The Basement Yard - The ChampionChip Bracket

Episode Date: September 10, 2018

On this episode, we do a bracket to see which chip is the best of all time and if we could last in prison. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. I can't I can't what's the matter? I don't know you're sitting there like stoic Like what are you doing? I'm fresh. You're just like yeah. What is going on? You look like a Guido not a Guido. Whoa, not a Guido. You dropped a hard G. Yeah, I did I wanted to say just like someone like an Italian guy who like stands outside one of those like I collect places that old Italian guys I kind of congregate to watch soccer together like those random buildings Yeah, like what are those like and just smoke out money of those. Yeah, those are fronts. What are they they're fronts? This is where you need to watch the sopranos If you watch the sopranos you know all about this. Yeah, but like that should be your summer reading. Well summer's over
Starting point is 00:00:47 My summer reading. Yeah, should be the sopranos. I tried and you know, it's weird They've you always tell me that they you tried you didn't try hard enough. I'm telling you will not regret it I thought the pilot episode was trash. That's it's the worst episode. I Thought you're gonna tell me it was the best pilot of all time. No Okay, you could get it as that show progresses. You will understand why it's up there with like the greatest shows of all time I hate when I tell people that and I'm like, yeah, I haven't seen the sopranos and you're Italian I was like, dude, what does that mean? That's that should mean nothing. I'm like, what does that mean? Yeah, it should mean nothing. It's like I've seen the Godfather. Does that count?
Starting point is 00:01:26 The Godfather I'd be more upset if people haven't seen like the Wizard of Oz or force gun. These are American classics I have a friend who hates like thought the Godfather was terrible Wow. Yeah, he's like I didn't care for it Yeah, the Godfather. Yeah, he was like he's like, I don't know. I just I just found it boring I didn't see like why it was so good and I was like, dude, don't ever talk to me again. Yeah, he's gonna get whacked Yeah, he's gonna get whacked Yeah, you know that they're like stuff like cotton in his mouth. Yeah, yeah Fucking Brando Brando. So it shows that you need to watch that you don't like shady gay, right? Yeah
Starting point is 00:02:08 Shady gay all the way gay. Was he he was he was by did but that's not like documented. It's not on paper Yeah, it's on paper. He's it. Yeah, he was good. No, but like through the grapevine. We know that he didn't come out and be like Yeah, what's up dudes are like legit He might have actually I don't want to slander dead man's name, but I think slandering. I'm just saying the dudes No, I'm saying me. I'm saying he might have come out and been like, yeah, I've done a dude. Oh Yeah, but there's too many stories of you doing dudes. There's three being by it must be kind of like fire I Have a weird connection with bisexuality because
Starting point is 00:02:44 I Here's why it's like It's gonna sound very ignorant But like are someday like are some months like you more into guys and then like sometimes you're more into girl Do you go through phases? No, I don't think so. I think it's just all the time, right? It's but it's not like I'm trying to fuck the world. No, no, no, like you're you're just attracted to both I guess it's like, you know, like we can you know, like I could see a dude and be like that dude It's fucking that's a hot guy. Yeah, you're not gonna be like, I'll suck his dick
Starting point is 00:03:14 I mean, I Chris Hemsworth. I'm not gonna, you know, whatever. That's an exception. We you know, whatever But I'm saying is like there's a line where you're like, I'm not into a person sexually But you can acknowledge that someone's a good-looking person, right? But I think the only difference is like, you know, you get to that point like I think that's a sexy Right, but at no point you could see the sexiest guy Yeah, and not at one point you can be like, I'm gonna try and suck this guy's dick. Yeah, no I like I joke around but I wouldn't you know, we joke we joke. Yeah, we live. I mean we joke Do you say we live? No, no, no
Starting point is 00:03:51 Fixing post. Yeah, but um The three shows that I can't believe that you don't watch you yourself just because I know you the Sopranos can't believe that. Yeah Always sunny in Philadelphia. I feel like you would love that show. I I don't I'm not a big Charlie day guy Dude, just watch it for Glenn Howerton Dennis Yeah, you know, I've heard people say they don't like Charlie day, but that show is You got a lot for someone of your like humor you should you would love that show
Starting point is 00:04:26 All right, and then the third one was you haven't seen the wire, right? No, you should you should see the wire the wire is overrated in my eyes But I think everyone should see it at some point. Everyone says is the best show ever I'm one of one of the people on the outskirts. It's like it's it's it's cool. It's good and I love hood shit I love hood movies. Yo paid in full is one of my favorite movies. It's the ghettoist movie ever. I love it But the wire just didn't do it for me All right, Idris isn't it you just help us. Oh, yeah Talk about guys talk about bisexuality there. Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:05:04 Feel like a lot of people in Hollywood are by though. I Feel like they fuck so much. That's what I'm saying big and it's just like yo, I need to switch it up here Yeah, like you're going to an orgy party old rock stars were banging do hell. Yeah But it was probably like don't like dude. They were dressing like six and like I think it was just there was more like Yo, like we're humans like yeah, yeah, you know, it's like it's not about like pull your dick out Yeah, everyone was just trying to fuck and just do mad drugs. Hell. Yeah, it's fire Was there a festival in New York yesterday by the way, yeah, it was right here Okay, because I saw people walking around like idiots and I had no idea
Starting point is 00:05:45 I had no idea but I was in Harlem yesterday and No, I was in midtown yesterday Yeah, I was at the adidas store and I come out and I'm like There is more than the normal like half naked person on the street right of Times Square Yeah, so I was like, yo, what is going on? These kids were all rolling hard You could tell and I was like, is there something going on then I had the epiphany. I'm finally old Why because I feel like if it was a zoo
Starting point is 00:06:20 Electric zoo. Yeah, four years ago. I would have heard about it Someone would be like, yo, I have a ticket to the zoo. Yeah, you want it like yo I have a wrist bit didn't hear a word about it You know why though because I think that phase came and went EDM's debt EDM was so popular like Three or four years ago. Yeah, like my friends who I've grown up my entire life Like always listen to this to like hip-hop and then like I also have like a love for classic rock and like whatever blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:06:49 But for the most part is like always hip-hop and then add a nowhere It was just like Yes, you hear that beat yeah, but you're in the same fucking song for 10 hours so now yeah, wait for this drop That y'all I swear to tell me to do that. Don't tell me where to wait Yeah, wait for this drop dude. No, and then the drop would be like whack Mmm I was like, yeah, that drop was trash. I don't hear that shit. You gotta wait for the drop It's like is that what I'm coming here? Yeah, I'm waiting for the drop
Starting point is 00:07:24 No, EDM came and went you know, it's also regga tone was big for a long time Tell me you didn't listen to regga tone and you had no idea what they were saying But you just listen to it because it was so popular. Yeah, that's yes fucking Tego Calderon. Come on. Don Omar Yonky, don't a junkie. Yeah, it's huge That's the came and went to but but no, no school for me. No, it was it stayed like you know if you go to any Hispanic community they have that shit. Oh, yeah thumping hard, but it was mainstream. Yeah, I know, you know, yo, but Yo, electric zoo, I I've only been the one of those things. I've never been to any sort of electric dance festival Shit, I wish I could trade places with you. It was
Starting point is 00:08:13 Dude, I don't get the appeal. First of all, I just don't understand why everyone's like, oh, we're gonna go to a concert and we're gonna Make uniforms from scratch. Yeah, like girls are like, oh, yo, Tiesto. All right, cool. Let me go buy a bra made of shells Yeah, fuck let me rip it up in the little pieces. Yeah, or yo, yo fuck shirts Just like stick starfish on my nipple. Yeah, like what the why? And Where's the correlation there? And then you can't get mad if someone looks at your titties Yeah, come on if there's starfish on your titties, I'm gonna look at your titties What percent of titties do you usually see I would say you see about what like 30% if it's like a low-cut shirt. Yeah
Starting point is 00:08:54 And now you're giving me basically like it's 70 something percent. It's way too high. Yeah, once I pass halfway I'm looking you're like looking at it. Yeah, you're like spider-man. Yeah If if you if there's 50% of your tit out That's why like side boob. Dude. Are you gonna give me the side? It's getting looked at I could see the whole like sort of Circular shape of it. You know I'm saying I'm looking at that thing. Yeah, I'm sorry The imagination starts around wild at that point Yeah, and if you're not wearing a bra either and your nipples are just poking through your shirt like Jennifer Aniston in the 90s like You're thinking about hard
Starting point is 00:09:32 It's like it's like the eclipse. It's like people are like don't look at it It's like I can't well now I got to look at it because you told me how to look at it Yeah, I have inside info on Jennifer Aniston's nipples by the way fake They used to be inverted. Oh And she outverted she outverted them. That's not a term. That's it has to be if inverted the word outverted It has to be or just vert it or just regular vert just like yeah vertical. Yeah, she got them. She got him pointed out. Yeah Yeah So that's probably why they were just out all the time
Starting point is 00:10:05 I thought they did it on purpose. No like there was like like the studio is cold No, no, no, I thought they they would be like all right Don't wear a bra and we're gonna put this or do wear a bra. Yeah, and we're gonna put this like implant That's gonna make you like, you know, I mean just a little no She got it for real It's fire. Yeah, switch up the vert Inside knowledge inside knowledge. Yeah inside nipples inside nipples Poked those boys out nipples or nipples are weird
Starting point is 00:10:36 I'm not there. They're weird. I love them though. I don't know why I Don't even know if that's true. You know nipples are weird You know, it is just always like a great payoff and you see a good nipple not even a good nipple Any sort of nipple is I'm cool with it's just that it's just like you won like I was trying to Figure out what that would be and now I saw it. It's great. Yeah, I don't know why Why is that the case? Like well my nipples get hard. I have perfect nips You know what I mean? Like my flaccid nips like aren't great my flaccid nips are terrible you have bad flaccid nips
Starting point is 00:11:12 Oh, yeah, I have bad flaccid nips to actually it depends it depends if I if I've been working out I got great nips like oh, yeah, cuz they're cutting diamonds Oh, yeah, not it not even like if I'm not cold or anything like I think there's just like good blood Flow and they're just like on top of their game. Yeah, like a dehydrated nip. Oh my god flaccid nips are like Folded. Yeah, I'm like this looks this looks terrible. Yeah, like you can't even tell where like the nipple head is Yeah, it just looks like skin. Yeah, it's like fold it and you're like, what is this? Yeah, it's terrible But my Puerto Rican side I have brown nips. That's fire. Yeah
Starting point is 00:11:48 They say people's nipples are the same color as their lips But I think your nipples are more are darker than your you've seen my nips. I've seen your nips. There's dark brown nips Yeah, they get down hell. Yeah down dirty. Yeah, I Would never do surgery to them. I've actually known guys to get surgery on their nipples To like but like buddies am I what like reduce the size? No, like like yeah, like reduce like fat in there Oh, oh, yeah, I used to know the rock did that Did you really? Yeah, the rock did it. Oh Cuz yeah, I think I might have that to be honest with you like hypoglycemia
