The Big Picture - The 2000s Summer Blockbuster Draft (Live!)
Episode Date: July 16, 2024We’re drafting again! Sean and Amanda are joined by Chris Ryan to draft 2000s summer blockbusters. To watch episodes of ‘The Big Picture,’ head to Hosts:... Sean Fennessey and Amanda Dobbins Guest: Chris Ryan Producer: Aleya Zenieris and Jack Sanders Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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I'm Sean Fennessey.
I'm Amanda Dobbins.
And this is The Big Picture, a conversation show about movies.
And I'm very happy to introduce
the man who would be third chair,
the man, the myth, the legend,
Chris Ryan, CR.
What's up, everybody?
What's up, guys?
Chris, I can't believe you were free tonight.
This is crazy.
Thank you so much for being here.
We wanted to talk about a couple of things that are happening in the world of movies just to start this conversation the way we normally would.
For example, a new trailer dropped this morning.
I haven't commented on this anywhere.
Amanda's been on threads all morning.
It's been, what, 48 thread count?
Yeah, I know.
As previously discussed upstairs,
I had to delete threads because I didn't have enough room
on my phone.
So you're getting it here for the first time.
We have all been arguing about Roman public plumbing for the last 30 minutes.
But we did verify by the Roman that they could have gotten water into the Coliseum
at least for the first year.
So happy to report that everything in the gladadiator 2 trailer is 100% historically accurate.
You texted me many times about the trailer.
You gave me nothing back.
And I didn't respond.
Why do you do that?
Well, I was saving it, you know?
I felt like we had a captive audience.
At some point it becomes like a proof of life thing, you know?
Like, are you okay?
I like to keep them guessing yeah you know um gladiator 2 probably our most anticipated movie of the year to so far coming up for the rest
of 2024 chris you're ridley scott pilled i'll follow a guy in his 80s anywhere yeah i'll just
right off right off the cliff yes don't forget to stay until midnight for JMO After Dark,
where we will, of course,
be discussing Chris's candidacy for presidency, which we're very excited about on JMO.
Gladiator 2, are you excited?
I couldn't be more psyched.
They just made Gladiator again.
That's a great idea.
And they were also like,
Paul Meskel's really hot.
These guys are all cool, up-and-coming actors.
You know what people want?
A fucking Denzel Washington movie.
And they just made it, but they were like,
what if Oliver Reed lived through filming?
And we'll put Denzel Washington in there.
That's a great idea.
I actually, honestly, this made me feel like better about AI
because I actually, when I was watching this,
I was like, I don't know if Ridley Scott actually did this.
And I actually, if you found out that like a very advanced AI
just kept making Gladiator movies,
that would be fine with me.
It would be fine.
Amanda, can you comment without talking about AI?
I'm extremely happy for Paul Meskel
and for all of the work that Paul Meskel did
or I guess AI or CGI did in Sculpting
that, you know, whatever's going on there.
Can I ask you a question?
Who taught Paul Meskel how to run?
Did you guys happen to notice that in the trailer?
He looks like Wes Welker after he got concussed.
It was like man's first day running.
Is he okay?
I think he's okay.
I think it's going to work out fine for him.
I think the reaction on the internet that I saw,
which was just screenshots entirely of Paul Meskel,
or the behind-the-scenes photo that they released
of Paul Meskel in the makeup trailer.
Did you guys see this?
Just like, yeah.
I heard the tone of all those.
I know the audience that also saw that.
Chris, there are more than five women in this room.
Are you okay?
I'm so nervous to make eye contact with them.
Yeah, I'm ready.
I'm excited.
I'm going to try to come back,
if you'll let me in for that one.
Try to come back after what?
Who knows?
You know, special events.
God, I hope it happens by then.
When does it come out?
On the day when Amanda's child is born.
Whatever day that may be.
That's when they'll be releasing the film.
That's when Ridley hits the button.
Did you guys see people on Twitter
complaining about Denzel's accent work?
It's like, did you want him to speak Latin? Like, what did you... They're like, hey, he sounds like he's from Yonkers. It's like, did you want him to speak Latin?
Like, what did you...
It sounds like he's from Yonkers. It's like, who gives a shit?
Are you kidding me?
I thought it was great. He literally gave somebody a pound in the trailer.
He's like, my man!
I'm putting cases on
all you bitches in the Coliseum!
I know.
Lonzo goes to Rome.
It's just a sick idea for a movie.
I'm really, really excited.
I, you know, can they get sharks in the Coliseum?
Is that?
Yeah, so we were talking about this backstage.
There was a guy on Twitter that was like,
I have been asking for years for them to fill the Coliseum with water
and fight in it, finally.
And like, I think he was saying that this is historically accurate,
which you then verify by reading up.
Well, again, to say
And then a couple Wikipedia pages about aqueducts.
But the streets are saying that there's a shark in there.
Yeah, the shark was not verified.
It was domesticated animals who knew how to behave in the water.
But if Ridley does it, he puts a shark in the Coliseum.
Coliseum shark?
Is it possible that he also may or may not have Parkinson's?
I was like, definitely sharks in the Coliseum.
We got to do it.
So on the show earlier this week, at the end of an episode,
I explained to you that on Sunday night at 9 p.m.,
I went to go see Despicable Me 4 by myself.
And we talked a lot about good choices and bad choices.
And that's a continuing conversation that we're working on.
And I, you know, I aired, I obviously, I should have texted you and said, please come with me so I don't seem like a murderous sociopath at my local mall.
And I would have been like, we're not going at 9 p.m. on Sunday night.
But anyway.
You did go.
I chose instead to go at 10.30 this morning in Pasadena with the entirety of the Pasadena day camp system.
I'm like, I'm not kidding.
It was like, and you know what?
Good for them because it was hot and they deserved air conditioning. But it was like dozens, if not hundreds of children.
And me rolling up solo being like, yeah, in my umbros being like,
hello, one for Despicable Me 4 at 1030. So I saw it and-
Did you like it?
You know, Sean, that's pretty complicated. I'm going to be really honest.
We wanted Chris to be on stage for this.
Yeah. So Chris, what do you know about the Despicable Me universe?
It's the Minions.
It's a spinoff of the Minions.
You know what?
In some ways, you're right.
Because the Minions are the most valuable part.
But, however...
I swear on my mother I will never see this movie.
Just a reminder that Chris has no air.
So he doesn't have to watch these movies.
So the Minions are a spinoff
of the Despicable Me universe.
Oh, okay.
Okay, so this is Despicable Me 4.
It's about a guy named Gru.
That's Steve Carell, right?
That's Steve Carell with a French accent.
Yeah, and a scarf.
And so just to be clear, I have only seen Despicable Me original and Despicable Me 4 and the two Minions movies.
So anything that happens in between there, I may not get right.
But just to set the scene for you, Gru was a villain and his minions were his minions and they helped him do his dastardly deeds.
Is there a hero in this story?
Well, so, you know, it's a children's movie.
You've got to break that mentality.
That Joseph Campbell hero's journey bullshit.
I didn't have children, and now I broke the mentality of having to go, like, absolutely insane while watching Despicable Me before on a Sunday night.
It's like Star Wars told from Darth's perspective, you know?
Think of it like that.
Are you in? Yeah. Continue. continue is it I'm thinking through it it's a series about the villain so in the first one yeah like he's a
villain and he wants to be the best villain in the world and is he like trying to steal the moon
yes yeah thank you so much for your support um and and then he learns to like be a good person
uh at at some point I think because, we're teaching things to children,
and we're teaching good values.
So I think he puts the moon back.
And then somehow in some of the other movies,
he starts working for the anti-villain league.
Is that correct?
Yeah, we didn't say we were going to talk about the entire franchise.
We're like in front
of a lot of people right now.
Well that's it
that's in this movie
that's where I learned about it.
I'm bringing them up to speed.
I just yada yada
three okay.
But he asked
if there was a hero.
I'm definitely just thinking
about who England's
going to start tomorrow.
Like I'm just like
Trent really deserves it.
Anyway so like
basically Gru's having
a midlife crisis
which is why Sean
was so affected,
because it's not like...
You saw yourself in it?
You know, my son...
Representation matters.
...loved me as much.
We are all Gru.
You know, and the workplace doesn't really take him seriously
or provide adequate protection.
I mean, they're really, really bad at being anti-villain people,
just a side note
but my real issue is like the minions
are barely in this and like
the minions are cinema at this point
they're cinema they make
me laugh so hard and
one of them was stuck in a vending machine
the whole time he didn't even get to
leave the vending machine
I feel like you would have loved that
well I mean it was funny when they showed the vending machine,
but they only did like a couple bits.
The other two were doing like an F1 crew thing
to take care of the baby and change the diaper.
I saw the movie.
Why are you telling me?
I don't know.
I'm trying to bring you in on the minions of cinema.
It's great physical comedy.
Do you remember like a season ago?
I think it was maybe
a season or two ago,
they had to do
a Minions challenge,
like a quick fire
on Top Chef.
And I swear to God,
I saw Padma
be like,
I'm quitting
as she was
making somebody
make a brulee
that looks like Gru.
Yeah, well,
he's not a Minion,
so that would have been...
