The Basement Yard - We're Having A Mental Breakdown

Episode Date: January 31, 2017

On this episode, I have @KeithSantagato & @AntVino on to talk about Shia Labeouf's new project & more Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. It is January 28th doing this a little early. I have two guests My brother Keith is here. Hey, and as always Anthony DeVino Like the pause he's one Sam Adams in right now, so it might get a little crazy. Who knows you never you'll never see it Yeah, you'll never bottle in half a bottle in and it's like cooking a turkey. Whatever the fuck that means Oh Boy, oh god Anyway, a lot of interesting things that are going on in our neighborhood specifically and most recently
Starting point is 00:00:36 You might have seen it in the news. I don't know if we've seen it just because it's in our neighborhood, but Shia LaBeouf not a big Trump guy not at all he he started a protest a I would say protests sort of Artistic Thing which is four years long. It's in our neighborhood of Astoria and it's near the Museum of Moving Images and Basically, it's just like a lot. It's a dirt patch and on the wall. It says he will not divide us and
Starting point is 00:01:10 There's a camera and it's a live stream 24-7 for four years the entire time he's president and it's quite the attraction and If you go on He will not divide dot us. You can watch the live stream Basically, I mean, it's pretty self-explanatory. It's not a big Trump guy He feels he's dividing the people and this is kind of a way I guess to bring people together, but you know
Starting point is 00:01:42 Do you know do you know headed head over there one day? I'm not that brave It's you know the the I Watch the live stream a couple times, okay? I I stay locking on to it and it's very it's it's kind of Frightening in a way because it looks like you know, there's these people there who are just first of all It's a little scary. It's a lot of people just chanting. He will not divide us over He will not divide us for so long and it's after a while. It starts to get creepy I was gonna say I would go insane. Yeah, like I don't like chance and I just I just creeps me out It just reminds me of like Chucky or something should be like a football game
Starting point is 00:02:19 It lasts for like a good 30 seconds and it's over, right? I think it's cool what they're doing But whatever I mean do we know you had over there. So what did you say when you went? I was I was I was home, right? And I saw all these pictures on Instagram and people were taking pictures with them I was like, oh, I must be cool like he's probably a cool guy, you know, and I wasn't doing anything So I was like, I'm gonna head over there. So I called Ralph and I was like y'all I'm gonna go over there And he goes yo pick me up So we get over there and there's probably like 30 people there
Starting point is 00:02:44 and I saw one of our boys and I was standing next to him and um, I was there just to get a picture because Transformers, you know strictly the celebrity fact. Yeah, no, I had no no political Give a flying fuck what you were doing right there for right so I was waiting there for him to like kind of move away from the camera because I did not want to show my face on that camera and And he finally moved away and as I'm walking over to him like Ralph, let's go I'm listening to him have a conversation with this lady So he walks up to a lady who's holding a French bulldog beautiful white
Starting point is 00:03:22 And he goes, oh my god, and the lady's like, oh, hey, what's up? And he goes a very intelligent dog and Immediately, yeah, and he goes look at him He's dogs are so smart and then what he said was because I all I wanted to do is I was just standing right in front of Get a picture all he told the lady was look at him. He's looking into our souls and Immediately I cried I snapped my neck back and looked at Ralph where a face like That kid hit rock bottom Look at him. He's looking into our souls and then he introduced himself. He introduces himself I was like, hey, I'm Shia. Like yeah, I know who you are. I was like, yo, can I get a picture and he goes?
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yeah, man, let's take a picture Put his hand up like a point Weird smell like shit. He's wearing the same clothes for like five days straight. Yeah, he's like he's a method actor, you know Yeah, he's he's lost every Everything I'm not quick. He's a really good actor. No, I'm not quick to to do that. I mean, I do think some of his Techniques are a little unorthodox for sure, but he is he is that he is a what's it called a method actor method actor Yeah, and can you can you give me a basically like Daniel Day Lewis, right?
Starting point is 00:04:37 You ever see Gangs of New York? Yes, you know the butcher. Yes. So that's Daniel Day Lewis. He's a very, you know great actor Yeah, he's a great actor, right and That whole movie he pretends to be that guy through the for in his regular life When they turn the cameras off he has built a butcher the entire shoot Well, didn't what's his name do that when he was just filming the new Suicide Squad? Um, I forgot is Jared little Jared little didn't you do that outside? He was still the Joker. Yeah Some people some people do that. They said he was very scary on set. Why would he why would somebody want to stay in character? Like look at the Undertaker is always in character. I've read articles where he's the Undertaker outside. Are you talking about the wrestler?
