The Basement Yard - What A Year!

Episode Date: January 2, 2018

It's been a hell of a year. Thank you all. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today. I'm actually putting this out late. It's Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018 It's a new year bitch Happy new year everybody 2018 Doesn't really feel any different. I'll be honest with you. I don't know what it is But when you get older like nothing No holidays feel important like nothing your birthdays kind of just like dude. It's I have work tomorrow. I can't come out I'm sorry, you know, it's just nothing's the same Christmas was like cool
Starting point is 00:00:33 But usually like the whole month of December. It's like Christmas season and it just feels that way and I don't know if it was just Because I was so out of it But it just didn't feel like it. It was weird Christmas was awesome though like Christmas day and it's celebrating with my family it was actually one of the most emotional and Maybe the greatest Christmas morning. I've ever had to be honest with you. It was really Something special for me and my family because I mean we went through a lot this year. There's a lot of stuff that obviously I'm not gonna fucking tell you
Starting point is 00:01:05 but You know it on Christmas morning It was just really nice that we could all be there and just kind of give each other gifts and shit like it was dope But this past New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve was cool, too Just now I'm like backtracking the shit I just said no, but New Year's Eve was cool, too Like me and my friends we rented out this top floor of a bar and a bunch of people were there It's like 60 people 60 70 people or something like that and all these people that you know
Starting point is 00:01:33 I grew up with and that are my best friends in the world So it was cool But yeah, I mean it's not like I feel like alright here we go new start fresh start and Now it's just like whatever like I don't really have any resolutions Really because some of the stuff that I wanted to address I started addressing before the new year like I don't know Whatever reason like I said it on Twitter like not too long ago. I feel like I've been just MIA like the past month and just on autopilot and just really not
Starting point is 00:02:08 I'm just I don't know like just not a good version of myself. That's just how I felt. I don't know why like I wasn't really on top of my shit for some reason and I Know what it was? I think it's cuz I stopped going to the gym and I know that sounds crazy, but you'd be You'd be surprised what that does for you like if I don't go to the gym in the morning It's like hard for me to have a productive day because if you're up early you're already moving you get the blood flowing It's like alright. I don't have energy. Let's do some shit, but when you just wake up and like make breakfast and then sit on the couch and like
Starting point is 00:02:44 Watch fucking ESPN or some shit You just kind of after a while you just kind of go through the motions because I didn't go to the gym because I was sick for like a week And then after that I was like, yeah, it's it's Wednesday. I'm not gonna start now I'll wait till next Monday like I don't know where that logic comes from by the way But that's my logic sometimes if it's Thursday, and I haven't got to the gym all week I'm like well, I'm not gonna go now. I gotta start on Monday start fresh and then I just don't end up going on Monday, so That's that's what I've been doing, but um I I
Starting point is 00:03:16 Address this yeah, I'll just not like two a week and a half ago. I just realized I'm like, you know I've been really just off my shit like I think I missed two uploads in December which is like a lot for me missing two videos in a month And I just had all these excuses in my head of like why I wasn't doing it You know I was telling myself that you know Maybe I just don't want to do it anymore or like maybe you know, buh-buh-buh, or I don't want to do this or buh-buh-buh I don't know what the fuck it was buh-buh-buh. I Don't know what it was like. It's not that I don't enjoy it like I fucking love doing it
Starting point is 00:03:54 I've been doing it forever, so like I'm not gonna stop doing it. I do like doing it, and I Think I was just like in a pet state when you like are lazy, and you're just like, you know You just sit on the couch. You don't really do much and you know, it's cold out So you don't go out as much there's not like during the day you don't go out as much So you're just sitting around it just gives you a bad attitude like whenever I sit around all day I feel like shit, and I go to bed by like 9 p.m. Because like I just have no energy I'm like oh, I just feel like a piece of shit, so I just you know, I don't do anything. I just fucking you know Nothing, it's just nothing so if you do that for like an extended period of time
Starting point is 00:04:32 After a while you're like, I don't want to do that. I don't enjoy doing that. Maybe I just won't go outside ever again You know some shit like that And I was telling myself like you know because I just wrote this script with my buddy Greg and Well as a pilot, but we're working on a script for a show and I'm like dead set on Selling it to Netflix even if they tell me no I will literally find out where the headquarters is if there is one I don't know if this is one of those digital online company. I'm sure they have headquarters I will go there with 400 copies of this thing and throw it all over the ground They are gonna know about this script. They're gonna have to really hate it to not make it
