The Basement Yard - What The Hell Is Net Neutrality?

Episode Date: December 19, 2017

On this episode, I have @TimPetrop on to talk about net neutrality. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome back to the basement yard today I am joined by a returning guest Tim what's up man why also do the sports podcast veterans minimum with that's right you were on a long time ago people really enjoy that podcast by the way I still get tweets about it every once in a while we did a really nice episode about like the school system and education and shit I don't know the name of it I forget let's talk about education so that'll do it I'm not that creative with the titles guys I'm working on it's only it's my only episode of the basement yard so I remember the title you know well now we got the second one
Starting point is 00:00:29 just up and running right now but the reason why I had Tim on was because I have a question that I like first of all so this whole thing about net neutrality like I don't really know like I know but I don't really know okay you know what I mean because it got repealed so now what's that what's gonna happen because I keep hearing like about Portugal right because Portugal doesn't have a net neutrality and they make everyone pay like $7 a month for fucking Snapchat and whatever the fuck like they have packages or whatever like is that something that's good I think that the the amount of things that could
Starting point is 00:01:05 happen is endless right it's like the door is open now the doors all the powers in the companies they could raise the prices or whatever right right and we have a we have a thriving capitalist system going on here the only problem is that they're the same news that happened the same like the day before is more of a cause to concern because Fox merged with Disney right so if you have the big media companies consolidating then that creates antitrust problems and that be carried creates monopolies and then they could charge whatever the fuck they want the problem what I have a problem in net neutrality is that it's the loss of
Starting point is 00:01:44 freedom right so we live in America we value our freedoms we we design ourselves the land of the free oh yeah right so if you're gonna take away a freedom which is the ability to access everything at the same rate like imagine this imagine there's three companies that deliver packages UPS the United States Postal Service and what's the third one FedEx FedEx there you go got these three companies and the United States Postal Service is UPS by the way that's USPS oh yeah well yeah so you got so you got those three companies and when you order something off Amazon do you check if it's gonna come through UPS
Starting point is 00:02:26 or do you give a fuck where what it comes from no no one cares no one knows which company is delivering their shit right now imagine though that only products being delivered by UPS have two-day delivery times mm everything else being delivered by the other ones has to wait and those are seven-day delivery times and now what are you more likely to buy the same product from UPS or from the other two right well that's what net neutrality is it's telling people that they're slow how can they have that power over the other companies because it's internet service providers that's who has the power the power is the ISPs
Starting point is 00:03:07 the power of the people that provide internet so let's say Netflix it has a new show out right and they really like it and they want to promote it they pay Verizon Verizon then ups the bandwidth for them and slows down the bandwidth for everything else that's just the I want to watch TV aspect of it that's what everyone's focusing on but like with bandwidth like what do you mean like what does that mean like if I go to watch something else like on Hulu it'll be slower and buffering and pausing yeah I can't deal with buffering exactly a lot of people can't do it and one buffer I'm fucking out I'll go to bed before I
Starting point is 00:03:44 but watch a buffer the scariest part is like where does that go then because then Verizon has political influence because then Fox News is the only news channel that runs on time right and it could go anyway I mean runs on time like that runs that is available to you yeah I mean yeah it's it's crazy man and and everyone there's a lot of propaganda out there like you know it's not really gonna change everything well I tell you this if it's not gonna change anything then why do it yeah I mean everything's gonna be the same like these people are lying to you why do it you know it's weird what's the guy's name who's the
Starting point is 00:04:24 chairman of the FCC a jet pie I think a jet a jet pie something like that I think something like that something like a jet let's just call me as Reese's Cup is fucking stupid first of all that guy I don't know he put out a video explaining like things you could still do after this gets repealed and it was the dumbest fucking thing I'm like who let this go on this guy is the chairman of the FCC parading around in front of a green screen with a fidget spinner in a Santa Clause outfit you're a fucking chairman be a professional you fucking weirdo it's patronizing as fuck bro it is yes yeah look who is that for it's for it
