and they make it easy because when you type in the game or whatever that you want to go to they'll show you seats They'll show you Uh, good prices. They'll have a scoring thing like this is like, you know an 8.2 out of 10 kind of score Which is great. You're probably getting a good price for that ticket. Um, and they'll show you the the view from your seats and all that stuff So it's a great app to use. I've been working with these guys for a while now. It's it's great I use it all the time and I'm going to numerous football games. So if you're a giant fan in the area, you'll probably see me screaming somewhere Uh at the stadium and also hammered in the parking lot, but that's besides the point. Anyway, uh Right now my listeners can get 20 dollars off their first sea keek purchase
Starting point is 00:34:29 Okay, just download the sea keek app and enter the promo code basement Today that's promo code basement for 20 dollars off your first sea keek purchase boom All right, and that is all uh, let's uh, let's move forward here. What? Anyway, um, yeah They don't mess around with that shit Hell no, and he was he he left and I had like she was in my class with him Yeah, and he was gone and we had like a substitute for like the remainder of the year He was out. That's so I don't know if it was me or if there was just like there was multiple things that
Starting point is 00:35:03 You know happened, but and I don't know if she'd also said it This is crazy how prominent that shit is that should it's just you know, uh Damn, I just got sad for a second. That's it. It's terrible. Yeah, it's it's weird weird as fuck Don't look at that. You're going to Denver. Yeah No, but the last thing I will say on that type of stuff it's like On that type of stuff you don't realize How crazy it is until you get older Yeah, it's really true
Starting point is 00:35:37 because like I was like, yo like When it was happening like I feel like also back then we're way less knowledgeable than the kids are now like now I feel like kids would know what to do the steps what number to call I could google I could tell that I know the severity of the situation. I'll start a hashtag with us It's like we had none of that. I don't fucking know. It was open. I know that this feels weird. It doesn't feel right and Nobody knows what to do. So I like it's hard to tell someone even like especially back then. Yeah, it was open season on us I mean, it wasn't open season. I'll tell you it was because just for lack of better words Thankfully, I had older brothers and shit like that that were like, you know, like the preview meeting creeps. Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:17 You know, that's why you gotta be fucking careful. That's why I'm afraid to have kids I think about the dumbest things about kids like I'm like Like I want to move out to like I I want a yard. Yeah, right house for the yard So you got to move a little bit and someone's like you want to go to Long Island? Like out in Long Island how you go out east and I'm like I I would be down, but I'm afraid of heroin. Yo, there's heroin everywhere. That's what I'm saying Like people are dying from heroin all the time. I swear to god like yo, I honestly don't I honestly have a serious heroin problem. I know that and New Jersey. Yeah, like kids are dying from heroin like it's crazy
Starting point is 00:36:53 And fucking heroin dude smoke something please. That's another thing too. These kids are getting super high Yeah, it's not good and they're all drinking you're drinking lean. Yeah, you're real fucking cool What do you think you're a little oozy for just the fuck up? Yeah, dude, we were drinking beers Drink some keystone like you little bitch. These kids are taking perks and they're like 10th grade You think are cool. Yeah, dad. Can I get a face tat? How about just punch you as hard as I can in your face? Yeah, and it just it permanently is black eyes Is that cool enough if I see one supreme shirt and to this house? I'm gonna crack your I'm gonna break your head open I just can't wait to threaten my kids
Starting point is 00:37:34 You only threaten them because you love I love how the last three episodes empty threats. I haven't the last three episodes We've talked about how we're gonna be dad's not one of us is even close to me. Yeah, I know We're gonna be the biggest fucking pussy I was just gonna say I'm be such a pussy like dude, whatever you want. I'm sorry. I'm talking all this shit right now But for now, I don't have kids. So fuck him. I'm gonna tell him. I'm beat the hell. That's why being an uncle is awesome Because at the end of the day Oh god, thank you mom
Starting point is 00:38:02 Yeah, but also if like, yeah I just can't I can't I can't imagine having a child right now I would love one dad. I want to get grills a face tat and like, you know what I mean? I'd be like, dude, that's sick Never in your life Do you know you remember when you get sideburns how it's like, you know, I have box sideburns Yeah And you remember when you got you got the points. Yeah, yo, I came home one day Albanian specials with with pointed uh