Starting point is 00:12:27 Not yeah, like it's not like super noticeable But I think that no matter what like even if I'm in if I'm shredded you have like a little fat storage in your nipple You can see your knit my name, which is it I get it though. It's a little It's a little. What's the word? It makes you feel a little puffy a little insecure, but nipples are nipples Yeah, sometimes like you line up take a picture like you'll hold up one sec. Yeah Oh, you've made your nipple hard on purpose for a picture. Hell. Yeah, you know, I've done that mad times Yo, I've done that so much. You don't even understand. I'll flick my nip before I take pics Do me too. I think everyone does it. I think that's a bigger thing than people know
Starting point is 00:13:06 I'm like, hello, let me just let me just flick these nips. Yo, snap off. Yeah. Yeah, how long is you give me? I'm ready. Oh my god. I'd want to heart. No, I'm good. What I want to heart actually hurt myself You hurt your nipples. Yeah, that's my nipples are like are really getting after it. Yeah, I just got them really hard Have you ever chafed my nips? Yeah. Yeah, like in bat when I was playing basketball and no undershirt a penny on yeah Crushes you I was bleeding. Yeah, dude. That happens to runners. They just bleed out of their nipples It's disgusting running and screaming with bloody nips. Oh, it's terrible. See like for that like No, why'd you that? Had those nips you gotta you gotta tape them down tape them down. Yeah, but as far as the female nip
Starting point is 00:13:51 Like we have nipples and it's like whatever Like they have nipple and areola which are both like Yeah, awesome. Yeah, I mean Like you know when someone has like it like someone in Hollywood is like changing real quick and like that you see like Yo, hold on. Is that a shadow or like ariola? Yeah About seeing ariola of a celebrity or just seeing ariola in general anything That likes titties. Yeah, you know what I mean? I feel weird like saying it speaking of titties You said that guy Jennifer Lawrence
Starting point is 00:14:27 What the guy that leaked her nudes got eight months in prison? Whoa. Yeah, I just I just saw it on Twitter Jesus Christ I would hate to be in jail for that I'd hate to be in jail for pretty much anything. Yeah. Oh, yeah on the record. I hate to be in jail at all I'm not a big fan of jail, but it's just like yo like big fan of ariola though Yeah, I feel like what are you in for display? Yo, I murdered someone. Yeah, it's like what are you in for? I killed a whole gang of children. It's like wow
Starting point is 00:14:58 And then it's like what are you in for I leaked I leaked Jennifer Lawrence's nits No suck my dick Oh Man, I would go so far out of my way. Just I'm so afraid of going to jail Yeah, I'm not I'm not I always think about it's like I Have never Been suicidal or anything close to that or like whatever But when I really think about going it like if I'm sitting in the courtroom, they're like you just got
Starting point is 00:15:34 Even four years. I'm like, oh, well, this is whole things over then Yeah, I'd be like well, I well, it's nice knowing all you you would come you and you would also like come out to nothing Besides like your family four years you could do No, I Couldn't do a month. I mean, yeah, if someone told me eight days, I'd be like, yeah, I'll pay anything Literally take every dollar I have I'm not going in. Yeah, I'd rather give everything I own away than do one day in a prison I'll do a day but I'm like I
Starting point is 00:16:10 Actually, no, no, no, I wouldn't do I wouldn't I wouldn't go on scared straight. How much money would you pay? To not go for two days. Oh Everything in my back. Really? Yeah, like realistically though two days half of what's in my I could do You want to know why I could do half you want to know why I could do two days because I Think I'm not saying I'm tough enough to survive in prison I think I'm slick enough to keep myself out of trouble for two you only have to do it for two days for two days Yeah, but I don't know man. I don't know only takes five only takes five days and five seconds against dad That's what I'm saying. I
Starting point is 00:16:52 Actually, I don't know. I'd rather end up in the fucking I Rather get stamped straight up just be right my mouth pounded or some shit or Yeah, be raped No, the only thing I would be afraid of is if I was in there for a certain amount of time and like Like a guy like a high ranking guy was like, yo, I need you to do this See that scares me that's scarier than like, you know, like getting like raped in your butt like whatever like that's like tall tail Shit, I feel like I would just be more afraid of like the top dude being like, yo, I need you to put in work Yeah, you're like, yeah, I gotta kill someone. You know, I'd say no because then they're gonna be like, yo
Starting point is 00:17:32 This guy's a bitch. Yeah, and then you'd be like, he can't be trusted then they're gonna start be raping you, you know it's great Do you know what's crazy too because I watch a lot of these Persian shows or whatever and rapes not funny We're you we're not meaning it in that way. No, it's just when you say be rape Because it makes it less. Yeah, scary. Yeah, but I Watch a lot of these shows whatever the thing that I'm worried about too is like fuck because when you get in there You need to roll with somebody and it's like god damn it Like I I get to jail and now I'm forced to be a white supremacist Nazi. Basically, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:18:04 I'll fucking thrash you. I can't like I'm not gonna be able to fit in with anyone. I like they're good They'll kill me just for talking to like, you know, a Mexican guy or a black guy I think that you could just be stay to yourself. You're just not gonna be trusted to do shit. I Feel the speculation Yeah, yeah, I've never been to jail, but it's like Your bunkmate is probably the one person you have to be cool with it's just who they're cool with that probably gets you in trouble Dude once you get in there you're like in a recruitment pool Bro, if I ever did something like worthy of jail time, I'm running not
Starting point is 00:18:48 Yeah, yeah, I'm leaving the country. I'm running. Yeah 100% but I also would just immediately start taking like Jiu-jitsu. Yeah, like boxing. I'm like, well, I'm gonna try and you know, just learn as much as I can here I wrote my boy in jail like a month ago. He wrote back to me Couldn't have sounded like he was having a better time Yeah It's fire. He's like, yo, he's like I'm teaching like guys how to get like their GD's down here I'm like working like I do like public speaking. I was like, yeah, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:19:21 I was like fucking jail, dude He's like, yeah, man. No, he's like, yo, it's like I love you, man Like people forget about you and you're locked up and shit things like but I'm doing mad good like I'm chilling like he Just sounded mad at like, okay. That's fire. Yeah He's in there for seven years I think I told you about him, I don't know but all I know is I'm not making seven years Yeah, having friends in jail is a little weird Yeah, I don't know anyone in jail, dude, I grew up with this kid like we were like he was the first person
Starting point is 00:19:56 I met when I moved to Worcester, yeah, and now he's in jail Yeah Let me ask you. Let me ask you this This is never good when you say that what would you do if one of your best friends like what did you do? Like if Frank you went to jail for like nothing violent like tax evasion. What do you mean? What would I do? What would you do? Like in what regard like would you help him out? How am I gonna help you?
Starting point is 00:20:23 Not you break you out like no no no like oceans 11 like when he comes home Yeah, like you would look out for him, right? Yeah, I think it depends on the crime like I couldn't Like if one of my best friends killed a bunch of people with a jail for it. Oh, good. Bye. I can't I can't I'd be scared Yeah, I can't terrified of you now like yeah Who's can it lose can but like yeah if you like try to do some sneaky like insider trading shit like that football player Yeah, yeah, that guy's facing like 20 years. Yeah, like when you come out You'll still be my boy if I can help you I'll try and help you. Yeah, but like Just you choke some old lady to death like I don't know. No, no, we can't be friends anymore. Yeah, it's okay
Starting point is 00:21:07 No, Jesus Christ, where did we go? I don't know so dark this episode. So don't go to jail Just don't go to jail guys. Please God Um, you want to know what it is you've watched too much sons of anarchy, dude You know what speaking of that, you know what it just reminded me of There was this story that came out of this 20 year old model that was on like a yacht Yeah, some billionaires yacht. I saw that and then she just ended up dead on the yacht Nothing's come out yet though, right? I don't know But what the fuck is that first of all it said
Starting point is 00:21:40 Whatever she was like a model a 20 year old model who was working as a crew member What does that is that what does that mean? I read the thing and it said that she's been on there for six months I'm not making accusations here, but it sounds like there's some sexual things going on You're on a billionaires yacht and you're a 20 year old model. Yeah, what do you what are you doing sweeping the fucking poop deck? Yeah You know, you know, you know, there's something weird going on there Yeah, and the only rich people only rich weird guys kill girls First I that's what I think like it first sport. Yeah, that's like a rich. Let's go chase one of the girls and kill them
Starting point is 00:22:21 Yeah, that's like a rich guy thing Rich people are terrifying Rich white guys specifically. No, but like powerful like yeah, like billionaire white dudes Are scary. Yes I'm convinced they get together and it just like killed because think about it It's like it's not like like like Drake's worth like a hundred million right like a little over probably maybe even yeah They look at him like a piece of shit. He's nothing to them. Yeah, they don't care who he is And that dude has all the money in the world and these people like yeah, dude, that's great
Starting point is 00:22:54 You know what I own all the water on earth. Yeah, so what's up? Yeah? Like hey, what's up that car you bought I own that company You're not driving a housing market whichever way I want. Yeah up down doesn't matter. I'll I'll do it Yeah, it's crazy shit. Yeah, that's the skate those people are the scariest people and think about it They probably get off in the weirdest ways Yeah, like that one that one percent you choke yourself. Yeah, that is Spixiation or a rada kicks station. They're doing they're way into that. Yeah getting peed on or something all kinds of weird shit Yeah, like you know in money makes you like weird shit weird weird as hell
Starting point is 00:23:36 Why though? Because I feel like when you make all that money you have you could do whatever you want Big hooker people to they love them escorts love them. I don't understand that because they're rich Yeah, you're not a billionaire Like I don't understand it either. No, but I just don't get how like as you I you figure as you gain success It becomes easier and easier to attract women And when you get to the point where you can attract any women because you have your your billionaire
Starting point is 00:24:09 Like I think I go on a billionaires yacht that I didn't even like I'm like, well, all right. Yeah, I'll just keep this guy as my friend Just cuz Here's why and Escorts not gonna say anything Well, they're yeah, it's their job. That's why they do it. No And it's cuz you know if they got involved with like normal people to be like, you know, I'm gonna go after half his shit Yeah, but because the fun the fun now that there's an exchange of funds. Oh, so you think it's safer So it's safer. It's like legally binding like I this you I paid you for this. You can't say anything else
Starting point is 00:24:45 That's probably why they do it. It makes a lot of sense actually Yeah, because if you just bang a regular like a regular girl that's like trying to gold dig on you She could be like yo He right me. Yeah. Yeah, or this thing like he hit me whatever and now you you got actually escorts You do the same thing because the reason why an escort is legal is because you're not paying for sex You're paying for their company and usually it's you know, yeah, obviously followed up two and two together here Let's just say not that I know. Yeah, I don't know but this 20 year old model like I don't think she was an aspiring Mariner or mariner. I think a mariner is a thing. No, if a mariner is a thing