Starting point is 00:05:05 check out this fidget spinner who you dude who are you appealing to you're the FCC chairman you think anyone who owns a fidget spinner knows what the fuck you are no one knows who you are no one knows what the fuck the FCC is if you want a physics spinner you don't know what the FCC is I'm sorry you don't you have one you have no idea and you know it I think that's the point I think they want them to those people to be on their side but look at me I do fidget spinners that's so fucking it's patronizing it's insulting and it's it's downright that video I was like what is this horseshit it's horseshit that's exactly what it is
Starting point is 00:05:40 it's crazy oh it's really fucking crazy so I mean but I did read that a lot of these companies and of course I mean they could go back on this on there whatever but a lot of these companies like Verizon or whatever we're saying that they're like against repealing it they were like I'm all for like keeping not Verizon Google well who I saw one of these big colleague some of the names I saw were huge yeah big companies so they were like you know we're down to just keep it like the same yeah I mean they don't want like nothing technically changed yet but now the option is there right is that you know overall well
Starting point is 00:06:18 nothing changed yet it goes to a vote in Congress right exactly but I'm saying like even so like if it gets officially repealed it's not that things just changed now it's just that people have the option to do so which I mean I believe that the rich and powerful greedy fucks of the world will make every dollar they want they're getting more kids killing kid with cancer to make ten bucks I swear to God they would know without it out they're doing it regularly they're giving kids cancer for ten bucks that's true put more put more mercury in the fish yeah or like just you know sell McDonald's your McDonald's is fucking
Starting point is 00:07:00 horseshit dude it's worse than horseshit it literally is horseshit I don't know it's like horse hooves from that we're stepping in horseshit yo what's the lesson here McDonald's long time ago me too I haven't had fat I mean do you consider Popeyes fast food I've never had Popeyes but I mean like you know what that is like yeah I don't know maybe I mean I I don't know why I don't chicken yeah like I love chicken like I don't drink soda and shit I had a sip of a sprite and my body was like yeah what are you doing yeah I just recently started drinking again after a long hiatus and so my my taste buds are
Starting point is 00:07:41 still kind of sensitive to the taste of liquor so I gotta mix it with with the like sprite or ginger ale no dude shit is fucking crazy yeah shit is wild yeah it's right it's much it's crazy because I used to drink soda like you would not believe I swear to God my friend Dennis when we were growing up every single morning in the summer like all through elementary school we'd wake up at 7 a.m. go to the park play basketball for as long as we could bear go back to his house and drink Pepsi like because we were thirsty drink Pepsi then just go right back to the park and keep playing I was drinking Pepsi to quench my thirst
Starting point is 00:08:18 yeah a lot of kids do that I fucked myself up probably back a lot of kids do that these days the kids they come into my classroom I'm gonna teach you by the way on my I was gonna say on my spare time on my work time and yeah it's takis and sodas and the fuck is talking to those the takis are like the rolled up court tortilla chips like corn chips super spicy it's like comes in like a purple bag honestly they're delicious I'm gonna have to get you but there's they're like they they're one of those things where you put them in your mouth and your your glands on the side start to like water yeah yeah because it's so
Starting point is 00:08:55 flavorful damn that's why the kids are hooked though yeah man I hook into kids we had a bunch of bullshit you know what I had the other day and I was like yo do you know what's disgusting I work into a deli and I was like yo I can't believe I've eaten one of these things before you know those things that look like a snowball yes like hostess I think it makes it all like those pastry yes yeah it's like it's yo that's that's literally what is that I've never had like that is this yo that's disgusting is it soft there's like it's like soft but like yo it's bad it's made you know like peeps yeah which is another piece of
Starting point is 00:09:32 poison but it's I feel like it's kind of like that but there's like a cake to it it's like a marshmallow you take a yes yo it's just gross I looked at it I was like look at this fucking thing you know it does make this go through your mind next time you want to eat it like an entomance cake or a cake and a cake that comes in a like a little back yeah what did they have to put in this fucking cake to make it not go bad for this many years yes not years your Twinkies last the apocalypse do they you know this did they last that long yeah I refuse to eat a Twinkie I'm like terrified of them I used to love
Starting point is 00:10:07 Twinkies on all the kids I've eaten them in the past but now like now I'm afraid of a lot of things that I've eaten in my life yeah me too like I'm like yo I would never in my life eat that that's disgusting imagine like imagine you really just take a second imagine how much shit you've shoved into your face yo really wait like human shit human made shit yeah no but like I like you know I ate a yodel a couple months ago and like you know they come in the two-pack I ain't no no I'm sorry it was a devil dog and as I'm eating it I'm like you know I don't know what this white shit is like this isn't a thing
