The Basement Yard - The Return Of Danny

Episode Date: June 11, 2018

On this episode, @DannyLopriore & I discuss mental health, shotgun rules, & more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What just happened? I don't even know welcome back to the basement yard. It is just me and Danny today I don't know I got nervous Oh, do it a little further away from my toe Yeah, yeah, it's pretty right God I got nervous my balls just like inverted into my body and became a vagina. I get nervous sometimes so I have to sing That's fire. Why are you so nervous? No? well You know you know, you know, you know, let me ask you a question, right? Yes
Starting point is 00:00:48 Random by the way, if I'm gonna be sniffling during this fucking podcast Nowhere, I got punched in the face with allergies like I don't know what happened I think it's honestly I think it's the construction across the street when the windows are open you get all that shit in your apartment I just shut it because I think that's the reason why I also be I'd sneeze literally 400 times in like a minute No, can't have that wait, how many times can you you know that like old saying it's like you if you see so many times That you're gonna die or you have a cold. I didn't think it was that morbid. I didn't think it was If you sneeze like you can't sneeze 10 times in a row because then you'll die
Starting point is 00:01:22 Or something. Yeah, they also say like your heart stops when you sneeze, right? But that's not true either. What the fuck is a sneeze I Did know the answer to this But I don't what is that? What is I did know? What does that mean because I googled it once you're like, what is a sneeze? Yeah, I need to find out now. I'm gonna guess that a sneeze is a Interruption in your sinus system God that was the worst Oh Wait, this is this is ridiculous. Oh, why do we sneeze? That's better
Starting point is 00:01:58 First of all the picture they have is absolutely disgusting. This guy looks like Triple H His entrance What the fuck are you doing man? That's a power sneeze. I don't know. I'm not gonna read all this Yeah, I'll figure it out. I don't have this kind of time. No to read. We've had a lot going on Yeah You went to look at cars yesterday. I went to a look at cars yesterday because my car got totaled I don't know if I've said that on the podcast yet. I think you did. Yeah Fucking thing was totaled. So I had to go get a new lease
Starting point is 00:02:27 So I was looking at because I had a Mazda because they're cheap as shit. Nice cars though It's still a nice car as the Mexican car. They do like if you're gonna go cheap cars Like my car like in total was like $19,000. Yeah, like if you're gonna, you know, it's price It's a nice car. Yeah, the payments are like 200 bucks. You had the Mazda 3, right? Yeah, that's a nice fucking car Okay, what was that? I don't know. Did you harmonize down? I did That's fire. It's just hard work It's just hard work a lot of practice practice. No, but I had to go get a car So we went to Mazda to look at them and like I don't know
Starting point is 00:03:08 I'm definitely not gonna get a Mazda because they all just look the same now They look like the car I had like I don't want to get the same car Do you think do you think if you got the same car it would kind of like bring your energy backwards? Or do you think are you talking about mr. Miyagi? A new sometimes I feel like a new car could bring new energy Yeah, it makes you more excited. I feel like that's what I think you're a kid You know when you're a kid you got new sneakers. You're like, yo, I could definitely run fucking fast. That's what I mean That's what I mean. Did you believe that when you're younger? Of course
Starting point is 00:03:37 Like yeah, if I put on these shoes like I'll beat you in a race like Nike shocks Like if I had Nike shocks on I was I was hitting half court three. Yes. Everything. This is crazy. Yeah pumps pumps or fire I had one sec Fucking banging them off the backboard light up shoes were cool too light up shoes le gears were are cool are cool They're fire whoever came up with that idea new kids Why is that because they were for kids? Like somebody was just like, you know what kids would love a shoe that fucking lights up Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:11 Like I want one though. I want them now. Would you wear LA gears right now? Yeah, light up shoes. Yeah We should look into that. Do they make it all sizes? Yeah, I'm sure now with the internet you can get whatever you want. I mean Actually, yeah, probably hell yeah, we'll look at the black market and stuff. We can go get a fucking kidney if we want. That's true Very true How do you access the black market or what's it called the dark web the dark the dark web? I don't even know the black dark web the big black dark web
Starting point is 00:04:42 Am I getting warm or cold again? I'm very cold. I would say I would love to be able to surf The black market the black dark market. I think the black market is like Something you actually buy physically the dark web is something that gets shipped to you from the dark from the dark streets The black market wait, so the big the big like the black market is like amazon Okay, right. Yeah, I mean the dark web is like amazon. Okay, the black market is like Whole Foods I see you could go and get something on the street right at the store. Oh for okay, right? Yeah, dark web They got to send it to you. By the way, is this all just like your hypothesis? Yeah, of course, okay Hypothesis did I did I fit in that sentence? Yeah, because it's a scientific guess. Okay
Starting point is 00:05:31 Or educated an educated guess yeah, but back to your car. Wait, wait, wait. Oh, sorry the big black dark market web Yes I want to I wonder what it looks like like if it's like google but if you type in like Cindy Crawford like she won't come up, but maybe like her nail will come up like her singing Cindy Crawford's finger It's just weird how that stuff gets cleared And it doesn't get cleared It's all illegal on the internet. It's illegal. But how do like dude, it's a big black dark web
Starting point is 00:06:03 I know how do people not look at that and be like, oh people are selling kidneys. Let's let this throw They don't it's they find ways to do it. They're like Hackers We don't know shit. We don't know anything about the big black dark web market so, uh No master No master. Yeah, because if we keep talking about the black market, I'm gonna give more and more into it I'm I'm like I'm I'm into it. Yeah, we'll check it out
Starting point is 00:06:30 I just like the only thing I just want to know what it looks like because I want to know if it's like It's a google sort of for the big black dark web web market And then like you type in random body parts and they come up with prices like what kind of You know, I feel like I feel like craigslist is like part of the dark web Yeah, but they're shutting down hookers or whatever on their back page What is the point of having craigslist at this point? It's a lot of sadness No one wants to buy an actual couch. I want to get a couch and possibly get jerked off or kidnapped. Yeah Or both. Yeah, some people kidnapped. Yeah, if you got kidnapped and jerked off
Starting point is 00:07:04 It's not the worst kidnapping. No, those are kind of like they cancel out sort of if you know what I mean Yeah, like if you kidnap me and like eat jack me like Listen, if you're gonna kidnap me the least you can do is jack is jack me. Okay kid kid jack me. Yeah kid I'm just saying if you're gonna kidnap it's not yeah, yeah kid jacked about not bad kid jack It's not bad. Yeah, if I'm getting kidnapped. I mean if the jack is optional. I'm taking it. Yeah, I'm not gonna leave that on the table I'm already gonna have a bad time also be the worst kid now first of all time
Starting point is 00:07:44 Yeah, it's like if you don't send us a million dollars in cash right now. We're gonna jerk yourself You're in the background like dad. Just give it a minute. All right, dad. Just think about it. We don't we don't negotiate kidnappers Oh, man, do people still get kidnapped? Yes. Yes. I don't want to go down this road. But yeah, I'm just I don't know Yeah, I'm oblivious I've never been kidnapped I love how you just like Try to save me so bad. Joe. Do not do this. Do not do this. Yes. They do you fucking idiot every day
Starting point is 00:08:19 Yeah Yeah, I don't know. Um Yeah, I don't know. I was just curious about the big the big black, uh dark I think you call him the big black dark because I don't know which one it is So if I know I figured if I say all the words then I have to be right The answer is in there somewhere like a word search the big black market web Yeah, the dark web of uh markets or whatever the fuck it is. It sounds very harry potter. It is It's interesting. Anyway, so, uh, I went to mazda