Anyway, I was... it's fine my my review
is I need more minions and I and I too was disappointed but I didn't really have a crisis
like you did it was really a crisis about choices in my life yeah they were revealed to me by seeing
Gru fail as a parent right um and it's all come together uh the cool thing is you'll have to take
your child to that at some point, right?
Watching the movie,
I was like,
I don't think 18-year-olds should watch this movie.
I don't think...
Will you take your child
to Gladiator 2?
You need like a gun license
to watch that movie.
It's freaking weird.
A guy turns into
a giant cockroach
in the first five minutes?
I know you were going
to be upset about that.
Wasn't that a lot
for a kid's movie?
Did you guys see
Despicable Me 4?
I'm not afraid of bugs.
It's so weird.
It's like a Cronenberg movie.
I mean, it was definitely weird.
It's a body horror movie.
I'm not exaggerating.
It was just kind of like a bug costume.
But he was a real cockroach.
That motherfucker was like, I'm a cockroach now.
And he turned into a cockroach.
This really happened in this movie.
Anyway, I'm sure you're now, and he turned into a cockroach. This really happened in this movie. Anyway,
I'm sure you're all wondering why we're still talking about some movies that came out last week
and that we're not actually doing an episode. We're going to do a
real episode, actually. We're going to draft. We're
drafting tonight.
The subject
of this draft is
2000's summer blockbusters.
who guessed it
from Sean's Twitter thing?
Did you figure it out?
I posted it.
Raise your hands.
Come on.
All right.
There we go.
Where are my X users?
Only the four you tab, man.
the parameters
of this draft
are very simple.
We did this once
for the 1990s last year,
May 1st through August 31st, any movie that is released that earns $100 million domestically
is eligible in this draft. Now, before we get into the draft and we talk about what we're going to
pick and what those years were like, I did want to do a little bit of trivia for the audience out
here. And winners of the trivia,
if you get these answers right,
you'll win a special prize,
a big picture themed prize
that is sitting in these bags right here.
So I've written six questions.
Now I need everyone here to operate on the honor system.
If you got it right and you said it out loud,
you'll get something in the bag.
Well, hold on.
But so let's do some procedure here.
They're all just going to yell it all at once and you
didn't get... We asked him
if he wanted to figure out some way
of determining a winner and he was like,
So, we're in Shogun now.
You have to do this.
Do you want them to raise their hands?
I want them to reveal knives
and fight it out.
Okay. And then Chris and I were like, well well we'll help you decide and i was like i'll give out the prizes but now it's you know we're gonna be careful it's gonna be a knife fight in there i
know okay we'll see how it goes so three of these questions are related to the blockbusters of the
2000s and three of them are related to the big picture history. Okay? I'm going to start with an easy one.
Who can name the highest grossing summer blockbuster of the 2000s?
First guy who said Dark Knight, where are you?
Over on this side.
You win the Starter Kit Prize.
Starter Kit Prize is the blockbuster trivia game.
Yeah. Yeah.
There's definitely a guy who's like Dark Knight.
And I see you, and I recognize you.
That man is dressed as the Joker.
The next question.
What is the second highest grossing?
Shrek 2.
Who said Shrek 2 over here? You didn't, but...
But, like, second highest grossing, what?
Blockbuster of the 2000s.
You guys got that.
It's like Jeopardy.
You got to read the whole question, you know?
What are you giving out?
So what is the prize for this one? Let me see.
Give them the
Tarantino book. Yeah, that's right.
The Shrek guy gets the Tarantino book.
This prize.
This is Quentin Tarantino's
Cinema Speculation in soft cover.
Please enjoy.
What is soft cover?
I don't know why he's saying that.
That's the second time he's said that.
It's got paperback.
I've worked in retail.
Gotta zhuzh it up, you know?
Oh, wow.
Soft cover.
Next question.
I like this one.
This is a cool prize as well.
What is the highest grossing movie
Steven Spielberg directed in the 2000s?
Who said Crystal Skull right here?
All right.
Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull.
Oh, wow.
Physical media.
The winner of that prize receives physical media.
Do you own a DVD player?
Purchased by yours truly.
And if not, you can trade it.
A steel book of Hayao Miyazaki spirited away.
And a 4K double set collection of Top Gun and Top Gun members.
That's right.
Now, I just want to say,
Sean gets to give away physical media later on.
I'm going to give away a free Paramount Plus
six months.
Get all caught up with Mayor of Kingstown with me.
There's some really interesting ideas
being kicked around on that show.
Okay. These next three questions are related to the big picture. Here's the first one.
Four years ago, what film did Chris Ryan select first overall?
Yes. That's correct. There you go. There you go. Let's give him the...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Your prizes, sir,
are the Virgin Suicide soundtrack on vinyl
and Dazed and Confused on vinyl.
Oh, wow. Hell yeah, brother. I'm finally going to see Mr. Brooks. Wow. oh wow
hell yeah brother
I'm finally gonna see
Mr. Brooks
and so will Amanda
we'll watch it together
we have two more questions
the answer is
Iron Man 3
it's the most famous
of Chris Ryan's
interesting choices
until tonight
this is a tough one
who was the first ever guest director on
the big picture this is really hard it's sort of a trick question kevin costner was in the movie that he directed
oh it was i thank you all so much but no um i did get at least two emails
molly's game should have been in the hall of fame it was january 17th 2017 kevin costner was not the
star of the movie the man who directed this movie,
his movie was nominated for Best Picture that year.
That's it.
There you go.
My man, Theodore Melfi, the first ever guest.
Followed shortly by Barry Jenkins, Jordan Peele,
and Ezra Edelman.
Very weird.
Your prize, Visions of Eight from the Criterion Collection
featuring a commentary featuring me,
Chris Ryan, and Amanda Dobbins.
The last one?
Our final one.
This was hard.
I didn't know the answer to it
until you put it in the document.
You didn't know it?
It was surprising to me as well.
Wish I could forget it.
What movie was discussed
on Amanda Dobbins'
first ever appearance
on the big picture?
This is hard.
It's really hard.
Is it Wind River?
It was Wind River, yeah.
It was July 2017,
believe it or not.
Dark Tower.
Gotta get Dobbins in here.
We've got our foremost
Stephen King expert, Amanda Dobbins.
Did you see
Stephen King's ballot in the New York Times
best books of the century?
Yeah, they published a lot of people's ballots
and Stephen King voted for nine
spectacular novels and then
his own as the 10th.
We call that the Paul Schrader.
Yeah, we do.
Paul Schrader knows about his own films.
I'm trying to think of hints to give these people.
This film stars Jenny Slate.
Who said Obvious Child first?
I know, but who said it first?
Okay, right here.
No, I want to give this one out.
You give it out.
You get a special at Maniprise, which is, of course, the Sophia Buck.
There you go.
I wanted to give out the Sophia champagne cans, but we can't give out alcohol.
So that's, but that is a great book.
You're so welcome.
You guys ready to draft?
So we're doing blockbusters of the 2000s.
Oh, you're supposed to give this away.
That's right.
So we don't have trash on stage.
Not trash, recycling. So we're doing blockbusters of the 2000s. Oh, you're supposed to give this away. That's right. So we don't have trash on stage. Not trash, recycling.
So we're doing blockbusters of the 2000s for this draft.
Push it further.
How's he going to reach it?
Like, come on.
I'm sorry.
We're really good at this.
When I say 2000s blockbusters yeah aside from being drunk in college what do
you think i mean that's the thing i was it's spanning 16 to 26 so it's just a monster you
know like i i mean i definitely saw a lot of movies during the summer for air conditioning
but you know was my taste at the level to which you have all become accustomed? I don't know. Not quite.
Was I seeing it in the quality theater projection or was I seeing it in the woods in New Hampshire?
Who can say, really?
Would you say you have a passion for the films
that are eligible for this draft?
There are some favorites.
I found my spots.
And there are some great ones,
especially as you get later in the more sober
2000s well the more grown up I get also the more access I had to theaters in New York okay uh because
I was living there by the end but I mean what we talked a bit about this when we did the 2002
draft 2002 to 2004 or 5 I mean it does coincide with when I was in college,
but it wasn't like, I guess,
aside from your beloved Lord of the Rings movies,
like the peak of cinema.
That's not true.
There's other good movies, right?
Yeah, I mean, there's an incredible number of good films
we'll be talking about today.
Okay, I'm excited for you.
Have you seen any of these movies?
I've seen a lot of them.
I haven't seen all of them.
I knew you for some of this time.
For most of it.
Did we go to the movies a lot?
In the summers?
What were we doing?
You and I really only saw,
the only movie I remember seeing with you at this time is Miami Vice.
So conveniently timed.
Given some of the discourse.
And we got married.
On the internet.
We never told anybody.
Do you recall our experience with Miami Vice?
I mean, I feel like it was solar powered.
We like definitely saw God.
And then I think I walked out and was ready to admit it.
And you were like, oh, it was okay.
I didn't really appreciate that.
I continue to stand on Miami Vice's fine island.
I'm sorry to break everyone's heart and not be a part
of that. We shouldn't. I mean, it's such a toxic
topic right now, so I don't know how much you want to get
into it, but it is
truly like a work of art.
Well, I'm happy to introduce our special
guest, the two people who are fighting about it on Twitter.
Please, come on out.
Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx, come on out.
I went to the movies a fair amount,
not as much as when I moved to LA.
I just remember
you and me and
more men sitting in bars
and screaming at each other about gangster girls
mixtapes for most of my life.
But movies were a great
respite from that.
One thing...
You really sold that. One thing... You really sold that.
One thing that struck me going through the lists
was there's obviously a ton of franchise blockbusters
during this time,
but also a huge number of comedies.
And this is really the Apatow era in full force,
the Adam McKay, Will Ferrell era in full force.
It's remarkable that some of the highest grossing movies
of these years were movies made for $30 million
where guys were just farting in each other's faces.
And we were like, absolutely, I'll be there.
And it's like, what?
It was a movie event of the year.
But it feels pretty different, I think,
because there's no nuance.
Like, there's nuance in this time, but now it doesn't feel like it's just like,
it's either tentpole or nothing for movies that are crossing 100 million.
And so I feel like there's some good variety.
You don't think so?
No, I do.
It's a fun list.
I wonder how much overlap we'll have.
There are a couple shared passions passions including one that was introduced
around 3 45 this afternoon when i noted that you did your own research yeah i did my own research
uh and questioned sean's questioned sean's accounting uh and then very generously shared
the results with sean and chris uh and was immediately chastised for ruining a live moment
but um i i we could have gotten into a big fight on stage yeah but then mostly it would have been and was immediately chastised for ruining a live moment. But I...
We could have gotten into a big fight on stage.
Yeah, but then mostly it would have been us Googling.
And I was also nervous about your ability
to accept reality in front of all these people.
What do you mean?
At some point, you would have just overruled it.
Is that a problem I have?
There's some things that we agree on
and then maybe we'll kind of go on our own paths.
Would you rather be making this podcast in 2004 or 2024?
What kind of a question is that?
Well, it's a conversation starter,
but it's like, do you think that the movies,
at least the blockbusters that are available,
are more interesting to talk about
than the ones that we get today?
Oh, I see what you're saying.
I thought you were trying to do some
Back to the Future shit,
where you were like,
could you go back?
Could you write Johnny B. Goode?
Could you be the director of The Dark Knight?
That would be really great.
Do you want to start a podcast
called The Sean Fennessey Experience?
Where you talk about vitamins and UFC.
I definitely would have gotten into podcasting earlier
and not written about Gangster Girls mixtapes
if I could go back and do it again.
But nevertheless, I'm glad I'm here.
It was a pretty sick time.
I mean, movies were in an incredible place.
I think like a lot of what we're frustrated about now
started in the early 2000s. And so that's not great that the industry kind of got to this place. I think like a lot of what we're frustrated about now started in the early
And so that's not great that the industry kind of got to this place,
but we're going to talk about a lot of really good movies.
So I think it would be fun,
but also no one was listening to podcasts back then.
I was downloading MP3s of Scott Van Pelt and Russolo to listen to on my
Zune on the way home.
Did you own a Zune?
I had a Zune because I worked at like Did you own a Zune? Yeah, I had a Zune.
Because I worked at like Urge
and Urge was like a,
it was this music service for MTV
and we were like the Zune storefront.
So I had a Zune.
It was cool.
It broke a lot though.
Not really solid craftsmanship.
Was there more you wanted to say about this game?
We have some categories.
Do you want to hear about the categories?
Some of them are obvious.
These are fun categories, by the way.
Good job.
Oh, thanks.
Appreciate your support.
You're live on the podcast.
The first category is action thriller.
We've bundled those together.
The next category is comedy.
The next category, we. The next category we're
bringing back misunderstood, a new fan favorite. This is any movie that has a sub 60% score on
Rotten Tomatoes. You might be surprised to learn Michael Bay has quite a few contenders.
The next category, replacing our traditional blockbuster category, is mega blockbuster.
$250 million threshold.
Next category is Oscar nominee.
In fact, some of these films were nominated for Oscars
and of course, Wild Card.
You feeling good about this?
I mean, are you going to try to screw me
or are you going to be nice?
It depends on who gets the, what the rotation is here.
Well, let's find out because right now we have our producer,
Bobby Wagner, who's going to reveal the draft order.
And we don't know.
Okay, here I go.
Setting the draft order.
The Top Gun hat is present.
I don't know if anyone can hear this,
but the Scrabble tiles are in the hat.
The Top Gun hat that I've used to rig every
draft for the last three
years. Selecting first will be Amanda Dobbins.
Oh, shit.
I don't know how I feel about that.
And second overall will be
Which puts Chris on the turn.
Thank you, Bobby.
Thank you, Bobby.
I think he did a great job with that.
Nailed it.
Crushed it, as always. We're going to put our choices up on these.
Oh, yes.
And we're going to write them on the board.
Oh, so I also have to lead off on that.
I talked a big game about being very comfortable with, you know, comedy with the easel and now we'll see um okay we made
a we made a vamp pledge yes that we would vamp for one another whilst writing on the easel so
don't screw me on that so i i'm not and thank you for vamping while i make my decision see what this
is we've got so here's the other thing guys We vowed to do no computers because that would be a whole
thing. So we're doing
phones, but I'm not texting. I'm not doing phones.
I went analog.
I should have done that.
It's all upstairs, baby.
That was a room full of people who applauded
because you pressed print.
I actually needed my wife
to do it.
I know. I almost texted Zach, but he had already left.
Zach, are you here?
Can you wave?
I can't see you.
Okay, good.
Thank you.
Yeah, he's the printer in our house.
Okay, so...
I don't know.
Should I stand up first?
Should I write first?
What should I do here?
You're a grown woman.
I think you can figure it out.
That is true.
I guess getting up and down is also...
Okay, my first category.
You didn't like the turn?
No, I just don't want you to trip.
I'm okay.
It's going to be okay.
I know where the things are.
It's going to be an action thriller,
which is maybe not the category where you two would have picked it.
I didn't.
But now, okay, go ahead.
It is The Late Entrant, the 345 reveal, Ingl go ahead. Okay. It is the late entrant,
the 345 reveal,
Inglourious Bastards.
Oh, okay.
I'm supposed to write smaller because they want a lot of-
Interesting category massaging.
Would you call this an action thriller?
Okay, I was asking him.
Shut up, everybody. Yeah, no, it's an action um yeah sorry that i was supposed to i'm i'm
freestyling with the writing here this is not at all what we agreed to not even a little bit
i know what they wanted it legible and then i'm trying to have some flair
uh inglorious so inglorious bastards is Quentin Tarantino's masterpiece.
I don't know where the two U's are.
I think it's definitely in the tradition of like the heroic World War II movie.
We were just talking about World War II backstage.
There's just like a tremendous amount of gunfire and then actual setting things on fire on stage at the end.
There's, you know, R.I. RIP Diane Kruger in a gruesome way.
She's still with us.
She's still with us at her own.
RIP to the late, great Michael Fassbender
who died that day putting up the wrong amount of fingers.
He never made the killer.
Don't you just dreamed that um the reason that this
movie didn't make the the first cut of movies that were eligible is because i i had totally
forgotten this movie was released in mid-august and i yeah i just have a sense memory of it being
so hot i saw it at bam in brooklyn and you know and i was like okay so that must have been the
summer and then there was some sort of okay so that must have been the summer
and then there was some sort of filtering thing that you did on box office mojo but it did make
120 million dollars domestic and it was released on August 19th 2009 so it counts also would have
been eligible in Oscar nominee yes but not mega blockbuster yeah and I'll tell you what here's
the bigger question would it have been eligible in comedy?
Because it's hilarious.
I think so.
But I chose to take it here.
Well, who put you in charge?
I agree.
I have to make a choice.
I left a couple obvious ones for you guys.
I think this was the obvious one for me.
But if either of you were picking first, I wondered if you would go in a different direction. for you guys. I think this was the obvious one for me, but if either of you were picking first,
I wondered if you would go
in a different direction. We'll see.
Do you think we would have taken Inglourious Bastards?
No, no, no, no. I think you might have taken
something else with the first pick.
Once again, I'm acting in a spirit of generosity.
I know you say that,
but it doesn't read that way.
Somehow it never
feels like it. It feels like you're goading me
into taking something that belongs to you.
Don't fucking do it.
It's like Samuel L. Jackson.
It's like,
in the spirit of generosity, motherfucker!
You know?
It's really quite rude.
It's your turn, though.
I know.
But you can keep vamping.
We could talk about
Kamala went to Team USA basketball practice today.
I'm also going to take action thriller.
Which is weirdly not as strong a category as I would want it to be, despite it being summer blockbusters.
I'm taking the Dark Knight.
Oh, yeah.
It's fine that you did that, but that's a weird category.
I'm surprised you put it in that category.
Oh, it's probably because, I guess I should pull up the list of,
this also could have been a mega blockbuster, obviously.
I don't know if you guys remember this
but it made a shit ton of money it made it made the most money i was like genuinely shocked today
535 million domestic a billion worldwide i mean it makes sense but you like you look at the other
movies in the summer of 2018 and like you begin to understand the hell that we live in now because everyone's like you can make that much money um this is a good pick thanks
it's directed by christopher nolan a filmmaker i've always pledged a blind fealty to you really
shouldn't be allowed to pick his movie really has always done good work and i'm proud to be a fan of
his and to select his do you like this movie what are you talking about you like this this one you like shut up yes you know i like this movie don't do this here just i don't think you
should be allowed to take dark knight if you don't like interstellar wow hold on hold on
his 4d library of love you don't get fucking joker you don't love him, and he's... Stop, stop, stop, stop. His 4D library of love,
you don't get fucking Joker.