Starting point is 00:10:45 like I've had food this is not like a normal thing like this I don't know what is like what is that I don't even know what it is can anyone tell me what that is it's not icing it's just filling which is which is like not it's white exactly they say God's filling what is but what is filling you know what I mean it's not I can only imagine what that is I can't I feel like it's paper like just paper just keep grounding it up eventually it turns into a sticky probably just like tons of sugar yeah it's bad whipped up you ever see that show how it's made or some first of all phenomenal afraid no that's great I like
Starting point is 00:11:25 sausages do what sausages are fucking disgust first of all yeah I don't like sausages but I mean it's too salty for me but sausages how they're made it literally looks like they're packaging dicks yeah like it's just like ground this up and just it's funny you say that because I saw sausages in a window today and I had to take a double take as I thought there was a cow dicks cow dicks like bull dicks bull dicks yeah I haven't seen either of these dicks cows got big dicks I think a cow and a bulls gotta have a y'all bull definitely got a big fucking dick yeah those things are like two tons I mean when you see you
Starting point is 00:12:04 ever see a fucking calf get born out of a cow yeah that shit first of all big vagina gotta be a big vagina gotta have a big dick for that yeah exactly you know that's how you do it there was a Facebook feed one time I signed the Facebook and there was like I was a giraffe it's like oh why everyone's watching this live feed of a giraffe that's like not giving birth but like in her third trimester so any day now and people are just tuning in by the thousands I'm like who wants to see this it's like two in the afternoon I'm like who's at work right now and just like has a has a split screen work on
Starting point is 00:12:46 one side this giraffes vagina on the other crazy to say that because I hear that there's a lot of successful like just one cam shows like people come home and just live their lives with a camera and people watch that shit wait what I that's what it that's the room what do you mean like just like one camera shows or like they'll have a bird's nest and they're like this eggs about the crack any day now and people will tune in until the egg cracks oh yes oh yeah on Facebook they killed like that there was a bird one time my mom was watching it she was texting us like you got the birds gonna I'm like well I don't give a fuck
Starting point is 00:13:20 about a bird mom dude it's a bird well that's what I was thinking the most popular show in one of those Nordic countries like the cold countries or there's only to do except like be cold yeah there's like the most popular show was just like a show about a family who just like lives and everyone's like oh have you seen this show I mean you know that's the Kardashians and they chill no but like non-edited just like running oh like big brother style like big brother style but running yo by the way big brother what a psychotic idea are we not are we like do we realize what we're watching I've never actually it's
Starting point is 00:13:59 voyeurism yeah oh that's big brother just what they got the cameras set up there's a cameras everywhere even in the fucking bathrooms in Europe they can show fucking and stuff they show fucking I've seen that on the I'm fucking like porno yeah you know I'm surfing and all sudden you see big brother some shit and they're fucking in the chef who signs up for this who's like yeah no I don't want any type of privacy show my dick on TV people who want to be famous dude I really don't understand I don't understand it I really don't get it I don't understand the pursuit of just fame like if you are pursuing a career that's
Starting point is 00:14:36 gonna make you famous I get that like comedian or right or athlete people people don't care about it doesn't even matter anymore especially when you live in a place like LA which everyone strives to go to for whatever reason yeah for my entire life when you hear about people like I gotta get out to LA or something like I mean people around here don't say that but I'm saying like in general that was always a stereotype yeah like I gotta get out to LA and like whatever like figured out but like out there and people who are from there and people who live there now will tell you nobody's working nobody's doing shit
Starting point is 00:15:11 they're all just kind of just saying they do stuff that they kind of do as a hobby and it's like that's their job I don't know how they pay for anything because no one does anything rich parents it's really crazy and you know what's crazy too when I was growing up youtuber was not a job it was not something that people like strived to be at all I did it because it was fun and now kids legit that's like something they want to do like like for us was like what do you want to be when you grow up and then it was always just like oh fireman doctor lawyer yeah you know our policeman teacher now it's like that people want to
