Discussion (0)
Thank you.
Actually, what do you call it?
I don't care that you're redirecting people to your channel now!
Well, I was gonna say, uh, it's fun.
Well, I know, but everybody always says-
Why the fuck would I care about that?
I don't know, because everybody always accuses me of doing something.
I mean, you just kind of are always doing something.
I am always doing something.
And it's funny.
Well, last time, so I was just streaming to like 50 people.
Like Kramer.
Yeah, like Kramer.
Kramer's like, Jerry, let me hand out flyers
for my single card, magic card opening business
outside of your comedy show.
I like streaming video games.
Are you doing that or are you opening packs?
Well, I'm trying to, I'm doing,
actually last night I sold some stuff on,
but I'm doing it wrong, because I set up one of those prize wheels,
but I have it so the odds don't change.
You know why?
Because you're not doing this while you're doing it.
Doing prize wheels.
You got to pull your eyes like this so they're slants.
That's the only way prize wheels work.
I'm not ripping people off is the problem.
So I have guys and they're just spinning.
They're hitting the ceiling every time.
And I'm like, oh, what can you do?
What can you do? You messed up your Monte Carlo simulation?
That's what happened. Well, that's why you got to do the ice lance then the ideas start coming
I don't have enough people watching that I can run the real scams that I'm watching these other guys run and I'm like
How many people do you have watching? I'll get like ten people maybe
Ten that's a lot for that that platform like dog shit. Yeah, but there's not a lot of people on that platform.
What platform? What are you talking about?
Whatnot. Whatnot?
A big show on Whatnot would be having like 50 people watch- some guys get like 200.
You need like a thousand, bro.
Nah, the top shows get like 200 people watching or something.
If you want to be scamming, you need a thousand people.
I don't want to be scamming though, that's the problem, is I'm watching everybody else.
If you want to be liberating people of their money in a way that benefits if you I'm watching people on that platform
And I'm like guys just run the numbers in your head what you're paying this guy does not match the issue
At all you should sell a consultant for gambling addicts. Are you teach people of what they're fucking?
Basic odds okay, I'm on that whatnot platform. You're like Jaime Escalante for gambling addicts. How can I reach these kids?
There's a guy, he's running a thing, and it's not his fault because he sets, it's a dollar bid to start.
You bid it up as high as you think it's worth.
So you're bidding on,
you're trying to win a one in ten chance to win a box.
You're talking about opening packs some magic cards on the internet. And I'm watching guys spend forty dollars to try and win a one in ten chance.
It's a dollar bid to start. You bid it up as high as you think it's worth.
They're spending forty dollars to try and win. They have a one in twenty chance to win a one in ten chance.
You're fucking bamboozling people with this math already! $250 box, and they're paying like $40 a piece for a spin and I'm like guys
What the expected value is so and I'm watching other guys in the chat for this guy's thing going
Yeah, I really don't want to bring up what the odds are right now because I feel like it's against the spirit of this thing
Don't get out of here. Go fuck off. Go do your own wheel. I was expecting them to ban that guy. We're having fun
We're having fucking fun over here
So I'm watching a guy dropped like $300 the chance of winning $200 and he ended up winning nothing.
There should be like bet on a guy talking to a girl at a bar.
If we still had talking to girls at bars anymore, that would be more fun.
That would be more fun.
I guess it's just different types of like you gotta get someone's interest and then put the gambling in after the fact, right?
Yeah, that's what it is. Everything everything's become game all the video games are gambling
now horse with like paint targets on
their face and then the cum shot would
be you could gamble on yeah because you
can't you can't fake that you want to
know what the the sad this is a problem
maybe I'll maybe I'll talk about this
but the fucking Viagra pens are falling
apart these pieces of shit you never
come on they never find a pen you like.
They have no grip at the end.
What's wrong with my pens? These do suck.
Your pens get goo everywhere.
My pens do not get goo everywhere. This is a fine, normal, ballpoint pen.
And they're all different.
Look at this, they're all different.
Why the fuck does Viagra have a bunch of different pens?
I don't know why you- yeah, well-
Why would they make this?
Why don't you buy pens that you like and some complain about everybody else's cuz?
I'm drowning in pens. I have no space for pens. I gotta use these pens
I got a right constantly to use them
I think I bought you a nice like 50 pack of pens the pens are fine
All you've done is complain about them everywhere. There's no
Anywhere you talking about you good people is, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, look, use your third camera, show them this.
It's not so bad though.
It's terrible, I come in, this is probably asbestos.
This is not bad.
Okay, so.
You know what, that's asbestos right above us.
You probably, yeah, we are getting asbestos.
So we're all fucked, the table is completely covered in the remains of Captain Duganheim,
or whoever the fuck he is, I can't even get on the camera.
You're going to, oh my god, you're going the wrong way.
He was on the camera and he're going to oh my god. You're going the wrong way I know you saw the camera you went the wrong way
That's like a baby IQ test go to the right
Anyway the remains of this asshole are now being breathed in by me, okay, so good stuff. No this is
Looking at this and it looks like fiberglass or something. Yeah
Well, this might be actually I don't know what that is. Oh
Man, this whole place is a health hazard
What are you gonna do
I'm gonna try to get through the rest of my life without saying it is what it is.
Biggest problem in the universe.
Welcome to the biggest problem in the universe.
The only show that ranks every problem in the universe from not enough sand to Norm McDonald stands.
Fuck you.
Give me a hug, stick Manchester,ead joining me Zoe Vito just wealthy
What's up, man? You gotta stop coming down on norm. You're gonna be the next Patrick Tomlinson. We all know how that ended
You're that guy who the fuck is that Patrick?
Tomlinson was the guy who said I never found norm funny and the opium Anthony forums started like ripping on him and making fun Of his shitty science fiction books. And now he claims he's been getting doxed for the past ten years,
but it turns out he might have been paying a guy-
He's doxing himself?
Yeah, to dox himself or something.
Wait, who is this guy? Just a guy?
He's just like a shitty sci-fi-
He's a sci-fi writer.
He writes novels.
Okay, Patrick Tomlinson, who famously came down on Norm MacDonald.
Norm MacDonald is great, but every time somebody talks about-
That's the way they talk about him.
That's with being dead.
You know, every time someone remembers you and talks about you, it lessens your legacy.
If just if no one would ever talk about Norm again,
then he could be preserved in my mind, like he's gonna come back.
But every time somebody shares something with you,
they take a piece of it for themselves.
There's something about the mythos of a dead comedian
that really people are attracted to.
I feel like dead comedians.
Because they wanna be funny.
And they're not.
Maybe, I don't know.
I feel like dead comedians get talked about
way more than any other type of dead celebrity, you know?
Like Mitch Hedberg.
What about Jesus?
No, that's not a celebrity, that's the son of God.
And we only, we don't want to talk about Hitler.
Nobody wants to talk about Hitler.
We're talking about Elvis and Marilyn Monroe.
What are you talking about?
Comedians don't get talked about that much more than everybody else.
I guess maybe just in the media I follow,
but they're always talking about
what's the guy who used to scream all the time?
Fuck, Sam Kenison.
Sam Kenison, I'm glad you got there with me.
Some people say I don't remind them of him.
You don't remind them of Sam Kennison.
Sam Kennison,
Mitch Hedberg.
Oh, I fucking am so sick of Mitch Hedberg.
Well, I mean, I understand that it's-
An escalator is like
stairs when it's broken.
I got a donut. They gave me
a receipt for the donut. I got a doughnut. They gave me a receipt for the doughnut
I'm just on it punch right in the face the blue sheet, you know, Chris Farley stuff like that shit about dead celebrities
I don't fucking care when I'm dead. We can talk about it dead celebrities all you want
But well, I'm a lot of shit about no no, which we talked about on our bonus
Yeah, the biggest problem in sports.
And I was looking it up.
You know, first of all, it's a great tragedy to me, because big Pete and Pete fan.
And you know Pete and Pete season three never got a DVD release?
Because the pedophiles were all over it.
Apparently it got printed and it just never came out.
It just sat in a warehouse.
Somewhere there are.
A warehouse, you say.
Somehow in a warehouse.
Maybe Eric Jalai's warehouse. There are stacks and stacks of Pete and Pete season in a warehouse. Somewhere there are- A warehouse, you say? Somehow in a warehouse, maybe Eric Jalai's warehouse,
there are stacks and stacks of Pete and Pete season three DVDs.
And also there are lost episodes, the episodes of-
Wait, you're saying there's a whole season of Pete and Pete
that's just not out?
Just gone.
And there's no synopsis of it?
Well, I mean, you can watch like crappy VHS rips,
you know, that like somebody upload,
no, it's not as good.
And then you die again.
It has that VN logo in the corner cause it's something they broadcast on Nickelodeon years after the fact
And the master transfers are terrible and there's versions of the episodes that they re-edited the episodes all be in one format
So the original edited versions of the episodes are gone
Okay, so there's like six episodes of Pete and Pete that we no longer have the originals of at all. Okay, it's lost media
And yes, you cannot get season three.
And that's a honestly now that Nona is dead, whatever the name of the actress was.
Now she's dead in real life and in media.
She wasn't in season two, I don't think. I think she only showed up in season three.
So now we should release those out of respect to her.
Are you ready?
Washing and drying long hair, big problem. That was number one. Uh, are you ready? Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I'm doing just so everybody's clear. I'm in charge of the YouTube shorts Vito's in charge of the YouTube videos
Yeah, that's how it's where I see a lot of confusion in the comments
That's the competition people don't know which way to hate on what they're saying you paid 50 bucks for this
But yeah, yeah, everybody's coming on the shorts. They're saying oh you paid $50 for this one in reality you paid
Nothing there you go you
Paying for the videos which are going swimmingly.
Sand. Um, came in third.
Should have titled it, like, Not Enough Sand or something.
Yeah, I know. Well, you know, you can just tell me.
I would assume you were a part of the show.
I just don't remember. Like, you don't need to take everything as like-
But you know the problem wasn't sand
I don't really a problem. I don't really think about it until the next week I say it's not really like
So just say something your problem you remember exactly your problem you can log in and change it. I know
Trump people and is the problem else the problem is not enough sand from people which you blew your water week early
I blew my lot a week early on this could have been binder week. This could have been better week
That was that well, that's I don't know how much Trump gets credit for that or not
He gets 100% blame. Well, it's Pam Bondi top. It's the Bondi lady
She should fire her out of a fucking can well, we're gonna talk about that during a very special segment.
Oh sorry.
Why don't we?
Congratulations on your win.
Norm MacDonald fans was Taylor Swift for men.
Head last.
Was negative.
Just like exactly what would happen if Taylor Swift was on the board.
A bunch of weird, obsessive, nerds and freaks would come vote it down without listening to the
nuance and the argument and judging it on its own. I have some sort of mental
condition where I cannot figure out what songs people made so like if you asked
me to name a Taylor Swift song I couldn't do it. We're never getting back
together. Okay I know of that's yeah. we're never that's her I think so
What you're describing isn't a mental condition it's being an adult man, right? I didn't know any Taylor Swift songs, but then I feel like I talked to other adult men
I guess maybe just Andy's ignore who likes all this pop. Yes daughters though. Yeah, that's true
So he has to listen all that he's like pop
He's always trying to get Taylor Swift tickets and Lady Gaga tickets and whatever and I'm like Andy's ignore a
He's always trying to get Taylor Swift tickets and Lady Gaga tickets and whatever and I'm like Andy Signore
Didn't have any daughters and was like a janitor and he was quoting Taylor Swift songs. It would be a problem It would be a problem. Yeah, all right, you make a good point there. Well truck driver you gotta listen to. Yeah
Grizzlers said maybe the real super killer was the toys we were sold along the way. I think that's what it was
I can't get enough of that meme, you know
along the way. I think that's what it was.
I can't get enough of that meme, you know?
Ha ha ha ha!
Usually I hate memes right away, but.
That's a good one.
Along the way.
Along the way.
That one, I could go for some more of that one.
That's a classic meme.
Asker says, Vito's trying to gatekeep
Norm MacDonald fandom as peak Vito.
I don't even know what that means.
It means that I consider myself a deeper
Norm MacDonald fan than the average Norm MacDonald fan. I talked to so many people who go
I'm a huge Norm MacDonald fan. I go
Oh, so you've obviously listened or read his book which you should get the audiobook because he narrates it and they go
Oh, no, I haven't done that and you're like, well then what are we what are we even doing here?
What are we talking about? That's like that's like one of his norm underwear, right?
The audiobook is like peak norm content. Yeah, yeah
norm like Nicky Cox
Sexual literature right right fanfiction right you should listen to the norm McDonald audiobook you enjoy it
He's dead. I don't have to listen to shit anymore. It's not that you have to it's that if you would enjoy it
I'm done. You know watch any media from dead people. I only listen. I only read stuff. I watch stuff from alive people
I don't want to lose. I don't want to give them power
Don't want the dead to have any power over you
Inseparable the band says dick's opinion on napkins and wet wipes is gonna change in about eight months
You're gonna be a paper towel man. Ah that's true
I I use paper towels to clean up spills, but you're all the time gonna be a paper towel man. Ah, it's true. I I use paper towels to clean up spills
But you're gonna be like why do I have these napkins? They're not cleaning up the poopoo. They're not cleaning up the vomit
They're not supposed to clean up poop and vomit. Well, that's why
You should just always have paper towels. I always have paper towels. I have a paper towel
I don't think any of these
I always have paper towels! I have a paper towel holder, which I don't think any of these slob fucks do!
You should have twice as much paper towels as you have napkins.
I do! I have a subscription on Amazon to paper towels.
Alright, alright.
I know what they're for! They're not for-
I don't want to use them to eat lunch!
I don't think you get the paper towel. I think that's what it is.
We just want you to understand how good they are.
It feels like you don't get it, you know?
You're always talking about napkins. I have used them to eat lunch like you don't get it. You know he's talking about napkins
I have used them to eat lunch
You're gonna want some paper towels this guy doesn't have no paper towels. He's gonna learn having a kid trust me trust me
Trust me buddy. Trust me buddy. He's gonna be singing a different tune. You're gonna be loving those paper towels my friend
Second that kid pops out you're gonna go,
you're gonna be in the room as the kid pops out,
covered in all the goo and you're gonna go,
can somebody get me some paper towels here for this kid?
Cause I'm covered in placenta.
Doctor's gonna go, sorry sir, we only got napkins.
And wet wipes to be honest.
It will be more convenient with a kid
The spray and then the paper towel wipes sure not fiddling around with the thing digging into the plastic asshole finger chopping thing
rooting around for it and we're fun
It's just better I trust it all I can say is don't let your kid in here with all this asbestos action figure dust
His lungs are gonna be pulled up that security curtain to keep the kid out good
Smart I'm gonna put like red tape. I'm gonna put those I'm gonna go get some of those red saloon doors like at the adult video store
Yeah, 90s, you know, I mean you do have to plan out where that kids gonna cuz you got a big old staircase, huh?
What the hell are you saying? I'm saying a good kid's you know wants to come upstairs
You gotta pick them up every time
It's not a flat level house
Yeah, and you gotta you gotta bar that thing off with the gates and everything so it isn't tumbling into a slide
Don't talk about tumbling down the stairs
What's the matter with you?
I'm saying you don't want it to happen. Well don't even put it out there
I think you gotta talk about what could happen. You know you got that you don't you got that deck you got fence all that off
It is fenced like good
You know and then one day the dog is hungry starts gnawing on the kid
That's a hack the movie says if mr.
Girl had a video of him holding his jacket video would have made a video every day for a year about how it's saving speech
I have never made a video about mr. Girl. I just like Mr. Girl.
Would you? To save his life? To save Mr. Girl's life?
Would I make a video about him?
Saying how much you hate him.
In a heartbeat.
A bad video.
If it would save his life, I'd do whatever it takes.
You'd make a bad video about Mr. Girl?
I'd be his Judas. I'd help him out.
What would you say in the video if you had to make...
To save his life.
Look at this pedophile?
Lots of jack-off to kids
He made a whole song about it. It's very easy to talk shit about mr. Girl you got to really make you got to really sell it though. Yeah, not this like normal
Oh, I got a really go over the top. Yeah over the top. Yeah, I feel what mr.
Girls up to I talked to him the other day
He's doing good. No actually he's not other day. He's doing good. No, actually he's not doing good.
He's still banned from everything.
It'll happen.
He's working on a, well he'll be on Twitter, guys.
He's got a new project coming at Twitter.
Data says, hard work is shilled.
He's talking about our bonus episode.
Hard work is shilled so extensively because it is hard.
If you don't heavily encourage it
and tell people to just play the lottery
and then get lucky, then nothing ever gets done. What do you think about that?
Yeah. I mean,
I guess the value of hard work is a propaganda tool used to coerce poor people
into getting off their ass. So I guess that has value.
You have some interesting,
interesting comments on the bonus episode about hard work.
cause I'm saying that like the guys who are sitting at the top on there, like, do you think a guy who has his money just sitting in the stock episode about hard work. Well, cause I'm saying that like, the guys who are sitting at the top on their,
like do you think a guy who has his money
just sitting in the stock market is doing a lot of work?
Get making a big reward, you know?
A lot of those, I'm saying a lot of these guys
are just sitting on fucking institutional money
or sitting on their family's money
and nobody gives them shit about not working hard.
Do you guys give them shit every day?
You say you're gonna take their money and they gotta pay their fair share.
It's like your whole party.
I'm not giving them a hard time. I mean, you know, they gotta pay taxes, but...
No, no, no, no. What do you mean no one gives them shit?
All liberals are giving billionaires a hard time constantly,
saying they don't work for it and they need to pay more money.
Well, they should stop saying they don't work for it,
because that doesn't matter at all.
Like that's irrelevant.
The value-
You're anti-hard work.
I'm not anti-hard work, it's just- okay, the argument is that people go,
if you didn't achieve your means by virtue of hard work, then those means don't- like,
oh you didn't even work for that, you know?
You didn't even work for that money.
So it doesn't count that you have it.
Kind of, yeah.
Okay, well, I disagree with that.
It's like, what do you want?
You got the money.
Okay, the guy who sold the pet rock, you know,
he put rocks in a box.
And yeah, that took some effort.
Well, that's hard work.
He had to sell it.
He had to make people buy it.
He had an idea.
He didn't just have an idea.
He worked to get the idea out.
Yeah, but no.
He didn't just have the idea. a lot of people just have ideas,
they don't work.
Right, like me.
Well, I didn't say that.
No, I got a million ideas.
I'm working, we're getting it done.
Daniel Gore says the biggest problem in communism slash sports,
communism half was the funniest part.
Yes, it was quite interesting.
Yes, biggest problem in sports bonus episode
Um, I saw people crying. They're like, oh my god, they didn't do a bonus episode for February. I'm like, well, it's right here mother fucker
So your bonus episode is available. I'll have a new one coming soon. This one got a little derailed dick was sick last week
So Aaron harver says man, I can feel for veto so much if that bit about his half-brother is true
So he's already doesn't believe you
Why would I make that up? I definitely have a retarded half-brother. I have a make up about I have a niece with turbo
Autism that lived with us for way too long
Oh, and it's a nightmare situation spongebob was the only way to keep her somewhat calm and still she would rip out curtains and blinds
Just staring at the sun and waving
because that's how she's stemmed.
I had to start leaving 70 pounds of weights behind my door
to stop her from coming in
and she would still repeatedly run into my door
trying to force it open.
I love her to death.
Don't get me wrong.
Why do people say that?
Don't get me wrong, I love her to death.
I love her to death.
I don't know, because you have to say that.
I don't know. I don't know why the families can't just go,
this is my eternal burden.
Yeah, I hate it.
Yeah. It's an awful situation I'm trapped in.
Whenever people say stuff like that, I just assume that they're saying the opposite.
I love her to death. Don't get me wrong.
That's still family at the end of the day.
