Discussion (0)
What's that blue velvet is the David Lee? No, I know blue velvet what which kid in blue velvet?
Oh the main guy he's like, oh you ever had a Heineken or whatever? Nah, Pat's blue ribbon
Pat's blue ribbon! Fucker!
He does Heineken? I thought it was Heineken, yeah. Oh and then he counts you with that?
The idea is that he's like a little like
Kind of like thinks he's like the midget. No the fucking the kid the
The guy from Dune. What's his fucking name? Dune? Timothy Chalamet?
No, the main guy from Blue Velvet.
The main guy?
Dennis Hopper.
No, that's the villain.
That's the...was he the villain?
Ah, I don't know.
What's he doing that juice? He's doing that...he's drinking that juice that makes him evil.
They're's a...we never find out what that is. It's just he's got something.
What do you think it was? Was it homosexuality? I think it's like, I think it's one of those things that if you spend more than two seconds speculating about it you're an absolute slur. Excuse me,
excuse me. It's like the guy who makes a nine-hour video on Star Wars is criticizing. That's actual
art. David Lynch is making art that it's meant to be discussed and dissected.
Okay, but I'm saying it's like, what's in the Pulp Fiction briefcase? I think it's his soul.
Yes, well, what do you think it is? Redemption?
You think it's nothing. It's diamonds.
It's just a glowing briefcase. That's it.
If you think about it for more than two seconds, then you're spoiling the point of it.
You get off with this, It's the unknowable.
You're better than art thing.
I'm not saying I'm better than art.
I'm just saying I'm not going to speculate
what the guy in blue velvet was up to.
Where do you get off?
Where do you get off coming on here?
I'd rather speculate about the homophobia in Dune.
That was fun.
What homophobia in Dune?
Where the floating fat guy who murders
little foreign children. Oh yeah, there is kind of a homophobia.
The main bad guy is like a gay, floating fat creep with-
But those guys are bad guys.
With diseases all over him, but in a movie from the 80s,
I wonder what disease-
But he can float around.
I wonder what disease he has.
Oh, a fairy can float around?
I can't believe it.
You think he's a big fat homosexual?
Is that what you're saying?
I think, I really think that David Lynch was like, yeah, I'll make him like an evil gay guy.
No, that was in the book though, wasn't it?
I don't think- no, the whole thing with the heart plugs where he like rips that guy's plug out of his heart
That was all David Lynch's stuff.
What is his name in the book?
It's Baron Harkonnen.
Baron Faggonian or something?
I thought it was Fagonius something something but go on you interrupted me. Yeah
You interrupted me I
Was saying something normal you?
Just said the F that didn't I did not say that's only available me while I was talking to those who get the audio version
I guess did I press go there's a there's all kinds of great stuff on the audio version
Always on there always that you miss out if you don't listen to the show twice.
Discussion of Dune's
Heterophobic or homophobic themes and you were saying you agreed with that
I think I think David Lynch has been a little homophobic with Dune, which is fine
It's kind of great to have just a when he pulls his heart out in Dune when he pulls his heart plug out
Yeah, who do you identify with in that scene?
I identify with the guy ripping the heart plug out.
I'm like, I wanna have a little twink boy
and just rip his fucking heart plug
and shove him against the wall.
That's fun.
That's really, that's how you know
how spoiled that guy is.
Which guy? Because he can just,
like you think watching the- The Baron?
Yeah, you watch the movie, you're like,
man, I'd have to really bust my ass
to get like some kind of twink slave.
And he's just discarding them, and like it's nothing.
God, I never even thought about it like that.
Kid comes in, he just like puts some,
all the kid's doing is arranging the metal flowers,
which I don't know why you would ever need
to do that more than once, but he's like, ugh.
It's a trick.
Oh God, I hope that big fat guy doesn't float over here
and rip out my heart plug, and then ah, here he comes. Does the AIDS make him float? Is it space AIDS? That's what I'm saying. I think it's space AIDS
It's definitely space AIDS all over his face. We should review movies like that. I would absolutely watch the David Lynch dune again
I have a great time with that movie
And I will admit that when I watch that movie I go the guy having the most fun is the Baron no one is having
Yeah, everybody else is like what about the little daughter?
Kind of demonic fun, but
Like oh, this is fun. I wish they could do that on Jerry Springer
You know once an episode
Okay, yeah
Wow, okay
And that is our review of the movie dune by David Lynch
Fuck this is where the stickiness is really sticky situation. Yeah, that's why I've got cleaning products in here
Do you do wet wipes?
In general yeah, I try to. I have them in the
house but I don't really like them. You don't like the Clorox wet wipes? No, I find them
inherently wasteful and like targeted at women so I don't like using them. I will
use a spray bottle of multi-purpose cleaner with bleach and paper towels.
And I will not use the paper towels for my face. You're putting bleach on every surface. That is the intent of what I'm doing is bleaching it up
Spill you take a take a little Clorox wipe and just just and then you're dicking around with that like weird anus
Yeah, I do that little plastic anus is a
Frustrate have you ever tried to pull the thing through the anus and got your fingers stuck in the anus?
Finger is what I use, of course.
Biggest problem in the universe. Welcome to the Biggest Problem in the universe!
Welcome to the biggest problem in the universe!
The only show that ranks every problem in the universe.
From trans military bands to action movie old mans.
From Ry Dog, really bad job you did there Ry Dog.
Trans military bands to action movie old mans.
Action movie old man's
action movie old man's
From old action man's to banning the trans. There you go. You got my stuff But boom you got punched up
Say it out loud is what I would say it out loud out loud
I've helped many a young rider give up with that advice it really that is the most important
Read that whole thing out loud. Yeah, go to a bar and read that to somebody and see what see what they say
You're gonna have a bad time speaking of the one-two punch. Here we go Vito. Are you ready for are you ready for this?
I'm very excited. Are you excited for this?
Look at this. I'm bringing it up now. Look at this the mad
This is just this is writing. This is scripting. This is storytelling
This is the magic of isom 3 now available. I think you can you can still get it
They might still have some copies left
This is incomprehensible. This is the preview from isom 3. When you posted this I was like
how I
When you posted this, I was like, how?
I had a comment, you probably saw my tweet recently where I'm like, every time I go, are we being too hard on Eric July?
Somebody shows me something, I go, you can't be hard enough on this guy.
He belongs in prison.
He belongs in prison with his kind.
For those of you listening to the-
Gang bangers.
Well, for those of you who are listening to the audio version of the podcast. What are we looking at here dick?
We're looking at a sneak peek of isom 3 it came out today for your paypigging
Campaign came out today. The comic is not will not be delivered until August and it's a it's an action scene from isom 3
Where isom is in a fight with two?
white regular men regular men and
Isom is in a fight with two white guys, regular men, and the one henchman has punched Isom with his right hand and has extended himself.
He's attempted to punch.
And Isom has moved out of the way, which is cool.
Quick dodge.
And then in the very next panel, the guy has apparently pulled his same right hand back
and again thrown a punch, and this in the exact the three got men are
in the same exact spot I saw him is still dodging so I guess that's a second
dot like the yes because his shoulders are different yeah so he came back up
wow and then he dodged again wow so there's just one guy repeatedly punching
and the second time it's gonna be explained in the comic it's right-hand
man they call him that's that's his funny name is this is my right hand man like why cuz you trust him
No, cuz he throws a mean right hand and every one of his fights is just
All he does is throw writes really quick so fast at throwing right hooks
And jabs and uppercuts that nobody can defeat right hand man
His arm comes back up so quickly that he attempts a second punch and then punches the guy behind
Punches the guy behind ice. Um even though the normal way to plot this of course would be to show him about to punch
And then in the next thing no no no one punch miss other punch bam right in the face, okay?
If the left one one pause yet to sure
Not not nobody's ever punched one well It kind of seems like the intention was to show that I saw him dodge the punch
And then it hit the guy behind him, but that doesn't work in the first panel. He's already thrown the punches already gone
Yeah, it's not still traveling so
It's like in baseball you show you know one one strike and then the next panel boom another
Cuz that the same swing?
That's exactly how you telegraph that.
I was gonna say.
Yeah, so the ISOM 3 campaign is up.
It suffers from what I predicted, which was.
Bad quality.
Bad quality, it's suffering from that.
It's also suffering from the fact where I said,
so ISOM 2, he goes to hell and fights the minions of Satan yeah
isom 3 he comes back and fights a low level drug dealer kingpin guy
yeah because fentanyl is worse than Satan
because you know the climax of the action is usually you go to hell and meet Satan and
then you know the climax should be and then you come back and you fight a regular guy
That's also misprinted. That was the big. That's a different book. That's a different book
Oh, that's a different but that is a blood Ruth is miss printed. Have you seen that? No, I haven't seen it
Well, let's tell you that later. No, I cover that later. Later. We will have to take a look at well
It's not miss hold on. I know it's miss printed you know, it's miss according to the great
It's not miss hold on. I know I have to correct you know it's miss according to the great
This is a very intentional creative decision obviously to print the book wrong You know how in the playboy centerfold you can look at her like
Head and neck and one of her boobs on one page
And then you flip the page and look at the rest of her yeah, they call it the centerfold remember what I love
Everybody loves the playboy centerfold and then you flip it over and there's some boobs
And you flip back to look at the head again. Yeah, cuz you want to see a lot of the woman
So you do it like you put half of it on one page. Well you don't want to spoil it all at once. Yeah
Yeah, so you got to have the head and then you know
I mean honestly a centerfold and you got to count it so it starts on an on a number page
So you have to flip it. You know you don't want it up both on the same page. That would be crazy
That would be insanity okay?
Ready, I am ready. I sound three everybody warm up your credit cards and get ready old movie action heroes was the big winner
Oh, I actually won you did and then Canada
Saw some comments fighting with you about Canada from
Gay from gay guys. Yeah, Canadians. I mean, I saw more con on and I should have brought these in
I hope you brought some in I just I just sort by
Top yeah, I bring in and till I get bored. Yeah, but you you I saw so after the show
I like to check like what people are saying on
Reddit sure that is where you would go well at it where I would go
There happened to be a thread that was saying what's up with Richie rich and his napkin problem
And you were on the reddit arguing with guys about napkins saying these guys are retarded
Guys are retarded. These guys are retarded.
Everyone's saying to you, they're like,
listen Mr. Ivory Tower, down here on the ground,
we've got paper towels and we love them.
And you're telling them they're never gonna get laid
cause they don't have napkins.
No wonder you guys don't get laid.
No wonder you guys don't get laid.
You think they're giving out gold at McDonald's?
You think they're shoving in like,
if paper towels were a suitable substitute,
McDonald's would be shoving shop rags
into their to-go bags, okay?
I wanna go on the street, I wanna grab a camera
just ask some random women,
if you go to a guy's house and he doesn't have napkins,
how do you feel?
Red flag.
They don't like that.
I wanna find out. You shouldn't like that.
You shouldn't like that.
I don't care, what, from a guy or a girl?
I know you don't care. That's the point.
When I go to a girl's house, I gotta check if she's got napkins.
You shouldn't like using paper towels.
Napkins are better and they're cheaper.
They're made for eating.
Paper towels are made for cleaning up spills.
Paper towels are a perfect roll.
It's like, you can always find it.
Napkins, you gotta stack them up and then like,
they start blowing away or like, you know, you're blowing away. You gotta find a place. If you got a fan running, if you got to stack them up and then like would they start blowing away or like you know you're blowing away they're making that up. You gotta find a fan running.
You shouldn't have a fan running all day. I got why shouldn't you have a fan running?
I like air circulation. I got the fan running the napkins are blowing I mean I'd rather
get a little holder for your napkin. A perforated sheet. It comes with a holder.
You guys are you are using your laziness and your slavonliness and declaring
that you're proud of that and that I'm the weird one for having napkins.
I can't wait till you write another book for men. Oh, get some napkins and don't forget
to put doilies on the table. Don't you doilies. You should have a placemat.
It will make cleaning up easier if you have a placemat look doing the absolute minimum or below the absolute minimum
Which is what paper towels are is not the same
It's not the way to get to life the absolute minimum
I would think is keeping the napkins from the fast food bag and just putting them in the no
That's at least that's at least having some forethought. No, that's the
one thing a napkin I do
You fucks whenever I go to the coffee shop. I do some sugar packets for the house though
Okay, about that practice. I don't care about that. That's fine. Steal whatever you want steal whatever you want
Don't give me this richie rich shit. I
Mean you're the guy who gave me shit about getting my laundry done and then it turns out you go
You pay a lady to come do it! That's the same thing!
No because mine actually comes every three weeks. I don't believe that you do laundry in an appropriate amount of time
I just put the bag- every three weeks I put the bag outside and a guy picks it up
I think you're wearing clothes twice. That's what worries me about that's what worries me about your
So that's what my secret thinking is I might wear a shirt like
You know after like a week you throw the em or you pull it back out. It's not a huge deal
That's a huge deal, but ever that's as bad as the napkins you should be wearing a shirt point eight eighty percent of the day
If you wear it, okay, if you take it off not a full day 80% 75 to 80% take it
up it's off unless you have one of those things where you don't stink I pretty
much I take so many baths okay how stinky am I really is there an eight
ball no no how's me if I read a tea leaf for you that one time because I had been cleaning my bathroom and I pulled all that rotten weight.
You can't tell me you do the show and you don't stink during the show.
I stink a little bit but I'm-
Cause it's sweaty in here.
Yeah, it's sweaty in here, but I don't stink more than any normal person.
But then you gotta take those clothes and throw them in the trash.
After that sweating.
That's what I'm saying.
Okay. After after that after that sweating yeah, that's what I'm saying, okay
Tony from hack the movies I'm not trying very hard says veto quick scope dick my napkins are useless veto use paper towels They're better wrong version of their
Dick paper towels. What are you doing with your life? I'll stick to my shitty napkins
It's just the decorative napkins you stupid asshole who can't use the correct there, but they're all bad. You should just use
Tiptoes camera. I can't believe veto is blaming all the super killer delays and his artists
I couldn't believe that either horrible Ryan HW veto talks like super killers already released crashed and burned
And he's having a retrospective on how it happened. I'm not doing that actually you keep doing that I
Just want to know what happened. I just like Jurassic Park. Yeah, it's coming
Yeah, and then all the tourists got eaten all the tourists got eaten, so I'm like what's going on here
I think we're finalizing the next couple weeks
You're starting it. I know I'm starting it. No, but it really is like what it is the finish line
We're finna finalize the colors finalizing the letter you can see on some races
You can see the finish line before you even start. That's true that speaking of races
Uh, we should watch Cody's race at one point
You see that just decided to crash the car. Tim cast car into a wall
If he was driving the side of the side of the side of rock car wouldn't happen the side of rock car would hug the track
Yeah, the problem was it's a frog cuz it sticks
Yeah, Cody class is slimy. Cody already has this light. Oh who's light Tim cast
Yeah, the Tim cast. Yeah, which is funny cuz Fox doesn't even know they're like and today the time cast car crashed
Yeah, yeah, take that Tim paid all that money for branding. It doesn't even do anything for you idiot
Don't say that I'm gonna stop what Tim cast. Tim Cass yeah, he's too much of a dummy to not I was I gonna say is
Shit way to go way to go
I can believe oh no you're like Camelot blowing it right at the beginning of the race the problem that Camelot has is that
He's already got kind of like I think on the I think on the track
You know there's like some guys who are like, oh, well, this guy's like a youtuber, you know, he's just being paid to be here
He's not a real racer or whatever, you know, so he's got like this stigma. He's got a fight against
But then you talking about I think he's like, you know, like I think there's like guys out there have been doing it longer
And they look down on him, you know, yeah, he's kind of got an uphill battle there
Yeah, but then he did the after race interview.
Did you see that video?
No, I didn't.
OK, so in the after race interview,
they're like, so what happened there?
And he gives a good explanation.
He's like, the car went weightless.
I lost control.
There was really nothing I could do.
And he went, but it was kind of fun.
And you're like, bro, you just crashed everybody's car.
They've been praying for this race for weeks.
That's hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage.
I thought it was great.
That was a good time.
Dude, even the NASCAR announcers were like,
what did he just say?
It was like that episode of Always Sunny
when Mac gets to shoot the million dollar puck
and he walks out and just falls down on the ice.
Right at the beginning of Daytona, right?
Yeah, well, I think it'll work out.
I think because, no, that was a different race. Maybe it won't. I think, no, he? Yeah. Well, I think it'll work out I think because no that was a different maybe you won't I think no, he's been doing good
I think Cody it seems like he's been putting up respectable finishes for a kind of a rookie
Yeah, but people only remember you from the one big screw-up like Bill Buckner
He got to the World Series, but people only remember the big fuck-up
Yeah, but this does not look like it was the result of driver error. It looks doesn't look like that
I just see that guy crashed and fucked up everyone else.
It's probably his fault.
I mean, it does look like it might have been vehicle error.
I don't know if there's something wrong with the car,
but the car does just like randomly drift for no reason.
It's like one of those Muslim vans
that just drives through a Christmas parade, right?
Is that what happens?
It just happens, it just gets away from them.
Allah took the wheel.
Chet Bat, Dick, you finally spilling something
on the keyboard brought me so much joy.
Thank you.
Remember, it's dishwasher safe as well
Cool. I'll have to check that out. It is cool
Grando why is veto continually sticking his hand in the path of a drunk who's wielding a chainsaw? I really don't know
that was like
Asking for it that chance. So we need a we need a brace. We're gonna keep using that thing. Oh, yeah
I try to buy a vice. I have vice would have been helpful
I have duct tape though this week. I don't think duct tape's gonna maybe you don't know I
Nascar oh, I'm sorry
Chainsaw master dick Masterson electrical Joe did Vita say he'll be releasing another two comics this year is this guy delusional or
Is he just retarded I?
believe comics this year is this guy delusional or is he just retarded I believe that I'm gonna bet on it I'm gonna put out three comics this year it's gonna be real
do you want to bet and a year from now you guys can all play like this clip and
make me feel like an idiot you want to bet put some money on it yeah put some
money on it how much money you want to put on it 200 bucks two more comics this
year 200 bucks come on well how much do I gotta put down?
Put like five grand on it.
Well I don't wanna put five grand on it.
So you're not gonna do it.
Like I would bet that I'm gonna shower
two more times this year.
I mean I could, I could put out two,
I could definitely do it.
But not five grand means you're not gonna do it.
Five grand's gonna mean like I'm gonna feel like rushed
to do it, you know?
Don't wanna rush anything, obviously.
Cause then it'll take even longer?
That'll take even longer.
So you're not gonna do it.
If you wouldn't put money on it.
I'm feeling real good about my creative process right now.
What's feeling good?
200 bucks?
That's not feeling good.
No, the writing and the storyboarding.
You can't even get a hooker for 200 bucks. You can't get a hooker for 200 bucks
You can't get a hooker for 200 bucks
No, but the the second comics almost done with the storyboarding process, which I am handling myself
And I gotta say I do some excellent excellent storyboards. Why don't you just put those out? I want to actually I might I might
Okay, you want to but the
Store policy won't well you to wear it.
Well I was wondering, I might do that.
Yeah that would be better.
I thought it would be fun if people could see it as it's being created.
Just really sad.
So here you go, here's the comic.
Honestly, kind of yeah.
Toy boat, toy boat. So I have to become trans to judge the draft now, fuck yeah.
Warpio, an American shitting on Canadians
is fucking hilarious.
Considering the amount of times the US
has needed Canada's help in war,
dwarfs the amount of times Canada
has needed the US's help, zero.
I would, you would think this guy was being sarcastic,
but he's a retard.
I always see his retard comments.
You guys, when we go to war, it's for you, Canada.
We don't need you at all.
It's embarrassing.
Canadian veterans are more embarrassing than US veterans.
We don't need you.
Stop talking about the mutual respect.
You're both gay.
I saw a great video the other day.
Gentleman crashes, stealing a car, crashes into a wall.
Doesn't matter what kind of gentleman it was.
And the Canadian cops are on those fucking horses.
The Mounties.
And this guy's just running down the street and they're like,
Ah, fucking shit, why am I on a horse?
Trying to get this guy.
You're saying, ah, fucking shit?
Well, I mean, that's what I assume.
