The Basement Yard - The 4th Of July Episode

Episode Date: July 4, 2016

I have @LambVM10 & @AntVino on to talk about the 4th of July & other nonsense. Get Yours at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. It is July 4th. I'm here today with Nick deus. Yeah, my name's Amino What? We didn't what you started recording. Yeah, maybe get it. Okay. Jesus. So you did my intro. I did all right There's so well welcome back to the basement yard is Monday July 4th 4th of July. It is America everyone's got America shit. Do you I do? Yeah, I got my jersey. Oh, yeah, okay I have a American flag vest that I'm not wearing currently, but I have it here I'm wearing red white and blue and and blue sunglasses my American Flag bathing suit do also you has solid and I'm getting a tattoo today of the American flag shit
Starting point is 00:00:44 I have two of them. That is a lie. I won't go out and get a bold eagle tattoo on my back You would do some shit like that a hundred percent of the moment Yeah, you got your your tattoo on your chest is done now my pirate Hey pirate there he goes what got a problem Anyway Yeah, man today's July 4th 4th of July and I keep saying July 4th. It's the 4th of July because I'm American, okay I'm having like a barbecue at my house. We're just gonna get real shitty. I already started drinking and yeah We redid my backyard recently. There's a bunch of concrete there. So there's a lot of space to very very nice looking backyard
Starting point is 00:01:22 Yeah, it came out perfect. Yeah, I mean this we still got some ways to go. There's no fence. Yep There's just concrete just a random pole sticking in the middle of it. Yeah, it's rare. What's what the fuck are you talking about? You shut up. We were just talking about this before the podcast started. This is probably Davino's like Probably 10th episode that he's been on this time champ. I do it for the kids Which kids all of them all the kids all the different kinds the ones you know The ones that aren't born yet, it's good the things you say the shit that comes out of your mouth Yeah, I wish we had fireworks though, but we don't we could I could yeah, you did video Davino goes Yo, let's go get fireworks right now. Yeah, let's drive to fucking Pennsylvania. No, you know, you're in Jersey
Starting point is 00:02:10 It is yeah, you can get them in Jersey. Oh, you're dangerous with fireworks. Remember the one time in ps2 The one tipped over You know was like I got this yo my firework show on my parents were across the street watching there was at least 30 people Yeah, I was like, you know, this is dope I got a crowd and then I was just setting them off one by one like an idiot because that was the wrong thing to do Yeah, and it flipped one of them one of the big ones Davino had he lights it it flips over It shot right at me. Yeah, and I fucking hopped over it and it exploded. It was like green Yeah, and it was like the ones I get shot 300 feet into the sky
Starting point is 00:02:50 No war that go sounded like a fucking Missile, I was like, what the fuck I think that I think that's what caused someone to call the cops I was just about to get the best part was this kids in the middle of the park and the cops pull up No, no lights or anything and we're just like yo, Davino Davino. He just turns around what the fuck do you want? You know, I was ignoring you guys. I was like, yo shut the fuck up I was lighting them to And then and then you guys say it again. I turn around is a fucking flashlight in my face I was like, oh, they were literally like like two steps behind Davino and that's when he decided to turn around and go
Starting point is 00:03:23 What the fuck do you want? Oh, hello? And they're like, yeah, what the fuck are you doing dude? What did you get in trouble for that? I yeah, I got a summons I told them like yo listen, I'm done with all the good stuff here Like here's the rest just take it and the lady was like, yeah What about in your pocket cuz I had the fucking firecrackers in my pocket and I was like yo take those two I just I don't want to go to jail and my mom was across sheet. What the fuck? Leave them leave him alone. How much was the summons? I think like 120. Oh, that's not bad
Starting point is 00:03:52 Yeah, I was I was waiting online that day because it was like months later You have to go and people like yeah, yo you get 700 bucks and you you get points. I'm like chill I'm like the fuck out of here. So it's like 120. No 120 bucks almost killed like half your friends would have been a good story Yeah, that's not the first time that's ever happened to me because Over in Garden Bay. They have that like yeah, I got hit with show. Is that today? They do them now. I don't boys said no Oh, well, they used to have like this firework show. They would do like a fat They had like a fucking roll. Yeah of like a fire hose They would dance on them. Yeah, those guys were savages
Starting point is 00:04:28 They'd be drinking since like 7 a.m. And then at like 10 at night They would have this firework show and there should be staying there fucking rockets are flying everywhere One of the better fireworks shows for like your average Joe's oh, yeah together. How are you? I was so good and I remember one year when I went there One of it because they have like these metal things that they put the what they called mortars Yeah, they put those in and they ones like a mad high that tipped over and shot Right into the house to it. Yeah, and so it's like it was shot right past my shoulder Like in between you heard the whistle. It was like oh shit
