The Basement Yard - The Super Bowl Hangover Show

Episode Date: February 6, 2018

On this episode, I'm talking about the Super Bowl, Logan Paul's return, & the kids. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome back to the basement yard it is Monday February 5th it's like four o'clock right now I don't know why I'm telling you that but I am you got only information now it's kind of cold the lights are on in this room there's an empty beer can here I don't know it's just whatever how the Super Bowl was yesterday which was nice I fucking hated it to be honest because I mean I'm a Giants fan so I hate the fucking Eagles their arrival and who the fuck likes the Patriots let's be honest so I mean the lesser the two evils evils what the fuck word was that Joe the less of the two evils the lesser of
Starting point is 00:00:38 two evils was the was the Patriots there you know because I mean they're not my division and we they gave us two Super Bowl so thank you for that so I was kind of like rooting for them because I really just didn't want to see the Eagles win and then they did so I'm like god whatever but it was cool it was cool game like I'm happy for like Nick falls and shit backup comes in fucking wins the Super Bowl it's wild wins the MVP too it's like it's insane Justin Timberlake halftime show I'll just crossed it JT incredible the guy's great just a talented dude top five all time I think top five top five people I think we've
Starting point is 00:01:18 ever lived in my opinion guys funny good looking dude married to Jessica Beal okay did a couple movies was in like a boy band and then did his own thing branched out fucking can dance and shit was on SNL multiple times do I have to keep going a whole suit made out of denim come on what else does this guy have to do fedoras and it's okay and shit you know what I mean this guy does it all it's ridiculous it's downright unfair at some points but he performed at the halftime shows it was legit I liked it there was a bunch of there's a bunch of bullshit on Twitter I'm starting to really fucking hate Twitter everyone's
Starting point is 00:02:06 not even Twitter just in general social media people are just like dying for anyone to slip up so they can make a video and like get a bunch of likes off it people are taking videos of the stadium while he's performing it was like because around the stage at the center like at the in the middle of the field they have like a bunch of fanatic fans jumping and going crazy and dancing and stuff so it looks better on TV and people are taking videos from their seats and going like this is not what it's like here it's just there like no one actually can't yo you're the fucking man dude wow you're so negative and
Starting point is 00:02:44 fucking awesome yeah we know it's for TV there's no surprise that you know shit that goes on television is a production and it's all planned to the tee like we get it you're not fucking cool because you're like I don't even care I'm sitting in my chair I'm not even cheering yeah you're so fucking awesome dude I hate that I really fucking hate it why do people have to be like that I just don't understand or if anything goes wrong it's like let's film this and then tag all these accounts tag wools words what I can't even speak today world star or fucking bar stool and like hope that you know whatever one time I saw bar stool
Starting point is 00:03:22 post a video we're like some guy and easel eagles easel oh my god what the fuck is wrong with me some guy at eagles game punched this old man like in the face like twice then left I'm like are you kid are you kidding me am I the only one who's like deeply saddened when old people are like upset or get hit or like something that breaks my heart you would not believe I have a really soft sport oh my god soft sport I can't speak I have a soft spot for old people I don't know why but it's there like if I see an old person sitting alone at a diner eating their breakfast I just I just want to be like hey you know can
Starting point is 00:04:12 you mind if I let's talk about the the 20s or something you know like I want to go over and just hang out with them like let's make a waffle house or something I don't know but um what the fuck was I going with that why was it talking about old people I was talking about I was talking about the shitty yeah okay now I know where I am at but yeah Super Bowl JT crushed it I ate a bunch of bullshit yesterday so I feel terrible today I just like a fat piece of garbage to be honest with you like there was like beers big ziti brownies milk duds and just like what else was it there was Twix why was there Twix who got the Twix I was so
Starting point is 00:04:55 upset by that I was like great now I can eat this you know you know you don't you don't even want to eat something and upset you but it's like you I'm not what am I gonna not eat this goddamn thing and it was like a family share size or whatever and I was like all right whatever I'm just getting this whole thing who the fuck shares their candy like why would you make that size who's sharing candy no one shares candy that's like making a family-sized gum pack I don't like do they make those I don't even know it's a share so who am I sharing this with if you want to know enough with that shit so it's time to
