The Basement Yard - The Orange Titty Party

Episode Date: November 29, 2016

I have @AntVino on to talk about our drunken weekend & the upcoming festivities. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. It is Monday, November 28th, and I am with a very special returning guest Mr. Anthony Devino's here. We should get some music in the background some people in the back Yeah, like some screaming yelling. Yeah, I mean that requires like more editing that I'm comfortable with so I'm just not gonna do it Fireworks. We'll just make pretend if you want to try and do it again. We'll try to do it. Okay, right? I'm here with Anthony Devino Thanks for coming on it's welcome to be that was a good fucking try bud It's you get it's welcome to be here. It's great to be here. You still drunk. No Thanksgiving was a doozy
Starting point is 00:00:45 First of all Thanksgiving Eve usually don't like going out on this night I mean, it's the best night ever to go out. Well, cuz everyone's home from college or wherever the fuck they're doing So it's like, you know, but usually people go to clubs and shit But you know, that's not my scene. We don't do that. No more. I hate the club. Oh god I hate it. I can't do it. You put on a nice shirt. You put on nice shoes You thought you bought that day for what wait in line you get inside and then dudes try to fight you Oh, man, do you remember we used to wait online? It was so cold and we're in a button down. I can't I give up. Yeah, I can't I'm over it
Starting point is 00:01:20 But this Thanksgiving Eve we did this thing called the plunge I think I talked about on the last podcast with Nick just like a bar crawl that we made up in our neighborhood and Yeah, it's it's uh, it'll fuck you right up, especially the day before Thanksgiving. It was uh, yep Fuck man, and I but the reason why I'm even bringing this up is because I wanted to talk about this specific beer Which you can get if you go to their site you put in a promo code basement No, you can't this beer was trash. Oh my god, I don't even know the name of it I know it was like some Czech beer Czechoslovakian whatever where we're bar the Bonnie Oh, of course, I could have told you there's like one good beer there
Starting point is 00:02:02 They have a bunch of weird beers there. It is a very cool place though really nice bar But yeah, I got this beer because I don't it look the handle looked like a Stella So I was like alright. Yeah, just fucking try this out and Wow, it tastes like olive oil It tastes like a sweaty dick Covered in olive oil. It really was so bad. It took two sips. We're down on the table left it I was gonna say did you finish it? No, no, no, I took like three sips
Starting point is 00:02:32 I really tried to get it down, but I couldn't I was like, I'm gonna throw up We just started this thing that sucks. I put it down on a table which was like is that yours? I was like, no, no, I don't know Take it away I have no fucking idea you came out that night. It was a lot of fun. Oh my god You know what I just remembered tell me we went to a bar called a story of brew house and like we
Starting point is 00:02:56 Left of the people that I were with we left a little early. So we got there before everyone else So we get there One of my friends comes in and goes, you know, did you Did they ask you about the Argentinian party? I'm like, what they're like some of the guy at the door asked me About the Argentinian party and he's like, but I thought he said orange titty party Yeah, it's five bucks. Yeah. Yeah, I was like, no, he's like, yeah, I told the guy no anyway So I just walked in but then like ten minutes later Devino comes in with a wristband on you guys got these I'm like, what are you talking about? I couldn't understand a word. They said they like it's a five dollar five dollar fee to get in
Starting point is 00:03:38 So I'm like, oh, alright, like no doubt like here's five dollars And then I get in and ask you guys and it's for the it's for the Argentinian party across the way I was about to go sit there with my friends and eat fajitas. I was like what the fuck It was just like a this this group of like there was like three tables of these older people that We're just having I guess like an open bar or something. I don't know. Oh, I should have gotten that open bar with that five dollars I don't know what it was, but it was free drink. I Was pissed. He's like wait, you guys didn't pay for this. You should have went over it and said like hey, what's up? No, the kid didn't even speak English with the guy the front barely spoke English
Starting point is 00:04:12 I was like, what you like five dollars to get in I said, alright here Fuck Hey, ten bucks still a good night though. It was a good night. I Had fun. I had a lot of beer in me and the next day was Thanksgiving, which I slept through mostly Because of the night before I I mean Thanksgiving was alright. I mean everyone moved away and got older So there's a very small party. Yeah, it was a little upset. Okay We all feel bad for you. I can't wait for Christmas. Me too Um
