The Basement Yard - The Phone Diet

Episode Date: August 15, 2017

On this episode, I have @impy__ on to talk about my addiction. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. Today I am joined by my boy, Impey here. Hey, how are we doing? Got dressed up for the occasion, you know? I dress like this every day, go to work. Let's not, let's not laugh. Can you imagine though, it'd be nice. I'm wearing two different color socks.
Starting point is 00:00:14 Well, like kind of. So like that's obviously green. I like it. And then this has on the bottom green, yellowish. So it kind of matches. Highlighter. I haven't matched socks in years. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:26 I think that's a complete waste of time. Not with it. What's up? Thanks for having me. I appreciate it. No problem, man. Uh, I've known. We were just talking about child murderers before we turned the cameras on.
Starting point is 00:00:37 So that's like a new thing. I just learned about John Benet Ramsey. They, oh, I forgot that last part of the name right there. The Ramsey. Yeah. Very interesting, very interesting cold case. Uh, I'm just like on the Wikipedia now. And I mean, for people who don't know, it was like this, um, what's that called?
Starting point is 00:00:54 Tollers and tiaras. It was basically like, you know, one of those, what's that called? A beauty pageant girls. Like when they make their fucking parents force their kids to be in beauty pageants, which is psychotic. I don't know why you're making your child to do that. Do they have like swimsuit? I don't, I hope not.
Starting point is 00:01:12 I pray they don't. I saw a little Miss Sunshine and I don't know like that was kind of about that. So I don't know like if they have that portion of it, but if they do this is completely disgusting. I don't know why we have this, but it's, it's ridiculous. And that show toddlers and tiaras. I saw one episode cause Shannon watches it sometimes. It's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:01:29 It's so weird. Can't do it. They try to make this seven year old look like a 30 year old. It's fucking, it's strange. But anyway, why are they wearing makeup? Anyway, it doesn't make sense. But this little girl got a brutally murdered straight up murdered cause of death. Uh, strangulation hammered to the head by the brother.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I don't want to say that. But yeah, he's not watching. We can just blame him if you want. They, you know, they used today's modern technology and resources and sort of did like a reverse making a murderer tried to figure out who did it. Uh, and the all signs pointed to the brother, the older brother. Uh, so the concept was, uh, the parents found out that the little brother did it and wanted to cover it up.
Starting point is 00:02:11 So covered up the kid doing it by, you know, trying to figure something out. How old was her brother? A few years older, jealous older brother of the, you know, toddler and tiara. Make sense. Oh, cause she was like the prize. She was like, you know, the, you know, the more popular daughter. I don't want to say more loved, but, you know, you know, she was, you got more attention.
Starting point is 00:02:34 There we go. That's the word. Do you know his name? No. Damn. Would you know it if I said it? Probably. Burke.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Mmm. That's a weird first date, by the way. I don't know. Uh, and then John. John, maybe that's the dad. I don't think that's dad. No, this is siblings. It's crazy, man.
Starting point is 00:02:52 I don't know. One of these motherfuckers is a murderer. I think it's Burke because his picture's here. It is Burke. Burke's the, the Burke's the brother. He is three years older than her. So he was nine. I told you when he fucking killed her.
Starting point is 00:03:02 He was a little salty and he, I can't believe that. I suppose he was with a hammer in the kitchen. I was like, we're playing clue with a hammer in the kitchen, but ridiculous story. Colonel Mustard. I, I, uh, I saw a video once on, on Facebook that cause the reason why this even came up in conversation, because before we started to have my computer and I saw this video, it said like top 10 child murderers, which is like a weird video to make anyway.
Starting point is 00:03:28 I don't know who's cutting that together, but it was a video of this kid who was like 16 or something and he was in like jail clothes and he was getting interviewed by some old dude and he's talking and he had the scariest voice and he was like looking like, you know, in your faces down, but you're looking up and he sounded like a monster. And he was talking about how he like beat his mom to death with a hammer. You think he played Grand Theft Auto growing up? I, you're going to be one of those.
Starting point is 00:03:58 No, I'm not. Like, do you think, like, do you think that has anything to do with it? All right. Really? Like that movies, watching movies. Do you think that has anything to do with it? Or you're just born, born a sick, quick, cursed, sick fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Can we curse on this show? Do you think, do you think he's born a sick fuck? Or like, no, I think I'm playing too many video games and watching too many movies. No, dude, I watched the same shit as them. You know what I mean? Like I watched these movies. I, you know, you do, I don't think that really has an effect on, I think there
Starting point is 00:04:27 has to be something wrong with you. And then that plays as like a, a driving factor. Yeah. You know, it just adds fuel to the fire, I guess, and kind of, but there has to be something, you know, off. Yeah. To begin with, and then, you know, then you beat your mom with a fucking hammer, which is kind of crazy.
Starting point is 00:04:44 He was also like laughing during the interview, which I like had nightmares about that fucking video. It was terrifying. This is an uplifting way to start the show. Yeah. Why are we doing this? I don't even know. And it's not going to get better, by the way.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I was going to say before Joe went off, I was going to say that I've known him for a very long time, for years, years and years. And I would never beat my mom on a hammer. Is that where you're going? No, it was not the basement days. We grew up together. Good times. The basement yard, the original base.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Yeah. Well, there was, now there's been three. This isn't the, like, this isn't the basement anymore. This is, we're actually on the top floor of this building. It's just like very fake now. I should change the name because it should be like the roof yard. Yeah. And my next apartment's got the roof yard.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I don't know. My mom's basement where we started everything. Yeah. Brainstorm and days. Oh, yeah. Me and Abby had so many side hustles when we were growing up. Uh, holiday store. I remember the holiday store.
Starting point is 00:05:35 That's a great one. Basically, I don't know about that one. So basically, the store rotates with the theme. So if like it's Christmas time, Christmas theme things to sell. If it's, you know, Valentine's Day, we're selling Valentine's Day theme things. It's basically like a holiday, a 99 cent store. Exactly. And you just go buy shit.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I don't know. And then I remember one day he, you would do this all the time. He would randomly text me with these like get rich quick schemes and he'd be like, yo, I'm like, yeah, he goes, yo, we're cutting down Christmas trees. I'm like, what? He's like, you just got to drive to Canada, cut down a bunch of trees and then we come back and we sell them. And we make profit.
