The Basement Yard - The Future Of YouTube

Episode Date: August 27, 2018

On this episode, we're talking about KSI vs Logan Paul & why I don't post on YouTube anymore. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, this is a man. Welcome back to the basement yard. This is our Exclusive patreon exclusive episode We're out here dressed in all black. What's going on? I don't know. You got the smoky gear on New merch hot hot new merch hot new merch hottest merch on the mark on the mark Probably not probably like, you know the 82nd hottest merch. You think so? Yeah, how much merch do you have? What do you mean? How much worse do you have? Like how many designs yeah, we should make smoky hats with this s
Starting point is 00:00:38 Okay No No, I don't know maybe we'll make some stuff but guys if you want to go buy the smoky merch You can go to the Santa got a store calm copy your smoky merch. We have it on long sleeve teas We have it on those teas. We got it on hoodies yamming You know what I mean? Good job. Thank you. That was sexy. Of course What was that fortnight? I Was kind of cool that happened. What was that? Oh your text? Oh, that's your text. I wasn't dropping it. I promise. Oh, no
Starting point is 00:01:09 I I promise I wasn't dropping it. No Anyway, I wanted to talk about some YouTube stuff. Yeah KSI Logan Paul We're gonna we're gonna buy that right? You have to buy it. Yeah, it's a pay-per-view Yeah, when is it soon? I think next week. What's what's today's date or? Well, it's either by the time this comes out. It's the 25th. Yeah, because my fancy draft is the 27th And I know it's two days before that so it's on the 25th. So this comes out
Starting point is 00:01:40 it'll be the 24th oh So it'll be tomorrow the day or the day after yeah, I want to watch I want to watch who do you think's gonna win KSI? Let's go both There's an undercard, but I don't know who it who that is. Oh, it's whoever did this by the way And I think it was KSI. I will KSI started it him and that kid Joe. Well or whatever. Yeah If they keep this like Lee going you know genius. Yeah, it's good off to these people Yeah, and you already know Logan Logan Paul, you know say what you want about this kid and
Starting point is 00:02:08 whatever but Business savvy or he's got people who are helping him out because I know they're gonna be in on this and just run This into the ground. Yeah, why not because like obviously it's working like obviously they're mimicking McGregor and maybe whether but There's a lot of money to be had here. Oh, yeah So it's like why not? The biggest people on the fucking internet. Why not fight also? I Won't mind watching it No, I like watching a fight
Starting point is 00:02:38 No, yeah, I mean, it's not gonna you know, it's not I'm not watching for The sport. Yeah, I'm watching for the drama. Yeah, you know, you're watching to see who like who loses or who sucks more basically Yeah, you're not watching because like it's gonna be a good boxing match because like I mean they're amateurs at the end of the day You're not gonna get a good boxing match out of them, but you're gonna be like, yo KSI's got a good jab on him Yo, hold on so Deji I think is this is KSI's brother, right or Deji. I don't know how to pronounce it But that's his brother who also apparently is like a giant youtuber. I didn't even I didn't know that And Jake Paul are fighting on the undercard. Who do you think wins that?
Starting point is 00:03:18 Jake Paul's gonna lose no, he's not Jake Paul is gonna beat the shit out of him. How small is he? Who? No? I mean, I don't know. They like around the same weight. It wouldn't matter to me I think Jake Paul is gonna beat the shit out of you think Jake ball beats the shit out of him Hot take I haven't seen him. Yo, the Paul's are gonna go undefeated. You think so they're gonna be both of them Here's my one thing. I think they're athletes. Yeah, but I think Logan my pet my gas out. I don't I Don't bro. He's a wrestler. Yeah, but I think he's gonna come out Yeah, but they're fighting boxing rules only but that doesn't matter what I'm saying is like wrestling
Starting point is 00:03:49 There's a lot of stamina that goes into that and not that how long has he been wrestling? That's what I'm saying He was wrestling in high school whatever and then he was doing the YouTube thing, but the dude is in solid shape Yeah, for sure saying I'm just saying I'll take an athlete over a non athlete. Yeah I don't know this other guy's background. He's English, isn't he? Yeah English. Yeah, he's like, yeah, he's from the UK He's from the UK. I've seen him fight before. He's got a nice little jab. He's got some reach Nothing that I've seen from any any of the four of them has has been like those that was alright Yeah, nothing the fights are gonna be terrible
Starting point is 00:04:24 They're gonna be off unless somebody gets knocked the fuck out because you can look good hitting a bag But like hitting a person. Yeah, it's gonna be a little different But I think the Paul brothers beat the shit out of them. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah Logan Paul is a big dude Yeah, I think people Want them to lose because they're hateable, but yeah, no, I'm just going with what I think I wonder if there's Vegas odds That'd be interesting. Yeah, but I'm saying if they keep riding this which I hope they do They make a ton of money off this stuff and they do their own thing Yeah, if Logan Paul was smart if he like wins he should call someone out a hundred percent or no get a re or like a rematch
Starting point is 00:04:59 Yeah, and beat him twice. Well, no, no, they already have a rematch class Yeah, they have a rematch no not a rematch clause, but they're they have a second fight lined up because it's like this fight someone gets like The money ticket sales or something and then the next fight someone else gets it. Oh, yeah So like ones in the UK, and then they're gonna fight in America, right? Right? That's what it was. Yeah, something like that Yeah, I'll take it. I'll watch the Paul brothers are gonna win, bro I know the internet's gonna be very mad, but I'm just telling you right now You think he beats a shit out of him. Yeah, all right. I
Starting point is 00:05:35 Think that in the beginning Looks could be deceiving though. I know that and I'm not saying that because Logan's a big dude I just think that athletes find a way you think he has a little more Just it's an edge. He's an edge. He's will. Yeah He's yo, he's big. He's not and not only is he big But he's he's I just like I'm a big athlete guy So it's like like me personally I'll fight any like I like
Starting point is 00:06:06 I'm an athlete like through and through all I did was play sports growing up So I always feel like yo if me and you picked up some of us a sport that neither of us have ever played I'm gonna be way better than you at it Like I'm that confident because I'm just like I've been naturally good at sports or whatever And that's part of being an athlete and being athletic and this kid played football and he was good Logan Paul and he was a wrestler So it's like he's used to the aggressiveness of like whatever and that there takes a lot of stamina and discipline in that like weight Cutting and shit like that
Starting point is 00:06:37 Those are big factors when it comes to fighting. Yeah, so I feel like you just find a way I don't know I'm more aggressive Also could get a little fishy in there. Just saying What do you mean? You know what I'm saying. No, someone could be thrown that fight. Why there's no reason to there's already a set out rematch set up Why throw it if I was that other kid No, you want the redemption story because here's why you throw one If I'm Logan Paul and I know I could kick the shit out of this kid
Starting point is 00:07:13 I throw this fight Because here's why I throw this fight then I go to America that one the rematch then he do the rematch get three The worst thing he can do is Walk away from it if like Logan Paul and Jake Paul should stay in this Yeah, they should just keep right right it out. Yeah until it disappears because I'm gonna keep watching Yo, you're the two most hated people. Here's another thing. You want to know another hot take? I'm not mad at Logan anymore Never I never really was not
Starting point is 00:07:48 I'm not mad at like you couldn't do you shouldn't what he did was stupid was dumb bro But everyone has to understand and I know some people are gonna like flip out it that I said that but here's what you have to understand This kid was like 22. Yeah, and was just killing it. Yeah every fucking day when he woke up Why wouldn't you think you could just like? So I'm saying so so it's it's it's soulless It's fucking stupid and he's an idiot for doing it you at 20 you at 22 wouldn't have done that no you at 17 would have done that That I don't know you think you would have like took a picture with a dead dude I would be terrified for dead. I would have been terrified. I'm a pussy. Yeah, but you know, it's different
Starting point is 00:08:30 It's different. It's different though. You're a different person and I'm not I'm not defending his actions on that I know what I'm saying is like you're 22 you've been winning for so long Yo, you've been killing it every day you wake up. You have all this money. You're doing all this stuff Everything is working out for you. No one tells you know Yeah, and then what makes you think that someone's gonna tell you know When this happens and you do it and you know like you're one thought and here's another thing again I'm not trying to justify it. It's wrong. I'm just trying to say like the reason why I'm over it is because People make mistakes
Starting point is 00:09:01 Do I think he's sorry? I? Don't care right if he's sorry or not. That's irrelevant to me what I think is It was It was just a mistake dude like people don't do dumb shit. He's a dick though He I don't really think he's like a terrible guy though. I know you don't have to be a terrible guy to be a dick No, he's a dick. I'm a dick though Not like that I'm saying like you do dumb shit like I've done a legal shit. Yeah, you know I'm saying but I've never like what
