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How you doing?
I feel like there's a Tony shaped hole in my heart.
So you got an enlarged heart syndrome.
I'm missing that giant headed bastard.
Where's our beloved Tony now?
Who brightened our day.
Yeah, the sun reflecting off of him.
We went to a lot.
It's not actually light coming from him.
It's the sun reflecting off his face.
He's a beloved figure.
Like the moon, get it?
I know.
He had his meetup at the bar Kate. I left after like an hour. I was like I
Just got anything you too good for what do you mean like that?
What do you say like that needed to detox from Tony I it's a positive guy
It's not that it's you know whenever I hang out with somebody for more than like four hours
I'm like I'm like, I just gotta like lie down
and like have some time to myself.
I'm one of those guys.
I tried to stop him from staying at your place on the show.
I said, Tony, this is a soft no.
No, no.
You're being told to get another place.
It was not a soft no.
And I'm telling you, look, that's what I was saying.
And he ignored that advice and stayed with you anyway.
I'm glad that he, well honestly when people stay over my place it gives me a good excuse
to actually do a deep clean of my place so I'm glad that I had that pressure like Tony's
coming over.
I actually gotta pick up this nonsense, organize this nonsense.
When are you gonna start that?
I did.
It's looking a lot better than it was.
Let's put it that way.
How come you don't pay somebody to get in there?
Would you let someone pay for you okay? You're not gonna pay for it right you know I would pay for it
But like every other week have have a lady come in and clean your house and jerk you off
What's it? I might well I think I well I just have to cuz she'd be like well
What do I do with this Funko Pop figure? Trash it.
Ha ha ha.
Trash everything in the place.
That goes in the mother's milk pile.
I'm going to put on a Consuelo suit
and go to your house and just trash everything in there.
No, you tell them once.
Write a little flow chart.
If it looks like garbage, leave it where it is.
But dust around it.
Dry the towels, for god's sake.
Because I obsessively organize everything.
That's my biggest problem is I, over my desk,
I have those little plastic totes you can get,
the little plastic bins.
Like little children's lunch boxes,
like souvenirs that you keep from?
No, no, no.
The ones you get at a Target, just like little plastic bins
to like, oh, maybe I'll put my crafts in.
Yeah, totes.
Oh, I got a I got somebody who
Picks up totes for she's a totesman organizing and then yeah in the garage with a bunch of mismatched totes
Yeah, so I have like I have probably like a hundred totes of
various sizes
With individual printed labels on them
So like one time I have to say the N word. I can't.
You can do whatever feels right.
Are you serious?
So like one tote says USB-C cords.
No, toss all of them.
Another tote says USB-A cords, the fat version.
Another one will say.
Vito, get rid of the, that was like one of my first shows.
You gotta get rid of that box, bro.
One box says, you know, memory cards and hard drive excess. So everything is like organized into its own little box
we need a department of
men's cables that
That we can have all men. I do have too many old USB cables that I probably should toss. What's the right number?
Well, I need one is the right number. No, no, you don't. No you don't. Get rid of them.
Here's the problem, okay?
It's just, you know what?
It feels better to have none.
Buy one when you need it, throw it away.
Yeah, but then I'll need it and then I don't want to go out and buy it again.
It's no big deal.
You don't have, see you don't have this problem because I'll be like, what the fuck do you
call that?
Look at that.
Okay, but I'll be like, I want to play PlayStation 3.
Okay, so I need that USB cord.
And then I'll go, I want to play PlayStation 4. That, so I need that USB cord. And then I'll go, I want to play PlayStation 4.
That controller takes the other kind of USB cord.
I think I want to play PlayStation 5,
and that takes the third kind of USB cord.
That's three. It's no big deal.
Yeah, but then I got to get one cable
that's got that dongle on the end of it, every dongle.
You get in an adapter, you set.
And then I got a universal adapter, like an Allen wrench.
You know? That's what I've, how come I've've got I've gotten infinity Allen wrenches for Christmas yeah I've never got one
dongle wrench that's like sticks out a new dongle you know oh yeah like a USB
of all sorts never have I got that I wonder if they can make that.
Keeping my keeping my cords where I can find them and then also because I've
been you know all the video game consoles I've been thinking so I've one bin
That's any s cords and adapters and one bin. That's Genesis cords and adapters
Okay, I got one can handle all this I got one bin. That's just replacement thumbsticks for n64 controllers
You know how they get loose so I got to unscrew the n64 controller. I got to take out the old worn down
You know cuz I'm gonna be that shit away. I'm gonna be selling these so the thumbsticks have to be new
so I what point are you not selling it well that's the thing is I've just been
organizing it for like a year and none of it's been so don't lie to me
probably yeah no it's been in there for a while yeah definitely place look like
and during kovat it definitely right before kovat is when I got most of this
stuff from my buddy.
And I've just been-
Who is this buddy of yours?
Was it-
His name is Seth Yaton, guys head to the Hampshire mall in Hadley, Massachusetts.
Is it Tyler Yaton?
Is it a fake- is it Edo?
Is he like an evil war in the Wawawegee version of you?
No, no.
Well, he is a version of me, I'll say that.
He's a much nicer, soft-spoken, nicer version of me.
How do we clean your place up?
Well, it's Seth's fault for selling me
all these video games for nothing.
He's ruined me.
It's an in-excus- you have to have a lady in there.
You have to have a lady in every other week
to clean it, deep clean it.
Give it a deep clean.
I do want to get a cleaning.
You know what I did do is,
and I'm surprised Tony didn't comment on this
Yeah, well, I think he was holding back a little bit. I think so so my that's what alarmed me the most remember that bathroom that
Disgusting bathroom ledge that had the soap the soap on it body wash and it was because it's wood
It's been like gusting yeah, well damp constantly yeah
Well, it's been rotting away like literally I started like scraping the wood out onto that oh
Whatever so I ripped that shelf off because it's been rotting away like literally I started like scraping the wood out. Don't do that. Oh, whatever.
So I ripped that shelf off because it's all rotted or whatever, but then there's just
a big hole between the tub and the window.
So I got that spray foam and I sprayed it in the crack before Tony came so that the
hole's gone and that's got spray foam in there.
That was an industrious of me.
Why don't you tell your landlord to come fix that shit?
I should do that, because the other problem is,
and I'm worried they're gonna say,
well, it's your fault because you're fat,
but I think they put the tiles in really badly
in the kitchen.
They can't tell you it's your fault because you're fat?
Half the kitchen tiles are cracked
because they just did not put enough glue down.
They've been shifting since they got in there.
So I started having to take,
so part of my kitchen just doesn't have tile now.
Cause you broke it?
Yeah, cause just being in the kitchen on these,
you know, walking on it?
They put the tile down bad.
It was like loose when I got there.
All right, but it's broken now.
It's broken.
Like a video game, like you can't step on it.
Like Fall Guys, your apartment is it?
You can step on it, but it's like the baseboard
underneath the tile is there.
Okay, all right.
I had to take out like six tiles,
cause they cracked.
I'm gonna say, I'm gonna have to say the N word.
You do not have to say the N word.
Yes, it's that serious.
I'm that serious when I say,
you need to address these items.
You need to call your landlord
and get them to get these things in a livable state.
I don't have any heating either. You don't have any heating? No. I don't know if you need that. Well,
they came in to fix my heating and the guy said I can't fix- Why don't you just shiver? It could
be a workout. I have space heaters. I have space heaters, no. So your heater is defunct? It's been
defunct the whole time I'm there, but it's, yeah, so it sucks when it gets old. Is it supposed to
have- you're supposed to have heating? It's supposed to have heating, yeah. It's been defunct the whole time in there, but it's yeah, so it sucks when it gets it's supposed to have you're supposed to have eating
Yeah, the guy broken. It's broken again
Well, that was one call solve all these problems half of your problems can be solved by one. Well, my theory is always
The last time I asked my landlord for something the next month. They raised my rent
Okay, so my theory is if you remain invisible to your landlord
they just kind of leave you alone and take your money but the second you ask for something
they go, hey when's the last time I raised that motherfuckers rent? This sounds like something
that I heard out of a Holocaust memoir. That thinking. I think I am part Jewish. That mindset.
So the longer I can put off any repairs or not spend money
They get stuff for free they get stuff without spending money. You're just not spending money. I'm getting anything
I'm not get yeah, well, I am spending too much money on all right is this I just need a bigger place
But it's gonna the same thing's gonna happen
You have to like continually clean and upkeep your place
You have to like continually clean and upkeep your place
Yeah, yeah, well, I mean it would just be easier if I had now while you're in a space I need well Here's what I'm gonna say
I've decided I might start doing this every Friday is a
Okay, I got that gonna work. I will after the show. Okay. Oh after the show. Okay. Yeah
Well after the show I have right now scheduled a video game stream.
But I might start doing after the show on Fridays.
A house cleaning stream?
Well, not a house cleaning stream, a please buy some of these things.
So they're not in my house anymore.
As Tony mentioned, I have a, one of the tote boxes is just full of destroyed mother's milk.
Because I know fam-
Get rid of that shit! I know people want them though
Who gives a fuck?
They're fucking with you!
Who fucked them?
If somebody wants that they're sick in the head!
I have gotten better at throwing stuff out.
I'll say that.
For the first time in my life, let's put it this way, for the longest time
So all the people sending those in, they're getting smashed and then they're taking up
space in your fucking apartment?
Yes, yes. sending those in, they're getting smashed, and then they're taking up space in your fucking apartment. So for the longest time, I've dealt with genuine economic,
what do you call it?
Money wasting?
What's that thing?
Insecurity, like constantly worried about money.
So I would never throw anything out,
because I was always like,
oh, well I can put it on eBay and get 20 bucks,
or I could do this.
I finally got it.
Is it insecurity, or do you like wheeling and dealing?
Is that where the hoarding comes from, insecurity? I don't think, well, I don't know, it's not wheeling and dealing is that where the hoarding comes from insecurity? I don't think well
I don't know it's not wheeling and dealing because it'll be like stuff like old computer monitor like I won't throw out an old
Computer monitor cuz I'm like well. I also know I also feel guilty. I'm like oh, I should like donate it to the thrift store
I shouldn't just throw it, but then I finally have just started throwing things in the dumpster bro
I found a VGA cable. Yeah the day. I didn't even think I saw it grabbed it straight into the garbage
I think a VGA cable I could throw out.
I think I'd be okay with that.
Are you sure?
I had to go through a process in my mind.
I do have a weird, I don't know,
I guess that's unconnected.
How do you feel about throwing out toys?
What are you talking about?
Did you ever watch Toy Story
and then you got all worried about like throwing out your toys?
No. Yeah, okay. What toys would I have though? My mom gave me my
Cabbage Patch doll that I had when I was a little child that I remember having so I could give it to my son.
Yeah, she just gave that to me. That's kinda nice.
But I wouldn't if that thing was if he destroyed that thing. I guess it's not toys. I
like will look it's like interesting how like an object can like trigger a memory And then it's like the objects totally worthless, but the memory that it brings to you're like
Are you describing women kind of interesting? Yeah, like I have like the old
When I used to play video games in high school
I had the little box that you press the button and it switches from the PlayStation to the Xbox. I had that shit
Yeah, yeah threw it away. I don't know if I've thrown it out yet, but I remember I would look at it
You know it reminded me of like I'm like, I don't know
It's kind of like weird like I have no use for it, but it's like do you think that you're hoarding emotions as well?
hoarding your
Your tethers to the past also because the emotions of the past are comfortable for you?
Well, I mean, isn't that why anyone is into nostalgia?
Is that it's like a comforting place?
Most people don't fill their house with nostalgia.
Well, I think a lot of people keep
little stupid trinkets around.
Yeah, they don't fill the whole house with it.
You know, there was a point during COVID
where I started buying like toys from that I remembered
Yeah, I had a little stop
Reverse course I had a little pinball machine tiger like one of the not tiger
It was like it's one of the more like actual like you know it had like a tiny little ball bearing or whatever so I bought
Yeah, yeah, based on about one of those machines where it's like you rotate the sides labyrinth
Yeah, I never had one of those though, so's like you rotate the sides labyrinth. Yeah
I never had one of those though, so I don't have a connection to I didn't have that shit either
But if I was at someone's house, I always wanted to play on theirs
Yeah, and they're always like that thing's stupid anytime a kid had labyrinth
They were done with labyrinth and every time I was like, how could you ever get tired of this?
How did you get this? My parents would never buy this because it sucks. I see that it sucks
It takes up a ton of room. Yeah, it's thing every time it's like so I this must be something
that rich people have I don't know did you ever play the tomey fuck what is it
like jungle race or something what's that it's the one where you have the
marble and it's like it's got like seven different parts that you have to get the
marble through I don't know about that don't look it up don't know don't do not
look it up well you have to start the show.
We should do an install.
This is...
What are we gonna do?
Like, the biggest problem?
What was the show gonna be?
Remember that?
Remember that?
Yeah, you remember that?
Remember that?
Remember that?
Remember Barry's show.
A big problem in the universe.
You can't say it.
It's not remembered.
It's totally different.
The problem in the universe.
Welcome to the biggest problem in the universe.
The only show that ranks every problem in the universe
From friends throwing shade to economic aids
From Gata
I'm your host, Nick Mash, and joining me as always is Vito Giswoldi
What's up, man?
Hi, Dick!
I wanna be your friend!
Look, it's a little baby Vito You little buddy I wanna be your friend! Oooooooooh! Look it's a little baby Vito!
You little buddy!
I wanna be your little buddy!
How many of those do you have in your house now?
100 of them I think?
Where are you storing them?
Do they get the bath tub?
I'll just put them in with the cat shit in the bathroom.
Came out pretty good!
You gotta respect that craftsmanship.
What is the doll saying?
Somebody was asking what's under the hat.
It is authentic.
Some sort of a sewing, some sort of a stitch.
Well no, it is bald.
Oh, it's bald.
Can you fuck it?
Actually, you know what?
I think you could get a small fleshlight
if you carved out here.
Do they make them in small?
Yeah, actually I think they do.
Okay, and so what is this?
The swim line.
What is this for?
This is going to my-
Celebrate Valentine's Day?
For Valentine's Day, for all you lonely boys out there
who've always wanted to fuck your favorite chubby co-host.
Now the super killer plush-
Well the-
Now in what way is this different to Boblax's?
I've never- Splushy. Boblax black splushy is great. I have said nothing
I have nothing but good things to say about the bow black splushy. I'm gonna say my design is a little more fun
Okay, a little more. It looks more like you. It doesn't it look more. Does it kind of look like me?
It's a little too light brown though. Yeah, that was the one thing is that the beard
I think is maybe a little too light. The hat is too light. It should be black. Uh, yeah, send it back. It's fine. I like it though
I see them. I see the mania does the other side of the head have like manic depression or yeah
I did the depressed veto plushies are coming in later. Those are the ones that sob and cry
Those are good
Little boy
Come on come on come on come on
This is an expert craftsmanship here. Yeah, it looks tremendous
It's you know what I look at the other plushies that these other guys have made
I gotta say they look like dead here. I'll grab the bow back. No. No I got it. I got don't grab the blowback
Compare I've clearly beat bo blacks at the plushie game
Okay, I'm the king of plush
Where does this go? What is this? This is a this is for the manic depression, okay?
Yeah, how it goes like that. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha If you have autism, you go, this is what kind of Vito I am today. I should have done Velcro. Well, it probably would have cost you.
We got it.
Let me see that thing.
Look at that little guy.
We have a smash cam now.
Look at that.
Oh, we do have a smash cam.
Smash cam right there.
So for Vito's booty.
Hey, hide your kids.
I'm coming to rape them.
Okay, well.
I'm coming to rape kids in the ass.
Does not have a voice box, thankfully.
I can only imagine.
You touch him and he talks.
Hey, I'm Vito.
I'm coming to rape you. I'm coming to rape you. I'm coming to rape you. I'm coming to rape you. I'm coming to rape you. Well, I've got a voice box thankfully
You touch him and he talks
Yeah, that's what it says it says okay
No, I don't a black come on little veto how did that get in there that's incorrect
Anyway, these are going out. These are for my Patreon backers. Oh, wow, okay.
There may be some left over, and they'll be on the website or whatever.
Well, that's tremendous.
These are also part, of course, of the Superkiller Plus collection, as you can see.
So you have two plushies out.
I have three.
What's the third?
The yellow guy.
I don't think I have him.
Yeah, I didn't bring a yellow guy.
You're keeping all those for you
Well, if you're trying to collect the whole series as you can say they are numbered. So this is number zero zero zero
It's the secret plushie of the line that says the creator
Okay, so this is the creator plushie if you're collecting all these super killer plushies
I really have a limit. You don't have a complete collection
Unless you have the veto plush, but you know, you don't have to get them all
But this is this is officially part of the line if you're trying to go for the whole set
Just you know for the completionists out there
You know I have I
Have to say this.
I have to say this.
After having just spent God knows how much on an engagement ring and a wedding ring,
I look at that and I still think that's a bigger waste of money.
What are you talking about?
It's a gift!
It's a gift to reward.
I'm announcing that.
I'm rewarding my...
That's all I can get out of my mind. It's a gift! It's a gift to reward. I'm announcing that. I'm rewarding my...
That's all I can get out of my mind!
I spent all that and that still seems like a bigger waste of money.
Look at this little guy. Look at that.
That is just fun.
That's just fun.
You don't like toys!
You don't... I mean you're gonna have a kid.
You'll be buying toys for the kids.
It's for kids though!
You don't have any kids on your page.
I hope not.
I don't think so, no.
I'm still using mommy's credit card to get access to video game nonsense.
Why do we only have 900 viewers right now?
What the hell's going on?
Everybody send this link to your friends.
Big Z. Oh, yeah, your friends making you look bad, number one.
USAID, number two. Tony won.
Tony won.
I bet he's happy about that.
Most people wouldn't care.
But he would.
It's good. I'm glad.
He's, you know, he wanted to do...
You know, there is pressure to do well on the show.
There is. Yeah.
And he nailed it because he came in.
Frog Tony set the bar so high. That's true. That a lot of guests go, I don't know, you
know, in the Narragasca bar, you know, white people off the map. It's like some of these
guys come in and they dominate. Frog Tony really set the bar. Frog Tony set the bar.
Tony, Tony too, I don't know what to call him. Yeah. Two Ton Tony. Two Ton Tony.
Tony who needs to get back in the gym, Tony.
Tony from Head the Movies.
Tony from Hack the Salad Bar.
Did we already do that one?
I think we did do that one.
He did the right thing by coming in
and immediately attacking both of us.
That was smart.
That's smart.
That's a good move.
Attack one, that's good, but attack both?
Ooh, can't beat it. Set up a little dynamic. And he brought clips. He had clips of me ripping a thing off an arcade machine.
That was fun. Oh, I got a lot of comments on that. Okay, Big Z. You can see the trauma. I came in last, by the way.
Big Z says, you can see the trauma in Tony's eyes from having earlier witnessed the sickening display of a nude veto.
Undoubtedly, he'll leave LA a changed man
about that frank Duffner says i've been robbed of my uh to be fair again uh get your act together
dick oh god stop there's there's my yeah i guess we missed one uh last corner can anyone tell me
if this guest actually adds anything before i waste my time we have a great track record with
guests on this show.
Well who is this to?
I want to know.
Who's that comment?
Like, did he come back and look at his comment?
Yeah, do you click on the episode and then go, well I'm not going to watch it.
So tell me, leave a comment if I should watch it.
We might have a big guest coming up, we're going to see.
Joshua Perry says to be respectful of their culture, Trump should arrive 15 minutes late
to the Black National Anthem.
I don't know what you mean by that. Captain Cheese says this is the worst episode of the Sopranos
Did anything happen with Trump at the Super Bowl was there any like come left early? He left the Super Bowl early
Yeah, that's great. He's just like I fuck it. Yeah, they won the Eagles won. So fuck this. I got stuff to do
I got liberals to make cry
It's probably uh, I mean, I guess they just bar traffic for him to get out of there
I was gonna say it doesn't have to beat the crowd
Probably not gonna make the presidential limo weight behind some tailgaters. You just run in circles around the stadium
So nobody could leave like so the secret cervix has to follow them the whole time
The president's running that guy he's gonna cut him off like Tron, you know
Nobody can leave the perimeter, the president is running. Get that guy he's really going, he's going further than I thought he would.
And we're only on week three.
I can't.
He's going further than I think anybody thought he would.
I never knew that Euphoria had a taste.
Project 2020.
I thought it was liquor.
What was that?
Project 2024?
Project 2026?
We're doing project 3025.
We're doing project a million.
Yeah, Jesus.
There might be camps.
Never would have dreamed it.
I might have a news story about that.
We'll talk about it.
Joshua Perry, oh yeah, Captain Chi, let's see, Lyle Dylan, when I first bought the
new car, the sales rep waved me over to thank me for the purchase.
He then reached into my car between me and the steering wheel.
Let me get that for you.
He peels off the protective screen covering the radio and the AC controls.
I wanted to do that. It still makes me rave to this day.
Yeah, talking about you. You want to know what's funny? Yeah, I went to go see that new Captain America movie.
Okay. There's a part where the old black Captain America is a got his phone out and the the new
Falcon little like Puerto Rican kid. Oh, you left the screen protector on and he goes he rips it off
And the guy goes do you think maybe I wanted it on there?
And I'm like, wow, good timing on that.
They have a whole rainbow of black in this movie, you're saying?
That old black Captain America.
They finally got the whole rainbow.
It is going to be black, less black, less black, Puerto Rican.
Have you seen the, I think it was a news article
that's like, well now it's like you can't give
any black person a job doing anything
because everybody thinks it's DEI.
And I'm like, it's always been that.
Now we can just talk about it without losing our accounts.
Well now it is getting hard to watch a movie.
And I'm like, well, was that character a black lady
because they wanted to like.
Okay, probably.
I'm trying to think who was white. Well well you got Harrison Ford as the bad guy.
Except for Richard Pryor.
And Chappelle.
Wait, both of the bad guys were white guys.
Oh no, wait, one of the bad guys was a black guy. Okay, they kinda evened it out.
Uh, legacy peeling off the plastic was like South Park episode when Cartman eats all the skin off the KFC.
No, it's not.
She's worse.
Eric M says, Vito doesn't understand the floor model is also merchandise.
The floor model, you don't leave, the floor model is to demonstrate how great it's gonna be.
They don't leave all that crap on.
It's, I mean, Yoshio says Vito really doesn't understand that not everything belongs to him. Yeah, that's pretty well
said. They should put a sign that says don't remove the plastic film from the marquee
They didn't even take off. They should bolt it down the sticker that marks which part it is
Okay, so they didn't do any that at least you could take that off right?
That's not important ripping off the little B sticker the V2 if he says put veto on the shrimp treadmills
I'll go on the true the shrimp treadmill is when there's a big bowl of shrimp in front of me, right?
Would that work?
I do like shrimp.
G Money Man says, this is the funniest end to an episode.
Why was Vito so awkward about what Pepe was not drawing in his comic?
I don't know why.
I just think a guy who's notoriously litigious.
But Pepe could be anybody.
Why is he litigious? Peter Parker.
We were talking about Peter Parker.
The Spider-Man.
Do not draw child porn.
Bring me Peter Parker's child pornography.
Is that a famous line from J.J. Jameson?
No, no, he said,
don't bring me PB's child pornography
cause he doesn't have any.
I don't want PB's child porn
cause he doesn't have any I don't want people I don't doesn't have any child born
I also you know I've been friendly to that guy in the past. I don't know you know him. Yeah
What's he like? I don't know you look like you dress up
Because I do I want to meet some guys who do I don't that's all
I'm asking like he just looks like a guy who me as a guy
Stop it I
Think he doesn't like me because I became friends with Ethan though and him and Ethan have a big thing
He has a secret handshake. I heard
No, you didn't down and you draw child pornography together up
He was involved in a loss? You think I torpedo relationships?
You're up here always friendly with this guy.
And now I got a talk show.
I'm saying he doesn't try-
He made someone make a video about not trying child porn and I'm saying he doesn't try child porn!
What the fuck is wrong with that?
What's wrong with that?
I agree, you're right.
I would love it if someone says I don't draw child born
They'd be wrong because I do.
No you don't. Stop it.
What is this channel?
I'm drawing Mohammed.
I'm drawing Mohammed.
It's just Mohammed and his wife so that's fine.
That's not child born.
You don't see him having sex.
That's holy.
