The Basement Yard - This Is A Night Course

Episode Date: January 24, 2017

On this episode, I have my two buddies @Frank_Alvarez80 & @LambVM10 of the Squared Circle Jerks podcast on to talk about our old vacation stories. Honestly, my favorite one to date. Learn more about y...our ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome back to the basement yard it is wow it is January 23rd Monday I'm with two of my friends my friend Nick who's on veterans minimum just just your friend and my other friend Frankie the brown one Frankie's here I thought I was your best ring that hurts oh man shut the fuck up Nick and yeah they're here because they're recording their squared circle jokes podcast after this but we were just reminiscing about our old vacations I was like we should just turn the mics on and talk about this right now because we're like in the process of booking our Vegas trip for this summer we're pretty much set yeah
Starting point is 00:00:42 I mean we got I mean we might have to switch a date because of one of our friends but besides that it's fuck him we're going back you know we're all in the same room too that's gonna be the prattest it's gonna be dangerous last year I barely made it home almost died on the Saturday that I was there you almost made it home for many reasons forget about it almost dying your your ID was almost gone his ID was almost lost everything oh my god I left my ID at the pool what was it take my wallet just leave my ID yeah I would yeah I was like you need anytime I lost money I was like take it I don't care just leave my
Starting point is 00:01:16 ID that's all me of everything that's you have no way of getting home without your ID and yeah a terrific well aware of that I don't understand that can't like there has to be some way there's it's all like I've asked before like what I think I was with you when I was like what happens they were like oh you got to go through customs and like they basically deem if you're being like honest about who you are and if they don't if they say no then you're fucking SOL they also they also said to show up four or five hours before your flight because they're gonna keep you in there for a while yeah they're gonna check your
Starting point is 00:01:47 fucking asshole well I had to ask because Frankie almost ruined my entire vacation last time we went I didn't almost ruin anything I mean you misplaced your ID yeah bullshit this kid took it from me no I didn't first of all I was not in the right state of mind to be blamed for anything that I did that day which day was this that was daylight that was daylight Thursday yeah and so you landed Wednesday Wednesday night with Frankie and then everybody else came Thursday right yeah so we woke up we went to daylight the start of the funny story is I'm like yo let's go to this pool party daylight it's awesome and
Starting point is 00:02:25 honest today that's my voice now apparently that's always been your fucking voice honest today I'm gonna just chill out and back at the Luxapool have a chill day have a chill day I was like fuck that dude we just landed I'm like it gets better you guys all send in the chat the tickets of the free drinks that you guys got yeah and then I was like all right I'm leaving don't go straight there we gotta go and then Frankie's like everyone bring money quick bring money yeah because the guy gave us was awesome we got a free cabana yeah and then they were like all right like we got one bottle but we knew between all
Starting point is 00:03:00 of us drunks like we needed more right and Ralph was going around grabbing every woman he can and you can't have women hanging out with you unless he got bottles I mean that's literally a science it is that's an equation that's like gravity they're pretty much the exact like you're well-defined and I didn't have anything on me I brought cash but we never had we never if it wasn't for your phone with the the waterproof case you have no pictures nothing literally the greatest investment I've ever made because that I did it the first time we went I did it this time like it was the most incredible thing
Starting point is 00:03:33 because I have pictures from every pool party videos a lot of videos Josh ended paying for like the entire thing that day but like $800 on his card yeah yeah we got you we did we paid him back no yeah we did but it was like I'm like 200 bucks I felt bad I was like yeah we gotta split this so that was a danger I got way too first of all someone like Dylan I think shut up like 30 bucks I'm like this is Vegas that's a bottle of water yeah 30 dollars well that's our friends have been doing that since the days where we used to go to Hooters for my god you know I got a mozzarella sticks and a cheeseburger and a soda here's $8
Starting point is 00:04:09 yeah here's 1150 we got the bill and we had like $200 collected she's like he has like $400 like how the fuck we missing yeah yeah anyway back on track we had daylight Frankie got very drunk I don't know I don't do I do not drink vodka and that was all vodka that we were drinking right and I got plastered yeah I was like throwing towels at bouncers I was like walking around the casino doing like tumble salts oh my god he was laying on his back doing the snow angels in the middle of the casino no what about when he's spraying the little kids with the suntan you're gonna need this this one that this one dad
Starting point is 00:04:51 turned around and is we're like yo please he's really drunk he said what are you gonna do he starts spraying him also and Dylan said cuz our friend Dylan bless his soul was the one that ended up like walking back with me and he said that I like I had suntan lotions and I was spraying it at everyone and I like these kids walk by and I sprayed it at them and I'm look I feel really bad about it now yeah and the dad was like I should fuck you up and Dylan said that I like in the most like drunk way threw my stuff on the ground like couldn't hold my arms up I was like let's fucking go bitch oh man that would have been
Starting point is 00:05:28 that would have made my day but then you got you got back to the room and then what you stole next ID no so he got to the room before me and then I went back to the room and the only things I had on me was like 20 bucks my room key and my ID so I remember going into my room because Frankie was in my room also and I opened the door and I had my ID that was the last I saw it for the next six hours so anyway we go to leave to go hit the tables we go to the tables and I see I don't have my ID I go back to the room this kids passed out diagonally on the bed now all right not by the way this was like 3 p.m. yeah yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:06:02 this is early I'm pretty sure you slept to the next day I did well we got to the pool party at like 11 a.m. I fell asleep until 5 a.m. the next day woke up brand new person so like Ralph Dylan boss are in the room also and I'm like oh guys I can't find my ID I'm looking through my wallet I'm looking through my clothes we start taking apart the sheets I'm like yo I left my wallet at the pool I left my ID at the pool and I go back to daylight I start walking back to daylight I go back I see the kid that hooked us up he's like hey man what's going on I was like oh did you happen to see an ID or anything he's like oh