It was shot from like a surveillance camera. So it's just a mountie chasing it's a bounty trying to this thing in your head. The guy was going pretty fast
He's a natural runner for some reason out running a horse
He was yeah, what was on the city streets though the horses couldn't get around all the cars. I see yeah
If the guy was on a motorcycle they really think this they kind of think that he's on a horse
They think that they're helping out with war.
It's like your wife getting in an argument with,
you're having an argument with a bar and she's like,
yeah, he'll dance.
Can you shut the fuck up and go outside, please?
Well, it's one of those things where like,
NASA builds the space shuttle, we do all the work,
and then one Canadian guy goes up and you gotta hear about,
well, we helped in space too.
It's like, yeah, but we put that fucker there.
We've never needed your help in war eh
Americans should start fighting yeah you guys should be privileged to fight alongside Americans yeah yeah I don't I really don't like we're big
brother going to war little brother's like can we help can we do a little something?
as much as I hate the US military I don't want to hear that this sort of
nonsense about them. Yeah
You did lose points. I saw people were like for your Canada problem. They're like you can't come down on Norm MacDonald dick
Come on. Oh, yeah
Liking Norm MacDonald doesn't mean that you yourself are funny. I think people don't know that I know that it's like
It's cool to like say like oh, yeah He was he was cool dirty work sucked, but we kind of like just now we stuck with it
It sucks that he's dead the not telling people about cancer was gay
And that's not much and all this like this norm worship is like basically Taylor Swift for men
Like yeah, I know that you wish you're that funny
But you're not funny and saying that you like norm that much doesn't make you more funny
The problem I experience is like we're the normies. We're the Swifties. Yeah, it's the same exact thing
Okay, but that's my problem actually nor McDonald worship. That's fine parentheses Taylor Swift for men
That's a good problem. I don't like it. Okay
Well, I mean I it sucks for me like, I've always been a Norm MacDonald guy, like
forever. And then like, it's even like-
Fan, fan, no, no, fan. Not guy. I'm not like a Norm MacDonald guy.
I mean, but I'm like a really big fan. I really, really have always liked Norm MacDonald. Like,
more than any other comedian.
Whatever! I just said, like, he's, whatever. Okay Whatever I just say like he's whatever okay, so what so then like for some reason all everybody
I don't know
Maybe just this generation's humor changed and they all got ironic poisoned or whatever and they're like well
I really like norm 2 or something, you know, I'm like, I ain't everybody always like it's like one of those things with like a band
You know when you're into a well, everybody always like norm, but then like norm
Well, here's the thing norm norm popularity fell off
for a while norm kind of was not after after you know he did the norm show and
he kind of was doing anything for a while the norm show was not great yeah
cuz everything that he did after being on SNL sucked he did the sports show
which was not big sucked but then he started doing his YouTube podcast and all his
His albums are really good
Yeah, you ever hear his fantastic for sketch I was watching that one again
No, you gotta watch that one now, and you gotta listen to his audiobook. I don't I don't I'm I'm done with norm
He's in the past no no no no no living in the'm done with norm. He's in the past
The shit he's dead I know but that's the problem though is that he like there is nothing to replace him
There's tons of good stuff man. No there isn't like what is okay? The only funny guys are now or what like Tim Robinson. I saw a fat lady fall down the stairs on tik-tok
That's just like norm it's not just like there's tons of people that there's tons of comedians that are as good or better than nor McDonald ever was at
His best. I don't know if that's true man that little Indian bitch. That's in that Will Ferrell gets married movie
I haven't seen that one something about you're cordially invited
Indian girl Priyat her name probably is hey you want to do a movie review
We get to see that a Will Ferrell's trans friend movie. I would rather kill myself
Did you hear he's like pitching a fit that he get nominated for an Oscar?
It's like well, it's just two white guys on a road trip. That's not like a movie
One of them's wearing a wig and you're like, oh is he gonna make like some jokes? No, not really
Is he at least gonna talk about the process of comedy?
Well, isn't it like an SNL writer or something?
Yeah. Yeah.
The funniest people alive.
Well, let's say maybe it was classic SNL.
I'll watch Will Ferrell's.
I'm kinda glad Norm's dead for that reason.
Like, good, you can't have any kind of cross-country journey with...
Roseanne probably?
Yeah, Roseanne.
I don't know what he would be doing right now.
It's interesting to think about.
Not telling anyone he has cancer.
Doing some great. I'm sad Netflix didn't give them a second season
for that talk show.
That was pretty good.
Data says the biggest problem in Canada
is they're legitimately medical parasites.
Like most of the world, they use them.
Oh, yeah, OK.
They use America's medical breakthroughs
and buy them at a discount.
America subsidizes the entire world's medicine.
So really the biggest problem in Canada.
Not anymore.
We're taking all the AIDS stuff away from Africa, right?
Uh, I hope so
Yeah, but I don't know if they were really benefiting from that
But that was mostly like aware of fire a lot of people to get free money
Yeah, and billboards to tell them to stop raping babies. Yeah, okay. No, that's true That's a billboard. That was a real billboard that USAID paid for. It said if you're gonna- if you're thinking about raping a kid, think twice.
Do they- May it have consequences. Wait, wait, wait. Is that that thing where like they do it because like they think it like cures diseases or something?
Yeah. Yeah.
And they eat them.
Elon Musk's dad said- Why are you taking it a step further?
Why are you taking it a step further? They're eating babies!
I swear to God that- why would they? I'm trying to get real information. Why wouldn't they? They're taking a step further! They're eating babies!
I swear to God that why would they? I'm trying to get real information. Why wouldn't they?
They don't believe in God or anything
All this stuff that's like trying to make them stop eat kill babies and rape babies
Yeah and they eat them. Okay.
It's like God for dummies.
Excuse me. People you say God exists and if you do bad stuff you go into hell,
then they're like I don't get it. Like, okay.
The rape that you're doing. Think twice because something might bad happen. Something bad might happen to you. I don't get it.
Speaking of this topic, I was gonna say the Overton window. Anthony Cooley is back.
Anthony Cooley is on the radio again
So all bets are off
Like like I know people have been saying hey that's your show's getting like a little racist or something
I'm like America's getting re- Anthony Kumia a guy whose entire Twitter account is
Devoted to Anthony and that's a n-word
Just announced on Twitter. He goes. Oh, I got a nude gig over at W a CT talk radio in the morning
No wabc. No, it's not an eight. It's in an ABC affiliate. Yeah
So who's gonna kick him off Trump's guy? I don't know you can say whatever he wants
What's gonna happen to him?
Fucking cash Patel's gonna kick him off bro on it no wrong
Obama's gonna tweet hey somebody should really kick this guy off the air. He said the n-word
Dude Gavin McGinnis is gonna get a TV show like like it's it's just everything sucks. Oh, yeah, it's true
He's can't hold it looks you know maybe I gonna get a TV show. Like, like it's just everything. No, he sucks. Yeah, it's true.
He just can't hold it up.
He just looks, you know.
Maybe he'll get a magazine again.
But I'm saying all the stuff everybody got canceled for
is now, cause you remember the thing
Gavin got canceled for was he wrote a big article
that said-
For not being funny.
Well, he said, he wrote a big article that was like,
we can just stop pretending trans women are women.
And he got like super canceled for that, right?
But that was like 10 years ago. I think it was just cause he wasn't funny. That was the big inciting incident. That's not why you got canceled
Well, yeah, okay got canceled because he's not funny. I
He's not I don't know if he's funny or not. I've never seen his you've seen his stand-up his stand-up was very bad
It was not it was very bad. It was bad, but he did hire Asian Pat Dixon who's really funny
So he at least knows he had a child today
I know everybody's doing everything Asian Pat Dixon's got a baby. You're gonna have a baby
You got to stop using paper towels switch snapkins, then I'll be laying all the light will be better
Everyone that of you who's listening I understand that you want to just wallow in paper towels
Yeah, and you tell yourself that it's cool and smart but it's not. So you got your two dads who are giving you two messages. One, use napkins and two
practice reckless positivity, believe in yourself. Don't do that shit that Vito's saying.
CLB, more about napkins. More about Norm MacDonald. We like Norm MacDonald. I guess. Yeah.
Just making sure the audio's working.
Oh, Dishara military recruitment numbers are low. What should we do? Dick, ban everyone who isn't a white American.
You forgot man there.
Yeah, you know, they don't even, they don't even get it. It's gotta be I get it And everyone who's not the white American why would I want women?
Why would I want white women in the army? Why would I want white women? That's stupid
Unless we bring back prostitution for the army that would be good. Well. That's why they have women in the army
Yeah, so generals can have like harems of subservient
20 year old women. Yeah, It's very sick and demented.
I mean if you're a general.
It's like Mad Max.
Don't you deserve a little, yeah yeah.
It is.
They got milk mates.
Or those women.
And Morton Joe, he's walking around.
Oh, I'm going to the Pentagon tomorrow.
I gotta say for all the stuff Trump's doing,
if he started telling generals,
if you wanna wear devil horns and fucked up skulls and let's get back to that era of military stuff
When was her Aztec? No, no, no. Well, yeah the Aztecs that was good
But like remember in a Germany they would have the skulls on my hats. What are you talking about?
They the Nazis had a the Nazis they had a little skull emblems on their like the stormtroopers
Don't you know that classic sketch? Nazis had a little skull emblems on their heads. Like the stormtroopers?
Don't you know that classic sketch?
Mitchell and Webb?
It's Mitchell and Webb and they're two Nazi soldiers and they're playing and he goes,
are we the baddies?
And he goes, we're not the baddies.
And he's like, well why do we have skulls on our shit?
Maybe they're the skulls of our enemies.
Well it doesn't say they're the skulls of our enemies.
I'm just saying, as long as we're out there in a nice classic liberal humor, huh?
Classic are we the baddies shut up? I guess the point of the American military is we got to pretend to be the good guys, right?
Win hearts and minds are we still doing the hearts and minds thing? But we're not doing hearts and minds! That's the thing!
So why not make everybody dress up like a fucking Gundam dude in a cape and a helmet?
You guys are having a very... You guys are having a rough time adjusting to seriousness.
I'm embracing it.
No, you have no concept of it to embrace.
What do you mean?
It's just all you guys know is like, silly shit and reflections of silly shit.
You don't know...
I don't think it's silly.
I think it was cool when the Nazis had really cool like spooky uniforms. You can't see someone
seriously doing something and just accept it for what it is. Seriousness on its face.
You have to add some kind of goofy silly shit to it. Like let's put a trans, let's put a
penis on it or a pair of tits on no no no no
I'm just saying like we could update the military uniforms and make a more Star Trek like yeah, you know Empire guys
The Empire guys yeah, they're just all white no no they were they have the guys with the you know the gray
You know the guys at the boardroom
Star Wars Vader fuck immediate silly shit Star Wars is not silly
Star Wars Vader see immediate silly shit. Star Wars is not silly
Reagan, Reign loved Star Wars, Reign had a whole Star Wars dinner plan He thought Star Wars is if Reagan the ultimate conservative like Star Wars. Why can't I like Star Wars? Silly shit
Okay, it's pretty much it all I have here cool the rest of it is mean comments about me just in general
Well dick that brings me to my favorite segment well come on give me a minute. I know give me more than
You got a you got to give me enough like
Vamping time I know I'm sorry
What else has been going on in the world?
I'm sorry. What else has been going on in the world?
What else?
What else?
And that's when I think to myself, what else?
What else?
Here we go.
To those who feel the scam, go and vote it up.
If you don't, V, we'll kill your whole family
If you don't go and vote, there will be no show
The patron is the way to go
Go and vote it up
VOTE IT UP! Bootyed up Bootyed up Anyone can submit these
Anyone at all
Wreckens are great
Wrecken does N Towers in the chat too
Is that Wrecken still doing that?
Before the show Vito was saying he loves that he does that
No please
Well now that Kumio's got a radio show
I think N Towers are the new form of art
Who cares anymore They've always been art
Well, you know what?
Maybe you should save them for another month dick because this month as we all remember is black history month
Isom 3 I saw him 3 celebrate. You know what? I'm surprised you didn't say something
He said well for black history why not celebrate the historical ice some knocks?
And not saving money by not saving money and making
blatant mistakes in printing
now from episode 27 we had the problem of inventing black inventors
this is the idea of
everything on earth was secretly invented by black people for some reason
can you go to my twitter real quick because I actually found
I want to show you a picture. Dick,
we all know of course the airplane. A great invention, fly around. Now, how did black people invent that?
Who do you think invented the airplane, Dick?
Who was it?
God, would it have been like Bernoulli and then the Wright brothers? The Wright brothers is a good answer. If you're a
racist white man
Okay, dick as we all know the airplane was invented by Charles Frederick page
Can you believe it page whose patent for the?
Airship was actually granted a week before the Wright brothers
And the only reason I can think of of why it was taken away for this
Achievement was taken away from him must be racism. There's no other
Possible reason. They could tell he was black with that name Franklin Page Franklin
Other than Orville and Wilbur if I had to pick who was black I would have said
Charles, Charles Page. Anthony I'd like to solve the puzzle and then and
then and then and it's dying me a jeopardy I will watch the buzzer is like
a Don Imus calling them nappy headed hoes nappy headed hoes Anthony I'd like to
solve the puzzle Charles sorry you have to answer in the form of a black man Charles
Who beat y'all beat y'all?
You correct anyway, I'd like to let people know that passengers traveling through Lewis Armstrong International Airport
Not a great black man in New Orleans can learn about the inventor of the pine ship air pineville airship Charles
What the fuck am I looking for?
I just had you had you know you couldn't tell this is of course that bra
As you pass through the airport you'll be able to learn about the true history of the airplane as you can see here
What could?
It is. It doesn't look like that. That's what it is.
Coming out of a boat, but that's just your racism speaking, of course.
In the April of 1906, Charles Page got a patent for his airship.
Who paid for that?
He was a slave who taught himself how to read and write and built a full model airship.
Did they teach him how to do it wrong as a joke?
What the hell is this shit?
In 1890, he built a full model airship,
which was to be shipped by train
to the Louisiana World Exposition.
For retards.
To try and win a $500,000 prize,
but get this, the airship was stolen and destroyed
before it ever got to St. Louis, and he then. Who stole it? God damn, somebody stole my airship was stolen and destroyed before it ever got to St. Louis and he then stole it
White men can't jump when he run comes out of the room
Somebody stole my airship probably some German. I don't know how he reacted
I don't know who stole it, but uh... The first case of black on black crime.
Yeah, that was the very first case.
Someone done stole my ability to fly.
Damn, I can't fucking be period accurate, can I?
So, I mean, this is definitely one of history's great crimes is that this incredible flying machine was lost to time.
Thankfully, someone dug through the patent office. Flying funk machine. Incredible flying machine was lost to time. Wow.
Thankfully someone dug through the patent office.
Flying funk machine.
And now we know that black people invented air travel.
It looks fucking stupid.
Hot air balloons have been around for a long ass time.
But this one has a boat attached to it with like a rudder.
So maybe it's better.
Maybe you know what?
I don't even know if they know that the wings are what makes it fly now
That I'm looking at this. I was thinking doesn't have wings obvious like well
Maybe they don't know the wings or what makes it fly. Well. It doesn't need wings if it's got a balloon
Forward but it'll definitely go out. It's got a propeller
Well, that's what's got a rudder in the back or something I guess. It's got a fan or something. It's got a rudder.
Dude, it has a literal rudder.
How the fuck is that going to work in the air?
The patent does include a rudder.
I don't know, maybe there's a lot going on.
What's interesting is after it got stolen, you think like,
well, if you've invented an airship, you'd probably try again.
But for some reason, you just gave up and never tried again
So thank God I wonder if the story of oh it got stolen guys. I promise it worked perfectly, but you know somebody grabbed it
They grabbed a little model. Where would you take it? Who would you sell it to? What is the purpose of stealing that?
That's the getaway car. He was stealing a diamond. It was part of a big caper
That's the getaway car. He was stealing a diamond. It was part of a big caper
Yeah, he was stealing the world's first bike and he found a getaway flying hot air bus It's funny that he stole the world's first bike because of course he stole it from the Wright brothers
That's why they turned air travel money people kept taking their bikes
And they say we got to do something he was trying to steal their yeah, he's trying to steal the flying bike
Yeah, he's trying to steal the flying bike
That bike like that meme right? Oh man a flying bicycle
Imagine all the bitches I could get with a flying bicycle
Everybody likes a bike dick flying or not. I'm just so glad that we finally set history straight guys I'm gonna go down in history stealing the first flying bicycle
Maybe I can win that contest down in New Orleans
Of course is the problem of inventing black inventors currently number 108 with 474 upvotes I'm glad that they made an entire exhibit in the airport so everyone can learn about what the history of air travel
It's not exciting a guy made a thing in a garage. It looks like a Final Fantasy airship. It does like retarded
You know what? Maybe it's kind of cool that you've been to the first Final Fantasy airship boat with boat with the balloons attached to it
Yeah, black people love anime so much. They just went straight
Black guys do love anime that they're like listen to airships
And I'd be like that thing's not gonna fly you ignorant because it ain't supposed to fly supposed to be inspiring
It's a good point. I'm fly. Yeah anyway. I don't know why black guys would be attached
to the boats though, you know?
You mean literally or figuratively?
Well, I'm saying like, you know,
when you think of the history of the African-American.
They're getting over trauma.
They're trying to reclaim boats.
Yeah. Yeah.
We're like, well, we'll build our own and they'll fly.
They'll only be even better.
And then we'll steal all the white people
and take them back to our country in our flying boats dick this was not meant to be another black
problem but it kind of is. No we can't do two black problems. Why would you bring in two black things in a row?
It just involves a black gentleman. I want to say this guy has elevated himself so he's you know
he's I don't even think he's black I think he's one of everybody. See now it's
getting way too racist now. Okay well the problem dick is from episode 70, the problem of swastika scarys.
This is the idea of constant news stories about the scary swastika appearing in various
Of course Kanye West is courted controversy as his Super Bowl advertisement led to a website
where you could purchase a swastika t-shirt.
Well, a representative from Shopify has...
He pissed out though.
Well, why did he piss out?
Because he refunded them all.
He didn't ship people their swastikas.
Oh, he refunded them?
Yeah, everybody got refunds.
Well, I was going to say a representative from Shopify has confirmed that Yeezy's Yeezy
website was taken down by the online shop due to violations of terms to the platform.
The merchant did not engage in authentic commerce practices
at Shopify.
All merchants are responsible
for following the rules of our platform.
Kanye responded by saying,
Twitter rampage was 90% Jew-proof.
Two years ago, I tweeted,
DeathCon three on the Jews.
I'm sure no one remembers that.
And a few specific Jews.
Yeah, now he's like,
remember when my pants split? Now it's like a spongebob episode. Yeah now it's a
Bitch doubt he should have taken crypto say the line Kanye. He should have done Nazi coin
He should have done yay. All he had to do is fulfill the Nazi shirts
How hard is it to ship some t-shirts?
It's not if he was doing print-on-demand though the print-on-demand people might not have done it for me
You can just print him away You do it in his garage him him and mean meek smells or whatever that guy's name is well
I personally know a gentleman who tried to manufacture items for yay, and apparently he
Is very he's very stingy with the money
Yeah, yeah, it's interesting you think you would like understand the plight of the Jewish you know
What's the plight of the Jewish you know What's the plight of the Jewish individual? Well not wanting to pay your own you know you want to use somebody else's money
You've been indoctrinated. You got all this gold. You don't want to just give it up
Yeah, yeah, so he's saying that he's a bitch now
He's a bitch for not for doing the commercial you got to fulfill the shirts man. You got to fulfill the shirts
For doing that you gotta sell the shirt. You gotta fulfill the shirts, man. You gotta fulfill the shirts
You got why would he I mean did why would you run it then? Did Shopify does not say we refunded the money and they just said that we've everybody got refunds
But but was it cuz he decided it or was it cuz they sent it back got all the orders
So he had enough time to export them. Yeah, he knows everyone's address
Ship the fucking shirts Kanye the. At the very least a sticker maybe? Ship the fucking shirts. Don't be a bitch. He's uh... You put it out there.
Now you're talking about the hits. Oh, remember when I said this? No. I remember
when you said you'd ship everyone swastika shirts. That's not gonna happen
now, is it? Mmm-mmm. Bitch. Shoulda done shoes. Bitch made. Swastika shoes? Yeah.
Swasta shoes.
I don't know.
Well, I guess.
There's something there.
Cause he's known for the shoes, he's known for those stupid shoes he used to sell, the
Yeezys, right?
