The Basement Yard - What Is Happening To The World?!

Episode Date: January 9, 2018

On this episode, I'm talking about Logan Paul & banning best friends. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. It is January 8th. I am by myself once again and Not happy. I'll be honest with you. I I'm like full in on this diet now that I've been on and now meeting oatmeal, which today was the first time I've had oatmeal in my life. That's not actually that's not true I probably was force-fed that shit when I was younger by my mom like here take some oatmeal And I probably threw it on the ground or something, but I've never had it in my adult life Until today and it's disgusting. I don't even I couldn't even tell you it tastes like a desk It it doesn't taste like anything because I'm raw talking it out here
Starting point is 00:00:37 Okay, I'm not putting salt or you know sugar or cinnamon or any of that Although I might start putting cinnamon in it because I just I can't do it It literally tastes either there's a desk in front of me if I'm pretty sure if I took a bite out of this shit It would taste the same as The oatmeal that I had it's just oh god It's terrible and so many people were offended because I make the mistake of Posting on my Instagram story like a picture of the bowl And I was like oatmeal fucking sucks and I get all these people hitting me up like your water to oats ratios a little off
Starting point is 00:01:12 They're bought like shut up or something You know you got to add flax seed and fucking all kinds of blueberries and did I ask you? anything You could add anything to this it's still gonna suck the oatmeal that part sucks That's what I'm trying to that's what I'm trying to say. Okay, my the only reason why I'm doing it too is because My cousin who's like shredded. He's like yeah, I have a bowl of oatmeal a day It makes a huge difference you feel so much better So I'm like, you know what I'm gonna do it and I did some research on it and there was some scientists
Starting point is 00:01:47 I was like if everyone ate a small bowl of oatmeal every morning then like the whole Public the public's health would be so much better. So I'm like, you know what let me just suck it up and eat oatmeal But it's it's really awful. It's literally like you cut up a little a bunch of pieces of Cardboard soaked it in water and you shoving it down your face. It's so gross. I can't begin to explain But yeah, that was how my warning went Anyway, I kind of wanted to talk about this Logan Paul situation and I know I'm late On it, but that's for a good reason like I didn't want to Make it seem like because there's 4,000 videos now that are out there and all these
Starting point is 00:02:31 News outlets picked it up and are talking about it And I didn't want to be one of those people that was just gonna put his name in a title of something It'd be like up. Here's a quick million views or here's two million. You know, I mean I didn't I don't want to write his coattail at all But I did want to talk about it because I feel like it is important But I mean, you'd you know, but I'm gonna tell you again. Anyway, this is kid Logan Paul He's probably the biggest person on the internet right now and he's got 15 million subscribers most of which are like eight
Starting point is 00:03:01 Years old are like eight to 16. I think 16 is getting high. I'll be honest with you from what I've seen but Yeah, this kid went to Japan and just started doing like dumb-ass shit and I've said this in the past like I've got no problem with that kid He makes content that isn't for me. I'm not his demographic. You know what I mean? Like I'm not You know, these vloggers are kind of fucking insane now like they're all just like, you know, I think they're all hopped up on cocaine There's no other reason why you should be that excited to start up videos. Oh, whoa What's going on low gang and like they're freaking out and like jerk in there But I think I just throw my back doing that
Starting point is 00:03:40 But they're all just like loud as hell and it's just like Jesus Christ like I'm dizzy watching this for a second It's like jump cuts glory or whatever, but again, I have no problem with that content because it's not for me. I understand that it's for other people but he went to Japan and I Saw this one video he did where he dressed I think he dressed up in like these onesies as a Pokemon I think and he was throwing like this pillow that was shaped like a Pokeball at at these Japanese people and like oh, I caught you like already. This is kind of
Starting point is 00:04:16 Fucking weird like what the hell are you doing? You know what I mean? But I understand you gotta understand also this kid puts out a video every single day running out of ideas. Okay? Obviously, I mean clearly me. I'm running out of fucking ideas I do a video once a week and most of them are the same so that just goes to show eventually you get to the point I guess we start throwing pillows at Japanese people and not necessarily the way I would do it But that's what he chose. Okay, then Like I said keep in mind this kid's putting out content every single day then this kid goes to this forest in
