The Basement Yard - The Slut Whisperer

Episode Date: May 16, 2017

This week I have @SlutWhisperer on to talk about the insane parties he throws & what it takes to become the slut whisperer. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to The Basement Yard. Today I am joined by Kareel, the Slut Whisperer. One of my many names. One of your many names. Ega, Alter Ega's. Russian Jew. Ugly Russian Jew. Yeah. Is that a self-proclaimed...
Starting point is 00:00:17 Yeah, self-deprecating humor always wins. Right, exactly. Yeah. Yeah, it's just Kareel. So I mean... So this is Ugly Russian Jew. I'm assuming most of the people who listen to this podcast know who you are. I don't know your audience that well.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Well, I feel like it's heart-taking or... I feel like you're part like a guy's guy, which is my audience. Right. But then I feel like you're kind of like a little bit of a heartthrob. And like those kind of people are completely disgusted by everything I do. Probably. But for the people that don't know... But I'm gonna try to win them over.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Right. For the people who don't know, what exactly... Like if someone asks you, like, hey, what do you do? What do you tell them? Well, it depends who I'm speaking to. If I'm speaking to like an adult, I'm like, oh, you know, like I host parties and I travel around, do events and shit like that. If I'm trying to win the attention, I guess, of like some burrows of like, oh, I just pour
Starting point is 00:01:09 champagne on whores. It just depends. There's different like, you know, mission statements. Yeah. I guess. For people who don't know, I mean, to put it in my words, I mean, I remember years ago, one of my friends was like, yo, have you seen this kid? Uh, Carill.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Cause back then it was like, Carill was here. It was like your... Yeah. I mean, that's still the thing. It was always supposed to be Carill was here across the board everywhere. Right. But it was that on Instagram. It was that on Snapchat.
Starting point is 00:01:40 But I was, yeah. And I was just kicked off so many times of Instagram and I got deleted off Snapchat that I just needed to come up with new nicknames. Right. So it's still Carill was here. That's still like the brand. The brand. But Slutwhispers just kind of like, he's like my, uh, Slim Shady.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Right. You know what I mean? It's like the really dark, dark part of my brain. But yeah, I remember like years ago, the Carill was here, like the stickers. They're like black and white. Yeah. I just said Carill was here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:13 And, um, I was like, I don't know what the hell it is. And I look at it and there's just like videos of you in clubs. And somehow there's just a bunch of girls there with their tits out, asses out. Like 97% naked and you're just pouring champagne all over them while taking pictures of them. You're a photographer. In the loosest terms. In the loosest terms. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:37 You're like a photographer. Like I'm a comedian. Like it's like the same thing. It's like very loose. Like I can't, like I never thought of myself as a photographer even though I held a camera because if someone asked me like, Oh, like, what are your settings? And what is the, I'm like, I have no idea what's going on. What's your ISO?
Starting point is 00:02:53 I'm like, what? I got nothing. To me, it was always about the content and less about the quality of the photo. Right. So I don't know. How'd you, how'd you get started doing all this shit? Cause I'm assuming it didn't start out like, yeah, I'm just gonna start pouring champagne on people.
Starting point is 00:03:07 No, it's like, um, I was bored in nightclubs because my friends were DJs and they took me out. And then after like a year of just being a belligerent mess. They were like, you really should like rain this in and do something here. Otherwise, don't hang out here. Right. And I always had a camera. Um, and one night I was like, all right, I'll go home after like, I was already drunk at
Starting point is 00:03:28 the club. I was like, fuck it. I'll run home. I grabbed a camera and I just like took a photos of like whatever I thought was fun at the club. And then the next day, all these people who knew me were like, Hey, where are the photos going to be? Where are they going to be?
Starting point is 00:03:40 And I was like, all right, maybe I should just try to do this as like a hobby. And I came from like a graphic design marketing background. I didn't graduate college, but like I have that kind of mindset. So my roommate was a web designer. We're like, all right, let's do this. We come up with a bunch of names. I partied with Carill. Carill was here.
Starting point is 00:03:57 And I picked Carill was here. Made the logo. We built the site overnight. And I was like, boom, here are the photos. And I guess every night I'm just going to go and take party photos. And it wasn't about making money. It was just about trying to find the most fun party photos. And back then they were very tame.
Starting point is 00:04:12 It was just like people having the time because most club photos, if you've seen, first of all, I have like 4,000 logos on the bottom of like every promoter, every brand. And then like three dudes holding like a bottle of gray goose and button down to like, dude, that's not your night. Your night is like you fingering a girl like in the corner, like covered in your own vomit. That's why you went there. Yeah. I mean, exactly.
Starting point is 00:04:33 So my photos were kind of like almost like very candid war style photography. Like I just went in there and like, and did my thing and built a crazy following as like without all the crazy shit that you're without the crazy shit because like I had the branding. Like you said, everyone knew Carill was here for like the first three years of me doing this. There wasn't that many nightlife photographers. No one had a camera yet. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:04:58 Like everybody now all of a sudden is as an Instagram photographer, everyone's got a camera. So back then I was like one of like five dudes in the country really making a name for myself. So my logo was in the corner of everyone's Facebook profile photo and it just kind of like it steamrolled into like an actual thing where I had to leave my day job and I just started doing this. And then, you know, clubs would pay you to show up and just take pictures. Yeah, because it became they were basically buying ad space on my site. You were a club and you were like, Hey, I want to Carill to come here and take photos because
Starting point is 00:05:29 he'll put our club photos that he took on his site and people be like, Oh, well, that's the club I want to go to because it's fun because my site was getting like 100,000 views a day. It was huge. Wow. It was a fucking monster. And then like, eventually I started like pushing the boundaries and the minute you do something like a girl takes out her tits or like champagne is sprayed, it kind of sets the tone for other
Starting point is 00:05:51 people like, well, that's what I have to do to get on. Right. And, you know, and nightlife is raw. Like anyone who tells you like, Oh, that's gross. It's like, dude, no one's going to a nightclub to listen to music. You can do that at home. Right. Like you kind of get fucked up and hopefully late, whether you're a guy or a girl.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Like there's no other reason you should be in there. Yeah. I mean, I'm not like a huge club person. Like I love dive bars or something like that. But like if every time that I've been to a club, it's never been like, I didn't see some crazy shit going on. Well, because nightlife fucking sucks. Nightlife has become so corporate, especially with like social media and everything else
Starting point is 00:06:23 being able to get out now. Like clubs have really like, you know, gone very like black tie suit kind of shit where they were like, you can't get this crazy because we might get in trouble. You know, most nightclubs are exclusive and parties should be more or less inclusive. Like, you know, you walk up with two dudes who are like, all right, buy a bottle. You're like, come on, man. That's just it's fucking. So that's why I think my shit kind of blew up because I was the the anti club kid showing
Starting point is 00:06:52 up to clubs and being like, well, we're going to turn this into a fucking disaster and you're going to have to deal with it. And I want you to let in all my fans and followers and all these kids and we're just going to destroy this room. And after a while, people are like, well, we're actually making money off of Caril being here. So we're going to let it slide the one time a month. He does this.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Right. So some of these clubs, they don't even like on a regular day, they don't let this shit go on. They let you know. No, no. Like I'll walk in. If I'm like off and I go to a nightclub, like that shit's not happening. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I mean, unless they pull me aside, like, yo, we got a guy spending $20,000 who wants you to like pour champagne and I'm like, all right, well, cut a check, like you're making 20 grand off of him. What am I going to just do it for free for you? So no, it's like, I mean, have you been to nightclubs in New York? Yeah. They're fucking terrible. I mean, I like, I don't, I'm not a huge club guy.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I'm not a club guy either. Because you got to wait. Like, I mean, this was when I was like 18, 19, 20 years old going to clubs and stuff. Like, like, not supposed to be in a club, but you have to wait on a line and you have to buy a bottle. We're spending like hundreds of dollars. And then I'm like, all 13 of us are sharing a bottle of gray goose. And then everyone over there wants to fight me for some reason.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Like it's like, yeah, it's really, I don't like the state of nightlife at all in New York. But that's why I don't really work here anymore. It's like a more fun city. The easier ones are always like Miami, Vegas, Toronto, great party city. I love Toronto. Like an incredible party city. I went there once for Obio Fest and it was awesome.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Toronto's great. I love Toronto. It's an awesome fucking city. It's 19 to drink. So those kids that are drinking are a lot more, you know, they're still kids. So they're having more fun. Another city that nobody would expect Sacramento, Sacramento. One of the best parties I throw is in Sacramento.
