The Basement Yard - Tim Delaghetto Is In The Basement

Episode Date: October 25, 2016

I have @TimothyDeLaG on to talk about his 10 years on YouTuber & other things! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. It is Wednesday the 19th. I'm doing this in advance for the first time I think ever by the way, I have a special guest here one of my YouTube buddies one of the only kids that I don't hate YouTube I feel the same way bro. Tim DeLaGhetto's here. What's up, man? All the way from the west coast Yep, I came to New York just to be on the podcast. Yeah, I flew him out of all expenses paid He got me at the King's suite at the W Everything is very professional over here. Why are you actually in? Oh, I'm out here just to do a little like a MTV got me for some like digital creator panel for advertisers and stuff like that. Yeah, and like whenever I can Put my face in front of brands and advertisers make a good impression
Starting point is 00:00:46 I'll do that because my content is not necessarily brand friendly, you know So if I can get in there schmooze a little bit and press these white people get their money. I'm down I Mean you speak you talk about language because like my shit is not brand friendly at all either Yeah, but somehow it works out They some people fuck with me when I when I get like like you said like once you get in front of them You have conversations with them and you're able to talk to them and like, you know, it makes more fucking sense Yeah, you know cuz it's like, you know brand deals for me
Starting point is 00:01:15 It's few and far between but when the people do fuck with me like, you know, it's a good look brand deals are always a good look So it's like, you know people don't realize You got to be I mean a lot of the game is being fucking charming, you know I'm saying so it's like If I can make a good impression on some people with some money, I'm down, you know So Tim if you don't know, I mean hearing his name. Maybe you don't you're like, who is that but on He's on MTV's Wildin out right now. Yeah second season. I think no, this is actually since the reboot This is what I just we finished up the fourth season
Starting point is 00:01:50 But it's our it's our first season on MTV the big MTV though, right, right, right not MTV too. Yeah Yeah, so you're on that MTV. This is the first one. Yep. First year on MTV MTV since since it was on like the old school I don't know. Yeah, I feel like you're perfect for that show because like when you were on YouTube like before I started YouTube like I would just like watch random shit all the time and you were always They're doing some shit like you'd be like rapping or like these sketches or whatever like you kind of just Did everything? Yeah, bro. Yeah, I mean, uh, I Agree, but even when Wildin out used to come on like the old while and I was like, I'll be perfect for the show Cuz I was doing the rap shit. I was doing I would battle people at lunch on the playground
Starting point is 00:02:32 You know shit like that and I was you know, I was always just fucking class clown and all that So I was like, yo Wildin out's perfect. It's funny shit. It's rap shit. It's like I can do this, right? Even to the point where back then I was online like googling like how do I get on Wildin out, you know? So when they brought it back, I was like, okay, it's my time So how did you get that? Did you like submit or for it or whatever? Um, well what happened was someone hit me up there like yo Wildin out's coming back You should see what's up with that. So I was like, okay, I'll check that out I followed Nick Cannon on Twitter and then um one day he tweeted
Starting point is 00:03:01 Who's the funniest person online? Whoever gets the most retweets of hashtag Wildin out needs me I'll audition personally So then you know, I had my minions retweet And and so I got a DM saying oh, you know, if you're serious about the audition contact this person And and and during that whole tweeting process a dude I knew Who was managing a youtube homie hit me and he was like yo if you're serious about the audition I know one of the producers. I'll lock you in blah blah blah blah blah So I went in for the audition walked into a room like Nick Cannon and like ten other people chilling And you get in there and he's like alright first thing
Starting point is 00:03:35 We gonna have you do is rap and I was like, oh, okay He's like rap. You want some freestyle shit or some written shit He was like whatever you want to do. So I did both and then and then we play some improv games and then at one point He's like, okay Kevin Hart's in front of you. Wow style battle him right now diss him You know I'm saying and then so I would have to just come up with some stuff for Kevin hard like Like prompt you on any of that like did they like tell you in advance like no I mean they kind of gave a list of games that we might be playing right um and then we ended up playing none of the games that
Starting point is 00:04:04 That was on the paper. Just like any test that Gonna be on test exactly And then they call me back for the group audition with the other you know possible up and comers for the cast and then we had a Little group audition and we had our little you know fake battle at the end and um and then they hit me up Said I was on the show and I was like four years ago. That's dope man. Crazy. I remember when you first Like got on the show and I saw you like tweeting and shit like that you're gonna be on walla now And I was like fucking new this kid was gonna do something because yeah Do you remember when we first met at a random ass?
