The Biggest Problem in the Universe - Episode 142

Episode Date: May 24, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Let's see. We live. Yeah, we should be live. No one's in prison, are they? Here you, me. You're gonna jump right into that? Hahahaha! Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:00:20 I don't approve of the thumbnail you used, by the way. I did change the show thumbnail. I can change it again. I just, you know, I thought big news, people would want to hear about it. Friend of the show is... Not your friend. Well, not my friend.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Definitely not after that thumbnail. No, I like, I like, look. Now he's in jail, you like him. No, no, no. Look, me and Nick had some animosity, but then we met at multiple lives. You framed him, didn't you? You called the cops on him, didn't you?
Starting point is 00:00:48 I did not frame him. I didn't call this in. This is not me. Look. I like Nick. Me and Nick, you know, I think we've had some good arguments over here. We are opposed politically, but of course, I do not walk him in.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Should we go rob a liquor store? You could be his roommate. Yeah, maybe we can hang out. Maybe I'll go get a bunch of guns and drugs, and then I can replicate the Nick Ricada experience. The very fun thrill ride, which has now landed Nick Ricada, his wife, and April Steelshoe. Okay, okay, okay. Let's take it easy on the wife. What?
Starting point is 00:01:19 I'm just accurately reporting what happened. I didn't say anything bad about her. She's in jail because her husband, I assume, had drugs and guns. Okay. And that's what happened. I'm not, you know, and that's fine. You know what, maybe these charges- In a non-drug area, right?
Starting point is 00:01:36 That's totally- In a non-drug area, you can't have that in a drug-free zone. You could get Subway wherever you want. I mean, Nick said some, you know, Nick got the veto curse. He should have not have picked those fights with me back then. You don't have a curse. Ralph has a curse. Ralph has a curse.
Starting point is 00:01:53 It's probably more a Ralph curse than anything else. Do you have any idea how bad this makes me look? It makes you look... Well, you know, you... This week has been an interesting week and I saw you tweeting some things and I was there and you know, of course I'm very loyal and I'm loyal to the show. You're not loyal at all! I'm very loyal.
Starting point is 00:02:11 What are you talking about? I'm very loyal. What do you define as loyal? You're ready to rat right away. Well, you know, of course... I'll defend you until you're...actually I'll defend you past the point where you're in prison. So this week, for those of you who missed it, began...
Starting point is 00:02:24 My friend just got out of federal prison. I'm Wednesday yesterday a different friend. Yes Well now you have another pen pal. You can send him a little letters Ask him ask him how he's doing all the fun things. He's doing Earlier this week. I was up late and I sent dick a text and I said you have got to tune into Nick Reketa stream and he said why is he is it a really fun one? I said no, he's drunk out of his mind and the famous Nick Reketa stream, which is Too loud. Oh brings audio bring veto down I don't know. It says audio is peaking
Starting point is 00:03:03 I don't know. It says audio is peaking. Oh. Audio's clipping. Oh. How about now? Crackling on the audio. Test 112. Well, here, play it back. Check, check, check, check. Maybe the mics need to be unplugged, plugged back in. There. Audio's clipping. Test 112. Crackling on the audio. Test 112. You sound fine. Well, here, play it back.
Starting point is 00:03:20 No, but I think I'm way louder than you. Am I? You sound fine to me. Audio's clipping. Test 112. Crackling on the audio test a little hot here play better now It says better better better better. Am I mess with a little bit. They're all saying it's better Let me just mess with it a little bit Is it too low there we go Dick is low. Well only one guy said that Test one one two there there there there. I think we're good forget about okay
Starting point is 00:03:49 It's early this week Turned on Nick. He was streaming. He was very drunk. I said, oh this is and you know Normally have I ever texted you about a Nick Reketa stream before now. I was like, wow, he's really drunk like He left the room for like 45 minutes. I'm in the chat was just hanging out being like where the fuck did Nick Exactly and then all this week there's been a lot of people saying I think Recada needs to get help yeah And you decided to step in and say no no everything's Need a bunch of fucking retards shouting at him on the internet. I agree well. You know what I was either did Ralph
Starting point is 00:04:32 I'm gonna say I saw that and I said well. I think you know he's having fun on the stream I think he knows he's a little too drunk, but he's playing He's got to take up Eric July on his offer to go to rehab well now actually I offered to pay Here's the thing is that this is the kind of situation where, you know, look, it could be a big problem. It could also just be a series of misadventures. Of course it's a series of misadventures. It's a series of misadventures.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Come on, Vito. He got a little too drunk and then unrelated, he, I guess, for some reason, for some reason for some reason April Stilto is at his house. I don't know who that is. Well uh. She doesn't look like she's worth five to ten. No I don't think she's worth five to ten either. I didn't see her on the mugshot mugshoties that's for sure. It's a very confusing situation but basically there's another podcaster named Stilto whose wife is divorcing him. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Yeah, yeah. Let's hear it. Let's hear it. People need to know. People need to know. And he said, oh, well, that's interesting. You know, they're having a divorce. She used to be his co-host on the show.
Starting point is 00:05:34 So a lot of people, especially in the WHC. Did he call the cops? No, he's, you know, it doesn't sound like he did. Do you know? No, but I will say people in the dabble verse who will be at Hackamani, don't forget, Biggest Problem will be there. He's promo code biggest. Do ex-husbands call the cops on their wives?
Starting point is 00:05:46 It's possible. It's possible he called it in. Look. I hope not. I hope not. I don't think he would call the cops on his ex-wife, the mother of his children, regardless. I don't think she is the mother of his children. Somehow April Steeltow ended up at Nick Reketa's house. Yeah. And now, it seems like it may be related that because of that and maybe because of the stream where he was drinking Someone called the cops got involved somehow the cops got involved
Starting point is 00:06:12 Mixing blow you know Johnny Depp Behind the wheel with Penelope Cruz freaking out Man, this is my fucking nightmare Wake up wake up Somebody wake me up. Nick Krakata has... Look, the point is that Nick Krakata is currently in jail. I don't believe he's been bailed out yet. Facing charges for... On Memorial Day weekend? He's not getting out until Tuesday. Oh shit, really? That's how the law works.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Oh no, because Monday's the holiday, so he's gonna wait. Yeah, got to sit around and wait tomorrow's Friday though. They could possibly get a bad feeling Okay, I flip it around real fast. Yeah, let's hope that that he's been really nice to the judges and law enforcement Down there they might like him. He's a fun guy He's a little too fun Again the charges as we've seen them, are so. Is it drug possession, I believe? Yeah, drug possession. It's not a tent to distribute, I hope.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Let's say they throw everything at you, man. Yeah, and firearms. Bunch of guns, sentence enhancers, you know. Any kind of gun, yeah, boom, that makes this one worse. So they must be illegally owned firearms, they're trying to say? Doesn't have to be shit. You can have a legally owned firearm and get a next to a gun. You've got illegal stuff, and you got danger around it
Starting point is 00:07:25 Yeah, it's worse. I don't know anything about any of that All I know is that Eric July should have paid for the god damn Damn Eric July of course damn it after this Eric. Why didn't you pay last week for his rehab? Eric July forced him into this actually made this. You were stressing him out with all your antics. Eric July saw the drunk stream and he of course posted a big rant blaming certain edgelords and degenerates for pushing a good Christian man like Nick Reketa down this path and offering to pay for Nick Reketa's rehab. And Null's still angry at me. Well I see a lot of people who are who have this narrative that if it weren't for the dastardly dick Masterson
Starting point is 00:08:11 That there's no way Nick Riketa would have brought this woman into his house and forced her to take drugs Whatever the fuck man is the only with the only possible way is and I'm sitting I invented it I'm sitting there thinking I've been hanging out with dick for two years And I never had a married woman coming to my house and get a free son That's enough that's enough for you exactly you cut me off from all the fun you let Nick do whatever he wants How's the audio is the audio good? I think I think our audience all take a break big Anyway the big L for you. Sorry that I did this, everyone.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I know, everything's my fault. As Johnny, the audio engineer, has told me, I need to lean into it. You need to lean into being the bad guy? No, it is my fault. I tried to stop it, and I didn't do it right. Like Cable from X-Men cartoon 97. Well, you needed to go back in time in front of Riketa from bringing April Steeltoe into his house.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I'm preventing something much bigger. That's why I have to do all this bad stuff. So that bad stuff happens to the people who are instrumentally not in an evil way they were just tricked into going along with this giant machination of what ultimately is the resurrection of Christ in the end of the world. You got to alternate cut of Butterfly Effect. You ever see the original ending of that movie? No, what is it? Ashton Kutcher goes back in time and strangles himself in the womb. So he's never born.
Starting point is 00:09:36 This is a movie? Well, they didn't release that ending. Sounds like a movie you would write. Audiences went, why the fuck a fetus is going gonna wrap that card around it's horrible All right, are you ready? I am as ready as all Well, I mean one of those tweets would have been fine. You could have done one I didn't say that yeah, I said Nick has a problem, but it's cool No, I said and I was right that guy said this is rock bottom, and I said no it's not
Starting point is 00:10:17 You were right about that. This is rock bottom. This is pretty. This is definitely rock bottom was I right or was I right? You were very right. This is rock bottom No, he was far away from rock bottom at the time he said that Yeah rock bottoms in about 12 hours. Yeah Rock bottom is all I'm saying is five-year charges that you're currently facing. Oh, is that rock bottom? No No, no, what are you gonna call this one then? I'll say this is the worst thing ever. I'll say he's not even a rock bottom yet You know what I'm really worried about I hope he doesn't lose that rumble deal that's my biggest because
Starting point is 00:10:49 that'll be like the death knell. Andrew Tate gets arrested for raping a minor or his brother raped a minor he's just raping and human trafficking Nick gets popped for doing something that I think should be legal. Right, and they're gonna go, well, you know, as a conservative company, we have certain values we have to uphold, and this drug conviction, we just don't think we can continue. Quartering, I saw the last thing he said,
Starting point is 00:11:16 oh, you should get a 12-hour suspension for how drunk he was. Like, what the fuck? 12-hour suspension? What the fuck are you talking about? If any rumble executives are in this, I'm sure they're not. This is probably the greatest drama you're ever going to have on that stupid network. If you end that deal now, you're a moron.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Hide a webcam in someone's ass. Sneak it in there to Nick. Sneak it into prison. Nick will do a prison show for you, Rumble. That'll be a good show. If Nick goes to prison and they let him livestream from prison, that's going to be the best broadcasting you'll ever see. That would be fantastic. That's so sad. It's all going to work out. You're very convinced it's not going to work out. I'm like, no, it's not going to work
Starting point is 00:11:55 out. It's something might work out. He doesn't have any other violent offenses on his record or anything. Oh man. Oh man. You're saying because he's in Minnesota. I wish I could have your optimism. I told you man, my friend just got out of federal prison for doing nothing. Boogie tried to kill a guy.
Starting point is 00:12:11 It's fine. And he didn't go to jail. So Nick Ricada should be fine. He didn't fire a gun at anybody. If Boogie got out, surely Nicky Ricketts is going to be fine. People hate, it's just a matter of what people hate. They fucking hate drugs, and they fucking hate anything with other guys' wives, because they're afraid of losing their wife.
Starting point is 00:12:31 They fucking hate that shit. It is true, it is a weird optics game. Actually, Nick would have a better time if he was a big fat guy like Boogie, and he could go in there and cry about blood cancer, and then they go, I don't want to put this sad sack in jail, he's gonna just fucking kill himself. Nick's got to gain 300 pounds. And Nick, you got to get fat. You got to get fat.
Starting point is 00:12:47 And go in front of the judge. Go, I don't know. I don't even want my kids back. And then you'll be fine. OK, now I'll play the actual game. Now, as the Dick Masters in Curse, going to strike me next. Why do you think I'm trying to make you lose weight?
Starting point is 00:13:00 I love that. No, why don't you say something? I've been bullying as hard as I can, Vito, for a year and I've got him to lose 20 pounds. Almost 30. Do you understand how stupid what it is that you're saying? Why don't you do something? I have this guy right in front of me. I'm teasing him with toys and trinkets and I can barely move the needle And I think that he's deciding to do it on his own actually quite honestly
Starting point is 00:13:29 I don't think I even deserve any credit. How do you think people work shit for brains? We have to save Nick Reketa. This is a save Nick Reketa stream all your super chats I'm a simple your thoughts and prayers that we will be assembling. I'm assembling a team Brandon Herrera a weapons expert yes, Chrissy Mare a bomb expert That's mean Okay, let's just do we're burning every fucking version Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha U-Universe! Don't drop this. Welcome to the biggest problem in the universe. The only show in the universe that covers every problem from gaming hoes to e-hi-oh. Gaming ho to e-hi-oh. How about that? E-Gio. E-Gio, sorry. That was my fake internet name. I'm your host, uh, Mr. Rongo.
Starting point is 00:14:40 All week on Twitter I was like, well, Dick, you don't gotta define him that hard you know you know you do clearly embarrassing That he yeah, I know ah He's gonna be fine everything's gonna be fine Kids and whatever else oh, that's called leverage man for the government for the state to get a plea deal Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah California, you know, it's a great state If you were in California, we'd be we'd be laughing we'd be saying what they fire on you're really loud still Kara Y'all are really loud
Starting point is 00:15:23 How about that, I mean you can't turn your volume down what do you what are you talking about laughing we'd be saying We'll see all right, maybe my girlfriend can put it on and text me if something's like California you could smoke fentanyl in front of City Hall and cops will show up and you know give you a bit I guess that's why I have such a lack of Daisy Opinion on the situations that I'm in California where nobody goes to jail for anything. So I don't know the, you know, for anything at all. You know, I beat the shit out of that woman,
Starting point is 00:15:57 tried to kill that cop, and I'm still just walking around having fun. Tried to kill a cop. Tried to kill a cop, and they said, hey. Doesn't matter. Yeah, you knock that off Don't think I even wrote down I won last week didn't I Why you really? Copied it down, you know, this is stuff. I normally fuck up on you know, what's great is this way earlier this week
Starting point is 00:16:24 I said hey dick you know what'd be great is if we got Nick on the show and you said I'll text him you know the day of the show to see if you can come on I did he his phone was in jail Yeah, well, I got a text from you, and you said I don't know why I can't I can't get a hold of Nick And then 30 minutes later you went oh fuck Get a text that just says well this is gonna be a weird show so all of you think Nick called in the hit up until like an hour before the show he's like I think I think Nick would call I would say this stuff though if I did put on the hit this is exactly what I mean exactly we
Starting point is 00:16:58 coordinated all this female gamers number one yeah again a women prom that's fine bad cell service I should win for getting to hit record I don't know why that's negative that I guess because everyone thinks so funny do anything That it requires them to record themselves. Yeah, and every other instance. It's a good thing Yeah, you forgot. Thank God I didn't record that and then donkey jelly and last which I think you guys are not respecting The the beautiful donkey which needs to be saved I'm not just talking about Nick Riketa
Starting point is 00:17:31 Donkey jelly that's good. That was a good problem If you had spent less time shilling super killer and more time helping Nick and Here's friend helping Nick and helping him do what? You're his friend. Fucking Sting, full steel toe. I don't know if she was there because it was just like She's a friend who's getting divorced, but my theory Alright, let's hear it. Call me crazy. Let's hear it. I don't actually know. I'll blink twice if I agree with you and I'll blink. I mean How how local is she to Nick Riketa? Uh oh, I regret this blinking bit. I
Starting point is 00:18:06 Assaulted my eyes. Alright, well, I don't know. I don't know anything about her. If Nick was doing... You know what? It's not my place to judge. I hope everything works out. Moving women into your house never... You know what? I'm gonna say if there's a divorced woman... Any of them. You know what? Here's a's, I'm gonna say if there's a divorced woman, like, any of them, any of them.
Starting point is 00:18:26 You know what, here's a couple bucks for a fucking hotel, no you can't come stay. A bad hotel in a bad neighborhood. Get one where the door opens right onto the street. Martin Luther King Boulevard, go down there, there's a really nice place. It's a motel, uh, three. You're bringing in a lot of crazy when you bring in a newly divorced woman. Okay, you're fucking Mr. Know-it-all. I mean this is what annoys me so much about it. Oh, he's rock bottom.
Starting point is 00:18:53 He's gonna drink himself to death. Oh, he's arrested. We were right. It's like, no, you weren't right. I don't know. I just have a theory. It seems to be. I think Nick drinking was nothing new.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Nick always drinks but this this April steeltoe situation is like a new variable where I go well there you go what happened there what's that all about and I can't wait to crack the car I can't wait to find out more about it on my favorite podcast W ATP which we will be appearing with in Vegas and that's all we're gonna be talking about guys don't forget next week in Vegas hackamania we will be doing a live show on Friday the Free nacrecada benefit that was this
Starting point is 00:19:38 And wherever out there where is it in Vegas we're gonna Joliet We're gonna do a locking them up and're going to do a fucking Reno. At the end of Blues Brothers. Yeah, exactly. So we will be in Vegas. Don't forget to go to Use promo code BIGGEST. And maybe we'll have the free Nick Cricata event. We'll raise some money for his legal fund.
Starting point is 00:19:58 What should I do? What should you do? Should I drink twice as much now because Nick can't this weekend? Or should I drink four nicks? Should I not drink at all now because Nick can't this weekend or should I drink for Nick? Should I not drink at all? I think double right? Well, I don't want to upset the demon that possessed them. Well, I'd say clearly the demon wanted liquor So I don't wanna I'm gonna make a tribute to the demon by drinking twice as much as I normally would this weekend Which is probably more than what? Well, you're like a Hollywood guy. You know, the rules of script writing.
Starting point is 00:20:25 This is the moment in the drug movie where- Where you double down. No, no. Yes, it is. Yeah, but that means you're going to hit your rock bottom next. But it's the point of the movie. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:20:35 No, the point of the movie is the other guy dies in prison, and then you learn a lesson. Then I'm not the main character of the movie. No, the main character can learn a lesson and get sober. Are you trying to make Requiem for a dream here? What the fuck? You're supposed to emerge from out of the darkness, not descend lower into it. Into the liquor. You're doing the wrong arc. No, no I'm not.