Starting point is 00:25:25 You have to Venmo me $10 and if it's not I don't have my phone on me I'll Venmo you though mariner a Mariner that sounds like how my dad would try to pronounce Marina Marina what's that girl's name fucking mariner? Yes, is it Mariner mirror mirror. Yeah, so you're wrong You said mariner like a marine. I think I'm right. It's a sailor
Starting point is 00:25:57 You just completely changed the word potato potato. No, that's not how that works. You owe me $10. No, I don't I'll give you $2. So a mariner is a thing. No, it's not. Yeah, it just said it. You said oh, it's a sailor I just looked it up had you said sailor out of it. Yeah, of course. I know it's sailors are Seattle mariners Not mariner, but it's just saying something different. You said it wrong. It's not about saying but yeah, but I understand There's a lot of listen I know a kid in high school that wouldn't say blockbuster. He would say blockbuster And I'm like, I don't know how you're saying that word correctly and fucking wrong at the same time But it's driving me insane. I think I'm doing that blockbuster a mariner
Starting point is 00:26:38 marines Mariner First of all, that would mean the same thing. There would be no reason to put her at the end of that It would just be marine. No, but I'm saying mariner and mariner. It's the same thing. I feel like it's respected language No, it's not because that's saying like I'm a marinist Do you agree with that too? I'm trying to think of a comparison of like things that get said there are words that are said and We just talked about it Exactly and exactly exactly
Starting point is 00:27:10 That is that is that is that is the pronunciate pronunciation That is pronunciation pronunciation See that's wrong Annunciation Annunciating and pronouncing are different things pronunciation That's not even a word. You're you have pronounce it pronunciation. That's not a thing pronunciation. Yes, but they're different letters There they're not one's a word and one is not oh my god a pronunciation
Starting point is 00:27:43 What? Look at the way that this is is written out Doesn't that look like it says mariner Mariner they said they're saying Mariner Mariner Mariner they're saying Mariner Mariner
Starting point is 00:28:08 Dude first of all, this is a mariner. Yeah, but look in the pronunciation they spell it the way it's look M. E I'm here in Mariner Frequency it's awful set on three dollars. Whoa Anyway Don't know what happened to that chick, but anyway. Oh, yeah shit. It's fucked up. Yeah Now I'm scared to go on yachts. Fuck The owner of the yacht wasn't on the yacht. Oh Yeah, he wasn't there so just makes everything makes him a lot weirder
Starting point is 00:28:51 He wasn't even in Greek like he wasn't even in the country People getting a little crazy without them there. I don't know daddy leaves the house some goes down Scary shit, I don't like that at all. Do you see that bus? There was a truck full of ax body spray that exploded What does that smell like like a First of all, whoever was driving that truck is probably deaf or dead or dead. I don't know But you know, I'm looking it up. Have you ever taken like an aerosol Bottle that has compressed air in it and threw it into a fire. Oh, yeah, they pop and then you can't hear Did you know that huh like this is one time it's like a sound grenade like a flashbang basically, yeah
Starting point is 00:29:39 My friend threw a I think it was a bottle of shaving cream. Let me see this. Oh, is there a video? Oh my god It was full of them, dude. Holy shit That's what I'm saying. It wasn't like a small-ass ax truck is a full fucking thing. Holy fuck, dude That's insane. Yeah, that's that's But that smells terrible if you take one of those and you throw it into a fire All you hear is like and then you can't hear Because it's so probably high pitch coming out of there that it's like it just kills you and it you can't hear at all And my friends are walking around like yeah
Starting point is 00:30:17 Yeah Like they couldn't hear so I can't imagine the guy who was driving that if he happened to survive Hopefully, yeah, he's his ears are probably all fucked up. Yeah, I thought you were gonna say have you ever done like a whip it No, I've never done that. You never like inhaled the air so Yeah, that shit fucks you up. I heard it's like Was it co2? It's it's I don't know what yeah, but you you like push it just so the air comes out And then you literally just get so lightheaded that doesn't sound like fun at all. No, I used to do it. I was like 12 I was like
Starting point is 00:30:53 Do you say you ever see that movie 13? Yeah, this who's like fucking she meets like that bad influence girl Yeah, they're they're whipping. Yeah shit out of those bottles. So no, we're all out of fucking Whippets, there's just fucking bottles everywhere It's like a bad 7th heaven episode. Yeah, exactly. What the fuck was I gonna say just yeah 7th heaven was fire Did you watch 7th heaven? Smiling back at me, Jessica Biel Jessica Biel young Jessica Biel was everyone's yo those shows that were so dramatic remember that thing they did with the weed They're like who's join is this?
Starting point is 00:31:34 I don't really remember any of it to be honest to you because I was young when it was on But I do remember the entire show just being like people turning around and being upset like you know In dramatic shows and everyone's just like this You know I'm saying like everyone's just turning and just turning their heads and like saying some vague like you know I thought I thought better of you. I can't believe you. Yeah a lot a lot of that lot of running away A lot of running away on those shows walking away from people. Yeah That's one of the most frustrating things to you ever like call someone's name and they're they can hear you And they just don't answer you they walk away from you. Oh, yeah, it's cool. I had a throwing star right now
Starting point is 00:32:14 I'd be in your spine. It's called you. You know that right? No, dude. It's me go all the time I don't listen to you, but I don't walk away from you. There's a difference just like It's almost worse You'll be sitting somewhere. I'll literally have a 10 second conversation with you not one thing I want you to know something a 10 second conversation a conversation star. I'm trying to start one right you didn't have a conversation No, I'm talking to myself. I just didn't listen to you You didn't have your own conversation So when you're doing this when you're doing this and I'm talking to you. Are you hearing me?
Starting point is 00:32:49 Are we dating no Do you can you actually hear me? I I hear some of it Because if it's if it's more like if you're ignoring me then I get it No, I don't purposely ignore. I try to my best to explain to people like I that's one Do two things at once. Yeah, or those two things at least like I wouldn't be able to listen to music and Do anything really the other day was online shopping while listening to music and I had to shut the music off Yeah, you also get angry when that happens What like?
Starting point is 00:33:24 Like when you are blasting music and I'm trying to fucking do something. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm just like, yeah You just pop those headphones in please. Oh my bad man. It is obnoxious But I try to get ahead of it and be like yo This is like a thing like if you're taught like my brother Keith yells at me all the time for this stuff because I'd be on my phone And I'm not talking to him and then he'll turn and say a bunch of stuff And I'll be like in the middle of typing something out So I'm like I'm gonna finish this whatever and then I finish it and then I'm looking at I'm like Would you say and then he'll get angry that I didn't know what he said
Starting point is 00:33:58 I'm like, I wasn't even in your conversation. You tried to start when I wasn't even looking at it That's like throwing a baseball at me when I'm not looking you're gonna be upset cuz I didn't catch it. I'm good I'm gonna be On Keith's side here. Yeah, of course cuz I've because I've experienced it and I I know what it's like for saying Of course, yeah, well, but the thing about like old shows Because we're talking about seven heaven. Yeah, do you remember like watching shows like oh, man, it's nine o'clock on Thursday The TV guide channel. Yeah, dude people didn't even realize like what the TV guide channel was Waiting for channel like 24 and you missed it and you had to wait for the thing to go all the way around again
Starting point is 00:34:36 There's a lot of young people who listen to the show. I need to fucking explain What's going on? It was there was no Netflix. There was no none of this shit. Okay? What they're what like the only way you knew what was on there's no like guide button on the tv's The only way you knew what was on is if you got that booklet in the mail And you would go through it to the back and you would check and it would have all the channels laid out Just like how the guide looks now and you'd be like, oh, okay, so it's on at this time like My dad used to circle shit. Yeah Highlight him. Yeah
Starting point is 00:35:08 Uh, and there was a channel on tv Where it was just a slow Panning through the channels like it was like 10 channels at a time and it was just panning through slowly with like soft jazz Yeah And it was blue blue. Yes, and it was slow panning whatever and if uh You knew your channel like oh, I want to see what's on, uh, espn Which is what 27. Yeah 27 or 36. Yeah
Starting point is 00:35:36 If you and you turned on that fucking channel And and it was on channel like like 27 had just disappeared like oh fuck It's like now I gotta wait like probably eight minutes to get back to channel 27 And you're not gonna watch the whole thing you go watch something else and then you come back and you're like fucking 42 now Yeah, Jesus. How many fucking channels are there? This was back when there was only like a hundred channels Yes, you would have to wait because it was so slow fucking ticker was terrible. Oh my god You know, I can't even imagine living like that now. Ah now you get whatever you want as soon as you want it You're like, yo, I'm gonna go watch this. It's all it's on netflix or son hulu
Starting point is 00:36:09 It's on this it's on that or I could go to the guy and I could check every fucking channel there is you can dvr dvr I'll watch it later. I love that. I love watching shows an hour just right after it airs So I don't have to watch the commercials Or I'll purposefully wait an hour just so I can watch it without commercials because Like I watch better call Saul Like I lose plot points within the commercials. Yeah, you forget. Yeah, I forget and then my mind just starts going all over the place And I'm like, oh shit. Well, I forgot what happened even just before this
Starting point is 00:36:43 Yeah, so for me to watch a show I need to watch it like that Yeah, did your parents ever make you like leave the room if there was some violent shit Like some like half nudity going on. Yeah, yo my dad Yo, I didn't see Kate Winslet's tits in titanic till I was like 22. Yeah Those are iconic nips And I didn't get to see it until I was 20. I know it's funny. My mom took me to see that movie You saw nips in the fucking theater. Yeah Damn and for some reason back then
Starting point is 00:37:14 Anytime titties pops on on screen you immediately look at your parents. Yeah, you're like, is this cool? And they've seen so many titties that they're not fazed by it, but you're so young you're like my first hit Yeah, nobody's nobody's gonna talk about these titties the first titties. I ever saw was my brother Uh watch scarface Word and like I must have been like five after it's it's been all titties ever since Yeah, it's been all titties ever since but no, uh Dude the first time I saw a scarface. I was five years old. Yeah, it's disgusting. That's irresponsible. That's irresponsible. Yeah That's a rough movie. But anyway, um
Starting point is 00:37:54 To titanic thing but my dad whenever something will be watching a movie or something out of nowhere. He'd like Go look at the fish tank And I'm like what he's like go look at the fish tank I'm like dad. Why because I said so that's why go look at the fish tank. It was in the same room But the fish tank was facing away from the tv. So I just have to walk over to the fish tank Like No way are you serious? Yes in the corner like like in school like goes sitting time out like in the 80s or whatever You have to go look at the corner. I was just looking at the fish tank. Don't turn around for 45 seconds