Starting point is 00:08:49 And I didn't want to get any of those cars and like the toyota like I went to toyota. Yeah, yeah, because I'm driving the camera It's fucking nicer than my car right now. Toyota camera is a very nice car It like I was surprised because usually you think a camera you think of like this piece of shit rinky dink How you doing? No, but the camera now they've made some improvements to it and they're like, uh, Yeah, there's everything in there. The car's big It's a big car. Yeah, it's a nice car and they have one with like red leather seats and shit So it's like it's nice, but I don't know if I'm gonna get it. I want to go see a bmw Oh, I've never had like a nice car
Starting point is 00:09:23 Here's my one thing about nice cars They're nice. Yeah But I feel like they're expensive to take care of For what what do you mean? Like like the parts are expensive. Yeah, well, I'm not driving this thing off road You never know. I know Where am I going? Would you get like a brand new bmw or like a pre-owned? I'm not buying it. You would lease a new one. Yeah, it's so fire. Why is that fire? It's a brand new bmw is fire Oh, yeah, I mean, I mean
Starting point is 00:09:55 Duh I don't know like I've never had like a nice car I feel like I'm going to see the payments and I'll be like fuck that. I think you'll be okay I say you just go for it. I think I'll be I mean, I'll be okay. Anyway with the payments. I'm just like Very I'm not materialistic. So when it happens to that when it happens like this, I'm like Yeah, but yeah, I think at some point you have to reward yourself If you want to bmw that's that's what I'm saying like and that's what I'm afraid of like I don't want to be so conservative my entire life and not have anything
Starting point is 00:10:26 No, and then you say if you lease it you have it for 24 months two years Three years and then you gotta get something else if you don't like it. Yeah I think go for it. Yeah bull trigger as long as as long as like a shit the shit you're gonna shit in my car I don't want to shit in your car But unless of course unless of course you would let me. Yeah I was going to say only if I could sit shotgun like priority shotgun. Yo, let me ask you a question. Hold on First of all, obviously you're sitting shotgun. Nice. There's no way we're squeezing you in the back of that little like No, I can't put the can't put the big dog back there. Can't put the big dog back there
Starting point is 00:11:01 We'll kind of see hold on ready. So I want to talk to you about like shotgun rules. Mm-hmm For that reason, right? You're a bigger dude. Oh, okay. All right. So like the rule Yeah shotgun like yeah, not like shotgun. No, I was thinking shotgun Oh shotgun like beers like shotgun or beer. I'm thinking guns. No What does that say about us? I don't know. Anyway, um, I don't know So anyway, so shotgun rules. Yes, right Me personally, I like to drive so I don't have to deal with any of that shit Yeah, but growing up a lot of my friends are older than me
Starting point is 00:11:38 So I had to deal with being like I don't have a license So yo, I have to call shotgun or whatever and apparently the rules change every five fucking seconds So can you just tell me your rules of shotgun our rules? Let's go one by one. Just give me one rule here Have to be the car has to be visible has to be visible has to be thank you I'm glad you said that first because there's been so many times that we're like indoors And we're not leaving for a half an hour or someone's like, yo, by the way on the way home shotgun I'm like literally Gargle my balls. No because this doesn't this isn't going on. That's an infraction that you should lose three shotguns
Starting point is 00:12:16 Future shotguns for that. I'm gonna agree. Yeah, you know what? If you violate the rules Get in the trunk or take the bus because you're fucking up the integrity of the game here Yeah, also second rule was you couldn't get shotgun there and back Oh, we don't have that rule. You could you could call it twice. Yeah, see we only had Shotgun you either get it there or on the way back So here's what about ties? Ties we used to we would just we would shoot them out you would shoot them out
Starting point is 00:12:49 Yeah, we say tie goes to the runner. So whoever touches the knob. That's a oh, that's a great one. Yeah, you could like Break the wind or heavily favored Yeah Yeah, but here's another thing too, right? if me you and Three of my Skinnier friends right are going somewhere. Yeah
Starting point is 00:13:11 And one of them call shotgun. It's my duty. Yeah as driver to go Dude, yeah We're not putting Danny in the back. No can't put the big dog 230 in but it's crazy. You can't do that Can't do that. No And I respect that but there also is like a friend hierarchy though So like if you if you have like if if it's me and you and like friends you've had for like 10 years I'm gonna submit The shock the shotgun. Oh, I'm not submitting anything. You wouldn't submit. I'm not submitting
Starting point is 00:13:43 I don't submit It's not my it's not my style. I'm calling shotgun. I'm playing the game. I say I feel like I can't like even with like Frankie Nick boss, but yeah, that's so different. So like if it's the first time I might be I might be out here like shotgun. Yeah, right. I'm not gonna do that But when we all got in the van the other day, which sounds weird. Yeah, uh I could easily took shotgun right but I I deferred to the back because I felt like there is a friend hierarchy when it comes to shotgun That's an uber though. No one's driving
Starting point is 00:14:17 No, no, no and boss drove us back. Oh, that's true. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. I was all the way in the back So were you I was I think you did that for me I didn't oh, I got in first. Oh, yeah, sure Yeah, you gave up shotgun. I know I was I didn't I wasn't there. There was someone already there See it always driving was smart But I used to hate like driving. Well, I used to never do it. That's driving like get beer and shit I don't do that. That's that's it's terrible. I get beer early. Yeah, I'm already drunk I can't drive to go get beer. I'm already drunk. Are you drinking tonight? Yeah, how many beers you think
Starting point is 00:14:55 Between you and me. Yeah Between you and me, how many beers you think you'll drink tonight I don't know like eight or nine. That's like your sweet spot Depending on what you're drinking. I don't I don't like the only reason why I'm saying eight or nine too The only reason why it's that's an honest answer though, right? Yeah The only reason why it's that high is because I know I'm leaving here at like six So if I was going out at like nine like normal go out time five six And then you're back. Yeah, because also tomorrow
Starting point is 00:15:27 I'm going to the fucking Yankee game and that is going to be a little more than eight or nine That's going to be a little more eight or nine. It's also going to be like four thousand dollars, right? No beforehand parking lot fucking bruise is it in Yankee stadium or City, I think it's in city field. Oh, so that's even better for you. Yeah I like city field a lot. So do I it's very fucking nice nice the team sucks team sucks So how many beers so it over span of 24 hours? You're gonna be crushing a good 15 beers No, I'll be up there. I'll be up there in the 20s. That's good for you
Starting point is 00:16:01 Good for you for them. It's listening. I have a drink of beer over a month and a half. Yeah I'm basically dangling a syringe in front of an addict right now. No, it's okay I'm sorry But uh shock shotgun rules like so if you go to the game tomorrow, yeah, and somebody drives and you don't take an Uber right I'll do everything I can To be in that front seat And I'll and I'm I'm like crazy with it too. Like I will find you
Starting point is 00:16:30 Yeah, like two hours beforehand and just befriend the shit out of you. She'd be like, hey, man Yeah, what do we like and then I'll just like throw in random. Why don't we like head now? What time are we thinking about going to have like your mom? Yeah, every time we someone's always so nice to me every time the driver gets up to go to the bathroom like are we going? What's going on? Are we leaving? Are you ready around? I'm out. I'll go. You want to take I'll take you to the car I'll take this to the car. That's another thing. I'll take this to the car just means like I'm getting there first Yep, just so I can get shot. Oh, you want me to bring this down? Oh, I got yeah Yeah, I'll meet you in the car. I'll meet you in the car. That's a fucking smart fucking move
Starting point is 00:17:03 I'm a maniacal genius You are a maniacal genius That's what a neurological gangster a neurological gangster exactly I love that nickname for it. It's fantastic. What the neurological? Yeah, who made that up? You did obviously The producer of the baseman yard producer of the baseman yard best producer in the game, right? I think so just good to be back It's good to be back. It's good to be back. It's good to be back. Good to be back All right before we move on. Let's get to the sponsors here today. We got a bunch