I don't know anything about-
He could make Hebe's.
He could do anything.
There's like something there.
I don't want there to be Swastikas everywhere.
I'm not trying to help him brand Swastika shit. He clearly wants there to be Swastikas everywhere. I'm not trying to help him brand swastika
He clearly wants there to be swastikas everywhere. That's like his thing
Swastikas swastika yeah, yeah swastikas
Says of course guys
Just know anyone who's on Shopify they control your market and have all your data and
Just know anyone who's on Shopify. They control your market and have all your data.
And Harley Finkelstein, please let me know
if I have the right.
I don't know.
I didn't graduate.
I don't know what that means.
He's also being sued for allegedly texting
a Jewish employee, Hale Hitler, which now I'm anti-Kanye.
I don't think that's gonna work out very well for.
You got everyone's hopes up.
I didn't buy one, but you know.
Well, I didn't buy one because I was like, well, is he going to print them on like Huff?
Like what are those Hanes white shirts that I sold?
I assume it would be... Black people's t-shirts are like very high quality and thick.
Yeah, that's true. They like the... If you ever go to like the flea market, they have those like wrapper shirts.
They print out themselves, which are almost too thick. Yeah.
Like how are you guys not sweating like crazy in these things?
They are.
I have one.
I think I've worn it on here.
It's like a Scarface shirt that clearly was just like a flea market guy just printed Scarface
on his shirt.
And it is a thick fabric.
But he bitched out.
Well, you know what?
I think he got scared.
I think he got the Swastika Scaries.
Oh, okay.
Currently number 239 with 306 up votes.
Guys, don't forget to vote it up!
To those who feel the scam, go and vote it up.
If you don't, Vito will kill your whole family.
If you don't't go and vote.
Louis Armstrong International Airport.
Yeah, well let's do it.
The Petron is the way to go.
I don't even know.
Katrina International Airport.
That works.
Easy Rider International Airport.
Thank you, Reckon, for that excellent stinger.
Well, I'm the winner.
So that means I've got a problem.
Dick, what is the most consumed natural resource?
I'll give you a-
Gasoline? Air is pretty close. Air, carbon dioxide, oxygen, food? Water. Water is the
most consumed natural resource. More than oxygen? By what? I don't think oxygen is considered
a consumed natural resource because it's just like, it's not like traded, there's no like
oxygen market other Other than fruit.
There's CO2 credits.
Actually, probably more CO2's taken in by plants.
It's possible.
Your stats are already suspicious.
This is what I've been told.
Already bullshit.
I've been told.
Doesn't matter, it's just a lead in.
It's interesting.
It's false.
It's false.
Okay, so let's assume oxygen's number one
and water's number two.
CO2 probably.
Number one.
It's completely irrelevant. You can buy credits.
It's just interesting.
Okay, water.
Because we all understand how plentiful water is.
We all get it.
It's everywhere.
It's for free.
But can you guess what comes after water?
That's the question.
It's gonna be-
Grape soda?
Grape soda is your-
Purple stuff?
Sunny D?
The second most consumed natural resource-
Is sand. Sand? Yeah. What are you talking about? The second most consumed natural resource gold is sand
Sand yeah talking about that. I was I was interested in reading while and yes
They're all eating stand the fuck's eating sand. No, it's eating sand
They're not eating it when it says consumed. It means like used like for purposes
Okay, okay for eating sand is essential for making concrete
Asphalt and even some of our electronics and the global construction boom especially in fast-growing economies like China India in the Middle East
Has created an insatiable demand for saying running out of sand. We are running out of
Running out of sand my problem are running out of sand, my friend. Fuck off, we're not running out of sand.
My problem is, the sand wars.
It's happening. The sand wars are real.
We're running out of sand.
We got tons of sand. It's all over the place.
You would think.
Okay, but here's the thing. I could walk outside and find you a bunch of sand.
Where's the most sand?
The beach. Done. Africa.
Yes, the beach. That's a good point. In the ocean.
In the... yeah, I mean I guess you could try and get sand from under the ocean, but that's gonna be like real... no.
Bringing sand up from under the ocean? Stick it up. That's a whole thing. What a lot of people would say is, well, why
don't you just go to the desert? It's full of sand, correct? Here Here's the problem is that desert sand is too fine for construction.
Construction of what?
You need to make concrete.
You need to make cement.
You need sand to do this.
You need raw material to make all that stuff.
Everything you see around you, all these concrete buildings,
the sidewalks, the asphalt, the roads.
I guess I do need sand for concrete.
It's sand.
It's sand, man.
The sand is in demand. I didn't know. Where's the sand at? Where's the sand at? sand is into man. I didn't know where's the sand at where's the sand at that is the question
Okay, now here's the ocean yes, but that's the thing so the best place to get sand
Typically is from a beach from an ocean from a river a lake whatever else, but as they keep taking about a river
Yeah, it's all mucky and shitty
No, it depends what rivers some rivers have sand around there But as they keep taking- I don't know about a river. Yaaaaaahhh! It's all mucky and shitty. It says you get it from the river. Lake Two.
Now it depends what river.
Some rivers have sand around there.
There's been excessive sand dredging due to this demand for sand, because again, everyone's
building everything right now, which is killing aquatic life, disrupting local agriculture,
and lowering the water levels, which of course affects us.
And beaches are-
Do Jews know about this?
Hold the beat- The Jews know, my friend.
The sand is in demand?
Every time the Palestinians blow up another fucking piece of infrastructure, like, now
we gotta go find more sand and rebuild that fucking thing.
That's why they're digging all those tunnels.
They're just bringing the sand up and out of it.
Our beaches are disappearing.
Sand is being removed faster than it can naturally replenish.
We're losing coastline.
Well, here's what's interesting, Dick.
You ever heard of a country called Indonesia?
What's a country?
I thought that was like an area.
Did they have a president?
I don't know.
Wait, what is Indonesia?
I thought it was a country. I don't know. Wait, what is Indonesia? I thought it was a country.
I don't know.
It probably is.
Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia are three countries.
Their country's name is Indonesia?
I thought that was like a bunch of them.
Like a region.
No, I'm pretty sure it's a country.
That's a shitty name for a country.
Just because it sounds like a region.
I don't know.
It sounds like a bunch of other ones.
It sounds like Indian-ision.
It sounds like an area. Well, here's what it sounds like a bunch of other ones. It sounds like India, Nisian, it sounds like an area.
Well here's what's interesting.
Polynesia, is that a country?
No, Polynesia is a grouping.
Okay, they sound the same.
So they should be.
Okay, well it's not.
Indonesia is a country, I believe,
unless the chat's gonna tell me I'm wrong.
Okay, so you got Singapore, right?
You know Singapore?
Another country, yeah. They're doing pretty good right now
They're making some money. Yeah, Singapore. I think they're investing in technology. They're building out
They're building on stuff and they've decided they go. We're like a small country
We should expand our country out a little bit where we should like physically like physically. Yes, Singapore
Oh, man, Dubai does this shit too. Dubai does do this shit. I fucking hate their little sand islands.
They're making a shit ton of islands.
So what Singapore and Dubai have been doing
is getting sand from all these other countries,
which is actually...
What the fuck?
24 islands in Indonesia are now gone
because they've been entirely harvested for their sand.
So Singapore just went in,
negotiated with some shady dudes
and just started taking all the fucking sand
from Indonesia to build up Singapore.
What were the people that are on those islands?
Where are they?
Well, I don't know if these are like populated islands.
You know, of course there's like smaller island chains
you can like stop off on,
or maybe just a guy owns them or something.
Here's the thing is there's actually a sand mafia, right?
Because you would think the governments would try to step in and stop this, but guys are
making so much money from fucking sand.
They're all fucking-
No, they're not an Italian sand mafia.
Well, you say mafia.
Well, it's Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam, so it's like Asian guys.
There's Asian guys who are-
Sounds rough.
They're taking control of the sand and they're selling it all to Singapore. I'm dead serious. This is real
I don't like this the journalists. We got a sand gap
Bob Monty Tripathi from India had been investigating illegal sand mining operations in India
What the June of 2020 was assassinated in the back shot six times after exposing corrupt
local officials who were selling this sand without the approval of the Indian government.
Take a moment for yourself.
Well the Indian sand mafias are apparently like a cartel using, we've got Mexicans,
they're protecting the drugs in India, they got the sand.
And these guys are killing other guys.
And nobody's eating it.
Nobody's eating it, I don't think think they're just trying to expand their landmass
Serious that's fucking bullshit actually it's kind of weird. Why are we doing that? I was gonna say why are we not doing that?
Remember Sealand I do remember see when they tried to build it up and Tonga took it over and no one helped them well actually
Here's the problem is not only are we not buying the sand to expand out America
We actually have aggressive sand mining which has been
Exacerbating Tommy they're selling it to China. They probably are in Florida
There's been fucking kidding me they've been selling the sand along the beaches like crazy
So you know how you always hear about these hurricanes that are terrible because there's not enough coastline for the wind to hit and like kind of
Selling that sand They're selling that sand bro
So part of the hurricane problem is that people have been selling the Florida fucking beaches off start stealing Chinese Canada
Or Ukraine the sand is real man
And even in Texas sand mining operations along the San Quinto River
Made it worse when Hurricane Harvey came through.
It resulted in massive flooding because again.
I don't really care about people getting hurricane on,
but the size of the country shrinking
and other countries getting bigger is really upsetting.
You think it would be like a really tough thing
to move enough sand to like expand your borders.
And now I see that it's totally obviously not.
But Singapore is literally 25% larger.
And Dubai, you're right, they keep going like. The fucking islands that they keep building. And we're see that it's totally obviously not. But Singapore is literally 25% larger.
And Dubai, you're right, they keep going like,
and look, we're just building islands.
It looks like tract housing.
It just looks like trash.
So we're going to all these natural, beautiful beaches
and all these natural-
Everyone in Dubai is like, it's like Disney adults,
but Mexican somehow.
Like Middle Eastern.
Oh, okay. So that's what that is. that's what if Disney adults had more money and almost
And if they were buying everyone's sand don't ride the rascal scooter here we ride the Maserati Ferrari
Oh, it's good about Disney adults is at no point are they like well
We got to like destroy our natural ecosystem to make Disney World bigger
I mean, I guess that is how they built Disney. Yeah, that is exactly what they built. You know, it's like
Who cares about the fuck. They would pay for it. Well, the Florida wetlands are a shithole
So I'm okay with filling in the Florida wetlands with a bunch of sand to build Disneyland
It is an apt comparison. I can't believe that. I'm glad you brought this up
We got to get some of our guys on top of this
Well, it's gonna become a problem because the global price of sand is going up
and if we keep wanting to build things in our own country
and we gotta fight these motherfuckers
who are just dumping it in the ocean
so Singapore is bigger, okay?
Part of the reason construction prices are going up
is that the price of concrete's gonna start to rise
as these sand is being fought over by these cartels.
And there's really no great alternative.
They're trying to find, you know, like, okay, well, can we, you know, now they're talking about using bamboo to build houses.
No, no, no, no, no, we're not living in bamboo houses here.
Scientists are trying to figure out how to make concrete without sand.
You know, they fucked up the concrete for the longest time.
I did hear that. Yeah.
What was going on with that? yeah They left lie out of it
Healing concrete yeah, yeah, they left it out. They're like guys fucking ancient Romans. Don't know what they're talking about
Why would they put this in here? Yeah, it's a chemical cost. It's a cost of chemical
Why would they put that in it be bad and it turns out?
It's it's it makes the concrete heal itself when it cracks
Yeah, it goes in there and then like liquefies it so it hard re-hardens.
Oh, so that's so you need live for it to be self-healing concrete.
Interesting because they are talking about one of the alternatives that they are trying to
yeah, deal with more high strength concrete and self-healing concrete.
Because part of the problem is yeah, concrete, especially like, you know, if you're doing
asphalt road, obviously we always have potholes that you have to fill back up? So part of-
Can Indians play in this somehow? Do they enter into the equation?
Well, the the sand mafia is in India. Okay, it is part of it. They didn't kill that guy, you know?
That was in India?
That was in India. They killed an Indian guy who was exposing the corruption
But again, I think he was exposing that they were stealing sand from India, which I'm okay with because that doesn't hurt a minute.
Yeah, we gotta go sand fucking crazy.
Like that guy, I'm here for the sand.
Well, I mean, if we can start a war for oil, I feel like it should be pretty easy to find a place.
Sand is way more important.
We should be able to take somebody's sand.
We should have a sand reserve.
We should strip mine Gaza.
Yeah, okay. We're taking over Gaza. You guys are going to lose a little bit of coastline.
We should chisel off New Jersey and ship it over there and they can just hook it up with Gaza.
What's that phrase they're always saying? From the river to the sea? Is that it?
Yeah. Let's join the river and the sea.
You're about to have a little less river and a little less sea because we're taking that.
It's going to be a lot easier to get from one to one
for the
Are all that's so sick. All that sand is coming on is real. I know so glad it's done
I train to see I thought it was done
But then I saw someone yesterday posting that the Green Day singer threw a Palestinian flag over his head while he was singing
And they're like well now I like Green Day like Like cuz you know Palestine or whatever. I'm like, that's fine. People are like, you know pretend to care a little bit
Well, they have to they have to like get you know have closure. Yeah. Oh Green Day. Okay
Why is the closure always? Why is it always associated with the music industry?
Why is it always like as they're retarded? Yeah, they think like musicians are like important or like
Yeah, no, they don't have to change musicians. It's they have the song and that's the song and that's it
They're like frozen and they're like etched into like concrete like it's like they're like a constellation
Yeah, never gonna change. They don't they could say whatever they want
You can't change their minds on anything, but everybody else has to change except the song there
You can't argue with the song though. I play the song.
by the way and and and and that fuck fuck fuck fuck Palestine fuck Israel like
yeah I like that song though. Did you see the video of the guy tried to ambush
Seinfeld? Yeah that was great. Yeah so he's like can we take a selfie and Seinfeld's
like sure and the guy goes free Palestine and he's like waiting for a
fucking reaction from Seinfeld and Seinfeld just like sure and the guy goes, free Palestine! And he's like waiting for a fucking reaction from Seinfeld
and Seinfeld's just like smiling for the picture.
He goes, what do you think about that?
Seinfeld's like, I don't care about Palestine.
I'm like, that's the correct response.
Yeah, who gives a shit?
I care about one thing and one thing only.
He should have spit in his mouth.
I care about the sand wars and us winning them.
I care about the sand wars too.
I want us to control the sand.
I think in the way that Dune-
What are the sand futures like?
What's going on?
Well, you know what?
Maybe we gotta look at the sand futures.
Maybe it's an industry to start looking into.
In the same way in Dune, trying to control the spice,
I think we should control the sand.
Yeah, we need the sand.
I think we should have the worms.
The good stuff, the good sand.
We want the good sand. We give the gay sand too the gay sand by you can have the fucking shit sand. I want some America sand
I want our business our real sick of Dubai
Well real tired of them taking everything them in Singapore. So dick that's the sand wars. It is real
I was surprised to learn about it and and now and that I know about it
I want to participate in the sand wars and I want to win.
What's Trump's position on the sand?
We gotta talk to him.
Okay, we gotta find out.
My problem is all this vaccine shit.
Go on.
What are you seeing for vaccine shit?
I thought we were done with that.
Didn't they say there's like a new virus coming though?
Like bird flu? Yeah, something. We're done with that. We're not done with it. Didn't they say there's like a new virus coming though?
Like bird flu? Yeah something. No, I mean for babies all this vaccine autism shit I mean all this vaccine all this vaccine. Oh vaccine. Wait, wait, wait. Okay, so you're having a baby
Yeah, I don't know if I don't know if I should get it vaccinated or what. No, come on
See, but you don't know. You're just acting
You're just acting offended because
you think that
makes you look smart. You don't know. You don't know if you're gonna get
your baby vaccinated. Not all
of them. I can't give a
baby a COVID vaccine, obviously.
Actually, you wanna know something? COVID
vaccine people are getting AIDS now.
I guess. I don't know. Does she drink the diet
coke? That's what we saw.
You know.
Okay, so.
You saw that?
Keon was over here.
With this girl.
And she goes,
Oh yeah, I'll have a Diet Coke.
And she looks at my wife and she goes,
Oh, I'm,
Oh, it sucks that you can't have a Diet Coke.
And she goes, why?
And she goes, cause of the autism.
And 80s girl goes, what are you talking about?
Oh yeah, totally.
And then she came over and goes, what the fuck is this about autism?
I'm like, how many Diet Cokes have you been drinking?
And she goes, just a cup.
I've had like one or two.
I said, fuck it.
We got Rain Man here then.
I don't know.
Diet Coke's causing autism now?
And then I went online.
There's a study that says, Aspart Diet Coke's causing autism now? And then I went online, sure enough. There's a study that says-
A study that said Diet Coke-
Aspartame might be causing autism.
And then, you know, my policy is, what's the reason that anything's happening?
It's because women got too fat.
That's why.
All the- everything can be explained simply by women have just gotten hugely fat in the
last 40 years.
60 years. 10,000 years years if we're being honest.
And that's what's causing all the problems.
But then what is the fighter of the fat?
Diet Coke, low calorie yogurts, all this shit with a truck full of aspartame and I'm thinking, uh oh.
You're about to have a bow black saw on your hands.
You're making a little baby bow black. You can give that kid kid that plush toy cuz he's gonna look like him in 20 years
I'll tell you a story. You know what Apple spray on all these places. I'm playing with these
Sick and weird. I've got a you know, I haven't of course an autistic half-brother. Who's the?
You know that I never talked about that
You should be Tom Cruise. You should be and you should meet this kid
I never talked about that. How?
You're the Tom Cruise?
You should meet this kid.
Wait a minute.
He can show you how to pull poop out of his pants and smear it on the walls.
You know?
He's fucking super autistic.
Since when?
Was he vaccinated?
Well, that's what I'm going to talk about is he's like one of those guys you got to
send to a facility when he gets too old and strong.
Rain man. For normal people.
Yeah, but rain man could talk.
He can't talk?
Well, he can go eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
. Yeah.
My dad had that giant 7-eleven cup one of those big ones. Oh, no. Yeah, I hope yeah He probably drank like three of those a day your dad. Yeah. Well his dad wasn't bad
I wasn't paying attention lacked breastfeeding. I wasn't paying attention to what his wife was drinking, but I assume they were both drinking
I assume they're both guzzling the Diet Coke
See, I don't know for a fact is but a lot of anxiety
I'm gonna hope and pray. He looks honestly. Well. She doesn't drink any diet. Good. Don't add shit
so he eats and
Drinks normal like organic shit. You're I just don't you know for seed oil look if it happens it happens
You know we all get through it if you got to be the guy not if it happens it happens
Well, I'm just saying you know you just throw the kid that the iPad he watches the same wiggles video on loop
times it goes
It's on diet coke my dad goes how come you don't want to go to the restaurant with us my girl
Somebody should be why do I know why do you want to go to the restaurant?
Why do you want to go to a restaurant so you grew up with this yes?
Why do you want to go to a restaurant so everyone- Wait, you grew up with this?
Oh wow.
So you go to the restaurant with the retarded kid and he's there with the iPad playing Wiggles
on full fucking uh, they didn't have iPad at the time, they had to get him a Video Now
player which was like the shitty early version of iPad and it had one Wiggles video and he
would just play, where are the Wiggles, where are the Wiggles and he'd go, AAAAAAAA, AAAAAAAA,
AAAAAAAA, and everybody in the restaurant is like looking over and I'm like
damn it even the black
Restaurants because they were okay with it we'd go we would go into Springfield mass
Which is like all black people and we need at this Italian restaurant there
Yeah, that was the only place there nobody gave a shit. So, know what? Now that I think about it, I was always like,
why are we always going to this black pizza place
and basically Massachusetts version of Harlem?
Now it makes sense to me.
Thanks for helping me piece that together.
That was right next to the black KFC.
So it was right in the same area.
So that's good. How am I supposed to just go on after that bomb
what do you mean that revelation I have a retarded brother I don't talk to him I
can't talk to him so what's the point yeah you know I don't see him while
you're pissing on sleds and stuff this is happening at home that came later he
was born later he's my half brother he's like how much younger than you like I was probably 14 when he was born can he make
a comic probably make a great probably be on par with my comic I'm sure can he
understand stuff no not at all not even in the same he's like a baby
basically he draw stuff no he's kind? Yeah, the predator tried to take him one night. Well does he have any powers or not?