Starting point is 00:38:29 Yeah, and he's like, I'll let you know when you can come back and if it was if someone was getting killed or if it was You know killed they let me watch it. Kate wins. That's titties. I couldn't see Yeah, but you know, I tried so hard to catch a glare of them like I was like I was like and he's like what do you do? I'm like really looking at the fish tank because I'm trying to get the angle Yeah, you could fix it. You could find a way to get there. I didn't though. I didn't get to see and then I saw it eventually And I was like yo, yeah nips Big day for you big day from scramble porn. Yo those nips by the way
Starting point is 00:38:58 Super brown. No, but pointy. Yeah pointy brown. Yeah, they were like big. Yeah, they're tiny. She's been new to mad movies Yeah, that's that's her thing I mean if I did titanic It's like one of the most popular movies all the time people already saw my titties like whatever at that point everyone's never seen him That's when like Leo was at his hottest, too. I do it was fucking. Yeah, yeah Like he was still heartthrob, and then he was just like I'm just gonna vape and like look like a bohemian I'm just gonna vape. Yeah Oh, he just vapes hard. Oh, yeah, but uh
Starting point is 00:39:28 Yeah, like even till this day like I I don't want to watch a sex scene with my parents. No I don't like it. It'd be so weird like even quick sex scenes in general are weird Yeah, I you know Imagine filming that. Oh, I could just 40 people and it's like all right now. Just fake fucker. Yeah, and you're like That's weird. It's ice. I could I couldn't do it. No, it's not for me. I would get a boner I'd boner. I would get a boner. I'd boner if I'm faking having sex. I'm gonna get a boner. Yeah, sorry Yeah, like it without question. Yeah, and I feel rude rude. Yeah, if I don't boner like I'm I'm sorry, but like this is like I can't help it. Yeah, I wonder if actors get boners
Starting point is 00:40:18 They get boners. They have to because they're so into the role. Yeah Got it. Yeah, you got it. Sorry. I'm method acting right. Yeah, I'll just talk it Yeah, that's weird. That's weird Do you think they just bone to be like, all right, let's just get some chemistry I think some actors are that into it. First of all, I'm pulling that card I'm throwing I'm throwing out there. Yeah, I'll play that card Remember the wedding planner like if I'm Matthew McConaughey and J Lo's in the movie and there's a sex scene I'd be like, I feel like we should just just do it. See how it feels. I tried to
Starting point is 00:40:50 I guess some chemistry here. They both were hot in that movie. Dude, her and A-Raw together are unbearable What do you mean? They're just unbearable. You don't like them. Oh, I can't stand them Why? Because you know, that's just two people who are just like Those are two of the biggest egomaniacs Crammed into one. Yeah, I guess so. Oh my god. You see him taking pictures of her and then Yeah, it's it's weird. A lot of pics. A lot of pics, dude. Yeah Like I like the celebrity couples. You never see him If I'm dating J Lo though, I'm snapping mad pics. Everyone knows you're doing it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yeah, like I could see him in her closet like picking shit out for Like doing shit like like weird shit I don't even know how to respond. Those two are insufferable. I'm sorry. I mean, hey, you said it I'm a big big fan. If I could sneak into that somehow, I'd be like the third leg. Who wouldn't? Yeah All right before we move on. Let's get to the sponsors today. Mr. Tommy John is the first one Okay, when it comes to comfort down below, there's underwear And then there's Tommy John. Okay, the revolutionary clothing brand that's redefined comfort for americans everywhere including me I had these on today during my morning run
Starting point is 00:42:14 It was great down there. Usually it's a it's a soaking wet mess. It's you know I'm not gonna get into the details of it, but Tommy John helps with that. Okay, trust me Uh to put it simply Tommy John doesn't give an f they give three f's. Okay fabric fit and function Oh, that was creative. Who wrote that? Someone needs a raise. Um Tommy John men and women's underwear sport a no wedgie guaranteed Which is nice. Who the hell wants one of those? Uh comfortable. Stay put waistbands and a range of fabrics that are lux Luxuriously soft. That's a hard word to say Tommy John is so comfortable in their underwear. They if you don't love your first pair
Starting point is 00:42:53 You can get a full refund with their best pair. You'll ever wear or its free guarantee. Oh, this is one cocky company Ladies and gentlemen, they are great though. By the way so Usually what happens and then let me just break down the wall here Uh, usually what happens is they'll send you some of your products. You could try it out before you know You do it whatever they sent me the underwear and the shirts dude underwear is great. The shirts Are awesome. I love it. I love the shirts and I don't know if I got lucky or you know, whatever, but the shirt It's like a perfect fit. It's it's great
Starting point is 00:43:31 And it's it's like soft As hell for some reason and I've washed it and it's still like really soft They're these are great quality shirts. I love I love this company. I literally last night I went on their website and I bought more shirts from them because I love the shirts and I used my own coat So there you go. I probably should have him up. Maybe I could have got some for free, you know, but What are you gonna do? Um Anyway, um What I was saying before that also includes their life changing women's underwear that's sold out in just six weeks
Starting point is 00:44:01 Which is now fully back in stock. Okay? Hurry to slash basement to get 20 off your first order. That's slash basement for 20 off boom All right next. What do we have? We have sent bird This company is underrated. I would say, uh, you get to choose a new cologne every month. Okay. It's a luxury fragrance subscription service Who doesn't like smelling good? Do you like smelling like s? S No, you don't
Starting point is 00:44:33 So get some scent bird in there spray some stuff on all right. Let's not get crazy Um, there's over 450 designer brands, you know, they got gucci tom ford kenneth coal You know I'm saying other names that I don't really know But they got them. Go check out scent bird. Uh, choose your cologne get a new scent each month In uh, it's a sleek travel spray that lasts 30 days or more. Okay. You don't need a giant bottle Okay, it would be that would be too much. Don't do it You just one spray and then walk into it. You know what I mean? You can't just like spray it directly on your neck and have your neck smelling like
Starting point is 00:45:08 Like gasoline like just go easy on it spray it in the air walk through it. You know what I'm saying? Just get a little nice little musk Don't get anything too crazy I'm getting out of instructions on how to do this now Oh my god, um, anyway Also, like what would be the point of getting a giant bottle? Anyway, all you need is like a small one who the hell is using this like I have used the same cologne for 10 years now Like Jesus put it down get some new stuff in here change up to smell
Starting point is 00:45:34 um So yeah scent bird Yeah, 450 designer brands new cologne every month. This is great. Um, but I love scent bird I have it now and every single month. I'm getting a new thing Uh, I say I save it for occasions, you know, I'm not just out here cologne every single day because I do work from home Who am I smelling nice for Danny? I don't want to give him any ideas, you know Got to get overpower me who knows
Starting point is 00:46:01 But yeah, I'm gonna get to occasions and stuff like to smell nice So I have scent bird now, uh, and you can have scent bird too You can visit scent bird dot com slash basement and use my code basement for 50 off That's only 750 for your first month. Come on and free shipping. Hello Uh scent bird spelled s c e n t bird dot com slash basement and then use my code basement for 50 off your first month Boom. I keep saying boom. Boom. All right anyway Let me ask you this who's more insufferable
Starting point is 00:46:35 J. Lo or Beyonce? Beyonce Beyonce's insufferable sometimes you know what it is. It's not her actually it is Yeah, it's it's Beyonce like I do have coming for us. Yeah 100% like I don't dislike Beyonce I think she's a great first of all she's So hot dynamite dynamite especially like at her age just like ridiculous Love Jay-Z Her music's great. Yeah, she's a phenomenal singer a great performer, but this like
Starting point is 00:47:12 Weird godlike thing that's attached to her where it's like she talks very like she's the like she's fucking You know the virgin mary insufferable. How are you? It's very nice to see. Yes. Oh darling. Oh my god. Like it's like she's are you like a singing the only the only person I think that would be more like Worse is like mariah Carey. She's probably really she's got to be awful dude. Yeah, just to deal with yeah She's bad, but Beyonce was like, yeah when she did the thing at the grammy's she's what like pregnant She just walked around the stage for like 30 minutes
Starting point is 00:47:51 Like sing a song Like I understand the whole thing but like what are we doing here? Yeah, I can't I don't I don't know. Yeah, it's it's like a weird thing. It's like a weird thing. She's pretty insufferable I just hate how it's like everyone's like. Oh my god. It's like whoa And then she naturally I mean I don't blame her for it because if everyone was treating me like I was this like Yeah, eventually I'm gonna change and be just like this like weird version of myself. Yeah, but I don't know It's just like a weird thing and she's the only one. I know she's the only celebrity that has that that that she's like
Starting point is 00:48:27 She's like a goddess. Yes Yes She really is she is and it's self-created. I don't know how how did we get real like think about like kim Kardashian How much people fucking love her? Can't hold the fucking candles Beyonce. Beyonce won't even go and visit her children Mm-hmm I know it's it's think about the level of like hierarchy that is who do you think was more famous Beyonce or kim kardash? Oh Beyonce easily
Starting point is 00:48:59 Kim Kardashian and Kanye West want to be jay-z and Beyonce so bad I would but they're not I don't know. I think they might One they don't have more money That's not what I'm talking about. But what I'm saying is I'm just talking about overall packaging one. They don't have more money So to them they're already in that hierarchy of whatever where we could look down on you These motherfuckers film the video in the in the fucking loop Jay-z and Beyonce you don't think Kanye wishes he could do that with his girl All right, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about like
Starting point is 00:49:39 I don't know They're not I mean, I don't give a shit. Who do you think? What what are you asking me? Who's the bigger power couple? Jay-z and Beyonce or power couple? Yeah, it's Jay-z and Beyonce not even close. No, it's not and it's mostly on kim's side Which is crazy. What if because like All three Kanye Jay-z Beyonce are all entertainers
Starting point is 00:50:06 Would you classify kim Kardashian as an entertainer? Because she has a shell No, she's like a public figure a public figure. Yeah, so that's where they lose She's not really bringing much To like she's bringing a ton Yeah, I think the kardashians are the most famous family of all time. I think they changed the world I do I honestly believe that to think otherwise. I think it's foolish. I would say like the kennedys, but like I wouldn't
Starting point is 00:50:36 Just for the simple fact of like maybe if the kennedys were around now And there was just means of communication like there is now jacksons. Maybe I know three of them What was that that was Michael Jackson, yeah No, but I think I don't know just because they came At a time where all the social media thing was booming So you're able to contact people In australia and and all these people and they could all see you
Starting point is 00:51:07 Yeah, and they just became the most famous family of like ever. Yeah I mean, which I don't know how what the fuck that means. But anyway, anyway We what I wanted to get to before we like kind of get into the patreon questions is We made a bracket I don't know why we did this, but we made a bracket here. Oh, I know why why You've been like and you've been liking your chips. What you've been liking your chips. I'm a chip guy your chip guy Yeah, so we made a bracket of uh What's what's the best chip of all time because we I think we had a conversation like what's the best chip?