Starting point is 00:05:10 I want them to make it just so I would go go away. You know what I mean? Like that's that's what I want, but we'll see if that happens in this year But you know that was a lot different that to me was I don't want to say more fulfilling than my videos because That's the wrong term, but it was Really fun to do something to work on something for a long time and then just have it Done because with these videos is just kind of like every week You got to have something you know what I mean? So you don't have you have a limited amount of time to get something out with this you could take your time
Starting point is 00:05:42 You could really I rewrote this thing for three to four times To get it right and then you finally work on something for a long time and then you get it right and you're like, okay This is it. I want to show people. I want to make this shit It's just like a really good feeling that you don't necessarily get from making YouTube videos because you only have a week And you know in some instances you have a day you know, but Whatever But yeah, I mean it's been a hell of a year I turned 25 in 2017
Starting point is 00:06:13 You know a Fourth of a way to a hundred years old. Hopefully I make it there. You know what I mean You know, I was just talking about this the other day. You know when they interview old-ass people When they interview someone who's like a hundred and eight and they're like, what's your secret and it's like this old Italian woman She's like, you know, I was chain smoking cigarettes and Fucking dropping acid and drinking wine every day. Like I don't have a secret and then it makes me think like is it Like none of those people are like well I was vegan from from the 80s on and you know, I've never had meat or you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:06:46 There's none of that like no one's like, you know, I really honed in on the health stuff And that's why I'm here. I took a lot of vitamins vitamin D is the one that you need So that's the secret everyone's just like, yeah, no, I was just chugging a wine and like that's just kind of I just I got lucky. I don't know. So just like it's it's I think it's funny Maybe people don't yeah, everyone just has like a a time limit on them, you know It's weird But I just thought that was funny because we you know, we work so hard on our health and shit and then
Starting point is 00:07:23 You get these assholes are like, yeah, I didn't even fucking try 110 whatever no big deal Like I fuck you man. I'm over here eating salads you're over there smoking cigarettes and Dipping it and fucking syrup. What I don't even know what I'm saying anymore But 2017 was a huge year for me. It's probably the I Don't want to say best year of my life. I mean financially and like career-wise it was easily the best year of my life
Starting point is 00:07:55 I do think that everything else kind of took a backseat because of that I You know, I moved out into this new apartment, which is incredible. This place is amazing and You know, I just got word that I could actually stay so I'll probably do that. I'm gonna look at one apartment And if I really really I have to like really love it and I do love it by the pictures But I have to really really really really love it and then I'll move out because I don't mean I just got here a year ago So if I could stay another year, I'll fucking do it This place is incredible and I never thought that I'd be able to move into such a place like this before and it's funny because
Starting point is 00:08:34 my dad When I was younger and when I dropped out of college and he's like do you have a plan whatever and I was like Well, I'm doing this YouTube thing and you know, I never I didn't know because youtuber wasn't a job back then so I didn't know that you could make money and I Knew that you can make money if you like earned it because it wasn't just open to anybody You had to like be picked or some shit But he was like, all right, so tell me how many subscribers do you need for this to be a For you to make a living and I was like like 10,000
Starting point is 00:09:04 Fucking wrong 10,000 subscribers, you know, however many views even if you're getting 10,000 views a video like that is not enough to support a life You know what I mean, so I think I was just talking out of my aspect and it was it was assumption But it's funny because you know, I think in 2017 I hit two million subscribers that could be wrong I honestly have no fucking idea. I'm the worst person ever. I think it has to be yeah. It was probably 2017. Hey two million subscribers absurd crazy and And The craziest thing that happened this year probably is this whole hasbro deal that I had going You know for people who don't know I probably told the story a million times, but me and my siblings we
Starting point is 00:09:55 Like created this game called speak out and it did really well and Ellen was playing on her show and stuff and Then you know, we teamed up with hasbro, obviously biggest fucking toy company in the world which is absurd in itself and They were like, yeah, we're gonna make you your own version like your name's gonna be on the box and shit, I'm like what and I mean it fucking had like it's it's wild. I mean, I don't know like Something happened with the video so I had to take it down like blah blah blah, but if you guys want on Amazon you could go check it out