Starting point is 00:05:01 And then there was an explosion and there was like purple fucking lights like exploded everywhere I'm pretty sure that would have put a hole in your chest. Yeah. Yeah, I would have been dead was a mortar Honestly, it would have lost like a hand. Yeah Unarmed actually Jason Pierre Paul on the Giants. You would have blue was fucking handle. You would have I you would have been hurt I'm surprised that didn't happen to you. Yeah, I would never let you like handle fireworks ever again. I would walk it off I have escaped death once Once once when Memorial Day weekend
Starting point is 00:05:31 Not gonna say who was driving that atv I'm not gonna say what and I escaped death. I came out cracked ribs and hematoma I don't even know if I have escaped death. Oh, well our Yo, let me just say when I got thrown up that atv everything goes into slow motion So what was going through my head was yo, bro 50 chance you're gonna live you have no helmet on That went right into a tree That would have been terrible because you would have ruined my fucking Memorial Day weekend
Starting point is 00:06:00 If you were to die, would you guys have came to my funeral? You would have ruined it. No, I would have been upset But he said I had a good weekend. It's good Doing his death. Yo, I don't know how I hit. I didn't hit my head But everyone drove past the crash sign was like, yo, how are you alive? I remember he got he got pissed because vagus was like 10 days later and I saw him I was like, yo, what's up? I like smack them on the side of yeah, come on man. Yo, you didn't see my whole side I remember the pool. I was just like, yo, what the hell? It looked like he had, you know, like Tony Romo wears it like rib to rib protector. That's what it looked like
Starting point is 00:06:28 I was swollen. I had to hold my drink on my side. Oh my god. What happened nothing great story Shark shark. I was telling people that Ready? Yes. Oh no, my story was oh my god. What happened? You're hurt. Well, I was just in the summer axe games and I was in quali I was qualifying and dirt bike racing and I cracked my ribs So uh, me and my friends there was like fucking 14 of us. How do you not believe that? So we came here to celebrate my loss. Oh my god. That's crazy. Here's my tongue. Here's my tongue Oh my god, it was great. Yeah, I can't I'm fine now, but it's still hard as a rock Is it when does it go away?
Starting point is 00:07:08 Some said that it'll be hard for like ever And then I don't know that's it. Nice I'm not mad. That's good crack ribs are gone Just drink it off. You know, don't drink too much. Don't end up like this When you were boozing in, uh, vegas, you didn't feel no pain. No, I didn't but it was hard to breathe You don't understand how crack ribs is hard. Just drink it off. You know, I cracked my mom's ribs on the Super Bowl last year That's terrible. Uh, two years ago. Not the last Super Bowl the one before that I was wearing a onesie of Superman. So I had superhuman strength
Starting point is 00:07:43 And I saw her and I was like, oh, you're my mom. I love you and I hugged her And I like picked her up and like I cracked one of her ribs. She was Very upset. I felt terrible. I started crying. I was hammered It takes months to fucking heal. Yeah, she was fucked up for a while Yeah, I hated it. I hate crack ribs. My siblings still hold that against me. I shout out to them. You're your mom. Yeah, that's terrible I'm also holding that against you too. Yeah, that was awful. Such a great woman It's fucked up. Just drink it off. You know, just don't end up like this dickhead because I remember How long ago was that the 4th of july? That was the drunkest I've ever seen you
Starting point is 00:08:14 Oh, man, that's gonna be like four or five years. You still had a pool at the time. Wow I was present. Yo, that's the only the only thing I remember from that day was well two things Oh, you were in the pool Yes, but before that we went and got beers to bring it to the goonies house. Yeah, because we were gonna go there after Wait, did I drive you? It was at the E. I drove him there. Yes. Yes. Yeah Yo, you were screaming shit out the window like, you know, I'll fuck you up and like some kid came up to the car I was gonna fight you. I was like, yo, stop. Stop. Stop. Dude. I was driving. I had the infinity Yeah, the g the g35 great car x. Yo, I just I always used to tell people like, yo
Starting point is 00:08:48 There's no way you can get that drunk where you black out. You don't remember anything. I was just like, yo, that's just bullshit That never happens. Well after that day plenty of times. Yo, so I remember we had Bacardi like dragon fruit or some I bought that so we're all drinking in your pool and the only thing I remember is I go Eric gets out the pool to go make a drink and I'm like, yo, make me one also And from what he said to me is the red solo cup He filled it up like 85% with alcohol And then he just gave put cranberry in it just to give a color And I just like chugged that or like some I drank it mad quick
Starting point is 00:09:22 I wouldn't drink it and then like you drank it progressively and then I remember you being mad drunk and standing on the deck And and Dylan was like holding you up and you're looking at me and I'm filming you And I'm like, yo, who's gonna win the Stanley cup and you're like rangers I'm like who's gonna win the Wow, I'm bugging out the Super Bowl. You're like giants And then we're like who's winning the gold medal or something. You're like And he was fucking hammered and then I don't I don't just remember waking up In Tim's bed at like three in the morning and I got I had a panic attack because I'm like, yo, how'd I end up here?