You won't watch Finding Nemo,
but you believe in that library bullshit.
Is this tough when you do Interstellar?
Because I'm kind of with him on Interstellar,
but Inception, I'm with you.
Me and all my young bulls out there
going to see Interstellar on Saturday nights.
Are you super mad
that I took Dark Knight? I'm really
annoyed, yeah.
Because you never come at me like that.
It was a crucial
chip in my draft board. Let's just put it that way.
I'm not exactly Howie Roseman over here. I needed
a couple of things to break my way.
So you took Dark Knight.
Do you want to talk about some of your favorite scenes in Dark Knight?
Are they all Jim Gordon's domestic scenes like
it's just sort of like nobody understands the
I do like a shine a light in the sky that everybody does my job for me.
You kind of said it all. You better make two picks quick. I'm not
quick. I can fucking vamping for you now.
It's not quick.
I can fucking take all the time I want, man.
Would you say Kamala wanted them to run horns?
Like, what did you think?
Oh my God.
She's like,
you guys shouldn't have Cooper in here.
She's calling out plays there.
I thought if I sat between the two,
I could save some of this off, but...
Look, I don't think...
For me, I got to be honest
and I got to be real.
I'm just... There's a bunch of stuff in Mega Blockbuster
I'm just not going to take.
I told them backstage, sometimes
I lie on the watch.
I'll say, I liked it and I didn't.
I've never lied on the big picture and I won't
start now. It's frankly not
true and you just lied again.
By saying I didn't lie,
the man who said that he loves
Seabiscuit on a podcast
and has never seen the film. I love what Seabiscuit represents.
And also, backstage he was like...
Did we find out? Backstage he literally
said Seabiscuit united the country
during World War II. Seabiscuit
raced in 1937.
So it was the Depression! It was just
another thing that he did. You know, it's another
notch on the belt. Things were getting very tense.
And then we googled American isolationism.
Remember? Also, how do you know what Seabiscuit did in the
40s? They didn't make the movie about that.
He was there with Churchill in Darkest Hour.
He was like, you just didn't see him. He's right off screen.
He's like, you gotta get
these guys out of Dunkirk. Come on.
It was actually Seab sea biscuit in the plane
it wasn't tom hardy flying in dunker i'm on him fuck this stuff just writes itself uh
wow you're really lost we haven't even picked one movie i mean all right all right you're
gonna do in mega blockbusters oh yeah i fine. I got a lot of choices. All right.
I'm fine.
So I just want you guys to know Mega Blockbusters is hard for me,
but there's this short list.
So I'm going to pick something first,
and it's going to be in the spirit of the big picture draft.
I'm going to pick Iron Man.
There you go.
Good pick.
And my next pick is going to be in comedy,
and it's going to be Talladega Nights.
Wow. Interesting. Wow.
I would not have gone there.
But he got what he wanted.
No disrespect to Ricky Bobby.
I do enjoy his work.
Iron Man was also in my mega blockbusters list,
so that's going to get interesting for me pretty quickly.
I'm so excited for you to draft Pirates of the Caribbean,
The Curse of the Black Girl. Can I tell you something? I've never seen a Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I'm aware excited for you to draft Pirates of the Caribbean, The Curse of the Black Girl.
Can I tell you something?
I've never seen a Pirates of the Caribbean movie.
I'm aware.
How do you know that?
Because I've known you for a long time.
Well, but it's just like,
when was I going to go see that?
We talk about movies twice a week,
every week for several years.
Sure, but we weren't doing it from 2002 to 2009 or whatever.
Do you think Tony Stark would be canceled
if he was around today?
Do you think he would have survived
cancel culture?
I don't know.
Yeah, it's tough.
You did.
I didn't sell arms, you know?
So you went Iron Man.
Which kicked off the MCU,
which is a franchise you love.
Let's talk about your handwriting for a second.
What's wrong with it?
What's going on?
I mean, what does that say next to Iron Man?
Oh, mega.
Iron Man kicked off the MCU, essentially ended cinema.
Thank you.
Talladega Nights, I think, is actually maybe...
Don't say it.
The movie I rewatched the most out of that cohort of films
you just doubled back and we're a big coward right there i didn't want to have a big you
were you gonna say it was the funniest movie of the 2000s is that what you were thinking no i
wasn't gonna say that i was i mean there are funnier movies on the comedy list available
i don't know about that oh okay i've got a've got a choice. Yeah. I also, to be fair,
was it never in a million years going to take your comedy
and get into like a whole thing?
That's very kind.
Well, it's more self-preservation.
What's your comedy?
Chicken Run?
Do you think I should take a comedy or a mega blockbuster?
What would you do?
You should take a mega blockbuster.
Or you have to do the entire architect speech
from Matrix Reloaded, one or the other.
I read that today, by the way.
I think you can probably safely go either way.
You can't really hurt me.
So that's how I'm answering this question.
Is that a challenge?
I'm curious about your Mega Blockbuster
because Dark Knight would have,
I mean, Dark Knight was my number one.
That was my Mega Blockbuster as well.
Yeah, my number one Mega Blockbuster.
Yeah, I was playing a little defense there
with the second overall pick.
We'll see if I screwed up.
I'm sure I did. In Mega Blockbuster. Yeah, I was playing a little defense there with the second overall pick. Okay. We'll see if I screwed up. I'm sure I did.
In Mega Blockbuster, no, no.
In comedy, I'm taking Superbad.
This was another 4 p.m. reveal.
So you're welcome, Sean.
This is a good movie.
I also remember seeing this movie at the Brooklyn,
the Prospect Park Theater.
The one with bedbugs.
The bedbugs, yeah.
And it just, with my then boyfriend,
who was incredibly stoned.
Me and Zach saw fucking Inception at that theater.
It changed our lives.
Who directed that?
You see how hard it is for them to vamp when i'm not doing
when i was like i went to brooklyn and there was a movie i was in brooklyn what do you want to talk
about you want to talk about mclovin let's talk about mclovin who directed the film who are the
stars let's vamp we're on movie podcast okay okay i think that they know michael serra
direct it yeah i know he's in the film by'm trying to direct it. I know, he's in the film, though.
By Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg.
That's right.
Their breakthrough.
That's right.
Into Hollywood.
Based on their experiences watching online porn
when they were 17.
Basically, right?
Just amazing.
I wish we had gotten the Hater and Rogen cop movie.
That would have been great.
Superbad, Immaculate, five-star film.
Amanda, you've got two picks.
I do.
Okay, sorry.
I was looking at the Mega Block.
So this is tough because we've got Sean's doc and my doc
and the Mega Blockbusters.
I think...
That's why I printed it out.
I mean, that was smart.
No issues.
Like I said, I wish that I'd thought about that earlier.
Okay, I guess...
So I'm going to do one thing
so this doesn't get ugly.
Though perhaps not in the category
that you expected, Chris Ryan.
In Oscar nominee.
Devil Wears Prada.
You know what?
Oh, no.
I was just like, I thought you were like
alley-ooping to me.
You were like, woge there, tipping the pick.
I forgot my marker
I'm thinking
with 13
the Charlotte Hornets
may be willing
to select
Oscar nominee
did you guys see
that there's going
to be a sequel
but it's going
to be traumatic
it's going to be
I mean
I don't know
if you've heard
but magazines
aren't in a good place
can we talk about that
before you make
your next pick
sure I'm fascinated by this decision devil wears I mean, I don't know if you've heard, but magazines aren't in a good place. Can we talk about that before you make your next pick?
I'm fascinated by this decision.
Devil wears.
IP come to haunt you after years of you rejecting it.
Oh, are you talking to me?
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, like that IP coming after me rejecting it?
No, it's not that I reject IP.
It's that I reject all the IP that you guys choose.
You know?
So finally they picked my IP.
And you think, good idea.
But if they made like the virgin homicides,
you'd be into it.
It's like virgins killing guys.
Well, we have a lot of those. I'm excited.
All of these look really chaotic.
Yeah, I mean, Meryl, Emily Blunt.
I read today that apparently Anne Hathaway and Stanley Tucci are also on board.
I hope so.
If they make it without Stanley Tucci, that's a real problem.
Is Adrian Grenier involved?
No, because at the end, he moved to Boston.
He learned how to make the fries.
I want his story.
I feel like we should follow him.
I think it's called The Bear.
Season three three anyway.
Is Blunt in it?
Is who in it?
So she, so, so the main setup as reported by Lauren Sherman in line,
she had Lauren as my friend.
So I'm giving her a shout out is that it's, it's basically Miranda Priestley,
AKA Merrill is still working at the magazine and they're on tough times.
She's blogging.
Yeah, she's blogging
every morning and just being like,
have you seen this street-style look?
And then Emily Blunt is now an executive
at a Louis Vuitton
type conglomerate.
And so I think
is sort of the adversary now.