Starting point is 00:04:50 Japan which is nicknamed suicide forest Now if you can't tell a bunch of people are committing suicide in this fucking forest, right? So already You're kind of like what do you do? Like it just doesn't make sense, right? This is like I wouldn't even know it's like today. We're going to we're gonna dig a body up and see what happens It's basically what you're doing. I don't know why you would fucking bring a camera there but Him and the people he was with they went into this forest and they saw an actual dead body of this dude who just like
Starting point is 00:05:26 Fucking hung himself and he's fucking hanging there a Fucking dead body is hanging there, right? And here's where it gets interesting, right? Because This kid There were parts where he was laughing in the video like when they were like near the body and doing whatever which a lot of People kind of interpreted that as like this kids laughing at a dead body Which I didn't necessarily get that from the video, but I could see how people would be like up He chuckled fuck this kid and like whatever, right a lot people have nervous laughter I know tons of people that in like really fucked up situations. They're like
Starting point is 00:06:03 Nervously laugh, which maybe that was the case or maybe he is a piece of shit. Whatever. I mean, he is a piece of shit Don't get me wrong. This is a piece of shit thing, but that part of it I don't know if it was just like a nervous laughter or whatever it was The thing I don't get is how do you not fucking edit that out there? Logie? You're laughing. There's a dead guy fucking feet from you Why would you keep that in? What is the thought process there? What it and another thing that this kid left in the video some fucking guy who's there
Starting point is 00:06:39 I don't know who the fuck he is. I mean, I think he's like a cameraman or something because he's got like a team of people now, but they see the body and Logan Paul's like, yo my god, there's there's a body over there Fucking said and then this kid goes yo stop playing grab the cameras. Let's go grab the cat. Let's go What? Dude, who is this kid? Grab the cameras. Let's go videotape it. It's a dead. Is no one scared Is no one afraid? I'm I was watching that like this item when you want to I hope they don't walk forward because I'm kind of freaked out right now
Starting point is 00:07:19 And I'm not even there. You were in suicide forest in Japan and you see a dead guy and you go Yeah, this is gonna make great footage That's literally psychotic that's psychotic behavior Yeah, let's go check it out What what do you mean? Let's go check it out and Dude, I'm not even kidding. This kid was so close to this body and he blurred the face, right which Wow, what a hero guy blurred the face I don't give a fuck at that. Why are you blurring the face at that point?
Starting point is 00:07:54 I could see the rest of the body. You can see his clothes his hands He's even talking about his hands. He's like look at his hands. It's so blue and shit. Yeah, that's fucking awesome, dude Why the fuck would you put that in it when a body is hanging in a movie? They don't even show shit like that. You know what I mean? They don't even like it's just You put it in a vlog for 15 million nine year olds Are you fucking insane and then you left the parts where you're laughing and he's running this dumb fucking hat the whole time It was just all just like if things just stacked on top of each other, which it was just oh boy and the worst part is
Starting point is 00:08:34 Actually, no, that's the worst part. The second worst part is that immediately after he tried to spin it into some like suicide awareness Thing and it's like dude What like the fact that and here's the thing too because a lot of people are defending him Which is the most alarming part to me because even this kid he fucked up. Yes, he did. He is a fucking idiot and He made an apology video, which was super fucking weird He was like very stoic and like not blinking and I don't know what the fuck was going on But it was like someone had my gunpoint. It was real fucking weird, but
Starting point is 00:09:11 He says like, you know, no one defend my actions because they're not, you know, you shouldn't defend them Which he's fucking right. I mean, he said the right thing in that video, but the fucking too little too late. They're low But Yeah, it's just it's scary to see these people on Twitter because I had all I tweeted was Logan I wrote Logan Paul dot dot dot Jesus Christ and already these fucking people came out of the woodwork Well, like oh my he he was in a traumatic situation and you know This is how he deals with things with humor. First of all kids not a comedian. What the fuck are you talking about? That's how he deals with things with humor. I haven't seen that happen ever
Starting point is 00:09:54 Haven't seen that happen Family member dies is gonna make a video just like joking around and shit. I haven't seen that happen. What are you talking about? That's how he deals with the humor. Oh, let's just say that's true, right? That's how he deals with traumatic situations. He tries to make it a funny thing or whatever. First of all This isn't about you. I don't care how you feel in this situation It's so eat the answer is so easy in the situation You don't film a dead body because it's not about unit anymore. Okay, it's not about I don't care how you react Oh, this is how I react to certain situations. I give a fuck you didn't die when you died