Starting point is 00:17:30 We got starting with uh me andy's here The most comfortable pair of underwear you will ever own. I am currently wearing them right now What kind of pattern we got here? What are these dinosaurs? These are dinosaurs. We got some dinosaurs here I don't know if these are still available on the site, but I got them when they were Anyway, these are my favorite underwear because they're so soft and they just hold your d&b's Right in place with this thing that this the fabric is three times softer than cotton I didn't make that up. That's actually part of the script here. So this has to be true. Okay
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Starting point is 00:19:15 um, but with this basically you sign up for me and uh me andy's here we go We sign up for blue apron and uh, they will send a box to your house That has pre portion meals with step by step instructions on how to cook it So not only do you have a nice meal But you do have the knowledge of how to cook this meal for the rest of your life You can even make it into a nice little cookbook and there you go Um high quality stuff. There isn't just you know, there's not fast food This isn't like, you know, your regular run of the mill food. This is nice stuff only non gmo ingredients here. Okay
Starting point is 00:19:47 and um Right now blue apron is treating the basement yard listeners to $30 off your first order if you visit blue apron dot com Slash Basement guys, trust me. I have tried blue apron. I have done it before it is amazing It's very easy to make these things they make it They make it easy. I mean they have step by step instructions and it's proportioned So you don't have to like oh wait. I'm running out of onions It's everything all the stuff that you need comes in the box
Starting point is 00:20:12 So check out this week's menu and get your $30 off at blue apron dot com slash basement Again, that is blue apron dot com slash basement and finally here. We have quip Which is my toothbrush My favorite toothbrush that i've ever owned in my entire life and that is not a lie Not that i've had a favorite toothbrush in the past, but this one i'm comfortable in saying Is my favorite toothbrush is an electric toothbrush that packs just the right amount of vibrations into this slimmer design At a fraction of the cost of bulk or bulkier Traditional electric toothbrushes
Starting point is 00:20:47 Okay, it even has guided pulses that allow you when to switch sides. So you turn the thing on it starts vibrating You're brushing your teeth. It's gonna like It like like pulses or whatever and you're like, okay now I got to go to the other side and you start brushing and then it does it again And then you know, okay, my brush here is done Some people brush too long. Some people don't brush long enough the pulses help with that shit um anyway right now Quip starts at just 25 and if you go to get quip dot com slash basement
Starting point is 00:21:16 You'll get your first refill pack free with a quip electric toothbrush because there is refill packs Okay, for just five dollars a month Uh, they deliver new brush heads every three months for just five dollars including free shipping worldwide Uh, so that's your first refill pack free at get quip dot com slash basement spelled g e t q u i p dot com slash basement, okay 25 dollars
Starting point is 00:21:45 Come on i'm telling you And I you know what's funny. I was at my brother's apartment my brother thomas And I went to their bathroom and I saw they had two quips They had two toothbrushes and they come with a nice little case that you can like put on the the mirror or whatever You can hang it on your mirror make it nice Doesn't have to take up counter space and they had them like yeah, you guys got quip and like yeah I'm like, yo, this is the best toothbrush on the market. They're like, I don't love the thing. So there you go
Starting point is 00:22:11 I'm not bullshitting yet. My brother's got it too. So there you go. Um, but yeah, anyway How was it to be back? I will say this Short thing I will go into it a little bit right. I've been struggling with some anxiety and some panic disorder I wouldn't say some it's been I'd say a lot So yes, I've been struggling, uh With some bad panic and and anxiety and some depression and uh, the last episode that me and joe were on If you watch the clip from the
Starting point is 00:22:46 YouTube you could see that I'm very anxious like it was we had we actually had to stop Recording right we had to start over. We had to start over because I was I was visibly shaking. Yeah Crying and uh, it was fire. It was fire. It's um, I I Had a nervous breakdown basically. So I had to go and get myself help. So we usually record on friday I woke up on saturday and said I need to go get help I uh, I called joe. I called my family. I told them I said I'm going in and by going in is I actually went to a psych ward and um
Starting point is 00:23:27 It was just at the point where I knew I needed to get help myself. Yeah, so I went in Uh, I did three nights in there Nobody said I did three. No, I saw some well. They take all your shit. Yeah, they take your shoes. I know you text me. You're like, listen It's not like you were going to jail. Yeah, I'll be gone. I'll be gone for a little while. Don't know when I'll be back That's how it feels like So did three nights in there? Saw some crazy shit. Yeah, I had a roommate I'm not going to say the name of the facility because they helped me out a lot. So but yeah
Starting point is 00:24:03 Um, I had a roommate who was schizophrenic and would talk to himself at night Like like loud like he'd be like get me out of this place And then he'd be like who's in here stop. I was the only person in there Yeah, that's terrifying. It's terrifying. So I slept like shit I mean a lot the best thing about it was though the reason that I went is because they helped me with I set up a network to get help. Yeah, you know, so like therapy Medications, I'm not going to say what medications I'm on because it's personal, but They they helped me they really helped me like the last two weeks of my life have been the longest two weeks of my entire life
Starting point is 00:24:45 And I mean you've seen it first hand. Yeah, you know, my girl seen it first hand my whole family I Went from like not being able to shower by myself being that afraid every day. I remember you telling me that Like having the shower with the door open my girlfriend would sit sit with me basically And that's what I went through. It's like the growth to where I am from here to now Is isn't is from here to now from here from there To now. Yeah. Yeah Is remarkable for me. Yeah, so like just anybody out there that's I don't want to dwell on it too much because this is a funny show
Starting point is 00:25:26 No, but people are probably like, you know, yeah, where was he? I mean, not only where was he because like, I mean, we take a week two weeks off. Yeah, it was fine. You know, um Yeah, I mean, I think that Everyone should know I think it is it is important I mean something like anxiety and depression has been something that's been prevalent in my life as well And not just like with me but with other with people that I know And I think I think the hardest thing for me was Was really understanding that I was really like I was having a problem. Yeah, like I was having a day to day
Starting point is 00:25:59 Struggle with myself, which is so hard to tell people like Dude, I fucking hate myself today and it's it's weird when Everyone's telling you like, yo, you're fine though. That's the hardest thing. Yeah, it's because everyone's going. Hey, man It's okay. You're okay, dude. And you're like suck my dick. Yes. I'm not So true Because I remember like me you and my girl are talking outside of your apartment Yeah, and you guys were like, yo guys like you like, you know, you guys are perfectly fine And I just looked at both of you I go
Starting point is 00:26:36 Do I fucking look Fine to you Fucking crying in the middle. Yeah, Danny was in the middle of the street It's funny now But Danny's crying in the middle of the street and he's like talking to us and like he's like pacing back and forth There's people walking by and me and his girlfriend are just trying to like be there for him and just like talking to you Which I will say I don't really cut you off. You two have been so helpful in getting me Back to where I need to get I know I'm the most important part of that. Yeah, but I can't thank you guys enough
Starting point is 00:27:05 It's it's insane. It's an I had to say that on air on air Con air great movie con air great movie and Nicholas cage Talk about fucking mental issues Um, but we were out there and Danny was like pacing back and forth and he's crying And he's like giving this whole speech or whatever and at the end of it. He goes, I'm gonna get an academy award out here So funny. It's just a little glimmers of like, oh, there's Danny again because there are moments where this is with like Like I'm sure you've had this too