Ramming into your door. But I wouldn't wish it upon anyone to be honest.
I remember I was in a, I think it was a debate class.
I don't remember what class.
Maybe it was like criminology or something.
And it was like a story of a dad, you know,
who had like a family who had like a retarded kid.
And then like the kid accidentally, you know, got shocked to death or like strangled by like an electric cord.
And they're like, you know, how should the, how should this be handled, you know?
Like what, what, you know, I go, you just walk away.
Yeah, what do you mean?
What are you doing?
Freak accident, hopefully.
It's like, but what if the dad did it?
He's like, but what if he didn't?
You know?
A little. It's like that, you if the dad did it? He's like, what if he did?
Like that, you know that that everybody in the class is really shocked at me I'm like, oh we just walk away from this one
I'm like no we have to investigate if he strangled his you know infant kid and I'm like it was retarded like
Well, cuz women are like well, I'm retarded. I don't want guys killing me for no reason, you know, no reason
So that's why you know when I when I hear there's like these things
and they go, oh, we got this mom who, you know,
pushed her kid, he might've pushed her autistic kid
in the river, I'm like, or he fell in.
You don't really need to look into it at all, who cares?
Cameron says, Eric July gave us a warehouse tour,
why won't Vito?
I don't have a warehouse.
I get a warehouse, I do want a warehouse. Frigatey says veto could have easily deflected Dick's bitch fit
by saying
Quote oh no. This is what you were saying
How are those clips doing and then you should have you should have said I don't know dick
Probably better than anything on your YouTube channel. Oh
You would have been so blown out
You would have been destroyed by that
Thanks guys for the tips on how to really destroy dick let's hear more. Let's hear more more how to get
Longer I get a lot of you know I get a lot of DMS ago Hey the next time dick says this yeah, you got to say this and I'm like
I don't know what game you guys think you're playing but when you're actually out there on the court
It's a different ballgame. Okay, I'd say it's 2020 buddy
You can shoot as many three throws in your backyard as you want when you're out there on the fucking line
They're like the guys selling like the putters
with all the grid on them.
Yeah. You gotta do this.
You gotta line up the grid.
You gotta plant this.
Ariel says, I'm a professional house cleaner.
Please let me clean Vito's house.
I'm a silent fan for 10 years.
Please fly me to LA so I can clean Vito's house.
I'll do the actual cleaning for free,
but I have to see his house.
I genuinely love to clean and this N-word needs help. Lul. I'd record it if he'd let
me. I'm better than the Mexican ladies in LA. Thanks bye. What do you think about that?
Deep clean. Deep clean.
Maybe you can clean her.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I think the big problem is I just don't have I gotta I gotta take stuff
I might need to get like a storage unit or some I said no
It's on the cleaning on the free cleaning offer even a couple I got a clean. I don't months
Yeah, I get once a month. You should be cleaning. No. I'm saying I need to like you'll come in
You'll go well
I can't clean cuz I don't know where there's nowhere to put anything
I know that's not how they think they think just clean you think that cuz you have a problem
Yeah, they don't have that problem now that I have a 3d printer. I have a new problem. Oh
My god, I have a problem acquiring shit was taking too long
Now I can print shit with my shit making machine dick
We're we're in a bad place
We're in a bad bad place my friend. How much stuff have you printed?
Well, here's the thing though. Is that you printing shelves or something? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I printed that little display shelf
It actually almost works. I need to make it a little taller. That's exactly what I wanted to hear
Well, I'm using that for my here's the thing though. Have you thrown it away since it doesn't quite work? No, no
Okay hoarding that. I'm using it until I have a better one. It works. It worked last night
I used it last night. Okay. This is a display for the magic pack. It's a display for the magic pack
So people can say what packs I have. I'm actually though what I'm using it to print is stuff to help me organize
So what the fuck how big is it?
It's it's the standard 256 by 256. 256 something like what the hell is 256 what inches?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,S, yes. Wow, okay. It's a penis. I'm using it to print right now. This guy designed a perfect little box with like seven pullout shelves that each hold
Game Boy games in a perfect little grid.
So all my Game Boy games are going to go in this perfect little box.
And I'm going to print another one.
You change the trays to fit like Switch games or Game Gear games.
So I'm printing boxes obsessively
Are you gonna be like the the Tom Papil? What was that guy or Billy Mays Billy Mays here?
You're going for well. What do we mean? I'm sure the one having someone selling persona. You're like here's my rack
Well, I'm not gonna sell the racks the racks are from I mean I guess I could pull them out
Yeah, I'm sorry screen rack I could sell racks
But they take you know that it's actually a big print job because you have to print every side and every shelf
I see takes it actually I'm already like oh man if I got a second 3d printer
I could print it twice as fast because I could have them both going and printing well
Oh, and then I could get a third one
Bro, dude, I'm gonna learn 3d modeling and I'm gonna make a little sonic I'm gonna make a little 3d sonic
if you do that I'm gonna learn 3d
modeling and I'm gonna make a little
3d sonic and I'm gonna print it out and
it's really gonna learn 3d modeling not
like 3d modeling but I did model that
shelf myself but that's just like boxes
and shit anybody could do that the shelf
looked pretty good for the first thing I've ever modeled though. You gotta say right?
You want to show them the shelf show the shelf. Let's show the shelf. Okay. It's pretty good. Where is it?
Go to my Twitter. I can find it. Go to Twitter and buy it. I'll find it. Vito comedy. Hey, let me do it
Yeah, just hit enter and I'll get to it. I
Made pack shelf. It just needs to be a little tall. Maybe your thing is like making shelves. I comic books
Maybe you could maybe I could be the shelf guy. Yeah, I guess to mated the dimensions is the problem
So that's what they say. Yeah eyeball it eyeball it
Okay Smoother, zoom in slightly. Ah, okay.
So it should just be a little bit taller and a little bit wider.
As you can see the packs, I have to kind of fold them over to get them in there.
Ah, that's, it looks bad.
What do you mean it looks, the packs folded over looks bad?
Nobody wants their packs folded, you're folding the cards.
Well I'm just using them for display, I take the actual packs out of somewhere else, you know.
But these ones are messed, you messed up the display?
What do you mean? If you have to fold the time hold them where they folded like right here
No, go down go down the top ones would not be folded these ones you can see
Fit it in there
It's all messed up. It's all cringed up. Whatever selling people. It's all
This is like Eric's What's on the fucking this thing! It's all deformed! This is like Eric's toothpaste red mess up.
This is just to show what's on the fucking-
This is to show what's for sale. I don't pull them out of there.
That's bad.
The next one-
Are these messed up too?
Yeah, they're folded over at the top.
Nobody cares.
Look at the design of it. Look at the- Alright, zoom out though. Look at this nice-
I'm looking at how crinkled and crunched up you're making these cards.
Oh my god, you're so retarded.
Do people get a refund if you send them bogus- Yeah, yeah, they get a refund on the crinkled and crunched up. Oh my god. You're so retarded people get a refund if you send them bogus
Yeah, yeah, they're gonna read on the crinkled up
Cards the cards are fine. It's the plastic back. But look at that. See how it's got that nice little lip
I put there at the front and then it's just a red back. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Why would this why would you have a lip in the front wouldn't be in the back?
I just think it adds like a nice little like
I could put like a little
Like a ramp?
Yeah like a little sign there or something
Like a refund on bent cards
You could put a sign that says that
It adds more surface area so it doesn't tip over
No that's not how that works
I'm pretty sure it is
The center of gravity is like right here
Yeah but I'm saying you add a little more
Well yeah but if you get in the front It's not I think it's doing something
Okay, okay the real much of these packs how much can I get it a pack do you give people a prize or anything?
What do you mean a pro like for buying? Yeah everybody who buys of your first purchase?
I send you I give you a signed enemy weapon card
Christ I could sign some people like the signed cards
The packs at the bottom are like five bucks
Five bucks? I run that but I run a stupid wheel because nobody wants to just buy packs. They want to spin a wheel
Okay, so I have to go hey
You can just buy the pack or you could pay $15 and spin a wheel. No, I was telling you before the show you can't
Italian guy can't be doing no wheel spinning
That's an Asian thing. You gotta pretend to be Asian get a little hat buck teeth. I keep saying I just want to sell packs
There's some guys on there who can just go here are the packs I have for sale
Please buy them. Yeah, people come in and they go. I don't understand. I'm here to gamble
I need to spin a wheel or play a plank. They've had to shut down on whatnot all the different gambling scams people keep coming up with because you'll tune into a guy's stream
He's like alright today. We're playing crisscross monopoly zap zap okay, so
Because because there's no way they need the because I think they're very worried about the US government going you have built a gambling website
We're shutting you down like at any point. They could go you can't just have people running flimflams. Packs though. It's packs. Opening packs. It's just packs of cards. You guys have to stop calling it...
It's just you know a hundred dollars worth of packs of cards and if you flip the coin
wrong and the fucking gum ball doesn't come out the right color you only get a
dollar. Okay okay so what are we are we doing your voted up thing? We're doing my
voted up thing. Our voted up thing, Dick.
Dick was an alcoholic that Maddox couldn't stand.
Vito was a pedo tweeting slurs and eating spam.
But doom and gloom upon you.
By this magical little show that happens every week. Was that us?
Yeah, it was.
Oh yeah, that's too bad. By this magical show that happens every week, so vote or we'll kill your family
It's biggest problem in the universe
Go vote it up, don't be a cuck
Biggest problem dot show
Go and vote or your throat will get cut up
Fat brain, late brain, pedophile snitches
Feet of whores, e-horse, curtain doors and data breaches That was the end. Go and vote or your throat will get cut up. Fat brain, late brain, pedophile snitches,
fetal wars, e-horse, curtain doors, and data breaches.
Biggest is the place you go and vote it up,
you stupid cunt.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
It's good lyricism.
That's a good lyricism.
That's tomatohead.
Good job.
Well, thank you, tomatohead, who's leading us
into our favorite segment, vote it up, where we talk about some past problems, put them in a new light.
Dick we gotta talk about this one.
This is a problem I brought in of Epstein Blue Balls.
The constant ongoing, I don't know why they're still saying this, idea that at some point
there will be a drop of mythical Epstein documents that uncovers a
multinational child predators
Ring of every celebrity and Jay-Z's going down and Tom Hanks was in there fucking the shit out of some kid and then along came
Selma Hayek and she was butt fucking a bunch of 12 year olds and
Are you you're getting way too into?
This is what I've been sold. I've been sold all these things
I was watching a lady tell me about how Selma Hayek's husband owns Balenciaga or whatever
And Balenciaga is using coats to traffic the kids into Tom Hanks house and the reason Gene Hackman
Tom Hanks
Cuz he's kind of liberal basically when it comes down to the conspiracy
Yeah, I'm actually surprised like you know they haven't brought Mark Hamill into it or something
You know it really comes out and try to abort his granddaughter. Yeah exactly
I'm surprised they could they kind of just look why would he try to why would he rape a kid if he tried to abort one?
That doesn't make any sense. Well you got to connect to the Democrats. It's got to be Hillary Clinton
It's got to be the cause. She's his Clintons definitely
It's got to be Hillary Clinton. It's got to be the cause she's clintons definitely
Murdered kids we all know that but it doesn't mean everyone who ever known her does as well
Maybe a couple of her clothes you picked a bad you picked a bad example to go with I'm just saying okay I would think Oprah okay. Yeah, probably
Is one's it she just because she's think yeah, she doesn't know what's going on. That's enough
She's just you know anyway this
hell no
Just chillin's being rated
She's too busy being in that terrible fucking a movie about black women delivering mail
Yeah, you know that wasn't a bad movie. It just shouldn't have been on the home page of Netflix
It looked really badly shot. I haven't actually watched it. It just shouldn't have been on the home page of Netflix. It looked really badly shot.
I haven't actually watched it.
It was kind of silly and like fun.
Like the black lady's white husband died.
I did say like, that could be an interesting story.
OK, you know.
It was like a black quantum leap.
Like the black lady that was like doing the mail.
Her white husband would appear to her in like a quantum leap
kind of owl thing and like
guide her yeah and they never really it was he was it wasn't an angel you didn't
know if he was dead she kind of assumed he was dead but he she was only when
that was he a soldier that died yeah he was a soldier and he kept appearing to
her and maybe visions yeah and then he had a little like handheld device and it
would go like where he was quantum leaping her dead I was like
what are you doing because it was totally different than the rest of the
movie I will say look I think people would watch more of this black media if
when you signed on to Netflix it was like black excitement like the excitement
of black time you know the room one black time yeah well you should call it
that black time time it used to be room one black time. Yeah, we should call it that black time
It used to be like black media was like exciting and in your face and hip-hop and now you log into Netflix
It's like black voices elevated. Yeah, okay. This is gay. Yeah
Shit make it black make it like yeah, we get black up in here
Dude, if they said we're getting black up in here when you sign into HBO max and it was just like a bunch of like fucking
I'm black bitch like
Yeah, now it's like sorry that you're white celebrating blackness and the the nuances of blackness you're like well now
It's gay make it cool. Yeah
Dude everybody was black people on the gay flag
Yeah, you see that was let them you guys got fucked up you guys let them do this and you didn't get paid
Like, you see, you guys let them do this. You guys got fucked up.
You guys let them do this and you didn't get paid.
You forgot to get paid.
You needed to get in there and go, hey, that black shit on the gay flag, off.
Get rid of it.
We have a black flag, okay?
Leave the Mexicans up there.
Leave the Mexicans away.
That's why Kanye's so pissed off.
Because you gotta put on the gay flag.
And you get no money.
You gotta pay them. You never pay them.
They sent a bunch of money to Africa to stop AIDS
How the fuck does that make doesn't help black doesn't know people on the ground whitey's on the moon
You still haven't listened to that have you you got to the Justice Department?
Yesterday released a batch of files from its investigation into the late disgraced financier and convicted sex offender
Jeffrey Epstein with considerable fanfare. But the documents contained little new information
to the dismay of prominent right-wing figures.
US Attorney General, Pam Bondi,
teased the document released on Fox News appearance
on Wednesday, saying that this was gonna be a big expose.
She was hyping it up.
She was like, oh, you guys are gonna see this document.
We're gonna blow it open.
The next day, a dozen right-wing influencers, including Jack Posobiec, who's a stupid piece
of shit, and Shia Rochick, the Libs of TikTok.
She's giggling her nuts off.
Just brandishing child pornography.
They were holding-
Or what she thought was child pornography.
Dude, yeah, literally, okay, first of all, can you treat, this is supposedly documents
containing details of a global child abuse scandal.
Perpetrated by Israel.
Perpetrated by anybody. I don't know.
By somebody.
Well, we don't know because the documents don't say anything.
Well, we do kind of know because we don't have the documents.
I don't know, okay?
And these dumb fucks.
Who was asked to come check out the documents?
Different people.
Were they all Raiders fans?
A variety of people.
Because then it's probably, yeah.
Anyway, these people come out of the White House holding up these stupid binders.
The binders said, you want to find the binder picture?
The binders were labeled the Epstein files, phase one.
It's like a Marvel cinematic universe.
It is.
It is for right wingers.
It is the beginning of their cinematic universe.
This is the beginning of your cinematic universe.
You launched your cinematic universe bad.
Kathleen Kennedy's not such a dumb bitch after all.
This is your Thor the Dark World moment, okay?
You got a long way up from here.
You should have launched with Iron Man
instead of you launched with the Epstein-Files phase one.
The binder also said,
the most transparent administration in
history as people have shown the binders are basically
All already available information some of which is more redacted than it was previously, you know the thing about transparency is
If you're transparent about fuck-ups, it's not really it's not that impressive. This is so embarrassing Why did you make binders with nothing in them people have shown what's in the bottom?
They're like oh, we got him now first of all he's dead so yeah
You can't get Epstein you got to get other guys to make this exciting. You didn't get anybody. There's no new names or anything
There's nothing here
Phase one phase one is here
I can't wait for phase two where Kang the Conqueror comes in and diddles a bunch of fucking kids
Look at a swan. I just want to say this yeah, man Mike Cernovich. He got tricked no no no no no
I saw this when it first came out and
I I thought oh no Cernovich is involved in this and look this is the he's the only one who's trying to sneak away
appropriately yeah not giggling his nuts off not parading this document around like it's you know Hector
Yeah, I can't even figure out my googly eyes
I can't whores figure out the mindset of these people that you would come out holding a document that supposedly is about to expose
powerful figures for their connections to child abuse and go
Messiah figures to that's the mindset.
They are cult leaders. I guess.
So they're like, they're like overwhelmed with their own influence.
The guy on the left is like grandstanding.
It's the two grinning bitches going
Eeehee, I'm gonna go on Twitter and I'm gonna expose the truth!
I'm rooting for the fucking pedophiles now.
To be honest, now I'm like, well if I didn't know it was Israel. I wish they would get away with it. Yeah, honestly the guys
I wish Israel's get away with that
I don't even if this is what the if this is what they're up against then fuck it the guy now
I hate it the guys who just find retarded guys on Facebook and convince them they're talking to a 15 year old so they can beat
Up up in the street. Yeah, actually doing more than this fun. This is whatever this is
It's so bad dude. So happy.
And then to add insult to injury
who was it that tweeted out
here's the Epstein files, it came from an official
government fucking account.
Yeah and then they linked to the Rickroll
video and you're like, that person should be
what is happening?
They linked to a
fucking Rickroll video being like
here are the Epstein files you've been waiting for. Oh gotcha
Yeah, you thought the government was gonna uncover corruption?
I feel like a little kid that just got fucked by one of your pals
It's it's like they actually find it. It's cute shit. Dude it is cute shit. You should also vote it. It's not cute though
It's fucking horrifying like that's we have evidence of a man who has systematically abused children of all the most powerful figures in the government
What's the joke kids were fucking raped holy shit what is wrong with you you got it that's horrifying you got me
It's horrifying like I like I'm always amazed by the absurdities I'm exposed to every
day in this new era. But the idea that the government is tweeting out a Rick roll in
response to the idea that kids were systematically abused by the most powerful people in the world.
Liberals. Oh, gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. So Epstein blue balls, we're never getting, whatever truth is
out there is going, is it that's the end
It's really no one's ever gonna take it seriously again because it's always gonna be like, oh what are you gonna do?
You're gonna release another binder full of black bars
I don't want these clowns delivering any kind of message or getting access
Libs of TikTok should not be ins- this is more important than Libs of TikTok should not be a part of this at all
Libs of TikTok should not be participating
Just dump it
Dump it publicly for everyone at all. Libs of TikTok should not be participating. Just dump it. Just dump it. Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it.
Just dump it. Just dump it. Just dump it. Just dump it. Just dump it. on there so that you could build them up and they could, and they could like pervert and fuck with this message
that they're delivering, because it's probably all,
the Epstein files are probably all just bullshit now.
Whatever's left, they're probably shredded or burned.
It's, you know.
So they're gonna tell the story about how it was,
the big bad left, or the big bad CIA.
Well that actually would have been better
if they said we can't release the files
because the libs are stopping us.
That would have been a good lie.
Instead they said we got the files.
They did say that.
No, they did say that.
After though.
Yeah, after.
That's the problem is they were scrambling afterwards.
They were like, well the reason the binder that we flew everybody out to take a picture
with completely has nothing in it is because of the evil libs.
And you're like, well then why did you make up binders?
Why did you tell everyone it was on your desk then?
Yeah, why did you tell everyone you had this information?
Why didn't you just drop it?
Why didn't you just get it and say hey cash Patel?
Just just post it on Twitter. Yeah, well cuz the only person could truly understand this document on the deep level
It requires is chai whatever the fire Shandrick from the lives of tick-tock
One of the dumbest women in the world. What is just a dumb fucking woman?
