The Ben Mulroney Show - Western Culture is under siege and we need to stop it now

Episode Date: January 2, 2025

Western Culture is under siege and we need to stop it now If you enjoyed the podcast, tell a friend! For more of the Ben Mulroney Show, subscribe to the podcast! Follow Ben on Twitter/X at Enjoy

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, we've got to talk about a number of issues that when you put them together, the conclusion that I come to is not a good one. And I'm sure I'm not alone in this. But the New York City anti-Israel protesters that called for Intifada revolution hours after the ISIS flag-wielding terrorists killed at least 15 in New York. When you see the protesters in Toronto shutting down Union Station to kick off 2025. Shutting down one of our most busy and most vital transportation hubs. is 2025 2025 Freedom will arise Yeah, look
Starting point is 00:01:10 This isn't about Gaza anymore It's not about Gaza It's not even about Israel anymore This is a concerted Organized Well-funded campaign I don't know who's running it to destabilize and undermine our democracy not just ours but pretty much every western democracy that's what this is
Starting point is 00:01:33 and the writing has been on the wall for years we've been watching this happen and then you have i mean i don't like it's not an ad hominem attack it's an expression the useless idiots on the progressive left have been helping facilitate this with their nonsense version of sort of the utopia that they want to build by elevating the value and the virtue of certain types of protesters for years and by denigrating and demeaning. Our values as a nation, our values as a culture, our history. I mean, you heard it right there in that protest referencing no peace on stolen land. Well, when you keep repeating that we are colonizers and genocidal and we are, you know canada is a scourge that needs to be eradicated
Starting point is 00:02:28 i mean there are people on the progressive left who've been saying that for years and that's why we tear down uh the the images of uh and the statues that have value in our in our um in our society sir john a mcdonald is the single greatest politician in the history of this country. And his statues are being pulled down all over the country because he somehow, he didn't build this country, he destroyed a people. And we've let that happen. If you had a problem with vaccine mandates, you were a misogynist. But if you had a problem with the police, you're a hero. So this is all part and parcel of the same thing
Starting point is 00:03:12 and is being taken advantage of by some groups who want to undermine the West. We need to wake up and realize what is going on here. It is not about protest. It is about a fundamental takeover of Western culture. It is the beginning of a revolution. Actually, I think we're past the beginning of the revolution. We need it to stop immediately.
Starting point is 00:03:39 We need leadership at the top. We've had an absence of it. Certainly in the city of Toronto, most definitely in Ottawa. And now they're talking about proroguing parliament so they can get their own house in order.
Starting point is 00:03:52 The house is on fire. And the prime minister is looking at swatch colors to redecorate his room. We need leadership immediately. And the problem is going to be that the answer is going to swing the pendulum so far in the other direction
Starting point is 00:04:11 that certainly I don't want it, but this will result in the shredding of the Charter of Rights. This will result in some really bad reaction in terms of mass deportations, mass arrests. They'll let the court sort it out later. They'll worry about the constitutionality of it later.
Starting point is 00:04:33 But this is going to get so bad that the antidote is going to be even worse. I don't want that, but that's what's coming because nobody paid attention when they could have. We could have addressed this with a scalpel. It is now going to require a sledgehammer. I don't want it, but that's what's coming down the pike. And I'd love to hear from you at 416-870-6400 or 1-888-225-TALK.
Starting point is 00:04:56 The text line is open at 416-870-6400. Like I said, I don't want this. I never wanted this. But when you have given license to certain people to protest about certain things and you've been telling them for years that their vision of the world is and Canada a better place. When you allow for that and you diminish others, when law enforcement is not able to apply the law fairly and evenly and you let people get away with increasingly nonsensical society paralyzing behavior, this is what you get.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Those students should have been expelled from school the second they occupied land on their college campuses immediately. Instead, we let those petulant little children who have been unfortunately miseducated for years on what the world is actually like. We let them run amok for years with no accountability. We've been letting people take over our streets for over a year with a handful of arrests, performative arrests, and nothing happens to them. Hey, John, welcome to the show.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Thanks so much for joining us. Hey, Ben, how's it going this morning? Well, you know, I wish 2025 had been up to a better start, but we got to call this for what it is now. Absolutely. I say just follow the money, follow the funding for these people protesting. They're not contributing to our society. You know what?