Starting point is 00:10:29 I mean, I don't even care honestly at this point if you buy it You know buy it if you want to play it don't buy it and just like never play it if you're not gonna play it Don't fucking buy it. It makes no fucking sense like don't you know, whatever But the game is really fun with your friends, especially if you're drunk just saying but Yeah, the game Basically you put like these things in your mouth and it makes it You're not you can't pronounce You can't use your lips to pronounce words
Starting point is 00:11:03 So it makes it sound like ridiculous and you have to try and guess who your teammates saying blah blah blah But so they made this game it speak out Joe Sanagato edition if you go on to Amazon you could type that in and you will see it There's a picture of my dumb face on the box and on the back of the box Is me and my siblings playing it which I was very adamant about I wanted them to be on the box Because now we just kind of have that which is I honestly is like good enough for me I mean if you don't know about it that just goes to show like how much promotion I've put into it I probably should have promoted promote promote. I probably should have promoted it more but you know I
Starting point is 00:11:43 Didn't I don't know why you know that video just I had to take it down. So I was just kind of like bummed after that but You know The game itself is good enough for me the fact that it's a real thing that people can purchase and people have purchased Which if you have thank you And it's just really crazy man. I'd never thought that I'd fucking be able to do that It's just wild like it's when people ask me like yo, what's it like? It's just like weird as hell You know I mean imagine like when I was growing up I always wanted to use my mom's camera and shit and now I'm doing camera shit kind of and
Starting point is 00:12:19 And You know we every Friday was game game night in my house like my parents and my siblings We sit around the table and we play a board game or some shit and now we fucking mate like it's you know what I mean It's crazy It's ridiculous, that's why I really honestly at this point. I really don't care if you buy it I don't I really don't care because it's already a thing I would care if I needed it, you know a bunch of people to buy it for them to make it but it's already made I have a bunch of boxes in my apartment and
Starting point is 00:12:52 You know just knowing that it's a real thing is is good enough for me like that is crazy. It's it's really awesome but Yeah, that was that was well, but a lot of crazy shit happened to me in 2017. I really don't know how I'm gonna top this I'll be honest with you. I really think the 2018 could be You know, maybe take a dip here, you know, I mean No, I'm actually, you know ever since I found out that I've been slacking off and just like out of it I'm just not on top of my shit. I Really put it in my head that you know
Starting point is 00:13:27 You had a great year and everything and I think that's part of the reason why I slacked off because I got comfortable And I was kind of like oh you don't You know, you have this apartment, you know, you have all these views and stuff You don't really have to worry about money and whatever and just like yeah, you could take a break like you deserve it All right, but no, that's not how it goes You don't deserve it not yet deserve it when you're fucking 60 and you could retire but You know
Starting point is 00:13:56 Trying the best I can here to get on top of shit. I Really really really want this script to happen this year. I will be Through the fucking roof if this happens. I can't even explain to you how excited I am about it because Like I Will be so fucking happy I really think that everyone will enjoy this and I'm not just talking about everyone who knows who I am Like everyone, you know what I mean? I really think people will see this and be like this is fucking great This is hilarious. Like this is really good. You know what I mean? And that's not you know
Starting point is 00:14:32 That's not saying like I wrote a great script because I got a lot of help too. You know what I mean? Like for the past few years Anything funny that has happened to me any situation I've heard of that was funny or anything that one of my friends that was funny I'd always write it down and I'm kind of just trying and trying to incorporate all of that into this script And you know, I get a lot of help from my buddy Greg who I'm writing with currently You know, he wrote a book and I wrote a script and it was like 20-something pages for a pilot episode and I
Starting point is 00:15:03 Sent it around and people were like it's funny But I don't really know what the hell's going on here because it was not linear. There was no storyline It was just kind of like yeah, the dialogue's hilarious, but the fuck is going on. So when I sent it to him he Had a bunch of notes for me and I kind of agreed with all basically saying like yeah This fucking suck this suck this the whole thing sucks and I agreed with every word he said So I was like, you know what? We should write this thing together and you know, I got a lot of help from him and you know We just work well together and I think we really do have something we're on to something here
Starting point is 00:15:34 And I hope that you know someone like Netflix feels the same way And they trust us to make a cool show because I think that it'd be fucking awesome man to do that shit, man It's Like my dream to do that like right now That if I could pick anything to get done it would be that Seriously, it would But what else happened this year So the Hasbro thing moved into my apartment