F.T. Wiener, Vito, no one wants clips. He don't see him having that's holy FT wiener veto no one wants clips we want one minute shorts
We we want both FT wiener says I got a great text from Carl I
Saw he I saw he texted you during the show and you didn't read the text and I read it
Well, yeah, what did it say said you cheapskate? Yeah, there you go
Yeah, I got a similar text that was like Dixon idiot paying for clips is great or something like that
You should absolutely he said the clips are great. So drunken atheist studio has been making clips for us. Carl likes them
It's great. We need shorts. We also need shorts. We need shorts first
Shorts, I yeah sure right away
Bring me once you're done not bringing me pee-pee is child born. They doesn't have right
Get me shorts. I agree that we need shorts. We will have shorts. All right, what's that? Is that time for it's time for
wait wait wait wait it
Into okay here we go up it seems today
One, two, and above. Up.
It seems today that all you see,
Positions at the Costco and H1BVs,
Are where are those good old fashioned white guys?
With problems we can decide,
The colectics have a white guy.
And although Vito is a fatty,
His mommy and his daddy were both Caucasian,
At least in most eyes.
So vote, hip, hop, or die.
Yes, that was great.
That was tomato head.
Irish, Italian, we're the worst white people.
Well, you, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Both the mongrel white races coming together.
They didn't think they could breed.
Little bit of German
So we got some of the master race as well. That's not terrible bad parts
No right at the end we got a
No, we nailed it ah
Guys voted up talking about some old problems and these are some very old problems. I picked some classics. Okay. Dick from episode two is the problem of the war on blackface. Oh. Everybody wants
to do it now that Trump's in office I think maybe we're getting closer to
making a reality again. Yeah. Get some of those blackface episodes. Didn't JD Vance give a speech in
Europe in blackface? I think so. Something about capitalism, free speech or something? Why wouldn't he do back in blackface. I think so something about capitalism free speech or something
Hey, I would need to do it in blackface then he should some fucking stupid speech, right?
Someone's gonna do blackface and it's gonna be okay. I think that's where we're getting to
Yeah, we're getting back to like the 2000s where it's like well, it's a goof. Yeah fun
Ricky Gervais is gonna do it, you know, I'm seeing the Oscars
You can't you can't do like I can't breathe. Ricky Gervais is gonna do it. You know.
Posting the Oscars.
You can't do like, I can't breathe.
You know, you can't do that.
That's gonna be a little too far.
Ah, I think we'll do that before.
No George Ford before.
Yeah, maybe you're right.
That's over the top, I would say.
Maybe a trans person could do blackface.
Oh, that would be a real humdinger.
That would really jam him up.
I don't know if it would.
If Tom Green was doing stuff today, he would be trans doing blackface.
Okay, I don't follow that at all, but I'll accept it.
Nah, you gotta think about it.
Dick, if you go to my Twitter real quick, I have a picture I want to bring up to show
an example of this story where a Southern California middle school student was suspended
for wearing blackface at a football game and a judge has ruled that he cannot claim
First Amendment rights were violated.
This is not a first amendment issue.
No, her name is Linda Lopez.
Oh, that's why you posted that?
I was wondering why you posted this picture
of this little boy.
I'm like, what the hell is this?
Well, don't bring it up yet.
I wanna make it a surprise.
Okay, I wanna put this in perspective.
This is an eighth grade student
at Merlin's Middle School in San Diego
who was suspended for two days
After wearing what he called warrior eye black face paint at a high school
football game
He was suspended for this now. Let's take a look is this
Acceptable it's not the full face
Don't think I don't know it's complicated right now, it's not complicated at all. He's not doing black
Well, here's why you're paying right? That's like the ultimate warrior kind of had that look. Yeah, it's kind of the ultimate warrior
What is where it gets a little more complicated?
Black people ever say like once you leave that kid alone never I
Never say that do they I would say that I'm always surprised that it seems like there's an obvious opportunity for a...
If you wanted to be... If you're a black person and you want like free money forever...
More free money.
Yeah, just be the black guy on the internet who goes,
this is cool, I'm fine with this. White guys would love that guy.
Be the one who's like, you know what, maybe we should pay for our items at the store
It's Jesse Lee Peterson you described. Yeah, well, that's the thing. We love him
Yeah, but I'm saying like a guy who's maybe a little more accessible than Jesse Lee Peterson
The most accessible you could be he talks about the love of Jesus Christ
He's a little it's kind of a kind of a you know
I'm saying like a more middle-of-the-road kind of you know
What do you want like a sensible guy and not a trance thing no, but like you know like a hip like a
He's how much hipper could you get like like our Will Smith kind of you know, but not as a cuck
You know yeah now he's a cuck like yeah, classic Will Smith era. You know gangb well, it's a cuck. Yeah now he's a cuck like yeah classic Will Smith era You know gangbanger like Eric July
Like yeah like a black like a well
I mean everybody liked you know Chappelle speaking to some truths. You know I don't really things
I think it's kind of stupid. Oh well now it's gotten a little much because he always has that thing and he shows like oh
Now I'm gonna be real serious and everyone's like oh man here. He's here
He fucking is here's fucking Socrates about to wise in us about how we're all the same on the inside Wow
I can't fucking wait for this dude. He made didn't he make why don't you do three scenes of your show you fucking headcase?
Shithead yeah, he went nuts and went to Africa didn't he didn't he do a thing
I remember watching a thing where he was like was it for George Floyd
He did like a show, but it was only for black people
at like a little outdoor like garden thing or whatever.
And I think he was talking about George's-
It was at like 3 p.m.
Yeah, I think Obama was there or something.
He invited like all the famous black people
to hear him do like, it's comedy,
but like, you know, it's like real comedy.
So fucking stupid.
It's just, nobody wants the comedian to get serious.
It gets a little weird.
Here's where this story, maybe you'll rethink it,
is that students on the opposing team
saw these young boys running around, yelling,
N-word this, N-word that,
and someone with a lot of eye black on his face yelling,
I can say it now, it's okay.
It's true.
The judge said that's not free speech?
The judge said, well, that kind of colors my findings.
Colors my findings.
Did he really say that?
Did she really say that?
No, she didn't really say that.
But it kind of puts into perspective.
See that judge in prison.
I think she's saying that, again, the suspension, she upheld it.
They wanted to have it expunged from his record, but unfortunately...
Fucking bitch.... it stayed in place.
This was ruled not legal free speech. This poor kid. Not a legal form of free speech. You know, it's the judges a woman.
Latina, Linda Lopez.
Linda Lopez? It's good that that boys learn to hate women at an early young age and all of his friends and stuff.
That this is what they are.
This was California by the way, so got an uphill battle to begin with.
We'll probably get a strike for that.
If he was black, he would have got a wet well that doesn't matter but I'm saying.
Like a black guy, black kid going around like stealing shit.
I'm just saying if you're a white guy in a California court you got some problems.
Black guys are like, what, what are you gonna do?
Anyway guys, that's the war on blackface.
Currently number 11, can you believe it?
Cuz it's an older problem.
That should be higher.
Number with 1600 up votes.
Well, I got one more dick and this refers to your good friend Donald J Trump.
Who's currently trying to deal with a immigration issue.
Port of demons. Liberal demons that are attacking him and okay liberals. I thought you were calling the immigrants demons
They're demons as well. Some of them are normal people who just need to get in line
There is a line. There is a process well dick from episode 7
We had hell line up to get to get shipped straight to hell
Well, that might be what's happening because from episode 7 we had the problem of prison rape
Well, the Trump administration is currently trying to figure out where to send immigrants facing deportation
And is now looking into reopening a federal prison formerly known as the rape club
That was had to pay one a lot of rape rape dungeon
Rape van a rape club. It's that was the apparently the price club the term
I couldn't find the source of the term but there aren't multiple news articles that this is how it was known
This was actually a related to another problem 20 miles east of Oakland
Okay, the federal correction in the raping Bunch of kids in blackface probably. Well I think it was
a it was a female prison so more than a half dozen correctional officers and the
former warden were charged with or convicted of sexually abused. Oh they're
raping women. Female inmates. Well that's not as funny. I'm sorry I should have
should have buried the lead should I've let you run with it a little more, man?
The US government had to pay $116 million to more than 100 women.
So we got a million bucks each.
Each of them got a million dollars for going to a rape prison?
I'd take that deal.
That's a pretty good deal.
It's a good deal.
It depends on how many rapes you got.
Like they should, it should be a sliding scale.
Like the more rapes, the more you get, I would hope.
Nah, once you get I want to get raped
But the other ones are just kind of like it's like a it's like a you know diminishing thing
Can't it can't be that each one is as bad. Give me a break
Sure, okay, it could be like starts starts at half of their all going in the same meeting They're not going in to like a I'm a hundred rapes club, right? They're all going to the same rape
Rape club club that's correct
well the American Federation of Government Employees Council of Prison
Locals number 33 sent a information request asking about facility closures
finding out that ICE has apparently been looking into reopening the rape club
hopefully they will not have as much rape this time.
The Rape Club of America, we're gonna call it now.
You can rename it. Yeah, sure.
The Rape Club of America.
Used to be the Boy Scouts, and now it's whatever.
What do they call them?
Well, you know, it is still just a building.
It doesn't have to have rape.
Hopefully it's not possessed by some sort of rape ghost.
What are buildings for if not rape?
I mean, there will be rape. It's the point of a building let's be clear it is a
prison there will be rape but hopefully if I'm taking you in the building we're
having sex so it's up to you if it's a rape building or not I'm gonna say this
I trust ice more to rape less than I trust the average Oakland police whatever. Thank God. Security guard. I thought you were gonna say
prisoner? No, no. The average Oakland prisoner. That would be very racist. No, but I'm saying the problem was the prison staff was doing the
raping, you know. Oh, it turned out they were criminals too. Women can't rape each other. What are they gonna do?
It doesn't even work. It's not a thing. You need a guy in there. Yeah. I guess you can grab a broom. They're gonna say like we're in a
relationship now. Yeah. That's, and then, ugh.
You can't sue for that though.
So guys, The Rape Club is back in business potentially.
Alright, cool.
Again, Prison Rape from episode number 7 with 859 upvotes.
Is that it?
Yeah, vote it up guys.
It seems today that all you see is Asians at the Costco and H1BVs
But where are those good old fashioned white guys?
With problems we can decide
But the Leap Dicks have to be done
And the Vito is a fatty, his mommy and his daddy
We're both Caucasian
And he's the most iceableune voice Ah, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wh Canada though Fuck Canada, man
Gonna blame Canada, huh? You're really obnoxious all this Canada shit. What's obnoxious about it?
There are brothers to the north everything about them every time they talk now some kind of passive aggressive
Comment, but you know they have bags of milk up there Canada. Of course. I know they have bags of milk
I've watched Degrassi. I have no is watched, is that where Degrassi's from?
Degrassi is of course from Canada,
Canadian teen melodrama, you're not a Degrassi boy.
Kevin Smith, if Jay and Silent Bob do Degrassi.
I didn't know how much I hated Canada
until they started talking.
If you watch Degrassi, you wouldn't hate them anymore.
You guys are, you guys really think you're better than us.
Yeah, of course they do.
Now they love it up there.
Think they're better than us though.
That was the part that I, even though we blink
and then like they crammed two million Indians
into their entire.
Canada has two million Indians?
Something like that.
I wrote it down.
I don't know, what is immigration like in Canada?
What is the ethnic demographic breakdown?
They built a train directly from Canada to like, Bombay.
And they're hanging off the side with their Tim Horton's gear already on.
How come I don't hear a lot of stories about Indians in Canada?
You don't?
No, what are they doing?
Are you serious?
I'm serious.
They're shitting in the street.
Really? Yeah. And like, office buildings downtown. They're shitting in this like street. Really? Yeah, and like
Office buildings downtown. They're getting like real Indians. Yeah, fresh off the whatever.
Oh the H1B1 guys I assume do not shit in the street. Yeah, what do you mean? Why?
Because they like to. They know a nut- they like if you know how to use a computer
I assume you're not a street shitter. They're not using the fucking computer. Some Indian con artist that's
the fucking computer some Indian con artist that's
Signing guys up and sending them over and then getting like a $30,000 check
Yeah for recruiting them is sending them over and then they coach them on what's a say are we not doing that? That's awesome cuz it's evil in wrong like I've never done evil
Yeah, Canada, so they got a lot of Indians coming in yeah Yeah, you didn't know that? No.
They have lower speed limits in the US.
Did you know that?
Lower speed?
Well, I mean, let's be clear.
It's kind of like America's pussy cousin.
He's like, you know, everything's a little safer.
Everything's a little more babyish.
They think they're better than us in America.
A lot of, but a lot of countries think that.
Yeah, but a lot of countries are far away. Yeah, Canada's right there. It is right there
You know what I mean?
So Mexico right there that Mexico knows they're not better like that is the one good thing about immigration
Exactly every Mexican knows they're like man. It sucks here sucks here. We got to get out of here, but Canada
I'm gonna rename it the Gulf of America. They're like, I mean, I don't know what they obviously deserve it. They don't care. I don't give a shit
We call that fucking thing. Yeah, they probably don't call it Gulf of anything Ryan. I've read thought of it before
So Canada Canada is up there
the country sucks
Everyone that everyone that you hate comes from Canada
Jordan Peterson, his whore daughter, Gavin McInnis. You could go down, list everyone you hate.
Seth Rogan, I think.
Is he from Canada?
I don't think he's from Canada.
You list everyone you hate.
Norm MacDonald, Dave Foley.
Norm MacDonald, what's his legacy?
A bunch of people making the same joke about cancer? Oh, he tied with cancer man
That's not his legacy. That's legacy legacy is the guy who?
Who didn't tell anyone about cancer you after a whole life of making the best hottest jokes there is
You leave us like being the guy that didn't tell anyone you had cancer. Do you know?
If you're a comedian, can you imagine people coming out to watch your show and going
You know, he's got cancer. He has cancer. Let's laugh harder. Sure. For his cancer. Whatever. He had cancer.
Because he's dying of the cancer. Yeah, that's true. That was a bitch move.
No, I don't think- I think it was the way to play- you can't do a comedy show if everyone's there going
Oh, he's gonna die. Oh
Exactly. He was- he was insi- he was afraid that he wasn't that funny, that he couldn't do a comedy, that he couldn't have a comedy career with cancer. You're going
to derail this problem talking shit about Norm and not a year. You're losing him. You're
losing him. You're losing him. They're forever, forever. Now it's just going to be, Oh yeah.
And he didn't, he didn't tell. And then people are going to go, Oh, that's how I'm gonna do it. I'm not gonna tell was a Canadian and he told everybody had cancer
That was cool. He might be the only good one
That was cool. Yeah, that was cool
I'm feeling bad cuz I it wasn't even a very hard cancer pancreas cancer or something
It killed the shit out of him though still die, but most people don't die. I'm lucky unlucky
I killed the shit out of him though. Still die, but most people don't die.
It's just unlucky.
It wasn't even a bad one.
They have blinking.
It killed you.
It wasn't a bad one.
Well, it was bad for him, but it's not bad.
It's not bad in general.
Because he was Canadian.
Still a bitch.
It's a Canadian healthcare.
You know they have blinking green lights in Canada?
To let you know to go through?
To let you know that it's not gonna turn yellow and red.
It blinks green.
That sounds great.
Do you know how dumb that is?
No, that's fun.
Blinking green, distracting.
So more information on my traffic lights.
Good luck explaining that to an Indian.
Look, I'm not gonna reduce a country down to whether or not an Indian can understand the traffic lights.
Well, you have to now. Thanks to Canada.
So you're gonna say America's better than Canada?
Uh, yeah, well, obviously I'm gonna say Canada is probably the worst country in the whole world
and that everyone in it, individually as people, are worse somehow than that.
That together they're a little bit better, but individually I want to make it personal
that they themselves are pieces of shit.
For not stopping what's going on up there.
That's Atlantis Mars Set.
They're like parasites.
They sit up there in little cities
and they just get paid by us
and buy all each other's shit
and act like they're better than us.
Canada is the kind of like pretentious politeness
that they do out of fear.
Not out of magnanimity,
like they're trying to be good people, but that they're afraid of getting into an altercation. You think Canadians are living of fear. Not out of magnanimity, like they're trying to be good people, but that
they're afraid of getting into an altercation. You think Canadians are living in fear?
Yes. I think that that's their national identity is their fear.
What is their fear? Anything. Anything. Getting into an argument
with somebody, you know? I have a-
Cowardice. That's their- That's Canada.
It seems like Canadians are friendly people. It seems like a fun place to visit is kind of liberal cucked
You know, but I'm from liberal cuck areas and you know, there's friendly people there
You know, just don't ask him anything about anything to do with anything and you'll have a good time
Because it's always some fucking joke about how they're not America
Sorry, that's fun. I don't understand the
You know what is it? So they're they were a British. They are still related to the British or no
I don't know Commonwealth. They still pay a little bit of taxes. Yeah, because the Queen's on their currency
I believe oh she is yeah, they have the Queen on the coins and stuff
It's kind of weird that it's like well. That's the only thing about can I be like hey?
We dumped those fucking Brits. Why would you guys do how come you kept a could have been your own thing mm-hmm?
Couldn't fight him off
27 week mate wait time for specialist appointments and the in
Canada where 26 days in the u the US? How about that?
Yeah, the health care takes longer to get but you get it for free, right? Oh
I mean, yeah, you can wait 30 weeks, but then the medicare
Cheaper though, like I don't think give the medication away shit. You gotta wait forever. There's trade-offs in any
taxes are
No, not the taxes are bad.
The taxes are 50% in some provinces.
Well that's what I was going to say, is like, are there any businesses in Canada?
Because I don't know how you have an enterprise where you're getting taxed at the rates they get taxed.
The ease of doing business in Canada is the 23rd in the world.
And we're the 6th. I don't know what that means.
Ease of doing business would probably be regulations and uh...
Nah, probably lunch up there. Well we don't have... do they have a VAT? I don't know if they have a VAT. The ease of doing business would probably be regulations and taxes.
Probably lunch up there.
Well we don't have, do they have a VAT?
I don't know if they have a VAT.
I don't know, remember when they locked all the truckers stuff down when those guys were
doing the protests?
Yeah that was weird.
And they closed all their bank accounts?
That's fucked man.
We've got like a little Nazi Germany up there fucking around with people.
They're interesting, but why does it birth, it does birth a lot of great comedians so
you know I almost can't hate that. Name comedian and ran us no Rick Moranis another bitch
You know I go doing a bitch who quit comedy because his wife died or something
Yeah, it's a razor kids his wife died and he quit to do comedy. Well. I think he's Canadians of a strong moral
Fiber they seem like good people they act like it. They really what about Dudley do right?
We like him. He was Canadian. I think so. He was a Mountie wasn't he he's all right. I guess idiot though
trailer park boys obviously of all the
boys is a satire park boys and Dudley do right the trailer park boys is a satire
What Canada is that's like Superman's commentary, you know, that's like sure area and what Canada is
dumb conniving fat
Illegal that's like what like that's their that's that's what that's their view of us. That's their view of freedom
I gotta say, you know again, I'm from Massachusetts and I've always like a little Israel that nobody that nobody wants
I've always just looked at Canada as a big old Massachusetts.
It's the same sort of like liberal douchebaggery.
Everybody's cold.
Everybody's cold.
I think I'd have a good time there though.
I think I would fit in.
You should go there.
I did wanna know though,
here's the thing is whatever-
Bear White is from there.
Whenever another country criticizes America,
I always go, okay, but can you break down
the demographic data between
your country and ours? Because we have problems that you might not understand.
Where like, I see people and they go, oh, you think America's so great? What about your
life expectancy? And I go, okay, but you're looking at the life expectancy for our entire
country of all ethnicities. And your country is all white people. Okay? If you take just
the white people from our country and the white people from your country, it's like
pretty, pretty close. Yes. Or maybe off by like a year. If you look at the Asian people
in America and compare their life expectancy to other countries, they actually do better
here. Like Asian people in America have longer lifespans. Yeah. It turns out that there's
certain demographics that eat really shitty food and don't exercise a lot. Or they just die.
You know, it's not like everybody's not
in the same lifespan.
Sure, not all genetic codes are the same.
Yeah, some races have a shorter.
Anytime anything with Canada comes up, I get either,
oh, but we're your best friend.
Oh, but we helped you guys during 9-11.
Or you know, you guys are,
you bring too many guns into Canada.
And it really, it fills me with like this,
this sickening resentment.
Man, I wish something really bad would happen.
We helped you guys with 9-11.
I don't remember that.
Well, they did help us.
They helped us invade Iraq.
We did pull them into that.
Who cares?
We gotta eat that one.
Who cares?
No one has ever asked what Canada wants
or gives a shit about anything. they have to say about anything.
I mean it was kind of shitty though, we're like, Canada, you gotta help us bomb all these brown people.
And they're like, well we don't want, you know, of course we're gonna stop weapons of mass destruction.
You know, we sent a bunch of Canadians. I think, did some Canadians get killed? I'm sure.
Not enough.
Come on.
Support all the troops, every country.
Those were bad guys.
Even the terrorists.
Everyone's just fighting for what they believe in.
Those were bad guys.
You know what?
I'm just sick of them.
How often are you interacting with any Canadians at all?
I've never had a good interaction with one. It's always some slimy, date rapey,
kind of forced, like, forced obedience, like a dog.
Like, oh, we're so fucking stupid.
We're cat, we're just Canadians.
Like, why don't you just act normal for once?
Stop ingratiating yourself.
It's pathetic. It's pathetic
And then Alanis came down and she made Nickelodeon great with uh, there you go. There's another one
I think there's an every single time on television
They come down and they're like a and they're like a Paris they come in like a virus and you like God
I wish that you never had come down here
She did a she did you know?
Really dumped what's his name?
Uncle, Uncle Joey.
Dave, Dave Coulier.
She really stuck it to Dave Coulier.
That was, is Dave Coulier Canadian?
Kind of feels like it.
But maybe just because he has that wood chuck pub bit.
I guess if that was Canadian on Canadian violence, then that's fine.
It's too much.
I'm sick of it.
I like Alanis though
Cuz I'm here. I really want to an extent
Yeah, I'm up about like forever. I
Know well
That would be the best part. Yeah, there's no more Candace. Sorry. It's done. I think that there
There are neighbors to the north you know
Causing any trouble they're doing it of all that of all the countries. I'm upset about
Yeah, Canada's pretty low on the list higher or lower than Israel you could have named like any other country, and I probably
What do you mean Israel that I'd your second America pretty soon. Yeah, taking that Gaza strip
Renaming it Trump Trump strip baby. Great. That would be pretty cool. I'm stick strip. All right, that's my problem
Canada Canada
Two million Indians they fought in World War two they helped us against Hitler I think
Why was that a bad idea? That was good. Why was World War two a bad idea?
Well, what they didn't start it We didn't start it. Someone else started it.
Germany started a war, and thankfully, America waited a couple years to get into it.
I guess that's one way to look at it.
Until the Japanese poked us a little too hard, and we're like, alright, fine, we'll fight too.
Alright guys, well here's my problem. Which one do I want to do?
Now let's talk, we're talking a little bit about Trump so let's just get into it.
Today I saw the army tweeting and I was like normally when the army tweets it is
gay stuff. Normally it's like a video of like two soldiers kissing. I was like ah good
this is why I follow the Army account.
I'm like, hopefully I'm going to see some soldiers petting.
A soldier making his bed and then another male soldier
was in it.
He's like, oh, my bad.
And then hardcore gay sex.
It seems like the US Army Twitter has changed, though.
There's not as much rainbows and whatever else.
Oh, is there not?
They actually had someone out.
You want to read the tweet?
Can you go to the US Army Twitter real quick?
Because this was two things back to back, but one of them was a I
Don't know if it's surprising. I think it's army. I'm gonna say a little heavy-handed. Yeah, you asked me. Okay?
Nice. Yeah guys at the top of this cat not gay
Facing away from what is happening? They're facing away from each other. They used happening? They're facing away from each other. That's not gay.
They used to be holding hands.
They made them change the picture.
Let me see if I can find it.
All right, here we go from the US Army.
The US Army will no longer allow transgender individuals to join the military and will
stop performing or facilitating procedures associated with gender transition for service
You already had me at will not allow to join.
Effective immediately all new excessions.
Is that a word?
Yeah, I've never heard that.
Like getting up in ranks?
Oh, that makes sense.
For individuals with a history of gender dysphoria or pause.
Oh, you can't go up the ladder.