Starting point is 00:09:37 What kind of illegal things? Tell us I used to steal a lot really yeah like a lot damn dude. You're dick. Yeah, I used to steal a lot now stealing's fine It's weird. I like I like and like steal what though Like anything what was the most expensive thing you ever stole if you feel comfortable even saying it It was like a Louis Vuitton belt from where like a locker room or something. No, it was a Some kid got him off a truck. Oh, that's stolen stolen, but I stole from him Stolen from stolen. Yeah, so yeah stealing from something that's stolen is this just makes it cooler What I'm saying is like a that's most expensive thing I would steal but I would steal all the time from like
Starting point is 00:10:23 I would never steal from my own Family no, no, no, but you draw the line of dead bodies though Sure, but yo what I'm saying is like that kid lives a different life also than I lived like there was no Internet when I was growing up like yo the internet is everything to kids now Yeah, so it's like yo whatever's gonna go viral whatever the mindset just very different. So with with him I Can almost understand him being like dead body Like I'm gonna film this shit and people are gonna go crazy because when do you see a dead body hanging there? What he did was crazy though like you dead ass like yo if you were just in the forest and
Starting point is 00:10:59 Filmed yourself being like yo, this is crazy. Whatever. That's one thing, but yo you're actually filming the body Yeah, and then you got like you got like a couple dick riders with you, too. Yo those dick riders those kids Oh my god, yo It's weird that we're talking about this now because I just watched again a real up re-uploaded version of it And there was one kid in that video. I don't know who the fuck he is, but he's a bitch Yeah, like he was like You could just tell he was just trying to hop into frame the whole time Yeah, like Logan would be talking and then he just come over like yo that is crazy and like just hop into frame
Starting point is 00:11:32 It's like yo get the fuck out of here dude and the one dude like There's a scene where Logan walks up and he goes I think we just we were seeing a dead body and some one of the fucking Kids yeah, we're like You'll grab your camera like immediately that was their thought. Yeah, you know Which is so here's the thing though at the end of the day dumb things stupid don't do it Whatever, but other than that what has he done that has been Legitimately like insane Jake Paul on the other hand that gets a dick. Yeah, you know I'm saying yeah, which he's pretty bad He's he's lost in it. I think I think that he is caught up in
Starting point is 00:12:16 the The LA lifestyle are just being this big whatever Logan Paul are more so like all right. I think he's more But I still he's this I think he's smarter It's more likable to yeah, in my opinion. I think he's more likable Jake's Yeah, it's good thinking about it. What I what I tell people when we have this conversation I'm like, you know if Logan Paul never did that
Starting point is 00:12:41 How would you feel about him? And it's like there's nothing else to really like You know, yeah, I've had purse like not personal interactions with him But we knew of each other at one point from vine. It was always a nice guy So it's like, yeah, you're just an idiot. Yeah, you know like hey made a mistake you made a mistake So I'm over it's a bad one though. It's a bad one But what am I gonna hold against against you forever? No, but I'll watch this fight Yeah Some of the stuff you did immediately after too was like I thought was cheesy stupid
Starting point is 00:13:11 Yeah, like he did like a documentary on like suicide prevention which I understand probably came from higher-ups that were like This is a good look for you do this bullshit Of course it is and if I was me and I made them a sake I would have to be like I'm I can't do that because It just looks like I'm doing it now because of that. I like people that just eat their shit Like he if he just released a statement like a written thing like yo, this was mad fucked up I'll never do anything like this again. I'm I'm sorry. I know nobody believes me But that's just what happened like exactly how you explained it. I then just go on He did do something like that and I did say like
Starting point is 00:13:49 You know, he's an idiot, but he did Say the right thing and when he was like He did say something like yo, no one defend me like anyone who's defending me like don't yeah Because I would have said the same thing. I would have been like, yo, I'm an idiot Anyone who's trying to defend me also an idiot like don't defend me like there's nothing you can defend Because that was also something that I think it became how did you feel about PewDiePie saying the n-word by accident? What you never saw that No PewDiePie was live streaming and said the n-word
Starting point is 00:14:24 Like why did he say it cuz he got shot in a game? And he just said it like it was a curse word. Yeah He was like you fucking and That's weird. Yeah, how have you not seen this yo full disclosure full disclosure full disclosure if I'm sitting at my house Right. Yeah, I know you're getting nervous cuz I had one of these No, no, no if if I'm sitting at my house and I'm playing video games and I'm with one of my friends and it's just us two and he says that I'm pausing the game and I'm going. What was that? What was that about?
Starting point is 00:15:03 Yeah, like I want to talk about that could he I don't surround myself with anyone like that He dropped a hard ER. That's that's that is weird. We'll watch it after this I don't want to play it. I know Ninja got in trouble the gamer got in trouble because he was singing along to a song and said the n-word That's a little a little but that's a little I'm a little more lenient with that also it's not my place to even yeah, it's not my call You know I'm saying You know It's not mine. Yeah, what I am saying though I give that a little more leniency though than being like oh you fucking and yes, that's a little crazy. Yeah, that's a little while
Starting point is 00:15:41 Yeah, either way, it's not our place to say. I got right. What's wrong in this situation, but I will say That is like What the fuck did you just say? Yeah, that's a little that's a little crazy. Yeah, and I understand that he lose his like Shit for that Again, you know what it is It's like you have to read the room and what the room is this is a nerdy at the end of the day It's a nerdy gamer. Yeah, and I said and sadly that word was a big word of gamer culture Sadly, yeah that and the F word. Yeah, and the G word and the G word
Starting point is 00:16:26 Jew Do you know how to spell Jew? Yes, of course. I'm kidding. Okay good No, but yeah, it's it's but that's that's the thing. It's like In my personal opinion again Not my place. Yeah, not my place, but I'm all about intent and intention behind your words. I Know he wasn't saying it To be racist. No He was but yet it's wrong. Yeah, he had a gamer nerd reaction and there is a there is
Starting point is 00:16:58 Definitely repercussions for that. Yeah, but am I gonna go? Yo that kid's a racist. No, I don't know about that But he's a fucking loser. Yeah for saying that But I can't believe you've never seen that video before I haven't no watch it after I You know, I don't I don't I try not to you know, whatever that I mean, it's hard to ignore the whole You gotta see that look I'm paul thing But I don't really try to keep up with all that stuff I try to I try to distance myself as much as I can because I get wrapped up in it Well, you're distancing yourself from YouTube just in general. That's true. No, I haven't posted in so long
Starting point is 00:17:31 But you posted a vlog mm-hmm Vlogs are fun. They're great You just don't you just don't like What don't you like I Just think it's bet I think the stuff that I'm putting out now is better than what I've been putting out right So you I don't enjoy that format Okay, I just think that um For the record, you're not leaving you're you're transitioning. I'm figuring it out. I'm you know what it is
Starting point is 00:18:02 It almost feels like liberating to not be locked into a day anymore. Yeah, you know what I mean? and it's unfortunate because I Look like I'm one of those people who Made their money and then got out. Yeah Which isn't the case like I just I Just hit a Wall like as much as people don't think so like I really do care about the shit that I you know put out
Starting point is 00:18:33 Like I wanted to be funny I wanted to be enjoyable and the reason why I started making videos is because I just wanted to make my friends laugh. Yeah, and even how it starts even now with like veterans minimum with the sports podcast that I do And other people's lives and like whatever and and when everyone and anyone consults me and it was and is just like Yo You know, how do I blah blah blah? I'm like just make something you think your friends are gonna like like and I told veterans minimum I was like one of the two of our friends who are like big sports guys And you know, whatever
Starting point is 00:19:04 I'm like make something that mark uh Marco and Eric would like yeah that they would that they they won't watch it Because they're your friend They'll watch it because I really want to watch this general consumer, right? Yeah, you know what I mean? So that That is Something that I believe obviously if I'm telling other people that yeah, and I didn't want to watch it anymore Right. I became something that I didn't want to watch. Yeah Well, that's you should have make yourself uncomfortable for exactly. Yeah, and it's like you have to essential eyes
Starting point is 00:19:40 You have to centralize things sometimes and what I mean by that is like Why do something you feel you're doing is mediocre when you could put that attention to something that you think is great That you that you think you're doing greater Mm-hmm like instead of wasting an energy on something right there that you can't go back to it and have it be great but doing something Where you feel not confident in it not not not confident But you don't enjoy it when you could spend that time and energy doing something enjoy I also just think that the YouTube channel got
