The Basement Yard - We Might Be The Dumbest Kids Alive

Episode Date: June 20, 2017

On this episode, @AntVino & I try to solve a bunch of riddles & fail miserably. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today. I am joined by Joe I haven't shaved my face in two weeks What am I gonna do with that information you've had a beard for years now I have some great coming in doing First of all now that you said great. It really reminded me. I have a good amount on my head No, I swear to God like cuz I look on the side the other day my hair I just got a haircut so it's not as bad, but my hair was a little longer and I literally walked by The mirror in my bathroom. I was like I see three from a distance, too So they were like welcome to my club Joe. No, no, no, I'm not in your club. That's you as a straight-up
Starting point is 00:00:45 Salt and pepper fest over there. I just look like that look Yeah No, you rock it though. I like it. You've had gray hair since you were like 14. Yep junior high literally was it 14 junior high Even that stressed your whole life. Mm-hmm. Is that what it is? I think I was yeah 14 15 Is it stress? What are you stressed about? I don't know. I heard it's inherited my brother's bold and I'm getting gray I'd rather the gray jeez. What are your kids gonna look like a bunch of fucking idiots? You watch your mouth. I'm sorry By the way, what are you naming your third kid?
Starting point is 00:01:18 Anthony your third. No, that's the first. That's why I said my third. Yeah, let's go Um You go first. I asked you I wasn't prepared for this. I'm gonna go Smith Okay, I'm not gonna even go there or whatever, but by the way for those of you who Aren't watching you can get this on fullscreen go to slash basement yard put in the promo code basement You'll get a free month. Davino has just discovered Fidget spinners I think for the first time was this the first one you've ever spun Yeah, yeah, yeah, get ready go put in the microphone so people could hear it
Starting point is 00:01:58 That was a bad spin. Yeah See that's hard. I have talked about this on social media numerous times I think this is kind of kind of stupid Listen, I could have made these for you Joey. I know maybe not for you. You have a severe case of Something with A's and D's in it. I don't know which one you have ADHD. I'm gonna go both. I Don't really know the difference between the two One's attention and the other's hyper Is that correct? Yeah attention deficit disorder
Starting point is 00:02:31 Deficient a deficit What's the word? You should have just quit while you're ahead What is it what what deficit is that what you just said you said deficit deficit? Attention deficit disorder. Nope. What is it somebody deficit deficit? Yes attention deficit describe Deficit, do you know what that means here? I'll pull up the definition for you. You get the laptop out I do know that it deficit is Wait, is it deficit?
Starting point is 00:03:08 Wait, is it wait? What's going on here? It's attention deficit disorder. No, it's deficit. I'm right. Yeah, okay. I am. I'm looking at it deficit Deficit Siri stay the fuck out of this. I'm looking at it. You can look at it. Are you sure it's it? Yeah, make her say it Listen, you were close. That's at the end of the day. I can't make anyone say a whole phrase. That's not how that works But can you stop see I shouldn't I gave that to you? This is why they're fucking banned in school. Do you know those are banned in schools? Like teachers won't let kids have them because kids are apparently injuring themselves with fucking fidget spinners if you're getting injured with a fidget spinner
Starting point is 00:03:53 Get ready for the real world. What are they? You can go outside hit by a fucking car. Yeah, they like them on fire and do it. No, I would yeah You're fucking psycho with attention deficit disorder deficit. Yeah, I said that I know that's Jesus Christ God bless us They're like our like the new generation of yo-yos. Oh Wow, do you remember those yo-yos? I was a fucking dope one I went all the way to 31st Street and
Starting point is 00:04:25 Went to a 99 cent store and got a yo-yo that lit up and I was able to sleep that shit. They had brains They were called brains. What they were called brains acts wait, what? Thank you, what is that? That's the thing that makes them sleep. They they spin And then you could do whatever you want and then I go whoop You know what I was able to do one time, you know, alright So, you know like I free those of you who don't know about yo-yos and shit cuz you're a bitch When you just like throw it down and it just stays
Starting point is 00:04:59 That's called sweet sleep. Yeah, you sleep it right slept it used to walk You go into the middle and you pinch the string and you bring the other one down and it shoots up that was the elevator I think You don't know what I'm talking about. Wow. You're a fucking noob. You didn't know how to do that Now you're just making shit up. I think you forgot, you know, you know what I'm talking about. Yeah, thank you You're the fucking only one. You don't know you're fucking That was a problem. I had a lot of yo-yo cards. There's nothing to do anything. You know, it's another one I could do I only did it one time successfully But it was like you can make a triangle and then the yo-yo I did that I did that I swear to God
Starting point is 00:05:38 I do you didn't do a thing. It wasn't hard That was like one of the harder ones to do and you spin your fingers like that and that's what turns it makes it into a triangle And it just dangles It's not a tape measure about a Tamagotchi I Had one of those so did I died so quickly I might know and then it would shit and I'd leave it and it would get hungry and it would die I Don't think some people like listening don't even know what a Tamagotchi is. I love it just sounds like an Asian Plant or whatever. I think it's cool
Starting point is 00:06:09 What Tamagotchi? They were cool. Well, I don't even like remember some people wouldn't let you play with them Like I see it. No, no, no, you can't can it's gonna evolve soon Like they wouldn't let you touch it because it was so yeah Because they were so addicted to it and then the born with babies came out and the digimonsters and all those stupid shit came out Yeah, I never fucked with Digimon at all Knock-off Pokemon piece of shit Anyone who likes Digimon's a bitch Frankie my best friend love Digimon big bitch. Hey, thank you Me too Digimon as whole never fucked with it the TV show garbage
Starting point is 00:06:45 Yo, Yu-Gi-Oh The bus that was my shit. I used to go to tournaments. I had no idea what I was doing I'm out you went to a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament. I went to one. I Shouldn't have said tournaments. I went to one wait, and I got did you compete? Yeah, I competed and I lost I got Destroyed How did you wait first of all you can't be good my friend told me about it? My dad was like, oh, I'll drive you like I was your deck your deck was like a starter like fucking dark magician was my strongest card Hold on
Starting point is 00:07:16 You went to a Yu-Gi-Oh Eliminated you got two tries eliminated first round. It was double elimination. Yeah. All right, so hold on I didn't know how to God. I didn't know it's about you the magic card. I did it once relax Oh, man, you're doing it on the weekends all the time. I'm excited $30 buy-ins like for what? You paid money. Yeah, it was a nice buy. It was a nice, you know, a nice price This is new so okay, so where was it? God? I have some questions on Island. It was in Long Island It was that like a card place while you specifically a card place you buy cards like Card games like a game stop. Yeah, you buy comics cards. What are how many people were there?