Starting point is 00:38:27 Albanian specials with pointed uh sideburns Yo, my dad went off on me He went insane. Why did you ask me like it's my head Did you ask me if you could do that dad? You don't have to wear my hair. Yeah, is it cool? Like you want me to ask you? Yeah, he was so fucking mad. I remember like Then I did it again. Yeah, my brother Jared used to take us to the hood to get haircuts all the time and uh, we would get like the lineups And uh and the pencil sideburns and all that we were fresh
Starting point is 00:39:00 My brother Jared kept us fresh He's a good brother. Yeah, he was like, yeah, I love Jared. Yeah, he's the man He's like, yeah, I'll let you get these haircuts like, you know, he introduced me to jadekiss when I was like 10 That's fire. Yeah Yeah, he introduced me to like the whole ox when I was like 10 years old Because they because they all lived in yonkers still but that was like back in the day, man
Starting point is 00:39:24 Us as kids These kids got it. They got way too much shit going on Like 15 when we were 15 is not 15 anymore. No, you're basically 23 at that point. I know You know too much. It's social media's fault. No, obviously and I'm not gonna say I mean I love social we just got to get with the times honestly It's like you got to you got to just prepare for that because back in the day also at 15 It was like, dude, I had a car and a house at 15 like my dad always gives me that I had a sports car at 20 Yeah, I was like dad
Starting point is 00:39:54 You can't even legally work until you're 16 here. All right I know So I can't be fucking seven years old in my dad's wine cellar in the basement and paid a dollar Yeah, like my dad was worried about getting drafted to vietnam. Yeah, like what the fuck dude. Yeah, like enough That's the craziest so just it just changes, but it's like but it shifted though because back then it was like I felt like you either got married or went to like the army and or got a job Yeah, and like the 50s and 60s then the 70s everyone started getting Fucked up. Yeah, you know 80s everyone started doing that little schnief schnief and just fucking like hill
Starting point is 00:40:30 Yeah, just fucking and schniefing. Yeah, and then the 90s came Bell bottoms bell bottoms and crack That was the crack era And then we had that 2000s era where we we kind of calmed down a little bit. I think so Then the kids now they took it and ran with it. We're the old people now Yeah, of course Like I caught myself the other day like having like these goddamn kids moment I have that I've had that since I was like 23
Starting point is 00:40:59 Goddamn kids because it's it's they're young, but they're not young. I know like now. We can't hit them now. You know Now you know everything that I know because when you're younger you're like, oh, they're older and wiser It's like no, I have access to all the information that you have now So you're not older and wiser You know what I mean because you went to more classes than me or because you have more life experience like I can see everything right it's written on your face. So the the standard is like The playing field is more even than ever. I think
Starting point is 00:41:31 Because you know if you're 40 years old and then there's a 20 year old You're like it's kids a fucking asshole. He said 20 year old doesn't know anything about the world Hasn't had a career a real job or been anywhere and now it's like at 20 years old, you know what? fucking You know What's going on? What's going on in fucking Australia? Yeah, you know, like, you know everything the other Topic you want to know it's weird. There's a 16 year old out there that could kick the shit out of us, probably
Starting point is 00:41:58 dude 15 isn't it so fucking sad. No, there's a 15 year old out there that could wash me I'm I'm cool with that Because I don't pride myself on being like a You know, whatever like if I'm back into a corner like I will fight you until I die But I'm not a fighter at all At all you gotta throw them things the last time I punched anyone was like middle school You could throw them things around. Yeah, but I like I won't
Starting point is 00:42:28 You know what I mean? I'd rather jump into a fight Then like if someone says something to me, I'm not offended. Yeah. No, you know what I mean? Yeah, we talked about this like you call me a fucking bitch all you want I might I might be classified as a pussy to be honest I don't think you would because you would you would still you would you would rock out I would but I'm saying like if some dude in a bar like That's fucking pussy. That's not like all right. That's not being a bitch. That's being smart. Yeah. All right, dude That's sick. I don't I don't care. Let me just sacrifice my entire future because you called me a pussy
Starting point is 00:43:02 Yeah, like I don't have a big ego in that But if you say something like Like if we were out and some dude We're just starting with you. You think you're funny. Yeah, blah, blah It wouldn't take much for me to end up smashing a glass over that dude's head Yeah, I'll pop off like I'm nuts like like to someone else. You know what I mean? But usually for the most part also when you go out with my friends It's my friends that are like starting it. So I'm like, well if you deserve to get hit at this point like you're on your own