Starting point is 00:04:38 It was an after-party for something for something that I wasn't invited to it was like one of those YouTube fucking things It was a YouTube thing and it was like it was like after like what was it man? You were somewhere else though You I was just in New York. Yeah. Yeah, just like We're still like I walked into the after party and he's just stating there like just chillin Honestly, I don't even remember how I got into that after party. I don't know. I don't know who let you in Cuz I definitely wasn't a part of the event or the show or anything Yeah, like someone at the front door must have been like oh, that's Tim. Whatever fuck it. Let him in I guess man. Well, yeah, but the after party was like in the lobby
Starting point is 00:05:11 Like kind of they have like a bar area. Mm-hmm, but it was like that whole place and you know, I was Mad I was so drunk that I was so drunk and I remember just babbling like just because I you know They had that open bar. I was like fuck it. I'm just gonna like I'll have one. Yeah. Yeah, and then once you have one It's like good night. You got to go in at the open bar. That's the beauty of these YouTube things Yeah, I can coach even if you go and you hate everybody there, you know, I'm saying it's over bar, bro Why not, you know, I? Stopped going to those things though because it's like I don't know I get Crazy anxiety being in that situation. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:05:47 First of all, it's just really uncomfortable to be around those kids because they're the way that they act is completely different than the people that I hang out with and people that I talk to right like I always tell people like I am so I'm such a New Yorker Mm-hmm. So it's like people from other parts of the country like it's just different Yeah, and these people think they're like larger than life for the most part a lot of them And I'm like yo like just be a person. Yeah, I'm saying like it's it's so weird They're like it's can't do this can't do that It's definitely a you know, and that's the beauty of those events is that like it's it's where you can Walk into a world where like you're the shit, you know I'm saying cuz like youtubers
Starting point is 00:06:23 You know, we might be popping online and then you go somewhere Where there's real famous people and no one gives a fuck So it's like usually man, you know, I go to those things I schmooze I drink I chill with the people that I actually enjoy, you know I'm saying but then for the most part I just kind of take my free hotel room run up to my room and hang out and just fucking watch TV You know order some room service. Yeah, that's I mean, that's what I was doing I mean that that the time that I met you is when I first got introduced to that whole fan girl craze because when I first started like I didn't know shit about YouTube
Starting point is 00:06:57 I didn't really watch anybody. I just would upload and that was it like I didn't yeah I was all I knew about it I didn't even know how to work a subscription or how to subscribe like I was mad dumb but back then I Was like running out of money and then this collab channel was like yo post on our channel And well you could get paid for the videos and I wasn't getting paid because I got flagged for some shit on my channel Okay, and I was like I'm down because I need money. Yeah. Yeah, so that was one of the first times I think that was like the second event that I ever went to Where it was kind of like you're on a stage in front of all these people that are just screaming and I was like
Starting point is 00:07:33 This is like insane, you know a dude and those are interesting Okay, what was the name? What was that fucking show cuz it was something that I remember like it was where it was it was one of these events And it was kind of like the pre it was like playlist or it wasn't playlist It was I remember it was something I was never invited to because those show that one particular it was only no It was it was only pretty you fast digit fast Yes, and I remember because I was never invited to those because it was only the pretty white ones at DigiFest It was and um and I just remember thinking and that those were like the precursor to like the vine shows
Starting point is 00:08:04 And I remember looking at the vine shows because like the vine shows like people don't do shit at the vine shows with all the Pretty white boy vinyls like they get on stage. They do some bullshit and the girls just scream They ask questions they like bring people up and play like the game Yeah, it's like what the fuck deal. There are some youtubers that have gone on tour Throughout the entire country right and and have done that like every night They just and they make so much money they make so much money like because the thing about it is you know Like you said when I was doing the YouTube shit. I was doing everything. I was doing the rap shit I was doing like the comedy stuff too. So like when I was when I was doing tours
Starting point is 00:08:39 I was doing tours with like um, there's like a whole there was like a whole little market of um Asian singers and rappers, you know, we were getting booked from ad shows like Just because people I feel like Asian people were just hyped to see Singers and rappers, you know I'm saying so we all got booked on these events. So I'll be you know I would come out. I'll say some funny shit and I'll do my rap shit, right? So then when they I would see these like vinyls getting booked for these shows. I'm like for or for shows in general I'm like, what do y'all do exactly and that's why I stopped going to those shows, too Because like it wasn't like I was going to these places like they would throw me on stage with these other kids
Starting point is 00:09:11 And I would be like this is so uncomfortable because it's not like I'm doing a stand-up bit or anything like that Like what do they want me to do? You want me to just stand here and just like let them stare at me? Like it's the weirdest thing. I have a homegirl who she was like she got hit up for for one of these things and And she's like dude. She's like I'm so against it. She's like I think it's so stupid, but she's like, uh, but She's like but the money's so good Yeah, I mean I I did a lot of them back in the day because I like I needed the money like I needed to survive Yeah, I wasn't like I said, I wasn't getting paid for videos and shit So I had to do what I had to do
Starting point is 00:09:47 But once I was able to and not like oh I stacked mad money and then then booked it like as soon as I had enough money We're like, okay, I won't starve right stopped going right. I was like, I can't it's just so weird like I'm not the kind of person that in like I don't like Being treated like I'm better than other people. Yeah, I feel that it cuz it makes me feel weird And like you said what you go to a place where there's actual famous people and no one gives a shit about no one gives a shit And that's why I'll never act like I'm some fucking same, bro And that's why I like look a lot of people will say like, you know, I'm humble and shit and honestly, it's just because I feel like I'm just not I don't I know where I want to be and I'm not there yet
Starting point is 00:10:30 So it feels weird being like when people are like, oh, yo, you're famous. I'm like, it really depends on who you ask I'm like, yeah, if you ask someone who's been watching my shit for a long time They're like, yo shit. He's famous or if someone won't wallowing out there like a watch is well and out They're like, yo, he's famous, right? But like I mean ask a lot of other people and they're like who the fuck is this guy? Like I know it's the worst like in on the train when someone will be like, oh, hey, how you doing? And I'm like You know, I've never like gave anyone the cold shoulder or anything But it's just like when that happens and then everyone on the train's like what the fuck is this guy?