Starting point is 00:09:59 Hold on. Where am I before that before that we got to their house And I'm we're in the backyard You guys had gotten there before me. I think you just like left right away. You just dropped him off. I think At Tim's. Yeah. Yeah. So it was just you there. And so I show up there. I'm with Keith And I show up nix in the kitchen And he's fucking just whatever and he's looking at me and he's looking at john. He's going. Yo, don't judge me. Oh, I'm sorry I'm like the fuck it's yo, I don't know why I wouldn't trust the med charging my phone Why would you let him make you a drink? It was Eric. Oh, is Eric even worse?
Starting point is 00:10:32 Yeah, even worse That kid that kid will try to kill him The next the next day, I remember you're like, yo, you know, you drove there I was like stopped I was like, no, you're lying because you guys there's no way you guys would have let me give up on the wheel Yo, you were trying to fight people some dude came out to my car. You like, yo fight me. So he's like, I I'm like, no I'll leave him alone. Yo, I don't remember anything for about 13 hours. Yeah at all. You're going crazy I I remember you I remember Keith was like helping you to the bathroom because you were throwing up and you like threw up down his back
Starting point is 00:11:05 Or something like that And he had like a soft brace on his neck because he had just broken his neck or something. I don't know but uh then Then uh, you were laying in the bed and I was in the backyard and like playing drinking games or whatever And then someone's like, oh next upstairs. He's laying down and like you were really bad So I was like, yo, fuck it. I just went upstairs and laid in the bed next to him Not in the same bed. There was like two beds there. I don't know why I'm like doing that like I'm mad
Starting point is 00:11:28 But like I was in a separate bed and I just kept looking over at him and he was like just passed out I was just making sure he wasn't like throwing up and dying up there Then, you know, so I was up there for like a couple of hours and I'm like, yo, I'm gonna head home So I head home then at like 11 o'clock at night I get a phone call from tim And I go hello and it's this kid and he just goes wow And he sounds perfectly sober. He's like, yo, I don't know what the fuck happened today I'm like, yo, you were fucking hammered
Starting point is 00:11:57 Yo, you guys could have told me I did anything I would have believed it I don't remember anything at all if you could have told me like, yo, you were just robbing liquor stores and like anything I believe I'd be like, wow, yo crazy Yeah, that yo that did I tell you that that's what happened to me some girl Messaged me on instagram Like after vegas and she was like, were you at daylight on thursday? And I was like, yeah, and she's like you had the orange Uh swim trunks on I was like, yeah, she goes. Oh, I think I met you there. I was like, oh cool. And she was like
Starting point is 00:12:31 He's just like, yeah, we shared a kiss after our patron shot. What and I was like time out I was like, I wasn't even drunk that day. I know that didn't happen and um So but she she ended up I mean, I look like every white person ever so I guess she was talking about someone else so, um Then I was talking to it with sammy and she goes, what if she said that about wet republic and I was like It probably happened that way. Yo, wet republic. I don't remember anything. So if someone was like, oh, we were making out I'm like, fuck you came up to me. Please help me. I'm drunk. Take care of me. I was like, yeah
Starting point is 00:13:05 Yo, I I do that all the time some girl hit me up when I went to encore the last day with dom danie and um Dill and she was like, yo, I just saw you my ex-boyfriend's uh snapchat story. I was like, yeah She saw you and her ex-boyfriend snapchat. No, no, I was just in the background. That's what I mean. I was litten Did you say litten? I was lit He did say litten like kitten like kitten or mitten shout out to her They grow a name, huh? No No, that's what that was rough That fourth of july was great. I've never been like really bad on fourth of july. I'm jinxing it today
Starting point is 00:13:44 I'm gonna be fucking terrible probably. Yeah, I'm gonna go to work Go and call out sick. Keith went to go buy a big bottle of jack. I was like, why no, I gotta go home and get the So rock I have so rock at home for you. Yeah, I don't want it Wait, how big is it? I got a big not not a handle like Like a Yo, I got a bottle. Sorry But we need to go buy more beer. I'm out You bought one fucking course the banquet beer 24 ounce. Oh my god, never too early to start drinking, huh? 10 o'clock 11 12
Starting point is 00:14:14 Anyway, let's really quick do uh Do a reading here. We have me undies today Me undies by the way Not kidding, right? I'll show you a lot of people would just say this because like all it's a sponsorship But yo, they really are like the most comfortable Fucking underwear I've ever had. No, I'm not gonna give you a pair of them because they're mine They were like 30. I'm not giving them away. No, no every pair of me undies is made from sustainably sourced Modal or modal. I can't fucking wow a fabric. That's twice twice as soft as cotton
