The Basement Yard - Stranded In A Foreign Country

Episode Date: June 5, 2017

Stranded In A Foreign Country by Santagato Studios Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard this week. I have one of my friends who was on an old episode a while ago I think couple to I think oh, you've been on to yeah, my friend Marco's back I don't know if anyone oh people do definitely remember Marco. I forgot the last time he was on here. We talked about a Talking about some I'm not gonna like get into it because I just ate but You can go back and listen to that. I forgot the Don't go back cuz I don't remember the title fuck it Anyway, Marco Is on because I had no idea what to do for a podcast this week and I texted the group chat of my friends
Starting point is 00:00:35 And I was just like does anyone have any stories or anything to talk about and before Marco answered My friend Eric goes you should have Marco on he's the most interesting man in the world Which I didn't I don't know for a fact, but then he like rattled off He's like, yeah, we could talk about the time I wrote a sheep. I was like First of all, that sounds like a really short story. I think that's the whole story actually wrote a sheep. Okay, it's a little more He was chased by a guy with a gun and then something about riding in a bus bathroom Yep. No my god. All right, so first let's start with the sheep. The sheep. I want to know about the sheep This is the shortest one. Okay, so basically so that all three of these stories took place in Spain
Starting point is 00:01:20 Where my family's from, you know, I go there every summer. So there's Spain's where the shit goes down Yeah, it's it's wild. So I live in this like little town. Maybe like a thousand people tops and my uncle over there has like a Field I guess where he has like goats and sheep cows stuff like that. So one night It was like a Wednesday night or Tuesday night, whatever It was windy that it was like 40 degrees. I don't know it was it was nice though clear skies Me and Mike, we were like, I don't know 15 16 maybe younger freshman sophomore in high school
Starting point is 00:02:01 We like break into my uncle's field How do you break into a field? It's a field. So breaking in we climbed the fence. We climbed the fence into my uncle's field It wasn't like an oceans 11 type of break. No, this was just like a It's like a little wood fence like a barn. It's got two two wooden bars. Right. We climbed it. We stepped over it Dope So, yeah, so we were just like chilling in there just like doing nothing because we had nothing to do and then like the sheep just start wandering by and My one of my cousins is like, oh, let's like see if we can get on them. So like three of us
Starting point is 00:02:39 Wait, can they like support people? So, yeah, cuz like we rolled them So three of us or four of us like just got on the sheep and we started riding them around and We were on it like not long like five minutes and at the end of it The one that I was on buckled and it like fell because I had the sheep No, it was good after but it just like fell because I had the smallest one because I was the smallest person. Yeah, so So whatever like it fell and it was fine it was like limping a little after and then we leave but the next day we go eat there for lunch and My uncle's like telling us about his sheep and his animals and stuff
Starting point is 00:03:18 And he's like it's really weird the one that's pregnant is acting like it's hurt or something and I was just like, oh shit You see you wrote a pregnant sheep. I'm assuming the one that I rode was the one that was pregnant You killed all the sheep So the sad part of the story is that the sheep actually did not have the baby You killed a fucking sheep in Spain. Yeah, that's Spanish sheep He aborted a Spanish sheep. Can you abort sheep? That's not a thing technically Well, you did I mean I was like my question. Are you ride sheep? Well, we did can you abort sheep? You did What do you mean? So yeah, so well, like it's not definitive proof that the one I rode was the pregnant one
Starting point is 00:04:04 You know, I have a big pita audience and they're not gonna like this. Do you really? I'm probably not so I mean, I love animals. I had no idea. I was young. I was drunk Like people make mistakes. You're not on a podium. It's fine. It's totally cool. Okay. I just don't want to get like I don't know. I got like persecuted for this. No, it's not persecuted. That's a good one. We're starting off hot today persecuted hello The other this is completely like unrelated. Yeah, I because I said pita and just reminded me The other day so the diner down the block has a really good food And I get this thing called a half-boiled chicken and it's literally like it's just a little
Starting point is 00:04:39 Chicken like a chicken like the other day. I was eating. Yeah, like a rotisserie and I was eating it And then I just started to realize like this is gonna sound like I'm high saying this but I'm just like this is a fucking bird like I'm eating a fucking like it like it just hit me because like you go your whole life Just eating chicken and you just fucking eat the shit and you don't think about But this is a fucking thing like a like a like an animal It was moving around and I'm like eating it's fucking like Insides it's meat. Yeah, I'm just curving it off the bone chickens birds though
Starting point is 00:05:16 Like are they in the bird family? What other family would they be in? They're definitely not in the sheep They are Something but it was really dumb so forget it. I can't wait like they're related to dinosaurs, right? Okay You went from persecuted you know, you actually might be right there I don't know I thought they were like never mind So and anyway, so I was eating the chicken I was like thinking like what was this crazy bird and I was telling the story to someone I was like, oh god you like a vegetarian. I was like, no, I didn't even like slow down. Yeah, like I just kept eating it
Starting point is 00:05:53 Like I'm not gonna I don't feel bad. It's the circle of you know, I mean like I don't get why people feel bad about eating animals Yeah, don't there was one time someone flipped out on my sister because she wore like My grandma's fur my grandma had a fur and then she passed away and my sister found it in her closet and like wore it in A picture like oh my grandma's fur like piece of whatever these pita people went fucking apeshit Yeah, and then I just wanted to like just post a video me just dog in a burger Right, just cuz I'm like fuck you dude like cuz like say you have like I didn't go to China and participate in their dog Parade I just it's my dead grandma's fur. I think I can wear that right isn't aren't those the rules
