The Basement Yard - Vegas 2K17

Episode Date: August 1, 2017

On this episode, I have @LambVM10 & @D91Emigholz_DB on to talk about our trip to Las Vegas. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today. I'm joined by two of my friends Nick and Danny. Yo, yo, hola We just we just got back from Vegas. So we're pretty beat up. That's why you see the waters over here Yeah, we're drinking water today. Usually we're drinking beers on the show, but We're gonna we're gonna stop doing that shit For a while he got sick To right now I have like a head cold or some shit like my I feel like I have a concussion I felt like this since we were at 20,000 feet and descending on the plane Getting there. No on the way back. I was totally fine. The flight on the way there was beautiful
Starting point is 00:00:35 It was it was longer than the flight home But it was totally fine a flu version airlines was just fucking incredible and then it took Was it jet blue back jet blue back? Yeah fucking you felt sick coming home Yeah, the first day after daylight done. I had mucus everything I was coughing for about 20 minutes before I got out of bed. I thought I was done. No ball God I just I can't even like think I just been like walking around my apartment I feel like I have a concussion literally in my head It feels like there's like a force field around it and it just fucking it's it's killing me
Starting point is 00:01:09 But on the way down on the way home like we got to 20,000 feet I just felt like the pilot was like nose diving because we were fucking flying through the feet I could see it on a little map at my ear my right ear just went fucking Crazy and it was killing pop. That's what happened. It didn't fully pop. I did I was fucking yawning chewing I was opening my mouth closed anything. Nothing was fixing it. Yeah, I had I had no idea the whole flight I sleep on every flight. You're always like cursing me out because you can't believe how I do it We went to Toronto and this kid we were on a tiny-ass plane. There's like two rows in it As we're ascending I
Starting point is 00:01:46 Turn around and Nick's asleep and then like as we're ascending for whatever reason we hit like really bad turbulence for like a second it really felt like 25 Fender better like we hit another plane in the back real quick and we all jerked and everyone's like whoa I look back Nick's fucking mouth's wide open Every flight doesn't matter how long it is. I'm just out. I bought a neck pillow the first time we went to Vegas It's probably one of the best investments I ever made those don't do anything. Don't do it. Yo life-saber going there I had extra leg room still did nothing. Oh, yeah, I was in the emergency. I was in the emergency exit Those are trash. No, you have extra leg room. I know but it doesn't recline at all. Yeah, but sleep
Starting point is 00:02:26 Comfortable I text you guys It does make a difference like you could stretch your legs that you can't go back But I mean I text you guys right before right before we we took off and I'm like, yo, just so you know God forbid anything crazy happens. I'm in charge of the emergency exit. You're like, yo, we're fucked. Yeah, I know It's bad. Also I only lost four pounds this year Yeah, you're always losing weight every time we go there. I don't eat. Yeah, it's true. It's bad I lose track a little more. I've never even done that
Starting point is 00:02:55 I usually weigh myself when I come back to see how much I've gained. Yeah, but like I don't gain weight I don't know why my voice is cracked. We're off to a hot start. Yeah, no, my You're the first year we might not make it out of this week I'm not I swear to God. I'm not but the first year we went I think I lost like six or seven pounds like it was bad. I was blown away Yeah, I don't know how we eat nothing, but It's insane. I don't know how I don't think I don't think I lose way And I think that's why I just get blackout at these pool parties
Starting point is 00:03:25 There's ever there's always one every single year that I'm just I have to be escorted out by one of our friends Like I need help. Please fucking help me. That's usually how it goes when I get really drunk I approach my friends like yo, I'm not okay. I'm not okay. Wait, so you went up to a med. I Couldn't tell you I'm assuming so because that's usually God That is what a choice whoever was close you really were fucked up I'm just glad it was one of our friends and not a stranger like please take care of me and fucking The blind leading the blind with a med asking him to help. We went back to the suite. He wasn't even there Yeah, I have no fucking idea
Starting point is 00:03:59 We were at a The first year was that that there's a pool party on Saturday is called wet republic and replace It's on Saturday and I get there Thursday morning. So that's Thursday Friday That I'm not barely eating and just drinking the entire time. So by the time it's Saturday There's nothing in my system except just alcohol. Also those first two days that you're there feel like weeks Yeah, because there's no sleeping You take a nap for about two hours and that's about it And then you get made fun of if you end up sleeping. Yeah, well
Starting point is 00:04:35 Danny This year I wanted to punch Danny right in the face because I forget what day it was What were we calling them the police police? Sergeant Danny of the sleep. It was uh, I think it was Saturday morning set go into what republic Oh, right. It was it was Saturday morning. So it was after encore and you had a pretty rough time at uncle Yeah, that was the one this year that I got really drunk at because I don't know I just wasn't eating and I drank too much Blackout no idea what happened half the party that I do remember it was really fun though It was good, but uh
Starting point is 00:05:06 It was like 5 a.m. And I wake up because this dickhead and I think Josh come into the room Which I don't even know you guys got oh, no, you had the key Okay, I mean you guys got in there. He met up with me at Caesar's like five in the morning. Danny comes in fucking yelling There's like five of us sleeping all over the room. He comes in yelling clapping No, I turn in the lights on like the fuck is Clapping at first I couldn't find a fucking light switch. So like I thought we were in a suite So I'm like, let me guess you got a clap. So I start clapping nothing was working. So I didn't know what to do No, we fucking I was like Danny. Why are you turning the lights on? You're like, I'm looking. What were you looking for?
Starting point is 00:05:41 Like a room key or some shit. I couldn't even tell you what I was looking for. I was like, what the fuck are you doing? And he's like, yo, why is everyone sleeping? I'm like, it's fucking 5 a.m. But would you you because the way you did it is you go to the pool parties and then you sleep from like 9 to 3 Yeah, and then get his day depending on how like tired I was after I ate dinner I would hang out for a little bit and then if I felt really exhausted just go back to sleep for like three hours Wait back up and I was it ready to go for the next day. Yeah after the pool parties I'd always go to sleep every time and then I just eat after even if I wouldn't plan to like I do remember even encore
Starting point is 00:06:16 When we left there and I was really drunk I slept which I don't really remember and then I woke up and Everyone's like, oh, we're going to the casino and I was like, all right So I got dressed and went downstairs and I'm standing by the craps table and I'm just like Mortal combat like my knees keep buckling. I was like, I need to fucking go to sleep right now I'm not even trying to act like I'm having a good time right now, and I just went to sleep slept the other night. I was done When was this this was You sure that was in daylight Friday. I feel like we did that last year too on Thursday after daylight I was fine like I was good
Starting point is 00:06:50 But I think it was Friday on core and then I woke up and then fell asleep and that's when I woke up at like two and I Wasn't gonna stay I wasn't gonna go to the casino and then just stay up all night because we had what republic the next day Which is I didn't even drink at that this year. I went there and I was just like fuck this and I'm telling you those parties when you're sober are just Not fun at all. You realize how much pee you're swimming in. Oh, yeah I mean you could tell once you walk into the place. It's the pool of spotless I don't care and then when you go and get it. I don't really don't like it's You're not gonna stand outside because the concrete is fucking blazing blazing hot. It's hot to begin with
Starting point is 00:07:27 I'll swim piss. I don't care. It is what it is. No Yeah, when you go and get a drink and then like you're in the pool and then you go and get a drink you come back You stand at the top of the step. You're like this is disgusting You sure you guys don't want to come hang out outside the pool. It's gross And I had no idea about this in the first year we went to Vegas I was in the pool and then like I was I just remember looking at him But like can't see my feet anymore like what the fuck is going on and then I just like was too drunk to even Whatever and I was like I gotta go to the bathroom
Starting point is 00:07:56 So I got out of the pool and went to the bathroom mind you there's like how many people do you think are in our eyes as party? 2000 no, no, no more fucking crazy at what republic. Yeah, I'd say like I think a thousand is pushing it No, no way. It's a lot of fucking people. Yeah, I think I think a thousand like that It's not huge there like if it was encore, I would say you got probably 2,000 I'm for as bigger. Yeah, for sure. Maybe all right Let's say it's a thousand people It's there's way too many people to for me to want to at any point after I'm drinking and I have to go to the bathroom to walk 400 yards to the opposite side just to take a piss forget it. I'm not doing it