Starting point is 00:04:42 You had Thanksgiving at your house. No, I was at my aunt's house in Long Island Mm-hmm. I had Thanksgiving in my house. It was just a bunch of people and then my newly shaved dog that looks like a deer was just barking and jumping all over everyone. So that was fucking sick But I'm I tend to think that Thanksgiving is a little overrated honestly, what people like oh my god You get to sit and eat and watch football all day. I do that Every Sunday I watched home alone Great movie. Excellent. The first one Second one's way better, but I like the first one. I'm a fan home alone. Lost in New York
Starting point is 00:05:19 Mm-hmm. That's up there for me easily in the top my top 10 I think I 100% I watch it a total of 10 times around Christmas time. Yeah, don't get bored by the way Sorry almost burp there 25 days of Christmas is starting soon. I can't wait a Christmas movie a day Yep keeps the doctor away. I don't know how it's terrible Try again. I'm sorry. I'll edit that out. Yeah. No, I won't because that takes I don't want to do that I just want to hit the button and upload it. That's it Also coming up very soon is our secret Santa party. Oh
Starting point is 00:05:55 My god, I were our second ever party last year Was very interesting. Mm-hmm. It was the first time we ever do we're like you let's organize a secret Santa party with our Friends everybody got something sports related. Yeah, we were like this is I got a but I did get a cool Giants hoodie. Yeah, I got my name on it and shit. I think it's dope I didn't get that but I got a cool Patriots hoodie from boss. Yeah, and then everyone Bye Let me know Dylan had me last year. Yeah, yeah So this year we did it and I don't know who Davino has he doesn't know who I have
Starting point is 00:06:32 We don't we that's the whole point the first word of the whole thing is secret. It's it's more of an excitement like oh He had him. That's so dope unless you get someone shitty. Mmm, and they get you fucking. I don't know candy Can't I mean I'd be pretty psyched. I wouldn't be candy. Are you gonna drink that night? I've been I stopped I told myself I was gonna stop drinking. Well, um, I might work. No, it's anaconda that day So I'm definitely not going to that. I think I'm well if I don't go I have to work so Wait if you don't go you have to work Yeah, cuz I have like jobs that I'm doing I have to finish so I think I'm gonna do Santa con and come up
Starting point is 00:07:13 Yeah, I don't know if we're doing it here or at no you can't do my mother small bro people gonna hang out in the hallways What's wrong with that? Yeah, it's not it's not gonna happen. Your house is way better. Don't do that, Joey Don't get me upset Please I really want secrets in at your house. It was so much fun Yeah, I was the only one drinking last year. I drank. Oh, yeah, cuz we had it during the week Who's who doesn't have to wake up people have jobs? Yeah, fuck them this time. It's Saturday We're gonna get it's very early to December 10th. This is our is our secret Santa. I think it's perfect It's not really perfect. It's the only week that Frankie could come home. So we could have everyone there last year me and him drove around that entire day
Starting point is 00:07:51 We're buying fucking liquor and he bought a bunch of Ingredients he made handmade mac and cheese. Oh, it was delicious made his own cheese I didn't think it was that good. You don't remember he was sitting there stirring milk for an hour I he was like churning butter milk made. It was great Mac and cheese. I mean, I ate it. It was baked mac and cheese. That was it, too Is he comes put it in the oven? Is he gonna make it again this year? I fucking hope are we catering? I that would be a better idea Honestly, if someone just made a bunch of Velveeta, I'd be psyched because that's fucking we have to have food by the way Velveeta
Starting point is 00:08:28 10% off go to put their put basement in the promo code. Are you serious? No, I'm not fucking serious I was gonna say that's hysterical anytime we mentioned a product. I'm gonna try and do that and just see what happens I wonder if these companies would be like, what is this coming from? Yeah, Velveeta. I would love that I would abuse that fucking code. Oh my god Velveeta. Velveeta is right up there with blowjobs. I think I Mean it's a little below it, but you know a little Me some blues Last year though, everyone was being an asshole at the Secret Santa Party because I bought this thing. It's like you drop a Like a basketball a mini basketball in this thing and it bounces on a bunch of pegs and it lands in a shot glass
Starting point is 00:09:10 I couldn't do that and whatever you landed and you had to drink and it was like water Lemon juice and then fucking like Jameson Jameson 151 That's cool If it was a Saturday and not a work night for me because I would have been destroyed, right? Well, we can drink this year Yeah, definitely. I think we should do at your house Yeah, I'm gonna see what my mom says see if she's cool with that If I'm inviting a plus one. Do you want to know who it is? Whoever it is I actually so I can't invite them. No, you can I will well if it's one of my brother Thomas