Starting point is 00:06:34 let's go we go and check the VIP area all that we're talking to the bottle girls are like no we haven't seen nothing someone left like a tank top I didn't even bring it back it was just like oh fuck that leave that there I walk back now mind you this is like a what a 20 minute walk you'd say it's a pretty it's a good walk it's a good walk to like two casinos okay every casino I stop at the security and I give them my information in case my ID does show up to call me alright I get back towards about like two minutes away from my room I start thinking about crying because I'm like yo look I have no ID I have no
Starting point is 00:07:05 ID right I have no ID not only can I not do anything for the next three days which we've all bought tickets to the pool parties Friday and Saturday I can't gamble I can't do anything I can't go home right all right so I go back to the room which that's the least of your worries getting home like if you could stay in Vegas like honestly I was like that was like the least I was like I'm not gonna be able to rage for the next three days so anyway I go back to the room the room is a mess boss text me is like yo we look through the bedsheets and all that Frankie still hasn't budged he's in the exact same position I left so I
Starting point is 00:07:35 call my mom and actually no I call Dominic first I'm like yo when is your flight cuz our friend Dominic and Danny we're coming on Friday right so I'm like yo look I lost my ID I'll stay in tonight whatever I already went out I'll just stay in tonight my mom's gonna bring you down my passport so I could go home he's like all right cool he's like yo look I'm leaving in like two hours so I'm calling my mom she just got home from work my mom's a teacher she hates doing anything once she gets home right so I call her I'm like your mind you need to drive down to a story she's like you're sorry but I was like my not
Starting point is 00:08:06 right now please so anyway I'm giving her Dominic's number Dominic has my mom's number you about 30 minutes later I'm sitting in the other bed and I'm just like you know I'm now I'm like yo I'm gonna just bull outcry so I move I move Frankie a little bit where's my ID underneath this kid glued on to his stomach I start I start yelling so loud yo if people were to walk by the room at that time they would think someone's getting murdered murdered I am yelling at him I'm calling Dominic I'm like I found my ID this fucking kid and the whole time the whole time all this kid is
Starting point is 00:08:51 and I know that he's I know that he's super drunk and the next day I'm telling him the story I'm like yo honestly we would have fought if you were sober you did this to me we would have fought my bad I couldn't even I couldn't even understand what's going on I did feel bad like obviously for comedy great loved it and oh yeah now it's awesome those 24 hours is the worst day of my life my face hurts and I just like I know like you we've heard Nick scream like I know Nick was like like veins popping out of his oh my god that was the definition of a night course every every curse word I dropped it while
Starting point is 00:09:33 you were just over there passed out on the bed and I'm like unresponsive and I'm just going we should probably explain where night course came from I don't think we've ever done that no but everyone on the podcast knows a med so like sadly one of my friends Danny he always says like night or course right so he's like I and a med worked in a I guess an embroidery shop whatever you want to call it but he they did embroidery there but he was like hey I want two hats one that says night and one that says course and a med being him yeah yeah shows up and gives Danny two hats that have both on the hat so it just
Starting point is 00:10:17 says night course and Danny's like what the fuck is this he's like oh no the guy fuck like how do you fuck this up like it's like the easiest thing yeah and it's a simple black hat with the white lettering the first time I saw Danny wearing it it said night course I'm like what the fuck is a night course yeah but now we know what I know yeah we just started using it as like an adjective and Vegas it's like if something is like ridiculous it's a night course like it's something is like so unbelievable and it like fucks you over like time on gummery oh yeah that was a night course that was almost an overnight
Starting point is 00:11:06 course an overnight course was almost losing my idea yeah that was very that was as close as you get that was an early morning course almost but I gotta say the next morning you made up for it at the craft table oh yeah you're welcome I kiss seven like four times on the forehead I was like I love you so much this kid was going crazy for like 45 minutes that was also when you ordered was it a beer at like 6 a.m. yeah it was like we're at the tables and it was like 6 a.m. and the lady comes over she goes gonna get you something like no it's too early like whatever I'm just like playing whatever we start we Frank
Starting point is 00:11:39 you like for seven like four times in a row we win a bunch of money she comes back over she goes gonna get your thing I'm like yeah get me a fucking jacket cool it's like 6 15 in the morning y'all but it's crazy like you can drink always over there you don't know what time it is you don't have a phone you think it's 8 o'clock at night I would never know they literally took in they took alcohol and fresh oxygen and put it in the middle of a desert and yeah it's in there you go and it's a night course it's oh my god yeah it is speaking of night course so Friday that happened to him Saturday oh yeah at wet republic
Starting point is 00:12:17 mind you I lost six pounds on this trip because I barely ate and just drank the entire time yo we never eat we never we have one legit meal yeah yeah me and Marco had that meal that was like 250 bucks between the two of us and it was great we got like lobster bis king crabs clams it was delicious yeah but that was it that's like all I ate I would eat breakfast and then have like a slice of pizza on the way back from the casino and that's a police the pizza place yeah I was I was whenever I get really drunk I always go to my friends I'm very responsible for myself I come up to people and I'm like I need help yeah
Starting point is 00:12:56 so I swam up to DeVino DeVino was telling us for the other day in the group chat he's like that I swam up to him in the pool of our public and I was like I need help if someone help me and he's like we've been here for like a half hour at the fuck you mean well that we were getting blessed by the bartender oh yeah so the first time he went there she like we ordered these mixed drinks and they're $40 right so she's like in up in like a protein shape yeah like that like that size and the first time the first year that I went there and I ordered one of these drinks I drank it and I was like there's no there's barely any alcohol