Starting point is 00:06:10 I was like, are you okay? Have you ever cut down a tree? Like it's tough. I always say positive and I believe in it to take you a long way, man. Honestly. No, no, yeah, it does. But I feel like I put some positivity though. Like when you were coming up, I feel like I sort of helped to drive that.
Starting point is 00:06:25 No, you did. Absolutely. I've said that before. We're like in the beginning, uh, like whenever I have, I still to this day, whenever I have like an idea, some crazy idea or whatever, like you can't just tell crazy ideas to anybody. Cause some people just be like, that's crazy. Yeah, you're fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:06:41 You're not doing that. Like what was going on? But if I could have the most ludicrous idea and if I text empty the like, yo, this is what I'm thinking about doing. He goes, all right, how are we going to do? And he's just like, he's already like in it. He's like, all right. And then four days later, he'll hit me up and be like, all right.
Starting point is 00:06:54 So how are we doing? Like what's going on? And I'm like, it was just an idea that I thought of. It's not really like, you know, coming of anything. Yeah, it's just, you know, I should have a fucking idea, but that's basically what we've been doing since the beginning. And now I'm not matching socks. So, um, so anyway, today I want to talk about, uh, my addiction to, to my phone.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Oh, we all are. Which is like, it sounds insane. Like it, not that it sounds insane, but I feel like it sounds dramatic to be like, I'm addicted to my phone. But I feel like just recently I realized that it's an actual addiction. Like it's, it's, it's insane. I need to know where it is at all times. It's like a kid, a child.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Think about like addictions, right? So people who are like addicts, uh, dicks, here we go, dicks. We started early, dicks. People who are addicts. I was going to say addicted to jerking off, which is probably why I said dicks. But people who are addicted to like porn and shit, right? The reason why they're addicted, not the reason, but like the telltale sign that people say when you're addicted is like, you can't go throughout your day
Starting point is 00:08:02 without normally without it, or just you have to, like you're at work and you're like, oh God, just go to the bathroom and just like watch it. Fucking hand job scene or something. Is anyone watching hand job scenes by the way? That's so why is that even like a genre? Like I could jerk off and watch that. Like, I'm not going to, like, why would you go online? Anything and you know, watch someone get jerked up whenever we're getting off
Starting point is 00:08:24 track that makes no sense to me. Uh, but yeah, with my phone, it's, it's been recently. I don't know. I just noticed it's like really bad and it fucks with me like crazy. I mean, to defend people that use their phones for positive things, like maybe getting news, Twitter or, you know, saying, yeah, I mean, those things are sort of, you know, necessities, but I understand what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Like I said, I feel like my phone is my child and I don't even have a child. Yeah. That's like, where's my phone? It's better be in my back pocket. If it's not in my hand or if it's not in direct sight, it's not in direct sight. I, I, I can't remember the last time that I was, I was, it wasn't on my body or at least in like reaching distance for me.
Starting point is 00:09:02 No, I'm with you. Like, I don't even like need it that much. You know what I mean? Like I don't fucking. Have you ever not paid your phone bill and they turned it off? It feels good. I don't know if that's ever happened to you. No, I'd never like, I was never in charge of my phone bill anyway.
Starting point is 00:09:15 It's happened to me. Phone got cut off. I felt great. Honestly, it really did. I felt disconnected. I really did. I mean, you know, well, you know, Ed Sheeran does that. I'm sure it's not because he can't pay his bill though.
Starting point is 00:09:26 No, no, no. I mean, no, he like, he shuts off, he hasn't shut it off, but he just like deletes everything and just doesn't use his phone. Elton John was another person who I saw an interview. He's like, I don't have a fucking phone. Yeah, but he's fucking old. Yeah, but he still doesn't have a fucking phone.
Starting point is 00:09:41 He's Elton John. How do people get in touch with him? How the fuck did he get that interview? He doesn't have a phone. Who let him know? He probably, you know what I mean? He definitely had a flip phone though. No, 100%.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Right. Yeah. My dad has a fucking flip phone. Those things still like, they still exist. My dad's a psycho though. Like, he thinks, do you know sometimes when you go to call someone and for whatever reason, something happens and then you can hear yourself talking
Starting point is 00:10:08 into the phone? Yes. Yo, that happened to my dad and he flipped. He thought he's like, he's, I'm dead. I'm not making this up or exaggerating in the slightest when I tell the story. He literally would look at me and he was super dramatic. Can you be like, I don't like that. And I'm like, I'm like, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:10:27 It's just like a mix. It's like a glitch. You know what I mean? It's technology. It happens. He thinks it's the government, right? Yeah. I'm like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Like he's fucking Don Corleone. I'm like, dad, what are they fucking listening to you for? What do you got to say? You know what I mean? It's like, I don't like that. Literally, you know what he did? Took his phone, snapped it through it in the sewer. Swear to God.
Starting point is 00:10:46 A flip phone snapped it through it in the sewer. I'm like, are you fucking crazy dad? Don't ever get me. That's what he's thinking. Yeah. That's literally what happens. Don't you have another time? Do you know those pop-ups you get on?
Starting point is 00:10:57 Well, it doesn't happen anymore because I mean, he doesn't have a fucking Mac, obviously, but he has some computer and you know, those pop-ups that pop-up and they turn your webcam on. So you could see yourself and it's like in the ad. Like it's, yeah, it's crazy, but it's just like a pop-up. You know what I mean? He saw that and dude, I swear to God. Like that is obviously like very creepy for someone who's not.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Yeah, that's creepy in general. Yeah, it is. It's very, it's very weird. I'm sorry. Supposedly people can like hack into your webcams and like watch you supposedly. I saw an episode of Black Mirror where that should happen. I that was the day that I put tape over it. So that's although I haven't put tape over this.
Starting point is 00:11:35 So people are watching me, you know, say this right now. But anyway, the reason why the story is funny is because my dad's reaction to that. Literally. I don't know. This is like some member signs. Yeah. Movie signs. So they're making tinfoil hats.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Yeah. This literally movie. What a what a what a fucking movie. He wrapped his laptop in tinfoil and and hit it under his bed. And then he told me like it's one thing to do that in the privacy of your home, but then to like go out and like kind of brag about doing something like that is kind of fucking crazy. Yeah, which my dad, you know, he's he's out there.