Starting point is 00:09:44 I'm gonna invite him. Okay. Well, he you know, I'm gonna text him later. Technically. I can't keep him out of the house I will tell him so that's my plus one Shut up and probably Pete. I don't know their neck and neck My cousin Pete Davina's in love with my family. He's also in love with my sister's boyfriend Vin. Yeah, Vin Thomas and Pete Just those guys. They're awesome people. What am I gonna say Pete though? Pete, I don't know. What does that mean? I don't know it might go Pete Vin Thomas, but Always been number one. So I don't know. I can't just leave him You guys got it. I don't know if you posted on Instagram or Twitter or whatever, but there's a picture of
Starting point is 00:10:22 Devino took a picture with Thomas and Vin. That's all my look on your face It's like a kid beating Santa Claus. I was hammered that night. Yeah, you were it was bad. I was like, what was that that we were plunging We were drinking the apple cider beer remember and I was destroyed Austin's Cider ale or whatever the fuck so good, but I think it's acidic. Oh Like that word. Yeah, I feel good when I say it's a tee S. A. T. Don't talk about those people gonna be like, wow, they're impressed with the word acidic Yeah, before we move any forward here, let's go right to the spa say do it today. We got seek geek
Starting point is 00:11:04 Love this company. I would too If if you don't know what it is It's an app that you can download on your phone and you get tickets to concerts or sporting events or whatever Broadway plays Fucking who knows just whatever the fuck you want. I'm pretty sure the tickets are on there And it's just the easiest way to do it. Honestly, you just download the app and you type in whatever you want And it'll it'll show up and I'll show you which seats are available and For the most part I anytime I bought tickets off a sea keek. There have been really good prices, so I Mean, I'd like to go see a Broadway play
Starting point is 00:11:40 I'm gonna ignore that. What do you mean ignore? I seen Phantom of the Opera twice and I was in have you seen your high school? Okay, I'll joke aside. Have you seen wicked? No, is it good fire? I should it was great I should go. I went to Red Lobster before I went and then like I don't really like fish So I got the chicken there, which is it stupid don't go to Red Lobster exactly I was forced to go but anyway the biscuits were so good I know that I asked for an extra basket took it with me and put it under my seat in the theater You didn't eat it. I ate the biscuits while I've how'd you get in with food? They never let you in with food I had a big jacket on okay, thank you
Starting point is 00:12:15 Lucky exactly biscuits are heaven anyway So if you want to go to Red Lobster and then take the biscuits that are 100% good Yep, and put them under your seat. You're gonna want to download Seat Geek. All right And for real this time if you put the promo code basement in there You'll get a $20 rebate on your first purchase. Okay, that's a real one. Okay, none of the fake shit. That's a real thing So download Seat Geek if you mentioned Joe at Red Lobster, they might Punch you in the face right they might do that. You're not gonna get 10% off there But you know Red Lobster is amazing that we could
Starting point is 00:12:57 Starving for that. I hate seafood. Oh, you're crazy. I love seafood. I'm a huge fan It's it's my dude. I walked by like a you know what ruined it for me when I walked by Just just random supermarket and they have them out like on ice. Oh, that's gross It smells like shit. That's gross doing that But going to Red Lobster or like Benny Hanna or like a steakhouse and they have seafood you order seafood if you like seafood I love seafood Seafood's gross like seven times in one sentence. No, it's disgusting. You're crazy All right expand your fucking taste buds, bro. You eat peanut butter and jellies and chicken wraps. No, I don't yeah
Starting point is 00:13:39 I've had a peanut butter and jelly since I was afraid of tits. Yeah, sure So still I haven't I can't remember the last time I had a peanut butter and jelly. Yeah, I love Italian food though. That's gross Stop. I'm not a fan of Italian. You're lying Spanish food wins You don't like Italian food. I mean if you put it in front of me, I'm gonna eat it. Yeah, like it But I chew Spanish food over Italian food What do you not like about like pasta and chicken parm? Oh lasagna rigatoni See now, I gotta go home and eat bro. I didn't eat all day fucking raviolis
Starting point is 00:14:14 You're bugging I could I could swallow raviolis. You know as good raviolis not a sponsor everyone in the whole fucking world Portobello is good raviolis. Try them out there. They're at least 22 dollars probably So overpriced for no reason get six. Yo, you know pierogi's. You know what that is. Yeah, I used to oh man They're Polish. Yo, so listen. Are they? Yeah, they're Polish. So Keith has an addictive personality obviously this kid for some reason Used to make pierogi's Every single fucking day for like a good four months potatoes in it and they're amazing. They're amazing And the way he would make them he would like, you know, do you boil them or whatever?