Starting point is 00:06:40 I feel like you're getting a little too much into it. Yeah, I don't know I just I just you know Anyone who really believes heavily into things. I hate I talk about that all the time that I'm like I wish I just knew people who didn't believe in anything. I would never want to date a girl who like believes in shit Because I don't like that sounds way worse than it actually is I just think that if you believe in something so hard then if Like someone who's like super religious like no, this is right and this is wrong like there's no room for like There's no give there. Yeah, well, I feel like maybe be wrong. That's why I'm like don't believe anything
Starting point is 00:07:19 I just don't believe yeah I don't like people that are like not understand like they don't listen to other people's opinions. Yeah No, no, no, these are my rules. I have to these are my things that I have to fuck you Don't believe in anything and eat meat. All right, eat the birds Ride some sheep. Yeah, do whatever you want No, I know I wanted to talk about how you were chased by a guy with a gun, okay This one was also in Spain. I said that before yeah, you said all of them are all of them Anything that anything remotely interesting that happens to you. I'm assuming happens in Spain
Starting point is 00:07:51 I have an interesting life here too like come on, but But um, this one also happened in a field except Broken to another field this one was not someone I was related to this one was just some random old dudes fields What does Spain look like does it look like Idaho? So what fields where I live? I don't know. It looks like Idaho It's like very mountainous. I don't even know. I don't mean either. I've been there. I'm assuming it looks like like Where's someone where there's a lot of mountains? I don't know anywhere outside of New York anywhere outside the five boroughs I'm assuming. Yeah. Yeah, it's just like just mountains and fields like if you drive on I was driving on the highway one night and there's there was just it was like midnight and
Starting point is 00:08:36 We had to like stop in the middle of highway just because there was literally a herd of cows crossing the highway Like my town in Spain is like in the fields like in the mountains very Nebraska Nebraska kind of flat You've been there No, it's like the corn Husker State though. You know, it's like flat. I guess so I don't know. I just assume anywhere outside of New York is just like farms or whatever someone tells me from New York I'm like where they're like Rochester. I'm like, you're not you're you're from like Canada basically. Yeah, you're not from no Yeah, New York is five boroughs. That's a buffalo. Yes again. No, you're not
Starting point is 00:09:08 Oh Yeah, the gun into this so like who what animal you're right this time. No animals I wasn't writing any animals so like 15 15 to 20 of us like went into this field to have like a soccer game in 20 Yeah, because we were playing soccer so like a bunch of people went in and like eventually this old dude he must have been like 60 like missing teeth like every like the whole nine yards and I don't know. He just told me. Yeah, exactly and He just told me to told us to like leave like he didn't want us there So we're like, all right, whatever we like
Starting point is 00:09:42 Pretend it to leave and then we came back like 20 minutes later and kept playing and I guess he noticed us playing there again, so He doesn't say anything. No warning. He just like comes out on a horse riding full force at us Yeah I know horse on a horse was the horse like running or trotting the horse was full sprint. That's terrifying full sprint I'm definitely afraid of oh, no, this was in Spain. I was gonna say I'm definitely afraid of white white people who like at farms Yeah, people in Spain are white there He's a Spanish guy. He's not like a fucking hick. Oh, yeah, I'm afraid of Hicks is what I'm trying to say. I don't know Um, so yeah, so he's coming full force at us and make and I'd say like his house is maybe couple
Starting point is 00:10:33 Like a thousand two thousand meters away from the field. We were playing so we had some time to run so all of us just like saw him and dead sprint for like the forest and Before we got to the forest is like this field of like thorny bushes So we all literally just dived into the thorny bushes and we're just like running through those so we come out like We will I was like 11 or 12 I was young. Yeah, and I was just like scratched and bruised in this and we don't want to come out so we're just like hiding in there for like 15 minutes and This dude is just like trotting around on his horse outside like looking for us
Starting point is 00:11:08 So, yeah, no one got shot, I don't even know They let off a warning one like in the air. No shots were fired. No shots were fired So like it could have been like a fake gun. I don't know but like we were scared. That was not a fake gun, dude I don't know if you got a horse. Yeah. Yeah, my money is that it was real. Oh, yeah Hammered that it was real. That's a 100% That's terrifying. So that's like my worst nightmare like a white dude on a horse coming at me And there's no one around. I mean there's 15 or 20 11 year olds around So technically there's no one around and they just drag you and take you to your basement hang you upside down and like feed you
Starting point is 00:11:43 Just enough to keep you alive You know That's what I think about. That's why I'm terrified. That's what you think about. Yeah, like this is why this is why I'm deathly afraid of like Southern white people because Texas chainsaw a massacre. That's a thing, dude Is it there white people like that exists? That was a real story. Is it? Yeah Oh a fucking family that changes had a dude
Starting point is 00:12:10 Who liked to run around the town and cut people up and wear their faces? So they kept them in the basement was like come only come out once a month and They just let them run free and just kill whoever it's crazy, but you hear about that all the time. Yeah I was driving I was with I was with a bunch of our friends actually We drove up to visit one of our friends at college and we drove past this barn There's just nothing around Right next to this road and then a barn and I swear on everything we drove by and The barn doors were open and there was something wrapped in a tarp
Starting point is 00:12:46 Hanging from the ceiling of the barn and I was like I was who's head. Why are you hanging dears? Like you're just gonna assume. It's a person. It's way more fun to do that I was like yo saw a dead body mission on the fuck around I was like turn around we're going back like I saw a fucking body hanging from a barn and then So they didn't want to turn around they didn't believe me But on the way back because we left like the next day still there And we pulled over and I was like look and everyone's like you're right because it was like the same size as a body