Starting point is 00:08:38 It's I don't even know what's in the water there. What a dude. It's bananas. I would have never in the city in all the places where people have gotten my logo tattooed. I have four people have my logo tattooed or my name on their body in Sacramento in the past six months, people are just fucking, I don't know, they're just fucking retarded out there. There's cousins was dying to get out of there and you're telling me it's the best city.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I mean, I wouldn't want to live there. I will visit to my party, have fun and get the fuck out shit, man. So like, what is like a day in the life now, not like a day in life, but like, like, all right, I have a party tonight. Like, what is that day like, I don't do shit. I'm such a lazy piece of shit and literally just started working out trying to like counterbalance all the alcohol. I don't do anything like my like people was like, Oh my God, like you've you've way too
Starting point is 00:09:30 much time on your hands to argue with people on the internet. I'm like, that's what I do. Like that's what brings me joy. You're right. I do have that time. Yeah. Like this is so much fun. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:39 I just I don't do shit all day and then I'll go do my party and really live such a boring life. I mean, I'm like, for all the fucking frat stars out there that want to be you and shit. But it's like, how did you I can't even explain like, I don't know how to ask this question, but how do you get these girls to act the way that they do? Well, it's kind of like, is it just the camera? No, it's not. Dude, I haven't I haven't taken photos at a party in a year and a half.
Starting point is 00:10:07 I stopped doing that. Now I'm just not now I'm just I'm trying to do as less work as possible for the most amount of money. And not because like Snapchat blew up. So like Snapchat is the instant way to get my shit out there right there and then having take these photos. I also lost my anonymity. Like the fun part of taking photos to me was like taking these great candidates and like
Starting point is 00:10:29 fun party photos. Now I walk in with a camera. Everyone's trying to put on. So I'm like, this isn't even fun for me anymore. So now it's just like, let's just throw a great party and Snapchat it and get it out there faster. But like, look, I don't know how someone else could do what I did without doing all the steps I had to do in the sense of like, it's the it's the same reason that like you can't
Starting point is 00:10:53 go to a nightclub and throw a cake at someone but Steve Aoki can. It's because like he made that his thing. And so people know that's what they have to do or want to do to get your attention. So it's it's like kind of like girls gone wild in a sense where like I might turn off 75% of the girls in the party be like, I would never do it. But 25% will be like, oh, yeah, I'm gonna show my tits because they're fucking great and I want to portion pain on them. Like it's just one of those things where like, they're like, that's what Carill does.
Starting point is 00:11:20 So that's what I'm going to do for him. You know what I mean? Yeah. That's crazy. Because like some some of the shit like and then I sometimes you have pictures where it's like after the party and you guys are in like a random bathroom and you're pouring milk on someone. Yeah, it just gets weird.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Well, it's funny because like you forget. I don't know that happens to you like where you forget how much power social media has sometimes. Yeah. I was really bored on my way to a party in Hamilton, Ontario. It's like the White Trashiest Town in Canada. It's amazing. Like legit amazing.
Starting point is 00:11:55 And we were hanging out and my boys and I were like, well, what should we do? We should have somebody bring us something. I was like, yo, if you bring me baloney to the club, you can come like drink with me all night. Baloney. Yeah. I was like, fuck it. Bring me slice baloney.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Dude, I had like 20 people that were like the club owner was like, dude, there's like people not holding baloney. What do I do with them? Like you got to let them in. So after that night and we were like throwing baloney at people, it was just like to me now I'm just trying to entertain myself too. I can't believe this is happening. But to this day, this was two years ago, at least once a month, someone will show up to
Starting point is 00:12:30 the club of baloney because like, oh, I saw that he did baloney two years ago. Like I'm trying to really like they still remember that. Does it still work? What do you mean? You're like, yeah, fuck it. Yeah. I mean, if someone's showing up, like I brought you baloney. I'm like fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Yeah. Dude, I had a girl. This is so weird. And I got a lot of shit for this. In Orlando, this chick comes up to me and she was like, I want to do something different than no one's ever done. But I want to like get on your Snapchat. What could we do?
Starting point is 00:12:56 And I was literally coming out of the bathroom and I was like, I'll give you a swirly. And she was like, yes. So we gave this chick a swirly literally two seconds after like the biggest blackest bouncer came out of the fucking toilet stall. So I was like, it was not the ideal conditions for her head to be in that fucking toilet. So we gave her the swirly. It was great. Put it on the internet.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I got so much backlash for it. But then, wait, what was that backlash from? Well, because it's like, everyone's like, well, she's drunk, it's misogynistic, it's like you're taking advantage. It's like, oh, the shit. And then like the girl emails me and she's like, I drove two hours and that was the greatest time of my life. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:13:36 People just assume that other people can't have fun in a different way than what you want to have fun with. But it's like, the best part is four months later, I have a party in Tampa and she emails me and she goes, hey, I bought meet and greet tickets for your party. Does that mean we'll get to actually meet you? I'm like, I put your head in the toilet. You don't need to be buying meet and greet tickets anymore. We've already met.
Starting point is 00:14:04 We're friends now. You could just email me and be like, can I come hang out? And I'll be like, of course. But like, she's just like, oh, like, I just want to meet him again. I'm like, babe, relax. We had her. We shared a moment that no one that I've never shared a moment with. That's it.
Starting point is 00:14:20 That's it. Once you put someone's head in the toilet, you guys basically married at that point. Did you flush this toilet? Yeah. I remember some mom freaked out on Facebook and she goes, if my son ever did something like this to another woman, I would murder him. And I respond. I'm like, you realize when your son grows up, he's going to be coming on girls' faces.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Like that's the least thing he's going to be the worst thing he's possibly could do is give a girl a swirly. That's true. It's like, come on. Like if you really think about it, what happened? There's no, there's no violent action. It was just like, people just love to be. It's almost safer than.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Dude, it's a part of childhood. It's part of childhood. Like people get swirly. Very soon, like if somebody like pants on someone, they're going to assume that's like sexual assault. I'm pretty sure they would assume that. Well, this late age, you would be like, oh, that's sexual assault. Like I panced.