Starting point is 00:10:29 Then you could react in a fucking different way. Okay, or if that's your fucking family members hanging from a tree Then you could walk over and be like look my fucking uncle's hanging here. Yeah, fuck great. Look at my hat You could do that then but this makes no fucking sense What do you mean and the fact that it wasn't like a live stream either because if it was a live stream Not that it would be okay. It would still be completely fucked But there wouldn't be the fact that you film this strike one Then you went home watch it again, and we're like, yeah strike two and then you edited it and Left it in took a thumbnail with the body
Starting point is 00:11:11 Titled it found a dead body in Japan and then put it out And you're sorry like what do you mean? You literally this isn't a mistake. This is what I'm trying to get at okay So for people who are trying to defend him. This isn't a fucking mistake He went out of his way to exploit a dead body for views There's no way around it and here's the thing People do make mistakes This is a big mistake that he made do I think he's an awful person terrible guy? Oh my god throw him in jail
Starting point is 00:11:45 No, I don't do I think he's a fucking idiot. Oh, yeah Yeah, he is he is a fucking idiot Do I think he's like, you know the worst person well No, I don't but at the same time if you're trying to defend this kid listen He fucked up big time let him just deal with that shit You don't have to defend him because you're making yourself look insane and it's scary to see all these people just like yeah No, it's cool. I don't care It's I'll defend like people will defend anybody when they does when these kids act like pieces of shit
Starting point is 00:12:15 You have to hold them accountable so that they could change but if this kid You know and and here's the another thing too The he put the video out and then in six hours It had what I think like six million views or three million views or some crazy shit like that And it was like 500 like 500,000 likes that means that 500,000 people were like no, this is cool. This is okay. This is good What No, it's not you see what I'm saying Like I know
Starting point is 00:12:49 It's it's hard for me to say this because I if I wouldn't want to be in this position because I don't feel responsible For the way I act and like influencing other people But at the same time my audience is very different than this kids and he also has a way bigger one than I do You have 15 million people looking at you at all times you you drop a video every single day So they're back every single day and they are all very young you go out of your way to meet these people You know who your audience is and then you put out this video and
Starting point is 00:13:21 It kind of just makes it It kind of just Let's these kids know like this is dope. This is sick. This is you do this Hey, any vloggers out there you find any dead bodies in your fucking uh Because that's I mean ultimately that's what's happening now if you with this video if it didn't get any backlash and Went crazy viral which it did Right if there was no backlash you're basically telling all these kids. Hey if you see a traumatic Thing you see a car crash you see someone get cut in half
Starting point is 00:13:56 I don't know where you would see someone get cut in half But I guess a train or some shit But if you guys see any of this and you're a vlogger you pull that camera out because that has tons of views right there What are you doing? You can't do that It's the same thing like with a world star like when people get into fights and shit instead of breaking it up or instead of You know saving someone from further injury someone gets knocked out and someone's just keeps stepping on their head or some shit People pull out their phones and just videotape it instead of like breaking it up or like doing the right thing and it's like The fact that those things go viral just lets everyone know like oh, this is how you get attention
Starting point is 00:14:33 This is how you do it. So I got to do that And then you show a dead body in Japan like dude You're just is crazy and he said it in one of his apologies that he put out He said like you know with great power comes great responsibility or ever that shit from spider-man that my dad always used to say to me But Like dude, how can you say that after the fact like if you knew that going in? There's no reason to put that body out there. There's literally no excuse for this behavior whatsoever it The only explanation and this is this is the truth and it has to be there's no other reason that he did that when he saw
Starting point is 00:15:12 That body in that forest his initial reaction was thank God This is gonna go viral this is gonna do this is gonna be it That was his initial reaction and that is wrong and that is fucked up But that had to have been his initial reaction There is no other reason to go over to that body film it edit it and put it out thumbnail and title Those are all the symptoms of a fucking psycho Okay That's it