Starting point is 00:13:22 I'm not an expert on like farm life or like stuff. I'm assuming I'm assuming you know I can I gathered that from you sitting on pregnant sheep. Yeah Yeah, but I'm assuming it was like a deer, you know, they were like hanging it letting the blood flow out and stuff Why would you wrap the deer let it let it be a dead deer whatever I just said I'm not an expert I don't know all the practices But I can almost guarantee you it wasn't dead body. I'm assuming it was because barns and dead people They go hand-in-hand in my in my book. Okay
Starting point is 00:14:00 Anyway, what is this what is this last story you have here you you were riding in a bus bathroom. Why is that even remotely interesting? Okay, so again in Spain I want to go visit Maybe these are all lies. We just can't confirm them because they're from Spain. I wasn't there exactly no So my town is on like the northwest corner and I want to go visit a buddy of mine in Madrid Which is like in the center like a six seven hour bus to train ride. You took a six seven hour bus there I took a train there. How long is that like five hours? Maybe that's trash. Yeah, okay It was pretty long, but yeah, so whatever we like chill hung out I
Starting point is 00:14:39 Was gonna be my plan was to be there for three days, but the first night I was there. We went out got like super drunk When we got home to like his hotel that he was staying at I realized that I had lost my wallet So now I had no wallet. So I was just like fuck. I don't want to be here anymore I just want to go home. So like I was like, yo, let me get so in the morning I was like, yo, let me get like a hundred bucks so I can buy a ticket go home So he's like, all right, whatever just paying back whenever you can so I take the hundred bucks I get a cab I go to the train station when I get to the train station I find out that there's no more trains that day that go back to my town
Starting point is 00:15:13 so I'm like fuck now I only have 80 bucks and I go to the bus stop To the bus station. So I take another cab to the bus station I get to the bus station the next bus is in like 20 minutes. So like I cut the line I beg the dude that's in front to let me cut I get to I get to the teller and he's like That bus is sold out. Oh, the next bus is tomorrow Fuck I'm just gonna be alone here with like 50 bucks It's nothing to do and I'm like, all right, just give me a ticket for tomorrow
Starting point is 00:15:43 I'll figure it out So I buy the ticket and then I'm just gonna like walk outside walk around like figure some shit out You're gonna be homeless you're seven hours away from here fucking exactly. Yeah. Oh, and I forgot the best part um on my way on My travels I was on the subway they have like a subway system over there, too Yeah, and on the subway I got pit pocketed. So I didn't have a cell phone either What so no wallet no cell phone Wait, how do you know you were you're is it pick or pit pick? It's pick. Yeah, pocketed. Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:16:16 Just that's stupid I Don't know you know why because I thought you said pit and I was thinking pick so I didn't want to say this I was like, you know what? Let me check. Let me check it out. Okay. How'd you know you're a pick pocket? Did you like catch the guy was it like running off like Assassin's Creed with a hood? No, I just I Was in the train. I had my phone. I got off the train. I didn't have my phone. I'm assuming I didn't like First of all, that's a real skill like if you see no, yeah shows like I want to do it Yeah, and I got like big thighs so my jeans are tight. So like I don't know it was it must have been tough. I don't know
Starting point is 00:16:54 He was good It was no stranger to the pickpocket. Yeah, like if I were that good at pickpocket I'd probably do it too. Oh my god. Yeah, if I could pick pocket. I would never buy anything ever again. Yeah. No, I Wouldn't steal from people. Come on. Oh anyone. I used to steal all the time But who are you like candy stores? I would steal from like yeah, like corporations because like fuck them They make a lot of money. You would steal from corporations like like who I don't know like just like Like a right aid like they got plenty But I wouldn't steal from a person
Starting point is 00:17:32 No, I mean, yo, I mean if I could take a watch off of someone's wrist without them knowing I would just practice doing that all day. I Mean I feel I mean, I don't know like you ever seen that movie like who's in that movie What movie like with Will Smith like where they're like expert pickpocketing. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh See, I want to fucking do that. Yeah, that'd be really cool I've seen the shows where the guys are just staying there and they're like taking off his belt and putting it around his neck Yeah, what the fuck is going on? Yeah, how's he doing that? It's all about like I'm not gonna pretend to know what like I'm you know, I don't know anything I'm gonna fucking talking about but if I could pick pocket
Starting point is 00:18:06 I would definitely do it and I used to steal I used to go I was on a spree when I was in like six or seventh grade any time I walked into a candy store I was coming out with something that I did not pay for every single time. It was bad And I would steal things I didn't even need like there was a 30 pack of like wind winter fresh gum And I was like, yeah, this shit's coming right with me and I would just put it in my waistband and walk out Wow Yeah, and never got caught ever Like even oh actually I did get caught. What happened? There was a time where I walked into right aid It might have been Genevieve's at the time
Starting point is 00:18:40 Genevieve's oh man, and I was with Frankie and Frankie knew I had this addiction Where I just was to steal candy and I think it was a did he encourage it or did he try to stop you? He didn't try to stop me, but I'm he didn't like encourage it either. He wasn't like, yeah, dude It was you know, it was a neutral ground, but I was gonna steal what the fuck is that called? You know that candy that's just ridiculous It looks like a paint can and a paintbrush and and the paintbrush is like a candy and you dip it in the sugar powder Yeah powder. Yeah, and it's basically like fun dip. Yeah, like way bigger. I love unnecessary So I was like I'm gonna take this by the way that stuff is like poison. What the fuck are we doing?