No woman should have their hands on these files at all yeah not it none because look this is their reaction their reaction is I thought you guys
brought some down wars to the White House we did they were men at least they were
mad we dressed them up in little dresses and we let them run around that's the
difference that's like we had a good time with that damn it at least when a Democrat
Trots a dumb whore out to waste your time
Do a good job until they start stealing everybody's airline luggage, and then we got to fire them that was a that was a mistake
God that was fucking stupid. You know he did it like a bunch of times to do yeah
Don't do that okay? Well, but yeah, that was I thought about I'm like, well gay guys love clothes
You got a compulsion. What are you gonna do?
They don't like just isn't the thrill of like taking because prep took their thrill of getting AIDS away, right?
So now they got to chase other other thrills feeling women's clothing having anal sex anymore. Cuz a prep
I feel like you could bring that guy back you go is a gay guy stealing women's clothes
It's kind of funny when you think about it, you know
Yeah, yeah, bring it. I mean it's better than this better than check it out everybody a bunch of redacted
Well, that's Epstein blue balls and cute shit voted up. I got another one for you
Do you have the boycott of the week sting? Yes, I do wait wait. Let's see if we can find it
Ladies and gentlemen it is the boycott
no fuck wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah you can
well it's time for the boycott of the Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no come on
it's right there
I'm looking at it
down at the bottom of the page
you could have said that
God of the week
of the week
Scott of the week was the Economic Blackout where Americans are participating by not spending any money
as encouraged by the grassroots organization, the People's Union USA.
How'd you do that every day?
How'd you enjoy your economic blackout today, Dick?
It was horrible.
I had to buy a bunch of wedding shit.
It was the worst.
It was one of the worst days of my life.
What wedding shit did you buy?
Tacos. I saw the tacos. I don't know if that's a wedding shit necessarily. For my life. What wedding shit did you buy? Where? Tacos, fucking harps.
I don't know if that's wedding shit necessarily.
For my wedding.
Oh, you bought like a taco truck.
Catering. Yes.
Chairs are a big problem.
Chairs are a big problem. We haven't heard
about chairs at that one live show.
Who has to buy the chairs?
It went terribly.
I really wish I would have known about this.
That says the economic blackout.
Then you wouldn't have had to do any of that.
Well, the grassroots organization,
the People's Union USA says the day
is a response to major corporations like Target
have rolled back diversity, equity, and inclusion programs
after Donald Trump signed executive orders
to cut those policies.
Though retailers like Target backed DEA efforts, uplifting black and LGBTQ
plus people in the past.
I saw we're getting rid of the plus.
I think it's too much politics.
This is more DEI stuff.
Oh, whatever.
It's a boycott.
The labor advocacy has right wings people though.
Yeah, fuck them.
Well, another nationwide economic blackout.
My problem is going to be politics too. I'm just saying in March 28th it's not just
all bad it's too much politics it's not politics it's a boycott thing no it's voted up is like
too much politics got it trends too much to politics not always like an hour in
sometimes it trends towards black people and sometimes it trends towards black people sometimes I'm just telling you okay less
Well, not two in a row
It's a boycott thing. Okay, then what's the boycott then the boycotts?
You know against like, you know retail II stuff though. Good some of it
Republicans not always
Regardless, I don't think a lot of people took the economic blackout very seriously
In fact, most people seem to have not heard of it.
I don't know why this got so much press.
Why did you hear about it?
All the press is like putting out stupid articles about it.
Like it's real.
I have never seen this.
That's what I'm saying.
I'm like, well, wait, how did you see it?
I looked up, somebody said like, hey, this is kind of like, I get, I get messages from
people and I'm like, this doesn't sound like a thing.
And then I looked it up and like every news station is reporting on it.
I'm like, well, I guess they think it's a fucking thing
Anyway boycott of the week seems to have fallen apart like all boycotts do yeah, it's a complete waste of time
So please go and vote
Dick was an alcoholic
Dematics was
Was veto was a pedo tweeting was and eating spam Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Was. up. That's part of it. That's part of the song.
Fat brain, late rape, pedophile, snitches,
fetal wars, e-horse, curtain doors, and data breaches.
I appreciate that.
Biggest problem dot show is the place you go and vote it up, you stupid cunt.
I will say to the guys who make the stingers, when you include
multiple problems and rhyme them together, I appreciate that detail.
Uh oh.
Good work.
That's gonna get a lot of, uh...
You also though, should try recording it not in your bedroom where you have to be quiet because mom's sleeping in the other room.
No, those vocals were perfect.
Those were perfect?
I could hear them, they were up way higher than the music.
Music's a suggestion, we all know the song.
Those were great great the biggest problem
I did want him to double it up biggest problem cuz odd parents they double them they did they are the odd
parents fairly odd parents okay my problem is a lack of gratitude lack of gratitude like when you
give a guy hundreds of billions of dollars then then he just comes in, swinging his dick around,
acting like you owe him more money.
I don't know if, uh, I don't know what you refer,
what are you talking about? Billions of dollars?
Telling you that you don't know what it's like,
and you're gonna be afraid if you don't do what he says,
if you don't help him defend his...
You're gonna be afraid if you don't do what he says.
He did, yeah, Zelensky said that.
There's something like that.
He's coming into your house dressed like a slob
Dressed in a crummy sweater should have been wearing a suit you're saying yeah something appropriate
So what happened was this today? This was today, right?
Yeah, Zelensky came in and he was supposed to be giving the president of Ukraine our great friend and ally against fuck Ukraine
The evil Russians who we hate
Yeah, he came in and swinging his big dick around
Yeah thinking he was on Oprah and he actually wasn't he was actually on the Trump and Vance comedy
He did seem like he was on the view or something. They had to sit down in front of the cameras
crying about I
Haven't watched the video though. How's it? How's it seems like it was contentious? He just interrupts constantly
Yeah, it's like well. It's painful
It's doing a podcast for so long when you see people interrupting like I when I see people interrupting
I'm like oh man people aren't gonna like that. Yeah unless you're doing it on purpose
Well, I wasn't yeah, you have to interrupt
Effectively otherwise you appear weak You're doing it on purpose. And he wasn't. Yeah, you have to interrupt effectively.
Otherwise, you appear weak.
And like annoying.
Lack of gratitude.
See, I'm not stepping on your words.
And I'm, oh, sometimes I do.
I think I've gotten better at not interrupting.
I try not to.
Caesar, Brutus, A2 Brutus.
A2 Brutus.
A2 Brutus. OK, but he's treated Brutus like a son. OK, hold on. And then Brutus tried to Brutus it to Brutus eight to know a to Brutus. Okay, these are treated Brutus like a son
Okay, hold on. See that's all the nice Brutus in this situation
Yeah, Trump is Caesar. Okay, so you're saying Trump gave him all this money. I gave him all this money
Right, he get you gave him all this money. Yeah, America gave him all this money
Well, the top 50% of earners in America gave him this money sure liberals no
No, pretty much only Trump voters gave him the money. Okay, so Trump vote well
Mostly there's some other guys in there. Yeah liberals so America gave him the money
Not him we gave you crane money not really though
It all went to Zelensky if it was yeah, it all went it did all go to Zelensky
Yeah, motherfucker has like hundreds of millions of dollars. Well that he made it from dancing and singing
No, was he in the Panama Papers? The Panama Papers are old I thought yeah, he was corrupt as shit back then too
Yeah, everyone in Ukraine is corrupt as shit. They're all bad sure everybody rushes corrupt as shit
They're both bad not like Ukraine. Well you think crane bad guys are worse than Russia bad guys. Yeah, why?
How many gay guys are buying Russian surrogates?
Whoop zip oh, I don't actually zero
That's the reason
It's a pretty good fucking start are the surrogates coming from Ukraine. I don't keep up on that
They're big I know a lot of people get their biggest export is a lot of't keep up on that. That's their biggest export.
A lot of people are getting wives from there.
That's not good either.
I would... I don't care.
Male or to bride? Whores?
So Zelensky shows up, Trump says give us 50% of your mineral rights.
We should get it all.
Give us all the rare... You got the good earth over there.
I get it, we're giving them so much money give us a little something back or else or else sure and he agreed to that
tentatively he came in swinging his dick around being ungrateful not showing any gratitude
I'm on the back foot cuz I haven't watched the interview and can't really can we watch like two seconds of this?
Okay, come on. What do you want to watch in it?
Well, I want to know it was said cuz you're characterizing it as he came in there swinging
Let me see. He came in acting like a bitch
Look look at him all right look at his posture
I don't even want to turn the audio on. Turn the audio on. Look just watch
Watch watch look arms crossed. That's not good. This is a bitch behavior. Don't cross your arms. It's not good posture
Vance is very calmly stepping on Trump's jokes.
Okay, I'll turn it on.
The front lines because you have manpower problems.
You should be thanking the president for trying to bring an end to this conflict.
Have you ever been to Ukraine that you say what problems we have?
I have been to...
Come once.
I have actually watched and seen the stories, and I know what happens is you bring people
to bring them on a propaganda tour, Mr. President.
Do you disagree that you've had problems bringing people into your military?
And do you think that it's respectful to come to the Oval Office of the United States of
America and attack the administration that is trying to prevent the destruction of your
A lot of questions.
Let's start from the beginning
Sure, first of all during the war everybody has problems even you but you have it's not a good answer
And he sounds retarded during the war everybody has problems even you that's not really me even me
Have one less problem right here jackass you know, yeah
Jackass. Yeah. Okay. You don't know that. You don't know that. You don't know that. You got to... Don't tell us what we're gonna feel. Yes. We're trying to solve a problem.
Don't tell us what we're gonna feel. I'm not telling you. Because you're in no position
to dictate that. Remember this. You're in no position to dictate what we're gonna feel.
We're gonna feel very good. You will feel influence. We're gonna feel very good and very strong.
You're right now not in a very good position.
You've allowed yourself to be in a very bad position
and it happens to be right about now.
You're not in a good position.
You don't have the cards right now.
With us, you start having cards.
Right now, you're playing cards.
You're gambling with World War three you're
gambling with World War three and what you're doing it's like I'm it's like I'm
arguing with like a like a legal cab driver outside I don't think English is
his first language he's kind of on the back foot there
He's gone. I'm not playing cards. I'm not playing cards. Yeah, I know well this is terrible for him Look at his disrespect. Look at the disrespect. It's not a act of gratitude
It's disrespectful to the country, this country. Exactly
It's back to you. Far more than a lot of people said they should have
Have you said thank you once?
A lot of times. No, even today entire meeting that you said thank you, you went to Pennsylvania and-
Has he said thank you?
He should have said thank you.
Well, when somebody says-
Have you said thank you?
Thank you.
Thank you.
You know what?
Thank you.
Lack of gratitude.
Okay, I will agree that this was kind of a PR disaster for Mr. Zelensky.
Do you think he's going to get hanged, Or do you think Russia will just blow up his plane
on the way back to Ukraine?
Or will the people hang him?
I think that, look, he's a-
Which one are you rooting for?
I don't want him to die.
That's not necessary to me.
Wait, why?
Why do I want him to die?
How interesting.
What do you- I don't know.
I want- He's evil.
I want there to be a peaceful resolution between-
He killed my friend Gonzalo Lira.
He didn't do that.
Who's a good friend of mine.
Gonzalo Lira went on the-
Wait a minute.
He murdered Ameri-
Somebody murdered Gonzalo Lira.
He did.
Zelensky did.
I don't think the orders came down from Zelensky.
How could they?
Murder Coach Redpill.
How could they have that?
Please murder Coach Redpill. Yeah, murder Coach Redpill. Please murder Coach Redpill.
Yeah, murder Coach Redpill, my friend.
I think he's got more stuff going on.
Now nobody gets to know what happens in Mulholland Drive
because they murdered Coach Redpill.
That's true.
Only Nick Reketa knows.
Maybe Nick has the file.
Oh, I'm going to.
If Nick has the file, he could put it in a binder
and he could label it Zelinsky Phase I
and get everybody really excited for it.
I'm more interested in that cinematic universe.
I'm more interested in Mul cinematic universe than Epstein's
pan-aerophile. Fair enough. Look, don't defend this piece of shit. Arguing like this. Look, the
Ukrainians are sitting in their country, hanging out, Russia invades, it sucks, it's a shitty
situation they're in, they don't want that. The Russians who tried there in they don't want that the Russians who tried to secede
Don't want that you're right. They just want to be rush. They just want to be Russian
Not they don't be one province too. They don't want to be fucked with well three of you
Crimea they don't want to be fucked with by Ukraine. They just want to be Nazis by themselves leave them alone. Okay. That's fine
Anyway, I think it would be great is that the side that you think wanted to split off?
The Nazi side?
Because you don't want to re-look at that.
The Nazi side was the side that Russia said they had to invade because other guys kept
coming in and killing.
Russia, right?
Nazis are the bad guys.
Well, Nazis are the bad guys.
Yeah, Ukrainians.
The question is whether those guys are truly Nazis or not.
They got Nazi imagery.
All I'm saying is I hope we can find a peaceful resolution.
I think this guy, I don't know what he was thinking, honestly.
Crying like a bitch, being disrespectful,
showing no gratitude at all.
Well, I guess he thought like, I don't know why he thinks
he's got to look tough there.
The best thing to just do is go, honestly, if you're that guy,
and the government's gonna give you...
Yeah, the government's giving you the money.
They're gonna take your fucking mineral rights. What do you care?
Okay? You're getting billions of dollars for your thing.
You go, Trump, you're my...
If you just went in there, all Trump wants to hear is,
You my man, Trump!
Thank you.
Thanks for hooking us up, Trump!
Sorry for campaigning against you.
Winning Trump over is not hard.
Mmm. It is though.
No, it's hard for guys who like can't figure out like,
just tell, thank you America, best country in the world.
Best country in the world.
And if this war stops, you know who to thank
and you point at Trump. Trump, this guy.
You go, when this is all over, who are you gonna thank?
That's gratitude. That's gratitude.
That's gratitude.
Just saying the words that they wanna hear.
Doesn't make sense to me because Zelensky is a showman, he should know this.
It's easy.
But they're assholes.
He isn't a- yeah.
That's behind the scenes shit.
That wasn't like scripted.
If he went in and he's like, I gotta say, this Trump- JD, you're a good guy.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And this Trump guy is gonna stop World War III.
And I love him.
He's gonna be- and Trump's gonna be the man
to end World War III, and I love him.
You right now-
It makes me think about being a better man.
You know what would have happened if he had done that?
You would be on the show right now going,
kind of like the Solinsky guy.
Love him, love him.
He should have said, Biden fucked up.
Biden's a reason Putin invaded.
I wish Biden had done half of what Trump's doing.
So what do people want?
They're all upset, but he could have gotten whatever he wanted just by going,
man, Biden really fucked me.
It's true.
Trump saved our ass.
I can't wait to give up all the minerals.
I tried working with Biden.
He made a lot of mistakes, but I got to say, Mr. Trump.
Yeah, I got to say, it's great to be able to talk to somebody who can make a sentence,
Mr. Trump, because that Biden, oof.
What a dummy.
He was sleepy mr.. President
When you said why would you say that you know my friends in Ukraine heard you say sleepy Joe
We said he is sleepy, and we talked to him a lot
I mean do you know like at that level when they're either gonna get off somebody's gonna stick a bayonet up his ass
Yeah, he doesn't realize or you get billions of dollars. Yeah, I'll say whatever you want suck it up
Who cares Oprah you changed my life
I was on Dr.. Phil he convinced me how fucking stupid I was thank you
Dr.. Every spaceship that goes in there should have seven black women on it absolutely and I learned that on Dr.. Phil
If I see a white man on a spaceship I go oh hell no
I'm like oh yeah, it is kind of sad as a performer to see another performer bomb this bad on stage
Yeah, I've bought it thinking I've bombed and I'm watching a guy I suppose the comedian I'm going bro. This was a layup
This was easy
You see this guy right here this you guys have had a lot of great presidents. I'm not gonna lie Lincoln
I love he's the best definitely the second one after Lincoln though right here tallest is the tallest
Yeah, how does a comedian fuck this up absolutely? He should have said Trump
I gotta ask one question though before I leave can I touch that hair you can touch the hairs of Linsky
Hey, will you do the penis dance with me?
Can we find a piano in this in this bitch and do the penis dance?
He could have done anything it could have been literally anything it could have been the PR
Anything other than this it Who of a lifetime.
It's comedians who take themselves too seriously.
It is.
You know, and we talked about that.
That's what this is.
That's what this is.
This is Dave Chappelle lecturing me about racism.
I'm going, dude, just do the penis dance for Trump.
And then you get a couple of billions.
You get a 500.
Billions of dollars.
And someone told you for 500 billion dollars, all you had to do was tell Trump he's the
greatest president ever.
I'd be like, yeah, of course he is.
What are you talking about?
You have to mean it, dude.
He's the greatest human being that ever lived ever. I mean it. Yeah
I really do mean it. I will suck his dick. What do you want? I'm not gonna go
Well, I don't think you guys know how hard it is. You guys don't know how hard war is. You don't fucking know how hard war is?
What are you talking about? You're here all the time
Man, he really dropped the ball. He really dropped the ball he really dropped the ball oh
god what a layup what a fucking layup he would have had everything everything you
know what wars over take all our minerals fucks them but I don't care
give me a bunch of money yeah right it's the same thing for all these world leaders it's like when it like
Trudeau is crying yeah all he has to do is go Trump's right you know what
America deserves a fair shake.
And we're gonna make sure, and you know what?
All this fentanyl we've been sending you guys, I feel bad about that.
And actually I hate Indians.
I feel really bad, I hate Indians.
And I don't want any H1Bs.
We're gonna stop the fentanyl.
I went to Timmy Horton's, this guy fucked up my order.
And he didn't even understand when I was mad.
He just kept shitting in the street.
So we're gonna get rid of them.
And we love Trump. So easy layup comedian parts the most
the comedian part is the most impressive part again cuz that I watched that and
I go this guy's trying to perform he's trying to do shtick you're going oh well
you know I don't we're not playing cards mr. president mr. president we're not
playing cards oh did you think that line was gonna really set him back I'm not
playing cards here, Mr. President. You're gambling.
You doubled down on the metaphor, buddy.
You're getting cute.
You're getting cute.
All right.
Little bit of gratitude, even fake gratitude.
Well, it's all fake.
I agree.
You gotta show it.
You gotta love it.
That was embarrassing.
If you're not on drugs.
Now that I've seen the video,
cause I didn't see
The video 20 minutes of that I was like oh did Trump like kind of goad him into it
It's like now he fell low he tripped over his own fucking for you
No, somebody asked a question and he started like saying how?
Like Trump fucked up. Yeah
No, okay, what's your problem? All right my problem dick is
You know the market was hot these last couple months. I was feeling really good Oh no. Okay, what's your problem? All right, my problem, Dick, is,
you know, the market was hot these last couple months.
I was feeling really good.
Did you sell your Palantir?
I actually sold a lot of Palantir.
Yeah. Okay.
More than half?
Oh yeah. Okay.
I bought a little back in today
because I'm like, eh, I might kind of whatever.
But I did sell a lot above 100.
At one point it hit 125.
So Palantir was a bad investment. Well no,
it wasn't a bad investment for people who cashed out. I did fine, but...
It might go back up.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no. I'm saying, I'm just saying I've been
feeling the market sting the last week or so.
Oh, okay.
A lot of my favorite stocks had like meteoric rises and then giant fucking falls.
So my problem, Dick, is bad investments, but the worst investment I made
Yeah. Dick, which I've brought with me. Is it a gun? Is these hundred copies of Souls of the Lost
From Magic the Gathering. I think I have half of them here the other half are at home. Dick, I was gonna be rich.