And all unscheduled, scheduled, or planned medical procedures
associated with affirming or facilitating a gender transition for service members are paused
Imagine if it was tomorrow imagine if you're getting your dick chopped off tomorrow and that tweet came out you're like
I don't know if you saw I posted there was a guy who
hung himself outside the veteran affairs building wrapped in a trans flag like a week ago and
Nobody's like nobody's
reporting on it because the story is bad on both sides like wait why is it bad
for trans people it's bad for well it's obviously bad for like the Trump people
because oh my god trans people are killing themselves as we said but I
was you don't understand this Trump people but I'm saying that that was has
the argument has always been this will lead to suicides
And here's an example
The problem for pro trans people is that the particular trans person who killed themselves was actually kind of fucking nutso
Like they're murder
What do you mean? They're murder? Well, they were in the army. Yes, that's true
But also they were a part they were the first person who was ever declared non-binary in the entire country
And then the country of the US yeah, they were the first person to ever do that
They were getting female hormones and they get a medal of freedom or something. No, they were just kind of a medal of whatever
Here's a medal for you and we're not gonna it was an individual who went from I'm the first non-binary
Individual to then being one of the people who D transitions and holds up the signs that says transgender
Surge is mutilation no oh wait they went super anti-trans
Yeah, they detrans and then all the ladies they were trying to they're like see I'm the detrans I'm like friends with all you feminists right and they're they're like, we don't like you at all, you're crazy. So then they went back to being trans.
And you're saying Trump doesn't want these people in the military?
That's weird.
And then they got their balls cut off at the VA, and a week later they killed themselves.
So it's kind of like too much of a mess for anyone to be like, well there you go, that's what'll happen.
It's an interesting story.
So now none of that would have happened because they wouldn't have been let in.
They wouldn't have been allowed to cut off their, well they wouldn't have been let in they wouldn't have been let in that's right
Is that what that was well they entered as a man what they were a man when they were in the army
I think they transitioned after so soon as they would have said gender sure they would have got booted out
They would have yeah, they would have got booted out according to these new rules. Well women shouldn't be in the army
That's a different problem. Not really. Not to them.
Well, I'm saying that the problem, Dick, is I think this trans-military ban,
well, there's certain parts that I think are potentially understandable and enforceable.
I think this is a free speech issue.
I think this is a freedom of religion issue when you get down to it. Now, in America, the land of the free,
you're allowed to believe whatever you want.
You're anti the trans ban.
You want trans people to die for Israel?
Is that what I'm hearing?
I want anyone who wants to volunteer
and can prove they're of sound mind and able body
Kes 22, that's a whole fucking point.
Can be allowed to be in the military, okay?
Let's be clear here, Dick, our military standards are not exactly the highest in the world and they have
Yeah, because they're preying on retards.
Steadily been dropping. So why do you care? Why do you... Exactly you exactly okay? I don't want Israel taking advantage of retarded people well if they're American
They're not gonna stop doing that. I mean we did okay. We did some of them are stopped
What was the McNamara's morons? You can't be completely retarded. We have established that in the military
Yeah, do you know you ever hear about Vietnam that uh oh? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah?
We're McNamara's like let's try sending retards into a war zone.
I saw a commercial.
I saw a commercial.
It's just like, all the other Vietnam guys
had to babysit the retarded guy,
cause he's like, oh, do you hear me, baby?
They're taking that day for work.
And they're like, yeah, that was a really bad idea.
Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do required for enlistment. We've now reduced it to GEDs and we're even letting people in who don't have GEDs.
We've had more recruits with non-violent criminal offenses are now allowed in.
Historically, we kept the drug users out. Now all you pot-smoking hippies can get in.
Even greater flexibility with mental health issues. Historically, applicants with depression, anxiety, ADHD were disqualified,
but now we let them in. So why would transgenderism be the barrier? If everybody, if everybody,
Tom, Dick, or Harry can get in. Cause it's too far. It's like too, I mean none of that
shit should have been allowed. And now there's something where everyone's like, oh shit,
that line of thinking got us to where,
remember like, you know, in No Country for Old Men, the psycho that flips the quarter
and says, you got here the same way the quarter did, so what is the difference?
Like if you got to a point where you're letting guys who chop their dicks off and then un-chop
their dicks off and then are hanging themselves with a trans flag in front of the military,
this line of thinking fucked up.
So we gotta go back.
Not all trans people want to hang themselves from the VA building.
Some just want to live as what they've decided is their truest self.
Yeah, then do that outside the army.
But it's...
Fuck off.
Because the point of the army is to kill people and
Take their shit and do behave as one unit right and get into situations
I can't trans people do that I could be in a unit with a trans person
Actually, it shouldn't be it should be totally segregated and no women at all. No they there should definitely not be women
There shouldn't be anybody out there thinking anything other than I want to kill
There shouldn't be anybody out there thinking anything other than I want to kill
Whatever the other people are that we're fighting are now and do gay shit with other men
And away from my wife stuff other than kill. Okay, they should not provide critical infrastructure
The Army Corps of Engineers helped with the LA fires, of course They have with Katrina too, didn't they? I believe they did help with Katrina. They said you guys should fix that.
And thankfully we had a lot of trans people in Katrina
to talk to all the drag queens down on whatever street.
Get them in line.
Look, here's the issue is what are we really outlying?
We're outlying.
Trans shit.
Right, but what is trans shit?
You ever think that aliens...
What is it to be trans?
Wait, wait, let me ask you this.
Do you think one day that aliens will come down
and aliens will say
Hey Earth, you got to help us out
There's a precious resource that you guys have that no one else has it's trans shit and it powers our
Spaceships and nobody else in the galaxy except for you guys and you have an unlimited supply of trans shit
Yeah, that will ever happen. I
You know what? I don't think so. no. I think there's a lot of things that-
Finally! Finally!
We can do something with all this trans shit!
Here's the issue, okay?
Transgenderism is just a belief, okay?
It's a belief that you're a woman
or a man
Except for the cutting the penis off.
Okay, but that's different okay if you if this said yeah nobody's allowed in the military who cut
their penis off or wants to cut their penis off yeah then we're talking about
something different and I can get on board with that okay okay so they're not
allowed to be a woman or not be a man I only if you keep it in your mind well
yeah what's the problem if you keep it in your mind. Well yeah, what's the problem if you keep it in
your mind? I mean, the gay stuff was don't ask don't tell, we had that. Yeah, that's
fine. So what if he goes- Don't ask don't tell. It's fine. Okay, but if one of the army
guys- You can go be trans, just don't fucking say it. So okay, so the army guy can walk
around and he can go, oh, I can't wait for my tits to come in. All of them do that. They're
all huge flaming homosexuals repressed homosexuals
I'm gonna say what do you mean? It's a belief
They don't think it's a belief, but it can't but it's not defined as anything like let's put it this way. I'm a woman
Yeah, you you think you're gonna get in the fucking army. No you couldn't fucking
But I'm saying anyone anyone at any point...
Because of your mental state! Your fucking physical state!
No way! Your mental state!
It's just... It's way too fucked!
I'm sure. I don't... Yeah, you're right.
I'm not gonna get in the army.
But I'm saying, again, it's like
we allow people to believe
anything. They're
Scientologists... What are you talking about?
They're Scientologists in the army, I'm sure. They believe that there's an ancient fucking alien
who strapped souls to a volcano. We don't go, well you're fucking crazy, so you're not allowed to be in the army.
You're allowed to believe crazy shit. That's part of America. Believing crazy shit is the fundamental
quality of America. We started a new country because we believed shit that the king was like, this is not a religion thing.
You're believing in Jesus right? It is absolutely a religion.
No it's not. 100%
You ask Jesus freaks and they're like well you know God's in everyone
It's like God's looking over us and it's all this metaphysical shit
They think they are a literal woman and that they should go in the women's bathroom and do and walk into an army barrack full of fucking women
And start dishing out their fucking periods with their dilators
Because they believe they're a woman!
That's not a belief, that's a belief in a real tangible thing that exists.
Mormons think they have the right to knock on my door because God told them to.
Yeah, you do. You do have a right to knock on your door.
And you have the right to be in the army!
No, you do not!
Yes, you do!
No, you don't! Why do you think that?
Just because you're just a belief!
You guys are losing control of the army, that's what you're worried about.
You guys, you guys. You liberal fuck about. You're losing control of the army.
You liberal fucks. You've been melting down for weeks.
You guys have been spending three weeks trying to figure out how to pin us down on stuff that we don't give a fuck about anymore.
You're losing the army and you know it.
We let Muslims in the army.
I don't like that either.
Well, at a certain point in the day, they take out a little carpet and they prey in
the direction of a box.
And we go, that's next.
We respect that.
That makes sense to us.
Hey Vito, I got bad news for you.
They believe that their pedophile prophet rode a donkey into the sun and that's like,
yeah, that's America.
You have to let them believe that and they're the best soldier ever and the guy says I would
you go and what happened I wish I had doing that and a guy says I wish I had
long hair and tits and you go you can't shoot people get out of here you're not
good there's not enough of you and we're not afraid of you enough that's why you
that's why trans people are always so ramped up on violence because they're
trying to make us as afraid of them as we are of Muslims Muslims we get it you
guys are gonna come back with an AR-15 and shoot up the place or fly a plane into
We're all afraid so you can do whatever you want.
Trans people, we're just not afraid of you yet.
You got soldiers in a foxhole, okay?
They're hungry and the Jewish guy's going, there's no pork in this, is there?
Because I have to keep kosher on the battlefield.
And that's normal.
That's like, yeah, of course.
He's dying for Israel? That'd be fucking amazing.
His God would be so upset if he ate bacon.
And then a guy goes, I wish I had big titties.
And we go, you can't be in the army.
Yeah, because they just go in to get free surgeries
and get like, and get reparations for shit.
They're just going in and scamming the system.
But that's a different issue. No, it's not.
Shut up.
It's way harder for a straight guy to scam the system
than it is a trans person who's doing all kinds of scams.
If the order said,
we're not paying for gender affirming treatment anymore,
I'd say, okay, that's debatable and I get it.
It's not debatable.
We're not doing any of it.
Fuck you.
That's the order, actually. But if a guy goes, my name's Sally, and I'm aatable. We're not doing any of it. Fuck you. Okay. That's that's the order
But if a guy goes my name is Sally and I'm a beautiful woman get the fuck out of here get in there
Be a woman somewhere else all America should be why do you think the army is like this?
This resource that everyone should just get to join no matter what why do you think that I think that the reason you should be?
Barred from the military should be a demonstrated
Was a negative to the army. Thinking you're a woman.
But all the other stuff you fucked up shit you believe.
Do women- Why does it matter?
Do women kill bad guys?
Do we have to train you here?
The problem is not a guy believing he's a woman.
What kind of fucking bathroom do you-
That doesn't matter, okay?
The problem is, yes, paying for the surgeries, or if they're going, I wanna wear, you know,
hey, how come I don't have a pink outfit with like my ass hanging out? That would be a problem. Well, why don't we have to pay for the surgeries or if they're going, I wanna wear, you know, hey, how come I don't have a pink outfit with like my ass hanging out?
That would be a problem.
Well, why don't we have to pay for the surgeries then?
If you're in, you think you're a woman
and we're saying that's okay, why don't we pay
for the surgeries?
We're paying for the fucking Islamic guy's carpet.
Why don't we have to pay for the surgeries?
Do we pay for the carpet?
We probably do pay for the carpet.
We pay for the whole all meals.
We haven't put a stop to that.
We got a little chaplain here.
Do we got an imam here?
That's true, we're paying.
We do pay on a mom there, yeah.
This is the era of be normal or get the fuck out.
Well, here's what I'm going to propose to the transgender community is establish a religion and all of your behaviors will be protected by law.
This is the obvious workaround.
It's so simple just say we've established this church and in this church
We believe men can become women and you are then grandfathered into civil rights law do cute shit. Oh, yeah, absolutely
You know what we don't give a fuck anymore. Okay doesn't work. That was your that was your world for 30 years
Satanists still got done with that shit. You keep trying to take the religious protection away from the Satanists and that's not working
There's enough of us. There's enough Satanists to make that We're done with that shit. You keep trying to take the religious protection away from the Satanists and that's not working. There's enough of us.
There's enough Satanists to make that up.
And we don't fuck around.
Oh, there's a lot of trans people.
And all they have to do is we agree, we're a religion, and in our religion we have the protected belief that men can become women.
You are then grandfathered into civil rights law and they have to let you into the army.
Yeah, except they're too busy trying to rape lesbians.
So that's never gonna happen.
I'm never trying to rape lesbians, okay?
Look, obviously I have issues with the transgender community,
but they're fucking up here.
Just make it a-
Don't go in the army.
Just make it a-
Why would you wanna go in the army?
I wish straight men would get banned from the army.
I actually wish that only women would be sent in the army.
Let them go die for fucking Israel.
Whatever, some people wanna be in the army.
I don't get it either, but there's some people are into it, but why do you want it?
Why do you why are you offended that trans people can't go?
Get free surgeries or whatever they want to do in the army. It's not the free service
What is it then because I think I think it is a freedom of expression issue you want to express yourself as a woman
I don't think the government should be able to stop you bar you from employment
That's unemployment the The army is employment.
No, the army is not a free speech. I know it's not like, at all. You don't get the same rights
in the army. I know you don't get the same rights in the army, but I still think that it is a...
So should kids be able to join? Well, I'm saying, okay, so this is a governmental position that
transgender people can't have, right? Right, yeah.
And if I said, we're going to ban transgender people can't have, right? Right, yeah. And if I said we're gonna ban transgender people
from being teachers, you would say?
Sure, whatever, I don't give a fuck.
Yeah, do whatever.
I honestly don't give a fuck because it's been 30 years.
Now you're dodging.
No, it's been 30 years of liberal horse shit.
I know you guys are evil.
I don't give a fuck what they do to you.
I don't give a fuck if they wipe you guys out
of every position ever. I'm not hutch, okay? You are all hutch.'t give a fuck if they wipe you guys out of my position ever
Okay, you were all I do in a stop you are
Another hutch I see it. Oh, so what if they do? Yeah, fine
If I do a little grand speech about what who you liberals and we're gonna get to you. We're gonna get you
We're gonna get you they got all they took us out of the army
Basically like this free speech. Yeah, I mean you guys like that stuff, right?
So do we now.
Well, I have always liked free speech and free expression and I do believe this is an
And I do think, look, even if transgender people believe something, the whole point
has always been the right for me to say, well, I don't maybe necessarily believe that you're
a woman, but I respect your right to believe
whatever you want to believe.
I can't stop you.
Yeah, you can.
You know?
Well, I don't want to stop you.
I encourage you to believe crazy things.
Okay, well.
That seems to be the fundamental spirit of America.
That's what lost you guys the election.
So keep up with the trans shit.
Actually, I love it.
Keep doing this shit,
and we will steamroll the entire fucking government.
It'll be 20 years of us. Trump hasn't taken my female ID yet I'm going to female prison if I want to damn it Newsom is gonna uphold all that shit
I'm going to go in a rape club, and I'm gonna be king of rape club
And there ain't nothing you can do a queen of you guys are gonna have to update your mental model
Into this new the new world a brave new world that we're in
I'm just where we actually don't give a fuck
Clearly you're allowed to be in the military if you believe crazy things all Americans believe crazy things
And and and Islam and all the religions are allowed in
The only crazy thing you're not allowed to believe is that white people are better than black people
They don't like white supremacy. We do now we kind of are letting a lot of those guys in though.
Now it's cool.
No, it's not cool. Stop. Not. Disavow.
We still do not like white supremacists.
You understand that believing in Jesus is nothing like transgenderism, right?
It's exactly the same.
Um, do you see Jesus walking around?
The only difference is that transgender people, I mean it's the same as wearing a cross.
It's the same as uh... It's the same as wearing a cross.
It's the same as a...
It's the same as wearing a cross necklace?
You see some big titty whore?
Cut off your dicks the same fucking thing.
You've seen women walking around, right?
People style themselves in order to accord with God's law.
The Jews wear the hat, the Muslim, the what, the kareef?
What's the scarf guys?
I don't know.
The terrorists.
Yeah, the terrorists wear the scarf, the Muslims wear wear the towel what are you gonna do okay they're just styling
themselves according to their religious belief and their religious belief as
part of the new transgender religion that we are spearheading my idea
what you're saying is to trans people that they're worshipping a like a what
is that word gyno whatever that they're gonna feel yeah
oh gyno feel ya know everybody is auto-gyno feel like there are there are
people I mean there's yeah there's men everybody yeah what do you mean there's
men well you would be some transgender people have auto-gyno feel you I don't
think all trans people are they allowed in the army? Which ones are the ones that are religious?
Like Jesus.
The ones who believe that there is a womanly soul
or identity that is indefinable and indescribable,
and yet they alone can determine it somehow.
So don't say anything.
It's no problem, you get right in.
Or start a religion and get the same religious protections
as all these other nut jobs.
This is the peakest Reddit shit.
Praying to the pedophiles and psychopaths and carpenters
and whatever the fuck else, okay?
You can do it!
The Jesus people are mostly good people. You know that, right? I think the trans people are mostly good people.
You know that, right?
I think the trans people are mostly good people.
I have not been led to believe
that transgender people are mostly evil.
So when they're talking about like Jesus and shit,
this thing you're saying is basically trans,
do you think they're talking about like,
I wanna be like Jesus?
Like, there he is, that's who I am, or they're like,
oh man, these good, the feelings of goodness I have,
I really want to like be more of that in my life.
Why do I think people turn to religion?
Do you think that's the same thing as like,
man, I want to be like, I'm a woman?
I think people want an identity beyond themselves.
They want a purpose.
And I think that describes both religion and transgenderism.
I don't know how anyone can claim that transgender people are not acting regular religion.
Again, it's a series of beliefs that are not rooted in any sort of meaningful science or
anything like that.
It's just, this makes me feel good, so I'm going to do it.
Which is fine, and the fundamental principle of America
is if you find something that feels good
and you're not raping a kid, we'll allow it, okay?
So that's it.
Don't rape a kid, don't murder nobody, don't steal nothing.
If you're gonna steal something,
you gotta be a certain race, then you gotta pass.
But ultimately, do what feels right, baby.
You know, we don't bet.
It's very similar.
It is the same thing.
It's the same thing.
I've found a thing that I think will make me happy.
And even though the people around me are going,
how the fuck does that make you happy?
It's illogical.
It's not defined by anything.
And you go, I don't know.
I just like it. My family said it's OK. Some of them might be into it. Whatever. I got other
guys around me who are into it and we all tell each other. We're like, yeah, this is
good and what we're doing is good. And we sing songs and we dance. There's a lot of
That might be true.
It's a little something there.
That might be true. I don't even think it's offensive!
I'm just saying that
again, if
what are we banning exactly?
Trans. Right.
And we're banning it because they believe something.
No, cause you fucked around for too long.
Cause they're fucking around too much.
It's all part of like all the liberal shit.
Well when I hang myself wrapped in a trans flag, I want everyone to know it was the dastardly Dick Masterson
who just came down on a proud trans woman.
It's just a belief.
Okay? Now the problem is of course-
It just sounds like victory. The problem is when the belief gets coded into law. That's when it becomes a problem, but the belief is not the problem
You believe anything? What do you think about?
religion in general I
Have contempt I think people who were religious. No, I just think we need a better one a
trans one
No, not a train labor one government one Obama. Uh
I've always proposed the Great Sphere.
Some Reddit shit?
No, this is my...
Spaghetti monster?
No, no, no.
What is it?
Well, the idea is that there's a giant kind of...
Well, not a computer, but let's describe it as a computer.
A simulation shit?
And the computer is comprised of nodes,
and each node is every individual that's ever existed, right?
And your purpose on Earth is to get your node to turn green,
to become your truest, basically to achieve a-
A video game?
Well, enlightened, like the Buddhist,
when you achieve your version of enlightenment.
You've got to A-bop Buddhism,
because your belief structure sucks.
Well, I'm saying, like,
Hitler's probably had some good qualities.
He was just born in the wrong situation, you know? So right now, he saying like, Hitler's probably had some good qualities, he was just born in the
wrong situation.
You know?
So right now, he's like, ah, maybe what I'm supposed to do is kill all these Jews.
And then he dies and he goes up and they're like, your note is still red, you fucked up.
But you're a great speaker, you have great leadership capabilities.
So like reincarnation?
Yeah, they sent it back down as Elon Musk maybe, and he's trying it for a second time,
trying to turn the note, trying to become as true as self.
You know, we just keep going
until everybody on the sphere has turned green.
Oh, okay.
And then we all become one.
So Nirvana.
We become a perfect being.
You just, that's just, that's already a religion.
It's like the human instrumentality project, basically.
You're describing something that you already knew of?
No, but I'm saying.
Is that what it's called?
Well, that's when all of humanity
emerging into a perfect being.
Can you tell me, can you just straight answer?
But you don't want to retain some individuality.
Is this a meme that already exists?
This is not a meme, no.
It's something that you've created?
Yes, no one has ever said this before.
And it's called the Human Instrumentality Project?
The Human Instrumentality Project
is the name of a different thing, but it is similar in
concept to the Human Instrumentality Project.
I call it the Great Sphere.
Because I imagine the nodes arranged in a perfect...
I mean it would be in four dimensional space, so not exactly a sphere.
What's a four dimensional object?
What do you mean? Anything. Well, what's a four dimensional object? anything
What do you mean anything? I think they have me. I think they have my 11 dimensions what?
Like a I'm just saying man, I'm trying to go green that's what we're all here to do
Trying to go green. I
Don't think I'm going to carry on just like welfare and reparations, right?
There's not actually anything that's important. It's just giving free money to
to conservatives, right?
You think through all time the military has always been giving free money to conservatives?
You're talking about the soldiers? Since World War II. The soldiers?
Anyone in the military. Like we don't need it. It's just free money to people who sign up.
I mean...
Like we don't need any of them.
Are you gonna say like in World War II we didn't need to defend our coastal islands from Japan?
Yeah, I wish we didn't do that.
You just wanted to give all that shit to Japan?
Come on. What do you mean?
They were taking other... Hawaii?
I don't know if Hawaii was one of them about uh they were take they were taking a bunch of territory
And they wanted to take us out there, right?
I wanted to take us out at Pearl Harbor so we would hopefully be crippled and go ah we can't do anything about Japan
It's just military guys. They bombed who gives a fuck okay, but like America if somebody took over part of America
Would you want to take that part back? He's gonna give it to that's what happened. That's what's happening right now for giving up part of it
It's been taken over by freaks and we're trying to take it back
I think you need the military to defend the homeland from whom China you
Mexico from me the military is to stop me You are the biggest enemy to the US.
And we're solving it.
We're solving it.
We're solving it.
I'm the biggest enemy.
By taking your allies and fucking them over.
I don't think the trans people are my allies.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, they are.
I think they're very offended by the things I say as well.
They are, they are, they are.
Because all you guys want to do nothing.
No. And take our money.
Take our money.
And take our stuff.
I know, I'm pretty sure.
Most trans people, not all of them.
There's some good ones.
Most trans people want to take our stuff.
But most of them want to take, most of them vote Democrat.
Yeah, probably.
Bruce Jenner was a surprising one.
Just kept going down the Trump train.
Yeah, he's great.
You're like, I don't think you understand
what's going on here.
No. I think Bruce Jenner regrets the transition
and can't say anything about it now.
You kind of get the feeling from a...
She got the most play out of it though.
She came in at the bottom, got her on the top.
Now people are coming in like, oh man, I wouldn't.
It's a bad time to be trans in America.
It's like being black in like 83.
Like, oh man, you got a lot of great time ahead,
but being black in like the 50s, that would be like bad.
That's pretty bad.
Yeah, it's a bad time.
Unless you're Martin Luther King,
who was having a bunch of orgies and shit,
according to all those documents that people keep posting.
Maybe it was great, I don't know.
All right.
Well, then you get shot in the head,
so I guess that's the bad part. My problem is non-absorbent napkins. Have I done was great, I don't know. All right. Well, then you get shot in the head, so I guess that's the bad part.
My problem is non-absorbent napkins.
Have I done this before?
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
We're eating dinner, and a girl goes, oh, I found some napkins,
and she puts them out.
And it's like a napkin that's got these giant paw prints
all over it.
And I think, great, we're eating tomato soup
and grilled cheese, it's raining.
All right, so I start eating the soup,
spill it on myself, I think.
Here we go.
Here we go.
You're already upset.
I'm already.
As soon as I saw the napkins with the pattern on them,
I'm immediately upset because I know where this is going.
I grab the napkin, and I put it to my face,
and it had the design on it, you know, printed design on it.
From a dog party, decorative napkin.
Decorative napkin. And I put decorative napkin. Decorative napkin.
And I put the napkin on my face.
Dog party leftovers.
And I just start smearing the soup all over my face.
And I pull it away.
Of course.
Bad napkins.
Non-absorbent napkins.
That exist as a joke.
A practical joke. They exist as a joke. A practical joke.
They don't do anything.
How many napkins do you have in your house?