Starting point is 00:19:24 I mean it's like this sugar take it lollipop dip it in more sugar than shove it in your stupid fucking thing Like what are we okay? Anyway, I'm not gonna start with that, but I Took that and I put it in my pocket and I guess some lady saw me and She came up to me in the middle of the aisle She was like No, she worked there, so she but I think she was like watching the cameras or something Oh, you know, I think I had a warrant out That's people getting tipped off about me. So I can just walk into any places at this time. I'm menace of Astoria six graders
Starting point is 00:19:57 And I walked in and I have the same my pocket and then she comes up to me and she's just like You know, she had like an accent. I don't know the fuck she was it basically She was saying I saw you fucking put that in your pocket and I was like what I was like, oh, yeah, I'm paying for this I'm gonna pay for it. What do you mean? Right, so then like we're having an argument and I keep I'm trying to convince this woman that I always put stuff in my pocket that I'm going to pay for it cuz that's totally normal cuz that's what you do and and Frankie comes up out of nowhere. Oh, yeah, he would never do that
Starting point is 00:20:29 Never do that, right? I was just like this whole thing and they just let me go. Yeah, but I had to buy it You know what was it 99 cents, I don't know man I owe so many people Money for buying me slushies after school because my parents never gave me a fucking dime ever So we have to school and everyone have like allowance and shit. I've never seen allowance ever in my life Here's like $10 a week. No, it's fuck nothing my parents and I give me shit Like be at home for sick be at home at 6 30 for dinner or go fuck yourself A lot of the time I would go fuck myself. So
Starting point is 00:21:10 Damn if I weren't home for dinner, my mom would like whip me. No, I know she would my parents would fucking kill me if I was little I Had to be home at 6 30 then I had to be home at 11 like not literally whipped just so people know my mom I never would my mom would beat the shit out of me with weapons really one hundred percent. Yeah, like Hangers hockey stick one time the worst my mom ever did was like throw heels at me But it would be from like across the room So like the bed would be in between us and taking a risk there You can get the heel right in the fucking eye, you know, but I would I would always be over there like laughing and trying to dodge them
Starting point is 00:21:51 So I'm like I'm behind the bed like dodging the heels Yeah, one time like I don't know like I guess our walls are weak She literally put a hole in the wall with one of her throws and there's still like that marking in the room Like it's plastered over dude. That's where she if my mom would anything that was near her She would hit me with it wouldn't matter She was a savage and my dad would always take off his shoe belt His hand his hands the size of this fucking table. My dad's a gigantic man so
Starting point is 00:22:20 Really, it was nice little childhood. It was you know, we got the shit kicked out of us Anyway back to this bus story, right? What the hell we talking about you got pickpockets. You have no phone No wallet. No wallet. I have you must take it for the next day. I'm like ten dollars And no fucking plan no plan nothing so like I'm like gonna walk out and then I'm like fuck it I'll just go see if like I can like get on this bus of the like whatever, you know so I go to the loading area and Luckily, it's a shit show like no one knows what they're doing like everyone's yelling blah blah blah and Finally, I find out where like the bus I need is so like I go into the line and like I make sure to get in the front
Starting point is 00:22:59 Of the line so like I go up to the dude like checking the tickets and like it's spain So it's not like as admit like it's like stupid, you know, there's no like There's fucking spanked stupid. All this you lost all your Spanish view. Yeah Fucking spank. Um, there's no like, you know, there's no like machines or like, you know Like yeah, like it's just like a dude checking the tickets and being like, all right Get on the bus. So like I go over express style. Yeah, I show all my ticket But like I'm covering the date with my thumb. So like he's just seeing like bus tickets or whatever, right? So he like all right, whatever going like he's going fast
Starting point is 00:23:33 He lets me in so I get in and like as people more people are filing in and like they get on the intercom They're like this bus is full make sure you're on your right seat. So I'm just like fuck So like it's like a double-decker bus. So I like go Downstairs where the bathroom is and I just like go and lock myself in the bathroom And I sit on the toilet and So we're we're going and Like maybe eight to ten times during the trip like someone knocks on the door to get into the bathroom So whenever someone get like wants to go in I just get out of the bathroom go sit in their seat
Starting point is 00:24:06 Let them do whatever they got to do and then go back into the bathroom How long was this bus trip? It was like six seven hours. You did that for six hours on the bus And only eight to seven people had to take a dump. Did anyone take a dump? There was one lady that was in there for a while it was a unisex thing so there was one lady that was in there for a while I don't know if she's taking a dump or like I don't know what you give a birth and never likes it didn't smell too bad It was like clean. So like I was fine You sat in a bathroom for I sat on the toilet. Yeah for six hours Why couldn't you just like chill on top of the
Starting point is 00:24:40 One of those like British buses where it's like the top is there's no top to it. It's like no, no It was like it's like a tourist bus. Yeah, it's like it's yeah like kind of like a coach bus And I just didn't want the the dude to see me Yeah, and like so I went like the downstairs wasn't like people couldn't sit downstairs It was like downstairs and they had like the big bathroom down there So like I was just sitting in there and um and yeah, so we get to like So there they made on they made a stop like an hour before my stop and like some people got off So at that point I could get out and like sit in the natural seat. Yeah, and from then on I was fine
Starting point is 00:25:16 But um, yeah, that's it. I wrote in the bathroom for like five hours. Let's do what? It was rough and then what happened when you got back you did you get so you don't have your father your phone So I got back And the the town where the bus left us was like 25 30 minutes away from my town So I still had to get back to my town. So I got in the cab And I brought it to my town And I told and I told the dude I only have 10 bucks, but like when I get there like I can pay you the rest I just got to find my family