Starting point is 00:12:14 You do is you do impersonations very well. He's he's just he's psychotic. I can't even. I hope one day the next time he's in New York, I can have him on here. So I was gonna I was gonna ask you that was be that would be absurd. He's a he's nuts. But anyway, so with the phone thing, like I notice recently because usually I wake up at like seven in the morning.
Starting point is 00:12:38 I can't sleep later than that. I couldn't I couldn't have it in my pocket anymore. Usually I wake up at like seven in the morning and that's early. Yeah, I could I mean I there's a skylight above my bed that I always keep open so once it's like sunny out It's around seven so I can't sleep after that But I like being up that early anyway But I'll get up and the first thing obviously I'll do is check my phone like for everything Yeah, and then I'll just like go through texts group chats messages
Starting point is 00:13:07 Whatever and then I'm on YouTube and then I'm fucking I'm doing a bunch of shit and literally sometimes three hours goes by before I sit up Three hours you get lost in your phone right because I mean I don't have a schedule that I have to like stick to like a hard one Like I got to be in the city by nine o'clock or anything like that So if I just wake up and I'm like, oh I have stuff to do but I can just work till 2 a.m So I don't have to you know, whatever so I don't have to get up. Yeah So I'll sit there for fucking three hours some days. You get lost on Twitter. Isn't that psychotic? Yeah, you ever go on the explore page on Instagram to get lost dude. You just keep going. Yeah
Starting point is 00:13:42 I'm like, what the fuck am I doing a shit that I don't even care about. Yeah, like why am I what I have? No idea why I'm even doing it. What's on your explore page? All I get is ass and sports. That's it, right you to it's mostly like UFC shit and titties Yeah, and that's it bottle girls. Anyway Random strippers from like Aces or whatever that just pop up with gigantic asses, but yeah, we all get lost on our phones man, but To be fair though, like I said, some people actually, you know, utilize it the right way and as long as you're sort of doing that I don't really necessarily see a problem with it. No, I see it. No, I do see a problem
Starting point is 00:14:21 I don't see a problem with that obviously like what if the addiction part of it like I can't like dude I text and drive all the fucking time. I'm like bad news. It's terrible Like I'm literally like putting my life at risk to do to talk to someone that I definitely could wait You know what I mean? Like who has something important to say and we'll text it 90% of the time that's not happening. Yeah, you know, I mean if you if someone needs to talk to you really badly They'll call you on the phone and you were saying like you walk in the street. Look at everybody. What are they doing? They're holding their phone. They're looking at it. They're looking down. Yeah, dude one day I noticed that and I was so upset one day
Starting point is 00:14:54 I noticed that and I was walking through Manhattan I'm just like looking around if whatever reason I just like came like I just started thinking about it You know when you're like epiphany not epiphany like I just I just became aware All right, you know when you become aware of your breathing and then you feel like I have like you have to manually do it For some reason like it was like I looked around and I kind of was just aware of it for a second. I was like No one's even knowing what the fuck is going on in front of them like two feet in front of them They have no idea what's happening. Yeah, and it's just like they're sucked into their phone talking to people like you're having What conversation could you possibly be having that's like important? I mean, maybe people that are utilizing their email for work
Starting point is 00:15:34 All right, but what are you sending emails all 24 seven? I'm not talking about these little times I'm talking about the addiction part of it where it's like I can't even drive without doing that. Do you have a solution? I do have a solution I mean, you know I don't have like a so I have I'm gonna try okay. You're gonna try yeah That's that's admirable. You know what because the reason why is because I just think it's like bad For me personally like I live by myself and I work here like everything I do I can do from here for the most part and
Starting point is 00:16:08 What I do is I live on the like my well-being my job is the internet So what is the internet though that like instant like all the social media and shit? It's just like the best versions like everyone's trying to put out the best version of themselves or exaggerating Who they are for the most part you think that's like a majority of what it is one Thousand percent. Yeah, every like name would give me an example of something. That's not that like why are people posting pictures pictures on Instagram? Because they look good or something. They're doing is fucking awesome. Yeah, that's literally the only reasons why and then they just They take like likes and followers that are like a currency now It's like that's all people want Facebook was cool at first because well Facebook is not cool because my parents are on it
Starting point is 00:16:56 I think that's when you know something's not cool anymore is when your parents get on it But Facebook was cool because it legitimately helped you stay connected with people. I Legitimately thought that that came to speak. I thought that and then you know Instagram not big well, that was the thing like Facebook was Just like a hub. It was the first of its kind was like a hub We're like, oh now I can keep in touch with someone who I haven't seen in 10 years or I just met yeah But now we were just like numb to that feeling and we just are like Yeah, I should be able to talk to someone in Australia like now. We just like we deserve that. Yeah, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:29 It's like now. It's not a big fucking deal. We're not impressed by it at all. We're just kind of like yeah We don't even know what the fuck we're doing. We're just doing it just to do it if an app comes out people are just Just doing it like I don't I Don't know. I really don't know it fucking drives me insane. So what are you gonna do about it? I? Well, I mean I mean I have this thing so I'm what I'm gonna do that I was think I'm calling like a phone diet like and there's like a couple of all you this is all you trademarked copyrighted I mean, I mean relax. It's just something I said big ideas. Come on big idea trademark it
Starting point is 00:18:04 Yeah, here we go See, this is what MP does. Yeah, we're trademarking it. Well, how we do it patent pending. What's going on? I think you send in you send a letter to yourself or something like that. I'm being serious, by the way Anyway, so let's hear it. All right, so the phone diet Basically so like for me if I don't go to the gym in the morning my day is completely fucked like my mornings are like Their make or break it's kind of like breakfast. They say it's like the best meal for you Like what do you have then like if you have fucking lucky charms and Like you're gonna feel like shit until you eat something else because it's just sugar and whatever the hell
Starting point is 00:18:41 So if you don't go to the gym in the morning your day shit. Yeah, basically I'm just very lazy and fucking just I just sit around and shit like I have to go stare at your phones Oh, but something like literally sometimes that's messed up my my my gym routine because I'll wake up and I'll just be on my phone And before I know it, it's 10 30 and I'm like Fucking not gonna go now and then get home at fucking 12 30 and you know and then Because I'm already in that lazy state of mind. I'm like, oh, well, then I'll have to get home later And I don't know if I can I just have you know tons of excuses out there Got it. So the first one is I can't use my phone at all until 10 at least 10 30 a.m
Starting point is 00:19:19 Which because I wake up at 7 so I have three and a half hours So I have I can go to the gym. I could come back shower eat breakfast eat breakfast Clean whatever I have to or whatever do laundry or something, right? Okay Then I can't use my phone after 11 30 at night Because that's another bad one Because I could sit on my phone and I'll I'll even get in bed at 11 30 and I'll be up till two I know and I'm staring at a light. That's bright as shit three inches from my face I'm pretty sure that fucks with your way you sleep like your REM cycles. Oh, fuck. Yeah, like, you know, it's not good
Starting point is 00:19:55 They even made a setting I think on the iPhone where it's like night time version or whatever they get rid of something I don't know so you could be addicted to your phone at night. I don't know Yeah, I just want to I want to say that I think both of your What you're trying to achieve are both attainable very possible. Oh, yeah, I mean, I'm gonna I'm gonna fucking do it You're gonna say like not use my phone Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays or like no, no, no, I can't I mean I can't yeah So and then I I'm obviously gonna I can't use my phone at all while I'm driving At all. What about GPS? Well?