Starting point is 00:20:15 negative Like it came from a negative point of view for a while It just became who I was. Well, you mean like you making fun of people. Yeah. Yeah, which is like I love doing that obviously You know, whatever life, but on a consistent basis. It's like, okay Now you're just the angry guy who yells about Dumb tweets and wall market and shit and it's like I don't want to be that guy I don't I don't want to be a Dude who are like, you know, like the angry grandpa. You remember him. Yeah, I don't want to be that guy like Tourette's guy
Starting point is 00:20:49 Yeah, right. You don't want to be these guys. No where It's like you are built in anger because that's not something that people generally enjoy like it There is a market for it, obviously, but it's not something at least I enjoy it Like I don't like being negative and I don't like being angry or anything. I'm never angry. No You just want to make fun of people less No, I just want to be more positive like like not that I want to be more positive because that's a that's a fucking corny way of saying That's a foosie tube comment. That is a foosie tube comment. We'll get to that by the way. Jesus Christ Yeah, you see to fucking YouTube is just like
Starting point is 00:21:26 Whatever YouTube's fault what YouTube's fault let these people get like this. They market them now Yeah, but whatever But yeah, I just wanted to say that my channel I Stopped liking I stopped liking it Yeah, I stopped I thought it became unwatchable for me personally because there was a long time where I was watching those videos back I'd be like, this is great and people just I always felt like that like people just need to see this and they'll enjoy it
Starting point is 00:22:00 Yeah, and then I finally got a break when one of my videos went viral. This is after five years Finally something went viral and then everyone came and everyone stayed Right and more people came and they were telling people about it And it was just like hot for a minute and it still was hot until I was just like I'm done, right Because I was still getting a million views on every single video, but I was just like I'm not This is becoming a burden on me. Yeah, that sucks and it starts to feel like it's not me anymore because I don't feel like doing this all the time I don't know. I love the podcast. I love the podcast because I think
Starting point is 00:22:39 What it comes down to is what I really want to do is Kind of like inspire people and you know, I'm an arrogant person and that I always think that the way I think is correct You know because I think that I am I keep everyone else in mind, right? You know what I mean? No Explain that a little more like if I make decisions decisions. I keep everyone else in mind, right? Like I don't say anything selfishly where I'm like, I'm gonna do this because it benefits me and that's it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:23:12 You know, no, you're not like that at all. So I think that if you ask my opinion on something and it's funny because um I've said this numerous times and I don't know if I've said this before but there was uh A night where I was hanging out with logics managers who I'm very good friends with and Those dudes are great by the way. Love those guys, but I was hanging out with them and He was like, yo, just come by for a couple beers or whatever. So I'm sitting there. I'm having a couple couple beers with them and
Starting point is 00:23:45 They're talking about spotify and the Grammys because this is around the Grammys when logic did the Grammys He did like 1 800 and that whole thing, right? We don't want you to die. Yeah so they were doing that and um He was like, yo my bad. I don't want to talk business in front of you like whatever and I was like, no whatever It's cool. Whatever and then we started getting into a conversation about something else and I was like, yo I'll be honest with you the way that I think Is if you spent 20 minutes, I was like, I know nothing about the music industry or Spotify or the Grammys or anything I was like, but if you spent 20 minutes
Starting point is 00:24:19 Telling me How that all works. You got it and then you asked me a question. I think my opinion was better than yours What did he say? You know what he said, which was interesting He was like anyone that I've ever worked because he also manages john billion who if you don't know him This dude makes incredible music. I love that dude also um He's like, yo and he knows a bunch of people in the industry blah blah blah. Yeah, I'm sure he's like, yo everyone
Starting point is 00:24:47 Who thinks that way is like wildly successful. Yeah who think that like I have the answer and I'm just gonna do it You know and that's always been my my thing. I've always felt that way Even in smaller situations or like environments where you're like within your household. Yeah You know growing up there was a bunch of stuff that happened. We don't have to get into that But I always felt like I have the answer but no one will listen to me on the youngest Yeah, I know the feelings sometimes we have gone off of a cliff. No, that's fine. It's fine. I understand where you're coming from though Yeah, no, but about I it the channel Ultimately what it comes down to is just I really felt like within me like my energy and everything just like
Starting point is 00:25:29 I I don't enjoy this anymore. Right and it's very simple. You don't enjoy it anymore So i'm not gonna do it anymore and you know what I do enjoy I do enjoy the podcast I do enjoy doing vlogs because you get to see a side of me that is more real than even the videos because The angry dude you see in the videos who's complaining about someone who has said something wrong or it's character based Of course, that isn't that is an act that is that should be no surprise to people That is not who I am on a day to day, you know, and and people say that sometimes observations Yes, it is an observationalist act
Starting point is 00:26:02 Which if you don't know that I'm worried about you right because some people meet me in person They're like, you know, you're a lot quieter in person. I'm like, well, first of all, you are a stranger And I really have nothing to say to you because other other than like thank you so much for supporting what I do And whatever but after that point, I really have nothing to say to you because I don't know anything you're you're into I don't know anything about you. Like I don't know what you want me to say Yeah, so it's like I'm not that guy on those videos So like for me to do the vlog and for me to do the podcast I can just do whatever the fuck I want whenever you want exactly
Starting point is 00:26:37 So like that's way more fun to me because people enjoy it Uh, the money is made so I can live still. Yeah, I don't have to subject myself to anything else. You're doing all right Yeah, you're doing all right. I'm doing all right. Well, I'm happy for you. Thank you so much That's gonna be hard for you to do though. What part of you to be like, I don't really want to do that anymore I think another thing too is is I'm gonna suck my own dick here. Mm-hmm But you you you're inspired by other people Of course I am so it's like nothing. I I'll even go on the record and say I don't even know
Starting point is 00:27:15 if Anything I what the fuck is going on here. Uh-oh Sorry, my dog just knocked out the fucking headphones Just laid on all the wires. Um, but like I was saying, I don't even know if like I'm so inspired by Like the littlest things and I'm not afraid of telling people that I told you that one day. I'm like, yo Thank god you started working here. Yeah, because the way that I was going Before you started working with me
Starting point is 00:27:44 Wasn't good. It wasn't sustainable and there's no way I would have done any of this if you weren't here You know what I mean, you gotta do it. Yeah, and I also think it's important to tell people that I think I think it is I think people are afraid of telling people that they're inspired I I'm one of those people that is not I love being like, yo, this all this inspires me Right, you know what I mean? I I've told you that hundreds of times We've had numerous talks numerous talks about yeah, we do it all the time
Starting point is 00:28:15 You know what I mean? It's like it's important to tell people that Because that makes the work better Yeah, because if we're on the same wavelength and it's like, you know, like I liked the way you did that Or you could do this better Mm-hmm Like my ability to take constructive criticism since I started working here is a lot better I say some stuff Yeah, but you don't say you're very you're very good with it though. Yeah, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:28:42 It's like you want things done a certain way And it's like this is an exit video interview No, no, no you let it be known and it's like but we have a conversation about why you don't just say it I've had bosses that are fucking dicks. They'll be like, yo fucking fix this Yeah, I don't be like, all right, but you want to just show me how to fix it. I'm gonna Show me how to do it once I don't need I shouldn't need to ask you twice. Yeah You know every once in a while I'm gonna ask you twice. Mm-hmm, but I try to do it first time just show me at once whatever
Starting point is 00:29:18 I think you're a little too hard on yourself with that No, I don't think I'm I'm a monster. No, I don't think I'm like this hard ass Meryl Streep and devil am I Gordon Ramsay in there? No, you know what I'm saying? We're out here I think we're starting to realize how like Potentially big this thing is what the basement yard. I love the basement yard. You know what I mean? So it's like, why wouldn't you want to put out the best content every week? Yeah, I I truly think like For what genre this would fall under it's the best one. I really I genuinely feel that way and a lot of it too is like The the the following supports the following
Starting point is 00:30:01 You know what I mean? No When you see that when you see people talk about the basement yard like on other social handles They have their own discussions about it. Yeah, which is awesome. Yeah, so it's like we don't have to lead That discussion so much on social media because like the fans do it and I just love being a part of it It's like I feel like I'm talking to people that I know which is weird It's also just mad fun to have like it sounds like serious conversation about the things that don't matter Yeah, like people talk about stuff And they're just like they get mad at each other and they're so fucking violent with their words and all this stuff