That's as much as I know. Allegedly they're bringing Aline Brosh McKenna who wrote the original back that would be great
um I have another pick I forgot about that is there source text because the original film is
based on the novel right sort of but it's thinly veiled yes but it cuts like half of it out okay
there's not a sequel book that this is based on?
No, no, no, no, no.
I mean, Lauren Weisberger, who wrote the original, has written many other novels.
You've read them all?
I read the one about tennis.
It was okay.
You know.
Scintillating criticism.
It's just like, you know, another book with a bright cover.
And it was like, this person is on the tennis tour, but can she find love?
And she sort of did.
It's my favorite movie of the year.
It's called Challengers.
I guess I should do Mega Blockbuster.
I have to be honest, guys.
The options here, they're not very exciting.
There are the aforementioned pirates
of the caribbean film is that are we saying carry caribbean or caribbean what what
i don't know i'm just asking pirates of the caribbean is what old moms say at disneyland
when they're like should we go on the pirates of the caribbean caribbean i don't know i haven't
seen them okay um so you know you'd't know. I haven't seen them. Okay.
So, you know.
You'd know the exact pronunciation had you seen them, though.
It's very accurate.
Okay, so we've got like Shrek 2s on the board here.
I think there are 23 films eligible.
And, oh, so all three Shreks are available.
Several Harry Potter films. Have you seen any of the Shrek movies?
I think I've seen at least the first two.
I think I saw the original Shrek in theaters.
Did you not?
Because I was still in high school.
And what else did I have to do?
Were you sober?
In high school.
Chris, have you seen any Shrek films?
I've never seen a Shrek movie.
Because my high school would expel you.
Which is a whole other podcast.
You knew me then.
Why would I?
Do you think I was the kind of guy who was like, let's go see Shrek?
It wasn't.
Did you see they are making another one
that it'll be out in 2026
and we'll all be dead?
Okay, so all those Pirates movies,
some Transformers,
oh, you're just going to do Transformers.
That's fine.
Or will I?
Or will you?
Oh, right,
because I'm not going to take a Transformers for you.
I think I've seen the first one.
I guess I'll do Finding Nemo.
I don't know, in case you take that and something else.
It's a nice movie.
Um, sort of.
It's animated.
It's about a fish.
Is somebody named Ariel in that one?
No, that's Little Mermaid.
Okay, so Finding Nemo is about Nemo.
But who's looking for him?
Do you think your aversion to animation
is related to like a head injury or something?
I'll do it.
Will you try it for me so I can explain to you?
Okay, so it's actually very harrowing.
Like in the first 10 minutes, Nemo is abducted.
And the mom, no, the mom dies.
And then Nemo's abducted. what happens? They both go away.
Keep going, you got it. You're nailing it. This is great. This is whatever we paid for.
Yeah, mega blockbuster, thank you. At one point, Nemo's in a fish tank in Sydney,
with a lovely view of the harbor at that dentist, which I think about a lot.
And all the fish are trying to help him. You think about the lovely animated view
of the harbor in Sydney from Finding Nemo a lot?
Well, most dentists don't have that kind of real estate.
You're the best.
And then it's Ellen DeGeneres, right? It's Dory, who's like this forgetful fish. you're the best and then and then
it's Ellen DeGeneres
it's Dory
who's like
is this forgetful fish
oh no
this is like a new feature
of the show
where Amanda just reads
the Wikipedia of a movie
and starts cry laughing
I saw it
but she just keeps
swimming in circles
and she's like
where do we go
but at the end...
This is what happens when you make these categories.
At the end...
What's your due date?
Nemo and his dad are happy together.
Yeah, so it works out.
I don't see it now.
You explained it.
That's a spoiler alert for Finding Nemo.
Very good pick.
I was thinking about picking that.
Instead, in Mega Blockbuster, I'm going to take The Hangover.
Is that like a, what, can you guys classify that?
There was a little bit
of a whoa
like is that controversial
you're surprised
Sean's list
looks like
a 13 year old
that is brilliant
where a guy is just like
I'm never gonna watch
any movies
but these three movies
it's Batman.
And Zach Galifianakis in The Hangover.
Those are the only guys I care about.
I'm trying to be in the spirit of who I was then.
Yeah, I can tell.
I can tell.
When we were sitting in the sad, dank bars in the 2000s,
were you like, The Hangover is not politically correct?
I don't really like what they're doing in that film.
No, you were like, that's funny as shit.
Yeah, I'm just...
Did you go see The Hangover?
Yeah, 100%.
I mean, so did I.
I laughed.
It was like seeing ACDC in 1977.
People in the movie theater were like crying.
They're like, I can't believe you could make this.
Am I crazy?
Wasn't The Hangover a massive phenomenon?
It was.
I remember like Urban Outfitters sold that shirt that was like the baby carrier with the baby and the aviators.
And so you could be like Zach Allen.
Zach Allen.
Can't say it.
Sorry, I'm still stuck on Finding Nemo.
Yeah, it was a thing.
That's cool.
You didn't like it? No, I Nemo. Yeah, it was a thing. That's cool. You didn't like it?
No, I liked it.
I thought it was funny.
What's the name of that other guy
who did the Olsen for a while?
Justin Bartha.
Yeah, yeah.
Thank you.
What's up with him?
Ciara's always been like the Bartha of our crew.
We saw him once in Los Olivos, remember?
We saw him once.
He was wearing a giant hat.
Seemed like a nice fellow.
He was drinking wine.
Justin, are you here tonight? No?
Okay. Is he doing well?
Is he still performing? I'm sure he does fine.
Yeah. Okay. Does he have a pod?
Still hungover, you know?
Just minute by minute hangover
kind of frame analysis. That's a great idea.
Yeah? Right after this, that's
where we'll start.
Well, Chris, you're up.
You've got two picks.
In Oscar nominations.
Did you just make fun of the age of the movies that I drafted?
And you have Iron Man and Talladega.
Is that true?
For Oscar nom, I'm going to do Gladiator 1.
Good pick.
I'm sort of surprised that this
lasted this long.
Me too. Given the energy.
I will be hosting an outdoor film
festival where we just watch Gladiator
until Gladiator 2
comes out and starts tomorrow and it goes
until whenever that movie is coming out.
Every hour.
So I'll do Gladiator and Oscar
Nom and in action thriller,
I got to be me.
I'm going to do Born Supremacy.
So not Born Identity.
The second one.
Greengrass, son.
The second one.
Yeah, Carl Urban out here.
Joan Allen.
That's the thing.
The emergency break on.
It's his Joan Allen thing.
Did you just say Carl Urban?
Remember they find him
in the strip club
and he's like,
I do not work today.
And then they're like,
no, Roman Abramovich
is like,
you got to come to work.
And he's like,
fine, I will kill him.
He fucking shoots him
in the supermarket
and he's like,
And he pours the vodka
on his side
and they get in a crash
in the tunnel
and then he goes to the woman
and he's like,
I killed your mom,
my bad.
But he's fucking,
it's closure.
He's out.
But then he gets back in it.
Then he's standing outside
and like,
Joan Allen turns around.
He really do like Joan Allen.
Me too.
No, I meant you.
I mean,
I have respect for her.
She was in Seabiscuit.
Oh, I'll write them down.
Was there a moment that I've forgotten about
where I sat you guys down and said,
the future of this pod is just saying
what happens in a movie for 12 minutes straight?
What was Gladiator?
I don't remember that coming up.
It was really good.
How did I not get Gladiator?
What was I doing there?
I don't know.
That was a disaster.
I thought it was interesting when you said
that action thriller was light because I have a lot in there oh exciting uh well i've already picked so in that
category so it'll just kind of be spreading the wealth elsewhere be sure to mention them when we
get to honorable mentions okay okay yeah i made a little list of honorable mentions of things
that just barely weren't eligible. You know, just so.
Sounds like great content.
Coming up.
Movies that didn't make it.
I knew that you would want to do the traditional
listing a bunch of movies.
So I got ready.
Chris has written down the title of the film
Gladiator Part 1
an American Saga
yeah that's good
that's funny Christopher
are you guys
going to show up
and watch
Horizon on VOD
and go see
Horizon Part 2
an American Saga
this is fun
actually how many of you
raise your hand
if you saw
Horizon Part 1
wow okay so that's like how many of you will be going to see Horizon Part 2 colon an American Saga? Actually, how many of you? Raise your hand if you saw Horizon Part 1. Wow! Okay, so that's
How many of you will be going to see Horizon Part
2 colon an American Saga?
This is why this was not one of the highest
performing episodes of the year for us.
It turns out 70-year-olds don't know
how to listen to podcasts, and
all those under 70 did not see the film.
Are you saying
Gladiator has something in common
with Horizon?
I think it's great men seeing something that we didn't see
and putting it up on screen, you know?
Seeing something we didn't see.
Sharks in the Coliseum.
Sienna Miller on the plane, you know?
I've got to pick, huh?
I need an Oscar nominee.
And I need misunderstood. You have an Oscar nominee I do is gladiator part
one yeah it won no gladiator part one
and it did win yeah yeah yeah the big
one yeah um the secret is that like
really anything can be an Oscar nominee
because for this one it's true all the
blockbusters just like got in there for
one of the sound categories.