Uh. I was gonna be rich. Yeah. This was the greatest investment of my young life as you can see I have here a hundred pristine
extended art copies of
Souls of the Lost yeah, are you familiar with this magic card?
one in a black for a
Spirit creature as an additional cost to cast the spell discard a card or sacrifice a permanent
Yeah, souls of the lost power is equal to the number of permanent cards in your graveyard
okay that's a good card oh it's really good here you want one cuz it's fucking worthless
how much is it worth nothing I've been destroyed wait how much is it worth really 25 cents
why do you have a hundred twenty five cents card cuz dick this card look there's bro
How many instances of a hundred twenty five cents cards? Do you have I was brought in the box of all my magic specs I probably should have so I have a box Ariel
We need you my failed magic the gathering specs this one though was set to pay off dick
Cuz this past week we had had the Magic Pro Tour,
Aether Drift.
Now, Souls of the Lost is a card that is a sleeper.
Nobody's playing it.
They think it's garbage.
And this little fucking kid, he looks like 16 or something,
named Zavin Fost, gets into the top eight
of the tournament, running four copies of souls of the lost
Yeah, okay, and I'm watching this tournament. I'm going. Oh my god if he wins the tournament
Do you know what happens to the price of this fucking card?
With four copies of
Everybody and their brother because when you win the Pro Tour, everybody and their brother the next week
at Magic fucking Friday night tournament,
they all show up playing the top deck
that they just copied the deck list
and they go, I gotta get four copies
of Souls of the Lost.
So what would it be at?
What would it be at, $4?
It could get it at like four or five bucks.
So you'd make $200?
If this was a rare in a top,
if this was a rare in a top,
yeah, like, it goes up to like 10 bucks,
10 times 100, 1000 bucks I could add!
How would you unload all those cards?
I put them on TCG player at Solomond or-
And then you ship them out?
Or they'd get buy listed, I go to Card Kingdom and their buy list opens up because they need more copies.
And then you send it in to them?
Oh yeah, I send a lot of stuff to Card Kingdom, I get store credit that way.
Oh, I didn't know that.
Oh yeah, you can get good store credit.
Store credit.
You can use store credit to buy stuff you can flip easier. Like dual lands and shit.
You can turn it into- this could have been two dual lands!
It's not though.
And instead I'm watching Zevon Foss play against some fucking Chinese kid piloting that gay mouse burn deck.
Oh, my mouse attacks with double strike!
Oh, I hit you with the lightning bolt as my mouse attacks double strike and I'm going yeah so the last do it get there for the love of God
and it went two and two it's a five five games to they each had two wins it was
on the fucking line and this little cocksucking Chinese kid with his fucking
mouse deck knocks my boy out of the tournament and now these are worthless. They're nothing
This sucks. This is this is this is this is not my worst ever spec
Okay, have you brought in all your bad investment? I also spec really hard on Lonus cryptozoologist
What the hell is that? Well, he's a Lonus cryptozoologist
Yes, Lonus cryptozoologist is a snake druid who whenever a creature enters you make a
clue token.
Now, normally a clue token who gives a shit-
I hate those tokens.
I hate clue tokens as well.
Yeah, I don't like them.
But here's the thing-
Treasure tokens too.
So if you're in the world of Magic the Gathering speculating, as I am, you have to be following
Mark Rosewater, the guy who runs Magic the Gathering or whatever.
And he goes, he goes, here's some teasers for the new set
And he doesn't post the whole card
But he goes there will be a card that says whenever you sacrifice a clue target opponent gets two poison counters, and I go
There's gonna be a card that says if I sack a clue they get two poison counters
I only have to sacrifice five clues to poison my opponent to death okay,. And I said, this is gonna be huge, so I bought-
You get ten poisons and then you're dead?
If you get ten poisons, you die. It's basically like-
That's bullshit.
Well, it's like life except double life.
Yeah, that's why it's bullshit.
That's like commander damage, it's like if you take twenty damage from the commander-
A lot of people don't like commander damage.
It's stupid.
Poison is also stupid.
It doesn't make any sense.
Whatever, poison's like one of those old
magic mechanics that they kept around so I went obviously this card that makes
clue tokens into poison is gonna be huge I bought like a hundred copies of
Lonus I was buying all the fancy foils and the card comes out it's like a six
mana to two creature that says if you sack a clue you get two poison counters
like that's not playable it costs six mana mark you fucked me
You got me all excited
And it was bullshit. I was buying all sorts of cards that make clues. I'm like clues are coming back in a big way
I bought fucking settle the key. It's like one blue to make a clue all that clue shit was garbage
All the shits garbage I can't dick. I can't win in life
I can't win at love and I can't win in the market. Well, and it's all elaborate what you're trying to do. It's like
Dick some weird some weird autistic it has to win with a bizarre card. The top two decks at the Pro Tour were both
Enchantment decks. I have like
300 copies of wear down it destroys two enchantments
How is the price of wear down not improved at all that should be a dollar uncommon?
I should be flipping those like nobody's business. Yeah
Point is that a guys the magic market is a it's a nightmare out there. It's hard. I got my sliver deck
Yeah, how's that going? It's amazing
Do you need any more slivers? I've been picking up some slivers. No, I wanna
I did buy a sliver grave mother. Finally. Somebody sent me some stuff I should do to like ramp it up
You know better, but I don't really play maybe we should maybe we should play magic
I always want to play magic anytime. If we did a bonus episode. I would love to play magic. Okay
Maybe we could do a Commander bonus episode.
Let's do a Commander bonus episode and play Commander.
What are you gonna play as?
Whatever you want. I got a million Commander decks.
I just built an elf deck. I got a goblin deck.
I got a veto deck.
What's a veto deck?
It's got veto, whatever the fuck his name is.
Is it the Commander?
Yeah, veto's the Commander.
I have pretty much, I think I have every version of the Vito card at this point.
But isn't commander better with like four people?
Eh, not necessarily.
Do you want to play Jumpstart? We can play Jumpstart.
What's that?
That's these packs that come, basically you take two Jumpstart packs and you shuffle them together and you have a deck.
Nah, I don't want to do that. I only want to play Slivers.
What is wrong with you?
I don't want to read a bunch of shit on every card
Like I don't like something jump start is simple. It's not a bit
I'm not a bit like all the slippers could do this like alright. I could I got that I'm locked in I should I can
I should give you a copy of a first you already have all this shit memorized so you can have other conversations
I don't I gotta really pay attention. It sucks. I can bring in my elf deck the elf deck is pretty simple
It's just I had do I have to read that? The veto deck's funnier. We gotta get two more people. I can play the veto deck
We have to get two more people to do it. The veto deck is tuned like crazy. Dirk would come in and play commander
We can get Dirk. We have to get two more famous people
Okay, that would be cool. Yeah, and then do it online. I wish Billy the Fridge would come out. Billy the Fridge is a huge
We can do it all virtually. We can do it virtually. We do like playtable and set up the cameras overhead that'd be fun
No girls not that one fucking girl involved
Unless they're trans
Okay, yeah, yeah
What do you mean it's tuned
Well, I'm saying the veto deck is like mono black so I have like all the best mono black cards in that's nice
It doesn't matter with slivers though
Don't think you I don't know why you think slivers are so fucking good undefeatable I let me give you guys of the because it's so easy to understand let me trade you a copy of the first sliver
It will make your deck infinitely better that should be your commander bad investments
I've had aetherium for ten years
So what is the last five years of that have been worse than bonds.
What's going on with all my... I was all stoked on Chainlink and then the last fucking week I'm like...
You don't know what Chainlink is doing though.
You shouldn't have stuff that you don't know what they're doing.
Well I know, they're building a roadmap.
I wanted to see if I could just say that and see how you'd react.
I know what Chainlink is for, are they not progressing down that path any longer?
Chainlink's great. I love chain link I have chain link, but if you don't know what they're doing, why would you have it?
It's for smart contracts. It's to reward smart contract holders
It's the only crypto that anyone's ever explained how what it does and I went oh that makes sense to me, okay
What about Solana? I do feel like Solana makes sense. Yeah, I have Solana. I love Solana. I build on Solana
Do you know what Bitcoin does? Nothing. But do you know what it does?
It helps buy drugs. Okay
So you have your private key and everyone has their private key and then you can do
Without being without having to trust anybody,
you can change decimal places,
like down to 18 decimal places, right?
Like one, I can send you a number one,
and then the ledger of everything says,
Vito has a number one, I don't have that number anymore.
Right, okay.
Ethereum is like a computer version of that.
Instead of just math, one, zero. I give you three of this
Yeah, it's like running actual programs, right?
Okay, so that's what it does and then chain link is like a governor that sits there and goes like and does
utilities and stuff on
Ethereum like automatic things and I'm gonna be an oracle you ask me stuff
I'll tell you what it's worth because the theorem can't do that and there's everything else
Solana's just a fast version. So you're saying by Doge
So I should buy
But he on Musk wants me to buy Doge clearly. He should be in jail for that
But I have juke, you know, we're talking about bad
Convinced me I was just listening to him.
I was listening to EVS, and I'm like,
I'm never going to buy Doge, it's retarded.
And then EVS for some reason, he goes,
if you guys think Doge isn't going to the moon,
I mean, you don't think Elon Musk is going to pump this thing.
And I'm like, well, that's not a good reason
to invest in anything.
Believe in the fundamentals of things.
I want to get Adam 22's cut coin.
Don't bet on dumber people than you.
Adam 22's cut coin is going to the moon.
I was disappointed in him.
I want Fatty from Boogie.
Fatty is cool.
All these influencer coins are going to the moon.
Which one of them can I use to buy more worthless magic cards?
I'm still holding out for souls of the lost.
This card is so good.
It's so good, it's huge.
It's like a two man, a 12th power creature
when I play this fucking thing.
I'm sorry that happened to you.
If they print fucking, what's that guy
who dumps shit in your graveyard?
Graveyard, ah fuck.
There's a one monoblock.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. He dumps things in the graveyard.
There's a black creature though when it comes into play you mill three and it's not in standard right now.
If they print it in a standard set, then I get rich.
Right now getting stuff in your graveyard is too hard and this fucking kid,
he would, he instead of running the guy with the hat who dumps two things in your graveyard,
he was running fucking Sea Note Scout, the merfolk that draws the land.
I'm like, how does that help your plan?
So this kid fucked it up for me.
Alright alright alright. He didn't even play the right one drop.
My problem is shrinking jaws.
Shrinking jaws.
The phenomenon of shrinking human jaws.
Where is this happening?
It's happening everywhere.
Well I said this has been happening with action movies.
Wait what? What do you mean?
We're those big lantern jawed action guys we used to have.
Everybody's jaw is shrinking.
Because we're not eating hard food anymore or we're not
we're doing too much mulling or something.
That's actually fascinating.
Is that why?
Historical jaw size reduction.
Comparing skulls from 12,000 years ago to new ones shows a noticeable decrease in jaw
Soft food, huh?
Soft food, yeah.
Oh my God. Jaw dimensions shrank as diets shifted
from tough wild foods to softer processed
agricultural products.
What'd you eat today?
You had a burrito?
It was soft.
It was soft.
I had a filet of fish.
Insanely soft.
I don't know.
I had some french fries with the filet of fish
and some chicken nuggets.
None of that had anything to it.
I'm kind of worried because I read people who were like big, you know, masculine men saying like you gotta have babies like working their...
Working their jaws out.
So they don't grow up and look like, you know, like Andrew Tate like, oh.
So what do you give your baby to eat that's tough? You gotta give them like a chew toy.
A dog treat or something.
That teething shit is real.
You gotta get them those teethings.
So they're chewing.
Start chewing right now?
You're eating that?
Big, big ripped jaw?
What would you feed your-
Or Barry Bonds?
What would you feed?
Cause now we have, you know, the baby food.
At the back of the day, what would we-
I don't even know if I chew anything that's really hard.
That's what I'm saying.
I'm trying to think what I ate that had any amount of like-
And it messes up, oh, so get this.
It messes up our teeth.
Modern dental crowning.
Today, tooth crowding, a direct consequence of smaller jaws
is extremely common.
Estimates suggest that up to 90% of modern humans
have some degree of dental malocclusion
requiring orthodontic.
So the teeth, because our jaws are so small.
What are those teeth in the back?
Wisdom teeth.
Our jaws are so small that the teeth are getting squished.
Did you have to have your wisdom teeth removed?
I did.
Yeah, and I feel like I would rather have like a-
A big ol' jaw.
A giant mouth full of teeth.
Well why don't they just- have you seen those jaw exercisers that the fucking influencer
guys sell?
Uh, no.
They're just like giant rubber things you put in your mouth and you just chew on it for an hour a day
Bro, but have you seen the before-and-afters?
No, look at the wrong like Alex Jones's. No, hold on. Give me the give me the keyboard. I can't look up jaws or size
I'm not buying anything. Look at look it up. Look it up. I honestly looked at it
I went shit that is like pretty convincing
Yeah, I was like that is pretty fucking convincing
Exerciser for a tone jawline. Yeah, it's a full gym for your face rubber cock. Yeah, well no shit
It's gonna look gay. You gotta suck on something a
Gym a full gym for your face. No, this is gonna fuck up your head
I think no dude look at go look at it it Do they have the before and after so you get various resistance levels of this fucking little thing honestly you just chew well
No, it's like it's like a rubber fucking thing you want yeah
It's like a hard rubber thing and then a real people look at this guy
Alex Jones is no no it work. at it! Look! That's worse than Alex Jones is!
No, no, it wor- look at that!
That's retarded! That's crazy!
That's retarded.
No, no, no, go to the- look, look, look, look, look, look, look.
Okay, this- look at how-
Look at that!
That's just a different camera lens.
No, look at that! Look at this!
No, you can see that it's distorted.
Because the ears are all small.
One's on an iPhone and one's on an Android.
Dude, I've seen some guys with the
I wanna get this. Somebody send this to Vito's Booty
because this can't be destroyed.
Wisdom teeth impactions. Smaller jaws
means less room for third molars
in industrialized societies.
75% of people have at least one
impacted wisdom tooth, often necessitating
removal. So we're removing perfectly good teeth
I want to see this guy chew on this thing look at that. That's all you got to do
Look at that guy's got a pretty good chin there, man. He's filled out. I don't want to buy shit from this guy
I thought about getting one of these I said if I had a big old jaw
I mean you're not gonna be able to see it through the fat, but who knows maybe people
You're gonna get a jaws or size? I kind of thought about getting a jaws or size
Here's the thing I like chewing on stuff anyway, so
Yeah, I'm always like I actually have a nervous habit
We're all like just like be chewing on fucking pen caps and shit, so I was like I'm gonna chew on some
Why don't I chew on a fucking jaws or size? You're gonna fuck up your teeth. There's no way that's good for you.
My teeth are already fucked who cares I'm only fucking teeth
Look David Odom says it's good. Who the fuck is David Odom? There was this one beautiful guy
I used jaws or size for five minutes every day. There was this beautiful guy
I don't know if this was the guy and I saw him and I'm like, oh man that jawline is pretty- look at that jaw on him
Well that's not from a little piece of gum that he chews jawline is pretty look at that jaw
Now Look at that
Bro, he's got a beautiful. Where's the before that's not from that is before no that's no way
That's from a little thing you chew on. That's from him chewing for a look. He's filled it
Oh my god, you could fucking cut rocks on that fucking jawline. Holy shit
Look what he turns look what he turns the sharp angle. Well, that's going away
All right, I'm gonna jazzy size
OSA affects 10% of adults globally. I guess OSA is shrinking jaws
Well cuz what yeah cuz like, you know, I'm not chewing on sticks. I'm not chewing on a
shrinking jaws well cuz what yeah cuz like you know I'm not chewing on sticks I'm not chewing on a fucking raw piece of animal flesh. Should kids be chewing on sticks?
Maybe. They don't chew on anything. No they don't have anything. Kids are just like eating goo. Dude you take a kid to a restaurant
The hardest thing they're gonna eat is a chicken finger. It's a big problem. They're eating spaghetti. You ever see the kids menu at a
fucking restaurant? It's all spaghetti. I'm always bringing kids to the restaurant so you know I'm always ordering off the kids menu at a fucking restaurant? It's all spaghetti. So it doesn't interest me. I'm always bringing kids to the restaurant.
So, you know, I'm always ordering off the kids menu for them.
And you know, it's always chicken nuggets
and whatever else.
These were stats that I had for the gratitude problem.
Rate of change.
The speed of Josh shrinkage is too rapid to be genetic.
Let's get a Jaws or size sponsorship.
No, my Jaws. Oh, oh okay, sponsorship, yeah.
I can't do that shit though. You could try it. I'll do it for a month. Jaws too fucked up already.
And we'll see what the results are. Jawsercise. Okay, yeah, do it. Yeah, I'll do it. I'll do it for a month.
And then I will shave my beard.
Jawsercise, this is the pitch to you. I will use Jawsercise. How much is this shit? I don't know how much they cost.
They're not that, it can't be that much. It's a piece of plastic. I'm sure there's a fucking Chinese
Well, I'm saying I'm sure there's a Chinese knockoff on Alibaba.
You don't want that though.
It's a piece of rubber! What the fuck?
No, no, no, don't do that.
I shouldn't talk about my sponsor that way. We want the top one.
You gotta get the patented two pack.
Do you want a two pack or a four pack?
I feel like the two pack the beginners bundle
This is a guy's pack. What's the difference? This one says guys on no bite strips needed. It's 45 bucks out the commitment
That's the guys pack. It says without the without the commitment. That's who they're advertised
Well, cuz it's one of these things, you know, like we're boss pack
It's like with butt plugs where you have to start with the smallest size and then work up to the bigger one
This is the same for the jaws your size
start with the smallest size and then work up to the bigger one. This is the same for the Jawsers size.
You can't just go to the biggest size.
Oh, you got to get it.
You got to go from the little guy and then work your way up to the green man.
It's 45 bucks.
It's the pop and go blue and the pop and go green.
It's funny. That's what the butt plugs are called, too.
Would you really use this?
Yeah, I would try this. Yeah, I would have fun with this. For a month?
I would have to figure out how to, yeah, what are you going to do, like an hour?
You have to figure out. What do you mean?
Well, how long are you going to do it? Are you going to do it for an hour?
Well, it says right there, 20...
I'm going to have to set like an alarm on my phone, like don't forget to use that fucking piece of rubber.
People will be bothering you about this every day.
I want, it would be cool if it was like a thing I just had all the time, and I'm like, I'll just pop it in and chew on it.
Well, yeah, that's what it is. What are you talking about? I want to it would be cool if it was like a thing I just had all the time I'm like I'll just pop it in and chew on it. Yeah, that's what it is. Yeah talking about I
Want to judge I want to come to this little case. I don't know if a month's gonna be enough, but I try it
For a month it better be but that's what those guys are doing the before and after what's fitness for you
How long does it say it normally takes?
It says pop and go the best choice for most people. Description.
Jaw, exercise, total transformation. It's a journey. Look, she's got like a little,
she's got a little necklace for it so you don't lose it. Go whistle. I want a t-shirt too.
It comes with these jaws or size necklace so you can't lose it. Reviews. Okay. Yeah,
they're mostly good. Yeah, a lot of good reviews. You can't use it. OK. Yeah, they're mostly good.
Yeah, a lot of good reviews.
You could look like this Mexican lady.
Yeah, I don't know how that's helpful.
Is that the before?
What is that?
That's her driver's license.
Thanks, lady.
Thanks for uploading a picture of your driver's license
for some fucking reason.
Here's me before in my driver's license.
Here's me after.
Oh, there you go.
I really shaped it out there.
That one's not super helpful, but sure. nice jawline on that guy alright. What's the before though? This one broke oh?
No, well you can't you this now that's impressive holding her head all in a different way
Maybe but come on it looks it does look like she's sticking her head out, but she's got more. I don't know
It looks a little more firm.
It's alright, I don't know.
Not more of a...
I can't actually tell.
I don't think these people understand like before and after.
I don't think they know what a before and after is at all.
Alright, well...
Maybe we'll get a jaw's your size.
That's my problem.
Pop and go, folks!
Take the jaw's your size challenge. So and go, folks. Take the jaws or size challenge.
Softer diets, reduce chewing stress,
moderate mouth breathing also plays a factor.