Starting point is 00:15:51 be a youtuber and I've heard it from numerous people like oh yeah my little cousin she said she wants to be a youtuber I'm just like what the you know what I mean like people don't even know why they want to do it and people just they don't even they're not even me and now the whole thing on YouTube is like vlogging which is not even a thing like it's not I don't even know what it is honestly because I mean I know going off on a tangent here but so on Twitch which is a platform for live streaming they have this section called in real life someone like any milanakis travels the world goes to Thailand Japan like
Starting point is 00:16:29 all these places and and vlogs that that I get but these kids on YouTube that are just vlogging every day from the same place from you know do not doing anything spectacular not saying anything scripted not doing anything crazy it's just that's all they do and they put it out and it's somehow it works and I don't get like there's not even like a genre there's no reason for it like there's no reason you know I mean like I have a vlog channel but literally I only do it if I have bits that I don't feel are big enough for a main video to do five minutes on because the whole point is I want to entertain people I want to be
Starting point is 00:17:07 funny you know what I mean I want to have this thing this story that I have that I can tell in a funny way or whatever and that's why that's when I'll vlog but I'm not gonna just pull out this camera if I'm sitting on the couch and just like say a bunch of random shit and yell like I don't get it I don't understand it either yo it's real do you any your kids talk about YouTube like that yeah do they yeah they're a lot of the kids are into watching people play video games yes that is a huge thing also that is something I'll never understand well he'll hold on about that's just the old man to me it is but
Starting point is 00:17:37 listen and me in me too I was like so yo it's so weird because I mean I play video games and stuff but I'm not like right now I'm super into cod like I'm on it all the time but I'll go like six months without playing a thing without turning the Xbox on at all and then I'll find a game and I'll just play that like crazy but even I was like you know I don't I couldn't imagine people being like oh this is entertaining or like you know the whole gaming thing yeah what's like yeah I could watch this shit right and then it wasn't until I started editing Keith's videos that I was like God why am I so like locked into this you
Starting point is 00:18:17 know what I mean and like I don't know what it is it's so weird I think it's just like a competitive side of me where I'm like I think I'm better than this person or I would have done this differently or whatever you're you're still kind of playing even though you don't not holding the controller it's hard to explain it's kind of like watching like watching Madden I guess is like watching a live sport yeah you know what I mean and I mean kind of kind of you know what I mean if you follow along like yo you'll sit there with your friends and watch a Madden tournament between two people and be hype yeah when
Starting point is 00:18:46 people get first downs and shit you know so if you like follow that industry and there's a certain gamer that you like or whatever like you're watching this game is like hoping this dude gets a fucking touchdown right now use the same vocabularies you are like oh they should really line up in a nickel formation in this one right same everything but like see with that there's a point there's a point you're a fan of the game or the commentary what people follow this person is really good at there like gamers are like phenomenal at what they do like it's amazing to watch someone go on like a
Starting point is 00:19:17 30 kill streak you know what I mean it's like wow but with this vlogging thing it just makes so absolutely no fucking sense but I mean you also said to me something interesting that I'm gonna bring up after I read these sponsors real quick remind me I'm gonna forget but we have two sponsors today the first one me undies soft flexible waistband three times softer than cotton natural sustaining resource fiber I'm currently wearing a pair as we speak some of my favorite underwear they send me packages all the time love me undies it's the holidays if you want to get an easy gift for your boyfriend father brother
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Starting point is 00:20:31 we have stamps calm okay Jesus I'm joking here stamps calm save you time and money create your stamps account in minutes online with no equipment to lease or no long-term commitments it brings all the services of the U.S. Postal Service right to your fingertips buy and print official U.S. posters for any letter any package any class of mail using your own computer and printer stamps calm makes it easy they'll even send you a digital scale automatically calculates exact postage guys I can tell you from personal experience that using stamps calm is way better than using a post office who the
Starting point is 00:21:09 hell likes going there you would rather do everything online in the comfort of your own home which I've done numerous times and it's amazing it just makes it much simpler there's two places I never want to go three places DMV the post office and hell so those are just the three okay go to stamps calm click on the microphone at the top of the homepage and type in basement that stamps calm click on the microphone at the top of the home page and type in basement and yeah right now you can get a four-week trial plus postage and a digital scale without long-term commitments if you go to stamps calm click on the