Starting point is 00:43:29 See that's like another weird thing too. Like so you go with your friends, right? Yeah, and one of them starts a huge like thing Yeah And you know, it's your friend's fault. I I still have to like do something to fight. Yeah, you have to Yeah, or you have to Extinguish that tissue that fire that it's hard because a lot of the times the people were Extinguishing fights like especially in bars just get rocked because you're not on your you're like, yo, hold on and then someone just punches you in the That happened to me at a basketball court once these two guys were arguing
Starting point is 00:44:00 We in new york sports club And they were like, you know, motherfucker likes fucking DMX in each other and the face is like a fucking kick your fucking ass, bitch And then like I stepped I was like, yo, yo guys chill and like the guy's brother That was about to get into a fight punch me in the face. Yeah, I was like, yo Yeah, what is going on? I was like, I'll never break up. But now to this day. I'll never break up a fight in my life I I I break them up. Not a random one. Oh hell. No. No, no random fight. Go ahead. If I could see that it's evenly matched Let him go. Yeah
Starting point is 00:44:34 Let him go. It's just not I'm not even getting not getting involved. Yeah, I'm not trying to get like stabbed or some shit No, but like my friends like it happened Uh, this you know, this was when we were like assholes at fucking 21 and shit uh, but this this hasn't happened in years, but um Like if a fight happened in a bar or something and even if my friend was like the cause of it I'll run over there like I feel like in my friend group. There are certain people that are the runners And there's certain people that are like, all right get The girlfriends
Starting point is 00:45:07 Yeah, you know, I mean you need one of those and then there's so yeah Because you you just do because yo, that's the worst thing like girls who are getting involved in that it's like, yo This is a very dangerous situation. So I'm gonna get hit with a fucking bottle Yeah, and you can get like glass in your eye or something like that. It's a fucking girl, dude. Yeah, like Dude some psycho dude is swinging his hands. Yeah And then you don't know how crazy you don't know how crazy I do this That dude might punch you a girl in the face on purpose that too It's scary. Shit. Yeah
Starting point is 00:45:35 So there's there's like people who get in there and there's people who just like Neutralize and there's people who just kind of like, whoa, what's going on right now? Yeah, I feel like I've played all those roles I think it's good to be able to know that just shows that you could be calm in a stressful situation Yeah Because if you really think about it Shit is going on so fast for you to be even be able to think like yeah, I could help somebody Or maybe I could even stop this luckily also. I've never been In a situation where
Starting point is 00:46:02 My friend has gotten into a fight and then there was people jumping him like a melee. Yeah It was always just like him and him and usually that dude's friends are like, whoa, whoa, whoa So I'm over there. Whoa, whoa wing. Yeah, you know, whoa, hey, you know just making sure that no one does anything You need a whore or two. Yeah Whoa, someone's in the background. Yeah, that's a that's a necessity. Yeah Yeah, but like I've I've fought like shoulder to shoulder with like my brother and like my cousin and shit You don't want to hear something crazy. I saw my brother knock somebody the fuck out once it was awesome Dude, you're not gonna believe this but I've had a west side story fight. That's awesome, too
Starting point is 00:46:39 Like in my alleyway Like it's everyone's like back yard kind of it's all concrete like it's a new york alleyway. Whatever There were these kids up the block That like I don't know why because we were friends with them for the most part and I really just don't remember what Happened just sparked this it was like an all-out brawl and it was like five of them and then me my brother Keith Our next our this next door neighbor that we had a richie
Starting point is 00:47:09 Who was a house and then I think this kid Danny Um, a lot of Danny's in my life And uh, I think it was us four and them and we were like in lines Just facing off. Yeah, like an old music video. Yeah, and just Fuck it like a b2k music video Or or what's the other what's the other one? Is it b2k b2k? No, who's omarion and omarion is in b2k. Yeah, okay So yeah that it was like them and us like step up to the streets. Yeah
Starting point is 00:47:40 Stomp the yard stomp the yard and then we just fought Nice we beat the shit watch them. Yeah. Yeah, he's a little bit of a psycho too I've seen Keith. I came out of pizzeria and I saw some I saw Keith on his bike And I think someone was trying to take his bike and he fucking Leveled it like folded. Yeah, it was great. I will tell you this Knocking somebody the fuck out. It's pretty awesome. I don't think I've ever knocked anyone out I hit some kid with a tennis racket as hard as I could Like I posted a picture on my instagram once with me