Starting point is 00:20:57 If you have a liquor problem you try to beat it, but then you learn that you have to embrace who you are, and you reverse it, and then it saves you. I know how to write a script. What movie did you watch with the characters lesson was I need to drink more. Beerfest. Incredible movie. Yeah classic. One of the classics they teach in all the script writing classes This is the moment in the movie where like your friend dies of heroin. This is Tra- Prometheus. This is the dead baby in Trainspotting, okay? And there's a lady crying over a dead baby You go. I got to get off the junk
Starting point is 00:21:30 So that's a joke Said I need more heroin to deal with this dead, baby. He was saying that sarcastically I need to get off this heroin You didn't pick up that subset cuz you have you said some Texas you bought this you know well I'm glad you're figuring out your narrative arc in the wake of your friends he was mostly tired he was mostly tired he had some bad news bad news sleepy guy tired and that drunk went to the bathroom 45 minutes just fell asleep probably fell asleep on the toilet happens to me all
Starting point is 00:22:02 the time sleep sometimes you take a little toilet nap. Nothing wrong with it. We have broken our record for all time concurrent viewers by the way. Thank you, Nick. YellowGhost says, it's not funny. Stop making it, stop making it. What do you want me to do? It's a fucking humor podcast and Nick Kainis and shit.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I talked to. Because April steel toe probably I talked I talked to an addiction specialist, and he said that we have to be concerned now more than ever sure and Pretend you want to call up the jail. Let's call it the jail. Oh, what if we get my just watch the gym I need a business expert. I need Eric July because jail is kind of like a warehouse. So I got Eric July as the warehouse expert. Tracey Mayer is a demolition. I don't know if you confused that with a joke or something.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Right. Specialist. Who else did I say? You said Brandon Herrera. Brandon Herrera is a weapons specialist. And Doug Tenable, in case we need to get anything off the shelf. Doug can come in Grab it big old tall Doug the keys for Nick's jail cellar on a very tall shelf I can't get it even with Chrissy Mayer on my shoulders
Starting point is 00:23:14 Which I can only do for a second or two before I'm worried about my spine breaking. Can you come in? See is another another bad joke The biggest problem the universe is going to be all the fucking moralizing from all these fucking YouTube guys man going well That's what happens. I know I really hate that Oh God Would they all think they're like a paragon like a lifestyle people can't beat addiction like it's really hard They have to do it for themselves. You can't you can't stop them You can treat them like yeah total shit You can treat them like they're gods and it's just random if it works or not
Starting point is 00:23:47 I've known people were like a good and it's like the idea that yeah Oh, why don't you like help him do this thing? It's like you can like people do that like you think there's not people around him all the time. Whatever else. Yeah It's like now they're addicted to a substance. Yeah, it's and that's why so fucking annoying don't have to lose weight It's not a big deal. All right That's why I don't have to lose weight. It's not a big deal. All right? Well, just in case anyone's confused,
Starting point is 00:24:07 I'm not really trying to help you though. I'm just using his addiction for comedy. It's very different. Yeah, exactly. Unlike Nick Riquet. If sandwiches were illegal, it would be a different story. Well, that's what I kind of said when somebody came to me and they're like,
Starting point is 00:24:21 I'm really worried about Nick. Addiction is real. I'm like, bitch, I'm addicted to cheeseburgers. Nobody ever comes crying to me about it. You know? Addictions happen. Should I just say my problem up front before I read the- It's up to you.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Nah, I'll wait. Yellow Ghost, E-Thoughts are like that. Women are ruining games. They can't handle shit talk and cry about it to the point that you can't even tell someone to shut the fuck up and call of duty now without being banned. Yeah, it's a nightmare. People loved your woman, baby impression. We got a clip that I think we are clipping man Captain cheese says thank God Vito lost weight this week I was watching the stream with a gun barrel in my mouth in case he was over 300 pounds very important
Starting point is 00:24:57 Did you lose weight this week? Do you think? It's pretty impressive. I told everyone It's pretty impressive. I told everyone That I lost a little bit That I'm finally blow 290 after like months I'll say I think I maintained pretty okay. Remember I would have I can't take more bad news today
Starting point is 00:25:14 We're doing a show a day early I can't take my bad news today I could have done a little better What are you gonna chop it all off at the end? Is that your weight loss roller coaster? Exactly Who is this It all off at the end is that how you that your weight loss weight loss roller coaster exactly? Huh, who is this steel-toe lady? I don't know don't you don't want to know that's too much of death don't invite her in your home Well end up like Nikki fucking Rickets
Starting point is 00:25:38 five to life charge King Europe says So that's vetoes intentionally fraudulent Amazon listings to add to the vetoes projects stinger. I just thought it would be funny It's kind of these says funny is veto loses weight. It seems like dick keeps packing it on Yeah, I'm going down. You're going up. I need some special weight loss some special weight loss. Now soon as you know what I'm talking about. No, don't. Stop.
Starting point is 00:26:04 HD Attila, puppets, costumes, fog machines. This show is checking all my boxes. You guys, the puppets are really great. Adam Martin says I can't wait for my super killer thermos. So I posted, I'm working on the launch box. We've got a great design for the launch box. And I said, what do you guys think of the launch box? Andbox and everybody said probably a hundred replies saying I can't wait to see what It looks like with the thermos and can't wait to see that thermos man. Let's see it
Starting point is 00:26:32 I'm thinking about doing a thermos asker says my favorite part of it. I looked I couldn't find a vintage like retro thermos They don't do them. Yeah, you were right. Thank you You never look as hard for something unless it's to prove unless it's the prove someone wrong. You definitely can't get the lunchboxes. What the hell we should do that. Honestly, we should set up a factory in China. The first Chinese vagary that starts making those plastic lunchboxes again. They could kill it. Yeah, they would make a shit ton of money. Everybody wants to make them. Everybody wants to make them. Okay, I have other comic guys coming to me going, oh man, those lunchboxes are sick. Why don't you make the plastic ones? Like, can I make the plastic ones?
Starting point is 00:27:05 I'm like, you can't. You'd have to get a mold. Chinese don't get it. No, they don't know. Why you want plastic? This is built. Why you want this built? Asker says, my favorite part of Biggest Problems.
Starting point is 00:27:12 We put a bunch of vijayo inside to make it extra spicy. Is all the people seething each week when Vito does Vito things. You people are a trip. Touch grass. Thank you. Roll dolls, or Onion Desu says, Vito seriously thinks he's better than Roll doll. Super killer better be phenomenal. Finch stream says Vito is saying he is quote, infinitely better than Roll doll is quite
Starting point is 00:27:35 possibly the greatest thing I have ever heard anyone say. So you guess you're kinda right. Okay, as far as he does a book about a chocolate factory. Yeah. And then there's a kid a big peach Fucks that shit you could have come up Every day every second factory What about a horse made of ketchup? Yeah?
Starting point is 00:28:04 Your mom is salami I think of this circus, but it's full of pigs and they go on and you can eat them Yeah, and you can eat them I was talking about the food stuff because you it's food Yeah, all sorts of food. You'll take our bacon. Yeah, it's a bacon circus John says thank God Vito's carrying the show bringing in every man problems fuck dick in his ivory tower Jio, what is it? Jio is a problem close to my heart because my second job is working at the donkey blowjob factory. Wow. If I lose my second job, I'll lose my house. My marriage will fall apart and my kids will be embarrassed of me. Oh, that's not- I'm pissed because a fan was like, uh, I'm going to send in some a Jio and then we found out it is illegal to, uh, send a Jio to California.
Starting point is 00:28:40 We don't want to end up in the, in the pokey. Yeah. Well, if we, if our arrest is for illegally importing donkey jelly I'm gonna feel way stupider than Nikki fucking Ricketts. I'm gonna go. Oh, man. I can't believe it I can't believe they got me on donkey trafficking of all fucking things You know what he's gonna pin it all on April Steeltoe. She's the fall guy here. Uhhh... He might be fine. Uhhh...
Starting point is 00:29:12 It might have been a weed. Was it weed? We don't even know what drugs it was. It's fuckin' not California, bro. They do not think it's funny. Outside of here. Yeah, but everybody... Come on. Every part of the country has a fuckin fucking fentanyl crisis, and they're not putting all those guys. They don't think that shit is funny either No, but they're not like I think the drug thing they're like putting guys Give big guys big stints for drug shit, but you think that's over. I would hope so Tim Allen You think that's over well Tim Allen had to rat on the whoever sold the drugs That's over. Well Tim Allen had to rat. Maybe they can rat on whoever's sold him the drugs
Starting point is 00:29:55 That's what I'll do if I get arrested. Now. I just want to say now looking back doesn't the drunk stream not look so bad I Was right? Yeah, it gets it gets you watch the drunk stream, at least it's not getting arrested or anything crazy. It gets way worse. It gets way worse. It always gets way, way worse. You make a good point that this kind of puts things in perspective that people go, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:30:13 can you believe this thing that happened on the internet? Right, right. And you're like, you know, there's guys going to jail for shit and there's way worse things going on in the world. Yeah. This is fascinating. If anyone has any... Is that Rock Bottom? No. The problem with doing this show is now I want updates.
Starting point is 00:30:32 I want to be refreshing. What do you mean you want updates? Who's setting up the Nick Reketa law like a jail tracker? I want a pizza tracker for Nick Reketa getting out of jail. How long he's been in there, which one of them is getting out first, what's the maximum possible time you can get on the charges, a little grab. You want to bet on it? Is that what you're saying? No, no, I want to bet on it.
Starting point is 00:30:53 I just want a pizza tracker. And I would know. It would make me feel like I have more of a control over the situation. The way the pizza tracker is an illusion, as've discussed not in the I've used to believe that It's I mean you don't press a button when the pizza comes out of the oven. It's guesstimating There's nobody there going to press some kind of a fucking button. It's ready to go. It just gas It's like how it works at McDonald's after you press after you make the order
Starting point is 00:31:20 It's just like five minutes after you make the order. It's like yeah, it's definitely in the oven problem How would you feel if your favorite pizza went to prison let's try to put this in terms you would you know what I get but when you're on the make line which is what you called the line where you make the pizza when you're on the make line I guess you do like hit enter after you finish making a pizza so maybe that gets fed into pizza tracker but I assume not maybe when Nick gets out of jail there's like a little button he can press to say I made bail and that'll update all the, you know, I thought Noel would be happy.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Noel, you think Noel would be happy about this? I thought he would be happy. He was happy when Ralph, when I didn't, I haven't felt like this since Ralph's sex tape. Yeah. Or I'm like, oh no. Well, I would say, uh... That was when Noel broke up with me the first time though. It's probably a smart move. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Hahaha! Well, you're the Grim Reaper apparently. I am the Grim Reaper apparently. I am the Grim Reaper. Now come on, who else has this happened to in your circle? Maddox, but that was his fault. It's always their fault. Another guy whose name I won't bring up. Nick Reketa. Oh god, what am I doing here? I'm fucked. I'm fucked. You better have some kind of insurance. Yeah, well. You better tiddle your winks. Keep them polished. We dodged the Eric July lawsuit expertly, so now I've been riding high. I know. The big one's coming. That's the problem with me though, I get the Karma Tornado going and whip it around, and then
Starting point is 00:32:35 it comes back around in like 18 months. Okay, here's the thing though, here's the thing. And I go, whoa, and I go, why don't you dodge that? I am afraid of the Karma Tornado. Okay, do you get this like weird feeling or like something happens to somebody Like like this thing happens in neck and I'm like, oh man I've been on kind of I've been kind of on an upswing lately. Everything's been going kind of good. I'm feeling good Yeah, I'm like, oh, yeah I did make a bundle on that stock that you kept telling me not to buy though. That was great him's and hers. Oh My god, no, it's that's the day trading. I buy it and I hold it
Starting point is 00:33:12 Yeah, I got a shit ton of everybody's been listening to this show buying him's they were sending me messages of thanks for making me rich Vito I bought Nvidia at like 80 bucks and sold it at 200 bucks like three years. Oh, wow Yeah, it's over a thousand dollars a share in and send me to prison. I still have 20 shares I bought it one and one eighty I bought 20 shares and I sold but I sold I had 25 of them and I sold five I was like I know for the one time in my life. I'm gonna be smart the stocks up big Let me sell a little off and that's what I thought I'm like, that's five grand I just pissed, you know for the one time in my life. I'm gonna be smart the stocks up big Let me sell a little off and now I thought I'm like that's five grand I just pissed away at it for oh my god
Starting point is 00:33:49 Five grand. Yeah, five grand would be that would well I know another guy owns like a thousand shares and kept telling me to buy the same amount I'm like now it's not gonna be that big Jay says during the mr. Birchham segment Vito was way off about gamers He's thinking of anime weirdos. They're the ones who put cat ears and go trans. Sadly, they... Oh, I'm sorry, the anime kids don't play video games now? What the fuck world are you living in, retard? I hope Nick doesn't bring his E-girl outfit into prison.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I think he might do very well for himself in there. He's too tall. He'd have to be a Dami-mami. Dami-mami. Muscle-mami. Aren are most of the transgenders They're very tall people Taller than women you mean yeah, I think so yeah This shows a mess I just I can't get it off my mind anything other stuff anything. There's a lot going on
Starting point is 00:34:43 You may do my problem no I want to do voted up for okay I don't know if you have a song I do it up. I did prepare well I thought I did but now it's oh, then I realized I didn't move the Stuff in let me sorry we all got a lot on our minds guys Don't forget every five dollars that you send it a super chat It gives another angel its wings it makes me see to help Yeah, it's making it Dixie every five dollars in the super chat is another stripe on Nick's prison uniform It's a it's really gonna help him out. I think your thoughts and prayers. I'll tell you we'll relay the thoughts of person He's gonna watch this later. Oh, you know what you clowns actually we're thinking and praying too much
Starting point is 00:35:22 Yeah, that's what caused this too many thoughts and prayers you got to just fucking relax sometimes well we're all pulling for Nick and every five dollars means we're pulling a little bit I mean he can't monetize it he's in prison why don't we monetize somebody's got to steal the house yeah come on tell you what I'll make sure you put it if you put enough money in the bucket I'll make sure those kids aren't don't go It's all gonna be fine, it's all gonna be great is there some kind of If anybody goes to jail to eat Nick they're gonna put miss miss Rika, okay, okay, okay, okay That's enough about the wife and I'm not saying bad about her I'm saying she's gonna be
Starting point is 00:36:08 fine I just don't like talking about all right I'm sorry this is on from Colt good tell me if it's too loud might be too quiet oops oops oops sorry sorry sorry too many thoughts and prayers. Hahaha! Definitely too many thoughts. Well... Yeah! It's all a work. Is he gonna have a... He's gonna have a commissary card.
Starting point is 00:37:07 I mean, Nick will be king of prison. He'll have ten million dollars on his fucking- He can write a great book about it. He can write a great prison book. Plenty of great books have been written for prison. A lot of great prison books have been written for prison. Guys, welcome to Voted Up, the exciting segment where we revisit past problems and put them in a new light. I'm gonna be sick. Well you won't be sick after hearing this news. In fact this
Starting point is 00:37:29 news is probably a boon to the nation. Dick you may remember a recent episode, episode 134, I brought in the problem of buffet anxiety. Sure yeah. This is the problem of... Do they have that in prison? Do they have the situation? I don't want macaroni with maggots Let me get two milks Two milks With all my strawberry milk today Well every five dollars we'll kick in a dollar to Nick's commissary How's that sound? Thank God he's black
Starting point is 00:37:57 Thank God he's black, he's gonna be fine Well, Dick, I'll tell you, you don't have to worry about All you can eat at a certain establishment And that establishment is of course Red Lobster which has filed for bankruptcy after a series of disastrous missteps. The school to Red Lobster to prison pipeline I've heard of it. It's a big one. Yeah. It's a big one. Have you been to the Cheddar Bay? Not in a long time. It's a horrible place. A lot of fentanyl crisis in the Cheddar Bay is real. Right now, Red Lobster, the America's largest seafood
Starting point is 00:38:28 chain known for its shrimp and Cheddar Bay biscuits, has filed for bankruptcy. The seafood restaurants are in hot water after a series of bad choices by a parade of executives, including an ill-fated all-you-can-eat shrimp menu, starting at $20, which I famously tried to enjoy with my friend. And it was a disastrous occasion
Starting point is 00:38:46 Wait, why what I remember we got trapped at the bread lobster And they would not bring us our bill and they charged it was horrible. Yeah almost 580 Locations are expected to stay open during the process. But last week dozens of lobster Locations did crows did close abruptly auctioning off their freezers, ovens, booths, and lobster tanks. We could have had a lobster tank.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Shit. We could have went to a Red Lobster auction. That would have been fun. Shit. The biggest, one of the biggest problems for them was of course the ultimate endless shrimp deal, which is a classic, you know, it used to be a limited promotion. It would be this week only. Are you saying that's why they went bankrupt?
Starting point is 00:39:23 They lost them eleven million dollars No, that's not a hedge fund a hedge fund bought them and separated them From their land having the real reason it's less interesting. That's a bad. That's fucking dirty though It's not what happened in the McDonald's. It was a the land was the big problem Ray Kroc took over Well, yeah, yeah, yeah McDonald's works that, too. They rent you the land forever. Yeah. Yeah. So rented it a little too hard. They rented it a little too hard. Well, part of the problem was, again, losing 11 million to just letting people come in
Starting point is 00:39:56 and get endless shrimp. I don't know if you've seen the TikTok videos of families. What kind of family ethnic persuasion Mexicans love They call them shrimp. I saw them going in they're like do you guys want to order anything else? And they're like yeah more shrimp you want to drink or anything and they're like water is fine And they can't do shit because it's no legal. It's illegal You can't not they expect everyone to come in and drink their mind off. They were actually owned by Thai Union, which is a big, or at least that was one of their part owners, was like a big Asian seafood concern.
Starting point is 00:40:29 So it's actually how they were dumping all their shit shrimp. They're like, oh, we can't sell this shrimp anywhere, let's just buy red lobster. They didn't know how much shit Americans could eat. Yeah, exactly. They're like, oh my god, we lost money on the bad shrimp. was trash. Holy shit possible. Yeah, it's a Fascinating so you eat all that truth So again, they're saying that 11 million dollars in loss is due to the endless shrimp feast We will see some again. They're filing for bankruptcy. Someone could you know, they can emerge from bankruptcy it might not be the complete end of red lobster though red lobster you can have a restaurant you can't have a restaurant that's like fun and has unlimited food if hedge fund companies raping you with like rental rates over land that they
Starting point is 00:41:14 own that's like the whole the worst part about everything they do you just can't we just can't have anything nice and fun and like leisurely you have to sign up but you're you have a sign of subscription to go and eat like 25 cent wings Oh, yeah, well, you know, we can't do that anymore cuz fucking similar stuff happened Did similar stuff happen to like Toys R Us to we're like hedge funds picked it apart. Yeah, all these companies Yeah, just end up in these like driving into the ground It's like these insane deals that are just meant to enrich the executives who set them up and destroy again tens of thousands of jobs.
Starting point is 00:41:45 They belong in prison. Well, prison is reserved, of course, for those who enjoy drugs and firearms, Dick. We know that. The wrong drugs. The wrong drugs. Yeah, not allowed to do that. Well, guys, Buff Anxiety is currently number 603
Starting point is 00:41:58 with negative 75 votes. I think after this news, you gotta vote it up. I got one more for you, Dick. This was from episode 103. This is one you brought in. And it's the idea that you might see a picture and you enjoy the picture so much because of how incredible a picture it is. This is the problem of, of course, mugshot envy. So that would be, you know, if there's a mugshot that you look at, you know, you might see a picture of somebody who's been arrested recently and you go, uh, we got a recent mug
Starting point is 00:42:33 show we can poke up and let's see how much mug shot envy we get from this. I don't know who it could be. Any number of, let's just pick one randomly or random Search not convicted search the database for arrested you know as within the last 24 hours I'm sure there will find is there any does anybody have the mugshot here I'm not showing that one because it's got just click on go to Twitter everyone's got it fucking What'd you call it Ralph's got it Ethan Ralph? Ethan Ralph's thing hey Come on just click on his name. He's right there, right? Oh, I didn't see Ralph there
Starting point is 00:43:13 Come on. Give me a just Ethan Ralph. I think there you go on the t-shirt. That's cool. I want to make that sure Okay, that's what I mean. You want to make that shirt. It was already made right there. I was gonna make it sell What do you mean you want to make that shirt? It was already made right there. Oh, I was gonna make it before. Don't sell Nick's mugshot, you cock sucker! If I got arrested you would make fucking Vito mugshot shirts, come on! No, I wouldn't! Yes you would. You're stealing his fucking money, you fucking scumbag! I'm gonna fucking vector it, it's gonna be cool.