Starting point is 00:08:33 I did it the first year and then I went to the bathroom. There's a thousand people in this place There was no one in there It's just a guy that gives you the towels and like one person taking a shit and maybe one other guy using the year Yeah, if you gotta do that, you know, I'm covered in fucking human piss Yeah, that's what you have to look for if you're not taking a shit. It's that's it It's like an unwritten rule or you could take a shit Yo, I went with Espo and Ferg and I went to get a drink Don't tell me what I think you guys and I'm walking back and there's no this wasn't this year
Starting point is 00:09:02 No, this was about two years ago. This is when it Ever getting out of the water for somebody taking a kid so I must have been swimming and I too I get out the water and I'm coming back and I see Ferg and I'm like, yo, what's going on? He's like, yo, someone took a shit in the pool I'm like stop and then the girl that he was with is like, yes I'm gonna take a shit right by the by the stairs to get out They flooded the entire pool They got everyone out got everybody out. Yeah, I mean you'd have to be an asshole or just be in there
Starting point is 00:09:28 Wait, so this was like party movie caddy shack where someone shits in the pool. That's caddy shack, right? I was like that like did you see it? No, no, I didn't see it, but Yo, literally, you know what was not but you see how packed the pool party gets Yeah, you can't like move around at one point, especially when the feature DJ comes on You know what happens and yo, they got everybody out. Somebody's just sitting there on the step Takes a shit and just gets up and walks away because there's so much shit going on like no one's paying attention to all of that Maybe they were that drunk. I've never been that even close to that drunk though. Now. I'm just gonna shit in a pool First of all, I don't even like peeing in like no after a while. You don't even like know you do
Starting point is 00:10:12 Your dick knows that you're not supposed to pee in water because you know how hard it is to pee in water at first like are you kidding me? Yeah, wait, you never like it obviously feels different though Like it doesn't feel like just peeing normally like it actually feels like at least as me my dick feels guilty I guess it's like no wait. Okay. We're here and then it's yeah, there was one year me. You had like a piss count I was like, you know, have you put Pete in the pool yet? You're like, yeah, like like 15 times Yeah, be too close to it at daylight That little fucking secret pool that we had I was afraid of that I thought it was gonna be like grown-ups with the blue. Oh
Starting point is 00:10:50 No, I first two times I went I went to the bathroom because it was close So I was like, all right, yeah, then after that I got annihilated and I lost control I was like whatever if it happens it happens. Stop you did that in that pool. Yeah. Oh my god There's like 10 gallons of water in that one. Yeah I don't know if I should mention our friend's name, but when we went to Encore Saturday night We we found like a nice spot in the corner. Oh, this is great and So there's like a there's like a little ledge that you could sit on and your body's like half in water half out and Right looking at where the the DJ is so we have a nice view all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:11:26 I'm sitting down with with John and Josh and All our group of friends just scatter Like what's going on and they'd like go sprint it out like they do is sharks in the water and then They just they just start waving us over and we go over there and they're like, you know, I my bad Yo, I just threw up in the pool like what? Like how'd you do that? He's like, you know, I just drank it too fast And it wasn't even that he was hammered because we had gotten there what half hour into it and we didn't pre-game or anything He's like, you know, I just drank it way too quick and I just threw up and I saw him put his head down
Starting point is 00:12:01 And then come up. He threw up under the water. Yeah Imagine doing that you're talking about pissing on the water hard like you would drown Like you need air he I don't know wait. I Don't know that I thought he threw up just like, you know, you would throw up on top of the he like put his Water still Frankie was telling me that all of a sudden he was just like They all scattered and we're like, you know, we're gonna stay here because the feature DJ was coming on So we're gonna leave from there because you see all the pool parties. Yeah, you can't see shit after
Starting point is 00:12:37 We had we saw the stage and now all that in the DJ booth. We just had to get the hell out of there It was nasty, dude. Why would you throw up in the water now? See now? I'm thinking like Piss isn't that bad. What else is because this is your piss is definitely not that bad No, would you rather be in water that someone shit in easiest question or threw up throw out throw up Yeah, I probably throw up. I mean piss dude. You just got it like we know that that's established on my face That's a layup. This is the easiest one What are you doing? I just said piss on my face. It reminds me of Frankie. Oh
Starting point is 00:13:13 piss on my teeth He was in the elevator and it was whoever he was with and it was like a family of four behind him like two little kids Someone said something and he's like, oh god if my girlfriend did that I piss on her teeth And then he noticed that the family's there and he was just like, I'm so sorry. I don't even know why It's a fucking psycho Yo encore Last year was historical to do when we walked into that place There was that random kid who was dancing all by himself at the night night party. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:13:46 He was on he had to be on like eight different kinds of drugs for sure There was literally because this year when we went it was packed But we went during the day also at night time too was packed also. Yeah, it wasn't like it was last year when we went I feel like No, I mean I didn't go to the night one, but every pool party this year. I feel like was over packed I don't know if it was because we showed up later and the pools were already crowded We did show it later than I feel like we usually get there a little early to grab a spot because we have so many people Yeah, but I don't know if it was just like I don't pay a click like attention after we're there
Starting point is 00:14:16 But once we got there all the parties I felt like they had like like over capacity I think it was because of the The gamer convention thing Zero chance why the fucking pool parties were packed. Why yo enough Yo, let's be honest fighting fucking Tekken those kids were the ones Lining up everybody in this fucking pool parties. Yeah, man. No gamers fucking now There was a lot of things there was a lot of things going on though. Yeah, the summer league NBA summer league was going on Okay, that too, I'll agree with that and then you also had the e-sports thing
Starting point is 00:14:51 Yeah, which was huge because they packed out Mandalay Bay. Remember we were taking all packed We were we were leaving and we stayed in the room to watch I feel like their partying is different though like the summer league yeah, like they go out of control the e-sports thing I feel like like their party is like sitting in the room like strategizing and like drinking beer Dude, there was more people at the e-sports thing than there was at summer league. Oh, yeah, yeah That's a that's but that's like how many people can fit in Mandalay Bay? I have no fucking idea But it's like what I don't know, but it looked like a like 10,000 people. Yeah fucking I mean some of the views they look like they had a like a lot of people at the EA sports thing
Starting point is 00:15:30 At summer league when we were there there weren't a lot of people until the Lakers game Makes sense and even then it wasn't a lot of people. Yeah, yeah, probably like 10,000 in both. Did you bet on the Lakers? No, I bet the Blazers the game we went to they should hit that. Yeah, and then the parlayed fucking Blazers and Gunner whatever his name is cuz Mark Yeah, I was like you fuck we didn't even get to summer league yet. My bet was done By the way before oh you parlayed the Blazers and him no no I did Blazers by itself and after Mark was like yo, I'm so confident this guy do it I'm like right him and Eric had we didn't even step foot into the arena yet and the parlay was done
Starting point is 00:16:11 He got knocked out in like five seconds in I guess you got fucking knocked to because I was sitting there with Eric Eric the entire time before we got there's like I'm gonna lay a 600. I'm gonna Nelson. I'm gonna lay a thousand dollars I'm gonna know that's where Marco got it from Don't do that fucking knocked out. I think it was like the second round or some shit the first round maybe Yeah, never again Eric killed it the first night That's the worst thing before we before even landing because they got there on Wednesday Yeah, he was up like $2,000 or something even more I think he was close to like 3k it's a 25 hundred around there
Starting point is 00:16:43 And I was saying like in my head or I said to someone on the side I'm like winning on the first day. It's probably like the worst. Yeah, it's awful. Yeah, that's why I didn't gamble the entire trip Until Sunday like the day we were leaving I gambled that day. I didn't gamble much either and that's a surprise to everybody I'm like really didn't yeah, I mean dude. I hate playing roulette because all of our friends got Torched by the roulette table every single one of them. I should have stopped I should Yo, we had nothing yo as soon as we left that table and went to daylight and nothing went right not one damn thing I didn't win a single dollar. That was one of the coolest moment Thursday, right Thursday when we got there We went where the fuck did we go? We were going to daylight