Starting point is 00:07:57 It was a lot a lot of people big game stop. It wasn't a big game stop. So wait, what was it? Well, oh my god, this is this is I sat down. It was it was a very long time ago. I sat down I had a deck this kid was a pro were there multiple games going on or just one and like a lot of games gone Okay, it was just one. I would have got up and left. I was I suck I don't know what I'm doing right so I was like trying to draw cards and I felt like I was playing like we used to play on the Bus remember right we used to play on the bus like yeah, man. Oh, man. Oh, what do I have next? No, you couldn't do that So I tried to like revive my monster goes you can't do that yet because I have this activated you have to deactivate that
Starting point is 00:08:32 Then play that and then you're able to kill my guy with your card. The kid was helping me I remember that but he beat me every time I think you got like what was it two thousand points and it slowly moved its way down after every attack Like did you have like a dark magician? I had a dark magician. I didn't get to him Did you get the blue eyes white dragon? I didn't have that yet. I think I did have that it was in the Dragon you were only allowed to use the blue eyes white dragon when you had a certain amount of points It was very hard. I was like, yo, I don't know any of this like dark hole No, you can't use it because this is activated and that's activated. I'm like, all right. You know what just win just win
Starting point is 00:09:06 So I try and I lost So your dad was your dad watched. Yeah, you shamefully. Yeah, I was my friend too He doesn't know what the fuck's going on. I had no idea what I was doing. I sucked I was like, yo, I thought we were playing on the bus like we you know, we plan the bus you can do whatever you want Yeah, there's rules to the shit. There is rules to you. Yo, of course. There's rules to you. Yo There's like rules to it Wait, hold on serious question. Okay, cuz I know someone who had this and I don't want you to lie I want you to tell me truthfully. Did you have that like arm?
Starting point is 00:09:39 Oh, no way, I know that arm contraction. No way. No one who knows you give knows about what I'm talking about No, there was like an arm contraption that you could put your car I remember and then just slide them out like fucking gambit I remember the kid in front of me though had a had a mat a card mat and had like the placement and it looked cool And I was just like What do you do I went Yeah, put it on. Yeah, it's it and I had like cool Like cool on stickers like around my you know the sleeves my sleeves were red
Starting point is 00:10:11 So, you know, you got to take all those sleeves off. I was like, oh, that's a lot of time I mean sleeves. There was sleeves that protected your cards. You had sleeves on all your cards Yeah, like there was yeah, you were something back then, huh? There were sleeves, dude Like everybody protects their cards Not me. All right, shut this. I let though. I let I had a tournament once at the At at at lunch in ps2 when I was in like fifth grade. What was that a half hour lunch?