At that moment?
In general though, are you like, you keep napkins around?
We're out of napkins.
Only paper towels.
But that's what I'm saying is
I'm a paper towel man.
Well, I mean you live by yourself.
You can have a paper towel man Well, I mean you live by yourself you can just you can have a paper towel rolled at at the dinner table
Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you also can yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Give it a shot
Live with a woman and then tell me you can have a paper towel roll at the fucking table
You tear off a couple strips if you don't want right right, but that's not what happened. I had brand-new napkins
There it is sitting right there.
Smearing, smearing it around.
Yeah, well.
Here you go, there's another,
there's another encounter with a napkin,
with a decorative napkin, a non-absorbent napkin.
But why are you buying napkins?
Probably for a dog party.
Wait, in general?
For dinner.
Just have paper towels.
No, they're not as good.
What do you mean they're not as good?
They're just very absorbent.
They're meant for cleaning up spills.
Yeah, on your-
Not for using on your face and during dinner.
Who cares?
What do you mean?
What's going to happen to your face?
You get guests damp towels and have
your drawers full of magic cards, civilized people do not-
And my life is great, I'm going green on the grid, baby.
I'm a true self.
Paper towels are not for dinner.
I'm merging into the perfect being.
Why not?
What are you talking about?
It's a paper towel, it's great.
A napkin is good for your face during dinner, for your hands.
Listen, it's very silly how many...
You go to another country, they don't have one type of paper for wiping your ass, one
type of paper for wiping your face, okay?
This is a white guy problem, okay?
And you gotta simplify.
Toilet paper, paper towels.
That's all you need.
If you wanna get the wet wipes...
You wipe your ass with a paper towel?
No, that's why I have toilet paper.
Toilet paper, paper towels why because your butt lining is you know can be roughed up and also you don't want
That going down the the pipes. Okay. I flushed a sock the other day. I
Used the bathroom when I stood up I went where'd those socks go after I flushed the toilet and one of my socks had fallen
In the toilet and I went oh no, socks go after I flushed the toilet and one of my socks had fallen in the toilet I went oh, no, and I tried to grab it
Sock down the down the drain so that's gonna get a gummed up
That's why I started using the lid on my toilet because I did the same oh really cuz something dropped in that did this
Flush no no, okay, but it fell in you flushed it
Well, yeah
Cuz I hit the I turn I hit the flush and then I turned around and as it was flushing I knocked the sock in.
Oh yeah.
And then I turned back around and I'm like, AHHHHH! And it was already down the fucking tube.
I don't know, it must have got down there though because the toilet hasn't clogged up yet.
But napkins, huh? Napkins to me is a restaurant thing. It's like fancy.
No, non-absorbent decorative napkins.
You don't use napkins when you eat?
No, I use a paper towel.
Yeah, I mean, I guess.
Okay, when you go to a wing restaurant,
they don't give you napkins,
they give you a big roll of paper towels.
Because you're eating slovenly.
Right, so I'm saying-
Making a mess.
But if it can handle the toughest of foods
Then if there's a minor thing what do you think you're not supposed to be causing a wing-sized mess with everything you eat
But I'm saying okay, so maybe it's overkill
But I think you know why stock an extra the thing of paper products when I can just go on that covers all
Come on. You can't live like this forever. I will for what are you? I'm going to have paper towels forever. I'm not getting napkins.
Ah man.
If you went back in time, they're using fucking pieces of cloth.
They got to launder, okay?
Times change.
That's better.
I'm not doing that.
You're not going to launder your napkins.
Look, paper towels I think is what you need in your life.
Now if you had said to me we need smaller rolls of paper towels that could act like
napkins, I'd say absolutely.
They should be a half roll specifically for those situations.
Of that hard grit paper towel?
I like the hard, yeah, you know what?
I want a scrub.
Maybe women don't like them.
You know what?
I'm going to act, we asked me to say you have a lady in the house, maybe they can't handle
the roughness of the paper towel.
I can't handle any of your personal life stories
It's too much the paper towels and I've never purchased napkins and I never will
The paper towel is a or if I really need something you're proud of having a towel
You know why can't you have toilet paper on the table toilet paper is except. We should be acceptable as a napkin
on the table. Toilet paper is accept- we should be acceptable as a napkin. When's the last time you bought napkins? Why did a napkin- never I've never bought
napkins not once. Why don't napkins come in a roll? Why does every other paper
product come in a roll, napkins come fold over? Um yeah okay I guess that's my
that's my problem. Well I have a solution. Paper towels. Paper towels.
The towels too.
I mean, you're here telling me, oh, napkins are so great.
Meanwhile, I've never had to deal with a non-absorbent paper
It's never happened.
Yeah, I guess not.
Here's my advice to you, OK?
Paper towels are napkins.
Blankets are pillows.
Men are women.
That's it. Take it to the bank.
Are you gonna live your whole life like this? I gotta go green, man. Gotta go green.
What do you mean live my whole life like this? My life's great! Look at this little guy. Who else
has a little toy of themselves? Just staring at his dead blank eyes and thinking about what could have been.
Isn't that great?
We gotta make one for you, buddy.
No, I don't want any part of that.
You really feel wiped out by this episode.
How you doing?
How you feeling?
I'm doing great.
Dick, I saw the new Captain America.
Which stars a black gentleman who
is going on an adventure to kill a white, no, wait, not kill.
Fights some white guys, fights one black guy.
It's an interesting movie.
And it's a movie that is not good.
It was reshot a number of times, possibly in response
to ongoing global events.
It's put out for people who are like getting high
on the fumes of superhero shit, right?
Well, here's what happened is, remember, they're like,
we got this Marvel thing figured out.
It's easy, you know?
We just make an Ant-Man.
We make a Doctor Strange.
And it all sucked.
And then Kang started beating up his girlfriend.
And they're like, oh my god.
So they kind of had to change everything.
But nobody gives a shit about Marvel stuff anymore, right? started beating up his girlfriend and they're like, oh my God. So they kinda had to change everything.
But nobody gives a shit about Marvel stuff anymore, right?
I don't think they, I think they only-
Nobody, like they don't care about,
I mean that's the best part.
No one cares about the movies,
no one cares about talking about the movies,
like it's just done.
It's pretty done.
But, well, here's the only holdup is
people did like Deadpool and Wolverine
People are excited for Fantastic Four like it seems like they're still looking for like stupid, too
Yeah, well, I don't like that Pablo s. What's his name?
The whole the whole idea of like superheroes is just played out and retarded. Yeah, I have a lot to say about that
I actually think I'll probably do a review of that
Captain America movie because it is interesting where they're at.
Like when the Marvel movies started coming out, it was like,
that was kind of fun, superheroes on the big screen, you know?
Obviously a couple of those before, but a whole shared universe, okay.
And then they kind of just...
Well, it's done.
Like they had a nice time.
There was nice, it was like a nice fad, but it's over.
Well, they started, you know, again,
in with the DEI type stuff.
Me and Tony went to the Frank and Son's Collectible Show,
and they have one booth that's just those fancy,
like, $300 hot toys action figures,
they're like really detailed ones.
Oh, yeah.
And they have one for every single Iron Man suit, right?
You know, it's like, really, an Iron Man.
You're like, oh, I can collect him in the Mark V armor or whatever.
And Tony, I think, made the joke.
He's like, and think, in a few years,
people will be just excited
for all the Iron Heart action figures.
What's that?
The new, the black lady Iron Man who was in the,
she was in which one?
Black Panther.
She's a black lady who makes, she's like an MIT girl like an MIT girl nice to just be done with all this like shit
It's like there was a time when normal people wouldn't have to hear about superheroes
Ryan and we're rapidly going like fast for is gonna be cliff
Every time fantastic four comes out. It's the death. Yeah, it's never worked. It's been a...
Because it's dumb.
Everything about it's dumb.
The Fantastic Four is pretty dumb.
I've always been confused as to how the Fantastic Four
was ever popular, but...
It's brand new.
Yeah, I guess when it came out, it was like,
oh, the way Marvel was making comics.
Oh, they have interpersonal dramas or whatever.
But then Spider-Man showed up and it's me being like,
oh, fuck these guys, Spider-Man.
Yeah. So we'll see what happens if it has four
I went to see this movie because I was curious to see a movie that was
Established in this DEI era of like how many black guys can we put in this and now we're in this new era
We're they're like we kind of cut some of the some of these black guys out of here and not talk about Israel
They took they cut a lot of Israel out of this movie is what I've told
But here's what I thought as I was watching this movie. So one of the big changes they made was
there's the Serpent Society which are the bad guys mercenaries which was originally
led by the wrestler Seth Rollins and apparently none of that footage was working, so they replaced him with Juan Carlo Esposito,
Gus from Breaking Bad, a number of other roles, and he's playing a tough as nails mercenary
with a bunch of guns and grenades, a total badass assassin guy.
And as I'm watching this movie, I watch what seems to be a frail black
grandpa going around the side of a car with a little gun being like, Oh God, where's Captain
America? And I went, this doesn't work at all. This guy should not be in an action movie.
Wait, why? Because he's not, but it's for people who are retarded. Okay. It is for people are
retarded. I agree. What's wrong with that? Because he does, he But it's for people who are retarded. Okay, it's for people who are retarded, I agree.
Yeah, what's wrong with that?
Because he looks completely unnatural doing it.
He's an old man.
But it's all like, all of this shit is trash for pigs.
All of this superhero shit is just totally meaningless.
It doesn't have to be.
Some of these superhero movies, are we still alive?
Have been good action movies with like good...
Well, Captain America Civil War where he's fighting the Winter Soldier
Oh, that was crap. No that was a great fight scene where the guy does the knife flip
You remember that stuff was shit. No that fight scene is great from a from a winter soldier winter soldier
Okay, they've had some great fight scenes in these movies. They're action movies
Okay, but then I'm watching it's just like a bunch of computers
They're action movies. Okay, but then I'm watching it's just like a bunch of computers
You don't like any Marvel movies there. I hate everything about them and everyone who sees them I hate I hate it so much
That it's like fallout hatred. I hate movies in general. All right, Graham now
So when your kid when your kid pops out you're gonna, we're not allowed to watch that Iron Man?
I'm gonna say, everyone who sees this shit is a fucking loser.
All of this stuff was made for losers.
It's just like, it's so they can feel that they have access to celebrities.
So they cram it full of celebrities.
I mean, you're not wrong about that.
I get that.
That's the whole, like Comic Con, where they go like, oh it's a celebrity!
Yeah, the celebrity likes our stuff. He's being in our stuff. Like,
no, they're just getting paid to to extract money from you guys. Look, I'm not a Marvel,
see, you know, don't take this as me being a Marvel fan. I've liked some of the movies. I'm
obviously a guy, I find it curious when billion dollar corporations keep putting out shit art.
curious when billion-dollar corporations keep putting out shit art. You know, I also find- This is an art?
Okay. When they put out shitty movies. How's that?
Is it?
I find it interesting.
It's all the same to me.
I'm one of these guys who I find bad movies interesting because I think picking them apart
is an interesting puzzle. Like, could you have made this work? Or are there some changes you
could have made that would have made this plot stronger? I find is an interesting puzzle. Like, could you have made this work? Or are there some changes you could have made
that would have made this plot stronger?
I find it an interesting exercise.
Not everybody's into it.
It's a thing I'm into.
It all seems like exactly the same movie made over and over
where they changed the names to get more money from.
There's been a lot of that.
They have been, especially the first wave
of Marvel movies, it was,
Guy finds his place in life and he saves the girl
and whatever else.
Anyway, my problem is not Marvel movies.
What is your problem?
Asshole, you're the one who got me off.
My problem is- What's your problem?
Action stars over 60.
Oh God, okay.
Who's that, Harrison Ford?
All of them.
Okay, so Juan Carlos Esposito was never an action star.
I don't know why they tried to make him an action star in this movie
Oh, I see he's frail and terrible and he's trying to do a John wick
But like he didn't train for it at all. I'll say this Keanu Reeves just turned 60
And I'm gonna say he might be able to do it for like another five years because that motherfucker trains like crazy to fucking do
The snap lock and whatever else but I mean you've ever see the video of him on the, but again, after 65, I thought he did John Wick okay,
but he's getting a little too old for it.
Okay, okay.
Juan Carlos Vito trying to be County Reeves was ridiculous.
Tom Cruise is 62, stop.
Okay, nobody went to see Dead Reckoning.
You can be the flight instructor in Top Gun
because that's not you kicking guys or punching guys.
That's fine.
But like any flipping or diving or jumping, no.
Harrison Ford is an excellent example,
because we saw that Indiana Jones movie,
and he can't do anything because he's ancient.
So like he didn't really do any.
Did he fight somebody?
That was like a fist fight for two seconds.
Oh, there's nothing memorable from that.
He's also in this new Captain America movie
where he is the Hulk, but that was all CG.
Oh, he was the Hulk?
He's the Red Hulk.
He's the Red Hulk, yeah.
What happens at the end of the movie?
Captain America fights the Red Hulk.
Well, who wins? America. Okay.
It's a very bad. Watch my review at I'll give it up this
weekend. Look, why do we not, I mean we have some new action stars. Remember
we talked about Judge Dredd and as I was watching Judge Dredd I said what
happened to just like hiring a guy with a square jaw to be in action movies?
Like, we just ran out of those guys and then we kept using the same old ones?
I feel like you just love movies.
Like you want them to...
You like going to them and you want them to do like what you're saying.
Like have like a young... something more believable.
Well, I would like for there to be a new wave of Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Our action star is-
There he is!
Uh, that shithead...
We got like Chris Pratt.
Joey Mangi- Yeah Chris Pratt was huge.
Chris Pratt doesn't have like that same like big square-
He's not big like Arnold and Sylvester were.
He's huge!
He's ripped!
He's ripped but he's not like a- he's still got like a-
It's not the same, man.
What about Dave Bautista?
Bautista's interesting, but he's more of like a-
He's not like a leading man in the like, uh, Stallone Arnold way.
We're missing- we're missing that. And so we keep going to these old guys.
Okay? And they keep fucking it up.
Bruce Willis got so old that he had fucking,
he's 69 right now.
And he was on the set mumbling and had like two lines
because his brain was dying.
Yeah, I think.
Yeah, I know.
Don't you think we should have replaced that guy
with like a younger action star
instead of just having more Bruce Willis movies?
His brain was literally dying inside of his skull.
And we said, we gotta have more Bruce Willis. We gotta have more dying inside of his skull and we said we gotta have more Bruce Willis
We gotta have more die hard. Yeah, but people will watch it. But why can't we just find other guys?
Why? Because every time you put out a movie with these old guys, okay, okay, what have you watched? Arnold Schwarzenegger
What have you watched? Did you see Terminator Dark Fate? He was 72. I don't even know. All of them were shit after two. Stallone was
73 when he did Rambo last blood everybody fucking that was bad
Yeah, yeah, okay, so these guys can't be action stars anymore, so just move it along
Okay, here's also here's part of the problem. Okay, we started doing like action movies
But it's got to be like some hip young kid from the streets. You know remember they did like the karate kid remake
It was Will Smith's stupid kid. Yeah
Yeah, I got a little black kid who's like hey. Yeah, I'm having fun. No like get a square jawed
Stallone where are the square jawed Italian guys Joey Mangione or whatever his name is the bodybuilder he was trying
I don't fucking know but he was a
Bodybuilding guy what's the guy who's playing Mr. Fantastic?
Fucking Pablo...
Pablo Escobar.
Yeah, Pablo Escobar.
Why can't I remember his fucking name?
He's that Mexican guy who's in everything.
I don't know if he's Mexican.
But somebody in the chat must have his name.
He's another example of like, where's the like...
Who gives a shit though?
If they're making this for morons like to go to the movies and Robert Pattinson is Batman is a good example
He's like kind of an effeminate Batman. You know that movie fucking sucked. Yeah, well, that's what I'm saying is
I'm like where's my square Jodd lantern Jodd Batman. You know Ben Affleck
Ben Affleck
Like that or not gonna say well going to say, well. Did that please you?
Christian Bell was all right.
Christian Bell was good.
Ben Affleck, honestly, better Batman.
Ben Affleck, better Batman.
Now they gave him bad material, but better Batman.
That guy, Ben Affleck to me, maybe that's my Boston bias Boston bias kicking in but I go now that's a Batman now
That's a Batman cares. Have you seen the new Superman? He looks like a girl. He's got like curly hair
All of this is what I'm gonna Chris like the Christopher Reeves are like built fucking young young built guys
Movies were like nothing back then. It was just a bunch of guys with like
These movies were like nothing back then it was just a bunch of guys with like
$100,000 budgets goofing around with a camera trying to make something good. This is just a property a ride
I'm just saying okay. Well, let's just get back to the you want more representation in films It sounds like I want like a 17 the core the core problem is if you're over 60
I don't want to see you spinning. I don't want to see you flipping.
I don't want to see you punching.
You want to see a strong masculine man.
Like a porno, you want to see a big hard dick.
He could be the mentor.
They could be the mentor figure.
Because you don't want to imagine yourself as Tom Cruise.
Creed is fine when in Creed, Rocky shows up.
Looking stupid.
But whatever, he tells the black kid how to punch guys.
That was embarrassing.
That gave me second-hand embarrassment, Creed.
I'm saying, at least the little Creed kid
didn't get punched out and Rocky goes,
all right, I'll get in the ring and I'll do it now.
Okay, so wait a minute.
So in Rocky, what was it?
Rocky versus Mason Dixon.
When Mason Dixon breaks his hand on his hip. Okay. Did you see it? Which one, was it? Rocky versus Mason Dixon. Yeah. When Mason Dixon breaks his hand on his hip.
Did you see it?
Which one was that?
The last Rocky one.
Rocky five, right?
Or no, it was just called Rocky.
No, yeah, it was just called Rocky.
Rocky comes out of retirement to do an exhibition fight
and the current heavyweight breaks his hand
in the first round and then it's a real fight
but he has a broken hand.
To make it believable.
Did you like that?
Because that seems...
I don't...
I don't need...
He's had...
Rocky's had so many triumphs.
I don't need to see him have a triumph as an old man.
So you wanted to see...
And the same way I don't need Indiana Jones to come back
and be like, I'm on one more adventure with this little girl.
That was bad.
I just want Indiana Jones coming back.
I think it's fine.
They're doing another Karate Kid, and what's his name's in it?
Mr. Miyagi?
No, Mr. Miyagi's dead.
Jackie Chan's in it.
And Ralph Macchio.
Well, Ralph Macchio's there.
Fucking kill me.
But I'm saying, at least it's not Ralph Macchio's the Karate
Kid still. It's now he's teaching more karate kids. That's fine. All right. Boy
have Rambo go go fight guys. He can't even make out what's of us just alone
says anymore. His fucking brain's going as well. What do you want? I want you to
relive. Stop having, stop putting old people in action roles. Guana, Carla Esposito should also not have been in that Mandalorian show as like a badass
Lightsaber guy that was lose always
It was possible for shows to give people cancer like when they like when new drugs
Mm-hmm, they'll go like oh Vioxx that gave everybody cancer made him death
I wish that was possible for shows the only like man watching the Mandalorian it killed a bunch of people
The only guy who all allow it, I'm gonna say,
Liam Neeson, I'd take another Taken movie
just because it's so ridiculous.
Just Liam Neeson being like-
The Taken guy?
Yeah, the Taken guy, yeah, yeah.
Well, the Schindler's List guy.
I like to imagine Taken is a sequel to Schindler's List,
where after he saved all the Jews,
now he has the power to save his daughter from kidnappers
So when he's talking about I have a very special set of skills
It's because yeah, he rescued all those Jews like going to like the theater right like you can imagine a legitimate
Theater the other day to see Captain America. No like a real a real theater with a large the oh a play
Yeah stage production fellow or something right sure and then you'd walk out of the theater and you could hear
somebody like arguing about the casting choice for that yeah I think like wow
well normally during a theatrical stage production there's an extended action
sequence with exciting special effects I guess I do that is fire they cast like
huge fat black women for every role.
I hate it.
Well, that's what I'm saying.
It was interesting that I saw Othello
and it was all black people.
And I'm like, well, now it doesn't work at all.
Yeah, I could see that.
You got to have the double sides.
I just don't think you're going to see it in Marvel movies,
I guess.
I'm just saying that it's not just Marvel movies.
All these movies, all these guys are too old to be in action movies.
Do you see them? Do you want more action movies?
That are good for you, you mean?
I want more action movies, but I don't want action movies starring Juan Carlos Esposito.
It looks ridiculous!
I don't want another- they kept putting- they kept putting Arnold and Terminator movies.
They're like, we got it this time, we got it this time, here's what needs to happen.
We gotta kill baby John Connor in the first fi- Put an Arnold and Terminator movies. They're like we got it this time. We got it this time Here's what needs to happen. We got a kill and cool though, baby
John Connor and the first fight did you know the first the newest Terminator movie?
They have an Edward furlong like deep fake. Yeah, the Terminator just shows up and shotguns in the head about that
Clearly you have no ideas if you're still putting Arnold in this shit, so why are you- just stop.
That's Terminator.
Terminator's spot.
Terminator isn't like other than Arnold. It's Arnold Schwarzenegger.
It doesn't.
I think you could move on from-
Well you can see-
Remember Star Wars after like Darth Vader?
Yeah, Ewoks.
Ewoks cartoon show, the droids cartoon show. How was it after Luke Skywalker, after Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Darth Vader?
How was Star Wars?
Outside of that.
Well, Shadows of the Empire, of course, was Dark Forces, I just picked that up again.
Jesus Christ.
How was it?
Wasn't that great?
Sucks, right?
Because that's all these things are.
So the extended stuff was fun?
It was all shit except for the dark forces
I remember the game. Yeah, you could crouch punch people in the balls. It's great
But that's what it is. It's just that I always wanted to play Yoda stories, but I've been told Yoda stories
It's not actually enjoyable
Lucas arts made some cool games. I had rebel so I do X-wing tie fighter vs. X-wing. Yeah, that's good game
Yeah, that's some cool stuff. I had Rebel Assault 2, X-Wing, Tie Fighter vs. X-Wing. Yeah, that's some cool stuff.
Yeah, okay. Shadows of the Empire has some excellent verticality. Dash Rendar, okay, they gotta bring
back Dash Rendar, am I right? Yeah. When are we getting that movie? I wish a new movie would ever get made again.
I wish they would never make a movie again. It's such a painful process when they come out.
No, there's good ones.
There's gotta be, right?
There's gotta be something coming out.
Even if it's good, it's not worth it.
Just the people going and crying about it.
I wish they would just make like fake, like trailers
and then updates and then never have any movies.
Well, based on the attention spans of it, it seems like movies are going by the wayside.
You know they're telling- That's what I'm talking about.
It's like everybody's in the industry now.
They all comment on it and have opinions on it, you know?
I guess.
It's interesting.
That's like the whole culture is just commenting on fucking movies.
Okay but let's, I mean movies used to be kind of an important part of the cultural experience,
and it's definitely not as much so anymore.
This is what I mean.
Bro, how many times do you have to listen to a guy being like,
ah, remember going to Blockbuster?
Way, way too much.
Remember renting a movie?
You have in this neighborhood a bunch of video rental places
and you're like, oh, that's quaint, that's cute.
That's cute, yeah.
We're not going there.
They play like, we go there.
I had to go to all of them with Tony from Hacked the Movie
for some reason so I could see how different
video rental places arrange their VHS tapes.
So that was thrilling.
But, no, I do enjoy that.
But again, movies used to be like, what are you gonna do?
Well, let's get a movie, get some snacks, whatever. What are you gonna do to pass the time? What are you gonna do? Well, let's get a movie get some snack
What are you gonna do to pass the time? What do you do the past? That's what it is
And now you just get it's become like a kind of like more annoying sports
Yeah, where I'd almost rather listen to to retards talk about like the upcoming NFL season
Movies, you know, I used to enjoy that. I get what you're saying. It's interesting
that like now you used to say like, oh, I saw a movie. Yeah, it was fun. But now everybody's
kind of interesting in what's going on, you know, in the movie industry. And I hate that.
Yeah. Oh yeah. This trailer. Here's my comments in the trailer. Here's my comments on those
comments. It's like, is this like, is this real life? like is this like is this real life why
is why is this happening well why do you guys all feel in French why do you guys
all feel like ownership of this of this thing because I don't believe any of this
is it's it's like an obsession but I think that was manufactured on purpose I
mean they didn't originally if I'm correct they didn't used to broadcast the
Oscars like that became a thing where it was like,
oh, we need to bring Hollywood into people's living rooms.
And then we kind of developed this obsession
with this whole Hollywood world.
It became like this sphere that obviously,
I mean, a lot of people are obsessed with.