Starting point is 00:51:44 And then we had an argument about it and then we're like we should just do like a bracket for it So he's filled out a bracket We're trying to amazon prime now some chips and we were arguing about what to get and then it obviously spilled over into something Way more drastic than it had to be obviously. So now it's on paper. Exactly. Yeah, so here's our uh bracket for the championship Chip championship, okay Watch watch the pronunciation there by champion. Yeah, watch the pronunciation um All right, so we have four
Starting point is 00:52:15 Brat uh four divisions here cheese power division. Yeah cheese. Who doesn't like cheese, right? It's a cheese division. We got sour cream Another powered vision. Love it. Love it. We have a miscellaneous Could get sneaky could get sneaky some random stuff in there And then we have sleepers Who I think super sneaky gotta get in there. You know what I mean? Um, and we also have a playing game because we because we couldn't leave these out. Yeah, so we had to get it up um
Starting point is 00:52:44 So the playing game, which is the one we'll do first. Where's my pen? I gotta figure out what I'm doing here All right, do you drop it? I think I might have dropped it. All right. We're gonna have to keep it in our heads. Yeah Fuck Where's this god damn pet? I see there it is. I got it I got the pet Okay Uh the playing game we have Lay's barbecue chips orange bag. Yeah
Starting point is 00:53:09 Well, it's black What Lay's barbecue barbecue is black. Oh, I thought we were doing the one. Oh the honey barbecue. That's Yeah, can we change it? No, it's it's our down paper barbecue on barbecue Lay's barbecue versus kettle cooked barbecue Like the backyard barbecue and that red bag. That's like thick as shit Is it weird how like healthier chips have thick bags? Yeah, why? What is that made out of just to make I don't know for the record There's not one sunship on here for a good fucking reason. Yeah, fuck sunships. Yeah I used to love garden salsa sunships, but actually those are good
Starting point is 00:53:45 But they did not not not good enough. Not good. Also the bags I don't what is that it feels like a grocery bag, but it's loud as shit harvest cheddar The orange one Not for you Do we make a mistake with them sunships? Yeah, maybe it will fuck sunships. Yeah. Yeah, fuck Um, all right. Anyway Lay's barbecue or kettle cooked. I gotta say Lay's Oh, I'm going kettle. Here's the reason why Lay's has been around and been doing it for longer Yeah, but and kettle cooked is like
Starting point is 00:54:15 Amazing. It's yeah, it's amazing. They are a harder chip. They're rough. They're rough A lady's hurt afterwards. Yeah a Lay's potato chip melts in your mouth. It does but I It's probably because there's probably some shit in there 100 full of garbage But the kettle cooked it kind of it's like oh, it's kettle cooked. You kind of feel like you're healthy You're not but like you feel like it. You know what I mean? But will kettle cooked barbecue? Also, these bags are bigger. These bags are bigger Yeah, but you could get a bigger bag. Yeah, I guess so but who would For who would be going up against?
Starting point is 00:54:50 It would go into the miscellaneous bracket. It would be the four seed I think I think you got to put Lay's in there Because I don't think kettle cook could stand with a couple of these that are in there The one seed of miscellaneous is is a big daddy. Here's what I'll say Packaging. All right. Okay. All right. We're going the full thing. Yeah packaging. Okay I'll lean Lay's. Yeah, it's a cool. I look at thing. Yeah Taste I give kettle taste. I like I like kettle as well
Starting point is 00:55:24 Texture it's easily lays. It's a lace and then what's left? Nothing I gotta give us a lace. All right Lay's wins the play the play-in game. So they're the four seed Um Do you want do you want to start which which bracket do you want to start in? I think we go cheese first. Yeah, let's go cheese. Let's go cheese. All right right off the bat We have everything like ranked too. Yeah, so the one seed is cheetos puffed. Yeah
Starting point is 00:55:50 I don't think you get anything better For your buck we should cheese. Yeah, but we should we should keep our comments to ourselves because we're gonna get into it Yeah, sure second seed nacho cheese Doritos Three seed cheez-its. Yeah, and the four seed is cheetos crunchy Okay, so the first matchup one verse four Cheetos puffed cheetos crunchy if you choose cheetos crunchy over puffed. I don't even know if I want to be friends with you I'll be honest
Starting point is 00:56:21 I remember when I proposed this question to you and I said Do you like puffed or crunchy if you said crunchy a switch would have went off of my head and I would have been like Well, fuck this kid. Yeah No No, there's something about that that look like tree branches. Yeah, you know, they're gross. They look like old cigarettes That were once wet. Yeah, like what is that? Like a little you know like when you're walking you see like wood chips They look like wood chips that are dipped in orange
Starting point is 00:56:53 They look like juice the elephant man's dick. Yeah, it's it's not great disgusting. What shape is that? It's just a crunch It's gross. I like the cheese. It's got the curve the not the the cheeto puff It's got the curve to it. Yeah, you could it's airy. You can feel it evaporate your mouth I love doing that. It's like hot candy. You put it in right here You put it in like a mouth guard and then you just like suck on it. Yeah Just like it becomes this little piece of cheesy greatness. I want I hope now
Starting point is 00:57:24 That's an easy wash. By the way, are you a flaming hot cheetos guy? wildly overrated drunk drunk I'll do it just to like keep the like ruining of my body going right, but um Uh, not a big cheese it flaming cheeto guy. I'm not eating that shit But the puff definitely beat the crunchy. All right, cool. Now we have nacho cheese Doritos versus cheez-its This is hard
Starting point is 00:57:52 packaging Cheez-its open and closeable Okay, okay, and not noisy not noisy and you can eat a bunch of them at once And It's not that many calories Okay, and they're very good tasting But they're not as good as nacho cheese, but they're not as good as nacho cheese Doritos Nacho cheese Doritos are like a pick not a pick but like a school lunch classic
Starting point is 00:58:22 You ever take them and put them on your sandwich? Yeah, fuck. I think I think a nacho Is the best form of a chip got to get that triangle Yeah, gotta pow to just place it perfectly in your mouth and bite that and then you can leave the tip there for the second bite Yeah, also There's a finger licking Factor, I'm not a finger. Looker. You're not no you're duster You're duster. Yeah, I either do this
Starting point is 00:58:50 I go right to the knee. Yeah, that's a that's a boy thing. Yeah rubbing your cheetos on your pants is a boy Girls do not girls do not do that. You know what it fucks up my hands like crazy cheese balls Oh, yeah, what you're basically puffed cheetos. Those are great. Yeah, they're amazing I'm gonna go nacho cheese Doritos here. I'm gonna agree. Yeah, because Doritos come on man Yeah, that's a fucking clash of titans right there in the league. I don't even want to think about this fucking. Yeah, we gotta we gotta keep going Sour cream great category one seed lay sour cream two seam pringles sour cream and onion Three seed kettle cook sour cream and onion and four seed is ruffles cheddar and sour cream
Starting point is 00:59:33 So we have one verse four here lay sour cream versus ruffles Cheddar and sour cream I personally like the cheddar and sour cream ruffles. I think we're gonna have a fucking upset here I think so because here's ruffles. Here's why the texture of the chip adds to the overall taste in it hell Yeah, because you can get some sour cream and cheddar in those ruffles. Yeah, I don't like just flat Not not a big fan of flat Ruffles are good
Starting point is 01:00:04 And ruffles cheddar and sour cream are fucking good and when I pick up a laze bag of chips It feels like I'm picking up a cloud Yeah, like what is there seven chips in here when I pick up a bag of ruffles Here's some fucking chips and that's some fucking girth in there. Yeah, it's healthier. Yeah the thicker chip Those guys are yeah, and you feel like you ate something after you eat that. Yeah Fuck I want those. I know I say give it to four I go for I think we got our first upset here That's big. Yeah, we did. Yeah. I got yeah ruffles damn and this and these are these are good, dude Yeah, I haven't had those in ages ruffles cheddar and sour cream
Starting point is 01:00:46 Next match up here pringles sour cream and onion Or kettle cooked sour cream onion I know my answer Pringles pringles because The packaging was cool and the shape Right on top of your tongue. It's like a listerine package. Yeah, and you could do like the duck bill thing