Starting point is 00:15:10 There's people in my family that work in schools and you can't do anything to these kids anymore. Dude, it's ridiculous. You can't touch them. You can't yell at them. You can't do anything. I'm like, what can you do? If I knew that on my age, when I was that age, I would fucking run wild. It wouldn't work.
Starting point is 00:15:25 As long as I would spit in people's faces, like I was an asshole in middle school. If no one could do anything to me. Dude, it's ridiculous. It's just, it's like we've become like the biggest pussy generation ever. It's literally what it is. Like everyone is just offended by everything for no fucking reason. You made hats that said something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I just was like, well, it was the whole Trump shit and everyone was like, you know, jocke and his steeze were like, they were making their own, like make America dance again or make America, whatever. And I was just like, my hats I made were like, make America not a bunch of cunts offended by everything again. And it's just like, dude, like my number one seller, I was like, oh, just keep printing these. I was like, and I was like, oh, Trump got elected.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Great. Keep going. Keep going. Yeah. I mean, that's crazy. But it confused me that someone would be upset by the swirly when like, I think like more people would be upset by 90% of the other things that you're doing. Or the fact that like women in the third world having their clitters is forcibly removed.
Starting point is 00:16:25 But the problem is they're not going to do anything about that. It's Facebook activism. Like they're like, oh, I did something. So I'm going to pat myself. I shared it. I pat myself on the back. Yeah. SNL did a great skit on people like that.
Starting point is 00:16:39 It was like some dude, it was like a Lucy K skit where he like reposted something on Facebook about awareness about something. And then people showed up at it and were like thanking him, like, thank you so much. And they did this whole like musical shit. Well, yeah. Like somebody like, I did something about making fun of like Syrian refugees and being like, can you guys just stop sharing this on Facebook? And the guy goes, well, we're just, you know, we're just raising awareness.
Starting point is 00:17:04 And I'm like, well, now that you're aware, what have you done about it? Like, what is raising awareness? Like, okay. I've got an argument with people as well, because like, I mean, I'm not one of those people that's just like, oh, I'm never going to talk about anything. I mean, I don't talk about anything political because I don't know what I'm talking about. But like things, but that's almost more fun to do because it's just like you rattle people because you're like, I'm just an idiot.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Yeah, I'm fucking stupid. That's what I tell people when they ask me questions like, I don't fucking know anything. But do you think that like, when people are like, when people say they're like, oh, I'm they know shit about politics, but it's like, how much do you really know? Because 90% of it's bullshit anyways, right? You know what people what you're telling you exactly. So it's like, what are you basing your opinion off? That's why I don't like talking about it because it's like, I hate watching the news.
Starting point is 00:17:46 I don't read the newspaper. No. I read Reddit. Not informed is what I'm trying to say. Oh, completely misinformed. Exactly. And that's what I'm going to do. So don't ask me questions about it because, you know, I just talked to you get like backlash
Starting point is 00:17:58 for anything. Yeah. I mean, sometimes today, today I got some dumb shit because I saw this thing. Miley Cyrus said that she wants to she's getting away from hip hop because it's all like, suck my dick, ride my cock. She's like, I don't like that. I'm like, what? This girl was blowing a blow up doll's dick on stage at her part.
Starting point is 00:18:20 I'm confused. And then, of course, her fans come out of fucking left field with like, she's changing, you know? I was like, I mean, I understand if you want to mature and like, you're like, forget. Yeah, sure. But like, you can't just say that. No. Like now all of a sudden you're like, oh, I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:18:33 That's terrible. You were literally screaming the lyrics to my neck, my back. But like, even if hip hop is misogynistic, that's just, it's a part of art. It's just a part of. Misogyny is artistic. It is. I mean, like even like, you know, look how long it took for people to accept like a guy like Eminem, like he, he, on paper, it's terrible what he was saying, but it is art.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Art's supposed to evoke an emotion. That's what I was taught when I went to art school is like, you know, when you walk into a museum and you see like a fucking just a blue painting, just all blue and you're like, what the fuck is this in here? I'm like, and I used to get so frustrated and then I realized I'm like, that's why it's in here because it pissed me off. So the idea is like art's supposed to evoke an emotion, whether it's good or bad. The worst thing you could do is somebody to be like, whatever, like that's the worst
Starting point is 00:19:21 thing you can have as a reaction to your art. That's why like I embraced when people shit on me, cancel my parties, like feminist freak out or when people love me. But like the last thing you want to be is just brushed over. Right. How often does that happen that people cancel parties? I've, it hasn't happened in a minute, but it used to happen for a little bit, mainly in Canada.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I don't know why. Very nice people up there. Great people. They really are. But like, and I've gotten into some real, like good debates with them where like I flipped like, dude, there's like newspaper articles that say like, slow whisper canceled. I'm like, you actually printed this. Like I have like framed in my house.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I'm like, this is amazing. And to me, like any party that gets canceled, it's only going to add more to my brand than if I just went and did it and was just a fun party and no one would have heard about it besides the people that were there. But the fact that it's getting more attention, I'm like, let's go because I can defend any argument you can give me about what I'm doing. So I'm down to go toe to toe with anyone. Yeah, you're not forcing anybody to fucking do that.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Well, no. And like the main argument I've always gotten from them, they were like, well, they're drunk. So they're not in charge of their like actions and decisions so that you're taking advantage of them. And I'm like, that's fine. If that's your argument, but then take that same person who's too drunk to show their like to make a conscious decision, whether their tits are staying or not. And you're saying that they're not responsible for their action, right?
Starting point is 00:20:46 Is what their argument is. I'm like, then give those people keys to a car and they crash and kill someone. Who's responsible for that? They are. So you're saying that they're like responsible behind the wheel, but they're not responsible when it's their clothing. And like most people are like, oh, well, I guess that is a good point. I'm like, yeah, because it's like, dude, you got to know your own limits.
Starting point is 00:21:08 If you're going to get drunk and show your tits, that's on you. Yeah, I'm not a dick. Like I'll take all the shit down if they don't want it the next day. You know, I was going to ask that too, because I know sometimes you post screenshots of people like emailing you like, oh, I can't take, can you take that down? Like I have a job interview or some shit. Yeah, yeah, I'll always do the idea of me doing these parties is to make sure people have a good time.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I'm not trying to ruin. I don't want that on my fucking conscious that like some kid lost his scholarship and fucked up his career because he got drunk one night. We've all been there. We've all made mistakes. I just happen to have a large platform to expose your mistakes. You know what I mean? So I'm never like a dick about it.
Starting point is 00:21:46 I've been threatened to be sued before. And that's when I start like, then I'll have some fun with them before I take everything down because I'm like, don't come at me like I'm the one at fault here. Right. Yeah. Have you ever been sued from anyone? No, I don't do anything illegal. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:01 There's nothing illegal happening. Well, I mean, people will sue people for anything, but they know that the problem is they also realize if they try to sue me, all they're doing is exposing their own actions even worse. Right. Like, oh, like, you know, I'm going to take you to court because you have videos of me and doing this. I'm like, fine, but you're just going to show everyone that you did that.