Starting point is 00:11:02 Oh, dude, you know, I love you know I love to do in that situation when there's like one fan That's like, yo, there's like, yo, what the fuck and they're tripping out, right? And then everyone else around them has no idea what's going on and they're like, yo, yo Can I take a picture blah blah blah and then when other people are looking at me like who are you? I'm like, I don't know what the fuck this guy is talking about. Yeah, I don't know. I'm not But yeah, man, how did you even get started? How you oh, it's you you've been on YouTube for 10 years, right? Yeah, I just hit my 10 year anniversary. Yeah, you had a roast at a roast of myself. Yeah, I just I just watched it
Starting point is 00:11:36 Yeah, yeah, I finished it. I watched like half of it because it's as long as hell Yeah, I know and it has its little slow parts, but you know for the most part I had me actually had me cracking up. You know, I'm saying cuz I was funny Yeah, honestly, it went way better than I expected it to write a lot of people said that yeah Because I mean for the most part you think of like youtubers you like others, you know Quote-unquote comedians exactly like to be in that kind of setting and be funny is like, you know Only a certain kind of person can do that totally It's not it's not, you know, there's no jump cuts when you're up there
Starting point is 00:12:05 Exactly, you know I'm saying and you're in front of a crowd You're not in front. It's not you by yourself like in your room with your camera like it's completely different, right? And I debated I had a couple of my while and out homies who are real stand-up comedians that were supposed to show up You know I'm saying but then they man these motherfuckers like Had some last-minute shows that they forgot they had booked so they couldn't make it to my shit on time But ended up working out because I feel like When what what ended up happening is it was just all kind of like just youtubers, you know just youtubers, right? Try in this shit and and then you know it came out. Well, you know
Starting point is 00:12:35 I thought it came out good. Yeah. Yeah, it was well received too It was well received for the most part a lot of people, you know, there was like there was some people who were like This is lame. It's not funny. Blah blah blah blah. Yeah, I mean, that's YouTube. Yeah Yeah, and at the end of the day, you know as an hour long I was able to put five motherfucking ads on that shit It was like 54 minutes. I'm like, holy shit I was gonna break this up. Yeah, I was you know, I thought about either like cutting it up and just keeping like the best shit in there But I was like, you know, I want to keep the whole thing Just see you see if people are down to watch the whole thing
Starting point is 00:13:07 I might put together a little like best of a little 10 minute clip see if people fuck with that Well, uh, where did you film that? Uh, it's at the youtube space In LA in LA. Yeah. That's a big ass space. Yeah. Yeah, one of my my youtube contact. Um, this this chick. Sorry Who's who's dope? She hit me up and she was just like, hey, would you ever be would you ever want to do um Like an event at the space for whatever reason, you know, I guess they can write it off or whatever, you know And um, and I was like, uh, yeah, actually shit my 10 year anniversary is coming up I'd like to have you know, maybe a party or some shit and she was like, you know, well someone brought up Um, someone wanted to do a rose and I was like, oh shit. I'm doing it. You know, I'm I'm taking that idea
Starting point is 00:13:43 Let's do that, right? So I hit all my boys up. I'm like, yo, would y'all be down a lot of people And the thing about it is a lot of people were like, yo Um, how they were asking me how come certain youtubers weren't there roasting? You know, they were like, uh, you're like, yo, how come you didn't have dashi come blah, blah, blah and like, um I'm like dashi just didn't didn't want to roast me. You know what I'm saying? He wasn't trying to do that You know, and like other people were just like, ah, that's not really my thing. You know, yeah, so, uh But yeah, I fucking I wanted foosie to go because I had I took I made jokes about foosie and Bart Baker during my shit
Starting point is 00:14:13 And um, and um, it feels mean when they're not there. Yeah You're talking shit. Yeah, it feels like I'm talking shit if they were there We're all just having a good time, you know, but I have a my my vlog going up I show him the joke I made about him and he's like, I think he got a little mad, but it's cool. It's all good Which one? Um, uh, what joke? No, no, no, which person? Oh foosie. Oh, okay Oh, shit, I gotta do that man 10 years. That's crazy. How did you even get like? Oh, how do you even get started doing that? Man, look, okay. So back in the day me and my boys before youtube Uh, we we were just making short comedy films and like submitting them to online film festivals
Starting point is 00:14:52 Shit like that like we all met in um in high school in drama class like one of my boys was like director editor He was making short films and all that my other boy was like, you know, we me and him were trying to be um Movie stars and shit, you know and one day Uh, we just started making these movies and then um One of our movies, uh, this this movie called jason versus gumby was doing really well online It was like and it ended up using all the bandwidth on the homies website, right?
Starting point is 00:15:17 So I was on my space and someone posted a bulletin saying, yo, look at these white girls dancing a laffy taffy Right, so I clicked it. Well, it was funny. You know white girls dance funny, right? So I was watching this shit and I was like And I'm but then but then I was like, yo, this is crazy this website You can upload any video and it'll give you a little code to embed and you can put it on your myspace Like that's dope. You know, I'd never seen a website like that. So I told my boy I was like, yo, we should use this for our movies So you don't have to worry about paying for the bandwidth every month, you know So we started putting our movies on there and then um, I just started putting bullshit up like for the purpose of putting on
Starting point is 00:15:52 My space just to make my friends laugh, right? So I was doing just like little freestyle videos and me like I don't do any impressions and like just bullshit, you know And then um, but there weren't a lot of people uploading content back then So my shit was hitting like the most viewed list or whatever You know, I don't know like maybe like 5,000 views was on the most viewed list You know, so I was getting like feedback and comments and shit like that So I was like, oh, this might be a good way to get my name out there a little bit So I started doing it and I was uploading shit like anything bro
Starting point is 00:16:16 Like from my cell phone It was videos on on my old on like my og my youtube account, which was um, uh It was called like funky fresh or some shit like that and it got it got it got like hacked but um, and there was a timothy deal I get a one two, uh Because my current is timothy deal. I get a two, but whatever I was I was putting up shit Like just me making out with homegirls me like me like uh jiggling my homegirls cakes like uh This was shit from like my cell phone that I was just like just bullshit Like I uh a white girl that I used to work with would not like a she was thick like a nice butt, right?