Starting point is 00:14:50 They're already they're like pre-made and then you take some out He puts like this salt pepper cheese and some other shit and it's just like delicious so bad for you But it's so good. It is really good. Oh my god. I like it a lot. I used to eat them like 10 at a time It was just fucking they're dangerous too though. They'll put some weight on you Yeah, they will. Yeah, that's what happened to me now. I just like, you know what happened When I went to vegas, I lost a bunch of weight like I lost like eight pounds. I don't know how you I drink I barely ate. I know but I I drank but I barely ate because I just you know, I was either sleeping because I was so drunk or I was drinking True or gambling
Starting point is 00:15:26 So then I was like, you know what fuck it the next Three months of my life. I just ate and just Did whatever like didn't watch anything. I worked out Here and there, but I also got injured for two months. I wasn't moving around So I just gained a bunch of weight now. I'm like 182. Good for you. It's nice 182. It's disgusting, man Good gotta get down. I'm trying to see six like 169 And I had to be shredded because I'm really strong right now. I'm in the gym every day Now everyone knows that about me
Starting point is 00:16:00 I'm a fat bastard on the way up though, you know Anyway This is funny that I said bastard Didn't mean to plan this But we wanted to talk about and touch on What was this two days ago? Two days ago. Yeah, two days ago. We went to this place. Uh, it'll best stardo. El best stardo. El best stardo And no one means bastard
Starting point is 00:16:23 It has to it can't mean anything else with that name. Yeah It's this place in the city. It's a brunch place And uh, it was fucking nuts. It was my friend Uh, Dominic's girlfriend and our friend Dylan's Combined birthday party thing. Yep. He had to dress nice and you know wear slacks and dress shoes and button down I think I dressed beautiful Yeah, you're right What you're not my type. I was fire
Starting point is 00:16:51 You could have put me on a pan and I would have cooked you something Oh god, I gotta edit that out. Let me just take note of the time I'm gonna actually go in and take that out. That's a I look like fire rice I'm also gonna take this and and a good chicken more. You're digging this whole deep just a chicken more Anyway, so we went to this place and you pay like so we were told $50 And it of course that was not true, but it was like
Starting point is 00:17:22 $85 $90 a person, but we had a big group Right. I paid 140. Well. Yeah, you you brought a plus one So we you go into this place and you eat brunch. I had pancakes. They were all right You had pancakes, bro. They had flaming Ralphie goes They did not have flaming yon Ralph goes to the waitress. Can I get eggs and flaming yon? I lost it flaming yon flaming yon I lost it. I was in tears. You didn't hear me screaming at the other table I was it was loud as fuck. They're just blasting like pit bull. They were had eggs and flaming yon Flaming yon flaming yon
Starting point is 00:18:01 I didn't have that though. I had the burger, which was amazing. No, I got pancakes because I was like, whatever I don't know. So pancakes and champagne made you decide that What? You get a free bottle of champagne. So you're like, oh, let me eat some pancakes and then drink a whole bottle of champagne You're goddamn, right? That's what I did. That's why you were sick. I was not sick. Yeah, you were sick I had two and a half bottles to the face Oh Yeah, of course I was sick towards the end of the night. I didn't you want to see the picture? Oh my god
Starting point is 00:18:28 Here we go. But anyway, hold on before you show me the picture I just want to paint the picture of her everyone you walk into this place First of all, all the bouncers were at least six five. Yeah, and there was one guy that was easily seven foot tall I actually was sitting down and I saw him and I was like, is that guy is that like elevated? Is he standing on something? So I walked over he was not standing on anything. He was a fucking giant So I'm like, okay, these people are scary. Uh, anyway, uh, you Pay like $50 or whatever the fuck it is and they give you a bottle of champagne and a and a Well meal a brunch meal you got to pick between it was the shampoo is the rosé
Starting point is 00:19:04 a balini bottle or Mimosa bottle all but they all come in bottles. Yep like but like a bottle of champagne the size of that they all come in that and uh Yeah, you just drink an entire fucking bottle of champagne. I remember when I got it. I was like, dude I looked at it. It was 11 alcohol. So I'm like, are you serious? I swear to god I was like, dude, if I drink all of this, that's that's insane. Like I'm crazy. You drank all of it. Yeah I drank it all too and I didn't know it was 11. See I should have chilled. That's why I was destroyed. Yeah