Starting point is 00:10:42 Yeah, it was a quick. I won the whole thing, too But we didn't care you know how I won fake exodia cards. That's bad. You remember that you have exodia You were probably the coolest kid in the class No, everyone knew they were fake But the fake cards counted that day and I crushed everyone with exodia That's what happened. That was the peak of my fucking life. You waited for exodia What you can't just play exodia with one arm. You know, yeah, you got to get them all out there But either you know, I played in the finals and you're new yeah shout out to him
Starting point is 00:11:14 He's definitely not watching this but Great guy. Love him. Haven't seen him and does he still live in the hood? I think so. I Think so. I haven't seen him in a while. I used to see a kid outside my house every day practicing Practicing. Oh, I think I'm practicing you. Yo, how do you know what about Pokemon? I was nice and Pokemon Remember the link cord you had to use that that link cord in The game. Oh the trade or the battle now everything's done by Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Oh, these kids don't know back day. They don't know about the link cord in purple cord. Yep The disease and it wasn't a long court either
Starting point is 00:11:50 You remember the light the light that we used to come up and then over and look down at your Want to play when we were sleeping our parents wouldn't let us know back lights. We like They don't know no back lights. Nope. This isn't a cell phone. Oh, man That's one of those yes, and then the magnifying glass was part of the light. Okay, you're going crazy. I don't know you're talking Yeah, I do why would you need a magnifying glass? It was it was part of it inches from the there was a screen and then this part that connected to it And it came up out and over and it was a light and a magnifying glass and like you could see through it Oh, I think I do know what you're talking about. Mm-hmm. It was nuts, right? It was cool. We all had that kids today
Starting point is 00:12:28 They don't know they're just like oh my back light wasn't work dad by me new one. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, throw it against the wall shatters Imagine Kids don't know what a game boy is. What's that? I still have my green game boy. I still play it. I had Pokemon red Do you I remember like four years ago? I went out and bought a Pokemon game and then replayed the whole game over again. I would do I Forgot which one I was but they always come up like iPhone and she liked that too. I don't do that That's that's you can't play that game Can't disrespect it. Yeah, unless it's in the game boy my game boy still works the volume doesn't work
Starting point is 00:13:00 But the game boy works. I use the game boy volume. You need the volume. It's annoying No, but I had the last time I played was when I went to jury duty What happened there, did you get out of there? Did you make up a lot? Yes, I yo, they picked me First of all, I'm a phenomenal liar. So I'm definitely whenever I get into by the way I'm probably never doing jury duty ever. I hope they're not watching right now Me and my dad have the same name and same middle initials. So whenever they send us mail We don't know who's it is. That's my excuse for my entire life. I didn't know it was me. I thought it was him Yeah, do you want to hear my story? Yes, they picked me. So I'm sitting in I'm like, I hope they picked me because I
Starting point is 00:13:43 Don't want to miss work tomorrow. I want to go back to work. Fuck this so they picked me early and I go up there and it was a car accident case and The lady legit asked me will you basically I'll sum it up. Will you tell the truth? And I'm like What do you what are you talking about? What? Basically, I was like, I don't understand what you're saying. So she looks over to the other orange goes She laughs at me and she goes, maybe you could ask him and he'll understand. So he goes, blah, blah, blah, blah I'm like, yeah, sure like that. Like I was just a dick. They were looking me in the face and I was just like like this You're on your phone. I was like, yeah, I'll do it
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yeah, I'm sorry. And I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes. Yes, everything. So I was just being a dick So they can say we don't want you, you know, because that's what you have to do So there were people that wanted to be there like yes, I'm very educated with this I have gotten into a car accident. I know how this works and I'm looking at them like, yo, you loser Like that sucks. How dare they do their American duty if they were if it was a like a case like this dude broke into the house I'd be like, yeah, yeah, I'm so with it. Like I want to see you want to do those those last a really long time That's awesome. And not when you're not getting when you're getting paid like $40 an hour. I mean a $40 a day $40 a day is it $80 or $40 a day? It's $40 a day. No fucking clue. It's $40 a day. It sucks
Starting point is 00:15:05 I do not plan on going so I got out of that quick. Excuse me. I'm very nervous Like I'll be honest. I'm nervous about that shit because I feel like whenever I go It's gonna be some crazy murder case and I don't want to like be the reason why someone gets into jail and when they get out They're gonna murder me. I don't like that shit. That's why I don't want to be a part of it You could go there and say I'm racist and then they say we don't care You have to stay here and then you're racist. Yeah, even if you're not you could say like to get out of anything Oh, I don't understand English. That's okay. You could stay like what do you mean? How am I gonna be a juror not being able to speak English and no, no, no, we'll translate for you
Starting point is 00:15:42 Sounds like bitches, so you told them in English that you didn't know how to speak Oh, I was I just didn't want to be wait So you just you just were a dick and they're like, yeah, they was like, okay We're not gonna use you and I was like And I got up and I walked out and I went to the back to the desk and like they don't want me like, okay You have to stay here till two. What if you're a monk? That was science, right? That's what that's what I would do show up in a robe bald head not talk