Starting point is 00:21:45 microphone at the top of the page type in basement okay and yeah so what I was gonna what I was gonna say to you is when this whole net neutrality thing was happening you told me that it would have an effect on me and kind of people who do what I do right why in what sense so now you're at the mercy of YouTube like so if you two doesn't feel like paying for content to be faster on Tuesdays when you drop your shit then you're gonna be feeling the wrath of that like when I when iTunes decided they were gonna revamp the podcast app mm-hmm right they changed a lot of shit and it's hard for me to keep track the way they used to it
Starting point is 00:22:29 was very easy the other time right so I've been forgetting about a certain shows like my Ted talks are not just automatically coming oh shit I got a Ted talk I gotta listen to today mm-hmm and it's suffering cuz of that and like I see veterans minimum veterans minimum took a little bit of a hit I don't know if I'm supposed to talk about that stuff when this when it changed yeah you know because people aren't getting old veterans minimum I it's a reminder no now they're gonna go into their shows they gotta look for it it's the same thing with you're at the mercy of the of the content provider right that's how
Starting point is 00:23:02 it's gonna affect us all right and if that what if that goes to shows right and what if that goes to phones what if like T-Mobile and Verizon don't have the same access to cell towers like then what then Verizon can it could become the multi-gongal like I don't even know what the fuck to say like glonormous is the what I don't even that's not a word glonormous glonormous like worse than like a glob of enormity wow yeah you just created a word yeah I did good job thanks bars bars we bring the bars here because I mean it's interesting because I feel like the internet has and these apps have created new avenues for
Starting point is 00:23:45 a lot of people you know I mean the YouTube thing is huge now like these kids are making like insane money brand deals and all that shit let me ask you question yeah think about how many people would need would get paid off what you make if you didn't have your own outlet like if you needed a television network to do what you do imagine how much would funnel before it reached you right they want that funnel again like a lot of people are saying like there's no more money in music like no there's more money in music than there's ever been the only problem is the record companies aren't getting 90% of it right
Starting point is 00:24:25 now the artists have the ability to go in their own lane and make their own money and that's what they're trying to stop the people at the top want to stay at the top and we've they've set up this whole little game and they're winning the game but what they don't realize is that we have our own game set up down here and sometimes if you play our game correctly you can make it up to there look at Jay Z he played our game correctly and now he's up there now he's almost worth a billion dollars look at dr. Dre he's a billionaire now now he's in the same tack tax-backed as these dudes because he played the game down
Starting point is 00:24:56 here mm-hmm Oprah Winfrey played the game of the regular people it made it out he she didn't play the billionaire game they have their own game and they're trying to keep us from they're trying to cap the rewards of our game and the way you take that is to take money that's what they're trying to take the Chinese money directly out of our pockets you know maybe I feel like I understand what you're saying I don't necessarily disagree I do think though that I mean we do live in an agent where an age where you know these record companies that specifically I don't really see a point for you know it's a it's a it's a speed
Starting point is 00:25:40 boost for some people but you know you could blow up at any time there's new rappers every fucking day yeah you know what I mean there's like all these kids something like fucking 14 years old little pump is 16 little pump 16 isn't he isn't I believe so goddamn and he's got like the number one song in the country and it's like yo like SoundCloud like yo they fucking little Uzivert as another kid who's brand new for the most part I mean within three years you know what I mean mainstream yeah put out all this music little pump like all these people like yo it's just crazy that these apps like hold so much
Starting point is 00:26:17 because people are now not drawn to they're joined to a person right which is way more powerful because now your name is a brand like if you have a social media account whether you realize it or not your is Tim Petrop is a brand people follow you for you and eventually people who don't even know you will follow you because of the content you put out people are a brand and they don't even know it like you are a business at all times like people following you like that is power crazy it's like like you don't like I don't think people realize that they're like oh no I'm not like that kid's a brand he's