Starting point is 00:05:20 Yeah, yeah, I mean, I mean, that's totally different, but Yeah, I mean actors do it because I guess it puts them in a better It's like an easier transition. So then when you're on camera, it looks natural, right? It's not like you have to change Okay, I have to be this personality. Yeah, I mean and it works the guy's fucking unbelievable And so shy a man is great like Leo's known for doing that too, right? Leo's another one who's little I'm a huge fan Like I'm not I'm not gonna say huge. I'm a fan of shy little that's why I wanted to go over there I see him. Yeah, and I seen all of his movies like I'm like he's he's great But when I heard him talk, I was like this dude hit rock bottom
Starting point is 00:05:54 I really don't like I don't know like I like I said, I do think some of his techniques are an orthodox But at the same time, let me just try to interpret this whole thing Okay, because before I write him off as crazy or something like that just because he said something about a dog Here's what I think he meant by that because you told me this a couple days ago, and I kind of sat on it thought about it Dogs, okay. These are animals That when you leave the house If you left for 30 seconds, I came back. They're so excited to see you. They love you. They love you no matter what unconditionally, right? When a dog's looking at you, it's not looking at your skin color. It's not looking at
Starting point is 00:06:33 You know, it's not remembering your the bad things you've done or the people you've deceived or how much money you make Like what or anything like that. It's just kind of staring at this person Essentially into their soul. You get what I'm saying. All right, so now I mean he could have meant that he could have meant it a crazy thing I don't fucking know but you know, I don't know because I've seen certain projects that Shia's done One of them was called. I think take take me anywhere. I looked up and I read about that when you told me about He hitchhiked with a bunch of people and he gave out is I whatever his coordinates Someone would pick him And he would hang out with like a small group of people along the two people for whatever
Starting point is 00:07:24 I don't know. He does it with two people. It's two people who do these projects with all the time, but This specifically I don't even know how I came across it, but he I came across this dude who's like a random He's not like it. I mean, I guess he's a youtuber, but he doesn't have like a crazy audience or anything his video popped up and he's like Shia's doing this thing and I want to find him and we're gonna look for him whatever he drove I guess three hours from where he lives and Saw him and then Shia was just kind of like, yeah, I'm like with this group right now We try to keep it intimate. We're going to this place which was like another 45 minutes away. He's like and then we'll hang out
Starting point is 00:08:02 So that he drove there Shia got in his car with the two people who does it with and then the guy was with some other dude So it's just the five of them and they drove for like six hours. So this dude was pretty far from his home Wow. Yeah, so he but they did it and you know He was vlogging the whole thing and he was saying like oh Shia whatever and he was talking to him taking pictures and stuff And then it was interesting to see that after a while the guy was like I didn't really feel the need to Vlog or videotape anything and What I take away from that because a lot of these things are just
Starting point is 00:08:37 You know artistic I don't know the right word, but just these artistic things that Shia does and I there anything artistic is open for interpretation To me it was kind of like he was shedding the whole celebrity factor That's exactly what I was taking seems that way. Yeah, because I mean with the other thing I'll get into the other one, but So I think that's what he was trying to accomplish that if you spend time with someone you sit in a car with them and it's your Two feet from them you start to realize You know chasing this person with a camera is kind of crazy. Yeah, he's a normal person
Starting point is 00:09:13 Yeah, it like makes no sense to do it. I don't think he's that normal. I'm gonna be honest Do you follow on Twitter? I don't you got to see the shit. I do it's Seriously weird. I know but a lot of it is it's very abstract. I'll give you that and it's very it's very You know if you don't If you don't look at it with an open mind it could be very it could be seen as very off Yeah, no, no, no, I Completely agree that and I'm not saying that he's completely Saying or he's he's right in all of this or that I'm I'm even correct
Starting point is 00:09:46 I'm just kind of trying to interpret the things that he does because I don't really like You know writing people off that quickly. There was another thing for instance You remember when he wore that bag over his face that said I am not famous anymore. Yeah, no, I didn't know that what so this is What he did he he this was like the first I believe it was the first thing that he did Everyone was like all right, this kid's fucking nuts He wore a bad a paper bag a brown bag over his head with the eyes cut out and written on it said I am not famous anymore and he wore it to some award show But then he also had an exhibit where he was just sitting in a room