Starting point is 00:20:29 You know If I can give the GPS to someone else, I will do that got it You know GPS is a tough one. It's very tough But usually I'll just put on like a radio station on iTunes and then just use that alright What else shout out to fucking Apple music one time for rate for the radio because it's not like Pandora But I get four fucking skips like if you guys make shitty playlists like I should be able to fucking skip. What is this anyway? Can't use my phone at all if I'm out Like with friends and shit like if I'm at a bar
Starting point is 00:21:01 No, if I'm like, you know what I mean? Yeah, we I've done that a couple times where we went out And we're like are you everyone's phone in the basket and whoever grabs their phone first has to pay for the bill That's dope unless we're like alright. We're leaving and then I got I'm just gonna like I want to shut my phone off but I'm afraid of Someone's open needing to call me. Yeah, I'm just like Dude, I'm on a phone diet like I'm gonna gonna be one of those fucking assholes like you know what I mean So I'm just gonna you know not have it out and I can't use my phone for more than 10 minutes at a time
Starting point is 00:21:37 That's gonna be tough. I think that's the toughest one of them all Yeah, I don't really like that one. I just like put because I Mean I can I can definitely not use my phone till 1030 and definitely not use my phone after 1130 and then you know How often are you driving how often you have a friend? So that leaves a lot of hours in the day So if I'm just not doing those things and then just using my phone like fucking crazy there in the day then you know What do I need to be doing for more than 10? 10 minutes is a very long time a very long time But at the same time like you said you never know what you're doing
Starting point is 00:22:11 It could be business related and if that's the case obviously if those things are happening I'm not gonna be like like in the middle of a conference call like I'm sorry 9 minutes 9 seconds. Yeah, sorry guys. You only got 10 minutes around the clock. Oh I'm not gonna do that. It's just crazy that this is really affecting you that way It really is because you know what it is Like I was saying before since I everything I do is on the internet and like that is just to me Most people are putting up a facade or just creating this character. Do you of them? Huh? Do you do that? Of course, okay? Every but like that's everybody when you think about it in some form. They're doing that. You know what I mean like
Starting point is 00:22:49 Yeah, you don't post an Instagram like I said, you don't post an Instagram or you look bad unless Like if you look bad or you're trying to be funny like there's always a point You're not just like doing it to do it. There's a reason why you're the try to make people laugh You're trying to you're just narcissistic. What's up? Sometimes? Or like you're doing something cool and you want to like show up like that's the only reason why so it's like when I'm constantly like I live in that world I work in that world and then I'm addicted to my phone. That's all I'm seeing for the most part. So it's like I'm not really getting anything that's super real You know what I mean? So I feel like that's bad like that's terrible for the most part and kids nowadays
Starting point is 00:23:30 That's all they fucking do is that they're on their iPads these little kids or those like fucking game boys that are like They flip nine times open the switch the new switch They got nine screens. I'm like the fuck is this like you're not trading stocks like one screen. How many you need? Yeah, go on the stream play the fuck is this? Yeah, yeah, but Yeah, so I like I just don't think it's good and I feel like that's like a big reason why Like sometimes I get into a move like yesterday I didn't post a video and then literally just because I was writing it and I had an idea I had all the material I needed but I just couldn't like I was just like could not focus because I wanted to I wanted to
Starting point is 00:24:08 I was I would check my phone all the time or you know, I'm refreshing shit There's nothing new going on on Twitter Instagram snapchat all these things By the way, why do I have all those like you know what I mean? It's like and then you start thinking like why the fuck do I even have all this shit the fuck is snapchat? I'm not big of any of you. I'm not big on snapchat either. You know what I mean? Yeah So it's like Eventually that just gets to me and I'm like what the fuck am I doing? Is it only a phone thing or is there like other parts of technology that are revenue engine as well?