Starting point is 00:30:38 And we're talking about like root beer versus cream soda and we're like dead serious. Yeah, you know, it's weird I am dead serious about it too. I know you are. Yeah I hate root beer Team cream I don't hate root beer You like it. Yeah, it's good Not more like creep soda though We're not gonna go down we're not gonna go down that road because it depends of many facts
Starting point is 00:31:01 Yeah, there is there. I can enjoy a root beer more than a cream soda on some days is what I'll say All right before we move on let's get to the sponsors here the first one being Um stamp life stamp life brings all the amazing services of the u.s. Postal service right to your fingertips Can't beat that can't beat that right to my fingertips. Come on though. Uh, you can buy and print a fist A fissile a fissile. Oh my god. What is going on? I don't know, but I'll buy one Yeah, uh official u.s. Postage for any letter any package or any class of mail by using your own computer and printer
Starting point is 00:31:36 So it makes it easy you could be at 3 a.m Wake up. I have a bad dream wake up. You're like, I gotta go mail some I got a mail letter to somebody about this bad dream. I yeah, you don't have to get in your car anymore Let's go right downstairs to your computer. Yeah, or just you know your your laptop or whatever And that's the thing. Do people have desktop computers anymore? Yeah, of course we do. Yeah, that's true But yeah, you could just go right downstairs and and uh and ship your stuff print out your your postage You're chilling. Hey post office is great. Oh, they're great But having to come to your fingertips. Come on even better. What makes it better than that
Starting point is 00:32:07 Come on now. Exactly. Um, they'll even send you a digital scale which automatically calculates exact postage Which again, what is better than that? Saves that Saves that I don't like the hidden fees. I don't like anything hidden I don't like buying stuff online because then when the tax pops up, you're like, oh god. Yeah, this is not what I signed up for at all Yeah, let's think that's 79 99. It's like, what is this 87 50? So you'll get uh, exact postage with the digital scale Um, they'll even help you decide what class of mail Um, it should be based on your needs. Okay, so there's no need to lease an expensive expensive postage meter and there's no long-term Commitments. Um, I've used it in the past when I was shipping out merchant whatnot
Starting point is 00:32:48 Very easy. Okay. Just all you need is printer ink Just you got your printer ink. You got a printer. You got a computer. Boom Send that out stuff You're sending out stuff left and right slap it on that box and send that baby out of there. Okay Can't beat that and right now you too can enjoy the servers with a special offer that includes a four-week trial plus postage and a digital scale
Starting point is 00:33:12 Okay, who doesn't love scales and stamps. I actually love scales scales are great. They're awesome. I want to scale every day I weigh food Oh my god, uh, go to click on the microphone at the top of the homepage and type in basement that click on the microphone at the top of the page and uh type in Basement, okay, the four-week trial plus postage and a digital scale. This is a good deal people hop on that Um, also we have scent bird Which is a what was that? I don't know. Are you sniffing? I was sniffing. Okay a luxury fragrance subscription service That was right. This makes sense. Yes. When you think about it like oh pawn right there. This makes sense. Whoa
Starting point is 00:33:55 I'm a genius. You are a genius, but like I didn't know it was a genius that yeah You had to tell me how the genius for me to figure it out most geniuses don't know the geniuses I don't know how accurate that is. Um Right now you can choose a new cologne every month and if you can't decide they have a cologne of the month Monthly that's what i'm saying monthly look cologne. Why not do this smelling good. Yeah, I like to smell good I love smelling. No one likes smelling bad. No, so that's why this makes sense scent You know what i'm saying? Um, they have
Starting point is 00:34:25 Over 450 designer brands like Hugo Boss Gucci Tom Ford Kenneth Cole things like that, you know, I'm in I know you're in This guy's got expensive taste. I do probably expensive nose as well. Yes um But yeah, I have scent bird They sent me some stuff. Oh, I got some Gucci. Oh, give it to me. No Give it that away. You get your own scent bird. I'm about to tell you what you like what you could get here I you know, I got promo codes at that wazoo. Well, let me hear it. Exactly sell me. Um But yeah, and also they come with just enough sprays that
Starting point is 00:35:00 For like a month. Mm-hmm Which you would only run out of it if you're one of those psychos that just kind of like, you know, yeah one full One full body spray. Yeah, you can't you can't go 400 sprays in one day Too much. I could smell you from down the down the yard down the yard down the block Down the yard. What is this? What am I saying? What a century? That would But yeah, uh visit scent slash basement. You ready for this you ready for this code For everything I just said, okay that code basement
Starting point is 00:35:34 50 off no way half For all you, you know non stat majors Okay, 50 off is half. That's only seven dollars and 50 cents for your first month. Wow That's nothing for cologne. No every month cologne's expensive free shipping It gets better. Wow It gets better. I think i'm gonna sign up Seriously, like yes. Yeah. Yeah, I need gucci. I know you do. I know the big big guy needs gucci
Starting point is 00:36:04 Um, but go to scent slash basement sent spelled s c e n t bird dot com Slash basement and then use the code basement for 50 off your first month So there you go Sign up for those smells. I'm doing it right now All right, so how about this Who's hotter pound for pound? David Beckham Brad Pitt Today pound for pound life's entire lifespan
Starting point is 00:36:41 I have my answer I'm gonna go David Beckham Brad Pitt easily. Here's the thing. I'm a big pit guy. I'm an advocate and when people go Who's the hottest guy ever? I go Brad Pitt and fight club is the hottest guy ever Brad Pitt's fucking hot dude. Yo in fight club. What was he fucking half a percent body fat? Yeah, he looked like he never ate a carb in his life. Yeah, it's like dude relax with those abs You're gonna cut your shirt off your body. It's ridiculous But David Beckham
Starting point is 00:37:12 Sustainably hot right now Like long hair Brad Pitt Yeah, taking taking like half crying pictures in a meadow Brad Pitt Yeah, Benjamin Button Brad Pitt when he's riding that fucking motorcycle with like one hand That's sexy Also in glorious bastards Brad Pitt was really good to hell. Yeah Killing Nazis kind of so far. First of all, I'm gonna get one of those mustaches You could do it November. I'm doing it
Starting point is 00:37:42 Oh, yeah, we got to do the November. Yeah, but I might keep my stubble You could do stubble stash. Yeah do stubble stash. Yeah, I'm gonna do that. Yeah, but David Beckham, he's been an athlete. Yeah Guys got tattoos too and it just works from dates a spice girl Dates a spice girl married to one has kids over one right kids are smoky God that was a weird sentence. You know what I mean? Brooklyn Beckham's a good-looking kid. Yeah, they're all good. It's a great-looking family is what I was trying to get at David Beckham. No
Starting point is 00:38:14 And he's got an accent. He's a fucking guy But is he classically sexy? I think Brad Pitt's Sexiness transcends eras No, like, you know how like athletes, right? They could play in any era, right? You know, it's like jason kid Could have played in any era and been an amazing basketball player weird that you said jason kid. Why? There's other people you could have said no, but I'm saying a guy that like could play all styles He was a triple double guy. You could have said michael jordan. You could have said lebron james Yeah, but everybody knows those ones. I'll talk about ones that are like on the cusp here. You know what I mean jkid
Starting point is 00:38:54 like No matter whatever you put him in He's gonna have the same amount of production if not better Brad Pitt pound for pound if you put him up next to the heart throbs of any era He's hotter No, who's hotter james dean or or Brad Pitt james dean was a smoker Also, I think you fuck more on the brando So what no, I'm just saying that you wouldn't fuck on the brando
Starting point is 00:39:22 It depends. I'm fucking the godfather streetcar named xire more on the brando. I'll suck that dick on the waterfront. I'll suck that dick Godfather not so much. I do it just for the respect. It makes you an offer you can't freeze James Dean James Dean is not harder than Brad Pitt though. Look what they did to my boy. That's pretty good. Thank you. That's pretty good That man's a good It was you Fredo It was you. Have you ever seen the godfather though? Have I seen the godfather all of them? How many are there? Oh my god You've never seen the second godfather godfather two is the best movie of all time it rated the best movie of all time
Starting point is 00:40:02 Have you ever seen godfather three? I don't know. I watched they're all on netflix now. You should see watch god. It's the worst one of them all but you should watch it Which one's the worst one? The third one. Oh, I was gonna say godfather one godfather two godfather two is incredible. Yeah Look what they did to my boy You're talking when you shouldn't be listening My dad said that constantly growing up. You broke my heart You broke my heart
Starting point is 00:40:32 Fredo It was you Fredo. It was you. It was you Fredo. It was good. Yeah, it's great flight But um getting the car Brad Pitt Yeah Transhands iris David Beckham. I don't think so. He's hot in the in the in the civil war. He's hot. No Yeah You wouldn't stab him with your bayonet. Have you ever seen Brad Pitt and Thelma and Louise?