Starting point is 00:13:23 here so when we walked up this year she had four bottles two in each hand and we're pouring them into one of these things and I was like fucking I'm taking that yeah and then a little splashy poo of like a fruit juice oh what splashy poo a little beep beep so I drank two of those and I was like I lost it and I ended up you know me and Frankie walked back to the room well I found you no I found you know I found each other because you had my phone and you were you were texting people yeah and I'm like going up to the bar and I'm like yo I haven't seen Joey and yeah like I was worried about you but most importantly
Starting point is 00:13:58 my phone you know what the fuck and I found you like hunched back in a chair and I was like Joey are you alright and you're like yeah we need to go and the entire walk so like Joey I left lost my shoes lost my shirt he lost pretty much everything I left everything that I put in a locker I left it there and I left my shirt there and went to walk out with my shirt and the bouncers gave me a big-ass white t-shirt they gave us white shirts me and Joey are walking and I'm like y'all let's just get back to the hotel like we'll eat like we'll sober up like we'll be fine we'll go out later tonight because it was Saturday it was
Starting point is 00:14:32 the last night that we were there and this is also like five o'clock in the afternoon yeah five bro it's like three yeah it wasn't very late yeah and literally at one point now we're both barefoot with white shirts on soaking wet pissed drunk some birds I yeah I turn around Joey's gone like gone like there we had been walking and these girls came up they're like oh here Joe and he was like yeah hi how are you I turn around for a split second they're gone I'm like that's it this kid is he's getting like taken advantage of like that's it he's gone gang raped yeah like he's gone and I spent like an idiot the next hour
Starting point is 00:15:12 running through every casino on the road road on the walk back to the Luxor Joey Joey and I'm on that hot-ass asphalt yeah on the standing escalators I could have just walked on the carpet but I stood on that escalator thing and I just I was like you know what if he's dead he's dead at this point yeah so I just sat outside the suite and then you showed up dude I showed up first of all I have no idea how I got back there because to get to the suites it's like you have to take a weird route and have like their own elevator we also had the best room we were on the floor ground floor yeah and right like right to you
Starting point is 00:15:50 could get to our room so easily to get to to get to my room what is hard if you're sober like what you need to I need to like text you directions I don't know how I got back there but when I got back there I'll get to the door so then we get into the room I don't know if alive is the word to describe what you are I don't know dude I was I mean I was dead I'm pretty sure this was me I took a quick video this is like a quick sample from the video of us in my room so me and Frankie were I was literally crawling on the ground in in in our room
Starting point is 00:16:32 yeah cuz I was just I was done you made your way to the bed and you're like you're literally laying back one eye open the other eye in another plane of existence and you're like called room service all room so I'm like all right so I called room service I'm like Joey what do you want he's like chick is breaded chicken tenders ketchup just a case just in case yeah and then I'm telling this and the guys like sir room service closes at 2 p.m. I'm like what the fuck is this and then we were gonna go to Joey's favorite spot to eat there the pizza place you have the video made with the
Starting point is 00:17:11 pizza place oh my god like we're like literally crawling on the floor trying to stand up and we were both laying on the ground we're trying to it was it was yo it was honestly I'll never be that drunk ever again I don't think and it was a miracle it was a miracle that I didn't throw up on this is Joey trying to say where he wants to eat they have to play it back do you want me to repeat it again I was like I saw mom's she was making our oh god good times there are my feet on the fucking y'all the word that's that's
Starting point is 00:18:03 probably where staff infection came from yeah there you go yeah I also paid $32 for a sunblock at Web Republic and I remember asking all our friends like yo can you just please use this please I bought about four or five sunblocks that day because I'd use one leave it at the point you know a lot of daylight too dude when we went to Luxor one of those days the pool just to hang out I bought SPF 50 I didn't know that existed I'm basically wearing clothes it's the strongest shit I know mind you if you don't bring lotion from home to these places you're paying like $22 for a six ounce tiny you know what's crazy
Starting point is 00:18:43 though like the first time I ever went to Vegas when it was just Danny and I we didn't burn and we didn't put any lotion on it's it's weird like the sun out there is so you don't realize how hot it is because there's no humidity it's just a straight blaring heat and there's like it's not there's no stickiness mm-hmm there's like it's just it's just it's a desert it thank you it's a night course as well every you know yeah oh my god I almost forgot to you remember the Saturday that I died that night they decided to go to a strip club I didn't that I didn't make it to well we went first we went to our favorite
Starting point is 00:19:27 place coyote ugly well first of all that's the greatest place on the planet so a little bit of backstory coyote ugly I cowboy rage yeah oh yeah me too because like oh yeah my favorite music is classic rock joey's Joey loves classic rock Nick now loves some I guess but the first time we all went as a group to Vegas I was like yeah let's check out coyote ugly it was also the only place you get a beer for four yeah it's like a normal bar yeah we went in and like I knew every song they were playing so like I said to Nick I was like Nick all you have to do is point at the girls on the stage and sing the song and put up
Starting point is 00:20:04 the devil horns and you'll get because the girl on stage had a bottle yeah pouring drinks and I was like that's all you need to do and like every song that came on I did that I was best friends with the bartender like 15 times she's doing that night I was I was sleeping because we went to like a pool party someone's in the public during the day right so we were sleeping and I was alive this year it was the year before but I was and we were sleeping and they were like you'll come to this bar whatever I'm like is it is it dope like what's going on I get a video from Nick of some girl standing on a stage having