So you could really do anything that you wanted. What if I took Batman Begins?
I was like, this is the one
true Batman movie, but I okie
doke you guys by taking it fifth.
That'd be great. You think I should do that?
Yeah, it'd be very cool. It'd be consistent.
I think you may be
narrow casting when it came to
It's a good thing
none of my thoughts
on Nolan are recorded.
It's worked out well.
I'm going to take
an Oscar nominee.
Chris have you seen WALL-E?
I have seen WALL-E.
What do you remember
about it?
sitting in trash.
They sit, like, is that in the beginning or the end?
And do they get out of the trash?
No, well, they, like, find love in the middle of the trash. They're, like, drinking Big Gulp, right?
Well, those are the humans, yeah, and they can't really move.
Oh, WALL-E's the robot.
My bad.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And really move oh wally's the robot yeah yeah
yeah okay and then he falls in love with the other it's you start crying again
talking about the plot of wally we've done so much synopsis work on animated films tonight
i didn't know i found my calling what who does wally fall in love with sean
eve eve i said eve right i said eva okay what is i don't want to know what it stands for I found my calling. Who does WALL-E fall in love with, Sean? Eve. I said Eve, right?
I don't want to know what it stands for.
Yeah, but they find love in a hopeless place.
That's great.
He falls in love with a Tesla.
So did you.
I mean, WALL-E is... It's a masterpiece, yes?
And one of the best movies that will be drafted today.
Chris, you said you saw it, but didn't,
so you've lied once more in front of people.
No, I saw it.
I just don't really remember what happened.
Under what circumstances did you watch the film?
I think on DVD.
Uh-huh, by yourself?
In an apartment in Brooklyn.
Like with, I don't know if it was by myself or not.
I can't imagine it would be by myself.
Was it because you got bullied because of the awards?
Or you were just like, I'm going to try this.
No, I think I was more open to new experiences back then.
You know?
I wasn't so codified. I wasn't like a bit
where I was like, I don't watch drawings.
But like, it didn't really do a lot for me.
I think I
cried though. I think I did cry.
Oh no, I cried it up. I cried it up cry. Oh, no, I cried it up.
I cried it up.
Okay, but so now let's be clear.
Are you remembering seeing Wally or up?
But I do remember the, like, everybody's drinking sodas.
Yeah, but, like, you've been on the internet for, like, 10 years, you know, 15 since.
It's hard to know where real life starts and the internet begins, you know?
Congratulations on Wally.
Oh, it's my pick again.
Yeah, you have two picks.
Oh, sorry.
I thought I was vamping for you.
Your writing decisions are curious.
You're running out of some room here.
Well, the third one I asked Chris because I got tired of getting up.
Oh, Chris wrote that in there.
And I drew a fish.
As penance for spoiling my pick.
So what categories do you have left, Amanda?
So I have comedy, misunderstood,
and wildcard left.
And I suppose
I will go ahead
with comedy and misunderstood
because picking wildcard
early is early.
All right, comedy.
I'm going to go with my heart
and I'm going to take
wedding crashers.
Which I saw in a theater with my dad
and this shout whole montage situation
lives on as like one of those moments
where you're like, I'm just staring straight ahead
and I like wish that I weren't here.
But other than that, great experience.
Very funny movie.
Is your father a fan of Jane Seymour?
We didn't discuss that.
You know, my...
That's good shit.
That's great.
Famously, my dad comes out of most movies
and is either like,
that's the worst thing I've ever seen
or will that win 10 Oscars?
Hard to believe you're related.
And he didn't ask about the Oscars for Wedding Crashers.
But did he think it was bad?
No, he laughed a lot.
But I guess I think he, like many Academy voters,
doesn't believe that comedy is Oscar worthy.
It's the greatest opening 15 minutes
in American cinema history.
I mean, it's incredible.
The Dwight Yoakam, Rebecca DeMornay scene alone.
Just two crazy kids who want to try to love to fuck,
try to make it honest.
Wouldn't you just watch one Vince Vaughn,
Owen Wilson movie a year?
Wouldn't it be fine if they were just like,
yeah, and now we're garbage men.
Now we're senators. That's how I feel about Gladiator movies.
You keep circling back to Gladiator.
Put Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson in there.
Just have those guys.
Okay, so that is my comedy.
And then, Misunderstood.
I wish I...
Can I tell you something?
This is the French DVD.
Oh, that's correct.
It says Monsieur Brooks.
Oh, wow.
But it also says Mr. Brooks.
So maybe it's...
Is it international?
Is it going to play in your DVD player?
We've got region free at home, so we're all set.
Oh, wow.
Thank God.
Guys, don't.
Like, you know, don't...
You're in my house tonight.
Don't encourage him.
With all the boys.
All the Blu-ray boys are here.
Save your own money, you know.
Are you going to sign some product later?
Some what?
Sign some product, you know.
You mean like drugs?
No, I mean like when dudes bring you
like the 4K restoration of something,
will you be like, I see you Sean fantasy.
I always write.
I loved working on this.
Thank you.
So one thing that I wish I had introduced earlier is that I,
I do,
I think we should have added some sort of like reward system for just mega.
I mean,
I agree of difficulty almost degree.
degree of difficulty or just like bringing home a lot of money, you know? Oh, the more money you've made. Oh, degree of difficulty almost. Well, degree of difficulty
or just like bringing home a lot of money.
You know?
Oh, the more money you've made.
Oh, that's too late now.
It is too late now,
but I am about to lap both of you
with my misunderstood.
Clocking in at 55% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Little did they know,
Mamma Mia.
Which, which made 144 million domestic,
but literally made $500 million internationally.
Like more, so its international total is more than Iron Man.
This was like, I don't know what is up with British people
that they went to see this movie so many times.
The Swedes.
Yeah, I mean,
I love it.
They don't have that much buying power though.
I mean,
their economy is so powerful.
Look at Spotify.
this is,
this is a tremendous film.
This film,
the climactic scene is Meryl Streep singing.
The winner takes it all to Pierce Brosnan.
So that is,
I'm surprised you're alive
after seeing that in a movie. That's like
the most pure expression.
I love Meryl and
you know, one of the great actors.
You drafted her twice today. I'll put it up for you.
But I
wouldn't say that it's her best singing
performance, but it's her most
impassioned. What is her best singing
performance? Ricky and the Flash? I was about to say, I haven't seen Ricky and the Flash in a while, but Ricky and her most impassioned. What is her best singing performance?
Ricky and the Flash?
I was about to say, I haven't seen Ricky and the Flash in a while,
but Ricky and the Flash, really good.
We don't need to talk about Into the Woods.
Was she Joan Jett in Ricky and the Flash? Who was she playing?
Debbie Harry?
Any guesses out there?
Oh, thank you. Thank you so much for that.
And also, what was
the other one that I picked? Oh, Wedding Crashers. Thank you. Thank you you so much for that. And also, what was the other one that I picked?
Oh, Wedding Crashers.
Thank you.
Thank you all so much.
Because it's funny.
Would you say that Wedding Crashers is culturally misunderstood?
Anyway, Mamma Mia.
Heard they're going to make a Mamma Mia 3, even though, spoiler alert, certain key characters didn't make it out of Mamma Mia 2.
Do you know who they are?
I haven't seen either of these films.
Are you serious?
I've never seen one of these movies.
Who dies in 2?
Does Meryl die in 2?
Yeah, she does.
Is Iron Man in these movies?
So she's coming back as a force ghost in Mamma Mia 3?
She's like, they're going to figure it out.
They tried to do a thing where, so Lily James.
Does she die tragically?
Lily James is in these movies?
No, she's only in two.
Is she Meryl's mother?
No, she's younger Meryl.
Thank you guys so much.
See, everybody wants to recap.
You guys want to come to every episode?
Thank you.
But so it's like flashback.
It's like how she made her way to the greek island
because so the setup is that meryl runs an inn on a greek island and her daughter
you think i'm gonna stop now um but so then her daughter needs to find out who her dad is
and so she's two no this is one okay she invites her three possible dads to her out who her dad is. This is two. No, this is one. Oh, okay. She invites her three possible dads to her wedding
who are Stellan Skarsgård, Colin Firth, and Pierce Brosnan.
I can't believe you haven't seen this.
It's incredible.
And then the music of ABBA.
When you were talking,
I was thinking about how Sean and I
are going to make a movie called Hey Brother.
And it stars Austin Butler
and it's the music of the Allman Brothers.
I swear to God, I listen to the Allman Brothers
the full 40-minute drive to the arena.
And David Ellison just wrote us a check
for $125 million to develop this idea.
I've been pushing for the Skydance merger for months
because I need Hey Brother in production ASAP.
And Chris's screenplay is immaculate.
Austin Butler plays twins.
But it's Dwayne and Greg Allman?
No, just two twins who love the Allman Brothers.
Coming soon, for sure.
It's definitely coming out.
I've got to pick, don't I?
What do you have left?
I've got Misunderstood and I've got Wild Card. And I what do you have left I've got misunderstood and I've got wild card
and I'm happy to share with you that
Michael Bay has five films
eligible and misunderstood
I want you I want you to
really test yourself
your challenge yourself don't
just pick the easy one
pick the one you wanted what are you doing
no I don't want it. I want you to just...