Starting point is 00:19:35 That's what happens. That's why I got the pancakes so they could soak it up a little bit. That doesn't make sense um in my head it does I can't believe I didn't eat all day just for that brunch. You were fucked up. I was fucked. I was dancing I I my friend was like, yo like what the like they blast like hip hop They just blast. I mean all different types of music. Yeah, they blast music the entire time You can't hear a thing and then after you're done eating There's like a dance floor that you can go and just like dance and shit. I don't think we were allowed to go in there I actually bought three bottles. I actually know what now that I think about it. I drank like
Starting point is 00:20:10 A bottle and a half. Why'd you buy three bottles? I bought three bottles like one for me and one for Eric and one for nick Oh, I bought one for someone else too. I bought four Damn, I think That's a lot. Yeah, it was it was it was a good amount of money That's a lot of bottles. Yeah, why didn't they buy their own bottles? I was just like drunk and I was like, yo, I got it and I just went up to the bar Yo, I couldn't even tell you were drunk. I had good. I was pretty hammered and it was I could yeah Anyway, we'll get into that but what picture are you showing me? Oh man, so I got so drunk
Starting point is 00:20:41 I don't know how I got back home I know we went to tasties and I was with Dylan and my friend Andrea And I was in the bathroom Trying to make myself throw up because I was how sick I was I couldn't eat and I wanted too bad because you know much are all six Oh, yeah, and first of all tasties. They're fra their cheese fries with gravy. Oh Amazing. I got them if I wasn't dieting right now. I'd go and get one right now I was so drunk in the cab ride. I have no idea about the cab rides
Starting point is 00:21:11 um What was I gonna say? I left when I got home that night. Can you play the video that you just played me before this? I not put it into the microphone because it was so fucking far. Let me see if it's gonna work out right now, but um I was so drunk. I don't remember this in the cab. I think I I think I was blacked out That's why I was black champagne. My dad goes you're an idiot champagne's the worst Worst drink he goes the hangover is the worst. I'm like, duh, duh Duh, yeah, but this is this is one of the videos if you could hear it What did you just say?
Starting point is 00:21:44 Don't hit me up to ask you to come down What does that mean? I have no idea what I was saying But if you're watching the video, I'm half asleep and then I wake out of nowhere And I'm destroyed and it was just bad. I felt bad for my friend. I put her in the cab home and I was like, I'm so sorry Like do you know how many times you came up to me and grabbed my fucking head and we're whispering into my first No, I didn't yes, I don't remember that your lips were touching my ear Like you were drunk. You were touching my your you were fucking face was on my face and you're going Yo, you're like my brother
Starting point is 00:22:18 You know first of all you said you're like, yo, you're my best friend You're top five and I was like, you know, how do those things even match? He's like, no, you're top five. You're my best friend. I don't know what that means. Yo, I was destroyed I know at least five times you did that. I know when I'm drunk. I give a lot of hugs Oh, he's a hugger. I give a lot of hugs and I tell people I love them. Yeah, you do I do. I know I do that, but I'm not I'm not I could hold my own like I could walk. I could you know do everything I'm just wild. All right. I can't but listen. I got home. It was like, yo, it's 10 o'clock at night. I was destroyed I was like, that's it. I'm staying in
Starting point is 00:22:55 My parents come home like around 11. So I'm now this picture was an hour long. They're no stranger to drunk divino Yeah, my mom and dad make fun of me. They take pictures of me everything So I come home And are you ready for this? Yeah, let me see for this picture now. I'm laying on the Don't I'll explain. I'll explain what I'm looking at here It's so bad Yo, you look dead. My mom took that paper. Look at my legs. At least I'm comfortable. I crossed my legs Oh my god
Starting point is 00:23:24 All right. So what I'm looking at here is divino in a nice burgundy button down there sleeves rolled up Belt is uh, okay, so he's in the bathroom, right? His head is on the tub And his body is just fucking sprawled out throughout the floor and he's out He he is out right now. I don't remember getting on the floor Usually you don't But my mom told me she woke me up and I was just like
Starting point is 00:23:55 My mom was ready to take me to the hospital. She thought I was drugged Dude, that's amazing Yeah, dude one time Keith got really drunk and he I have a picture of my old uh, well, it wasn't my old phone It's on my computer now, but he I walked into my room I walked into my old well it was his room at the time I walked in and uh He's half On his bad half not right