Starting point is 00:27:35 Like you have moments where you think you're losing control Yeah, and you think that you're Starting to go crazy You're not going crazy. Yeah, you feel like you're you're But so with my experience with anxiety. Yeah, it's I I was out of control only for a little while because I grew up my sister had it Like really bad. She still has bad anxiety And who she helped me a lot too. All right, and I had a little more education on it
Starting point is 00:28:05 I wasn't like oblivious to what it was or anything because a lot of like a lot of my friends too We'll talk we'll talk in me and you out loud about anxiety. Yeah, and they'll they just don't understand Like because they've never been through it. They're like, what are you nervous about? I was like, I'm not nervous about anything. No, it's just like this thing that happens I have it more under control now. Yeah more than You know back in the day like I was like 16 when I had a really bad Uh, like nine days of like not eating and just like in my room by myself like I was going Yeah, that's what happened with me. Yeah, and then it's you just have to
Starting point is 00:28:38 You just decide like I'm not fucking living like this anymore. And that's what I was trying to you know I was telling Danny at the time like, yeah, you just got to decide like I'm not fucking doing this anymore. Yeah, like now and and Part of that is going and seeking professional help where you're like, I'm gonna take control over this I'm not just gonna sit and let it dictate my life of like, I'm not gonna go to work I'm not gonna go outside. I'm not gonna talk to people like just going and getting help is taking control Like you know what I mean? Like you're like, I'm gonna fix this shit. So I'm gonna go get help Or I'm gonna go do this and that the thing that like
Starting point is 00:29:11 I've noticed since I got out of the hospital was like There's no shame in getting professional help and also the second thing is too. It's like It's a very thin line between like I could either go get help or not Yeah, it could be a difference of a day You know what I mean, like so I like when I woke up that day I was like, I'm gonna go get fucking help like I have to do this for myself And you have to be selfish with your health, which is something I haven't been I've neglected my health for a while Yeah, so it's just something that I had to work on and then like every day it's day by day
Starting point is 00:29:46 But like even just being back here. I'm just happy to be back here now Should we kiss we should But yeah, man, that's what that's where I've been that's Danny's been that's where I've been and I'm happy to inform everyone though that he is he's back in full swing. Yes, and I feel great before Like that royal wedding video that podcast. Yeah, that was that was the ultimate Bottom that was the nervous breakdown was right there. It was like, yeah We were in the beginning stages of it and the next two days after that were like Full blown hospitalized. I don't know who this kid is. Yeah, like this is a different
Starting point is 00:30:21 Day, you know what I mean? And that was the scariest part is because people around me were like, yo Who the fuck is this guy? Yeah. Yeah, you weren't yeah, you were like you were a shell of yourself Yeah, and I was worried I was worried when you were like I'm coming back because you just came back this Monday It's Friday now. Yeah, and I was worried That you'd come back and you'd still just be this like shaky and just like like a scared cat. Yeah, and You weren't you're just like you really you really like took control because because I embraced like that kind of the I had every test done for me. Yeah, I had everything scanned I had every blood taken from every fucking vein. They could take it from I had my heart looked at I had everything
Starting point is 00:31:05 That was my journey to realize listen. There's nothing physical going on here There's just a lot of negative thinking going on There's a lot of things that are happening here That need to be addressed and I am not equipped to address that myself Yep, because I will go through life making people laugh and then going home and being completely sad right And a part of me is just like that's not who I am Right, you know, it's like in those bad moments for every 10 minutes of a bad day. I have there's still 23 hours
Starting point is 00:31:38 and 50 minutes You're mass a little off there. Yeah, it's all right. It's the meds, but uh I looked for people To help me and just as much as a doctor helped me you helped me Because the craziest thing was is a lot of what they said is what you said to me Yeah, that makes me feel so smart. No But in a way though, it's like you have to change your thinking. Yeah, you have to change the way like like when now when I get like a heart
Starting point is 00:32:11 palpitation palpitation I'm like the odds of me dying are very low Go fucking live your life. Yeah But it took me two weeks to do that and it's still going to take me time to do that Like I just started therapy I have a mental evaluation coming up Like I still have this is part of my journey and I'm just happy to be back here Yeah, and be back talking to the people and having fucking fun. Yeah
Starting point is 00:32:36 Get to be you want to put your pants get a BMW put your put your pants back on I want a bmw two are shirtless hugging as I want a bmw two is what I'm saying Feel bad enough for me. Danny wants a miata. I want a monster miata one day. First of all, we were on the lot I told my mom like my she got a miata and she's like why I'm like just to drive past the my place So Danny will lose his mind. No way. Yeah, no way, but yes small disclaimer. If you are feeling anxious depressed Go get help it helps and it does get better And get good friends like joe and have a good support system and those that don't go get help. I love everybody
Starting point is 00:33:19 I love everybody. I love everybody speaking of loving things I'm gonna do a super big segue here. Okay Since also I've also was diagnosed diabetes with diabetes Type two. Yep. So I've had to say goodbye to some good foods great foods great foods Yeah, we're talking the biggest of the best Yeah The other day I was in a pizzeria Looking for like a healthy salad. This is how sad it is
Starting point is 00:33:48 I was in a pizzeria looking for a salad. This is not a good start. Yeah So first of all, all I'm looking at is the pizza. I said, maybe I can get a sale I see Sicilian pizza. Yeah I don't mind Sicilian pizza. Go slice Let me ask you this Are you a middle Sicilian guy? Or one of those weird corners Sicilian people if you think I'm going out of my way
Starting point is 00:34:14 To get a corner. You're fucking wrong. Okay Why the fuck What I want a corner now. I know I'm not crazy. Yeah, no Because if you you flush your meds right now, yeah, we're on the same page. I'm going off. I'm going off No, I don't get it. I don't I don't know the appeal. My mom likes it. I'm like, ma I don't even know who you are on you. I spit in her face. That's like eating a v of Just tomato and cheese and then when you get there, how do I eat it? It's like now? I got to eat it like a corn on the cob and it's this thick
Starting point is 00:34:47 It's this thick. You eat pizza crust though. I'll eat pizza crust But the Sicilian crust is a little harder I don't like it. I don't like it a middle Sicilian slice Great a long one long. I fucks with it a lot of cheese. Oh, yeah, it spills over onto the sides There's not a whole lot of hard like There's not a lot of crust. It's very soft until you get to the end. Yeah, that cuts through for your mouth That's a captain crunch level cut your mouth. Yeah Yeah, yeah, Sicilian slices are dangerous. What about like
Starting point is 00:35:19 Like brownies too though because like brownies you can get a corner of a brownie I want a middle brownie I'd like a middle brownie too because I feel like that's where like everything converges And that's where like the fucking greatness is I don't want to fucking outskirts fucking wasteland brownie You know what I mean, yeah, I want the fucking beautiful farm raised one Fucking guy goes out guy goes out there fucking milks that thing Looks great. Yeah, it's the fucking stud of the bunch
Starting point is 00:35:53 What's up? What is a group of horses called? Just like a you know A bunch a bunch a bunch of horses a bunch of horses. Is there a word for that? It probably is Damn, we're fucking so smart. Damn. This is crazy You know, but I feel like naturally you feel like the middle of something is the best part of it Yeah, so why the fuck am I out here fucking with the hard parts of this brownie? Yeah, and sometimes people don't know how to cook fucking brownies They burn the outsides of it and now I'm basically eating charcoal