He might have powers my whole family has powers, but can he remember stuff really good?
His powers might be stronger than the rest of the family now that I think about it. Have you tested him for powers?
I have not tested him for powers. Cause it's hard to do.
Well, it's hard cause you have to imagine the power first and then devise a test for it
And that's not all he can do is rock back and forth
He used to not be able the worst thing was that he uh some retarded kids
They can't they they want to walk around on their tiptoes the whole time
They can't understand that you have an entire foot to use
Yeah, yeah, so they had to get him like special shoes to like tell him like put your fucking feet on the ground man
Like what the hell are special like horseshoes?
Yeah, basically cuz he was just walking around
on his tiptoes like a weird fucking-
Why would you want that to stop?
That's awesome.
It's bad for your legs or something.
It's not good.
Eventually, because also, you know,
he's getting the retard strength, you know?
So he's fucking looming over people with the drive thru?
Dude, yeah!
Like doodle bob?
So he's just in a room with the Wiggles playing on full speed walking around on his tiptoes gone
And you're like oh my god at least get him to walk at normal height
He's gonna terrify people is he in mr. Girls documentary. He's not in mr. He should be I
Don't I should be interviewing that I think he was safe from that mr. Girl wanted to my mom commented on mr. Girls documentary. You wanted to start asking my mom questions. I'm like leave my fucking mom out of this
He would show up like with no clothes on
Questions this odd that I did this it's good. It's all good
Wow, okay, and again, I'm sure that will not happen to you because you stayed away from diet coke
Hopefully the lady did at least. Well, I mean, I don't know if that's enough. What else did your dad do?
Well, also I remember one time him dropping that kid on his head really hard and I was the only one who saw it
And I always wondered if that's what made him retarded
Yeah, I'm worried about that too
But here's the reason is like I remember my, because this was when the vaccine shit was going on, so I remember my dad would say shit, he was like, you know, he was a really happy kid, and then we got him that vaccine or whatever.
Oh, and that's when you also dropped him on his head.
Yeah, and then I always remember going, yeah, but you remember that time we were at the arcade, and you dropped him on his fucking head?
I didn't say it.
Was your dad playing the game? Oh, I can can't miss three shots I'm gonna be on fire shit he's gonna
fall he was just holding the kid he dropped the kid on the head the kids
crying he goes you'll be fine and now I look back I'm like maybe they should
talk about my husband I really am was he playing it was I don't know if he's
playing so we're in front of like a pinball machine out chicks yeah I don't
fucking remember what was going on I'm. I'm really hoping that uh, I'm really hoping that's not what did it
But you know, he's bill. Yeah those vaccines those vaccines. Okay. Let's yeah, let's hope it was the vaccine. Okay, so
What else did he do? What else did he do to that kid?
What else did he do in general? I don't know man. Just a fun. We had fun. He's a good guy.
Mmm. We drove around. Like I said, he was always, we would drive to the Domino's
Commissary to pick up dough. That was thrilling. What's, is that like a, like a
distribution for dough? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they have a main building. Well,
they'll bring you a dough delivery, but if you're running low on dough you gotta make a special trip to the commissary and load up okay so I got to
they have annoyed there at the door yeah the noise is there we had annoyed
costume oh yeah the annoyed costume I'm shocked you don't have that or buying
it off eBay fuck it was probably in the shed at the fucking so when my dad died
We went through the dominoes and just stole whatever was you know not bolted down before my evil stepmother took all of it
She's the one with the she's the one with the retard. She's stuck with her tardy kid. So okay. It's like a fair trade
Like she took most of the shit, but whatever she got stuck with her target
So but I think in the shed in the back was probably the fucking no it cost no it might have been at his house
Yeah, yeah, well annoyed costume was great. I can't really top any of that
We should do a bonus episode and you can tell us
Having an embarrassing like public, you know
like public you know your dad going it's fine he'll be quiet during the movie
and you're like no don't bring him into the
movie theater it's fine he'll be quiet
I'm sure and everybody in the audience
is like what the actually the one I'll
say one funny thing my dad did was okay
got him out of every traffic ticket
because he's freaking out
Yeah, yeah, yeah, so the cop would come over and my dad
Would would you know be like oh, I'm so sorry you know my retarded kid is freaking the you know
He's like yeah, and then he would do it
He would he would put on a big show like as the cop went back to write the ticket my dad would get out of the car
Uncle the kid and like be outside the car. He's like I just have to do this to calm him down
You know it's just so hard like you know he gets really scared really easily
Come back and be like okay
It was a good move man no cop wants to give a guy with a retarded kid a ticket
He's like I could you put your brother in blackface like he just did it he just did it what
Could I try to get it off of him, but you're trying to put it on I?
Never thought to put my retarded brother in a blackface sadly really it never it never occurred to me whoo
That's shocking. It's it's fine
It was one of those things right the whole fact all the vaccine autism shit that all the vaccine autism shit
Well according to my dad. That's maybe what happened, and he never dropped that kid on his head at all not even once
Here's my problem go to Twitter dick. I
Have a tweet that I saw
That made me think of this
So I know that you guys won, you're winning, your guy
is president. Oh yeah. And obviously you want to celebrate, maybe you can wear his hat.
You can write a little song about how much you like him or whatever.
Yeah, where? I'll find it. But I think at a certain point, you could just calm down slightly with the Trump dick-sucking,
and that is my problem.
It is Trump dick-sucking.
Here's Benny Johnson, conservative influencer, who has posted a video of Trump doing basically
nothing, and his caption is, Trump carrying his own coat through the White House.
The definition of servant leadership.
This is a man, Dick, a man who loves the people so much that instead of having his jacket slave
carry his coat through the halls of the White House for him, as all presidents do, of course,
has bravely stepped forward and said, no jacket slave, I will carry my own coat.
Yeah, that's cool.
For I am a man of the people.
Servant leader.
Servant leader is what they decided to call it.
I am a servant leader.
Look, we always get this shit with politicians, right?
This is like the key thing
from politics is, oh, look, Joe Biden went to go get an ice cream. Oh, JD Vans. He's
getting a donut, a man of the people, just one of us. Can you believe that Bernie Sanders
takes the train to work? He's really one of us. At a certain point, this like folksy man
of the people, dick sucking of like, that's our guy, he's one of us, is becoming retarded and irrelevant.
Like, remember when Trump was like,
and I'm gonna give everyone McDonald's.
Oh my God.
That was cool.
How incredible for him to order a bunch of McDonald's.
What a brave man of the people he is.
You're saying you're not excited about McDonald's?
The guy who's coming over talking about free fries and check in the box?
I famously think I said if I went all the way to the White House,
like I want one of these big state dinners.
And then what? What's dinner number two?
McDonald's. Filet-O-Fish.
I'll tell you, you know what? I'll take an after dinner filet-O-Fish.
If it was round two was a filet-O-Fish, fine.
All I'm going to say gonna say is look you Trump guys
Dial it back a little bit. You don't gotta celebrate the guy for carrying his coat
You don't gotta keep fucking talking about this guy like he's the second coming of Jesus. I know you're having a lot of fun
I know he's doing a lot of stuff you like but you're gonna this is becoming excessive
Yeah, you understand that this is becoming excessive, you know, you guys tried to kill him, right?
You remember that?
We did.
You tried to shoot his head, you tried to blow up his head on live TV.
And what did you guys do?
You drew portraits of Jesus yoinking him out of the way.
It's too much!
That's the only explanation for that.
If he hadn't have jerked around in a weird way we know we would be living in basically Germany
That's Germany, which is so brave that he survived that retarded kid missing a fucking point-blank shot
Yeah, it is. I let him get a nice vibe
This he missed but he didn't even miss he hid his ear
he missed blowing is that if if you'd be wearing right now a
shirt of his head blowing up like
The Brady Bunch. I would have nine squares of his nine frames of his head exploding
You'd all be jacking off
And you'd have a cum Trump's head blowing up shirt and a wearing around
Trump's head blowing up shirt and you'd confuse the two all the time obviously
But I'm trying to think of living in the Trump got his head exploded universe
would be more or less fun.
For you?
For everybody.
No, it'd be horrible.
It'd be wild.
It would just be everything is illegal.
Speech would immediately be illegal.
Speech would be illegal.
Making fun of people online would be illegal.
Somebody else could have ran.
Probably whoever it took over would have run.
Well, Kamala would have won.
What are you talking about?
What do you think Kamala would have won
if Trump got his head exploded?
Trump is the only guy who could have done everything
that's happening right now.
Well, yeah.
I think that's-
Changing the world.
Changing all of America, eliminating income tax,
making everything tariffs, acquiring Greenland,
growing America.
Carrying his own coat through the halls of the White House.
Yeah, carrying his own coat.
Yeah, that's cool.
Biden didn't do that shit.
Someone who's carrying his colon around is so bad.
Hey, Biden didn't carry his own colostomy bag everywhere he went.
That was very proud.
I don't like these conservative guys.
I don't like this Benny guy.
But this is how retarded people express themselves
when they see something as amazing, as magnanimous,
once in a lifetime that you see with Trump.
Just say you like Trump, you don't gotta congratulate him on tying his fucking shoes.
Yeah you do, you do.
Because Biden couldn't tie his shoes.
I think Biden could tie his shoes.
No he couldn't tie his, his wife's his bitch wife's tying shoes.
I think Biden was able to tie his shoes.
We wanna see a guy walking around carrying his own coat.
The definition of servant leadership.
He's so incredible. Hey you know, I'm sorry that he's not defending Lolly. We want to see a guy walking around carrying his own coat. The definition of servant leadership.
He's so incredible.
Hey, you know, I'm sorry that he's not defending Lali or something.
I'm sorry that he's not defending being a non-offending pedophile.
I know that's what you respect on Twitter.
I know that's what you like.
Tell me if you think this is a...
How about this?
President Zelensky carrying his own chair.
Hang him.
So this is bad. This is like...
Yeah, because it's too much.
It's too much.
Because he's putting... because he's an actor.
He's carrying his chair.
He's putting on a whole act.
He's wearing like... he's wearing like fatigues, even though he's having business meetings.
But if he was carrying a... if he was carrying a coat, perhaps, that was...
Because he's doing this on on stage Trump's just walking around
Carrying his coat he's carrying a chair. Come on. We would have incredible. It's just incredible
You know church dance. Yeah, look at this Bill Clinton carrying his own
Cat on his shoulders. Isn't that just that's cool. I like Bill Clinton though. That's true
He also fucked over the government. He did we do like Clinton
We don't like his wife who had to kill Seth Rich for some reason.
Because he knew all the secrets, but...
You know, and God bless it, Clinton mostly kept all the cheating on her secret.
That was nice of him.
That was nice of him!
Wasn't it? He's just getting his dick sucked.
He deserved a blowjob. We all know that.
Yeah. That's what he's married to?
If you're the president, you should be able to get him. As Nick said-
I don't agree with the rapes
That he did. Right. I don't agree that he
He's letting his wife, you know, he's never- Bill Clinton has never- He let his wife do 9-11
He's never shut his wife up on television. Yeah, you know? That would have been a power move.
He had plenty of opportunity to do it and he's never done it. Sure. You know what I mean
He's had opportunities to shut his wife up.
When Hillary Clinton talked, he could have easily said,
well, I don't know about that.
And that would have shut her up.
You know what I mean?
You're married to a woman for a long time.
You know exactly what you can say.
He wanted her to look strong.
She was almost president, right?
And that's why I can't back him 100%. But he was a fun guy. He's a fun guy. Yeah
It's funny. I saw a picture recently where they're like, it's funny that we would we called
We're like all Clinton's too fat for meeting all that McDonald's. I look back and you're like, that's not fat
We've seen fat now and it looks like
Skinny anyway, all I'm saying is Trump guys, I get it.
You want to love your guy.
But I think you're going to start putting people off
if you start celebrating.
He's not Jesus.
He's just a man.
He's doing the best he can.
And stop sucking his dick so hard.
It's kind of becoming embarrassing.
It is, again, a grown man that you
are obsessed with as a Christ like mythological figure he is becoming
okay sure he is a Christ like sure but you don't want to suck Christ's dick that's the
that's the issue would you suck Christ's dick if everyone became an atheist?
no what? you wouldn't suck Christ's dick if it meant everyone to be an atheist I don't know why you think that
okay if you're whatever evangelical whatever evangelian you want everyone to be an atheist. I don't know why you think that. Okay, if you're whatever evangelical, whatever evangelian you want everyone to believe.
If Christ, Jesus Christ said, Vito, if you suck my dick, everyone will believe whatever you want them to believe. You wouldn't do it.
I would do that, sure.
Okay, so you're gay.
I mean, I would probably suck Jesus' dick just to say I did it, you know?
It is Jesus. Like, how many people got to suck?
Honestly, nobody- who got to suck Jesus dick?
Mary Magdalene. Did she though?
Yeah. He has kids.
He probably got his dick sucked a couple times.
But that's like, you know, I would suck like Abraham Lincoln's dick to say I did it.
Okay, whose dick wouldn't you suck?
Maybe that would be a shorter list.
Whose dick wouldn't I suck? Maybe that would be a shorter list.
Whose dick wouldn't I suck?
Would you suck Hitler's dick?
Well, that's what I was going to say, is I kind of don't think I could suck Hitler's dick.
To not do the Holocaust.
I feel like his dick is weird.
Right before he's given his big speech,
like his big Kristallnacht speech,
you'd poke out, like, with a wig on,
woohoo, hey Hitler, come over here!
And then he'd be out there doing speeches like,
uh, uh, well I guess, you know, Jews obviously.
Is this late stage Hitler?
I gotta suck his dick.
No, right at the like, the speech.
I mean if it's like young, fun Hitler.
Launch him into.
Beer hall, beer hall, Hitler.
Yeah, I'd suck off beer hall Hitler.
I'd suck off art school Hitler.
Not art School.
That's probably what caused it.
Post-Jail Hitler?
Yes, of course.
No, no, no.
No? After jail?
Oh no, you're right, okay.
Yeah, that's not what I want.
Beer Hall's the cutoff.
Oh, I know all my Hitler lore.
Big, big... I don't want to say fan. Yeah. But I find him intriguing. Beer Halls the Cutoff. Oh, I know all my Hitler lore. I'm a big big
Don't want to say fan Yeah, but I find him an history fan history fan. I just like the colors. I like World War two flags
I like World War two. I just like learning. I just like learning
The Trump worships gonna be it's gonna get even even more
Egregious. Remember those kids who sang about Hitler the fucking
Hitler Youth? No not sorry I didn't mean Hitler I meant Trump. Remember those kids who sang about Hitler?
Yeah those little girls they were nice. America something buh buh buh. Didn't they turn on him or
something? He didn't pay him or something. Yeah they didn't invite him to the
rallies and they're like we don't like him anymore. Everybody's out for their own man.
Yeah yeah. Turns out they were liberals at heart
Well trying to get paid
Obamacare remember that
Naming it after him the health care we didn't do that you guys did oh we named it that yeah
That was your fault. That was a dumb move
What was it called? The ACA or something?
And all these guys, you always see those
posted guys, and they're like, I'm so glad Trump
got rid of Obamacare and replaced it with the
ACA or whatever, and they're like, same fucking thing
you retard!
I know whenever I see black people outside of a liquor
store on TikTok saying
Obamacare! I'm like, Republicans got to her.
Probably, yeah. They got to her and brainwashed her with their messaging
You guys fucked that one up good. Thanks for giving us that W. Was that it? Did I already do that?
I was I don't fucking know. I think you did
Trump worship is that dick suckers just calm down. You could be a fan
But you're getting a little too. Oh
Trump's so incredible. Yeah, he's he is
You could never do comedy at his level.
Now, only him.
I think I could.
You would fuck it up.
I think I would do it.
Flub up the front slide.
I think I would nail it.
Not even close.
You've seen with that lady from Maine?
He's giving a press conference.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You better do it.
You better do it.
Yeah, and she's like, mwah. That was cool. I heard you're still letting guys play lady sports and she's like well yeah you know
because federal law says the week yeah you got to stop that. You ain't getting no money. State law and federal law
he goes we're the federal law so you better do it. Yeah fuck you. Throw a football at her as she's leaving
as that governor's leaving
Trump's right in the back of the head is serious to this guy
The football and her in the back of the head and then like you go over there and pretend like you're trying to catch
And go whoa whoops. Oh, sorry. We just threw the football and you got hit in the head
it is it is like actually fascinating that the liberals like
Can't figure out where they are right now. Vito, Trump told one of the worst dictators on the planet that he's never
called him short or fat. Okay? Talking about Kim Jong-un. Trump just tweeted that.
He said I've never said that. And you're talking that people are too, are
filleting him too much? Are you serious? I would never call him short or fat.
Like, huh, take whatever you want.
That's amazing.
He's your Norm MacDonald, I get it.
Same level, him and Norm.
You two good guys.
My problem is how long it take,
taking too long to wash and dry your long hair.
You gotta have something on you
that's too much of something in the shower,
too long to wash or something. You're in there, you gotta comb it, then you gotta wash it.
I don't know how girls do it, but I need like a half a cup of shampoo every time.
So I'm thinking about the last time we did a live show and I'm trying to remember how
many people had long flowing locks. A lot.. Right. Everybody's at least got a girlfriend.
Trixie the Golden Witch and uh, Bird both have the hair so they're gonna vote for you. Yeah.
Yeah. Eric Wong reckons got long hair too. Shit. There's a lot of long hair people. You don't need to be, you don't need to be so proud of it.
How long it takes to dry your hair? Wash and dry your hair. It takes forever. Just fucking cut it off.
Because then you look
like shit yeah shorter your hair is the less good you look where's my where's my
where's my wig that's how the black lady solved this problem there's a bunch of
wigs over there I got some stats though. Yeah. Yeah, how long it takes to dry your hair?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, what's the bit?
30 minutes 150 what 1,500 watts right to dry to do blow-dryer, okay?
15 minutes is the average woman uses to dry her hair
That's a that's a hundred kilowatt hours per year per woman. That's nine billion kilowatt hours
That's two thirds. Like leaving a lightbulb on for three full days. That's two thirds of electric cars. Listen to how much power they're using. Two thirds of electric car charging. Two thirds of what? One charge? All of electric cars. Okay. Women are using.
Fucking around with their hair. Right, but those are women
It's long hair
Okay, listen with your fucking ears. So your problem is the time or the waste of energy what?
It's having long hair and having to wash and dry it
So why would I care about how much electricity it uses?
It's like it's like did you change places with your brother?
Did you change places with your fucking brother problem? It's stupid
Okay, let's see what I have long hair. I gotta wash it. Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want okay here?
I'll yes, no no no no no no no I want you to do the veto bit spike
No, no no no do your version. You're right. So what's the problem? Yeah, wash it. No, no, no, no, no, do your version. You're right, dick. Yeah, so what's the problem? Yeah, wash it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So what is it?
Yeah, I mean, yeah.
So what is it?
So what is it?
Classic fucking Vito.
I went and found a fucking problem
with like intricate research about the erosion
of a natural resource.
It's just fucking unbelievable.
And you took a shower.
How are the clips doing, by the way?
How are the clips doing?
You, 10 minutes before the show,
probably took a shower and said, shit, I don't know any problems. Oh, I just got out of the shower. Let's see, let's see how the clips doing by the way? You took a shower. How are the clips doing? You, ten minutes before the show, probably took a shower and said, shit I don't have
any problems.
Oh, I just got out of the shower.
Let's see.
Let's see how the clips are doing.
I noticed you posted some, right?
Go take a look at the clips.
You posted, how are they doing?
I didn't post them, the other guy posted them.
Oh, how are they doing though?
Who fucking cares?
How are they doing?
You're the one that wanted to buy clips for 50 bucks a piece.
I still want to buy them for 50 bucks a piece.
How are they fucking doing?
How much is it making us?
What's the ROI? What's the the ROI the fucking clips? Let's see
Wow, I'm sorry. No, let's see here. It's the fucking classic
Yeah, what is it? Oh fucking sucks? Yeah, everyone voted up vote up. It's just
Unbelievable unbelievable step in a puddle and then your foot sweat
Do you know how many puddles there are in the world?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's the extent of the problem.
Here we go. Oh, this must have been a great clip.
You ever smell a bad smell?