Starting point is 00:24:28 His legs are like not on But his body is he's kind of doing like a glute bridge And that's good. He's wearing jeans. He's wearing He has his shoes are on he's wearing a hoodie Whatever his his arms So he's wearing shorts under his jeans apparently Because he doesn't believe in in boxers keith when he runs out of boxers just starts wearing shorts instead like that I do that sometimes so his he had jeans on also, but they were
Starting point is 00:25:00 Right up like right above his knee with the belt strap So I don't know why you have a belt if you're not gonna wear it at your your hips or whatever But he was laying like that his pants are half off But he's got his shorts on and then he's laying on the bed His eyes are open facing the ceiling and his arms are out like he's just been crucified I walked in on that dude. I laughed my fucking ass off. What did you say? I didn't say a word I didn't even move him honestly. I just left him. I was like, okay. This is clearly some Holy shit going on in here. I don't know because he he was just I don't know
Starting point is 00:25:34 It I don't know if he was praying or whatever or meditating, but Dude, it was the fucking weirdest thing and if you look On because he used to have like the iCloud thing. I don't know how the fuck that shit works But I had like this photo stream whatever that means and whenever I took a picture would show up on my computer And on my computer if you look Uh at the picture the two before that are the same picture, but it's just Moving because I was laughing my ass off like it's blurry Like I was like fucking dying because dude
Starting point is 00:26:05 Keith was something else back in the day. It was great. That's good, but after this place we were at this place. Um Il bestardo el bestardo. Yeah, whatever fucking. I don't know Uh, we went to that place and then afterwards I went to Uh, john bellion's concert. Oh So jealous. It was sick. It was so awesome. Like I uh I've always been a big fan of his He I found him randomly like years ago Like he had like 2,000 followers on twitter
Starting point is 00:26:39 And like I have to get all hips around people and be like I knew him before you guys But I really did like I found him randomly. I don't know how I found I found him, but uh Yeah, I found this video of him making a song from scratch and I was like, wow, this guy's fucking talented as shit and um We just always kept in contact me and him uh through the years and We you know as he became more and more Famous and and you know doing this thing more successful
Starting point is 00:27:08 We just kind of like lost touch or whatever because like he's busy. I'm busy or whatever, but his management Uh, they're all from long island like they're you know from the neighborhood really So his management reached out to me and we're like, oh, you know, um, I actually had met them at a bar here before We all met up, but they were like, do you want to come to the concert? I was like, yeah for sure so I went and um It was fucking sick, dude Did you have like special seats because you were high up? Yeah, we had we were sitting with like his managers parents and stuff. It's like a
Starting point is 00:27:40 I don't know like a vip area. It's like where the spotlight guy is. I mean, that's cool Yeah, but which I would I would have been totally cool with anywhere in that whole place because I'm an actual fan I'm I wasn't there for like I want the star treatment and I'm important like I'm not that person at all But I'm just like an actual fan of his and like I was screaming like all the songs and shit Uh, but you always been mad cool because I I saw him like I want to say two years ago at Highline ballroom and that's a smaller venue and That was even cool to see like to see him go from that and the terminal five
Starting point is 00:28:15 Place was fucking turned huge. I saw yeah, it was packed And I was like this is just fucking it's sick. It's also like inspirational to see like dude, just you know As long as you're good It'll just it'll work out and you could just sell this fucking place out. I like his music a lot I'm a fan of his like I and I just got put on. Oh, yeah, you know, I just like I just start I always tell people about John Bellion. I always haven't playing like randomly in my car, but I um I hit him up too because the first for the first time ever I heard him on the radio and uh
Starting point is 00:28:50 Usually like when I get into my car the It just start like the bluetooth just starts playing whatever song was last playing So sometimes his song is playing because it's the last one. What's listening to so I thought it was it was it And I went to go change the song And it changed the radio station. I was like what so I went back and I was z100 who was playing it Which is like if you're from New York, it's like the biggest fucking radio station here. So I was like, oh