Starting point is 00:05:33 detox here I'm I don't think I've said this in a while but I'm actually going to stop drinking and my birthday is February 25th so I'm not gonna drink on my birthday actually I might just drink my whiskey on my birthday and not go crazy but I'm really trying to like cut weight now like really trying hard like the hardest I've ever tried in my life now so I can't I can't drink beers anymore as much as I love them and I'm super into craft beer now and I have a whole fridge that has a bunch of beers that you can only get in like Boston or like you know whatever fucking Pennsylvania or whatever it's
Starting point is 00:06:09 just like a bunch of beers that are exclusive to these breweries you have to go there and get them I have a fridge full of them and they're really good it tastes amazing it's just you can't eat it's bad it's just bullshit that's going into your body and I can't drink now so my birthday I'm probably gonna have like one glass of whiskey and that's it and we'll see how it goes I'm not a big birthday guy anyway everyone's like oh what are we doing and I'm like relax can we just I just want to sit like fuck this I like going out for other people's birthdays I'm usually the one that gets hammered drunk on other people's
Starting point is 00:06:42 birthdays and then on mine I'm like dead sober all the time like I had like a surprise party last year for my birthday and I didn't drink has had acid reflux like that's a real thing that happened to me acid reflux I was 25 the fuck is that it really it literally felt like someone poured lava down my throat though like it was why like it was really weird I don't know if anyone has ever gotten that or like GERD or whatever they call it by the way GERD one of the worst words in the world but yeah I had that shit it was fucking terrible it felt like someone poured lava down my esophagus and then it just sat at the
Starting point is 00:07:23 top of my chest who's so much pain I was like I can't drink like it's gonna hurt like hell I feel like I'm drinking fire I can't do this shit oh and I also did the polar bear plunge so if you don't know what that is I really I was for make a wish that I was gonna lie back I have no idea what it's for but it's like this event that happens on Super Bowl Sunday where you go out to the beach and you just like jump into the water and it's like for make a wish I don't know how those two things are related I don't know how any of these charity things are related like walks or runs or marathons like how does this help you know what I
Starting point is 00:07:59 mean like I get the raising money thing but and there's certain marathons or whatever that you have to raise money in order to compete but a lot of more like yeah we're just running and then we're gonna it's for awareness I just like don't get how that's even related but you know whatever I mean it's for a good cause so I'm not gonna complain but with this it's just like you know February it's fucking freezing the water at these beaches in New York are fucking freezing anyway it's not like Florida where it's like oh this is lukewarm no it's dirty not it's green first and brown there's those are the two the two
Starting point is 00:08:38 colors that you would not think water would ever be safe to swim and that's what New York is it's all brown and green water there's not a hint of blue anywhere for as far as the eye can see every time they zoom out like they do that zoom out from space and you could see like the water around New York and it looks blue but when you click the magnifying you just start to get close you're like okay this is why is this brown and green we just have shitty water here I don't know what it is it's probably all the pollution that we're dumping into the fucking all the factories are dumping all the pollution
Starting point is 00:09:14 killing all the fish or whatever that's why there's mercury in the water or whatever I don't know I just I was like a bunch of conspiracy theories like spelled out into one but yeah I did the polar bear plunge my brother just moved out to Long Beach so he was like you guys should come here for the Super Bowl and I was like yeah cool whatever you see a new place which it's dope it's like this nice little like summer summery spot Long Beach isn't for me I'll be honest to you because for one the whole town is like a 30 mile per hour speed limit which drives me nuts nuts and then in school zones it's 20 miles per hour
Starting point is 00:09:57 and I get it okay I get why there's speed limits for school zones like kids they run out to streets or idiots whatever but this is like the whole tech like there's a one road that runs through this whole town and it's six lanes three on each side and it's 30 miles per hour does no one have to go anywhere around here do we got to be this safe are you kidding me dude I was flipping out driving over there I was like I'm taking the ticket I'm driving on a normal 55 mile per hour pace this 30 mile the cars I'm not even stepping on the gas and I'm going faster than 25 and when I was leaving on the way out there
Starting point is 00:10:40 was I'm not this is this is not a joke nor is an exaggeration there was a 15 mile per hour speed limit zone there are people who can run that fast you can bike over there if you get on a bike and you do pedal a little too hard you're going faster than 15 you're gonna get a ticket you're gonna get written up who are we protecting with 15 15 mile per hours what is there just old women just walking across like aimlessly walking in the middle of the street over there what is going on I don't understand and like I said I get the school zones but how many schools can we have I was going through 20 mile per hour speed limits