Starting point is 00:48:12 Playing tennis at a very young age because I was good at tennis when I was younger And one of my friends I was just talking about this. Was it you the other day? One of my friends had died. He got hit by a car. He got hit by a car And uh, there was some kid at the tennis program And um, I still see him sometimes around the neighborhood But he said something to the effect of like he deserved it or something like that just one of those kids So I just turned my racket sideways and just fucking hit him as hard as I could just wop them Yeah, and no one said anything. No, that that just goes to show you this was 2002
Starting point is 00:48:45 And I fucking rocked this kid as hard as I could with a tennis racket sideways In the face And broke his nose probably blood everywhere. I didn't even get and yelled at no probably because of what he said Yeah, you got sometimes like people that say shit like that You're not you're not building. Yeah, you're not you're not building a good supporting cast there. Yeah. No You know like You're gonna have to get washed. Yeah
Starting point is 00:49:11 Like you you know, I'll punch. I honestly forgot that I even did that until one of my friends named Danny Uh Brought it up to me and I because I totally forgot about that I am not that guy at all like I would never drink like I would feel bad doing that To a person who was like What do you mean like make a joke or just no like hitting someone with a weapon? Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's that's out of control. Especially now Yeah, I hold on. I'm about to okay. We're gonna take a left turn here
Starting point is 00:49:37 May I ask you a question? Yeah You have a gun on you. Mm-hmm Do comes in this room right with a gun Mm-hmm. You shoot him. Yeah, of course I said that And someone oh Frankie was like, I don't know he's like you you don't know how you're gonna react in that situation I'm like bro. I but I have a gun and like there's people here. Yeah Because we we were in a like a house in Connecticut with a bunch of people there
Starting point is 00:50:07 And I was like, dude if I have a gun no one else has a gun like this guy could kill all of us It's it's him or me at that point. Yeah Anyway, and if you're somebody that I don't know and you're coming in here with a gun Your intention is to kill me. Yeah, the only thing I'm doing or just like threaten me But like I'm not taking that chance like you're no I am shooting you. Yeah Yeah, especially if you came in here 100 I'm shooting you in the face. Yeah easily Let me ask you another question. Yeah, your son comes home. Uh-huh. He's crying right He's been getting bullied. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:50:37 What's the next step? Find out who the kid is. Mm-hmm Here's my logical Not give me the realistic. I'm calling somebody's dad So you're not going to school. No, fuck the school. No, I'm not going to the school. Me neither I'm calling. I don't say who did this to you If you don't tell me I'm gonna get on the bus and I'm gonna find out who did this to you Yeah, and then we're gonna talk to their dad
Starting point is 00:51:05 And then we're gonna talk this out like men. It's either you two are gonna fight like in the yard and squash this shit In squash this shit Or we're gonna have to talk about your kid being a fucking dick to my kid and odds are if my kids involved. I'm gonna start throwing them I feel the same way. I feel like I would have to talk to your dad You know me. I mean it's stuff that we can't talk about on here. You know, I'll punch a motherfucker in the face No, but also what like what if the dad is like
Starting point is 00:51:36 Oh my god, I'm so sorry like whatever. Yeah, that just doesn't stop Then if it doesn't stop then I guess you have to go to the school But my thing is this it's like it goes back to the thing a 15 year old could come up to me right now And tell me to suck his fucking dick I can't touch him. Yeah It's crippling Yeah, but let's see. I'm different like I'm okay with that like I'm like, all right, dude. You're awesome Nah, man. I'm part of me. I'll just be like, yeah
Starting point is 00:52:04 I don't really get offended by shit like that I don't get offended like that enough to fight enough to fight just it's just that Growing up with the brothers that I had it was like you you got to fight No, I but I also had some I had an element of that like And and it's not about being tough. It was just about being like, yo like you're gonna be a smaller dude And like if you're gonna pop shit and you play sports and shit like motherfuckers are gonna want to fight you sometimes like don't be a bitch
Starting point is 00:52:35 Yeah, but it wasn't like I'm talking about now like back then obviously If you had to fucking fight somebody you fought somebody, but I'm saying like now like Nothing if you're just saying stuff to me. I'm not gonna get Matt. No, I can't get Matt. I've never been a tough guy in my life The only thing that I could even think of that's gonna warrant me fighting you is like if you poured a whole drink on my head Then I'd be like, all right Well, I'm gonna fucking hit the shit out of you now. Yeah, or if you like Like took pictures of me naked or some shit like this is like weird shit. What is that? Where?