Starting point is 00:14:44 So that explains why my balls feel like they're sitting in a nice cloud or do you remember those little rabbit tail keychains? How soft they were no way. They're not made from rabbit tail. They're made from this shit that I can't pronounce But yeah, um And if you don't love your first pair of me undies, they're free. No questions asked That's insane. By the way, the word asked Asked I can't say it ask people get at me all the time because I say ask Like ask ask. I say ask. I can't do it. It's too much man. Ask the I can't do it Um me undies has dozens of styles and limited edition prints to help you make a statement with your underwear
Starting point is 00:15:22 Whether anyone can see them or not Okay, and they have really cool ones. I actually bought these like funky ass ones. They're called like summer some shit I don't even know. I probably made that name. I'm a time sadness. Oh good song. Good song But you know, they're mad comfortable and they also have shirts. I got two shirts from them These these shirts are mad fucking soft. I want everyone to see my me undies Good night. Davino. No one wants to see that shit. Okay shipping is free in the us in canada And you can save up to eight dollars with a pair of me undies subscription plan If you get the subscription or a single pair get 20 off your first order when you go to me slash basement
Starting point is 00:15:57 That's me slash basement for 20 off your first order. Do it me undies slash basement I'm gonna use my own fucking code to get these You know, they really are the most gotta love a discount. I got like four or five pairs I'll show you with four or five pairs. They're great. You got to get the ones that are like the briefs though Because if you get like the tidy whitey ones, I don't know how that is in there. You know what I mean? Sometimes it's boxers hurt when you go to the gym and run. No, yeah, you can't do that. No, I have I have like 400 pairs of Compression shorts. Yeah, I have like that's how you got to go for the gym. Yeah
Starting point is 00:16:31 I can't wear the fucking boxers. They hurt and everything's jumping around. It's like a fucking a bad party in my pants You know Hey, man, what's up? You ever have those boxers that have the button in the front, but the button just like opens and your dick just keeps sliding out Swinging It sucks when when I'm when I'm in the locker room changing and hockey fucking everything's just like hey, man So it's up. Everything's coming out. Yeah, just falling out. Yeah, I gotta like make sure that shit's buttoned Now with compression shorts. No, I know compression shorts are great. They just hold everything in
Starting point is 00:17:03 I agree to never disagree. It's it just mixes your Dick and balls together and your intestines Everything's hugging. They're all best friends. Yeah, and then when you take it off everything's sweating my Johnson and it's like free Yeah, no, it's bad. It's good and bad, you know as a substance down What I wanted to talk about before when you're talking about like drinking or whatever is like the first ever like youtuber Meet and greet thing event shit that I ever went to the one in Philly I went to Philly sign my face. Were you there the first one girl asked me to sign her face. I said what yeah, do it Okay, does she know who you were I get I I came downstairs to find you because I was napping
Starting point is 00:17:43 And and no, no, you were napping and the rest of the crew were that was downstairs and she was like sign my face I was like, why just do it. Okay. That's crazy. Oh, no, that's not the first one The first one I went to alone But the first one that I went to it was in Philly also And I was like I can't because like they're they're the dumbest things They're really dumb. These things are so stupid. It's like a bunch of these kids go on a stage and there's like thousands and thousands of screaming people And like I don't do anything that should be on a stage Like I wasn't doing like a stand-up act or anything like that
Starting point is 00:18:15 You know what I mean? So it's like a bunch of these kids just go out there and just talk to these girls for whatever You know time it is and they get off and I was like, this is ridiculous But I had no money and they were giving me like 500 bucks ago so I was like, fuck it and uh, I bought this fucking pipe bomb sized saroc bottle And I was just drinking out of that out of the bottle the whole time, right? You were allowed to do that No And uh, that's like your thing. You just drink out of the bottle. Yeah. I don't worry with saroc. It's bad
Starting point is 00:18:43 Even in miami. We're just drinking out the bottles all the time. Yeah, joe. Are you need a cup? No, no, no Because you know what it is like the sweetness of chasers kills me. Yeah, my stomach. That's what gets you Yo, it's bad like because because like it's probably better though because like I only stopped drinking like that because like Like when we remember that day, we got a bunch of mimosas and like we were our chests were burning from You're so I had a I had a fishbowl. Yes, and I was like, yo, this is terrible Like it was good. Yeah, you little fucked up, but the sugar was like, yo, my stomach hurts so bad I don't know old age straight shots. I don't know. It just felt like a fucking hole was burnt Like someone's holding a magnifying glass in front of the sun and it was pointing right at my chest