Starting point is 01:01:08 Yeah, oh, yeah, I used to crush that. Yeah, and you make duck. Oh, that's not a duck. No, I'll work on it You said oh for duck. I don't know why a duck says quack. Yeah, what am I doing? I don't know. It's all right I think I went swan. I think swan's like oh, no, I was a goose. I went goose Yeah, I fucked that up. That's all right. Um, how many beers did you have last night? Not a lot night before Lot yeah, so I will give you a pass there. Yeah, sorry. My brain's a little fried. You got krunk this weekend, huh? Yeah, damn. I don't want to take away from the brack, but I was banged up. You think Harry's okay this weekend. Yeah last night. My voice might be a little hoarse. Yeah, you gotta draw
Starting point is 01:01:48 I had I had a bunch of beers, but it was over an extended period of time So I wasn't drunk at any point. You know, that's called getting drunk. No, I was never I wasn't drunk at any point I maybe explain that logic to me like I was out for maybe five six hours And how many beers did you have within the five six hours? Maybe five or six what kind of beers like not IPA's just like regular beers like but lights and shit ill I mean good for you. Good for you. Anyway, uh Pringles Pringles here. Yeah, you know what it is the kettle cooked sour cream None you want and more so than the barbecue ones
Starting point is 01:02:21 They're hard as fuck. Yeah, they're very soft on your ship. They're very crisp I don't have to worry about cutting my mouth with the fuel oily too Yeah, I don't I don't I don't like the I'd rather deal with dust than oil All right miscellaneous here one seed cool ranch Doritos two seed pretzels three seed party mix Four seed playing game winner lays barbecue
Starting point is 01:02:49 Okay, so now we have one verse four. We got cool ranch Doritos versus lays barbecue. It's gotta be cool ranch It has to be yeah cool ranch I'm not gonna I'm not We're a little biased with cool ranch, but cool ranch is ridiculous Dude when you pull out a chip of like cool ranch and you just look at it And you're like, yo, there's like blue dust on here red dust Like yellow. It looks like an Italian flag. I want it. It's just it's so many colors here. Yeah, give me it Give me the cool ranch. I'm not even I'm not even gonna fucking
Starting point is 01:03:21 Get into it Next pretzels and party mix pretzels Party mix is for assholes. Yeah, and children at a birthday party. Yeah, that's it Don't buy this big tub It's disgusting. I don't care that there's a variety of shit in here and you know what else is in there Crunchy Cheetos Yeah, and you know what that's the best part of it and also there's pretzels in there But there's circular trash all circular pretzels gross lazy
Starting point is 01:03:52 That's laziness. It's disgusting. Even the bag looks cheap. It's it's stupid party mix Let's take everyone's stuff and put it on. You know what a party mix is? It's one of those instagram accounts that steals everyone's shit and just posts it all Yeah, it's the fat Jewish of chips. Yeah, it's like this. This is like there's like a checks mix thing in here Yeah, there's always like a two and there's that weird little brown stick. What is that? I don't know what it is, but it's awful. I was just gonna say there's always like two random things I'm like, I don't even know what this is. I'm convinced that's a pencil That's how bad it is
Starting point is 01:04:27 A pencil my god. Fuck party mix. That shit is fucking garbage pretzels versus cool ranch. Man, that's That's stuff. All right sleepers One seed white cheddar popcorn two seed sweet potato chips three seed seaweed chips Four seed skinny pop Skinny pop pop pop. I'm going white cheddar smart food over skinny pop
Starting point is 01:04:57 That white cheddar, I don't know what the fuck they put in there, but it's like it's like cocaine or something The only way I could give this a skinny pop Is that it doesn't leave that residue thin? Fill me fill me. What am I doing disgusting and even when you wash your hands, it doesn't come off. It's like oil You know what I'm saying? No, I don't even start. We can't have two ones get balanced skinny pop though I could eat it all day. Yeah, because it's like it's like what five calories You give the five there's five calories in the whole bag that literally disappears when it touches your tongue I don't know how like it's way thinner for some reason, but it looks like the same. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:05:36 Yeah, it's fucking Skinny pops a miracle But fuck it because you put some white cheddar on that shit white cheddar anything. Have you ever had white cheddar skinny pop? No, yeah, it's definitely not. It's good though. It's not as good. No Are you a uh a bag Slide in your mouth guy Yeah, gotta be open the bag and just let it fall onto your dumb face
Starting point is 01:06:00 The way you just said yeah, it was pretty awesome. Yeah. Yeah All right, we go white cheddar here. Yeah, white cheddar pop white shed All right now two verse three. We got sweet potato chips versus seaweed chips sweet potato easily It's the easiest thing. I try to seaweed chip because you made me. They're they're good, man. They're disgusting I like them a lot. They're gross Would you say it's your the korean barbecue one wasn't as bad as the other one the sea salt the sea salt regular ones It's disgusting Trying to help you get on your health flow
Starting point is 01:06:32 It was it was as if I went out into the yard and grabbed a handful of grass compacted it And then peed on it. Yeah Well, the other thing that you had to think about is that It is a healthier version to a chip, but I could see it's not going to be the sweet potato sweet potato is Healthy. Yeah, as healthy as you're going to get for a chip. Yeah Yeah All right, we're in the second round here. All right
Starting point is 01:06:57 We got do you want to go backwards? All right. Yeah, sweet potato versus white shed not even close white shed. Yeah white shed's a big powerhouse one coming out of there white cheddar Pretzels versus cool ranch now what kind of pretzels we talking Just all pretzels as a whole If i'm being honest, I don't give a fuck I love pretzels. I like pretzels too, dude, but cool rancheritos Fuck
Starting point is 01:07:27 Dude, like pretzels had a baseball game count. No, it has to be bad Has to be bad. No, no first of all bagged pretzels. They suck Not that they suck Sour dough pretzels are so fucking good, dude Those big ass ones. They're not like butter twist Pretzels those are the best pretzels. I don't I don't like butter twist pretzels I What I don't like them
Starting point is 01:07:54 You don't like them. No, I don't Like you don't you prefer other things or you're like, oh, no, I don't like this. I'm not gonna eat it I prefer I'll eat them I prefer way more pretzels than butter twist ones I don't what yeah, I don't understand my favorite pretzel sour dough the hard Yeah, yeah pretzels love those it hurts. Yeah most chips hurt But I prefer those and the long pretzel rods I like pretzel rods. All right, but this we agree there with the hard
Starting point is 01:08:31 Pretzels the sour dough. I love them. I love them Butter twists are some of the greatest things on earth. I swear to god If you can't do it if you went to like Costco and you got that big tub of butter twist I'll eat the whole thing. I can't do it. I can't I'm fired Prop honestly, you gotta think about it I wish I could take a bunch of butter like butter twists crush them up into dust
Starting point is 01:09:02 Put them in this paper And then just funnel it into my fucking ass. That's how good they are That's how good those are. Maybe I'm sleeping on them. Maybe I'll get some tonight and try them again Yes, I'll do it. I'll try them again tonight But bring some here tomorrow. Have you ever had butter flavored bagel? Uh a butter flavored uh Pickle I don't like pickles What?
Starting point is 01:09:27 Yeah, I don't I don't eat pickles. They're they're gross. They're like salty as fuck Sour pretzels Not that salty Dude, you ever been to a baseball game? It looks like fucking Rick James fucking sprinkled that goddamn pretzel on there. No, I mean fucking But there's more bread than salt with this. It's like you you it's dipping back into the salt water Yo pretzel dips Like when the pretzels come in small little dippable they look like tater tots. Oh, yeah, and you're holy shit in that nacho cheese
Starting point is 01:10:00 I I guess you give the they give the edge the cool ranch. It's been it's been there for me more I But yo shout out to Snyder's pretzels Yeah, if you're listening, please fucking sponsor us butter twist Fuck me Snyder's butter twists are very good. All right ruffles cheddar and sour cream and pringles sour cream and onion Yo, I I think the four is coming out Yeah, I think the ruffles are making a fucking run, dude. I think it's that it's it's that cheddar which Cheddar and sour cream in a sour cream division. It's kind of like having an all-star team. Yeah, it's like it's like that college basketball team
Starting point is 01:10:40 That yeah, it's kentucky three of the kids could have went to duke, but they got in trouble So they went to like san diego state. Yeah, and they're like really good. You know what I mean? That's what the ruffles sour cream cheddar. It's a mixture. You know what I mean? It's got like coach carter feel gone That's so good. It's so damn coach coach carter go move me Yeah, it's Never loved it. It's all right. It was okay. It was all right. They win uh, she Cheetos another thing remember the titans. Yeah, all right. Did you know?