Starting point is 00:22:22 And then everyone's going to realize you're going to lose anyways. Like, I'm a Jew. I have good lawyers. I know exactly what I can and can't do in a nightclub. And especially because there's no expectation of privacy in a nightclub. You have zero expectation of privacy. It's a it is a private, but it is a public space. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:38 And it's not like I'm doing this in like 1950, where I'm the only one with the camera, everyone's got a camera phone. Everyone's got Snapchat and Instagram. Sorry, I'm not the only one with this footage. So it's just it's on you. You got to be responsible for your own body. It's true. If you watch you hit Snapchat, you can see people getting their fucking
Starting point is 00:22:58 Champagne portal over their tits. And there's 50 people around with their phones out to take pictures and shit. And I'm interrupting my own podcast to give you my sponsors because I forgot to do them the first time I was recording this. And the first one we have is Beachbody on demand. Beachbody on demand gives you the ability to stream hundreds of workouts from programs all over proven to deliver amazing results created by world class super trainers.
Starting point is 00:23:22 It's something like P 90 X insanity, three week yoga retreat, things like that. You know, so if you're out of shape or you want to get back into shape, if you're, you know, you're a slob and you're, you're trying to get back into shape like I am, the Beachbody on demand is for you. You know, you get hundreds of workouts because I don't know if, you know, you're like me when I go into the gym. I don't really know what the hell I'm doing. I mean, I kind of have an idea now because I've been working out for a while.
Starting point is 00:23:48 But when I first got in there, I was just picking stuff up, putting it down, at least with this stuff. If this was invented back in the day when I first started working out, this would be much easier for me. This is a brand new service, but already has almost a million members. Right now you can claim a 30 day membership. Just text basement to 30, 30, 30 and get a full 30 days of access to an entire platform for freight.
Starting point is 00:24:17 That was a lot of 30s that really completely threw me off. But again, just text basement to 30, 30, 30. And then you get your free 30 day trial. The next one we got is Blue Apron, my mom's favorite. They should sponsor her. Blue Apron is the number one fresh ingredient and recipe delivery service in the country. If you don't understand what that sentence means, basically this company will
Starting point is 00:24:41 send food to your front door in a box with these like freezer packed fucking things in the bottom to keep shit cold. And they give you a step-by-step instruction on how to cook these meals. So not only do you have a nice meal, but you have the knowledge of how to make that meal to take with you for the rest of your life. How about that? And they have great food. You know, they have stuff like beef teriyaki stir fry with sugar snap peas,
Starting point is 00:25:05 which I don't know what those are, but they sound delicious. Baked spinach and egg flatbread with sauteed asparagus and lemon. These things are, these are legit. My mom makes them and I just eat them like that's what I do. She cooks them. I eat them. I don't even live there anymore, but I just go there when I know she's cooking them and I eat them and it comes out to less than $10 a person.
Starting point is 00:25:27 So it's a good price here. Check out this week's menu and get your first three meals free with free shipping by going to slash basement. Again, that is slash basement. Now let's get back to the podcast. Huh? Have you ever like, I mean, I know you've gotten punched in the face. Yeah, I got surprisingly in my eight years of doing this, only gotten, well, I've
Starting point is 00:25:55 gotten many fights, but I've gotten punched in the face once, uh, of all places. Hoboken, uh, New Jersey, uh, some kid waited for me outside the club after they threw him out and we were, how long did he wait? Two hours. This guy was heated, heated. Well, what happened was, what happened was, this is the story. I'll give you the story. So I'm doing my thing, partying.
Starting point is 00:26:22 This girl comes over and said, Kareela, can you please pour champagne on my head? I'm like, okay, typical request. Do you say it to someone? No, man, of course. I'm like, sure, let's do this. So I do it. I took the photos and she's like, oh my God, these are awesome.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Well, uh, she runs away. Dude comes over. He's like, delete those photos. I'm like, what? I don't know you. Like, why would I delete these photos? He goes, that's my sister. I'm like, that's cool, but your sister says she wants him.
Starting point is 00:26:49 She likes him and you're going to have to talk to her. He's like, I'm not afraid to go to jail. I'm like, okay, buddy, that's fine. And as that's happening, security runs over and they like grab him and they saw there was like an altercation about to happen. So they throw him out. So this guy's now like, I guess, boiling with hate, sitting for two hours in the bushes outside of a nightclub.
Starting point is 00:27:06 He also wants to be the person to punch Kareela in the face. Yeah. And this wasn't like, this was me like still kind of building it. This wasn't like now, like where it's like, this was like, he wouldn't have gotten that much recognition for it. Like I punched Kareela. I mean, I feel like New Jersey, New York, I remember when it happened. Yeah, I guess so.
Starting point is 00:27:23 I'm from New York. So I kind of, so I continued drinking. I'm like, they threw him out. The sister's hanging out with us. It's hilarious. We're all drunk. So now it's like three in the morning. Hoboken's closing.
Starting point is 00:27:35 We are going downstairs. We're going to the car. There's like five of us and literally walking out, I have my book bag and I have like all my camera gear in there and a bunch of other shit. So it's a little heavy and this dude just flies out of the bushes. Just like, man, and clocks me in the face. And I like fall back because I got punched in the face, just completely rocked, like I'm not even like embarrassed to admit.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Like I just fucking got cleaned and I've like fell over with my bag. My friends like chased after him, but he like flew away. We're all blackout. He had two hours to sober up in the bushes. So yeah, well, because there's like bush. I mean, I don't know where he flew out of and then I had to go get like stitches and all this shit. And to me, the most upsetting part was there was no footage.
Starting point is 00:28:18 I would like beg the club for like, give me security footage. Like, no way, man, that's an assault. We're not letting you like. So I just want to put this on my fucking screen. I just want people to be like, this is what happened, guys. Like that would have been pretty dope footage. It would have been great footage. Went down backwards to look nice.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I don't look like a sack of potatoes. Honestly, that would have probably been a domino effect. You probably get punched every time you walk out. Yeah, that's the thing. Like you don't always want to put out too much. Like I said, like with the baloney shit, you got to watch what you're like. These kids would be like, I got punched in the face. It was hilarious.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Really? Oh, really? I don't really know. Someone wait for you. But you'll be surprised how little that happens because when people are spending money to come out to hang out to drink and they want to like experience the whole party, no dude's really going to like be like, all right, I'm going to punch this kid in the face because I'm going to get thrown out.
Starting point is 00:29:04 I'm going to get dragged the fuck out of there. I'm going to miss all the fun shit. Like. And at this point, I feel like. Dude, if your name's on the flyer, people know what kind of party it's going to be. Yeah, it's that that's it. And that's what I don't understand either. Like some people because like, I mean, you post about it and sometimes I just see it or like you've already tweeted because,
Starting point is 00:29:21 you know, just to fuck around. But some people will complain about their night at the club. I'm like, you knew he was going to be there. You know, he's doing everything all night. Like, why are you upset now? It doesn't make any sense. It's weird. I mean, look, I understand people want different nightlife experiences or whatever reason they're going out.
Starting point is 00:29:41 But my party is just about. I just want you to be an idiot. I want you to make some fucking memories. All right. You know, just like this is the wildest time of my life. And it is. You know, it's it's pretty good. Summer is pretty missing times.
Starting point is 00:29:58 What was like the craziest thing that you can think of recently? I mean, the swirly was kind of amazing. That is that was more for me, though, than for anyone. That's the thing, like. Um, I don't even know how you thought of that. I wouldn't even have thought of it. I was coming out of the bathroom. I was like, what else can I do?
Starting point is 00:30:15 The weirdest thing we had a kid one time outside of a party. I was at dinner with a bunch of my girlfriends, also in Canada. And somehow conversation came up that like one of them was on her period. I'm not going to like this. I could tell those hilarious and whatever. We leave the restaurant and we're walking to the club and there's a kid like runs up and he's like, I'm too young to get in the party. But I really want to get in your Snapchat.