Starting point is 00:16:10 If it was like, um, what was that the night of I Would so be about that. I'd be like good show fuck my job. I'm down. Let's let's do this I want to I want to live through that. Yeah, 100% I want to be that I wanted wow I totally forgot about that show till right now I literally think they're not guilty and everybody thinks they're guilty because they want to go home I will say he's not guilty until everyone knows we're gonna fight. Yeah, we're gonna do this Yeah, cuz there are people that I just want to go home. Yeah, all right He's guilty whatever, but he's really not or she you know, it sucks
Starting point is 00:16:42 But I'm not gonna be a fucking juror in a car crash. Fuck that. It's annoying Yeah, you're great. I love it. I just love hearing you talk. It's one of my favorite things in the whole world Hey, who you me what I do Anyway, let's get to the sponsors for this show real quick. We got two today the first one me undies of course I've said it once. I'll say it again. My entire drawer is filled with me undies. Actually, that's not true I found a pair of boxers and threw them the fuck out They were like Christmas boxers that my mom got me. They felt like they were made out of construction paper. It was disgusting Anyway, what is this shit? I'm gonna read this elevate your underwear game to the next level with me undies
Starting point is 00:17:28 You've perfected your wardrobe No, I haven't but what about the stuff not everyone can see I'm not gonna read this shit This is so stupid, but um Where where am I here guys looks I'm not gonna read the script the stuff that the underwear is beyond comfortable I've said it numerous times if you're an avid listener to the podcast, you know this Yeah, if you don't have a pair, I don't know. I don't know you're doing a disservice to your genitals Then the stuff is twice three times as soft as cotton soft as shit, right? It's humid as hell my dick's not sweating because I'm wearing this stuff
Starting point is 00:18:03 You need to buy it at the end of the day. That's what it comes down to that's not written on this script But that's the thing. That's it. All right Where is this and it's affordable? You can get a subscription service that you should get a box of underwear or a little bag of underwear every month Who doesn't like that? You can start throwing out old pairs Guess what you can save time and money each Month with a monthly subscription fuck I already said that and if you're not ready for a subscription That's okay. You can still save that's because me on these is offering 20% off your first pair
Starting point is 00:18:37 Just use our special URL me on these comm slash basement 20% off your first pair. Okay, again, that is me on these slash Basement next we have zip recruiter comm. Oh, yeah Are you hiring? Do you know where to post your job to find the best candidates posting your job in one place is enough to find quality candidates? I'm crushing these If you want to find the perfect hire you need to post your job on all the top job sites And now you can with zip recruiter comm you can post your job to a hundred plus job sites Including social media networks like Facebook and Twitter all with a single click
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Starting point is 00:19:51 So the this past Tuesday, which was yesterday It's a Wednesday surprise we shoot these ahead of time But I did a video on like news like weird news articles that I found and there was one that like popped off the screen to me But I didn't put in my video because I thought it was fake until I looked into it but anyway, it was on the cover of NT news which I think is like an Australian Fucking paper But this is the front page. It says wedding drama best man left bleeding after being hit in head by flying dildo
Starting point is 00:20:30 Dot dot dot and wait until you hear where it came from any guesses the crowd the crowd What does that mean? I don't know, but oh I got the wet. No, it wasn't at the wedding Is best man party, okay best man party Whatever deficit groomsman deficit best man party. I'm keeping a fucking list here. All right So let me just read real quick. I can't pronounce the guy's last name because it's all over the place It's it's it's got two consonants next to each other like three of them next to each other actually
Starting point is 00:21:11 I just I can't read names like that But anyway fucking where is this? He had a scar on his forehead He was the best man I'm lost so they had a part. It was a bachelor party by the way, not a best man. No, I meant best man party like the groomsman That's what I mean. I know what a fucking bachelor party. It's a groomsman party I guess groomsman like his party of groomsman, duh. Oh Like his groomsman. Yeah
Starting point is 00:21:37 The groomsman party all the bachelor party. I know what a fucking bachelor party is fuck I'm so that was that was found that was angry. That was a bad f-word there. I'm sorry That's the thing Keith curses like I curse a lot, but like I can say it and it doesn't sound harmful That was a violent. I didn't mean it that sounded like you meant it. I didn't mean it You had some deep-rooted issues. That was pretty bad. That was pretty bad Speak about this because there was something else this week and about a girl at a bachelorette party can pound it out by a Stripper. Yeah, and then the groomsman. I mean the groomsman. What do you mean? There was something this weekend This morning I tell it real quick. We went to work this morning and the guy was they were all talking about like what happened
Starting point is 00:22:18 there's a video on world star of um a Bride-to-be yeah, her bachelorette party. It looks like a gang bang. I watched the video the wife someone had a good visual a good visual Angle and they were just holding the camera there It's like three minutes long and she's getting pounded out by this stripper pounded and
Starting point is 00:22:43 Like she's in there and her friends are holding her arms. What like when she's laying down and they're like go go go go and he's just fucking her and um In the middle of it you see it like her lips move and he goes can I come on your face and she's sitting there? She's like yeah, yeah, she pulls down her shirt and he busts all over her and all her friends like Apparently the guy broke up and said no, we're not getting married. Oh, apparently do you believe that it was all over social media? That's like Or Facebook it was all Facebook day. My friend told me he goes