Starting point is 00:24:38 No, it's literally just the phone. It's literally just because I'm just constantly just like, you know, there's it's it's fucking here It's so accessible that I Could just do it. I do whatever the fuck I want at any time. When does the phone diet start? Tomorrow really. Yeah, you're not even like prepping Send people yo look by the way You're gonna tweet about it though. Huh going on a phone diet. No, I'm not gonna tweet about it I'm gonna do it for like a week and then just kind of explain What it is. Yeah, because I mean I
Starting point is 00:25:11 Like it man. I really like it I feel like some I feel like a lot of people can relate to that and they feel like yo like you know some sometimes just like You're in a rut or whatever. You're in you're just you've been shitty So you kind of just want to and then I don't know how some people were on their phones like crazy There was an app that that Would monitor how long you were on your phone all day. I forgot the name of it. I wish I knew But I gave it to Nick our friend Nick and he was he was like, you know, I deleted that like after the first day because it's fucking
Starting point is 00:25:43 It shows. Yeah, it's like, you know, I'm fucking using my phone for like a third of the day I'm constantly I'm constantly refreshing Twitter myself or like half the day when you think about it because if you use your phone for eight hours You're sleeping for eight hours. And then the other eight hours. You're like not on it. That's that's insane When you sleep, where's your phone? It's on the nightstand. I sleep on my phone like In your hand. Well, like not in my hand, but like right next to me. My phone's there. Yeah, I mean like Watch out for that because you see those fucking iPhones blowing up and shit. Also. I hear like the radiation is not good for you Either supposedly is that a thing? I don't know. That's right here. My mom said that was like a thing in the 90s
Starting point is 00:26:23 Like oh much up my mom's crazy though The white mom and your dad like crazy my dad probably think yeah, my dad It's probably convinced that I have a tumor in my head or something before we move on Let's get to the sponsors here. The first one we have is me undies August is national underwear month and to celebrate me undies is making it easier than ever to try the world's most comfortable Underwear by giving you a risk-free Guarantee all national underwear month long if you don't love your me undies, they're free Okay, they're made from well god this name
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Starting point is 00:29:19 Toys R Us Catalog thing or whatever you get in the mail will still exist and not like a catalog was it's like all the coupons Okay, okay, and there's just like these things for toddlers where it's like a an iPad Holder Thing that is like also a baby seat and it's right fucking here. I'm like who's putting who's doing that lazy parents, man Lazy parents. I hate to be that guy because whenever I talk about you like this
Starting point is 00:29:48 People get furious especially on Facebook because a lot of my audience on Facebook is older and they have kids or whatever And whenever I talk about like how I don't like the leash. Oh, dude. What get that shit out of here Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the leash thing and get a dog. I'm not I bet Like Or like watch your kid or maybe don't have five of them. I don't know no I'm not even trying to be funny. Like why are you have your kid? Why do you have your kid on the leash? Yeah, I look at every parent and I and I can't really say like I'm not a fan of it I'm not saying like if you do it you're a bad
Starting point is 00:30:23 Parent or anything. Although I think I probably said that in the video that I made just because you know, I was just Fired up and screaming or whatever But Yeah, that thing with the iPad like I I don't agree with that at all like I My my sister works with kids and she's like it's terrible. Some of these parents They just sit their kid down and they just here's a fucking iPad. That's bigger than your body and just fucking play some Fruit Ninja or some shit and it's like Dude delight that's going into this fucking person's head that isn't even fully developed yet
Starting point is 00:30:59 Like why are you doing that much to brain? Not only that because like it's affecting me You know what I mean, and I'm just becoming aware of it And I'm I want to like get rid of the problem or whatever Because I think most people are like aware like this isn't good like sometimes they get that mood where they're like this is bad I shouldn't be doing this for so long But these kids this is the this is all they'll grow up to know, you know, they're all on social media and stuff We weren't even allowed to have Facebook growing up Yeah, you had to be in college when it first came out. You had to have a college whatever
Starting point is 00:31:32 I was like fuck man. I was in middle school. Like I want that not even know why I did won't go to college, man Yeah, and then I went for a semester. Can you imagine? I wouldn't know be allowed to have Facebook great story though I'd be fucked um parking lot. No, I don't want to do this I've said that great story divino came on the show and like interviewed me. We switched seats. So he was the host And he was interviewing me and I like told that part where I just like quit college and didn't tell anybody Can't do it. Also like I feel like now You know since I'm doing YouTube and stuff like that It's it's blown up since I've started doing it like when I first started doing I said this on on that episode actually where I
Starting point is 00:32:13 Didn't even know it could be a job. I thought it was just like a thing Yeah platform to put these fucking videos that I used to make and and Now it's just like a full-blown Job that people Want to have in that part of it that I love because now if you're a music artist, right? You don't need a record label. This is just like an example But like now if you're an artist you don't need a label now you can do everything by yourself. Yeah, and I think that's awesome
Starting point is 00:32:37 No, it's definitely like a dope. Yeah platform for shit like that. Yeah It's just weird that I feel like now more than ever kids just want to be famous Like whatever that means and I don't even think they like want to like be an actor or rather than being successful They just want yeah, they don't want to yeah, they just want they want to be Instagram famous or a Twitter famous or yeah fucking YouTube famous or anything Anything relating to that because I feel like that's all that fucking matters nowadays. It's like status in cloud Yeah, it's like these followers and the amount of likes you get on pictures people hold that in such high regard or just like you Unfollowed me dude
Starting point is 00:33:18 Why did you I'm like, what are you fucking nine? Yeah, you're upset. Are you kidding me? So I texted me the other day and they're like, you know you unfollowed me. I was like, yeah two years ago I unfollowed you notice. I was like two years ago Yeah, I did you don't even fucking use your account. What do you mean? Yeah, if you haven't tweeted in the Let me know why did you want to fuck shut the fuck like that means nothing This is someone who I speak to like not like you know what I mean Why are you upset like we're friends you fucking idiot? Yeah, I Don't know I feel like when you were younger if you ask the kid what he wanted to be when he grew up
Starting point is 00:33:56 He would just say like a fireman or a cop or like a teacher doctor Jim teacher athlete. Did you say teacher teacher? Yeah, Jim teacher and now it's just like I want to be famous Yeah, it's like no, I'd rather be successful Keep the fame man, I don't know am I I feel like I said I'm 25 and I sound like a fucking old asshole. I feel like He's just laughed in there. I do right? That's what I sound like. I know I know I'm an old man That hates technology It's just not because all these phones because I think because of the conversations and what I see on the internet There's a lot of kids who get this like fame on the internet and they're super young and they just