Tony and Vito bring the boom to Costco. Everyone was fucking thrilled of that story, of you
and Tony going to Costco and pretending to be the Costco guys. Let's see the whopping
stats this one brought in hit analytics. Holy shit
1800 views for 50 bucks Wow what a fucking deal
Look at this
What a great decision
But what's the next one?
Here look strong woman cries about gamers views are up 12% and got us
eight new subscribers eight new subscribers for 50 bucks that's a good
deal what a tremendous deal eight new subscribers is good holy shit I don't
think you understand why the clips are there the clips are serve a number of
functions one they introduce our content okay whatever so you made clips is that what you're trying to get to? Your clips are better or something?
No, I just want to know what the progress is of the clips.
The progress is that we got... look, the views are up on the clip, it got another eight
subscribers, it's only been up a day.
So this was a hundred bucks?
No, this was fifty bucks.
The other one too.
There's two clips.
Another fifty bucks.
What was the total return for a hundred bucks?
We haven't figured it out yet because they're still trending look at this
It's it's not trending. It says it right there. It just it platoes off at like 4,000. Look, okay. I
We're just starting. Go to the other one. Let's see it here bring it up on this screen. Oh cuz this one's doing good
We gotta look at the other one. No bring up both of them. This is not good. This is dog shit
Let's see it. Let's see it
Dollars who it's nothing
What is $50 to you $50 what are you gonna spend it on nothing bonds?
Okay, let's see the other one. I will pay for the clip. Let's see the other one. Oh, no, please
Let's see the other one who cares who gives for the clips. Let's see the other one. I will pay for the clips. Oh no please, let's see the other one. Who cares? Who gives a shit if one of them didn't work?
Look, I, we're gonna, this one did not work as well because I should be helping with the thumbnails, okay?
I didn't make the thumbnail. Uh-huh. I didn't help with the thumbnail, I didn't help with the title.
I, okay, I gotta, I gotta make time to, uh, me and this guy, we're gonna have a strategy for the clips.
You got a strategy for it.
Yeah, we're just getting started. It's been one fucking week of doing the clips regularly.
Anytime we try anything new, you want an immediate positive result.
You don't give any time to workshop it, make it any better.
And then look, Melanie Mac clip. Here you go.
8,000 views, 16 subscribers, and-
16 subscribers?
That's good!
16 people.
How's that good?
Okay, let's say 16 people watch it,
and one of them decides to subscribe to the Patreon.
Yeah, it's six bucks. For a year.
A year?
Most people decided for Patreon, stick around.
So then it breaks even?
Morton breaks even. One of those, well.
Okay, $10 we get.
Okay, the point is also that we have subscribers
who want to feel like the show is not just,
you know, like a PKA throw it away
and forget about it situation.
They have clips.
Yeah, but are they making them?
Do they put them on their own channel?
I don't know, it's on a clip channel.
I assume it's related to them.
Maybe they're running that, I don't know.
Carl has clips all the time, and Carl's clips keep the audience engaged
They catch them up to date on what's been going on with the show if they don't have time to watch the whole episode
I was like a three-hour show every day
Okay, no, not every day twice a week. I don't know how often he does it regardless
The clips get people talking they save great moments from the show that people can revisit. So there's 150 bucks for 16 subscribers?
Plus the other 16 subscribers or whatever.
What are they?
$150 for...
This gets people finding the fucking channel, okay?
Show me that.
One subscriber.
Let me do the math right. I also okay and I'm gonna start look and again 13
bucks we got back on that one so basically we only paid $37 we can easily get to the
point where each clip just pays for itself okay you need to just work it out with the
guy first. We're figuring out a strategy. I haven't had time to manage him this week
because I'm managing a different video guy
who's making a video for my channel.
Okay, this is all very fascinating.
Let's do voicemails.
Hey, you got any presents?
I remember last week you were mad that we didn't do the presents early enough.
I have no problem with Vito for the comic being late.
My beef is with Martin.
I actually don't know where it is.
That fucking incompetent fucker.
Shut up. You know, just, just. I will find it. I don't know where it is. I fucking incompetent fucker. Shut up. You know, just, just. I will find it. I will pay for the clips. I think they're valuable for the channel.
A shitty comic. Yeah. And don't get me started on the colorist. Alright, good bit. I got it. The comic sucks and the artist is the problem. Good bit. universe you are right that Vito does want to make a universe and
He is right that he doesn't want to make a
Comic universe because Vito doesn't want like an in comic universe
He wants a universe of chachis and bullshit
His universe is all the toys that he's making everybody's really really nailing the comedy in the voicemails today.
Yeah, they're right.
I mean, I know that nobody is funny except for you.
Some people are funny.
You and Norm McDonald,
you guys would have an amazing fucking podcast together.
Do you wanna try your hair problem again?
You'd have an amazing podcast together.
Do it again, let's do the hair.
Except Norm actually doesn't think he's better
than everyone. That's the main difference between you two Norm actually doesn't think he's better than everyone.
That's the main difference between you two.
Norm does not think he's better than anybody.
I was just trying to understand what the problem is.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hair takes too long to dry.
I'm a fuck up, what do you guys want?
What do you expect from me?
Teehee, I mismanaged my tie.
Teehee, what are fucking products that we pay for?
Well, yeah, I don't get! You bad fucking cat losing asshole!
Give us the fucking book!
This is some fucking responsibility, you know, you bad shit.
I love you too, thanks for your comment.
Oh, he flushed the toilet.
That was funny.
Okay, this one.
I really like Dick's new don't argue with liberals rule.
Yeah, you can't.
I think it's gonna make it so much easier.
Just say, no, you're wrong.
And we're going to,
We're gonna crush you.
We're gonna ruin everything.
Don't engage with the point at all.
Yeah, no.
Why there's a difference between
someone believing that Jesus Christ is
God and a man and live and die for us is
different from
Believing you are a woman where the second one is more plausible have
chromosomes and
Again, the second one actually makes a lot more sense
The first one is just like actually completely invented.
The second one you can almost get there.
One of those things is like a lie.
A belief that people have about the past.
Based on nothing, right.
And the other thing is a mental illness that is within the DSM.
Right, delusions of grandeur.
Religious visions. Throw all that shit away.
I used to have a nice video game hoarding collection
like you.
I gave it away or sold it.
Whatever didn't get sold, I threw in the fucking trash.
Because now that emulation exists,
that's what all that is, trash. Youing plastic well tonight guys after this show we will be
raiding my youtube and i'll probably try to sell some stuff as well if anybody
wants to get a mother's milk funko let's auction one off tonight whoever
wants it okay dick fuck you canada thinks we're
better than you we are better than you. We are better than you.
Have we looked around your country lately?
Bunch of fat dumb ass motherfuckers.
You think our speed limit is less?
Yours is 55.
Ours is posted at 60.
And the cops won't pull you over unless you're doing over 80.
You say we're a nation who's scared?
You guys had one little 911 by a bunch of Saudis.
And we're so afraid and completely horrible geography that you invaded
a completely different country you threw away a
Cry years
Hey guys, I'm sorry to have fenced it on this but I both agree with dick
I'm talking about that
Marvel movies and all like this trash like I hate that all movies now are just popcorn-y trash that are just trying to get you in the
theater and then afterwards, fuck you.
But I do miss the era giving Vito-
Is that Tourette's or is he saying-
I do miss the era of Leonid's Taken to where it's like I watch it, it's like, oh, that's
an all right movie.
Maybe not watch it again, but pretty good. And then I see the trailers for Taken 2, now it's like, oh, that's an all right movie. Maybe not watch it again, but, you know, pretty good.
And then I see the trailer for Taken Two.
Oh, now it's his wife.
And I'm like, well, I got to see this.
Maybe at the Dollar Theater, you know,
the next month that it's in theaters.
And then I'm like, well, that was all right.
You know, maybe not again.
Oh, shit, he's taken now.
Well, I got to go see this and I see it again.
I missed that little popcorn shit. That's taken now. Well, I gotta go see this and I see it again. I missed that little popcorn II shit. That's alright
But that stuff seems fine, but like the Marvel stuff is just like way too much
I think it's cuz it's like condescending. Yeah, they're not even trying they're like, oh another celebrity
I mean, maybe it's just what you guys talked about on the last episode
I mean, I think that seems to be the celebrities is one them was like too much of them the old era of just trying to be gimmicky
Like let's put Clint Eastwood with a monkey type of deal
But nowadays it's just oh who else can we go Jack Blacks in this now? Oh?
Yeah, you make a good point
Dick Marvel was kind of like fun when it was just like guys you didn't really know much about
It's like I'd like like when Chris Hemsworth shoot up here like I don't know this guy is but he looks like Thor
That's cool. What you're doing is now talking about Marvel, right?
Like that's my point is that it's just trash like hashing it out and rehashing it
Well, then you're gonna love my upcoming video essay Captain America brave new world doesn't make any fucking sense
Which I'm currently with an editor on for my main channel so video essays again this guy's great
that's good old ass users who try to act like they're all cool and stuff by
shitting on people whenever they don't have a good show fuck you Adam that's
what I just rewatched that episode you're a piece of shit you're not
fucking funny and just because yeah I mean, I blame all my shit on the Jews, too. That doesn't
mean, you don't hear me screaming Jews all the time. Fuck wad. That's true. Take a fuck yourself.
I love you, Dito. Thanks. Thank you. Adam kind of disappeared from the internet for a while. I'd
love to get him back on here. Why? He's a fun guy. Good guest. What would you want to
talk to him about? Something else. I want him to come in in person. That's not happening. It might
if he was down in this area. So I was thinking about it the other day because Vito just kind of
acted really weird around this plush and I was thinking about kind of how Vito wants to be perceived by people.
And I think he wants to be like a Blippi type guy where he's like...
You know what Blippi is?
His performer and he's got all these big...
That's what I use to lure the kids over to my house.
...kind of excited faces and he's always telling like little cute things.
Like when he was describing how he wanted like the biggest problem intro to be
it sounded like
Blippi sort of thing so I don't know maybe there's a future in that
Is that true? I don't know what Blippi is. You don't know what Blippi is? No. Blippi is that guy
he just makes like children's YouTube videos and
Does it look like that?
No, he's like an actual person. Maybe his doll looks like that. Hmm
You guys read really hard into shit, man I just have a patreon and you okay you make shit
What do you get your brand is like liquor and whatever so you sold people drinking glasses with your face on them, right?
Well people drinking glasses with your face on them, right? Well people use glasses
Sure, it's not sure people use glasses every day. Okay, so you have never given anyone anything that wasn't useful in some way
Yes utility is also your brand. So that's fine. You sell it's not about brands
It's just about like oh, yeah, here's a glass you could use a glass
It's not about brands. It's just about like, oh yeah, here's a glass you could use a glass
Here's a shirt. Okay, but the shirt has your- nobody uses a stuffed animal. Right. I know
What is the- I'm still the card game I guess. What is the critique exactly? It's stupid
What's the critique? Yeah. Of the Funko? Well, he's saying it's because I'm trying to become like a cartoon children's character basically
um I Don't want to know what he's saying. I think he's just goofing around with the blippy thing
No, I think people might actually believe that there's like some I think there isn't like an arrested
Development thing with the with all the toys and shit for me. Oh, yeah. Yeah 100%. What do you mean? Yeah? Well people hate that
Yeah, sure
I'm surrounded by toys and garbage Tony saw my house. He saw well. What are you asking? What's the problem then?
That's the problem. They hate that okay
But like they're trying to say like like they're trying to like analyze my character like and I I I want to be this I guess yes, okay. Yeah sure. I want to be this little guy
Like having no responsibilities and having everything for free
Who doesn't want everything for free? What is that about? Half of people. Half of people. Yeah, exactly. The liberals is all we want.
Contributing people.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
I look, there's a lot of critiques of my character.
I just want to have a lot of fun.
Yeah, but you took everyone's money. That's the problem.
They're getting their shit back!
And I gave some refunds this week. Everybody's happy.
No. Nobody's happy.
Everyone's happy!
Nobody's happy.
Well, they should be happy.
Can't fucking hear you. Alright. I should be happy. Even though it's out. I can't fucking hear you.
All right.
I don't know.
This is the last one.
One more thing.
I love how Vito is like, oh, I'm just going to start being positive to myself and not
talk to myself in that negative fashion anymore.
And then immediately for like the rest of the show, for hours, sarcastically talks about
like how shit he is and how he like shifts in the bathroom without a door
Negative that's just very nice
Here's my thing is I know again. Thanks, dude. Thanks. You started it off again
I know the way I live my life is not how other people would choose to live their life, but uh
It's what I enjoy
You don't really choose to live it like that though. What do you mean having a no door on the bathroom?
It just doesn't all your everything that's happening to you is because you don't make choices
It's like not what is happening to me not calling your landlord
Explains like all the slovenly disrepair
Yeah, but I don't mind any of this shit. That's insolvenly disrepair. You should. That's like, that's the mental health.
Okay. Giving a shit about your quality of life is having mental health.
But my quality of life, like, okay, so my heater doesn't work.
So I just bought a heater and I'm happy with that.
That's not the only thing.
And I got to replace my, you know, whatever. I don't know.
I just think it doesn't bother me, I guess.
That's what people are saying they have a problem with.
So I should be more, yeah, okay, so I should be more bothered by life.
You should be bothered by specific things that-
I should strive to live a life that is more-
That's the thing is I don't care about cleanliness.
But you care about the effects of of uncleanliness
Like people not enjoying you for being yeah dirty. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, so you you right?
I complain about one but then you don't fix it and people that wears people
Nerves down where they hear complaining and then they see not fixing it just gradually
Because you refer to it as fixing it see not fixing, it just gradually starts fucking grating. Well, because you refer to it as fixing. It's not fixing.
Yes, being clean is fixing.
Being clean is, life is dirty.
Cleaning it fixes it.
Well, I wanna say I have a normal level of cleanliness.
100% false.
Which part of me is unclean?
Everything that Tony described,
and I know he was pulling his punches.
I know that he was pulling his punches
What did he say? I don't even remember everything he said on this show and my show
He said there was a damp towel. That's so you'd let you'd let someone with a camera in your house right now
No, but that's you know, I don't want him looking on my computer and seeing all my
This is the this is the deflection. This is the deflection. I
You know exactly what I'm talking about and you're deflecting it to win the argument.
I wouldn't let him into my house because I...
Okay, but that's the point is that other people's perception of what they're willing to...
Okay, so like with you guys, you see a bathroom with no door on it,
and you go, oh my God, this is the worst thing in the world.
And I go, well, it doesn't bother me though.
Yeah, Tony, Tony said damp towel.
That I feel bad about,
but I didn't purposefully leave out a damp towel for him.
Yeah, what else is gonna be damp towel-y?
I didn't plan for him to need a towel.
Cracks in the bathroom and stuff?
Crack, well, there's no cracks in the-
Cracks in the wall that you can see outside.
There's a crack in the wall
that I should have probably repaired.
But again, it doesn't bother me.
It's a tiny little crack in the wall. You have a couch where
you can watch TV? I don't have a TV in there anymore I moved into my bedroom
but again I'm the only one there and I'm the only one watching the TV. And no
cameras allowed? Yeah well yeah what do you mean? Because if somebody said can I
come in your house and take a camera inside I'd say yeah I don't care. And I
would say I got a lot of stuff everywhere.
It's kind of a mess.
I don't think kind of a mess is it.
I mean, I'll say, look, I want it to be more organized.
That is something I'm trying to do.
I have too much stuff, and I got to sell more of it,
so I have more room.
Have you ever watched Hoarders?
Or have a larger place.
Have you ever watched the show Hoarders?
I have watched Hoarders.
And one of the things about Hoarders is they don't have
a desire to organize their stuff. No, they do. They constantly talk about how they're organizing, and they're in the middle about hoarders is they don't have a desire to organize their stuff.
No, they do. They constantly talk about how they're organizing and they're in the middle of it and they're in the middle of cleaning up.
Yeah, but they don't actually... but you could see... I would show you... I have the bins and they're meticulously labeled and I put things in their proper place.
I have a specific place for all the things. I almost... I'm kind of OCD in that way.
So are they.
Is OCD a hoarding thing?
I thought, but like OCD in the way that like they can't get
anything done because they're washing their hands.
Or organizing.
I can't throw this away.
I'm organizing it.
I mean, look, there's just some people.
Look, I got a buddy.
He had OCD.
I went over his house.
I said, can I use the bathroom?
And he said, yeah, just don't ask about the gloves.
And I said, okay.
And I went in the bathroom and against the wall,
there's about 2000 rubber gloves,
disposable medical gloves piled up against the wall.
It's disgusting.
Because my friend has OCD and he can't wipe his ass without...
There's something really on rubber gloves.
That's sick and wrong.
There's something wrong with him.
But to him, he's like, I'm okay with this.
It's not okay though.
It doesn't matter if he's okay with it.
It's disgusting.
I don't know if the gloves had thing...
I don't think they had anything on them though.
Of course they did.
They're around his ass.
See, I don't know if he was wiping his ass or what Maybe he doesn't like
Cuz he's not the kind of guy who wouldn't throw them out after like if they were like touched poo, you know
Yes, he is. No he isn't. Yes. He is
The way you're laughing is weirding me out at it
He must have used them for something else must not have been ass wiping
Because they again they were like clean rubber gloves. It's a stack of weird shit in the bathroom that involves your asshole.
Oh it's not me, it's my buddy. So, whatever. And I just kinda, he's got his quirk. What
are you gonna do?
Eh, sick.
Okay, so yeah, but like that's the thing is I do things for society, right? Like there's
certain things that if none of you cared I would stop doing them.
I know.
Right. Yeah. It's not good. Like this whole weight loss thing, but you're not losing any weight
That's only well. Yeah exactly because the problem is it's not for me. It's clearly for you
Well, and we're clearly uncomfortable by trying to do a zympic
Yeah, any times yeah, but why am I doing that no one who is no one who's overweight is ever okay with it?
Yeah, but why am I doing that? No one who is no one who's overweight is ever okay with it
They all have deep deep seated issues with it No, the only the only the only reason that I care about it is because other people care about it
I know you're laughing at it, but it's addiction. It's food addiction. Yeah, I love food like way more than it's not love
It's addiction to food. Sure. I have an addiction to food and I well, I mean I very much enjoy food
I like addiction addiction and the same way if I an addiction to food, and I very much enjoy food. I like eating it.
In the same way, if I was addicted to drugs,
I'd probably enjoy the drugs.
And everyone would say you had a big problem with it,
and you wouldn't be able to say,
I don't have a problem, because it's drugs.
But food, you can say, I don't have a problem.
You can make jokes about it,
and people have to let it slide.
I mean, I guess so many people are addicted to food.
I guess it's a problem in the way that, like,
it can have health let it slide. I mean, I guess I guess so many people are addicted to food. I guess it's a problem in the way that like it can have health complications. Yeah
No, the addiction is the problem. Not that it can have a problem. The addiction itself is a problem.
But like what if you're addicted to something that doesn't cause any harm? Is that still a problem?
Yeah, so if I was addicted to planting flowers in my garden, it's not a real thing
Okay, it's not I know it's not but I'm saying if I was addicted to being healthy all the time, that's not a real thing. Okay. It's not.
I know it's not, but I'm saying,
if I was addicted to being healthy all the time,
that's not a real thing.
Well, there's guys who are addicted to running.
It's just like, it's shit that addicts say.
Yes, if you were addicted to running,
it would be a big problem.
And it would fuck up your life.
And your health.
Right, because there's negative things associated with it,
but I'm saying, if-
Right, the addiction would be the problem.
If food didn't have any negative effects,
the addiction itself is not the problem.
It's still the problem, yeah. The addiction is the problem because it's emotional.
Well, if the addiction is the effects, then you can engage with my hypothetical about the flowers.
No, the addiction is...
You just said the problem with the...
Okay, so an addiction to flowers, if it existed, would be a problem because addiction is the problem itself.
The addiction is your addiction to food.
Not about fucking flowers being planted.
It's called a hypothetical.
No, no, it's called the way addicts talk.
It's called the way addicts defend everything that they fucking do.
I'm just trying to nail down what you believe about addiction.
That you're addicted to food.
Yeah, obviously, I've conceded that point multiple times.
You want to do your hair is wet problem again?
No, no, I brought up the super chats to do super chats.