Starting point is 00:15:45 You don't go out of your way to do all that shit if you're not like this is gonna go viral This is gonna be awesome But but but and even said something some bullshit in that video where he was like You know, I think this is the first time ever on YouTube that whatever it's like dude This isn't a milestone. What are you talking about? I think this is the first time ever on YouTube that we saw a dead bot Yeah, it is. You know why cuz no one's a fucking psycho No, it's a sociopath and he's gonna film dead bodies and just put them all over YouTube and shit
Starting point is 00:16:13 You didn't hit a milestone you didn't like, you know make history or anything like that like everything's gotta be making history of this kid I don't know what like this isn't I don't even know to say at this point I do enough yelling and you know there's no excuse for that and It's just it's just really weird. It's really it's really weird It's just weird when you really think about it because again if I saw a dead body I'd be fucking terrified. I
Starting point is 00:16:48 Wouldn't be like yeah, we got to film this shit You know what I mean? I wouldn't even take a picture and like send it to my friends and be like, yo, sorry dead bodies Shit is fucking crazy. I wouldn't even do that. I'd be I'd be able to do the fuck out of here and call the cops I don't want to see this anymore. I want to be near it. It's scary. I don't like it But but you know, you know what this is too So here's another thing This kid has been winning for so long Ever since he was a viner and he had millions of followers on vine like that's a lot of power
Starting point is 00:17:23 That's a lot of stroking this kid's ego and then he goes on YouTube And now he's probably the biggest youtuber on the platform right now, right? Well, I don't know after this but we shall see but So he's been winning for the longest time he puts out a video every single day The only people he has around him are just a bunch of yes, man. They're like, yeah, it's good idea, dude Let's do that. You know best I'm gonna trust you because if you were able to go, you know and be this successful then you probably know the answers This kid's 22
Starting point is 00:17:56 He doesn't know shit Does he know how to build an audience? Yeah, he knows that But he doesn't like there's things you don't know you're only 22 dude, and I'm only 25. I don't have any fucking answers Okay, you're even younger than I am and I know how dumb I am and how little I know so I know That you know little too So you need someone there who's gonna just tell you like dude, maybe don't fucking do what you're about to do because this is kind of Psychotic here. Okay, this is this will get you in trouble not a good look This is gonna have a publicist. Is there no one like a PR person going like yet dead bodies aren't the best thing for us
Starting point is 00:18:36 Okay, might hurt the brand. Okay. It's just it's just Oh my god, and it's just clear to see now like all these little girl fans that he has are completely brainwashed and just Will do anything will lay on the sword for this kid. It just doesn't make any sense to me and You know what the thing is back to what I was saying before about he's been winning for so long I just feel like this was one of those instances where he was kind of drunk on power he just felt like you know, I could do anything and It'll be fine because that's what I've been doing for the longest time and it's always worked out
Starting point is 00:19:14 So it's like I can get away with anything I can spin this into a whatever and I'll do it I'll put my own flair on it and whatever and it's just like When you get drunk on power like that And you do feel like that's when you're bound to fuck up when you start to feel like I'm untouchable Which I think he felt like you know what I mean, which is like human because again, this kid probably goes into every single meeting All his friends all the people around him everyone is just like what do we do and and I'm following your lead And you're so successful and blah blah blah So, you know, it's only natural that he's gonna feel like I have all the answers and I know this is gonna be fine
Starting point is 00:19:52 but You know, you just need it. Someone's got to be there It's called tell him like you're a fucking idiot if you actually do this, you know what I mean? Like you can't take yourself too seriously Because of reasons like this and if you want if you're watching this I'll do it You don't have to pay me. Just text me every once in a while. I'd be like, yo, is this cool I was gonna film a dead body and then I'll hit you up and be like, dude Are you fucking nuts and then you take it out and then you don't do it. Okay? That's what you do
Starting point is 00:20:22 Christ but where to go from here. I don't know where he's gonna go from here. I don't know what the answer is You know, it's been a great and terrible year for him and his brother Both very successful people but also You know, just There's no There's no limits for those kids. There's no there's no nothing no boundaries It's like we will do anything to go viral. I want to be the biggest entertainer in the world It's like what the fuck does that mean like you?