Starting point is 00:17:20 All right, we were going we're walking to a pool party and we walked to New York, New York Yeah, we walked through a casino. Yeah, right back to New York. We go and Do you guys walked over to a roulette table? Yeah, because Josh would you put a hundred on the table or something? Yeah, I bought it for a hundred because somebody was getting food or something Josh went to get Starbucks So we're like, yo, let's just hit the table quick and then go because that's the best way to play roulette Don't stay there for many hours. So what'd you do you put $60 on the board? Just like yeah, just playing and nothing happened. I saw everybody coming back
Starting point is 00:17:48 So I just took my last 40 and put it on 10 and it hit why did you put it on 10 though? because I was in seat 10a and The number before as I was taking off the last number I saw was 10 so I was like fuck I'm just gonna put it on like on the red there's like numbers. Oh and literally like the plane was taken off And I looked at the wind the last number was a 10. So also your boy 10 favorite number So you put it up $40 on 10 40 on 10 and it hit and it was in the whole time. I was like, yeah, let me buy in for five By and He bought in for five whatever so $40 on red door 10 whatever 10 red
Starting point is 00:18:24 Whatever it was black 10 black 10. Yeah 1440. I should have stopped there I should have never played again before even going to the first pool party. Let's get had 1,400 bucks Yeah, it was so bad and After that it was I didn't win a dollar not one dollar swear to God not one single time. I sat down that I went That was it Yo, remember that money too that I won right back in that casino. It did not leave Yo, fucking unbelievable when you went out on the balcony
Starting point is 00:18:56 No, oh my god, dude. I was Yeah, I was denied water. Oh, yeah, all I wanted was one water And I just lost too. So I come up and all I wanted was a water. I'm like, yeah, I'm thirsty Can I just have one? He's like nah, we just opened so many of them like you gotta be because the waters in the room are like fucking $12 each and they give you like a little like a bar in there And if you open anything then up there you go a fucking $30 water and a bunch of people Have already done that throughout the week and I think it was Saturday or Friday or something. Oh, no, it was it was no it was Saturday night
Starting point is 00:19:28 It was Saturday night Saturday night. So by that time like a bunch of people have done that. I'm like, dude Can you not like do that because a lot of people have and he's just like all right, and he shuts the door Goes out on the balcony and then he opens the door and he goes, I can't be out there. I'm gonna jump And he's like he got no water no money. Yeah, I looked over and I'm like I gotta go back. I can't do this right now. First of all at the casino to get a fucking they give you a baby water like Yeah, just to get that is like I'm asking for gold. Yeah, I'm trying to rob the casino. I'm like, can I get a water? Like I'm not gonna tip. I'm like, I'll give you a tip relax. I just need a water. Yeah Yeah, it's fucking your order a jack and coke though. They'll put in a fucking big gulp
Starting point is 00:20:09 Yeah, and then when you ask for a water, they don't come around again Like if they know you're ordering water, it's like they they just walk away from you They'll give you one water and then it's like you'll never see her again. Yeah, you're you're last on the priority list over there For sure. Yeah, they want you to get drunk. So you just throw your money away. That's the whole fucking thing If I'm sober enough to realize like just stop it That's Yeah, I was at the I was at the poker table for so long that It started off with cocktails when I got there and then the lady was like anyone want coffee or tea
Starting point is 00:20:37 I was like, oh my god, I need to go me to get out of here. Please. Please take me away What time was it? It was like what time did I meet up with you at Caesar's like a quarter to five five o'clock around there I left at like four from Wherever I was I don't even know Cosmo Paris. I was somewhere Him and Josh it would be like cuz I'm too went to Paris because you know and he's like josh-josh party party Yeah, you want to go to party? I remember we were walking through the Cosmo and someone was playing roulette and so it's like, you know Danny You're gonna play he's like no forget. I've lost too much money already and then they eventually they get up
Starting point is 00:21:17 They start we start walking. There's a table like two tables down Then he's a fucking alright puts three hundred Like skip it from not spending a dollar to three hundred dollars on the table And that's how you have to play though because if first of all that's another thing this lady at Cosmo I I have two hundred dollars right so I tell her singles because the guy's playing five dollar chips inside Yo, this kid has the worst luck with with dealers when it comes to the roulette. I know so I'm gonna play I Was I was gonna do fives, but since the guy was playing inside. I'm doing numbers. I'll just do singles She gives me the craziest look. I'm like
Starting point is 00:21:51 Okay, and she's like she gives me a hundred and singles and then a hundred and fives So I go to put the fives on the table. No, no, no, I'm like so these these chips mean nothing. What I can't use them What are you giving them to me for I don't just wait just wait So I I literally had five hundred dollars a hundred dollars and five five dollar chips couldn't use them They just sat there. Why is it because the guy was playing and he was playing inside? So I couldn't use them at all. I don't want to play the outside I wanted to play inside with them because you know how at the roulette table. They give you different colors Yeah, so like you're the blue chip so they know all this it was a red chip
Starting point is 00:22:22 So he was using it and she gave me the same thing So I can't put them down on the numbers because she'll never know who the fuck is betting what and they didn't your number hit also In the meantime, I don't even know I have no idea But I was pissed off because I was like just give me that the singles so I could play I just wanted to throw like eight nine chips on each number and then if I lose I lose Really bad luck with dealers even when we were playing craps. Do you remember? I think that was like your first time playing craps, right? Yeah, no, I played a little last year Oh, yeah, you did. I remember that we took over we they opened up the craps table for us
Starting point is 00:22:52 You're like, yo, can we play and we all took like eight people and we're sitting there that one dude walked over and I don't know $1,000 on the table and then put $500 on the pass line We're like Jesus Christ and he hit it on the first one whoever was rolling you I think I think it was you Yeah, cuz it's someone before that. I think it was might have been Marco Espo. No cuz Marco is next to me No, Espo was on my side. It was one of you guys that started it. Well, you were on my side, too But it was you For it definitely wasn't fucking fur. That's for sure that oh my the first stole all my money that day, you know Ferg rolled
Starting point is 00:23:25 Crapped out three times so when you crap out like you lose your money you put money on the table Yeah, and the first roll if it's two was it three I don't even know you're twelve idea three or twelve you crap out seven eleven eleven You would money on the table is gone Let's get rolled three then three again and then three a third time and Danny No, no, because that it didn't stop there to he threw it five times Three of those five times the dice stayed in in the board and we crapped out the other two the dice went fucking flying around I'm like, what's wrong with you? He's throwing at 90 miles an hour
Starting point is 00:23:59 I'm like nicely the one time that he rolled it and he the button was on he rolled like a five or something the next roll Jesus Christ Tommy came up to me. He's like, yo, are you up? I'm like, yeah This is because I had the money I bought in for on one like because they give you different trays Yeah, the next row I put like the money that I'm up so I know how much I'm up I'm like, yeah, I'm up like 75 bucks or whatever after for a role that I was like Tommy I'm down like Jesus Christ and right after that. I took whatever I had left It was like $62 or something and I put it all on red at the roulette table with your boy Lawn lawn that guy
Starting point is 00:24:36 Fuck the legend of Lawn. We'll get to that but he's awful to put 62 62 hours on red hits Like and I made a med put money on it, too I was like, yo, please just let me guess he came rolling in smack your chips right off the table not today He he puts money he puts the money and also we hit and we're like celebrating shit We're like, yo, fuck it. Let's just leave it. So we left it hit again. I was like, oh my god So now I have like 200 some dollars. I took whatever the difference is and I put it back on red lost So now I have 200 bucks Then your boy Lawn leaves and some woman with a double name. Her name was like hang hang
Starting point is 00:25:11 I was talking to me. No idea what she was saying. I think she was trying to explain rules to me I was like, I just I want to put this on a color. So I took the 200 and put it on red Hit doubled up Fucking went right to the gun range after that, but we're fucking Lawn Your guy Yo, we're at the tables too long if we know know these dealers names. He knew a meds name He's like a med you bet like it's like calling them over like you gotta put some down He knows a meds name
Starting point is 00:25:37 That's how you know it's bad when the guy fucking knows your name like last year too. He's the worst Yeah, that's what the med said. It's like, yeah, he knows me. He took $1,200 for me last year So wait, you gotta tell that story of Lawn the famous dude. Well, I don't remember his name who remembered it I know it you I just knew it because of the story I didn't remember I saw his name tag. I was like, holy shit. This is the guy The guy Like a crazy like armored truck robbery. Oh my god, it's him That's the guy. Well, the story starts with you because