Yeah, maybe my breathing would be better
if I had a big old jaw.
Do you breathe through your mouth?
Yeah, I think so.
I think it alternates, but mostly.
Like you breathe in through your mouth
and out through your nose?
I don't know, I'll pay attention to it.
I don't know. I think it changes depending on the...
Well, actually, my nose is...
I'm always a little stuffed up, so I'm probably a mouth breathing.
I get allergies a lot.
Sleep apnea, I already said.
Your facial aesthetics.
Speech problems.
Job size affects tongue positioning.
There you go.
You gotta be job-sizing, man.
See, there's all these problems that, you know, why is this not built in our society?
Every kid should get a jaw-zor-size when you enter a fucking grade school.
We could fix all this.
I don't want schools putting things in kids' mouths.
You don't want lantern jawed preschoolers running around?
They'd probably be choking on those fucking things.
I just want someone to tell me what the deal is.
Like, okay. What's the deal? So if what's the deal is like what's the deal?
So it's a problem like what do I have to I'm saying out of this 500 billion
We're gonna give to Zelensky maybe there could be a fund to get America's jaws back in shape
It's something to get us in kids mouth. I mean the other kids. Yeah, can't we get the government in your kids mouth?
Yeah, we're already in there. We got the fluoride and the fucking tap water
Why stop worrying every part of your kid the US government
Yeah, our case trying to put a stop to that. I guess just chew harder food
Well, that's what I was trying to think about is like what do you chew on?
I don't know what's I don't know like a fruit like an apple and apples maybe a little bit of resistance soft
It's got a little bit of a bite to it
Yeah, but like even our meats are, yeah, like a steak.
Like tearing it out.
Not like chicken.
Pork's good.
We don't eat enough pork.
Speaking of pigs.
I do.
What do you call it?
Dick, I got a problem for ya.
I've been watching the new season of Invincible, which kind of sucks for a number of reasons.
And one of them is as you're watching-
Worn out its welcome.
And the writers are clearly floundering a little bit.
I know they got a basic kind on the comic books, but they are changing some stuff up,
But then we get to the scene where Amber-
Cecil's in prison.
Cecil's in- Like, head on in prison. Cecil's in... Yeah.
Cecil's the best part of the show! You can't do that!
Yeah, that was dumb.
Uh, well, I mean, he was... He's still... Whatever.
Anyway, so Mark and Eve are doing the relationship drama arc, which is...
That's nice.
I don't know, I guess barely interesting. Whatever.
Well, he's fucking her. Like, oh, okay, that's cool.
Somebody's fucking her, that's good. What's the conflict? He's not she it's just nice
It's nice that she's not fucking that shitty guy that douchebag Rex explode. No Rex explodes cool now. No he sucks
I like Rex explode. He's a nice guy. He's more human than the fucking he's better than mark
Who he's spent the entire season crying about jail and how he wants to take everybody to jail.
It's been so fucking weird.
I'm like, what are you so obsessed with jail?
He's like, you're going to jail.
I'm going to put you in jail.
And I'm like, they're super like villains.
They'll just get it.
Yeah, just kill them.
Your dad was right.
That's the point.
Mark's an idiot.
So him and Eve are on the roof and they're talking about, ah, we should get our own apartment.
Now, remember, he's talking to a lady who built a tree
fort out of nothing.
She controls atoms and stuff.
She controls atoms.
She can rearrange matter into anything she wants.
And Mark goes, I just don't know how
we're going to afford an apartment in the city.
And I went, what?
What are you talking about?
Dick, my problem is poor superheroes.
It is the worst, if you're writing a superhero story,
it is the stupid, it only works for like-
Where that's the point.
Luke Cage, hero for hire.
Luke Cage was just a guy with super strength
who got out of prison and said,
I'll be a hero if you pay me money and you said that works. I understand it would
be hard for a black guy to get a job. He's got to go around shake down. There's
actually an issue where he shakes Dr. Doom down for money which is awesome. He
flies all the way to Latveri. He's like where's my money bitch? Dr. Doom's like
what the fuck? He's like give me that money! Give me my fucking money! That works.
Yeah that's funny. It doesn't work when you are Superman and your girlfriend in a you can arrange Adams and stuff
Do you know that did you watch the Adam Eve miniseries?
Where I think it was in that or maybe it was in the actual show where her dad is crying or dad has a job
Like Burger Mart. Yeah, and she grabs a bunch of apple and turns it into gold and says go pawn this for money
Yeah, and then I go invincible kind of sucks though
Well the product it's something weird about it. I don't really get it can't figure out it kind of meanders
It's like it knows the most interesting shit is the viltrumite stuff, so it keeps having to like be like oh, they're coming back
Yeah, I'm demands coming back. Yeah, and in, they're going to fight an old guy with earthquake powers.
And like the mom is dating.
And the mom's going on dates.
I don't want to give a shit about the mom's going on dates.
I don't want to watch her get plowed by some fucking real estate agent.
Is that to get women to watch it?
I don't know.
Is that so like guys go, I want to watch a superhero thing, and the girl goes, well,
I like invincible.
Because like.
Because the mom goes on dates.
The mom goes on dates.
And then like sometimes he misses a date and the girlfriend's mad and I've had to deal with that
That's fine. Yeah mom going on wine dates
That's too much the point is as I've brought up in my viral tweet
Or I said, why would you not let a vulture might impregnate you?
Being a superhero is the key to free money forever
Okay, the idea that mark can't make a dollar.
Do anything!
Go to like a construction site and they're like,
oh, we really gotta like get this tractor out of a hole.
It makes it too real, doesn't it?
I'll do it for a hundred bucks.
Go, just fly to an asteroid and grab some fucking minerals.
Grab some platinum and bring it back to earth and go here.
There you go.
Just ask people for money.
And this is- Make like a website where people can give you money. Yeah. Just ask people for money. Make like a website
where people can give you money. Well that's the other thing, people like Invincible, they're
making like Invincible costumes in the show, they have like cosplay. Fucking do the-
Give me some money. That's why Booster Gold is my favorite superhero. Cause I went, if
I was a superhero I would be a whore like Booster Gold. Do you know Booster Gold? He's
from the future. He's from the future. And the reason he's from the future is that he
was caught betting on his own high school was caught betting on his own college football games
and got kicked out.
Like Pete Rose?
Yeah, like Pete Rose.
So he went to a museum and stole a time travel device
and a super suit and said, I'm going to go back to the past
and make a shit ton of money on endorsements.
And I'm like, booster gold, man of the people.
All right?
Use booster gold toothpaste where a smile that right use booster gold toothpaste. We're smiled as bright as gold
And then they started making booster gold into like a serious character who's like a time trial warrior
I'm like no no no no no he's the fucking endorsement guy. I love him
Yeah, it is dumb so invincible can fucking if they're making knockoff invincible costumes. Just gotta be away from to profit on that
Batman makes money. Everybody
can make money. Iron Man makes money. Yeah. There's all sorts of ways to make money. Okay.
I watched, you know, that Falcon in the winter soldier show where we find out Cap America is
the black guy now. There's a part where he goes into the bank and the guy in the bank is like,
Oh my God, you're captain America or the Falcon or whatever he was at that point in time.
He goes, you literally saved Earth and you're responsible.
How about five bucks?
Remember the snap where half of the Earth disappeared and then the Avengers made the
other, made them all come back, literally saved billions of people.
Yes, I remember that stupid movie.
So let's imagine you're responsible for like a billion people coming back to life.
Don't you think you could go on GoFundMe and go, hey, I'm trying to save the family farm.
Can everyone just kick in a dollar?
What if he's getting around to it?
He couldn't get a bank loan. He saved half the world.
I'm pretty sure that if I got zapped back from the fucking negative zone, I'd go,
I think I can give Captain America five bucks.
Isn't that like a clue to stop consuming this content though?
Well, isn't that like a message to you the consumer saying oh, this isn't for me. This doesn't make any sense.
This is for retarded people.
It's like you're watching like a kids show and going like I already know how to spell blue. What the hell is this?
This is fucking dumb. I know Swiper. He's right there. You can fucking see him. That's your clue to go
This is a notebook bitch get the notebook. Yeah
I'm just saying right there. This is obvious. You can have good superhero stories, okay?
It's just when you say it isn't one when you say that they can't get a bank loan
The guy who saved half the fucking planet doesn't know how to set up a go fund me
Yeah, he's got a train and an old black guy's fucking dilapidated gym or some shit
I'm like they should all be rich out of their minds
They just be hyper celebrities, it's just retarded it is retarded. It's retarded. Something's weird about it invincible the whole thing
Invincible, honey man's cool
It's cool. And he's like that's pretty weird. I want him
I want to pick up on the I've read the comics some weird shit goes down especially with that robot guy
They've never the the robot kid who becomes robot was the name of his hero
I don't know and they cloned the other guy the gay guy the robot. I don't know. And they cloned the other guy. The gay guy?
The robot!
I don't remember any robot.
His name is Robot!
Oh, the orange guy?
Yeah, the orange robot guy.
They cloned a kid?
I want them to get into the fact that
he cloned himself into a kid body
and specifically dating the only other member of the team
who looks like a child. I'm like, there's something there you gotta talk about.
You're almost like a gesture, you know?
I think he's a pedophile.
No, he's not a pedophile.
I think he's a pedophile!
That's just you... seeing that.
Why would he not be attracted to, like, a grown woman?
She was a grown woman.
She is a grown woman.
No, she's a fucking kid! He never saw her as a grown woman!
He's a fucking robot!
He's not a real man either. No, he's a mutant that disguises himself as a grown woman. He's a fucking kid, he never saw her as a grown woman. He's a robot. He's not a real man either.
No, he's a mutant that disguised himself as a robot. He's like Howiells.
He's like that Frederick Brennan, the guy that made 8chan or whatever. Was that guy a pedophile?
I mean, I don't know, but he was on 8chan so probably. He's one of those little guys that's like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uh all I'm saying is that, yeah, Invincibles got some problems.
You know what I really hope they adapt?
It's kind of weird, that show.
You should read X-Static.
That's one of my favorite takes on the superhero genre.
That was when the Is It?
Well, you know X-Force was like Cable and Domino
and all these cool guys or whatever?
So then the X-Force comic sales were down.
So they canceled X-Force and killed off the whole team. And then the next issue, they said, it's the all new X-Force comic sales were down so they cancelled X-Force and killed off the whole team
Yeah, and then the next issue they said it's the all-new X-Force
They're like a reality show of mutants
And it was all these mutants who like film their lives
And they're just trying to get endorsement deals and and all the Marvel fans were like you replace the X-Force with a bunch of like
Boy band characters, they're like yeah, it's awesome
And then they became the X statics.
Are we going to be done with this stuff soon?
The comic stuff?
We got to be done with it.
We got to be done.
Severance makes me think it's done because it's good.
It's like a good show.
It's got nothing to do with any of this gay comic shit.
Well, you're saying like the age of the mega franchise
bullshit, the constant pulling shit out of nowhere
and needing to redefine it for a new audience.
You know what I think it's gonna come down to?
I think it's gonna come down to,
first of all, Snow White's gonna perish at the box office.
No one's gonna see that.
I think a lot of it's gonna come down to,
will people go see a how to, what's that?
What's that dragon movie?
How I Met a Dragon? How to Train Your Dragon. Oh, what's that dragon movie how I met a dragon
how to train your dragon I met it honey I met a dragon honey I blew up the
dragon yeah what is that a Disney movie that's for kids though I mean for adult
men like all the adult men powering the superhero shit have got to have heart
attacks and die eventually well the audience is young young men don't like
this shit they like meme coins I don't like this shit. They like meme coins.
I don't know what young people consume.
They like Christ, Jesus Christ.
They like Jesus Christ.
They like shorts.
They like Fortnite.
They like Roblox.
They don't like superhero shit.
They think it's gay.
I don't have my finger on the butthole of what the kids are up to these days.
They like being dumb.
They hate irony.
They like-
They hate irony.
They hate irony. They'll act stupid irony hate irony. They'll act stupid
Just to make fun of you right Millennials who have disdain for?
ironic Anything like like how like yeah, you like like cringe stuff. Yeah, go look at this is so bad
They'll be bad authentically and say this is cool
Actually, I'm actually making fun of you by being bad on purpose because you think you're better than me by mocking
failure and badness. Well is it kind of like, it kind of feels like that skibbity toilet is a good barometer.
It's like, exactly, that's exactly, taking something that should be cringe and shit, but treating it really really seriously.
Skibbity toilet is fucking cool. Riz dude, Riz. I've seen every episode.
Riz. 79 episodes.
Skivity. Riz, dude.
I've seen every episode.
79 episodes.
The TV man comes down with the Astro toilets
to have war on the earth toilets, it's cool.
I really wish I knew the Skivity toilet lore.
Occasionally I try to watch one and I'm like,
I don't know who's fighting it.
You can't, yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, one day I decided to mentally become a Zoomer
because you have to.
Well, Dr. Kevin came over to watch the fireworks,
and his kid was with him.
And the kid was like, I'm really into Skibbity Toilet.
And his dad's like, I don't know what the fuck that is.
I'm like, I kind of, I kind of.
Why would you not?
Yeah, why would you not?
His kid was just, would not, would love Skibbity Toilet.
Skibbity Toilets.
It's like, see these fireworks?
And his kid's like, can we go watch Skibbity Toilet? There's fucking fire in the sky. It's gay. It's like see these fireworks? It's like can we go watch skibbity toilet? Like there's fucking fire in the sky.
It's gay. It's dumb.
Skibbity toilet's cool.
I get skibbity toilet.
That's my problem, poor superheroes. It's dumb.
Lack of gratitude is my problem.
I also had poor investments.
Oh man. Though have you guys seen now here's the
thing though voting on Jupiter's cat icon like well I already got the jupes
there you go might as well why is Jupiter in the is it in the toilet right
now it just went down a lot yeah everything's down Solana's they're like
half or something it'll be back I will say guys right now on TCG player people are buying out all the Pokemon illustration rares to jack up the prices artificially
What's that?
Every box of Pokemon has like two special cards in it that can either be like really good or like worth a dollar
But now they're getting even the dollar ones up to like $50 each by just buying out the stock. But what is it?
What is what what's the card? What makes it good?
It's like full art. It's like the whole card is art. Oh, yeah, I like those. Yeah, they're really cool
Those are cool. Yeah, I don't about really cool
Well, the thing is like the Charizard and the lugios were always a ton of money
But then it would be like, you know fucking Psyduck was like, you know ten bucks
But now all the scalpers are just buying up all the Psy didx to artificially limit the supply and so even the even the trash
Illustration rare should go to the moon
So I'm saying is if everyone who listens to the show right now goes to TCG player and buys every copy of souls of the lost
We will control the supply your plan to make a ton of money when somebody won on that like why do you have so I just
Think it's a real well cuz I thought I just think it's neat
It's a really good card. I think it's worth more than a quarter.
It's like, you remember Tarmagoyf? You remember how good Tarmagoyf was?
Okay, well anyone who plays Magic...
What the fuck is a Tarmagoyf?
Man, you are not a real Magic fan.
It's just bullshit. You don't know Tarmagoyf?
It's the premier green creature of the last ten years!
I know the Earl of Squirrel.
Well it ain't the Earl of Squirrel, my friend.
You only play this infinity unhinged nonsense.
Every time I come over you're like, I don't have time for this shit.
I like the goofy cards, they're funny.
They're fun.
They're funny cards.
They're fun and I can get into them in the amount of time it takes for them to come out.
This card is better than tarmagoif.
It is more powerful than tarmagoif.
I'm not playing outlaws of gay junction or whatever
They have is the new magic said there's some good cards in they
Mystery at gay manor. I actually I did buy some collectors cage from mystery at gay era from cowboy
And the collectors cages were a good spec. I got those for like a dollar. I don't need a cowboy dimension. That's stupid
Yeah, well magic has gotten into the apologizing for the cowboy set, uh, thing,
because they realized everybody hates it.
So they're kind of saying, well, guys, we already paid for all-
I told you what happened to Mystery at Karlov Manor, right?
Oh, that's what that-
Oh, hold on. Okay. So remember they did- they did one called Streets of New Cappana,
which was like the roaring fifties or whatever?
I can't. I can't.
You want to hear this story.
No, okay.
Give me two seconds. It was like the fifties. It's like ballgame. It was supposed to be like crime families right five crime families
People tell me to give them an amount of seconds and each one it goes lower
Somebody took three people told me before now give me 20 seconds give me 10 seconds
And this was the lowest one shut the fuck up. I'm serious, okay?
It's a bunch of crime families fighting who should the crime families be fighting against each other cops
Should be part of the set right there should be law enforcement in some regard. Okay. Yeah, okay
So what happened as they're getting ready to release streets of Nuka Pena?
Black Lives Matter shows up and everybody hates the cops and the guys who make magic gathering
The bad guys sure but guys who make magic gathering go. Oh my god
We can't have cops in our magic set.
God, fuck off.
So at the last minute, they had to take all the art of cops
doing cop stuff and replace it.
And so the reason we got murders at Carlisle Manor
is they took all the art of cops and just
added detective hats and monocles
to turn it into a detective set.
So that's the reason we got a detective set.
They should have BLM.
Is because of Black Lives Matter.
Versus Nick Fuentes.
They said, how do we get all these guys who already drew cops handcuffing black goblins?
That's so bad, man.
They had a card, you know, a guy kneeling on a goblin's neck and they're like, well,
we can't use that now.
So they had to send it back and put a fucking top hat on in a monocle so they could use
the art.
That's so stupid.
It's the worst thing that ever happened so we
got one of the worst sets ever all right Donald admits to being like but raped
really as a Canadian child is that true look do you know about that it isn't his
book that's why if you don't like so he got ass raped as a kid you gotta listen
to the book on tape I don't want to listen to a bunch of child pornography
it's one of the best it's one of the best child rape stories
you'll ever hear in your life.
12 out of 10.
Honestly, 12 out of 10.
I don't wanna hear about Norm getting raped.
You gotta listen to Norm getting raped.
It's like chapter two.
Oh my God, it's so good, dude.
Skip it.
I'm still laughing for days.
I don't think that's funny, though.
You gotta hear it. I don't wanna hear that funny though you gotta I don't hear that
it's like the best fucking child rape story I've ever heard in my life how
would he put that in the book because you got it cuz the whole book it's his
autobiography you gotta hear about put the ass right in there but raped in
Canada no no you don't have to put that in there you should listen to it okay
all right hey dick hey Vito The biggest problem in the universe is
fucking sheets balling up in the dryer
and not fully drying.
100% true.
I hate bed sheets in general,
keeping them on the bed. Have you seen these
bed sheets that have, uh, straps?
I'm getting those.
I have those. I actually have straps that go on
bed sheets that don't have that. On existing bed sheets? Yeah.
And I found clips this week where they clip on the outside of the bed
Yeah, hold on, but I don't think they'll work. I don't know I can never keep bed sheets on I must toss and turn too much
You can get
You can get bigger bed sheets. Yeah, is that a bigger mattress? Yeah, I swapped and I've never had a problem since
I swapped them all for bigger bed sheets. This is a major problem for me for years, dude. It drives me nuts. It drives me nuts
I'm getting the bed sheets. I especially my beds up against the wall
It's a pain in the ass to fucking get your bed. You can walk around and like adjust it
What do you mean? It's up against the wall like it's up against the corner
So I bet in the corner of the room
So I have to pull the whole bed out to get to the other side to fuck with the bed sheets. Oh, yeah
Get bigger ones. Bigger sheets. Change your life. Bigger sheets. Bigger job, bigger sheets. That's my commitment.
Okay so there's this thing I've noticed that not only Eric does but all of like
the Rip Reverse guys do. Yeah. And I have like absolute proof of it. So they only ever use like
words once they hear someone else using it
Yeah, but they don't actually understand what it is. That's true. And my proof is if you go on Sturgis's
Twitter account and you look up the word of that did like all the uses the word that did okay
He never used it a single time before like like a couple of days ago when I said,
this is the vapid consumerism that we shit on Vito for.