Starting point is 00:23:19 I see Facebook and I'm sitting here and I'm like first of all if I'm the if I'm the groom I'm gonna beat the shed of all of your friends. I don't give a fuck if they're women nothing our men I don't give a fuck you let her get pounded out and someone came on her face They look like they were 13 people there, and they were all like Cheering her on I swear to God and she's they're holding her arms like this. She's she's laying on the floor I'm like falling down it out And then she goes yeah, come on me and I'm like wow and then and then you're done You know I'm saying I'm just not marrying you, but you're those are real friends
Starting point is 00:23:56 Those are real fun. Let's hold her arms while she gets pounded the fuck out of here with that I mean what else you supposed to do in that situation right at a bachelor party yo I promise she had like a shirt on and everything else was off and he was butt-naked just Look like he was raping her face was like no You know I mean like no, please like dude. This is like and then she gets down and she yeah come on my face Are you kidding me? I couldn't I sure this wasn't like one of those He went on world he went on world son. He was like you'll watch it and he found it Did you see it? No, I I haven't seen it, but I tried to find it, but no, there's no way
Starting point is 00:24:37 But are you sure it wasn't one of those porno's because I've seen those porno's where it's like a guy wears like a bear mask It was it was it's a bear. That's what it's called. It was three minutes long only and It's just she's just getting fucked in the same. Where'd you see this because there's no way it was on He brought it up for me if I could if I could text him right now to get me the video I'm what should I I don't know to type into world star. I'm gonna. Was it recent when was this it had happened Yeah, cuz he just they just started talking about I was like yo like I didn't know about this Let me see if I could text him now and he could send it over. He's always on his phone So it must come quick. Maybe it was someone he knew and
Starting point is 00:25:15 she was just Getting pounded out This is heavy stuff. I don't know this sounds like one of those porno's. You know dancing bear. Yeah, it's like the strippers come out wearing bear heads That sounds like that sounded way more like Ridiculous than I thought like like a cartoon like a mascot head basically of a bear Then they everyone at the party apparently wants to suck their dick and they get their dick sucked by like 50 different people and they fuck A couple people too. What kind who is that real? Do you think it's real? You know what I think because some of the women look genuinely
Starting point is 00:25:55 Uncomfortable during that thing where they're like, I'm not sucking this guy's fucking dick. I think that they like put certain People like under contract like yes, they're they like agree like I'm gonna blow the guy And they put them in the crowd and then they put like these randos in there That's what this looked like someone had a perfect view on it like dead center like you saw the woman's whole face It wasn't a porno. It wasn't one of those was a child like an iPhone Camera or like a like a we're talking like it was literally only three minutes And it wasn't one of those college gang bang porno
Starting point is 00:26:30 You know I mean like that you go online. You see college dorm dorm their dorm their dorm. Yeah, like that It wasn't that they were at a party. It was a stripper and he was just and they were holding her arm That is kind of ridiculous. I'm waiting for him to type That's terrifying I was sitting there It's just the same thing over and over again for three minutes no different position and he just kind of come on your face She basically goes you see her go She just pulls down her shirt. I'm like damn That's crazy. How can you do that like the night before your wedding? I would tell her to come home
Starting point is 00:27:07 I'd be like, oh, did you have fun and just I Wouldn't hit her cuz I don't do that, but I would physically cameras weren't on you mentally No, I would have I'm I would have mentally hurt her Honestly, if that was me, I'd be so angry to the point where I would try to have sex with Anyone she knew maybe she was just trying to get back as many people she knew Starting with the her mom. Maybe like I am I am gonna make it my life's Thing to fuck your mom. I would try to fuck every single one of her friends. Yeah all of her friends her mom Dad whatever. Yeah, make it weird and bang her friends. There you go all of them at once, right?
Starting point is 00:27:50 I did see a video once on world star though like like some bride was hooking up with one of the groomsmen and Then some guy found her. I was like, what are you doing? No, no, no, it was just they were just making out There was no no, you know descriptive Shit like you just I Couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it. Yo, I swear to God. Yo, I hope he sends it like I'm feening but damn it was just Bad I couldn't believe that. I don't they probably took it down, but who knows Oh, he said BRB dot that that that maybe he's sending it. Here we go Anyway before we get to that so anyway this guy
Starting point is 00:28:33 Best man left bleeding after being hit in the head by flying dildo, so they had a bachelor party and It's about eight friends Which is irrelevant to the story by the way, but he says he Made an exotic dancer wait. He said an exotic dancer appeared after a while and was soon performing her party trick Shooting dildos at the guests. I had to be like well one of those. Do you understand? No, no, no, it was not So I will read on She out of her vagina is what I'm trying to get you shooting this out of her fucking She out of her snatch
Starting point is 00:29:20 Her gash that can't be real. Yes And he said the pink project projectile was flying an impressive seven meters across the room and looping about two meters high He says quote it wasn't a strong shot Parentheses when it hit me in the head. It was probably just it probably just landed on an awkward angle She was shooting it through the room for one quarter to the other Oh my god, we have the video and here it is. We got it. We got a shout out
Starting point is 00:29:55 I better get a shout out my boy Eric. I don't know if I should play this like I'll watch it low I'll watch it, but I'm not gonna get like the fucking first of all. She is getting fucking town like He wasn't lying. I understand why you said that and you know, there's way more than 13 people. All right, and Exactly what he said happens to this fast forward to the end I am I am I am Let's see, let's see. I'm fast-forwarding this guy's going to town and he does this guy's jerking off with two hands That's kind of weird