Starting point is 00:26:11 Danny the whole weekend kept going like yo Joey, let me get 200 bucks and like I thought he was joking like just being funny or whatever So I just didn't think anything of it and then last it was last year at the last day He's like seriously gonna have $200. Yeah, that was when I had no money left again Right because but you also couldn't take money out because it was like TD Bank or something I wanted to go to capital one because I didn't want to have this a $12 fee to take out money I'm like, I'm not doing this, right? So they didn't have a capital one Yeah, the ATMs in Vegas are outrageous 899 1299 you get charges to check your account. It's like three bucks Yeah, it was bad
Starting point is 00:26:43 So he's like, can I get you get $200? I'm like, yeah, sure. So I give him $200 and All hell broke loose on that table I Was like me and me Josh and boss I think we were playing and I was hitting number after number $5 chips I hit like nine or ten in a row. I was going off. We get off the table. We go to launch table Boss puts a thousand dollars down on red and I'm like debating it. I'm like damn By the way, I just want to get this out here. Boss is the worst kind of gambler in the world
Starting point is 00:27:14 If this kid buys in for a hundred bucks and turns that into a million dollars He sees yes, it's all gone like 99 million nine hundred ninety nine thousand $800 has expendable. He's like, you know, it's house money. Whatever. He says the chip has no value Yeah, he's like, you know, it says no monetary value I'm like, you know, yeah, the cashier is right there, bro. Does it take long to do so he put a thousand on red? No surprise. Yeah with ease like didn't even think about it. Just like You betting no, you know, I'm like, all right, so I'm sitting there and I'm like right now I have 1200 so I'm like I just go back give Joey the 200 and I'll leave it a thousand
Starting point is 00:27:51 Fucking of course. I got him in my ear. Yo, come on. You're not gonna do it. I'm just gonna I'm the only one that's gonna do this. Yeah, so lot fucking spins the ball around I'm sitting there Like it wasn't last second like I'm almost positive. He did not say no more bets Right because I mean for people who aren't who aren't aware like he would have stopped the dealer The dealer does a hand motion like that over the table. So it indicates no more bets But he can spin the ball and people can still bet up to a certain point Yeah, and then he when he waves his hand, then you can't bet. Okay, so now I put this on there and he never
Starting point is 00:28:25 Pushed my stuff away. They never said you can't do that. It's done. It hits on red. We're all going crazy. He comes over Shoves my chip to his side. He's like, I said no more bets. I'm like this guy. I'm like what I didn't even know what to do I'm just like, all right, I took it off and walked away. And that's it. That was it He was like, yo, you should have caused a ruckus. So I was like, damn, I should have I come into the casino about like 20 minutes later And I was coming back from the poker room and they're telling me the story So I'm like, yo, did you ask like the pit boss to check the cameras? Because you know the eye in the sky every table has about three cameras on it And I'm telling Danny all this and I see him getting angry. You know how Danny just snaps. He goes you stupid fuck
Starting point is 00:29:03 All these the one time I needed you to be around you're stumbling in now I was like, yeah, what do you want me to do? He's like, oh fuck you man. I can't do it with you anymore Seriously, I should have thought about that though. I should have just been like, I don't care. I'd check it It probably wouldn't have went over. Well, like yeah, they probably would have just told me Yeah, but still I should have tried the thrills. I mean if you didn't do this I'm sure they would have gave you your money Yeah, but like I've seen it before where they do this and then people go and try to bet again and like they'll stop like They don't know my game. Yeah, they physically stop them. I put the chips and he didn't do shit
Starting point is 00:29:34 I saw that this year someone did that where they put money down and the guy immediately just took the chips that he just Put down and gave it back to him. He's like, no, we're best But it was like weird that he would put it down and then he would let it hit not for me Yeah, I didn't get that luck. But that also happened with craps too like I had my chips in front of me and Whatever, I just put the chips down that I was gonna play and the lady the first time moved them over So I was like, all right. Oh that happened on my role. I remember so the next time I did it I had put it down again and I realized as he was about to throw so I was like, look Let me just move it over as soon as I'm moving them over
Starting point is 00:30:11 Right into my hand the guy went off. You didn't hear him. Yeah, he went crazy. He was like, oh Take those chips off. I'm like, they were already here. I was just moving them over. No, no, no, no I was like, oh forget it Also chips Hank there was chips on the board the dice were like half on it. They were counting it Yeah They would do a redo or something but yeah, they're like, all right chips are ours. I'm like I never benefit them. That's exactly what it is. It's like those made-up rules now All right before we move on let's get to the sponsors. The first one we have here is
Starting point is 00:30:43 Harry's Harry's razors I use them. They send them to me and they're they're phenomenal razors and you know I love it. They send you in a nice cool box. It comes with stuff Free trial set includes a weighted razor handle five precision engineer blades with lubricating strip and trimmer blade Rich lathering shave gel and a travel blade cover which always comes in handy It was started by these two guys Jeff and Andy who are fed up with buying overpriced razors Makes sense. They started harry's to fix shaving
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Starting point is 00:31:50 Basement Uh The next thing we have here is none other than blue apron How you doing? Uh blue apron the number one fresh ingredient and recipe delivery service in the country My mom is obsessed with this company. I say it every time you know this unless you're new Uh, but basically you sign up for blue apron. They'll send you food right to your front door Uh, it's all proportioned and there's um
Starting point is 00:32:20 Instruction and instructions Instructions why said it again? There's instructions on how to create these wonderful meals like uh Spice zucchini enchiladas with creamy lime and tomato rice Uh smoked trout asparagus salad They're they have really good food that will come right to your door And you know, they give you the instructions So not only do you have a nice meal for that night, but you can take that with you and you know Put start a cookbook. I don't know you now you have stuff to make all the time
Starting point is 00:32:52 You look like a genius. This is like great for like, you know, it's your girlfriend's birthday or something Like oh babe I cooked and she's like I didn't know you could You know what I mean? This is perfect for that. Check out this week's menu and get your first three meals free with free shipping by going to blue apron dot com slash basement Uh, that's blue apron dot com slash Basement and let's get back to the show The craps was fun though We killed it last year fucking Frankie again
Starting point is 00:33:19 Even this year if we would have left when Frankie stopped rolling We would have been up and the whole time I was up like 80 bucks or something like that The entire trip were like yo Frankie you got it because Frankie doesn't like the gamble right But we're like yo, you gotta hit the craft table with us and he got hot. He rolled for like 25 minutes I know and then he had that streak where he was rolling seven sevens. Yeah. Yeah, which was perfect And then fur came and it was all downhill from there. Of course Marco started the trend didn't Marco do bad too. Marco crept out like twice and then he had like I don't know like we all hit for a little bit, but Ferg was by far the worst
Starting point is 00:33:52 Ferg is I lost all my money because Yeah, me too Frankie didn't bet Frankie was like because after Frankie a medway. I wasn't sure Frankie after a med went He's like, he's like, no, I don't trust this dickhead rolling And then Marco went and he put like 10 bucks This is the minimum and then you put like 25 for me and then for freaky's like nope Nope, not doing it. You know what I did the complete opposite because when fur got on the on the dice I was like, you know what? This kid has definitely never played crafts before let me put 25 dollars on beginners luck
Starting point is 00:34:21 Crapped out. You know what? Now that we got that out of the way one more time 25 dollars in the past line. Good night. All right. That's 50 bucks Then I kept doing it like I don't know what the fuck I was doing. Danny's yelling across the table He's like, yo, you're fucking this whole thing up. Yo, he he did nothing right not one thing Every time everybody else was rolling. He's got what what the fuck was he playing the that middle Like three four five. Oh, it's the field. Yeah. He was because he's like six numbers He was putting like chips every which way he was winning every time you just grabbing a whole bunch of chips off I'm like, look at this guy
Starting point is 00:34:56 Then he goes that's it as soon as I was putting I tried to do what he was doing. I'm like, all right Let me go over here here done Fucking hundred dollars gone in seconds I'm like, you are the worst the fucking dicer on the other table because he's fucking throwing them 80 miles an hour The first time that we went to Vegas and we played crafts We were throwing the dice the shits were going down the hallway and shit Like at least I would say at least 10 times the dice were fucking bouncing all over the place Like off the table like far