I'm just saying you're lying about, oh, I brought up the super chats to do super chats. I'm just saying you're lying about-
I'm sorry your hair was wet.
I'm sorry your hair was wet.
20 minutes before the show.
Because people want me to lose it.
It's just not true.
It's not true and everyone has to deal with food addicts in their life, so it's satisfying to hear somebody call one out.
That's why I'm telling you that.
Well, calling me out, I've told you I'm addicted to food. How is it a call out?
Because you're still in denial about it.
Well what's the denial?
You're like, oh it's the effects and I don't really care. You do care, you just don't want
to admit it. I care that eating food, what?
That you're addicted to food.
And I care about it in what way?
Emotionally, in your mind. It's like a fucking nightmare for you guys.
And you never admit it, but we all know.
Well, the nightmare would be when I...
Yeah, because you have to try and resist how good food is.
Yeah, which sucks.
But you don't.
I do sometimes.
I don't understand. Look.
You do though.
You do understand.
Yeah, I do understand that I like food.
You do understand how addictive it is.
I'm addicted to food and I very much enjoy it.
And if there ever becomes a universe where they do that thing and they install a little
spigot in your tummy and you just squirt the food out, which I think they're working on,
you know, you just squirt out the paste
and you can go back to eating.
I'd be a happy boy.
You wouldn't.
You don't think I'd be happy eating all the time?
Oh man.
No, you wouldn't.
You have no idea.
No, I think that's where addiction comes from,
is that being miserable and thinking eating
or doing whatever, gambling or drinking,
whatever it is, is gonna make you happy
But gambling like I know why gambling sucks, but you're not a jitter money gambling
I am addicted to gambling, but luckily I don't do it
Honestly, we're going to Vegas and I'm going oh god. I need to not go you're not addicted to gambling
I can walk away. I can walk away, and you're not addicted to gambling
But I will like get in front of a slot machine go it's gonna hit it's gonna hit it's gonna hit it's gonna hit
You like now you like it. I've seen you gamble. You're not addicted. I'm too. I'm too skittish about gambling
I'm like, oh god, I'm losing. Oh god. I'm I can walk away. Yeah, you can walk away. God
I was watching a have you ever seen that dog?
Whatever guy the guy who he's like the YouTube gambler
No, like he just loses hundreds of thousands of dollars cuz he's so addicted. It's insane
Yeah, bro now that I get you should watch those videos. Okay. Well do yeah
I don't think the gambling guys are he's funny as the hoarders
But it's always in the my 600 pound live people dude those guys are fucked
I'll send you a video of this guy.
He wins $100,000.
He's so happy.
He's like, this is great.
I'm going to take all these vacations.
It's going to be great.
Let's just do a couple dice rolls.
And everybody in this chat is going,
stop for the love of fucking God, stop.
As he's just jamming on this button.
And it's like, up 10, down 20, up 30, down 20, down 20, up 20.
And you're like, ah! It'll give you a fucking brain aneurysm guys don't forget vote on all
the problems that biggest problem that show you know if you're a guy with long
hair and it gets wet sometimes it was an excellent problem we brought in we're
also gonna have a bonus episode dick was sick another good thing you did for the
show I'm out here making clips he's getting sick so we'll have that bonus episode that we had to postpone because of dick sickness and also don't forget
Hackamania in Las Vegas on
May 9th, I believe we will be in Las Vegas along with Carl from WATP
Melton from nobody loves onions the creep off and all your favorites including possibly Nick Reketa
I believe is
confirmed to show up.
That'd be great.
That'll be fun.
You talk to Nick anytime recently, he seems in good spirits.
That's good.
Synthetic Shinobi for two says thanks for not killing yourselves.
Cardinal Cardinal for two says RIP kid named Finger.
Cardinal Cardinal for two, we love Veto.
Synthetic Shinobi for five, biggest problem is never being
able to drink the last third of your Slurpee through a straw.
I don't like Slurpees.
Do you like Slurpees?
Fine, it's just sugar.
Yeah, I never liked them.
LJ Clauberino for two, biggest problem is a tiny
windshield crack from Highway Pebble.
I have one of those that thankfully has not expanded out.
That's what you gotta worry about.
Yeah, you gotta fill them in. Yeah, you got to fill them in
yeah, do they say what guy at the gas station randomly appears like a
Random event have you ever gotten a hit with the I can get that dent out of your car scam
No, I fell for that one once
So there's a guy you have a dent in your car I have that Honda element've had it forever, and it's got a big dent on the back of it.
And a guy comes up to you and he goes,
hey, you got that dent there?
I go, yeah, you know, it kinda sucks.
He goes, oh, don't worry, I can get it out of there
for like 50, I don't remember, 50 bucks probably.
And I'm like, okay, 50 bucks, sure, yeah.
Sounds reasonable.
Yeah, totally reasonable.
So the guy takes this little like fucking suction cup thing,
you probably see him doing it on like YouTube or something
where it's like, he's gonna use the suction cup to get it out. Yeah, and I does the suction cup doesn't come out. He doesn't suck shit again doesn't come out
He goes don't worry. I got just the thing
I just the thing and he sprays it with this like something from one of those spray canisters and he goes alright
We're good. And I go well. What do you mean? It's still the the dent. He goes no no this thing this spray
It's gonna expand it's gonna bring it out,
but it's gonna take a day.
I go, oh, okay, so I'll pay you tomorrow.
And he goes, no, no, you pay me now.
And I'm like, all right, well, he says it'll work.
So I gave a guy 50 bucks.
And I look online and they go,
if a guy tells you he can get rid of your crack
by spraying a thing on it, that man is lying.
And I'm like, fuck.
You should make clips for that price.
He had a whole little kit.
I was like, he must know what he's talking of.
I mean, I think normally he probably does get it out
with the suction cup.
But if it's like a last ditch effort, he's like,
well, I gotta get the 50 bucks at least.
That shit might work.
I don't know, maybe there's something out there
that does that.
The suction cup thing can work depending on the dent.
That one's like an old dent though.
It's probably like set in or whatever
Anyway, so if a guy tries to spray a thing on your car
Don't pay him be like come back tomorrow and see if it works. Just have a dented car. Just have a dented car
It's not worth it. Coo for 50. Thanks for not killing yourselves via chainsaw during Vito's booty
Well, looks like we might have another one coming up and we'll see if the chainsaw makes an appearance
Brits man for two big problems leaving the room during a super chat about you. Sturg for two, biggest problem
is when your wi-fi kind of works but not enough. StuK for two, when life gives you lemons you eat
them. That's my motto. I'd love to also guys somebody please leave a super chat commenting
on Bloodruth because I'd like to take a look at that. Fidel Cashflow for five, been seeing lots of PKA highlights featuring you, Dick.
Keep up the good work and touching Woody and Hutch.
Thanks for not killing yourselves, Vito. Get back on PKA.
Oh, Hutch is really spinning out, isn't he?
Yeah, he's been tweeting a lot, huh?
You guys just don't know what to do.
You don't know what to guilt us into feeling or...
Stop associating me with Hutch. I still don't even really know who that guy is.
He's a liberal.
That's what I assume.
You're all the fucking same.
It's always...
You're right. I'm exactly...
Oh, Trump's not actually good enough. Oh, you guys didn't want this. You guys are dumb.
His IQ is low.
He's on here ridiculing Black History Month by calling out a Black heirship and here to tell me I'm the same as Hutch. All you motherfuckers are racist as shit. RIDICULING BLACK HISTORY MONTH BY CALLING OUT A BLACK AIR SHIP AND YOU'RE GONNA TELL ME I'M THE SAME AS HUTCH
All you motherfuckers are racist as shit!
Republicans just want to be left alone, we don't have to think about race!
I wanna go on Coombs Talk Radio show
Liberals definitely think they're above black people, they think they're above everybody!
Frogwashing for two, remember everyone, Vito said he's giving refunds
Cameron for two, how many pages did you complete this week?
Oh they're all completed don't you know.
It's just perfecting the colors.
Getting the purple more purpley, the yellow more yellowy.
Little bit.
Stu K for two, I loved my autist, I defend my autist.
My autist.
Oh I get it.
Frank Lucas for five, Vito what's the amount of money it would take to get an itinerary of your average week, including food, eating?
We can crowdfund this. I could come up with a number. You guys want to know everything I eat every week?
I want to know the number to get a film of the inside of your house.
No. Yeah, that's what I thought.
I mean- You don't think there's a problem there? If you let me clean it up...
No. Well, that's the thing. Yeah, there's like fucking, you know, clothes on the ground in my, uh, bedroom or whatever.
You have- you have all night to clean it up.
What do you mean if you let me clean it up?
There's like dishes in the- obviously I wouldn't take a picture-
There's dishes in the sink, you know?
Is there a sink?
Is there dishes on the floor?
There are no dishes on the floor.
Well how much time would you need to clean it up?
A day or two. Okay. Tony- Tony was in there! What did Tony say? I could see it in his eyes. You guys don't know who you're talking to.
It was perfectly fucking clean. Now a lot of things are making sense. I bought a pumice stone. You know a pumice stone?
Something that you shouldn't be within 10 miles of. Doesn't make any sense. I bought a pumice stone you know a pumice stone something that you shouldn't be within 10 miles doesn't make any sense I bought a pumice stone and I cleaned the bathtub
so all the stains pumice them right off you should only need soap to clean those
off it's a porcelain how many baths do you you don't take baths no cuz I'm
clean it's not I don't take baths cuz you- you don't take baths. No, cause I'm clean. It's not- I don't take baths cause I'm unclean, I take baths cause I enjoy taking baths, okay?
Yeah, that's why I jerk off, it doesn't clean me.
I take a shower.
There was a couple, you know, like hard water stains, and I took the pumice stone and I
got rid of them.
For my good friend Tony.
But you still- you don't- you wouldn't have a price.
To come take a video of my place?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, if we crowdfunded it twin ten grand
I might do I mean well how much you want to pay ten thousand dollars
Dollars if we get a range my place is not that interesting man
$5,000 in what what What are you gonna do in there?
In Disney dollars.
$5,000 Disney dollars? I do want to go to Disney.
We're gonna hire a real estate agent to come in. I'm gonna tell her that we're gonna sell the property. She's gonna come in, record it.
If you want to come over to my place, you can.
I don't want to. I'm not asking.
Come over. You want to play some magic cards? I'm gonna set up a commander thing. Speaking of which we
should have the biggest problem magic tournament it seems like the fires are
cleared. I have a lot of Innistrad remastered product we could use to run
drafts and sealed events if people are into that format. Okay. And also if any of
you know how to get the Final Fantasy magic cards please tell me because they keep selling out before I can buy any of them
All right, so that would be helpful Jerry and coke for 10 biggest problem universe is getting smashed too early on sailor Jerry and coke
Love you Dicks and Viet's a big problem. Vito's plushie for five. Welcome biggest problem. The co-host used to be George now. It's gorg
Another two he says help me. I'm stuck with a bunch of rusty lunch boxes.
Oh, that's too bad.
Black Crimson for two says, did you hear what happened to Sargon?
For another two, he says, Sargon deez nuts.
It's close.
Suck on.
Vito's plushie for two, what has more crack than Vito's apartment?
His ass.
Diamond G for two, I slipped on ice and chucked dicks in my ass.
Vito's plushie for two. I'm vetoes conky
He can't deal with his emotions
What's a conky from trailer park boys? Oh, okay fashionably unemployed for two vetoed you prefer Gold's gym or plain fitness
Well plain fitness is not a place but I would I mean I've used Planet Fitness, but I don't like it there
Oh, yeah. Yeah, I wish I could find a
Good gym. That would be nice. Do you go to you don't go to a gym though. You do like Pilates
Well, that's at a thing. Yeah, it's at a studio. You have like a home like workout thing. Yeah, I just use
dumbbells though. Yeah, it's uh, I would actually pay for like a nice gym, but there's I don't think there are any I wish that there was a
Place that taught you how to respect women as long as we're making things up a nice gym gonna do
I remember in Boston my buddy worked at a gym. Yeah. Well, that's the weird thing is he wasn't my buddy
There's an astronaut training camp around here that I could go to
It was a dude I knew from high school
He showed me around they go so it's $500 a month.
And I was like a broke fucking dude living possibly.
Oh, I'm obviously not paying that.
I wish there was a Lamaze class for men around here.
Well, they did have that for a while.
It was called Wee Spa.
Let's see, Fashionly Unemployed says,
fitness weenie down your mouth.
So he was trying to do a thing.
You messed up the planet though.
You messed up planet fitness though.
Yeah, you needed to make it planet fitness
not playing fitness.
But that was pretty good, you got him.
Fitness weenie down your mouth.
VToby Goblincox for five, don't make fun of Vito.
It isn't his fault he has an unfortunate looking face.
I agree man, it's those tiny eyes.
Diamond G for two, I can't stick my fist
in your college degree.
Oh, okay.
Picard for five, ignore the haters Vito. There's always a place for another deformed alien on the USS
Enterprise. Andy Dick got to go to space. Why can't I flurkin the
Burke for five. Trump just deported Oprah the age of the sassy black
woman is over. Hey, you watched that black male lady movie? Yeah. You
didn't tell me it was like the most horrifically shot thing ever.
Somebody posted a clip. That's Netflix
They do everything like that now
No, that was like shockingly bad how it was shot like the framing of Oprah
I'm like, what is this guy if it was Tyler Perry directing it? I don't know
They just they shoot everything like that on Netflix now, dude
It looked like dog shit. That was crazy twist gloomy for five
Best promise veto taking a stance on anything When proven wrong, he laughs it off.
Says, who cares? This is all dumb.
Oh, so like when, you know, Dick gets hit with anything,
he goes, whatever, we're going to destroy you liberals.
Yeah, same kind of thing.
He just did it.
All right. TwistCloomy for another five.
Side note, how about you finish that comic for you,
grift your fan base with fucking knickknacks.
These are free to my patreon
People okay, no one is being grifted diamond G for two maybe dick's kid can finish super killer
No, I don't think so. Vito, please give your fans a different name absolutely pedophiles
Vito's pedophiles, that's what it's gonna be
Not Vito files anymore
Vito's pedophiles
What are you drinking right there?
Dick regular be regular be that explains the mood. I had that joke. I had that joke lined up
For the whole hour. I saw that super chat coming up
I happen to look when I was posting that you've been holding for three hours
I just saw it come up and I said oh and that comes up
I'm gonna say pedoph. And then it finally came up.
Yes, I saw it coming up. I'm glad you saved that classic witticism.
Chipper Clipper. Sorry, I know it's not norm. I know it's not ironic and better than everyone. It's just a joke.
I know that's not your kind of comedy.
Chipper Clipper for two. We did that one. Real black guy for two.
Rich from ReviewTech USA's career. Ah ha ha ha ha. I don't know what the fuck's going on with that one. Real black guy for two. Rich from ReviewTech USA's career.
Ah ha ha ha ha. I don't know what the fuck's going on with that guy.
I don't know, but anytime there's that many ha's, I know I don't. I'm not interested.
Silver, the Cold Steel for five. Late, gay and fat. Just released Superkiller.
You elephant. V. Toby, Goblin Cox for five.
Springs around the corner. Before you know it, it's going to be Oinko Demeo.
Oinko? Senko?
I feel like there's some-
I'll support that joke. I think it's a good joke and it's fun and everyone could laugh at it
Alright, not good enough for for His Majesty the King of Comedy
Well, Senko starts with a C. Oinko?
You should see your way to the gym.
Okay. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Nice hat veto shoebox Kingdom for two says veto that hat ain't it. I do actually hate this hat
I really hate this hat. I don't know why
For two guys that tails had is so awful veto
I agree this hat is terrible echo one two three four four ten the biggest problem is not being able to donate more because you're
Saving for drones and camo in case of an invasion of your country over some stupid shit like a tweet hurting Elon's feelings
country over some stupid shit like a tweet hurting Elon's feelings. A tweet hurting Elon's feelings?
He's saying that his country is going to be invaded but we don't know what country you're from.
Oh Canada.
I don't think we have to invade Canada.
We just have to say like okay well there's tariffs now and we're like if you pay Canadian
workers you have to pay a 50% tax.
Yeah I don't know what's going on.
Have any tariffs kicked in yet?
I thought he put those on hold.
Yeah, he did for 30 days.
Flutterdash for 64, five, Dick's beard's getting more gray.
He's becoming one hell of a memento mori.
He's a father.
Hot, Hot Fart Dingledorf for five,
voted up, making your friends look bad.
Vito, get the comic out, please. Will do. Generic is washed for five. After listening up, making your friends look bad, Vito get the comic out please.
We'll knew.
Generic is washed for five,
after listening to the last episode,
we love you Vito,
feels like Dick has been much harsher than usual.
Don't tell him that,
cause he's just gonna get worse.
I don't care if they say it.
Strategic for five,
I saw him fighting.
I don't think you're too harsh,
I think it's fun.
I did have people reach out and they go,
you know you really gotta tell Dick,
he's gotta be nicer to you.
And I'm like, I don't think that's the show man, what are you doing? I don't he's not nice about what am I? What am I gonna say?
Yeah comic. I don't know. I'm not worried about it. Like I said, I'm practicing reckless
Nobody wants to that's the that is the worst. I won't say it again, but I am just trying to be you know
I'm having fun. I'm having a real good time
See, you know what? That is what the problem is is the problem is I'm just having a real good time
And I got I got a bunch of guys around me going why is that guy that's why everybody hates me you know
Everybody always goes man. I hate that veto guy. He's such a piece of shit
Cause he's having such a good time
They're jealous I hate that veto guy. He's such a piece of shit. Cause he's having such a good time! Cause he's having such a good time!
They're jealous bro.
It's not jealousy. It is, it is
they want me to be miserable.
They want it so bad.
They want me to be miserable.
And they don't understand
why I'm just like
I don't know man.
Well cause they're like you don't have a fucking door on your bathroom.
You fucked your cat
You're a pedophile. I'm like ah
The one the one the first one of those was the correct one the door on the bathroom
Yeah, but then okay, let's crowd for you are doing with the crowd on the door comments going like we're all miserable
Haha, okay, like why are you responding to people saying you're happy?
But then you're also saying we're all miserable and we're all gonna die and all this shit
Well, cuz I think they're I forget what that guy said specifically
But it was something like vetoes just coping with the fact that he's like, you know can't deal with whatever
but like he was trying to say like
Cuz his life is a mess and he's fucked and I'm like, yeah everybody's life is a mess and we're fucked.
That's not true though.
I feel like it is.
That's my interpretation of all of you people.
That's very insulting.
I think you're all- well you can also be happy but we're all fucked.
No, we're not all fucked.
We are all fucked.
No we're not.
What do you mean okay? Cool. Have fun man. Yes, we're not all fucked. We are all fucked. No, we're not. Okay What do you mean? Okay? Cool. Have fun, man. Yes. We're all having fun
I'm also having fun, but then why why are you fixated on everyone also being miserable?
I don't think you're not I'm not saying I fuck I didn't say you're miserable. I said you're fucked. Why are we fucked?
I'm not gonna get into it. Why are we fucked? It's too depressing. It's not but yes, we're not depressed
I know you're not and that's even more depressing
But you know what?
It's even more depressing to you
It's more depressing to me. We're not depressed. Some of you- well. And this is not a mental- This is- it's a hundred percent a mental issue of yours. Sure. That you are- not sure that you are depressed.
It has nothing to do with us.
You're right. You're right. You're right. I probably- I probably am more depressed than you guys, you know.
Probably! You guys should be as depressed as I am. No, why?
Exactly, why? Why would we be?
You're right, and that's reckless positivity for you.
Why would we be as depressed as you?
Life's kind of a mess, you know?
It's not. What about it is a mess?
You're right, we all live forever in the sky, we all go to Candy Mountain.
We're gonna die, why is that depressing?
Why is that depressing? I don't know man.
I don't want to get into it on our exciting comedy podcast.
Why not? Life's kind of a downer!
No it's not! Why is your life a downer?
You are a little bit in like, you know,
you are luckily in a position where
you don't have to deal with as much shit.
Oh you're, I'm sorry, Jesus Christ!
I'm sorry that so many bad things happen to you
that you have to suffer through.
I'd say I probably have had tougher issues in my life.
It's not a contest.
I'm gonna go get my violin.
Can you read the super chats?