Starting point is 00:16:04 Fucking oh, I sat court side at a Knicks game for the first time ever my agent dude this guy Shout out to fucking Ben, but this dude hits me up one day. He's like yeah, I got tickets to the Knicks game This guy's fucking out of his mind. He goes. Yeah, I they're not the good seats You know cuz I I'm my agent I'm represented by William Morris and they have I guess tickets to fucking Knicks games and shit, so He's like, yeah, they're not the the good ones and I was like, I don't give a fuck dude Knicks. What's good turn up Nick's tight and I Get there and I you know, I go to a will call with my buddy. I brought my buddy Marco and We go to will call and I'm looking at the tickets. I'm like dude. There's no number on this
Starting point is 00:16:48 It's like a letter and I didn't know what the fuck that meant. I was like, yeah, forget it. These are fake So we go to where we're supposed to go dude We were on the floor. I was right fucking there Like I have never sat Anywhere that wasn't the upper deck ever growing up and now I'm sitting I'm getting hit with sweat pellets off of Carmelo Anthony It's fucking nuts It was a lot of fun, too We sat down and me my friend Marco were just heckling the players the coaches everybody
Starting point is 00:17:22 The whole time the refs we googled the ref because the refs all have a number We googled the ref's name and we're young come on Zach the fuck's going on with that call And he turned around like dude. How do you know my name? Yeah, we looked you up Zach. We know all about you It was great. Oh shit was so much fun I remember leaning over to my agent be like you fucked up giving us these seats and then we're right back to heckling That shit was fun and actually they were playing the Lakers who were fucking terrible at the time and We should have won that game, but we were down by 20 at one point in like the second quarter I was like the fuck is going on so I was furious and
Starting point is 00:18:06 On the Lakers bench. They got met a world peace Formally known as Ron our test who is from Queensbridge, which is like right near where I live right now like he is from Queens where I grew up So I was I wanted him to play because he's an older guy He wasn't getting minutes and shit. So I was like I stood up I screamed like near the end of the game because they were obviously winning I was like, what do I got to do to get some world peace around here and Like the whole fucking section laughed and shit, but like no one from the team turned around note into the coach didn't either
Starting point is 00:18:40 And they're right fucking there. They can hear me. I know they can and then the next whistle. He comes off the bench and he's looking he He goes to the to check into the game and we're sitting right there So I just stick my hand out like yo Queens and he daffs me up. I'm like All right sick, and I was so hype. I was on TV Matt people texted me. It was great Good times man memories had a bison burger never had that before shit was fucking fire Goddamn it was hard to go back to regular cheat the fucking hamburgers after that bison burger. The fuck is good She was fun as hell
Starting point is 00:19:17 What else happened this year went to Vegas again Obviously blacked out on like the third day. I was there it always happens because I forget to eat and I just drink too much It's out of control You know if you have a problem with that don't recommend going to Vegas actually Whenever I tell people how long I go to Vegas for they're like, you know, you're out of your fucking mind because You know me and my friends usually go Wednesday to Sunday Well, I don't I've never got Wednesday to Sunday
Starting point is 00:19:43 I always go Thursday to Sunday like I'll lay on Thursday morning and then immediately off the plane We'll go straight to a pool party and then it's just pool parties and just drinking and a lot of gambling after that But this year I was smart with my money and I did not gamble until the last day I was there and I kind of I think I was like I just like left with like an extra hundred bucks, but nothing too crazy, but Yeah, that place is a disaster it was a lot of fun though a bunch of my friends came Uh, but it always happens to me every single year we go to Vegas and the first day I'm like hype I'm like, let's fucking go. Let's rage
Starting point is 00:20:17 And then I get to a pool party. I drink my face off and I'm fine whatever and then You know, you got to do it again at night going out. All right, we'll go to the tables Hang out have a couple drinks at the tables because they're free and Then you're like, all right. Well, I'm gonna go to sleep you wake up another pool party and now you're like, all right This kind of sucks a little hungover, but I could get through it. It's Vegas. Fuck it vacation. Yeah And then at the second night, I was like, dude, I'm not going out. I'm gonna fucking die in here
Starting point is 00:20:49 So I just stayed in I think by the third day And I was conscious of this. I was like, I need to keep eating I know I I spent a bunch of money on on room servers so I could eat I was like, whatever. I'll pay it Because I don't want to die because every year I black out and I don't remember anything and I was like very You know cautious of it and then I think it was Friday. Oh, oh, no. Yeah, so I think it was uh, saturday No, it was friday. It was the second day. It was there. What is wrong with me?