Starting point is 00:36:22 With a little bit of fucking chocolate. I would say most people don't know how to make brownies including me Hey, I'm not going to sit here and act like I'm gordon ramsey of brownies right But I could you know, I could definitely get it done. I can get it done. I could try and do it I'm not a big dessert guy, but the fact that I can't eat them now really Makes me you're a dessert. I'm a dessert guy. It's terrifying. I'll tell you this right now. I'm a dessert guy What's your favorite dessert Like if you if you're out at a place and they bring you the menu I always feel awkward too and they're like
Starting point is 00:36:59 Room for dessert and I'm just like no And I'm like, oh, all right. Cheap. Fuck. All right. Here's you. We'll be back with your bill No, if they if they come to me like you want dessert like I actually give them like I have a different completely different reaction Like I almost get angry like why the fuck are you asking me that? You know, I want whatever the fuck you have back there now put it on my table and let me just slam my face into it I'm sure it gets into my veins. All right, clog my arteries. Please lightening rounds. You ready? Hold on. Hold on. Hold on Okay, go tiramisu You got to give me an answer yes or no? No. No, I'm not a coffee guy. Okay. All right. All right. All right. Crumble cake
Starting point is 00:37:40 What is crumble cake? It's like coffee cake. Oh, fuck. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I'll shove that right in my fucking dumb face For sure crumble that crumble that cake Root beer float Okay, really set up an IV I'll take it you'll take it even though I do think it's a weird combination It was weird like I don't really want soda in my Yeah, my ice cream in my soda. Yeah, but if it happens to fall in there, I'm still gonna drink it I'm still gonna eat the ice cream Sunday after like a Sunday after dinner Come on, right? You can still you can still fit that in there. I'll I'll fit it. All right
Starting point is 00:38:13 I'll find a way. I'll pack it in. I'll throw up afterwards. What about like neapolitan like like Here's the thing about neapolitan. I'll eat the vanilla eat the chocolate that strawberry bullshit You could throw that outside onto the street. Okay, so you would know you never ordered that I would know No, no It's so weird remember growing up though. Like I think we might have said this before but I don't give a shit um If you got that the neapolitan ice cream that strawberry was was like dead last Like to ended like post apocalyptic world and they always put it in the middle
Starting point is 00:38:45 So I had to like try and scoop the sides. It was just you get a little bit of that strawberry in there What else you got for me? uh apple pie I Yeah, I can't remember the last time I had apple pie Are you kidding? No I don't know. I'm not a pie guy. Not a pie guy. Wait. I'm not a pie guy. All right cake or pie Cake
Starting point is 00:39:11 It's cake cake cake I think I go pie dude. You're going pie. Yeah over cake dude an apple pie with like some ice cream on it It's unbelievable But what about a cake? I feel like a cake is just ice cream Are you familiar with cake? It's clearly more than just ice cream. There's ice cream cakes cake
Starting point is 00:39:42 I don't know Cake's great cake is great and cake just keeps inventing itself. It's true. You go out to restaurants like yeah We have a fucking skittles cake. You're like wait what? And it's a beautiful cake and it's got like a skittle on it. You're like, this is incredible. I love skittles love cake. Okay So I'm gonna go wait. Let's go. We're better than icing. Let's go back to this. What is better than icing? You really don't like pies. I'm not saying I don't like pie. Uh, yeah, I'm saying I don't like pies That is insane to me. I I don't eat pies apple pie
Starting point is 00:40:12 no Cherry pie you're wasting your time. No, I don't like cherries. He line pie I don't even know what that is key line key line key line line. What is the key? What is key line pumpkin pie? Oh don't just that bullshit. Yo pumpkin's disgusting. Yo pumpkin pie is amazing Pumpkin is literally ever smell a pumpkin. Yeah, does the pumpkin pie taste like this the way that smells? No, it tastes way better. You ever have a pumpkin. Have you ever had a pumpkin spice latte? No, I know I don't wear ugly Fucking you kidding me with those black jackets with like a fur trim. You have a fur trim. We're just like a fucking
Starting point is 00:40:49 Yeah, sweater like a sweater best sweat pants jammed into some uggs. Yeah bubble sweater. I have some respect. Yeah, fuck that Wow, would you let me ask you this? Okay Would you be willing to try these pies? I'll try pie I'll try pie. I think which pie I want to try the key the key you can pick the five pies Okay, and I think that we should film it and we should vlog it Let me eating pie you eating pie, but then we're gonna have like we're gonna have five fucking pies Who's gonna eat the rest of these pies not you got enough friends? I don't know if they like pies
Starting point is 00:41:23 I don't like the veterans minimum guys will come in here and eat those pies. They eat pie. They eat pie Yeah Would you be open to a pie eating test? Not contest not contest. Yeah, I just need to try I'll try I'll try some pie Where can we get shake on it? I'll shake on it and try those pies Yeah, I want I want a key key lime key lime five pie challenge Now you're making into a youtube video there it is challenge to the end of it five five challenge See which one that you like the most five pies because you never know you might try a cherry pie and be like I love this thing
Starting point is 00:41:54 Yeah, but I don't like cherries All right, like when I get sundaes and they put a cherry on it. I'm like, oh here we fucking go You can pick the five pies will look like for the best bakeries in this place Okay, can we also get cakes then because I love cake. Yeah, of course. We're gonna get a celebratory cake um I don't know. Look at Charlie. I know What's up, buddy? I don't know. I never got into pies My mom doesn't really make pies. Yo, you know who makes a banging ass pie who snow white
Starting point is 00:42:21 Remember that movie where she makes the pie She does make a pie and then and she uses like the like the birds like put their feet on the pie Make the little like slits in it. So it cooks well or whatever. Yep. That's like an apple pie Yeah, because to be honest with you. Yo, if I'm making a pie and a bird flies through my window and then like cuts up my pie I'm like, well, I'm not eating this. I'll get a fucking bird flu. What is that bitch? Yeah, no It's a remember that too like don't touch that bird. It's gross. Yeah growing up like it's feathers Yeah, you don't touch birds. I still believe that don't
Starting point is 00:42:47 Like when you would bring like a bird feather home What like when you would touch a bird feather in public or bring it home, you would bring a bird feather home Yeah, if I found it Why not? I don't know my mom would be like it's it's disgusting. It is disgusting. It is gross because think about it Birds don't take baths and if they do it's in a bird bath Which is full of other birch and also like kid pee and poo poo. That's true in a park poo poo is great Great great
Starting point is 00:43:19 No, no Taking a poo poo is great. Please sure That's how you know, it's trash. What the other day? I just did it I went and took a shit and I didn't have my phone Oh, and I'm like Talk about talk about anxiety talk. Yeah, because yeah, I I basically was in prison. Yeah, you're like, I'm uh, I'm uh, I'm like, I'm in this room. I have no communication to the outside world You're like, what what if something happens to me in here? How pathetic is that dude? I would say that's pathetic
Starting point is 00:43:51 But I've been there and I've been there in worse situations. All right, but I get it like when you're having like actual medical anxiety No, no, no, no, I'm talking like I've gotten off the toilet To go get your phone to go get my phone and go back Think about this think about this. All right, here's a question How far away from your house? Do you have to be For you to go I'm already too far. I'm not going back for my phone How far do you have to be
Starting point is 00:44:25 Half an hour I'll drive back 15 20 minutes to get my phone That's crazy. I would you wouldn't Oh, I don't know. What's 15 20 minutes 15 20 minutes. So you drove me to my apartment. We're talking about like mile 15 I mean, uh highway 15 20 minutes because that's a lot of exits. Yeah highway 15 20 minutes. We're talking about like five towns here Yeah Like you could drive how far how far is jones beach from here? It's pretty deep. What's the closest beach to here?