And I'll play you a sad, sad song
about the guy who stole a hundred thousand dollars from fans
I'm just fucking with you, look
You're not though, I think you really think that
No no no no, I know you've gone through things of course, we all do
No no no no, you don't, you don't know anything about my life really
Not really, but I assume that you as a human being have experienced some forms of hardship
Why, who cares?
Yeah, that's right, That's a very positive attitude
I'm right there with you
We all experienced. But why are you on YouTube comments telling people that we're all fucked?
Well, we are all fucked. I don't know what you want to
If you want me to tell you there's a light at the end of the tunnel there ain't you know we're all fucked
Not for you. Not definitely not for me. You're underground it's not a tunnel. Either I...
You're buried in the dirt. If I'm lucky I'll go to the sphere we'll see. Oh you're
sphere thing. The sphere is not... I feel like I need to clarify. The sphere is kind of a
goof it's not like I'm not like... Everything is a goof we know that you're
not being serious. Right I'm not I'm not a really well somebody was like oh Vito thinks he's so much his religion. He's like so smug about him. Yeah, that's true. I'm goofing around
Well, that's yeah, that's the smugness
You're right, everything is great and we should all be happy
No one is fucked we're all gonna be fine. Okay, I'm fucked but no one else
I'm in the category of people who are fucked you are not I'm not you're great. You're great. You're good to go all right
I'm fine. You're fine. Yeah
I'm not fucked. Could you be better?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay
Well, it seems like you have some exciting things going on in your life. You're gonna have a child, you know, business opportunities. I'm excited for you.
Well I'm saying you got a lot to be positive about. I get it.
And you don't.
Well yeah, probably less.
But I do think, I do think that, you know what, I am excited that I have a community
who has supported me.
I've definitely had some stumbles.
I will say this.
I will say this.
Can we look at Bloodruth, please?
I really want to.
No, no, no, no, no.
I really want to.
I really want to.
No, it is, only if people pay.
All right. I'm not gonna look at it for free.
Someone please pay, I wanna look at Bloodruth.
Strategic for Five, ISOM fighting game characters and
Right Hand Man's move list just got leaked.
Apparently you can trigger his super with right, right, right, right, right.
Yeah, I know, I like the right thing.
Johnny Rocker for Five, EVS is promoting a comic about Vito tonight.
Whoa, check out Pigman.
Fun my comic.
I have seen Pigman. He's punching Arabs.
What do you think about the art in Pigman? It's uh, I think he should keep the, he has
like some mix of styles and I like- I know you don't shit on artists. That's why I'm
asking. Oh, are you in that Facebook group? Is that what you're talking about? I don't
go on Facebook at all. What are you talking about? Oh, I mean Twitter. Sorry. Yeah, we
were discussing the Pigman art and I apparently he's redrawing part of it or something.
So you think it's good or?
I think there's stuff about-
No, I do, shut up!
Just say what you really think!
Stop lying to make friends with comic guys.
I'm not lying, I'm saying that there's stuff,
I don't understand what's part of it and what's not,
because somebody told me the whole thing, like this is the old version that I'm looking that there's there's stuff I don't understand what's part of it and what's not cuz somebody told me the whole thing like this is the old version that I'm
Looking at okay, so I'm saying well said the old version. What do you think about the art in that?
I don't like it. Okay. I like the news stuff. How would you if you had to describe it?
It's not it's like
You know how you can either make your art like realistic or like cartoony
You know how you can either make your art like realistic or like cartoony?
It's like in the middle of that and he should just pick one of the two and push 100% in that direction like Simpsons porn
To cartoon is the stuff where the pig man is like beating the shit out of people like this is cool and like cartoony
But then he has some panels that are like a little more realistic I'm like I just stick with that one sounds like spongebob though or like rinsed. Yes. I don't know
Yeah, no, I haven't seen it either way. You know what? Here's the great thing about comics is you can make them remind yourself
Go to fund my comic check out pick man. You know, maybe it'll work for I don't know
I don't know what's going on, but I'm excited for it
Jackson for ten biggest problem is converted influencers people who claim they were saved by God after previously living an unscrupulous life
So they can sell merch with crosses on them
How do people always fall for this because they're stupid. Oh, there's a lot of those Christian
Grifters these days, huh? You probably see more of my do is that Ashley St. Clair lady like one of those or no?
I don't know. I don't understand at all heart for a dingle door for five Canadian
Did you know that in ice sums lore ice Psalms family heritage hails from the country?
Zugandis Oh
Zugandis nuts strategy for two says right right left. No, just kidding right that is the and then he says you Zugandis wiener
Yeah, yeah, that doesn't work LJ clobbering over to we will get ice on five before a super killer. I
Don't think so Sarah Gardner for 10 Australian napkins aren't the issue. No hand towels in someone's bathroom
I see biggest problem. What the fuck they expect to use their personal towel fucking yeah, that's that's true
But that's not the same dead cat for two says we all have a clean dirty clothes pile. Thank you dead cat
You understand Chris go field for five disposal napkins are for four people use a full towel and wash them each time
Use a full towel and wash them each time
Tratergery Mounties more like Mount D's nuts often for two paper towels are better napkins only a dem thinks otherwise Well, yeah, I mean you guys like I know you're lazy, but napkins are better
You don't need to like you don't need to be the cool guy and be like, oh, yeah
Actually paper towels are cool and shop towels are like
I drink hot sauce and use shop towels in a shop back to eat dinner. I did get kinda excited when you said shop towels.
That's so fucking stupid.
Oglovich for two Norm's dead. You're just lazy don't worry about it. Didn't even know he was sick.
Clap trap for ten, nut. Chef Boyardee for ten. Big ups to liquid Richard.
Jack Rockstar for five is Rick only so pro napkin because Mexicans prefer to
dry out their paper towels after using them. That's true
Holy shit, really? Yeah, if we if it's not dirty, we'll just throw it on the counter
How are you to say you can't wear dirty clothes until you dry out paper towels?
Well because that's like something that's on the sink that you throw away
That would be like walking around in you used it to wipe up filth. No, no, it's only for water
stage zero for two, and then he tries to get me.
He says I'm a pedophile and love biking.
King Europe for five, biggest problem,
our autistic joke repeaters.
Yeah, riding no Frog Tony what the hell
was so funny this 20th time you posted it.
Please keep doing that.
We are getting a lot of Frog Tony comments on the videos.
Case little for five, thank you for not offing yourselves
or each other in mass murdering
of innocent people or crowded public events.
JJ for two, planes have a rudder too, it controls y'all.
No it's not like a boat rudder.
First of all this wasn't a plane you fucking idiot, it was a boat with a rudder at the
end of the boat.
It wasn't a fucking, thanks for fucking explaining that planes have a rudder you stupid piece of shit
Strategy for five imagine asking somebody how to design you an aircraft
But when you try to write it it chucks ships in my ass nobody wants that nobody wants that
Grand theft aeronautics oh hell no
Kate's lost this I do want them to add that boat to the GTA games now, so I'm a mod that with the rudder, please
Yes, well you know planes have a rudder too. Go fuck yourself. Lawrence Devaney for two.
I don't like sand, it's coarse and hubbubbubbubbubbub. Kata the Swiss for five. Thank you.
Reisen S. Bailey for two. You two are proof that the US education system sucks. Eat shit. Maxwell 21 for 17.
I realize all the- Because you don't know trivia. People who say that
think that like trivia is an education like who was the second?
Who's the second actor in bewitched like he doesn't know he says us education system really failed
Maxwell 21 for 17 I realized all the team guys stuff was just dick projecting dick is the ultimate team guy
I've heard him rant so much about left. He's pissing off folks for cute shit, and now he celebrates it
so much about lefties pissing off folks for cute shit and now he celebrates it. Did I celebrate? I don't know you're doing some cute shit apparently. Bob to Williger.
Amazing thanks you thank you Max. For 20, Mitchell and Webb are literal poofs and the skull,
Topenkopf was using the German army, since the days of Frederick the Great the skull means you
should always be able to risk death for the sake of your country. I think it's just a skull man.
Bob for another 10, not surprised Vito only has the show-less knowledge of history.
Oh, did you know that the skull is not just like a spooky skull? It's like a special skull that means love and forgiveness?
He may pass dicks. Women in Wars quiz, but barely. I did pretty good on that, I thought.
A middle schooler's knowledge of history is all classic of all leftists Coopers kind of looks cool the skull yeah
I think when the Germans are put the skull on shit
It's not like you know to represent of course the skull of our it definitely
They add that after the fact now putting a skull on it. You're not sitting down a graphic designer
And you have this little respect my god
There's a million different things you could put down to represent anything when you put a skull you're going well
Yeah, cuz skulls are cool. You don't put amazing. You don't put an eyeball
You don't put you know you don't put like a like I made an iPhone ad which make a pinky finger
Make with that thinking which iconic advertisement did you make with that thinking?
That's that shallow
Condescending view I made a number of excellent trailers for video games and Kickstarter campaigns,
which have grossed millions of dollars,
including the trailer for Grandia HD Collection,
available on Nintendo Switch and Steam.
Did you ever see my Sonic Battle Racers commercial?
That was pretty good. I'll show you some of my commercials sometimes.
And I did the commercial for Tuffy the Corgi made by Tim Rogers.
Of course. For the PlayStation Vita.
Coup for five. How's Maddix going to fill up his bags without any sand?
Sand wars. Vote it up.
Pigeon for 20. They fly ash that came from coal plants, into types of high strength concrete for large projects.
Lots of projects, couldn't get concrete
to match engineering specs.
Fly ash.
Ozjugs for two.
Ozjugs, is that how you read that?
Well, I have one eye.
And it's 10 feet away.
Why are you reading these stuff?
Just harvest sand from e-girls down there.
Laughing my ass off.
Thank you Ozone.
Oklovich for two.
Is diet coke why Sean knew so many animal facts?
That's a good question.
I don't know if it gives you autism.
It gives you kid autism.
We don't know.
Turkey sandwich for five.
I'm a chicken nugget connoisseur and I've always loved McDonald's but damn I gotta give
it up to Wendy's.
What the f-
Wendy's chicken nuggets specifically.
Oh fuck that.
Wendy's chicken nuggets are bullshit. They're not as good as McDonald's. No. Turkey sandwich for five. Wendy's Wendy's what the Wendy's chicken nuggets specifically oh fuck that Wendy's chicken nuggets are not as good as McDonald's no turkey sandwich for five
Wendy's nuts are in your mouth
Both of us wow good for you
Nailed it for you turkey sandwich spider eternal for five Trump is saving the US from destruction and veto is complaining
Spidey Returnal for five Trump is saving the US from destruction and veto is complaining no wonder almost no
Competent politician gets elected God forbid we're happy. I don't not complaining
You are big time. I'm complaining about Benny Johnson sucking his dick
You were complaining about his trans military man last week. What the fuck you talking about you're complaining about everything he does
All you do is complain That That's a little far.
It's like it is it is really.
It should change your mental model of who liberals are.
Trump doing stuff that's obviously good.
I've agreed that many of the things are obviously good. The trans military ban does not make any logical sense.
It shouldn't. It should make you not want to explain things to them and remove that you're thinking that they can have things
Explained to them. We're gonna do this for four years. There's just something wrong with them. I'm gonna do it forever
They everything they say is some kind of lie to fuck with your emotions now look I know you respect my intelligence
All right, anyway five any after how vetoes people glaze your emotions. Now look, I know you respect my intelligence. Alright. Anyway. As you for
five, any after how vetoes people glaze Biden Obama, that's rich. Well Obama was black Jesus.
Diamond G for five. We just saw Obama and we're like, oh my God, black guys can do this?
They can talk, you know, and come up with cool ideas and. Yeah. Yeah. Resent Team Guy Veto
song, uh, price, reset Team Guy Vito song, uh, pr- reset.
Team Guy Vito song to six dollars again.
Vito's forever.
I don't know where the price is at.
Trump era is over.
We could get it back down to twenty.
I do. I do know what it's at.
I think it's like twenty-five or something.
Give us the power, Dick.
Let's fucking go.
You didn't hit it.
Synthetic Shinobi for two.
Uh, the biggest problem is Hooters going bankrupt.
Pre- Peach worked there.
Chris Jackson for five.
One of the best things about the election is that all my best friend- At least my best friend, Guido Vizualdi.
Still having fun. Still having fun.
Chef Boyardee for two, what's the deal with TBH? Don't know, biggest problem lore. People
don't want me to say TBF, which is a phrase I used to say very often in the early episodes of the show
Which you can just watch on our channel instead of asking stupid questions Chris Jackson for five
I've never seen a 40 year old man wearing a tails hat with ears. Well now you have I'm not 40 plus
Something in my 40s LJ clobberino for two Obama care. Hey Obama care about these nuts
Don't reward them unless they do it in two. You can't do it in one.
It's gotta go, Obamacare is really great.
Oh, Obamacare, do you nuts?
Sorry, I should have spiked your joke.
It doesn't come naturally to me.
I didn't spike your fucking bit.
Why do you say I spiked your bit?
I don't know, people just call you Vito the Bit Spiker.
So it's kinda stuck in my brain.
Part of the show is that we don't agree on the problems.
I think your hair problem sucks.
I don't know why that came so easily to me
It must be because of my fragile little mind getting warped by Benny Johnson
Okay, so I'll just guess and every problem you have that's a good show and remember that show
That's where you told me the pitch is arguing about whatever. No, it's a show where we just agree. You're right dick long hair gets wet
Yeah, I don't want to spike your precious long hair gets wet bit so your artists for your comic
He's fucked you or he's doing a good job chef boy idea for two says TBF or whatever the hell
Fin Ray Poe for ten so some guy let's call him Bito recommended
I watched the Norm MacDonald Fantastic for a bit pretty sure that sketch retroactively gave me cancer
Thank you Bito for giving me cancer now watch the other one on there
What is it Tex Hooper Tex Hooper is another good Norm skit Warren for two Dicks kid will come out before super killer
Basard for two says money chef bored you to ROI is an immediate. It's more awareness. Thank you chef bored you that is true
Retarded Sarah Gardner for five
You can't relate because he's a baldy and also doesn't clean spider-turtle for two and then I found negative five dollars says veto
Just I've been for five dicks right about the hair. It's why dr. Phil dick was so uncool
It's terrible Rex sex or five big problem long hairs having clumps come out when you shampoo it and plastering it on the shower
Walls, you don't clog the drain. Yeah, the guinea pigs.
Jab City for two.
Wow, this show sucks.
KYS, stream games later, veto, I will.
Spot Eternal for two.
Why did women raid the voicemail box this week?
Jesus fucking Christ.
Shell Lips for two.
Watch Blippi's early stuff.
Steezy Grossman, I think.
Yeah, that's one of the things about Blippi is before he became Blippi, beloved child's entertainer,
he made all these videos about like
throwing shit on his friends and like poop poop.
He made like poop prank videos or something and people get upset about it.
I come buckets for two, Vito's a great guy and I respect his work ethic. For another two, he says psych.
Charles Baker for two.
Shouldn't have spiked the problem Vito Aaron Wentworth for two
I'm so tired of the veto cycle analysis corner now. We love it. Yeah, you have two dollars
So that's all we need to know about your opinion. There you go. So that is no be for another this
Here's the very bare minimum that I can spend to say that you know files are not rich in money
But they're rich in sporting and mental illness. They're also rich in mental illness
They're liberals. Of course. They're synthetic show of two keep spiking bits. It's hilarious. I can't stop cricks for two
We saw your shampoo Vito bottle Vito. You live like a pig but
Did Tony how much to bring in Tony report on my shampoo situation? Oh man
I mean, I don't I don't want to like play into the let's pretend that the way you live is great shit.
It's not, it's great for me.
It's whatever.
It's very, it's disturbing.
The only thing I want is more space.
I want like a dedicated, I need a little more space.
So hopefully I can get a bigger place.
How much to bring a photographer in there?
Why don't you pitch me a number?
Ten bucks.
A photographer?
Yeah, just like somebody to snap some pics.
Fifty bucks.
Hundred bucks.
No, no, no.
Two hundred.
I know I can get more out of you idiots.
Five hundred bucks.
You guys gave me a thousand dollars to sit in a sauna for a day.
Thousand bucks.
A thousand bucks for someone to come in and take pictures of your-
A thousand bucks with inflation now.
A thousand and twenty bucks to come in and take pictures of your apartment.
I'll give you guys a hint so you can start bidding it up.
There is a stuffed animal hamper.
How many people will I have to-
There is a stuffed animal hammock in my house.
How many people would have to ask for refunds on Superkiller before you'd let somebody take
pictures of you?
You can ask.
Here's a, what do you call it?
And writing bad reviews.
How many bad reviews would I have to give?
Write all the bad reviews you want.
What do you call it?
Remember when Maddix had that picture of that slime bedspread?
It was clean.
It was clean.
Yeah. And I went, now that's a good looking bed. That. It was clean. It was clean. Yeah.
And I went, now that's a good looking bed.
Oh, it looks like my bedroom.
It's clean though.
My bedroom was clean, it's clean.
I got my exercise bike in there.
I got my Neo Geo arcade machine in there.
So I can play a little Mark of the Wolves.
I do have a Aero City I need to get repaired
that I've had for a while.
What's up?
And is a Japanese arcade cabinet that Sega manufactured in I believe the late 80s. Is there dust on it?
There's probably a little bit of dust on it. Yeah, has it ever been dusted?
I've taken a wet wipe and you know, it's glass and metal
Say yes or no not dusted but white wiped I've wiped it down okay it's an
arcade machine don't dust an arcade
machine yeah white white get all the
way I want to get all this thousand
bucks how many pictures what are they
gonna do what are they gonna look at
they got 20 pictures for a thousand
bucks well you know I gotta think about
it 20 pictures you gotta think about a thousand bucks. Well, you know, I gotta think about it
20 pictures you gotta think about a thousand bucks. I'd let somebody in here to take 20 pictures. No problem Yeah, but like, you know, I don't I don't want people
You want people what I
Got a lot of stuff in there. I got my stuff in there. I know you got a lot of stuff
I got a lot of stuff. Look you can see it tonight on my live stream three pictures
You've seen people have seen my fucking office.
Tony, Tony, the only person that I know who's been in your house is Tony.
And what did he say? He didn't even say anything bad.
You're saying he's holding back.
That's why I'm asking.
You said there was something in his eye.
That's why I'm asking how much.
Look, that big headed motherfucker doesn't know anything.
I know I'm on to something.
I've been in Tony's house, OK?
Nobody cares about Tony's house. I've been in Tony's house okay nobody cares about Tony's
I've been at Tony's house he's got a rental store in the basement and he's got normal reactions to
things you don't have normal reactions to things I have totally normal reactions the people if she'd
pictures of my house if you picture I got a nice little cat tree my cats run around they just lie
on the cat tree I got a catty on the back it shouldn't be any kind of big deal I mean yeah it could happen it
could have okay you're gonna see you're gonna see my PlayStation kiosks they're
taking up the whole fucking room cuz I gotta I gotta make room for them about
those what are you worried about all right this hord other room. I'm not worried about those. What are you worried about? All right.
The hoards.
I'm worried about hoards.
You're worried about the hoarding.
I'm worried about hoards.
There's a lot of hoarding.
Boxes stacked.
There's a lot of boxes, yeah.
I'm worried about the kitchen.
I'm worried about kitchen things in the kitchen that are not kitchen items.
There is a, well, part of the kitchen has a, what do you call it?
Shipping, shipping materials I keep in the kitchen
so I have one of those industrial racks, and that's where I have my
Boxes tape shipping do you do every week? Oh well now cuz I'm doing like whatnot. You know I need all the what do you call it?
Padded envelopes and stuff it's also got you know you know, like the flat- So, what number?
I sent out ten packages.
Ten packages a week? You get a whole shipping station in the kitchen?
Well, it's not a whole shipping station. It's where I keep, you know, all that stuff.
And it's also got, you know, the pins and the copies of enemy weapon.
It's like Maddox had his t-shirt thing, remember?
Yeah, that was disturbing. That was very disturbing.
That was very disturbing. That was very disturbing.
Well where did he keep that though?
With him at all times.
In his house, in his spare room, in his bedroom.
I have a little uh, I have a little shelf, one of those shelving stations.
It's got all the tape and the...
Hey I got too much stuff, I got too much stuff.
Take a picture of that, what's the big deal?