Starting point is 00:20:55 What do you mean the biggest entertainer in the world like you want to have the biggest YouTube channel? Like you will do anything to go viral like People do the dumbest shit to go viral they will literally I there was that one challenge that went around on Twitter People like covered themselves in axe spray and then lit themselves on fire and then jumped into the shower right after that like oh Iced child fire challenge. What? Fire challenge Jesus Christ It's gotta stop it really has to stop and like these are these are the role models. What do you want to believe it or not? But do you want to believe it or not? We're like no not mine. No. Yes, it is these kids are getting the most attention
Starting point is 00:21:37 Subconsciously everyone is influenced by them That's just the way it is and they will dictate how people will Act in certain situations. She's like oh, I saw someone act this way during this situation. I'm gonna do it That's basically what's happening here It's not good. I don't know what's gonna happen to this kid I mean he has enough money now that he'll be fine for the rest of his life if he's smart, but You know
Starting point is 00:22:06 It's just it's just crazy man. I Don't know It's just you don't you don't do that. It's that's that was that was like an easy one, dude Like I can see how you know you fuck up in some way and it gets misinterpreted or whatever But but but but this is just like blatant Fucking Psychotic behavior where you're literally trying to make money off of a dead body like someone else's death you're trying to make money off of it Like that's it and I don't want to hear yo
Starting point is 00:22:34 I do not want to hear this like oh it was about suicide awareness No, it wasn't no it wasn't because I think that's another thing that he said in that video where he was like Yeah, my plan was just to come in here and then talk about suicide You know and and awareness because it's a serious issue Dude you could do that fucking anywhere. Why would you go to the suicide forest? Why No one even knows you're going to any forest. They all look the same you could go into any forest Why would you want to go there and try to see a dead body like you were going there?
Starting point is 00:23:09 Hope there's no other reason to go there You're hoping to see one and you saw one and you got what you wanted and now you're dealing with the consequences And it's as simple as that But I don't want anyone to try and sell me on the fact that this kid was trying to do his moral duty and like Spread awareness about suicide prevention or just no He went into that forest Hoping you find a dead body so you can make money and a viral video off of it. That is it and He made and it was a big mistake
Starting point is 00:23:40 But again, I don't think this kid's like the worst person in the world Do I think he has some he's kind of fucked up? Yeah, I do But that's what happens when you have a bunch of yes men around you and everyone tells you the greatest thing ever so He's just like a product of his situation and his environment, but and I'm not trying to take any blame off of this kid, but You know, maybe now he'll come back to reality and he'll figure his shit out. But for now You're kind of a fucking idiot But anyway
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Starting point is 00:25:23 I can't tell you I can't even think of an excuse of why you wouldn't use it like this is what you need to do You know like I said, I've used it numerous times pretty much everyone I know uses it like this is a this is the new way to send stuff and Yeah stamps comm You know the world is changing everything's becoming online and this is just one of those things and also the world is changing in bad ways You know the other day I saw an article and I was so upset. I was so upset at this article. I saw it because like the
Starting point is 00:26:03 What's that called the headline the title whatever The headline was schools are banning best friends to protect students feelings. What? You're doing, huh? Dude How like this is it's getting ridiculous now, it's really getting ridiculous now Okay in the article it says this instead Teachers encourage all students to form bonds with one another to avoid creating feelings of exclusions among those without best friends What?
Starting point is 00:26:36 You are crippling the children teach Enough is enough if your kid is a fucking introvert and he doesn't have friends That's on him and he's got to figure it out. All right. They need to figure it out your kid needs to be excluded They need to figure out how to be social those you're taking Valuable social skills away from these kids when you just force everyone to just be friends and everyone's the same and No one's special or any of this shit like no You need to have people that are special so people have someone to strive to be like That sense even makes sense. I'm not even sure but you know what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:27:17 You need someone who is great so you can look at them and be like I want to be like that I'm gonna work harder to be like that but If your kid is one of those people they're just like oh, I'm just gonna quit that I'm like I'll never be that well then do your job as a parent and make sure they don't end up that way, okay? because This is ridiculous You're not allowed to have best friends first of all, how do you even monitor such things like what does that even mean? Like ah you guys been hanging out too much get the fuck on the other side of the clock like what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:27:49 You're not allowed to have best friends. Everyone's got to have the same amount of friends everyone where the set You know, it's gonna happen. This is like a black mirror episode. No best friends. No one's allowed to wear any other color except white and you know No one talk to anyone. You have a you have a limited number of words that you can say to each person and that's it It's ridiculous. This really makes no sense to me. Oh My god, you can't just hand everything to these kids. It's getting out of control like at the school that I grew up in Right when I was in elementary school From kindergarten to fifth grade. I was in this school and we had every year. We had this thing called field day
