The Basement Yard - The Delusional Generation

Episode Date: November 8, 2016

On this episode, I'm talking about the worst parts of YouTube. That's it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Basement Yard. It is Monday, November 7th. I am alone today, and oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho! It's gonna be a doozy, ladies and gentlemen. As you can tell by the title of this podcast, like, I-I usually have no idea what I'm gonna talk about, and I start a podcast, and then I just fucking figure out a title, and just-I figure it out along the way. This one, I have notes, I have shi-like, I already know what this podcast is gonna be called, and it's just absurd. Just a lot of shit's been happening, right? So, and I have to do a sponsorship. I'm gonna do it close to the beginning, because there's gonna be a long rant about some other shit, but basically, this entire thing, as you can tell from the title, is about this delusional generation that I am in. Just, I don't know-I don't know what the fuck has been going on lately, and-and I don't-I really-I really don't know. I wanna first point out some video that I just saw today, wasn't gonna talk about it,
Starting point is 00:01:03 but then I saw it today, like, I didn't know about it until this morning. I saw it, and I was like, this-well, this is getting thrown in there, this fucking disaster. So basically, right? And I'm sorry if this sounds like a-like a hating thing. I guess I am hating, but I-yeah, I fucking hate it. So anyway, so there was a video that I saw on YouTube, and I don't remember the title. It was something like fake shirt prank or something like that, but anyway, there's this guy, right? And, uh, he's wearing a sweater. And, you know when you have, like, a zip up sweater, and near the top, you can see, like, your undershirt, like, the color of it, whatever, and it was red, right? This kid's, like, undershirt, looked like it was red. So, what he did is went out on the street and was talking to girls, and was like, alright, hey, if you can get-okay, sorry. He's like, if you can guess the color of my undershirt, then you win something, I don't know, but if you get it wrong, then you have to give me your number. Okay? Already, I'm like, what the fuck is this? Okay?
Starting point is 00:02:18 Tricking girls into giving you their number. That's not desperate at all, bud. The fuck is going on, right? So, I mean, you know, this is not as bad as the other ones. There's a whole fucking channel. I wish I remembered the name of it. There's a whole channel dedicated to this one fucking weird, lanky fucking emo-looking kid with, like, a lip tattoo, uh, ring, lip ring, whatever, goes around and, like, tricks girls into making out with it. Like, it's the fucking weirdest thing. I think it's all fake anyway, it's all bullshit, but anyway, this fucking asshole. So, he's wearing a sweater with the undershirt, is, like, red, whatever, and he asks these girls, uh, you have to guess the color of my undershirt, but if you give-if you-if you're wrong, then you have to give me your number, right? So, the girls are like, okay, red, right? Of course, because you could see it. This guy is like, oh, red's your-is that your final answer? And then he fucking-he goes, no, but I know what your new favorite color is. Jesus Christ, I almost coughed and died there, but he was like, no, now I know what your new favorite color is,
Starting point is 00:03:25 and he unzips his fucking sweater, and he's like this shredded up guy, like, he's not wearing a shirt. He took pieces of shirt and fucking, like, glued them onto the inside of his sweater, so it looked like he was wearing a shirt. Are you following? There's a fucking arts and crafts dynamic to this video. This guy cut a red shirt, the collar, pasted it on the inside of a sweater, so that he can make it look like he was wearing a red undershirt, and then when he unzips his hoodie, he's not wearing a shirt, and he has, like, a shredded body of a god. And he goes, I know what your new favorite color is, unzips the shit, and just stands there, out in public, shirtless. And these girls are like, oh, right? What a fucking douche. Oh my god. Come on. What is that? Are we serious? Are we serious? Come on, man. I'm blown away by that. And I don't know if the guy, like, I didn't stick around to watch if the girls gave him,