Starting point is 00:53:09 No, like if I passed out drunk one time and you like, oh Yeah, like drew a cock on my face We're gonna have a conversation Why do people do that? I don't know. It's a white person thing. It's so white. You know what else is white Burning your Nike gear That's super white too. Why are people burning their Nike gear? First of all I'm gonna we're gonna close the show with this
Starting point is 00:53:36 I have a hot take on this. Go ahead These people that are going out of their way To say that this guy Colin Kaepernick is disrespecting the flag and disrespecting the veterans It's so the complete opposite And it's not even hard to realize and it's not even hard to realize it You have people that are veterans saying this everyone's gonna have a difference of opinion I don't give a shit If somebody takes a knee during a national anthem, you know what you should give a shit about
Starting point is 00:54:14 Buying 185 dollar jersey and burning it like an asshole We Nike got your money already Dude, now you just need new socks You dumb idiot dude Let me explain something. Okay, just for all you people out there This Nike thing What I am so confused by people I get reminded every so often that people are fucking stupid Yeah, because here's what happened. Okay
Starting point is 00:54:47 You your sentence makes no sense your sentence is saying we're the land of the free home with the brave and you know We have all these things you can practice whatever religion But also fuck that guy for for silently protesting right and kneeling. Yeah They that's what this that you just said it they forced him to come out and be like, why are you kneeling? If nobody gave a shit like they should They created that on months the only thing is like I Commend Mike Nike for what they're doing
Starting point is 00:55:25 Yeah, because you know they they lost like three billion dollars. Yeah, and there's another thing too. It's like They're not just doing it to be hot Nike would have been hot With or without Colin Kaepernick, right? They don't need Colin Kaepernick. He's not even in the league He's not even playing But they they decided to make a stance with him And their athletes because they know Phil Knight whatever whoever's running the company now that
Starting point is 00:55:56 This guy's actually really doing something. It wasn't something that he did one week This guy got blackballed out of a league for it So that's why I look at it for them to rock with him like that. They're gonna lose mad money I also think they're gonna make it back in the long run though, but it's not I don't think it's about money That's it it's about it's about the message now because you know because the other side makes no fucking sense Yeah, and I usually never take like super hard political stances, whatever, but this is a fucking layup people Yeah, I don't think I honestly don't think I'm smart enough to take political stances, but like I know What I'm allowed to do in this country and what I'm not allowed to do in this country
Starting point is 00:56:36 Dude, you can't take it me during a natural anthem. Who gives a shit? You're offended You're offended like now all of a sudden you're a patriot. Yeah, dude. We got homeless veterans out the fucking ass. Yeah on the streets You're donating. Yeah You're doing anything to help these people And also there's a bunch of rules with the flag. You got to fold it a certain way. You don't fly it here You know, blah, blah, blah, you don't wear it on your shirt. There's tons of rules No one follows this no fourth of july we're all wearing fucking overalls and shit not a peep not a peep dress like assholes too
Starting point is 00:57:13 By the way, so I'm saying and like every fourth of july you we dress like assholes, of course, but also hot ones fucking You have a problem with collin cappernick with the way that he's protesting She's like I get the message, but he's doing it the wrong way. Oh, so the right way to do it is to wear Your Nike shoes and set them on fire right and burn your feet that literally happened An old fucking moron put his Nike shoes on
Starting point is 00:57:45 Burned him for a facebook picture and ended up in the hospital because he burned his feet good for you That's the right way to protest. Yeah, you know, it's the right way to protest Not kneeling and being silent But setting fire to to clothing. Yeah, is that that's the right way? Yeah You're all this is so fucking easy I can't even see how I don't I don't I have no idea how you see the other side I don't even know like for a second. I agree with none of it. Yeah, how can you be upset? This is what we do as a country. Yeah, this is why people go to war
Starting point is 00:58:22 They don't go to war so that everyone follows this fucking Some rule. Yeah, no Dude, let me tell you something stop Jesus Christ. I even look at it too. It's like, you know, a lot of people Fucking died For me to like wake up just to be able to like look at my phone That's the thing those just I have that privilege to what we're doing right now I know some people are going to leave comments and they're gonna tweet me and they're gonna have a difference of opinion and that's fine