Starting point is 00:26:52 got a lot of followers but it's like yo you even though you have you don't have as many it's like you are still a brand like people will follow you for a reason for the shit that you put out if you're putting out content which everyone is like even if it's just pictures your fucking dog like you're putting out content if people are following you like the technically this is a brand that you're building that's me yeah exactly it's media and it's just wild and like these fucking Instagram models are just crushing it now if you got a fucking fat butt put that shit on Instagram I'm telling you right now I'm
Starting point is 00:27:23 telling you natural selection has made the butt so popular as well I think think back to the 80s the definition of beauty these girls were rail thin no butts at all what happens things are getting a little racy the the internet decides and everyone decides that tits are not to be shown ever in America regardless unless you're going on so what happens people start sticking their asses out people start wearing thongs the bigger booty car starts getting in vogue and now we're a butt obsessed nation here we are I love the butts oh you got some butts bro come on I follow so many butts on Instagram it's a problem sometimes because
Starting point is 00:28:07 you can't go on Instagram and I'll see it but sometimes I'm on the train or like your ass I know ask you go by an ass or like sometimes like I'll be on my break at school fucking cheeks and like a cheek will pop up I gotta get out of Instagram like yo I every time that happened like yeah I can't be on Instagram I get nervous I'm like yo fuck it looks like I'm just like texting sexting someone right now I'm just scrolling through it's like Aaron Rogers highlights and then like how so highlights like Matt Ryan throws a touchdown and then also on butt cheeks I'm like fuck I'm just trying to see what
Starting point is 00:28:40 Greg did this weekend yeah like what's the hell's going on I'm trying to see my friends but I mean you know it's wild like those girls I mean God bless them like they post like they have they're naturally have these crazy bodies and some of them naturally well yeah I'm just saying like for the most part it's like so weird to me like seeing this like these girls that got popular on Instagram because they are extremely good looking and have amazing bodies have suddenly transformed like now the narrative is always like okay now are you a personal trainer like what are you like and everyone builds that
Starting point is 00:29:21 trainer business like it's just like we like that's like weird to me because that's not I don't feel like that's a job to just fuck around and pretend you do you know public figures the new thing public figures like yeah it's ridiculous what does that even mean anymore you know Kim Kardashian made the whole public fit figure thing be real Kim Kardashian I guess is a public figure she was she a model is she a model I think she is a model she is she is like Kim Kardashian is people I don't think people realize how important she is to like she created this whole society we live in now yeah she is the one
Starting point is 00:30:05 she is the God who created all of it I'm serious when you really think about it she is the only person who started this like your name is your brand and you can do multiple things with it and just crush it TV show apps modeling sex tapes fucking fat ass big ass tits like every like it's great like literally everything her Twitter her Instagram like all these things are making money at the same time I feel like she was the first one and she's like the God of it and she just created a lane and that everyone's falling into it now it's wild right as much as people hate her it's like yeah without Kim Kardashian
Starting point is 00:30:49 making those moves I don't think people realize they could do all that shit I agree it's kind of Paris Hilton was really the first one if you want to make it real I mean no we're talking about she made a sex that she's a fucking DJ now I'm sure she's well respected she just she just wasn't she wasn't smarter she wasn't as smart as Kim Kardashian Kim Kardashian people don't realize that yo like yo how you how many people got caught sucking dick on camera yeah and like no one's got Pam Anderson million Pam Anderson Pam Anderson probably spun it yeah yo honestly though like people need to stop
Starting point is 00:31:23 calling people dumb and people need to stop calling people crazy it's dismissive and it's stupid because that's how they get you Kim Kardashian is not done no Kanye West is not crazy Donald Trump is not done he's the farthest thing from dumb he's genius he's evil genius but he's genius people need to stop thinking that he's dumb people need to stop thinking that Kim Kardashian is dumb she's genius start respecting that I say that all the time I never dismiss anybody like that because I feel like you there's something to take from everybody no matter who it is especially Kim
Starting point is 00:31:56 Kardashian you're talking about someone has 200 million dollars in the bank you think you can't take anything from her you think that's all a mistake you think she's like like do you really think she has nothing to offer you are you kidding me I agree she has 200 million dollars of course she has something to offer you like she she clearly knows what she's doing or someone around her but I'm sure she knows now but I mean as far as these Instagram models goes that's just a really weird thing because I feel like personal trainer is not that's like your body that's like very science there's a lot of science that