Starting point is 00:44:52 I don't fucking know dude. Dude, you live here. What am I captain planet? I don't fucking know Let me give you a fucking captain planet like a good navigator. I don't know But he can fly he can probably fly right up and he'll see like uh, yeah this one. He's got another planet Yeah, he's got good gps. It's captain planet. He has to he is gps Yeah, so let's say you would have to drive to my apartment To go get my phone Yeah, say you left it at my apartment. Oh, and then I'm I'm already home like fuck my phone's at danis. Yeah You could either get in your car and come back and get it or I would have to bring it to you tomorrow
Starting point is 00:45:24 What time is it? Let's say eight. No, I don't know. No make it late Yeah, 12 o'clock. Oh, you just got in. Oh, it's midnight. Your shoes are off You're watching sports center. You go to look for your phone. Yeah, I don't have it. It's fucking gone It's at your apartment. Yep, and I message you on twitter. Uh-huh feeling like yo your phone's here I probably leave it there. That's late So If it's oh, so late makes it better. Yeah, because I'm like, I'll just go get it in the morning. Just go to sleep
Starting point is 00:45:53 He'll bring it. Yeah, I'm going through it I'm checking some emails. I'm going through it. Yeah, I'm checking in I'm looking around Well, you know, I was out for two weeks. You know, I got to protect my job, you know, I'm saying Oh, indeed. At least at Look the fuck is that? I don't think there's a There probably is but I probably wouldn't want to visit it I only can imagine what's on there. Remember like the porn sites that were like huge when you were okay like meat Wait meat spin wasn't a porn website. It's just a swinging dick Well, I mean it was one of those uh, you remember lemon party. Oh, yes
Starting point is 00:46:32 Yo, lemon party got everyone because it doesn't sound like a porn thing And then you used to tell your friends like yo, you know, it's a dope ass like porn site Go to I think it was dot org. I really don't want a promo It's too late But if you go there, that was a big kid Like growing up Lemon party was the best one because like you can like go to big fucking It's like, well, I know what I'm looking at here. There's gonna be huge dicks like I don't want to see that
Starting point is 00:47:00 But then you're like, you'll go to It's fire and then it's like three old guys One of them's banging one and the other one's sucking the other and you're like, what is it? It is and they are old and they're old as fuck. I would say easily 65 And then meat spin had the counter How many times it's how many times we used to do that and minimize it and leave it on people's computers Because they had I think they had like a leaderboard Oh, I'm trying to get this. Yeah to be like be up there. Um, that's amazing I told tub girl. What the fuck is tub girl tub girls girls. Please. Nobody go to tub girl
Starting point is 00:47:38 What is tub girl? I've never even heard of this. I don't look at it I thought because tub girl tub girl's up there with lemon party. It's like It's a girl in the bathtub like basically poop like pooping up into the air and then it's like splashing back down onto her It's fucking gross How's she pooping up into the air? Is this like a magic girl? It's just tub girl. It's terrible That's disgusting. Yeah, it was up there with the lemon parties though. I'm surprised you didn't hear about it Well, lemon party was just a picture. Yeah, this is just a picture But it's just it's it's a geyser of shit. It's a geyser of poop
Starting point is 00:48:13 That's disgusting. It's pretty bad. It's pretty bad The internet There's dark web for you the black dark web big black dark web. Yeah big big black dark web market big big black Black dark web market. I love that so much. Oh quick question Jurassic Park. Are you gonna see the new one? Yeah, I heard it's pretty good Jurassic park. Yeah the Jurassic world. I think it's called Yeah, I mean they they was a Jurassic Jurassic world two or something. I think so first of all Jurassic world, right? The first one you saw it obviously
Starting point is 00:48:50 You know, they have those like spheres that you can get in and drive. Yeah, would you drive amongst Dinosaurs no Am I some kind of fucking asshole? No that I'm gonna drive Near dinosaurs. What are you fucking crazy? They're dinosaurs. Yeah Like what is stopping a t-rex and I know they're supposed to be like indestructible spheres Yeah, but what is stopping a t-rex from just picking you up off the ground? And just shaking the fucking shit out of it until you die against the glass not into that either You have a big uh, you got a couple this summer has been crazy for movies
Starting point is 00:49:25 I guess Avengers which was dope fire infinity war finnity war. Yeah, yo christ hamsworth Thanos be praised that guy. It's just so nasty Yeah, Josh Brolin killed it. It's Thanos Yeah, he did. I'm just saying like I don't want to spoil as hot as shit Yeah, I'm happy they gave him an eye too Definitely give that guy an eye. Give that guy an eye. He's a fucking smoke. Make him whole so you have Jurassic world two, I guess Incredibles two. Incredibles two. Incredibles one. I'm not gonna say underrated I would say it is. I would say underrated for our age group
Starting point is 00:49:58 Yeah, because I feel like people that I get around our age are like My doorbells ringing. I don't know who that could possibly be but here comes charlie's gonna start barking any second. Yeah, right? um I feel like it's underrated for our age group because I feel like people are like, oh, it's cartoon I'm too old for cartoons bro. The movie's fucking fire. I feel like a lot of people to jump like jump right to the uh Toy story monsters, Inc People forget about the Incredibles. Incredibles is great
Starting point is 00:50:25 The Incredibles is great. It's incredible Charlie please shut the fuck up. I heard the ratings are out Yeah, they're made. It's supposedly Amazing. Yeah. Now, which one do you think's gonna be more fire? Incredibles two two Excuse me. Incredibles two or toy story four Charlie, what do you think? What do you think charlie? I'm gonna have to say toy story. I'm gonna say toy story We're gonna go with that story though. They don't miss. They don't miss Are they gonna go to fucking see andi at college and like go to his frat parties walking on him on a threesome
Starting point is 00:51:01 Yeah, and he's got a dick on him. Yeah, maybe and he's gay maybe Maybe they find out he's gay and then it's like a whole sort of like I know what you're doing. I know what you're doing there. I wonder if sex toys come alive. I know you guys talked about dildos on the last one That would be cool. Yeah, but they wouldn't do that. Randy Newman's doing the music too Are you singing? Charlie's singing come here Come here bud. I think I think toy story four is probably gonna be latest. Fuck. Yeah, toy story. They don't miss man
Starting point is 00:51:35 Never miss. They took a lot of time off. They did on credible fucking too. Yeah, they did like 15 years or something Yeah, uh, so your math's a little off on that. But how long do you think it was? 12 15 wait what when the Incredibles come out. You think 2003 and the Incredibles came out. Maybe 2005. No way. Oh man. I gotta look this up I gotta look it up now too. I don't want you to lie to me in front of my fucking face I'm going to say the Incredibles came out in 2006 Incredibles came out in 2004 oh my god, that's way
Starting point is 00:52:11 That's older than 14 years for a sequel 14 years This better be a fucking good movie You know, I did not think it was 2004. How old was I I was 2001 You're like 12. I was in fourth grade Fifth grade sixth grade. Hey, you're like in seventh. Yeah, you're like 11th. Yeah, you're like 12 years old Wow blown away right now. That's crazy. I did not think that. Yeah. That's what I was saying. It's been a long ass time I don't know what to say. I guess we gotta watch we gotta watch the first one. Where did time go? I don't know
Starting point is 00:52:46 I don't know I don't know despicable me. Those movies are good too. Yeah, they are. I've never really watched them though I watched the first one and then like All the movies that are animated in the way those movies are are all great. Yeah, all good. Yeah picks are Did you see Coco yet? No, it's on Netflix. I'm I'm gonna check it out. Check it out. Yeah, get back to me Oh, the other thing about food. I wanted to ask you. Yeah How do you take your eggs? How do I take my eggs?