Starting point is 00:11:24 like every other block I'm like there's way too many schools out here can we relax with the school enough schooling you better be the smartest motherfuckers out there on Long Beach with all those goddamn schools because I'm over here driving at a I have my foot on the break basically it's insane it's like oh you can only go and it changes like per block to like it's I'm not even kid it's like 30 miles per hour one block would be 20 then I'll go to 25 then it's back to 20 then 30 I'm like I can't even keep up here I don't know what's going on and it gets it like it doesn't like gradually it's not like 25 20 bubba bubba it's
Starting point is 00:12:08 not like that it just jumps around it's like oh you go 30 miles per hour and then you got you got to go 15 here you know what just pull the car over and start walking cuz you can't drive over here it's too fat like can we even move our car Jesus I wasn't even planning about talking about this I sound like a fucking asshole but whatever so I'm gonna be back to charity the polar bear plunges for make-a-wish and thousands of people go to the beach and jump into the water and it's fucking freezing but we got a good day to do it so on Friday it was really cold in New York like probably like one of the coldest days of
Starting point is 00:12:47 the year well the year just started so I'm not trying to make that joke but one of them coldest days of the winter and I was like if it's like this I'm not going in because like I'm gonna get a hypothermia this is out of control I'm not doing this okay but it was not that bad it was like 30 something so I was like okay you know it wasn't too windy so yeah let's do it and I don't know if it was because it was so cold out or that like because obviously you don't just walk into that water you got to like run and jump in there you know if it's like really cold you don't dip your toe and go my god it's cold I don't know
Starting point is 00:13:24 if I could and then get your ankle and like oh I really can't you just got a cannonball in there you know which is what I did Keith did it also my brother Thomas it was first of all me my brother Thomas and I like we jump in he pushes me underwater because he's like you got to get your whole body and he like baptize me and I was like I was gonna get to it but thank you and then we're walking out and Keith's Keith won't run because he hears me and he's like I'm not running whatever so he's walking in which is like the worst strategy if you're gonna do this by the way and he gets deep in enough and he goes to turn
Starting point is 00:14:04 around and walk back I'm like oh no so I start running towards him and then my my brother Thomas it was already in a dead sprint and just spears them levels I'm underwater it was hilarious he almost lost his glasses before he even got there he was like and then yeah but it was fun it's actually not that cold because I we got out and your body is just like red because it's freezing but I think you just go into some weird shock and you're like numb the only thing that hurt was my feet my feet hurt so it felt like I was stepping on glass I guess it was just like your extremities are so pins and needles my hands
Starting point is 00:14:41 weren't bad but my feet were really bad like I would have went back in if it wasn't for my feet my feet were like really hurting but it was cool but I do hate the beach I'm not a big fan of like sand and like you know the feeling like after you get out of the water at the beach and you're like why don't I feel like there's like a layer of just like this weird jizzy layer on my butt like the salt is just like I hate it like I don't like it I'm a pool guy I like the pool but I do like South Beach like you know I mean like beaches in Florida are really nice I went to clear water once it was beautiful like the sand is like
Starting point is 00:15:18 pretty much white and the water is warm and it's nice and it's you know what I mean it's good in New York you have to like dodge syringes and like whose baby took a dump in the water and didn't tell me one and you're like what's going on okay and then there's 40,000 people around this is enough I don't like this I just want a nice beach you know set up an umbrella have a beer walk in I don't have to worry about it being freezing or anything like that the one thing you have to do do worry about in Florida is like all these like weird animals or whatever a bunch of fish I've never seen before I stepped on a blue crab once
Starting point is 00:15:58 when I was in Florida I was like what the fuck even is this thing it's terrible it was I was so scared I the girliest noise came out of my mouth you would not believe but anyway let's get to a sponsor before we move on here first one we got is me undies you want to look good Valentine's Day you know it's coming up this is an underwear holiday let's be honest a lot of people are naked a lot of people are you know are in their underwear I'm just saying we know what happens on Valentine's Day okay and then we know what happens nine months later people get born that's what happens this is what I'm getting at
Starting point is 00:16:37 okay and this Valentine this Valentine's Day get your partner a gift that's for the both of you not just yours not just you know that not just her or not just him you can get yourself this as well this works both ways okay order by February 5th at 10 a.m. for free standard shipping so your gift arrives on time and they're matching pairs by the way these are matching pairs of underwear which you know your girlfriend will love that oh my they we have the same she'll lose her mind it's gonna be great I'm telling you hundred percent satisfaction guarantee and this isn't you know ordinary underwear we're