Starting point is 00:20:40 Frankie in a headlock and pouring this red shit all over his face and she and I was in a headlock with her legs like yeah yeah and then my I wore a white shirt there I I kept the shirt I got to find it at my house covered in red covered in red spots covered in red and then when you guys got there Dom Danny and Joey are standing online and they're like your Frankie's spun out of that place like a tornado and we're like then we're like yo is there girls in there and all Frankie said was dude look at my shirt and we're like the fuck does that mean like that doesn't answer at all that was great but getting back to the
Starting point is 00:21:17 the other Saturday story we yeah we went to a gentleman's club that evening because a friend of ours her one of her good friends lived out there gave us the hookup not a bad deal so we went on Wednesday night Nick wanted to chill in again he wanted to chill in and play pool I'm sorry not pull he wanted to chill in and play poker yeah honestly strip cops freak they grossed me out I'll never go twice yeah but like it was cool like it was one like it wasn't like a gross strip club like it was we we were hanging out there I mean it's a Vegas you got the elite of the elite it's the NFL of strippers oh yeah for sure I'd say
Starting point is 00:21:58 so that's it that's a that's a bar bar they also put us in a nice like VIP area DJ it was cool nice like I compare everything to New York strip clubs Witcher yeah well there you go basically someone dancing in a deli but it was cool like we didn't like we were just like besides the stripping aspect we were just hanging out drinking chillin and like it was chill like good music then there are also women there which is which is dope you know but that place was a disaster the second time we went how much money so no I see I didn't like really spend that much like I you know I got a couple dances whatever like fine
Starting point is 00:22:40 but first of all we had a party bus pick us up we had a party bus pick up six kids five five of us and then a med had never been to a strip club before so me and Frankie this kid had like what $9 his name at this point yeah so we're like yeah we'll pay for your dance we'll each get you a dance you know your first time going oh so this kid you would have thought he's never seen women in his life oh my god well he probably had you know but his face literally like it's shocked because the what like the first time one of the women next to him like took her leg and like put it like by her ear remember like big comfy couch when
Starting point is 00:23:17 she would do the clock at the end of it and her leg would go all the way around basically that's what she did and a med was like oh like he literally just saw like I hadn't seen such things he really and I don't mean a blaspheme but he just saw like Jesus Christ himself like walk through the doors but then two of our friends which I don't know if we're gonna say their names but decided that they wanted to pay for a little bit of extra fun time and put up like one of them spent like $1300 to spend a couple minutes well do it for the story yeah they spent a couple minutes with like three of the nice young ladies that
Starting point is 00:23:50 were there couple minutes we lost one of them for about an hour that's still a couple minutes what about a hot minute when you still money for me not stall but well the one girl you requested yeah the girl was dancing and I was like yo come back and dance again like that was nice then I had no more money on me at this point in time and she was like oh if you want like money you can go get a private dance and I was like I had no more money so I'm slapping next leg I'm like yo so I then I make the mistake I take all my money out at the same time and I give this kid $100 and then for flock to me right away I was like oh
Starting point is 00:24:24 there we go yeah well smell it so then you know it's like a private room and dance and they're like all the rules of the private room is you need to buy one drink I'm like oh no problem don't I'm already drunk at this point in time I'm like all right let me get a jack and coke and the girls like let me get a glass of aces spades I was like 90 bucks later she didn't even touch the glass like that's the glass I was about to drink it but night course and then I was the first I was the first one out and then I was like oh my god the son so go it was 7 a.m. Vegas time meaning 10 a.m. Eastern time when we got out of there that's
Starting point is 00:25:11 bad it was it was that's all right before we move on here I gotta do some sponsors first we got blue apron if you don't know what they are basically I mean if you listen to the show at any point you've probably heard them but it's a service that if you sign up for it they will ship food to your front door in boxes with these ice cooler things and they have a bunch of ingredients and they have step-by-step instructions so you can make these meals it's you know it helps you cook and shit my mom loves it she really does she she's eaten some of the stuff she actually keeps so what they do is they send you everything like
Starting point is 00:25:51 down to the salt and pepper like literally like everything you need it's all proportioned stuff and they give you instructions on how to make whatever it is that they sent you with that my mom keeps all of them and then she remakes them all the time well like I said I was there that one day where I forgot what she made I think was like pasta puttanesca or something like that or take on that you know that is she's a great woman amazing and it was unbelievable how good it was like unreal yeah it comes out to under $10 per person for a delicious meal they have like crazy shit to like mushroom chipotle pepper on
Starting point is 00:26:23 enchilada but yeah check out this week's menu and get your first three meals free with free shipping by by going to blue apron dot com slash basement that is blue apron dot com slash basement basement basement basement next we have pro flowers which is very fitting because fucking Valentine's Day is right around the corner and you're gonna have to get someone flowers so you might as well so go through these guys obviously on top of their already low prices right now you can get one dozen assorted roses with free glass vase for $19.99 plus shipping shipping and handling but you're okay today or upgrade shut up or
Starting point is 00:27:09 upgrade and for $9.99 more you can get two dozen assorted roses with a free glass vase so go to go to pro flowers dot com and use my code basement help support our show by supporting our sponsors okay pro flowers dot com slash actually you just go to pull pro flowers dot com and put in the promo code basement I need some flowers yeah I mean dude that's two dozen roses that's for 30 bucks that's cheap try getting those a day before Valentine's day you pay like 120 even now even now yeah like a regular roses roses are expensive fuck flowers I once got an ex-girlfriend rainbow roses every pedal was a different color that's