Starting point is 01:11:13 Historically that those the games weren't weren't even close What they beat the should have everyone everyone Like by 50 points. I didn't know that all those closed games are made up That's funny. I had no idea Well, I was doing I was looking at because I went down this this denzel because that new movie came out the equalizer I was like this guy's played the same guy in the last like 500 movies Yeah, like when's the last time he did it and then I made my way down to remember the titans remember the titans
Starting point is 01:11:44 So then I went even further and like resources, you know, they blew everyone out That's cool. The only thing that's true is like Bertie really got in a car crash. Did he get paralyzed? Yeah And then he died in another car accident by a drunk driver Jesus christ Bertie's mama All right, also ryan goslin cameo there Not really a cameo. He had a pretty good role. He gets benched. He gets benched. Anyway, can't give up a starting job What a bitch uh cheetos puffed
Starting point is 01:12:16 Versus nacho cheese doritos I Really don't want to see doritos championship because I feel like it's corny Um, but I gotta give the edge to nacho cheese doritos there. Yeah Yeah, it just it just does more It's more convenient It's just it just It just does more for me. It really does. It really does. It just does more for
Starting point is 01:12:44 I've had more pleasure eating nacho cheese doritos And they're my second favorite dorito Yeah, and I love them way more than I love puffs. I agree, but I fucking love cheeto puffs. Yeah Remember the cheeto cubes? What? Oh, yeah, they were amazing. Do you remember cheeto pause? What? You never had cheeto pause pause. They came in the shape of pause Like uh chester cheeto like the cheetah pause
Starting point is 01:13:10 Oh, wait, I think I do remember that. Yeah, there's a puppy hand. Yes. Yes. Yeah Yo, they those were amazing. Yeah, but these are all puffed things Like they're all puffed like cheese balls. What do you what do you think? What if I I think doritos? I think you gotta go You know, they're a staple in the chip power. That's a power number two. Like it's crazy Yeah, we have two number one's not tough final four is ridiculous. Yeah I'm we're at the final four now We're at the final four here cool ranch versus white cheddar popcorn. This is tough
Starting point is 01:13:45 These are great snacks I will say this Fun size wise white cheddar takes the cake Small size, okay big bags Gotta give it to cool ranch This is more to enjoy there I think there's I think cool ranch wins for the simple fact that you could like take these and you could throw them on a sandwich
Starting point is 01:14:10 Yeah, you can add it to stuff, you know You could bread chicken with it, which I just thought of right now That would be either awesome or disgusting if I don't want to live anymore. I would do it also the the cool ranch Taco Bell collaboration Gives it gives it a nod for a cool ranch shell. Yeah God, I'm starving whoever Whoever invented that that dude needs to be I hope he's getting sucked every day that guy smoked a whole lot of weeds
Starting point is 01:14:40 Yeah, that's a high person's idea Yeah 100% sober person doesn't come up with that. So we got cool ranch in the finals Now on the other side of the bracket Nacho cheese Doritos versus ruffles cheddar and sour cream Guess what The four seeds making the ship. I think so too. I think they're better. I think it brings more to the I think it brings More to the table more dynamic tastes
Starting point is 01:15:10 I'll tell you this I'll tell you this nacho cheese Doritos are not my favorite Dorito No It's not going to be if they play cool ranch 10 times out of 10 cool ranch getting blown out. Yep 10 times. Yeah Cool ranch just has Nacho cheese's number. It just has they just do just has it. Yeah. It's like LeBron in the rap. Yeah Ruffles is making a run. I'm a fan of the run. Yeah, I'm taking it. I'm on run
Starting point is 01:15:41 I'm running with him. You gotta you gotta some teams just get hot at the end of the year just get hot You gotta give it a fucking ruffles, baby Damn damn sour cream is in there Ruffles and cheddar and sour cream in the finals against cool ranch Doritos This I haven't made a decision this tough and I couldn't even tell you I'm trying I'm trying to go on if I had to have one right now Yeah
Starting point is 01:16:08 What would I rather have get like somebody was gonna come through this door and bring me a bag Holy shit I gotta take five seconds. I gotta take five. I'm sorry. I take all the time you need buddy. This is tough here It's really hard because you think it like the cool ranch Dorito, right It's just good. It's a little sweet Salty has it all has it all. It's great The ruffles cheddar and sour cream though It's got some texture to it. Make sure mouth salivated a little more maybe it's more salty
Starting point is 01:16:44 Yeah, and it's gotta it's gotta it's gotta it punches you in the face You know what I mean? All right on the count of three. Do you want to say our answers at the same time? I'm not even ready for this to be honest. I'm not ready either I'm gonna say three two one and then we'll name them And then we'll explain why if they're different or the same Yeah, take your time take your time. I don't want you to prematurely answer I know why my one wins Easily not not easily but this okay. This is what came to my mind. All right. I have a reason to ready. Go ahead
Starting point is 01:17:20 ruffles I went I went cool ranch. Okay. That's great. All right. So now let's talk about this. Let's talk about it. All right The reason I went ruffles. Yep, it's because listen everyone loves an underdog underdog story. All right There's less bad chips in the back Because I think you're saying because you ever have a cool ranch bag and it's like, uh, this one doesn't have that much Dust and you pull out that mega dust the one. Yeah, you're like, this is the best fucking chip I've ever had you want every chip tastes like that. All right There's more consistency. It's more consistency
Starting point is 01:17:56 It is more the bench is deeper. It is it's got a deeper bench. It's got a deeper bench The starting five a cooler ranch can't touch them. Can't touch them. Can't touch them, but they're all freshmen Ruffles is a journeyman. They've been competing with these people. I don't even know how they're still in business Oh, man, here's here's the reason I went ruffles is because pound for pound that chip will stay flavorful I like that reason For me, I went cool ranch for the simple fact that I don't think I could eat I think I could eat more cool ranch in one sitting than I could eat ruffles because I feel like ruffles
Starting point is 01:18:36 Since it's saltier It gets you out of there quicker. It could also make you feel a little gross. Yeah, like you you could eat the small bag Yeah, right Because if it was too small bags, this would be a lot tougher But I'm thinking of it like, you know, the big ass bags and cool ranch burritos. I'll be there all day Yeah, like I'm I'm I'm sitting here. I'm getting this done And you can and you can do it because it's not salty enough to drive you away from it ruffles though They'll drive you
Starting point is 01:19:03 They'll stop me from eating it I don't like how Doritos crumbles so easily though Ruffles, they're tougher chip. They've been banged around. They've seen some dark days. Also, here's another plus When there's no more chips in these bags Coran's just got that better dust Yeah, you could slide and you could slide that it's a better. Yeah, you could slide because that's that's also an advantage Because because they break at the end you get that like you got a like four finger grab at the bottom of the bag It's like mostly dust but like some chip. I like that. Here's another thing though
Starting point is 01:19:41 Ruffles, I know there's sour cream and cheddar It's more of a drivable chip Yeah, it adds to the strength of the chip. That's a strong chip, dude You're not gonna dip a cool ranch Dorito, dude You could dip a ruffles sour cream and cheddar into sour cream. Yeah, and still be good. All right This is a tough one. It's a tough one. It's a tough one. I'm gonna go with ruffles because everyone loves an underdog story Especially come from behind one. I don't even know how to settle this I would I can't really back. I would say we would randomly have to grade them between one to ten and say them out loud
Starting point is 01:20:23 To be honest as honest as you can but this is this is Whoever has the higher score would But if they're both in the finals They're both going to be high flip a coin. I said we flip a coin as well You got a coin? Do I? I only got big bills That was a joke. I only have gold Tommy Um
Starting point is 01:20:44 I'll flip like a call a credit card or something. Don't do that. Why somebody could be able to freeze frame this All right, relax get your info Look at my brother Mike. They hacked his instagram. Jesus. You want to flip a dollar a $20 bill? Just throw it in the air. Yeah, just make it rain make it rain. All right. Go for it. So wait, which one? Which one is what? I would say heads goes to cool ranch Okay
Starting point is 01:21:12 Because it's the one seed and then the white house's tails. Yeah, because I think it has a better chance of landing on it on the front Go for it. Fuck toss it. All right, which one is cool ranch heads cool ranch is heads. Okay, okay It's half and half How do we do this? Let me fold it out a little bit here. I don't know. I don't know Cool ranch heads. That's cool ranch. That's cool ranch cool ranch. I think you gotta go best out of three there though I already circled it though. All right, one more just to prove it Tails oh my god, so it was tied
Starting point is 01:22:01 Then it was one one. This is it This is it for all the marbles Whoo, that's big. That's big cool ranch. Congratulations. You are the best. You are the championship. You are the championship Oh my god. This is a long episode and it's wildly ridiculous. How long is it at? It's at 1 5 17 All right, let's answer a couple questions. Let's answer a couple questions. Answer a couple questions get out of here Eat some chips. Yeah, I'll tell you that All right, let's uh get to these questions. Uh the first one Zoey Lawrence, you are about to get into a fight. What song comes on as your soundtrack?
Starting point is 01:22:41 Uh I think x go and give it to you x go and give it to you. He's a good one. Fuck if we would get it on your own He's blasting people in the face x go and give it to you That's a good one Because the beginning is like don't like I get you hype for it. Yeah Guess we hype x go and give it to you
Starting point is 01:23:01 Yeah, it's a good one. I like that one Damn another dmx song. What was that? Uh What was uh I got blood on my dick because I fucked the corpse. Oh, yeah, that one gets you fucking pumped up too I got blood on my dick because I fucked the corpse and he says some other shit. We're nasty Oh, yeah, yeah, look me in my eyes. Tell me to my fucking face that you're ready to die That's it is fire. He's crazy. Yeah, he's crazy. It's probably I would have to go dmx too. Yeah I think that's yeah, unanimous dmx dmx is always like fighting like that's what you gotta put on
Starting point is 01:23:41 Uh Christy hamill. I don't really understand This question it says toilet paper over or under. Oh, I guess on the rack That's a great question. Does it go over or under this way or the under like do you pull it? Is it facing the wall or out? No, no, no facing out. It's like Where it's draping off. Yeah, is it being pulled from the top of the roll or are you pulling it out of the bottom? I pull it out of the top I go top. I pull it towards me
Starting point is 01:24:12 I'm not even sure. I think mine's coming out at the bottom. Go check right now. No I don't want to Whoever created that I that that invention to get the toilet paper on there Like you push it in and then it springs out. Yeah genius genius simple simple and genius simple genius I don't I don't understand though. Like she said please for the love of god say over I said over so what is the difference because it's it's When you do if it's under you can't do this Because it's just gonna keep going in a circle. Wait do what like you can't smack it
Starting point is 01:24:52 You're gonna smack the toilet. No because it's easier to pull something than just rip it Oh, I like over I don't I don't care to be honest with you. I'll do whatever. Oh, oh i'm team over. All right. I'm i'm Kind of undecided way over. Whoa Someone said ice cream or cake ice cream ice cream. That's not close. Who'd you kid me? Um Kim Ziggler said that oh also alex Azar favorite nicolodian show of all time Rugrats
Starting point is 01:25:29 Hey, Arnold. Yeah, that's a good one. They had the member when they brought hey, Arnold back on netflix. Yeah Aren't they making a nicolodian network? Yeah, I think so which makes sense like they all should do it like disney should do it Yeah, like why wouldn't you? Yeah fucking capitalize on that goddamn streaming market Cut out the middleman too go straight Could all that nicolodian dough It's gonna be assholes. I guess I buy it Yeah
Starting point is 01:26:01 Dan the great what sport do you think is the hardest to play? Is golf a sport? Yeah, then it's golf. I don't think so. What do you think's harder boxing? Bro, that's a psychotic thing to do. I know it's a psychotic thing to do, but it's like You could get lucky and win a fight You can't get lucky and win golf I mean
Starting point is 01:26:30 I don't I don't think so You think you can get lucky and like just win a golf tournament. No, I just don't think you could just like Get lucky and win a boxing match against a boxer. Well, I mean I'm not saying you yourself. I'm saying two athletes Like you could get lucky And be in beat somebody Why because you could knock someone out. Yeah punchers chance. Yeah, you have a puncher's chance Like in golf it's like
Starting point is 01:27:01 Also golf is four days long the majors I don't think it's harder than boxing though. I think it takes way more I think it takes way more skill to be a good golfer than a good. Yeah, but it takes way more and you like physically to be a boxer Yeah, of course, of course Whoa, is that you? Yeah, somebody knocked. Oh, I thought somebody knocked. I was like these microphones are amazing I was like, holy shit Uh, all right Carly steals back
Starting point is 01:27:31 She says root is the youtuber you've ever met and then she says don't say their name clearly She doesn't She's new here. Yeah, I'll say some fucking names. Yeah, I'll say some names. I don't know I didn't like anyone I've ever met from youtube really. I mean, that's not true, but For the most part, I didn't like people who are on youtube. They're all kind of shitty Yeah, and just like weird people as far as rude I don't know about rude
Starting point is 01:28:01 If they were rude to me, it would be a conversation There's people I just didn't like Because I thought they were just like full of themselves. You got any names or you don't want to do it. Yeah. No, I don't care like, uh I you know, I could key in lolly. No like He's a he's a youtuber. I I've met him like twice Didn't really talk to him. There was no there's no reason for me to be like, yo that kid's a piece of shit
Starting point is 01:28:28 No, he just gave me a bad vibe. All right. So I was just like, I don't really like this kid Yeah, but that was also years ago. Right. He could have changed. He's changed. We were fucking adults now That means younger than I am but like I didn't like that kid. Yeah, I was just for some reason I don't know what it was. I didn't like him. I don't know Anyone that I've met like low anthony, you know that kid you met low anthony. Yeah, what happened to him? I called him a sassy bitch the first time I met him. Yeah, well, he is in front of his mom I was a little drunk, but I said it like in a like I wasn't trying to be like an asshole He's like a big old gay boy, right? Yeah
Starting point is 01:29:02 Say it like that big old gay boy. No, but He's funny, but I could see how people would think he's also like rude Yeah, well when I went at all the Viners, they all tried to like get at me What do you mean? Like when I made fun of all of them like some of them got like legitimately mad You know, I pray for the day that anyone Does that no these kids youtubers or Viners or whatever? Who else did I not I'll box one of those motherfuckers
Starting point is 01:29:32 Who else did I not like? I don't know. I haven't really met a bunch of and I like see I I see them from afar and I'm like like for instance I went to like Playlists is one of those like youtuber things and I walked into a room Where there was like a party going on and it was just like fucking mayhem and I was like Well, all these fucking people are like It's too much and it's also they're just like different There's two different people. I just it's hard for me to relate to that
Starting point is 01:29:59 Yeah, I don't know, you know I feel bad saying like who's the rudest youtube because I don't want someone to be like, oh, yo Joe said you're like rude because even with that kid keyin I'm not gonna say he's a rude person There's just something that rubbed me the wrong way about him And I could have been wrong on that because we could have like had a conversation to be totally fine I just didn't I just thought he was just like I thought I think like big you chasing ash Great guy when I met him. Yeah. Yeah. Who's the man?