Starting point is 00:10:23 and he had his hands on the table and he had On the table a bunch of like Weapons essentially like things like Knife or scissors or you know a hammer or stuff like that on the table And then also on the table was a bowl of mean tweets that they said that people have sent him Right and he just sat there with the bag on his head and people were allowed to come in and do whatever They wanted they hit him with a hammer if they wanted to right and he was just staying there and
Starting point is 00:11:01 You know, I've heard him say this in an interview He's like the reason I don't know if this is the sole reason it may be one of them But he said something like alluding to the fact that you know a lot of people will say things on the internet About a celebrity because they don't think they will ever meet them. So given the opportunity Are they a like gonna do anything? Are they you know, is it just for wow reason or whatever? He just sat there and just like put the stuff there. Here's your weapons. I'm sitting right here. I'm not gonna do anything I mean, it's very trustworthy Nobody had him right? I hope no, but he did claim to get sexually assaulted by a woman
Starting point is 00:11:36 I'm guessing like some woman. That's not sexually assaulted. That's a good time. Oh, yeah, I'm older boated Yeah, no, he I'm not sure what it was, but I'm assuming some like Fangirl was like I'm gonna fucking blow this guy and she did and he hated it. That's scary. I mean, I don't actually saw me Okay, a girl Not a guy relax Yeah, but that that was like another thing So those those two felt there was another example there was
Starting point is 00:12:08 He went to Oxford It's a very prestigious institution With like, you know, everyone there is just like you have to be a genius to go basically, okay, and He went there and he gave like a speech or something. Oh, actually, I'm sorry He did this experiment where he stood in an elevator with the two people he always does things with and one by one people could or maybe a couple out of time could get in the elevator and talk to him and do whatever and
Starting point is 00:12:42 He wanted it to be an elevator because it was so because when you're in an elevator Usually you don't say a fucking word to anybody and so the strangers here just don't even like you don't even make eye contact with people so he wanted it to be in that sort of Environment where you don't normally talk to people and You know, whatever and people were allowed to come in and and say whatever blah blah blah and then like leave Some people were like crying Leaving or you know, it was I don't know. I find it all very interesting. That's why I don't necessarily You know write him off as crazy
Starting point is 00:13:17 But some of the things like for instance on this live stream man like they there was a video of him on World Sorry, you could see it. He was fucking screaming at some dude. Yeah, that kid and he was chasing him Yeah, he was chasing him. Yo, I um, I went there last night after after the movies. I went to go see split and There was people there like cops were there, but then there were Trump supporters And somebody had a sign and he was reading in like some Game of Thrones language to me And he walked right up to me and he was like he was saying shit to me and I was just like Rock on dude. Yeah, yeah, like I don't give a fuck go away Some dude came up to me asked me if I wanted a doughnut and said no probably have like acid in there acid strips. I'm safe
Starting point is 00:14:04 Like that. Yeah, it's it's very weird other like famous people that do shit like that though Like Jaden Smith was there too. All right, Jaden Smith. Yeah, he was in front. He was there like the first few days Yeah, that it that it and there's no security. There was no security At all Jaden Smith, I don't understand that's fucking Will Smith seed Yeah, it was there's no security there, there's no nothing shy I was just literally sitting on the ground people would show up. He'd talk to him or and they start chanting He will not he was dancing. He was dancing. He was dancing. There's a lot of food there and There were flowers that said take one please share and
Starting point is 00:14:49 I heard that peter is stop delivering there cuz no was paying. Yeah, unless it was like some like $40 credit card Yeah, payment It's it's you know, this thing is interesting because if you go in the live stream now and watch it a lot of the times you'll see a mix of people who Want to be in front of a camera one want to be hashtag famous
Starting point is 00:15:18 Yeah, what I meant to say was quote-unquote there. I don't know why I said hashtag There's no reason for those people to be there right now They're there because you gotta rest in and they're just trying to like stand out like again So I'm doing a shirt off like yeah, there was a kid on the stream before who had Peace written across his chest and he was standing there and screaming. He will not bite us There was that sounds peaceful There's some people in the background though, you can see that they're wearing like make America great again hats Yeah, there's a there's a mix of you know those kind of people there's Trump supporters