Starting point is 00:27:53 cute how'd it go didn't work out what how much was that they were like like eight bucks a rose that's disgusting I only got it was like a three-month anniversary sorry I was like yeah that's why I got three yeah that's why I was with the girl one time she wanted me to get her black roses I'm like Jesus literally deaf you should like that's terrifying not to mention you can't find those anywhere and if you do find them run good fucking way they're selling them in a basement of a factory and if you do find them get out of the cemetery yeah you're done also we are next what you just said that's why I'm shaking my head I said it
Starting point is 00:28:39 immediately was like I'm sorry about that I'm really dumb yeah yeah we went on another trip I think I mean besides this Las Vegas trip that we were just talking about this one is probably my favorite the last Vegas trip was ridiculous but the first Miami trip was our first vacation together yeah it was the first one we're like all right we're all gonna go on vacation together and then we decided we're going to Miami because it was I think was like the cheapest thing we could do and we had a steal yeah so we thought we thought it was a steal well I have to house it to work so we went on like I think home away
Starting point is 00:29:14 and we found this place and Nick sends it to me and he's like yo look at this place first of all the pictures it's enormous yeah and it's like all wooden yeah it was like not it was like $500 for like four or five days we were there from Wednesday I think again Wednesday to Sunday right Wednesday to like Tuesday I want to say dude yeah it was it was it was that long it was it was so cheap it wasn't $500 I'm lying but like it came out to like $500 a person like flight and the place like $500 because I remember paying for just my flight and I gave you the $300 something cash we made you we made you pay for like the food
Starting point is 00:29:50 and stuff yeah paper towels and cups and shit like that so the whole way like on the plane we're all just kind of like in the back of our heads like this is a little sketchy like the place is really big and it looks really nice so there's no way it's this cheap we also only paid like $500 at the deposit and then I had the rest of the money on me somewhere so we'll just hit a hotel yeah too good to be true yeah that's what we thought so we show up and it's just a door covered in leaves like right there's like vines around it and we can't really see the building we're like okay this is weird but whatever first of all before that we
Starting point is 00:30:22 get out of the airport oh yeah Nick calls the guy and he goes hey what's up it's Nick the guy goes who's that we're like yo fuck we're sleeping on the sidewalk y'all is mad nervous I walked away from the group for a second cuz I'm like all right fuck yeah like I'm not gonna get my hopes up here so we're in the way we got about that we get to the place we get to the place and the guy's not even there like we're waiting outside all those like ten ten of us like on the sidewalk with all the luggage just standing there waiting for someone all of a sudden a guy turns the corner on a moped yeah and Eric goes yeah could you
Starting point is 00:30:57 imagine if it's this loser gets off the moped he's like hey what's up dudes yeah you Nick like literally looked like he slept on the beach yeah yeah he looked like you ever see Lords of Dogtown the guy who runs yeah he looked exactly like that like this blonde dude and he was right with dreads I'm pretty sure that's all you need to know about his shirt said like fuck growing up or something like that it was so weird but anyway he lets us into his place and it's like real we're like wow it's huge like the place is enormous guys the biggest hotel thing I've ever stayed in ever it was like it was really cool like it was like a modern
Starting point is 00:31:31 design there was a ping-pong table a big ass living room upstairs like two bedrooms two bathrooms no there are no doors no doors just the curtains the showers were it was like a waterfall shower on right cobblestone all glass yeah so the guy shows up and we're still kind of like freaked out by him Nick gives him the cash he starts counting it and then he counts it and then I didn't know he fucking smashes it on the table and I was like oh it was mad loud I was like the fuck and the guys like are you cool you guys need anything just let me know I'm like not we're good whatever he leaves 10 minutes later we're like
Starting point is 00:32:08 looking through half the house does not work it doesn't have power the AC doesn't work this is Miami in fucking June it's it's 99 degrees every day there was a lot there was a washer and dryer that would both filled with water yeah both didn't work yeah no towels right no there were towels but there was like like one and a half yeah it was like one towel and it was the one that we used to put on the floor when we stepped out the shower it was it was so hot in that place we sweat our asses off for an entire week we would we would like take turns showering like every hour when we'd hang out at night because it was so
Starting point is 00:32:42 hot and fucking mean take turns there were like four people in the shower at one point I remember I was showering once and Josh ran in didn't like try to like be like Koi and cover himself like arms open like ran into the shower and I was like what the fuck is going on you know to get to get like cold air we would sleep at the refrigerator yeah oh my god I remember that there was like four people just on the airbed right by the refrigerator that was another thing there was an air mattress that had a hole in it so someone filled it up late on it when they woke up in the morning they were on the ground yeah because it was
Starting point is 00:33:12 just it deflated it would have been honestly probably like better if we slept outside 100% and then remember we met we met some people in the like place next to us whose place did have a safe everything everything worked for them it was it was you know just as nice it was amazing y'all it was unbelievable we would literally go in there for like just like ask random questions just to get a safe please please please we literally would be like so um where you guys from we've told you we're from Houston okay can you spell that yeah just let me get some of this area crazy we but I remember we borrowed
Starting point is 00:33:43 their fucking their washer and dryer one day because we're like we're all gonna get well we needed we needed towels yeah because we use them and then we just we each use them like three times before we watched six days was way too long oh man to be on vacation with all of our friends because we hated each other by the fifth day oh my god it was it was absurd we really hated each other we really hate like tensions got high it was I don't even know how that started honestly I know exactly I remember it because I wasn't even that drunk that night I remember every single moment of it I was hammered yours you're also a shitty