Starting point is 00:58:55 Right because I'm willing to have a conversation with you if you're gonna be a fucking idiot I'm not gonna have a conversation But I'm willing to have a conversation with you if you have a difference of opinion, but what you just said People it because if you're gonna give me the whole military thing Those people went to war and risked their lives or lost their lives so that we could enjoy this country They did not do that so that we had to kneel in front of this or so we had to stand in front of the flag That is not why they did it. They're not over there. Like I'm fighting so that people
Starting point is 00:59:27 Follow the flag rules. No We we just we get to practice what we what we want. We get to Stand up to to certain things Dude, look what he's kneeling for Yeah, he's not kneeling for something bad Everyone can agree that police brutality and all that stuff regardless of because I know those fucking random people are like Oh, you know, actually, you know, uh black on black I'm way higher. It's like more white people are in jail than black people. Yeah, it's like all right
Starting point is 00:59:53 But even if there's one percent Of police killing people that is wrong. We all could all agree to that. Yeah, so that's what he's talking about So shut the fuck up. I don't care about your percentages. Yeah, because even if it's low, it doesn't matter It should not happen and that's what he's trying to fucking do kids out here getting shot too So I'm saying it's like it's like dude We can all agree that this is Because that's how that's what I get from people they go. I agree with the message. I just don't agree with you know his Ethic uh his the way he's going about it. What is he doing?
Starting point is 01:00:21 How should I go about it? Should I just should I write a fucking letter? Like that's gonna get thrown into some fucking desk. And that's what we want me to do That's why I fuck with nike on this because they were like, you know what? We're gonna make your shit even louder now Good Because you know at the end of the day when people are like, oh, he went about it wrong It's like, all right, you want me to write a letter and then what are we supposed to do generate conversation, right? I think that's the whole point of protesting generate conversation. Yeah, so we can get something done
Starting point is 01:00:46 He did something He just he he kneeled. Yeah, I didn't say anything. He didn't say yo fuck Police. Yeah, or whatever He just fucking kneeled and then he got blackballed out of the league. Yeah And then they made it a rule that you have to stand Yeah And now nike who makes their jerseys and all their gear All the nfl's gear that money's gonna be going to capper neck. I love it
Starting point is 01:01:15 It makes me want to buy nike fucking shirt right now I'm I'm not like and nike is taking shots before too though And I don't want people to think that I'm saying all this shit just to be You know on the quote unquote good side or or a pc or whatever dude. I love this country Yeah, I get so upset during the world cup when people live here And they start talking shit about it because their soccer team's better than ours It's like oh, you know the what I get upset about that shit
Starting point is 01:01:45 You know saying like I love this country all this shit, but I love it because we can do all that Yeah, dude in other countries like terrible stuff happens and and sometimes there's people in charge who do all kinds of shit Fucking ken john hoon killing people killing his cousin or whatever the fuck it was It's like shit like that goes on. It's like here. We're supposed to be able to practice before we preach That's what the flag stands for and that's why he did something That was going to that generated the most conversation. Yeah, I'm not going to make a picket sign anymore That's an outdated thing. Okay, and I'm an nfl player Dude, I risked my life
Starting point is 01:02:22 My well-being every Sunday other people. Yeah, how can you not respect that and the thing is too? It's like Even the game that he plays It's a sad thing. It's he gets paralyzed on a play No one talks about him again. No And then I'm looking at it like this You could you could go back to playing football or get your fucking head smashed in for what why? That'd be like working for a place that doesn't even care that you work there I would never play football again if I was him
Starting point is 01:02:54 he's not He's probably not gonna play for no I just don't think that people should be jumping down people's throats for having opposite opinions like And don't be you could be on the fence about it. But don't but but don't be though Because the because if you're gonna do that it only stops the conversation Like I'd rather you tell me, you know, I don't like that. He does it. Yeah, then tell me why All right, that's your opinion But if you want to burn your shoes and burn your hat and burn your jersey, you're fucking idiot