Starting point is 00:43:37 You are such a fucking scumbag. I'm gonna make it like the OJ, the old OJ things like OJ guilty or innocent, I'll have his hands holding the bars or whatever. Every do- look at that dog that's why you're safe because you're just totally unscrupulous because the fucking karma tornado slings all the shit around this all the fucking debris around and you're already cowering looking for fucking pennies and scrap the thing I get looking for taking that I'm vectorizing it it's gonna be Nick Rrakato holding onto the bars. That's gonna say free Nick. I put it into Chad GBC, I said make this into an anime.
Starting point is 00:44:09 I was like, I can't post this. He's your friend. To me, he's just like that guy I see sometimes. I like him. That's a good, look he looks, I mean, is this a good mugshot pose, you think? The kind of like. I know what he got arrested for, just looking at the face, yeah. That's a great mugshot. It's kind of a good mugshot pose you think the kind of like I know what he got he got arrested for just looking at the face
Starting point is 00:45:27 Like, what? He's going to jail? It's not real. Everything's fine. He looks good. He looks good. He's got a good demeanor about him. He got too drunk. Got a little too drunk. And brought the wrong woman into the house. And who knows what happened.
Starting point is 00:45:44 There's not a right one. That's the problem. There's not a right one. Any woman. You already had one woman in the house and who knows not a right one. That's the problem There's not anyone in it. You already had one woman in that house the second you why would you want any more? Well guys mugshot envy is surprisingly also in the negative number 596 with negative 65s, but after you see this and you think I hope that I can face The scrutiny of the you know what he's thinking right now? He's thinking, man, everybody on fucking Twitter's gonna have a field day with this shit. That's the look of a man. Who's the worst? Mars girl's gotta be the worst.
Starting point is 00:46:12 All these fucking clowns. It's gonna be an exhausting month. I knew he had a problem. I knew he had a problem. Once he fell in with that dick master shit. I knew he had a problem. And that veto. I knew he had a problem.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I see Melanie Mack in the quartering lecturing EVS. I knew he had a problem. I knew he had a problem. I knew he had a problem. I knew he had a problem. I knew he had a problem. I knew he had a problem. I knew he had a problem. I knew he had a problem once he fell in with those with that dick in that veto and See Melanie Mac in the quartering lecturing the EVS on hanging out with us and all this other shit Doesn't Melanie Mac into the hospital twice. Yeah, what the fuck? Why don't you? Limit your fucking butter intake you old bitch you dumb old bitch
Starting point is 00:46:42 Why are we the boogeyman? Oh, I said was I don't like Eric Jalai's fucking comic book. And I was like everybody on the- it's not any good. And it's like those guys are just the most toxic individuals who ever exist. And look what they did to Nick Krakata. They told him drinking was fun. And now he's destroyed. I invented alcohol. You basically-
Starting point is 00:47:01 I went back in time. You are the Dionysus apparently to these people. You're dancing around with your pan flute getting everyone drunk on your fucking sweet berry wine you like my hooved feet you should see my hooved cock hey why are we the demons of the sector okay we don't do anything I don't even drink that much I don't do anything I'm the most boring motherfucker ever I go home I play with cats, I play Final Fantasy, and I pretend to work on a comic book.
Starting point is 00:47:29 And for some reason, we're the most hated fucking men on earth. Yeah, we really have it bad. We really have it bad. Well, I still think everything's gonna work out for the Great Nacre Kid. It's all gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be fine. Alright, here's my mugshot envy. Vote it up. Don't forget to go to And I do want to remind you guys, Hackamania tickets next Friday. Live show in Vegas.
Starting point is 00:47:56, promo code BIGGEST. We will not... Hackamania, do not go to jail. Yeah, we will not have a show next week, because we will be in Vegas. Sorry to announce that now. Either that or we'll be in jail if the tornado keeps picking up storm. Yeah, they have some kind of fucking paywall thing, but we do get- we're gonna do a show at Hack-a-mania and then we can post it afterwards. We can post it.
Starting point is 00:48:17 But if you go- if you want to watch it live, you know, use the paywall thing. Oh, okay, so you can go to It's fine, you can support everybody, they're all funny, you know. Yeah. No, and it's a great group of guys. I'm not doing my normal like I'm a Torching the... Well you've already torched so many friendships, so why, you know, torched these ones? You know, you've already ruined so many lives and now this is again, you're on your redemption arc. You're going You know what? I am gonna promote Hackamania. Now, it's gonna be a great show. That's when everything really falls apart.
Starting point is 00:48:44 I'm gonna have a lot of fun in Vegas. I already had somebody on Instagram say they would buy me dinner, and now we're deciding where to get my free dinner. Gross. They don't make movies where a guy just is worse and worse and worse the whole time, so that's what I have to do.
Starting point is 00:48:56 That's what you have to do. Never. You're trying to subvert our expectations. Oh, maybe they do make movies like that now. Okay, well, my problem is go to Hackamania, buy the livestream thing., use promo code BIGGEST. And I look forward to seeing you all in Vegas.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Who knows? Free Nick, we got to get him. We got to get him out. My problem is I've been waiting a long time because this problem is so contrived and predictable. So I've been waiting for just the right time to bring it in. And I thought there's no way something's going to happen. There's no way that'd be anything interesting
Starting point is 00:49:26 This problem is called the war on drugs the war on drugs. I Have to keep the change. Okay every 25 seconds someone in America is arrested for drug I'm gonna get a chat open because I was convinced that we had somehow already done this problem The fact that we have you checked the list and we had somehow not done the war on drugs Does it really matter does it matter if we redo a problem at this point and nothing matters anything. It's over. This is the last show Because it's all this is all it's led to all this fun and all this comedy has led to our good friend Nick Facing the long arm of the law and the unfair you know Maddox It's got to be one of the only good days of Maddox's life
Starting point is 00:50:05 And he's online trying to kink shame me is he that guy likes to get fucked in the athlete Why aren't you going about a slurred? Why are you how are you blowing this Maddox? No one gives a shit about your weird lies taking better advantage of this than Manic says oh god that's smug Motherfuck he probably put on a suit just to tweet about it. I think he's dancing all those dancing videos Mix it he's calling up his old crick. He's throwing down a piece of cardboard Look like a big dumb asshole on stream. he in fucking jail bitch oh oh I'm dancing too Eric ah
Starting point is 00:50:49 Eric and lady Eric are dancing on a necrocator right now they're so happy fucking karma tornado it's a big L for the big L uh one-fifth of it of people in prison are are serving time for a drug charge. How about that? Wow. Isn't that rough?
Starting point is 00:51:09 Can you believe it? It's a lot of people. 456,000 people. All of them should not be in jail. Because it is retarded to have drug laws. Well, trying to take- Totally fucking retarded. Well, the only drug laws that I think are viable is if you knowingly sold a substance
Starting point is 00:51:27 That was laced with something you know okay? Which people's What's in your prime there that you're well according to with some fucking doctor? It's got cancer in it, but I'll fuck that they still do it They still do it you have to you got to label it on the can if it's on the can it's fine If you sell me a bag of cocaine, this is on the bag, may contain fentanyl. Why are you so obsessed with people putting shit in your food? I'm a fat guy.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Like every time we talk about the government and whatever, it's like, well, we gotta stop them from putting stuff in our food. No, but I'm just saying, look, the whole concept of consensual crime is the idea that if two people decide amongst themselves. Oh, Maddox is tweeting about it. Of course he is What is he saying he said he hopes he takes Nick they hope they take Nick's kids away There's a nightmare I didn't realize how much of this filters through me. This is what Maddox wanted. He wanted someone in jail.
Starting point is 00:52:30 He didn't say me, now he wins. He did, yeah, that big expo. He's gonna think, you know what, my big expose was part of this. Yeah, he is. He probably likes the war on drugs. He is. Once again, I lose. Once again, I am the victim. See, I don't even feel like I should be here right now. I feel like right now, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:50 What do you mean? I'm worried. About yourself. About myself, yeah. Well, I'm saying once the Karma Tornado hits, I mean Maddox is winning, you know, and Nix, whatever. Coach Red Pill's dead. Coach Red Pill's dead.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Ralph's doing all right, though. Is he? Yeah. He seems to be dead. Coach Red Pill's dead. Ralph's doing all right, though. Is he? Yeah. Seems to be doing a, he seems to be happy. Yeah. I know there was like some lawsuit situation starting up. I don't know if that was a joke or not.
Starting point is 00:53:13 No, it's not a joke. Ralph's getting sued for defamation by his first baby mom is dad. But didn't the dad say, I'll drop it if you give us custody of the kid, basically? Yeah, he said like, I can't say I'll drop it if you give us custody, but, cause that's illegal. Yeah, so the second he shows it to a judge, the judge is gonna go, okay, well I'm tossing
Starting point is 00:53:32 this then cause you're trying to blackmail him and that's not how fucking court works. You know, judges can go, judges can say some crazy things. Judges can say some crazy things. Judges are sending all these guys to jail for basically nothing. I know. Well, but has the war on drugs gotten better, like I suggested? Perhaps less people are facing drug crimes?
Starting point is 00:53:48 Come on, Biden's got to legalize everything. That's the only, that's our only hope. They're talking about legal, well, I mean, even you saw Kamala Harris tweeting out, she's like, there's so many people behind bars for pot, and it's wrong. And you're like, bitch, what the fuck? You're the one who put them in there.
Starting point is 00:54:01 You're the one that put them there. You fucking, what are you talking about? So then get them out. Yeah, every single person you put in there. What are you talking about? So then get him out. Every single person you put in there for pie you should get tolerance. Oh, that's a good point. That's interesting I'll just take a couple Shit, I can't take as much as I used to killing people man. That's a you see they're making a George Floyd movie No, yeah, like a like a see I talked to somebody else and they also pronounce it biopic
Starting point is 00:54:39 So now I don't know but I'll call it a biopic for your sake. They're gonna do George gonna play George I'll pick I don't know. It's like Reynolds or something. I hope George. I hope it's Ryan Who gets to play George Floyd? Hey, I can't breathe Hey, if you want me to breathe you're doing a real bad job. Oh, whoa. I was thinking it could go there was something off with that 20 I didn't notice The George Floyd story starring Ryan Reynolds. Hey that thing poking your baby's head in your stomach is not my dick. It's actually a gun.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Hahahaha! That seemed a little early for the George Floyd movie. That's going to be a hard one to pull off. No, they got to get it out before election. Yeah, it's true. The war on drugs, huh? Well I was saying again, you know, the theory. You know, vote it up, look.
Starting point is 00:55:28 You gotta vote it up. Hits black people, you love that. Hits black people harder. Well. You love that shit, right? The only reason drugs are illegal. I mean, because you don't like that, but you like saying it, yeah. Why are drugs illegal?
Starting point is 00:55:38 It's because of the financial cost to society. Oh, is that what they say? I think so. I mean, it makes sense. People don't like partying and having a good time. Well, is that what they say? I think so. I mean, it makes sense. People don't like partying and having a good time. Well, if somebody's on drugs, they might cause, you know, lead them to become homeless, which becomes a burden on society. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:55 To theft. A real burden to give these people a tent. Well, we shouldn't... We haven't figured that out yet. I don't know why we can't figure out the homeless thing. Give them a big field or something. Give a tent to that guy. I already said that Trump had the best idea and he he said we'll just make a little desert city for them
Starting point is 00:56:09 Yeah, and he stopped talking about it cuz I think I was higher our PIO did that the sheriff and That was different because I was actually a city, you know That was a jail. I would I I but with consensual crime again if to Consenting individuals like if I'm not if a guy says to another guy. Hey, I want you to strangle me until I die Like that should be legal, you know, I mean that's a little bit. Well, no, there was that guy About that you remember the cannibal who got that that's a whole that's not what I'm don't vote based on the shit vetoes saying right now Drugs the only way I can get off is if you strangle me to death right now, and I want you to genuinely kill me and eat me.
Starting point is 00:56:49 It's like well you said he wanted it, and he agreed to it. I mean I guess you could make the argument that he was under Yeah, I wouldn't let him buy a car like that. Yeah, but that's the same argument you can make against a jarg user if they're not in the Right frame of mind that they're craving drugs. But they're not killing another person. They're killing themselves with the drugs. What are you eating over there? I gotta eat. I gotta eat. I'm saying my- Liquor's the worst drug though. I already said my addictions, I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Liquor's the worst ones. If they're not doing it for liquor, then it makes no sense to do it for anything else. Liquor is by far the worst one. That's true, and it's the most- By far. Common addiction, I would think. Yes. Yeah. Well, that's why- Except for food. That's why I saw everybody coming out and they're like oh my god I feel so bad. Nobody ever feels bad for me for eating.
Starting point is 00:57:32 They don't go, the way you treat a liquor guy is you go like hey we really gotta help you because I care about you and I care about your family. And they look at me and they go get that cheeseburger out of your mouth fat boy. You spill it onto my seat over here. Why don't you buy another ticket? What did you just fall out of a plane Why is my that's my addiction the subject of ridicule? I mean it is funny It is you know just not eat so much. Well, we're on drugs go vote it up, you know, we're on drugs voted up It's just ruining a lot of people's lives. Yeah, and I reason we get this voted up enough. Maybe the
Starting point is 00:58:13 Governor of the state will take notice and say I write a song. Come on people now. Come on people now We got to melt the governor's icy heart What is the governor of the hot? With a Hot Island song. The Hot Island song. No, we have to cool his hot heart with a cool island song. Who's the governor of uh... Minnesota? Yeah. Uh...
Starting point is 00:58:33 Donnie McHates uh... Who's the governor? Drugs and Stein. Tim Walz. Uh oh. Democrat. Oh, Democrat is good! Nick's like uh, Hunter Biden kind of guy! NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:58:47 uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, So to provide protection to individuals who use cannabis for recreational purposes.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Oh, thank God for Democrats. Governor Walz signs far reaching drug policy reform legislation. Can we bring this up real quick? Let's see. Telling me there's a chance. I'm telling you there's a chance. Let me see if I can. Harm reduction. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. People can't read it anyway. We got to read it. Well, I'm going to read it. Let's see. Today, this was from 2023, Governor Tim Walz signed the whatever, omnibus, expanding access
Starting point is 00:59:33 to harm reduction services, including drug check and say, okay, this bill will make giving away and possessing all drug paraphernalia as well as any contained residue illegal. Okay, so they're not going to get them on the pipes or the bongs or anything like that You know any nice little mirrors he's got a line around or maybe in five years It will be any needles in the house harsh penalties for drug use and paraphernalia. Yeah, you're right. You are Yeah, you love these Democrats now Yeah, you love you love locking up the black guys for drugs the second the fun internet lawyer. There you go Oh shit, we're gonna fix this. I don't like knocking out black guys. Well, they do.
Starting point is 01:00:07 They're all these motherfuckers, too. I agree. They do. I'm sure a lot of Nick's audience is probably like, yeah, we really gotta have tougher penalties. I only like Trump. Trump and Bernie, but I knew. How's Trump on drugs?
Starting point is 01:00:20 He's a teetotaler, because his brother died of drugs, but he doesn't give a shit. Yeah. He only's using it for immigration. I mean, he's a rich guy. Every single one of died of drugs, but he doesn't give a shit. Yeah, he only sees I mean He's a rich guy always every single one of his friends. I'm sure is doing code wearing pink suits in the fucking 80s What do you think his? policy on drugs is Well
Starting point is 01:00:40 He's the only Democrat who's like who has money he like, man, I gotta keep these billions of dollars I'm gonna run for president Fucking spending not a bad idea. All right, that's my problem. That's your problem the war on drugs Well, thankfully Tim Wall's governor of Minnesota is gonna help us out Oh wait, did you get the new did you get the new voted or the new problem switchers? Yeah, I'll do that next week. No do one of them. No, it's a good bit Don't make me look for it. Just do your just go to your fucking email while I do my problem and download Just fucking do your problem. I don't want to
Starting point is 01:01:16 You I feel like I'm in prison your barking orders at me Well dick I was gonna say this week again I mentioned, we will be at Hackamania Friday, Saturday and Sunday at three, not this weekend, next weekend. What are you doing? You're doing something this weekend, which is why we're doing the show early. So you're going on like a vacation as well or something? No, I just didn't want to do the show. Oh yeah. Nevermind. I forgot that birthday thing my problem is that we're gonna be at hackamania and I
Starting point is 01:01:49 am Already having anxiety about what I'm gonna forget to bring because every time I go on vacation I forget to fucking bring something Forgetting what shit on vacation is my problem. Yeah, okay, cuz Like you are packing for vacation. Okay. Do you get anxiety like this? We're like, oh god What am I gonna forget? I don't care. You don't care. What do you buy it? Yeah, but what if you like, you know, like you have like you're on the plane and you're like, oh you're at the airport I mean, I guess you can buy a charger in the airport. You're gonna forget a charger. Yeah, I forgot Cuz there's all sorts of different charges in the USB charger. I gonna forget a charger? Yeah I forgot chargers. How'd you forget a charger?
Starting point is 01:02:25 Because there's all sorts of different chargers you need a USB charger I guess now they're all fucking standard ice finally. They're all the same. Just get an apple. Sometimes there's different ones though you know. Yeah. Back when I had a bunch of different devices. Yeah. I remember one time we had a big family cruise. What's the worst thing you ever forgot is that what you're saying? Well one of the worst things I ever forgot was uh before we went on the cruise I'm like I can't find my glasses so we're on a week-long cruise to Mexico and I couldn't see anything. Yeah, and it was like I'll look at how beautiful that is I'm like yeah, I wish I could fucking see it, but I can't Well cuz I couldn't find him and it's like we had to rush to get to the boat
Starting point is 01:02:59 I'm like I have no fucking idea where they are How do you what do you look at off the side of the boat? They're like oh my god There's whales and I'm like I just look how do you have to rush? You forget your glasses so much this was back. This is I don't know this is like a long time ago This is like when I was a 12 or something okay? Oh, okay, they probably got knocked off and like under the bed or something and I couldn't find honestly I would probably do that if I had like to fuck around with glasses all the time. I would forget well Which class am I wearing I'm wearing the good ones sometimes I come on this show and I'm wearing those grandma glasses
Starting point is 01:03:27 I know those are retarded. I hate those I throw them out Now then you're gonna need a backup pair. Well exactly I lose my glasses all the fucking time So when I go on vacation thankfully now it's hard for me to forget my glasses Yeah, but of course forgetting charges one time I went all the way to Vegas and I was all excited Okay, I was meeting Andy Signore for the big popcorn planet meetup and I went, I'm pretty sure I had a suitcase full of clothes. And I realized I just left my suitcase full of all my clothes for like, you know, the entire trip was back at my house.