Starting point is 00:34:18 wingman so when we throw that into the mix that kind of go ahead tell that story so I could defend myself alright so there was a girl I was like playing beer pong with and shit and she was cute she was good but her friend was like a left tackle she was a big girl big girl and I go to Frankie I'm like I'm like yo you know this girl wants to go upstairs yada yada can you just talk to her friend cuz she thinks no that's exactly what I told you no oh god no what you did not say can you just talk to her can you keep her busy what do you think that met play beer pong and shit there's like 30 people yeah you were
Starting point is 00:34:55 like yo she's into you keep her busy I was like hold on a sec I was like kind of involved with someone at this point in time and then Nick is like yo do it and she was nice but she was just a zero she was nice but I felt bad but I said Nick no fucking shot and we won't get into the story but I ended up helping you out and you dodged a fucking bullet oh yeah that would have been a be beyond the night course yeah that would have been a fucking week long night yeah that would have been a week course a whole semester but yeah basically what happened is like we were like we threw parties and we got loud and all of us are under 21
Starting point is 00:35:39 except for like you think you were the only one that was over 20 me and Keith you and Keith so you no no no I was 21 not Joey was who yeah yeah we were all 21 I wasn't because it was in June all right you were turning 20 because that's why you went to Vegas at the end of it right I was 21 you were turning 21 the next week so there were three people of the 12 that were there that were over 21 and we set now whatever we were like we were getting like really loud like really loud but we also should have known like it's Miami it's always always like really loud including it was like a Friday night and half the people myself
Starting point is 00:36:14 included were like yo we need to shut this down send people home like it was getting like aggressive and the other half were like no we're partying we're chilling oh I started this whole thing then I remember now so I walked in because I'm like yo we need to get everyone out of here like it was honestly it was wild there was literally like 40 people in our house yeah and I'm like you know we're gonna get in trouble like our parties only what 10 people were on there so the rest was all people we didn't know anyone and all of our stuff is there and everyone's like all over the house and I'm like we still
Starting point is 00:36:44 have like three more days to be here if we get in trouble we're you know we're fucked yeah so it's like let's shut this down whatever so we go into the I go in there and I'm like yo we got to get everyone out so I tell I I'm trying to like yo can we get everyone out like whatever he's like yo if you wanted if you want to do that you do it I was like okay so I shut the music off and I'm like everyone has to leave everyone leave Eric flipped on me Eric he's like yo fuck you I'm like in front of all these strangers yeah and me and Eric we always fight when we're drunk and shit but I was and so I was screaming back at
Starting point is 00:37:16 him because like I thought everyone it was literally like Civil War like everyone started going right so it was like the people that wanted people out the house where's the people that wanted yeah so we all started arguing one of our friends grabs Eric grabs a pan like he's gonna beat someone with it and one of our other friends starts hysterically crying yeah and then Nick and I go at it Nick breaks a bottle on the fucking counter and he's gonna like stab me and Nick is like crawling to fucking murder yeah it's funny because no one's paying attention to Espo and Espo's just holding it with like
Starting point is 00:37:53 yo guys and I was like I was I was admittedly I was fucked up and I said I was like yo let him go let him hit me yeah let him hit me but boy was that that again how do we explain something besides guys that night everyone was like furious at each other I was crying I was hammered I went upstairs I punched a fucking hole in a dresser and dresser and then the next morning we woke up and like you know that was the dumbest fucking thing in the world we woke up like made fun of each other then we went to breakfast and we went to drink again yeah exactly did the whole thing over literally did I remember we
Starting point is 00:38:34 posted a picture me and Eric we were drinking out of the same like mojito or some shit or like margarita and he's like guys we're still friends and like mad people were like commenting on it good times though I would go back to Miami not with a big crew like that I just too many people yeah there it is Vegas got me guys Vegas one Miami's always a good time though we need to do like a wild place next Toronto I don't want to do Toronto Nick is an idiot the first time I went for my 21st birthday to Vegas Nick decided he wanted to save his money to go to Toronto so what did I do naturally I meant a bridal party from
Starting point is 00:39:11 Toronto at a pool party and I made them take a video of them saying fuck Toronto I remember that vividly was that the year that we went no we want to go we went like two years after yeah you didn't go we wanted to go though Nick and I want to go to Japan yeah what why not Japan dude that flight is absurd good luck that's probably the only reason what that's I mean we fly to California and then it's six hours to Cali and then another what like eight to Japan think so and it's over just water will be fine what can go wrong watch four movies and you're there now I can't do that like I want to go Australia really badly
Starting point is 00:39:51 it looks really nice but why would you want to go there because it looks really nice everything there kills you what are you talking about you don't want to hook a kangaroo then it will kick your chest in I can understand listen Australia is more of a vacation spot than Japan no no shot yes it is no it's first of all literally everything in Australia Australia was created as a jail it's literally what it was you know that right that's where Europe used to used to send their like worst criminals they'd say go to Australia and then they became the craziest people on the planet love it and it literally like I watch
Starting point is 00:40:25 like a top 10 deadliest animals one day like seven or in Australia the box jelly fish a scorpion that's can crawl underneath doors and sting you and you're dead in minutes a kangaroo can kick your chest in I've always just wanted to go to Tokyo though I don't know for what reason just as like my dream city to go to yeah I do it reminds me so much in New York I don't like London or some shit London would be cool but like we were gonna go to London this year for the giant game when the Giants played oh yeah but then I think you couldn't like get off work or some shit like that we couldn't go that would have