Starting point is 00:35:22 Like I think like at first I thought he was joking around like it was just an accident And then like I thought he was doing it on purpose like he was trying to throw them off the table just to be fucking funny He was pissing me off Between crapping out and fucking searching for dice for an hour and a half Speechless I am speechless with him Hey, what about a med That kid is out of control too. I know he's on this. Oh my god. Yeah. Yeah, you fucking fan favorite shimetty rubs This kid we label on saturday morning. We labelized him the whole weekend. That's what he tried
Starting point is 00:35:54 Yeah, he's like, yo, I don't like being labelized as as dumb. I'm like, okay, but you fucking labelized isn't a word You idiot Yo, what were you guys doing to him? You and frankie we were asking him a bunch of questions Like we were he's gonna be so pissed when he sees it But we were asking him a bunch of questions like We That was the night that I went up from the casino because I was like I was like y'all mad tired So I laid down and it was like midnight and frankie and then frankie comes up
Starting point is 00:36:19 And a med comes back and we're just laying down Franky's like Med you want to play trivia? He's like, all right. He's like name the seven seas He's like, all right. We got pacific Uh Mid-atlantic And the the whole whole time phrase going. Yeah, good. Oh good. Correct. The best was fucking. Uh, he's like name three elements on the periodic table. He's like
Starting point is 00:36:40 Uh hydrogen. Yeah He said really he said he said one good one that was like totally Yeah, no, because he said he said hydrogen Then he might have sent like iron and then he was like water and we're like and frank goes. Yeah And pete was getting so mad. He goes. No, you fucking idiot. That's not and then and then he's like no, I'm mad I'm just kidding. That's not on the periodic table. That's a combination of of things. He goes. Yeah, it's like what is it? co2 like oh my fucking god this kid What was the other thing he said it was like name the continents and he was like also he's like an arca
Starting point is 00:37:17 alaska What was what did he say like he said i'm mid asia. No, no, no He said like um like america or american with like a crazy accent Oh, frank. He was saying he said it like so weird trying to give him a clue He was just like he said someone's like because we're like, um He was trying to name the the continents and we said he said an arca and he said alaska and frank He goes. Yeah, good job And then he said mid asia frank. He's like, okay three
Starting point is 00:37:45 And then a piece like getting furious and then he goes i'm at which one are we on right now? There's two. There's a north and south And then like there's a pause and then uh, he goes america He goes america and he goes oh north and south america america, and he's like the fuck is wrong Yeah, the best is I was like, yo, what's the capital of uh california? And he's just like sitting there thinking at frank. He goes Yo, you'll be a king if you answer this like trying to give him like the sacramental kings
Starting point is 00:38:19 Like trying to give him a fucking clue and he goes and even even I was like, yo, he just gave you a layup. He's like, uh san francisco, I was like, no, no, oh san antonio He's like, wait, no, that's in texas and then he's in san diego. I was like no like you're not gonna get this He didn't know where vegas was either didn't he say like we were in another state. He didn't know it was nevada He said something else. I was like what this is all After he said he won't he didn't want to be labelized as dumb
Starting point is 00:38:50 Yo, that was the funniest fucking yo mate. You want to come to the party? No, I'm gonna hit the tables Yo, you're gonna waste man money No, no, no comes back We come back. He's like, yo, I just lost like 500 bucks scratching his neck He asked me for money. He's like, yo, can I get 100 bucks? Say a prayer for him the worst thing about was Unlike saturday morning Someone was like, yo, I got a shower
Starting point is 00:39:10 He just goes, you know, I haven't showered this whole time Like what are you talking about? He's like, yo, it's whatever. We got the pools like they're not clean That's exactly why you should shower. Yeah, because of the pools He started it starts off clean. So that's all he needs the chlorine from the the 20 minutes. It's fresh Dude, they must put they must dump chlorine in there because my all my bathing suits are fucking ruined. Yeah All that only happened to me the first year I had a purple raffle or an bathing suit. It's like five shades lighter now Every other bathing suit is good though. Not mine. They're fucked. Yeah, mine, too
Starting point is 00:39:42 This kid you had the cup fucking melted the words on you. Remember that? Oh, yeah We were giving you the the the tattoos. We're just stapling not stapling just putting the cups on there. Jesus christ Yeah stapling on mommy What a fucking trip Yo exhausting vegas is not a vacation. It's not it's a lot of work. It's uh, it's an adventure It's I said too that I was gonna like make sure I was gonna make sure I'm gonna make sure I eat Do this and do that. Nope. Can't do it. I just I wanted to get a case of water that went out the window We when I first got there they bought two big gallons of water and had them in the fridge
Starting point is 00:40:13 I'm like, this was the smartest thing you guys ever did. Those went so quickly Didn't even last night. Yeah, it was bad. Yo, because you're at the pool parties from we got there at 12 So 120 degrees yeah, and we're we're drinking for five six hours. We're out in 100 degree weather plus It was like 116 at one point on friday. Jesus, and then it's a wrap for you You get back to the room and you're just out We were all having we're all putting on spf 50 Which is like wearing a fucking sweater out in the sun like it they're not nothing can penetrate it I don't feel like it does like there's much difference between all of them
Starting point is 00:40:48 Like I've tried all you kind of get burned. I'm telling you this was the only this is a government scam This is another one of those things. Yeah only trip. I didn't get burnt on no matter where I go I usually get torched no matter how much you always use spf 50 I mean, I've tried all of them. That's what I'm saying. Like it doesn't I know I know we had ours for me We had spf 50 because furg bought it at encore $36 Dude, I bought three last year because I kept leaving them at the pool parties
Starting point is 00:41:15 Yeah, well, I bought sunscreen at web republic too. It was 30 bucks. It was like the the cream one. Remember when republic Makes like I'm gonna go get a water. I was like, yeah, get me one. He goes to the bar. $15. He goes Joe, sorry not getting you one. Yeah, I was like, sorry, bro. You have some of this though, but I went up there with 20 bucks. I'm like, yeah, I can get two waters $15. I was like, oh my god. It's not even pole and spring. It's like that Then another thing at that fucking party Frankie goes to get a drink. So I'm like, I don't want to get out. So I'm like, can you just get me a drink? He's like, all right, ask me what I want. Tell him Jameson tonic, right? He goes up there
Starting point is 00:41:52 Comes back with like vodka and orange juice. I'm like, what the fuck is this? He's like, they're all out of jameson I'm like, what the fuck you mean? They're all out of jameson. I'm like, look around you. Who's drinking jameson in this water? I was like, they all had cranberry and a fucking orange juice. I'm like, they would they have one bottle of jameson? That was it. He's like, they must have had nothing left. I was like, yo, you definitely did it on purpose. I was like, you're fucked up So pissed I had so much fucking pineapple juice on that trip I'm so glad I can't do that every year I get off the plane. I'm like, I'm never going back Yeah, this year beat beat us all up
Starting point is 00:42:22 Sure, I told you the first day I woke up. I thought I was I thought I was late for a party I jumped up. I'm like, ticket Yeah, it's bad. Yeah, I still haven't recovered like my sleep schedules a joke Because I slept on the the entire flight and then when I got home I slept from like nine to two thirty And then that's what I did. I only slept two hours when I got off the plane I didn't sleep on the plane at all and then when I got home, I slept two hours And I was like miserable that entire day
Starting point is 00:42:49 But I wanted to make sure my sleep schedule was like normal. So I went to bed at like 11 and then My sleep schedule is like fine. It's just I feel like I got in a fight with 10 people 10 on 1 It really didn't affect me that much this year. Maybe it's because I slept on the plane then like a few hours later. I slept and I feel like someone I really feel like I get hit by a car That's what it feels like I haven't even walked. I haven't even attempted to work out this week. Oh
Starting point is 00:43:18 So last thing on my mind a whole week of can't lift any of you. Yeah, unbelievable Vegas, he's at he's in the fucking gym. We come back. I'll take it a week off You couldn't you couldn't you could have took two days off in Vegas and just pick back up now Look at you. Yeah, I have no energy. Yo, remember when we were leaving the the NBA game So we're at the summer league game and we had magazine. So it was general admission. So we got there early and uh we're like three four rows from courtside and it's the Lakers game and everybody was there to see Lonzo ball and it's also LA is about three four hours away So there's a lot of Laker fans there. Yo, it's crazy. They introduced them. You would have thought you were in the Staple Center
Starting point is 00:43:57 Yeah, and it got packed for that game So I go to the guys. I'm like, yo, the Lakers are up six points with like a minute 50 Let's go watch the end of the game from the top because you know It was one of those stadiums where everybody comes in from the same way Right and you also leave from the same exit So I'm like, yo, we're never gonna get a cab and we have to get back for the airport Yo, me and Danny walked up the stairs. We get to the top. We're both hunched over I was like, yo, I was dying. That was the worst thing ever