Starting point is 00:30:34 Isn't that weird first of all, I think this is one of those pornos of you know, I don't think this is like a moment They were all talking about like everybody knew about it except this guy right here me you never watch a dancing bear I think that's what it is dancing bear But I'm more a concern with the fact that guy was jerking off with two hands I think that's a very strange strategy that I've never we need to thank my boy Eric for the footage Yeah, thank you for that But yeah, anyway back to this woman who's shooting things out of her fucking plus Seven meters
Starting point is 00:31:05 How far is a meter? It's like a yard. It's a yard. She was shooting at 21 feet basically that's intense dude Yeah, and two meters high That's fucking high dude. Poor guy. This woman got a lot of practice in she was shooting it through the room from one Quarter to the other other people got it in their chest and knees. I was the only one bleeding It was my turn and it landed straight on my forehead She started apologizing straight away, but I just said it was fine And then I touched my forehead and there was blood
Starting point is 00:31:39 Like I don't understand and he's like I don't have a massive experience with deltos I Would assume that What people keep asking how close my face was to cause that sort of injury? Yeah, that's a fair question That's crazy. I don't like do you get some back in that and How do you work that? I don't know how you shoot a dildo across a room multiple times I Didn't know vaginas could do that sort of thing. That's crazy. Joe. I don't know if I could believe that I feel like vaginas are like the ocean like we know 10% of
Starting point is 00:32:13 What is there? We don't really know fix them. No, yeah, we don't go deep enough Yeah, we don't we can't we can't deal with what they feel like like I'm from you know forgotten You know, you don't know how they work because no I have no idea No, because every every year that I get older. I learned one more new thing. I swear to God Donnie He one day told me That I forgot someone said something big but he basically this kid thought he is 28 years old
Starting point is 00:32:49 I want to say great. He thought that girls pee out of their clitoris. I Was like you're a bit old and so are you I thought that too. They don't pee out of the clitoris Yeah, they have to I will pull up a chart here And I hope I'm not wrong about this one. Otherwise, this is strike three for you But you don't know you don't know I do know but when people start questioning me. I was nervous Who am I gonna ask? Fucking a doctor. I'll call someone right now and ask them. Here we go ready. Oh, I typed in here. We go That's gross Joey. I see it. Davino
Starting point is 00:33:27 But listen, I know I'm right those are pictures of dicks those aren't dicks these are just these are just straight up Viginus turning around You ready see this is the clitoris up here. This one's got some hair on it here This is like a cartoon though. Relax. It's a cartoon. You're on this stuff on the bottom. This is a butthole Okay This is what we're talking about this area. This is the clitoris right that
Starting point is 00:33:56 This right here Poke in the screen, but they pee out of this not that part right there. They don't they're not pissing out of the top Yo, it's the urethral orifice orifice. Yeah, I've read it real quick. It's like the office they have Offices in there too. Oh Joey stop now. What you why you don't like looking at vaginas Those aren't what is that? I think that's a grapefruit. I don't This is just a straight up grapefruit like this has nothing to do with vaginas like I don't know why I Hope that's a grapefruit. I don't know that kind of just I couldn't tell you what that is But anyway long story short girls do not pee out of their clitoris
Starting point is 00:34:44 So you can enjoy pictures like that. I don't enjoy it, but I will accept it as an adult You know what I mean? Oh man when girls send pictures like that. Mm-hmm with vagina pics not about it I'm not a huge vagina. I'm all about this and that ass and tits. That's it Yeah, I think if you're gonna send a picture it should be of those like what are you doing sending that? What do you do with that? vaginas vagina pictures are
Starting point is 00:35:12 Very aggressive. I'm not about it. Yeah, I don't know. It's like is anyone into that? Is anyone like you want to see what it looks like? It's like I kind of just want to like you know, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Yeah, let's cross that bridge when we get there Yeah, I'll take a look. Thank you. You know Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's what I'm getting Well, I'm gonna go It looks good. Thanks, and I delete the combo Yeah, I'm not a big vagina pick guy. I'm ass and tits. Yeah, sometimes You know like growing up people just like surprise not surprise you with one, but they'll just like
Starting point is 00:35:52 Not that it is unwarranted, but I feel like when you think of nudes You think a dick ass tits and then people who are sending like butthole and Vaginas are kind of just surprised in the rest of us. And does that say to say I don't enjoy it I think that like, you know what I mean? I think when you send a vagina pick and you don't say anything Person on the other end gets like three seconds where they go. I wasn't You want me to send you nudes? Yeah, all right, and then you sure I just send you that and it's like just get gash Not that there's anything wrong with the giant your leg
Starting point is 00:36:31 You're right, are you hurt? Oh, that's what it is you fall off your dirt bike. What happened? Well, if you're dirt bike, who you fucking exchange? Oh, this is terrible. This is a red X. That's the title rated X Well, you just like gave a play-by-play about someone getting cummed on and like now definitely rated now. You're like, this is bad We're talking about vaginas No, man, that's good Butthole picks not gonna understand that. Nope. I guess in the gay community I kind of understand it because there's like one or two things that you can butthole. That's what they like, but in The other in the heterosexual world. Yes, butthole picks are a fucking curve ball. Why why would you do that?