Starting point is 00:41:00 been dope how was that flights I bet it's like seven I think I think I think it's like five yeah five or six it's actually going to either Vegas or LA is further away LA probably because Vegas is five hours yeah it's probably the exact same thing I mean LA is five and a half the only thing that bothers me though is like you're flying over water and that is my biggest fear like just getting stuck in the middle of the ocean with nothing why we've had this conversation don't turn your back no I understand that was a you'd rather like straight up die or you want to rather straight up die than be stuck in the
Starting point is 00:41:32 middle of the ocean I mean me too okay so thank you yo what about the first time when we went to Vegas and was there in the day and the plane is oh my god dude doing loop-de-loops no it's like 25 feet away from like the canyons yo we were so scared yeah it was yeah so sick yeah it's sick into it into a cliff is better than into the water huh yo we were terrified yo though we had so much turbulence that people on the plane we're going well I was like please shut the fuck up like I was so upset on the flight back we're flying over land and Dominic starts grabbing the inflatable raft under his chair like they can't
Starting point is 00:42:08 roll over fucking dirt that's not gonna save you at all I remember one time on a plane do you get drunk around a plane if you drink yeah because the altitude well we got we got there's a current when we had the layover in Chicago oh my god idiots for $80 less we're like yo let's just connect flights well so worse that could happen flu spirit listen guys don't ever in your life even if someone offers you free flights from spirit do not go it's it's terrible we also scariest thing it was also like a hundred dollars to checking your bag remember we know it was it was a hundred dollars if you brought your bag and
Starting point is 00:42:45 it was too big to fit in the can like the overhead they charge you a hundred even your carry on they were charging you something I remember we split we're like yo let's just pay let's just split it 50 bucks and we put all our shit in one bag yeah dude in insanity it was the scariest thing we we hit crazy turbulence and I really have no idea if that has to do with the airline at all but I'm not taking any chances so fuck spirit I mean when we took jet blue we didn't hit nothing I also pass out on every love jet blue oh my god dude on the way to Toronto this kid we're taking all that like a two-hour flight notes an
Starting point is 00:43:15 hour like 55 okay well the Wi-Fi just turned and we're gonna descend right now I was like all right that's it you can turn your electronics on and right back off yeah and don't get up to take a piss cuz we're already here we when we were taking off we hit like this crazy turbulence for like a second the plane jerked like my head hit the fucking window like oh whoa we weren't sitting together we're like no two or three rolls but I was like five rows behind me and the plane jerked like first of all we're in words on the runway I see him he's passed out mouth open the we're taking off we're like ascending and this
Starting point is 00:43:53 plane jerks really quickly my head hits the window like oh I look behind me Nick mouth open still not like as it moved everyone's kind of like on it oh shit he's he was just I can't sleep on a plane I can't sleep on a plane you know on any plane so I bought that neck pillow yo that neck pillow greatest thing I bought coming back from Vegas the first time I med bought that neck pillow on the way back from Vegas this time and I ended up with it on the flight he spent 30 bucks on a neck pillow I was like yo please can I have it he's like alright okay he was just like yo those are worse I do I've ever had no now
Starting point is 00:44:28 that shit was I shit was great I sleep with that thing any time I go on a plane I thought you were gonna say like in like regular yeah yeah I can't put it down yeah yeah yeah no but the reason why is wow you heard that take your time the reason why I even brought the drinking thing is because there was one time on the way to Orlando I had like three jack and coax or four jack and coax on a plane and I was a fucking lit up well I think hammered I think literally because I had a friend who went to grad school out in Denver and she said that they tell you at the bars like you think you're a tank like in
Starting point is 00:45:00 like other places like that elevation there's like less oxygen yeah and that's what happened like that's what your brain needs to be sober surprise and that you get like hammer that's why you get drunker when you drink out of a straw then you do just regularly like sipping out of a cup or a bottle or can interesting dude when I landed I was so drunk and it was like going to one of those so drunk are you too drunk when I landed I was going to one of those like YouTuber convention things back when I was doing that dumb shit and I landed and then I'm with this other kid and we're looking for a taxi and like we had just walked out
Starting point is 00:45:39 of the gate we have our we just had to carry on walking towards the taxi taxi thing and all here is so I turn around it's these two girls and I had tweeted when I was in the air like yo I need to go to a when I land I gotta hit a liquor store so I hear Joe and I turn around these two girls and she goes do you still need to go to the liquor store I have a car and I was like I could beat the shit out of her if anything goes left I was like I did the math I was like I could take both of them if I needed to if he ran away the math but we went we should go straight to the liquor store about like one of those big-ass bios
Starting point is 00:46:23 sorok hit the hotel room kept drinking I was hammered can't do sorok not a vodka guy it doesn't taste like vodka I don't like vodka either whiskey apparently now that you said the liquor store remember when we were in Toronto and the two girls took me and Dylan to the liquor store first was they left which was yeah we left and we were supposed to go to over the fuck are these kids we have to leave soon and we also didn't have service so you couldn't get in touch with us when we left yeah so y'all literally it's it's two blocks away from our hotel on the same road like from from the entrance down the road two
Starting point is 00:46:58 blocks y'all these girls kept going around around mind you they're from Toronto and then I don't know where Dylan's like y'all I think it's over here just went they took us and then those are the same girls that remember the failed threesome oh god when I robbed you guys to this kid Nick got mad at me because he tried to rob me and I didn't have enough cash in my wallet yeah why the fuck do you only have $20 I'm like fuck do you mean scumbag meet me and Dylan we're talking to these two girls and I'm in the room with both of them and Dylan's on the balcony tongue deep with some other chicks so I look out the