Starting point is 00:30:38 I was like, OK, so let's think of something to do. And I was like, I need you to lick her tampon. Oh, my God, I was really hoping you wouldn't say that. Dude, I the footage is somewhere up on my Instagram, but like he did it. Hilarious. The girls like literally started dry heaving. I would have thrown up like and I have like a pretty hilarious to me. Have people like you're just taking advantage of people. I'm like, yeah, I know, but that's funny.
Starting point is 00:31:01 But it's fucking hilarious. No one's putting a gun to anyone's head. Like if someone's like real lick this tampon, I'm like, go fuck yourself. And you're also doing this in a club like you're old enough to the point where like you can make decisions like, you know what you're doing. Even when I'm black out drunk, someone's like, take your dick out. I was like, what? Yeah, I've never been so drunk where they're like, I don't know what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Like I've been black out where I wake up. I don't remember anything, but I'm never like and my friends don't call me up and like, hey, really, you suck the bunch of dicks. Yeah, like I'm still in like the lights are on, but nobody's home. But like I'm still still like, yeah, I'm just dizzy. Exactly. I can't really talk and that's I can't communicate. That's the only thing. But I still like I stick to my own moral compass the entire time,
Starting point is 00:31:41 no matter how black out I get, right? I've never woke. I mean, I wake up with like regret, but it's never like life changing regret. Well, I'm like, I really got to get my act together. Figure that I got to go back to school. I got to do that thing now. Yeah. I can't believe you only got punched in the face one time. I feel like don't get any. Don't don't don't.
Starting point is 00:32:00 No one in the face. Don't do that. Please don't. Just bring him baloney. Yes. You get to think of whatever. Go right into the fucking VIP area. It's just it's just fun to annoy people, especially the whole construct of nightlife where everyone's in like the the managers are in suits. Everyone's in suits. Everyone's dressed up.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Everyone's like, we're running an official thing. Like it looks like like they're all like gearing up and all all high strung. Like I was like, dude, this is a party. Yeah. And they act like so high strunks. And I mean, it'll be like, haha, like you have to let a guy in with a pound of baloney just makes me so happy inside. And you walk in with like giant dildos. Yeah. Yeah. Well, my rider is just like, all that shit is your rider.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Look like four bottles of tequila, bottle of Jameson, beers, whatever, all the alcohol, shit. And then there's like a list of they got to choose 10 of the 20 suggested things so they can pick 10 items, whether it's like the kiddie pool, silly string, kiddie pool. Yeah. You had a pool in the club. Yeah, we drop kiddie pools sometimes. You got to have the champagne contained, you know. Oh, of course.
Starting point is 00:33:00 How stupid. Yeah. What do you know? Just like a bunch of random, fun shit that kind of like sets the tone of the party, at least to let people know that, like, because people are walking in scared in the sense of like, I don't want to get thrown out. What am I allowed to do? What am I not allowed to do? So like all these things you kind of want to bring and show them like, it's OK. We can spray silly string. You you can fucking be an idiot.
Starting point is 00:33:23 You can do body shots on the bar. You can get in the kitty. Like it's just to be like, go, let's just fucking destroy this room for the night. Wait, so what else on this ride? Are you have a kiddie pool? Dildos. Well, like blow up to us. Just like think of anything that like.
Starting point is 00:33:39 I guess like a frat party would want. Yeah, just shit like that. That's insane, dude. The kiddie pool is great. It's a great set. I've ever gone to one of these parties and it'd be like, like no one wants everyone kind of want to be a spectator. So no one was really like down to be.
Starting point is 00:33:58 So here's the thing. It kind of happens sometimes, but because I've been doing this so long and especially and I go to a lot of the same cities, you know, I have residencies and like nightclubs where I'm like, I go back that I've made relationships with a lot of degenerates, friends and like girls and everyone. So like if I'm coming to Toronto, I have like a crew of like 20 people that are like going to roll through every time. And of that 20, there's always going to be like four or five girls
Starting point is 00:34:25 that are friends that are like just down. And they're the ones who kind of like, oh, I'll be the first to get a facial. And then it kind of like, it says it and then it just like snowballs and other people who are just like, oh, yeah, yeah, I'm going to get in on that. So yeah, dude, I did a party. And this is like where I could I could have a sold out event or some kid booked me in Poughkeepsie, New York at a theater. It like used to be an old theater, like a stage and seating stage.
Starting point is 00:34:53 They ripped out all the seats, but the balcony had all the seats. I'm not the Abe Lincoln seats, like they had the they had the private booths, but they had like all those the mezzanine up there. Yeah. And I'm like upstairs and I have like a little window. I can look down on the stage and let me see how packed the house is tonight. The home alone one where he's looking at the orchestra. Kind of, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:15 So I'm dude, literally 2000 people fit in this venue comfortably. There's maybe 50 people. It's Poughkeepsie, New York. Yeah. It's a fucking sketchiest place ever. DJ is rocking out like he just sold out fucking like Madison Square Garden. Like just like, man, man, man. And they're like, all right, you ready to go out?
Starting point is 00:35:36 I'm like, what? I'm like 50 people and there's like a barricade set up like for the pit. And I'm like, what do you want me like? What am I supposed to go out there and do? Like, how am I going to entertain these people? So we just walked out there and the 50 people there was like surprisingly an even mix. There was like 25 girls, 25 guys.
Starting point is 00:35:54 And I was just like, give me the mic. I'm like, dude, just come up here. Like, get on stage. Like, this is just hilarious. Like, there's no reason you should be on the dance floor, just 50 of you. So we just brought them all up on stage and we just had the time of our life, all 50 of us. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:36:08 It's like, it doesn't matter. Like if it has to be packed or not, the experience is like, we're just going to drink together and just going to have fun. And it doesn't matter, you know, whether it's at live in Miami, where it's like 2000 people, boss of the wall, the hottest people on the planet, or just me and 49 other human beings from Poughkeepsie. Yeah. I mean, like you've had fun at a pack places and you've had fun at a house
Starting point is 00:36:27 party where you're just like, because you can just like get drunk with someone. And then, you know, just having a good conversation and it doesn't have to be the wildest time of your life. Do you usually get like black out of these parties? Absolutely. Every time I wouldn't say black out, but like I have to be drunk. And people are like, well, why can't you do your job sober? Like, you know, I'm getting older and all that shit.
Starting point is 00:36:47 It's like, have you ever tried to talk to a drunk person sober? It's a fucking nightmare. It's terrible. Dude, you're like, stop repeating the same shit. Get your rebel vodka breath out of my face. Like stop spitting on me. Yeah. All that.
Starting point is 00:36:57 And then especially with what I do, it's just a lot of bros like, like, girl, like, we're gonna fuck some sluts tonight. We're gonna grab her by the pussy. I'm like, oh my God, like, give me alcohol, please. I need to make these people tolerable. And then I'm fine. And then I just go out and I'll have the time of my life. Do your parents like know what you.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Do kind of they do. They get it. I mean, they get it in a sense of like, they know everything. They know everything. Oh, okay. They know everything because it's all out there. And like, my mom is like interns at her job. Like, oh my God, you're close mom.
