The Biggest Problem in the Universe - Episode 71

Episode Date: December 31, 2022

The De-Sexification of Media, Manliness Gurus, Cum, Shoulder Nipples...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Getting to the end of the year. Excellente. What a shit year, I'm going to say. Muchas gracias, senorita. 2022 sucked. Si, se chupa mi verga. 2022. You know the only good thing about 2022?
Starting point is 00:00:16 This show is actually proving popular. That's the only good thing? That's the only good thing. To you? About 2022? As far as my life goes yeah everything else is shit i didn't even go live yet everyone missed your oh well there you go rant about how shitty 2022 is well how this show is the only thing that kept you from killing
Starting point is 00:00:38 yourself i didn't say that specifically but this is the one bright spot in an otherwise shitty year. But you didn't disagree with it. My suicidal tendencies can go unstated. I don't have a lot of... Yeah, that is a band. I get suicide, you know, I get it. Yeah. Yeah. We all get it.
Starting point is 00:01:01 I wish... Someday I'll tell you, whatever. What? Is this another bummer episode I wish I someday I'll tell you whatever What? Can people in the is this gonna be distracting for the show if dick the entire time has what's this Explosions going on there's nothing to see here. Please move along. There's nothing to see here, right, Naked Gun? See, this is unfair. See, it's unfair that you have a cool green screen and get your own custom background. I am stuck with
Starting point is 00:01:32 a poster of you and a t-shirt of you. That's cool stuff, though. Yeah. Well, as I suggested, I wanted to, you know, spice up my side. I feel like I should have some stuff on my side. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:46 So I got something that I'm gonna hang up. Move that mic a little bit before you do it. I need to focus on you. I wanted to show solidarity for the people of Ukraine, of course. So we'll just hang this up, I'm sure. Is that the right way? Yeah, that's the right way. It's yellow on top. Yeah. Yellow on the bottom would be like piss. There, that's the right way. It's yellow on top. Yeah yellow on the bottom would be like piss
Starting point is 00:02:10 Okay You can't now you gotta burn it you drop the flag you have to burn it now Signed by a bunch of Ukrainian soldier guys, you know like they did on in Congress was not Inspired by that? By the yearbook signing of the Ukrainian flag? That was a bunch of soldiers? I don't know who signed it. I'll just tuck it in.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Tuck it in. Get it right. That's very insulting the way you've done it. Why don't you put it on something? Staple it to something This bit is less funny than I thought it would be You gotta do it right
Starting point is 00:02:49 You gotta safety pin it to something Oh there's a safety pin Okay you got one safety pin it to something She's doing a half ass job that's why it's not funny Let's get it Together For The Ukraine people
Starting point is 00:03:05 There we go Actually let's See Now it's funny Cause you're taking a bunch of time I don't know if that's in frame Well Do you have another safety pin
Starting point is 00:03:20 Or did you just get the one I found one Okay So you found one And you took it four feet off the camera to put it up? I assume I'll find a second one. The flag is big. I'm looking at one right there.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I really hate that you're doing this in here. Because the rules are that I can't take it down. Wait, is that really the rule? Well, I mean, that's like the rules of, you know, having fun and screwing around. You can't just take something down because you don't like it. There's one thing. I've got a pin here. That's great.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I've got a... And I've put it... Okay, wait. There we go. It's hanging it up. There's a safety pin right there on the shirt. Did you get that? Yeah, I got that one.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Here, I'm going to play some music while you hang up the Ukrainian flag in the studio. Whenever it loads. Whenever it chooses to load for me. That was the wrong anthem. What are you talking about? Playing the anthem of my Ukrainian brothers. I don't know why this browser is going all fucking slow. It's all janky. This is my tribute to the people of Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Down with Russia. Down with Putin. And glory to our brothers in the Ukrainian. All of them. Except for that one battalion those guys no good are we sending enough money to the ukraine not nearly enough more missiles for ukraine how much more every ukrainian child should have a missile a patriot missile system rank these in order of importance single ukrainian black Black reparations. War in Ukraine. No, no. Israel.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Well, Israel's the top, but other than that, America does right by our allies. God bless Ukraine. We're our allies in Ukraine. God bless Zelensky. You know, because they're fighting the Ruskies,
Starting point is 00:05:24 man. They're fighting the Reds. Why does that make them our allies? You know, because they're fighting the Ruskies, man. They're fighting the Reds. Why does that make them our allies? Because Russia sucks, man. We're going to take them down. Why does Russia suck? Because they're invading people for no reason. They can't just do that. Now they're protecting those territories that voted for their independence.