Starting point is 00:40:59 Let me show you something Wait Thelma and Louise is the movie where they're like driving off a cliff. I love you Thelma. I love you Louise. Yeah, I remember All right Because we're talking pound for pounds. Wait Thelma and Louise is what's her name? Goldie Hawn Or is that something else? Goldie Hawn Susan Sarandon Susan Sarandon Is it? Oh, no, no, Gina Davis
Starting point is 00:41:31 Look it up. It's Gina Davis He's like a redneck in this damn Brad Pitt. What a cowboy hat. Yeah, that's fucky Hold on. Let me look at Thelma and Louise The cast was Oh, it's Gina Davis and Susan Sarandon. But then what's the movie? What's with Goldie Hawn? Where it's like, is that banger sisters? Duo sisters Banger sisters. That's what it is. Let me see that. That was a real movie
Starting point is 00:42:03 No, because you know why I got confused because it's Susan Sarandon again and in Goldie Hawn Goldie Hawn I do it. Yo Susan Sarandon Catching these oh, yeah catching these hands. Yeah, there's something for some weird reason. You don't like her What? I love Susan Sarandon. Oh, she's catching his hand. Her taters. Oh, yeah, big tates. I'm beating that up Is what I'm trying to say catching these hands Exactly. Yeah We were talking about it on the other one
Starting point is 00:42:32 Kate Hudson School cute or school hot. Wait, Kate Hudson is which one the one who dated nick Jonas I think she dated a rock. She wasn't almost famous Give me she's Matthew McConaughey She was in fools go Matthew McConaughey. Yes, Kate Hudson. Yeah She's hot. She's hot She's very hot. She dated nick Jonas for a little bit. Did she really? Yeah, that's fire That is fire because a lot of people say I look like him and I actually think I do look like that kid
Starting point is 00:43:03 You do look like nick Jonas, right? Yeah Way more personality than him though. Have you ever met him? But he can sing Yeah, no, I've never met him. Why the fuck would I meet nick jones? The thing about the jones brothers too is like they were done And There's two of them that kind of came back. Joe Jonas and nick Jonas, right? I don't even know the other one, but there's another one that I don't know jake jake jones Jim jones jim jones jim jones
Starting point is 00:43:30 bullet bullet Yeah, but I'm taking Brad Pitt any day That's my shit. That song was amazing. We know You drunk right now No, dude, you're a little bit No, you know, it's crazy when you get drunk. What's it was your go-to meal
Starting point is 00:43:51 Meal. Yeah disco fries disco fries. Why do they call them disco fries? I don't know. It's not like disco going on Still music. Yeah, I definitely can't dance after eating this. No, it's it's basically poutine for the people who live in canada Fries mozzarella cheese Gravy You know what I hate when fucking some diners put american cheese fucked up my disco fries dog. Yeah Sweaty cheese. I hate when the cheese gets sweaty. It's wet. Yeah No, thanks. I the last time I got I haven't drank
Starting point is 00:44:28 Probably since the night that I'm speaking of Um, because I had like food poisoning and then you know, I just didn't go out the next weekend or whatever um but I was drinking with my friend And I ordered Disco fries from the diner across the street. Yeah, and then called my uber So I went into the diner picked up my order and then just got the uber and went home
Starting point is 00:44:53 And then I ate disco fries in my bed. Yeah, and I got ketchup on my sheets That's hot and then I left it there for two days. Awesome. That's disgusting. Only a guy does that. Yeah, that's that's guy behavior Yeah, yeah, a guy who lives alone. Yeah, we'll leave ketchup on those sheets You know why I listed on my sheets because it was on the right side of the bed Yeah, you know, no one's over there right now sleeping there Do you can sleep on the right side or the left side if you had no one in your bed right side Ew, here's the only reason why I have the outlet there Fuck that I would be a left sider. I sleep on the right facing my left
Starting point is 00:45:28 I I sleep facing My right do you sleep on your side? Wait, no, I sleep on the right side. Yeah, wait depends what's what what? When you're laying in the bed. Yeah, are you stage left or stage right? I don't know because it's not the stage right or opposite. We'll go lay down later. We'll say no, we won't okay I mean just throw it out there if you're laying down in the bed. I'm on the right side If you're looking at the bed, I'm on the left side. Yes, you know what I mean? Yes. Yes, that's that's where I am I know you okay That's where I sleep no matter what do you sleep with your socks on?
Starting point is 00:46:04 No, unless I'm hammered. Yeah, and I get home and I'm like You'll sleep in your jeans that I'll sleep in the uber I sleep in ubers a lot you sleep in ubers Yes, that's that's probably why you're rating slow Probably because I fall asleep in ubers Like constantly which is weird because you don't nap I don't You're not a napper. I don't nap because I've only napped maybe like Like literally maybe four times in my life and every single time I've gotten sleep paralysis
Starting point is 00:46:38 Yeah, isn't that the worst I hate sleep paralysis when you think that you're you can't move and you think yet you can't breathe You basically wake up and your body is awake I mean, no, no your eyes or your brain is awake your mind is awake But your body is not so you can't move. Yeah, and then you start having a panic attack. So you can't breathe And then you just come out of it pop out of there. Yeah, it's terrible The worst is the falling before going to sleep too scares the shit out of me the falling Like when you're falling like as you're falling asleep, you'll jolt Yeah, I do that all the time to sleep jolt
Starting point is 00:47:11 I hate that. Yeah when I first started taking medication that should happen to me all the time Jolting out of sleep. It was terrible It was terrible But in ubers all the time like that night where I got the fucking disco fries. Yeah fell sleeping out uber The guy's gotta go. Hey bud. Come on He had to do that all the time to do that. That's so weird. I'm going out tonight. I'll probably have to get waked up Woke up woke up woke up. Well, wake up. No way. Hold on. Waked me up Before you go go
Starting point is 00:47:42 Leave me hanging on like a yo yo wake me up for you Take me dancing tonight Yeah, you don't fall asleep in ubers. Hell no. Why? Because I'm an adult I'm a baby You're just gonna run. I'm a drunk adult. You are a drunk adult But you when you get drunk you're pretty controllable you like to dance Love to dance. Yo, you love to dance. That's how I know you're getting drunk when you start moving
Starting point is 00:48:14 How do you know that because I just know I want We talked about in the other episode you watch people I watch people too. I know your mannerisms I know your I know your ins and outs. I'm trying to move right now. I know I see you I love dancing. It's great. Love dancing. Yeah, it's great Dude last time we drank on a podcast we danced in that room for like almost an hour and a half That's true. It made girls wait out here Yep That is true. Yo full disclosure by the way
Starting point is 00:48:40 I was hammered on that podcast. Yes I was drunk as fuck because you are no one I don't know if anyone knows which one I wait I don't know the videos that were associated with wearing something orange. I was wearing an orange hoodie. Yeah, if you go back I'm always drunk as shit if you go back on the youtube channel and Uh, this is the first time I've drank on a podcast since then. Yeah, because I was so afraid of it because I watched it and I was like Yo, I'm drunk. Yeah, like bad and I'm not that I'm like belligerent or anything like that No, but it got to the point where you were like, yeah, but you know what I'm saying? I was like whole
Starting point is 00:49:14 I was slurring a little bit at the end and I was like, I don't like this. Yeah, so that's why I was like, yo, fuck that like and as soon as During that we had to stop production and joe literally walked to the bathroom and took a piss that maybe was two minutes long It was one of the longest pisses I've ever because I heard it. I could hear it Yeah, that's how you know when you're drunk you pee right into the water Yep When you're sober you try to be courteous and like kind of like hit the bowl so it doesn't make sound when you're drunk You're going straight for it Cannonball you ever try to see if you could fill the entire thing up with bubbles from your pee
Starting point is 00:49:53 Wow, you never done that. Yo, that's crazy that you said that because yes Yo, that's insane. It's like, yo, this is a pretty frothy pee. Yeah, you know, how do I approach this if I hit a little bit from the Side I might be able to close that left corner. Yo, I do that That's one of those things that's so niche and you're like, yo, do people do this but they do Oh my god, dude, I've done it so many times. I felt So awesome after I've completed it. I said, look at that full froth. Look at this. Look at these bubbles Yeah, it looks like a fucking game and see the bottom of the bowl. Yeah day after a snowstorm. It looks like over there I love it. It's so fucking funny. That's awesome that you do it
Starting point is 00:50:36 No, but yeah, if you go back on the youtube channel and you see that video of me wearing like a orange hoodie single cut Or no, it's an orange hoodie. No, it's an orange hoodie. It's the josh gordon hoodie that I have um, but um I forget what we talked about But if you go back and you see me in an orange hoodie you click on that video That's probably the one it's me you and frankie. Yeah, it's me you and frankie. I'm wearing an orange hoodie I am drunk as fucking that's the drunkest. I've ever seen you like like in a professional setting Maybe maybe that's the drunkest you ever seen me could be Or there was that night that me you and frankie got really drunk because there was a snowstorm