I want...
You're a Bay scholar.
Show me.
Pick Revenge of the Fallen.
What's the one
where the Transformers
killed Kennedy?
What's that one?
That's the moon one.
It's Dark of the Moon.
It's an incredible film.
Did they kill Kennedy?
It literally questions
the moon landing and whether or not that like it's an incredible film. Did they kill Kennedy? It literally questions the moon landing
and whether or not that, like, it's Cybertron.
Michael Bay is so fucking funny, man.
And also, like, I think, did Megatron kill Kennedy?
Because I didn't see that part of the book depository when I went.
Lee Harvey was like, Megatron.
Optimus Prime.
Gary Oldman was so good
as Megatron, though.
No, I'm not going to take
Revenge of the Fallen,
which famously was filmed
during the last
writer's strike in Hollywood.
You don't say.
So they went into production
with an unfinished screenplay
in a movie about robots.
Not a good choice.
I'm taking Bad Boys 2.
This is 25%, I believe,
is the critics' score on Rotten Tomatoes,
which I think is just short-sighted.
I re-watched part of this
after having seen Bad Boys 4.
And let me tell you,
the passage of time is cruel.
Especially when it comes to the life behind Will Smith's eyes.
But anyway, sorry.
It's on film.
This is an amazing movie.
This is a perfect example of...
They drive over the favela in this one, right?
Critics who were like 68
years old... Did you not remember that?
Yeah, right?
I'm driving right over that.
Guy listens to MIA one time.
He's like, I know about favelas. No!
That's not what I meant. I meant that was a
crazy scene. I wasn't trying to make a social comment.
It's a great scene.
The critical establishment was not ready
to support Michael Bay's work at this time.
Maybe they're still not.
But I encourage you to listen to our episode
about Six Underground.
Oh, wow.
It is the best bad boys.
You're right.
It is.
Chris, you're up.
All right.
So I have to do Wild Card and Misunderstood, huh?
Is that it?
For Wild Card, I'm going to do Ocean's 13.
So I've got a movie in mind for you for Misunderstood,
and I'm fascinated to see if you take it.
Because when I think of this movie, I think of you.
Is it the movie I'm fascinated to see if you take it because when I think of this movie I think of you is it is it the movie I'm thinking of god let's fucking mind meld here for a second do you think it is this is a movie that for sure when we were in bars at this time you were like this
might be the best movie ever made before you saw it and were like, I'm locked in on one actor in this film and his work in this film.
And if you fuck this up,
you're not third chair.
This film has a 48% score.
So it's around the zone.
I think I'm thinking of it's not Seabiscuit.
It's not Seabiscuit. It's probably
not... Is it
I'll take SWAT.
Okay. Alright. I was thinking
of taking Troy.
Because we were in a Sandals and Swords
vibe tonight. What's your deal?
What? Brian Cox is incredible
in Troy.
Troy, I feel,
is like the most cable-watched movie
at the ringer
that has not been
They should make Troy 2.
Is it?
Yeah, like,
he and Jeff,
like, so much Troy
all the time.
Benioff wrote that.
David Benioff?
All right, well,
so I'll do...
Do you not recall
having a passionate feeling about not just Colin Farrell, off? Yeah. Great. Alright, well, so I'll do... Do you not recall having
a passionate feeling about
not just Colin Farrell, but
Josh Charles? Josh Charles.
You were like, Josh Charles is here. He has arrived
holding a gun in a movie.
And I was like, that guy's fine?
And you were like, it's Josh Charles.
It's Josh Charles. What are you doing?
Well, now you're back.
So I'll do SWAT.
Has anybody here even do SWAT. Okay. Yep.
Has anybody here even seen SWAT?
There's a lot of men here.
And what was your other pick?
Oh, Ocean's 13.
Do you have anything that you want to say about that?
Preferably into a microphone?
Love Ellen Barkin.
Okay. She's fantastic in that film.
Yeah, that's true.
That's a good movie.
Yeah, I like that.
They should make-
The whole fucking thing
with the earthquake is great.
Brad Pitt, seismologist.
Pacino's funny in that.
I'm pro.
They should make one of those
every year,
directed by Steven Soderbergh.
I feel like there's
meat on the table, though.
There's food on the table.
You left a movie out there.
I left a movie out there?
Yeah, that I just can't believe.
Well, I was hoping for some voice work at some point,
but we can maybe do that without you drafting it.
Is John Bernthal in a movie from one of these?
No, it's like it's some of your earliest
and to me most classic work.
Did Bono star in a film?
Is it Affleck from some of all fears no but i did re-watch that for this and i said even i can't go that movie is crazy what does
he become the president they drop a nuke on baltimore but like morgan freeman's in baltimore
but lives but then affleck has to become president I think.
And he's like 30.
You know?
He's like
I don't think that's legal.
Isn't 35 the minimum?
We need a maximum.
Once again
I'm not going to get
into this with you.
You have a last pick.
The last pick?
This is the last pick
of the draft?
No I have the last pick
but you have your
last pick.
I have my last pick.
Okay. So what don't you have? No, I have the last pick, but you have your last pick. I have my last pick, okay.
So what don't you have?
I don't have wild card.
Wouldn't it be amazing if I took Fahrenheit 9-11?
Is that what you thought I was going to take?
Because I was like, when that movie came out,
I stood outside the theater and I said,
this will not stand in front of me.
How can they do this?
I didn't say that.
Gosh. I'm't say that. Gosh.
I'm taking Step Brothers.
That's, I thought, the funniest movie.
I just wanted to mix it up.
Was this on the list before this afternoon?
Or was this another late edition?
Yeah, this was a late edition.
So, once again, you so once again it's also
light and pig i guess it wasn't on the list yeah okay that's that's why i'm like oh this was locked
and there were no changes to the printer after 3 15 do you not own a pen what's that you don't
own a pen no because you can write on the pages you can tell it's it's been a while
they really did ask us
to make this legible.
I'm so sorry, everyone.
So Talladega Nights
over Step Brothers for you?
No, but Talladega Nights,
I didn't know Step Brothers
qualified, frankly.
But I texted you
like five hours ago.
No, that was about
Inglorious Bastards, wasn't it?
But there was a whole chain.
There was a follow-up.
Oh, you know what?
My phone's been weird recently.
I don't know why.
Let's see.
Show on demand.
There's a picture
of Tom Cruise in Collateral.
I was not going to tell you
about Superbad or Princess Diaries.
And then there's
a whole bunch of them.
So the film
that I'm referring to
that you skipped on,
which I don't think
you're going to take
with the last bit
is Michael Mann's Collateral
I didn't look at this text message
that's my bad
that wasn't the voice work that I was referring to
is this common where you won't look at something I send you
for several hours unless prompted
because I send you a lot of
no I'm usually recording when that happens
and then I'm like I'm definitely going to write Sean something
really thoughtful back and then I just
get distracted by Cooper flag
You've got to pick.
I could be cute, but I think
I'm just going to pick a good movie.
At the
risk of sort of being repetitive i'm going to take the
born identity that's fine which is which is my favorite it was my backup and it's what i was
going to take an action thriller until inglorious bastards showed up um i watched the last 30
minutes of this right before i came here uh i wanted to see the clive owen and the house again
and that whole thing look what they do to us.
Yeah, exactly.
But then, you know, then I just kind of kept going.
Great film.
I've drafted in like five things out of this movie.
That was the other thing is I tried to like, I don't want to just.
You know, I was going to do Perfect Storm, but that's like.
That was the voice work.
Come on.
The people came.
To hear me do Diane Lane?
I highly doubt that. that's why I'm here
that's what I was waiting for
do you want me just
what's it like to be a man
friends and strangers
will approach you
or like imitate Diane Lane
for me right now
that's my question for you
what's it like
it's just like
do you want me to say Bobby
just be like I just one of my like I read the whole letter I know What's it like? It's just like, do you want me to say Bobby?
Just be like.
I just, one of my like last.
I heard the whole letter.
I know.
Bobby, you and me.
It's no great shakes, but I put curtains up.
But I.
I don't think a lot of people have seen a perfect storm. I fondly remember it.
Like one of, I guess the Mark Wahlberg podcast was one of the last pre-pandemic
podcasts that we did, and you read the full letter.
That's right. And then you also did the speech
from, what's the movie? The Gambler.
Yeah, he's the professor. Where he talks about Shakespeare.
Sadly, the Gambler
was not eligible for this podcast.
Oh, okay.
You have to write down the board identity.
Yeah, will you write it down for me? Can you reach?
What was it? The board identity.
This concludes our picks.
Do you guys feel good?
Wild card.
Thank you.
There were, I think, about 125 movies that were eligible here.
Obviously, we only drafted 18.
It was initially 116, right?
The pool got expanded thanks
to Amanda's sleuthing.
You didn't get that memo until
three minutes ago, Chris.
So I did discover that because
I guess I discovered it from
Inglourious Bastards, but then I was also
doing the work on The Prince's Diaries,
which was in consideration for Wildcard
and was
in fact eligible. It was another August release 108,
but the born identity is better than the princess diaries.
The princess diaries to barely made,
did not make it 95 million,
but I would have thought about that because as you know,
Shauna rhymes wrote it and that's Chris Pratt and his debut.