Starting point is 00:37:13 Why would you send us that? People get excited, you know, like whoo look at that. Yeah, that's open I feel like girls don't understand that like it doesn't matter how many times I've seen your tits I'm excited. Hell. Yeah, even if it's 30 times in a row. I'm like the 30th time. I'm like this is still dope It's not like oh, he's seeing him. He doesn't care If I could get like a live stream Periscope 24-7 I would watch it. Mm-hmm. You know what I mean? I would think about getting another TV in the house
Starting point is 00:37:42 Just to play that you went a little too far there. Well, I might I went a little too far there But that's all right because those are the pics right so they want to switch it up They start sending feet, you know, like no not a foot. I'm not weird like that. No, I'm not saying people No, it's weird. No, it is Really, it's okay to say that Oh my god, I feel like every girl at least like I mean I see your socks every decent looking to hot girl Not every but majority has gotten that one message from a random person on like Facebook Or Instagram DM like yo 80 bucks picture of your left foot
Starting point is 00:38:23 You know and they kind of screenshot it and like put it on Twitter But if I was a girl I'd honestly think about that a lot because it's like it's a foot I don't give a fuck where you what you do with it a lot of weirdos out there Dude, I would take pictures of my feet for any amount of money or my hands ten bucks. You can have both I'll start taking a picture every single day of my feet and give you all year's worth For a hundred bucks. I'll paint them too. Oh, yeah, I'll do whatever you want. I'll dress them up socks. No socks I'll dress them up. I'll paint them Whatever you want
Starting point is 00:38:59 Some people like that shit, you know This one dude messaged me he had a foot fetish, but he also had a Some other oh he wanted he wanted to be my footstool This is real. Oh, you want to put your feet on his lap. He wanted to act like an like a An Ottoman or something like where I just put my feet on him and rest on him how much No, I think this was just like a freeze. I think that was it There's nothing I didn't want to push my luck and ask for money. He was giving me some somewhere to put my feet
Starting point is 00:39:32 150 bucks an hour some people do it 150 bucks an hour to put your feet on somebody I want 150 to put your feet on someone still do it. They love it. They're freaks That doesn't mean you take advantage I'm just happy to rest. I'm gonna take advantage here Yeah, I didn't take him up on that offer, but it was a very generous. Did you ignore it? I Didn't because I Wanted to know more You know, if you hit me up with some really I shouldn't say this
Starting point is 00:40:05 But if someone hits me up with some really weird shit and I can tell when people are being real or not Like I can tell when they're lying or just whatever because if they're lying they just say the thing That's weird. But if they're like serious, they know that it could be strange From the outside looking in so they go into a big like in-depth explanation of why blah blah blah But I'll talk to you because I kind of just I want to know why I'll deny You know, I'll be like no, thanks, but What's going on? Which is what I did with this guy and then he just kind of gave me the rundown about
Starting point is 00:40:38 You know because I was oh wait, what was he called a foot slave? That's what he wanted to be a foot slave and I was like, I don't really know what that means He's like, you know, I'll just take care of your feet. Oh, you know, I'll clip your nails Yeah, like a pedicure every day or whatever except he probably would suck on a couple toes and I would have to like Kick him or something. I don't really know how it works. Hey, stop. Yeah, I don't know stay on track. I'm not sure That's weird dude, but you know it happens. I Don't want to touch feet No, are you one of those people that makes girls keep their socks on?
Starting point is 00:41:12 No, like my girlfriend will be like, oh, can I have a foot massage like as a joke, but I get really mad about it Like stop see I don't mind giving a foot massage. I won't give it on Their command like I'll just do it Sometimes, you know, I mean, but if you go, can you rub my feet? I'm gonna go. No No, fuck that, you know, but if they're just like right there and I'm watching TV. I'm just like fidgeting. I'll rub a foot But then I will wash But as soon as that foot gets near my face if I get if I feel a molecule of your toe touch my cheek I will scream. I don't like it. Agreed. I don't like it on my face. No, thank you
Starting point is 00:41:56 Anyway before we wrap up here. I found this thing because me and you are big fans of the riddles You know, so I Why? Well, I don't know if these are riddles these are just kind of like trick questions by the way, these are from a website Are there answers called dumb calm? Are there answers? You can ask them me the question No, I don't know the answers either. It says show answer. I haven't clicked on it yet Anyway, we're just we'll just start out right now. I want to go first We're both gonna try. Okay. Okay. How can a man go eight days without sleep?
Starting point is 00:42:31 How can a man go eight days without sleep stay awake, I Don't know Because it's bothering me thinking this is gonna piss me off. I know it It is not a problem. He doesn't need to sleep during the day. He sleeps at night. Fuck you dumb fuck Ten birds were sitting in a tree and a hunter shot one. How many birds were left in the tree say that again? Ten birds were sitting in a tree and a hunter shot one. How many birds were left in the tree? I know the answer nine the answer is not nine. The answer is zero because if you shoot one bird, they're gonna fly away Yes, that is the correct answer. That's how you got to think Davino outside the fucking box. Stay with me here
Starting point is 00:43:15 Okay, wait, what did you say? Stay with me if the bird is nine birds. There's ten birds in a tree shoot one shoot one How many are left in the tree none because they will fly away. That's what I said. You said nine Stay with me here. Okay, rapid fire before Mount Everest was discovered. What was the highest mountain in the world? I'm gonna go Helena Okay Mount Everest Just discovered yet. Wow. I'm a fucking idiot. Next come on. I'm excited That's a really good one. I like that. All right, how much dirt is that give me a break
Starting point is 00:43:50 How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet? Oh Wait, hold on how much dirt is there in a hole that measures two. Oh, there's no dirt. It's a hole Yeah Fire I was ready to do the math. Here we go. Yeah Fucking multiply if a plane crashes on the border of the United States and Mexico Where would the survivors be buried time out? Say it again. I got this if a plane crashes on the border of the United States In Mexico, where would the survivors be buried? It can't crash on the border like
Starting point is 00:44:32 That is not the answer I know this answer It's a plane crash Where the survivors being buried there is no survivors. There is no survivors. Not only that you can't bury survivors This is a double Where is it? Nowhere you don't bury survivors boom Does England have a 4th of July I don't know Joey I do they do because it's just a day
Starting point is 00:45:04 A man makes a claim that he can predict the exact score of every football game before it begins and he's always right How's that possible? Oh Because the score before every football game is zero zero, right? Boom done. I'm on fire. I've gotten none of these What two words when combined hold the most letters? 11 Did you say 11? I just threw it out. I don't know the first part of this question was what two words. I I'm gonna say the alphabet
Starting point is 00:45:39 Post office That was wrong Fuck how many books can you put in an empty backpack? Wait, I wouldn't be empty. I want to say zero right it wouldn't be empty. I got it. Oh That's not the right answer The answer is one you could put one in an empty backpack, but after that it's not empty That is a good fucking I love this I could do this all fucking day a monkey a squirrel and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree
Starting point is 00:46:22 Who will get the banana first the monkey the squirrel or the bird the bird it's flying It's the monkey None of them because you can't get a banana from a coconut tree. I didn't even That's something I should get I didn't even think of that. I thought it was gonna be monkey birds don't eat bananas That's what I was thinking. Oh Fuck do they? How far can you walk into the woods? How far can you walk into the woods?