Starting point is 01:03:26 Dude, I said the same thing when LeBron left Cleveland. Yeah, people were burning jerseys. What are you doing? And then they probably tried to sew them back together because he gave you You know as much as people died for him to take a knee They also died for you to be able to go take a shit whenever you want And not have to worry about your fucking house getting blown up Go live in fucking Syria for a month. I also just fucking hated that Everyone suddenly started caring about the flag. Yeah Jerry Jones
Starting point is 01:03:56 My players have to stand you didn't even take your fucking hat off, dude. Yeah, and the dude next to you Jerry Jones, by the way, is the GM Who everything over there at the owner of the Dallas Cowboys America's team quote unquote The anthem was playing Didn't even take his fucking hat off So you're gonna make your players stand and you're gonna have this hard stance on your team, but you won't take your hat off Yeah And the dude next to you goes yo your hat's on he goes. Yeah in the video you can see the guy say
Starting point is 01:04:27 Oh your hat. Yeah, he ignores him. Yeah, and he just keeps it there And we're big and we're big hat off guys. You gotta take your hat off. Come on. Take your hat off Yeah, but like how can you like this is why it's it's just so hypocritical. I know it's like, yo, you no one said a word ever Until this happened like now you care. Yeah now all of a sudden you're a patriot You never donated to any veteran or helped anybody or any of these people are thought about them And then you and then like now It's like it's a trendy bullshit thing. You can't convince me dude. You can't I'm sorry now Let me ask you this what do you think it all comes down to what do you think it all boils down to
Starting point is 01:05:05 I I honestly have no idea What it's race well, I think they're I think that I think there's definitely racism But I also think there's other people that have different That have like the military part of right their patriotism is Is defined a certain way how they do it and by the way, this is coming from a person who Wouldn't kneel
Starting point is 01:05:30 I wouldn't yeah, but that has nothing to do with What they're doing with what kind of cabinets do it? Yeah, or any of the players because Dude your thing You know what I mean if I turn on a tv on sunday and I see 15 people kneeling. I don't give a shit Why does that upset you? It doesn't people have no lives nothing like watch the fucking game. Let them protest
Starting point is 01:06:01 These guys it's ridiculous. You guys want to take a knee And then probably have a higher chance of dying before they're 50 years old Let them fucking take a knee. What I'm saying, dude. Am I getting cte? Yeah For you for your for your enjoyment by the way and your fat ass is sitting home drinking butt lights on your couch getting mad at me Yeah, just because I make 13 million dollars is a mean that I can have a problem. What's going on here? Oh my god It's ridiculous, dude. That's the other thing though, too. It's like it gets to the point where it's like Where are these people going to stop?
Starting point is 01:06:31 One side's been consistent. Now one side is just just over the top. Yeah I don't understand it at all anything that is going to make everybody equal and fair and comfortable I'm on board for yeah, and I don't at least at least trying Yeah, he's trying. Yes, because we all know that and safe He's trying to save people's lives and we're getting mad at him. That's what it boils down to You're upset about your flag. Oh, he kneeled in front of my flag. He's trying to save lives. You fucking idiot Yeah, you're gonna choose a flag over a life That's what it comes down to
Starting point is 01:07:05 Would you rather have your flag or do you want this fucking person to be alive? I feel like enough people gave their life for that flag already. Jesus christ Yeah, and now you're choosing the flag over a life Yeah, it's like dude the people who you're upset for the military Would rather save lives. Yeah, and they do save lives every day Every day and you're choosing the like a piece of cloth Yeah, then you're fucking that you're drinking a beer during
Starting point is 01:07:33 That you're probably drinking a beer during and then you start fucking talking and screaming during it There's always some fucking asshole screaming. Let's go rangers. Yeah, I'll be fucking get that guy out of there. How's that? Yeah He's disrespecting the flag too And again, this is coming from someone who personally wouldn't kneel Yeah, just because as when I was growing up, you don't kneel. You don't talk Yeah, and you take your head off at spot. Yeah, and at sports games like when I was when I would play like When I was on the team or whatever A lot of people clapped before it's over
Starting point is 01:08:05 I was taught not to do any of that do not move do anything until it's over right whatever but if I think I can make a change like a statement or a change or whatever and you know what and it was just Whatever dude, I'm not controlled by any of that shit. It's just what I do You know what I mean? Yeah, and and people died for you to be able to make that decision though That's why the other thing too is like if you saw somebody if we went to a game and I kneeled right next to you at the game Are you gonna be like What are you doing? Are you insane? No, I would not do that