Starting point is 01:30:28 I I think a lot of people would say me You're douche. I'm not I don't think I'm douchey. I'm very just like If I I didn't fit in there Right, you know, and I was just like you probably went out of your way a little bit to like not fit in Well, I just I I couldn't no I I didn't go out of my way It's just I just didn't relate I didn't fit in here, you know So I didn't like it and I think a lot of people would say that I'm the rude
Starting point is 01:30:56 Person they've met even though like when I meet people I'm not rude to them. Yeah, but like I'm not I don't know I was kind of off put I could be rude No, but I don't think you're a rude guy not at all I only think like people who are rude if you come at me though. Like I'll fucking sun you Yeah, I have no problem doing that. Yeah, and I've done that too like the people that Have said shit. Yeah, like if you're gonna pop I'm gonna like on twitter. I'll be like, yo Like stuff people aren't probably supposed to know but I was like, yo, what the fuck? No, the gabby show tried to go at me wants to just sunder on twitter
Starting point is 01:31:32 Like like mean stuff Really? Yeah, like like just mean like being a jerk. Yeah I I uh Me me and gabby were friends like in the like very beginning of vine. Yeah, but I haven't talked to her. I hope she's doing well now Yeah, I hope I hope all these people. I hope they're all doing well. Yeah I really I'm not gonna sit here and say any of these people are bad. No, really I'm just answering the question honestly like back then I just I don't know. I just didn't like certain people I didn't like anyone really but that's probably because I was so like, oh, I'm not one of the blah blah blah
Starting point is 01:32:06 And I just had this like complex about myself. Yeah So I could see how people would be like, well, Joe's kind of an asshole. So yeah, but you gotta think about they have I'm also in complex too though. No, they did and that's why I didn't like them because they felt like they were like these celebrities or whatever and like that was I didn't like that and I think I was also just the loud asshole from new york. So I think that you know I really did feel like people not were like afraid of me like, oh my god But they were afraid to
Starting point is 01:32:37 Engage engage with me because they thought I didn't like them or they thought that I was just an asshole Which I'm not But I could see how people would think that we don't fit in anymore. Anyway, no, I don't even give a shit Honestly, no now we're too old like everyone's just they're nice kids. They're all nice guys You know what I mean? They're nice kids. Make your money. Enjoy your life. Enjoy your life But back then you're kind of like fucking weird. It's all good though Um Don't come at me sideways though. Just do not do that. Don't do that
Starting point is 01:33:09 My twitter fingers are lethal What's your what's the last question? Uh, lauren s says What's your funniest story involving charlie or elie? Which is our dogs? Um, well, I've had elie for a month Uh, the funniest story that I probably have With him Is that the one he first had his crate He would pretend to go in there and he would always like run out But now that I have him here
Starting point is 01:33:41 But the funniest thing is that somebody was over last night and he went right behind him and just started hitting him from the back Damn. Yeah started humping him right from the back Yeah Doggy stuff not a good first impression though. No that you come over my dog tries to fuck the shit out of you Yeah, it's kind of dope though. Yeah, I bet you I probably have something good sent about me. It is well Also just purely dominated you. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, that yeah, I guess that's the funniest in the month Yeah, you haven't had enough to like experience like stuff but like charlie
Starting point is 01:34:14 Is a doof man. He does funny shit all the time, but I was telling the story like I think today There was this one time I was at the dog park with him And he went to get he like walked over towards the fence where he usually goes to the bathroom He lifted up his leg and then just started shitting I was like, dude, not that's not how that one goes. Isn't it the worst he gets confused He's like, wait, do I lift my leg for pee or shit? He's lifted his leg and just started shitting I was dying a part of me. Eli doesn't lift his leg to pee That they'll get to there a part of me just wants him to lift his leg so bad
Starting point is 01:34:46 Cause you're like, yo, don't sit. Yeah, don't squat. It's like sitting in pee Yeah, they did that charlie did that for a long time Lift that leg dog lift that leg. Yeah, now he's throwing that shit in the air like a gymnast Yeah, Eli's kind of a pussy though Like like he goes to the dog park now. I take him every night. Uh-huh and uh I call that other dogs g check on him and a part of me is just like, yo just Sun that dog
Starting point is 01:35:12 But like a part of me just knows that I have a good dog And like he's not he's not he's not he's definitely not about that life. Yeah. No charlie isn't either. He wants no smoke Yeah, we just had mac which is my brother thompson's dog come over to the house and I was there today And they were like wrestling all day. That dog looks wild. That dog's fucking crazy and he and he uh He went he not that he went after charlie But charlie was barking in his face because charlie when he wants to play and stuff Bark yeah, and the dog just got like I guess fed up And then was like going after charlie and barking on whatever and you could tell charlie was like, oh shit
Starting point is 01:35:46 Oh, oh fuck. All right. That dog's gonna back it up charlie's huge. Yeah, charlie's a big boy. But uh, I think Charlie He does a lot of dumb shit Yeah, but he's a dog. Dogs are dogs are dogs. He's so protective over uh chase too, which is my family dog who's like 10 years old He uh, he's a smaller dog So when he goes to the bed when he has to go to the bathroom, he'll go to the front door and scratch on it Yeah, and sometimes we'll just ignore him or we just like don't hear it anymore
Starting point is 01:36:16 And then charlie will see that and then come right up to you and climb up to you and get right in your face and be like Oh Oh, like let let him out like let my boy bark at you until you let him out. That's cool. Yeah, it's fucking speaking of prison So you'll let us outside let us outside now. No, he lies cool man. He lies the fucking man also like doesn't cry Doesn't cry in the crate. Yeah, he's good. He's mad good. Yeah fucking um also uh charlie He's like he he's a you could tell The emotion in this dude this dog's face because oh when I get upset with him
Starting point is 01:36:54 Like I tell him like at my mom's might go sit on the stairs. That's when you're in trouble Like he got to go sit on this like the stairs to the second floor like that landing He has to sit there and he won't get off the stairs. Oh, I'm sure Like I'll be like get on the stairs right now and he'll run to the stairs and sit there And then and then he'll and I'll walk away and he'll be there and sometimes I'll be watching tv and forget about it He's still there. He'll sit there until I'm like, okay, and then immediately he comes off And sometimes when chase is there he'll go and just like sit with him like oh fuck my boy's like I gotta hold him down. Is there anything better than
Starting point is 01:37:27 When your dog just listens to you Yeah, it's amazing Like you tell him to sit and it sits Yeah, it's great. It's awesome Dogs are great. Anyone out there that's on the fence about getting a dog. Just just do it Yeah, it's gonna suck for like six months unless you're danie and you just hit the fucking jackpot apparently Yeah, this dog doesn't you know, he shits and peas on the street now But i'm saying like the reason why charlie was so hard is because he was crying and it was just like you know
Starting point is 01:37:52 My dog doesn't cry. Yeah, it's it's amazing. Anyway, because the thing I was afraid of Was that he was gonna do that. Yeah, that was my biggest fear and he doesn't get a dog Depending on the breed or whatever. It's like six months of hell and then you're fine. Yeah, it's not like a baby where it's like Eight years of hell and then sooner or later. They're not gonna want to shit in the house. Anyway, yeah All right Anyway, this is a long ass episode. It's all right. I think we could wrap this up. Yeah Uh, we're gonna find you I think find me on instagram and twitter at danielo priori. Um, you guys can uh Follow the show on twitter at the baseman yard also check out our patreon, uh, which is where all those questions just came from
Starting point is 01:38:32 Depending on the tier that you're subscribed to you can submit some questions. We're gonna be answering them every single week It's slash the baseman yard pat r e o n dot com slash the baseman yard And the youtube channel as well, uh, where all the highlights and clips are it's like easier to find, uh All the links to everything. Yeah, it's slash the baseman yard as well Also, I mean and uh, I think that's all oh and also Tomorrow's labor day Right Are you doing anything for labor day?
Starting point is 01:39:06 I don't think so. No I was gonna say I didn't know if you were barbecuing or anything. No, I don't know. I'm not doing shit. All right You could ask me that like literally in 30 seconds. I know. I don't know For some reason I thought we were off the air. No, that's cool. Uh, but yeah, that is all. Thanks for listening

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