I can take a picture of it, you really wanna see a bunch of shipping stuff? Nah nah, we gotta use our photography. We gotta use our guy. We gotta use the show guy
We gotta get all the stuff. I'm trying to think what the worst thing you could possibly see is. The bathroom. The bathrooms nice
There's no way. It's fine. It's a fine bathroom
It's fine. I got an Evangelion towel hanging up so while you're taking a shit you
can look at all your favorite Evangelion characters. When was it washed? Last. Well never, because
it's just hanging up. It's a towel. Yeah. I don't use it, it doesn't adhere to my body,
it's collected up steam. Wait, I'm sorry, what? I thought you were joking. No. You have
a towel that's never been washed? It's never been used.
So it's just hanging in the bathroom?
I have it.
It's like a tapestry.
It's like a towel, but it looks like a poster.
In the bathroom?
What material is it?
Whatever they make towels out of.
No, you gotta wash that.
Yeah, I mean, I guess if it got dirty. It's dirty.
It might have I don't know residual bathroom stink maybe. That's that's what
stink is residual. Okay but like you don't wash bathroom. Every like bottle
that's in the bathroom. Yeah I do. You take like like the bottle of like air
freshener and you take that and you wash it. Yeah. With...
Okay, I don't know.
With cleaning.
Like a brush.
I've never...
Clean, clean, clean.
I don't think the Evangelion towel is dirty.
I don't think that...
Well, just for fun.
Okay, sure.
I'll take it down.
But you have to pay to get it washed.
Well, I could just put it in with the wash.
And net costs.
Well, I also probably would want to...
I don't want him to put it on too high a setting
If you use the high heat it could destroy it's a very thin towel
What that's perfectly reasonable that's a reasonable thing to be concerned about it's disgusting
What's the towel?
God stay what is disgusting about it? It doesn't have mold. I'm pissed at Tony. I'm pissed at Tony for what for not giving us the straight
He could have mentioned that there's even a towel hanging in the bathroom. Yeah
It's like a curtain
It's like a you know you don't tell her a curtain
I'm but I'm saying like how often you wash your curtains you take them and you launder them or whatever
Yeah, every week every week you take the curtains down and put them in the washing machine.
That's not true and I know that's not true.
Let's see.
We saw your shampoo bottle.
Aspartame brain tumor for two.
PPP is addicted to gambling.
That makes sense because he has nothing else to do with his Canadian life.
Cameron for five.
Two more comics this year.
We get an apartment tour.
Yeah, that's funny. That is funny. Are you willing to commit to that?
Two comics. If you don't get two comics out this year, we get an apartment tour.
Led by me.
Well, yes or no? I want money! You were talking about money!
No, no, no, no, you get all the fucking money in the world! If you get two comics, or else no one
I'm downgrading. Or else no one is buying your comics or else nobody buy the comics
I know we don't agree to this nobody by the comic if we don't get an apartment nobody but if you can't
How about this how about this we will have a stretch goal for the next crowdfunding nobody nobody support the comics
Well, then you're not gonna buy the comic. I'm telling you how you get it. Okay, okay? Okay? It's a stretch goal
It's the same. No nobody the stretch goal is a lie
It's nobody support the comic if it hits the stretch goal, but you won't get anything out
Nobody wants to give you money for comics that are never gonna come out
It'll be for a comic that's already ready to go house. That's that I don't believe it. I don't believe you well
You won't have to out. That's the problem. You gotta believe now, okay?
You're you're right Cameron. That's good good instincts good instinct nailed him you nailed it all
That's right Cameron, that's good instincts. Good instincts.
You nailed him.
You nailed him to the wall.
Dean Shock for two.
Hey boys, thanks for the laughs.
You're welcome.
Joe Cool for five.
Best part of the show is when Vito's New England racist liberals.
No match for Rick's non-racist Southwest conservatism.
Can't wait for my Grape comic cover.
Alec Martinez for five.
Super Edo, taking down sandwiches and fighting colors should be your next comic.
Meow Mang Chegg is for five.
I can't wait until Vito pretends like he understands
fatherhood when Dick has his kid.
That'll be the Dick take down of the century.
I'm already giving great fatherly advice.
I mean, in a way, yeah.
Don't drop your kid on his head at the arcade
and don't drink Diet Coke.
God damn it, I'm out of fucking batteries.
Righty tighty, 91 for two.
We need a Vito's fatherly advice segment.
Well, you just got it.
Onthin for two, I hate you Vito. Koof for 20 says, Bloodruth, please.
Yes! Okay.
Let's do it.
Where is it?
I would go to EVS's Twitter and he has posted.
So Eric July has a comic coming out called Bloodruth.
It is about a black woman who is a some sort of witch vampire hunter something written and
directed by the Soska sisters to
proud female writers who I assume understand the plight of an African-American witch for some reason and
I mean kind of it's just women just like black women and white women are that different
They say things they just complain
Constantly. Oh wow! They're complaining so differently!
Over here in Africa!
Whoa! Are they also not doing anything here?
That's amazing! Our women don't do shit in everywhere else in the world too!
You might have a point.
You know, I don't know. I don't know.
The Saskas have channeled the African experience.
Is this it?
Is this it?
Now, so, how do I frame this?
So there's, the comic's coming out.
And Eric July wants us to know that there's something in the comic that the fools among
you might think was a mistake.
Okay, so he fucked up.
But was actually a calculated creative decision that he regrets, which is even more confusing.
Because he's not defending me.
And he's wearing the fucking cancer shirt.
It's for like mass deflection.
For a cure.
At least we saved this lady for cancer.
At least we saved this lady for cancer.
And again, it says for a cure and they didn't donate the money towards a cure at all.
It went to a lady.
That's not what that means.
Giving your friend money for cancer even is a cure for them.
That's not the correct usage of that.
You're not racing for the cure, you're racing for like the rent.
You're not giving it to a doctor like can you go find a cure for cancer you're saying this is for this lady's chemo why does
it say Eric why does it pop up Eric July at the bottom okay she didn't know who
was you know you might forget there's so many so many guys the same guy who it's
all this shit table he's misspellings and bullshit all right oh yeah can roll
all right total can roll.
Total can roll from our good friend here.
What's up y'all, it's Eric Jalai with Ripperverse Comics and I may have screwed up just a little
You know how things play out in your mind and you want to experiment and then when you
see it kinda come into fruition, it doesn't quite look like you-
It's the opposite of fruition, you fucking moron.
May have intended. Things not working out you see opposite of fruition you fucking moron may have been things not working out is the opposite of
Fruition this might have happened with blood roof number one with the ship might have happened to all of you customers now this scene
I'm gonna show you guys real quick you first saw it with the original previews for blood roof number, so this is
Well, this is a white lady, so I don't actually know what's going on here. They're not going to like scribble her as black. They're just going to know to
use brown tones. But Blood Ruth's hair is like, she has like an afro I think. Oh I don't
know. I think this is a different lady. Just so you guys know there are two editions of
Blood Ruth. I believe there is a regular colored version and a black and white version. Eric
is explaining that because he reviewed the black and white version,
that may have contributed to his editorial oversight.
Let's continue.
One, I believe when we first announced it.
Now, how the Soscus did it,
they originally planned for it to be this double page,
like spread, like splash page or whatever.
And I was looking at it,
especially with the black and white,
which I do believe it still plays out a little better
Then in the black and white than it does with the color
What if we go for this like more cinematic look as if you can imagine sort of the camera like panning, right?
You see one part of it and then you see the other side as a slowly pants
Let's say from left to right or what have you so you see this demon here, right?
Sure, and he's doing what he does here.
Now again, okay, so we're looking at right now
half of a piece of art.
It's just a woman's back.
It's the back of a woman.
You have no idea what's happening.
Well there's a hand
holding what might be a knife.
That is-
I can't- oh, I can't tell what that is.
Is that blood or magic?
Yeah, well first of all,
doing this black and white edition is,
I think you have to do a little bit of shading
because I can't read this at all.
So yeah, so one of the pages is going to be
the back of a woman and a hand holding a knife.
Okay, exciting stuff.
And then what happens, Eric?
I'm thinking this is gonna play out
Cinematically, it's gonna look real real cool because the next page
You get the full reveal, right so the fucking retarder
So it's just a man well
It's a yeah, there's a demon man
but I don't know what he's doing because the
Well, it's a yeah, there's a demon man, but I don't know what he's doing because the previous page has the lady and the knife and then you turn the page and there's just a guy. And what everyone who is smart believes is, oh, Eric sent it to the printer in the wrong order.
Yeah. So the double page splash was printed on reverse pages instead of across two pages.
Yeah, and they should have caught it.
Honestly, the printer should have caught it.
Anyone should have caught it.
They send you as I was listening to EVS and anyone who knows this, you get sent a print,
not even a print copy, a digital copy that you can open on your computer and go,
OK, those two pages, those two pages.
Oh, oh, we made a mistake.
Hey, this actually needs to be an even number page
instead of an odd number page.
Instead of just, here's the weirdest thing.
Instead of just one, not saying anything,
that's what I think I would have done,
and then when people found it out, go,
yeah, well, you know, we made a small mistake.
Nah, this is smart.
What are you doing, this is smart.
This is smart?
Well, it's at a point now where you have to believe the people that are left buying this shit
Yeah, I believe whatever he says right so
So they will believe him when he says this was a cinematic technique
Yeah, they'll believe that I purposefully even though the sasca's designed. This is a two-page spread
I stepped in discussion where I said yeah
It's gonna be better if it's if it's totally fucked up and unlike anything
You've ever seen in comics before and they will believe that because this guy's like Sturge
It's like it's like total retards the people that are left buying this stuff
Dude this honestly this video like he's lied a lot and this is like one of the first times that I'm like
Like, he's lied a lot, and this is like one of the first times that I'm like, so he just thinks everybody just believes everything he says no matter what.
They do.
Well, I mean, that's what they're left with.
I guess, yeah.
Because this is like, again, you can just say, oh, you know, and future printings, we're going to adjust it.
Because previously he's made, remember when he-
That was a choice that I did.
Remember when he spelled goodying wrong, and he made that video, and he's like, you know,
there will be minor editorial errors, you know, and we he made that video and he's like, you know, there will be minor editorial errors
You know, and we accidentally sent off and you're like, okay
Well, this is a little bit of coke but fine this the it's like a movie. Look at this example
Look, this is how he thinks it's like if you can imagine sort of the camera like panning, right?
You see how is it like that at all?
How is seeing half an image and then seeing half another image like panning
in a movie? Yeah. That doesn't make any fucking sense at all. If I take my comic book and
cut it in half, I don't go, well, this is like just like going to the movies, you know,
you see half the picture. You just cut the whole book in half. Well, you know, it's,
I mean, it's obviously a lie, but he also has that stupid picture of San-twan. Yeah. Punching eyesom. That's a two-page spread. So it's obviously not like he knows what a two-page spread is
He obviously knows what a two-page spread is
Why can you always freeze frame on this guy? It just looks ridiculous
Because he's always lying. He's like always jerking around lying. The weird thing is I'm like thinking about it
I'm like well
you know what you could do is you could like rip that page out and put in
like a, again, like a fold out poster to replace that page if you really needed to
or add like an ad.
But they're already all printed.
But you could add, you could like slide it in and like kind of glue it in there.
You could do something.
I don't know, just so your two page spread makes sense instead of a picture of a
lady's back.
It's a fuck up, but why are you making this weird video about it just so us and Ethan
Vance Giver don't laugh at it?
That's why.
Which makes it way worse because now we have something to laugh at more!
Like before!
No, we would have more to-
No, no, no, this is way worse!
You think it would be worse if he just did it and didn't say anything?
I think if he just said, hey, I made a fuck up, you know, we're still finding our feet
or whatever, it would be a retread of the old Eric July film.
This is a good move for him.
Yes, because all of the Eric July fans, they're the dumbest.
All he needs to do is keep his fans that are left, that are just trash people, he gives
them something to repeat, like a cult.
He did it on purpose.
So he gets out, yeah, he did it on purpose.
He did it on purpose.
And now we laugh at it, but it's the same,
like, it's less laughing, because we didn't catch it.
He confessed it in a way.
This is a win for him.
It's a win for him, maybe, in the realm of...
In every way.
He's making trash. He's raking in,. I mean he's going bankrupt no matter what yeah like all the stupid crap the the Simpsons colored
Japaname comic that he's making to find the angels
Gabriel in the anus Gabriel in the angel studios angel studios. He's a part of that now
He's publishing their Christian themed comics. He's publishing their Christian themed comics
He's publishing their Christian themed advertisement for their fundraiser for an anime. Yeah, like that's not gonna
That's not gonna keep the rip-a-verse alive
Yeah, just like the lying guy now so
But he caught he caught it before us. That's not before us
I've got it for us and said something and lied about it
Okay, you win. So is that the reverse strategy moving forward?
Is he's just gonna call out his own mistakes before anyone else can and then we lose
Yeah, that's the only way to that's the only way to do that
I smell goody in two different ways because goody actually comes from a diverse background
Yeah, where you know if he's on the East Coast, they would spell it with a Y, but if he's on the streets, they'd shorten it.
Kind of like a, let's see if he has anything else
to say here.
Get your guys so much for being customers
of the Rip-A-Version.
Oh, you're welcome.
Please do your reviews for Blood Root Number One
as soon as possible.
There's a whole bunch of black people here.
We got two wolves and, okay.
How do these black people hang around these dogs? That's what I want to know
As you read be quite as three this lovely book by Jenna Sylvia Saska as well as Michael Muntinot
I'm very excited. I like I you know what maybe maybe it is
You know, he says he said it might be not good
But maybe some people will be like well, it's kind of cool that you see the back of that lady
What? Yeah. Yeah. Well, he said, you know, I I maybe didn't work the way I wanted Might be not good, but maybe some people will be like, well, it's kind of cool that you see the little bag of that lady. What the?
Yeah, yeah, well, he said, you know,
I, maybe it didn't work the way I wanted it to,
but maybe you'll disagree is kind of what he's saying.
So I imagine there'll be some ripper versus people who go,
I actually do like that I have to pan.
They will, they will say that.
Yeah, they'll say it's interesting, it's bold.
Yeah, it's smart.
He's a smart guy.
Now he realizes that he's not a creator at all. He's just a bullshitter. Mm-hmm. So now he's filling the role.
Now he's serving the role. Now if he's admitted that to himself, that's great. Yeah. Yeah.
He's been beat. He's spent a lot of time saying, you know, not everybody can be a businessman and a creative. Obviously I can. Yeah.
Like well, not really. It takes a lot of work to beat that out of people
Takes a lot of work to hire two witches and force them to write a comic book
We love this guy. Let's read a couple more super chats here. Thanks purple possum for 20
Thank you, Kuf we all go to the big orb at the end veto stake start taking better drugs
See you boys at hackamania Austin for 20 blood Ruth, please and thank you. Well, you got it Johnny for five
20 comics by April 2029, Veto, episode 137. Well, I got a couple of years, so let's get it done. Tomato Head for 5, I watched a
documentary about Icelandic birds of prey that threw frozen chunks to stun Mike. The locals called them Icehuck Hawks. Pretty, pretty neat.
Pretty neat stuff.
That's cool.
That sounds cool.
Very cool.
Very cool.
Got a couple more super chats here.
Oh, we got a lot of super chats here.
Geeks4Two, you gotta be Jane Goodall to understand Veto.
Chef Boyardale for five, I'd ask dumb questions on Twitter, but you give half-assed late responses.
Authin4Two, Riley tried to give us a tour
But it didn't work out wait what geeks for two says cats all over doesn't really say mental health
I only have two had three but what can you do Royston for two?
Bob's the man for ten thanks for the show chud Bronson for 20 dick
Please shit on veto anytime tries to show this Congress will never come out
I hope this money gets spent on $50 the shilling is the shilling that was a was a very hard investment that we all made
And now it's paying off by being hyper critical the shilling
We all endured will pay off with the I mean it still hasn't even started paying off in my opinion
It's coming. It's coming. You guys are gonna get to really nail me to the wall. No now it is now it is
Congratulations, okay swindle for five hell. Yeah a long one like my girlfriend's boyfriend's member
Oh, whoa geeks for two Eric existed bark mantras for a sycophant and Gary smokes oak for two check if veto is stinky or not
How we doin'?
I think it's fine today.
Thank you.
Uhhhh, okay, are you ready?
Vito's booty!
Oh Vito's booty!
Vito's booty!
Vito's booty!
Vito's booty!
La la la la la la la la!
This is a big one, huh?
You know, I gotta find like a box in between.
Cause a little box only fits Funko Pops.
No, it fits stuff also.
And this box also fits Funko Pops, but it's too big.
It could have two Funko Pops.
Or you could have put one Funko Pop in there just to throw me off.
I don't want to do the thing where it's like,
here's the box and you open it,
and then it's like, oh, here, it's over here's the box and you open it and then in like oh here
It's over here. It wouldn't fit. That's not really no one would believe that I wouldn't believe it
You could put part of it in there or something and then have the rest of it elsewhere. I would I would lie
Okay, I wouldn't believe it. All right. I was watching okay, but this is your what's it gonna be?
What's it gonna be here?
You got something pretty good here, you know
What's it gonna be here?
They got something pretty good here, you know.
I got something pretty good here. It's new! It's definitely a different size that wouldn't fit in the other box which could mean a lot of things.
Okay, but what it definitely means is it's not well the size of the little box. The pirate has been very surly today.
I feel like he's got a lot of energy built up. there we go he's mad I destroyed his problem about his beautiful hair
uh-huh so why don't I give the pirate the chance to destroy something
oh you wanna knock it on the scale okay here you go
it is a this shit
is that the spirits within what is this
he's duct taping it to the table because last time there was an issue with things
moving so I will keep my hands. I don't think you don't know if it good? You want to look it up? I can't imagine. I mean maybe somebody would
want this. You don't want this? You never saw the Final Fantasy movie? No. What the
f- I saw the game. What do you mean the movie? The movie! Well none of the things being good
makes a difference. There were spirits within. So you're saying this is- you know this is bad or you think it's bad it's very bad the problem is boy is very
bad I think it's bad maybe it's worth something no it could be worth a lot of
money you want me to look it up go on eBay look it up on your phone okay it is
a gray and word from the spirit great good old gray Edwards let's take a look on eBay
gray Edwards figure everyone's favorite how much is it worth final fantasy how
much is it worth this is a $200 item is it really $200 no oh That would be too much buy it now 999 999
This piece of shit, I mean it's not like a dude
Get your hand off get your hand off the I'm fine hand off the box, you're gonna slice your fucking thumb off, I'm serious.
It's not even working.
I don't- it just- it literally jumps!
Take your hand off the fucking thing!
Did you get through it?
See, I need a clamp.
And that's our good friend, uh- Did it work? Did the chainsaw work? I don't know. It seems like it kinda worked.
Did it work? Well he's got that thing around his neck.
Looks like you got through him there. Looks like we've got half an action figure here.
That's a nice one.
That's quality. That's that Japanese quality we've all come to love.
This is only nine dollars? Yeah, well... It looks good. It's a nicer than nice. I thought this was a good thing.
Because it was old. Because it was old and big and Final Fantasy. Yeah, and it had yellow on it. Yeah.
And it had your Final... you were asking about Final Fantasy shit all week. So I thought it was a good thing. Well I mean if you put the Final Fantasy Magic Cards in
here now that would be a problem. Oh hell I don't have them. Again if any of you own
a small game store and have the ability to contact distributors, I need to get these
Magic Cards. Guys thanks for coming by the show, don't forget to go to
to vote on all the problems, slash biggest problem for a new bonus episode next week
Look at that his pants got all nice. You know you saw it through his leg
Look at that pretty good. That's pretty good. You got look at oh, but it's still on me better
I thought the chainsaw would be better to be honest
I think you should take the figure out of the box and use the chainsaw next time nah
That's too much. That's too much work. I just need a better clamp
Dick it cut my leg off. I don't need another doll here
Well there you go guys don't forget we will be streaming some video games tonight
Explaining that planes have a rudder
That was a
That was a long time ago. That was a long time ago. Fuuuuck.
We can pull the audio off YouTube.
I don't know if it's still going.
What do you- well, did you end the show?
Is it muted?
No, because we were getting super chats. We would have got a super chat that said the audio is fucked.
Uh, okay. Alright, goodbye everybody.
Fuck! How did that happen?
I don't know. I thought you got a new computer.
I did.
Well, maybe if you spent less time complaining about what I'm doing, more time focused on yourself.