Starting point is 00:16:51 There's one video. I'm just jiggling her butt and like and the kids would like Watch that and they would watch me rap and that was that was it, you know That sounds like because that's like kind of the same way I got started like I used to make videos with my friend We had this Cam like a camcorder whatever and it would record on cassette tapes And then if you wanted to edit that you had to like rewind and then tape over it Like there was no like program they could use for that and then when facebook rolled out Like you could put videos on people's walls. I was doing that like all day. Oh, so you've been on facebook since the beginning. Yeah
Starting point is 00:17:22 What? Damn, I mean the facebook page that I have now is not like is you know, it's not the one you had before But no, I was doing this on facebook, right? No, I had no but like you could leave random videos of like A face cam of you just like saying something like shit Like I was I always do like little pranks to my brother or whatever And I would leave them on people's walls and I remember I actually posted on my my instagram And I have to go back and find it but someone wrote one of my friends from high school wrote on one of the videos And he was like, yo, you should make a youtube channel
Starting point is 00:17:54 Because like I never even like I didn't even really know what it was or whatever And I the reason why I started I started making like these I guess you could call them vlogs of me and my friends going to connecticut And like we always used to get drunk and like my friends like house And the reason why I started doing that is because Wiz Khalifa back then, you know how he does that like it's called like day to day or whatever. Yeah He has his vlogs that he does. Yeah, so it's like someone mentioned that and I was like, oh, I'll do that for us Like it'll be funny and like I had no idea how to edit like I taught myself
Starting point is 00:18:20 To use iMovie like yeah, me too, bro. I was on windows movie maker back then Yo, I everything that I know I'm kind of like googled Like for the most part like like entire sentences into google I tell people that all the time like if you don't know anything just type an entire sentence into google No, totally and you'll be some you like it's crazy. How many people are asking the exact same question exactly everything You are thinking someone's probably like thought before you know what I mean? So there's like forums of people just answering those questions. It's crazy. I still use iMovie for my vlogs. Do you? I can't
Starting point is 00:18:51 You know, I I tried to go back and use it like it's so different now really when I used to use it Because like as soon as I can get I I got a better editing program I use final cut as soon as I got that and then I tried the other day because my Some one of my friends was using it for some like school project or something and he's like can you help me? And I was like I can't oh I was like, I don't know to use it anymore. That's my that's my shit for my vlogs, bro I just get a hop on iMovie done deal You could do that from your phone now too
Starting point is 00:19:19 Yeah, yeah, a lot of the Viners were doing that Like I remember batch batch would just be like, uh, he would just be on his phone just editing his editing his vines You know, I feel like that would take so much time. I know just fucking like point. Yeah Arthritis that way. Totally. I mean, we're all gonna have arthritis one day. I mean, that's why vine died Is it? Yeah, no, they'll all they'll all attest to that too. What that vines dead. No, absolutely Yeah, yeah, all the Viners are like, yeah, no no vines done. Yeah. Yeah, so that's why their explosion Was crazy. It was crazy. I remember like when vine first came out I was like one of the most
Starting point is 00:19:54 Popular people on it because I already had the youtube audience and I just transferred over To vine and I had all these whatever and then like I didn't take it Like I didn't fucking I couldn't see the future. You know, I mean, I was just I was just fucking around with it Because it was funny. It was like six seconds, whatever bro I tell I tell people this story all the time where um, I remember I was shooting with With batch day storm And alpha cat we're shooting this skit and batch had been cranking out the vines, you know, and I remember Thinking and I don't know if I thought this or if I actually told it to him
Starting point is 00:20:24 But I remember being like in my head like why are you wasting your time with this vine? Shit, bro. Yeah, I was just like, you know, I was like, why don't you just use these ideas for good youtube videos and make some Money, you know saying and now and his shit like blew up. It's crazy I was just looking at him the other day. It's like he has like 10 million followers on instagram That's yo They yo and that's another thing the vines have a crazy instagram following. Yeah. Yeah, because you know what? It was like It was all the fresh young
Starting point is 00:20:51 like Like mind you when when I got on youtube 10 years ago, right? Like yeah, I had people that were hyped for my content. Like they were always wanting new shit Um, and then and that was like but then but then at the same time people it was a new thing You know I'm saying like people putting out their own content online like that was a new thing, you know And I feel like these vine followers They're they grew up in it, you know, like this this this whole like Having these these these vine celebrities and these instagram celebrities and these youtube celebrities like they grew up in this shit
Starting point is 00:21:22 Right, so it's like they're hyped and they're down to just go from wherever whatever, you know Like my fans are kind of like they're older now. Yeah, they're not necessarily Thirsty for a new upload like they used to be they got lives. They're in college. You know I'm saying like they're married and shit, you know So it's not like it was but that's why these new these people that got followings now Like everyone's just really excited for whatever they're doing, you know Yeah, and it's so weird like these these younger kids Like they're super active online like everyone's like has a twitter account and like a youtube account or whatever And the other day someone said something to me. They were like
Starting point is 00:21:56 Yo, my my little sister wants to be a youtube star And and at the time I was just like, yeah cool like, you know, good luck to her whatever but Thinking about it. I'm like What what does that mean? Like you want to be a youtube star? Like what does that mean? You know, I mean that doesn't sound like there's real any real like ambition behind that. It's just like I just want to be a star I don't really care. It's it's it's the new girl. I always talk about how you know when I started I was trying to be like my goal was to be to get off youtube I mean it wasn't even because being on youtube wasn't even a thing
Starting point is 00:22:30 You know when I got on youtube is because I wanted to be a movie star, you know But now these kids they're like, yo, they want to be youtube stars because they I mean they see I mean, especially since if you're following a poppin ass YouTuber on instagram It's like all you see is like the fucking money and the and the good shit, you know what I'm saying They're hanging out with celebrities. Yeah, especially like yo, uh, superwoman killing the game though Like I mean props to her. She's like chiller with drake and fucking zendaya and the rock and shit, you know It's crazy. That's what they want to be bro. That's just like
Starting point is 00:23:00 Is that the new movie star for the young kids? I think it is I think it is it sounds like it because when they talk about it They're like, yo, I want it because like I remember, you know, I mean us growing up It would be like I want to be a movie star or like, you know, something like that or a famous singer or whatever But now it's just like people want to be youtube stars Yeah, but it does it but it feels like there's no real ambition behind that like it's it's not like you want to be a
Starting point is 00:23:26 Comedian or you want to be like a writer or like a comedy writer or just something You know what I mean? It's just like I just want to be a star. Don't really care. I get there Exactly, especially since the difference is now Now, especially with the way youtube has been changing like being a youtube star can literally just mean like I want to fucking eat spicy shit and throw up for a living You know I'm saying I want to I want to just put shit all over myself every day for a living, you know Real quick and then we'll jump back into this again. We're about halfway here, but Doing the sponsorship. We got seat geek
Starting point is 00:24:04 Seat geek basically if you don't know what it is It's an app where it just makes it much easier to get tickets to any kind of event They sent me and my friends to The Giants and Redskins game very close But I like a lot of my friends honestly before I even did this they all have seat geek and it's like The easiest way to do it. They actually have pictures of from your seat of where you can see the field It's like it's perfect. It's the easiest way to get tickets. So just I would fucking shout out to ian from seat geek. Yeah, that's my guy To get your 20 dollar rebate on tickets download seat geek app
Starting point is 00:24:41 Go to settings tab and click add a promo code enter the promo code basement Seat geek will send you 20 dollars after you've made your first ticket purchase So download the seat geek app and enter promo code basement today That's how you do it Anyway, I also wanted to ask you too because I mean we've been talking a lot about like fucking youtube or whatever, but I feel like A lot like I said going these are kind of related because what I was saying before is like a lot of people want to be
Starting point is 00:25:09 These youtube stars, but don't necessarily care how they get there I feel like that you can see that because When they sometimes they'll take these big stars and give them like their own show or this or that and it's just not panning out Why because it's a completely different Lane, you know, I mean youtube is is one thing and it's like if it's one thing to be good at youtube But you also have to like try and progress in The other fields, you know what I mean? If like especially if that's what you want to do like it's it's interesting like I got look I got no
Starting point is 00:25:42 I'm not mad at anybody's hustle You know I'm saying if you're making if you're getting views and making money off fucking like chugging poison spicy drinks every day Then whatever do your thing, right? But it's like When but it's interesting like you said when these people are trying to make shows With someone who's popular for eating spicy shit every day, and then it doesn't turn out To be a good show, you know I'm saying because this person's not necessarily an actor or a writer, you know Mind you there are some talented like actors coming from youtube, but like
Starting point is 00:26:10 um I feel like That's why I kind of I never really felt right Going the challenge route or going like the the just to eat a bunch of spicy shit Out because I always felt like part of the reason why I was able to be so relevant through the years Is because I could switch up like when shit was changing like when when when when straight to camera Shit was really popular. I was like I can do that. I like I like talking right when when skits were popping Like I was I always like doing the skits, right?