Starting point is 00:29:16 So I hit him up and I was like, dude, I'm listening to you on the radio for the first time And it's that it was just like a cool moment I always told him to back in the day. I'm like the dream is that uh, I'm gonna host an award show and Present him with like a Grammy or some award or whatever the fuck it is And I told him that like recently too. I was like, that's still the the goal one day. That's awesome. Um
Starting point is 00:29:41 Yeah, man, if you don't know john bellion, you look him up j o n B e l l i o n Guy's fucking legit amazing music. Um Yeah, I don't know how the fuck I made it through that because I I got there and I was pretty banged up I was I took an uber there And uh right before I went to because I had those pancakes. That was the only thing I had all day And then when I was walking trying to find a cab I saw a nick and tommy had a pizzeria and I just ate like The crust of nicks slices. I was like y'all starving
Starting point is 00:30:13 And then I had I got an uber and I headed over there And I immediately started drinking there because I thought that would be a good idea So but I was drinking like miller lights, which is basically like, you know hydrating yourself having some waters uh, so I probably had four or five beers at the show and Then afterwards You know, uh, I went backstage and I was talking to him and he's like, oh, we're gonna go to this place You know, it's for like Uh family and blah blah blah. I was like, okay
Starting point is 00:30:41 um That like we'll probably get over there Like whenever it was like 1130 and it was like 1045. So I was like, all right, cool so I just got in a cab with with uh My brother and sammy and we went to Like it was by time square. So I was like, let's just go to a bar. We'll get a beer and then we'll just head over there So we get out of the cab and then the kid texts me back and he goes Oh, we're probably gonna get there like 12 15 and I was like, I'm not gonna make it
Starting point is 00:31:05 Because I was so fucking drunk and tired already like Dude, when you drink for that long by the time it reaches 11 at night, you're just like Even if you're not drunk anymore, you're shot. Like I couldn't even tell but I uh was standing on a corner In the middle actually I was standing in the middle of the block as thomas went into someplace to pee And I was just like my I couldn't keep my eyes open like I was trying to like so I sat down and Then I some I forgot how but I got a pretzel and I was dude. I ain't this pretzel you would have thought I
Starting point is 00:31:42 This was the first thing I ate in years I fucking scarfed that shit down. I was fucking dying But dude, I just fucking passed the fuck out. I got home. I don't even remember I'm not sure if I I think I left the door open And then my mom came down in the middle of the night freaking out at me Which is like, what the fuck are you doing? I was like, I'm sorry. I can't even But that was my weekend. It was pretty fucking crazy Lot of liquor, which is why now I kind of want to stop
Starting point is 00:32:10 Till like new years, right? Yeah, at least till new years. I agree Uh And I'm going I'm just going super hard like I'm going for a bike right after this good because I just need to Like whatever today. I was in the gym and then after I did my workout. I had I was gotta got on the aerodyne bike Which is the worst fucking thing You don't think it's like a bike, but you have the hand pedals also and just a fan in the wheel So the harder you go the harder it is
Starting point is 00:32:40 and We do like intervals where it's like 20 seconds as hard as you can and then a 40 second Just regular and then 20 seconds are like you do like 10 in a row Oh my god, you want to throw up afterwards? Dude, if you're looking to like Some cardio or whatever do that because you only need to do 10 minutes And it'll show like a calorie account. You can lose 300 calories doing it easily That's nuts. Like it's it's the fucking it's the worst thing in the entire world the first time boss did it at the gym
Starting point is 00:33:12 He did it and I was like, why are you still going? He's like, I can't stop Like his legs just couldn't stop moving. So he just biked for another like three minutes and then got off And then collapsed on the ground So that's my life now. That's awesome. I'm trying to get down to 169 I don't think it's gonna happen. Honestly, I'll be happy with like 172 That's good Go for it bro. You can do anything you want. I just gotta stop like like I barely eat bad. So I I haven't I haven't been in the gym because I've been playing hockey like all the time and it's that's it right there