Starting point is 00:25:45 You're gonna find my family. So like I bring I just sat in a bathroom for six hours. Cut me a break So I bring him to my house. No one's home. I ring the doorbell. No one's home. So I'm like Fuck so like I go back to the cab and I tell him like Yo, no one's home and like my time's really small I'm like do you mind? I would just like go walk to the bar and like see if they're there So He's like no like I have to go with you. So he's like walking around the town with me like until I find my mom Are you kidding me? No, I swear to god
Starting point is 00:26:12 So like we're walking around until I find my mom and then like I get to my mom and I'm like mom I need like 25 bucks and she gives me money. I pay the guy and he leaves Did you tell your mom I just sat in a fucking bathroom? Yeah. Yeah. She like yelled at me. She was mad I lost my phone. I lost my wallet everything I mean, she got to be pretty excited about your survivor skills Right into survival. I like the thing. I'm pretty like I don't know. I have stick to it in this You have what stick to it in this
Starting point is 00:26:37 I'm gonna pretend like I know that word. I heard him use it before so I like I don't know. You're just like can we get a definition from the closet, please? My football coach said it one time and I was like, that's not a fucking word, but now I say it all the time That's like you're stick to it. It's a cool word, right? He like said it. I was like, that's not a fucking word, but it is a word and I don't know I like it. I thought there was something like I thought it was like, you know what I mean? Like a cue in there like a nice french word. What's a cue? No, I don't know. I thought it was like
Starting point is 00:27:07 I'm not never mind. It's cool. You should start saying it And let's get to the sponsor today. We only have one it's harry's And let's get to the sponsors real quick. We only have one today today is harry's razors Which I use thankfully now I do be good, but I used to use like the crappy ones from the drug store That's why my neck looks the way it does people always think that I have A hickey, but it's just it's like razor burn from shitty razors, but now that I have harry's this should all clear up By taking less profit and selling directly to you over the internet harry's offers their blades at half the price Just two dollars a blade compared to the four dollars or more you're paying at the drug store for a razor
Starting point is 00:27:46 That will cut your fucking neck open like me Harry's is so confident. You will love their blades. They're giving you a trial set for free Just cover the three dollars for shipping your free trial set includes a weighted razor handle five precision engineer blades with lubricating strip and trimmer blade Rich lathering shave gel and a travel blade cover. That's a 13 dollar value for you to try for free all right Stop messing around and get started shaving with harry's today by claiming your free trial offer a 13 dollar value for free Just cover the shipping three bucks. You don't have three bucks. Go fuck yourself
Starting point is 00:28:23 To get a free trial set include a razor handle five blade cartridge and shave gel go to harry's dot com Slash basement right now. That's harry's dot com Slash basement you want a razor you want a free child trial razor go to harry's dot com slash basement um anyway I'm glad you're here because I feel like you're one of my more open-minded friends. Oh for sure and You know recently on my other podcast other people's lives. We had this woman on to talk about She's polyamorous. She's in an open marriage. Okay
Starting point is 00:29:00 You're familiar with the term. Yeah, I mean for anyone who's not it's basically these people who Feel like they can Be in relationships with more than one person this woman in particular is married and they have a polygamous Or i'm gonna fuck polyamorous. I'm sorry. There's there's different. Yes poltergeist. It's is that the word? No, no They have a polyamorous marriage where the husband has girlfriends And the wife has boyfriends And like people hear that and they go what? Yeah, but I think it's like
Starting point is 00:29:37 Interesting so I just want to pose the question. Do you think that human beings are monogamous? I think human beings can be monogamous. I think they can also be but are they If anyone can be anything and people can be firemen, but are they firing? Does that make any sense? I thought I was going somewhere with that one No, but you know what I mean like are they are we naturally? Monogamous, I mean, I think everyone has said no, right? Well like strictly speaking from an evolutionary perspective, we're not, you know, right Like our ancestors weren't like like by ancestors. I mean like
Starting point is 00:30:16 Thousands hundreds of thousands of years weren't like, you know, like hundreds of thousands like back in the day. Yeah, like back in the day Back in the day Yeah, you know back when Jesus was before oh, yeah, wait before him. I forgot. I'm sorry Um But yeah, I think like I think monogamy is definitely a like a social construct Yeah, I mean, it's just it it was like a weird Because while she was talking to me I was just like thinking of because I consider myself a monogamous for the most part
Starting point is 00:30:54 I mean, I should just say I don't know why For the most part, what does that mean every Wednesday? I'm like, well not today uh, but uh Yeah, she was talking she was telling me about it. I just found I just found like it was so interesting that I feel like it's impossible for that marriage to fail Like what problem can they run into to fail?
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah, jealousy But if you're but if you're both through and through polyamorous There there is no really There there is none of that But can you be through and through polyamorous? I like say say you're in a relationship, right? And you don't just like become no, right, right
Starting point is 00:31:43 But say like even if I'm like 100 polyamorous, right? I'm in a relationship and like me and my wife or girlfriend like Also have another boyfriend and girlfriend like what if like My girlfriend Wants to hang out or wants to have sex with her boyfriend one night when I want to like hang out or have sex with her one night like So here's what she was telling me. She I mean, I'm sure I mean, yeah, I guess so but she was telling me there was kind of
Starting point is 00:32:11 unwritten rules Of I guess in that situation Specifically because they're married. She made the conscious decision to marry this guy. So clearly You like this dude more than your other boyfriend So I feel that's like a normal thing like sure. Yeah, that's fine. Um So They have this unwritten rule that They have priority obviously
Starting point is 00:32:40 So if if she and she even you know brought that up where she's like sometimes He'll be hanging out with his girlfriend too much now But hey, you know like you've been hanging out there much like a lot. Let's go on a date night or something. Cool Let's do that. But there's like so much communication and honesty and I feel like if there is that there's I feel like it's way harder for it to fail. I feel like there's only more upside when you're kind of polyamorous Is that crazy?