Starting point is 00:37:31 She's like, oh, Jesus. Your kids are out there somewhere out there. Look, my parents, they all came from like, we came from Russia. I was born in Russia and like to them as fucked up as this is kind of in a way, the American dream. Right. You know, I mean, like we left a shit country where I would have been like in the military or whatever and had like, probably it would have been wearing
Starting point is 00:37:55 an Adidas tracksuit driving a taxi in Russia. So yeah, that still could happen in America for me if all this shit falls apart. But like, that's what it is. They're like, you did something different. And that's kind of their, they're like, all right. It's like, you know, I mean, my parents have been on my parties. Yeah. Did you throw your mom like a birthday party?
Starting point is 00:38:16 Yeah. I used to do a monthly party in New York and it happened to fall on the same day as my mom's birthday. And I was like telling her, I was like, did she pour champagne on anyone? So no, but she, she was like, okay, we'll do it. And her and her sister, I don't know what the term is, but they're born on the same day, different years. So as my mom, my dad, my aunt, her husband, and my mom's like friend from
Starting point is 00:38:39 California and I was like, okay, you guys a table. I made a flyer with my mom's face on it. I'm like, my mom's coming tonight. So people were like ecstatic. So I gave them a table and I had like, it was like a two tier club. So their table was here. I was right below them so they could have a vantage point of everything. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:55 They show up. My mom shows up with a flask and Russian chocolates to hand out to people. And she's just like, here you go, but I'm like, why'd you bring a flask? She's like, I don't know if there was going to be out. I'm like, mom, you can have whatever you want. So I gave him like champagne. My dad drank an entire bottle of whiskey by himself and they drank vodka and everything and they just witnessed everything.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Some kid brought my mom a dildo as a gift for her birthday. That's amazing. Incredible. And what about your dad? I felt, I feel like your dad would, would love this kind of party. I mean, I think he had a good time. I don't know what like, I don't know if they had a talk after, if my mom was like, okay, like you had a little too much fun.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Yeah, uh, but they had fun. They said they had the time of their life. It was my mom yelled at me when I put up the video recapping and she's like, well, it was my fucking job. Like take that shit down. Like, cause she's in the party just dancing and then it cuts to like champagne and tits and all this shit. And she's like, I have a corporate job.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Like I can't be in these videos. Um, so yeah, I mean, they get it kind of, that's kind of dope. Um, and we were just talking before we started doing this podcast, but the first time that we actually met, I faintly remember it was in Vegas. And, uh, we went to wet Republic, which is on Saturday. I had gotten there on Wednesday and I don't eat in Vegas for whatever reason. Like we just literally drink and gamble the entire time. Don't eat.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I tried to, but my friends were like, we're going here, we're going there. And it's just like, it's like a bro. That's a big, that's a big mistake to not eat. I know. And like this year, I'm trying to be like very conscious of eating and just like, you know, because I just get drunk so quickly if I'm not eating, especially like the last time I, when I came home, I had lost like eight pounds. Like I literally did not eat for like five days.
Starting point is 00:40:47 I feel like I gain weight in Vegas. A lot of my friends gain weight. Well, cause I like, I eat at the strip clubs always. I have only been making there. Like there was the first day that we went, I was walking into daylight and one of the, um, security guards were like, are you, and I was like, yeah. And he's like, cool. So then that was it.
Starting point is 00:41:06 And I walked in. Best feeling ever, by the way. I was like, yeah, okay. But it got hooked up. It got even better because the guy comes out to me. I was in the bathroom and he comes out and goes, yo, do you guys want a cabana? And I was like, no, that sounds fucking terrible.
Starting point is 00:41:18 So he gave us this cabana and like we had a, we went crazy and I was like hammered and shit. And I was like Thursday and then he didn't eat in the cabana. You can eat in those things. Yeah. See, like, you don't think of that dude, I'm like, I show up everywhere. And the first thing I'm like, I need food and alcohol. See, I want to start doing that.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Like I go to strip clubs in New York and people are like, you like, I'm like, I go there to eat. Like they know like sapphires in New York. I go there so often when I show up, they're already like, okay, cool. And they bring out the platter. They bring the platter for me. And they're like, they're bringing the tequila. I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, I'm here to eat the food.
Starting point is 00:41:53 That's the best way. Just letting you guys know if you want to be friends with strippers, food. Don't try to lure them over like, oh, I'm going to like lap dances. They're just using you for money. But if you order like platters, strippers are fucking hungry. They'll come over and they'll just like, oh, how are you doing? Well, I'm like, I don't want to lap dance. Like, no, no, no, no, no, big have some food.
Starting point is 00:42:12 And then you actually end up befriending them. That's, that's just a tip. That's a really good tip. Yeah. Well, you just gave them food is the way that anyone's heart. That's true. What's on even a smaller stripper's heart is, um, uh, it's not a platter. If it doesn't have, uh, chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks.
Starting point is 00:42:34 I'm already, um, I'm assuming there's wings on there. Wings, potato skins. Dicey, but I still do it Calmari. Wow. That's a risk. That's a Sunday night at a strip club Calmari. Yeah, but you're supposed to like strip clubs. I think, uh, they should have good food because that's kind of like, um, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:58 It's like, it's like a place for guys hanging out. Like most strip clubs have a really good steakhouse. You know, I've heard that. Like a lot of people, like I haven't got to many strip clubs. I've been to like two, one of them was horrendous. Which one? I can even tell you the name. Like where?
Starting point is 00:43:12 New York. It was in New York. It was like near time square, but it was like this rinky. Flash dancers. I don't, I don't know. I really had no, I was drunk and these girls were like, we're going to go to a strip club. I was like, okay. And they took me to the strip club and I didn't even know we were walking into a strip club.
Starting point is 00:43:26 It looked like we were walking into some place that was closed. And a little Asian dude in a cheetah jacket came out like the most cliche thing in the world. And he took our jackets and then I went in there and like the dancers to look like they didn't want to be there. Everyone who was there was like running from their wives and shit. Like it was not a happy place. Is this as strip clubs are a very sad place? It doesn't.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I mean, yeah, I have, I mean, not like Vegas. Vegas strip clubs are fun because it's like still a party. Like you just roll up. It's strip clubs to be or fun if you roll with like a crew because then you're just going to make fun of everything absurd around you. Right. If you go there alone, that's just, that's a dark place. You were running, sprinting from something.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Yeah. I see in Vegas, I haven't been to the strip clubs because. Oh, I got to take two nights that my friends have gone. I was blacked out and like two of the nights last year when we went to Vegas, two, two of the days that we went there, I slept from 15 hours each of those days because we would drink and I would get so drunk that I just pass out and my friends would leave me. Like you got to pace yourself. I can't.
Starting point is 00:44:28 I have no idea. No, like I can't pace myself, but I still like, I need to eat. But you need to like have like a schedule in your head. Right. And you got to stick to it. You can't go off the reservation. Like we're like, we wake up like we'll do breakfast. We'll check out a pool party.
Starting point is 00:44:43 We'll get drunk. We'll take a nap. We'll go to dinner. We go to the club. We go to a strip club. Get room service. We go to bed and we do it all over again. You can't like stray from that.
Starting point is 00:44:54 See, my friends are always like, too fucking eating. Let's just go. Like we're already late. I'm like, oh, God, I'm just like, let's just go. I don't know. My body, I guess, just breaks down food. Well, it's also like the pool parties kill you because there's 100 fucking degrees and you're drinking in the direct sunlight.