Starting point is 00:28:32 Which I'm pretty sure like all schools had it, but we called it field day. I don't know whatever else calls it but it was basically just like an athletic event and you know, there was the softball toss and the 40-yard dash or there was a relay race or like the potato sack race or like all this weird races or whatever and you know, there was first place second place third place fourth place and if you didn't place, sorry, dude you suck whatever and
Starting point is 00:29:02 Now There's none of that. They have field day, but everyone gets a first place ribbon Why the fuck would you do that? Why would you give every kid first place? What is the point of having the event then? Why are we racing? Why should I bust my ass to come in first place? If you're just gonna give the kid and fucking last to a fucking pin that says the same thing Why would you do that? That's so stupid
Starting point is 00:29:37 This is this is not the way it is and I I challenge anyone to argue argue me on that argue with me on that I can't even speak. I'm so angry What is Like What what are we doing? What are we doing? How is this helping? Hope you don't want anyone to feel bad. Why not? Everyone should feel bad if you suck You either get better or you quit and
Starting point is 00:30:06 And if you quit then you then I don't know to tell you But you need if you suck you just got to suck Like come and last get better next time. That's it. Okay? That's the way it's supposed to be my dad listen my dad Was and this is another thing this field day thing. I never got a first-place ribbon I was one of the best athletes in that school In fact, I was the second best athlete in the entire school and that's just not blown smoke up my ass That is actually true and if you ask my friends who would never let me say anything even close to that cocky
Starting point is 00:30:41 They will tell you that it's true You know one seventh grade hit everyone kind of caught up to me But I was good back then but I didn't come in first ever and it would devastate me And I would cry all the time and like whatever and then a fifth grade. I finally got my first place ribbon I just wanted to throw that last part in there, but the whole point of that is like Even if you're really good You're supposed to loot like losing helps so much. That's why when you talk to successful people They're always like yeah, you had to fail a thousand times before you could get it right like it's it's part of the process
Starting point is 00:31:14 As part of growth you need to teach kids these things you can't just let them win all the time Look what happened a fucking Logan Paul kids been winning for two years. That's two years Imagine he grew up every single day always had friends always had this always had that everything was going from like of course This kid's got to film a dead body Like what do you mean? Of course he is because we fucked him up until this age It's it's terrible and back to what I was saying before my dad was the basketball coach of my of my team in like seventh grade or whatever and
Starting point is 00:31:47 I consider I was a really good basketball player when I was younger and in seventh grade He was like, I don't think you're the better point guard on the team and he benched me and I did not start This is my dad He's the coach of the team and I am on the bench He started someone over me But that's the way it is That's the way it is. I Was in seventh grade my dad knew the game of basketball better than I did and he said, you know, we had tryouts
Starting point is 00:32:13 He said this kid. I think he's better than you. He's starting. That's the way it is Him putting me in the starting lineup just cuz I'm his kid would be detrimental because then any time I'm on I just assume I'm supposed to be out there. So that just makes me not work as hard and Eventually towards the end of the season I was starting or towards the middle of the season. It didn't take too long Okay, I was in that starting lineup. Don't get it fucking twisted here. I'll be banging threes out there No, but seriously like That's what it's supposed to do. It's supposed that you're supposed to fail so you could find out
Starting point is 00:32:48 Okay, I need to be better. I need to whatever but when you take all that away To the point where now I can't even have a best friend. Oh my god I Enough is enough If you're one of these fucking parents that's complaining that all my my kid came in sixth and he's really upset But we'll tell your kid to fucking get faster than tell me to get to the park and work on his free throws lady I don't know what to tell you Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:33:19 You're gonna complain because your kid sucks at sports Jesus get him a coach then put him on a team let him learn or let him figure out what the hell He's good at then doesn't have to be this you could be good at something else But you can't just fix every problem with that like let's just even the playing field. No, it's not an even playing field Okay, especially when it comes to sports when it comes to sports. There are great They are starters and there are bench players and there are people who don't make the fucking team. There's three tears starters bench players people who don't make the fucking team you get cut We're not putting everyone on this team and everyone's not gonna get an equal playing field