Starting point is 00:04:41 and I'm sure he fucking gave him $2 so they would do it or whatever, but just the idea that people have the balls to be that conceited or whatever adjective you want to put in there, just, what is that? I know what your new favorite color is. I know you're a fucking idiot. I know you're an asshole. I know that. Dude, oh my god, can anyone explain this to me? I really, I would love to ask this person what you were thinking. This is going to be sick. I'm going to show off my body and tell people they love it. I wish she showed one girl and she would just be like, wow, what the fuck are you doing? You're an idiot. You're such a douchebag. Goodbye. But of course that would get edited out. But I'm just blown away, like, oh god, who is entertained by this? I don't know. And listen, I'm not saying this like, oh, there's my content so much better and people should watch me. No, no one should just be watching that. That's it. That's all I'm saying. I'm not saying I'm better.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I'm not saying I'm like, you should choose me over that, but I'm saying that is just unexplained. Like, what is that? I don't understand. It's the dumbest fucking thing. And you know what? Now, before we get into the real reason why I'm excited about this podcast, we're going to do the ad read. And this week we have, well, look, where do we fucking six minutes in? They're getting like basically a pre-roll rating. They should pay up for this. But Carnivore Club, basically it's an exclusive club for meat lovers when you get a subscription to Carnivore Club. It means getting a brand new selection of cured meats delivered to your door once a month. And it comes in this cool wooden box thing. And it looks like there's like a dinosaur egg in there. But they have like a bunch of like dope, like meats or whatever. I get them periodically and my mom's like thrilled about it.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Whenever we get free food to the house, she's just, it's better than gold. Like, she just loves it. But there's like spiced Spanish salamis, like weird shit. I don't even know, things that I didn't even know existed are in this. It's just like premium meats show up in this box to your house every fucking time. A box of meat, guys. Okay? Basically, a box of meat. You know what I'm talking about. Just go to and sign up and use the promo code BASEMENT and that'll get you 10% off. Okay? So And again, don't forget the promo code BASEMENT will get you 10% off your order. Okay? And now, the real reason why we're having this podcast, right? I wanted to share the dumb video that I saw. I see a lot of dumb shit.
Starting point is 00:07:42 But that one in particular, I was like, I need to like tell people about this. But anyway, so I was on, I forgot who, oh, my sister's boyfriend brought it up. He's a guy, man, you heard about Vine shutting down and this thing. I was like, yeah, whatever. It's, you know, no one was really using it in the last, you know, a couple of months that it was up or whatever. I mean, it's still up. I think it's being shut down soon. But anyway, he's like, oh, did you read that article about the Viners? What they were like, they wanted money for some, I was like, what? So I googled what he was talking about.
Starting point is 00:08:14 And I found this article. Okay. For those of you who are on a fucking wire, this is what it is. The, the fucking headline is the top Vine stars requested 1.2 million per month to make 12, 6 second Vines each month. And the purpose of them requesting that is so they could quote unquote save the app. Let that sink in. Let it sink all the way into your ass because it's fucking ridiculous. These Vine stars, right? I don't know how many it was. I don't know the names. I really don't know because I would say it because I'm blown away. Someone tweeted me a list of like 10 names, but I don't know how accurate that is.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I don't want to hold anyone on that list accountable. Like, I don't know if they were a part of it or whatever, but the fact that this is even a thing is fucking crazy. It's not like they're doing prompt. Oh my God. I need to just take a second. It's just, it's really crazy. So basically, Vine took a hit, I'm assuming, in just views or usership. If that's a word, I don't fucking know. But, so these Vine stars who all live in the same apartment building on Vine Street, fucking sick, they band together and they get like a fucking petition going. Okay, let's all agree that we're each going to make 12 Vines a month, right?
Starting point is 00:10:05 So, so much work, right? Thank you for offering that much. They're going to make 12 Vines a month and we're each going to get $1.2 million a month. What? Okay, let's get paid fucking quadruple what the president gets paid in a month for making 12, 12, six second Vines. Can we just fucking take a second and digest that shit? Are you kidding me? I don't know who these kids think they are. They're delusional. That's the whole point of this thing.
Starting point is 00:10:53 I just want everyone to see how delusional, like, what makes you think you deserve that much money? I don't understand because it's, and it's not like they're, it's not like a marketing thing. They just want to get paid for using the app, not even for promoing anything. It's not like getting paid by, like, Pepsi to, like, drink this thing and then Pepsi's going to, you know, people are going to go out and buy a bunch of fucking Pepsi because this asshole told them to do it and one of their white people be like Vines or whatever the fuck they're making. Anyway, so here's what these, these people need to realize that this app would have taken off with or without them. Okay, because it's not like, like, what do they think?