Starting point is 00:33:47 That's a good hockey and work. That's a good workout. Yeah, I love hockey. We gotta go ice skating. Yeah, I can't wait First oh my god. I'm so glad I remember that What dude, do you remember we went ice skating one time and there was a guy on a date with his girlfriend And he fell brought her down. Oh, yeah. Oh, no. Yeah, he brought her down But he hit his face on the ice and he was bleeding. Yep. I was like, oh that fucking that sucks I hope that wasn't like a third date or something. Imagine it was his first yikes I mean, you can't go ice skating on a first date. Can you that's a bit heavy. Yeah, man Christmas activities That's a heavy commitment there. They were holding hands too first date holding hands planted. That's fuck. Yeah
Starting point is 00:34:28 That was fucking great. That was great. I remember another time before that we went with a group of girls And I was like I can skate, you know what I mean? So I'm going around Fairly fast and she goes down As I'm coming around I had to jump over her head and I almost cut her fucking head off I forgot who it was though. Look at you, huh? Yeah, man skater. I was like Chris Crieder out there Almost cut his goddamn head right off. Yeah kill him And we got to see the tree. What other Christmas activities? Secrets and uh, I don't know eat candy canes
Starting point is 00:35:03 This is a bad time to to diet. Yeah I just feel like I can't wait after eight years. I'll start going hard again. See that's the thing I just feel like I can't wait. I'm on a bad road here. My goal is Vegas. That's that's it I don't know what that means. It's like I work out just to go to Vegas. Oh Vegas always throws me off like I'm I do so well and then I get to Vegas and when I get back I just I'm completely fucked. I was doing so well for so long and I stopped drinking beer and it felt amazing Like it's the greatest feeling in the world and then I just started up again once I got this new job because they feed you at this place Like they just give you food bagels
Starting point is 00:35:39 Fucking pastrami sandwiches shit like that. Yeah, I cannot say no. I can't say no I just I don't know. I feel like if I wait until new years, I'll be 190 And then that'll be like I can't even fathom losing 10 pounds like I can't even think like I can't even I've never done that in my entire life. I've never really lost weight ever honestly. I've I've lost like 5 pounds but You know, you could lose 5 pounds taking a dump. Yeah, so it's not like anything Like impressive like if I lose 10 pounds like all right, you put some work in there
Starting point is 00:36:16 I take a shit a lot So I think that's why I stay at the same weight or sometimes lose weight because I at least four times a day sometimes You know and I feel great after I just the only thing I had today was fruit I had a banana and water for breakfast and then I had a bunch of fruit And oh, I had a quinoa bowl Which is disgusting quinoa is like
Starting point is 00:36:41 I know quinoa is but is that it? That's all you had. Yeah. No, there was there was avocado corn and chicken in there too But I don't know what to eat for dinner now I'm fucked Whatever one meal a day. That's not like super healthy. Fuck it I'll just bike it Do it Fuck you. I can't wait to eat dinner. Shut up. Sorry. What time is it? Five o'clock. I feel like it's midnight. I know I'm gonna die out. That's why I see it. Fuck this. I got a hockey game to go to
Starting point is 00:37:13 Can't wait. Are you guys gonna win? I'm not going to any of your games. Yeah. Why don't you come come next week? I'm not coming anymore. It's playoffs. I'm not coming anymore You gotta it's playoffs next week. We have a lot of fans How many four you know a med that's one and his friends So that's two It's probably gonna be a good six in the stands. Oh, Tommy Hey, we need to shout out a med, please We shout out a med. Yeah, he needs it. Uh
Starting point is 00:37:39 At it's underscore a med 3ds There you go, bud. That's for you. I miss him. It's my guy. He's gonna text me. But yo, you're such a fucking asshole If we're doing this again, but you know, you already text me. I'm all I'm all for the for the helping people, you know That's it. That's it. Anyway, we're gonna wrap this up do it wrap it the fuck up Um, divina, where can they find you if they want to contact you? I feel like we haven't done this in a while Where can they contact you? I don't know. It's been a while Listen to it been here. You could follow find me. Follow find me at ant Vino dot ant vino again. There we go
Starting point is 00:38:12 Antvino dot com you made a website. Well, you're very famous now very popular on social media ant vino it's for everything uh go to antvino dot com and um Stop put in a promo code for 10 basement Um off your first purchase And uh cell phone cases He sells pillowcases and um vacuum bags
Starting point is 00:38:38 And I sell snow from antartica. There you go. Very very nice. Um, wow, man. I really can't wait for snow Same last year. I built an igloo and then I know I was drank jameson in it. I'm very upset that it wasn't there Anyway, that is all and uh, we'll see you guys next time as always. Thanks for listening. Yeah, motherfuckers

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