Starting point is 00:17:15 talking about here we're talking three times softer than cotton soft all right this is like putting a cloud on your body or not a cloud what's like softer our clouds even so I don't even know I've never been on one but like a nice fluffy it's not fluffy either I don't know what I'm saying guys it's comfortable that's all I'm gonna say it's the most comfortable underwear underwear that I own it's the only one I'll ever wear right now me on these has an exclusive Valentine's Day offer for my listeners for any first-time purchasers when you purchase me on these matching pairs you get 20% off and free shipping and
Starting point is 00:17:49 they're so sure you'll love the underwear they'll give a hundred percent satisfaction guarantee and if you don't love your first pair you get a full refund so no brainer here get 20% off matching undies for you and your significant other and a 100% satisfaction guarantee what are you waiting for order by February 5th for free standard shipping okay to get your 20% off your matching pairs free shipping and the guarantee go to me on these comm slash basement that's me on these comm slash basement okay this will be the best Valentine's Day gift you will give make it a part of a big gift if you want get
Starting point is 00:18:24 a bunch of stuff little teddy bear with some chocolate flowers here's some underwear put it on now take it off you know what I'm saying all right me on these comm slash basement there you go next we have stamps comm which is also very useful for me or for anybody or if you're doing a long distance relationship we're talking about Valentine's Day you could send your stuff in the mail with stamps comm it brings all the amazing services of the US Postal Service right to your computer and it's the best way to get postage simply use your computer print official US postage for any letter or package any class of mail and let the
Starting point is 00:19:00 mailman pick it up no living the office no lugging mail to the post office no more hassle okay and it saves you time and money everything you can do at the post office you can do here and there's discounts on stamps comm you don't necessarily get at the post office so there you go and they will send you a digital scale that automatically calculates exact postage you will never pay overpay underpay or anything like that ever again like I said I've used this in the past this is very straightforward guys it's it's the best you're gonna get and right now you can enjoy stamps comm service with a
Starting point is 00:19:38 special offer that includes a four-week trial plus postage and a digital scale by going to stamps comm and you click on the microphone at the top of the home page and type in basement that stamps comm go to the microphone at the top of the page and type in basement and there you go okay and the last one we have here is MVMT or movement watches and like I said I've read this before it's close to Valentine's Day a watch is a pretty good gift for for anybody who's interested in watches or you know just in general I'm not necessarily a watch person but I do enjoy a nice watch and like you know there's certain watch
Starting point is 00:20:15 occasions weddings birthdays stuff like that Valentine's Day dinner I'm wearing a watch so why not get an MVMT or a movement watch okay they started just $95 so it's affordable at a department store looking at four hundred five hundred bucks something crazy like that $95 for a nice watch and guys they're nice watches I have multiple MVMT watches they are nice black-on-black gun metal it's very good over a hundred over a million watches sold in 160 countries and at such a great price it makes a wonderful holiday gift okay get 15% off today with free shipping and free returns by going to
Starting point is 00:20:55 slash basement that is slash basement join the movement people okay speaking of movements your boy Logan Paul is back people for I mean chances are even if you didn't know who he was before that shit went down you definitely know who he is dude Logan Paul the kid the youtuber who like filmed a dead body or whatever he's back on YouTube he just put up a video I think it's called like the return or some it was very dramatic and kind of stupid to be honest with you it was really weird it was just it's hard for that kid not to be self-absorbed I mean you kind of have to be when you're that much of a
Starting point is 00:21:39 star for just being yourself it's kind of you have to you have to worry about yourself you know I mean you have to be self-absorbed and kind of whatever I just find it to be a little over the top for my for my taste here that whole video was just kind of like a back like whatever and I didn't like some of the stuff he said in it because I did watch it but I didn't like some of the stuff he said in it because he did say stuff like who do you know who could gain a million subscribers without posting for three weeks and like he was like flexing it's like dude you didn't post it because you got in trouble for filming a
Starting point is 00:22:12 fucking fucking person who committed suicide you know I mean like that's nothing to brag about like I would have just it would have been because look at the end of the day I'm not expecting this kid to be sad or whatever I'm not do what he was doing before I just wouldn't have done that like don't talk about it and kind of you know spin it so it's kind of like yeah well fuck that I gained subscribers it's lit blah blah blah and he was just saying weird stuff like oh the litness is gonna be crazy I really do feel like some of these crazy white youtubers like they'll steal stuff from like black culture and then just