Starting point is 00:11:43 They think this thing was successful because they were, because these people who were remaking Vines from actual funny people, like all these famous huge Viners, all they do, they got their fame from basically either remaking Vines that they have seen before from funny people who are not getting any type of credit or fucking money. They, they remade those Vines, they all started fucking doing Vines together and they're all doing jokes that we've all heard before. Like, there's not, you're not contributing. You're just always fucking there. That's it. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:12:31 They're all telling jokes we've all heard before. When have you saw a Vine, right, from a popular Viner that you're like, I've never seen anything like this before? This was good stuff. I've never, I haven't seen one. I haven't seen one. And just like the blatant stereotypes and like shady racism, like, I've never seen in any of these popular Viners Vines, like every black person is portrayed as like wearing jewelry and like a pick in their hair and baggy ass clothes and just, and the white people are like these nerdy dudes and, you know, like the, like Mexican people or moan lawns and shit.
Starting point is 00:13:19 It's like, what the fuck? Like, how does everything, how does everyone get so upset about the little shit, but no one's talking about these fucking Vines? Like, it just really blows me away. The fact that they're, they, they have gotten their fame off of this shit and then they request $1.2 million a month. A month? Oh my God. Oh man. And it's not hard work.
Starting point is 00:13:52 They can tell you that and they can make pretend and be like, yeah, you know, it's really tough coming up with, you know, content and just, you know, we want to shoot these things. Like, I've been to LA and I had, because I used to work a full-time job as an editor and producer for this company and we had to fly out to LA and sometimes work with these people. And I can't even tell you how delusional these people are. It's really something else. It's really crazy. Like, they call themselves directors, actors and all these things, writers. And it's really a slap in the face to the people who have been studying in those fields for so long and working the way up the ladders. And just because you told a white people be like fucking joke and a viral, now all of a sudden you get to call yourself that?
Starting point is 00:14:44 Like, that's not how it works. That's not how it goes. I'm sorry. Like, you need someone to tell you that. They act like it's hard work. It's not hard work. It's not. I don't fucking care if they make three vines a day.
Starting point is 00:15:02 That's 18 seconds. 18 fucking seconds, okay? How hard is that? Jesus Christ. I record three podcasts a week. I edit them, upload them. I shoot a video a week from my channel. That's five minutes long, which means I'm shooting for 20, 30 minutes and editing it down to five minutes.
Starting point is 00:15:24 And then I upload that. Then I shoot another video every week for Veterans Minimum, edit that, and I still feel like I'm not doing a lot of work. I still feel like I don't work hard. And I didn't rattle off all those things, but look at me, I'm doing a lot of stuff. I'm telling you, I'm doing a bunch of different things because I'm trying to explain how it's not hard work. Even all these things that I just say, it sounds like I do a lot of shit. It sounds like it, but it's not. It's not.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Don't let them fucking fool you into thinking they're these hard work... Like, dude. Oh my god, these delusional fucking kids, self-entitled, other adjectives. It's really something, man. And I gotta tell you, thank god that I have the friends and the family that I do because I could easily be one of these people. I could easily be one of these people. I am totally 100% aware that at any point, everything that I am working towards and working on can be taken away from me. And I could fall off and I could suck and just make no money and have to figure it out.
Starting point is 00:16:38 I am totally aware of that and I am totally aware that I am overpaid for what I do. Totally aware of that as well. And I don't act like I'm a celebrity. I don't act like I'm more important than other people or just have this pretentious way about me like all these fucking people do. I can tell by just watching their videos and just like, you know, TMZ runs up on some of these kids. And the way that they answer questions and it's just like, oh my god, like... It's not good. It's really not good.