Starting point is 00:15:50 There's you know people who are chanting he will not divide us then there's random people there who? Just want to be in front of a camera cuz it's a camera and who cares, you know, it's like I don't know I don't know how productive this is. I personally believe that this could Get out of hand and do more harm definitely get out of hand It has gotten out of hand cops show up there all the time and break it up There were cops there walking in between the crowd last night with like flashlights like like waiting for something to happen You got to figure like, you know some maniac is gonna Hurt someone if you watch the live stream when the cops came and shy was there shy
Starting point is 00:16:31 It was like yeah walking away yelling at them walking back. I thought he got arrested cuz he was screaming at the cops I don't know. We got arrested for fucking scratching the kids face Yeah, he went to go take a sign out of a kid's hand I think and accidentally scratch his face and then he got arrested for assault. Yeah. Yeah The kid didn't get hurt. He did it because it's Shia above he tweeted. I got Shia above arrested today. Did he? No, I'm just saying oh Yeah, like he probably did that and he just did it to get attention. Yeah, man quick I can't wait to tell this story at Christmas. Yeah, I don't know. I just think that like
Starting point is 00:17:08 I'm not sure about this whole thing. It's a four-year thing. I don't know how long it's gonna last People are pretty excited about it right now You know for damn sure somebody's going over there with a bat and they're gonna knock that camera down and the museum is not gonna fix it I believe it's like is it built into the wall? No, it's it's a bubble popping out of the wall, right? It's like a security you could go over there and knock it with a with a bat and it'll fall down Somebody's gonna do that in the middle of the night because I logged on at like eight this morning Nobody was there so you could actually go there and knock it down and guess what? Rotest is over. Who's gonna go back and put that camera back up there? Who knows?
Starting point is 00:17:44 Is there is is there like buildings around like a it's been a lot I meant like like apartment buildings and shit. No, I know that's why they could be there That would be the most fucking annoying. Oh, yeah, just hearing people like your property value I would down for that I would sit in my apartment building out the window and I pick off every single one of them with a paintball gun And I would no shame doing it and then you'd be arrested Yeah, I don't know it's it's interesting I don't I Don't know I guess I'm gonna uneducated on protests and
Starting point is 00:18:23 How productive this one can be after what you just said that is documentaries and anything I didn't really know too much about it now. I'm starting to think he's not crazy. He's trying to prove a point It's easy to like because I mean I just have an extremely open mind when it comes to certain things and like stuff like that I'm like, okay I've seen this kid's interviews before he and he and when he was younger He's clearly not just fucking insane, right? He thinks this for a reason. There's a method to the madness, right? There's a reason why he's saying this shit And I guess when you when you have he's worth, I think 20 some million dollars
Starting point is 00:18:57 So that's not a problem. So you don't have to worry about that Which is what 90% 95% of the world is worrying about having enough money to live Yeah, if you don't have to worry about that anymore, you can think about other things and when you're thinking about other things You know, you if you're a good person maybe you're thinking about how to help people or why is this the reason this is going on or whatever and I guess when you find out that The world is run by a bunch of rich people who are greedy and could help so many people But they don't it drives you insane a little bit and that could make you angry and maybe that's why sometimes he he acts that way
Starting point is 00:19:35 I'm not sure. I really don't know But I do think that he Has a I think he's he's very sane. I think that he Has very interesting Projects and exhibits that he does this one. However, like I I'm not gonna get it You know, I'm not gonna get on board with this one just because it's it's like dangerous now at this point If you log on to the to the live stream, you'll see what I'm talking about Like sometimes you'll you'll see something. That's totally fine
Starting point is 00:20:08 Other times you'll log on it'll be just Trump supporters. Just like shitting on Shia and this whole idea and like saying, you know Dumb shit and then other times it'll just be people chanting he will not divide us either way I'm not really the protesting type where I'll just stand there for a couple hours chanting Yeah, I'm just not that kind of person but unless you log on and it's just absolutely nobody I seen signs there like sticking out of the grass, right? And I'm not the most political person in the world either So it's not like I could really You know pick a side or something, you know, I just kind of