There's the sphere again.
It's the sphere, yeah.
It's going red.
There's a lot of spheres.
It's going red.
It's very red right now. It was pink for a while. It's going red. But do you see what I mean?
It's like though like the fantastic fourth thing came out and I was like that looks dumb. Okay, but and then it becomes this
just this this like
sportsball conversation of
Just complete fucking morons arguing over a trailer.
Like, I like, eh, stop.
I do think the trailer arguments
are a little pedantic, people going,
oh, Superman's eyes don't look right in the shot.
I'm like, it's a two second shot in the movie.
It's not gonna matter, man, like, come on.
And there's no pushback to it.
There's no kind of like, you guys are fucking losers.
Yeah. For, there's are fucking losers. Yeah.
For, there's none of that.
Isn't that odd?
There's some pushback to that.
Like Elon Musk is doing a fake Nazi salute
and everyone jumps down his throat,
but a bunch of people have opinions about Fantastic Four
and nobody's stopping them, you know?
Like the Elon one is worse than this one could ever be well
It's crazy. I mean part of this that we have to acknowledge is of course the culture war is a thing that some people genuinely
Think is the most important battleground that has ever existed
I think the culture war was always that fake excuse to talk about movies
I think Ben Shapiro really wanted to review Barbie. I think he did too. I don't think he cares about the culture war.
I think he did too.
I think he wanted to see Barbie.
I think that's what's happening.
And talk about it.
And I think that's what's making me so upset about it.
It's obvious, though.
I mean, when all these guys talk about the culture,
what's that guy Jeremy Boring or whatever who's like, uh.
The chocolate man?
Yeah, the chocolate guy on the razor guy
who made that fucking shitty movie we watched, Lady Ballers
or whatever.
Oh, god, yeah.
It's obvious.
That was the moment.
That was the final cohesion.
All these guys are like, well, you
know, the only reason I'm talking about movies, you know,
is because it's a culture war.
It's an important part of politics.
You know, you're obsessed with celebrities.
That's why.
You want to make movies, and you want
to be a part of Hollywood, you want to have the red carpet.
They love it.
They have a lot.
Daily Wire does all these red carpet
premieres for their bullshit.
I can't imagine being at the red carpet,
having to sit in the audience and watch
the first episode
of Mr. Burcham and pretend to laugh
at the fucking terrible jokes.
But they love that shit.
It's the pump and the circumstance.
Again, we brought the Oscars into people's homes.
They saw the celebrities in the ball gowns
and they saw the Studio 54 pictures.
I'm glad it's over.
Whatever it is, I'm glad it's over.
What are you talking about?
The Marvel shit is. All the nerds have to go back into their caves and
pump the brakes. It's all just gonna be shit from now on.
The celebrities will go away and it'll just be trash like it used to be.
It'll be great. But dick.
We'll go on to something else like Die Hard or whatever.
What? In the new movie they discover adamantium.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. so okay a lot of possibilities there
Okay, and retarded who loves adamantium. No one gives a shit
Okay, you man see him. So this could be a new chapter in the Marvel Universe
Perhaps our friend now
Is basically a me too guy yeah like he supported his bitch wife doing a me too on some director. So he's done. Yeah Deadpool. It's all it's all done
Well, he'll probably it's all fucking done. I'm so I think those endless mint mobile ads are hurting him more than he realizes
All we need is one
You know
You know what? I mean?
To really put it in the ground 9-eleven something like that. Okay
All we need is a home situation.
James Holmes.
At least we've still got Chris Pratt
to be Garfield and Mario and Star-Lord and Jesus Christ's
most powerful warrior.
Is that your problem?
You ever see him build a cross?
Well, I think Chris Pratt might be Jesus.
If I had to guess who the second coming of Christ is
I'd go with Chris Pratt. Yeah, he's doing a good job
He's Garfield
Things close to Jesus. He is he's a man for all seasons. What if there was no movies?
I'll let you have ever talked to like a Jets like a really passionate like Jets fan or something
Okay, Lakers fan like a basketball fan. Yeah. Yeah. Well, my buddies were all Red Sox guys.
What do you what do you what's the feeling that you have when they're talking about it?
I wish you would shut up about the Red Sox. That's it! Exactly!
But I'll say this when the Red Sox lose and they're sad I take joy in it
I want to talk about that so it is fun to dunk on the Marvel guys when their shit goes bad No, oh god. I remember we were watching whatever the first Super Bowl
What if the Cowboys and the Red Sox are wait who else the Patriots Patriots?
What if they were both in the Super Bowl?
You can't root it doesn't bring pleasure when one loses because then the other one wins right?
Sure, I don't know if they those two teams can get in the Super Bowl, but that's what I mean. Possibly, yeah.
Yeah, that's what it feels like.
I don't know which division they're in.
I remember whatever the Super Bowl was,
where the Patriots won a bunch in a row,
and then they finally lost one.
That was great.
And I was watching that.
I was in Massachusetts watching those guys.
I'm like cracking jokes.
I'm like, well, I guess you can't win all of them, huh?
And the guys in the room wanted to fucking kill me.
And I'm like, guys, this is fucking football.
And they're like, this is the worst day of my life. I'm like we already won like three of them
What do you want? You can't win every fucking one of them. Yeah, how many fucking rings does Tom Brady need? Who cares?
Well, I don't have any money on the game. Maybe that'll happen to Marvel. They'll just do that forever
That'd be good
Okay, they are gonna keep the well they're figuring out what to do.
What TV shows they got coming out? Do you watch that shit too?
No, cuz they're all- I tried to watch like Secret Invasion was so bad
and I stopped and then they got the Agatha show where uh, I guess the Scarlet Witch is gay kid has
come to Yeah, back to life and he's gay and having a good time.
Okay. That was another one made prior to Trump. Non-absorbent napkins,
transgender military ban, action stars over 60, and I forget what my other one was.
What was first? You went first. Yeah, it was first. Don't you have your notes? I threw them away. I was asking them.
I was asking for staff. Canada, Canada, Canada. Guys, vote on all the problems. The biggest problem this show.
You are so off base with that Agricola board game. The baking bread isn't a phase of the game. It's an action you can take to feed your family. Agripla is an amazingly tight strategic board game for people that know what the fuck they're
talking about.
But the most offensive thing, the most offensive thing is not only can you laugh at baking
bread, which at least has a practical purpose, you know, you feed your family, call it the
gayest thing you've ever heard, and then turn around and talk about a sentient penguin in some children's anime featuring nude boys and talk about how
life evolved near a fallen angel in Antarctica
Okay, I don't care about anime any of that shit. We're done. I'm full of
You know the angels are a terminology for today I can't fucking take it anymore
Angels so okay I just listened to your last episode and the biggest problem in
the universe 100% is when somebody else peels the protective plastic film off of
your anything Vito you dumb motherfucker you sit there and say that, oh I was just trying to make it look more attractive.
Yeah, I helped.
No. No. It might be the floor model, but maybe the sales guy was like, oh god, I can't wait to peel the fucking plastic off that mark.
Why does the sales guy give you the sales guy to it?
And then he came into work, he saw that somebody else had done it, and he went home and fucking killed his wife and kid.
Why would the fucking sales guy to it, TP, you shithead.
Why does he have more right to the plastic than me?
Cause he works at the Costco?
If anything, I'm closer to being the purchaser than he is.
Yeah. It's a nice argument.
Good luck, try again.
Uh, oh god, here we fucking go Vito made a video about the fantastic 4 trailer
and I said that it's not interesting to people because
people like lone wolf characters like
the thing and the human torch
Those are not lone wolf characters and Vito said what their family that's what's interesting
They're interesting because it's a family. That is why.
Oh, everybody loves the Fantastic Four.
The Fantastic Four is the first Marvel family and it's interesting because of the family.
Yeah, that's fucking boring. How do you have two minutes?
What other, if that's not derivative, is the superhero family.
I called it derivative, I said it's boring.
And he's shitting on it, saying, yeah, people don't like that.
They like this, they like that.
They're like lone wolf characters like the Thing,
or the Punisher.
It's not the Thing, or the,
the Thing is not a lone wolf character.
He's a part of the family of a fantastic boar.
And the Punisher is some piece of shit
that would run us down. I think I understand
what you're saying about Marvel fans.
I think I get it now.
Movie fans. Yeah. it's all of it
I'm done. Guys when I make those trailer reactions, I'm not trying very hard and most of the things I say
Oh, don't give don't don't say don't pull that shit. When I say the thing is a lone wolf character
I mean like did you say that I said like well cuz I'm saying like compared to the rest of the family
Which is like stable. He's like kind of off to the side and like dealing with his own issues
Okay, I'm gonna say yeah, it's not the most precise terminology you think the
Invisible woman is not dealing with her own issues. They're all dealing with their own issues, but I'm saying he's more isolated
because of his condition obviously and
He's more isolated because of his condition obviously and
also Okay, so shut the fuck up Sue storm. They have kids they're fucking sue and
Reed and they got the kids
They're like a family unit and yes, the thing is there sometimes but they goes off. He's got a data blind chick
He doesn't have a family of his own why
because he's a rock man he's a rock man although I think in the earth ex
timeline he does have rock children I think that was the earth ex timeline hey
guys it's Tony from hack the movies here I just wanted to well dick
specifically yeah I feel like you needed to hear this I know I kind of avoided
talking about what videos living at videos oh this is Tony from
movies that's what he's claiming okay that you know kind of threw me off
basically veto was he's doing that a q-tip thing with the one cat now I mean
I get it he said that you're supposed to do it and the vet does it anyway. You're supposed to do it. But then later on I saw that same cat again and it was a male cat.
And then I looked it up and it says female cat you're supposed to do.
You should have stopped right there.
Let me do it again.
And then we got it.
You're too...
You got it. We got it. You're a two- And then I looked at-
You got it.
I get it.
He said that you're supposed to do it and the bed does it anyway, but you can't get
the cat off or whatever.
Right, right, right.
But then later on I saw that same cat again and it was a male cat.
You got to take care of business.
That's all it is. You gotta do what you can.
Okay, that's great. Thank you, sir.
I just wanted you guys to know that I've moved twice.
You know, like started the whole super killer thing.
So I guess I have to change my address twice.
I do have to change it twice.
None of the addresses that have been sent will be used.
You will be asked to provide your final address.
Why are you laughing about that?
Are you gonna do more stuff?
Well, yeah, because people, I'm not gonna send it
until you confirm your final address.
Some of them will have died
That's true. Maybe a lot maybe a lot
Are you gonna try to follow up with that second address? Oh absolutely try to follow up on the second address
I'm just saying I'm not gonna I'm not gonna ship anything. You got to confirm your address
Okay, that's good. Okay, so don't worry. If you've had to move five or six times.
If you had to move five or six times,
if you changed lives.
You're still gonna get your lunch box.
You're still gonna get your lunch box.
Hey, Dick.
Hey, Vito.
My name is Jimmy.
I'm an optometrist,
and I was gonna call and give my opinion on Vito's thoughts
about an eye exam.
So for most people,
it probably is a little bit of a hassle. The prescription isn't gonna change a whole lot.
But for Vito, it's very important.
When we look in the back of the eye,
we'll probably find tons of damage from diabetes,
high blood pressure, cholesterol.
Is it true?
I've known him.
And if he doesn't get that eye exam,
I know he's not getting a physical anywhere else.
And he could die. So unless Vito wants to go blind and die. I don't think I'm gonna die from a lack get that eye exam, I know he's not getting a physical anywhere else. He might be telling you the truth. He could die.
So unless Vito wants to go blind and die.
I don't think I'm gonna die from the lack of an eye exam.
I think he's goofing.
So an optometrist calls you and says,
you might have diabetes and we can tell
by looking into your eye.
I probably have diabetes, but who doesn't, you know?
Oh man.
Hey, I just hope I got type a
Okay, I don't want to be one of these betas with type B
Fix problem universe I do believe right now is
Galentine's day
Galentine's day, I do. Shakespeare's giving themselves shit.
Saturday before Valentine's Day
As you could guess by the name
It's called Drunk Owl and I'm working at a really busy restaurant No, I didn't have to do it this year because if you recall I did break my arm
And he was just looking at the fucking menu and it's just like all this dumb
chick shit and you know obviously avocado toast and you know shrimp and
whatever but it's just would we need another thing to celebrate fucking dumb
women like come on also Friendsgiving can go fuck itself too thank you fuck
you bye any place I can obtain food is good, therefore friends giving is fine. You are
incorrect about that. Guys, don't forget to check out all the problems at and head on over to slash biggest problem to
check out our exciting bonus episodes.
We do have to do one soon.
Maybe this weekend we can bang one out.
Uh, we'll see guys get your super chats in and I will read your super chats.
Let me just make sure there's nothing here.
Nothing I care about here.
Nothing I care about.
Oh here, Tony is a bad friend.
I want to hear that.
Hey, guys, I'm listening to the latest Big Show episode
where Tony from ActaMovie is telling more stories
about living with Vita for the week.
And I'm seriously in awe of how fucking terrible
of a friend Vita is.
He gave him a fucking wet used shower towel to use.
A fucking shower towel that Vito's fat ass
wiped his nuts with.
That's incorrect.
And you fucking, dude, fuck you Vito.
You're a terrible fucking friend.
All right, well what?
Oh, I gave Tony a wet towel was the complaint I
Only have two towels
And I keep them in the bathroom and one of them got a little wet whatever
He could use a he could use a blanket or something. He could use anything
You know what he could use. Why do you only have two towels paper towels? What are you more to tell me like?
Captain America towels or any special edition
like Pikachu towels?
Those are collector's items.
I'm not going to waste those.
Cool for two.
Thanks for not killing yourself.
Dribbles for five.
Roses are red.
Vito is fatty.
Has loads of Q-tips to finger his cat.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Oh, yeah.
Happy Valentine's Day.
There you go.
See, it's pig related.
That's how it works.
Britsman for $2.
$50 says Dick Jr. turns out to be a drunk like daddy.
You can't say $50 says if you didn't put $50.
$50, man.
Cardinal Cardinal for $2 says veto.
Cardinal Cardinal for $2 says V-Day.
Veto Day.
Yippee ki-yay.
Yippee ki-yay.
It's Veto Day.
They love it.
They all celebrate it in the Vito files.
Oh, fantastic.
I haven't been in the Discord lately.
My Discord's not working anymore.
I can't get Discord to work.
Why is that?
I think I had to reinstall it or something.
TG410, solo Vito, upset Vito forever alone
on Valenswine's Day.
Somebody already did Valenswine's Day. DiamondG for two, don't veto forever alone on Valentine's Day somebody already did Valentine's Day
Diamond G for two don't forget your lube peasants hippie terrorists for 20 on hell nah
I know veto ain't take the plastic I can't
Arcade machine I'm a find you veto
When you play that when you play the demo kiosk the GameCube,Cube, do they leave it in the plastic bag?
No, you want to display it for the customer.
It's a demo.
JRob detailing Ireland for five.
Thanks for the show, boys.
I'll listen to it tomorrow at work, as always.
Thanks, Rob.
Thanks, Rob.
Cameron for five.
Fun fact, SuperCurler has been late for half
of the show's existence, and we want more Vito's Twitter.
I know.
You know what?
I did have a vetoes Twitter today
Let me see vetoes Twitter, but my Twitter is great. Vetoes Twitter. Veto being veto on Twitter Bum ba dum ba bum ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba We can talk about friendship already. Oh yeah, freeze freeze, I can't tell you that. Uh, this was a good one though.
So this is, um,
this is Laser Eyes.
Brand- this is Eric Jilai
and the Cross-eyed guy.
This is not interesting, this is stupid.
What do you mean, it's stupid?
I mixed up two black guys.
You've never done that?
They're two black guys who talk about comics
Sometimes your names are gonna be fucking mixed around your head. So look at Eric. Here he is
Who's this individual with him? We got a just Falcon. That's the cross-eyed guy, right? Isn't that Lathan or no?
Nathan Lathan Dever's he's yeah. Oh wait, who am I thinking of? You think you know black people?
They look the same. I don't care. I'm just gonna say it. Black people look the same
At the end
All these black guys and their names, what are you gonna do?
Lathan Nathan Jayson,. It's all the same.
Brandon is his name.
It's another guy.
Okay, but I'm just saying.
Black guys.
It's like, can you really tell Chinese people apart?
Well, yeah, I can.
If you see him a lot, I've never seen Lathan in real life.
But you know his name. And he's also got, look, his profile picture is a black guy with a shaved head.
But you knew his name.
Okay, and this is the cross-eyed guy that's always with Eric July.
They're both black guys with shaved heads!
And they're both talking about comic books!
You don't think that's a little odd?
People think fucking what do you call it?
Nelson Mandela is uh what's his name?
Morgan Freeman?
Morgan Freeman who cares?
Like retards do.
This is a guy like Lathan has done he makes a lot of comments though in your industry.
Your comic guy.
My head said black guy shaved head talks about comics.
Okay that's it
There's not that many of those guys that I know I'm not in the comic book industry, right?
I'm not like a comic book maker like you. Well I'm not gonna say I'm more racist than you
But I'm very racist and I can't tell black people apart
and I refuse to learn and
That's the bottom line. Was it just a mistake or?
to learn and that's the bottom line. Was it just a mistake or did you really not know?
Yes, it's obviously a mistake.
You really didn't know?
No, because I know Lathan.
I've DM'd with Lathan.
So there's a guy who's in my head
when I think about comic books
and the rip-a-verse and whatever else.
Okay, so again, they have the same shaved head.
They don't look similar at all.
What are you talking about?
You're saying this?
You're saying this looks similar?
Okay, you have to look at it at like thumbnail size
I don't see it at full size when it's on Twitter.
I don't even know if that's actually him. You're saying this guy
Looks like let me pull up
You're telling me if I told you that's a picture of Brandon you would you would go no, it's not
What's his name? You wouldn't fucking know. don't know it's Brandon from Rippaverse
I think Brandon Taylor
If I remember
You're only gonna find the
cartoon images of him man
You gotta hit the images
You're not gonna find a picture of him
It's Brandon
No there's gotta be a picture
Go to the images tab on
Taylor There he is rip a verse is that him no
It's probably a million branded tailies no
Okay, here we go here we go laser eyes right here sure see I knew I'd find it okay
So you're gonna find it you were trying to throw me you're gonna find it You were trying to throw me out there these two were trying to throw me out there these two images, okay?
Okay, you you're gonna look so racist when I do the black guy
You're telling me
Show me the picture you're telling me that this you know here's a show it your eyes, okay?
Here's laser eyes. Yeah, right you're telling me this guy. You know looks like
This guy if you told me they were brothers I would not be shocked I would not go that's impossible
You know Vito Vito come on again go back to the other go back to the other one
Now now shrink it down to the size of a fucking postage stamp,
because that's how big it is on Twitter.
You don't see it like this. These are two individuals.
They look, all you black guys look the same.
I don't care. I don't feel bad about it.
He's got a beard, a little bit of a beard.
Is that out of July? Looks the same.
He's got a giant beard.
You can't see it at thumbnail size.
You can't see it at thumbnail size. You can't see it at thumbnail size.
Like a black guy never changes beard before.
Okay, come on.
His eyes are cross-eyed.
His eyes are
squinty. Totally different
guys. I don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah, they're very different.
No one could ever mistake
one for the other. 100%
different guys. Completely distinct.
Okay, well, I'm okay with admitting that I'm a white man who cannot see color because you all
look the same to me. Let's read some super chats, which are down here.
Let's see, Silver the Cold Steel for five.
Vito, even if it's bad, it'll at least be out.
I'm scared your heart will give out any day now
and it will never release, very possible.
Hazmat for five, Hazmat's back.
Mucho amor for Richard.
Vito can go lick on a, okay.
She-we? Oink oink comic man got it diamond G
for five roses red violets are blue Vito is fat at super killer is overdue with
love three Christmases NGR for $20 do not listen to the haters I think you
should spend 12 to 16 months absolutely and utterly Doing your best to perfect the colors of your comic you can't spend too much time or resources on perfect colors
I I agree
Has man for two dick has a kid before vetoes comic. I think so
I think that's definitely gonna happen. It's possible. I might push it off another six months
We'll see boss hog for 279 Canadian. I think you, yeah.
And so the coloring's not all done, right?
You're saying it in a way that makes me think
that's definitely true and it's probably worse.
It's not done.
How much longer on the color you think?
I don't know, maybe like a month, hopefully.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
I wanna wrap, I wanna see if we can wrap it up
by the end of March. And we is you and the coloring or? Yeah the coloring and the lettering are what's
being finished right now. Oh okay the lettering. Yeah. I mean I'm gonna have a big post wrapping up there's
been some setbacks. What do you mean you're gonna have a big post? I mean I'll explain
you know what happened there's you know things that went wrong. Bad artists. No I
love my artist guy was great. But didn't turn things wrong. Bad artists. No, I love my artist.
Guy was great.
I love the guy.
But didn't turn things in on time.
Stop saying that.
I love this guy.
Because I'm not talking shit about the artist.
It's on me.
You can love him, but he didn't turn it in on time. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I picked people who I ended up being dissatisfied with work and I changed to different people I'm not saying bad draw like other artists involved were bad
Didn't get it in on time right now. Right now. It's my fault. He all the art is done from him. He's done
I don't think I'm gonna believe that all the arts done from him. It's my fault. Stop saying that I'm telling you
It's on me. Yeah, but you're not like doing any of that stuff. I
Helping with stuff. I'm doing stuff. I'm helping with stuff.
I'm doing stuff.
I am helping assist people to get it to the state
I want it to be in.
Is that going to be the email, if it's all me?
I'm going to explain how.
Look, I'll put it this way.
And I started writing it out.
I started thinking about it.
One of the problems you have, you know,
is when you're not doing it all yourself,
no one's going to love your project as much as you do,
It's still my comic.
Now I'm paying these people,
I'm even giving some of them a percentage.
But at the end of the day,
no, I feel like if you're the artist and you're doing,
you know, this, it's a Herculean amount of work.
I think-
It's not that much.
I think you should-
Millions of comics get made.
I'm happy to share.
I don't, not everybody gives their artists
a percentage of the profits.
I think they're do it.
They've been-
But most profits of comics is like zero.
Like what would they care about?
Right, the profits from this are significant.
He's getting a significant amount of money from it
and he deserves it.
But, you know, at the, again, this is not talking about him.
It's not about talking about anybody in particular.
It should have been a percentage,
and then it would drop as it's late.
Like, here's your percentage, and it drops.
It's late because of me.
It's my mismanagement, okay?
I went into this thinking...
Here's what I'm gonna say.
I thought you could just hire people off the shelf,
guys who aren't very talented.
So it is the artist.
You could shut up.
I'm not gonna talk about it if you keep bad mouthing artists.
It's not the art, stop it.
All right, it's really not cool.
I'm serious, it's not his fault, okay?
Okay, he did exactly what I asked him to do.
He drew the comic, great, I'm excited.
And I love his work.
I handpicked this motherfucker. I love his work
He's an awesome artist. Okay. I'm not he said about Frog Tony's artist
I'm not well, I learned something else about Frog Tony's to artist now
I realized that there's a different problem with the comic but whatever the art remember you said how he was like he sucked any shit
I thought he was bad, but he's actually not bad. Oh, yeah, what made you think that I?
think that I?
think that I Didn't see more of his work what I saw I didn't like but when I saw more I was like
Oh, I mean this guy's actually good. Have you ever I don't rip. He did artist
He didn't think it's I don't think it's cool to rip on artists. I
Don't rip on artists. I try not
Not not not drawing pen and paper. I mean, I don't know.
I'm not gonna rip on anybody's artist who's working on indie comics. I'm just not gonna do it.
But about Finbar.
Right, and well I didn't rip on, I made a joke at Frog Tony's expense at a Discord. I didn't go on the show and go, oh look at, oh fucking whatever.
And again I saw more of Finbar's art and I said, oh wait he's actually good because he did a trading card for blood in the sword now available on fund my comic
And I said oh wait. That's a great piece. So I guess this guy does have talent. I just saw some stuff. I didn't like
You're such a I mean you have you ripped on a lot of people's art who's
Who's our Tony mint? That's just the two I know. Oh there I've written top of my head
Well, I again if I have personal beefs with people I might rip up. I might rip out a personal beef with your artist
Please don't
Please don't why would you rules? Why would you though? You don't?
Just saying I really like that guy. Okay, and it's who I love him. He's great part part of this sphere
Unfortunately is people try to drag in the people you're working with and fuck with them
Yeah, okay, like I had people go to the colorist and be like was the comic lady. It's a good question
Okay, that's fine. The comic is very the comic is late 100%
We are now a year and... Two years. No.