Starting point is 00:53:14 How do you eat your eggs? How do you like your eggs cooked? It's scrambled. It's scrambled. I'm simple. I'm simple with the scrambled. I don't want this sunny side half up in the So I don't what is this breakfast is supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be cooked as well. Yeah, I don't want this thing Jizzing all over the place. Yeah, what is this? It's spillage. What is this spillage? It's uncooked rub your bread in it That's not healthy. It looks like you got fucking orange juice on your plate. Can you get it together? It's so thick and yucky Yeah, I hate it. I hate it. It's so yucky. I'm like Dude, are you gonna cook this thing or like what's going on all about the scramble? Oh, yeah, the sunny side up. I'm just kind of like
Starting point is 00:53:55 This looks like someone started to cook it and was too hungry to finish it and was like whatever Yeah, and then like you could fuck that up. Yeah, you can't fuck up scrambling eggs if you fuck up scrambled eggs You're an asshole. Yeah, get out of the kitchen. Yeah So yeah, all right, so I'm happy we agree on that at least I don't like that. How do you like bacon? Oh Like Crispy not a little bit before crispy. What would you say medium? Well? Okay, I would say medium. Well, it's still kind of hard still kind of hard I want some crunch to my bacon, but I don't want all the fat out of there. Right my dad
Starting point is 00:54:29 Described his preference of bacon as snotty. Oh, like he loved it. Just like just just just throw it on throw it off It's like an oyster. Just oh, you know oysters are fucking disgusting. You won't eat oysters I won't even get near it. So you would never do an oyster challenge No, all right, so we'll still do the pie challenge. I am yet. Yeah, I will do the pie All right, the pie vlog is gonna be great. Yeah, but oysters dude You're not gonna trick me You might you might have all these other people fooled with your fucking oysters of like no Yeah, I swear to god, this is safe to eat and we we cooked it or whatever the fuck. Well, they're not cooked
Starting point is 00:55:04 They suck them you suck them You Shock them and you suck up. No, I just can't I can't I can't get behind that's like sucking a booger You're gonna make me vomit right now. They're like boogers. I love them, but they're like boogers Where they taste like that wasn't a far by the way. Yeah, what was that? That was my foot. Look, I'll do it again You always have to do it again to like show people that it's like I swear to god. I swear. Yeah, no, but oysters are a little bit yucky Where does it taste like?
Starting point is 00:55:35 Well, you put like horseradish on it Also disgusting You don't like horseradish. No, it's masco sauce. Why would you name something a horse horseradish horseradish? I I say that too sometimes Doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense But it's good. You should try you should try one. You've never tried noiseter in your life. No, you got to try one No, okay It's just like eating an egg. Yeah, it's disgusting
Starting point is 00:56:02 Imagine just eating an uncooked egg like rocky. I have it's gross. That's disgusting. Yeah, it's pretty gross I'm not doing that. I'm not doing that. All right I'll I'll I'll start with pie. I'll be able to work my way up with an oyster with you. No, I'll do the pies All right, we'll go apple pie. Yeah uh What other pie the key key line pie you should try pumpkin pie because you hate it so much You got to try it. I'll try because you have so much to stain for it. It's so disgusting Apple
Starting point is 00:56:31 I see I said apple Key lime pumpkin cherry. Okay, and then you could pick the fifth pie like a custard pie. Okay Custard pie is good You know, it's great. I have a feeling you're gonna like all of these pies. I don't know and if I do that'd be great More desserts for me. I love dessert. Yeah, I got a sweet tooth bastard That's been the hardest thing about the diabetes is being like, hey, you want some of this and it's like, uh, no I can't yeah, I would love to but I will go into shock. Yeah, I would love to but uh, I won't live long I will be shaving days off of my life if I do that. Yes, please stop offering it to me. Yes
Starting point is 00:57:11 Um sugar is now cigarettes Oh man, oh now imagine if they start putting sugar into cigarettes Remember those remember those fake candy cigarettes. Yes, they tasted like shit But you really felt like you were smoking a sake. I love to those things. I know It's funny because at my friend's summer house Every year during like the 4th of july the guy who like owns all the land He has this ice cream truck come and you can take whatever you want. It's all free and
Starting point is 00:57:45 Wait, wait a second. Yeah, a guy just shows up with an ice cream truck and gives shit out. Yeah, everything. Where the fuck have I been? Yeah But anyway, he has those fake cigarette candy things right he strikes I don't know what I think. I think that's what they were called. So it's like you everything looks like a cigarette but just like these little like you just Like when you're a kid you're like you thought it was cool to like whatever first of all as a kid you thought that was cool Yeah, fucked up. Who the fuck thought of that being like, hey, let's get kids into sigs Really early? Let's make it sweet
Starting point is 00:58:22 Get them with the fixation. Yep. They want to be an adult like You're some fucking cancer you little asshole fucks dude That's insane because if you think about like the 50s like everyone smoked cigarettes. Everyone was smoking cigarettes. Yeah They were blowing in kids faces. Yeah smoking cigarettes and like drink like you used to be able to drink when you were 18 When was this that was the legal age like in the 70s and 60s you were 18 you could drink really? Oh, but I think they changed it because Do you like do you eyes and like people fucking crash in their cars and shit like, you know When you're 18 imagine you were illegal drinking age graduating high school
Starting point is 00:58:59 I mean I was getting hammered back then. Yes now imagine you had nothing setting you back You can like go to bars and stuff get fucked. I'll tell you what right now I love bars, but if there were a bunch of drunk 18 year olds in them, I would hate bars See that's the thing too. I hope that I get to the point back where I can like go to bars and hang out What do you mean like? Like because you can't drink like I eventually want to drink again. Yeah, you know what I mean It's like you go to bars and not drink. I do it all the time. Yeah Like I would all the time
Starting point is 00:59:29 I'm not to say I don't think I've ever seen you do that. Yeah, you know But at some point I would like to do that. You know what it is. You just need to drink in your hand It's the it's the act. Yeah, you just get a water. Yeah, like you're like I have something in my hand. That'll work For me, that's I mean it's been working. I love going to bars and not getting like drunk like I like I don't really have Uh a desire to go out and be like, let's get fucking lit. Yeah First of all, if you're super drunk in a bar You're fucking asshole. Yeah, you're an idiot. I hate to I hate to be that judgmental But like when you're sober and you see people that drunk, you're like, you're a fucking asshole
Starting point is 01:00:06 Yeah, and like sometimes you are the asshole Yeah, which is fine. It catches up to you. But like to go out and be like, yo, I'm gonna be the fucking idiot tonight It's like, you don't want to do that Premeditated dickhead shit like premeditated asshole. Yeah, you Not a fan so I was a fan of those lucky strike cigarettes though They're so good. Honestly, if I sold them at the store right now, I'd fucking buy like three packs. Yeah They taste like shit though. No, they taste like, you know, they're all right You know what tastes like shit that like still was like good. What, you know, neckos. Yeah
Starting point is 01:00:41 What is that? That's like, I don't know chalk, but you like you like pez pez. Shit You think I'm gonna let here I'm gonna sit here and let you disrespect pez. You got another thing coming They had great Dispensers were great. Yes Revolutionary what about those like little things that the twisties that came in they were like little chalk tablets They came in a clear little package And they were all different flavors purple white. That's neckos. That's what they were called. Yeah, I didn't I didn't know they were called that Yeah, they're neck. I was thinking sweet tarts
Starting point is 01:01:16 Well that also, but I know you're talking about the ones that were like dusty as fuck dusty. Yeah Super nasty. It looked like someone took like a chalkboard eraser and was just like pop pop pop. Yeah Also another thing too Why did they make us clappy racers? Yeah, that's one of the dumbest things ever Fuck you clap your own eraser, bitch Dude, you know what was Dangerous as fuck like me and frankie used to be the eraser monitors because they had those in fifth grade. Yeah
Starting point is 01:01:42 I'm picturing this and this is one of the funniest things in my head right now It was me and frankie dude me and frankie were in the class in class at the same class every single year from first grade to fifth grade And in fifth grade we were the eraser monitors So you would have to take dirty erasers that were filled with chalk and go downstairs to the room to a room That was two by two And get in this room and have the door closed you needed to have the door closed