And then he replies with a bunch of bullshit and includes the word.
He said, Oh, you're a vapid loser or quit this vapid nonsense.
Like he's clearly doesn't understand what the word means, but he's been using it more and more after I used it in a sentence.
So I think he just saw a new word and latched onto it.
And that's the same shit that all of them do.
They see a word that they've never seen before,
and because their vocabulary is so limited,
because they're not very well read or whatever.
They're ret whatever. Yeah.
They just latch onto any kind of new vocabulary.
And it just becomes very obvious to see, like, once you argue with these guys for a little bit, if you throw in, like, an 11th grader word, they get like, fatty. It's like when they were on the word
Torturous Interference and they couldn't stop saying it.
They start trying to like, buy other things.
Like another guy, I said, I said shit hemorrhage,
which you can obviously like extract what that means.
He was like, oh, actually, hemorrhage means blood.
You're supposed to think of it as shit hemorrhage.
Well, don't put shit on everything.
I actually don't like that.
So in the past-
This is all from February.
Every time he's used Vapid has been in the last week which means he just learned the
word this week.
From February 22nd to February 26th.
Yeah look, see he's responding to you, there's the tweet, he says this vapid consumerism.
Oh you're a vapid loser.
Wait he doesn't even know how the word works.
What do you? Okay. He's like Peter Griffin. It wasn't screw. I find it individual. Stop
being so vapid. Look, and this is he's only ever used the word since you said it. He's
never used it, but he's never used it before this week. He's retarded. He's like legit
kicked in the head. It's true though that he heard that word and now you even with a
hose retarded. That's fascinating
There's probably a better example out there. Well, there's a lot of good examples of that. Okay, here we go
Hi, Nick. I don't know. You know, you said at one point people are reading too much into bullshit
It's not that it's that I'm conservatives
some some at all. I'm sorry, but they generally understand that like growing up is part of becoming an adult and
being a
Adolescent adult makes life exponentially more difficult, but yet for some reason especially on the left
They can't fucking let go of being a child and they wonder why their lives are fucking miserable and they have a bunch of mental issues
Like it's not was that the proof was that the argument that we're reading into it. We're wondering why?
Okay, just not fucking want to grow up and accept being an adult. That's all we're just wondering why
I'm grown-up raise their version with toys and dolls
Despite the fact that it's clearly crippling your capacity to be productive
That's all
It's crippling my ability to be productive you are yeah, I made the toy that's productivity. I made it
I'm being productive. This is like GDP productivity like I I'm gonna dig holes and then you fill the hole up.
I printed a shelf! That was productivity!
You didn't print a shelf!
Look, here's the argument I've...
The GDP is up one veto plus E.
Here's the argument I'm gonna make.
I think that this...
This va... It is vapid.
See, now I'm doing it.
I think this obsession with childish media and toys
and colorful garbage or whatever else
is because what alternative are you offering to people?
Growing up.
Okay, so you grow up and what do you do?
You get a job?
You don't care about that shit anymore.
So what do you care about?
Mostly making money or providing a secure environment You don't care about that shit anymore. So what do you care about? Um, mostly,
mostly making money or
providing a secure environment
for yourself and your family.
Making money, making money.
Money is usually a key to that, but yeah, that.
That, but
usually through money. I'm gonna make the argument
that the key driving
force behind this idea
of becoming an adult or a more mature whatever person
has always been economic.
It's the idea that if you're a more professional individual
and you style yourself like an adult,
you're gonna get a better job,
you're gonna be taken more seriously, whatever else, right?
It's not economic.
It's about needing security.
I think it's been a necessity.
I think it's been said like, hey think it's been said, like, hey,
if you want to be in the business world,
if you want to be, you know, do anything,
you have to conduct yourself as a serious person.
You can't have these, you know, childish,
you're looked down upon for acting childishly
in these situations.
In the business world?
Yeah, sure, but I don't think being an adult
is about trying to conform to the business world.
But I'm saying, I think that for the longest time, it's been like, if you want to succeed in life, you have to adhere to the business world. But I'm saying, I think that for the longest time,
it's been like, if you want to succeed in life,
you have to adhere to the societal standard
of what we expect an adult to act like.
And there were some people who could buck that trend
and act childishly and still make money,
but they were the rare exception.
For the most part, you have to take yourself seriously
and be very, you know.
Yeah, you gotta wear a suit to the White House
if you want $100 billion. Perfect example. You gotta wear a suit, you gotta. Yeah, you gotta wear a suit to the White House if you want $100 billion.
Perfect example.
You gotta wear a suit.
You gotta dress.
Everybody used to wear, it used to be-
Yeah, don't interrupt.
There was a period of time where everybody
wore a suit everywhere because it was like,
if you don't do that, you're not part of this.
Like, you know, you're-
Well, it's still kinda like that.
Like, if you wore a suit now, it would look weird.
Like, you still have to conform to a dress code.
Sure, but I'm saying we now have a society
where I boot up the Whatnot app
and a man is making thousands of dollars a minute
selling fucking sports cards and comic books in garbage.
Yeah, we've always had scams.
No, no, no, no, no, no, we have not always had...
Okay, we've always had scams,
but there's never been a more profitable time.
There is a genuine, not only is there no economic incentive to wearing a suit and treating yourself
seriously, okay?
You're not going to suddenly, the house prices are not suddenly going to come down because
you're wearing a suit.
Doesn't matter.
And you can actually, you go online, you're like, well, I want to act seriously, take
the world seriously.
And a guy goes, I just made a billion dollars off fart coin,
and I'm investing in Pokemon cards.
So where is the economic incentive to adulting?
It's not there.
So you can't push people towards it.
Our YouTube influencers travel around wearing goofy hats
and peeing on Japanese streets and getting beaten up.
But they're like degenerates.
No, we don't reward that. Yeah, but they're like degenerates.
No, we don't reward that.
We do, we give them super chats and we give them
endless money.
Celebrities though.
We have an attention economy.
I should not know that a man named Johnny Somali
exists and is running around Japan getting beat up
and everyone goes, why would he do that?
And I go, cause that's the fucking,
that's what success is now.
No, it's not.
That's like a child's version of success.
That fucking, a child's version of success.
That fucking, a child's version of success is the universe in which we currently live.
That's the universe you live in.
Johnny Somali doesn't mean jack shit to almost all people.
Except for kids that are sucked into YouTube and they really want, they idolize them and then they grow up.
And then they get real jobs and become part of you know, the human race when you
visualize the most
obvious paths not most obvious but the most like highly visible highly publicized path to success
Building rockets sure one aspect is tech. Okay, so going into tech
Well, Elon Musk Elon Musk is an example most visible that's the closest you're gonna get to saying you gotta act like an adult is you gotta be a fucking nerd.
Okay, you gotta learn how to code. You gotta get a beanbag like Sam.
Beanbag guy!
That's the tech version of success is a guy who shows up at the office in a t-shirt and flip-flops and gets in a beanbag
and makes magic coins out of the air.
Okay, so that's your example of one way to do it, and the other example is to be Mr. Beast and
crash trains into shit.
And those are our two most highly visible forms of economic success, is you can be beanbag
guy or train guy.
What else is there?
Mark Cuban?
Elon Musk like makes cars, there's like a car factory that professional men go to.
Elon Musk is on Twitter bragging about how he has the highest level Diablo character in the world.
Yeah, yeah, but he's also like catching rockets with chopsticks that are flying around, like he's doing satellites.
He's doing a lot of very complicated, very adult stuff, knocking up whores, dodging them. There's a lot of, there's a really big world
of professional adult men doing things
that are not Johnny Somali and toys.
And you're trying to say.
Right, Sam Bankman Fried in his bean bag
and fuckin' you watch the social network
and you go, God, I wish I was autistic and retarded.
That I'd make a ton of money coding bullshit.
Uh, yeah.
I'm saying you still look at like Henry Ford as your example, okay?
Guy in a suit-
Who would look at Henry Ford?
A guy in the fucking twenties!
But you were not in the twenties, you don't know that.
I'm saying-
Yeah, he was the fucking-
You look at the Ford and the Rockefellers,
it was guys in suits making big fucking business deals.
They didn't have Twitter back then!
Like that's not how society was like.
Time has changed.
Henry Ford.
What is the model for adult masculinity?
Who is it?
Andrew Tate.
But that's for like 13-year-olds.
Joe Rogan.
13-year-olds are into like movie things.
Like 13-year-olds are into Marvel shit.
But I'm saying.
Teenage boys are into retarded, but I'm saying age boys are into
Retarded characters because they're little kids then they grow up and you have to be real You have to grow up in your mind
So who is the economic model for adulthood that proves if you act like an adult and you act right and you live there
Whatever life you're gonna have an economic and personal success. Who is it for men?
Yeah, I mean like who's the role model for men for adult men?
Who would be the ideal one?
Who would you want your child to go,
that's the life I want.
Well not for children, but for adult men.
Well what are you,
which one are you talking about?
Your child's gonna grow up.
He's ripping on you.
He's saying that you are into like,
childish shit as an adult.
That's what he's saying.
Every Friday, I come into this studio and I talk about superhero movies and comic books
and garbage.
And you guys reward me with a Patreon that pays my fucking rent.
Uh huh.
So where's my financial incentive to show up in a suit and go, well actually today the
Dow was down 2.8 and the thing is maybe if we uh.
You see this? Yeah. You feel good about this? It could come back. No. It's coming back. This is coming back
Coming back. 100. Coming back. Magic cards. Horted away in a drawer. If anyone can get me the Final Fantasy
Collectors boosters. I can't fucking get them. Nobody has them for sale. If you have a local game store
I will pay you to go into your local game store and pre-order boxes of these cards for me.
Do you see that this is like a delpamine cycle? This is the only way I can make money.
Is it about the money or is it about the delpamine? Did I tell you my dad one time I had to fire a guy?
Okay. My dad had an employee who he was paying to help him run the pizza shops. Okay, the Noid?
Yeah, it was the Noid.
Origin story of the Noid.
And he'd go, hey, how come that guy's not at the store
right now and the guy it turned out was making more
from his side hustle of buying Funko Pops.
It's very hard to hire people.
It's impossible. Very hard.
Well, cause everybody can side hustle.
He's going, well, as long as I'm, you know, driving around,
I might as well stop into the mall and grab some Funko Pops.
I can flip them online.
Dumb decisions.
Yeah. It's hard to, well, you know can flip them online. Dumb decisions. Yeah.
It's hard to, well, you know, it's very hard to hire people.
When people are making hundreds of dollars from Funko Pops,
there is no incentive to go, well, I
got to put on a suit and tie and go to the office.
No, sell tchotchkes.
If there is, I'm asking you, for example,
and you haven't given me one.
Just getting a job job waking up every day and doing the same thing and denying
dopamine rush
Impulses yeah, that's that's a key component to being successful
If you can just deny your basic your base urges to
Indulge in like frivolous things for a quick hit
Then you will get further than you at least have to take advantage of the other
Children no you don't have to take your what's your current crypto venture?
collector crypt
Yeah, what is that? It's doing great right?
Well, yeah, that's making money from I
Mean I said you want to get personal now?
No, I'm not getting personal. I said, you have to engage in that market.
You know?
Collectors, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
And I'm sure those guys are not wearing a suit and tie when they're collector cryptid.
I'm sure they don't have a fucking hoard in their house
that they refuse to let anybody into clean either.
Horde. I thought you said whore.
They probably have their own washing machine too.
What is this obsession with the washing machine?
I don't know why you always have to make it personal. What is this obsession with the washing machine?
Why do you always have to make it personal?
Like what the fuck is your problem?
How is that personal?
Oh let's talk about your thing and bring it in here and oh look at you what a fucking
Hold on you talk about my shit all the time!
You live in a fucking, you live in squalor bro.
You live in squalor with worthless magic cards spilling out of every drawer in your house
I all you can't bring people over to because it reeks
Why do you first of all did he say a reek reek? This is not reek. It has wet towels
You have permanently wet towels. I do not have permanently wet towels. That's what Tony said
There was one damp towel because it was like a rainforest like a rainforest of failure
He said my house is damp. Yeah, what part of my house you have walls caving in
I don't have walls caving in I have one hole that I walled it in the bathroom
Subject why do you think you always have to make it fucking personal?
It's so crazy wait wait wait wait, okay. How am I making it personal?
This is so ridiculous.
You talk about my house, you talk about-
You talked about your house!
Okay, so I can't talk about your fucking
collector crypt?
As like an own. As like, oh, I'm gonna bring this up to
fuck with you. How is that fucking with you?
That was your intent. To fuck with me.
No it wasn't, you're not even paying attention to what I say.
Your intent was to fuck with me. You so defensive all I said how am I defensive?
Why don't you clean your house?
Why don't you clean your house up?
Can you say how am I defensive in that tone again?
Why don't you clean your house up?
Why can't you clean your house up?
Can I make my point you didn't even hear the point I made all I said was yeah, it's I'm gonna keep hoarding
That's the point I said I'm gonna keep hoarding. That's the point
I said I'm gonna keep hoarding. I have a mental illness that justifies hoarding. I'm getting so hutched right now
Hutch is a fucking retard too. I feel like Zelinsky. You know what you're right
You should get hanged too when you go home. And you know what you are gonna stop World War 3
I wasn't saying anything bad about collector crap I was saying that if you make money in the society even if you don't participate in the childish
Whatever the fuck I do things I
Know you do why do you keep trying to make it an attack on you?
I'm not attacking you I'm saying that you are engaging with the Pokemon market because you see the value there
That's not a knock on you. I mean, not really.
I just enjoy it.
But it's a venture that you're putting together.
It makes sense, because there's money in that market.
The economic incentives are there for collectibles
and childish bullshit.
And yeah, you don't have to dress up like the fucking child.
OK, fine, you're right.
I was really shitting on your thing.
I was really mean.
No, no, no.
Everyone's exactly like you. I was putting you down.
Everyone's exactly like you. I'm so mean.
Some fucking twist.
Somebody forgot to dry their hair today.
We got a wet head dick day.
Fucking classic liberal.
Dick came in with wet hair again everybody.
Oh yeah well what about this about you?
Cause you can't defend hoarding shit I can't make a point about how you engage with the same culture I engage
with and we're both profiting off it you are not profiting off shit I sell magic
cards you sell Pokemon cards okay just cuz your Pokemon cards are worth more
than my copies of soul of the lost now go on tg player guys we can run the
market on this one yeah the same way we've run the market on the mother's milk Funko pop
I think the prices are coming up you gotta throw that shit away, man. I'm gonna be hoarding them
I'm not hoarding Funko pops too. I know I gotta give them away. Well tonight. No throw them away
I'm gonna give them don't give them away fans want them. No, they don't
They're they're fucking with you. They do not want tonight come by after the show will be streaming video games another adult activity
And if you guys remind me I will give away one mother's milk Funko pop to a lucky viewer. How's that?
Who's excited?
Sorry, I got personal by mentioning that you sell Pokemon cards. I'm sorry. Yeah, cause you're making it personal. You obviously are.
This is what you do. As soon as you start losing.
Oh, why would you come up with my beard? Why are you attacking my beard?
No, I'm just pointing out that you also have a beard and you might relate to this problem.
That's an attack on me, bro.
It is. You meant it as an attack.
You're such an idiot, shut up.
Cool for two, thanks for not killing yourselves.
Guys, vote on all the problems at
New bonus episode, biggest problem in sports.
Oh, that's a good one.
At slash biggest problem.
It was a good bonus episode, I thought.
We will also be at Hackamania in May, early May in Las Vegas.
We're gonna have a good time.
Come on out and see all the stars will be there.
Carl, Melton, Tukey. Is Steeltoe gonna Steel toke there still toe has talked about wanting to come out and box everyone and that turned into a whole thing
So who knows that guy sucks, and I believe Nick Reketa is trying to come
I don't know if he's confirmed or not he keeps it seems like he's flip-flopping
Frank Lucas or five can imagine why hilarious when Vito delays the comic six months when his color-accurate Temu monitor
Turns out not to be as good as the one the professionals use
I think you guys will be very excited about that LJ clabberina for five
How dick feel if his boy grew up to be a genius like Maddox, Eric July, or the lovable Vito G, Banana Gorilla Pig
I don't think those connect to anything at all.
Frank Lucas for 20!
The banana is fixable I think
to anything at all. Frank Lugas for 20.
The banana is fixable, I think.
For 20 from Frank Lugas,
instead of shitting on a fan wondering about the TBF lore,
maybe explain it in a less condescending way, Vito.
Most of us have normal jobs
and I have time to listen to every episode.
I'm on episode 70 and it still doesn't come up.
Oh, why don't you go fuck yourself, Frank?
Why don't we spell it all out for everybody?
Sorry that you have a normal job and that's our problem.
Can't you guys make a Wiki?
Make a TV, biggest problem, Wikipedia.
Isn't that what the kids like to do?
Frank, let's just pretend also you misunderstood
the word itinerary on a complete list
of what you do this week to be behind on SK.
Having what you ate is just a bonus.
Give us a number and we'll crowdfund.
Well, right now, the colorists are at work.
And also my Captain America review should be out on Monday.
And that's going to be a nice little...
It's almost done.
The movie?
Everything is almost done.
Often for five, sometimes it dooby-doo,
but other times it don't.
Shay Lips for five, RIP Grandma. Often often for two how big were grandma's tits sorry were
shit lips for five what do you guys think about Bezos packing a rocket full of
women and launching into space also what do you think they will hit first I can't
even talk about that right now j-rob detailing Ireland for five euro says
cheers boys thank you a Rob frog for. Says, I'm still waiting for my refund veto.
I have people's Pay Pals, so I think everybody got what they want.
I'm processing refunds.
I get constant refund requests.
What increasingly I rate.
Don't worry about it.
I just got to get on Pay Pal and do it.
DiamondG for two, rename veto files to refundees or charge shipping. DiamondG for two, rename Veto files to refundees or charge shipping.
DiamondG for two says refundees nuts.
LJClobberino for two, how much to bring
a 360 GoPro into Veto's place?
He doesn't have a price.
I have a price, you guys just have to figure out what it is.
You gotta keep upping the ante.
What would be my price?
What do I want?
Magic cards.
I do want magic cards.
A big box of magic cards.
Two boxes of the Final Fantasy Collector's boxes,
I would consider it.
Really, two boxes of Final Fantasy?
It's like a thousand bucks.
And then someone can take a 3D camera
into your apartment?
Why a 3D camera?
Because we want to get into the, you know,
into everything.
It's just this-
Like the Mars Rover.
It's just like a warehouse full of crap.
There's nothing, it's not good. Every single inch tells a story. I don't have a Mars Rover. It's just like a warehouse full of crap. There's nothing that's not good.
Every single inch tells a story.
I don't have a big place. You're not gonna see a lot.
Whatever. You guys are just gonna find some stupid thing to hyper-
You always hyper-focus on one thing.
Yeah, cause it's crazy!
This is a shampoo. It doesn't have the right shampoo.
There's a towel that's damp. There's a wet towel.
It's the end of the world, this wet ship. Oh, it is a towel that's damp. There's a wet towel. It's the end of the world this wet towel
Yeah, it is. Oh my god
Flurkin the Burke for two sorry for the bad crypto tick dick or a tip Dirk
Flurkin for another five also biggest promise me of webpages that load slower and start shift the screen at the last second before you click
Something yeah, no, he's saying he gave you a bad crypto tip. Oh, I don't know
I don't buy crypto tips.
Fashionably unemployed for two.
Vito, how's your vitamin D intake for another two?
He says vitamin D's nuts.
Good one.
Stoopcase for two.
When life gives you lemons, you eat them.
Black Crimson for five.
Thanks for the snacks.