One year late?
We are one year...
Yeah, everybody keeps saying it's two years late.
Two Christmases.
Two Christmases?
Well, it was supposed to come out last Christmas.
Okay, so we're now a year and two months late.
And there's no excuses, and everyone should be mad at me, and I'm a failure, and I suck.
Should be mad at everyone.
Just me. No, that's not I suck. Should be mad at everyone.
Just me.
No, that's not how it works.
Only me.
Stop, don't fuck, I'm dead serious.
Don't fuck with anybody else.
Every problem is my fault.
Well don't say that.
It's my fault.
I wouldn't say that if I didn't want anyone to get into it.
I 100% am telling you 100%, I dropped the ball,
I didn't completely understand exactly how things work.
Okay, I should have...
You know people send me emails for refunds.
Do you want them to send,
you don't think they should send me emails, right?
I don't think they should send you emails.
Here's something I'm doing in the new year,
is I'm practicing something I call reckless positivity.
Ah, that's what that is, okay. Is I'm practicing something I call reckless positivity Where I'm just going to be positive
There's no point in being constantly negative about everything
So I'm just being positive. What do you mean?
Well, I'm saying like, you know, I would I have a bad habit of you know waking up and going oh, you're a failure
You're never gonna get anything done. You're gonna fuck everything up for how long my whole life, probably
I mean how long when you wake up the whole day the whole day. Yeah
That sounds like a hobby
It's a bit of a hobby and I said at one point I couple times. I caught myself doing it
I caught myself going you're a piece of shit. You're a failure. You fucked up everything everyone hates you and I said, at one point I caught myself doing it. I caught myself going, you're a piece of shit.
You're a failure.
You fucked up everything.
Everyone hates you.
And I said, let's just stop saying that.
Why don't we just say, hey, you know what?
I'm making a thing.
I didn't do it perfectly.
I fucked up very badly.
You know who gave me the speech?
Mike Cernovich. He wasovich. About being positive? He was
on the 12th. Yeah, that's his book, Gorilla Mindset. Spends a lot of time telling guys
not to talk to themselves like that. Well, I think it does. It's been a negative in my
life. You really get down and it starts fucking with whatever else. Yeah. It's actually, I
think it's had a positive effect.
I'm working out more.
What do you mean?
I'm just saying I get motivated.
I'm more motivated.
What are you doing?
What are you working on?
You know, I just love the exercise bike.
I'm doing squats.
You're doing squats?
I'm doing free weights in my house.
You know, nothing intense.
All right, all right.
I'm trying to...
Trying to do some free weights? Get in shape? In my house, you know, nothing intense. All right, all right. I'm trying to...
Trying to do some free weights, get in shape?
I'm trying to be...
Yeah, well, I'm trying to be positive.
All right, let's clean that house.
I did clean...
Well, that's the thing, I did clean the house.
Nah, let's get a little Mexican lady to clean it.
That's what you need.
I might do that as well.
I'll say this is...
160 bucks.
As part of my new commitment to positivity.
Look, I understand I've let a lot of people down with this comic thing for
the next week.
If anybody wants a refund, let's do it.
Okay, you can get out if you don't believe in it anymore.
If you think I'm fucking around, if you think I ripped you off, send me
a message on Indiegogo.
I'll refund anybody.
I don't care at this point.
I just want everybody. It doesn't need to be this negativity.
Okay, yes.
I'm not-
So you're never gonna be negative again?
No, but I'll be negative about things
I wanna be negative about.
I can be negative about problems.
I don't wanna be negative about myself.
I don't wanna be negative about my products or projects.
I don't wanna be negative about, okay.
I'm happy when this shows up at my house.
Nah, you gotta be.
You can't be positive about everything, that's toxic.
When I open a box of like stupid little toys I made
and they're stupid and they're dumb and Vito's an idiot
and why would you make a plushie of yourself?
Yeah, why would you make a plushie?
What do you think about Boblax's plushie though?
I hope Boblax's plushie brings him the same joy I get.
When I look at it and I go
It's retarded. That's funny. I made a little me. It's cute. It's fun. What would you think if Carl made a little plushie?
I'd probably buy one. I'd buy a Carl from WATP plushie. That'd be awesome
We should have dabble verse plushies. We can make a little sputtering Joan or whatever the fuck.
Do you think that there's a in in the middle, where it's like not saying just shitty stuff to yourself all day
and then like not thinking plushies are a good idea?
Do you think there's like a middle ground?
But I have to be, I like plushies.
Like that's the thing. I have to accept that there are parts of me that people find cryptic and off-putting and disgusting.
It's not cryptic.
It's a little cryptic. Why would a grown man want stupid little plush toys of himself?
Because you want to be a baby.
Well, of course I want to.
Who doesn't want to be a baby?
What's that cryptic?
Goo goo ga ga.
I mean, come on.
Where are those mommy milkers at?
I need something to suck on.
Okay, but I'm saying.
I think anybody can identify with that, especially this fucking generation.
Well, everybody gets it.
I mean, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying,
I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying,
I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying,
I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying,
I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying,
I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying I think anybody can identify with that especially
this fucking generation look everybody gets it yeah toys are fun I like toys
I'm a man who likes colorful tchotchkes I like video games I like nonsense yeah I
buy things that are silly and ridiculous because I look at them and I go well
that's funny it brings me a little smile yeah I bought a you know Hatsune Miku when you were that character hologram. Yeah, the hologram lady and that guy's Mary
Yes, yes
Little blue-haired girl magic cards look like shit. They look so bad so they fuck those up tragically. It's so stupid
Well, they have a video game
She has like a rhythm game kind of like a guitar hero thing where you hit buttons
Yeah, and I said, you know, it'd be fun
I want to get the dedicated controller to play that thing
They have like a little controller that has the buttons that you hit and I found out they make one
That is the exact size of the arcade one with it's literally a giant arcade console with big stupid buttons
So when you play the PlayStation game you slap these giant buttons and I bought one because I'm an idiot and it shows up and I go I'm gonna play
That anime game with the squeaky girl who sings the fucking auto-tune songs
And I'm a bang on these stupid PlayStation buttons, and it's gonna. I don't know it gives me a little something. I enjoy it
So yes, the way I live my life is incomprehensible and retarded to the majority of very comprehensive
I'm a bad project manager who is bad at directing people and making timelines and scheduling.
Also PR.
Yes, I'm terrible at PR.
But you know what I'm going to say?
Okay, here's a perfect anecdote.
Wait, but what about what?
Here's a perfect anecdote.
I'm driving around with Tony from Hack the Movies and he goes, why, I've always been
meaning to ask you, why would you ever tell people that you masturbated your cat with
a Q-tip?
And I said, I'm not going to tell people that.
I'm not going to tell people that.
I'm not going to tell people that.
I'm not going to tell people that.
I'm not going to tell people that.
I'm not going to tell people that. I'm not going to tell people that. I'm not going to tell people that. I'm not going to tell people that. I'm not going with Tony from Hack the Movies and he goes why I've always been meaning to ask you Why would you ever tell people that you masturbated your cat with a q-tip?
And I said it has brought the show
How much joy has it brought to people that I molested a cat?
Tony is...
I mean Tony like lives even in his... Tony's like in the shower worried about the YouTube terms of service right you know like that's
That's what he's worried about the getting banned yeah like speaking of which I have to mention Sven Stoffels was banned from YouTube
Not cool. He has a new channel. Please subscribe to Sven Stoffels. I feel very bad about that
I hate when any for somebody's banned from YouTube. What was that?
Well, it just reminded me of it
It's on my mind man, it's on my mind. It's on my mind
Anyway, I'm practicing I can't keep it. I call it that strings. I'm going it reckless positivity because here's the thing
I know it's I hate reckless positive. I'm calling it reckless positivity because here's the thing.
I know it's-
I hate reckless positivity.
I know!
It's over the top.
It's too much.
It's toxic.
It's poisonous.
It's poisonous.
You can't do it all the time.
You're gonna have some days where you feel like shit.
And I've had plenty of those days.
It's just like bipolar.
It's like manic depression.
Well, it might be that as well.
It's that. It's like a justification for mania.
Well, maybe I'm in a manic state.
I don't know.
I'm trying to bring a good energy to the show.
I think this was a good episode.
Am I wrong?
It's a good discussion.
It's great.
It's the cycle at which...
What is the one where you go back and forth really fast?
Is that bipolar?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Manic depression is like...
For a long time. Yeah, mania depression, mania depression. And the other one's like... Is that bipolar yeah yeah yeah yeah manic depression is like mania
depression man the other ones like is that bipolar I've always I've always
understood them to be interchangeable I don't know I forget what dr. Phil calls
it yeah but Tony's in the shower like he's got to make sure he's jacking off
in a way that like complies with the YouTube TOS like I don't want to lose my channel
I don't want to lose my channel. I don't know. I put a hundred ads on a video
Cut my joke out of his episode and I complained about it on my show
The act of movies with Judge Dredd. He put it up already. No, he said he's gonna
Yeah, he's gonna cut one of your jokes
I knew he wasn't joking and then I complained about it on my show and Manny Muskets DM'd me,
he goes, Tony cuts all my best jokes out too.
Tony's playing the game.
I get it.
I don't know how much longer
we're gonna be on YouTube, honestly,
but we're trying our best.
I know.
All I'll say is look,
I don't think people wanna watch a show
where one of the hosts is a depressed, fat piece of shit.
I'm trying. What are you talking about? I mean, I know they like some of hosts is a depressed, fat piece of shit. I'm trying.
What are you talking about?
I mean, I know they like some of that.
What about, you love Howard Stern, what about Artie Lange?
That went very badly.
For whom?
For a lot of, for everybody, honestly.
I'd way rather Artie be dead than like sober.
Well, I think the episodes where he came in very clearly on heroin and
zonked out of his mind were not good. That's hilarious. Well, maybe I'll try heroin. Maybe
it'll add something to the show that can be part of my reckless positivity. Look, I'll
just say here's something I'm trying. It's ridiculous. It's stupid. It's undeserved. Maybe I should be miserable, you know?
But I'm trying it and it feels it feels better.
How do you engage in reckless positivity?
It's just-
Where'd you hear that term?
Mr. Girl?
I don't know if I heard that term somewhere.
Is Mr. Girl involved at all?
No, I haven't talked to him about this.
It's just anytime you have those,
I get those intrusive thoughts, you know?
People get them all the time.
You have people like on Google, I was looking up, you know?
I feel like a failure.
I feel like a loser, you know?
And there's always people on Reddit like,
what do I do?
How do I get rid of this?
And I said, well-
Go on Reddit.
That's the first step.
That's probably part of it.
Delete your Reddit account.
And I said, except that look,
you know, whatever.
I'm just trying to, when I have those,
cause I had one of those thoughts and I said,
what are you doing?
I started laughing cause it was so ridiculous.
I'm like, oh, you fat piece of shit.
You should fucking kill yourself, whatever.
And I went, what the fuck?
Why would I say that?
What is the point of that?
What do I gain from this?
Don't make plushies though.
Like, do that part I agree with, but then it's like...
The plushies...
I love these plushies!
I love these.
I'm not saying...
How do you get from like, you're a kill yourself, you're a fat piece of shit to, I should make plushies of myself.
I don't get that.
Because I don't do that, I don't go like, you're a fat piece of shit, and then go like, like I don't make plushies either.
So, that's what I'm wondering.
You know how you give out, or you used to give out the holiday gift on the Patreon?
That's all this was. I said, what can I give people?
A plushie of me?
Well, I was already making the super killer plushies, and I said, well maybe they can make one of me, and that could be a stupid thing to send to people.
That's all it was. It wasn't a deep,rospective I need a plush toy of myself. It was what is a stupid thing I can send to people that they might enjoy. Like the fucking
I have the pins. There's pins of me. Why did I make pins of me?
Yeah, cuz like a pin you put it on your like book bag or whatever. Sure. Plus she's like a like look at bow blocks.
Well, that's like a that's like a hallmark to like derangement. Yeah, that's like a like an attire. That's like a hallmark to like derangement.
That's like Indiana Jones, you know, that old, like that thingy swaps the idol.
But it's like of a derangement.
No, that's hanging behind you. The idol is behind you always staring.
That's less obtrusive than that. You know what I mean?
That's less obtrusive. Why don't you put some suction cups on this guy?
That would be fun.
Hang in there. Like don't...
Pig on board
Don't kill yourself
Or kill yourself, but if you do it with a smile, okay?
Just don't wrap yourself in a trans flag and do it outside the veterans hospital because I gotta hear about it
Do it like Anthony Bourdain wrap a rope around your neck put your dick in your hand have one good hurrah and get off
Your child molester you know something about child molesting?
Anthony Dordain
Oh you think he was killed because he knew about the Epstein?
No I'm asking, I don't know anything about him.
I don't really care about him, I don't know why everyone thinks it's so crazy that he killed himself.
It's just all auto-erotic asphyxiation, even that guy outside the VA, he left a suicide note, but I'm pretty sure he was getting off on it.
Oh he's jacking off?
She was getting off on it, sorry.
I know it sounds insane.
I know what, you know, but it's just something I'm doing.
When did you start this?
Maybe a month ago.
So you got like three months of this?
No, like a month, what do you mean?
No, like a month ago.
Three months left.
Three months left this and then I'm in my depressive state.
No, it's like every four months
people need something new to do
Well, I'm trying to get me you know doing a lot of stuff, okay
Thanks for thanks for predicting my failure. I'm working on the calendar failure. It's just a thing to do
Okay, so three months from now will be at hackamania
So if I hack a mania, I'm a depressive piece of shit you'll have one. It's not a depressive piece of shit. No, you'll win. That's the bet. Congratulations. Thank you for predicting my downfall.
What are you gonna be like toxic positive the rest of your life? I'm gonna kill myself at Hackamania. I did come up with a good idea for
Hackamania and I think we should do it. The movie? Yeah, the movie. We'll talk about it.
Although, yeah we'll talk about it. Alright. We should make a Carl movie. And we should. Make a Carl movie. Yeah, we'll talk about it. Alright.
We should make a Carl movie.
Make a Carl movie.
If we did the biggest problem in Carl.
We should make like a Carl movie,
and then we should trick him into saying his lines
at the whole show, and then edit it together.
Well, now you've given it away.
He doesn't know.
He does watch this sometimes. He was texting us during the last show.
We'll still make him do it. I am always surprised that He doesn't know. He does watch this sometimes. He was texting us during the last show.
We'll still make him do it.
I am always surprised that even Nick Reketa was leaving comments on here.
People like this show.
We'll get people like, no, Carl, you can't take your pants off.
And then it's like a clip of him going, why did I take my pants off?
Like that.
That's pretty good.
Stratergery for two says says you'll see chat.
This will be a very on time show.
Often for five says poor Vito is oinking alone tonight.
Happy bacon signs day.
Valance wines.
Yeah, go back to Valance wines.
Straturgery for two.
It's 901.
Okay, the show started.
Rock the Casbah for two.
I'll trade our Canadian Browns for Vito.
Fair trade.
Vito's cat for five.
Elon Musk had a kid with Ashley St. Clair,
who is almost, oh fuck!
Spilling stuff on the keyboard!
No, a keyboard's in my life.
I know.
And it's a medical keyboard now,
so I can spill anything on it.
Why don't you go get some textured napkins?
Don't spill on it!
It's a medical keyboard.
I can spill whatever I want on it.
It's waterproof.
Wow, okay.
It was sent to me by a doctor, by a medical doctor.
I wouldn't test it though.
Why not?
How can you spill anything on it?
Because it's made like that.
Let me see.
What are the keys made of?
Shut up.
It's totally waterproof.
That's pretty.
Oh shit.
As he dunks the cord in the thing. All right. Well go get some napkins try preferably the absorbent kind
Actually st. Clairs. I'm a solely responsible for Nick Fuentes getting a start with America first
I don't know that individual I've heard their name camera five you know later to so long for super killer new tariffs dropped in time
For shipping it will be printed in America
So we don't have to worry about tariffs Goldilocks for for five. Biggest problem with our apartment maintenance not coming when
they say. So I stayed up after working all night just for them to never show.
Yeah, missed appointments is the worst.
TBF for five.
Roses are red, violets are blue.
Vito is so grotesque.
I can't tell if he oinks or moos.
Reginald Von Vonersun for two.
My name is Vito and I'm gay.
Bee Joggin for five.
Me Chinese, me make joke, me go pee pee in Vito's Coke.
NGR for two.
Late gay, fat, retarded.
Kelmos for 10.
Happy V-Day.
Daddy's kiss kiss.
Adventure Time for five.
Happy Valentine's Day Vito.
Righty tighty for 91.
She for two. Joey Two-Tone for five. Used Valentine's Day Vito. Righty Tidy for 91, Sheet for two.
Joey Two-Tone for five, used to get drunk before the show,
now I start when the show starts, I call that progress.
First beers for y'all, cheers, yeah.
That's a good idea.
Deal with your keyboard.
Pineapple Man for two, Gorilla Biscuits for the homies.
Gary Smokes Oak for five, I hope Vito doesn't show,
running out of room on the screen.
Ice Swallow, Ice Wallow Cum for five I hope Vito doesn't show running out of room on the screen ice swallow ice wallow come for five will super n-word come out for black
history month see wait watch watch watch watch this show me the keyboard yeah
watch this don't word pad why are you opening wordpad because I know you're
showing the type on you're showing me that it types still Yeah, dude. I trust you sure I don't I've never done that before the guy just said it was a medical like an emergency room
Keyboard makes sense
Fluids in the medical room. Yeah seal see seal shield. Is it a comfort?
Is it comfortable to type on off? No, it's very uncomfortable
Actually, yeah
Well, I guess that would make sense. I mean it's good
That's what action be very I suppose to type on it. You're supposed to be like putting in commands for medical shit
Yeah, it's pretty good for considering yeah, like it's not like like you sit down on like a waterproof couch
And it's like but this is this feels
I don't know why they don't how come they can't make a keyboard where I can just slide out
The circuit board if it gets wet and like fucking dry it off
How hard would that be it would cost like 70 bucks?
I mean you just I don't know you just yeah
It's just like it could just be in a separate bay and you slide it out and then just wipe it down
Who would buy that even if it costs like in another five bucks who would buy that me nobody just you
I'm spilling all sorts of things
Life is not a veto plushy. I would buy the veto plushy exactly things are made for me
I did get the Evangelion McDonald's transformers. I haven't transformed them yet, okay
So yeah, maybe I'm saving that well. They're in the box. I gotta take another box
I really gonna pop the head out of the hamburger. Oh, they're big. They're big
They're big. They're like this big
You did mess up your comic
I did
It would have been way better if it came out earlier
But I have to accept I have to accept my failures and just do the best I can now right
What's yeah, I mean what would be the better reaction like to go? I'm a failure and I suck failures and just do the best I can now, right? Yeah.
I mean, what would be the better reaction,
like to go, I'm a failure and I suck?
You just have these extremes on it.
But can't I just go, hey, I really
sucked at making that comic quickly,
and I'm going to really try my best to make the next one go
I don't know.
What did you learn?
I learned that you really believed in,
I mean, if somebody got a percentage,
if you gave your artist a percentage,
I think a lot of people do this.
They like give people stuff,
thinking that it will be reciprocated.
Like, well, if I give them a percentage,
then we'll both be like Steve Jobs and Wozniak.
Like, that's the whole point is you just share credit
and then everything works out and it just doesn't. I think that's the hard fact of life.
I mean, I gotta cut people. I'll say what I was trying to say is like people go
well why are Japanese comics so great and it's like well cuz the guy's working
on it it's their comic you know it's like yeah he may you know maybe the
publisher and you might have some assistance but ultimately the guy at the
core of it you know it's great when and you might have some assistance, but ultimately the guy at the core of it
You know, it's great when you're drawing it you're writing it you're doing everything because it's your baby. It's because
There is a farm
There's a combine that takes all the people that can't do it in the amount of time that it's needed to be done in and it
Weeds them out. So when they get to the level where they definitely have a much better
You know production speed and again, they have a lot of a,
I would like to have a, I don't know.
It's not about ownership.
What I'm saying, it's not about ownership.
I agree, it's not about ownership.
It's about who can get it done
and then swapping people in who can get it done.
And that's it.
Yeah, well, it is finding the exact right guys.
What do you call it?
Again, but I think for me, the thing has been like, no one's gonna love your comic the way
you do, whatever the project is.
So there's stuff where I'm like, I really want to nail this.
And somebody else might go, well, it's a work for hire.
I only have so much time I could spend on it.
And whatever, it's a balancing act.
You just gotta fire more people.
I fired some. Again, I had a colorist who I act. You just gotta fire more people. I fired, I fired, you know, again,
I had a colorist who I didn't like the work I was doing.
I changed colorists.
And I'm doing a lot of, I know what I want
and I'm trying to get that.
And people are like, well, just put it out.
And I'm like, here's the thing.
If I- You kind of have to.
Like you fight, put it out,
but you kind of have to just put it out.
Well, no, here's the thing.
Like people think I'm not willing to compromise at all.
There will be things in the book where I go, I wish this was a little more like this.
I wish this, there are going to be compromises.
But I do have to get it to the point where if I put something out that I go,
I don't love this on some level, then all the fun sucked out.
Like I can't go to a comic convention and
try to sell people a comic that I don't love.
Yeah, but you've checked money. Right, which is why I to sell people a comic that I don't love. Yeah, but you took money.
Right, which is why I'm saying-
So that means that doesn't matter.
Well, I'm hoping that people agree that they would rather have a product that the creator
loves than something he just shits out for them.
Well, if you disagree, this week I will give refunds.
Nah, I mean that's not even important.
I'm asking like what was the lesson learned?
Because people are buying the journey.
The lesson I learned was that I assumed the American comic industry, or just comics in
general, that everybody had their shit figured out.
It turns out that the comic industry, it's kind of a mess.
Not everybody... You expect everybody...
I read some of the comments, and some people are commenting in the book saying like well
They did all this stuff. They produced the comic etc in the amount of time
That it's been they produce like multiple comics. Yeah
That's that seems reasonable all this stuff about like American comics. It seems like it's just artists
We're not getting the job done and they need to be replaced
I don't know what's going on, you know?
Like, I'm still...
That's the lesson.
Well, I'm finishing the first book.
I am almost finished with storyboarding the second book because I storyboard the books
myself, which is also a huge...
Excuse me.
I probably, maybe I'm trying to do too much myself.
I need to find more people I can just rely on without as much oversight, I guess.
But again, I'm not throwing anybody under the bus and I'm very happy with it.
Because I don't want to, because I like these people.
Who cares?
I want to work with these people more.
Because I like them and I like their work.
That's the most frightening part.
Look, and I will say this again,
a lot of the problems, it's not,
I'm obviously, I fucked up.
No, I had problems of my own and I put things off
and I got distracted, okay?
And maybe there were some times I was wallowing
in my own misery and not working as hard as I could
And that's why I'm trying to just stay positive stay the course
Okay, I've had over the past year not the best mental health
It is you know weighed on me in a number of ways and I'm trying to move past that
Okay, had a death in the family. I had other personal issues, whatever the fuck.
You can't get in the military.
Can't get in the military, Trump's gonna take my ID away.
Here's what needs to happen, I need to get to the point, I love writing.
I love writing the comics and writing's very easy.
I need to-
Write a book.
Write a super killer book.
No one's gonna read. I wrote a book.
No one's gonna read. If anyone was to read my book. You already said you wouldn't read my book.
No, book, it's not suited for book form. Oh. Going into the next one, I'm looking, there will be,
you know, like a project manager so I can focus. You're gonna manage a project manager? Well,
that, I need to find a project manager who can manage other things.
I need to get to the point where I can focus on just writing and a little bit of like guidance of like draw it like this, make it look like this, whatever.
Okay, and you know obviously other bits and pieces.
And maybe this is all a lot of cope. I don't fucking know. Yeah. Well
okay it's a lot of cope. I'm a fuck up and I suck. Like what do you want? Just
curious. Uh hundred thousand dollars, I mean a hundred twenty thousand dollars.
That's a lot of money. Which is why and I still look, that's why I think I'm just
trying. I still have, like you could have made five or six comics
with that amount of money.
Bop, bop, bop, bop.
So, I guess that's what I'm trying to get at.
I'm like, how would you like me to react in this situation?
What would be ideal?
I just asked what the lessons were that you learned
and the lesson was hire project managers.
Here's the lesson I learned.
It is very hard to manage people and projects.
I've learned how to do it a lot better.
You got fired.
But I think it would be helpful if I had someone to assist.