Starting point is 01:03:57 And I'm like, God fucking, of all the fucking things to leave. I drove, I drove, so I thought I'd put it in the back of the car. The problem was before I went out to the car to put my shit in the car and then my cat got out. So I ran after my cat. So I had the back hatch of my car open. You know how it opens like up? So the door thing is up. And my cat got out of the house. I'm like, oh you fucking cat. And I'm running after it trying to grab it. Is that the one that we're missing permanently? No, no, no, this is the one all your cats are trying all my cats are always running around their assholes
Starting point is 01:04:31 So my cats run around and I'm chasing after it at full speed I'm running towards this cat and I slam my head into the open Trunk door, which was the most painful fucking I was like screaming I went door which was the most painful fucking I was like screaming I went I thought I shattered my fucking I don't I might have had a concussion I don't fucking know I might have brain bleeding I ran full speed in that fucking thing and I guess I must have knocked out of my head the idea to put my suitcase in The car because I was just like I finally grabbed the cat threw it in the house And then you just ran back inside and I just sped off to Vegas I finally grabbed the cat, threw it in the house, and ran back inside. And I just sped off to Vegas.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Because I was just pissed. You had no clothes? I was like, I gotta get on the- What did you do? I had to go to a bunch of thrift stores and buy clothes. I went to a bunch of Goodwills and shit. Did you wash them? No!
Starting point is 01:05:16 They wash them before they put them on the rack. I mean, they wash them in like a stinking washing machine. Everything in Goodwill has that musty smell to it. Well, I didn't wash them. I just rammed them. I'm sure it was fine. Well, they said, hey, here comes Big Spender in here. Here comes Big Spender.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Well, I came in. I spent the night in the. Shuffling her. That first day, I was very stinky, because I woke up the next day, and I went, oh, my god. I don't have another pair of clothes. And I'm just walking through the Goodwill. And it's that desert heat, so I'm just strutting.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Oh, god. How far was the goodwill walk? No, I didn't why I don't have that right next to the casino. Do they I was I was driving around Because target doesn't sell like triple X fucking shirts you got to go to like I would have to go to a big and tall store, I'm a big guy I would have to go to a Big and Tall store. I'm a big guy. It sucks. It sucks. I forgot all my clothes. So you don't want to spend all the money at Big and Tall so you go to the Goodwill because there's weird sizes there. Yeah, because there's ones that fat guys dyed in. How come there's nothing normal sized at Goodwill?
Starting point is 01:06:20 Why is it always like... Giant size? Showed size, they're giant size. Well, because... Everybody that dyes is normal size, right? Or are they not? Are those people not dead yet? Why is it always like giant size showed size or giant size? Well cuz uh Everybody that dies is normal size right or they not The good wills late it's cuz that shit gets picked over man Oh, have you gone to that goodwill with the bins over an Eagle Rock or you know what I went in there Yeah, cuz I was gonna be Beetlejuice for Halloween I said I'm gonna go get pick up a suit and like and Ryan put yeah
Starting point is 01:06:45 White tape on it. Yeah, easy costume, right? I'll pull up the good one like man. I'm never gonna find something in my size I walk up walk to the first bin grab something looks like a suit pull it out It's full Armani suit that fit it's the best fitted. It's the best fitting suit I've ever worn like this is what the fuck is going on here? Was it packed full of people though? Yeah. There's guys who go there and they're there all day. That's their job.
Starting point is 01:07:09 And they just get new stuff? Yeah, they just refresh the bins all day. You know there's a Goodwill next to it, like an actual Goodwill next to the one with the bins? Yeah, I hate that one. It's presumptuous. It sucks, but there's guys in there who I just say, like just old Chinese guys sitting in chairs
Starting point is 01:07:21 and they're waiting for the wheel out a new tray of shit. And they just pick over it all day and that's how they make all their money. What do they make money on? They just flip it online. They go on eBay. What kind of stuff do they sell? Just anything.
Starting point is 01:07:32 They just grab shit and look it up on anything that looks like it's worth money. Mally face mug. I mean, like that's the problem with going to the thrift stores these days. I used to go to the thrift store and find cool shit, but now everybody's it's all flippers man. Yeah. And they're like hawks. They're literally, they'll say over the intercom at the Goodwill, they go, a new tray is coming out now,
Starting point is 01:07:50 and all these like old Chinese and Mexican guys get to their seat, and they're like, the second the lady wheels it out, they're going, ah, ah, ah, and like just grabbing shit off it. So that's why you can't get anything good at the good, anything that's normal size, people are grabbing to flip online. Well, I'm not buying it there.
Starting point is 01:08:06 I refuse to reward these scalpers. You're going on a plane ride, you forget your headphones. Toothpaste is the worst one. Toothpaste for your toothbrush. And they always say, hotels say they have it for you, but they're always lying. I forget, I think it was Nick's show, sadly. And I didn't have any toothpaste,
Starting point is 01:08:24 so I went up to the front desk, I'm like you don't you guys have that free toothpaste thing like That I seen on an ad or something yet like if you fuck up and you have no place He's like why are you swearing so much? Not he goes we do we do do have that and I said okay, and he goes we're out of toothpaste though You gotta restart you Run out of toothpaste? I was gonna say obviously this is a big problem because it is the focus of one of the most beloved movies of all time Home Alone
Starting point is 01:08:55 It's all about forgetting to bring something with you on vacation Because that is an anxiety that strikes all of us And this guys, it should be the pedophiles break in In Home Alone that's what will happen. Ooh, look at that tasty little boy. I don't think he can get away with that anymore. No, that would be a good movie. I know, I'm surprised, honestly.
Starting point is 01:09:14 And it's on the news, the two biggest pedophiles in the world have just broken out of prison tonight. If The Daily Wire was smart, which they're not, but if they were smart, they would understand that what their audience really wants is not Mr. Burcham. They want a Home Alone movie about a kid who outsmarts and kills two pedophiles. I think you're wrong, though. I think you overestimate their audience. Yeah. I think their audience is just, what,
Starting point is 01:09:36 they want that Mr. Burcham show? Yeah, they want something that resembles. Makes them feel like they're challenging the status quo when they're really not at all. Yeah, and it's totally inoffensive. It doesn't make them, like,'re challenging the status quo when they're really not at all? Yeah, and it's totally inoffensive. It doesn't make them, they're the 700 Club. They want that content. They don't even want a gay character on it.
Starting point is 01:09:53 They don't want to have that dynamic. They just want a bunch of guys. I don't think Ben Shapiro and those guys realize that. I don't think they know that. I think they, I think you're underestimating the Shapiro and Ben Shapiro. Does Adam Carolla realize that? He's just old man. I know all these conservatives. They're just old. I know well
Starting point is 01:10:10 That's the saddest thing about mr. Bertram is that it's like Roseanne didn't make the show Roseanne good What's his name did a bunch of writers the another show writer that that fired Charlie Sheen the showrunner? Yeah, what was his name the guy who wrote the TMNT theme? Yeah? You know I'm talking Chuck Laurie Chuck Laurie The showrunner. Yeah. What was his name? The guy who wrote the TMNT theme. Yeah. Fuck. You know what I'm talking about? Chuck Laurie. Chuck Laurie.
Starting point is 01:10:27 He's the one that made that show good, not Roseanne. She's just loud, had an audience, and is loud and, you know. Yeah. Although you know who else made Roseanne work and is now ruining Magic the Gathering is Mark Rosewater. Oh, really? Yeah, he's one of the head writers on Roseanne is now in charge of making Magic cards terrible.
Starting point is 01:10:44 That motherfucker. He goes, well, I wrote Roseanne is now in charge of making magic cards terrible Motherfucker he goes well. I wrote Roseanne so I can make the magic cards funny, too And you're like you are fucking up stop it stop it with this boomer you write magic cards in the night jail Anyway forget it And the wet bandits went to jail maybe Nick can't got out and they got out exactly And the wet bandits went to jail. Maybe Nick came out and they got out exactly If I've learned anything from movies is that in time for the sequel Nick Riketa will be out on the street this sucks I know I feel bad. He's your he's your like buddy. You know I don't know him as well as you do You know you'd go on his streams
Starting point is 01:11:25 And you know you guys are talking right and you're gonna say well I was gonna say you'd go on his streams, and you guys would talk. Enable him, right? That's what you're gonna say? Well, I was gonna say you'd go on there, and you'd go, you know the best thing about you, Nick, is I know that you will never drink yourself into a stupor and go to jail for drug possession. I know that about you 100%, and you would always say that, and somehow it got turned around on you. Real celebrities have teams helping them with this shit.
Starting point is 01:11:43 That's the sad part. Well, speaking of... Rumble should've hired him a team. It's really Rumble's fault. It's really's the sad part. Rumble should have hired him a team. It's really Rumble's fault. It's really Rumble's fault. Rumble should have seen the morning signs. Well, forgetting to bring things on vacation. Obviously, Nick is about to take a vacation somewhere, so let's maybe make a list of things he could remember
Starting point is 01:11:59 to bring. I'm not saying we have to do it, but if you in the chat have any ideas of what Nick needs to remember to bring on his vacation to sing sing Where he will be spending the next thing sings in New York isn't it? I don't fucking know what I'll make don't make you know if you're gonna if you're gonna send a guy up like this Come on present my regional prisons. Oh, yeah, it is already down. Oh, it's all right. I Think everything is gonna work out fine guys. Don't forget to bring your head out bring your toothpaste Bring some spring your own soap. Don't trust that person. Maybe Baldo has a butt plug
Starting point is 01:12:34 Keep you safe. It's not gonna get any jail time. It's gonna be fine. Okay He doesn't do any priors. You kill anybody what? He's a Christian family man with a family and what you know and he's gonna be fine everything's fine I'm gonna throw up Alright Forgetting to bring things on it's a good problem. It's a great problem We're all a little sidetracked today. I gotta bring me and I gotta bring me and I'm like I just end up bringing Did I bring my giant inflatable clown?
Starting point is 01:13:06 Cock. Fucking, uh, parade float? I forgot my dick! Excuse me, sir, can I use your dick? Um... I would say, forgetting to bring stuff to Burning Man probably is- I think that's why I got deaf noodles in trouble, you forgot to bring bottles of water to Burning Man? Is he okay?
Starting point is 01:13:21 Oh yeah, I forgot, deaf noodles tried to kill himself, right? Or something? Are you sure? I don't know. Okay Okay, well he posted he posted a video sad posting well he posted video that said I'm you know suicide ideation You know like thinking about suicide and then he went missing and there was a bunch of weird things So everybody's pretty funny bit I got right for deaf The show is a curse. Holy shit. Now deaf was on the way out before we had a show that was my trouble before this show We tried to help him. I just get blamed because of my resolve Well, I mean, here's the thing is everybody says that you're like the ultimate degenerate whatever and I go
Starting point is 01:14:00 I've got fucking piggy Wait, can you see that? I hate to ruin the mythos of this show but uh You're a surprisingly well adjusted individual You know whenever I come over the house is uh Yeah I was at my puzzle competition really uh Yeah exactly you're like an old man doing puzzles and everyone acts like Oh Dick's out here and and he's like, you know, contracting AIDS and fucking whores and whores.
Starting point is 01:14:29 I was playing pickleball that day. Dude, I come over and you and that woman are doing puzzles and playing with a dog. I'm like, this is like boring house life and grilling. You're like an old man at this point. Grilling meth. Grilling meth. Oh, you just grilled up some carnitas for the boys. OK, my problem is microplastics in your balls.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Nobody wants that. Nobody wants that. Who wants that? Nobody wants that. Microplastics in general seem to be a big problem. You can't get away from them either. Our parents made us, our whole generation, gay. Microplastics, shrinking our wieners.
Starting point is 01:15:04 I mean, it does seem like one of those things where you ever get like those, they talk about those problems and you go, ah man, I wonder what this problem would be like if the government wasn't suppressing all the information about it. Cause it's definitely way worse than they're talking about. Exactly. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Well that's what I say about the mercury and the fish, where the government goes, well we can't get all the fisheries Well we can't tell people not to eat fish because then all the fish companies are going to go out of business. We go, oh I don't know, only eat fish like twice a week. We'll make it a religious thing. I'm like, okay, so that means it's really bad. If even the government is telling me to only eat it twice a week, that means don't eat
Starting point is 01:15:38 it at fucking all. Study published last week in Toxicological Sciences, researches tested 23 human testicles. From dead guys, I assume. No, they were trans people. Oh, well that's fine. That's a good use of, uh... Who did that? Where did these testicles come from? These are all... Oh, we took them all from trans...
Starting point is 01:15:57 Oh, that's progressive. That's good. Well, they don't want just old testicles, right? They gotta get them young. You gotta get the young testicles and find the little plastic Lego beads. But the trans people love saving their testicles for some reason. I guess women would do that. Is that true? I've seen too many pictures of big grinning fucking testicle pictures. They let you keep your testicle?
Starting point is 01:16:17 They have never let me keep anything they cut out of me. They cut that thing out of my back! I didn't get that fucking- keep that thing. You remember that tumor picture? Yeah! Cause the doctors are- they just let it slide. it's medical waste. They know you're gonna eat it It's like the placenta you know it's like you want to if you're gonna eat a piece of yourself You might as well eat the part. You're not you know that you don't need anymore That's why they want you to have it. Oh or you're gonna sell it to somebody else to eat it they
Starting point is 01:16:47 tested 23 testicle human testicles 47 dog testicles why are they testing odd numbers of testicles you can't ever get an even number every time you get a batch there's always one you got to throw out 23 way oh you're never gonna believe what happened 47 dog testicles to You're never gonna believe it again! I'm never gonna believe it. They found microplastics in every sample. Wow. They finally did some research that I care about. They also found that dog testicles were higher in certain microplastics and they tended to have lower sperm counts.
Starting point is 01:17:19 The dogs had lower sperm. Why are you testing a dog's sperm count of all fucking things? Women were running the study. White women. I want to make sure there's a lot of sperm in the dog balls. Fucking hog. Get this hog cranked. It does seem like one of those things where we've just fucked up the environment and then all the Republicans are going to pretend that it's fine. Republicans?
Starting point is 01:17:38 Why is it? Because anytime we talk about any environmental crisis, it's like, ah, that's not happening. That's not real. Yeah, because you guys are putting windm putting windmills everywhere like well now we're not putting windmills And if you're just worrying about plastic and our balls now we got to get this windmill Okay, but if I told you there's a way to stop the plastic and the balls but it meant this corporation would lose like an extra Hundred dollars a month they were probably go well we can't we can't do that. Yeah, you do that This corporation everything's made out of fucking plastic if this corporation is Earth that you're talking about, losing a hundred dollars of value. Microplastics.
Starting point is 01:18:11 The worst part about it is you gotta hear, every time you bring this up some fucking idiot goes, Yeah, it's like that George Carlin thing where he said, no one has ever wanted to hear the second half of it. Wait, what George Carlin thing is it like? He's like, you're part of the food chain or something with fucking plastic. I've heard it so much I've blocked it out of my mind. George Carlin things like he's like you're part of the food chain or something with fucking plastic Plastic yeah, yeah, yeah, I got you watch George fucking Carlin good for you Microplastics are little fragments smaller than 0.04 inch Well, they just rub off of normal plastic like give you the plastic deteriorate into microplastics
Starting point is 01:18:48 Yeah Honestly every time I like fuck around plaza you probably end up reducing it down at the tiny little bits I try to breathe in wood to cancel it out Get the wood get in there holistically and get rid of the plastic Plastic Or plastic Rock Wood defeats plastic Wood, plastic Wood, plastic, metal
Starting point is 01:19:07 Plastic beats metal Metal beats wood Wood meets plastic We all know that Well you know the big problem for some of the microplastics was remember when they had the microbeads in the shampoo and they had to tell you what the fuck are you doing? Oh yeah what was that? That was they were like oh it's more exfoliating because your shampoo has these tiny little They put microbeads in it? That was they were they're like oh, it's more exfoliating cuz your shampoo has these tiny little micro beads
Starting point is 01:19:25 They put little tiny plastic nuggets in the shampoo under like body wash because the idea was you would rub it on your skin It would be more exfoliating and they're like you have just poisoned the fucking rivers of the ocean forever like you Purposefully made tiny little plastic nuggets Yeah, and then we wash them down the drain cuz it's soap and they're like that's the worst fucking thing you're not even putting them into the trash it just goes straight in the water supply you shouldn't even have the soap in plastic bottles no none of it um that's why I you know keep one plastic soap bottle forever you keep refilling it? exactly
Starting point is 01:19:59 yeah that's I wish I could do that but you know I can't I get it get stuff like that up and then it gets that crust around the outside of it, and you guys pitch a big fit about it. Oh That's really not you're talking about something That's a normal thing that I got there. Where are the microplastics found 12% of freshwater fish see I they had a good information But it was in like a big thing and I tried to copy it I gotta stop eating everything I read about fish is they're just full of plastic. You gotta eat red meat and sugar. I got a bunch of sardines this week. Oh man, I love sardines.
Starting point is 01:20:29 They're great. I've been making old man sandwiches. Where it's just a nice piece of bread, cream cheese, sardines and white onions. That's what I need to be doing right now, is eating some sardines and not thinking about Nick or making jokes about prison. Just eat like an old 80 year old man. There's a sardine bar downtown. Really? Oh yeah. It's
Starting point is 01:20:52 called something tin. That's awesome. Fuck, what is it called? It's like a tinnery they call it. Yeah. Sardinery. Maybe it's called fish. You just get drunk and eat sardines? Yeah. They got wine too. That sounds pretty good. It's great. People don't understand how good sardines are. People don't understand how good sardines are in there either yeah I get a normal bar no tvs on the fucking wall nice perfect well maybe we'll do that I wish I could remember the name yeah speaking of in the can I can only think of jokes about prison seeing the things that are locked up in a can. Nick Reketa currently facing five years in prison
Starting point is 01:21:28 due to an unfortunate drug arrest. But, you know, that's neither here nor there. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Why are people so fucked up? It's one of the you know, hey You know, it's one of the things about America, right? The drugs and then the prisons and then you got to get out You got to get out. I know those two. I don't know this girl. What's going on here? Oh, well, you know this and this and okay, so they did it. Okay
Starting point is 01:22:02 At least Maddox is happy isn't that what matters? Yeah, actually it's that is the only Maddox is happy, isn't that what matters? Yeah, actually, that is the only- Does Maddox deserve a W after all this time? Kinda. Maddox does, Eric Jalai doesn't though. Yeah, at least Maddox's W comes at someone else's expense and not yours. So it's like, you know- Maddox is at least embarrassing himself in his celebrating. Eric Jalai is playing a big, big like cocksucker Eric July's playing
Starting point is 01:22:27 Ten paragraphs about what a piece of shit Nick is and then and of course I'll pay for here Oh, he did the same thing he did to immortal rising which was I don't give a shit about you or your comic book or the fact You're going to jail, but let me give you some money give you some money. I'm a big old guy He's a great guy that Eric then Eric Jelani is really nailing it. Why? It's going to be great. Everything's going to be great. As I said to you, it's at least we did this show before we did a, you know, if we had done the Friday show and we said, I don't know why everyone's given Nick shit. Everything's going to be fine for that guy. At least we don't have a bunch of that on the record. I didn't say that. I know you didn't.