Starting point is 00:47:32 window and I'm like all right he's busy so I'm just over there and like we're both we're all three of us are sitting on the bed and I'm in between both of them and like my my hands on both of their backs so yo all of a sudden like through like just talking she goes the one girl goes oh what's Dylan doing so I turn around and so I'm like ah you know what I was like yo fuck Dylan I don't even like him I'm only I'm only on vacation with him because he's cool with Joey and like I'm cool with Joey so so they start making out and I was just like yo hands off right away right all of a sudden the
Starting point is 00:48:09 one girl storms out the room and then her friend follows I go out of the room I just like at Joey I'm like so anyway I started texting this other girl and I'm like yo can you come back to the room she's like yeah but I live so far I was like how much is an Uber she's like she's like 120 bucks in Canadian I'm like that's like what $80 so I didn't have any cash on me Dylan was my bank over there because TD Bank you could take out you could put in your card and it gives you Canadian money I only have Chase so Dylan I go into Dylan's wallet I go into his wallet I go into Eric's none of them have cash so I end up taking like
Starting point is 00:48:45 $50 Canadian from Dylan and then the next morning the girl ended up not coming back so I end up the next morning we're all chilling in the living room I just go to Dylan on my guilt this is yours she's like what do you mean it's mine I was like yo you guys are all assholes none of you guys have cash on you he goes he goes you had $20 a fucking loser sorry so I did a fucking robbing my friends but I gave it back to them though everybody does yeah but by the eighth that's Ronald Trump is really fun man it was yeah we've been on some good vacations yeah this year with Vegas I want to go somewhere
Starting point is 00:49:23 we need to do an all-inclusive disaster it's literally you pay one one fee and it's everything in one I can't even imagine having that kind of freedom I feel like I would I'm irresponsible well when I went to Cancun we didn't have all-inclusive but it's it's so cheap there too it's not even a big yeah but like that's not like nice like Cancun is like sure it's a fun like college pop like you're thinking of like DR the Bahamas or something where it's literally like you're on an island I want to see a shark so bad no I do so bad why I don't know I just want to like I've never
Starting point is 00:50:01 been to a place that you could like see your feet in the water Miami I mean that's now you mean like crystal clear water yeah like that you can see it but my crew so clear now it's Miami's pretty clean too man no that's what I'm saying like I hate like I hate the beach but I love Miami beach that's I you know that's the only you know Jones Beach all the time I'm going though in March I just booked my trip okay have fun good thank you this is birthday to that's why I can't go but also because I hate you thanks he wasn't planning on going anyway no I
Starting point is 00:50:39 definitely wasn't but the beaches around here are terrible the water's brown it looks like you're swimming in a swimming bag of McDonald's swimming yeah kids are taking dumps do you remember when we used to wake up at about 6 a.m. and go to Coney Island yeah that place was fun but in retrospect a dumpster fire how dare our parents let us go yeah that place literally when you close your eyes and think of like a freak show that's what it was over there you know the train ride was what now stop to stop stop to stop yeah we didn't get off our story over here this is the last stop and then Coney Island was the last stop on the end
Starting point is 00:51:14 God because it wasn't the W because last on the W was Whitehall Street I just hate I haven't been to the beach in so long I hate it I you know the only water I go to is when we go to Connecticut in the lake but that's a lake man that's fresh water like pools besides that I don't go to the beach up here fuck it pulls so hard I don't yeah I don't I don't fuck with sand sand is my in my dick like I'll go to the beach just like I was in I was in Jersey a few weeks back I was in Jersey a few weeks back and like I walked on the beach but like it sucks like the sand sucks so much yeah I can't fuck with that though I don't know
Starting point is 00:51:48 how people have sex on a beach I don't know saying in your fucking pee hole it's a fucking night course I don't know why I don't know why anyone would allow their body to do that no like I unless it was in a tent even then like that's kind of you need a locking mechanism on this thing yeah like why would you did that's a lot of sand in a lot of places you don't want sand to go asshole pee hole bonch bonch if you're like me and you have an additional pussy all right let's let's wrap this up bring her home let's bring her home all right let's saddle up Frankie where can they find you if they
Starting point is 00:52:32 want to contact you underneath the Hell's Gate Bridge no Twitter Frank underscore Alvarez 80 Instagram f Alvarez underscore 80 I also do Nick and I we we're about to record this in a little bit we do a wrestling podcast so we'd love we'll love us some good old Rastlin and we got the rumble this week yeah royal rumble that's right because here in his American Alpha shirt it's called throwing a banger at the studio joey's a shady old-school wrestling fan I am I actually I like watching the big event the big events big events big events like the Catholics will only go to the church for Easter and Christmas
Starting point is 00:53:11 that's how I am with wrestling role rumble summer slam and WrestleMania exactly pretty much but yeah we like we we call ourselves the squared circle jerks and if you guys like wrestling give it a you know give it a listen give it a shot you know we like to just talk shit and interact with people that like to follow us we have our Twitter account to at scj pod that's fun we like doing it and got bars I first of all I am the factual one so that's all I got to say but yeah Twitter and Instagram hit me up what about you Nick lamb vm 10 on Twitter and Instagram I am also one-fourth of the number 75th ranked
Starting point is 00:53:50 sports and recreation podcast on iTunes veterans minimum I also have a sports betting and daily fantasy sports podcast and Twitter handle it is at degeneration bet if you want to win money in DFS the podcast is free just listen the bars are elite Nick I've won some money because of it thank you yeah I've been thank you fuck now but it's doing well so you can see some of the big scores we've had so yeah nice alright that is all guys go follow at Santa gala studio for all this stuff you know if you just forgot everything that they just said you could just go follow at Santa gala studio on Twitter and it's
Starting point is 00:54:32 all gonna be posted there so you can find it easily in one place and that is all and thanks for listening you motherfuckers

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