Starting point is 00:32:26 goes into it anatomy like there's a lot of things you have to know and for them to just claim that they're trainers was just like weird to me like they're selling these workout programs and I'm like what the fuck is going on that's like someone you know a picture goes viral because they're wearing like a cop uniform on Halloween and all of a sudden they just like oh I'm a cop now like hit me up if you want me to come protect your neighborhood like like you can't just do that you know what I mean it just doesn't make sense to me but I don't know how the fuck we got here we're talking about net neutrality and only god
Starting point is 00:33:00 knows what the hell happened listen I want everyone to have the opportunity to get caught sucking dick and make an entire I think everyone in the world should have an opportunity to make an empire of dick sucking or video game playing or singing or comedy or whatever the fuck you want to do and then no one should take away that right from you 100% so that's why I support net neutrality that's why guys go out there take back the net calm fight for the net calm both of these things are doing really good things right now they'll give you put you right in touch with your representatives you don't have to
Starting point is 00:33:38 look up your representatives you know they if you email they'll write the email for you for you all you got to do is sign it make your voice heard because 83% of Americans agreed that net neutrality is needed and 83% of Americans haven't agreed on anything maybe ever besides like you know hamburgers are good and even then probably burgers are sick yeah hamburgers are so good hamburger hot dog that is not even a question it's hamburger all day all right good very day I was gonna hit you if you said hot dogs hot dogs is another one of those things that we were talking about cancer it's like you eat it and
Starting point is 00:34:11 you're like this isn't I shouldn't be doing this you know what a hot dog when I bite into a hot dog it feels like I bit into the display version like you know what I mean like so I don't know this is the display one like you go to the movies and they show like the popcorn in the thing that's been there for 10 years and you're like I would never eat that but that's what it feels like when you bite into a hot dog it's like somewhere there's hot dogs that are real this one feels like it's been in the display case that's what it feels like I fuck with turkey hot dogs the fuck is a turkey hot dog it's a hot dog made of
Starting point is 00:34:42 turkey I could have guessed that one I've never heard of this such things they're all right all right well we could wrap this up here where can they find you Tim at veterans minimum is where I want them to follow me oh yeah at Tim Petrop I'm at I'm almost at a thousand followers on what Twitter on Instagram oh on Instagram hello I passed it on Twitter the other day hello yeah I'm out here doing big things in the world my brand you know I'm saying you know I'm saying thousand people it's a lot that yeah I'm down so if you want to follow me go ahead I tweet about sports a lot and political stuff a lot that's
Starting point is 00:35:22 really what I tweet about and what was the websites for net neutrality you know let me make sure that this is correct before I give you the wrong information mm-hmm okay and go there and battle for the net man it's not too late battle for that and ladies equality is a beautiful fucking thing I'm just telling you like what it's beautiful and before we go I just want to say also like you know Tim was saying before how he wants you to be able to create an empire from you know singing or suck and dip or fucking or whatever you want and I just I like it's very possible to do
Starting point is 00:36:06 that especially in this day and age like do not sit there and think that it's not possible also do not sit there and think that you're gonna be a youtuber that's just gonna post fucking nothing and you'll be fine and that's what you want to do like have a purpose okay don't be like these kids that are posting videos that have no purpose whatsoever they're just doing it every day because it makes money and it just makes money but there is no if you don't have a purpose you have nothing and I don't see a purpose in any of that that is that is just money hungry bullshit to me have a purpose have a reason why you're doing
Starting point is 00:36:40 shit and why you're waking up and working every day but just don't let it be something that's like fame or like something super empty like that like there's there's more out there for you I promise and it's very possible because like I said at any point like any of these rappers that pop off every single fucking day nowadays it could happen you put out something that you care about you put out something that you work on it could go viral very easily shit goes viral very easily nowadays so she's got to work on your shit and it could happen that's what I've been doing I've been working on my shit I'm trying to make
Starting point is 00:37:18 that happen as well but yeah that is all for this week's episode short episode but you know short jam packed full of fun holler and yeah that is all thanks for listening you motherfucker

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