Starting point is 00:20:47 I don't know. It's just not my forte. Anyway, um, let's get some What is this? Keith who's got their phone going? Oh my god, but I'm vibrate key the fuck that's you Anyway, you got two sponsors today First one you heard it last week. I think pro flowers Valentine's Day is coming up. You want some flowers get it through? Pro Get it through pro flowers
Starting point is 00:21:19 On top of their already low prices right now you can get one dozen assorted roses with with a free glass vase for 1999 plus shipping handling or upgrade and for 999 more you can get two dozen assorted roses with a free glass vase Just go to pro use my code use my code basement Yeah, help support our show by supporting our sponsors use the code basement. I'm gonna do that Yeah, I mean, I'm gonna do it. I guess Yeah, oh, yeah, pretty solid gotta buy flowers. You're gonna get fucking $30 for two dozen roses. Are you kidding? That's a fucking steel. That is a fucking steel Jimmy
Starting point is 00:21:58 Speaking of steels Look at that segue We got MVMT watches pronounce movement. Okay movement watches company created by two broke college kids Two broke college kids Who wanted to wear stylish watches, but they were too much money these watches? I have one. They got one It's all my shit is all black leather band fire. Oh, I saw it. Yeah, this is actually nice I wanted to came in a dope box, too. I don't have it here. I have it on my house, but Yeah, the watches they start at $95 where you at any other stores you're pretty much looking at I would say four to five hundred dollars
Starting point is 00:22:35 Yep, like that, but yeah, they've sold over 500,000 if tons of designs so they're not broke anymore Yeah, exactly to both college college kids that are not broke anymore Go to rich opera entrepreneurs now go to MVMT watches comm slash basement for 15% off Your order. Okay MVMT watches comm slash basement. That's a lot 15% solid amount man. I'm actually gonna check it out now. I'm logging on. There you go. Log on, bro Log on to flowers to get some flowers with a watch in the middle anyway Send some edible arrangements to my house. Another thing we're gonna talk about today is something Davina is very
Starting point is 00:23:18 Very fond of not fond of that's the wrong word very familiar with it bothers me Anxiety We're talking about anxiety Keith. I know you have none. I know you have none. You don't you don't get anxiety. You don't get panic attacks No, really. Have you ever got a panic attack? Yeah What? But I'm like weird with it like I'll have a panic attack and then I'm looking around like what what what I've cried I'm fucking nervous about and then I just continue Yeah, I mean, I don't really let it shut me down
Starting point is 00:23:53 Okay, I mean I've had it's so rent like my sister has pretty bad anxiety. She has trouble like Going to public places Davino's over there with his fucking eyebrows raised you over there looking at watches. Yeah, these are nice Yo, that is these are fucking crazy. I have a black watch you were gonna buy you have the old black with the right No, it's just all everything's black. I gotta invest. There you go buy one. I was gonna say what about your eye watch? Where's it? I got his Anyway, Davino recently Davino told me about Some anxiety he got which I thought was kind of
Starting point is 00:24:32 Insane, I don't know You know what I'm talking about. I didn't even get to do it. I just thought about it and I was like so, um, I went over Andrea's house and She she was like, oh, I'm coloring this poster. Do you want to help me? So I heard coloring and I was just like It's like You know, I don't know how you make that like putting a puzzle together for me I like I could color in the lines, but doing the same thing for a good period of time and then all of a sudden All right, so I look at the I look at the picture. It's gonna be impossible to understand
Starting point is 00:25:08 She has a coloring poster. That's the size of a Car Okay, and she goes oh help me and I was just looking at it and I just wanted to throw up like I was like I was like to myself. I was like I could see myself coloring this like it was patterns It was just patterns nothing cool. It wasn't like toy story continuous design. Yeah, all right It wasn't like a toy story thing or transformers, you know something really cool You know like a race car. No an explosion It was fucking designs just designs that look like patterns and I was looking at it and I was like
Starting point is 00:25:46 I was like no, I'm not doing it get anxiety. I started getting anxiety just looking at I was like I'm gonna break the pencils I'm gonna it's gonna be bad. Now. Is it overthinking of that? You don't want to color it or is Yeah, is this because you don't want to color or because You're afraid you're gonna fuck up poster it was giving me like I was getting anxiety staring at it Like oh my god, like I'm gonna freak out like thinking about it now is bothering me But like what what part of it is it is it that that it's it's doing one thing for a long time Oh, so you see you have to be continuously doing something. It could be ADD mixed with my anxiety But it was bothering me so much. I was getting angry staring at it. What that I was gonna take a long time