Starting point is 00:46:52 There is no far I have no idea how far can you walk into the woods? Find out bro one step halfway after that you're walking out of the woods Doesn't make sense. I don't a Clerk at the butcher shop stands five feet ten inches tall and wears a size 13 sneaker. What does he weigh? I Know this he weighs me. Thank you. Okay. What is Rupert the bears middle name? The Is that it the fire look at that now we're getting hot this is where we turn it on
Starting point is 00:47:38 Spell ghost out loud J. G Spell ghost G H O S T now spell most Then spell roast R O A S T What do you put in a toaster? Toast hmm. He put bread in a toaster damn it I knew that one too. If you throw a redstone into the blue sea, what will it become if you throw a redstone into the blue sea? What would it become nothing? It's still red It'll become wet
Starting point is 00:48:10 So I guess that's kind of the real name the kind of the real answer damn it What was the American president's name in 1990? That's the year I was born. I'm gonna go with George Bush. I Don't I don't know what the fuck that means the answer is exactly the same as it is today. Oh Okay, I don't that's I hate this who looks like half an apple What a mirror who looks like half an apple find out The other half fuck you What can you never eat for breakfast dinner?
Starting point is 00:48:50 Boom What's the exact middle of America? Do you know middle Larry? I'm gonna Is that like from Lord of the Rings? The exact middle of America is our Got it. What is it our in the word America? Wasn't Middle-earth
Starting point is 00:49:17 All right, I have five more. How do you walk on water? Pull through Freeze it first That's a good one Spell pots out loud POTS. Oh Wow, that's right. I'm an idiot. I was thinking post. Oh, we have to spell it three times POTS POTS POTS. What do you do at a green light? You stop go damn it. Oh It's stop back I get it okay a farmer had 15 sheep wait, I
Starting point is 00:50:00 Don't you know it's easy now. You don't have anything yet a farmer has 15 sheep All but an all but eight died How many are left? None all of them died What I'm gonna read it again. This is an easy one to be no come on a farmer had 15 sheep all but eight died How many are left? All but eight right all but eight died eight
Starting point is 00:50:38 Yes, I had to check cuz I was like I thought that was it. All right two more I'm good one here. Okay two men play seven games of checkers Each wins an equal number of games and yet there are no ties. How is this possible? Say it again Two men play seven games of checkers each wins an equal number of games and yet there are no ties How is this possible? It's not possible. I don't know how that's possible. They won Seven games. What's equal? They didn't play against each other. I hate this fucking thing. I
Starting point is 00:51:21 Hate this drives me fucking crazy when I get answers like that. Last one An airplane crashed into a field every single person in the aircraft died, but two people survived how come Repeat it Wait what repeat it repeat an airplane crash into a field Every single person in the aircraft died, but two people survived how come you you're gonna hate the answer The answer was because they were married It's at every single person like every single stupid every single person All right, I want one more one more one more and we'll get the fuck out of here
Starting point is 00:52:07 Which is heavier a hundred pounds of rocks or a hundred pounds of feathers both equal Yes, I thought you were gonna get tripped up there. That's not gonna be the last one. We're doing one more here When does ten plus three equal one Don't write it down because there's probably nothing doing the numbers when does ten plus three equal one The answer is on the clock, okay I'm done. I Hate when riddles don't have don't yet. Listen if you go from ten eleven twelve one o'clock. Oh, yeah I hate this fucking shit
Starting point is 00:52:49 Imagine you were in a sinking row boat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive? I Don't know that's weird. I'm really trying to think The answer is stop imagining On that note, we're gonna fucking get the hell out of here If you know where can they find you if they want to contact you and find out about more disloyal Fiancé's getting just on everything is at Aunt Vino and TV. I know It's a lovely glass of water you had there I didn't touch it
Starting point is 00:53:33 Shoulda drank your water you got a hydrate I can't you should chug it cuz you're so parched It really isn't You guys sign up for full screen if you're not watching this go to Slash basement yard put in the promo code basement for free months only six dollars a month after that Also stick around because on the extra yard me and DeVino are going to be doing something I have no idea what it is. I don't know what it is either You didn't tell me I just said I didn't know what it is I'm excited. You guys know. There's no more riddles. I don't know anything. I
Starting point is 00:54:04 Hope it's not fucking on is it hands-on We need to get out of here All right, we'll see you next time get flick it There you go now. We'll see you next time

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