Starting point is 00:34:35 They chase this weird I don't know. I feel like whatever they're chasing. It's so it doesn't mean anything. You're not doing anything. It's a flusy It's a flosy. It's a Where the fuck is it? Wolf of Wall Street. It's a oh, wow I'm usually good with moving on a suit should I got that but I feel like they're chasing this thing that is like so It doesn't exist. It's like empty. I don't know. There's nothing there You know what I mean, and that's all they want. That's the Jim Carrey quote
Starting point is 00:35:02 He's like I wish everybody became famous because like they'd realized like it's not what it's cut out to be Oh, yeah, really good quote. That's not I heard that the other day. Who said that I don't know. It might have been Tim Tim was on the show. Oh nice. Did he say that? I don't fucking know. I can't remember but Yeah, I don't know man I just think it's it's bad and it's been like affecting me and like I just I just don't want to do it anymore Because if I'm doing that it's taking away from like real things like things you could be doing you go always could be doing more You should document it Document it. I mean not like a motion picture, but you should sort of maybe like
Starting point is 00:35:38 Write some journal entries or something. I'm being serious. Well, I'm not gonna like document it. I think that kind of defeats the purpose You know I'm trying to say though like afterwards I'm gonna do it for as long as I can you need to reflect Yeah, I mean hopefully I can keep this up for the rest of my fucking life because I mean I'm not asking much of myself I feel like a lot of people can do this and it's easy a lot of people do this anyway And it's like I sound like a psycho right now. Yeah, dude. You can't not be on your phone But this resonates with so many people. I I'm sure it does because I don't think I'm the only person who has like this fucking
Starting point is 00:36:11 issue with this shit, but I Don't know like I hope it's not midnight. You know, it's really gonna scare me if like I can't do it. I Think I imagine I can't do it. That's fucking pathetic. You don't think that's in the realm of possibility though cuz I do I Like I think if I told myself To like do two things are gonna happen. I wouldn't be either. I'm gonna be successful at this or I'm gonna get so angry that I'm gonna throw my phone into the East River You swear to God, I'm gonna throw it. You're gonna pull your dad. Yeah, I am and then I'm just gonna and then I'm just not gonna have a job I'm just like, all right. Well, that's that's it. Don't have a phone. No more tweets. No more Instagram posts
Starting point is 00:36:51 There's been so many times where I'm just like I wish I could just get rid of this shit, but But I can't cuz can't That's a part of us. So I got it's a part of this thing is a part of me I'm staring at it. Like I want to check that thing so bad right now. I'm addicted man. It's bad. I got I Just want to touch it. I want to read it dude It's do you like check Twitter like keywords like do you look for something? I do it all the time I mean like for sports like you type in a person's name or like something that happened Yeah, like today I was typing in Sterling Shepherd because they said he's fucking
Starting point is 00:37:26 Tours of killings. I was like no fucking way. Yeah, I'm gonna ankle. We're good I've been waiting for Carmelo Anthony to be traded Carmelo Anthony Every 20 minutes into the Twitter search anyway But yeah, I just I just don't I Don't know what I really think about it. It's just so like insignificant to Like anything like anything important that's ever happened to me did not come you think like your personal relationships have like been not damaged because damage It's not the word but like do you think your personal relationships are I'm not I don't really know the word I'm looking for
Starting point is 00:37:59 But because you're so like have been affected. Yeah Like you're just like so in tune to your phone and like texting someone that like or you maybe just don't hang out with them as much Because of that or I I'm probably I'm a hundred percent certain. That's probably the truth. Yeah, I couldn't tell you because you know, I also think that everyone else plays a role in it too because I've been out to dinner or at lunch or whatever and You know, I'm sitting there and I just happened to not be in my phone at that moment and everyone else is you look around Like you guys get the fuck off your phones like I'm you know. Yeah, I'm just like can you guys please? You know cuz I got but that's kind of insane that no one could like we're all here We're all we're the only people we text each other friends are here all your friends are here
Starting point is 00:38:45 I text like 12 people. Yeah, they're all with me and what so what the fuck am I looking at? You know what I mean? Yeah, that's like the same thing for me in like concerts Like you go out and you go to a concert like everyone's just like recording the concert like yeah Have you ever went back and watched a concert on your fucking phone? No, but you did it so that you could put it on snapchat so that everyone could know you were there It's like yo, are you even really there? It's like you're there, but like are you really there you follow? Are you in the moment? Are you really in the moment? Yeah, I just feel like people want I don't like When did that happen? I feel like that's everyone just became insecure across the board. It's like now all of a sudden everybody needs
Starting point is 00:39:25 Like this reassurance and they need like like I don't know how it happened. What happened? Everyone was so confident What do you mean? No, I knew what the fuck anyone was doing ten years ago. It was totally fine That's because like the only pictures were like the hard copy pictures and no one could actually like I don't know. Yeah, but like Yeah, but even so Like when you talk when you like those you put into a photo book and then you put them in your garage And you take them out 20 years later. Those don't even exist anymore. Those don't even exist anymore photo albums Yeah, now it's like yo check my Instagram. Yeah, which is the photo album. I
Starting point is 00:40:00 mean, I mean that's different. That's just like a progression and technology or whatever but You know the now it's just like we have to show people That would be like every time someone came over your house you broke out the album. Hey, look Like where I what you know, I mean, it's like shut the fuck up man. Like no one cares Yeah, and make no mistake. This is gonna keep going on and this is not gonna change At all and I'm not gonna it only get worse. No Unless you make a change. Well, I'm gonna for myself try and
Starting point is 00:40:33 Change like the amount that I know this is gonna change by the way like Instagram is gonna be Instagram for the rest of time It's strictly going to be what it is now what I just explained. I'm not gonna just like start posting Random like there's a reason why you're posting pictures. You know what I mean? There's always gonna be a reason It's not like whatever. It's basically it's a show-off and then You know, but I don't I don't get like I do it Because I'm either trying to be entertaining or something there's a reason obviously but the difference is I don't gauge the success of a photo which is a weird sentence Based on the number of likes whatever like I like this picture and I think people should see it
Starting point is 00:41:13 I'm gonna post it. I don't care who the fuck liked it or what they said About it. I like that. I mean like that stuff. I don't care about like now I am treating it like an actual photo album. You know what I mean? Where it's like these are things that I can go back and scroll back and look back on and it'd be like oh cool Remember that fucking thing. But you used to care about if like things didn't get a lot of likes. Yeah 100% I think I did too Because then it's just like, oh no, was this as cool as I thought it's like how insecure are we like did I post it? It was too late at night weird needy