Starting point is 00:05:39 No. It would be like if Texas declared its independence and then the U.S. invaded and then Japan nuked the U.S. You can't just invade countries. All right. Will you stop playing fucking the Russian national anthem? Okay. Jeez Louise. Play some Ukrainian music.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I have to close this window first. It's going too slow. Play, what's Zelinsky, Dancing and Singing. I love that guy. I'm a dancer for money. Is that what the song he did? Yeah. What a great man.
Starting point is 00:06:08 What a great country. He's not great. I think we here at the show, we just support the Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. At least one of us does. No, I don't. Okay, let me make sure everything's going here. You ready to start the show? Yes. I think you're pretty obviously ready. Here we go. I don't Okay let me make sure everything is going here You ready to start the show? Yes
Starting point is 00:06:25 I think you're pretty obviously ready Here we go Everything is going Hold on I'm gonna restart and reset Everything's Yeah everything's messed up Actually it might be my fireworks Let's see if that's
Starting point is 00:06:40 Yeah I wonder if that's like Yeah it was my fireworks Okay Alright Damn it Come on man I told you the piglet was busy background Fuck that Yeah, I wonder if that's like... Yeah, it was my fire words. There you go. Damn it! Come on, man! I told you the piglet was a busy background. Fuck that!
Starting point is 00:06:51 Biggest problem in the universe! Fuck this! Welcome to the biggest problem in the universe. The only show that ranks every problem in the universe from hateful crosswords to entitled movie nerds What do you think about that, Lincoln? I thought you were going to say N-words or something Entitled? Entitled? Zelensky, are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:07:15 I don't know I'm your host, Dick Masterson Joining me as always is Vito Gisualdi Hi, Dick What's up, buddy? Thanks for ruining my studio I've ruined your studio, I showed up late I'm a mess.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I also have to tell you something. It's upside down. Fuck. Are you sure? Damn it. Wait, wait. You crazy. It is upside down.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Ah, they all get the message regardless. They know. Isn't that a sign of distress? That means I've gravely insulted. When I said that's the right way, didn't you suspect that he's lying? Yeah. God damn it. You want to redo it?
Starting point is 00:07:55 We got 10 minutes. I can put the Russian National Anthem back on if you want to redo it. Please don't. We'll fix it later, maybe. New Year, new bonus episode. Yes. We will be doing,
Starting point is 00:08:09 coming, when are we going to post it? The first? Yeah, we can post it the first. We'll try to. The biggest problem in 2022. We're going to do a recap
Starting point is 00:08:19 of the year's biggest problems. What do you think, what do you think the biggest problem in 2020? Well, don't people have to listen to this show? Oh, in 2023? We're going to have some predictions. We can do that next week.
Starting point is 00:08:33 The world war that this evil Putin ushers in. We'll take care of him. I don't know if you're joking or not. That's the problem. I think it's shitty that what Russia did, and I think it's shitty that what Russia did. And I think it's funny that everybody's so mad that we're like doing the obvious American thing of throwing money at, you know, foreign militaries. Like it's something we've never done before.
Starting point is 00:08:54 It's like, I don't get it. We're America. Like, what do you, what do you, what did you think was ever going to happen? I can't believe we're spending so much money on a foreign war. Yeah. Well, you live in America. Like, just get used to it. That's all we ever do.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Okay. It's not going to stop. You complaining about it isn't going to change it. Why don't we get into the war game? It's our self-podcast to, we could go do the USO tour. Honestly? Not for free, though.
Starting point is 00:09:18 You know what? We should be marketing to the military boys overseas. Okay. Are you ready for the, we don't have any bullshit To go over this week Do we? Any kind of beefs or anything?
Starting point is 00:09:30 I had a couple little things That I was gonna Would you have a Briefly mention Would you have a Okay It's not necessarily Twitter really Okay
Starting point is 00:09:41 What's your beef then? Melanie Mack has a stalker And I think this is part of Satan's continued campaign to punish her for not coming on the show. Okay. She put out a YouTube... Is the stalker you? No, apparently.
Starting point is 00:09:52 But she made a YouTube video about how some strange older man has been stalking her and trying to come to her house, and I think that's an agent of Satan. And he's telling her he should have just come on Biggest Problem. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:07 We're going to send more, Melanie More Melanie we're gonna send more Communicating with the dark lord right now I'm telling him to send Creepier Yeah stalkers I also Oh my god yeah I was gonna say this is The other thing you have did you See this I was made aware That super killer fan
Starting point is 00:10:23 Comic Isn't that amazing got more pages done than the Actual account that's not your comics not even I was made aware that... Super killer fan comic? Isn't that amazing? He's got more pages done than the actual comic. That's not true. Your comic's not even out and someone has done a super killer fan comic where super killer kills... Well, he's not killing them, unfortunately. Sailor Moon. She's a superhero, right?