Starting point is 00:21:19 Second day. It was there went to encore and I was fine in the beginning and then, you know Couple drinks in you don't even realize how much alcohol you just consumed and I'm on a stage dancing in the middle of a pool Like I was black out and whenever I get really drunk. I'm always really responsible with it. Like I went out to my friend I met I was like, you know, I need to go back. Can you please take me home? He's like and I don't really remember any of that Uh, I definitely don't remember leaving but I do remember sitting at a
Starting point is 00:21:50 like this I don't know just like restaurant kind of place And like eating and then going back and just passing out for the rest of the day But I don't think I think I went out at night one time The entire time was there like not including like going to the to the tables and stuff But fucking vegas kicked my ass. I think I'm getting old like I don't I don't know I can't keep doing this shit. It's out of control Whenever I tell people that they're like, you know, you're out of your fucking mind
Starting point is 00:22:14 You're gonna go there like friday to sunday. That's it Like go hard two days and then go home We're over there for taking a goddamn Wednesday to sunday. It's fucking crazy Can't do this Anyway, uh before we Move forward here. Let's get to the sponsor today. We have mvmt movement watches
Starting point is 00:22:35 um But yeah, these watches are fucking dope I have one of their watches. Uh, it's called gunmetal if you go to their website you can look it up A gunmetal fire. It's like black on black. Shit is lit Uh, I just said that while I did. Um, even though the holidays just passed You know, you still Watches are always a good gift valentine's day is coming up. You know, not really coming up But I mean it's next month. Don't be one of those
Starting point is 00:23:05 You know people who forget to buy gifts last last week. You're like, fuck. What do I get? Chocolate and a teddy bear. We get that every year Um, the company though was started by two bro college kids that wear stylish what that wanted to wear stylish watches But couldn't afford them. So they started their own watch company um You know, they started 95 bucks, which is very affordable, you know at a department store. You're looking at like 300 to 500 bucks. I went to the mall With my friend Frankie who's always on the podcast and he was trying to buy his dad a watch and he's like, how much is that one?
Starting point is 00:23:35 She's like 450 bucks. I'm like, what? It tells time Come on Why is that 450 bucks, but a digital clock is like 30 bucks It's easier to read the time on a digital clock than this thing. This one. I got a look. I got to do math I got to subtract. Where's this is this fucking hand? I can't even see like, you know, I mean 450 bucks Jesus Christ Anyway movement watches they started 95 dollars
Starting point is 00:24:02 And they're nice as shit. I'm telling you right now Uh, you know at such great prices mvmt watches make a wonderful holiday gifts classic design quality construction and styled minimalism Over 1 million watches sold in over 160 countries I don't know how many countries there are in the world, but that's a that's a lot of countries Uh, yeah, get yourself an mvmt. Uh a movement watch um They're fire 95 bucks good gift. Uh, what guy doesn't like watches? Some people collect watches You know, this is just a solid gift for anybody
Starting point is 00:24:37 Get 15 off today with free shipping and free returns by going to Slash basement that is Slash basement So not only are you getting 15 off, but these watches start at 95 dollars. So this is one One nice watch for a cheap price. There you go. Um Anyway, uh on a serious note I just wanted to say that
Starting point is 00:25:06 You know 2017 Was crazy and although I think I took everything for granted near the end of the year Uh, first of all, I want to apologize about that because I think I did like I was not present on any sort of social media I don't I was such a loner. I don't know why I really have no idea why because you know making people laugh and you know getting reactions and you know just It's telling jokes. It's like my favorite thing to do is the only thing I like doing. That's not true. I don't know why I said that
Starting point is 00:25:36 It's one of the things I love doing Uh, and I just didn't I don't know why like I wouldn't post anything anywhere For days like I don't think I posted on my instagram like two weeks or some shit like that Well, I did because of new years, but you know after that, I just haven't like I don't know why I don't know why I did that but um You know other than that. I just wanted to say that 2017 was probably one of the greatest years of my life um, I got to do something that helped out my family tremendously
Starting point is 00:26:05 and it was because of You know how far I've come in this in these past I would say two years but 2017 specifically um You know, I was able to to make good money doing this and I was able to help out my family and you know some of my friends and stuff like that and that is unexplained like that is just the best thing in the world is the best feeling in the world and is the best thing to do
Starting point is 00:26:33 with your money it's the it's the hell people and You know, especially the people that You know that you love and stuff, you know what I mean? Like that is it's just like As far as far back as I can remember I've always like I found one of these things like you know when you're in school and