Starting point is 00:26:26 Yeah, it was huge first of all and I just wanted nothing to do with it and it was just you work in like Construction yeah, but I'm not always doing the same thing over and over. I'm bending pipe. I'm running wire I'm doing this and do that. I'm not gonna color and then like the same thing like you're moving your hand here And then you go over here and nothing's getting done It's just like thinking about drives you crazy. Yeah, there's no point in it I mean eventually like a puzzle. What's up? What's a puzzle? Okay, what is it gonna help you breathe better like it's just gonna this was relaxing No, it helps what you're thinking and then you shit together
Starting point is 00:27:03 You take the puzzle and then you throw back in the box and you never touch it again What are you gonna fucking put it on a wall? You're gonna leave it on the table How are you gonna eat dinner can't because it's packed with a fucking puzzle So what if you had like a really really really big glass of water and you had to finish it like with that? I love water. I'll finish water, but fucking a puzzle or coloring. I was putting a gingerbread house together and I was like Things that take a while yeah, I Have anxiety I had panic attacks at work. I'll be in mid-conversation. I'll just shut down I cried ones. I have to take fucking. I was gonna say vikening. Oh
Starting point is 00:27:40 I had to take fucking a Xanax just so I calmed down and prescribed it Jesus, I haven't had to take one since Last summer some Good go for you. Yep. Is that the last time? So now I know not to get you a coloring book If it's cool, like, you know like toy story fucking awesome, but like yeah, don't get me a fucking coloring book With patterns. I'm gonna get you a blank poster. It's like doing a room Rubik's Cube. Yeah. No, you don't like those. You know, what is it doing? Like I can't figure it out
Starting point is 00:28:16 I know people could do it in seconds. Yeah, what are you YouTube like on YouTube and look it up You're definitely not a fantasy. Was it Sudoku or Sudoku Sudoku Sudoku Sudoku with the numbers. Yeah, right Then what about the game on your iPhone where you have to move the blip the brown bricks around to get the red brick through What I feel like you're you're going No, no, I forgot what it's called, but Davino's having a tough time over there. I hate it I hate it. It's just it gives you a little things. He means I do like my brother's driving. Don't drive Let me drive Christmas was bad because I did not want him to drive
Starting point is 00:28:55 Why I just didn't want him to drive and I was screaming yelling. I was using the f-bomb a lot You don't like being out of control. I just I don't know Do you always drive you don't you don't get driven around? I drive one of the people I drive with you guys Yeah, it's not bad, but what's what the my him? I don't know. It's just a TV accident All right, I guess I mean I get anxiety for like Think overthinking like on a Friday on the train when I'm coming home Boom anxiety because I'm thinking what are we gonna do?
Starting point is 00:29:27 What are we gonna do? I'm excited and I start talking to people and I start trying to make plan How does like you being excited give you anxiety because you're overthinking You never get anxiety when you excuse me when you go to sleep and you overthink No, I try not to yeah, I've had it I used to get it. I used to get anxiety all the time, but I don't I don't have panic attacks anymore the last time I had a panic attack it was because I thought I was gonna shit myself and Literally like that sounds like it's not a panic attack It sounds like you're just panicking, but I had an actual one like I was nervous because I felt like okay
Starting point is 00:30:02 I feel like I have to shit like you know when you all right Get that you know when you get the feeling that you got a shit And you're like all right I'll just shit in like 20 minutes when I get near it, but like you know when you get a feeling you have to shit You're like I'm not gonna be able to hold this one. Yeah So I had I almost shit myself three weeks ago walking home from work Yeah, so Yeah, anyway, so I got I got um I
Starting point is 00:30:28 Got the feeling in my stomach that I had to shit and I wasn't gonna be able to hold it and I was on the train Yikes, and I was like, okay. I Can't shit myself on this right and it came out of nowhere And this was at the height of like my mild IBS that I had I guess it went away because I've been a lot better with it, but I Had to you know, I was standing on the train and we were going even sitting No, I was standing and we were and I was like fuck and I started to like get cold sweats And I was starting to get dizzy because then I just got so nervous that I gave myself a panic attack
Starting point is 00:31:02 So I started to get cold sweats like physical sweat like yeah I got you and it was cold and I was like started to shiver and I was dizzy To the point where I asked one of my friends I might go I gotta sit down can I sit down and I sat down to put my head between my legs because I wanted the blood to get back To my head, and I was so fucking dizzy. You were there. I think oh is that what we had to help you up the yes We got so and this the stop that we were on our way to is like Lexington We're going to fan all-star fan. Yeah. Yeah at the Javits Center, so I we're going underground And we'll be we're going underground so it was a long stop