Starting point is 01:23:13 Okay, I played the the problem. Oh is it my problem now? The problem is that branding? My problem, Dick, is This is just I hate this so much, but it's a women's need to win an argument. They need it. They can never just go, you know what? I'm wrong. It's impossible for them for some reason. Yeah. Okay. So I'm going to lay out a situation that I encountered this week. Okay. Let's hear it. And for some reason the woman involved here is this. Look, I think we have a disagreement, but she probably won't hear it. So my ex-girlfriend, at one point, we shared a storage unit, right? OK. OK.
Starting point is 01:23:48 And this was down in LA, and then we moved or whatever. Did they have a penis? No, this was a biological woman. Whoa. Wow. OK. The penis question is still valid. The penis question is still valid.
Starting point is 01:24:02 OK. Biological woman. OK. I came down here. I moved down here. We broke up, and I said, you know what, why don't I empty out that storage unit we've been sharing? Yeah. And I'll take... Why don't I empty out your storage unit? Right? Yeah, that's exactly what it was. And I said, I'll take all that stuff, I'll put it in my garage for the time being.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Okay? So I've been storing her stuff... Big my garage. Oh, you had to store her had to store her for about the well because I had to empty out the storage unit She wasn't down here And then she did eventually move down here and it's now kind of you know we're not exactly LA's a big part or whatever so but she's like maybe 45 minutes from me. That's a long way It's a long way and in traffic. It's like an hour. It's not great, but regardless I've been storing her stuff for about six years in my garage. Okay. I didn't really have you know, I'm like I was charging rent now No, no, no, no, but I was like you did you sift through it already for the for the gold
Starting point is 01:24:51 Oh, I took some stuff out of there. Yeah, but she said I could have the stuff. So it's fine She had a bunch of CDs. She didn't want Anyway, you have anything I don't want. Oh, wow. Okay. You want you don't want some good stuff here. Whatever All right, so I'm going through my garage. I'm cleaning my garage. Yes right now. I'm getting ready I'm starting to receive how old was the girlfriend. She was Do the math older. I'll say that okay older than me. Okay, okay I win that if you just said 23 Then I would have done in reverse of the six years. Okay and calculate calculated it out. It was an older woman
Starting point is 01:25:22 Anyway, so I'm going through the garage and it cuz right now I'm cleaning up organizing cuz I have a lot of stuff showing Up for my hit comic book super killer. There's a lot of dumb marsh and whatever Okay, I don't have to throw her stuff out how much old like Eleanor Roosevelt older or Angela Lansbury how old she's an old whatever like at least five years older Which golden girl I still a's an older. She's an old whatever like at least five years older. Which golden girl are we? Estelle? I dated an older lady was nice. Okay. Nice time. Okay. Anyway, uh, what do you call it? So I got all of her stuff out. I'm not throwing it out. I went hey listen I gotta get your stuff out of my garage
Starting point is 01:25:57 I need room in the garage cuz I'm about to have a bunch of comic book shit show up and I need to move stuff around Whatever else so can you you know, and so I grabbed your stuff and I put it move stuff around or whatever else. So I grabbed her stuff and I put it in the back of my car. I said, next time I see you- I'm going to punch you right in your mouth. No, no, no. I said, next time I see you, what will be great is I'll just take the stuff that I have in the back of my car and I'll put it in the back of your car and it'll be fine. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:17 So she goes, hey, she works a lot, but she goes, I finally have a night off. Why don't we get dinner or something? I said, oh, that'd be great. Yeah, that's great. I'm like, why don't you come? I said, there's a Korean barbecue place near me. why don't we get dinner or something? I said, oh, that'd be great. Yeah, that's great. And I'm like, why don't you come? I said, there's a Korean barbecue place near me. Why don't you come pick me up? And she's like, oh, I'm so tired. I don't want to pick you up. And I'm like, well, I literally live like two blocks from the place.
Starting point is 01:26:33 But fine, I can meet you over there. I said, you know what would be great is after I meet you over there, I can take this stuff out of the back of my car and put it in the back of your car. And she's like, you know, I just finally have a night off and I want to have a nice dinner. And you're trying to move stuff or whatever else. I'm like, oh, no, just finally have a night off and I want to have a nice dinner and you're trying to like Move stuff or whatever else. I'm like, oh no, no, no burden me. I'm like, don't worry about it
Starting point is 01:26:50 Like you can even just go in while you're eating. I'll do it. I'll do the whole thing. I'll do it Oh, I just need to you know, take the stuff out of the back of my car and put it into your car Yeah, you get to take it back. All you have to do is think about it, right? And you don't eat you barely have to do that You just have to be aware on some level that it has happened and that something has changed. Right. Like the matrix.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Oh, sure, I stress the L more. You can even have your husband take the stuff out of the back of the car and bring it in the house for you. You don't have to do anything. Oh, now I have to get another guy to do something. Now I have to tell another guy who should have already known what I needed. So it turned into, you know, I tried to get a nice dinner with you
Starting point is 01:27:28 And you tried to burden me with my own things and turn it into a like you're taking advantage of my Like oh, we all know we all know what comes next and I'm like I just wanted to give you your own stuff That is yours your shit Yeah, I don't want it. I'm holding it as a favor to you Well the next so the next day I text her I go well listen here's the deal I really do need to empty out that garage So can you just figure out a date over the next month or two?
Starting point is 01:28:01 That you or which one is it veto one month or two months well or your husband... Pick which one is it Vito? One month or two months? Well basically... I have to do everything. Let me see. I don't know. Do I have my phone? Let me see how... No, I'm just pretending to be a total nightmare.
Starting point is 01:28:15 I feel like I'm being very reasonable here. Where I'm just like... This is the part where you're not being reasonable. I'm going, oh, you don't have to... Like I'll make it work for you. We just have to figure out What's up? Let me see. I'm gonna check my phone too. She says the problem
Starting point is 01:28:36 Now is your kippard is the name of the sardine bar the sardine bar god. They got beer They got good beer and sardine tins more than you could even imagine Stacked one on top of the other Okay So the other thing is she had some of my stuff that she brought down and I had no problem going to her place an hour from me and picking up my stuff because it's my stuff, I totally understood that. And I said, well remember how I went and picked up my stuff
Starting point is 01:28:53 because it's my stuff, right? And she said, yes, and you should have grabbed, brought my stuff when you did that. And when I had more time a year ago, you should have asked then instead of asking me now. But now I'm working a lot, so I don't understand why you can't just compromise and meet me.
Starting point is 01:29:13 Why does she wanna go to dinner if she's so busy? Well, it was just like, she has a rare time off, we're friends, and I was like, okay, we can hang out, get dinner. But now it's turned into, well, okay, you have to meet my husband halfway. And I'm like, we only live an hour, just have him drive to me and take this stuff out of the fucking garage.
Starting point is 01:29:29 And it's one of those things where she goes, you know what, just throw it out. And you should have done that. I'm one of these- In the beginning. I'm one of these guys where I go- Porting. I'm not gonna throw out your stuff. I'm not that guy. That would be stupid. I can- You're breaking up all over again.
Starting point is 01:29:44 I can hold onto the stuff. How much stuff is it? Let me see a picture of it. It's a lot of stuff. But it's a bunch of Christmas ornaments and whatever sentimental bullshit. So now I have to, cause you know how I like to go to that Frank and Sons at the Puente Hylms mall or whatever? I'm like, okay listen,, I'm probably gonna go there on Wednesday. I'm gonna buy a ton of shit.
Starting point is 01:30:07 Well. That I don't need. No, I'm gonna buy, I need to buy boxes to store Magic Cards in, so. In a way, I've already bought the shit. But it's now turned into I'm going to have to meet her husband on consecutive Wednesdays at a fucking thrift store, because it's the, or I.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Two different Wednesdays? Dude, there's a lot of stuff. I just want her to come and put it all in her fucking, oh no, no, no, make, you're not, you're doing the same amount of, oh this, you're doing the same amount of work, twice, meeting somebody halfway, loading up the shit, meeting halfway, transferring all the shit
Starting point is 01:30:38 as an additional loading and unloading, moving it all, and then unloading it again. Don't, talk to the guy, talk to the man, talk to the man. I tried to explain this to her, I said, You never try to do that't talk to the man. Talk to the man. I tried to explain this to her. I said. You never tried to do that. Talk to the man.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Hey, I'm leaving it outside. You understand that the moving it from my car into your car is gonna be just an extra stupid step. She knows, she likes it. They get off on that. They want to make other men suffer. Well, it's clear that this is one of those situations where she needs to be right in some way.
Starting point is 01:31:04 Because I, again, had the very reasonable thing of, It's clear that this is one of those situations where she needs to be right in some way. Because I again had the very reasonable thing of, I said let's get, you know, we had a long standing thing where it's like we should get dinner sometime. She finally said hey if I have a night off. I go oh great. I'll bring all your stuff. What's also great is I can give you your things. I mean it sounds like a lot of things though.
Starting point is 01:31:19 That you should want. I'm kind of on her side now. Well it's a lot of her things. Yeah she should come get it though. I think she should. You gotta say that. Tell me, talk to your husband. You, come get it whenever you want. I'm gonna be out of town.
Starting point is 01:31:31 Come get it. Well, I want it. I... This is, again, this is part of, I think this is part of the reason we broke up, is I went, I just can't. I can't do this thing where I can never be right. It's just like infuriating.
Starting point is 01:31:44 All right, but tell me if I was wrong in this situation. She used to have a job where it was, she had to wake up at 6 a.m. every morning because she was like a nurse or whatever. We had a very small apartment. So at 6 a.m. when I'm like just desperately trying to sleep, there's a bedroom and a living room. And I was like, can you just get ready in the living room?
Starting point is 01:32:03 And she would say, no, it's not comfortable comfortable in there would turn on the light in the bedroom this bright-ass light and be like putting on makeup or whatever On the edge of the bed this woman hated you at 6 a.m It still hates you and I couldn't sleep because she was just there putting on makeup with the light on I know and I feel like you could just go in the other room and do it. She goes. I'm working So and you're not working. I'm like well. I do work. I just work from home. That's the mirror I'll show you you know that was the worst thing never never be like a work-at-home guy with a girlfriend who asked it Well, you probably have the same situation About having a real job like well
Starting point is 01:32:41 I have to get up and I have to go to a thing and you get to just stay here and do whatever and I go Well, that was all I ever got I'm like well. Yeah, but what were you have to get up and I have to go to a thing and you get to just stay here and do Whatever and I go well that was all I ever got I'm like well Yeah, but what were you doing to get that I don't know just sitting around Yeah, well basically I was doing fucking YouTube shit internet shit. I was talking though I was no I was working on a that was when I was a graphic designer So I'd work on the fucking card game. I think you should get out of this relationship I have been out of this relationship, but I can't even end it I have every fucking shit, and I've had it for six years just toss it
Starting point is 01:33:07 I'm not gonna say I'm not that kind of guy just lie about it no I'd feel bad it's like a bunch of like you know pictures you're gonna end up meeting this husband like three or four times and he's gonna be like a duplicate of you and you're both gonna be like can you believe her there we are well you know what's uh it's kind of funny, the husband. So basically I was moving to LA, right? I was living in Oakland at the time, I was moving to LA, and I was like, you know, when I get down to LA,
Starting point is 01:33:33 I'm probably gonna break up with her. Yeah, right. And she kind of got there ahead of time where she went, I've been cheating on you with this guy. And I went, well, that's great. Well, it's not the same, okay. I went, well, that works out. That makes it a lot easier to break up with you.
Starting point is 01:33:47 All right. Pretty good, right? And she goes, I want you to meet him. I'm like, that's a terrible idea. Let's do it. Yeah. And I meet this guy, and for some reason, I think he felt bad.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Like, he felt he had stolen this crazy lady from me. And I was like, oh, no, it's easier problem now. And he went, I got all these magic cards. Do you want them? So I got like a dowry for this woman. I got like a couple thousand dollars in you want them so I got like a dowry for this woman? I got like a couple thousand dollars in magic cards now a dowry work well whatever Yeah, you got a reverse dowry so I got called a ransom I got to move down to LA free and clear Sitting on pretty on these magic cards. What kind of magic cards you get in there?
Starting point is 01:34:21 I was a bunch of sliver decks actually. The all foil sliver decks. You got sliver decks in your garage? I have one still. I sold the other three. Wait, what? Did that sliver deck come out already? The new one, yeah. This was the original sliver deck they put out. The all foil sliver deck. How much are those?
Starting point is 01:34:40 Oh god, they're a lot now. Probably much. The new ones I think like, don't know you'd have to look I'm like isn't it. It's like 80 bucks the old ones probably like 200 bucks now if it was okay, okay, okay? That's okay regardless. I need the slivers. Yeah, so You think they play magic and I got I got a couple thousand cuz I just sold them online I'm like I make a thousand dollars great way to start my new life in LA You know yeah, and know. Yeah, OK.
Starting point is 01:35:05 But I'm still holding onto her shit. What's the problem called? Women needing to win an argument. OK, women needing to win an argument. We're on drugs, obviously a big problem. Worst problem today than ever. Microplastics. In the balls.
Starting point is 01:35:22 And forgetting to bring things on vacation. Okay, that's the show everybody. I feel like we're going to have a lot of super chats tonight. Let's just get right to them. I do want to remind people, I know I keep saying it, but Hackamania, this is going to be the last time we get to remind you guys the tickets are still available. Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
Starting point is 01:35:40 I believe starting May 31st. Friday night will be the biggest problem live show. This will be your last chance to go to and get tickets with promo code BIGGEST. There will not be a live show next week because we will be- It'll be live, it'll be behind someone else's paywall.
Starting point is 01:35:54 It'll be live, it'll be behind a paywall. And it's not gonna be as good, it's gonna be like- Don't say that. It won't be as good. It might be better, it's gonna be live. How could it be better than- Wow, we're not gonna have the big- My friend's in jail. My friend's in jail. I think we should do a free NIC-R-C-A-T-A benefit. We's gonna be live. How could it be better than wow? We're not gonna have the big Nick Ricanator of rebel a little either
Starting point is 01:36:06 We should do a free Nick Ricanator benefit. We can sing some songs We got to sneak him in some shoe polish so he can blackface himself before he goes to the judge It's like y'all know but I don't know like oh, yes Get this black Floyd hit me and my family very hard very very hard Yeah, poor poor man, and there's got to be like a ticking clock where something's like, you know. Nick Rieta is sitting in a jail cell right now. How awful is that?
Starting point is 01:36:32 You ever been in a jail cell? I was only in a jail cell that one time I hit that cop in my car. That sucked. I don't think I have. Yeah. I don't think so. It was awful.
Starting point is 01:36:43 Because I got no mug shot, so. And I gave the bail agent the name of the wrong jail jail so they drove to the wrong jail to try and bail me Out so I was in there for a couple extra hours nailed it They're like hey retard next time you need you bailed out figure out what fucking jail you're in I'm like, I don't know what fucking town I got arrested in Okay, I don't I don't know Just who cares this man. Hey there. Hey Vito Hi your last your problem about the black samurai and Assassin's Creed or whatever
Starting point is 01:37:08 Yeah, you guys might not be aware of this Vito might be but You have no idea how popular Japanese shit and anime is in the black community right now I can't yeah, we are bigger anime nerds than white people I will officially say that every person who is obsessed with anime and Wants to like wear it out that is I've noticed around me is a black guy Yeah, and they're so brazen about how much they fucking love my little academia and fucking Dragon Ball Z. I don't know because they like fighting so fucking much. They love Dragon Ball Z now, so they just like it I don't know like in Mexico
Starting point is 01:37:48 It is like that's like in black culture right now Yeah, and then like fucking Trixie calling you racist because she just wants like more fucking black friends or whatever I don't know whatever. She should kill herself do I don't think that's what you're supposed to do. Okay. Trinkley, don't kill yourself. You had two opportunities to make a joke there and you just said offensive things. I'll say this though, yeah, black guys like anime
Starting point is 01:38:12 but they like Japanese guys in anime. I've never seen a black guy, but I really want to be a black guy. I'm sure they're really thrilled when the black guy in the anime comes out and he looks like, you know, they always make them laugh. Right. I didn't mean this representation. I like the idea that black guys are getting into street fights and they're going, yeah, just like Trunks, just like Goku. It's like, nah, I don't think that's what's going on
Starting point is 01:38:28 in the black community. Well, yeah. Is that the financial argument that you're making? Look, forget the white audience. Black people are gonna love, they're all gonna buy this game. They're all gonna buy it. And it's not gonna piss off anybody else so much
Starting point is 01:38:42 that they don't buy it. Maybe it is. Are we only doing a one super, or a one voicemail? Yeah one voicemail. That's it go to Biggest problem. I just wanted to make sure we didn't miss any from the last week But I don't think we did oh I fucking mug you can't you have to change that I can change it You could have told me to change it when you saw it. I don't obviously I don I don't tell people to do things. I mean, that's kind of my whole thing. Well, I just- I mean, it was going viral. I saw- I was like, well, people want to know what's going on. It's not like they're not going to see it anyway. I know.
Starting point is 01:39:15 Every single YouTube guy right now is talking about this shit. I know. Alright. Well, we'll mess with you. People are going to be going as that for Halloween. I'm going to make a t-shirt out of it. I'm gonna get the free Nick Krakated t-shirt. And every dollar's gonna, I don't know, go towards his bail.
Starting point is 01:39:30 You're the Karma Tornado. I am the Karma Tornado. Coup for two, thank you for not killing yourself. Thank you. Hazmat again for five. Hey Vito, I called the guys at Skankfest for you. I told them, hey, why no Vito? They told me fat and gay.
Starting point is 01:39:41 Oh, that was nice of you for calling. Hazmat for five, hey Dick, good to see you on PK700. Too bad Mr. Meth stole the show. It was weird though, you guys spoke about taking drugs with the gays to Gusta. Who's Mr. Meth? To Gusta? This guy who was a meth head was on the show.
Starting point is 01:39:56 Oh, we also have to mention, should we mention the anniversary of Biggest Problem? I told you no. Okay. That one I said you no, okay Explicitly no Peter Wagner for 10 says beer Shit lips for two says for rackets bail fund got it petty I got that in my mind whatever you do don't spend this on controlled substances or ammunition Is ammo the problem too?
Starting point is 01:40:20 You can't if what if you you're going around hiding bullets Can't hide some bullet hiders is a problem on the on the page the people should vote up a for two It says crow v. Wade wants to kiss Nick Riketa. No, what's that? I don't know. Wade was busy has man again vibe I don't know Nick, but he honestly looks like a fella who could use a drink. I was gonna say he looked parched on that stream He looked like he was thirsty Vito. If you were Jesus, they would need steel beams to crucify you. Oh, Hasman. Hasman for two, says, I don't know anything about all this E-celeb drama.
Starting point is 01:40:52 Well, the guy got arrested. The guy got arrested. What can you do? For possession of whatever controlled substance. Super killer will break him out. Ah. He's gonna fight, all right. Hey, Riverbeer for five.