Thanks for not killing yourselves.
So Terjury for five.
OK, everyone, make sure you get your super chats in.
And don't forget to vote on problems at the biggest
It is just biggest
Know the. Monster Slayer for five. Vito, can you list five things you've done towards Super Killer this week? No. Don't forget to vote on problems at the biggest problem dot show. It is just biggest problem dot show know the
Monster Slayer 5 you can you list five things you've done towards super killer this week. No, no, I mean, yeah I go what do you call it? Yeah, the flatter is finishing the last whatever and the ladder. Yeah
Like a color flattener. Yeah. Yeah. So one person does the flats on the last ten pages and the actual colorist adds the shadows
and then I colorist adds the shadows.
And then I'm altering the... Shadows?
Not the shadows, the shadows are great.
The base colors I'm altering.
I also have the artist doing a minor fix to one of the pages.
And then it's gonna be out?
And I have the letterer, I'm sending him the next
pages of the script to get those lettered.
The next pages of the script?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Shouldn't that be done?
The script's done, but you know,
I'm putting final, like, last minute, like,
adjustments to words or whatever.
How many of those have you had?
Last minute adjustments to words?
I just send him 10 pages at a time,
and he's lettering the pages.
So, I'm sending him the next.
Oh, you don't even have the letters on.
I have the preliminary letters,
but I have them doing doing the final script version.
What does that mean?
It means that I've made adjustments when I go,
oh, this balloon is too crowded
and it's blocking out the art,
so let me reduce the number of words in that panel
so you can actually see this or whatever.
Like, you know, sometimes you'll write something
and then you go, oh, that's too many words for this panel,
so I have to revise it.
Yeah. That makes sense.
So much work.
And I'm also editing my Captain America review.
I know nobody cares about that, but that's coming out.
I'm doing lots of stuff.
And I storyboarded more of the new one, the-
What new one?
The new Superkiller issue, number two.
Number two?
Which I'm working on.
So that's coming along.
All right.
You know, a lot of it is, you know,
I gotta wait for one guy to finish one thing
as I do another thing.
It's like a whole community working on this comic.
I think that...
I don't wanna make any promises,
but I think by the end of March...
That's a promise.
That's a promise,
but we're basically at the finish line,
so that's what I'm aiming for.
And then it's gonna go,
the order's gonna go into China.
No, it'll be printed in America.
In March.
Yeah, so I'll send out-
So people will have it in April.
Well, they're gonna have a digital version.
I'm gonna send a digital version out so you have it.
And then, so you have the digital and you can read it.
Yeah, April Fools, so we'll come around
and then we'll miss that.
And then, what do you call it?
You'll have the digital version to read,
because I know everybody's been waiting. Yeah. And then you'll get the physical arriving, you You know we're gonna get it. We're gonna print it. It's gonna be great all right
Everything is gonna work out fine
Real black guy for two our IP Akira Toriyama. It's been a year really that's crazy
It doesn't seem like it's been that long fender pinwheeler for two gate and lay
So charge refi when you guys finally do that D&D episode. That's too much. We can't figure out how to organize
I think a commander deck episode is more. Yeah feasible drag and we could do it from it
It's like do you have an overhead camera? I mean, I guess you could set up any of these is an overhead camera
You know, you could play magic right here, right? Yeah, nice. We do. Yeah, we do that
And this for surgery says dragon D's nuts in your mouth
So we got hooked in there black crimson for two DC Draino D's nuts
Tesso for five wobbly tables are the biggest problem in the universe. I absolutely agree
Greedo fell for five had to get a used car without Bluetooth. So now I burn big problem episodes onto CDs. Oh my god
Can't you just does it not have an ox input? I don't think it's worth it. Yeah, hold on stop
Yeah, well wait your car. Does your car have a tape deck you see these nuts
See these nuts. That's what he's talking about
Why do I keep getting?
Fri 824 to veto civics suck probably got season D's in the end of these grito fail for two
No, we did that one username for five, twenty two seven
for five
with all these Deez Nuts jokes, it's gotta be fairly
easy to see them coming now
I got you with a TBF
No, but that's not like a
that's not a crutch of mine
I don't compulsively say it
So you're allowed to say it. I don't say it compulsively anymore, I don't even say it it constantly. All right, so you're allowed to say it.
I don't say it compulsively anymore.
I don't even say it anymore
because you guys fucking beat it out of me.
When do I get to say it again?
Never? Great.
No, everyone hates that shit.
To be clear, this is not reasonable.
FR, yeah, all right.
FR8242 for 10, C.D.'s nuts.
Reginald Vaughn, Vaunderson for two.
See them coming in your mouth.
Benjamin Patterson for six.
Biggest problem is buying something from Vito on What Not and him shipping it out a week later.
Should have just burned that foil I pulled on there. I don't think I waited a week to ship a thing.
I don't think that's correct. You were probably right on it. Sir John Amack. I am pretty good
about shipping the stuff out. For 69 Canadian. Thank you 69 Canadian Wow Thanks for two shorts are way better vetoes gay
I think they both have value and actually the long form clips have been doing an excellent job of getting us subscribers and whatever else
The shorts are obviously doing better in what way new audience?
Because that's the metric Tony told you to look at no
That's the only metric that anyone would look at? No, that's the only
metric that anyone would look at. They're both one, they both serve different
functions. One is good for marketing and the second is good for you bossing
someone around for an exorbitant amount of money. Well I'm the one getting
exorbitant amount of money. You shouldn't be doing it. Hold on. Okay. You're getting
raped by that guy. Shut up. First of all, the shorts are great. We love the shorts.
We should coordinate them
and we should be posting them to TikTok and Instagram.
They are.
Oh, okay.
We have an account for both of our shows on that.
TikTok, yeah, but Instagram won't survive.
There's no point.
I don't know, you might be surprised.
Go make an Instagram then.
I'm not wasting time on that shit.
Cool. What's cool about that? I'm not wasting time on that shit. OK. Cool.
What's cool about that?
I'm just not, I mean, you're like, oh, we should do this.
But you're not doing it.
I'm not going to do it.
It's a waste of time.
I agree.
Well, I don't agree that it's a waste of time.
So then go do it.
That it is a time suck.
So we could have a guy whose job is to upload shit to Instagram.
Go make an account then. Yeah, we'll figure something out. What do we have to figure out?
I don't know man, like it's kind of fucked up. Because it's always some kind of like
needling little change that needs to be made. It works perfectly. Yeah, let's do this. Uh,
no. You do it. Well, we can find someone to do it. Nah, you do it. No you do it well. We can find someone to do it now you do it
I could do it
I would I would need to get the clips from you obviously the shorts you have been managing so I would need to maybe we're gonna
Share drop box folder you drop nothing
See this is this is what's hilarious cuz your process fucking sucks. That's why super killers three years late. It's not three years late
It's one
Every time we talk about it. You guys invent how late it is. I hit very good. That's three years late. It's a year late
It's one year late year and a half not a year and a half improbable for 20
I'm with you dick when George Collin died people were so annoying about it. I know he wasn't a whole lot
I was gonna make a point anytime. I just want to go hey this would be better for the show everyone fucking hates that
Nobody cares what you think would be better for the show
You do it. It's so good. You fucking do it do it on your channel
Do it on your fucking channel if it's so good nobody gives a fuck what you think they should do
Hey, you should do this
Blow your fucking brains out with that advice about that
Relationship we have is this great. Oh, no, no, no, no. No, I do not want to be
I do not want to be suggested at all of what to do
And no matter how clear I make it I will never be granted that piece
Hey, you know what might be fun to do for the show? You shut the fuck up!
Go do it then!
Go do it!
Go do it!
Johnny, rock it for five.
I can't believe Trump is gonna let Putin...
You guys have no idea behind the scenes.
There is no behind the scenes.
I know.
No, there's none.
That's part of the problem.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, because you'll start implying that there's behind the scenes shit.
There's not.
I know.
There's nothing. I can't believe Trump is gonna let Putin put the fact that we got a bonus episode together is a miracle
literally mutilate Ukraine yeah flutter dash this problem I know the first human
being I've ever seen who's capable of evaporating a facial sebum man my
sebums been bad lately drunk in! Truckin' Atheist Studio for two. I made two of them shorts. They're really good too.
Yeah, he made some shorts too. Post them. I think he did.
Or maybe he didn't. Flipjack for ten. Getting notifications for a clip I already saw, Vito.
I've been trained to wait for a notification to know when the new biggest problem is live.
Vito getting tricked by Vito to hate the biggest problem. Okay, well we're not gonna not post clips and shorts
because your notification would get fucked up. Now, was he saying clips or shorts? Shorts are different. He's getting notifications Brow. Okay, well we're not gonna not post clips and shorts because your notification would get fucked up.
Was he saying clips or shorts?
He said notifications are different.
He said notifications are both.
Yeah, but they're different.
Pacepot Pete for two.
Dick, why'd he let Andrew Tate go free?
Why did you vote to let Andrew Tate go free?
Oh yeah, I don't think he's actually,
has any connection with Trump.
He's just saying it.
Yeah, I don't know.
Justin Brodack for five.
Napkins are slightly better than paper towels for meals,
but not enough to be worth it to buy them.
Restaurant napkins are better.
Fucking retard.
Vigilante for two.
Only homosexuals use napkins over paper towels.
I agree.
Hotfart Dingledorf for five.
This is an actionable threat.
Actionable threat, I say.
Micump for five.
Vito, next time Dick gives you lip,
tell him, well, the jerk's court called,
and they're running out of you
Well, you're their biggest seller
Fuck how's your YouTube channel doing?
Fine, what do you wait? Oh, that's what the guy said? Oh? Yeah? Well? How's your YouTube channel? Oh? Yeah? That was the that was the burn didler for five
I feel like vetoes for a and I know we must be printing is just an excuse to buy one of those chocolate 3D printers
He wants to play with his toys and eat them too
Stage zero for two
My favorite Pokemon, Koffing, isn't in Legends Z to A angry
Koffing is your favorite Pokemon
Chipper Clipper for two, Vito Thingverse has free designs for 3D printing
I agree, I'm surprised you don't, I thought you had a 3D printer
I do, I just don't
You don't do anything with it?
You don't need to print anything Yeah It's like I said I just don't you don't do anything with it print anything. Yeah
It's like I said I have like you know like a Gameboy
That's missing the battery door and instead of having to buy one on eBay
I can just print one out now all of that sounds like a huge waste of time
Having a Gameboy
Needing to replace a battery door well
Yeah, cuz I got like you know like I got a Genesis that like the reset button fell off now
I can just print a reset button
Stage zero for two coughing on Dixon
Frank Lucas for five remind the viewers every week to thumbs up the stream. I went back to first shift
So you lost one live viewer. It's so annoying. Oh, yeah. Hey, yeah do hit like I think it does actually help the algorithm for some reason
Actually, you know what? It's all fucking smoke and mirrors. Nobody knows what is happening
Hey, it's Kim Ron for two. Do you have a resin or filament printer? I think it does
Not resin. It's filament
Cameron for two less black Captain America more soul plane
Yeah, that's a little spy 94 for five the great pizza war of the 90 was started when Domino's cei bought the baseball team the little
Caesar CEO wanted the domino CEO. I've talked about him. He's a trip Tom Onahan
I don't know him. He uh
Made all the dominoes money and then said I want to devote myself to the Lord. So he bought it town
That is like
running on all Christian law great and
and also that normal law but
Christy or it's got like curfews and shit and like
You gotta go to church or they shoot you or something. Okay. So yeah, Tom Monahan, but he doesn't own any of the company anymore
He also really hated abortion, which was a problem in the 90s
well, I
Mean my dad had the pizza shop in a really liberal town
They came in they're like Tom Monahan said this about abortion my dad was like Tom Monahan's a fucking crank. It's just fucking pizza.
What do you care?
Aaron went, or if you want another good Domino's story?
All right.
So you ever been at a Domino's and they have those huge plate glass windows that you know
because you can see and get your pizza or whatever?
You know it's got like window clings in it to say pizza's like five for a dollar.
You know?
Big window cling.
So some drunk college kid went, I just fucking love
pizza so much. And I love that the Domino's has a giant open door in the front and ran
full speed at the front of the Domino's and the glass right into the glass thing shattered,
cut them up into a million fucking pieces and then sued my dad for like $10 million.
And luckily they were like well
This asshole ran full strength at a fucking obvious window with stickers all over it
Like it's obviously not a door
And I always regretted that I wasn't there the night that a guy was just bleeding out in the dominoes parking lot with every one
Of his arteries shattered
Surrounded by actually the guys all the delivery drivers were grabbing my dad was mad
You know they have those hot bags to put the pizza in to keep it hot?
They couldn't find any tourniquets or whatever, so they're like just wrapping.
So they grabbed Domino's hot bags and they're wrapping them around.
My dad's like, those things are like a hundred bucks each, don't wrap them in hot bags.
They're all ruined.
And they're all ruined.
They're all covered in blood now.
Yeah, just put some paper towels on them.
So imagine a guy, yeah, grabs some paper towels, a guy bleeding out on Domino's bags.
I don't think the Dom dad knows bags would be good either
No plastic and then for a while if you got a Domino's pizza from from my dad
He came smelling of blood cuz my dad's like just bleach him out. It'll be fine. It's not a big deal
Bleaches where's well, we had a bunch of Domino's bags that were soaked with a man's blood and it didn't come out
Okay, what are you gonna do? Aaron Wentworth 50, my-
Hey guys, my bad for not complaining funnier last week.
Here's a couple extra bucks.
Oh, thanks!
For another more serious complaint,
lack of Veto Team Guy songs!
No, not Canadian though.
I think he's up-
Uh, you know what?
Okay, fine.
Just give it to him.
Veto the Gay Team Guy!
It's Canadian, I gotta-
Veto the Gay Team Guy! Fat, fat, oh gay, gay, gay, gay! Veto the gay team guy! That's a Canadian I can't remember now. Veto the gay team guy!
Fat, fat, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay!
Veto the gay team guy!
D.I. rules!
Veto the gay team guy!
They know Game Care, they're so annoyed man!
Beat, beat, beat, beat, beat!
Veto the fat team guy!
Fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat! Veto the Fat Team Guy Fat Fat Fat Fat Fat Fat Fat Fat Fat Fat Fat Fat
Veto the Fat Team Guy
Brought to you by Sweet Baby Incorporated
And you know the Leosurfi's insolent role agendas
Alright whatever
I'm getting closer
Wings for $279, Veto's cat is lost forever
Rack section 5, Dick can I get an invite to your wedding? I'll just bunk with Vito.
He owes me from when he stayed with me at Hackamania.
That's incorrect.
You thought I stayed with Rexxextent.
Oh, yeah, I thought you did.
Who'd you stay with?
Different guy.
A different guy who has no name.
No name.
He doesn't want to be.
No name McGee, normal guy.
Agnosticusamaki for 10.
Vito, you're no longer a pig.
You're a beautiful hawk.
What's your prey? Unfinished comic books. Vito, the cage is open, the hunt is afoot. Sore, unsheath your talents. Fly,
circle the plains. Jared Koka 50 says, Vito's booty, Captain Dix. Arrrr! Seems like a call to
action. Tang Tang for 9, New Zealand's. Can we get a new sting? 400 for Vito says, let's be cleared.
No. No, there's no fixing that. Tomato Head for head for two Hey Vito at least my stinger was released on time nailed it blunder of you for ten both of you are super
Dehydrated go on a carnivore diet then drink horse electrolytes three heart great like horse aid guy on X
He had perfect results. Did you see that guy is he dead?
He was just downing horse electrolytes. What the fuck is that like Gatorade for horses? I guess
I don't know if it's liquid form or what but he was like
This is gonna jack me the fuck up. What happened to him? I don't know. I didn't follow the rest of it
I was kind of more excited about the I mean, I like fish pills. Maybe I'd like horse
Give it a shot horse Gatorade Eric branch for five Costco's cool, but you guys should bring the boom to Aldi. You ever been to Aldi
No, all these nuts
No all these nuts
I Saw that one coming cool for five Trump without us. You have no Pokemon cards Alen ski. I'm not playing Pokemon. I'm playing magic
Yeah, that's what it was like goof ockle bitch for two eight more cards for the garbage pile
Yes, indeed happy clamps for five hundred more the only thing vetoes been flipping our burgers and bacon
I was a clobbering over to. Vito takes showers, clothes on, and calls it laundry.
Where the fuck is my sword? Yaku man 410. Super killer plushies, yoyos, lunch boxes,
all worthless trash no one needs. You should stop selling- start selling super killer podiums next.
That's a product we can stand behind. RT for five. Screw jowzerzer size just get mastic gum.
It's Greek tree sap that acts as endless gum and has antibacterial properties.
That sounds kind of cool.
I think for five Jessica Alba gum.
It's like a never ending gobstopper.
It's like chewing on plastic.
I'll find every time you get hungry.
Use the jaw thing as a jacketet pretend, loving the shorts,
keep up the good work guys, you're a great team.
I agree with all of that except for the last part,
because anytime I attempt to implement Team Way
around this show, I'm told just do it yourself, fuck you.
Well, cause your ideas are like really simple
that one person could do and just do them.
Like they don't need a conversation.
All right, you wanna do clips?
Yeah, do you wanna pay 50 bucks? No.
20 bucks maybe.
Okay, well, but, you know, Carl, we have to pay for his render time and Carl doesn't-
No. I don't- I don't wanna pay that much.
And I'm done with the conversation.
That's it.
It's just a waste of fucking time after that.
I- I- I know. I'll- I think I'll just, uh, I'll pay for clips,
cause I like clips, and uh, we'll see how it goes. Just pay him 20 bucks. I'll talk- just I'll pay for clips because I like clips and
we'll see how it goes. Just pay him 20 bucks. The guy's raping you. The guy
who's doing it is raping you for money. I don't think he's raping me. How much
could it possibly fucking cost to make a clip? He's making good clips. How much
time? I don't know. Editing video sucks! It's not fun! I think you're paying people based on how much you hate doing work.
And how much you want to talk to them.
I don't want to talk to them.
If anything, I'm bad at communicating.
I'm terrible at that.
Joe Cool for five.
Rick eating local honey, berries, and fruits is supposed to make your allergies go away,
according to women.
Fender Pinwheeler for two.
White guys discover filler episodes. The whole for two, white guys discovered filler episodes.
The whole show of Invincible is filler episodes.
Chipper, Clipper for two,
I challenge Vito to go a week without porn.
No one's doing that.
To find porn.
If I just talk to my AI girlfriend, is that okay?
Because she says whatever I like.
Huge ask for five,
do you know that Robot used Rex's bloat's DNA
for his clown body because Monster Girl once said that Rex was attractive, Robot is a-, you know that Robot used Rex's DNA for his clown body because Monster
Girl once said that Rex was attractive.
I did know that.
They made that pretty obvious in the show.
Artie for five, Superkiller was supposed to drop February of 2024.
You're right, so it's only a year late.
Happy anniversary.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Emmett Fade for 20. Vero, be more informed.
Zelensky was upset because they were trying to force them into a peace agreement with
no security agreements, which Russia has broken.
Every other agreement without security from outside nations.
I did read that.
Baby Chick.
And Othfinn for five.
What do you watch?
Child grape vids?
Enough to compare. Frysusjpeg. Why do you watch? Child Grapevids Vito? Enough to compare.
Fry sus JPEG.
Why do you watch Child Grapevids?
What Child Grapevid did I watch?
G-Money Pants 1492 for 20.
How much for a visit from Ricky?
I need more tales from the helipad ship.
I don't know.
Maybe it's gotta be something special in the-
It's gotta be when the Great the great war of separation happens.
Yeah, LJ clobbering up to-
We'll get a visit from Ricky to let us know what's going on with the great war of separation.
It's going real bad boss, it's going real bad.
Bought a smart watch to see my heart rate monitor while gooning.
Oh that's cool.
Joe cool for five.