Starting point is 00:17:19 It's terrible. And they're so young. Some of these kids, they were like 16, 17 when this first started happening to them. They just started taking like online high school classes, a.k.a. not learning a fucking thing. And then moving to L.A. in this big house and not doing anything anymore. Like these people now who are on Vine, they now are on like fucking Facebook and Instagram, right? And on YouTube. And they shoot sketches, I think, or some people do movies and I don't know, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I'm not saying all of them. Let's get that out of the way, too. I'm not saying all these people, but there are, I'd say majority. I'd say over 90%, right? But there are some people that deserve it, that get recognition. They deserve it. They are talented people and like whatever. In my opinion, my humble opinion, right? This is all in my opinion. These are not facts. Fuck that. This is the basement yard. They are facts. This is my show. Everything I say is true and that is all.
Starting point is 00:18:23 No, but what the fuck was I talking about? Yeah, so there are people who deserve it. I'm not saying they all don't. But these kids, like, they move to YouTube or Instagram or wherever or Facebook and they have people shoot their videos for them. I'm assuming right, you know, them as well. They have like a whole team. They're in L.A. They're in the thick of it. Okay? They're just in that fucking weird industry. It's like purgatory. It's like you're not in heaven, which would be Hollywood. You're in this weird middle ground where it's like people will work for you,
Starting point is 00:19:03 but you're really not shit to the people like the huge celebrities in an acting world. You're just in this weird place and they have a team of people who shoot, direct, write and edit. So what the hell are you doing? What the hell is going through your mind? Like if you have a team of people that are doing all this shit, what makes you think you deserve $1.2 million a month? What? What? I don't know. And the reason why it gets me so upset is because a lot of people talk about my generation and millennials and whatever and how we're lazy or just like self-entitled and I get angry.
Starting point is 00:19:55 So I'm like, that's not the case. And then I see this shit and I'm like, maybe it is. Who the f- I don't know. I don't know if everyone is that way. I don't know if that's the majority. I know that that's mostly what everyone gets to see because those people are in a spotlight. So that's mostly what they get to see is these fucking self-entitled Ray-Ban wearing fucking Pharrell hat wearing people beanies in the middle of the summer in LA. Motherfuckers, that's what the hell they see. That's it. I don't get it. It makes no sense to me. And the fact that they act like they deserve every penny is even more infuriating.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Because it's just, and it's just like blatant just brainwashing of kids too because majority of the people who are active users on YouTube are younger. Of course there is, you know, older people, but I would say the most active audience on YouTube is the younger generation. You know, you know, good kids, I would say from like 13 to 17, you know. I would say I would even go to 20 now, but you know, those are the majority of whatever. Like no one my age or no one like older, I know has a YouTube account or knows how to work it or anything. Like I barely know anything, you know. None of my friends have YouTube accounts or anything like that. But it's just like blatant brainwashing, like the way these people talk to their cameras.
Starting point is 00:21:34 I love you guys and you're so important to me and please keep watching me so I can make money. I'll say whatever the fuck I have to say so that you don't leave. It's insane. And these social experiments, oh my God, it's going to infuriate me. Why, like I, I know I talk about this all the time, but just I saw another video of course for Halloween. It was an abducting children experiment. I don't know how that can be an experiment. That is a crime. I don't care if a camera is there. It's a crime. But basically, I didn't really watch the video. I skimmed through it just to get myself angry for the day. But basically a kid came to the door and I guess this guy snatched him or something.
Starting point is 00:22:26 And the parents were like, whoa, and he's like, hey, I was just an experiment. Like you should be careful with your kids. Like, dude, how about just don't fucking do that, dude? What do you mean? Or like a rape social experiment or like all those social experiments or pranks or whatever you want to call them for homeless people, like asking them for money or them giving you money or, you know, giving them fucking sneakers or, you know, giving them haircut. Like I don't even know. But basically all these videos, what they do is they paint this like picture, this false picture of society. They just push this completely false narrative of like these people are the worst people in the world. Fuck, like society is terrible. Share this video so everyone knows.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Like, dude, what are you talking about? Oh my God. You know any video? How many videos have you seen on Facebook or on the internet or whatever? Of like a kid in like a short sleeve shirt in the middle of winter holding up a sign saying that like, I'm homeless, someone help me. And then everyone walks by the kid, no one does anything and one guy actually says, hey, get the fuck out of here kid or something like that. Like that does not happen. Listen, I live in New York City. This is the most angry and fucked up place probably in the world and that shit does not happen. If it doesn't happen here, I am fucking confident it doesn't happen anywhere else. This is New York City.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Like if there was a kid on the fucking street, first of all the cops would be there in seconds. Numerous people would be helping this child. It's like this is not, it's just all completely fake and they have everyone fooled. And not only that, they have the younger generation fooled. Oh man, yeah, so I have these social experience, and they act like heroes, that bothers me too. Not only do they act like they fucking deserve the money that they're being paid, but they also act like they're heroes. Like they're helping in some way. Sociopaths, it's really fucking scary.