Starting point is 01:02:08 And then you would flip on this switch and it was just this machine with like Like a bunch of bristles. Yeah, and it would just go like this like mad fast Like it would go like back and forth and then you would take the uh Erasers and put it on top of that so they would knock all the chalk off. I can't tell if you're kidding or not I'm dead serious and it would blow the chalk into the air And you can't breathe and two little fifth grade children are in this two by two room inhaling covered in chalk Breathing it in and losing minutes off of their life. I just never understood why that was a thing
Starting point is 01:02:40 I don't know, but that's a true thing. It's your turn to go clap these together. Fuck you, bitch I know i'm not doing that shit dude I swear to god, that's what me and frankie were with the eraser monitor. That is hysterical Yeah, and I want to look this up now and we would ask him next time you see him like, yo What like were you enjoying the eraser monitors and he explained that little fucking room the same because they were like Don't need the door open because chalk's gonna get everywhere. I'm like, but what about my yes So we're just gonna die in here. So we just we should pass out in here That room was covered in chalk disgusting. Yeah, it was insane. I don't they don't do that anymore
Starting point is 01:03:12 Obviously, they got rid of chalkboards. I hate chalk. They do markers now. Yeah, those things are dope Yeah, well actually when I was in eighth grade, they had just like in certain classrooms. They put in like the Uh, like laser jet or not the ledger jet. I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah. Yeah some electronics Yeah, and they had like the fake markers. Yeah, exactly you go and draw and then you could actually erase it Yeah, yeah with the thing. Yeah, those. Yeah, but the chalkboard man Everyone in there was dying. Oh, yeah We used to draw like we used to draw dicks and like pull the thing down So the teacher pull it off to be dicks there. Yeah, that's a good old days
Starting point is 01:03:49 It was just funny too because when you when you would draw dicks and you would erase them you could still see it You could still see it. You couldn't pull it. So teacher was just like, uh, there's a dick on the board. Who did it? Yeah, they used to make you wash the eraser board uh chalkboard. Did they ever make you do that? Yeah, I had to wash it. Yeah Water that was part of being the eraser monitor. So it was like when everyone I love how they gave you a title to make you think like this was some cool thing to do Yeah, like they would tell us like we had to go downstairs and and sit in that room Like fucking coal miners and and and fucking Like being this and it was there was no light in the room too. I think there was like a small ass like one watt in there
Starting point is 01:04:26 You can barely breathe. I y'all I swear to god. I'm not making this up Franky will confirm all of this I didn't ask him you could not breathe. I know that terrible because I'm I'm traumatized from it There was a one watt light bulb in there so you could barely see And and the machine was loud as fuck how long did it take to like do this? Did someone come and ever check on you? No, it didn't take long. I mean you're in there. You just go Yeah, that's still like the other ones like you know what I mean? But like yeah, I know but it literally was like working in the that that room in the titanic where all those dudes drowned Yeah, you know what I mean? Were they shoveling coal into whatever it was loud as shit
Starting point is 01:04:59 There was smoke everyone was just kind of sweating and didn't know if if they were gonna get out Titanic cold room. Yeah, that's exactly what it was like. It was fucking crazy. That movie is so sad. Yeah. Oh, good It's fire though. That movie's fire Yeah, but like when that old couple dies It's fucked up and they're just holding each other in that bed and there's things filling up water Fuck that dude. Yeah. No, I'm getting the fuck out of there. Oh, yeah, they're They're dumb. They're in love dumb love. I'm not that much love. No Fucking
Starting point is 01:05:34 Ship's going down. You want to stay stay? I'm gonna get the fuck out of here though. The band was fired, too Yeah, those guys just do who the fuck likes to cello that much. I know put the cello down. I'm gonna stay here and play Yeah, so thanks there. Also, I'm gonna leave so I could continue to play. Yeah, we're also doing over this thing keeps falling I'm holding it. That's why I'll never go on a cruise. You gotta just like press the button and then jam it Forward there is should be good. Yeah Would you just say we should never go on the Titanic? No on a cruise. Oh, I think cruises are insane. No, I can't see how that's fun No, I definitely just get sick That's the thing. I'd be afraid cuz like I I haven't been on a boat enough to know if I get seasick or not
Starting point is 01:06:17 But I've been on a boat like Maybe five six times in my life and I've never gotten anything close to see six So I don't think so but on the off chance that I do Yeah, I wouldn't want to be on a boat with a bunch of touristy fucks No, and a bunch of old people that are popping Viagra and banging each other in the next room I'd rather stay home play fortnight. Yeah But you've been getting very good at I'm not bad. You're a lot better. Who would you say is better? You were Keith? Ah and be honest I
Starting point is 01:06:48 Think I'm better than Keith really. Yeah, I Think he puts up games. I also play like more than him. Yeah, he works a lot. He works a lot More than him, but he's not bad We're both like around I'm not like if I'm better than him. It's not by a like a whole lot. Who's a better cod player? Oh Me yeah, yeah Actually, I don't know so he's fucking good. He's good at that. Yeah, he's really good at Halo. That's the thing I'm like, yeah, that's his thing Battlefield one. I was nasty. He won't never admit this but I was way better than him at that
Starting point is 01:07:20 Call of Duty His KD was a little higher than mine, but I had way more games played and mine was still high Oh, so you percentage stayed up my Katie and Cobb was like 1.51 damn, that's high shit. Yeah, it's mad high like I was really good I mean, it's not like, you know, like a KD over one is like considered good. I Was I don't like I'll always over one like in any of those shooter. That's intense. That's intense But he he has less games played to me, so his Katie's a little higher. Okay, but I have mad games played and my shit Is that high? So I was like
Starting point is 01:07:55 I'm good might have you guys do some one-on-ones might have to might have to Pie vlog first up. Yeah pie vlog first hundred percent. Oh, yeah Anyway, I think we could wrap up this podcast I just want to I just want to stress to everyone that You know, I'm probably gonna die a little early because of the chalk I want to just I just want to hammer that home that the chalk is going to be the reason I got real like ready like to get inspired I Knew I was doing a good job because I was looking away. I wasn't looking at you
Starting point is 01:08:37 I was just like wow, I want to hammer home that the chalk is going to kill me That's going to it's going to be the chalk is going to be the reason. Okay. I Was fucking funny. Oh man, uh, where can they find you Dan? you could find me at Danny low Priori on Instagram and Twitter and That's about it. It's lit You guys can find me now on Monday and Wednesday nights on twitch slash Joe Sanagato It's a live stream
Starting point is 01:09:07 Play some video games kind of just hang out. I also just like sing a bunch of songs do for some reason But what I'm about to sub the chat. Oh Yeah, the so it costs five dollars to subscribe. I mean, it's free to watch you could just watch for free You don't have to subscribe But if you pay five dollars or link your Amazon Prime account if you link your Amazon Prime account to your twitch account Then it's free But if you don't have an Amazon Prime then it's five dollars and if you do pay that five dollars then you're a subscriber That means that you're able to write in the chat and we just hang out like yeah, like I'll be in there
Starting point is 01:09:42 And I talked to everybody when I'm in there So it's like, you know, usually for people on twitch They don't make their chats subscriber only but I decided to do that because I figured like if people are gonna pay five dollars Like they should Get something that not everyone else can get yeah You can come and you can watch for free if you're interested in that and then like you just want to hang out for like two hours Two days a week on Monday and Wednesday nights But if you want to hang out and talk and whatever it's it's five dollars a month for that
Starting point is 01:10:11 But like I said, it's free if it's Amazon Prime and obviously there's no pressure to do that. But yeah, that's wrong No pressure. Anyway, that is all for this week's basement yard. Thanks for listening Also, I just want to say that the show has been doing insanely well So thank you for everyone who's been spreading the word and supporting the show and listening every single week You're fucking awesome. Awesome. And yeah, that's it. The chalk's gonna be the reason. I love everybody Danny loves everyone. We'll see you next time

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