Starting point is 00:19:24 Yeah, it was fucking killing me But at that show I remember walking out like it was like this backstage area like before you go on the Fucking stage and you're drinking out of the bottle And the guy who put together the whole show comes out to me and he goes You know, you're about to go out in front of like a bunch of teenager Teenagers and I was like, yeah, yeah, I do. What about what about when we walked into Philly with hookah pens in our fucking hats Remember that I do dude. We shouldn't do this. This isn't good. It's little girls crying. Oh
Starting point is 00:19:57 No, I think everyone assumes that I do like hard drugs No, because that's the thing all those kids they try to make make this image that they're just like they don't drink They do this they do they don't but it's like, dude, that's not like realistic Why don't you just be a person like just be but you had to walk out there with a syrup? Wow, was that at least I did not know I didn't walk out. Oh coconut I just had it backstage. I wasn't I didn't walk out on the stage like some fucking alcoholic stepfather like Yo, oh remember, um Was it blades of glory when uh, will ferrell's and like that costume?
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yeah, he has it in his hand. He's like, are you drunk? He goes, no, but this ought to do it Yeah, I didn't walk out there like that you were hammered, huh? You remember the one that I went to with you in Philly and I was dehydrated and I died that day I was sleeping because I like everyone's like, yo, he's mad drunk. I was like, yo, I'm not. I'm just Really dehydrated. I didn't eat all day. You don't remember that I do remember I came out I almost fell off the side of the fucking building I remember that and I remember like in the middle of the whole like me and greed
Starting point is 00:21:07 I was like, I need to go I need to go upstairs because I can't fucking like stand it out because the day before we like barely ate And we drank and I had to wake up early Yo, I slept on the floor a hard floor. My ass was killing me bro from the hard floor was I I felt like I'm spread eagle right now. Both my legs are up on the table Yeah, I'm trying to figure out what you're doing over there. Oh great socks by the way. You like these rangers right? Why in blue? There you go. Yeah, everything everything. You know what I'm saying? What are the boxers? What color are here red? uh, no blue white and
Starting point is 00:21:38 Gray do what you got to do, bro. You know, it's still close. Enjoy your day. Enjoy your day. I'm gonna have a great day What are you drinking today? You're gonna go liquor. You're gonna go beer. What's up? You guys got my syrup. I don't even we need butte heavies the american fly ones Yeah, I need Budweiser's. Yeah, od essentials. I had I gave uh sammy and keith my debit card And I was like just buy everything I was like kind of I have to come do this shit. Can you bring me home to get the shirok though? Yeah, okay. What about your feet don't work? Yo, that's
Starting point is 00:22:10 You just put the gun to my head and said pull the trigger yourself I guess boss boss asked me to pick him up one time to bring him to the to the studio I was like, yo, your feet don't work. He's like, you know, that's mad far That's like two miles away, but this this place is on What is this like 28th street? Yeah, it was on 81st. It's like, yo, you're like, don't work. Yeah, that's bad That's a brutal walk It's not too bad. Well, he was just I walked to your house days gorgeous outside. I need some sunscreen. It's fucking hot as tits Love it. That's why I was wearing spf 50 in all the time in vegas. Best decision I've ever made spf 30 30
Starting point is 00:22:46 Let's go. We need to pound it. Well, was it wasn't it you or fucking? No, it was you the last day I was like, yeah, I've been good like I got like a good brown coat from the spf 50 or whatever And I was like, yo, I'm gonna go 30 today because we're going to like wherever we're going Let's get start spraying 50 all over me and it goes. Oh, no. No, I'll put 30 on. I'm like, you can't just I felt bad. I didn't I didn't mean to hurt you. Yeah, dude. You should see furg right now He put on sunscreen probably from 10 feet away because There's like little droplets of like regular skin and then it's sunburned around it
Starting point is 00:23:19 Oh, it's terrible his belly button. First of all, The line of sunburn starts like a centimeter below his belly button. So either he hacked up his fucking Or he fucked up somehow this kid is really really white. Yeah, he's like really bad Yo, his fucking belly button is just like a circle like a silver dollar around it That's like totally fine. The rest of them is red You never guess but the worst place to get a sunburn is on your feet like where the tongue of the sneaker will be That's what he got too. Yo, it is rough. I got it in vegas somehow I don't know how we were in the pool and shit random and yo, I couldn't put on I couldn't put on socks