Starting point is 00:45:09 You're like, that day too. So I had tech. I DM'd you on Twitter and I was like, yo, are you in Vegas? And my friends knew you were in Vegas because I think it was your birthday that week. Something. Yes, it was. Yeah. And I was like, yo, my Republican, like, are you going to come here?
Starting point is 00:45:23 Because Tiesto was there. And I know you're like, you've done parties with him or whatever. And you were like, I'm like, I'm like dead, but I'll try to make it over there. You ended up coming and then I went to go see him. And by that time I was like, like, well, you were like a shell of a human when I saw you. I was not. Well, it was like, it was when I walked up when my boys ran the door, whatever, they, I guess, knew that you were there already.
Starting point is 00:45:50 I don't know how because I was like, oh, I'm meeting like Joe, like, oh, yeah, yeah, he's in there already. Like, I get the door already knew about you. Not from like a the drunk mess in the corner, but like who you were. So I was like, OK, cool. And we're walking and you're like literally standing there just like, like, not even I talked to someone you were with. Oh, my boy, Kevin, we were like talking to him.
Starting point is 00:46:14 And you were like, yeah, yeah, my boy's over there. I'm going to I'm going to meet you in the DJ booth. I was like, oh, no, you're not, dude. And then somehow you ended up in the DJ booth. Dude, I don't know how the fuck I was like, you were weekend at Bernie's full weekend at Bernie's. I was just like, yeah, I had my like one of the security guards like took a picture of me that day and like it's I have it somewhere on my computer.
Starting point is 00:46:36 But my arm is like wrapped all the way around his head. Oh, that's the fucking drug. I was like, the drug move. You love everyone. And I didn't even know and he could kick the shit out of me in less than a second. I use a big dude and I was like, I'm way too close to this guy. But he knew who you were. I yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:50 So that's the thing. It's not funny how the difference between when they know who you are and that they don't what you can get away with. Yeah, he would have. If I was someone else, he would have fucking beat me into the ground. Exactly. It would have been terrible. But yeah, it was bad.
Starting point is 00:47:01 I remember when I was leaving that place, there was some girl who got one of those big ass fruit platters. And I was just like, I took a grape off of it. She was fucking had a heart attack. Yeah, you know, just you got to eat. You got to eat, you know, that's all I had that day. Had that made me a slice of pizza on the way back to the room to return it. I left that place without my shoes, without my shirt.
Starting point is 00:47:23 I left my phone in the locker and but I had my ID because I'm like, you sound like every girl I've probably felt like this. I left all my shit there. I don't have anything. My identity was I was out of it. And I was walking barefoot just like a girl would. And when I was walking out of the place, one of the one of those security guards gave me this big ass white t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:47:43 I don't know where you got it. But I just was wearing that. I don't know how it made it back to my room. But I did. Yeah, you got to have some structure in Vegas because it'll kill you. Well, I'm usually good, but it's like what Republic always gets me for some reason. Yeah, like I don't really get that crazy during the pool parties. I'll drink, but not because I'm always know that the night time is always better.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Plus, I also like to ride New York, New York, roller coaster every trip. Wow, I haven't been on that yet. It's amazing. Is it? Yeah. Do you stay there one time and I just watch you do it. It's awesome. Like I said, it's incredible. It's a good experience, especially when you're shitfaced.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Right. I wonder how many people have yacked off of that thing. Yeah, I'm sure there's a lot. I was drunk and my boy was on shrooms when we did it. That's a good combo. Yeah. And I don't do drugs. So like Vegas is like a very like.
Starting point is 00:48:33 It's easier to get cocaine or Molly or weed than it is to get a bottle of water. Like you can get it anywhere. Of course. But like that's where like people like I don't that's why I need some structure in my life because like I'm not the kind of guy that's like, oh, I'm going to drink and I get blackout and people like, all right, let's do a bump sober up and keep going. Like I just go to sleep. Yeah, like I'm at the point in my life where someone's like if I need cocaine
Starting point is 00:48:56 that I'm just going to bed. Like there's no party, nothing I'm going to experience tonight that is worth me staying awake if my body says I'm tired. Yeah. You know what I mean? Unless it's like, you know, like, oh, you see DC's hanging out. They want to do blow. But fuck yeah, that's a story.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Yeah. But if it's just like. Thunderstruck. But if love that. Yeah. But if it's like four dudes and four bros like, oh, let's do coke and like keep going. I'm like, I'm going to bed. Like, where's this going to lead?
Starting point is 00:49:18 Yeah. Like nowhere fun. We're going to go to the strip club and look at tits. Yeah. Go do that in the morning. We have time. I'll go home and jerk off and pass out and have a way better night than all of you and save a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:49:28 One of my favorite things to do. Jerking off. No, just like leave a good time and go jerk off. Yeah. What jerk off? Yes. Yes, my favorite. It's one of my favorite hobbies.
Starting point is 00:49:40 I want to be in Vegas this summer too. I'm trying to piece. I'm going. You should come do my birthday. What day is it? Second week of June. I'm going. June 9th is my birthday.
Starting point is 00:49:47 So we're going that weekend. Bring a little crew out. I'm going to. I'll send you an itinerary so that you can stick to the schedule. Or I'll make one for you anytime you go to Vegas. But here's what you got to do. She's like, please, sir, print out my itinerary. I need to know what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:50:00 And I'm going to tape it to your chest. And then you have to leave now. Your itinerary says you need to go now. Yeah, exactly. You just have people following me around. Just drag me away from things. You know what the problem was when I went to the first year that I went? I was just getting like pineapple and like vodka or soraka.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Whatever they had back there in those big ass 40 something dollar drinks. They have and I was like, I'm not drunk at all. I had like three of them. I was like, I'm not drunk at all. Like these are like, I don't know if it's the sun or whatever the fuck it is. So this year, last year when I went, when I walked up to the bar, the lady had four bottles in her hand and we're dumping them in this thing. And I was like, I'll have whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Oh, like a Long Island or some shit. I don't know what the fuck. It was like red and she was just dumping four bottles into it. And I was like, OK, I'll get that. And so I had two of those. And then I mean, I think I was drugged. Or everyone says that. Oh, I think I like because like I could I have a pretty good tolerance.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Like I'm like, I can drink for my tolerance is all over the map. Huh? My tolerance is all over the map. Mine's like pretty sad. Like even if I don't drink for a long time, like I could still drink, you know, but like that day, I was like, and when I told my friends, like, you know, I only had two of those like no fucking shot. I like, yeah, I was gone drug. I think I was drugged.
Starting point is 00:51:16 I don't know. Could have been hung over. I can't do any of those fruity shit and never get hung over. Only if I fucking young. I miss those days. Only if I throw up, then I get really hung over. But I have a hangover after every night out. Well, I mean, I usually go to like dive bars and shit.
Starting point is 00:51:33 So like I'll get hammered. And then once it's like two a.m. I just start chugging water. Yeah. That's the move. But I used to not do that when I was like 19. I could crush like 30 beers, wake up, not 30, but like 20. And then it's just like, I don't I've never gotten that thing. It's like, I don't want to run to the bathroom that often.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Yeah. Well, like my friend has a summer house in Connecticut. OK, we're outside in the woods. You piss me off. I want I just never got your culture. I just never got beer culture. It's just way too much liquid to consume for very little result. Yeah, you're right. Like, to me, I'm like, give me a shot and let it do it.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Like it's going to do its job. You know what it is? I guess it's because when I first started drinking, like I wanted to drink because of beer pong. Like, I was like, oh, this is a fun game. Like, yeah, in that situation, I can understand it, right? Because then you're making a game out of it. But like, if you're just like, oh, I'm just going to crush like drink 20 beer.