Starting point is 00:44:24 I don't know what it was. I couldn't catch my breath for shit on the way to Republic There was like that one flight of stairs we had to go up and at the end at the top of it. I was like this fucking sucks I was like, I don't know how I'm gonna fucking the last the last two days I did not drink at all except I had that one beer when we went to Like lunch or whatever the fuck that was Oh the bird tower, right? Yeah, that was it. I did not drink at all And I'm still fucking just a mess Just a walking mess also went to the fucking gun range
Starting point is 00:44:50 Fire by the way, there was some psycho There this dude who was in the army Like everyone was there that everyone who was there when I walked in That was that was in fatigues looked You know, like whatever then this one dude comes flying out of the back Jacked out of his mind crazy american flag tattoo on his arm And I'm like this guy fucking he's killed people
Starting point is 00:45:13 And if sure enough, yeah, you guys come with me I was like fuck So I picked some package where it was like a pistol and then Some suppress some shit with a suppressor on it Then some machine gun and then some fucking mounted shit, which was crazy. It's called a saw I think or something like that I don't fucking know But the guy's explaining shit to me. Yo, hold on We walk into the room. He's like don't take your glasses off or take the head
Starting point is 00:45:38 The fucking headphones off the entire time. I was like, all right, we get in there And I put them on Dude, he starts talking. He's like, yeah, so this gun is uh, and someone right next to us shoots a 50 cal I swear to god, it sounds like a fucking grenade Went off right next to you. It's so I felt it in my like fucking chest cavity like that's my vibrated That's my favorite gun in cold duty I was like Holy shit, like yo, I got mad scared boss was taking pictures
Starting point is 00:46:11 He ended up taking a picture of the ceiling because you fucking flinched like crazy Yo, it was loud as fuck the barrel is like four feet long. It's huge I'm sorry, but I was terrified fucking fountain scared the shit out of me the first time we had the door open at night that too I'm like We better everybody better evacuate now Yeah, because I remember we started a group chat for the people who were going to vegas and someone threw in there one day Like a couple of like a month or two before we were going to go there Like isis was planning on attacking vegas and we're like, well, there we go
Starting point is 00:46:41 And that was always in the back of our minds We're sitting there and we had like a suite at the cosmo and the Bellagio's right next door with the water fountain The one that like shoots all the water in the air and they like blow that shit out of the water So it sounds like gunshots or no, it doesn't sound like explosions and shit. The first time I went off I'm just like looking around like oh, I'm waiting here screaming. So I know to get out To fuck get back in the room. Holy shit, dude. I was I heard a lot of fucking sirens too Like during that time like a because it was going off like all night and then I heard a bunch of sirens I'm like
Starting point is 00:47:11 I had to get up and look and see like is everything Did you say that one when you were walking over to Caesar's that one guy came up to you? He's like man the cops down there. Yeah, I go up that I go up the escalator And there's this random black guy just standing in the corner and he's like he's like the cops are down there I'm like, yeah, he's like damn. Oh my god. This guy. I'm like America's most wanted He's fucking hiding in a corner Yeah, but the the gun thing
Starting point is 00:47:35 Dude, it was wild like there was there was this one like the pistol was like cool Like whatever it's a pistol and then the second gun is like way bigger. It's like this, right? It has a suppressor on it and I'm expecting it to like have crazy recoil But it doesn't at all and it's like quiet as fuck. Obviously it has a suppressor on it and I'm shooting in I'm like, oh, okay Like the first time I shot it was like gripping the shit out of it. Then I shot him like, oh, it's cool. Whatever The next gun. I think it was uh an m4 dude. It was fucking nuts He's like, yeah, put your cheek right here fucking. He was just starting the video. He was like holding you, right?
Starting point is 00:48:08 Yeah, he was holding my back because I would I would like jerk back. Joey's about to shoot the whole place Yeah, I'm feeling by accident But dude, he grabs this gun and he goes this one's got a little more power This fuckers dropping panties all over the world right now. I don't know what that meant That's what he said and I was like, holy shit. All right, throws the gun in there starts Slaps the side of it. Are you gonna put your hand here? I was like, all right. Yeah, there's not a lot of direction either Like I thought there would have to be like
Starting point is 00:48:36 A class real quick to be like, oh, this is what you're gonna do. This is just throw you out there He's just like, yeah, hold it here and here. Go ahead. It was just that So I really didn't really know what to expect. I had this thing that would sit on your shoulder and I was just like this Dude, I shot it. I was like Oh like it was like way more powerful than the two guns to shot before and then the last gun which I like to had had 40 rounds It's like this Automatic you just hold on to that and it was just fucking nuts. And then the whole time all I kept thinking was like People get shot with these things
Starting point is 00:49:08 It's you imagine that shit The 50 cal must be crazy. You know the 50 cal. I'm convinced if it hit me I would turn into dust Like that's how fucking loud it is. It sounded like he shot a cannon or like a a fucking missile And you had to probably blow your shoulder off If you didn't have those on Go death right fucking death right away. Yeah, absolutely Yo, it was so fucking loud if you can go on youtube and just search
Starting point is 00:49:32 Like a 50 cal Dude, it's fucking it's unreal. I felt it everywhere like my feet my chest. He's fucking trembling dude. I was like, holy shit I was how do you shoot that like it was so loud. I felt like dude was gonna hit his back What were the um packages? They had a bunch of stuff like you could do uh, if you did individual guns Like if you wanted specifically to shoot a certain gun by the way the place is called battlefield uh, los vegas If you're there, it's fucking awesome
Starting point is 00:50:01 They had packages so they had like a call of duty package or like Whatever mine was like that's so sick Mine was like I didn't get the scar. Yo, they had that gun there. I didn't know those were actual fucking guns Like they had all the guns from call of duty that were like in that package Like there's like four or five to a thing or if you get like really Crazy mounted shit. There's only like three But or you can do this thing called a minigun, which I was thinking about doing but it was 200 just to shoot it 100 rounds And it's like stationary and you're just fucking
Starting point is 00:50:32 Cuba gooding jr. You know Dude it's fucking it was nuts. I was like, uh, boss is like are you gonna do it? I was like, no, I'm not Is that the one where you like laid down or not? No, you can't lay down He thinks he's he's in combat Well technically the last one that I shot had like the yeah, that's what I meant because you said it was like that Yeah, no, but the other one I saw it was like too, but it was like fucking Rambo It was wild. Can you shoot a rocket launcher? I asked no, no
Starting point is 00:51:08 She was like you can and she said some state. She's like not she's like, yeah, you can I was like first. Are you serious? And she's like, well not here but like like just go outside and like they're fucking Desert area and blow a truck up or some sort of rocket launcher. I would never want to shoot those Do you see what happened to people like I would shoot that and I'm gonna go fucking Well, that's why you have them fucking hold your shoulder again. Whatever. Just hold me down. Yeah, somebody grab my feet I don't want to get blown back. I asked that guy what his favorite gun was he It was so funny because he's like I love this fucker or whatever. He said he said some he was so this pretty lady
Starting point is 00:51:37 He was like, he was you know, he was he was in it But I was like that's your favorite gun. He's like it's my favorite gun in this class But I was like, what's your favorite gun? And then as I said that I was like not that I'm gonna know what it is because I don't know anything about guns And he's like and he just lifts up his like Shirt and he's got a gun on his hip. Yeah, it's a fucking he said whatever the fucking name was Yeah, I threw the magnet. I'm gonna carry this bitch everywhere I go. I'm farming wall greens. I got it on me You it's you could carry around here anything could happen. I would bring it everywhere. I was like
Starting point is 00:52:06 Okay, all right time to go Jesus Surprised he didn't break out until like one of those fucking Post-war things and just be like get down. We're gonna come in and Joey's sitting there like next to him with a gun out like Fucking lunatic Dude, it was crazy Have you ever been to a gun range? No You gotta go. I was jealous when I saw I want to go when I saw you guys I should have went into like one of those because I feel like the ones over here are gonna be like, all right
Starting point is 00:52:29 Here's a pistol shoot three rounds and get out. I don't want to do that shit I want to shoot something crazy. No those were like there was some serious shit I mean, yeah, I call a duty classes. I would I would have took that would aid that up. We're like, yeah, I'm taking that Call duty The last one was dope too. It had this like shoulder mount and then you had to hold it fucking I shot pretty fucking well too. Did you see where I shot? Did you guys bring that back? Well, they didn't give those to you the little targets. Yeah, I have mine. Yeah, he boy