Starting point is 00:23:56 I wasn't so much pain. I came out to try. I'm like, yo, why I guess because you're always bending that area too So it's always like and when you walk in shit, yo, it's the worst. That's bad That and like your shoulders. I had to wear a button down one time for a wedding It was like a destination when I was like 13 I'll never forget this and I just got a sunburn when I've had to put the button down and then the tux over Oh my god It's rubbing. Yo, it's terrible. Sunburn isn't a good friend. Didn't that let like sticks get summer and so bad He had to cut off. He was remember we did that at a story apart. We had to cut off his tank top from
Starting point is 00:24:28 It like stuck to his yeah, he was blistering. He was blistering really bad. He had like two degree. What's wrong with these? Really white people. They don't know. I love how I tan. I love it I also have a lot of sunspots on me. So uh, I gotta get that look that Yeah, my shoulders are spotted today. This year. I did a good like I'm a I'm a pretty good tan this year But usually what I do is like I'll go out and just get fucking wrecked the first day Just get completely sunburn. Yep. And then after that, I'm like good I like was you know sunscreen and shit now. I don't have to do it anymore. Now we're good. No, I love being tan I usually only put it on my face
Starting point is 00:25:03 Everywhere else. It's my nose gets all fucked. Yeah I remember in Miami like everyone got fucked up the first time he went there. Everyone was burnt the fuck up It's like, oh my god. The back the tops of my ears were brown That's another spot. That's like on the radio. We always forget to put behind your ears and then you get burned there Yeah, the tops of my ears were all fucking brown. The back man weird It was dude. I was in the bathroom in the airport when we were going home I went to go wash like my hands and I'm looking. I'm like, what the fuck is that and I see it on both I'm like, y'all forget I have skin cancer. I'm dead. I got 10 days
Starting point is 00:25:34 Nah, bro, we'll release some spots on me. I feel like I do. I gotta look that Let's hope not. No health insurance You still don't have it. I thought you got it. Fuck that Fuck that. Yeah I already got fine like 300 bucks find you get fine if you don't have health insurance. Shout out to Fama Isn't health insurance around that anyway? No, like it's like a my payment. I know depending on what kind of coverage you want I know empire blue cross wanted like like I think it was five grand before they cover me. I'm like
Starting point is 00:26:06 They wanted five grand just to just to have yeah, I was like, wait, but do I get covered? It's like you pay like a one-time fee. It's kind of like when you get season tickets in sports You gotta pay though For real you gotta pay it's like the psls to buy the rights to the seat. I barely go to the doctor fucking drink coconut water, dick Apple cider vinegar, it'll never get sick again Mmm, that's good stuff. That is good stuff right now. I feel like I have strip throw, but we're good I I don't want to talk about that Don't don't don't don't jinx it. Yo, stop with the sicknesses. If you fucking give me a strip throw
Starting point is 00:26:40 I'll kill you. No, bro. We're good. My tonsil. Do you do anyone? Do you still have your tonsils? No, I got those removed. Mine are removed You still have yours? Yeah, you're an idiot. I did it when I was like two. Yeah, same Actually, no, I remember when I got my tonsil was it was head hurt Why aren't you on that? I don't know. Can you breathe? I never got the chicken pox, by the way. You're all fear fucked. Yeah, me too Yo, they told me I am fucked because you could die when you're older and you get Yeah, but like not now like if yeah, if you get them and you sit in a corner in a closet
Starting point is 00:27:09 Don't tell anyone like you'll die. Maybe you know, I fiend to have chicken pox. Here we go Well, just again one week off. I just got to know what it's about when we go from what's that? What's the hype? What's the hype? You should see picture my mom had old pictures of me and Keith when we had chicken pox Covered and just the most miserable face. That's the one where you're itchy, right? That's terrible. I couldn't even imagine that but yeah, so my tonsils and I have big ass tonsils. Yeah No, you have adenoids when I get what they're called their anoints. The fuck is that they're like the big balls in your throat That's literally what I have probably yeah, can you do you snore? I used to but I don't anymore and something happened
Starting point is 00:27:46 Then you're fine. Well, I feel like I lost weight because like when I was I was like 180 586 at one point and I was I used to snore and then I lost like 10 pounds They're good. Yeah, but I mean I I'm fine for the most part when I get like Uh sore throats. They fucking blow up Yeah, it's hard to drink water and shit. You should have taken out. I'm too scared You know, you could go do it. I'll come with you. What the fuck's that gonna do nothing exactly They give you anesthesia. They cut them That's not what I'm worried about. Anesthesia is no joke. No, good sleep. It's good stuff. No, but that's not what I'm worried about