Starting point is 00:22:53 make it super white like he literally said yo the litness is gonna be fresh or some shit I was just like dude enough is enough just say it's gonna be fun or whatever the fuck I don't even know but it's just like you know when they took the whip and like you know I mean like they just like they ruined shit and they put it in vines a thousand times I'm like god damn it like this was cool until it's it's I hate it but anyway that kids back which I don't know if that's necessarily good for the world because I know like kids nowadays they're looking up to youtubers and they're the new sort of celebrities I guess and a new kind a
Starting point is 00:23:32 new genre of celebrity I guess and kids are like looking up to that like they don't fuck with traditional actors or actresses anymore it's more so like youtubers which is weird I mean I can't really relate to that because I did not grow up in that like I don't really know too many people on YouTube but again I never went out of my way to find out but I'm sure someone who's super young like right now like I'm pretty sure like a 10 year old now could name more youtubers than like well-known actors like I feel like we'd be surprised at how many youtubers these people know and how many and how little actors they know so I
Starting point is 00:24:10 feel like it's the new kind of celebrity and people want to grow up and you know when you're growing up and you're like I want to be famous want to be this actor and be movies blah blah blah now it's just like I want to be a youtuber and it just seems way more real to them because all you need is a camera and you could just film it in your bedroom you know I mean so it's kind of like it's very easy to want to be that and it's just like the reason why I'm saying I like I don't know how good it is for the world because like I think teaching you know because I mean I'm not saying everyone's like evil whatever but and
Starting point is 00:24:41 you do have to be some sort of self self absorbed but when it's so blatant like for some of these kids I don't feel like that's good because then the kids were like oh I want to be this one day like they're gonna think this is how you act you got a fucking run into a 7-eleven and like steal shit and run out and like film it on Instagram it's like yeah that's how I'm gonna go viral I'm like oh my god like dude I saw this video this kid on Instagram and it really made me fucking furious for some reason but like you know how like nowadays all the new rappers and shit at the end of every bar there should be like yeah or they
Starting point is 00:25:17 say make some fucking noise like that this kid was talking like that in person he wasn't rapping he wasn't doing it wasn't anything he was just talking and like making these hand signals like I'm like dude just say stuff like he was like eight years old and he took his phone charger and it was plugged into his phone and then he took the other end like the USB end and like put it against his cheek and his phone started charging which I don't know what the fuck kind of witchcraft that was but the way he was talking it was like this little white kid wearing a headband he's like yeah you know yeah he's like he said
Starting point is 00:25:57 something like but he kept finishing his sentence with yeah and I was just getting so upset he's a new saying like bro yeah like you know I'm saying like you just on the cheek yeah you just put it on your cheek and and it starts charging yeah this this shit's gonna go viral and then he put hand signals in the fucking camera and that was it I'm like bro who is oh my god what is that like it really makes me upset I'm like what is going on with these fucking kids man because I'm all the all the new rappers they literally all of them have face tattoos too so I think that's gonna be more common than people think I'm not
Starting point is 00:26:37 a big tattoo person for me personally like I like the way tattoos look on other people and I even might get one I would never get a face tattoo though I would never do that that's kind of that's that's gnarly that's wild I just said gnarly what the other thing was like the second time I ever said that but yeah that's kind of wild that you would get a face tattoo but I think that's gonna be more common than people think because there was that time where it was like don't get it when I was growing up was like don't get a tattoo anywhere that is showing like don't get it on your forearms don't get it on your
Starting point is 00:27:08 neck or wherever because that's not good for job interviews or stuff and you won't get a job and blah blah blah but I think that faded because a lot of people got tattoos on their arms and just tattoos were like a thing when I was I would say 1716 1718 around there and now I think face tattoos is gonna be the next move because a lot of people are getting them and a lot of these new rappers and shit are just coming out and getting these random ass fucking words or random ass tattoos on their face and like that dude XXX he shaved his eyebrows and like dyed his hair white and shit like I think they're really