Starting point is 01:41:03 Man. I'm sorry. I don't know, I'm not a guy who like, when there's a serious situation, knows what to do in the serious situation. I don't know what to do with it. You don't know in a normal situation. I don't know what to do in a normal situation.
Starting point is 01:41:15 This is basically an RIP car for the entire stream where something horrible has happened. It doesn't matter. That's the thing, it just doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It's all in the fucking. It's all in the fucking courts now, so Okay, it's all gonna be fine. Great. Riverbeard for fives is like getting a fucking DUI like well
Starting point is 01:41:34 Yeah, it's you know I remember that and I had a buddy who I got a DUI. Good fucking luck. Good luck, buddy Riverbeard for fives is a great new comic book available at the computers ate my friends calm Check out the computers ate my friends calm has man again for two says he looks healthier in the mug shot Yeah, he looks good. Yeah, cuz he was tired like everyone's is sleepy He was drinking while sleepy. He just lost like a hundred grand on that retarded defamation suit That's not that's obviously not a good time to be drinking on stream, but it's gonna take a lot out of you.
Starting point is 01:42:08 Well, was there a judgment against him, or was that just basically saying this trial can proceed? Is gonna move forward. Right, yeah. But he spent all that money on Mark Randazzo to try to set a precedent that this is like, This is a slap.
Starting point is 01:42:21 This is a slap, you send this back. He did this to try to help everyone. So he already spent $100,000 on this? Yes! Yeah. But was that with the belief that he would get the money back from Slap? No, that was just to get, as far as I understand it,
Starting point is 01:42:35 that was just to get Mark Grandazzo, the super lawyer, the first name guy. Why doesn't Mark Grandazzo fucking do it himself? That's not how lawyers work. I thought Mike, no, but everywhere, I don't know. I thought that's what was happening. You mean why doesn't he do it like pro bono? Well yeah, if he's trying to set precedent. If that's a Mark Gran... why does Nick Riketa gotta pay for that? Well, that's Nick's choice, I think.
Starting point is 01:42:56 Yeah, Nick said I want to do this and I want to pay for it. I think, I don't actually know. I didn't hear this from him. Yeah. I just pieced it together. But regardless, there hasn't been a judgment against Nick. Hasn't even been a trial. But he'd have to spend money on lawyers to defend himself now now he has to yeah There's gonna be a trial cuz a fucking monograph I
Starting point is 01:43:11 Don't know anything about any of this. I barely know he did some weird stuff, man I'm not gonna talk about it cuz he's a litigious individual you shouldn't talk about either. Oh in California. Yeah, go nuts couple things California yeah go nuts couple things California does very well. I have nothing to do with any of this yeah Stu Cavers. That's why I don't know Ralph's baby mom his dad's suing him for defamation in California. He's gonna lose everything. You get nine times attorney's fees. He has nothing so he doesn't carry. He's bankrupt. He'll declare a bank robes. You still can put a lien on shit take the house. Yeah that's true no you can't can you take the house in bankruptcy?
Starting point is 01:43:46 I don't know. I think that's one of those things where they go, well, you gotta have a place to live. Really? I don't know, but it might depend on the value of the property. They might be like, well, that's- No, because HOAs can take your house.
Starting point is 01:43:56 Yeah, you can lose, I think you can lose that. With enough lawfare. I think I'm thinking of, I think the government can't put a lien on your house if it's like a government judgment against you That could be but if it's in private court or whatever they can I don't know we're just guessing We like to guess easily answer this well We don't have an internet lawyer anymore, so we have to fill the void when you get two guys guessing it what the law is
Starting point is 01:44:16 We're the new Nick or Kada hey, I'm giving you a stream key. We can keep the channel going and raise money from that way Say Nick give me access to your rumble account. That'd be helpful. I mean, he's got to make, you know, he can make a little extra money while he's in the fucking clank. You go, it's the dick, it's the dick Masterson law hour and you'll just make up law shit and pretend to be him. I think people would like that.
Starting point is 01:44:41 Clever username for five, arrested for what? Isn't this America? Oh, I'm sorry I thought this was America Raven carver to says Maddox one yeah mark yeah disciple of Dagon for to Australia still managed to sound like prissy little Victim a bunch of words. I can't say but I get you yeah He did coup for two says cranking my hog do it Boba the Cylon for two hundred dollars. No, that's a trick Eyes as I'm not used to watching this sober
Starting point is 01:45:16 Well, maybe from now on our audience should practice a bit of sobriety Rick Nikita for two says Dax Bisterson to the rescue. The malware for five, TBF great mug shots. Well, one great mug shot. One great mug shot. Peter Wagner for 10, living it up Vito style today. Got a whole pizza myself and a few Voodoo Rangers. Fucking Voodoo Rangers. I'm boycotting them.
Starting point is 01:45:37 Too hot on Voodoo Ranger. Yeah, is the Juice Force IPA the one you keep accidentally getting? They don't label it well enough Yeah, it should look like it's just this tastes like a vagina so I don't get it anywhere near my mouth Find out I meant for five shout out to bag of Schmidt on this legendary episode listen we play that guitar Wowie yippie Johnny rocket for five Aaron snitched F the law. We'll see I'm not gonna man that is him saying that I heard him saying that he told that lady's parents that she was up to drug use I think that
Starting point is 01:46:12 is fucking a bad idea you know that's fucking know your daughter's in a drug den what do you think old people are gonna do they're gonna call the cops they're crazy. I don't know, though. I got to make sure I heard that right. Well, we don't know what happened. It was all speculation. We don't know who called who.
Starting point is 01:46:34 They floored me when I heard it. I was like, what? Yes. To make it very clear, there's a lot of speculation going around about who called who. We do not know. But Johnny Rocket is saying Aaron Snitch, and that is his personal belief. We do not endorse that information because we cannot confirm. He
Starting point is 01:46:49 says, Noel says he once broke his wean looking at F'd up porn. What did he mean by that? Gay or illegal? Probably both. Peter Wagner for 20, hashtag free ricketa. Pour one out for the homie. Hashtag free rickada indeed. That's going in the bail fund too. Luca Deesnuts for 10s, shout out to Nick. And then he talks about guards. I got it. Cool for a big 50 on the board. Use this money to make someone other than Rackets walk the plank tonight.
Starting point is 01:47:18 I don't even know if I have it in me tonight. My good friend Nick Rackets is in the brig this week. Hell you know. I don't know if I have it in me. My good friend Nick rackets is in the brig Times the creature gets a whole fucking smile across your face That'll cheer you up a little bit all right will cheer me up young clip is here for 10 He says Aaron cock holt is the biggest cock old in the universe and is trapped in here with us Holt is the biggest cuckold in the universe and is trapped in here with us Michael winning for five drugs orgies will make millions Nick you absolute legend well you know We've got a whole system
Starting point is 01:48:05 Rich celebrities here in the old I do wonder if there's any other guys seeing this and going I got a move TBF for five says veto stink is most comparable to recycled fry oil from a greasy diner That hasn't been changed in ten years mixed with raw sewage from a furry Convention thank, TBF. That'll give us a put a smile on your face. Baggage Schmidt for five, big shout out to you. Pineapple Man, very talented at music and 3D modeling, also has not been arrested for drugs. Wow.
Starting point is 01:48:37 No. Remember all the super chats you would have given to Nick this week. You should give them to us. Dump them on us and we will send them to Nick in spirit. I love Jesus Christ. We're sending the spirit give them to us. Yeah, dump them on us and we will send them to Nick in zeerit. I love Jesus Christ. We're sending the spirit of your super chats. Yeah, money's no good in the Husqow. No, no. We'll make sure his commissary fund is good.
Starting point is 01:48:53 We'll get him one of those see-through TVs that you can't hide contraband inside of. What? You ever see those? See-three TV? No, all the TVs have a- all the electronics in prison have to be see-through. Because you can't like unscrew them and hide a shiv in there. They're see-through TVs? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well like, not the screen, but like it's like transparent plastic for the shell or whatever. Can you do like Wile E. Coyote and paint it transparent and hide a shiv in it? Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:49:18 It's actually a real violence problem. Or like Game Boys, you know, or like IMAX, you know, transparent plastic. The purple one. The purple one. The purple one. You can see through All right, they got purple Gameboy TVs in prison. Well, they're not purple. They're clear. Oh I do watch a retro gaming channel go. Let's mod this prison TV so we can play a starfox on it I'm like, ah, this is cool. I love those They're pretty great Let's see
Starting point is 01:49:44 Disciple Dagon for to Australian. Nick is the second coming of John McAfee. Confirmed. Made for AI. Thank you. We're not reading that one. Esketit for 10. My biggest problem is the radio. I don't know why people choose to tune in. Iggy Azalea makes terrible music. True, I don't even know. Matt R for five. Nick is somehow a worse father than Ralph. Nice friends, Nick. No, no, that's terrible. Both of those men are stellar.
Starting point is 01:50:14 Fathers, they're 100 percent. Let's just move along. Obsidian Blade for five. First time. And Father's Day. It is. So it's not, everything's fine. Everything's great. What day is Father's Day?
Starting point is 01:50:28 I don't know when Father's Day is, but it's gonna be great. Everything's great. Obsidian Blade for five, first time catching the show live. Never looked forward to a stream more than today. Thank you. Obsidian Blade. Peter Wagner for ten USD. Nice shirt, Vito. Do drugs and guns. I don't know how you didn't notice this.
Starting point is 01:50:43 Nice shirt Vito, do drugs and guns. I don't know how you didn't notice this. Don't forget the drug shirt is available at Kildozer.Industries along with all other biggest problem merch. Do not sell a fucking mugshot picture of him. I mean, you scumbag. It would be pretty cool. That would be cool. It's cool that he has a mugshot. Only him. Yeah, only him. I'm not gonna... I know, I get it.
Starting point is 01:51:06 I'm not gonna put anyone else in it, alright? Vegeta, Vegeta. That would be good. That would be... That's like for his image. It's punk rock to have a mugshot. It's cool. Unless it would affect his... Whatever. Vegeta, Vegeta for ten. First be to embarrass his dick by not releasing super killer. Now Nick has to get arrested for drugs.
Starting point is 01:51:23 I'm sorry, Nick. Yes, I... You're double embarrassed. embarrassed double embarrassed I always am hurt the most that comic's looking good though that comic is looking that real good. Cue revere for five notice no DUI level five is least severe in Minnesota. Oh wait what what? Level 5 is the LEAST. Level 5... It goes in reverse. Like DEF CON. Level 1 is the worst.
Starting point is 01:51:49 Ohhh. Level 5 is the best. It could be a narcolepsy pill with no prescription on hand. Really? So it could be something as over the counter medication that he can't prove that he has a prescription for. Well... That would be good.
Starting point is 01:52:04 I mean, I don't know why they would arrest him for that. He does need sleep. It could just be fucking weed, we don't know. Notice all three have the same charges. Well, that's the other thing too. You're gonna nail three people on the same exact drug charge? They're not gonna, half this, this is not gonna stick.
Starting point is 01:52:18 It's gonna get pled down to something stupid. He's got a black eye too, I noticed. Okay, Dick, I turned down the wrong street in LA, a cop slapped the hood of my car cuz he was mad at me and they charged me With assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer. The cops are psychopaths. They just make shit up Okay, I have a that's a hope for me. I might still be right. I might still be right the night You get the charges they try to stick as much as they can know that because they know the lawyer in the judge That's the least throw this out throw this out throw this out throw this out throw this out. Oh Community service at the fucking worst is Satan he's Satan. I don't ask you for much
Starting point is 01:52:59 But I do want you to have mercy I don't think that if Nick Reketa was running a fucking heroin ring out of his house with two ladies. It just doesn't sound correct to me. You'd have more ladies, you're right. You'd have a lot more ladies around. You'd have a lot more ladies. And they'd be a lot more fun.
Starting point is 01:53:12 Better ones, too. They'd be a lot happier in the mug shot. May for AI says, was Dick crying before the show? No. Dick was having fun. Coup for two? I mean, like, out of maybe laughter. I mean, honestly. Sometimes you just like out of maybe laughter. I mean
Starting point is 01:53:29 Sometimes you just let's say it's so crazy the absurdity of it. We were Mean again you sent me a text you like I couldn't get neck on the show. I'm like, oh, that's a shame I'm response. No response. I don't know why I must when I wrote that out. I thought that is odd. That is odd I don't know why he must be busy. When I wrote that out I thought, that is odd. That is odd. Maybe he checked himself in? Yeah. I thought maybe he was just taking some time off. He's got to take Eric Jalai up on his condescending offer.
Starting point is 01:53:52 Passage is Malibu is 80 grand. He's got to take Eric Jalai. That meant so many bridges. Honestly. A little bit of fealty. And Eric's, you know. Call Eric's bluff, make him pay for rehab. All he cares about is respect. He doesn't care about money No, but Eric's gonna demand he's gonna say I get to pick the place cuz I can't trust a drug addict
Starting point is 01:54:12 Sure passages is the best one. Passages Malibu is the best Maui is the best one. Is that where Bojack Horseman went? Malibu yeah, but there's one in Hawaii. You get a free month-long trip to Hawaii. Nice and month-long. You can stream from there. He's got to take him up on it. I don't think you can stream from rehab. Of course you can. You can drink in rehab. You can do whatever you want. It's just a hotel full of fucking drug addicts and drunks.
Starting point is 01:54:37 Well, Kooper 2 says, biggest problem in the universe is snitches like Aaron M. Holtay. Again, I don't know what happened. We are just reading a super chat But we will see as this situation unfolds kicks mechanic for five Love you boys much praise Allah that you are still here. Praise Allah Allah I just talked spoke to Satan fuck Satan if Allah you can do something you brought down the Twin Towers Allah Surely you can break my good friend a pirate be talking Allah This is a very complex. I sail around all the seas.
Starting point is 01:55:08 I've met a lot of Islamic. I got a lot of Muslims on board who converted the pirate cabin. Like that Kevin Costner Robin Hood movie when he meets Morgan Freeman and has the crooked, curved sword. Where do you think that cutlass comes from? All right, nice. Nice scimitar there, Muhammad. Johnny Rockett for five the day I defend Reketa on Twitter is the day he gets arrested. Serial. Well that's usually when people need
Starting point is 01:55:33 a defense. Yeah exactly. When they're about to go to fucking prison. Peter Wagon for ten says what it is. We're gonna hear a lot of that very soon. Right here dude here for two shout out. Dominic for two. Johnny Rock rocket did it Vito is royal except all the people who stood up against him against yellow flags and Eric July as he said on Twitter No, youtuber had his back. I meant like Frog Tony had your back and you Let me make a viral tweet obviously Oh, you should have said but except for my friend frog Tony some of my friend frog Tony You had like a what like a thousand subscribers at the time I meant like well not good enough of support for you then anyone with the YouTube channel is a youtuber sure
Starting point is 01:56:14 Yes, I meant like your day job is you tubing okay frog Tony It's not your day job you end every stream with like I gotta go work at the fucking garbage factory or whatever the hell All right, the quarterings day job? I don't know. I thought his day jobs was testing the cock sucking machine. He does do that. And is one of his things.
Starting point is 01:56:31 By sucking it. Anyway, Frog Tony, I am very loyal. You know I'm loyal to you, Frog Tony. And we got great Amico news. Atari buying the Intellivision brand. Ah. Very exciting for us retro gamers. You're like Netanyahu,
Starting point is 01:56:42 he said no one helped us during the Holocaust. Well. Remember when Netanyahu said that? Yes, no one helped. No one at all. Cap'n Cheese, hashtag free rackets for two. Is blackface a good strategy for Nick in jail? I think so. Yes, black inmates love. You gotta go in with the blackface and then come out the next day with it wiped off and say, guys, you're never gonna believe this. Vito's wiener for five. Oh, we to just jam through these because there's going to be a move. Vito too fat for what it is. Clips on for two.
Starting point is 01:57:08 Landau just broke out the slightly cheapest booze. So, Terjorie for five. What do you think of combining Fog with Sci-Fi dash Fi dash So for new problems? I didn't turn it on. I think that's the shit right there. Trust me, the fog machine is not warmed up and will not get activated. Tenshi for five. Does this mean Nick gets to take Eric Shalai up on covering his rehab
Starting point is 01:57:25 costs? He should! Yes! Chud Bronson for five, hey Dick started back into blockchain dev this week. Better than being a cook. I'm planning to mess with Monero this week. Love you guys. Veto oink pig emoji.
Starting point is 01:57:36 Ah Monero huh? Jeremiah for five, I thought this was a bathroom door fund but Nick does need help. Save Nick, save the world. Save Nick. Dominic for two. Save him. 2K tonight guys if you're in the chat remember to hit like help us out get that uh. You've gotta subscribe.
Starting point is 01:57:50 We have 30. To get Nick out of jail. 3500 viewers. 3500 fucking people watching this. Are trying to get Nick Ricada out of jail. Free Nick. We've got a free Nick. The system is set up against the white man.
Starting point is 01:58:02 I can't believe this. I thought this was America. America. I can't believe this thing. I thought this was America. America. I can't believe there's 3500 people watching. Who are we getting arrested next week? Is this a copestream? Are we copestreaming right now? I am. This is a copestream. I hate this.
Starting point is 01:58:18 I'm malding. I'm seething. I'm not seething. I'm not malding. I don't know what any of these I am coping play That's a hit me with a little bit of music here. We're not doing all the things in this well being and seething They're taking big else tonight team it's just taking big If you don't have lose weight on a scale It will be the worst day of me life.
Starting point is 01:58:45 Don't forget to go to to get the Nick Reketa t-shirt. Don't go there. We'll be uploading that tonight. Don't go to that site. All proceeds go to me and maybe half to Dick. Dominic, thank you. Disciple of Dagen for two, biggest problem in Prison Bonus episode. Okay, biggest problem in Prison Bonus episode then.
Starting point is 01:59:04 And maybe we can call Nick up and be in time for the daily house phone fucking nine dollars a minute or whatever it costs to get a call out in prison surgery for maybe we could sneak him a flip phone hey every black guy's got a fucking iPhone in prison I'm sure we can get Nick at least a decent Android so turdry for 10 imagine finding a thermos in your super color lunchbox when you open the thermos it chucked dicks in my ass No one wants that Vito and Dick Imagine that you got your thermos and you open it up and it chucks dicks in your ass No one wants to chuck a dick in your arse
Starting point is 01:59:36 Dominic for two Nick should have learned from JLH Ah feels very familiar Geeks for five we found a stegosaurus pelvis last week at the dig if Vito ever needs a hip replacement It would be a perfect fit fuck you buzzed rhymes for 20,000 vindalooze Nick situation went from sad to extremely funny I can't deny that Tenchi for five TBF Nick looks better than he has for a while in his mugshot. He's basically Donald Trump now He looked good. He was very dehydrated on that stream. It's like the fucking Cuz he streams at like three in the morning.
Starting point is 02:00:05 Yeah, he's all tired and his eyes are bulging out. He's going to... Yeah, once he's had some sleep, he looks nice. Not Mothman for five. I'm having a double rum on the rocks in honor of Nick pretending it's whiskey. Put this in the Save Nick Fund. It's locked away in the Save Nick Fund. Oglovitch for two.