Starting point is 00:26:36 But when it was more challenging is I was like man, I don't want to do this because like I wanted people to go to my channel And be like yo He's actually talented, right exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I always felt too like uh If I put out a video on youtube to me, that's like YouTube's the biggest fucking platform there is for what right for entertainment in my opinion I mean for the most part millions of people on every day, but
Starting point is 00:27:02 If I put something out, you know There's always a chance that something could go viral and if that's the one thing That an important person sees and it sucks Then it's just like you missed your shot because you Took the easy route. You don't want to be known as like fucking scotch tape on my dick guy challenge Can you explain to me what the condom challenge is? I still don't know what that is. Oh, oh the condom challenge is actually pretty funny I don't know what what it is It's something I would have done for my vlog channel if I did the condom. Have you seen it?
Starting point is 00:27:33 I've seen it, but I don't I still don't know like the challenge is you take a condom You fill up water and then like the challenge is to to get it to like what happens is the fucking When you drop it on someone's head the condom just kind of like wraps around and your your head gets trapped in the condom That's the goal with all the water in there Yeah, there's some there's been some crazy challenges. I remember on twitter. I saw this kid He like sprayed himself like his whole body would axe and then lit himself on fire then jumped in the tub real quick I saw that Like what is going on?
Starting point is 00:28:02 I don't know man. Look and that's that's the danger of the of what it is now Like you can be popping for anything so people want to be popping for everything You know i'm saying like they they want to find any excuse to go viral for some retweets or some internet fame, you know Yeah, I've always been at like everyone knows like especially all my listeners. They know that like I hate like you like The youtube culture of these kids that are just brainwashed children right it really is like
Starting point is 00:28:33 So weird Because I know like if if these kids were around like my friends like they'd be like what the my friends would be so confused By them, you know, you need to be like an alien and be like, what are you talking about bro? I see some of these some of these youtubers who like think so highly of themselves and like and and they and they tweet some like Some shit that makes no sense But they're their young ass followers are like that's fucking deep. That's deep like damn that's deep. Oh my god You are so right. You are so right and i'm like yo This this is dumb
Starting point is 00:29:05 This is stupid I'm all for being deep, you know i'm saying I get down on some deep shit on occasion But like brah Like some people are are are saying a lot of nothing, you know what i'm saying? Like they they make it sound like they're saying some amazing deep shit But then when you really look at it like you're not making sense, brah And it's kind of crazy that especially these younger kids like once they get a little bit of attention when they're like 16 17 they just like Some people drop out of high school and go and move to la and try to pursue a career and fucking
Starting point is 00:29:35 I don't know man. Look, I know I know some vineers who um Who are good dudes, you know what i'm saying who like vine was popping so they moved to la they got spotted la Because like the vine shit was popping and now the vine shit's not popping and they're like on the youtube shit And their youtube shit isn't popping and they're like, yo, I don't know what i'm doing right now I don't know what i'm gonna do, you know because like that you this is I always Preach like I've been preaching on these podcasts for like the past couple times But especially near the end, but I've been I've been saying like you you have to keep it like all the way real with yourself you know what I mean because
Starting point is 00:30:06 There's there's a chance that you can be popping on vine or youtube But entertainment or comedy or whatever you know deep down isn't your thing You know what I mean like this isn't my thing you have to keep it all all the way real with yourself So because if you make a move like that and you move out to la Of course like dude, of course you can fall out of being relevant. Anyone could Even like dang cook. He was like the biggest stand-up comic like back in the day Now, you know, I mean he's had he made his money already But you know I'm saying like even anyone could fall out of relevancy totally
Starting point is 00:30:39 Sort of make a move like that like yo, you gotta You gotta keep it real yourself. Are you gonna pursue this you're gonna try to progress You're gonna take the right steps And you know and that's the thing man you got to progress if you're not progressing man, then you you asked out You know what i'm saying like i'm blessed look bro like honestly, man I feel like this is kind of the year where like You know my vlogs are not pop and like in terms of views like I think Well, honestly, I think my vlogs are looking better than and are still mad entertaining
Starting point is 00:31:05 But like in terms of views like the kids aren't really fucking with them anymore Like they used to and it's like my channel my main channel like yeah Like I still get consistent views like as far as a 10 year old youtuber, right? I feel like Um, my views are pretty are decent, right? Like i'm blessed to be getting the views that I still get after 10 years But i'm feeling like you know this might be the year when my channel kind of falls off, right? And i'm i'm just glad that I put in the work over the years to like Make good content, right because like now that
Starting point is 00:31:37 Um hollywood is looking at numbers I kind of have this These statistics that are never going to go away like the views that I've acquired over the years And they can look at my shit and be like, okay, he actually can write he can actually act So i'm getting hit up for shit outside of youtube because of that, right? So i'm like, okay, thank god because like kids ain't fucking with me no more dog. They're all over me, bro I mean, yo, if I can make it 10 years That'll be fucking i'll be so happy like every day I wake up and I check to see what my views are
Starting point is 00:32:07 I'm like, yo, this could be the day Yo, I swear to god every day. I'm like, I don't know. I'm gonna fall off one day Like I always tell people all the time like it's like I see you're doing well. I'm like, yeah until the shit crashes and burns Like you know, I'm saying like it could happen at any moment Especially with something like this like and honestly the roast was kind of um Was kind of was kind of symbolic for me to be honest because like it was it was my 10 year anniversary, right? It was everybody going in on me and I low-key. I was kind of like it almost felt like a retirement Thing you feel me because I was like I feel like my channel's low-key falling off and i'm like i'm kind of ready to