Starting point is 00:24:41 It's really scary. It's really weird. And to watch some of these big vloggers, like sometimes I'll go on YouTube and I'll just watch them because like, I don't even know why, but I'll just watch them and just the way that they talk and the way that they say things, I'm like, this is, you're so out of touch with reality. You have no idea what it's like. You've completely either forgotten or never known what reality is like. Do not be like these people. Please, God, do not.
Starting point is 00:25:17 It's ridiculous. You don't want to be like these people. And I hear these young kids, they always say things like, I want to, like someone the other day told me their sister wanted to be a YouTube star. And I'm like, what does that mean? I didn't say this to her, you know? I'm not going to like shake the kid down. What do you mean fucking little Jenny? No, but when you think about it, what does that mean?
Starting point is 00:25:45 Like, you want to be a YouTube star. What the fuck is that? Like, that just means you want to be like quote unquote famous. You want a bunch of people to tell you nice things. You want a bunch of people to be fans of you. You don't really care how you get there though. You don't really, you know, you don't give a shit. You just want to, you just want that part.
Starting point is 00:26:16 And that to me is not good. You have to want something. And I don't really blame the kids because there's not a lot of examples, you know? Because a lot of people on YouTube are, I don't know what the hell they are. I don't really know what a vlogger is. I couldn't tell you. I don't know what the purpose of it is. I'm not really sure.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Like, I, you know, I started doing YouTube because I wanted to be funny. That was my thing. I wanted to be a comedian. I wanted to be funny. I make funny videos. I do vlogs because people are interested in my day to day operations, whatever. And even though I do like every once every whatever, but I try to be funny on that too. Like the way that I talk in my vlogs and, you know, some of the things that I say, like I'm trying to be funny.
Starting point is 00:27:11 I'm trying, you know, to take certain situations and make them funny. That's my whole purpose of anything that I put out, really, you know, is to be funny. But these vloggers, I don't really know what their purpose is. I don't know what the whole idea, like I'm just supposed to watch you. Like, and I don't get, you know, reality TV. I don't, I don't get like the Kardashian show. Like we're just watching these people live. That doesn't make sense to me.
Starting point is 00:27:45 And, you know, I have no idea. Like, what do we want? Like, why do we care? You know, like if you're going to vlog your life and like you're not trying to be funny, you're just really just, just, I don't know. Just videotaping yourself doing stuff. I don't really know the purpose of that. It's not cinematic or anything like that. Like there's one kid that I, that I, his vlog's name is Justin.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I don't want to get his last name wrong. Justin Escalona, I believe his name is. And when he vlogs, he has these very cinematic shots that are like a music video. Like beautiful shots. And like, I'll watch it just for that. Just like, I just appreciate that. You know what I mean? It's inspiring to see like this kid works on it.
Starting point is 00:28:40 You know what I mean? And he cares. But just doing what I do with my camera, just like holding it sometimes and fucking walking around and doing whatever. And if I wasn't trying to be funny, I wasn't trying to be entertaining. There is absolutely no reason to watch it. And that's what a lot of the content is on YouTube. The kids, they say, I want to be a YouTube star. And what they think that is, is just just record, keep recording yourself.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Don't try to really do anything. Just keep recording yourself, like doing stuff, and maybe it'll catch on. It's not really a good mentality. Like have something, have a dream. Have something, like that's like saying, I want to be famous. What the fuck does that mean? What do you mean you want to be famous? That's not a job.
Starting point is 00:29:27 It's not like you didn't accomplish anything. Like why do you want to be famous? You can't aspire to be famous. You want to be great at something. Is that it? Do you want to be great at something? Because fame sometimes comes with that. If you're great at acting or great at directing or whatever, one of these things.