Starting point is 00:27:45 trying to go out of their way like you know those kids in high school that really went out of their way to be different like oh you know what I'm just gonna wear pants with chains on them like all right dude fuck you don't have to dress like a I don't even know who the fuck would dress like that it was just weird like Louisie Vert was at the Grammys it looked like he just got back from a from parachuting like a parachute like he parachuted in there was a bunch of clamps and fucking why like I was like what is this like it just looked weird you know what I mean like he just got off a bungee jump
Starting point is 00:28:17 like it I think they're like going super hard to be like oh don't let people tell you what to do or what to wear what to dress but they go like the super opposite way on purpose you know what I mean to be a rebel you know like I'll do that sick like you don't have to shave your eyebrows like I believe you dude like I believe like that you don't listen to other people's opinions and shit but I don't know I just think that was super weird but I don't know where the fuck I was going with this oh the kids of course it's all about the kids it's always about the kids not that I think I'm like a super positive
Starting point is 00:28:48 influence because I really don't think that either like I mean I think I am at some point but like on the service level I could see how people see me and they're like who the fuck is this loudmouth foulmouthed loud mouth foul mouth kid you know I mean just being a dick and like making fun of all these people like I understand that but you know I'm actually a huge bitch when it comes to people's feelings like if someone ever hit me up I was like yeah that picture in that video was me and like you know whatever blah blah I would feel fucking awful and I'd be like oh my god and I just fucking delete the
Starting point is 00:29:25 video just because I'm a bitch when it comes to that because like obviously I make fun of people but I would never want to like actually bully someone or hurt someone's feelings or I wouldn't do it to someone that I thought couldn't handle it either or at least I think everyone should be able to take a fucking joke obviously but if they express that they're not that kind of person that they can't then I'm not gonna like be like well I don't give a fuck I'm gonna do it anyway like I'm not a dick in that regard but you know anyway what the fuck else is going on I have no idea I just feel so sick right now my throat
Starting point is 00:29:59 kind of hurts I just got no energy I've been intermittent fasting too I talked about that with Cody on his podcast but yeah I don't know if I'm gonna keep this up to be honest with you I'm just like going like I'm doing a diet currently and like I'm losing weight it's cool but the problem is when I break my diets I break them in major ways and I think that kind of defeats the purpose like because people talk about cheat days and I love when I go on Instagram and I see these people that are like oh yeah I have this workout plan but you know there's cheat days don't worry about it sometimes I like to have a burger and like
Starting point is 00:30:35 whatever it's like dude a cheat day is not a burger to me a cheat day is like a whole bag of gummy bears half of the chips a whole pack and just whatever how many beers I can drink in one sitting without throwing up like that is a cheat day a burger is not a cheat day like that's the one a burger and pizza are like the two foods that every workout person is like oh I got a cheat day you know I can get have like two slices of pizza like dude I haven't had two slices of pizza since the eighth grade okay when I have pizza half that pie is going in my fucking dumb face you don't talk about cheat days like I'm cheating in major
Starting point is 00:31:08 ways so I fuck up any and all progress I've made up to this point on days like yesterday so now I just have to be like you know what no cheat days seven days a week because usually what I do a diet so they try to make it easy myself is five days a week I'll die two days out do whatever the hell I want which I can't do anymore you know because I just once I cheat I cheat in major ways and it's all about like my palate and shit I think that's why because I can diet and be fine you know what I mean like as long as I don't break it because as soon as I break it then I feel like my body starts craving sugar and like other shit like
Starting point is 00:31:49 that you know what I mean like it's not like like if I just ate you know grilled chicken quinoa broccoli carrots or just any you know steamed vegetables and stuff like that if I just ate that stuff every single day of the week I would be fine I wouldn't have any cravings but if one day a week I'm like oh let me just have you know a pack of Skittles then three days later when I'm dieting I'm like oh my god I just want to have some something sugary or something like that so I that's how I get fucked up so I just can't do that anymore why do I always talk about dieting what the fuck why am I just gonna do it I just not talk about it but
Starting point is 00:32:28 today I was just kind of like really doing some research on stuff because you know you kind of just have to decide what the fuck you want and like that's how I've gotten anything done up until this point it's you really got to focus super hard on something and be like just just decide like this is what's happening you know what I mean because that's the type of person I am I'm not really like if he about shit like I kind of want to do it kind of well if I decide I want to do this like it's fucking done and it's only a matter of time and that's really how I feel about anything so with this now I today was the