Starting point is 00:32:41 Really go hard on some other things and uh, you know, you know, it's been it's been real. It's been fun But it's good that like see The reason why I always like I always liked like there was two people on youtube that I always like really liked You know what I mean and not necessarily like their content But I mean their content was good. You and jimmy teatro. Oh, don't you know what dog? Hey finish your thought and i'm a i'm a i'm a interject So the reason for that being is that I could just tell for whatever reason just through Like your actual personality your your content whatever that you actually cared
Starting point is 00:33:17 and that you Wanted to be good and that's it. You know what I mean because that's all I care about I want to be good like I don't give a fuck how many subscribers I have you know what I mean like as long as it's good Because one day this is all going to be gone and then what are you going to do? Are you so that's why every day you got to try and get better? You got to find new ways to do this do that so that when it's gone You can do something else and not put all your eggs in one basket
Starting point is 00:33:41 And and do that and I think that You have done a great job of I mean, you know, you could do the sketch thing like jimmy is just all sketches and like He's funny You have the sketches and you try the music thing and then you have the fucking The vlog where you're just talking to the camera So it's like yeah, there's a bunch of aspects that you have that you covered because you care about being good and relevant on the On the internet, bro. Thank you. First of all But second I fuck with teatro
Starting point is 00:34:10 I was just thinking this literally this morning, bro before I ubered over to your show I was watching some teatro videos, right and I fuck with jimmy teatro man because like you said He actually he's one of the few people man, especially nowadays, bro Like with the current climate of youtube like sketches aren't aren't where it's at You know I'm saying sketches are not popping and honestly, they're not worth it to put in the money It's so much like what two people don't understand. Yeah, bro. Like sketches take work It's so frustrating sometimes man when I shoot for a whole day Get a cast and crew together right go through different edits of the rough and this and that and then put it up and then like
Starting point is 00:34:45 You know and after all that like a video of somebody, you know putting a tampon up their nose gets like five times the views You know I'm saying I'm like, bro. Like is this even worth it? But like I just I just really take pride in what I do You know I'm saying and like I love watch teatro shit and after all these years like he's still cranking out really quality sketches, you know and and and and I fuck with him in person as a real person like he Bro, let me tell you a story. I'm gonna tell you a story. All right One time dog me and jimmy teatro got hit up for this brand deal It was it was it was good money too to be a part of this thing right and um
Starting point is 00:35:21 But it but we got to set and I told them specifically Look, I don't want to do okay. It was like it was like an anti smoking campaign and I'm like I don't smoke Cigarettes or weed so I was like I'm down right whatever like that's cool Like I'll be a part of it But it was a rap video and I was like, but let me tell y'all I'm not gonna rap like I don't want to do an anti Smoking rap, especially if I'm not writing it You know I'm saying because I anything I rap I write myself and like and it just the whole the whole thing If I was gonna be doing it musically just felt it felt corny right right?
Starting point is 00:35:52 So I was like I got there teatro was there And um and they were trying to get us to rap this shit and I was like and me and teatro were like Oh, no, man, and like we kind of went to the side had a little meeting I was like and this was the first time we officially met and we're both like man I don't know this is this it's corny right and they really wanted us to do it and um And uh, we just couldn't do it But that was the first time we kind of bonded on some all right, bro I'll fuck with you. You know I'm saying I fuck with you for not fucking with this
Starting point is 00:36:21 And they eventually they found somebody else to I mean I had a little part I kind of did a little part of it, but I was like no, I can't I can't do the music part, bro I'm sorry so Yeah, I mean do it's all about like and that's the thing too like a lot of people will just sell Sell out for the for the money and like all this shit like There's been times where you know a brand deal has approached me and like now like my channel has been like Like I'm fucking peeking. You know I'm saying like it's it's probably the best it'll ever it will be right right
Starting point is 00:36:49 So it's like the brand deals are like so much money and now And but when people come to me and they're like, yeah, we want it in like the first half of the video And it's got to be like two minutes long. I was like goodbye. No, okay. I don't care how much money It could be a million dollars. I'll say no because I care more about like The the consumer who sees it and just like now this kid's putting ads in the middle of his fucking right right And I'm like I'm not doing that. You know what I mean? And I've never had a problem with like Putting ads at the end and I'm not like one of those people that'll hide it like I'll just be straight up like Yeah, this video was sponsored by these people. Yeah, same same people appreciate that too
Starting point is 00:37:22 They're like, I like that is and try to hide it like exactly because you know, you know It's different than in the beginning. Well, first of all, let me just say four million dollars I would definitely put ads everywhere on my videos Second It's different now though in the beginning bro I remember when the kids just started seeing ads popping up on my videos They're like damn tim you sold out. I can't believe you doing this But now it's like they know how it works
Starting point is 00:37:44 You know what I'm saying now kids are more likely to be like They if they see me even doing a blatant brand deal, they're like, all right tim get that money You know what I'm saying? They know how it works now. And I see you interact with them all the time You're like, yeah, man. I'm just trying to I'm making money. Like that's part of the thing Yeah, that's why I try to tell people too. I'm like, dude this commercials on everything like your favorite things have commercials and product placement And if they try to come at me sideways, I'll be like this. I'm like look bro. Um, if you had a chance to feed your Parents who are getting old and retired my mom's brittle bones All I gotta do to put food in my parents mouth to help my family out is talk about a brand for 20 seconds