Starting point is 00:31:39 It wasn't like one of the short ones, so I was like fuck fuck fuck when we got out I'm like we have to get out we have to get off. It wasn't our stop I was like we have to get off we have to get upstairs to get some fresh air So I'm on the way up the stairs, and I like kind of collapsed a little bit backwards and Keith and our friend Nick We're holding my back and pushing me up the stairs and literally once I hit the fresh air I was totally fine and didn't even have to shit But it was like that's scary, dude I almost passed out like it was wild and there was another time on a plane like I was just
Starting point is 00:32:12 No, I wasn't fucking playing not shitting but like way out I was on a plane and I've had a calm somebody down. I just felt like I Started overthinking like okay I'm on a plane and you know I have no control over it It's gonna I'm gonna be on this plane for a while, and we can't like pull over and take a break and It's just gonna go and I can't I just started thinking about that And I just it drove me to get a pack attack, but I I suppressed that with Jack
Starting point is 00:32:45 I've had panic attacks on like when we went to Vegas. I fucking I was going home I remember I got a stomach ache, and I was in the cab and I was freaking out pop to zanex went to sleep woke up in New York Yeah, I don't I don't want to use annex all the time, but sometimes you have to my my sister was using it a lot And now she hasn't used it in a while. She's trying to like not become dependent on it. Yeah what I do personally is I try to always healthily think about
Starting point is 00:33:18 Everything like when I at the end of every day I'll take at least just 30 minutes and just kind of think about my day and everything and kind of go through it and sort It out a little bit so that nothing really gets overwhelming Because if you keep putting things off or you don't think about them whatever five days later You could just all that's gonna hit you and you're like fucker fucker fucker. You're just gonna drive yourself to be Just have this panic attack, and I'm kind of good at at doing that now I just kind of so every day you like go to a certain spot and you think about your day every day Yeah, I like I like I like my my my alone time
Starting point is 00:33:53 I like being alone and I need to be alone for at least like three hours a day at least Like a completely alone. No dog. No nothing. Where do you go downstairs? Yeah, I'm in my room or you know, whatever I just I need to be oh I have to know that I'm not near anybody or sometimes what I used to do a lot of times I would take a drive I would drive to the pierce As soon as I got there I would come back, but like I wouldn't even stop and hang out like I would just drive there And then drive home it would be like 30 minutes or whatever 35 minutes and just kind of go through everything I used to do that like
Starting point is 00:34:26 You know maybe twice a week But I don't know to me that helps me. I always think about stuff, and I try not to like whatever I don't overthink anything but I Think when it comes to anxiety and your mind and stuff. It's not good To only deal with it when it's a problem. You should consistently always deal with shit so that it's never a big deal It's always just like you're always kind of Thinking about shit. That's the way of doing it. I like that. You like that try that out like the watches
Starting point is 00:34:57 You like the flowers. You like my ideas flowers or an A plus. That's gonna happen. That is gonna happen I'm gonna order them right now. Can you put my name on that one? Absolutely not I'll buy you flowers Keith. How about that by me now edible? Okay? I'll buy you something edible. You're gonna have to take out Edible arrangements now. We're talking here. Get one of those chocolate covered apples Like I got like a whole fucking apple at my old job. That'd be crazy at my old job I came in and they had them for like the video was it was like for the video team or something And it was like a bouquet. It looked like a bouquet of flowers, but made out of like mangoes pineapples delicious
Starting point is 00:35:36 I love pineapples good sweet some sweet fucking expensive. Yeah, are they? See I'm saying if you bought me a full pineapple, what the fuck am I gonna do with a full pineapple? How am I gonna cut it? How am I gonna fucking shave it down? You know, what's in the middle? What's in the middle? What does it look like other seeds? No? That is all I mean, I have no idea If you gave me a pineapple, I wouldn't know what to do. I don't think there's actually I have a sword now So I probably use that and cut in half. Oh fruit ninja. I'm down. I'll come throw him at you. Y'all remember that game
Starting point is 00:36:10 We should have wish to do a fruit ninja. Yeah, that'd be awesome. I want to be part of that. No, I'm not giving you a sword Yeah, I'm not gonna be the one throwing the fruit at you, but What we'll throw coloring books at you So you can get rid of your frustration What you like what you're like worst nightmare being locked in a room and all the walls are just like don't get me wrong I've been locked in an elevator before and for a split second you feel like oh shit The walls just closed in on you and you snap back through y'all and you like stop it dick You're being an idiot. I've never I don't know if I've been locked in an elevator