Starting point is 00:10:41 So he rapes her. I don't think he kills her, though. She happened to get raped in the process. Is that on brand for you? I know you weren't a fan of the... He's like, I saw him one for some reason. The one where, yeah, the fact that there is now a super killer rapist parody comic. Again.
Starting point is 00:11:01 It's hentai And it's art I would like to express That this is not Going to be a good look For my plan To have Legitimate Publishing success With the character He kills superheroes Before the first comic
Starting point is 00:11:13 Even comes out It's like Oh yeah I've seen this That's the one where he rapes Teenage anime girls Right Sailor Moon though Yeah well
Starting point is 00:11:21 It's okay In this universe That they're in The age of consent Is like Yeah I don't know How old This magical girl is that he's supposedly having sex with. The first panel, do you want to show it? I don't know if I can show it.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Well, did he show? I think he can show the first page. Let me see. Let me see if I can show it. It's just me and Sean here. All right, here we go. Okay. His name. Here we go. Okay. His name's Super Somethinger.
Starting point is 00:11:48 I don't know why he bleeped that out. Yeah, I don't know why he thought that couldn't make it in. I do superheroes. I do superheroes. Well, I guess it's leaving it up to the imagination. If it's Raper or not. Yeah, is he Raper? Is he Fucker?
Starting point is 00:12:00 But he says he's going to blank the shit out of this anime girl. She could be 18. I don't know. Guys, this is terrible. What are you? Why are you? Well, he kills superheroes. He doesn't have sex with them first.
Starting point is 00:12:15 He doesn't molest schoolgirls. What does that help? What does that do for the greater good? What does killing them have to do with the greater good? Are you saying he wouldn't? If he got the order to rape Sailor Moon, he would just not do it and let all the universes be destroyed? I'm not going to spoil the comic. You'll have to read it.
Starting point is 00:12:34 But no, he would not rape Sailor Moon. I would. His character. If it meant saving the universe and I could put a couple bucks in my pocket, I'd do anything. Okay. Well, what are you going to read it? The universe and I could put a couple bucks in my pocket. Yeah, I do anything. Okay. Well What are you gonna read it and I'm gonna rape the shit out of this I don't know what he's gonna do because it's in fucking whatever's and then sailor moon This is pretty well done is has to go stop a fire
Starting point is 00:12:58 And then in the next page real quick if we could so transform she goes it must be a fire Why is not while no one is looking'm going to transform into Sailor Moon. Hi-yah! Yeah. And then encounters my character with a bundle of rope. Yeah. His killer, his super killer brand ropes for binding. Now, this guy also sent me an email.
Starting point is 00:13:19 He said, these are the safe pages. Oh, there's more to this titillating tale? There's more. Ooh. There's pages that are not yet done, but he is gonna apparently go the full the full. Uh-oh. Yeah, well, there. This is afterwards. Why did he give him a five o'clock
Starting point is 00:13:35 shot at him? Like he's a disgruntled bum. He's been raping for a long time. Well, at least she looks satisfied But did he kill her after Jesus Christ this is horrible Yeah of course he killed her She'll probably kill herself Because she's so addicted to cock
Starting point is 00:13:52 Anyway I'm very appreciative Of all the fan enthusiasm Yeah I just feel like people Aren't getting the gist Of the character I feel like
Starting point is 00:14:00 They've come up with Some headcanon To who he is And what he's about. He's about raping. Maybe going down. Yeah. These fan theories about him being a neck kneeling rapist are maybe a little off base in terms of what we're trying to accomplish with the character.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Which one did you like more? The raping one or the killing George Floyd The kneeling on Issam one I think Which was your favorite? Do I really have to I'm not going to call Which one did you like
Starting point is 00:14:33 I'm not going to call either of them my favorite Which one did you like less? Which one did you think was worse? I still think the Issam one So you like the raping one more than I mean the rape is bad Is it because she's Well she looked like she enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:14:45 She looked like she had a good time. If she didn't enjoy it, that would be different. But he's like, hey, so maybe they can... And there's missing pages. Maybe they worked out a consensual situation, you know? Is it really... Can it be consensual after that brandishing of the rope, though? Like, I don't think you can have consent after that.
Starting point is 00:15:02 If he says, hey, can I tie you up? It might be fun. I'm going to do it anyway. Well, then that's not consensual. Yeah, this is a nightmare. What is wrong with you people? So would you like everyone to keep going or stop? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Do whatever you want. I don't care anymore. This is a nightmare. It's going to be like indie comic sensation Vito with his rapey black murdering superhero takes the nation by storm.
Starting point is 00:15:36 The ultimate anti-hero. Jump off a bridge. Something's wrong with all you fucking people. I didn't think they could stop the I saw one. They're really fighting to see who can offend me the most. But then I loaded it up and I was like, oh. He made a whole comic. He's got like multiple pages.