Starting point is 00:41:46 Girlfriend or whatever boyfriend what oh, sorry sorry guys But yeah, it's it's just I don't know And now I forget about it and I feel like if you grow up in a world like that and that's all you know Then the kids are gonna be you have no choice but to be insecure Because then you're constantly every day have to wake up and like prove yourself. Yeah to who? We don't know random people You're using hashtags so that random people in hopes that random people find your photo. I'm like
Starting point is 00:42:19 Oh, I like this guy and fucking try to like you're trying to impress people in paris like the fuck you're never gonna meet them Why? Why do you why do we care you should go hang out with your grandma instead or something like that? I mean If that's what you're into I don't know but I'm just trying like like I said none of this is gonna change like I'm only I'm merely trying to limit the amount that I do it, but I'm still going to do it That's just being real. Yeah, like I'm still gonna do it, but Limiting the amount that I do it
Starting point is 00:42:53 You know and if I didn't have to I would try to weed it out altogether Like I would try to like if I didn't have to like keep a presence, you know For whatever if I became a fucking actor or not no not even like if I if I found 100 million dollars Okay, or that like I don't have to worry about you know making money ever I would probably eventually just weed out all this shit
Starting point is 00:43:20 Because I feel like you know, I really feel like I'm gonna lose my mind one day and just like live in the woods I really think that I talk about that all the time I'm gonna wear like a poncho and just make a fire every night and just beach and it's gonna be sick You know, I'll do a beach in mexico a beach in mexico. Yeah sick Not a beach all day corona's all day. I hate corona's disgusting I love corona if you were thinking about The assortment of yeah, I have no idea Um more of the moral of the story. Yeah, I mean the moral of the story is just kind of like
Starting point is 00:43:59 You did it. Oh, I just touched it without without even realizing I swear to god I didn't realize it after we're having a full-blown conversation about it See that's horrible dude. You ever like think your phone vibrates So you grab your phone like did did I no and it didn't no that's a fucking nuts. We're getting you hear it ring Yeah, like what? You know, you know, it'd be good. I I'm gonna plug my phone in Downstairs At night and leave it there and then go to bed. That's a great idea. What time did you say was your cut off 11 30 10 30 10 30
Starting point is 00:44:34 No bullshit Can you imagine that how hard how hard do you think that is for people to plug your phone in in a different room than you're in at night And just not have it. It's like you itch for it. It's like, yeah I kind of want to that's another thing I want to add to this now that I like if I'm not using my phone Put it somewhere that I can't even reach it Because that's most of the time it's just like oh god I just but if it's an emergency right here, but if it's an emergency you won't be able to hear it possibly that could be like a Sorry, no, I know I know my phone diet. Yeah couldn't save you call 911
Starting point is 00:45:11 You know But The going out thing is a big one. I'm gonna try and influence everybody when we go out now to be I love the bucket. Put your phones in a bucket like who's yeah first one to touch it has to buy shots or something There's no but uh 12 dudes that bill is large I literally it was like Flipping out in a bar one day because I was like drunk as hell and I was with everybody I'm ranting and like everyone was on their phones
Starting point is 00:45:35 And then I looked at my phone and then I'm like, what the fuck are we doing? Must not have been having a good time together. Who am I testing? I just broke everything right now. Uh, yeah, uh, does this mic still work? We're good. We're good. We're good. Fuck it. Nice More technology. No, but uh, yeah, I mean that is a big one I I want to definitely never text and drive ever again, which is completely dangerous. I don't recommend that to anybody I do it You know, I know people that text with both hands and drive with no hands on the wheel
Starting point is 00:46:11 See that's psychotic. I also I but I won't text and drive If there's like a bunch of people in the car with me Absolutely, but absolutely that doesn't make it any better than I text and drive alone by myself or you know Maybe sometimes when I'm with someone else and I get to like a red light I'll start texting and then people are beeping like go and it's been a green light, you know or sometimes I'll be reading a text or texting or on my phone and people are trying to talk to me And I can't even hear them and they're like, yo, you know, like I'm one of those assholes my girlfriend gets so mad at me for that I just
Starting point is 00:46:46 So I hate I hate and rightfully so though. It's like you're not even really there. I'm like, it's like it just feels wrong that I'm eliminating Real interactions or possible interactions. You know what I mean? You're looking down. You could be You're missing something, you know, you could be taking in something real and you're not you're just You're looking at titties and UFC videos So Like why are we doing this? I did I have no idea But I'm trying And I commend you for what you're trying to do and I feel like
Starting point is 00:47:21 People will sort of try the same and I realize and sort of realize that you know, it affects a lot of people as well You know, and I think that I'm gonna absolutely try as well It's tough. No, no, no shit. I'm gonna try 10 30 Well, for me, I wake up at the crack of doing for work. So that's different, but 10 30 at night 11 30 at night or 11. Whatever you want. Say your boundaries. Whatever time you go to sleep You know, we're both before that Right. Well, yeah, whatever time you go to sleep before like a half an hour before we challenge you Whatever time you like want to go to sleep because like I want to be
Starting point is 00:47:55 asleep by midnight You know what I mean? Yeah, maybe I'll just peel this back. I'll keep peeling it back like an onion But like to like 10 30 or something at night and then I'm just like I'm not using my phone And then I'll just fucking do something else See, you really can't like delete your social media accounts I can't delete them obviously That's it's not like I'm on them 24 seven. I'm like, you know
Starting point is 00:48:22 Posting like I'll go a week and a half without posting an Instagram picture or or I'll go an entire day without sending out a tweet but For whatever reason I need to be on there looking at everything and reading shit from people. I don't really give a fuck What they're saying, you know what I mean? Like it's You know, what am I missing on twitter six year olds telling Justin Bieber to eat their pussy or something That happens dude. Yeah, exactly. I've been deep on twitter. You see everything Fuck me daddy is a is a popular one with the kids with the six year old though I mean six is very low. I went too low with that
Starting point is 00:48:57 Went a little too low. That was jambonet a jambonese age A little older than her 16 or I don't know. Yeah, I don't know but it's it's psychotic So you're starting tonight or tomorrow Well, I stopped texting and driving a couple days ago because that was I should not be uploaded for just stopping texting and driving But yeah, I stopped doing that
Starting point is 00:49:22 Today, I tried to not use it a lot like I would like You know put it down late low But mostly we need more like advertising campaigns or like, you know, don't text and drive Those are those things work. Those things scare the shit out of them They do I because I'm really trying not to curse but I'm just really like you're you're just like a walking curse So you just you you can't not curse Oh