Starting point is 00:52:55 Yeah, I didn't see she showed us in the room mine. Mine's good. She's a serial killer. I am They have like precision one through ten. I was all in the nine and x In the middle, how did boss and Tommy do? Not better than me. We were competing Tommy. Let me guess All around the outline actually boss was kind of fucking all over the place Yo, he was so nervous We got up there and he's and I was the first one to go the guys like who wants to go first I was like, I'm going first. I need to fucking do this and
Starting point is 00:53:22 Then I just shot every single gun and then Tommy went and then boss was going he's like Do his hands like my hands are made of clammy right now. He's like he acts the guy. Do you have a rag? I was like, what the fuck is wrong with you? He's afraid the gun's gonna slip out of his hand. The guy's like, yeah, I know it's pretty clammy in here and I'm like, no, he's fucking nervous Boss gets the gun. I'm like, here we go. I thought he was gonna fucking Throw it backwards. He's gonna slip out of his hand. His first his first fucking clip was all over the place Yo, you throw your shoulder out if he wasn't holding you. Nah
Starting point is 00:53:55 But With the kickback the the third gun, which was the most powerful one if I would just held it down it would have like Forced me back But you were shooting like burst. So it's like it jerks you back, but you're not fucking like You know I shot a shotgun in main that maybe because that's just like That moved you
Starting point is 00:54:19 He was off the floor hit the ground. I want like a burst something like that something like yeah I want to lay on a hill and just I want to you know, they have to have something like that like one of those crazy outdoor like Shooting target things you could fucking shoot trucks and shit like they have that something like so what the fuck Yeah, but they don't fucking have they're not in new york city. Not here. We were we were just fucking in vain I'm sure about this. I'm sure in texas so you can like shoot people. I'm sure they have people you could just shoot Just shoot them whatever target practice I'm just saying we got to get you checked
Starting point is 00:54:52 One fucking gun one gun range. Yeah, they're good. You're probably shooting human being down. I'm gonna get a gun. Fuck it. Why not? No I'm sure they're I don't even I don't know if you're gonna go if you're gonna go to a gun range you have to go to like Pennsylvania or something like in the woods. Do you even have gun ranges in new york? I don't know I feel like I think they do It's like uh, I think dam was saying it was like really hard You can't just go you have to have like a license and everything You can't just walk in and like you don't have a gun license in vegas. They let you fucking shoot anything
Starting point is 00:55:25 Yeah, I can't do that the guy was like have you shot before and I was like Not a musket never done how I was like I've shot like in the woods. I got nothing It's like oh, I asked you if you shot before I was like don't hurt me Please god take it easy He had fucking knuckle tattoos and shit that guy could have killed me if he wanted it's crazy He was sad ruthless. Yeah, he was a real vet. You tell just from that picture. Opal opal I don't know if that's a fake name or something opali
Starting point is 00:55:57 I didn't ask the spelling. He doesn't have a tag You know what? I didn't look I was distracted by all the fucking 50 cows and grenades that were going off in that fucking room. Oh pal. That's that's not his name. It's an alias Guarantee it You know what he told me too. He's like he's like what do you guys here? What do you guys in vegas for I was like, I would just have like a guy's trip that we go every year Yeah, I know fucking bitches, right? I said something like that and I was like, yeah So I put that voice on it's like, yeah, man, bitches. That's the cab driver coming to the hotel. I was by myself
Starting point is 00:56:28 Didn't say a word to him. He didn't say anything to me. The first thing he says is here for pussy I'm like No, I'm not but all right, whatever. Yeah, dude pussy. That's what I'm here for If you want it to be The guy he was like, he's like, yeah, I came here about four years ago On vacation and I never left I called my wife and I told her a listen. I'm not coming back I swear to god. He said that and he goes and unfortunately she came I was like, all right. It's like and now we live here. It's like, okay
Starting point is 00:56:58 And then like two minutes later. He was like that that's a that's a real story and I was like, all right Fucking psycho. Yeah, you're not gonna question him anyway. Yeah. I'm not coming back That's what he said. He said he came there on vacation and never went home and told his wife if you want to see me I'll be out here. He's like, unfortunately, she came and lived with me I can't see myself ever living out there It's a desert too. I thought about it the first time the first time I went I thought about it I did too. Like I could do this for like the first time like the summer the first time we went There's something out here for me
Starting point is 00:57:30 Well, what was the west coast is way better than the east coast. I'm like, you've been to vegas and that's it One time too. Yeah All right, well Fucking christ, I think we can wrap this up here We need a vacation now like an actual like I just need to lay on a bed if anybody's interested. Uh, meds look at a book of cruise As quickly as possible. There's something wrong with that child. I don't like cruises. Do you know the other day? I saw a compilation video on youtube child
Starting point is 00:57:59 The other day I saw a compilation video on youtube of a bunch of like cruise ship Uh disasters like not like disasters, but like when they hit choppy water Fucking no dining room. The tables are fucking swinging to the other side of the room. The first cruise I went on Was like the norwegian dawn. It was a huge cruise ship We had bad weather like we were in the water the pool It's like out of nowhere all of a sudden you're in like five feet of water the water like drops down to like your waist All the other side the water's like going off into people sitting down on the side. It was fucking crazy
Starting point is 00:58:33 Yeah, it's out of control with that if that thing tips. No, I mean the cruise ship's fucking huge though. So was the titanic dude Different we're not talking about a glacier So it's not like 100 plus years later. Yeah, but also waves can flip a big fucking Thing right perfect storm you watch too many times word actually. I haven't seen that in years great movie though But yeah, if you hit a fucking thing like that, you know, you would hope they fucking turn around and go the opposite way and not into it Yeah, what I'm on vacation like what are we doing? We're not trying to complete like a Guinness world record to fucking go And over a wave get me back to the I never get that like on planes either. We're gonna hit some weather here dude. Just turn a little bit
Starting point is 00:59:10 We're not gonna hit you on the flight going there as soon as I got wi-fi. I said I was like, wow This is smooth. That's like flight. I've ever been on my life I swear to god five minutes later and we're gonna hit a rough patch here. Everybody sit down again This is uh, yeah buckle up. I'm like, holy shit Yo I hate turbulence so much as soon as I get like relaxed. I'm like, okay, we're good We start fucking shaking and shit. I'm like, oh no, let's dive. Here we go They'll never be turbulence like the ones we experience
Starting point is 00:59:39 That's why it's easy for me to fly now because that was like the worst turbulence. I think anyone's ever experienced Yeah, yo, we hit turbulence We hit turbulence So but we hit turbulence like it was fucking bad. We flew spirit don't fly spirit at all I don't give a shit if that just ruined. I just burned a bridge just now. Don't I'm never advertising them Fuck that But they're trash. They're so trash. We got on this plane. The wing was rusted. I'm like great Yo, we had to it was like a hundred bucks to check in a bag. Yeah, if you want to check a bag hundred dollars. I was like, yeah
Starting point is 01:00:13 Yeah Suck my dick. They don't let you uh one bag free. Oh, no It was actually 25 dollars and then another bag if your bag didn't fit in the little square thing hundred bucks Like no like oh, they actually like measured it right. Yeah, right before you would get on the same No, like, oh, we'll complimentary. We'll just put it. No hundred bucks Everybody now and they give you a rickety fucking planes. We were we're so close to Vegas We're over the desert, which would be nice because if we fucking Crash there even if I survived, I'm never gonna get I'm never gonna live at that
Starting point is 01:00:45 I'm gonna survive a plane crash and then walk through the desert. I'll be dead in the fucking eight minutes But we hit turbulence so bad. I'm holding on to my seat. I'm like, oh Yo, like the plane is is like dipping Yo, at one point it's a free fall and everyone's screaming free falling For like, yo, we were so yo, I was in my seat like this And then I just look over to Joe and I'm like, should we start to pray? He said that he's like, should we start praying because yeah, we were making it out of there Everyone on the plane was going. Whoa. Whoa. No
Starting point is 01:01:15 Whoa I was like, shut the fuck up like everyone was making noise and shit like we hit bad turbulence And yo, it might have lasted for like a minute and a half. No, but it felt it does feel bad Like when it starts going on it feels like it's forever Like whether it's 20 seconds or not. It feels like it's fucking five minutes I feel like that's turbulence and then for the most part like Where people hit isn't You know what I mean? Like there's like in the world. What the fuck does that mean?