Starting point is 00:26:53 Like you're in like elementary school. You're like your second grade and you know around the holidays that make you feel make these like booklets like projects or whatever and it's like Oh making You know, it's like what do you want to be when you grow up and what is this? What is that? In one of those things I wrote like I just want to be in a position where I'm I can help out my friends and family and Like I can do that now. You know what I mean? I mean, I gotta keep I gotta keep it up if I want to stay in this position but
Starting point is 00:27:19 You know, I can't slack the fuck off like I did this past month, but you know, I am in that position now that I could help people and you know, that that just feels amazing and You know, these are my family like I can't even explain I would literally kill a human for them. I really would I really would kill somebody for them They are so important to me. I can't do anything without those people You know It's crazy because we're all like older. You know, I'm 25. I'm the youngest and still all the time
Starting point is 00:27:52 We'll all be at my mom's You know what I mean? I'll just hang it out like, you know Getting away from everything and just kind of hanging out with each other because we are that close and my brother just moved uh, my brother was moved out, but like my oldest brother just moved to Uh out long out like an hour away or some shit like that um, my sister and her fiance are You know moving to god knows where you know this year. So it's like we're all going to be away, but
Starting point is 00:28:20 I have a feeling that we're all going to be back in that house You know some days, you know, I mean because those people are just very important to me and you know, I would The fact that I'm able to help is just You know, I'm just repeating myself at this point, but We're all very close and and being able to help them out is just like an extreme blessing and I couldn't do it without Literally anybody who's listening to this podcast has helped in certain ways that they have no idea why Or no idea how You know when people say that to me, they're like, yo, you've helped me so there's so much
Starting point is 00:28:53 I'm like, I'm just fucking telling jokes over here. You know what I mean? And I feel the same way about them too when they say that because If no one watches I can't Do it, you know what I mean? I could do it But It's not going to be beneficial to me in any way. I can't continue to do it. I have to get a job I have to do this I have to do that
Starting point is 00:29:13 But if I am able to do this And people genuinely enjoy it and support it Then I get to make money so I get to keep doing it And then it's gotten to the point where so many so many people have supported me That I'm actually able to use this money to help out my family And like that means the world to me and like that happened in 2017 Like that dream of mine was realized in 2017 like it was incredible And I'm extremely thankful and grateful and I'm super apologetic about like this past
Starting point is 00:29:47 Month or few months that I've been just kind of You know getting comfortable and taking it for granted or whatever I don't know what I was doing to be honest with you. It wasn't it wasn't me. It really wasn't like my apartment's a fucking mess right now and You know, I wasn't going to the gym and I just was I feel like I was just like a shitty version Of myself and I was like, what am I doing? Like this is not the person I was When I dropped out of college and was like, oh, I'm gonna pursue
Starting point is 00:30:15 I was so driven and ambitious and working hard and shit and I don't know these past few months I was kind of like, yeah, fuck this Not fuck this, but I was just kind of like You know, I'm just gonna skate by and just you know do whatever It's like the fuck Why would you do that? Nobody deserves that. Um So, yeah, that was kind of
Starting point is 00:30:36 The biggest thing for me uh This year was being able to be in that position and You know, I'm gonna work hard to try and stay in that position Hopefully the script gets made because Boy, that's gonna make a lot of money Actually, I don't know if that's true. I was told a long time ago that
Starting point is 00:30:57 TV shows don't make like any money the first season and the second season they'll make like a little more or whatever, but I don't even care, dude I really don't care I just want to make funny shit at this point And I think I've said this numerous times, but I told like my parents I was like And actually, you know what's funny? I said this to my parents when I was super young and then it was Validated by Dave Chappelle Uh, if you haven't seen it, you can go on youtube and watch it