Starting point is 00:33:58 No, no one's getting equal playing time. We want to win that best guys are going out there Okay, and that's what life is life is like the sports in that way the best will get Where for the most part will get to start and if you're kind of good you'll get on the bench But if you suck we will kick you to the curb and that's how it should be You can't just even the playing field like that to the point where By the way that last thing that I just said probably doesn't apply to everything in the world But I'm just saying you get my you get what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:34:35 But this best friends thing this is the most absurd thing I've ever heard of in my life schools are banning best friends Banning best friends My god, how many parents are fucking crying because they don't want to raise their kids that we have to come to this Banning best friends, and I know I don't have kids and I don't know anything about that and whatever But I do know that if you are gonna complain Because your kid has no social skills or he's not good at sports or whatever and you just want everything to be catered to your kid You are not doing your job. That's just the facts. I'm sorry That's just how it is. All right, that's what I believe
Starting point is 00:35:19 But I also think that those are the facts because that is what I believe and No one can tell me different right now because I was in the room with me But I do challenge anyone to argue with me on that. I do I do want to see how that is helping kids in any way No, it's not It's it's not helping them. I'm not gonna put your kid on the team because You know You think he should be or he wants he wants to play. Yeah, but if he sucks, he's not gonna play so whatever that's another thing But hey, my son's not getting enough playing time. Yeah, that's cuz your son sucks
Starting point is 00:35:51 Okay, and we're down 14 and we need the best guys out there. I'm not putting your fucking kid in right now. Okay. I'm sorry I'm sorry, this is so angry. I don't know what's taking over me right now And and you know just before I leave here one last thing that kind of made me upset that I was that I saw was I Was just like whenever I do these podcasts like sometimes I'm like, I don't really know to talk about whatever and then So I'll look at certain websites and I'll see like headlines. I'm like, oh you talk about that a little bit But I saw this other headline that said Selena Gomez unfollows 200 people and we're so confused
Starting point is 00:36:31 Eat no, I'm confused why this is a fucking article Selena Gomez unfollows 200 people who gives a fuck What do you mean? Why do you care? You know why you're confused cuz you're not supposed to care I'm so confused. How could she do this without telling me or explaining herself dude this the the like the TMZ people and just like I Don't get the obsession with celebrity to this degree You know what I mean? I understand being a fan of somebody and being a fan of their work and being like, oh man
Starting point is 00:37:04 I fucking love but but but You know To think that these celebrities just owe an explanation for every single move they make is just psychotic behavior And it's just really crazy. TMZ. It literally is I Don't know how that's a thing still that needs to be outlawed that that whole Fucking company needs to be outlawed. It's just out of control We caught Kylie Jenner coming out of the club last night Asked her about the prep. Are you pregnant? How about none of your fucking business? How's that?
Starting point is 00:37:37 Is this your fucking baby? No, so shut up Jesus Christ Everyone wants to know information from celebrities, but if someone asked them those questions, they'd be like, why are you asking me this? It's so personal God that just drives me insane Selina Gomez unfollows 200 people and we're so confused. Oh We're so confused why would she do that Selina explain I can't go I can't go through my day without knowing My god
Starting point is 00:38:22 Dude, I don't know how all these celebrities like Don't go insane like this is what happens You wonder why celebrities just going saying Justin Bieber's got a tattoo across the stomach of like a bald eagle Eating someone's dick or some shit. You wonder why people do stuff like that because again, I'm just trying to mix it up I don't know. I'm fucking lose my mind They just you know, you know a thousand people in your face every time you go somewhere I can't even get a smoothie without someone asking me about a divorce Like yo get the fuck out of here
Starting point is 00:38:49 Stop talking to me You wonder why Kanye is always yelling at fucking paparazzi and shit This shit is psychotic man. There's no way to live It's got to be illegal We got to fix that Anyway, I did enough yelling today. My voice is actually like my throat's hurting from yelling and like You know whoops, but I just had to uh Had to say it somebody had to say it. Okay?
Starting point is 00:39:16 But yeah, that's that's it for the the basement yard this week It's been fun. It's been real But yeah That's it. I don't know. I don't even know what to say I'm going to the Steelers playoff game this weekend, which is gonna be fire got first row first row seats 50 yard line For me and my buddy Danny who are big Well, he's a diehard Steelers fan. I'm just like you I just want to go see a playoff football game So, you know, but yeah, that should be fun as hell and probably talk about that next week
Starting point is 00:39:47 But anyway, that is all for the basement yard this week and thanks for listening. Yeah, my dad

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