Starting point is 00:29:53 But to just say I want to be famous, I want to be a YouTube star, like these are just very general terms. Like you have to want something, man. You can't just do like fucking what's in my mouth challenge, which is the weirdest title for a challenge by the way. I'm not even completely sure what that one is. But like, oh god. I just don't understand.
Starting point is 00:30:20 What happened? I saw like an old man. What happened to this world? They ruined it. But it's just because like, if you've listened to my, there was two podcasts that I did where there's Joe's inspirational thoughts or some shit, but I'm a big advocate for dreams and like kids dreaming and like, especially kids because, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:48 I wish I could have had the mentality that I have now when I was younger, but I didn't. Like I had, like no one really told me anything like this. I didn't even know anything was, I didn't know everything was truly possible. You know what I mean? Like people tell you that, but you don't really believe it. But I'm just a big advocate for that.
Starting point is 00:31:07 So when I hear that term and when people say I want to be a YouTube star, like you don't want to be one of these fucking people. You don't want to be one of these people that becomes self-entitled and starts wearing leather pants and just completely changes their haircut, dyes it, fucking Justin Bieber colored, starts wearing bleached shirts with the names of classic rock bands that they've never heard. Like all these kids are the same. They're all carbon copies now because they drink the Kool-Aid,
Starting point is 00:31:37 they think they're important, they think they're these fucking famous people and everyone loves them. And they think they deserve $1.2 million a month when they don't. There are teachers, there are doctors, there are just all these hardworking people that deserve that way more than they do, than I do. And I know that. That's why I continue to add things on my plate and work as much as I can. And it's going to come to fruition soon, but there are certain things that I'm doing to show my appreciation for that
Starting point is 00:32:19 because I've realized how ridiculous this all is. And I try my best to inspire people and let them know like I'm not important. And I've said this numerous times that I'm not important and I'm not special. It's just you just do it. But if you're going to do something, you have to like, first you have to like want something. That's fucking obvious. I didn't think I'd have to say that part, but apparently these people just want attention. You don't want attention.
Starting point is 00:32:54 If I could have all of this shit and not have any attention, that would be fine. You know what I mean? Like, well, I mean, I want to make people laugh. I'm a comedian. Obviously, I want the attention while I'm doing it, but aside from that, you know, the other stuff that people love like people asking to take pictures and like they just feel that it gives them some some weird sense of entitlements. Like you can't feel like that.
Starting point is 00:33:19 You can't be one of those people. You have to want something, not fame. What the fuck is fame? That's not going to, it's not going to satisfy you at all. It's not going to make you feel any like it's not going to do anything for you, but these people have some balls, $1.2 million a month to make 12 vines. It's just, it's just absurd. I just don't get it.
Starting point is 00:33:51 And the worst part about it is like people will ask me to like, how'd you get where you are or how do they get where they are? And I really don't know the answer to that other than just, I just did it every week. I just stayed consistent. I don't know. I have no idea. And it's, it's, it's just disheartening to see certain YouTubers. I talked about this on one of the podcasts I had with Timothy DeLaGhetto, he was on,
Starting point is 00:34:20 but there are times where YouTubers will put a lot of money and a lot of work into sketches and shoot these whole big things and put it on the internet and they don't do well. So that tells kids who are starting out. Like I can either try to make something really cool and something I really like and then put it out, or I could just do this fucking thing that's been done a million times because it gets views. And, you know, personally for me, I just, I would rather, I'd rather do the thing that's cool. Like I don't, I don't put out videos that I think suck or videos that, you know, I'm not even a little bit proud. Like if there's been weeks, and it hasn't happened in a while, but there's been weeks where I made a video
Starting point is 00:35:16 and then I didn't like it and I didn't think it was good. So I didn't put anything out and I was just like, I'm just not going to make money this week. I'm just not going to do it because it's not good and I would rather put nothing out than something that's shitty. But basically, I just wanted to just bring this up because I just hope if you're listening and like, I don't know. I don't want anyone to think that this is like a personal attack on these specific kids. It's not that. I just hope people aren't this fucking delusional all the time. I hope that we realize how ridiculous that actually is. And I hope this is like a lesson in being humble.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Of course, like obviously Vine went, yeah, a fucking no, dude. And they sold their company or whatever to Twitter or they got, you know, bought out whatever the fuck happened. Obviously, they're like, dude, what kind of like what this app made you who you are. And now you're like, hey, you got to pay us one to one point two to to keep it alive. What? What kind of appreciation is that? Yeah, we're all going to we're going to bleed you dry. Yeah, and I'm pretty sure there was like at least 10 of them. So it's like these people are just dumping like 10 to 15 million dollars into these Viners every month and then trying to make their money back.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Like what was their thinking? I don't understand. It's really crazy. And I don't know what's going to happen to these kids that moved out there and now they thought that was going to last forever. And now it didn't. And who knows what the fuck's going to happen? Are they going to have to move back home? Who knows? My generation is just delusional. We are the delusional generation who thinks because we have a Twitter account that we could just say whatever the fuck we want. And just because we don't have to deal with the consequences like cyber bullying. It didn't exist when I was younger. Cyber bullying.