Starting point is 00:38:23 You can't even handle that you trying to take food out my mom's mouth, bro Dude and that's another thing you you did a video where you like paid off your parents houses some shit. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, thanks. I remember that it was fake. It was all those were actors not just playing I know this is your parents, but I was but yeah, I was devastated. I was like, what? No, but I remember I used to work for elite daily and someone brought that up. I was like, I know that kid, man That's a good dude Yeah, that was I mean, I was always just one of my goals, man
Starting point is 00:38:52 I told my fan from the beginning like look man, you know, I know I'm not I'm not about to be no doctor or anything like that I'm trying to do this entertainment shit, but I'm telling you I told him like I'm telling you it'll pay off You know, I'm gonna pay off the house. I'm gonna buy you a house I'm gonna do something like that because like this shit is gonna work out for me like just trust me, you know Someone I could finally do it. Um, it felt good. You know, I felt like I was validated in what I was doing and and and the shit I was like just doing ever since I was a little kid, you know, where I'd be going going home and like Doing just these shooting all late these dumb ass videos of my friends and my parents would be like, what are you doing? I'm like, yeah, I'm working. You know what I'm saying? Trust me. It's gonna pay off, you know
Starting point is 00:39:26 And it's good that your parents like Let you do that You know what I mean? Because a lot of people a lot of people's parents wouldn't let them do that Like my parents like I I dropped out of college and I didn't even know what the hell was gonna do I was I was doing youtube at that point. It was just like a hobby. I didn't have Views or anything like that. I was just like I need to figure it out and you know, my parents were like, all right, you know what? Do you and like they gave me a year and then I started to see progress and what I was doing and I was working on the side too
Starting point is 00:39:53 And uh, but yeah, man, that's that's also important. That's dope Bro, I'm so lucky that uh that my parents are super open-minded like that Especially for being Asian parents, you know the fact that they were down to yeah because the stereotype is like The stereotype is true too that they want you to be yes, like get good grades be a doctor Be a be a pharmacist or whatever. You know what I'm saying? That's just real, bro And uh, but my parents are just mad uh laid back like Thai people in general are just very laid back people laid back horny people You know what I'm saying? All all Thai people are just horny disgusting freaks, bro
Starting point is 00:40:25 People are always like what do your parents think about you making these dick and pussy jokes all the time in your videos? I'm like, why do you think I get this shit from? What do you think I learned this from? You always got some chick who has like a big ass in your videos like this just randomly. I mean it helps It's not random. It relates to the story You see some girls like she got a big ass I'm about to write a sketch around this That's true though. I've been trying to like um to stray away from that a little bit You know what I'm saying? I still give them a little eye candy But um, I'm trying to straight just to kind of show people I can do it without without the twerking necessarily
Starting point is 00:40:57 You know, but I still love to put the twerking in there just because I like it, you know Twerking will never die. It's working forever Oh shit, man Damn, how long have you been on this shit? 41 minutes So I'll give you another 10 minutes. What are you gonna talk about? I don't know. You want to talk about you want to talk about politics? No, no, please So what do you got for the future, bro? Um, are you working on music anymore or no?
Starting point is 00:41:23 Yeah, yeah, I'm working for the first new album in like four years Like I've been doing just random features for people here and there like just like, you know, like, hey, can you get on this track? I'm like finally get on track, but my first Project I'm working on in like four years. My last project was the one. Um It was funny because I hit I hit Tori Kelly for my last project and before she popped off Right and I was like, just you know, I just and she was still doing her thing, of course And I was like, yo Tori get on one of my tracks before you're too famous for me You know I'm saying before you like take over the world and shit
Starting point is 00:41:52 She was like, oh my god, shut up and then like she was like sure enough, you know I'm saying like a few months later. She signed a scooter and she went crazy. But uh Yeah, she was on like the Grammys of the VMAs or something like that. She had a performance Man, she's like, who is this girl? I'm like, she's on youtube. Yeah crazy, right? She's been on she's been killing all the award shows they all the award shows hit her up to just perform She's so good. She's so good. Just naturally amazing She's yo when I when I am when they when she was on my track like a few of the comments were like too much auto Tune, I was like, bro, there's no auto tune. No, no, no. She just the shit sounds like that
Starting point is 00:42:26 Even in like I remember she used to make like webcam Covers or whatever and she sounded good through those mics. I'm like, yo, this is crazy. I always tell people it's my fault she got she's she's famous because uh because um scooter brahm um, I tell this story all the time too just to rub it in uh Tori's face, but like uh When she had her first little show in LA
Starting point is 00:42:52 Scooter brahm who was already following me on twitter because I'd made a video defending Justin Bieber like years ago So scooter had followed me on twitter. He was like, hey, um, and I tweeted. I was like, yo, I'm going to my home girl Tori Kelly showed a night blah blah blah He was like, yo, uh, he DM me. He's like, I'd like to go to that show. Can you get me in? I was like, of course So like he showed up me and homie andrew like got him into the show and then um Yeah, we got scooter brahm into the show Because it was it was packed But we just kind of you know got it like I just I was like, oh scooters here and then homie andrew went down and got them
Starting point is 00:43:20 You know and uh, so he got he got in and uh, I was like, I was like what you think man He's like, oh, she's amazing, but she's already managed by someone else So he's nothing I can do right now and then but then the next fucking week on her instagram She's at Bieber's birthday party or shit. I'm like, okay. I see you scooter. Yeah, I see you working your head with the email like Hey, I'm uh Bieber's uh manager So that was that Damn, look at you. But yeah, man, you should have asked for like 2% or something like that. Yeah, I should have Finders fee scooter. Yeah, you're right scooter. What's up, man?