Starting point is 02:00:20 Beer Fest is the Ulysses of our time. Shut up, Vito. Hugh Jazz for five. Nick is a straight white, right leaning male. beer fest is the Ulysses of our time shut up Vito. Hugh Jazz for five. Nick is a straight white right leaning male. Vito, the liberal state of Minnesota is gonna throw the book at him. God.
Starting point is 02:00:33 I don't know man. I think it'll be fine. If he gets off though, it's gonna be the biggest party of all time. If he gets off, it's white boy summer forever baby. It's gonna be. We're flying him out here and that man is gonna go to jail for real.
Starting point is 02:00:44 We're gonna make him kill somebody. Every drug since the 1400s we're gonna do if he gets off Not only are we not gonna learn any lesson, but the lesson learned will be to do whatever you want So we need to we need to hope that Nick gets off little community service finding and this Karma tornado is not coming around for another 18 months We're gonna live it up. We're gonna be great. We've got plenty of time to straighten out. All I know is we're gonna be at Hackamanny on Friday and we'll see.
Starting point is 02:01:11 I think it's gonna be a lot of fun. Had in Vegas. Please, please watch the live shows. Please let him out. Maybe everyone in the government in Minnesota will have a... Your eye patch has a giant hair on it. What are you talking about? You has a giant hair on it. What are you talking about? You have a big dog hair on it.
Starting point is 02:01:27 Maybe everyone in the Minnesota government and the courts and all the cops will all have a heart attack and all the prisoners will get to leave. That might happen. Nick's a lawyer. He knows how to get in front of a judge. But he's not Jewish. He's not Jewish. That is true. judge but he's not Jewish he's not Jewish that is why is Maz a Jackson me
Starting point is 02:01:48 right now we are streaming he did not know that you know I guess maybe he thought it was fright oh yeah it is oh let's see Buster rhymes for 20,000 vitaloos Vito finally sees he's being groomed as Maddox 2.0 yeah but I'm making more money than we're trying to groom him as a human being After seeing his shower people were saying Later people were saying they're like oh dick or leads everyone to ruin. I'm like dicks paying my rent I'm pretty happy. I don't know man. The show's going pretty good maybe everybody else didn't understand that like part of being in the the dick circle of
Starting point is 02:02:25 Whatever is you got to get a little something out of it, right? I Think that was Maddox's problem is that he didn't go well. I could probably make a little money I'm in charge here. I don't know about that I don't know why you let yourself be mistreated or whatever else I'm like first of all it's a comedy bit and it's funny I don't know why you let yourself be mistreated or whatever else. I'm like first of all, it's a comedy bit and it's funny Second of all, I'm taking home. I do a once-a-week podcast and it pays my rent plus six grand Yeah, you could buy a house if you had I could buy you sold all of your trinkets and trash The house is only for the trinkets I didn't get the Sega Saturn cabinet I'm sad about it cuz I was you know Do you see do you see how impossible it is to talk people into or out of addictions?
Starting point is 02:03:08 Do you fucking see how impossible it is? I'm buying less crap. I'm trying to buy less crap. You fucking idiot. Anyway, I do want to get, but I want to get a, I don't know, I can't get a night, but I want like a big, I want room. Any house in California is tiny. It's a tiny little thing.
Starting point is 02:03:23 No, not out, away from California. If I get out towards, yeah, if I get out towards like Victorville or something. No, not that far! What do you call it? Uh, San Bernardino County. I gotta go to. Okay, well. Whatever. Maybe not.
Starting point is 02:03:36 I wanna move to Vegas still! I gotta, my other friend just moved to Vegas. Too hot. Too hot? You stay inside? I don't fucking care! There's air conditioning! Anyway. Uh, yes, I am Maddox 2.00 except I actually make money and I don't have slime bed sheets. He's Maddox 2.0 and 2.5. 2.5 and 290. Maddox 290. Gates of above for 10. Vito's wrong, Dick is right. We need to double down this weekend to appease the demon. That's right! I know it!
Starting point is 02:04:01 Nick was fighting off all of us. I know it! They're gonna be looking for army guys. We've got to... They're gonna be looking for army guys! We've got to... They're gonna sober up and think it and they'll fall to ruin! That's why we've got to drink me Lardies! Me Lardies! Me Lardies!
Starting point is 02:04:13 And blubberinos! Carafro for five says like Blue Waffle said, let's send a bunch of comics to prison for Nick for the rest of his time. Hey, finally there's time to send him 40 isoms. Let's send him through Isoms. That'll take you through all of prison, through that shit that boy Mikey for two the large You can pass them out and make friends. Hey guys. This is my favorite. This is guys black black eyes I like it. Yeah, look at this. He learned to read while writing this comic
Starting point is 02:04:35 So maybe you could get some inspiration from it. I see a bunch of prisoners reading and being like this ain't like Dragon Ball Z though I don't like Dragon Ball Z though. I would use Dragon Ball Z. Who'd like Goku? I want Goku. This ain't no Goku. Yeah, black guys don't want black protagonists. They want Goku. Vito's winner for five,
Starting point is 02:04:49 I'm not too thrilled about your addiction to cheeseburgers. Well, Vegeta for five, Vito using Nick to stay fat. My addictions are justified. And they haven't landed me in prison yet. Now once I get all that illegal whale and monkey, once I get all that illegal donkey meat I've been trying to import,
Starting point is 02:05:04 then I'll be rolling it. Back on the trans ass. illegal whale and monkey. Once I get all that illegal donkey meat I've been trying to import, then I'll be rolling it. Back on the trans-ass. On the John for five, RIP lawyer. That's pretty good. Peter Wagner for ten, Vito. Disciple of Dagger for two, Vito's fudge packing factory. Lungan guy for ten, says Kevin Landau is throwing a party right now. Luca Deesnott for ten, Ripson Lugans guy says I've've never seen throwing spelled like that that is actually insane the way you spelled it Correct through through wing a one word. What are you doing? We need lettuce Jones and Kyle for pka to put together a prison survival guide for Nick Ralph could help out Here's hoping he doesn't end up like the lawyer in Oz. I didn't see that show because it's gay pornography.
Starting point is 02:05:45 Well, there's an eggplant next to a peach. Gay pornography happened in the gay pornography show. Exactly. Let's see, Gimpy Lee for two. What would Tom Lakers say to Nicky, former artist for two, who first broke the news of the arrest? I don't know who broke it. The Guns News Network.
Starting point is 02:06:00 It might have been. No, real Malcolm X is who alerted me of it. There's a lot of guys out there doing a lot of good reporting. He said you're gonna need a bigger broom and I said I don't have a broom. Big. I do have to admit, you went on Twitter and you said, well, I think you guys win this one. You won this. You won this round. You're lost, you don't have to like it. Is that that bad? Is that that bad? It's not that bad bad Nick Rekete is in prison, okay?
Starting point is 02:06:25 Oh, it's pretty bad. Now it's bad. Now it has become bad. Now it has become bad. Previously it was not correct. Before then. Now yes, you are correct now. Now it's bad and not for the reasons you were saying. Alright It's not great. Mr. Absarous for ten. I'm not gay. We don't believe you Mr. Absarous. Coofer 2 the rackets freedom pizza tracker is Kiwi farms Well doing this but they need to make an app. Yeah, they gotta make an app I don't want to go there how long until we get Nick out of prison Luca D's nuts for 10 Yes, you are so am I spider? username for two birch and should have had a closet straight son that's funny
Starting point is 02:07:01 That's good. That would have been good Steve Steve for two, Nick is going to help so many prisoners appeal. Oh, man. Hey, that's true. He could be that behind the jail lawyer, and he's like helping all these guys. Oh, yeah. OK. What was that movie?
Starting point is 02:07:14 Shawshank it. He's in the Shawshank it. He's Andy. He's Andy Rooney. Andy Rooney. Oh, god. The judge really fucked you over. This reminds me of the time. Andy Dufresne, I believe it was.
Starting point is 02:07:28 Let's see, pop sculpture for two, episode 103, mugshot envy. Oh, you tried to beat us too. Oh, you failed. Vote it up. Cool for five, see you guys at Hackamania next week. Looking forward to partake in the Nick Riketa experience. Yeah, guys, the live Nick Riketa experience
Starting point is 02:07:40 will be at Hackamania. You get really drunk, and then we call the cops. And the show feels like prison And Carl's show feels like you're in prison With Carl hamburger the Pokemon guy for a big 20 glad to see you guys are doing good video you would be proud I'm using my son to make money No one haggles on prices when you say it's for your newborn kid. Here's the sauce prayers fund I pulled out on Facebook marketplace a lot ago.
Starting point is 02:08:06 I've been looking for one of these for my nephew for a while when I'm trying to buy video games. I go, you know, so could you hold it for my nephew? Why don't you say son? Eh, because then they're going to ask me questions about like how old is your kid or whatever. You can't make that up on the fly. If it's a nephew, you can go, I don't know, I think he's like eight or something. You know?
Starting point is 02:08:24 Then it sounds like you have more like plausible deniability Okay, you can do more um you'd go more He's like eight your son. They might be like, I don't believe you. Yeah, something about something about what you're saying doesn't add up They go like oh, how old is he? I think he's like eight, you know, then you get to do all that. Mm-hmm Whatever coo for five. There's a lesson in all this nothing good can come from women I agree with that stay safe everyone Disciple of Dagon for Two Australian is finding women that no one else wants that's the key well yes that makes things a lot easier either that or make someone give you a box of magic cards for them Disciple of Dagon for Two make the the mug shot an emote, no balls. Not
Starting point is 02:09:05 a bad idea. G-Money Pants. Well, we do have a new emote for members, guys. Oh yeah, you've got to be a member. Miss Piggy emote is now available if you'd like to see your favorite pig wife in the chat. Don't forget to become a member. I saw that Frog Tony before the show gifted five memberships to people. Thank you to Frog Tony. G-Money Man Pants. Ms. Puggy, you would never, of course, call the cops on anyone. Oh, of course not. No, no. Unless you called me fat.
Starting point is 02:09:32 Okay. And you'd never do that, right? No, of course not. Vito! Ms. Puggy, have you ever struggled with addiction? Uh, I'm addicted to moi. Oh, well that's so sweet. Thank you, Ms. Puggy.
Starting point is 02:09:44 I do have an uncle who's in the pen. That was actually pretty good. G-Money Hanson, $14.92 for five, Vito Vito Bobito, Banana Fana Fog Fido, V-Fi Mo-Mito Fat, I mean Vito. Thank you. Phantomurse, someone did compliment me. They said I do a terrible Miss Piggy, but my Miss Piggy actually turned into a pretty good gingerbread man from Shrek.
Starting point is 02:10:12 Oh, yeah. I said, oh, that is what I was doing. Oh, my gumdrop buttons. Oh, jeez. That's pretty good. It is good. Phantom Mercenary for two, Eric July is going to post rackets of bail.
Starting point is 02:10:21 That would be nice. Eric July, post bail. Johnny Rockets for two, so is the Reketa Dick podcast still on? Yeah. Yeah, I think that'd be good. Alcantrack for two, another win for the toe. Steel Toe's racking up W's with his ex-wife in jail. KingN64 for five, Vito with the Baldo fits.
Starting point is 02:10:39 Where do you think I come from? All of a sudden I'm seeing like. Steel Toe? All of a sudden I'm seeing him everywhere, and then Nick's in jail. Like, what happened happened that was fast Still to shut up like a year or two ago. It's like busing I never heard of busing before then everyone's busing like what well you gotta be you're not following the dabble verse to be fair
Starting point is 02:10:56 Oh Everyone think you have that cute up Cocks been a while. Yeah Say I'm not very caught up on the dabble verse myself But again, he seems to be in that sort of Carl from W ATP crowd area Oh, they're now feuding because Carl's crazy crowd Carl's crazy crowd the KKK Carl said he thought the divorce was a work And now I think he's been proven wrong here. I don't know okay. Are we still live? Let's see There is no oh, there's chrome. Okay. It looks like we're still alive, okay, okay?
Starting point is 02:11:42 He's famous now, so I guess he's around for a while. Yeah, well, Stilto's got something to talk about. Although he's been okay, if you watch the show, he goes, I don't know. I don't think I can talk about it. I don't think I can talk about it. Well, now you gotta talk about it, motherfucker. I wanna know what the fuck's going on. He's gotta make a choice if he's good or bad. Yeah, make a choice if you're a broadcaster or not. Everybody wants to know what the fuck's going on, Stilto. Oh, I did that thing where I expanded and fucked the whole thing up. We did that one.
Starting point is 02:12:08 Let's see. Rip Lawyer, I remember that one. Who's gay? Let's see. Mr. Abstrew said he was gay. That's correct. Virtualized posting his bail. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 02:12:18 Okay. Vito's Weiner 5. I don't like that Nick's arrest. Giving Vito a week off from feeling bad about being huge. Texas Mopo for two. Vito Weiner is saying that. Says Nick will go Chris Benoit once he posts bail. That's horrible. Is that suicide? Chris Benoit was the wrestler who power-bombed his family into heaven if you remember that. No. He was all high on Jesus and he murdered his- Are you using euphemisms or are you saying What are you saying? He murdered his family. Was he high on Jesus or something else?
Starting point is 02:12:47 He was like delusional. Amphetamines? What? Oh, okay. Yeah. He went like Christ crazy and then killed his whole family so they could be with Jesus. I hope not, but that will be a sad moment coming. I don't think next that kind of Christian.
Starting point is 02:12:56 The one that kills your whole family to be with Jesus. Yeah, that's a little much. It's a lot much. It's a lot of work. I need a little crisp and walk. Maybe taking a nap. Because it's always funny whenever you get the crisp and walk, I actually figure out that you're not going to be able to do that.
Starting point is 02:13:04 I'm like, I'm going to be able to do that. I'm going to be able to do that. I'm going to be able to do that. I'm going to be able to do that. I'm going to be able Jesus. Yeah, that's a little much. That's a lot of work. I need a little Chris Benoit. Maybe taking a nap. Because it's always funny, whenever you get the Chris Benoit action figure, you go, oh, but where's the wife and kids? So I can have them grab them and tuck their head between his legs and slam them to the ground like he did.
Starting point is 02:13:16 Boom, we clothesline that kid straight into God's arms. Day one for two New Zealand's Hackamania. Watch Melton and Vito hook up for sxc time I look forward to meeting Melton. I have never met Patrick Melton before. Coup for two drugs plus any gun legal or illegal equals jail. Yeah that's what I thought. I don't know how that works. Hold the truth hostage for two, blame Dick Masterson and Jesus, Vito agrees. James Deeds for five. Well, that Jesus not working out so well for you huh? Not so good. All you fucking guys are praying to Jesus. They don't really do very good. Do you have a personal relationship with the Lord? That's fine. She's not always gonna have your back fine. So
Starting point is 02:13:53 Fucking a bunch of guys that's fine, too And if a woman breaks her her vows to God and leaves her husband you need to stone her is the real Lesson here go by go biblical not get her stoned, exactly. Nick read the Bible wrong, unfortunately. He said, ah, stone a divorced woman. Let me give her drugs. And unfortunately, it has led to this situation. Crazy Cat for five says,
Starting point is 02:14:17 Redbar just super chatted Steeltoe $300, thanking him for a week of entertainment. Steeltoe is one of Redbar's fools. $300 thanking him for a week of entertainment Fools Red bar is the one who dubbed April Megamind. Well, I see there are these things. I don't know It's unchartered. I did have a private message with Redbar. Oh, and he said we're all good. Oh good, and I told him his segment about Chrissy Marr stealing Christmas Hey, you love that one. It's really good If you watch any red bar clip, it's watch the one where he just goes through
Starting point is 02:14:51 We like Chrissy Mare, but she is a woman and it's funny that she would admit to being a bad person I think it's funny and cute. It is like genuinely fucking hilarious that she thought it was a fun podcast or no Oh my god, those presents were for people. Crazy Cat, we got that one. Rex Sexson for five. And this whole time I thought the gorgeous five foot three chick falling over rackets at the Philadelphia show after party was his wife. What a Ricardo. Disciple of Dagger for two. Vito Owl Whittle double wide suprise. Shut up. James D for two. Vito is a lard ass. Dog Nick for five. See at least
Starting point is 02:15:28 you get to hear him call me fat. That brings you joy. You got a little something. They're not doing it enough. They're not doing it enough. Dog Nick for five. What are the chances of one of Nick's dumb viewers who makes him toast their dead relatives caused this with a wellness check. God that would be awful. There's so many. If somebody called
Starting point is 02:15:44 in a wellness check That was the bit you know what honestly the second if someone did I hope that they die No, I dang diddly-doo Yeah, I hope they uninstall their rumble and install Minecraft yeah That is one of the problems though when you're in these spaces and you're surrounded by all these people who go Oh, I just need to help Nick. Let me call the cops that parasocial shit Well, that's why I dissuade that please don't call the cops for any fucking reason on anything
Starting point is 02:16:16 Cyphers and sucked is five in who tries to say you did a redo problem Tell them what they should do to themselves just do an episode with only reduce don't acknowledge it That might be fun. I don't think it was a re-do. I think it just seemed so obvious. I know. What if we did a biggest problem in re-dos and we just brought in our favorite problems? I don't like those sorts of meta jokes. That's a terrible idea. Biggest problem in prison is a good one though. DJ K for ten. This is all Vito's fault. Only if we get above ten thousand.
Starting point is 02:16:40 Only if we get above ten thousand. Only if our Patreon gets above 10,000. Only if our Patreon gets above 10,000. I was going to say guys, we are like 14 Patreon subscribers away from 2,000 Patreon subscribers. Prudy got a great bonus episode for you, Biggest Problem in Mothers. Please, slash biggest problem. Vito talks about jacking off and his mom catching him and making fun of him. I do talk about that. He does talk about that. Go download it.
Starting point is 02:17:08 It's pretty good. It's a pretty good bonus episode. And again, only $5 you get access to all the bonus episodes. It's great. Rex Sexton for two. Vito, what buffet are we going to? I heard Wicked Spoon. What's that? That is what... Are you staying with him? No. Oh, okay. I didn't know Rex is gonna be there I know Thursday. I'm going to I think it's the palms buffet is that they have the only can eat lobster buffet
Starting point is 02:17:32 But it's only Monday through Thursday. Oh, yeah, so I have to go a day early Yeah, so I get in on that lobster. Yeah. No, I know I want to go a day You know what I do in Vegas I drive around I honestly do go to all the thrift stores I believe you they got great stuff in Vegas because everybody pawns all their shit so they can keep gambling All the video games dude all the video game stores in Vegas are stocked to the gills full of like incredible shit And you're like where this all come from they go Oh like degenerates come in here and just give away why do they have their video games in Vegas? I don't know you think in a desert they wouldn't have anything But there's literally like 12 different retro game stores in Vegas. That's weird like dotted all around Vegas
Starting point is 02:18:08 I just go and I like buy old games and shit. They got a great flea market and everything. Wow, okay It doesn't make any sense to me. I thought everybody flew into Vegas, but there's a store stuff there I guess I mean you're watching like pawn stars, you know, they're always bringing in like the action figure expert I never watch the show. Okay, but regardless there's always like- on me pirate ship I think also there's it's got to be a lot of these guys have like online Stores, they're selling that stuff from there. Yeah, okay Maxwell 21 for 17 theater kid dick want to be pirate dick dick with the cringe Puppets. Cringe puppets? Well, they're actually stuffed animals not even puppets. I know they're not puppets. Jokes on you Maxwell! Actually stuffed animals not even puppets. I know they're not puppets.