Wait why does Vito know what Rick's bedroom looks like?
Well you can see it.
Who's the real mom and dad?
Well, I guess it makes more sense.
Vito is the mom with the belly.
Brad Roos for five, thank you.
Not Mothman for five.
Oh, Vito, what 3D printer do you have?
I'm sold and I want one now.
Bamboo P1S, it's a plug and play, very easy to use.
I love it.
Cameron for two, what era do we live in this week?
We live in the era of childish things and dick getting upset when I mentioned he sells Pokemon cards
You just bring in personal shit like you're just like a typical
Every time you are you bring in other people's people know about collector crypt. Is it a secret?
I thought you've talked about it. You bring in other people's personal shit when you are losing an argument
That's you. What? That's you. That's you to a T
And you're laughing with Duper's delight cuz you know it's fucking true. Can you make a list of what is like too personal for me to
Bring up on the show? It doesn't matter you'll do it like this is the thing about you
You will just you will just do it no matter what and then act cute when you get caught doing it
So you want to get caught doing it?
Everyone's used to it. Everyone knows you're gonna do it
Everyone's prepared for it. So in your example is that I said you sell Pokemon cards and that's a personal attack on you
Yeah, yeah, yeah get fucked
Thanks for the laughs boys. Thank you. G money
Get fucked. Dean Shocker 2.
Come on!
Thanks for the laughs, boys.
Thank you.
You're such a fucking-
G-Moneyman Pants for $14.92 for five.
Two more episodes, boys.
It's so personal.
It's so personal.
Two more episodes until all this toxic positivity makes Vito Krijgen.
Yeah, Vito's dealing with this compulsive hoarding by pretending to be happy.
It's amazing.
It's doing fucking amazing.
I had a lot of fun last night selling magic cards on the fucking stream.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Why are you so negative? Why can't I just be happy? Why? What is this?
What era are we in? Thanks for the laughs. Two more episodes. Fight, fight, fight. I want a mother's milk. I'm excited. Unbreaded.
Do you want me to read these? Pop quiz for 20. Oh wait, wait, wait, no
You did that one. Pigeon for 10. Fight, fight,, wait, no. You did that one.
Pigeon for 10, fight, fight, fight.
Oh no, there it is, there it is, there it is.
When did this podcast become
Men's Wear Guide? Dean Shock for 2, thanks for the
laughs. Pigeon, fight, fight, fight.
Plumbo for 5, I do want a Mother's Milk,
I am excited. We'll come by my stream tonight
where I'll talk about more of Dick's private life.
Plumbo, it's always Plumbo. I'm gonna have more
personal attacks against Dick Masterson.
I mean, I do know that you do.
Like, I've made a decision to cut you out of stuff, because I know that you do that.
I've made a decision to-
If you ever get pressed, you will gush personal shit.
What are you talking about?
Who you are.
That's what you do.
You're laughing because you know it's fucking true!
I just, I don't I'd literally
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know I have no defense I know okay, all right
It's a total of reaction you can't trust you can't quiz for 20. Here's some money for mother's milk
Just throw it out instead of shit. I think I'm pretty good about not bringing out five private shit or personal shit
You're totally the worst
Cradle for three veto just release the comic, no one gives a fuck about the comic anymore.
Pay off the Swiss for five for nothing, thank you.
Connor Britson for two, I need a voicemail message, Vito release, super killer.
People know about- you've talked about Collector's Creed, that's not like secret, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, I'm asking genuinely.
We should- oh, genuinely. No, I'm asking genuinely. We should, oh genuinely.
Oh, I'm asking genuinely now.
This is like, this is me being so genuine.
I thought you've talked about it.
This wrote me into a conversation about this so we can litigate it.
Justin Brodick for five.
We should basketball and baseball just have basketball.
Justin Brodick for two.
We should ban, correction, oh ban,. Justin Brodyk for two, we should ban. Correction, oh, ban, okay.
Stray beans for eight.
Eric's Great War of Separation campaign
closes out in a few hours.
Pathetic numbers, yeah.
All right, here we go, here we go.
Oh, what's the game where we smash all the toys?
The toy house, baby!
The toy house, baby!
What's in the box?
You know you want it.
The toy house, baby! So I get on box? You know you want it! VEEDO'S BOOTY!
So I get on the scaler, I smash it to SHIT!
What's it gonna be?
Your like explanations of it.
I know what you're doing.
I don't!
You always do it. You always fucking do it.
You're a fucking scumbag when you're arguing.
And you're laughing and giggling because you know it's true.
Because I don't understand what I did! What are you mad about?
No shit! Yeah.
Are you gonna get on the scale or not?
Can you tell me what the problem is? Are you gonna get on the scale or not?
I'm sorry. I talk about Pokemon cuz we talk about Pokemon cards on here. It's fun to talk about Pokemon cards
It is I just made the point that it is interested in Pokemon cards. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Well, I think we should I mean we got the second camera so why don't we smash
Can you smash it? Oh god!
Oh don't smash the button!
No! Not a Neo Geo! No!
No! No! No!
That's cool!
Oh no!
Oh that's a mini Neo Geo machine!
Oh! That's so-
Oh I would have liked that!
That would have been nice to have uh-huh oh no
oh no
It's the 40th anniversary neo Geo mini all with the HDMI you smash the screen. It's not usable at all
You completely destroyed it the HDMI out isn't gonna work at all. Oh, no
No, I lose
This is the worst episode ever this is almost as bad as the guy is cradle. This is awesome. I would have played with this for days
as bad as the Gaius Cradle. This is awesome.
I would have played with this for days.
Well, at least the pirate got what he wants.
Guys, thanks for all your support.
God damn it.
We got more cool stuff coming soon.
We got a bonus episode,
Biggest Problem in Sports,
available at slash biggest problem.
Vote on all the problems at
Check us out, Hackamania in Vegas.
Now that would have been cool to have that's it that's got 40 games on there I could have been
playing King of Fighters I could have been playing Metal Slug tonight on this
little guy I know it's cool I could have streamed from this thing and now it's
destroyed here wait put it in front you want everyone to see what the what you
did to my tiny little arcade machine you did it
Just got on the scale. I know but this is one of the first ones somebody sent in that you were like
This is cool, and he would like this yes
It looked cool did look cool
You destroyed the box though, why'd you destroy the box?
Now we gotta get another box!
A Wii?
Another Wii?
What an episode.
It looked expensive.
Yeah, things like 80 bucks is a nice thing.
Oh, it's 80 bucks?
80 or 100 bucks.
Destroyed a good toy.
Now the battery's still good, I'll take the USB. Hey, 200 bucks. Start a good toy.
Now the battery's still good, I'll take the USB cord, I can use that.
Here you go.
There you go, nice.
At least I got a nice little USB-C cord out of it.
You can get stickers.
Ooh, okay.
Hey, the stickers are still good.
There you go.
Well, I'm very excited for
Our ongoing podcast relationship, which is full of joy and trust.
There's none.
There's no trust.
How is there none?
Why is there no trust?
There's no trust.
Nah, you can't trust liberals.
You really can't.
You really can't trust them.
So if I become more of a Trump guy, you can...
Nah, nah, nah, nah, no, no, no.
You really...
Liberals are really fucked.
There's no trust.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
How have I fucked you?
Who fucked you?
How did I fuck you in any way?
Vito, you gotta learn to...
Well, I mean, you don't, but you learn to see things coming a mile away.
You are just projecting past betrayals onto me.
Like that, like that, that like that like that like that
Shit exactly what you're doing now. You're just no no no no no no you're waiting for you're waiting for me to make a documentary
I'm not waiting for shit
I'm not waiting for shit. I feel like I'm being judged for the sins of other individuals
No, it's you. What did I do you throw people under the bus?
Who? individuals no it's you what did I do you throw people under the bus whoo
everybody you always everybody everybody everybody that everybody yeah, it's right It's true. I'm thrown under the bus
every single person
That I've seen you argue with you rope in other people's personal shit. I didn't rope in anything personal
There's nothing personal yes, you do what I What personal thing? Okay. I've seen it
I've seen it. I have told you many times
Hey, if there's ever anything that you think is too personal a topic to broach on the show, you can let me know
It's actually it's actually insulting for you to even say that I need to tell you what's too personal
Well, I don't know. I don't know what's too personal. That's what's dangerous about you.
You pretend not to know.
And then you fuck people over and you giggle about it.
How have you been fucked over?
How on earth are you fucked over by anything I've done?
You couldn't fuck me over.
You're not fucked over.
You couldn't fuck me over.
Then there's no problem.
But you do fuck over other people
that you can safely fuck over. Who have I fucked over?
Who? You fuck people over constantly. but safely over who you fuck people over
constantly every time I asked people
over any you fucked over eat the van
skiver when you said oh he used my
notes I totally not for him over yes you
did you totally fucked him over by
saying oh I gave you the man's cover
notes and then he used him that is I
don't think he used him he decided not
to use them but you said that you're he used him he decided not to use them
But you said that you're right. I was wrong. He didn't use my nose. He's wrong. There's no
Point and argue with you because you're always fucking wrong. Look at your life
Your life is a testament to your decisions and it's fucked
I don't think my life is totally your life is totally fucked you had no no listen listen
Okay, you had it you had the dream set up a super killer right you could have done you could have had an amazing
comic right it could have launched you could have lived off that shit for years
sure right it could have been a big intellectual property right but I didn't
get it out totally ruined that opportunity sure well I don't think it's completely
ruined I don't think so it's totally fucking ruined it's over it's done no
one gives a fuck about Superkiller.
But I give a fuck about Superkiller, so that's all that matters.
Nobody else does.
It's my passion project. I want to make it really good, and I'm making it really good. It's over. It's not over. It's over.
It's over for you, maybe. That's fine. It's over. Here's the thing. You guys, it's fine. It's over for you.
But for the people who are into it, and I get messages all the time for people who tell me they're excited to read it
People who didn't back it the first time they're like hey
Are you gonna reopen it cuz I really want to make sure I get a copy okay?
It's not limited to this. It's not a real thing. It is there's nothing coming out
So dick goes let me be very clear yeah, you go, you bring up personal shit and you fuck things up.
And you are now...
That's not personal.
You're now...
How is it now? Okay.
How is your business...
Because you've shilled it for a...
You've shilled it for a fucking year.
Okay, so...
You forced everybody to listen to your obnoxious, super killer shilling.
Not obnoxious.
When you didn't even have any...
You weren't even close to being done.
What do you mean?
You made it extremely public.
Oh yeah, that's a public project to work on. Every fucking week trying to extract money from people.
No, I didn't do it every week. You did it more than every week. No, I didn't do it more than every week. Even Destiny was like, what do you do, just shill your comic?
And you're like, yeah, it's funny, I just shill it constantly. I'm excited. And then when it came time to fulfill it, it was everyone is bothering you about Superkiller.
I don't think that's-
It's everyone else's fault for asking for a fucking refund.
And you think it's glib and it's funny to you that they want their money back, but they
really do.
And I'm-
They really want their fucking money back, and you have been a glib piece of shit about
it for a year.
I don't think I've been a glib piece of shit about it.
You have been a glib piece of shit about refunds
People fucking hate that
People fucking hate it. I have given refunds to people not enough
Okay, they're still asking and you still be a glib cocksucker about it
Okay, look I'm giving refunds, but you're not this is a lie
This is another lie about this every fucking
How many did you give this week? I have to what do you call it cuz I can't hero?
That's what I thought I have to do it through PayPal. I have to do one in a time
You did deal no I have to do easy to fuck. I have to do a one person at a time
It's a time-consuming process. I just got to set down a day, and I'm gonna have everybody's thing
I'm gonna do it right right right right right. I didn't have time. I'm editing a video this week whatever It's 30 bucks sitting in a fucking account. It's not going anywhere. It's nothing to you
Okay, it's not important to you. It is it well exactly giving you your money back. Yeah, it's not it's not important to you
I guess not yeah, it's not why would I it's not at the top of my list of things
I got to do this week is make sure I get 30 bucks back as you can put the comic on this
Yeah, fuck you you got it.
No, he's gonna do whatever.
If you really want your fucking money back, you get your money back.
Who cares?
Whatever, it's 20 bucks, it's 30 bucks.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay, so I'm a glib piece of shit.
About the refunds.
About the refunds.
I agree.
I agree.
You agree.
Okay, there you go.
I'm a real piece of shit. About the refunds, yeah. Well, cause yeah, cause I'm only doing a little, you know, again, I'm not supposed,
you're not even supposed to have refunds, the fact that I'm offering it is just me being like-
What do you mean you're not supposed to?
There's no crowd-funder does refunds.
Very rarely is that a fucking thing.
The whole point of crowdfunding is that it's a project that you back.
The whole point of crowdfunding is that you get money without working.
Is that right?
I've obviously worked not obviously
There's no comic the car, okay
How is it obvious?
I don't know you've been thinking about it. You didn't draw. I have been thinking about it. I did draw it
Where's that then it's the storyboard?
If anybody wants to see the storyboard okay, so it's obviously you deserve the money.
I don't think I deserve the money.
I just, I'm making a thing.
I mean, what is the critique that it came out?
It was, yeah, it got delayed.
It didn't get delayed.
It got delayed.
You didn't put it out.
There was a lot of, what do you call it, in the process.
Everybody hates when we talk about this anyway.
No, everyone hated it when you were shilling it, too
But that didn't stop you. I don't think they hated when I was shilling it. Yes. They fucking hated it. Okay
So I won't let's just never talk about it on the show then that's fine
Not now okay, so we talk about it every episode then I'll show it all I want look guys
It's gonna be great. I'm excited about it. What do you want? How do you want me to talk about it?
Do you want me to say I hate it and it's bad? I don't give a shit how you talk about it.
Okay, well if I talk about it, I'm gonna say I'm excited about it cuz I am.
Yeah, and it took too long and that sucks and I think the next one's gonna be a lot quicker
And that's what I'm excited about.
Yeah, I look forward to it.
It's gonna be great. How's the silly pants skating routine going? I know it's so funny.
What? You have stuff you have commitments
You've made your audience. You don't keep silly pants skating routine apparently. It's a thing. I don't even get it
It's like retarded. This is like. I don't know what it is
Are you just say it's just something you say it's just something everyone tells me is important to them everyone tells that
I got a lot of messages going you got a hammer about that. It's like fucking retarded I
Don't even know what we're arguing about anymore
You being an asshole. Okay, that's what I'm arguing and I'm an asshole you being a fucking asshole to you. Yeah
Okay, yes, yes and too many people too many too many people. They'll tell you things in
Not fuck them over. Yeah, and you do it. You do it fucking constantly. I have constantly fucked over a lot of people.
Yeah, you want to- how many times do you want to fucking repeat it?
Yes. Yeah. That's what I'm telling you.
You're gonna say it like a smug asshole? Like, oh, this'll defuse it, right?
I just don't know how- have I fucked you over?
You specifically, have I fucked you over?
No, you're great.
Okay, I don't know who I
fucked over and how. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Okay I fucked everyone over what do you
want what should I do? You can't tell me what I did wrong for me to make
amends to get better at it you can't just go you fucked everyone over and
then go well you know I can't tell you how. I already did. Okay and you get in
arguments you bring in personal shit that you know you shouldn't and you do it on purpose
No, no, no, no, no, no, cuz you brought up a different example. That's nothing like that. Okay
No, I didn't I said
Do with an argument and personal shit does it's you bringing in shit that you shouldn't be talking about
Okay, you talking about shit. You shouldn't be talking about look if yes use my notes shouldn't be talking about that shit part of the show
I understand when you do a podcast, sometimes you might say stuff and
then you go, I probably shouldn't have talked about that on air.
But I also talk about molesting my cat with a Q-tip.
That's about you.
So sometimes I say things that a normal person would go, that's probably something that maybe
shouldn't be on air.
You're too retarded to know the difference.
I think part of the reason the show works is that I am too retarded to know the difference. And sometimes I will talk about things that-
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's a lie.
That's a lie.
What personal-
You know when you should not do it,
and you do it anyway.
I think I do an excellent job
of not bringing up personal stuff on the show.
What personal stuff do I bring up?
I just gave you an example.
I just gave you an example.
You gave me one example,
and I admit that was not great
What do you mean that was that wasn't great? It was not good. It's a perfect example of what I'm talking about
No, yeah, and I you know what I shouldn't have done that yeah, yeah, yeah, okay?
No, I know that's why no no so now let's have more examples. I can't even believe it
I'm saying yeah, yeah, you're saying it's of like a pattern of behavior
It is a pattern of behavior
No, but you guys always do this where you go- It is a pattern of behavior of you that everyone should watch out for.
The pattern of behavior is if you tell me something privately, I'll fuck someone over.
Yeah, you will fuck someone over.
I don't agree with that.
It doesn't matter.
I just don't- I can't think of many examples of that, especially we've done almost 200
episodes. I really can't think of a lot of times, especially we've done almost 200 episodes.
I really can't think of a lot of times I've come in
and given away, ooh, you know,
close to the chest secret stuff
that nobody's supposed to know about.
I don't think that's a common thread.
I do.
I know you do, but you do this thing
where you make up your idea about something.
I just gave you an example.
You had one example of a thing that I, yeah,
and I said, yeah, I probably shouldn't have said that.
Sometimes we're on the show and we're talking it was something I was excited about so I
talked about it and my excitement over so let's be clear this was enthusiasm this was
Nah it doesn't matter.
I was like oh I'm so excited that I'm friends with the great Ethan Van Skyver and we communicate
with each other and I ask him for you know tips and stuff.
You frame it like it's a good thing but it's not.
I'm just saying that clearly I got too excited and I started talking about I broke the NDA.
I didn't have my I had a fucking Andrew there with the NDA sticker or whatever. Right, right.
You know, I was acting like the Soskas. I need to adhere to my NDAs.
So if you want to get a little NDA sign and you know, anytime I start going over the line
you can hold up a little sign that says NDA and then we'll be fine, right?
Maybe Eric's really on to something.
Yeah, he is.
What a show.
Should do that.
What a show.
All right.
I'm invoicing my yogurts, by the way.
I believe that, what, yogurts what?
From the airport.
Yeah, that's about right.
Guys, don't forget at Hackamaniaania you'll be able to see this live dynamic
If the show makes it that long
We'll see
Get your tickets now
I don't know if I'll actually be there because Dick might have killed me by then
No I don't care I know what this is
I mean I know that you like this
I know that you will immediately fuck people over that trust you with anything
Alright, I know it But this immediately fuck people over that trust you with anything. I will, alright.
I know it.
But, but this is still a mutually beneficial relationship?
I don't know about mutual.
What do you mean? We both make money, we make a great show.
Yeah, I mean, like I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Like it's a funny show, but I just know that you will do that.
You don't gotta trust me, you clearly don't.
I don't.
Good, that's fine. Yeah. I don't trust you either, that's don't. I don't. Good.
That's fine.
I don't trust you either, that's fine.
Uh huh.
Not the same though.
As long as we're doing a fun show.
Yeah, show's great.
That's all that matters.
Yeah, that is.
I'll be Opie, you can be Anthony, and then, you know, one of us will get cancelled for
racism, we'll see who gets cancelled first, and then we can spend...
You're racist. Yeah, So I guess I'm Anthony.
I'm not.
So I'm Kumia.
You're Kumia.
Alright, I get to be Kumia, you can be Opie.
You don't want to be Opie in this scenario.
I don't give a shit about Anthony and Opie.
Well then why are we going to Akamadia?
Because that's 25% of the equation!
You gotta care about Anthony and Opie!
Opie and Anthony, come on!
You gotta be watching the clips!
Anthony's back on the radio it's a
new era it's amazing it's great great show no one trust me I'm a scumbag come
on by the shit now we're gonna play some video games oh we might got a couple
more super chats maybe I don't think so all right goodbye love you guys dick
sorry to have lost your trust yeah thanks for smashing a neo geo in front of