Starting point is 00:06:35 It doesn't require a sledgehammer for swift justice. Just follow the money and get rid of these people. Deport them. You know what? Let the court sort it out. But we know that if you follow the money, you follow the root cause and get rid of these specific few causing such damage to our country. People on a national level, it's been proven, it's been polled, people on a national
Starting point is 00:06:56 level have kind of warranted and approved of mass deportation. Well, that's my point, John. Thank you so much. That's my point is a few years ago, you wouldn't have found a consensus amongst Canadians that mass deportation is the way to go. We were all in favor of the Canadian consensus on immigration. It has been broken. And now the only way to fix it,
Starting point is 00:07:22 unfortunately, I think someone's solution is going to be take it down to the studs and start again we got to get rid of a whole bunch of bad actors and unfortunately some good actors are going to get are going to get caught up in that drag net let's welcome daniel to the show daniel welcome to the ben mulroney show hi good morning happy new year thank you thank you well you know um, Canada could have learned simply by observing 10, 12, 15 years ago what was transpiring in major urban centers in countries in Europe. So I regularly advise people in all capacities that just look at what's happening in Europe and that will eventually follow to Canada.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Well, yeah, we saw it, Daniel, with COVID, right? We saw whatever happened in Europe was going to happen here a few weeks later. And I think the same thing is happening when it comes to mass migration and the fact that social cohesion in this country is a thing of the past. And that didn't happen by accident. It's not a coincidence, and it's not racist to point it out. Unfortunately, what we're experiencing is a meticulous effort in reverse societal engineering in Canada, politics, laws, public safety, every prong imaginable to change what this
Starting point is 00:08:38 country was 20 years ago. And this is what Poland has fought against and a few other countries. And they're out ahead of all this garbage that's happening in Canada. So it's not too late. Let's roll up our sleeves and let's forget about what the Human Rights Commission of Ontario is going to really tell us. Daniel, thank you so much. Let's take one more call before the break. Boris, welcome to the show.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Hello, Boris. Hey, how are you, man? Good. Listen, you know what? I think it's too late. The horses have left the barn. We've watched for the last 10, 15 years social engineering. They're changing society, and we're letting them because we're too polite to tell them bullshit.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Excuse my language. Sorry. No problem, man. And when we forget that this society, this country, I actually, you know what? I put a post on Facebook two days ago because it was 50 years since my parents and I came to Canada. I'll tell you something. I was grateful for the fact that Canada took us. The problem is that now the people that come to Canada want us to be grateful for their presence.
Starting point is 00:09:44 That's the difference. I think that's probably the case for some. That's not the case for all. But I don't even think that's the worst case. I think there is a small minority, but highly effective and highly organized, that came here with the explicit and specific purpose to undermine our values, our society, our democracy. I want to thank you, Boris, for your call. I want to thank everybody for calling, for your call. I want
Starting point is 00:10:05 to thank everybody for calling in. The calls continue on the other side of the break. 416-870-6400 or 1-888-225-TALK. That is next on The Ben Mulroney Show. Well, it's not a question. I'm saying it, that these protests that we have been enduring for over a year, that started out as protests against the war in Gaza have morphed into nothing less than a very real and very well organized and well funded attempt to undermine our social values and indeed our democracy. And we have to do something about it. I want to hear from you. Let's talk to Scott. Good morning, Scott. Welcome to the show. Hey, Ben, how are you? And I will wish you a happy 2025 because it hopefully will be. Great. Well, thank you very much, and I'll do the same to you. I'm going to beat on the same drum as some of the previous callers where the challenge, it's not a problem, it's a challenge, is that the left infrastructure is so well entrenched because we've been allowing it for the better part of a decade plus.
Starting point is 00:11:10 So it's going to be a challenge for those that, and when I say on the right, meaning on the right side of where we should be as a society, you know, we need to dig our heels in as much as the protesters or if you want to call them protesters, but anarchists or whatever, you know, they're, you know, because they got time, they're getting free money from the government, whatever the case may be, you know, we need to entrench ourselves just as much. So, you know, hopefully we're electing the right officials because it'll take years to get all of that bad seed that we've allowed to grow out of the way and put the right, you know, people that have the right values. You know, think of our values we had in the 50s after the war with Preston Pearson and, you know, all of these great leaders that we had, you know, David Baker, you know, where, you know, that's what we need now. We need strong, strong leadership.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Well, thank you, Scott. I appreciate the call. And thank you for your patience and holding as long as you did. Let's say hi to Jonathan. Jonathan, thanks so much for joining us. Hi, Ben. Yeah, so, I mean, I've watched this happen very sadly. I'm a member of the Jewish community here in Toronto. I'm in my 30s, and what may shock people, but it's not surprising, is a lot of people in their 30s in the Jewish community right now are looking to leave Canada. We're looking to move to places like Florida. We're sick and tired of the protests. We do not feel safe in our own country anymore. I personally know someone who just moved their entire family to Florida. People are looking into immigration options to leave the country. This is how bad it's becoming.