Starting point is 00:49:49 Those they work like the drinking and driving and like Yeah, I mean it's But it's it's that same thing of people thinking like it'll never happen to me, but you know You've had like I just Like me when I'm behind someone and the light turns green and they're not going and I could see if their head's down I'm like, oh get off your
Starting point is 00:50:12 phone and the next light comes and I'm like but Let me check just in case Just in case anything happened from the last 90 seconds that I checked Yeah, it's it's it's like why do I need to be always connected? I just don't I don't like it need to change Although it's sort of miraculous though, right that you can sort of get information so fast from places so far away I think that's sort of remarkable. Oh, of course. I mean it's a
Starting point is 00:50:41 It's a blessing and it's a blessing and a curse. It's an incredible tool that we're all addicted to anything's cool But when you're addicted to it, you know, yeah Pizza's great. You eat it every day. You're you're fucking shaving years off your life. Yeah, let me just tell you by the way There's cancer in the bread guys And everything the pizza and I mean I went I mean I went vegan last month So you've been you've been vegan for an entire month now a month. Yeah feel good Feels good The cheese has been the hardest part though. I'll be honest cheese has been very hard
Starting point is 00:51:13 It's not the meat the meat is like I can live without the meat man. It's the cheese the dairy. I can't live without me I need the meat You need the meat. I need it. Like I said, man. So what do you eat every night? A lot of salads a lot of veggies a lot of fruits nuts Um, yeah, but aren't you like not supposed to eat nuts like that? I mean, I'm not like I mean I don't I don't know what you mean by like I eat I went through an almond phase Yeah, like almonds are cool cashews. Yeah, I don't you're supposed to eat like only a handful Like I'll just fucking eat the whole bag. Yeah, I just
Starting point is 00:51:48 But like for dinner, what are you eating tonight? Uh, I will probably have a salad With uh, maybe like a little bit of rice on the side or maybe like some rice and beans or something like that with a salad Uh, something like that Definitely there's veggies in every part of my meal. There's like I'm eating veggies all the time now the salad veggies or like green. It's like greens, you know, all right And fruits or you know, so it's what's like breakfast? Uh, banana. I'll have a banana and I'll have like Uh, maybe like a breakfast bar, but that's like a vegan breakfast bar
Starting point is 00:52:20 Um, or I could or I can have like like oats. It's gonna sound crazy oats with fruit and like almond milk Wait, what almond milk Soy milk different options real quick. What's up? What's up key fear? Nope So it's like kind of it's kind of like a milk substitute Okay, but it's like kombucha in a way that there's like active bacteria in it. That's good for your gut Whatever, dude. I bought a bottle of it, right gross I opened it and smelled it. I swear to god it and I I swear on my life Like up and down I have never ever in my entire life
Starting point is 00:53:01 Have smelled something and like had a gag reflex. That's never happened to me ever That was the first time when I smelled that I was like I almost fucking threw up It was really bad, but I'm like, you know, so I pour a glass of it And I kept smelling it because I'm like Like I wanted so badly to drink it, but I just I really couldn't like and every time I smelled it Maybe 15 fucking times every time I smelled that I would gag. Could you have dipped a cookie in it? Sounded so crazy Would it no, I mean, yo, honestly it smelled like it just was really it was really bad
Starting point is 00:53:36 So people are like, you know, you should you should do uh almond milk Which does that taste good? They have flavored almond milks So they have like vanilla almond milk vanilla. It's not bad man. It's right. It's not that bad I'm struggling with coffee man big coffee guy big like like milk In the coffee guy, yeah, you can't like you taste the difference like almond milk soy milk I need to get accustomed to that. Yeah, but you eat a whole bowl of it with like grains and oats and shit Yeah, but the flavors of like the oats and the fruit sort of wash it away right away. So it's bad I don't like I wouldn't drink a glass of almond milk as is but I drink a glass of regular milk
Starting point is 00:54:16 Make sense. Yeah, yeah, it's been tough though. It's been tough Fuck man, like I just want something I could use as like a base for Smoothies and shit, but I yo that stuff. I was like, I'm not fucking putting that anywhere. I wouldn't I wouldn't step in that Try oh bananas peanut butter almond milk great smoothie high in protein. It's a way to get some protein I don't know man. I Let me just let me take down this fucking problem first phone first take read the phone and then we'll worry about You know being healthy and shit because I uh, you know as as time goes on there's more studies about how everything we're doing causes cancer and We're all fucking
Starting point is 00:54:54 Dying every second or whatever. I don't know something like that Nothing's good for you. You gotta stay positive. Yeah, whatever. Um Anyway, this is kind of ironic, but is there anything you want to plug? That i'm a vegan, but so Yeah, I love to plug a couple things. I'm a part of veterans minimum with joe. Oh, yeah, that's really great sports podcast Oh, yeah, check it out. I'm the producer. I'm behind the scenes. So You probably hear me once in a blue moon on the microphone unless I'm filming for somebody, but you know, I really uh
Starting point is 00:55:27 You know really love it. It's going really well. Uh also a part of the degeneration bets podcast with nick I think he's been on as well. Yep If you're interested in making money betting on sports or any sort of thing that you can make money betting on You give us a follow and we'll help your bank account. Of course in the states where it's legal only Um, unless you have a bookie. I let's Then you do it then It'll be legal soon. Uh, but yeah, that's another conversation. That is another conversation Uh, all right. Well for those of you who are not watching this, you can uh, go to slash basement yard
Starting point is 00:55:59 Put in the promo code basement You get a free month and then it's six dollars a month after that Also, we're going to be on the extra yard, which is like an extra 15 minutes segment. Nice Uh, that is exclusively available on fullscreen. Nice. That is another reason to sign up and uh, Yeah, I don't know what the hell's going to go down, but we're going to figure it out not planned at all I think fullscreen that type of this type of a platform is like the future Yeah, yeah You said that to me numerous times. I have though, but it's the truth. So yeah, no, it wasn't planned
Starting point is 00:56:30 Fullscreen there's one last thing before I want to say before I go. Do you remember you had a book? Uh, rich dad poor dad. No, no, no, you had a book. It was like a journal or whatever and the first page What did it say? It says so if you find this book And then it was blank. So basically it's it's a it's a way for you to like, you know, right? Like what you'll give to someone like if you find this book, I'll give you $500. Yeah, or if you get, you know That's what I wrote. This perfectly describes how impi was Is it said if you find this book, I'll make you rich because the ideas in the book are so great That was so funny. That was the most impi thing in the fucking world. You took a picture of that. Thank you for having me
Starting point is 00:57:09 No problem We'll see you guys next time

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