Starting point is 00:51:12 So we were like, yo, you're like danie's like i'm not going home. No like we're staying here So and I had a bunch of IPA. So we just got hammered in the middle of the day while working and frankie Came back from over. Yeah. Yeah, and he was coming back from work and he came over So he started drinking with us. So we were singing songs. We were drinking the whole time To the point where at the end of the night, I have a karaoke machine We were doing comedy sets In my living room. That was the drunkest like we would walk. I'm like, how's everyone doing right now? How's everyone going? How's it going? She's like, yes. Anyway, like I hate I took it. I took a plane here
Starting point is 00:51:51 Yeah, I hate I hate the airport man. I hate the airport and you just do this whole set And then we were just doing it like I don't know why there were a couple good sets in there And then I was singing uh like psalms. Yeah That was my drunkest when I went downstairs. You were laying on the floor by the fire singing uh Uh screaming infidelities great You were singing that screaming infidelity You were screaming that into a karaoke machine on your back and it was like a wednesday. Yeah Sorry neighbors. It's a good day at work
Starting point is 00:52:29 My neighbor's gonna be so happy when I move out. Didn't your neighbors get mad at you the other day? Yeah for screen playing video games Warranted though like I flipped out. What'd you hit him with like just like a fuck I'm I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm a big video game cursor I I consider myself a very balanced person and very controlled with their emotions But for some reason like I noticed the other day I'm like, yo madden does it to me like madden is the is the thing I literally grabbed a pillow
Starting point is 00:52:57 Like I'm crazy when I play that game when you see me like who is that dude when I was beating you the other day Which you came back and won right which was unbelievable. I don't know how you did that but In the last four minutes of the game it didn't make any sense. You caught our interception off my fucking helmet It was like 23. It was 24 to 13. I came back and won like 41 to 24. It was ridiculous Catching diving interceptions and shit full shift. But even when I was playing you there you were like getting like Unhinged a little but you didn't see no you were holding it in I grabbed a pillow put it against my face and screamed as hard as I could But also I would scream without grabbing the pillow. Yeah, so it's like it sounds like some some psychos
Starting point is 00:53:45 Keep a time screamer big time screamer like like Fucking vulgar. Yeah Suck my fucking dick. Yeah He loves doing shit. I've told the story before cock sucking piece of shit I've told the story before but when I lived at home When I was younger don't mean to cut you off cock sucker white curse White curse. Yeah, that's why that's a white person cock sucker. Yeah. Oh, you're oh, but you're a real cock sucker, aren't you? Oh, man. Oh, what a cock sucker you are. Yeah, that's a white curse. It's a white curse. All right. Sorry. Um, anyway
Starting point is 00:54:20 Are there any other white curses cunt? you cunt Oh, that feels bad just coming out of my throat. I don't like that if some dude called me a cunt. I'd be like Hey, man What's going on? You okay? What happened to you? Who hit you? It's like that scene in big daddy with that guy with his dad So, you know, you know the score of the Jets game last night. He's like, who cares? He's like, hey, I'm not your dad, man. He's like, he loves you. He's like, I'm not your dad. I am. I am. I hate my father
Starting point is 00:54:51 I hate my father Um, but yeah, I think I told the story before me and Keith when I was living home We shared a room upstairs in the bedroom next to my mother's And it was a school night and Keith was playing halo probably And which he was amazing at right? He was really good at it. Yeah, but he would when he would die Or he would always be mad at his teammates. Yeah, he would never be mad that he died to be mad at his teammates for not He still is when we play fortnite sometimes. I know so
Starting point is 00:55:21 He screamed or whatever and my mom came in she's like you better shut the shit down like I have work tomorrow like blah blah blah stuff He's like, okay. Okay. All right, right It just shushes her out of there. Yeah real white kid stuff. Yeah, where it's like get out of here while you're a bitch He never said stuff like that. He was just like, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. He would always do that. Yeah She's like, yeah, okay, but next time I come in here like it's a rat, right? Uh, so she goes back to bed. Yo like five minutes later. He just goes. Oh suck my She comes in
Starting point is 00:55:55 flipping Shuts the tv xbox get the fucking bed. It's over Shuts it down real quick, but he screams suck my dick suck my fucking dick mad loud My dad put the beats on me once for cursing I call my sister a dildo once my dad got mad. Yeah, my dad Here's what happens when when your dad Uh puts the beats on yet. Yeah, everyone gets up Keith was the he would laugh. Yeah, and then I'd be good. I'd be asleep. Yeah, Keith would be fucking around
Starting point is 00:56:31 My dad would come up and you could hear your dad. Oh, yeah, you know, I know his footsteps. He come in Hit keith Look at me. Got to hit you too for some reason. You got to get hit too. I just I'm guilty by association here My dad wears glasses. I knew it was on when he comes in with no glasses. Yeah, you're like He took them off because he's like the lazy eye like who's cursing in here Who's saying fuck There's fucking eyes all the way over here. He's got a lazy eye. Well, when he takes his glasses off. He's like this You see mine. Whoa. How the fuck did you do that? Because I could I could do it. I could do it again
Starting point is 00:57:09 Yo, that's weird, dude That's not normal. Can I do it? Should I do it on this camera? Yeah, go go So he would come in like this and be like which one he's fucking cursing I don't like it. So now I'm terrified just looking at it. Yeah I was like, oh my god, my lazy eye dad is gonna beat the shit out of me So I escaped Mike got caught
Starting point is 00:57:38 Mike got was getting getting first I tried to run I made it a part of me So dumbly is like, you know, I just go upstairs And just like I don't know what happened. So dumbly I was like just tell him what happened. He'll be okay with it. Apologize As soon as he sees me Makes eye contact with me Slaps me right in the face
Starting point is 00:58:03 Just slaps me my mom hit keith one time The slapped a dog shit out of him. I was like dad. Sorry. He was like, wow He's like, I don't give a fuck. You want a curse? I was like, no Never again. Yeah Well, my dad would get up out of the chair. Oh man, we'd be running into the kitchen In my older age Like I was I would always get into it with my dad growing up. But when I was like 17 18 years old and he would do the get up out of the chair
Starting point is 00:58:33 I would just sit in the chair and be like Do you think I'm afraid of you? Damn you went full fences on him. Yeah You ever see that movie fences? No, it is sad as shit. Is it Denzel Washington? I know what it is. It won like a bunch of awards. Yeah, I haven't seen that movie That is one of the best acting movies I've ever seen. Yeah, but I would I would do that to him and I'd be like, yo Do you think I'm afraid of you? Yeah, like I've come to the which I was my dad. Yeah, of course My dad's 65 years old. The part of me's still a little afraid of I saw a tweet by the way one time that was like
Starting point is 00:59:05 I'll kick my dad's ass now just because he's old but A part of me still feels like he's got one good ass beating left in them And I don't want to be the one to catch. No, my dad's got zero. I'll fuck him up He's gonna see this too He's going to see it as I'm telling you and he's he's gonna call me. He's like, yo, I'll fucking kill you He's like, I'll come to your kick your ass right now. You know, it's crazy I said that with a lot of confidence right now though after realizing that he's going to see this I'm like, I don't know if I'm not confident. I gotta save people's lives. Yeah. He was a fireman
Starting point is 00:59:44 Yeah, I do kick your ass and he was uh, he was a professional athlete too. Yeah, he'll smack the shit out of you Yeah, probably. Yo, he used to walk out his hands are huge. He used to walk up to us like this What are you doing with his hands out like this? Oh, and then he would smack us with one of them Yeah, and he would pump fake ones back. Oh And he gave it the other one He would slap shit up but the reason why I wanted to talk is because I got a I saw a tweet
Starting point is 01:00:06 I didn't get a tweet, but I saw a tweet that it was like all hitting your kids does is uh Teach your kids that people they love will hit them And they'll hate you and they'll be scared of you and I'm like What? I think that is it's that that Ideal It makes sense But I'll tell you this
Starting point is 01:00:34 If my parents didn't hit me I don't know where I'd be I'd be a lot worse off But we're from a different era though you can't you can't beat your kids anymore Here's the thing. There's a difference Between beating your kids and disciplining your kids. Yeah. Why can't I spend just give them a little one? Come on, man Like if I'm sitting at dinner, right? It's a hypothetical You're my son. Okay, and your mom's right here. Yep, and you guys are having a little thing going back and forth And you call her a bitch
Starting point is 01:01:11 I'm gonna slap you. Yes I'm going to slap your face Yeah They have to feel like there's nothing I could do here except do the right thing. Yeah, because what are you gonna do? When you're gonna find me back? I'll I'll literally kill you. Yeah Go ahead. There has to be something fear-based. These kids are so smart now though. It's like I'll call CP a Child Protection Agency. I'll call CPA. She's like, how are you gonna call him? How are you gonna get out of here?