Starting point is 00:28:24 It's like you have like a fucking week and a half of agony when you get when you go under anesthesia There's a risk of you not waking up when you're older The fuck does that mean I'm just saying like, you know, what does that mean when you get older your body changes And if you go into anesthesia, you could be in a coma if it doesn't work If you don't have a good anesthesiologist, hey, you know when I got my knee surgery and they put me on under anesthesia It was a crazy thing. I remember like the dude that was doing it for me. He's like, oh, so you're like a sports fan I was like, yeah, you know, I like football basketball. He's like, oh, you play fantasy football The kid was young. He was a young kid had to be like in the sturdies
Starting point is 00:28:58 I'm like, yeah, I do. He's like, all right So, uh, I'm gonna put this mask over you. Tell me two names that I should start. Oh, shit And he's like, all right He's like, uh, keen and Allen, Alistar on Jeffries. That's it. That's all I remember. Yo, you know, Joe They gave me the mask gave me the mask and I was out Nah, yo, and then I woke up like I woke up really late after and my mom was like, oh my god, my baby I thought you were out My mom cried my mom. Yeah, my mom was crying too. I'm like, yo, I'm good
Starting point is 00:29:23 I was all like on meds and shits. I was just see like a zombie for you They gave you the mask when I went for my last surgery They gave to me through the needle and my mom was in the room me and they were like count down from like 20 And I made it to 20. Like, you know what I'm saying I was like, they're like, he's fighting the anesthesia. I'm like, I don't mean to like What and then all of a sudden like you feel like the tingleness go up your arm And it's like, oh, I'm gonna die. I might be wrong, but I think it's called the epidural Yeah, it's like the one that that goes into your back. Yeah
Starting point is 00:29:53 They wanted it was either that or anesthesia. No, like, oh, you could be awake for that But you'll be numb from like the waist down. Don't do that. It's like it's like temporary paralysis They give that to to women who are given birth. Yeah, I was like, yo, I want to be out Like I don't want to see you know, they put the tube down your throat while you're sleeping when they give you the mask You know that right? Yeah, because they want that anesthesia to stay in stay in so it's like pumping through your like You didn't wake up smelling that shit Dude, I woke up I went in at nine. I woke up by my surgery was done at like 12 30. I woke up at four
Starting point is 00:30:21 Like I was out It was crazy. You know, it was weird I woke up from my surgery because I was still on the anesthesia when I woke up. I was cursing at my dad I was like, you fucking asshole. This is your fault. My dad was like, yo, shut the fuck up Everyone could hear you you're in the hospital. What I was like, fuck you. I don't want this So the nurse came on was like, it's okay. It's the anesthesia. What did you do? I I had groin surgery Oh, right. So so as I was like cursing at him, she comes over and she does a little beep beep beep beep beep beep And I was like, yo, you're a fucking knocked out
Starting point is 00:30:49 My dad was My dad was like, yo, shut the fuck up. What's wrong with you people here? There's a baby on the left side of you I was like, fuck you I was like, you know, I was like But yo, when I woke up, I smelled the anesthesia and it's the worst feeling in the world. It's like Oh Dude, that was such a mess when I woke up. I don't remember smelling they were sticking stick of colors in my mouth to wake me up Lick of colors. Remember the ice? Oh, yeah, and they were like Anthony wake up. I was like, yo, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:31:15 I was like, oh, give me that What are you doing? Oh, this is the place Batten graham crackers. I'm too afraid. Yo, I haven't I haven't uh ever been under like that. You haven't been under the needle No, I had a root canal Like when I was younger and I had so much novocaine Because there was Yo, I used to be a nightmare like going to the doctor like I hate throw cultures You know when they have to stick the q-tip? Oh, I gag. I'm like, yeah, so I didn't like it
Starting point is 00:31:42 Literally people are gonna think I make this up. But literally you ask my mom my sister anybody they had Five nurses holding me down So they could try and do it because two of them came in and held my feet Then there was two of them holding my arms down And then there was one woman holding my nose so that I had to open my mouth to breathe and I was holding my breath That's like torture. Yeah, I don't like it. You know, I had to do that for my baby cousin Maria My my aunt was like, yo, hold her hold her down. Like, you know, we were going to get her a blood test And as I'm holding her she's sitting on my lap and she's screaming