Starting point is 00:33:11 I don't think it's crazy. I think I don't think there's more upside. I also don't think there's more downside I I think it's the same like not the same but like the the same level of Excuse me Like success the same level of possibilities to go either way, you know, I don't think so because I feel like people get married Sometimes early or early for them. They feel like okay. I'm kind of like whatever. They just like do it because it's something you do and then
Starting point is 00:33:41 20 years later or 15 years later. They're like Where did my 20s go? Where did my 30s go? And they're just like they lose it and they just don't like this person anymore or whatever but if you were able to kind of Be able to build relationships with other people along the way I feel like that just makes for a better relationship between you and the person you choose to spend your life with In a way, you know what I mean? It might it might make it sense here You mean yeah, I feel like that's part of the reason why people become polyamorous, right? Like I or are polyamorous
Starting point is 00:34:13 I don't know if you can become that. I don't know. It's like I think you can be I think you just come aware that you are exactly, but um I don't think would you be able to date a girl who was polyamorous? Because here's the thing too because people hear that and they go oh dude. Fuck. Yeah, like I get to fuck other chicks and but Yeah, but it's not that kind of thing. It's not that kind of thing. It's like a love thing. It's like right exactly It's about like yeah, I'm trying to like date. I'm not trying to just like fuck everybody You know what I mean? I'm just you could just be single and do that. Yeah, so like do you think you could date someone who? You guys are hanging out and all of a sudden she's like, yeah, I gotta date
Starting point is 00:34:50 Fuck other people. Yeah, or no, she's just like I mean, I was having this conversation with Dylan. He was telling me he doesn't he thinks he could definitely not date a girl Who was polyamorous and I I feel like I would be open to it if I knew from the beginning Like don't just fucking spring that on me like yeah By the way, yeah, I'm fucking gonna start dating other people because this is my shit. I'm like, well Uh, I wish you would have told me that yeah, so I could prepare Uh, but do you think that you could date someone who was polyamorous? I don't think so. I don't think I could no no. I think
Starting point is 00:35:23 But why does it bother like I feel way different about cheating than most people do Like like you think it's okay or not. No, no, no. I'm not saying in that regard I'm saying if I'm if I get cheated on I'm not like, oh fuck this bitch fucking slut, but I'm not like that. I'm like Like I get it mean either. You know what I mean? Like I get it. I'm upset, but I don't hate you Same. Yeah, I agree with you 100% Um, but I just feel like
Starting point is 00:35:52 For me personally like if I care about someone love someone whatever I don't want them Caring about slash loving someone else. So here's my question that I came up came up with To me if I say that I love somebody right I want them to be happy right no matter what right that doesn't mean I want them to be happy only with me right that I think is selfish because who am I I agree to You know, I think but in response to that I think at that point I would like that's what they truly want I would be like Okay, follow that just I can't follow that with you. You know what I'm saying? Sure
Starting point is 00:36:33 but I don't know. It's I don't know. You're right. You're right. That is the correct answer You won $200. Let's see what he's got on the board. Uh, But yeah, you're right in that you can you can just say that like You know, I'm just this is my thing, but I just feel like A Lot of people will say that like oh, I just want you to be happy, but if there's a breakup or there's Cheating, I mean cheating. I mean whatever it's different than a break up
Starting point is 00:37:03 But like if there's a break up like you're supposed to hate your ex you're supposed to like Fuck it. I like I don't know why I don't know why that's a thing That's yeah, I don't fucking hates there like if someone breaks up with you all of a sudden They're the worst person in the world. Yeah, I don't hate any or I really only have one axe, but I don't hate my Yeah, I don't I don't understand that like weird Thing that we've created in this world, but that makes no fucking sense to me Uh but
Starting point is 00:37:28 And then like the cheating thing too like I just feel different about that like people freak out about that shit I just feel like I mean I get it. I understand and I do think that do you think it's possible That Someone can cheat on you and still love you. Yeah Me too. Yeah, and I don't think anyone thinks that I don't think cheating is a Love thing. There's like a lot of things that go into cheating. I mean it could be that this girl goes. I fuck this guy I don't give a fuck. Oh, yeah 100% but I think like if someone was I mean like I just feel like I also think it's possible for people to
Starting point is 00:38:01 Be in love with multiple people or to care about multiple people and like That's why I'm kind of like if I if I was be I was able to like strip down all of the Whatever and this is another thing I was talking to Dylan about also I just completely disregarded that last sentence that I just said, but anyway, I was talking to Dylan. I said uh If a girl cheats on you Why is it why does it bother you? Right? And When you ask questions on questions on questions, eventually I get to what I think is the answer
Starting point is 00:38:33 With guys is it hurts your pride If people didn't care you wouldn't care, but when someone cheats on you and you're like and then they're like You're supposed to be upset about that. I honestly don't think that's the answer for me. I think so. I think for me, it's If someone fucks your girlfriend. Yeah And tells you that I would be pissed or if like if you heard it from somebody I would be pissed or like you know what I'm saying, but like they're with guys There's such a pride thing like I honestly I don't think I have like that much of a pride like I don't
Starting point is 00:39:10 I don't believe anything You're a good guy. Thank you. But um I just think that like if you make a commitment to someone Like and I'm and I put my trust in you and my confidence and my feeling whatever, you know Like I don't want that to be broken. It'll hurt me. Sure Like it'll like I'll I might still love you and care about you afterwards But it'll still hurt me. Like I'll still be pissed off. I'll still be mad. I'll still be like not feeling Okay with it. You know what I'm saying? Yeah
Starting point is 00:39:44 Like if it's a predetermined thing like a pre-discussed like polyamorous sort of situation Then that's okay because those are the expectations that are set. Yeah, which is different from going out and doing it Without talking to me about it. That makes sense Uh, yeah, I understand And you think that if someone if you met a girl and you like liked her whatever blah blah you guys went on two dates And all of a sudden she's just like by the way, I'm polyamorous. So I date multiple people You would be like I'm done. You wouldn't talk to her. I find that hard to believe I think because at that point at that point it's a pride thing at that point
Starting point is 00:40:19 I don't think it's a pride thing at that point. You don't know her You went on two dates You don't love her I don't know you're right. Yeah, obviously, but So at that point it's do I date this guy's not a pride thing though I feel like it bothers guys to feel like I'm not the only one So here's the thing so Exactly, it depends what expectations are set. I guess right like I've dated people that We're also dating other people