Starting point is 01:01:35 Yeah, because I'm gonna unplug the phone. You don't have a cell phone. So what's up? Oh, oh, yeah You're gonna have to see me in the yard. Oh, I saw you lunge at your mom Who's gonna who are they gonna believe that's what I'm saying who they're gonna believe let the case worker come here I'll slap you again. I'll slap him. Yeah, I'll slap the fucking case worker. What do you think? I won't beat the shit out of you Yeah, you're crazy I a part of me wants my kid to be physically afraid of me At least my son people are not gonna like that. No, because here's the thing My son can't just do whatever he wants. No
Starting point is 01:02:13 Listen, you gotta go out of your way to get a slap I went extreme. I said you called my wife a bitch. Yeah, that's crazy I'll slap the shit out of you. Literally if if your son If my kid gets like an f on a test, I'm not gonna beat him senseless. Yeah, that's crazy But if you're wildly disrespectful, especially outside of this house Like I gotta I gotta it's even worse. I got a green a green card. I got like a uh, uh I get out of chill get out of jail free card because I got a green card No, I got I got to get out of jail free card because there was this one time where something happy
Starting point is 01:02:48 Something happened at one of my friend's houses. Yeah, and then my parents Their parents called To say your kids Were amazing through that whole process right and my parents just love the fact that we respected them Quote on their words more than our own house. Yeah So they were like they happy with that. So the next time that we were supposed to get rocked They were like, we're not gonna do it. It's true. It's true. Yeah, because that embarrass me outside Yeah, you represent that you're representing my the family. Yeah
Starting point is 01:03:20 Yeah, exactly. You do represent your wherever you come from. It's true. Yeah, and I think that uh, I'm not against Somebody being able to slap their kid. I'm not either Sorry, I'm also I'm I'm over spank. I was spank him on the butt I'd even go as far to say is I might be against not doing it. Yeah I think hey, if you got a good kid who doesn't need one fine It's great But if you got a kid who calls your wife a bitch Might need to hit that dude. Yeah, we're not we're not gonna talk about this later
Starting point is 01:03:49 No, I'm gonna slap the fucking shit out of you. Yeah, this is gonna hurt You're gonna cry and you're gonna learn because here you want to know what it is I'm from this is where the school down from Is that you say that to your mom you'll say that to anybody Yes, say that to the wrong person in the fucking street You're not getting slapped. Not only that but you can't say that to women outside this house. This is your mother You're gonna say that's your mother if you if you have the balls to call your mother a bitch What stops you from calling everyone else a bitch or even going as far to
Starting point is 01:04:23 Hit a woman outside this house That ends here. It's gotta be some repercussions. My dad wouldn't even let me to this day Curse in front of my mom or sister. Yeah, like he'll flip out. Yeah, and he used to do that to my friends as well About anything I couldn't say suck in my house For someone who curses as much as I do especially in videos and stuff I could not curse at all in my house. My dad would be like, what are you doing? Your sister and your mother right here. Yeah, my dad hated that shit too. My dad's like an ultra feminist in that regard. Yeah He was just like
Starting point is 01:04:55 No, my dad hated our pregnancy video Did he really because it was because he is such like a feminist that he's like The fact that you're talking about that and you're talking about them like Shitting themselves or like their buttholes is true. Yeah, but he was like it's disrespectful. Mr. S. I'm sorry. Yeah He's all right. All right. I don't want to be mad at me. No, he's not mad at you But he did say he goes, you know what he did say Took shots at me. No because he You're gonna think he took shots of you because you don't know him
Starting point is 01:05:26 All right, but this is just the way that he talks. He goes Yeah, you and that other douchebag you guys are over there talking The fuck did I do? I'm over here just telling the truth That's how he talks. I swear to god. Yeah, the feminist the feminist world loved us Right, and that's what he was saying. He was shocked because you know what it was He's like and then he watched the video back and he thought and he thought he's like, you know what? I may have already acted. He's like, I just got upset because in the beginning you started talking about how
Starting point is 01:05:56 The poop stuff whatever he's like that was disrespectful and he's like as it went on it was funny And then you guys were on their side or whatever So he was cool with it, but it was just so funny the way he he called me up. He says Oh, no, it's disgusting. It's like you and that other douchebag Whoever that is you guys were over there talking Well It was a lot of fun. Sorry about that mr. S. Yeah, it was all right. It was cool. It's all right We're just having a good time. You know my girlfriend's mom watches it
Starting point is 01:06:24 She was she was like I like Some of the stuff you say is so funny, but some of it I can't listen to Yeah, because we talk about vaginas and stuff. Yeah, but I told them like this like We come from a school like yeah, we grew up watching South Park the Chappelle show. Yeah, uh Family guy Louis see like you're like, you know like like when his first show on HBO like Like that's a type of shit like you grew up watching eddie murphy chris rock martin lorenz all those guys
Starting point is 01:07:00 That's what my comedy was based around and everybody said fucking shit So like that's just what comes out of me You know, I hear you you can't say like the stuff that you were into as a kid doesn't reflect what you What your comedy comes from oh, of course, you know what I mean. Yeah Yeah Also saying the word fuck is awesome Shit, which one do you like better fuck or shit? Shit's more acceptable. I feel like
Starting point is 01:07:31 Fuck still has some dirtiness left to it. So I like it. Yeah, shit has become just like an adjective. Yeah Like this is shitty. No, I was like, I just got like what like someone actually like what are you doing today? So I'm just gonna go on the I'm gonna go to the gym and shit Yeah, it's like you don't even notice it's there. It's not a curse But you're like if I'm gonna I'm gonna go to the fucking gym people are gonna be like, yeah, you're all right She's like, what's the wrong with the gym? Yeah, yeah, exactly. You okay? Yeah another thing. I wanted to say Or it's like I stepped in shit. Yeah It's not I'm not really yeah, I'm not gonna phone home about it. Yeah, not gonna not gonna call. Yeah whistle blow on you. No, but uh
Starting point is 01:08:08 People that like Do drugs with their parents? Like people that smoke weed with their parents Would you ever be able to do well, you've never smoked weed, but yeah, it's so that's weird What that I never smoked weed. Yeah, I think it's weird too. Yeah, you've never smoked weed I'm going to colorado soon. So maybe yeah, smoke a little weed. Maybe never know. I told my mom that Or I was having it. I was your mom ever. Yeah, my mom smoked weed. All right. So she smoked some weed. Yeah, Shannon No, she doesn't even drink. Wow. She has
Starting point is 01:08:41 Had drinks in the past. Yeah, but she doesn't drink Like she's maybe had Keith just drinks Keith drinks. Yeah, and he's very against smoking smoking anything. Yeah Oh, that makes sense Yeah, I mean, he's like, you know, I he never banged a heater either, right? Oh, I would never do that's disgusting Yeah, I've banged some heaters in my day. That's gross. Yeah, but that was your cigarettes are terrible. Yeah, that's so gross But I'm going to colorado. So like whatever Yeah, I smoke cigars
Starting point is 01:09:10 Just do one of these. I've smoked cigars. I smoke hookahs. I've smoked like jewels. Yeah, but I don't smoke. I don't smoke weed Well, if you do, please fucking text me Why should I yell my highest fucker? Yeah, no, you'll be fine in colorado though. I might be high as shit Yeah, yeah, they have good they have good weed out there apparently. Yeah, I haven't smoked weed in a long time Yeah, that's what makes me paranoid, but I could never smoke weed with like my parents But why does it make you paranoid because There's a certain type of people when when you smoke it Like in in social settings
Starting point is 01:09:46 Smoking weed makes me paranoid Smoking weed by for what? It just scared of nothing. It just causes me to have anxiety Okay, but if I smoke weed like if like if I smoke like two little pieces of weed And like I'm alone or like in my crib like with my girl or whatever. I'm I'm chilling. I'm just eating and watching Netflix Bro, I've been so blazed that I thought I was having a heart attack. Yeah, like I wouldn't do that No, you don't want to do that. Just like I don't want to drink to black out Like I don't want to smoke to like get fucking crazy. Yeah. No
Starting point is 01:10:24 I feel like we'd be back at the at the fucking Airbnb or whatever If there's a knife or roof deck or whatever Just fucking smoke a little bit. Yeah, it doesn't hurt for the first time looking at the mountains. Maybe I'll cry. Yeah, you probably will You're gonna be perfectly fine. If I have if it happens, I'll cry. Yeah, it's fire crying is fire Steps on something um Yeah I'm definitely not gonna. Oh, I took it. I took an edible by accident. All right. So you've done weed
Starting point is 01:10:54 Yeah I took an edible by accident. Yeah, so you've done that's that's even worse. Yeah, and I just like slept I did an edible once and I thought I was gonna die I don't really don't understand that Yeah, because The body high of marijuana compared to smoking it is completely different So you actually might like that one better The what?