Starting point is 00:52:29 So I'm like, I have four shots. And exactly. You're good. I guess I can't drink beer because my pants are always already too tight. So like, I have to start unbuckling them. So I get really bloated fast. So yeah, I'm like a middle-aged woman. No, yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:52:43 If I have even if I have if I have like a sip of soda, I'm like farting for three days and my stomach, I got unbuckled. I'm like, oh, fucking great. Here we go. It's never good. But anyway, let's wrap the fuck up, huh? OK, where can everyone find you? Instagram at SlutWhisperer Snapchat, ugly Russian Jew.
Starting point is 00:53:06 That's where like all the explicit party content is. Instagram is kind of just whatever's going on in my head and anyone I want to fight with on the internet. It's really childish. Twitter, it's Caril was here. I'm currently suspended for. Are you? Yeah, I made a. There was some fucking lady or some dude posted like,
Starting point is 00:53:29 I don't care what anyone says, but you would totally fuck this even though she's a transgender. And it was just a hot photo of a black chick. And I wrote back, I was like, she is beautiful. But like one of my main requirements is a vagina because that's what I'm attracted to. And this is in no way a fence to trainees. And then like some Asian, I'm assuming transgender wrote back.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Well, who said we want to fuck you anyways and way to use a racial slur or way to use a slur about us because they're very sensitive about that word. Oh, training. Yeah, it's a bad word. Yeah. So then I wrote back, calm your tits, ching chong. See, that's probably where. But that's hilarious because that's not really racist because what's there's not that's not racist.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Calm your tits, change. That's fucking funny. If it evokes laughter, then it's a joke. OK, I didn't write like, you know, calm your tits, the chink, like, you know what I mean? Like, because that's there's no humor in that. Right. Because someone got in a fight with me and they were like, well, you wouldn't say that to a black person.
Starting point is 00:54:37 I'm like, well, they're like, you wouldn't say like, calm your tits, Tyrone. I'm like, yeah, because Tyrone's not funny. All right. Like that makes no sense. The I'm obviously attempting humor here. Right. So that's what I'm currently banned. I'm I'm fighting with like Twitter. I'm like, really, this is the worst thing on the Internet that I called an Asian chick with a dick, ching chong.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Because they're not offended by Ling Ling. How is that not offensive? Everyone's like, oh, like, Ling Ling, like, that's like an OK joke. You've heard people be like, oh, you know, everyone makes that. Yeah, ching chong, apparently that's too far. I feel like you just were on the map. They were dying for a reason to get rid of you. Oh, yeah, I'll get back.
Starting point is 00:55:18 I always crawl back out of the gutter. Also, you're doing a camp, aren't you? Oh, yes. Hold on. He's going to take a sip of water before he exposes shit. If you guys are interested, I am doing a sleepaway camp in Connecticut. It's about an hour outside the city. It's an adult sleepaway camp. So it's 21 and over.
Starting point is 00:55:39 It's all the shit you did as a kid. I never went to camp because my parents were too cheap. But like, think of everything you could do. There's the blob, there's zip lining, there's like rock climbing, archery. But the entire time, open bar. And then at night, we're doing like at the lodge, like a party. Making one of the nights like prom night.
Starting point is 00:56:01 So that'd be like, my boys are DJing. Camp fire, shit. Like it's basically sleepaway camp, but you're an adult and everything's included. Alcohol, food and your bed. And it's literally, I think, $499 for the entire weekend, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. It's a fucking steal. You can't even get a hotel room in New York for that. Let alone go eat or drink in the city.
Starting point is 00:56:25 So check it out. It's Dude, and I've been there like, I did it. And I was like, I need to host a weekend and they gave it to me. It was, it was so fun. When I went, I went for the company used to work for Lee Daly. We went on a retreat there. They told me that.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Yeah, we went on a retreat there. It was fucking amazing. Like you show up and there's like a dude in, I don't even know, like the dudes who yodel. Like, you know what I mean? Like those outfits, I don't know what it's called. But those outfits, the guy shows up and he has a pint in his hand. Oh, it's like the German dude, like the fucking, they're wearing leaderhosen. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:57:01 He has like a pint in his hand and he's drinking or whatever. And he like introduces you. You guys get cabins, like literally like you share a cabin with like four or five people. And then they have events all day. They had some shit called like a beer hike where you would hike. Oh, the pub hike and you kill a keg. Yeah. You would take a, it's like, we're having that too.
Starting point is 00:57:16 So the idea is like, you start at the bottom of like the mountain and there's a keg and the whoever is doing the hike with you guys, like whoever participated, you kill the keg and then you hike 10 minutes and almost sudden there's another keg and you kill that keg and then you keep hiking. And it's all different like beers and it's fucking awesome. It was the most fun thing I've done in a long time. Yeah. I like, I didn't know what to expect because when they were talking about it's like, what
Starting point is 00:57:41 are you talking about? But it was fucking awesome. But you're drunk the entire time. Like they're like, oh yeah. You're like, what? Yeah. Thank you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:50 That's amazing. I literally drank that entire weekend. Like I just. They did this game when I got there, which I've never even seen, but it was kind of hilarious to do hot potato tequila. Did you do that one? No. They're like, oh, registration.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Like you get your cabin keys, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, all right, go throw your stuff in the cabin and come back up because there's food and alcohol and there's like a DJ and you're under a tent. It's like, everyone's still checking in. It's a Friday night at 9 p.m. And like the guy's like, okay, so I'm handing out five shots of tequila. And everyone stand in a circle and they play music and they're like, and you're just supposed to pass it down.
Starting point is 00:58:21 And then the music stops. And if it's in your hands, you do a shot and Junius, that is genius. Yeah. When we went, there was like, there was a ton of stuff, but it's not all like drinking shit either. Like if you're not like super into drinking the entire time, like they have all the camp stuff you do as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Like you can just go ziplining or you can just go play a football game or baseball. We played, there was kickball and there was a keg there. So if you want to drink, you can drink while playing kickball. Like it's so fucking fun. And there's a lake too. Yeah. Everything's more fun when you're drunk though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Yeah. It's fucking awesome. So if you want to go, Check it out. And that is all. If you guys want to check out the baseman yard, you want to watch it, go to slash baseman yard and use the promo code baseman and you get a free month. What does that mean, baseman yard?
Starting point is 00:59:11 All right. So the baseman yard is what me and my brothers and sisters used to call our basement because my mom didn't want us to go outside and she, we'd ask her if we could play in the baseman yard. Like we just like called it that. And I was trying to come up with a name for my podcast and she was like, why don't you call it the baseman yard? I was like, mom, that's fucking genius.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Okay. So I use it. Oh, we get it. He's not impressed. Yeah. It's not given anyone a swirly or anything like that, but you know, as long as it means something to you. All right.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Also, we're going to be on the extra yard. I don't know what the fuck's going on. We have like a contraption set up in my living room right now. I don't really know what the hell's going on, but if you want to check that out, go down on fullscreen and that is all. We'll see you guys next time.

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