Starting point is 01:08:40 I feel like if somebody kneeled at a game and someone gave them a hard time and be like dude, you're a fucking asshole Yeah, I shut the fuck up to shut up It's like you're not even offended like you're actually not offended Like you you really don't care though. Yeah, like you just you saw something on tv. You want to be a hero so bad Yeah, like oh, I'm standing up for the military dude. You're not Saving lives. Yeah, you want to stand up for the military go go join the military go save lives then Yeah, or go fucking do something go go help someone you're not helping no one Do you just think you are you think you're standing up for these people who you hold in such high regard rightfully so
Starting point is 01:09:18 You're not You fake care about it. Yeah, you can't convince me otherwise You just can't I'm sorry It's just it's so simple to look at Like I need I need someone to convince me. I really do it just sucks That's that shit like that becomes like you said before it becomes trendy It is to do that dude. You saw those fucking all I saw this little bitch on instagram this fucking 15 year old white kid braces with the answer playing. Yeah, he's got the anthem playing
Starting point is 01:09:46 He's wearing a fucking polo shirt I wanted to just piss on this kid and he takes his nikes and throws it in his fucking chiminea In his backyard. Yeah fuck some rich Bullshit town. Yeah, it's like I'm burning it now. Dude. Congratulations. You fucking pussy. And first of all your shoe game Was wack as fuck There was like three shoes in there. Yeah trash. You're the fucking man, dude. Yeah, I'm only buying new balance now Enjoy it. Yeah fucking bitch. God that shit gets me fired. You're white anyway. I hate when people go out of the way To be like that and then when I have my opinion
Starting point is 01:10:19 And just because I'm on the side of where I want everyone to be equal and fair and have everything whatever they're like Oh, dude, you're a snowflake or you're this and that I was like, dude, I don't even know what the fuck that means All I know is all I know is how I feel and I feel like this is right. All I know is this is that if I go outside I don't want anybody to give me a problem. Not only that Yo, you're not going to tell me what to do. No, can you imagine going somewhere and someone's like I don't even know I came as an example. Yeah, you can't do that. You can't use your left hand I'd be like fucking blow me. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? Yeah And that's like that's another thing. It's like, you know, it's like I don't want to be a dead horse here
Starting point is 01:11:00 But like this guy took a knee during a game And it's transcended into this thing where It's transcended into this thing where people have to understand that It's not all about just like entertainment. Yeah, and like doing this because it's trendy. Yeah, people are dying out here We can go on and on about it, but yeah, let's wrap this up. Anyway, I got a little loud there. Yeah No, no, I like when you do that though Yeah, we joke all day on this fucking show, but there's real shit going on. I love football You love fucking football. Yeah, you're gonna do whatever you can to watch that game on that fucking plane tonight
Starting point is 01:11:38 It's not stopping me from watching the game. I know See it like I'm on this this is just how I feel like a lot of my things don't align because it's like you're not going to Tell me what to do. No, it's like, oh dude. If you don't support if you support Kaepernick, then you should boycott the nfl I'm not gonna fucking listen to you. I love watching football. Yeah, so I'm gonna watch the game But I'm also gonna say what I just said All this shit. I don't like I don't know how people are mad. Yeah, just doesn't make sense I want to watch a guy score touchdown and I don't want his kid to get shot That's exactly. Is that too much to ask? Sorry guys. Sorry. Sorry guys. Okay
Starting point is 01:12:13 Yeah, Jesus Anyway, should we do patreon questions? We're not gonna get to that. No, I gotta go to I gotta catch a flight right now Actually, that's crazy. Yeah, uh, where can they find you? They can find me Uh at daniela priori on instagram and twitter and if you guys are gonna throw joe smoke You better throw me some smoke too. I I I welcome all smoke. I welcome all smoke I want to have a conversation though. Actually, no, I don't want smoke. I I just want conversation Yeah, I want you to have a legitimate reason why And that's it and we'll have a conversation. I've done it before
Starting point is 01:12:44 Uh, but I'm undefeated. That's all I'm gonna say. Anyway Except for a mini golf. Yes, shut up. Oh, wait, wait, wait. What you have to tell them what happened though mini golf though What happened? We'll we'll save it for another time. Oh, yeah We'll save it. We'll save it. So anyway, that is all for this week's episode of patreon I gotta go catch my flight to denver. I will see you guys next time. Peace

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