Starting point is 00:32:10 I was like, yo, I can't do this because she's gonna remember that day me holding her down I was like, no, I'm not this is not gonna. Fuck. Yeah that ass So I was like, fuck you like I'm out and my aunt was like, yo, you're a fucking asshole. I was like you hold there I'm not touching her. You know, it was bad. I like swine flu. You remember when that happened With my high school, whatever you have it I don't think I did but I had like a slight fever. I had like 100.2 or something like that So me and Keith went to the the doctor and what they do is they take a long ass q-tip and fucking shove it In your nose. Oh, yeah, dude this thing hit my it had to have hit my brain because first of all the thing was going
Starting point is 00:32:47 And I'm like, I don't know how this is like my nose is I thought it was one inch like big This fucking lady was was following as soon as it hits the back of whatever that is My entire right side of my face felt like it was on fire. I was like, oh Did you sneeze too because of it? Like a million times Yo, they did that to clear my sinuses for my allergies because I get really bad allergies so I get shots also and they put this like Like a q-tip, but it had like a furry tip to it at the top It was crazy and yo, I went and I sneezed like the whole thing out and I was just mad boogers and shit
Starting point is 00:33:21 Yo, it was gross, but then I could breathe through my nose. You know what was bad They wanted to give me a quarter zone shot from my shoulder. So my uncle was like, yeah, it's a really small shot I walk into the doctor It's fucking so I'm sitting there with my mom and I'm looking at him I'm like, yo, I was like he pulls out the needle and he pulls out the medicine I was like, yo, that's going into my arm and he goes no no no not this That needle was seven inches long and it goes all the way in I was like, yo, fuck you Put the medicine back in the jar. My mom was screaming at me
Starting point is 00:33:47 I was gonna say that it's like the size of a pen because when they put the needle in my knee to drain The the blood out of my knee because when I tore my ACL at first they didn't know They're like, yo, if we drain your knee and it's yellow or clear then it's like a meniscus But if it's red and it's you know, it's blood then it's an ACL Is it red in blood? Yeah, and yo the needle like I'm not I'm not afraid like when I when I get a blood test I like to look I like to see what's going on. I'm way gone That thing I was like, hold on that thing is going to my knees. Like yeah, I was like that that like goes
Starting point is 00:34:16 That's probably out of my And uh, yeah, they put they put it in and then I was just like like I looked at it And then the moment it hit my skin I had to look away because I'm like, yo, I can't see like you said seven eight inches going into thick too It was pretty. Yeah, because I had to draw blood dude. My dad my dad. He's my dad's like this big guy He's terrified of needles. He like he will do anything not to have a needle, right? And he went some oh he had um So he someone like broke a punched a glass door when he was around and one of the shards glass hit him in the face
Starting point is 00:34:47 And cut his lip like wide open so he needed stitches and he didn't want Like novocaine or whatever, but the guys like listen, it's your face And it's gonna hurt And if you move I could you know damage it So I have to give you this novocade so you don't move and he's like, I don't want it. I don't want it The doctor jabbed him through his shirt With the needle like in the chest or some shit. What do you do? Whoa? My dad just said back was like It was terrified. He was like, oh
Starting point is 00:35:17 What about when we went fucking tubing in pa and I fucking broke my lip open. Yeah, yo, as As opposed parents were with me and they jammed that needle into my lip just to numb it and I was like Remember how he couldn't laugh You try to keep his face Yo, we were laughing and you were like, yo, are you crying or laughing and I was like, yo, I'm bold And you ran away laughing like sprinted. I felt bad. I didn't want to laugh in your face. I felt terrible I was yo, that was the most painful thing as for when I had a picture Yo, it was at least two inches three inches wide of me ripping my lip open and you saw it
Starting point is 00:35:52 Muscle whatever the fuck is in there That was wild. Anyway, let's get the fuck out of here and go drink. I'm trying to set happy 4th of July everyone Go enjoy your day. Don't drink and drive Just drink and walk pass out and drink keep your hand and that's it Call out sick. Uh, devino, where can they find you if they want to contact you already? No, and vino everything ant vino and nick On twitter lamb vm 10 and the vm is for veterans minimum Sports podcast that we're a part of sports podcast that nick is a nick is a part of with me and two other people
Starting point is 00:36:27 so if you're into sports go check that shit out it's on uh iTunes and soundcloud and uh as always. Thanks for listening. Yeah, motherfuckers do it

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