Starting point is 02:18:43 Jokes on you Maxwell. Koof gave me, we like Koof. Cyphers and Suckdis for 18. Maxwell's poor and dumb. Give me pirate fog. I don't have any fog in the fog machine. Fog's broken. Fuck you.
Starting point is 02:18:54 Matt C for 5. I was distracted. Here's some chicken nugget money Veto. Thank you. Cypher of Dagger for 2. Cyphers and Suckdis nuts. JLo for 2 is trying to do something but it doesn't count. He says 2B4.
Starting point is 02:19:04 That's not, that doesn't work. 2Bucks is for another two. It says disciple of fagon Kenny for not ten Vito's fat super chat dead cat for five. I love the Sith Lord from the sixth Star Wars revenge of the six sexy Siths Uh-oh, sorry. I veto slobbered on the table, and this is what I sound like. It's pretty good. Diamond G for five, let's get Nick a bar of soap shaped like a whiskey glass. There's no way he drops that. That's pretty fucking good. That's pretty fucking good. Can't drop that one.
Starting point is 02:19:41 Oh wow, that's really funny. Diamond G, that's really good. Cyber's the second to five. There's no way you came up with that joke. I know wow. That's really funny. That's really good. Cybersussectus5. There's no way you came up with that joke. I know. Did you go to chat GPT? You pilfered it from someone. Can you give me a prison joke about a lawyer who loves to drink?
Starting point is 02:19:53 That was great. Cybersussectus5, some weirdo keeps meowing in the chat. No super chats, though. Very curious woof. Vito's Weiner for five. I bet Vito would eat me if I were ever removed. I love this. Vito's Weiner, fella. Vito's Weiner is five, I bet Vito would eat me if I were ever removed. I love this. Vito's Weiner, fellas.
Starting point is 02:20:06 Vito's Weiner is making a lot of fun jokes. What is his icon? It looks like me as a penis. I can't be completely sure. Looks like a penis. It looks like a penis with glasses on it like I would wear it. Drug of the Atheist Studio, editor to the stars, there's a great clip we gotta put up. For two, it says I missed microplastic body wash.
Starting point is 02:20:23 Was it that good? I guess it was fun. Why would you want a bunch of plastic shit on you on the rub around jihado bought for two our IP Nick's freedom that oh god not mark for two there was toothpaste with that micro plastic shit oh god you were eating splice strategy for two in prison you better believe they chucked dicks in my ass didn't like it Rex I had to help my buddy haul his stupid girlfriends Christmas ornaments and grandma's nightstands across the country and it sullied our relationship. Yeah, it would I guess.
Starting point is 02:20:51 Michael Winning for five dick is the Taylor Swift of podcasts. He only forms relationships to farm content. You know, there's a lot of stress on people at the top. I'll tell you that. A lot of stress. We got a couple of our super chefs here. Oh no, here we go. We got a couple of super chefs here You know a lot more. Oh, no, here we go. We're not too many more. Let's see
Starting point is 02:21:12 Tesso for five plastic in my balls Clips Samos killing it with the clips subscribe to clip Sama for five pounds. The worst part is Maddox is gonna be contact contacting parole officer constantly you're right're right. Unimaginable stress. Jay Thompson for two. It's going to be terrible. I am black. Keep us away from anime slash games. Will do.
Starting point is 02:21:32 Pineapple Man for two. Piccolo from DBZ is a middle-aged black man. What? He is? No, he acts. I think that's like a fan theory. Oh, OK. And he's the black character of DBZ is Piccolo the locks for me in guy
Starting point is 02:21:46 The green guy. Okay, big green blocks five Max was talking about veto when he wrote fuck whales Normal Mike Henry for to a smuggle wheel and a pig you didn't read that. I saw there's a whale and a pig emoji Yeah, read the fucking emojis every time well people don't know they're there normal Mike Henry for to smuggle a file in prison with your super killer thermos The thermos might be a separate add-on later agnostic Uzumaki for five you know tickle your co-host He loves it. He pretends he hates it. You know activate your tickle powers and tickle him to never get cold Lex Lutensi for two can't wait for Max's video on this in 10 He likes Ludenzi for two can't wait for max's video on this in 10
Starting point is 02:22:35 Backup it's crazy. I will say Tim pool finally let the claim on episode I believe it was 138 laps. I just wait out the whole 30 fucking days I think so luckily if you look at the comments on his music ever even all his fans are like, bro you gotta stop. And that's what he deserves. Drunken Hater 5. Straight to jail. Nick was just sleepwalk streaming. I've done it half a dozen times. Ain't pretty but it happens. This is the way. Sambian. Dean Chalk for two. Thanks for the life boys. Nick brought me here. Well here you're gonna stay. Here you're gonna stay cause there ain't nowhere else to go back.
Starting point is 02:23:04 Nick we'll keep a good eye on your fans for you. This is gonna be the weekly Nick Reketa update show I guess. Pinklike, he's gonna get out on bail. We'll be streaming in a week. Unless Rumble cancels his deal, in which case everything's over. So, Pinklike, PC for 10. During the Rittenhouse trial I super chatted Nick to plug the dick show. I'm a woman so I need to brag okay
Starting point is 02:23:25 Thanks, bye Vito. Let me get these That doesn't mean anything to me. Tony, Ted, thank you. Thank you Thank you. How much you tip your door dash driver Vito not enough cuz you tip them at all I tip them like a buck or two. Why I don't know Cuz I fuck them yeah, well they keep raising the fees and I'm like well the fees I assume are being passed on to those fucking people so who cares who cares here Yeah, I mean they have the right to not having around a fucking car Yeah, I put a buck or two in bird flash for two. Reketa's got to be fair
Starting point is 02:24:01 He got me he must be Okay He got me. He got me. He must be feral to survive jail. You got two out of me in one episode you assholes. And the first one was my fault, the first one wasn't even one of you guys. You're slipping. We need a leader board for the number of people who have gotten one over on me. Man this is an epic moment. Bird was aware. That was a rare w In the beginning He's hated saying these words And everyone tried to get it to say it.
Starting point is 02:24:48 You know what it is? Cause Kurt- Cernovich tweeted about it. No, I'm not saying it. And that's stuck in my fucking head. But one brave man. Will you fucking press the button for the love of God? I suck, Hotch. There you go, you got it. You won, alright? Everyone wins but me. All right. Agnostic
Starting point is 02:25:06 Uzumagi for five. It's almost like you shouldn't do math and have swinger parties if you have kids. Still sucks though. Cashing prayers up for Mr. And Mrs. Arrakis. Why? You can drink alcohol? Yeah, why not? Utah-based Armenia for two. Vito, you should head up Nick for weight loss tips. Yeah. Get put in a facility that regulates your caloric intake and you'll probably do pretty well. Actually, people get fat in prison anyway. Yeah, they do. You got to hit the yard.
Starting point is 02:25:28 Call up some for two pounds from the blackface lawyer to the black eyed lawyer. Oh. Oh. That's pretty good. You got to let it all out. Let it all out. Get it all out tonight.
Starting point is 02:25:42 You got to let it all out. Get it all out. Little. All out. Doesn't matter. What do I always say? You got to get a little bit of shit sometimes. It all out Doesn't matter what do I always say you gotta eat a little bit of shit sometimes today Nick is eating a little bit of shit more than a little All of it 2k for five snorting snow with a wife and gun. I fought the law and the law won And whiskey fun
Starting point is 02:26:09 I fought the law and the law won I fought the law in the law one half off the long the law one This is steel toe in my house What was I doing paw and that her blouse? I fought the law in the law one Okay, fuck for five Nick is doing one fourth blackface in his mug shot Clips on for two destiny rated or we do rated by By the Nick rickada shirt absolutely should me for one two zero for two Nick rickaday did not Ethan Ralph himself Jeremiah for 10. Talking about jacking off. That jacking off shit seems really stupid now, doesn't it? Not good. Jeremiah for 2, discount kick. Code Nick for 20% off your bathroom door. Vital
Starting point is 02:26:55 for 10, watching Nick turn from Disney dad to Cokehead and the disgusting thrall of his shows. The reason why I still stick around after all these years. God bless ye sir. Disney dad. Hollywood for five. This is a pro Nick super chat. Good. The man has a side piece and likes inebriates like the rest of us.
Starting point is 02:27:12 Always reject the boot of the state. Always reject the boot of the states. I can absolutely. That's the thing is you hate that the L comes at the hands of the state. Why are people cheering for the cops? Because they're evil. They're evil. They're going oh the cops got Nick.
Starting point is 02:27:24 This is somehow Nick's fault. We won. No this is the cops fault. This is the cops fault.'re evil they're evil they go no the cops got Nick this is somehow Nick's fault we won no this is the cops fault this is a cop leave this fucking man alone the cops are bad the state is bad mm-hmm Nick's really got a sober up the cops gotta leave people alone they're not sobering up in prison did you not read any of my stuff yeah black egg is reviews for two I think you beat EVS's best. Wow. Love the show. That's right.
Starting point is 02:27:48 I never liked EVS. No, shut up. We were in a fucking relationship. I knew we were better than him. I knew we were better than him. We were losing. Fucking allies left and right. They're dropping off like flies.
Starting point is 02:27:56 We gotta keep whoever can stay out of fucking prison at this point. Cyphers and Suck just for five. We hate members. We hate emoji. Who the fuck sees them? Jihad on members. Jihad on the members. Cyphers and S sucked us for five we hate members we hate emoji Who the fuck sees them jihad on members hot on the members? Cypher's and suckers to record Disrespectful he says abstruse to straight necro see is the gayest and all the discord he also says mr. Clipper mr.
Starting point is 02:28:16 Clipper is very gay. Yes, just use the super chat gay Yeah, honestly you paid for it. Mr. Clipper. Mr. Clipper is very gay No will save us and he says it is very impressive for an Ex-a-moon ripoff that Nercursey is gay. Thank you for the money. Fillmore for five. Hey Fatso When you gonna stream Elden Ring when the DLC drops? I didn't finish the original Elden Ring, so I can't start the DLC I gotta finish the original. How you know he's talking to you? Cuz he said Fatso! And you don't stream any video games. So everyone suck this for two, nobody wants to see Elden Ring talk about $5.
Starting point is 02:28:48 Pineapple man for two, Vito's arm is bruised, I'm calling a wellness check. I don't think my arm is bruised. Oh man, if anyone ever called a wellness check on me, I would get out of prison, I would literally hunt that man down. Delete your Minecraft server. Scratch your phone.
Starting point is 02:29:01 All day long. Scratch their phone phone now that's serious Symbol of Dagon for two is as I finished my final essay for the semester Is it about the unfair how do you go to prison the president's disciple of daggone? I hate you guys. Let's see Drug and a the student five have the idea for a pawn stars inspired reality show called child pawn Agra great so about a pawn shop run for kids my called child pornography. Great. Sold. It's about a pawn shop run for kids. Bye kids. Child pornography. Hey everybody it's time for your favorite show. Child pornography. How much you give me for these crayons? What? Crayons? What kind of show is this? What kind
Starting point is 02:29:37 of show is this? Uh oh I gotta get out of here. I gotta give you our phone. Why would I want this recorded anyway? I don't know why I want this. David Corona for five. Nick's the kind of guy who sucks dick for cab fare and then walks home. Oh, that's horrible. Me for five. What does that have to do with prison? I have no idea. Me, zero, four, one, two, zero for five. Locked up rackets, jailbird rackets, always with the hot prison takes.
Starting point is 02:29:57 Cypher Suspectus for two, Vito, you gotta... Well, he wants TBF. Okay. Steve for two, tattoo beef hair. That doesn't count. Disciple of Dagen five Australian Vito. There's a sound bite of Dick admitting he's gay on the Dick Show episode 400. Yes, there is. Go listen to my show. Cyprus Suck this for two. It says free rackets. We're going to do it. Pink like peachy for
Starting point is 02:31:07 Vito's booty. What's it going to be, me lad? It's a bottle of whiskey and a malefile. I said, what's in the box? That isn't Nick. And then you're trying to say that Nick isn't in the box. Nick is in the box, but that's what I said. OK. I said, what's in the box? That isn's what I said. Okay, what's in the box?
Starting point is 02:31:25 I said what's in the box that isn't Nick. You just said what's in the box other than Nick. That would have been better. It's the same idea though. What's in the box that isn't Nick. Yeah, what's in the box that isn't Nick. Well that infers that Nick might not be in the box. Well it's still accurate.
Starting point is 02:31:41 Okay, well you're delaying the inevitable plank walk in here penis? Waga or not, or we're gonna smash this thing. That's definitely not Mother's milk Definitely not mother's milk. We're saying that probably is mother's milk. Definitely not mother's milk, okay I give you well, I have a proposal if you don't waves what's your fucking proposal I have dick's mystery box smash it there might be really neat I got it when I got my own mystery box I was gonna say I thought the game could
Starting point is 02:32:42 be if you would look at the camera and tell people to avoid the evils of alcohol abuse you got to avoid the evils of alcohol abuse congratulations one dick's mystery box all right let me see yeah oh god I want you to see what you got there oh wow is can't even smash this, why would you be worried about that? I don't know! I don't wanna... Neil Hamburger's hamburger style jerky! Neil Hamburger's hamburger style jerky. Oh this is tremendous, thank you.
Starting point is 02:33:15 I know you're a big Neil Hamburger fan, so I saw that. Oh wow. One of the funniest guys ever. You can eat the jerky, it is a soy jerky, sadly, for some fucking reason. That's about how I feel about Neil Hamburger, too. That's why I love him so much. He's a bit of a soyman. You fucking asshole. Anyway, I just thought it was fun.
Starting point is 02:33:33 You don't see a lot of Neil Hamburger collectibles. I love it. Thank you very much. And now in the spirit of giving, you know, we don't gotta do the scale. Well, we do. What's it gonna be? It's gonna be an even trade. Oh, what?
Starting point is 02:33:44 Well, I know, but life's's not fair as we know with Nick Yeah well In the... Time for me to enter my prison The prison of my own body Of your own body in decisions There's no scale, I went automatically Uh what the hell, where is the scale?
Starting point is 02:33:57 I don't know but there ain't one Uh... Oh it might be in the hall I'll check the hall What the fuck? Maybe the cleaning lady hid it somewhere or broke it again. Under this? Here it is. Oh, you were hiding it.
Starting point is 02:34:14 You had hid it! So you could escape this! Alright, let's see here. Go for it. Here we go! You're gonna beat 287.4 And... You... Definitely didn't do that.
Starting point is 02:34:32 Oh shit. Wait a minute. It's getting all messed up. Uhhh... Just tell you what it is. Yeah, what is it? It's 291. Oof. 291. Oh, I didn't have any Bluetooth on.
Starting point is 02:34:44 Well, you know, it's just a normal fluctuation thing. Save. 291. Oh, I didn't have any Bluetooth on. Oh, you know, it's just a normal fluctuation there. Save, 291.7. Also, you know, we're doing the show a day early if I had another day to work out. Then you would have been like 299 probably. No, no, no, I would have been... Okay, here's your very wonderful prize that was sent in today. It was very light. It was very light. It's gonna be a gift certificate or something?
Starting point is 02:35:03 It's so stupid. What is it? It's a good collectible. It's so stupid. What is it? It's a good collectible! Come on. What is it? There, does that work again? Okay, I think it works again. Okay, you were saying you're very upset.
Starting point is 02:35:13 It's not even, the box is all fucked up. I couldn't tuck it back in, they sent it like that. No, wait, hold on, did you fuck around with this or something? This is a box of organic mother's milk which is not that clever and you guys are retarded and wait what is it used for is it useful it supports breast milk production for nursing mothers oh you could use that but he literally shut the fuck up he's fucking dead no they didn't put a note
Starting point is 02:35:50 they didn't put anything secret in there? they put a note and there was a gift receipt and I didn't want you to be able to return it so I didn't include it but they didn't leave their name or a note so this is to help with breast milk production? that's right you gotta get your breast milk production in case
Starting point is 02:36:07 We all know you love mother's milk the toy so much That I drink this I'm gonna start lactating because you have so many mothers Yeah, well you think Well, you think they're friends in prison. They would love that in prison. I have this, but at least my friend. I knew you were going to gain weight. So that's why I put something crappy in there. Guys, we're going to save Nick Ricada. Don't forget, biggest problem dot show vote on all the problems,
Starting point is 02:36:38 including the war on drugs. Got to vote that one up. Can you show us our top supporters, please? And guys, we are very close to having 2,000 members on Patreon. Get us over 2,000 members at slash biggest problem and check out our new bonus episode the biggest problem. Subscribe to the channel. You've got to subscribe and get your mateys to subscribe as well.
Starting point is 02:37:00 Please subscribe if you're watching the show. Thanks for coming back. We will have more. I mean Nick Riketa is going to be out of jail next week and everything is going to be fine. It'll be on the show. Thanks for coming back. We will have more Oh, I mean Nick Reketa is gonna be out of jail next week and everything's gonna be fine. It'll be on the show What's he over under? He's gonna be out by tomorrow. He's gonna bail out tomorrow They're not gonna keep him in jail over the fucking weekend I might. Tomorrow's Friday. There's nothing going on in Minnesota. He lives in the sticks
Starting point is 02:37:20 It's the worst kind. Tomorrow he goes in front of the judge, bail out, and then I don't know what he's going to do. Well, hopefully not give up alcohol. That would be the worst. You got to have a couple last drinks. You got to have a couple drinks. I'm going to eat and drink it in before you go back to jail and serve out your five year term. He's going to be fine. Everything's going to be fine. I'll probably legit cry if he goes to jail for a couple. If he goes to prison, he's not going to go. Come on. What do you call it? You think he'll go to jail for less time
Starting point is 02:37:51 or more time than Ralph? Ralph tried to kill a cop. So, you know, he'll be fine. Do you think he'll go for more or less? Less. Let me put that in the. Drugs are a, it's not, because he didn't commit a crime against anyone.
Starting point is 02:38:02 It's drug possession. No one cares. Yeah. It's not like he was selling drugs. if he was selling drugs, he'd be in trouble if he was you know Run around shooting guys fucking computer. I don't fucking know All right, never mind. Goodbye everyone. Goodbye everybody. Thanks for coming by and again one more time guys hackamania next weekend Vegas One more time, guys, Hackamania next weekend, Vegas. Launch it live at Get your tickets, use promo code BIGGEST. Lotch it?
Starting point is 02:38:29 Lotch it, shut the fuck up. I'm very tired and exhausted and I'm worried about my good friend, Nick Rican. You had a rough day. Oh, whatever, he's getting plenty of sleep and chill. Goodbye. Goodnight. Uh, uh, the TV.
Starting point is 02:38:45 Whoa. Oops. Sorry. Woo woo. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:38:53 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:39:01 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.

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