Starting point is 00:36:46 I've been in the freight elevator. It dropped three stories. Remember three stories. It dropped. I thought I was like well I'm dead again Again, they dropped three stories with the emergency brakes kicking. You know that right away as soon as it starts to fall like you hear That's fucking terrifying. That's when I ripped Ralph apart. I was like you're fucking freight elevator guys I don't know what the fuck they're doing Jesus. Oh, was that uh three stories and we had to get out and like jump off was in there. No, but it's his union Okay, yeah Jesus nobody move. It was like fucking 13 people and I think I was like I'm out peace
Starting point is 00:37:20 I mean if you're hopping through like we were in between floors So you pull that thing out and you hop through if that thing wants to fall you're done. It's splitting you in half Yeah, you're done. So it's like first split second. You're like one two And I like that That's scary try being on top of it like what am I up to the 38th floor of the building You're at the very top now something goes wrong. Everybody's running down one staircase Think about that If I got locked in an elevator, you gotta ride the pole man. What are you doing? See all my anxiety comes from me shitting myself
Starting point is 00:37:54 So like when you say locked in an elevator if I'm not if I don't have to shit I could stay in there for seven hours No, there's no service on my phone. I'm gonna freak. No, I mean that would suck But it wouldn't it wouldn't scare me or wouldn't like give me anxiety The only thing that would give me anxiety when you say getting stuck in an elevator The only thing I think about is what if I have to shit what's gonna happen? Yeah, I swear to God Shit in the corner. It's not even a contest. Yeah, so would I but like that sucks Like it's it's gonna stink but I'm watching you everyone on camera. It's like look at me shitting
Starting point is 00:38:27 Mention you're in an elevator. There's probably like women around you're gonna shit fives fucking look inches from some woman Don't stare at me miss. Can I use your purse for a second? Yeah, yeah, just shitting on the in the corner. You make it sound so easy What about that movie where they were stuck on the bag and close it up. What was the movie called a bag? Exactly, what was the movie they were stuck on an elevator one person was dying devil the devil remember the old lady was the devil Yeah, scary everyone died on the elevator. Yeah, I don't know about it. I think so maybe Yeah, it was an interesting movie. I'm not sure. I'm a night job. And why is his movie? Split was a great night Shyamalan was Midnight
Starting point is 00:39:13 Shyamalan It was called a midnight Shyamala Shyamala. Yeah, that was his fucking name midnight Shyamala By the way, if you guys haven't seen the movie split go see it pretty good. Oh, it was pretty far I was the whole time. I thought I knew what I was talking about. Don't give anything away. I called Dylan. I was wrong. I Really liked that movie the ending is a little But you know, I knew what you were talking about when you told me that thing. I was like that's what Joe meant Yeah, let's go home everybody. Yeah, I uh, I don't know man. The ending of that movie was little But the rest of the movie was I thought it was great phenomenal phenomenal
Starting point is 00:39:52 It made me want to go home and do research on people who have schizophrenia Like I want to be in a room with them and talk to them. Well, he had he had a split personality I know but I want to legit see the the change in front of me You think that'll happen some people do that or they do it like I'm sure it does happen Yeah, like I didn't know where they're just like talking to you and then they're a little boy Like, you know what I mean? Or well, it's I doubt it's like a change in front of you It's like they just I was by themselves and then they snap into I was so I was so into the movie that Like I wanted to like be a part of that research like I want to be like I'll volunteer something
Starting point is 00:40:32 I just want to talk to them like really bad. I have a full-blown conversation Just see what it's about All right Well, anyway, let's wrap this the fuck up, huh? Oh, yeah, Keith. Where can they find you? You can find me on Twitter at Keith Sanagato Instagram at Keith Sanagato, and I have a gaming channel on YouTube Which is was it? You just said
Starting point is 00:41:01 WWW dot it is 2017. Yeah, the fuck bro. No, no 1999 my dad uses dude. You're getting a dell you do YouTube slash Keith Sanagato YouTube dot com slash Keith Sanagato Davina working. They find you everything Twitter Instagram and snapchat is ant me, you know and If you could hashtag, please help a med And tweet it. I'd love you all Thank you help the cause I'm that's gonna be so pissed. Yeah, okay Anyway, that is all and thanks for listening your motherfuckers

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