Starting point is 01:01:39 Like like usually turbulence people are like, oh, we're hitting turbulence. It's like a hayride You know, you're just kind of bouncing a little bit. We were fucking fearing like on a roller coaster Just back and forth the flight we came back When dom came Was it last year or the year before? I wasn't on your flight You last year. Yeah, the pilot was fucking drunk. I swear to god We did not take off fucking a hundred feet off the ground. This guy was doing 360s
Starting point is 01:02:05 The whole plane was sideways. I swear to god. It was fucking chaos dominix under his thing looking for I'm like, it's not a parachute. It's it. It's a floatation device. Yeah. I'm like, yo, that's saving nothing. You go into the dirt That's it. You're dead. I was like stop fucking looking around and just watch the tv and hope we stay up Fucking joke. Yo, I've said to myself that if if god forbid anything like that ever happens. I think I'm gonna just take the And just hang myself Just send it. I'm not gonna even bother Or be the maniac that just runs for the emergency exit and opens it up. I'll try to fucking break it I'm jumping someone told me a story real quick before we wrap up here
Starting point is 01:02:40 Someone told me a story once that they were coming back from my cancun or something So it was like everyone on the plane was kind of like a college student for the most part There was some girl who was sleeping on the window And you know when they're like coming into an airport, they'll like turn so they're like this So all you see is like either the sky or the ground. Yeah So she was on the side where she just saw the ground So she wakes up and sees the ground Right because the fucking plane's turning and just goes
Starting point is 01:03:08 We're crashing We're crashing And everyone's like, what the fuck Yo, if that was you know, I swear to god if I was on the plane, I would have beat the living shit out of her I would have slept like a baby in jail Which is wailed on her for until we landed until we taxied We were beyond the ground. I'd still be hitting it I'm gonna keep this going because I gotta say something if that ever happened on a plane where so I thought somebody was up to something
Starting point is 01:03:36 I'm taking the risk. There's no shot. I let anything go on. I'll I'll break a bottle Oh, he was just moving he was going to sleep. I don't I don't know what he's doing. He looked a little suspicious He was moving a little too fucking weird for me. I'm not dealing with it He's acting up Dude, I swear to god, I make up scenarios like that all the time. There was one time I was on a plane back from LA The guy next to me was like Is there cats on board? I was like, what the fuck is this guy talking about? He's like, is there cats on board and I'm like
Starting point is 01:04:03 What the fuck and he's like, I just and she's like, I don't know. I'll check and then she comes back. She goes, yeah There's like two cats on board This isn't gonna work. I'm allergic But this isn't gonna so get the fuck out then like what do you want me to say go sit in the fucking bathroom Or open the door and get the fuck out You just guess this is gonna work. I'm allergic. I'm like, first of all, I'm allergic to cats too. Like definitely and he said this and then He's like, you know what? I think I need to go sit in the back of the plane and he's like
Starting point is 01:04:29 Usually people don't let people do that, but okay, and in my head. I was like He's planning something. He knows he's going to the back. He knew a fucking loophole. Yeah He's gonna open up the fucking middle of his plane and then get down to the bags fucking turn something on I don't even know if you can get the fuck up the wheels or something. Yeah, I don't dude I worry about that all the time too that I saw one video of some plane landing in lax where the fucking wheel came out And it was turned the wrong way because it was all fucked up and they landed it with a fucked up wheel Hate it. Don't like it hate planes. Yo, we were coming back from Miami. Remember our plane skipped. Oh my god
Starting point is 01:05:00 We hit the fucking ground went right back in the air and you know how when you're going into loguatia It's when the plane's coming down. It's Shout out to brian, but when you uh You're right over the water and it's landing loguatia That's good. Yeah, and the plane skipped. Yeah legit hit the ground and then took off again Started panicking landing in the guardia is awful because like you you don't see the runway until the very last second You're just like over the water. Don't they say like the runway is really small. Isn't that the whole issue? They are it is small too. Yeah
Starting point is 01:05:39 Fuck that That's why someone on the giants like they landed in loguatia It was snowing skid hit the fucking fence. Oh, yeah, that's there. That was like last year two years. If anything like that happens to me I'm never flying again. Oh, we're going to vegas Rent the rv. I'll drive there Psych that's like three days. You ain't driving I won't drive every day to be honest you can sleep and get all the sleep you need Right before you get there word
Starting point is 01:06:04 You also won't need a hotel. He's just pull up on the boulevard See that there leave the pool party go right to the rv pull up outside on core Can I leave this? We're here. It's my mobile home. Yeah All right, uh, well that is all for this week's Episode uh for those of you who are not watching this you can watch it go to slash basement yard Put in the promo code basement for a free month. It's only six dollars a month after that And where can they find you guys on social media nick? Land vm 10 on twitter instagram and snapchat
Starting point is 01:06:34 Uh, I have a sports betting and dfs podcast. Danny joins me a lot. We do dfs fridays there in the football season Combined about close to 100k and winning. So if you guys play daily fantasy sports, come on over and uh, As you can tell from the stone cold shirt. I'm a wrestling fan. So at scj pot on twitter the square Fucking kid that's hard at scj pot on twitter for a wrestling Dan I think everything is at d 91 Emi gh o lz They I think I know twitter and Also, Danny the last podcast. Oh, no, this wasn't the last podcast you're on
Starting point is 01:07:13 But the first ever podcast that I ever did on the basement yard. It's called like 19 inch Dicks and masturbation or something the most viewed Wow, so you're on the most viewed podcast that I've ever done with Keith too. Yep. Who's your first one? That guy's fucking dick I remember that uh, but anyway, that is all uh stick around for the extra yard Which is also only is exclusively available on full screen. So sign up if you want to watch Oh god, I'm congested, uh, and that is all and we'll see you next time

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