Starting point is 00:37:46 You know what that is? It's a bunch of people who don't have to deal with the reaction of people. Because like Louis C.K. explained it perfectly where they said when you are mean to someone to their face. Like you're like, ah, you're fat. They'll like you see them get upset and that makes you feel like, oh God, I shouldn't like that sucks. When you say it online, you don't have to deal with that part. You just say, ah, you're a fat whore. And then you go about your way. And this kid, the fat whore reads it and goes, oh my God, I feel bad. I'm a fat whore. And then they get upset. That's how that goes. But yeah, people just say what they want on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:38:28 You know, they fake their lives on Instagram. They only post the good parts. They only post the good pictures. Don't post that one. Don't tag me. Tag me in that one. It's like plastic surgery on your life. That's what social media is like. It's like having plastic surgery on your life. You can only put out the good stuff. But no one has fucking social skills. I can't tell you how many people I've met that are like famous on the internet or just whatever. And are completely lost in like basic human shit. Like can't hold a conversation. Can't, won't make eye contact with you.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Just they just don't like, ah, I just can't even explain it. It's like, where did you, where did you grow up? I don't even know. Oh my God, we need to be better guys. We need to be better. Um, anyway, I guess that's it. That's all for this week's basement yard. Jesus Christ. Thanks for everyone who listens to this, by the way. It's very therapeutic for me to just come on and fucking yell and be an idiot. And I don't even know if I'm right or wrong. Sometimes I just kind of express myself and, you know, more times than not, people agree with me, which is nice. Makes me feel like I'm not insane because imagine I came in here and just said a bunch of stuff every week and no one agreed with what I had to say.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Then, you know, I would have to get a therapist. I would have to do something. I would have to, you know, that would be something else. It's nice to know I'm not fucking losing my mind. Oh my God. When I saw, you know, I have no, you have no idea. When I saw that headline, like I thought he was fucking with me. He's like, yo, you heard the Viners want like my, my sister's boyfriend's like, yo, you heard the Viners want 1.2 million every month to make vines. I was like, are you clearly, you must like, did they sell it for 1.2? Like, what are you talking about? Like, I thought he was joking. I thought he got it wrong. But no, he was right. Oh my God. These are entertainers. I can't even like, I don't even believe that I could sit one of these people across from me and then tell me that with a straight face.
Starting point is 00:40:55 I can't, I can't, or God, I want them to tell, I want one of these people to sit across from me and show me every original piece of work they've ever created. Because I majority of it has been done 9,000 times. 9,000 is a low number. I wanted to say 9 million, but thousand came out. But yeah, they just remake everything. 1.2 million. You got some fucking dick there, buddy. Alright, I'm getting the fuck out of here. There's a Ben and Jerry's ice cream in my freezer that is calling my name. Trying to erase all progress I made in the gym this morning. And I think that ought to do it. It's cinnamon bun. The cinnamon bun Ben and Jerry's. I suggest you go out and buy that because it's very fucking good. Anyway, I'm getting the fuck out of here. Thanks for listening, ya motherfuckers.

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