So there are people here who care about this.
Have you seen The Princess Diaries?
First one, yes.
Okay, yeah.
I mean, Anne Hathaway's, Dan,
you kind of have to be in the mix.
Second one I have not seen.
Does she become beautiful again?
Like what happens?
No, this time she has to get married
in order to preserve her face.
I hate when you get beautiful
and then you just get ugly again
and they're like, I gotta be beautiful again.
Like, no, this is crazy.
No, it's like she's going to lose
the throne to Genovia
unless she marries Chris Pine.
That's the country, right?
Yeah, they know.
Is that any relation to Sokovia?
Is it supposed to be?
It was before, so,
well, maybe it wasn't.
Was Ultron in Princess Diaries?
Wow. It's interesting. Princess Diaries? Wow.
It's interesting.
What honorable mentions?
Nobody took Pearl Harbor.
That was what I was hoping you would go for.
And that was eligible in Oscar nominee.
Yeah, despite all of our World War II discussion backstage,
which has wrought such stiff history here.
War of the Worlds is the one I thought somebody was going to take.
I just drafted War of the Worlds for something,
so I think it was
set piece draft.
No, it was on your pod.
Set piece draft.
Nobody took
an M. Night Shyamalan film.
Signs and The Village
were both eligible here.
This is the very rare
genuine thriller
non-Shyamalan division.
What Lies Beneath
came out in 2000.
It was on my
backup wildcard list pretty cool robert
zemeckis movie and it feels like the last time a movie terrible what it's a really bad movie it's
i mean that it's what how many of you have seen what lies is it like okay well isn't it like it
peaks in like a like it's a bathtub but then she like into... It's a little bit like what kind of thriller, horror
are you in the market for?
Do you want Carl Urban
to do it?
One starring adult men
over the age of 40?
Well, I mean, sure.
That's why I like it as well,
but the reveal's a little silly.
What's the reveal?
Go ahead and spoil it.
No, I don't want to spoil it
for people.
That's why I asked.
It's so funny, though,
that a movie like this
made $100 million
in theaters in America and 20 years later, everybody's like, I don't want to spoil it for people. That's why I asked. It's so funny, though, that a movie like this made $100 million in theaters in America,
and 20 years later, everybody's like,
I don't know what that is.
Is that a movie?
Who's Harrison Ford?
Is he alive?
It's crazy.
What happened to movies?
It's not His Girl Friday.
It's like an okay movie from the 2000s.
You're right.
That's fair.
So you have no other honorable mentions?
No, I got Dodgeball.
We said War of the Worlds.
Do you guys like Matrix Reloaded?
That architect got cooked in that scene, man.
What happened to him?
You thought he had a lot of good points.
So I read the speech today
because I was like,
maybe in my 40s I'll get it more. But when I saw. Cause I was like, maybe in my forties, I'll get it more.
But when I saw it, I was like, fuck, like, this is really, really cooking my noodle right now.
Like that was pretty progressive to like put that scene in there. Uh, but I still don't
understand it. Cause it's like all of it's premised on math. Uh, I really had a lot of stock in The Architect.
Jurassic Park 3,
Joe Johnson,
Alexander Payne wrote that?
He did.
He and Jim Taylor.
It's not bad.
Taylor Leone,
she's like,
I got to get my kid.
I would say it's pretty bad.
The first two Jurassic Park films were directed by Steven Spielberg.
That one wasn't.
Well, it can't all be directed
by Steven Spielberg.
If only. I mean, who says? Were you a fan films were directed by Steven Spielberg? That one wasn't. Well, it can't all be directed by Steven Spielberg.
I mean, who says?
Were you a fan of the scary movie films?
I think I saw the first one.
What'd you think?
Well, it's one of those things where when you see the parody
of the thing you've only seen intermittent
things of, you know, snippets of,
I guess I recognized the tropes.
It was fine. I wasn't on my list. Would you like to know some of the other things that were on my list? I of. I guess I recognized the tropes. It was fine. Okay.
I wasn't on my list.
Would you like to know some of the other things that were on my list?
I would.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Which I like.
Is it a TV show?
You know, I actually, I never finished the TV show.
I didn't even make it to the Italy episode, and I know you guys said they go to Italy,
and it's great, but I just, it was long.
I don't recall saying that.
No, the people out there. Oh, okay there okay they know they were all saying it and then um i there was a moment where i was like i should
really commit to my own bit and i should pick the da vinci code in misunderstood um but like
even i couldn't really go there also 25 on% on Rotten Tomatoes. Da Vinci or
Angels and Demons? Da Vinci
is 25%. Da Vinci's pretty good.
Just to borrow a trope from
one of our other podcasts
at The Ringer, if you just put
Cruz in the Da Vinci coat,
isn't it like a thousand times better?
Instead of like Tom Hanks is like,
oh, I grew my hair out.
That wasn't cool
but Cruz with that haircut
I mean it's true
but again
it's a holy grail thing
so I don't know if you would like it
yeah you remember
and it's in the Louvre
it's in her
it's in the Louvre
have you started to respect
the cup of Christ at all have I started to respect the cup of christ at all
have i started to respect have you like given it its proper due have you started to think maybe i
was wrong about it's a mythological object that was created by zealots hundreds of years after
christ's death so no i haven't okay you're turning the lights down on us because they want us to
leave no i'm not please stop talking about the holy grail again for the eighth time here are two movies that i actually like i i specifically
googled because i was mad that they weren't on the list um and it's because they weren't eligible
it wasn't sean's fault bring it on only made 68 million domestic yeah thank you so much much. Which, you know, that was important to me. And then, listen,
Legally Blonde,
96.5 million.
Wow. I know.
So we were almost there. That's tough.
We almost did it, America.
It's too bad.
Reese really,
nothing ever really broke her way after that.
That's tough.
Two words that have not come up in this discussion
as we wrap up, Harry Potter.
I think there were four,
maybe even five Harry Potter films
that were eligible.
The Prisoner.
But not the good one, right?
No, that was eligible.
The Prisoner of Azkaban was eligible,
directed by Alfonso Cuaron.
Thought about taking it.
Have you read those books?
I haven't.
I was actually hoping
I could read them
with my daughter.
I read the books
but I'm looking forward
to reading them.
You read them
as an adult woman alone.
I was in high school
when it started
so that actually did,
that was okay.
And then,
Not a girl,
not yet a woman.
And then,
you know,
the scene in Saltburn
where Jacob Elordi
is like by the pool
reading the last one
in 2007.
It's like,
that was me,
but not sadly.
Not Jacob Elordi.
You want to recap
your picks, Chris?
I had in
mega blockbuster
Iron Man.
In comedy,
I took Talladega Nights.
In Oscar nom, I took Gladiator,
which is also the Best Picture winner.
Born Supremacy in Action,
Ocean's 13 in Wild Card,
and SWAT in Misunderstood.
That's good.
It's a very Chris Ryan list.
This is really chaotic.
In Action Thriller,
I took Inglourious Bastards.
In Oscar nominee, I took The Devil Wears Prada,
which is really the only reason I came here tonight.
In Mega Blockbuster, I took and recapped the film Finding Nemo.
In Misunderstood, I took Mamma Mia.
In comedy, Wedding Crashers.
And Wild Card, The Bourne Identity.
Pretty good.
In action thriller, I took The Dark Knight.
In comedy, I took Superbad.
In mega blockbuster, I took
The Hangover, which is woke.
In Oscar, I took
Misunderstood, I took Bad Boys 2.
And in wild card, I took Step Brothers.
Who do you think won this draft?
Thank you all.
Thank you so much.
First pick reigns again.
The first pick curse. The first pick curse.
That's what it is.
The first pick curse.
That's what it is.
Can you believe how many women are here tonight?
I know.
I'm really excited.
A testimony to your power.
Hey, all jokes aside, what an amazing thing for you all to have come out tonight.
Thank you so much.
Thank you all.
It really means a lot.
The three of us love making this show. We really appreciate that you would come out tonight. Thank you so much. Thank you all. It really means a lot. The three of us
love making this show.
We really appreciate
that you would come see us.
A lot of people
helped put this show
on tonight.
Elizabeth Feerman
first and foremost
in events.
Helen and Charlie.
Corey, Jack Sanders.
You know our producer
Bobby Wagner.
I'm sure David.
There's a ton of people
here who work really hard on this stuff. So you guys being here Many of them are back there. Say hi. Naomi, Alea, I'm sure David. There's a ton of people here
who work really hard on this stuff.
So you guys being here and supporting it means a lot.
Yeah, say hi to them if you see them.
And thank you so much for coming out
and supporting the big picture.
Yeah, thank you guys.
We really appreciate it.
Oh, wait, no, no, no.
You got to do the thing.
Didn't you want to make everyone say see you at the movies?
Oh, yeah.
Would you guys say see you at the movies into my phone? Yeah, do you want to record it? Okay. All right. So you're going to film it and you want me to make everyone say see you at the movies? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Would you guys say see you at the movies into my phone?
Yeah, do you want to record it?
All right.
So you're going to film it and you want me to count everyone down?
Okay, but I don't have to be there.
Say see you at Horizon Part 2 at American Saga.
Three, two, one.
See you at the movies.
See you at the movies. Bye.