Starting point is 00:31:27 So inside the actor studio James listen hosts it and he interviews Celebrities on like their lives and their come up or whatever and I've seen like every single one and there was one specifically Dave Chappelle's Where he said that he told his father um I think I don't want to tell it wrong, but basically he was asking he's like how much does it teacher make and you know His dad's like $40,000. He's like well if I can make $40,000 doing comedy then that seems worth it to me You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:31:56 And I feel the same exact way and I said that to my parents when I dropped out of college. I was like you know I don't need a lot of money like I don't live a lavish lifestyle. I don't have like Gucci and like nice shit or like whatever my cars like you know It's not it's not I pretty much everyone I know has a nicer car than me Uh, it works. So that's dope. That's all I need it for so whatever, but I don't need a lot of shit
Starting point is 00:32:26 so This apartment is the only thing that I spent well That's a lie. This apartment and that fucking arcade machine That was probably the two big purchases I've made in my life um Not that I purchased this Jesus Christ, but um Yeah, I I I don't need a lot of money So it's like it's not about the money. I just like creating shit and and you know
Starting point is 00:32:51 Being funny and telling jokes and stuff and the script is something that I genuinely if Netflix told me like yeah, we'll make it, but we're not going to pay you anything I bet I don't care whatever Let's make it like I want to see it. I want to watch it. That's how excited I am about it Like I just want to watch it. You know what I mean? That's it. Like I just I just want to see it like I don't care Just fucking make it and then it's if it's successful, then you could pay me for it, but You know make it for free. I literally that's my that's my last resort. I shouldn't be saying this, but
Starting point is 00:33:25 That's my last resort with Netflix. I like listen I'll pay for this making it just make it and put it on your stupid platform. Fuck Even though that'll never happen because it'll probably cost a ton of money to make this shit, but um Yeah, I look forward to this year. I think I'm starting it off on the right foot. I'm gonna try and stay on you know A regiment and try to be ahead of everything like I'm trying to
Starting point is 00:33:56 You know plan out things better Because that is not something I've done ever in my entire life like with videos mostly like on tuesday I will then I'll be like, oh shit. Let me come up with something like I don't want to do that anymore. I want to be Structured more. I want to just be on top of stuff because when you're on top of stuff and you're ahead You have more time to Do other things, you know, and I did a ton of shit this year and I worked like hell And I put so much stress on my I have grays
Starting point is 00:34:27 I have gray hairs on the side of my fucking head. I do I have like a good eight good eight grays This stress is killing me guys But um I did so much stuff, but I leave it all to the last second. So it's like you're under a stressful You know what I mean? Like you just put it's unnecessary Just be ahead and then you could work be stress-free like I don't have to worry about this. It's doing like three days That's nice You know, then you could you could work on it a little bit walk away do some other stuff come back to it
Starting point is 00:35:01 Finish it the next day or whatever. You know what I mean? But I don't do that So i'm trying to do that in 2018. So I have less grays. Okay. It can't be taylor hicks in it out here You know remember taylor hicks and fucking american isle guy was like you had a full head of gray hair He was like 21 or some shit I don't want to do that I don't have to start dying my hair I can't have that yet Unless it looked good trying to silver fox it
Starting point is 00:35:29 Some people can pull off the salt and pepper. I feel like i'm too early for salt and pepper though 32 i'll like try this i'll try the salt and pepper, but you know All right, let's just hope I don't get there. I'll take a grace. I think that's normal sort of I don't know but Is it probably not? Whatever dude. I don't fucking know I'm getting up there getting up there in age guys uh 2017 good year excellent year. I really have nothing else to say at this point um Yeah, but i'm gonna try and be better this year and uh, hopefully this fucking thing gets made obviously even if it gets
Starting point is 00:36:07 Made though this year. I don't think that it will be out this year. Maybe in 2019 It will be out, but all I need is the chance to you know Make it I really do want to watch it It's it reads like a good show. I just wanted to share it. I want people to see it So like if this thing crashes and burn wow my voice is cracking all right starting this year off on the right foot There we go
Starting point is 00:36:33 Uh, even if this thing crashes and burns I still want to put it out like I don't know how like I would film it by myself I don't fucking know, but I just I would love to do it. I'm really excited about it um But yeah, that's pretty much it um I just talked about myself for fucking 40 minutes. I'm so sorry That's probably what I do anyway
Starting point is 00:36:54 I'm gonna be better Uh, I gotta be better guys. All right. Um But yeah, that's it for this podcast. Uh, I appreciate everything you guys have done for me in the past year Uh, keep doing it in 2018 Because otherwise I'll be homeless And that'll be dope and it gets cold in the winter here. Okay um No, but seriously, thank you uh for 2017 2018. I'm gonna make it up to you
Starting point is 00:37:22 I'm gonna pay you back with some cool stuff And that is all Thanks for listening. Yeah, motherfucker

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