Starting point is 00:40:51 or like Right, but we weren't in a relationship like we were both like I don't know if you'd call it dating but like we were like Like we were fully aware that we weren't in a exclusive whatever relationship with each other I think that's different than being polyamorous. By the way, I don't know. Yeah, right like I think that's different, right? Or no, I don't know. You just said which one is different the polyamorous like just like casually dating someone Oh, yeah, that's different. That's different. Like you're not okay. Like, you know exclusive exclusively with somebody, right? You're just like dating around whatever, right? so
Starting point is 00:41:26 I forgot what my point was. All right, but this is what I'm saying Let me set the situation for you. You meet some girl. You really like her You met her on the bar. You guys have a good night. You go out on two dates on the second one She goes by the way on polyamorous. I date multiple people at that point. What do you do? Do you go? You know what? Forget this. Like you're polyamorous forever, like I mean, that's Like she would never want to be just you too is what you're saying. That's the situation that you're putting
Starting point is 00:41:51 Do you want to chase that and kind of? Like I feel like that's a bad answer. Yeah, no, no, no, that's what I'm saying. Like that's pointless. Oh Yeah, I mean, you don't like chase. You know, you can't like chase after that. Yeah. No, that's stupid at that point What do you do to me? I'd be like, all right. Well, I guess I'm trying this out Okay I agree Like convention. No, no Like no in that situation like
Starting point is 00:42:20 Like why not? You know what I'm saying? Like it's the beginning of something like you you go with it, right? But then oh fuck, but that's hard, bro I guess because then like what if what if you like Fall in love with her like, you know, like get feelings for her later on or whatever and then She's like, I mean, you're not like about that. Like you I'm assuming you've never been in a relationship like that I haven't either. No, right. So like what if like
Starting point is 00:42:48 Six months later, you guys are like super happy care about each other a lot And she's like you're like, oh, you want to hang out Wednesday night? She's like, no, I'm gonna go over to Jim's place I'll see you on Friday. Like you just be like, all right. Like I'll see you Friday Yeah, and then you go you go over to Janice's And hang out with Janice, but that's what like I feel like you're talking about it from like a sex perspective I'm not talking about it from a sex perspective because you you get things from certain people Here's another thing I don't understand. Is this a crazy concept? What and don't worry. I already brought this up to my girlfriend and and had this conversation with her
Starting point is 00:43:27 And I actually this question and she you know, she gave the answer I thought she was gonna give But is it crazy If I'd rather hang out With a different girl than her Like I would prefer Is that crazy just think just hear me out though And this is how I explained it. Okay out of friendly level not like I want to go right right like, you know, whatever
Starting point is 00:43:50 Uh I was like, I'd rather hang out with Frankie than you You know And he's a friend and why is that not a big deal because you know, I'm not gonna fuck that kid but If it's a girl Then there's that chance. Yeah, so there's no trust then or is there trust dude There's trust, but it's still like I don't know
Starting point is 00:44:14 But how is but look, why can't I enjoy and by the way, this is all hypothetical This is not a situation that's going on currently. No at all Like this is all I was just like listening to this. No, no, I talked we had this conversation I just don't want people to think like, oh, they're going through it right now. No, we're not, uh, but Uh, I just I like talking about it because it's just like it's just interesting to think about like because the woman with the polyamory just like whatever but If I met a girl in a bar and we just clicked on like a friendly level and she was we had the same sense of humor Whatever it was fun
Starting point is 00:44:46 cool You've done that. How many fucking dudes have you met in a bar? You're like, oh, this guy's fucking all right And you just like right so But like you wouldn't want to have sex with her Just like I think that practical level like if you if you love if you love somebody you don't fuck other people Obviously, so I think that you can what do I think that guys and girls can be friends just friends Yeah, do I think they don't want to fuck each other? No, I think maybe I think they probably do But like you don't yeah
Starting point is 00:45:17 Like you don't just yeah, you don't lose attraction to like other women Yeah, exactly. So like I can hang out with you. Yeah, I can hang out with you If we and we could both tell a path He'd be like I mean given the opportunity with all the right circumstances I would put my penis inside you But we don't do that because I care about this person more But but you're so here's the thing so okay, okay, but you're funnier Right, so it's fun to hang out with you. Yeah, right not funner
Starting point is 00:45:44 You're like on a funny thing. You're the funny guy a funny person. I like hanging out with you. Yeah, right What's wrong with that? So just like on a I'd rather go to a bar with pete than josh, but I'd rather go to josh's house than go to pete's house What is the difference? I don't know. That was weird. I'm no, but this is what I'm saying like you're you're my you're my girlfriend So I'm supposed to just just act like you Have every great quality in a person and out of all the girls in the world I'd rather hang out with you. That's not realistic at all. But why are we pretending like it is?
Starting point is 00:46:21 Why can't you hang out with another person that given the opportunity yet? Would you fuck up? Probably who knows but you don't do that Why can't why is that not possible? This is what I'm talking about. No, like that's possible. Like I I hang out with like I hang out with females like that or like Co-workers because that's a rule. That's here's the thing co-workers Friends of your cousin or some shit One-on-one by the way, you hang out with girls one-on-one. Yeah, and when you while you're in a relationship. Yeah Who's the girl? That I'm in a relationship. No, no
Starting point is 00:46:56 How do you know I hang out with co-workers one-on-one that are females that doesn't count. Why not because you are contractually bound to that person You guys can get lunch together. She works in my office. What about like outside of work? No, I hang out with co-workers outside of work. She's a co-worker. Okay. That doesn't matter. Someone who's not a co-worker And I this is also things I hang out with non co-worker female friends one-on-one That I'm while you're in a relationship that yeah that I'm Yeah, but that I'm like literally not
Starting point is 00:47:30 It's actually like into at all. Here's another rule. Are they significantly uglier than your girlfriend Or are they remotely attractive? Do you not want to fuck them because you wouldn't fuck them? Exactly these are the rules you can't hang out with people who are attractive Because your girlfriend feels like Oh, you like hanging out with her That means you and your love her you're in love with her bubble boy and all so you're saying you you don't have a jealous bone in
Starting point is 00:48:00 Your body then is what you're saying. That's not what I'm saying. So you'd be perfectly fine with your girlfriend Hang out with another dude that you don't know one-on-one And she tells you you know what honestly like I don't want to hang out with you tonight I'm gonna go to the bar with jim That's different. I don't want to hang out with you. I'm gonna go hang out with him. But that's what I said before though No, but I'm not saying that I'm saying You said I'd rather I'd rather same thing. I mean, I guess but I'm not gonna blow off plans. That's not what I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:48:27 She'd rather hang out with jim than with joe. Yeah, that's not something you say out loud to someone like oh, yeah I'd rather hang out with her than him I'm but I'm saying like subconsciously you say that you don't say that's your friends where you're like Oh, I'm not hanging out with you because I'd rather hang out with him. You don't say that but it's like that's just how you feel That's your yeah, I've done that. You know what I mean? But that's what I'm saying like It's it's more fun in this way to hang out with this person But I'd rather share my life with you and we have fun together. We don't it's not like we don't have fun together