Starting point is 00:12:53 People do not feel safe here anymore. How many of our schools have to be shot up or attacked before someone does something? No, of course. And of course, and I will continue to spotlight that terrible, the unsafe nature of being Jewish in Canada and the permission that's been given to those who feel they have license to do that. I mean, there are,
Starting point is 00:13:17 I have no idea how a protest in a residential area is allowed ever in this country. And it happens regularly in Jewish neighborhoods across this country. It is shameful. It is disgusting. And it's done for one reason and one reason only, is to make Jewish Canadians feel unsafe where they live. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:13:41 And you know what? I do live near Bathurst and Sheppard where the weekly pro-Hamas protest happened. I have to drive my children through it. It's absolutely terrible. And the stuff that's being spewed on those megaphones by the whatever you want to call it, pro-Hamas, anti-Israel side, it's absolutely disgusting. No one should be subjected to it in their neighborhood. And people have to listen to this through their apartment windows, through their backyards. It's absolutely atrocious. And there is no leadership right now in this country. Well, thank you very much. And again, I can't tell you how upsetting it is for me as an ally to hear these things. But it's the reality of the values that we've decided we as a country espouse. Despite the tweets of our prime minister, this is who we are.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Robert, welcome to the show. Robert, where do you lay the blame? You know, when you can start right in Toronto, Chow is useless. You know, she has no backbone. She has nothing. She can't do anything right. She can't stand up for what is proper. She can't stand up for stupid things, but she'll never stand up for anything that's right, like going that is really flag rising, you know, the ceremony, for anything that's right, like the one that is really flag-rising, the ceremony. And then you've got the Ontario legislature. You've got that charmer, whatever her name is, the one that just basically calls Jews dogs and stuff like that. She has to be thrown out of the legislature.
Starting point is 00:14:59 The NDP has to be re-educated to the values of what is a Canadian. And I think it's time. I'm an empire loyalist Canadian, okay? We started this country. We built this country along with the French Canadians. Oh, no, but you, sir, we're colonialist, genocidal imperialists. I mean, that's... It was good enough for my great-grandfather to fight at Wires and Riddhimi Ridge and all that.
Starting point is 00:15:24 And grandfather being in the Canadian Air Force and my dad serving in the army. That's good enough for my great-grandfather to fight at wires and Riddhimi Ridge and all that, and grandfather to be in the Canadian Air Force and my dad serving in the Army. That's good enough for them. You know, they can do all the hard work. Why can't people understand that? Well, David, thank you very much, David. And that is the irony of this entire thing, is the protests are happening in the freest, most equitable countries in the history of the world. There has Canada, the United States, the UK, France, Germany, never in the
Starting point is 00:15:54 history of the world have there been countries that have allowed more immigration, have more freedom, have more, never has social mobility been more of a thing, has racial equity been more of a thing. But these are the places that are on fire because we allow it. You're never going to see these protests on the streets of Beijing or Moscow where there is no freedom, where there is no immigration. You're never going to see them there. They crack down on religious minorities. They crack down on anyone they don't want.
Starting point is 00:16:34 They kill their opponents in the streets. They'll murder them. They'll poison them. They'll send them to encampments, internment camps. You'll never see those things there. Why? Because these people don't have the courage to go there and do it. So instead they come here to the places where we allow for these things.
Starting point is 00:16:52 And unfortunately what's going to happen to those people who protest is we will become more like those places in order to, I don't know, restore balance. It will happen. Certain freedoms will be curtailed. Absolutely. I don't want, restore balance. It will happen. Certain freedoms will be curtailed. Absolutely. I don't want it to happen, but it will.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Happened after 9-11, the Patriot Act. We will have something like that here. Mark my words. Let's welcome, who do we have here? We've got David. David, welcome to the show. Yes, good morning. Thank you for taking my call.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Absolutely. I just wanted to say that I've never felt the way that I feel right now about my country. My father came to this country in 1972, and he brought us over. I came as a little kid in 1975, and we've never felt anything more than gratitude and thankful to this country for allowing us to be here. I think that a lot of most of these people that are protesting are new to the country. They have no feelings for the country. They're making it a very dangerous place. And I think that if things are going to get worse with the politicians and the police,
Starting point is 00:18:00 the authorities don't do something about it because people like me will not take this anymore. And if I see something like this on the street, I'm not going to stay quiet. And people like me are going to start getting more in their face about this because I cannot stand the way they are treating our streets and our country and our democracy. Well, thank you very much, David. I appreciate it. And yes, but this is what I'm saying. What used to be sort of a moderate consensus on immigration is turning people who used to be moderate in their opinions, it's pushing them farther to an extreme. And that is a direct result of the actions that have been
Starting point is 00:18:40 taken by progressives in this country for far too long. Michael, welcome to the show. Good morning. I'm a big fan of your fathers and respect the Moroni family. Well, thank you very much. Yeah, I responded to a caller that you had a few minutes ago, and he was saying that he was Jewish in his 30s and he didn't feel safe in Canada, and that therefore he's going to move his family to Florida.
Starting point is 00:19:03 First of all, Canada does need addressing and fixing it. We all agree, I think, that the immigration system needs to be tightened up. I perhaps probation for temporary Canadians until they earn the right to be a full Canadian, and curtail protests that block city streets, et cetera, particularly residential areas, as you just said. However, that gentleman says he's going to go to Florida should know Florida has way more guns per capita than we do has way more murders than we do per capita. Yeah. That's way more than we do per capita. In other words, be careful where you wish. Sure. Yeah. And it was not like, I appreciate that in terms of the raw numbers, but something
Starting point is 00:19:42 tells me that those guns aren't being directed at Jews the way that schools are being shot up here. I would suspect that a lot of those Jews feel a lot safer there than they would here in Toronto.

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