Starting point is 00:33:06 first time because I've always just dieted because I was like whatever I'm not in like terrible shape like I just want to not get worse and I feel like that's a bad attitude to have when it comes to your body because like that means that anytime I see any a little bit of like progress I'm like all right whatever I could like eat because I'll just be back to where I was and like I just don't want to get worse but you're never gonna get better at that point I but yeah I today was like the first time I just like decided like okay we're going super hard like you just have to decide like here's what's gonna happen
Starting point is 00:33:40 I'm going to lose 10 pounds or I'm gonna lose 30 pounds or you know however however much you weigh you know what I mean I'm losing 50 pounds this summer or something I'm not I would literally be I'd be dead if I look if I lost 50 pounds but I'm just saying you just decide that decide you're going to do that and then you just do it because if you decide that's a big you making decisions is different than just like feelings do you know what I mean because if you decide you're going to do something there's sort of I don't want to say consequences that's the wrong word but there's obviously to every action
Starting point is 00:34:22 there's a reaction so when you decide the reaction is like it's just a matter of time before it happens it depends how serious you are about it I don't even know if I'm making fucking sense at this point but I'm trying to say is that when you just you don't don't go into a diet or anything it just applies to anything really they're like I just want to do like a little whatever set like an ultimate goal like a ridiculous one like mine is just like I just want to be six pack shredded I haven't had six packs it sounds like in fifth grade and even then it was I don't even know if I was a six pack or you know it was my ribs or some
Starting point is 00:34:53 shit I have no idea but I was like you know what I just want to get to that point and be shredded and just whatever and who knows how long I'll hang on to this thing but I want to be in really good shape you set something like that you decide this is what I'm gonna do and then you just obsess over it and your mind in your mind you're like every single day it should just consume your life every single day it's like this is what I'm going to do this is what I'm working towards and you can't forget that that's why if you decide you just put in your mind you obsess over it like this is the one thing I want to get done
Starting point is 00:35:22 and it's gonna take a long time to do it but you have to be dedicated every single day and it's like hard fucking work but the payoff is you know it's amazing but that's always been my problem I'm like iffy about it cuz like I don't ever feel like oh my god I need to lose all this weight and work so hard because blah blah blah because I'm not in like the worst shape ever but now I just feel like I don't know I'm just deciding to be better I don't want to fucking do that anymore I don't want to be iffy about it we're losing weight people I'm trying to be ripped by the summer and I know everyone says that
Starting point is 00:36:03 but I'm really gonna go for it now to the point where like I bought a food scale like I'm going super hard like this is this is I have never in my life weighed food like now I have to weight food it's gonna suck but whatever I just can't come off of it if I do and be so fucking mad you have no idea but anyway um yeah that's all I got to be honest with you also I drafted up this thing because I want to start reaching out to people that I kind of know kind of not really know where people I'm a fan of that or maybe New York City base or around there or maybe they're on their way to New York at some point and I'm
Starting point is 00:36:39 going to be reaching out to super interesting guests and I want to have people on that are not only you know not just my friends but just you know people that I think are like awesome and talented people and kind of just talk to them and see what's up so I draft up this thing I reached out to like a bunch of people like six or seven people so far and I'm waiting to hear back so I mean we can have a couple a couple cool episodes coming up in the future but I want to start you know taking the podcast to the next level and expanding and doing better things and not just fucking around like I want there to be a
Starting point is 00:37:15 purpose to every single episode as well you know starting from from this moment forward I really want to be able to do that because I the podcast that I listen to like I understand that like listening to this podcast is fun and it's like cool to hear the interactions and whatnot between me and some of my friends and you know because my friends are hysterical like they're hilarious people but I also do want it to be funny yet sort of informative like I just want people to have something to take away from each podcast you know what I mean so I'm going to try and do more of that in the future with my friends
Starting point is 00:37:51 sprinkled in of course probably more than sprinkled in let's be honest with you it's hard to get rid of Davino and Frankie but you know it's always a good ton but anyway that is all for this week's episode of the basement yard thanks for listening yeah motherfuckers

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