Obviously, I created a lot of extra work for myself
with creating a bunch of-
Colors, that's not necessary yes colors
was a mistake if I could go back in time and just put out a black and white comic
yeah infinitely happier about it but I will say the colors are gonna be great
okay they're just I gotta get them looking the way I want them to look okay
cuz you remember in the in. Plinket reviews?
Oh, part.
When they're watching George Lucas say,
we got to get Jar Jar working.
If we can get it, it's the key to everything.
Yeah, you remember that?
It's the key to everything.
Ha ha ha ha.
Look, it really is what I say.
I see myself at the comic convention,
hopefully selling the comic, telling people,
hey, I got a great character. I'm very excited about it.
You're going to go there to a comic convention?
I want to go to a ton of comic conventions.
I want to get out of my house.
I want to be a part of the world.
I've been locked away, working on nonsense.
How can you stream about it?
This is my comic.
I'm very excited about it, that kind of thing.
Well, I want to.
For the next one, I'd like to stream more of the creative process.
Part of the reason I held off on this was because a bunch of psychopaths from
Kiwi Farms were stocking every aspect of everything.
And I just they were, you know, email.
It's it all. Is it all come down to like email the artist?
What do you mean? Is it does it all come down to like email the artist? What do you mean? Does it all come down to people messaging the artists or?
That's definitely a part of it. I don't want-
Who cares?
It's an email. Delete it.
These people don't understand-
Okay, like these guys?
That's what the money's for. Like shut the fuck up.
Delete it or shut your fucking mouth.
I'm the boss. Don't ever fucking bother me with this piddly email shit again, you piece of shit. Don't ever fucking tell me about an email you
got. Fuck you! If you're listening and you work for anybody and you get a fucking email about something, shut up!
Shut the fuck up! I don't give a fuck! That's what the money's for! I love this guy.
Eat the fucking complaints you cocksucker!
That could apply to anybody, you know? We do live in an era and this doesn't apply to anybody in particular where though, you know people
There's a lot of emotions involved in creating art. I get it. Yeah, can you eat feeling sad? Can you eat throwing a fit? No. I've done the same thing. Look, I was a graphic designer
Okay, I worked on that Starship card game.
You worked on Hitler's book cover.
I helped with Hitler's book cover.
I understand when you pour yourself into a creative process, you know, like your emotions
get caught up in it, especially when you think you know what's right or whatever else, you
And creation is a compromise.
But we're not talking about emails anymore. Are we? Yeah, well, messaging and whatever, you know? And creation is a compromise. But we're not talking about emails anymore.
Well, I'm just... Are we?
Yeah, well, messaging and whatever, you know? Like at the end of the day...
I mean, like getting nasty emails from random people.
I'm saying in an ideal world, you hand a guy a pile of money and you get exactly what you want,
but it's art. So you got to compromise.
It's not... That's not like that in anything. Not art, not tech, not nothing.
Do you hand someone money?
I'm thinking of, what do you call it?
Thinking of Mad Men, where Peggy goes,
you never thanked me for my work.
And Don goes, that's what the money's for!
So whatever.
What do you mean?
I'm just saying, I wish you could just pay guys money
to be happy.
I really wish you could do that.
That's what they're paying you for.
No, no, no.
I'm saying like, I wish I could pay creatives
and I could go, here's a pile of money.
That's what people who are buying are paying you.
Please be happy.
And it doesn't work that way.
Because the creatives throw a big fit.
Well, it's like, no.
They have any kind of complaints at all.
There's, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta
find where your style's mesh.
It doesn't work like that.
You gotta, no, no.
Especially cause I'm working with really talented people.
And I get it.
Nobody's that talented at that level.
They're very talented.
And they have the right to be like, listen,
I'm an artist, I've been working this way.
Here's what's gonna look best.
I wanna trust their judgment.
And I, you know, I do.
And then a lot of times- Do it or fuck off. A lot of times- Let's do it this way or fuck off.'s going to look best. I want to trust their judgment. I, you know, I do. And then a lot of times, a lot of times,
this way or fuck off. Look, you've got it.
Anyway, again, this is not you think that's crazy.
I think we've got, uh, OK.
Again, the real problem.
You're not talking to Michelangelo. The real problem is me.
The real problem is me.
OK, I did not communicate effectively. I did not set effective goals.
I was slow to get-
Are you prepared to tell someone to go fuck themselves?
I was slow to get notes to people. Yeah.
I told people, you're not right for the project.
And I said, I don't want to use your colors, you know?
This guy was a- you know, granted I paid him a bunch of money
and I was kind of like, I wish I could get that back,
but whatever, he's got a kid, so.
His kid's a piece of shit too.
Just like him.
Why would someone take money for a bad job?
All these people have kids, it's kind of a,
they really do. I have a kid.
They really do play on my heartstrings.
So I can say whatever the fuck I want about anyone's kids.
I want everyone. I don't want their fucking kids
out there polluting the world with my fucking kid.
I want everybody to get paid. I want everybody anyone's kids? I don't want their fucking kids out there polluting the world with my fucking kid.
I want everybody to get paid. I want everybody to live a happy life.
But they're fucking stealing from you and your supporters.
They're not stealing from me or the supporters. The supporters are getting the comic.
They're getting the trading cards which China lost in the mail and I can't get a response from the company.
So I don't know where the fuck those are
So, you know just everything's just
What I'm trying to do is the thing I call reckless
Positivity dick is it working?
Dead inside. No, yeah, it's fine. I'm fine. Fuck it. Look life sucks
Life doesn't suck. That's great
You're better at this reckless positivity thing than me man. I'm not recklessly positive. Yeah, you're just normally positive
I'm not positive at all. Okay, but life I'm abusive
I don't know man. I'm happy I gave it a shot and I want to keep doing it and I hope it gets better
I hope I get better at it. I hope I keep building somebody for fun. I
Fired multiple I fired the last letter. I didn't like the lettering you paid him though
Yeah for the for the work. He did. Yeah
Yeah, I fired a colorist it wasn't working out. Okay. And here's also what I'm gonna say is,
you know, we did make a lot of money with the comic.
It was we.
You, I didn't make shit.
We will win, Dick.
That's very important to me.
I mean, this is what like,
It's very important.
It is like the Eric July thing.
That's why that was so funny when Tony said it.
We're winning.
We're winning. Yes, but you do think that.
No, I don't.
You say it. You say it as a joke.
I specifically tell people to avoid these parasocial relationships, okay?
Don't form an attachment to me as a character that you love.
It's a complicated thing.
It's not.
Shut up. Look, I have money from the first one.
You bet big on an artist.
And it didn't pan out.
Stop! It's not the artist!
My management...
You're so, like, insanely critical of other people doing stuff, but like even me saying...
Because it's wrong. It is my...
It's not wrong.
I created numerous delays with my inattention to detail.
I blame myself 100%.
I just don't believe that.
I don't care what you believe cuz that's what I was Lee
Do cuz you're shot every time I bring it up you're freaking out because it's unfair to the guy
He's not here to defend yourself
Because how many things have I said about every artist ever that's not fair to them
Well, I'm telling whole fucking videos about Marvel movies the artists aren't there to defend themselves. All right gives a fuck
Well, I'm gonna defend him cuz he's my guy. I love my guy, I wanna work with him forever, his art's incredible
Oh please don't
Shut the fuck up
Not after this shit
You're retarded
It's my fault, it's nothing to do with him
It's so emotional, it's obviously not working
I knew I shouldn't have talked about this, you're such a...
It's just so obviously not working
No one gives a fuck about some artist feeling. It's nobody. It's me
It's my no one buys that no one but it is you think I have my life. Look at me
I'm a mess. Of course. I fucked this up. Of course. It's my fault
Okay, of course there were days this is what could I have been doing I could have been sitting down
I could have been writing the script. I could have whatever, and what did I do?
I probably jerked off and watched Invincible.
And then Adam Eve popped on the screen, she looked kind of hot, so I jerked off again.
It's like the opposite of Eric blaming his parties.
There are days that I have wasted, I'm a human being, I suck, I'm, what do you call
I'm not lying, come on!
You know I'm lazy, I don't make videos, I don't do voiceovers,
I go to Costco and I rip shit off a fucking thing, I shit in a bathroom with no curtain, okay?
I am to blame. 100% case closed. Hate me, okay?
No one hates anybody.
But you can mock me. Mock me.
The amount of shit that we've given artists, or that I've given artists, and you've given artists.
It's not the artist, it's me. It has nothing to do with artists.
I just think it's crazy that the amount of shit you give artists, like somebody says,
Oh wow, I guess that artist didn't work out.
He worked out, the book looks great, it's a great fucking book.
It doesn't exist.
It does exist, his art's done.
They hold up now is me and coloring and garbage, okay?
I'm the problem.
No one believes that.
Why not?
They clearly do.
Because you're so emphatic about it.
Clearly believe me.
I'm sure you guys can entertain a universe
in which I'm a fuck up.
I'm sure you can do that. Yeah, yeah, a fuck up. I'm sure you can do that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm sure you can find it in your fucking soul to go,
yeah, Vito probably fucked it up.
Fucked it up by doing nothing.
Like, you're not drawing it.
But no, but I have to get really, look, again, the script.
Oh, draw it better.
Click email.
I have to write the scripts.
I have to send, you know,
I have to send notes for the guy to work off of. That's on me. And there's, you know, I've had delays on that.
I fucked around.
I have! I did!
For a year and a half.
All I'm saying is I hope this year we're gonna get an extra two books out. Let's let's let's aim for that
If we do if we do super killer number two and we do the world war two book in this year
If we can get those out by Christmas
We're back in business
You believe that I'm also trying to get mr. Girl to write a comic. Oh, oh god, please do it
He's too busy. It's like a black hole
Here's what I'll say I like making comics I'm having fun, but you haven't made a comic you're right
I accept that I fucked up. What do you want me to do?
You don't though.
What am I supposed to do? Should I beg and plead for forgiveness?
You're only doing it because of some weird attachment that you have to any mild criticism that is being directed at your artist.
It's directed at me. The criticism is directed at me rightfully.
No, I'm directing it at your artist.
Okay, well directed at me and everyone is directing at me is 100% correct.
But I want. You're all correct.
I want though.
It's got nothing to do with that guy.
It's all on me.
Just for fun.
I know you are doing it for fun.
No I think, no I do think that, I do think that all artists need to be brought down a
Working with artists is challenging, like, but you know, emotions run high when people
are pouring their fucking heart.
No, wrong. I, well, I think, you know, it is what...
Emotions are real, man.
I get it.
I'm attached to my own work, like 100%.
I don't.
Well, I...
Having, again, having been a graphic designer and being precious about my work.
I've argued with bosses about like creative decisions.
You know, we've had,
We've had, you know, discussions about creative decisions
that he disagrees with and we find a compromise.
It's good, it's healthy.
That took a year?
No, what took a year was me being slow with the script,
being too precise about the,
being obsessive about the wording.
Speak too good.
There have been some things where I'm clearly neurotic, okay?
I will spend an entire day re-wording one page of the comic
because I can't figure it out for some reason, okay?
You can ask Mr. Girl, I've talked to him,
I said, Mr. Girl, I can't figure out how to word
this page correctly.
I had to pretend to be a kid.
I'm a big fan, I'm 12 years old.
Oh, Vito was saying on a show.
There's been some pages that I'm like,
I don't know why I can't crack how to word this.
It's weird.
It almost feels like I've, I don't know.
What the fuck?
I think I've, uh, something's happened to my brain
as a writer.
Something's happened to your brain
with this fucking comic.
Something has happened where writing used to be
a lot easier, and now I, for some reason,
see like infinite permutations of a sentence,
and I can't figure out which one's correct.
What if the comic was a curse?
How would you know?
I don't think it's a curse.
But what if it was?
What if writing the comic was a curse,
and now you're trapped inside of it?
What would that look like?
All I can do is stay positive, and then endure the curse. What would that look like as a comic? I don't know what it that look like? All I can do is stay positive and then enjoy the curse.
I don't know what it would look like.
Look I can at least take solace.
Here's what I can take solace in and I know it's no excuse.
What did you say about Frog Tony's artist?
What did you call him?
I don't remember.
He said it sucks.
It looks like shit.
Something like that.
Yeah. Here's what I could take solace in, is,
there are a number of crowdfunding campaigns
that have never delivered anything.
Mine included, currently.
I mean, there's somebody getting raped right now,
probably, somewhere.
What do you mean?
You didn't rape anybody, so you're fine.
I'm saying, there's a lot of these famous
crowdfunding campaigns.
I don't think Scott Kurtz has ever delivered
his PVP online comic. Those comics are already done. You just put them in a book and these famous crowdfunding campaigns. I don't think Scott Kurtz has ever delivered his PVP online comic.
Those comics are already done.
You just put them in a book and reprint them.
Frank Gallagher from Mega Tokyo took what?
Like a quarter of a million dollars to make a visual novel.
You know, Hitler killed six million Jews.
You're not Hitler.
Zoe Quinn took a hundred thousand to make a Chuck Tingle interactive adventure.
And that money just ran out and nothing ever came out.
So you're one of those guys?
Currently I'm one of those guys.
But I know that I'm going to print the comic.
Is this a good story that you're talking about right now?
What do you mean a good story?
Like how does this make the comic better?
I'm just saying the solace I could take
is I know I'm not here to completely fuck up, okay?
You're so far beyond fucked up!
There's... there's... there's...
What are you talking about?
There's you fucked up.
You're way far beyond you fucked up!
That's... I don't think I'm way past beyond you fucked up.
You're comparing yourself to legendary fuck ups right now.
Yeah, I'm not... And saying I might not be one of them
I'm definitely not one of them. I can tell you that I knew a guy I
Took him five years to make a book. Yeah, cuz he wanted to get it. Just right. Okay. It was his big shot
You know book sucked. I don't know. It didn't matter. All right, it came out. Nobody was interested in it. I got it
Yeah, I've you know, I've probably lost interest. I've lost steam people are tired of it
They already saw Deadpool and Wolverine. It was just net. It would just be like it's coming. It's coming
It's coming that came out. It was like
Yeah, I made fun of it, you know, it might be that reaction. I'm sure people you'll probably make fun of it
I'm sure other people will make fun of it. They'll say you see Christmas Carol Vito wasted all this time. It's not even good
I don't even like it. You like you know Christmas Carol Charles Dickens dickening. Yes Christmas. He's a good writer, right?
Sure, cuz he and I don't I never read it. I didn't read the book
It's all a movie. You know, okay, you know the Disney movie. Yeah Scrooge
Scrooge Mcduck. What's the point at the end? It? This guy in the future's like, this is your grave, Ebenezer.
I'm seeing my grave.
And then what does he do?
He's like, Scrooge is like,
fine, whatever, fine, whatever, fine, fine, whatever, fine.
But I'm telling you, I've made changes in my life.
I'm, I'm, I don't know what to say.
Okay, what super chat was that?
Uh, it's probably farther down. I don't know what to say. What super chat was that? Uhhhhhh
It's probably further down
It was Will Super Enward come out for Black History Month
Black History Month
Will it?
I don't know, no, probably not
The J.R.R.Y. in comfort 10, the biggest problem in New England
The bank, New Hampshire
Pavilion is New Hampshire for the next live show
Vito could tell more wild
western mass stories and why Northern New England hates
South Southern New England.
Somebody wanted me to do it at the VFW Hall in Amherst, my old hometown.
I think we would get kicked out of town.
I come buckets for two spy report.
Ashley St.
Clair's new baby is Elon's pee pee for two.
I hear a pirate was talking about me last episode.
No, I was talking about
Your non-existent child porn
Jackson for five apparently Elon Musk just had a kid with a right-wing influencer Ben Schafer to dick lies He actually spoke about hoarding cords. Yeah, I meant to bring that in as a oh somebody sent me another one
That was another dick pockersy and apparently we have a dick pockersy stinger now
So I'll have to oh, yeah, if anybody has any good anybody has any good dickpocracies, please let me know.
Yeah, it's a constant fight.
You gotta throw the cords away.
I've thrown a lot of cords away.
I mean...
USB cords, though.
Come on.
You gotta throw those away.
Charney for 20.
Tony tried to take...
Tony couldn't find his charging cord, and I'm like, oh, let me give you a USB cord.
And I gave him a free USB cord.
He went, well, this one's too short.
And I go, well, you don't get the good cord.
He made me go back in the bin to get him a better cord.
Too short so he can't fiddle around hacking goonies
on the couch.
Speaking of which, you see there's a Goonies sequel
coming out, so I hope Tony has a good time with that.
Here's the $20 dues for telling men to throw out
that box of unneeded cords.
Yeah, it's a lifelong process.
Goldilocks for 10.
A girl from local high school was on the news for being racist against Hispanics.
She said, I can't wait for these big fat beans that block the entire highway to get kicked
Her group snitched.
Ah, snitched what?
That's hearsay.
She can say, I didn't say that shit.
I didn't say that shit.
Oklovich for two.
Department of inventory of cables and knickknacks.
PP for two, Vito
looks very sick and fatty. Okay Vito.
That's not me. I look normal.
What's your address? Antagonist for two, give us your landlord's phone number. Oh my god
bro. Oh I remember this. Terry Hestacles for five, roses are red, Vito will have a heart
attack. We may never get super killer but you'll never get your cat back. Slatsburg
for five, Vito's garage sale, Hot, Dingledorf for five,
congrats to Dick for Dick Masterson Jr., congrats to Vito for his half human half cat, Chimera
Spun, oh I almost said it, the NGR guy for two, Vito's post, the biggest problem in the
universe, garage sale, extravaganza, Hot Fart, Dingledorf for five, happy Valentine's Day
boys, I bet that GameStop girl that Vito has the hots for is getting a Valentine's Day piping.
I bet so.
She's a good looking gal.
Elton for five, fan meetup with Vito's,
we're robbing him and doing everything.
What are they all about?
I don't know.
What was I thinking?
I was thinking about GameStop's PSA stuff.
I gotta get some stuff PSA
graded fuck PSA go tag I'm sending shit to tag from now on nobody buys the tag
stuff they're obsessed with PSA slabs it's cool though that's the future I
know I really agree I like the lasers but I like it I feel bad getting graded at
PSA yeah I got my stuff back and even the nines I'm like like I feel like I
just I looked at tags like that's cool. You see with magic
They're maybe gonna undo the damage all those f slurs did to the commander format. They're changing around. What do you mean?
well remember they banned a jeweled lotus and
monocrypt and a couple other cards because oh yeah, well the commander was run by a
Volunteer group oh
And they're like hey, let's just ban a bunch of cards everyone
loves and Wizards like, Oh God, don't do that. Everyone's going to hate you. And they're
like, no, it'll be fine. And then they got bullied off the internet and now Wizards are
back in charge. Good. So I bought a bunch of those cards when they announced they might
unban them and now they're worth double what I paid for them. So good job. Oh yeah. Devin's
card house for 10. It's been good to see you on whatnot veto
But I'm worried about your sleep probably hard to rest knowing you've stiffed me on my $800 investment in superstealer
That guy bought a 15 comics of copies of super killer. It's an investment
I'm paying it forward. I go on his whatnot stream and I give him money for magic cards.
I still think, look, I still think Superkiller is gonna be a collector's item. You guys will see.
No, yeah.
It's not.
No, it's not.
100%. We got a franchise here, baby.
It's not. They want, they want it to support you making content that you wanted to make.
They don't want all this collector shit.
That's not what I'm talking about! It's not the collector shit.
The comic itself, again, will just be... it's gonna be a franchise, man!
Invincible didn't get an animated series until like 20 years after it came out.
How many issues came out?
I don't know. They only did like two, I think. Three, maybe.
That's all you need.
How many came out?
Invincible had like a hundred issues.
A hundred issues.
We're gonna have a hundred issues, baby!
Does it sound insane to you?
No, because I have money now and I can pay like a bunch of guys to draw it.
That doesn't work.
Yes it does!
It will!
No it doesn't.
Well it doesn't!
It doesn't define the right guys.
Did it work for Chuck Dixon?
No, because he's an old crazy man.
So it didn't work for Eric and it didn't work for you. But I can
pay here's the cool thing about Superkiller and I've talked about this
each comic saying and I talked about this doesn't give it credulence. I know
that you guys do that to say like and I've talked about this is like a thing
just adds weight to something. I'm not no it's not to add weight to it I'm saying I'm
announcing something new. You don't even know it.
I'm saying that you listened to people saying that.
I'm saying for all the super killer heads out there
who are desperately looking for new super killer news
to report on on the fan blogs,
don't worry, this has already been reported.
What's cool about the premise
is that he hops from universe to universe.
So if I get a different artist for different books,
I can have guys working on books simultaneously,
and the art styles might not match up, but it's okay, because it's in a different universe.
All I can do is believe in myself, man.
That's all I can do.
That's what people say in a cult.
Well, life's a cult.
That's what insane people say.
Okay, well, I don't think it's insane
to say I can make a comic book.
At this point, yeah.
Okay, at this point-
At this point, trying the same thing
and expecting different-
At this point, sure.
Is that's a literal definition.
You saying that you can make a comic book
is the literal definition of insanity.
There's a lot of people who have had late comic books
and I'm one of them.
But I love it.
I love the-
What do you love about this?
I love that I'm making something, man.
But you're not!
I am!
I'm up, I'm in my bed.
Making something is like 10 things.
I got my tablet out, I'm sketching out the storyboards,
I'm writing, everything about this process. I'm writing everything about this process.
I go, you know what?
There are so many, there are so many universes
in which I'm a fat loser.
This being one of them, but at least this is the universe
in which I'm a fat loser who's going for it.
And it's gonna suck and it's gonna be a lot of problems and everyone's gonna hate it
And your artist doesn't deliver on time. My artist is the best guy in the world. Why are you so confused?
Why can't I love this guy? I love this guy. Why are you so?
To my character he took my character and he made it real. I love him too, right? I want him to I want him to
Or the third one. Because again, I can have one guy work on the second one while somebody else works on the third one. So if some people take longer, then it's okay because they have a buffer. That would be great. That would work out.
So the second one is going to be a fiverr guy and the third one is going to be the same artist.
It's all going to be guys from fiverr. I'm getting a bunch of Indians to do it.
He might draw the second one.
It depends on his schedule.
It depends on his availability.
Oh God, please no.
And we can simplify it.
Part of the, you know, he also inks all his own stuff,
which adds a lot of time to it.
If he just does pencils, that would cut down on the time a lot.
You know, there's a lot of things we can do.
And let's put it this way.
I'm not going to do a crowd fund until the book is at least
50 to 75% done.
No, that's not far enough.
75% I think would be reasonable.
Okay, well, the cool thing about crowdfunding is you don't have to back the crowd funder
if you don't like me or trust the process.
That's fine.
The process?
The process. Is you. It's not the process. Yes, that's fine. The process? The process. It's you.
It's not the process.
Yes, it's me.
I'm the process and I suck.
But, I can say...
Don't you think this is amazing?
Every day it's getting better, a little better all the time.
ZetaQuinSelfer2 says, I hope that Vito's plush is ready for my little buddy.
She's gonna fuck it or he's gonna fuck it.
I think Zeta's a girl.
Maybe I'm wrong.
My little buddy?
Maybe the dog is gonna fuck the shit out of it.
I think that's a trans woman.
No, that's not allowed, so it can't possibly be.
Well, I think now you understand the problem.
Vito's cat for five. Those tiles were put down poorly
That's why they broke. Said a man who weighs 400 pounds.
The tiles were bad. They're bad tiles.
I know my my parents house had tiles where I grew up. It still does. What are you, were they bad or you just saying what?
They're all fine. Yeah, cuz they were laid down by, you know,
probably correctly.
Dude, by house, cause I'm not allowed to say apartment
for some fucking reason.
No, it's an apartment.
Sure, it's an apartment.
Whatever you want to call it.
There's a lot of, there's a crack in the wall
where it just goes, like you can see the light from outside
and I'm like, I'm pretty sure there's supposed to be a full wall there
Like what you don't want to get your rent raised. I don't want to get my rent raised
Oh, this is this is a nightmare next time they raise my you make money on this show the next time they raise my rent
Will be the time I go okay now you got to fix this this and this I?
Mean you should endeavor to live a life. That's more than hiding in the attic
It lurk Fran Frank. It didn't
I'm gonna nominate that for MVP joke of the episode
Just know it didn't just call the land when they raise the fire
They're gonna raise my rent, and then I will call the landlord
All right
I'm fine. I got no tiles back. I got put spackle in it
No, the spell what do you mean spack? I took the tiles out
There's just bear on the wall where you can see through the fuck yeah, I could spackle in it! No, the spackle- what do you mean spackle? I took the tiles out, there's just barrels- No, on the wall where you can see through the fucking wall.