Starting point is 01:11:16 It's a body high. Oh, because it starts from within like your bloodstream. It's not like you're hitting it, you know But uh, I ate an edible once and thought like the police were coming That's so weird to me. It sucked But that's almost hallucinogenic that which doesn't make sense Yeah, it's it's it's like so much to the point where it almost is but it's not but that shit made me like I'm also prone to just being an anxious fuck. So I was like, yo, I don't want I don't want to feel like this anymore Scrooms was like that too. Oh, I would never do that. That shit was like this can
Starting point is 01:11:52 Was met was would be melting Like like things would be melting. I never want to do that. Yeah I was like that and I was like, I never want to I don't want to be high anymore That was the hardest thing is like not wanting to be high anymore That shit's fucking crazy That's weird. Yeah psychedelic psychedelic. I'll never do it again. I did it once when I was in high school Yeah, I'm not doing that. Fuck that Well
Starting point is 01:12:22 We'll see what colorado has in store. It'll be fine. I'll be there from happy you're going on a vacation though same You need to get away a little bit. I gotta get you out of my hair The fuck you talking you need to go on a vacation. You don't hang out with me. What are you talking about? I was on vacation for two weeks. Yeah, it was one vacation at how long? I wanted to go on vacation with you. I have a wedding. I have to go to not vacation I'm not saying you have to come to colorado. I'm just saying come out. I'll hang out I told you to come to my house tonight, but you don't want to come come to my house. Get outside your comfort zone I have a puppy at home. Yeah now
Starting point is 01:12:56 Was the excuse for the whole fucking year you've been working here almost. That's true. How long have you been working here? Not a year march March Yeah march Not even close All right, cool I did make a pact to you though. I will we will hang out more. Yeah, it's just that I don't drink as much anymore Yeah, but it's not about that. Yeah, but drinking is very fun
Starting point is 01:13:18 Sure, but uh, you can go to a bar and not drink and I don't get like drunk. Yeah You know I rarely get drunk Honestly, I really do It also I have a very high tolerance. So it it takes a lot for me to get drunk Especially if I go out to a bar and we're drinking like Bud lights. There's no way in hell. I'm getting drunk I'll never get drunk off of Bud light never ever I maybe now because I haven't drank in a while
Starting point is 01:13:42 I could I could successfully drink 12 Bud lights and like drive a car of blindfolded Don't recommend that. No, but that's how that's how high my tolerance was my tolerance is pretty high right now like even in Connecticut we We're playing beer games. Oh, yeah, you can put it aside. I was shotgunning beers and I was totally fine Yeah, you can put them down some people were drinking and they were like drunk and I was like, dude I'm totally like good. I'm a little tired. I've seen you get emotional drunk though Yeah, I've seen that when One of our first people always ask us. Let's answer this question on air. Okay. How much time do we have?
Starting point is 01:14:19 We're at a minute 10. All right a minute 10 an hour 10 an hour 10. All right When did we first meet? Do you remember when I went to that company you were working for? Oh, yeah, because they said they want yeah, yeah, yeah They wanted to work with me and you're like, yo, I work here and I knew you from vine So I was like, all right, cool. That was the first time we met. Yeah, then we got a beer At that bar remember no like down the street. It was the same day
Starting point is 01:14:47 Did we yeah, right after the meeting. Yeah, then you left man. I remember that. Yeah, so that was yeah That was a long time ago. It was a long time ago two years ago three years ago. Yeah Yeah Yep So that people have the answer now. Oh, they were like, how'd you guys first? Yeah, they always ask me that like on my instagram lives Yeah, and the reason and it's so I love instagram live now, by the way, it's cool. It's awesome. Yeah, but um Someone else acts like how did you start working here? but like
Starting point is 01:15:16 There was just a moment in time where I was like, I know I need to change and this was around the moment where I was like I'm not really happy doing this youtube stuff anymore And I want to take everything else that I'm doing to the next level and I want to put some things on the back burner Because I was doing all this stuff like all these podcasts all these videos all these things like by myself like I had no time to think about anything else really and I was like, I just need someone else. So I Was gonna have one of my friends do it But then that didn't end up working out and that was around the time that we
Starting point is 01:15:48 I don't know why we started talking you came in for I came in for db, right? And then I was like another podcast and then Fuck it. I was like, fuck it. Let's get down in here. Yeah, and you're like, fuck you. I'll quit my job right now Yeah, man, I see the vision though. Like I wouldn't quit my job for a lot of people dude To just start working somewhere Trying to hug. You know how hard it is We oh, yeah, by the way, we hugged for the first time guys We did at my mom's house
Starting point is 01:16:16 It was genuine because he hugged my mom and then I was like, well, we're hugging now So the hug has been hugged. It has been hugged has been had it's been lit. But um What was I just saying? I don't know. Oh shit. I had a good point. I don't know. Oh, but uh I would have just quit my job for like just to quit my job. Mm-hmm There's a part where you see of you have a vision and I could see it But it's like, uh, what's that? It's that beanie single line, uh And I ain't the captain of the yacht, but I'm on the boat
Starting point is 01:16:55 You know what I'm saying I would love a boat. I would love a boat. But what I mean by that is like I'd rather be learning from somebody that Is somewhat in my field instead of just working for some fucking place. Yeah, you know, I'd rather be learning from somebody that's made moves You know, and I've said this on other prior podcasts if I'm the smartest person in the room. I'm in the wrong room
Starting point is 01:17:23 You know and like It's a struggle I have every day. I walk into rooms and I'm so smart. No, it's like, you know, I just think also I didn't catch that till the end. I think it's all so good just to have stuff to bounce people off No, wait, that was wrong stuff to bounce off people not bounce people off That'd be throwing them off something that's bountiful. Right, but uh I think it's important to have trampolines. Yeah, okay Yeah, I think it's important for everyone to have trampoline throwing people off of trampolines. Yeah. Yeah, also very random one game
Starting point is 01:18:00 That I would would love to play slam ball Wow. Yeah, I remember that hell. Yeah, she was awesome. Mad dangerous. Yeah. Do you have patreon questions? We should do it, but we're not we're not gonna do it this time. We just ran we just ran super late But so I mean full disclosure here. We were gonna make this the extra patreon Episode where we don't do questions on it and just do it for patreon, but then like Something happened with the cameras. So we're just gonna We're just gonna run this out. We're gonna run this out. We're gonna run this out But we're gonna be back next week with the questions. Uh, don't you worry. We'll get all of them answered
Starting point is 01:18:33 Just remember if you entered them this week, they don't go away. We still see all Yeah, we still see them. I have them all written down in my phone So it's not like your week to get on is is off. It's just as eligible as it's ever been, right Um, and we've actually backtracked two weeks before to read questions. So just make sure you submit them We'll get to them. Yeah But yeah, let's just wrap this up. Danny, where can they find you at Danny Lopriori on instagram and twitter Guys, go follow the baseman yard twitter at the baseman yard and our patreon slash the baseman the baseman yard patreon uh spelled
Starting point is 01:19:09 The baseman yard and one question. Yes A lot of people have been asking this. Okay, so if we're not going to answer that they've been asking on patreon and patreon users have been asking If we're not going to answer questions, i'm going to ask one. Would you ever consider going on tour? yeah Man, that's dangerous. Imagine us on tour. Yeah. Oh my god That string of not drinking will be burned. I was like, yo, that is gone
Starting point is 01:19:41 I'm gonna be fucking wrecked that whole time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it'll be a massacre All right. So now the people that keep asking me because he's Too busy you have your goddamn fucking answer now. Eventually that's going to happen. I hope that the show gets Too big to the point where it's like and it's it'll be irresponsible not to do so. Yeah. All right. Stop bothering me Yeah, so we'll figure it out. All right. You guys want to know You heard it from the boss's mouth himself That is all for this week's episode of the baseman yard. We'll see you guys next week

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