Starting point is 00:48:57 Right, like we have fun But and I would rather share my life with you than this person. Yeah Well, I don't think there's anything wrong with having female like opposite sex friends No, I don't either and as long as like I mean because that's the thing you guys and girls can't be just friends because they all want to have sex with each other Who cares like even if that's the thing like you but you don't Do it you don't yeah, you know what I mean people like guys and girls want to have sex with like everyone not everyone but like
Starting point is 00:49:27 Not everyone but like If the opportunity were presented itself to anyone in the world and it was like Like no consequence blah blah blah whatever, you know, like people would have sex with people. It's like human instinct It's natural. You know what I'm saying? Right like it's not So I don't think that's like a reason to not Be friendly with someone of the opposite sex because yeah, because that's where trust comes in, you know That's where and also it's the fact that Like it's not going to work either way as much as I would like it to
Starting point is 00:49:59 It's not going to happen that way like as much as I would like to be like Oh, I can talk to this random girl on the bar and she's not going to feel like I want to cheat on my girlfriend right now and and uh My girlfriend's like gonna feel like I'm about to fuck this girl in the middle of this bar You know what I mean? It can't just be this fucking conversation. Yeah, because that's the other side of it too single girls If a dude who's in a relationship even says can you pass the salt and pepper? She's like Jesus christ This guy's a fucking pig. You know what I mean? There's that too
Starting point is 00:50:27 So it's like or like or like girls that are in a relationship and you say like one word to them and they're like I have a boyfriend and that's another thing too when I go out to places and girls are talking to me I'm going to talk to them back. But yeah, because you're not gonna be rude Yeah, because like I don't want to be that guy that's like covering his dick like no no no Yeah, you know what I mean? Like you can be friendly. It's like that's where Chosk comes in. Yeah It just doesn't make fucking sense to me And back to your other back to your question. Would I be comfortable with her doing that? Probably not exactly. I'm not gonna act like I am right, but at the end of the day
Starting point is 00:51:04 She should do it Right 100% am I going to stop her from doing that? No, am I gonna even bring it up? Probably not Why not why would I bring it up dude? I don't know But it's like if it bothers you you don't want to bring it up if it bothers me. I shouldn't be dating her Why? Because I don't trust her. Well, I think she's gonna go fuck her for like you. You know, you could trust her And like think she's not gonna do anything, but it could still bother you. I don't know Yeah, but if it bothers me, that's not her problem. That's my problem
Starting point is 00:51:36 Yeah, but you can still talk to her about it. No, like you could have like open lines of communication in a relationship And what's the answer there? I don't know. She's gonna stop hanging out with him because that's not what I want But just like I don't know just like reassure you like talk about just like talk I feel like talking is key. Sure like Communicating and like just like about everything, you know, it's not I don't want people to get the wrong like You know, I feel like people definitely think you're like, I'm a cheater Yeah, no, I've never cheated on a girl ever but And none of this shit is like happening either. This is all like hypothetical and I'm playing devil's advocate of this
Starting point is 00:52:11 Yeah, yeah, yeah, because like I said, I've said this numerous times too. You came and imagine the amount of times I had to say during the conversation when I had with my girlfriend I was like, I think I'm an agonist. Do I do would I be okay with you? Rather hanging out with another guy No, but I would I would have to deal with that. Yeah, because like realistically That Should be fine. Yeah, and that's just something I have to deal with that's jealousy. That's insecurity Obviously, and honestly, I think I could easily get over that not like over time
Starting point is 00:52:40 Because like the only answer for you not wanting her to hang out with another guy is that you don't trust her Exactly, that's the only answer or like vice versa, you know, exactly That's the only answer Which is like it doesn't make sense when when people are in relationships and like, oh, I love you so much And then when they go to a bar and then their girlfriend talks to a guy at the end of the bar They get all jealous and like beer muscles like I'm gonna go fuck this guy up Do you think your girlfriend's gonna cheat on you at the bar that you're at that you guys walked into together? Why would you be dating someone that you think's gonna cheat on you in front of your fucking face?
Starting point is 00:53:10 That makes no sense to me at all I'm like go ahead and talk to you know, I mean like that that makes no sense I don't know dude. I'm fucking pouring sweat. I mean, yo, it's hot in here. I'm dying Fucking hey, why is it so hot? Is it always this hot in here? Yeah, it's just I gotta put the ac on me It's a small room. Do you want to turn it on? I don't know. We're wrapping it up here We got it all out I gotta stop ranting people are getting the wrong they dump your yeah people think you're an asshole. No, yeah Which is like, I mean, it's cool
Starting point is 00:53:41 Yeah, I didn't kill any sheep or anything. I just you know made a bunch of hypothetical situations. We're getting into like, uh First argument of when life starts now didn't kill a sheep Killed a litter Dude sheep have more than one baby at a time because I feel much worse. First of all, we got to look that up really quick I just want to find out how many sheep come out of a uh sheep What's a baby sheep? What's a baby sheep? I think it's just a sheep, right a lamb a lamb. Oh, is it? Yeah Dude, I don't know anything. It's really bad. Right sheep Uh give birth
Starting point is 00:54:17 I feel like you're googling the wrong thing right now. I just typed in later just Just how many babies do sheep have one to three lambs? All right, so I could have been one could have been fucking three could have been one And you broke its fucking leg No, no, no, it was hobbling it could walk Torn a cl then it could it could walk Listen out for the season, dude You're the other fucking lambs. It could walk sheep's on the ir it was gonna get pregnant again next year like it's fine Like it's not that big of a deal. It's probably terrified the next time we got pregnant like I hope this kid doesn't come sit on me again
Starting point is 00:54:53 The closet Anyway, we're gonna wrap this up Marco. Where can they find you if they want to contact you? Um, no twitter My instagram is m.gonzo 28 There you go Uh, also, we're gonna be playing Some games on the x-ray yard today So if you want to watch that you gotta sign up for full screen go to slash basement yard
Starting point is 00:55:16 Put in the promo code basement and it'll get a free month and then it's only six dollars a month after that And uh, that is all And we'll see you guys next time

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