Yeah, I could spackle that, sure.
Do it.
I will spackle it.
At least toothpaste.
I'll put some toothpaste in.
I got that crack filler, I did that!
But you can still see light?
No, that's a different- I'm saying I did that in a different part.
How many cracks do you have?
Is your house mostly cracked, or is it-
I don't think it's connected to the foundation anymore. I don't think
It's kind of a crack all the way around though. It seems like a stiff breeze might knock the whole thing down
Clips sama for I'm just staying positive. Does the blow does the bow blacks plushy talk as well?
Not in a way that I want to do he does cat for my girl, maybe
I'd fuck me
No, it's it's safety pinned all right never mind
Vito's cat for five all the super killer crab was just a front for plushies. Yes, Jav City for two veto plushes
Not fat round enough. I thought they got it pretty fat. I think think it's pretty fat I had to keep telling him to make it fatter I mean
yeah okay could be wider this is the ideal veto when he gets slims down all
the same identical to the other one no it's got a fatter face drunken atheist
studio for two says thanks Carl Carl likes our clips. Thank you drunk in a studio tomato great clips, but I know
Okay, I will pay we're not new there were not two new clips. I
There were not too new just well, I think yeah, okay
I will wolf I'll if I got to pay for it. I'll pay for it. We'll figure it out for new for shorts
For whatever you gotta pay for two minute shorts
The ones with that captions and everything yeah guys gonna do that I gotta pay I gotta do this AI can do that
I okay. Well, we need a guy to do the AI
I love life tomato head for two
Glad you like my stinger big fan of par parodies. Tomatohead for another two says, pair-o-deez-nuts.
There you go.
I'm glad those bring you such joy.
Lucha Steve for five.
Vito, I have a super killer idea for you.
Super killers should go to a world where people are knights.
And then what?
Vito's counting for two.
Canadian population is 23% immigrants.
I was interested in that statistic.
Fucking amazing.
Chad Bronson for two, my university now has signs showing how to use a toilet.
There you go.
Fad for a hundred subs.
They're shitting in each other's mouths.
They shit on each other.
You'll see an Indian shitting in the street and there'll be another Indian shitting on him.
I don't believe that.
I don't think that's true true
Love our Indian listeners
Biggest problem is TBF denial you craft a perfect TBF and veto gobbles it up
But dick just stares in the air like a Mexican moon cow sorry and then he tries to get it in
That should be my penalty.
I gotta moo every time I don't.
I'm gonna get you these inflatable cow pants.
Did you see these?
Yeah, I'm not wearing those.
They're not erotic at all.
That's not what I want.
There's this guy on Twitter who,
he makes all the inflatable stuff
for furry guys to wear.
And I don't remember how I found his Twitter,
but I think it was because he posted the eulogy of a guy who got trapped in his inflatable suit and suffocated and died
That was a bad day for me. That was a bad day for you. I like that guy's thing not personally. I just liked
Looking at his stuff like perverse you but the guy specifically who died you like that guy specifically
It's like I was like wait what happened?
That was my no that was when when Norm MacDonald died for you?
That was my day.
They're like, a furry got trapped in his inflatable suit
and he suffocated.
And I'm like, oh my god, what a horrible way.
Can you imagine the cops come in
and there's just like a fucking,
they're like, well, there's nothing here
but an inflatable giraffe.
That's not funny.
That's not funny to me.
I'm saying it's funny.
You're making a joke.
I'm saying they'd be confused.
Yeah, but you're presenting it as a sitcom scenario.
Oh my god, there's a man inside.
It's funny.
It's not funny to me.
It's more like a CSI episode.
I thought maybe we could meet and be friends, me and that guy.
Well, I think the guy I'm following now
is the guy who made the urinal suit.
Have you seen the dancing urinal suit?
So you wear a giant urinal.
It's a functional urinal suit.
And then you can go to the gay club,
and it's got a hole right here.
You can go to any club.
Sure, you can go anywhere you want.
I'm just saying that the suit's built, it's got a little hole so you can get guys to pee
on you and it goes down into a funnel and I don't know where it goes from there.
And I said that kind of ingenuity.
That guy should be allowed to serve in the military, yes?
Yeah, furries, yeah. Okay. Yeah furries. Yeah, okay
Well, at least we're on the same page if you're pretending to be like a fucking giraffe
Yeah, if you're pretending to be a woman, no, we don't need any like what are you identifying as a huge pain in the ass?
I think they will kick the furries out the guys with the dog masks can't kick the furries out
Oh, maybe not they hide it better pineapple man for five storm front veto 1488 veto always with the demographic statistics
Mike hunt for five did you notice that the knives from the boys the same name as the daily stormers forum?
Yes, everyone got that reference Ben Shaw for two veto Canada didn't go to Iraq. Is that true?
I really thought they did maybe I'm good to them. I might be thinking of the
Gulf War Mike hunt for five John candy was Canadian. He did a special with Donald Duck
That was pretty cool, but the John candy animated series was awful. I never I never watched
Life with Louie was life with Louie was good. He's world was amazing
Bobby's world was amazing and I don't know why who's the guy from Bobby's world? Howie Mandel?
Yeah, but howie mandel is not as good as Bobby's world
He obviously is what are you talking about? I'm just saying like Bobby nothing
He does outside of Bobby's world do I find nearly as enjoyable.
What the hell? What about rolling the quarter off your head?
No, Bobby's world was the peak for that guy.
I guess. It's a pretty good peak.
Bobby, don't you know?
It's like saying the magic flute was a peak for Mozart.
Here's what I will say about Canada.
Thank you.
Andy Worske and PPP. You should have mentioned that.
Because that's the worst fucking thing that ever happened in the
Whole fucking world bring out the flatbed. Oh
Nick Reketa is not a man of God
I'm glad Nick Reketa will be at Hackamania guys go to get your tickets
We got a big event plan Goldilocks for five Richard is bare chested crowdy
Don't let this buckt keep talking. Nicey quick.
Canadian slang for f slurs.
Yulim Uvaki for 20.
Well, Vito, you should mention the demographics of Canada.
In 2011, the proportion of radicalized demographics,
as they call it, was around 25%.
In modern times, it's close to 45% immigrants now.
Cameron for two says-
Oh, radicalized.
Oh, radical, what does that mean? White people?
Okay, being fucked around. Okay, Cameron for two. It's not a religion. It's a cult 40% drink the Kool-Aid
Geeks for two knock knock want to hear the good word veto Goldilocks for five the one trans person
I walk with thought the VR game beat saber was good exercise. Keep them out of the army
I mean, it's not nothing.
Bob Smith for two says DEI oink tenant veto
repointing for duty with a pig emoji.
Veto's cat for five,
trans people in the military was rejected
at the ballot box veto.
We don't have to care about you
or your liberal buddies opinions anymore.
Dean Chalk for five, thanks for the laugh boys.
You think Ralph will tell Melton up on his offer
to come out to hackamania. You see Ralph talking shit
about the dabble verse. Oh, he said, oh, stuttering John's a legend. How can these
guys goof on him? And I'm like, oh, come on, let people have their dabble verse.
Of course, Cyphers and Suck this five. I are a trans. I have no feelings over the
military thing. Seems like it was only used to get free HRT. Veets says the the worst things dick is funny. Yeah, it's just free shit all the military is free shit
Yeah, pity for five nice to see a leftist finally admit their bullshit is a religion
I have always said that cybers and suck to survive also. I'm straight and I was just joking don't call it religion Veets
Keep yourself safe my god for five
There was a 1981 anime called stop Hibari-kun about a passing trans woman
Who's the son of a yakuza boss funny stuff?
Human dynamo for five veto if I don't call my priest father can I lose my job?
Why do we have to abide by all their rules? Why do we have to ruin language bathrooms, etc?
I mean if you kick a Muslim guy's prayer rug over you're probably gonna lose your job too, so now I don't know
Muslim guys prayer rug over you're probably gonna lose your job too, so now I don't know
Okay, I don't know we need someone we need a Rosa Parks for
Kicking Muslim guys prayer rugs you ever see when they pray on the plane and you're like guys I haven't seen that and you can you already don't want you getting out of your seats to begin with
I don't know what your plan and do you really got to do it? Okay?
Clip some over to here some gold you just say like hey excuse me for two, here's some gold. Can you just say like, hey, excuse me?
Hey, that's fucking retarded, what you're doing.
No, you can't say that.
I'm pretty sure I can.
Stuartus, I need three bottles of Jameson immediately.
Please, real fast.
Drink them in front of these guys.
Clip Sama for two, here's some gold for you.
Reddit Sphere religion, sir, thank you.
Fashionably unemployed for two, happy Valance Wines Day. Fatty. Yes, thank you. Geeks for two here's some gold for you reddit sphere religion, sir. Thank you fashionably unemployed for two happy valence wines day fatty
Yes, thanks for two. Of course. It's a sphere to justify your shape
Both my religion is the great sphere. It's like I said, it's a four dimensional object will describe
It's not an exact sphere. It's like it's got like a tuck in here. It's got a tuck. It's got some bulges
Yeah, yeah onthon for five.
If I have to hear about Evangelion one more time,
I will take Vito to Greenland.
Too many Troublems for two.
Have Vito Cun- Tony come back and mispronounce
Miscellaneous, please.
Oh, did he do that?
Somebody get me a clip of that.
Zazu Harris for two.
Vito Huffs a butt.
Real Black Guy for two.
If trans are happy, why are they half-ending things?
Goldilocks for two.
And Boss Napkins never work.
Source, I make them.
Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys.
We get it with the killing themselves things.
We got to find a new meme.
Don't be the Jets fans or the Cowboys fans
of hating trans people.
I don't mean to ruin anyone's good time,
but you got to upgrade your jokes and references, please.
Please, God, I can't hear about 40% kill themselves
for the rest of my life.
I just can't.
I'll kill myself.
I'm begging.
I love trans people, so.
What can you do?
I'm lost, where am I?
Goldilocks, you should send a voicemail
about how you make napkins.
That's interesting. Geeksfor5, someone who sleeps in a nest has no business talking about
paper towels is a perfectly fine alternative to napkins. You're making me sad and feel
bad Veets. Geeksfor2, oh geez toilet paper. Come on man. Fashionably unemployed for two.
It says, hey Vito, you've been penny trading lately. And for another two he says penny
trading little boys.'ve been penny trading lately. And for another two, he says, penny trading little boys.
Oh, penny trading.
Oh, that's good.
That's good.
Took a second.
That's funny.
It's one of those.
But if you have to go, oh, that's good.
Was it truly good?
Penny trading.
Penny trading.
Well, the lately messed it up.
Yeah, it was a tough one, but we got there.
Because penny trading would be like, that's odd. Yeah.
Like you see D's, you're like, well D's, that's odd.
D's, yeah.
Yeah, but penetrating lately, like, lately?
What do you mean?
When did I ever do that?
Ulam, I live for 20.
Vito, you can't rip out the foundation of the nation,
expect to suffer no grief in turn.
Oh my God.
You and your team have attacked the spirit
of the forgiving, tolerant Christian American
for the last 50 years, suffer the consequences.
Yeah. Okay, I'm sorry. No, I'm not really a big fan of the forgiving, tolerant Christian American for the last 50 years suffer the consequences.
Okay, I'm sorry.
No, I'm not really a big fan of the Christian American.
We gotta give it all to Christ.
Actually, the Christian Americans let in a shitload of immigrants.
So you guys have to do a lot of like house cleaning.
The nihilists did not do a goddamn thing.
You guys keep trying to get rid of abortions.
Okay? Who do you think is begging all the babies?
Christians? Come on!
Say what you're saying.
Let us murder babies.
Who's us?
White people.
Or America. I don't know.
You're all over the place.
I'm a little lost in the weeds.
As I said, didn't I bring up the statistic that the people having
the most abortions are like Mexicans or something? Mexicans? Yeah, I think Mexicans have more abortions.
I think you almost got your finger on it. Who has the most abortions? Oh, blacks. Sure, blacks. Okay.
Well, I'm not saying, you know, it's good, but also, you know, do we need more people? We got a lot of
We're trying to get people out of the country
and another way to stop it would be just to let us have
At the border of life.
Mexico is our abortion.
Just dump it, dump it back out.
We're taking them out.
Mike Hunt for five.
I feel like Dick brought in geriatric superheroes
on another podcast.
I might have.
Antagonist for five.
Vito, my life is great just as Waldy needs toys to motivate me to moat lose weight
Lies about releasing comics and lost a cat by definitely not sitting on it. Oh, I like Sopranos. Mr. Poops snorkels, too
No more Cunny posting sorry pig Waldy and Richard and for two he says veto is an epsilon
Hyperion for ten. Thanks for the entertainment. Strategy for five, yeah, these new action stars
are out of shape.
No one had the strength and physical prowess
of Charles Bronson.
Did you see him in Death Wish 7?
No, I did not.
Shatelips for five, more like Guano Carlo Esposito.
Micon for two, storytelling is the oldest profession, Dick.
I don't think that's true.
The Jews have been around forever.
They're always telling little stories.
I think whores have been around for longer than Jews
Dead cat for five making a joke about whores. I don't know. What is the is that a genuine comment?
That's just like I have stepping all over him
He should have paid you gotta pay more two dollars if you're gonna say something maybe profound or not
I can't figure it out when life gives you lemons you eat them
Are you making a joke about that saying or?
What the fuck are you saying like lemons dead cat for five? How many socks you accidentally flushed on the toilet each year?
This is the first time it's ever happened. I was really not happy. Yeah, I remembered you
I remember almost doing that Mike hunt for five best tabletop game is Spartacus
The goal is to get the most political influence, and you can win with underhanded tactics
without ever fighting.
Not Mothman for five.
Spartacus it is.
I recall one of the last things Sean said on air
was if there was any sense of balance in the universe,
Dick would have a daughter.
There's not.
I win, I win again.
You win again.
Diamond G for two, the thing is the Uncle Ben
that doesn't lie.
Did you talk about baby names on your most recent show?
Donald. The Donman.
That's it.
There's no.
Baron's a good name, man.
Nah, it's been done.
Everybody's going to be named Baron.
Yeah, well, that's probably true.
It's a bunch of right-leaning women
that don't want to commit all the way.
They're like, I like Baron.
What is the trendy boy name?
Because for a while, they were all naming their kids Khaleesi
and shit.
Really? Yeah. For white kids Khaleesi and shit. Kobe. Really?
For white kids?
All kids.
You gotta say it like that too.
Marcellus jealous.
Let's see.
Diamond G for two.
The thing is the Uncle Ben that doesn't die.
Alec Martinez for two.
Vito, you skipped my super check last week about Slobon.
And for two he says Slobon the nuts.
And age for five. last week about Slobon and for two he says Slobon the nuts
You know watch my cover to learn how to tell the difference between black people
Crix for two says these veto dolls should come with a set of pins
Diamond G for two oinktober two is coming antagonist for two name a price to get you an eye exam I get the eye exam is free all right. Yeah, you should go to like one you have to pay for maybe I will
My god my eyes are fine strategy for two veto says those two guys look alike, but hates eye exams there
I have an excuse yeah, I'll leave. I can't believe there's no vetoes booty. I know oh
Okay, wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute. We have presents this episode good
Yeah, do you want me to read these you want to get the proud keep reading? Oh, you want me to keep reading get them?
It's too late. What time is it? It's 940. Oh who cares now? We're been in for three and a half hours
That's way too late
Okay, there's no videos booty. I'm not gonna do presents. Okay, lazy Alex for five
Vito's artists definitely didn't put CP in Vito's book
Don't ask him about it Mike hunt for two Don't get thin aim for an iron chic build stray beans for eight each day when Vito wakes up at 2 30 p.m
He can't help but feel like he's wasted the day stay
Positive I'm working on my sleeping as well
camel toe for five you know is the
Epitome of brain rot with his regarded takes on transmission stuff
It's just like a religion, single digit IQ Veto.
Fox Foley for 10, my school-
Video games are just a religion.
It's just something you want to do.
Well, there is a tribalism to the gamer sphere,
which I think if you ignore that-
Getting gas for your car.
That's just a religion.
I mean, gamers got Trump elected, okay?
I'm not going to say it's a religion,
but it's clearly a tribal mentality.
Fox Foley for 10, my school colors were black and orange for spirit assembly gay day.
My friend was supposed to paint his face orange.
I painted mine completely black.
My friend stayed home that day and didn't warn me.
That's funny.
Diamond G for 5, October was designed to break you.
It happened on V-Day.
Do not do refunds.
We want this boink, homie.
Free shipping though.
Yeah, free shipping.
Shotgun Orphan for $279 Canadian. Richard Richard where did you get that shirt I don't remember I keep
looking at that shirt it is cool Bob's the man for five veto the true
destiny of humanity is a fourth dimensional sphere also veto continues
to become more spherical yeah you know is living his religious ideals
ocklevich for two the cat intercourse was purely consensual shoebox kingdom
for two I love it when veto gets racist Jazz City for two give me a plushie as an apology for the late comic. You gotta be a
Patreon subscriber. Oh my god, look at all the fucking super chats we have.
Stratergery for five! Look, if we get Vito's booty, then we'll do presents.
But not if we don't. I think we might get a Vito's booty.
Stratergery for five, David Carradine had more action movies in him, too bad he left us hanging,
my country too. I like that joke.
Mom always said life was like a Vito plushie.
It'll fuck ya, or you can fuck it.
There's always too many of them.
Fad for 40 bucks, Vito already achieved,
being in great sphere, Oklovich for two, yeah overstuffed.
Cardinal Cardinal for five, Skibbidi Von Vito
spotted at the Costco playing Pachinko
after eating bento and a kimono from Naruto projection.
David Corona for two, I can make a better comic than Vito.
You probably can.
Cameron for five, if this is the speed,
you shit out comics, you must be constipated.
Spook Horse for five, boy, it sure sounds like
the delay was 100% the artist's fault.
It's my fault.
100% is.
Oh, we're here now.
Fad for 40, TP sucks, come to Thailand and try...
Bum Guns?
Hack the movies for two. Your life is a mess? I didn't notice.
Shut up, Tony! Go hack a goonie!
Break for 12 for two, Vito should read Siddhartha? No shit.
Have you read Siddhartha?
Remind me again what Siddhartha is.
No. But just remind me what it is.
$2 Cardinal, Chad.
The Bhagad Gada, Devita.
Antagonist for two.
Tony stop watching this and start working out.
Trevor Nichol for two.
Look up ARS grading.
So much better than PSA.
Oh really?
Fried onions and garlic for 15.
I'm still crying about Sean's departure.
Still catching up with older episodes. Where's Superkiller? What the fuck? Franker12 for 15. I'm still crying about Sean's departure. Still catching up with older episodes.
Where's Superkiller?
What the fuck?
Franker12 for two, Vito is Greg from On Cinema.
Mikehunt for two.
The best J-A-V Miss A-V got shut down.
Luke Covelio for two, Vito Durden used the flop house
for Project Ham.
It's been a while since I downloaded some J-A-Vs.
Project May I Have Ham.
J-A-V Forum's still around.
I used to download some cool Power Rangers porn from there.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Here's hoping there's some good chocolate.
And Vito's booty, that's from our good friend Fahogodz
for $50 on the board.
Let's do presents and let's do booties
This is for me or for both of us. Yeah, I know that's for you. Okay
It's just one thing or multiple things I don't know dig around in there man
Nothing like being a digger. Let's take a look zero UV
This is a thing in a bag.
Are these cool glasses for cool guys?
It's a card. OK.
I've obtained a cool pair of sunglasses
that I will now put on my head.
This is for when I joined the Matrix. Topical reference. There's also a wig. So I think we're trying to assemble a look here. I'm excited to see what it not? I don't know. Fuckin'- Ehhhhhh
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't see one man.
What is it? What is it? I know what this is. What is it? I know what this is
What is it say it?
You're gonna see okay
It looks like a blonde
mullet wig
My name is Max cool
I'm excited to be here.
How's it going? See I should have opened these up at the beginning. God damn it.
We always have to do presents before Super Chats.
It's alright. Max Cool's here to have a good time.
What does Max Cool think about trans in the military?
Well, all I can say is be true to yourself.
Unless you're trans. In which case, get the fuck out. Well, all I can say is be true to yourself.
Unless you're trans. In which case, get the fuck out.
Is that cool?
I don't know.
Um, okay, this is...
Stay cool, Trannies. Stay cool.
Ha, you can't say that.
Max Cool can say whatever he wants.
Dick, if you misplace your hammer again from Out for Smokes.
Oh no.
Max Cool is worried about what he's going to encounter in here.
I think I'm doing Duke Nukem.
Looks like a simple chainsaw.
That's not good.
Battery power chainsaw.
That seems unnecessary.
Though honestly, the hammer on the pop figures
has not been working out tremendously.
I think it's been working out pretty well.
No, they've just been exploding across the room.
So it's been working out pretty well. No, they've just been exploding across the room, so...
It's possible. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo No get on the scale or I smash it as shit! Vito's booty Vito's booty
Vito's booty
Vito's booty
Vito's booty!
Who said this?
Ah, you would know better than me
Ah, shit, I can't find the thing.
Well, thanks for all the presents.
Unfortunately, it's not cool to acknowledge you sent them for-
Oh my god!
I'm kidding!
What's it gonna be?
Bro, I don't even want to be close to you when you use that.
Well, I do want to see you use it, but I'm stepping back.
What's it gonna be?
Here, open it here. Go nuts.
Have fun. I do want to see you use it, but I'm stepping back here open here go nuts It's a Tupac funko
Camera now hold on get your hand away from that me
Why are you doing it vertical do it across the box not down the street?
What do you like it?
Go through that fuck
Get your fucking hand out of the way
Alright God
You're gonna cut up the tape, you're gonna cut your hand
Take the figure out of the box
Do not get your fucking hand What the fuck is matter with you You're gonna cut your hand. Take the figure out of the box. Do not get your fucking hand in the box!
Take the figure out of the box!
You're gonna fuck it up!
Why are you reaching your hand out when I have a drunk guy with a live fucking chainsaw and a fucking pirate with a live chainsaw?
I'm just saying because it's going everywhere. Take the figure out of the... whatever.
Okay, do it. Take the figure out.
What are you doing?
Have fun. Why would you fucking reach your hand out my instinct is to save the toy
Why would you why would you reach your hand out?
I'm trying to save the innocent black man from this horrible. Oh my god. You just cut into the table
That's why I told you to cut it out
Okay, put it on the table.
I am!
You should put a piece something under it.
Like a piece of wood.
It's gonna fly everywhere. It's gonna hit me.
It's not gonna go anywhere.
Yes, it will.
No, it won't.
It literally just jumped.
This chainsaw is defective.
No, it's not. It's not meant for. What do you mean? It's not meant for this
Dude, it's gonna jump up and hit you. No, it's not it's fine hiding
Keeps jumping I'm hiding
Vito plush protect me
Not working his leg came off!
Someone needs to 3D print us a pop figure holder that we can place them into and saw them properly, okay?
I'm sure one of you can figure that out.
Here, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta put it in, here.
You gotta hold it, you gotta put something heavy on top of it.
What the fuck are you doing? That's my tape.
Alright, I'll hold it, now you cut into it.
That's retarded.
Yeah, that is retarded.
You're not even in frame.
Alright, I don't fucking know.
Alright, goodbye.
Thank you. Just a little classic hammer action you can hear yourself guys don't forget to vote
on all the problems at biggest problem that show you not put your fingers out
there like that just put you gotta try to get through the head, aren't the heads hollow? Let me try the claw.
This is a really bad idea what you're doing. Dude, Tupac is like, I think this thing is solid.
I am not driving you to the hospital.
I think this thing is- Just FYI.
I think this thing, no, it is hollow though.
All right, you did a, we did a pretty good,
you chipped up his face pretty good.
There we go.
Tupac, still alive.
Just not here, not on this episode.
What a show.
Guys, come on by slash video, you will be automatically redirected to my
exciting video game stream.
I will head home now.
It'll probably take me about half an hour to get home.
It'll be a late night stream, but we'll have some fun.
What game are you playing?
Maybe Sonic.
You're gonna play Sonic the Hedgehog?
I got Sonic and Shadow of Gener- I'll probably play Final Fantasy.
I'm almost done with it. I gotta beat it.
I'm in the final dungeon, but they keep switching your team around, so you have to keep rearranging your material, which sucks.
I fucking hate that.
That's Final Fantasy, man.
That is.
Alright, goodbye. Thank you for-. Thank you everybody. We will be
back. Come to Hackamania, and new bonus episode coming soon. For Ho Gods, True Metal
Jake for 5, Dick has great taste, Space Dust for the win. Okay goodbye. Goodbye!