Starting point is 00:43:51 But yeah, new new album I'm working on And the beauty of of because I kind of I'll kind of put the music on the back burner for the comedy Shit, you know, because coming's popping off But like the beauty of of I feel like of not necessarily Being known for the music is that like there there's a there's a good little Little group a percentage of people that really fuck with the music. So I can kind of like take my time I don't have any pressure to put some new shit out. I just want to make some dope shit You know, so I'm just kind of taking my time working on some new shit
Starting point is 00:44:18 Yeah, it's just fun to to make stuff too. Yeah, man And um other than that, bro Like I'm just I'm trying to do a bunch of stuff this year that I've been talking about Like I'm trying to like write this book even though everybody and the mama got a book out But I'm trying to actually write my book a lot of the youtubers don't actually write their books You know what I'm saying? So Trying to write how does that work if you that you don't write your book You just have like interviews with people and then they write it. Sometimes it's that sometimes sometimes it's like someone
Starting point is 00:44:42 Well, sometimes yeah, someone will just tell their story and someone else will write it Sometimes it's just not even sometimes these motherfuckers just don't even I don't I don't know I don't know who's writing what I don't know who's actually writing their books and who's not writing their books But I'm trying to write my shit word for word like sure enough when when my people came out to be With the possibility of me doing a book. They're like, no, do you want to write yours? I was like, yeah We're gonna write it. Yeah, you know, and that's a real thing. You know, yeah, I mean, I feel like one day you know because Like at this point, you know in my in my life like I couldn't see myself writing a book
Starting point is 00:45:13 Nor would I expect people to read something about my life right now, but Uh, I remember when my first meeting with william r's there was someone there and she's like, oh This person is this head of the not head or whatever the fuck she is. She's in the book department Right. She's like, yeah, so if she want to write a book or whatever or whatever. I'm like, what? Like I literally said that I was like, what? She's like, yeah, if you want to write a book or something I was like I was like, I've read like two books in my entire life. I was like, why would I write a book? I was like, if I wrote a book, I wouldn't read it. Right. She was like, you don't have to
Starting point is 00:45:46 I'm in between. Well, here's the thing. I originally I had this groupie story book that I was gonna write But I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it because I was like because you know because my chick Um, I didn't know if she would be cool with that, but she was like, hey, look man She seems pretty cool. No, she's cool with so much She's cool with so much more than the average chick will be cool with man for sure And then I need that, you know, somebody who just kind of Understands, you know, who can like look at things objectively and realize like, you know, this is entertainment for me You know what I'm saying? And like, um, I talk I say a lot of reckless shit on twitter
Starting point is 00:46:19 I say some reckless jokes, you know what I'm saying? Like that's just kind of my brand at this point But she gets it, you know, and if she ever feels disrespected She'll let me know and I'll like it, you know at that point I'll delete whatever tweet or I had to re-edit a vlog one time Because she didn't appreciate a joke I like and here's the thing for the main channel videos. She don't she don't give a fuck You know what I'm saying? As long as I let her know beforehand like look babe, it's a scene today I'm gonna be fake fucking this girl. Uh, you know, I'm saying, um, um, I might have to bite her booty shit like that She'll be like, all right. As long as she's not on her period. She's usually completely fine with it
Starting point is 00:46:50 You know what I'm saying? When she when she's pms in a little bit. She gets a little cranky about it But for the most part she's like, all right, cool. Do you think blah blah blah? But if it's a vlog Um, it's different because that's not me portraying a character. That's just me, you know And there was one vlog in particular I had made this joke about it was it was a homegirl I was shooting a video with and um And I said a joke about like, oh, yeah, she asked me to hop on this track So I said, yeah, if you hop on this dig now, I'm just playing right But my girl was like
Starting point is 00:47:22 Like that so immediately I took it down re-edited it re-uploaded it, you know what I'm saying? I'm like, okay, baby. I'm sorry Now that's dope dope because I she definitely seems like she's mad cool because she's I mean She's still dating you She's super chill man. She's super chill and um, she just gets it, you know Oh, here's how dope she is for example Rick rick had written this skit, right for his channel my boy rick if you don't know who rick is rick wrote this skit where um, it's uh, his girlfriend Keeps getting naked in front of me, right?
Starting point is 00:47:55 And in the skit this girl like bends over in front of me naked So he's like, he's like, here's the script. I'm like, okay Let's send it to chia to approve before before we shoot this shit, right? So I sent it to her and I'm like, all right, babe Let me know if you have any issues if you want we can even switch it so that the girl's naked in front of rick instead You know if it's an issue and she was like, well, whose channel is it going on? I was like, oh, it's going on rick's channel and she was like, well Wouldn't it make more sense if the girl was naked in front of you and me and rick were like, yes
Starting point is 00:48:21 She understands she gets it You know, yeah, so and we did the skit. She was chilling. It was whatever, you know And and oh to go back to the book the groupie book I didn't want to write it because I didn't want to you know, I didn't want to like I was afraid how she might react. There's a lot of details Because of course I'd have to kind of like, you know, I'd have to tell a good story Paint a good picture and shit to make it interesting, you know, and she was like, look man As long as I'm not surprised by any of these stories, you know, like I'm I'm good
Starting point is 00:48:47 You can go ahead and shoot the red pen and take some stuff out Exactly So I'm I'm worried. I'll probably write one of those too too. It's it's gonna be called them It's gonna be called them. Um, if these balls could talk so So that's the groupie book I'm working on Oh my god That's mad funny Balls could talk if these balls could talk man
Starting point is 00:49:08 All right. Well, I mean we'll wrap it up here, uh, where can they find you if they want to contact you or whatever Um, slash timothy There's a booking email in my twitter if you if you want to book me for some shit Brand deals shows whatever and uh, instagram Timothy de la ghetto, I got good food porn and uh Lot of food a lot of food a lot of food. Yeah, I take my stitch in like different angles Oh, bro. I don't I don't pick stitch anymore. Pick stitching is for lame's dog. No stitches anymore
Starting point is 00:49:38 But I I definitely like I've changed tables in restaurants to get better lighting for my food pictures Oh my god, uh, all right, dude, uh Thanks for coming on. Appreciate it. Thanks for having me, bro. I fuck with you. I fuck with this man right here Um, I fuck with your giant dog My horse charlie over here is passed out on the floor. Don't tell my landlord. He's not supposed to be here Uh, and as always, thanks for listening your motherfuckers. Yep

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