Starting point is 00:15:53 It's like a whole thing. Jesus Christ. What about Crypto, the super dog? What, should he rape the dog or kill it? Or whatever, yeah. If you want to show a super killer killing and raping a dog, I can tell you my reaction will not be positive. I can assure you of that.
Starting point is 00:16:09 You heard it here first, folks. You heard it here first. Superkiller is not canonically a dog rapist. Okay. All right. Did you have any more Twitter stuff? No, I have no other Twitter stuff. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Then let's do the problem winners. The Omnibus spending bill Boring Okay Swastika scaries Swastika scaries was a great problem Going to the dentist Yeah
Starting point is 00:16:35 And then maybe the worst problem ever brought in The most unaware The most self-unaware problem we've ever had on the show Fan entitlement Yeah The most self-unaware problem we've ever had on the show. Fan entitlement. Yeah. You're right. The most oblivious to. Tim Burton shouldn't be allowed to direct Batman because we the fans know better.
Starting point is 00:16:52 The point is. You made that joke last time. Maybe instead of fan entitlement, it's like fans believing they possess this mystical wisdom. Yeah. I'm like, if I asked you to write a A Batman story It would be 99 out of 100 times Me? Personally? Just any Batman fan
Starting point is 00:17:10 Would write a bad Batman story Okay Sometimes you gotta Trust the process How's that process Working out so far? At Disney
Starting point is 00:17:18 Well I don't know It's a mess but It's bad I thought that most recent Batman movie was pretty good Which one was that? The one with Robert Pattinson. I couldn't finish it.
Starting point is 00:17:28 It was a little convoluted. It was just so... And then the ocean was attacking Gotham. I was like, what is it, Mr. Ocean this year? You know what, on second thought, I don't know. It had some... It looked good. The guy's a good cinematographer.
Starting point is 00:17:40 I just thought the plot kind of sucks. Yeah. But I loved how that movie looked. And the penguin's supposed to go like, wah, wah, wah. Well, it's a different interpretation. Not like, oi, oi, Batman. On the penguin day, Batman. You know, there was, there, uh,
Starting point is 00:17:55 who played the penguin? It was like Danny DeVito? No, something feral. It's Colin Farrell in the new one. What? The guy that had his wiener out? Uh, Yeah, the big fat He got big and Or I don't know if they did a bunch of makeup or whatever But they were supposed to make a whole Penguin TV show
Starting point is 00:18:11 Like he got like so into it And you're like, I don't want to watch a Penguin TV show Sucks, actually Yeah I wanted to hear one Not even when he died If he did die, I didn't know I didn't
Starting point is 00:18:19 Well, do you like the Tim Burton You like Danny DeVito as the penguin where he literally is like part penguin? His like hands are like. Yeah, that was great. That's a little much. That's a little much. I saw that in the theaters. I was like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:18:34 And he's like, wasn't he like eating raw fish? Yeah. You see, the penguin was originally just like our aristocrat who was called the penguin because he was squat and fat. But he looked like he had to go. Making him into an actual part penguin man mutant was a little much, Tim Burton. Okay. So you think the big duck going down the street was a bit much, too?
Starting point is 00:18:54 The giant duck rope? I appreciate Tim Burton's brain. It's fun. Okay. Corrosive Drew said, the Carl bit had me in tears he even did the smile talking has carl uh has carl said anything about this bit uh i think he said he loved it i have to re-upload it as a clip on the channel i'm uploading clips yeah you do uh my room record says hey veto the greatest book adaptation of all time was made because an entitled superfan worked for over a decade to make it happen and spent a colossal amount of time ensuring it was as close to the book as possible for a cinema adaptation, Lord of the Rings.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Yeah, but that's different. I'm not saying that one individual fan can't be like really good at a thing. It's the whole concept of the fans. Oh, I see. As a massive group who like their collective willpower can make great creative decisions. I see. It's not how it works. What do you think of that Henry Cavill thing that he's like. Making a Warhammer? No, he was like being awesome on the set of The Witcher.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Yeah. Letting those dumb broads ruin the show It is an interesting article You know they would have me too'd him If like Anyone would have been like yeah right If he was ugly Yeah if he was ugly they would have me too'd him
Starting point is 00:20:15 But instead they have to call him toxic He's addicted to video games actually Like Okay I believe you I'm excited to see what he does He wants He's making a Warhammer universe. We'll see how that goes.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Dexter says, when Super Killer gets fans, read The Day After Never. Wow. Nailed it. Really got me. It's nice to know they'll be respected. It's nice It's nice to know They'll be respected Yeah well you're respected
Starting point is 00:20:48 In so far as I respect you For being a fan Buying my stuff But you came to me And you said Well I've read every issue Of Superkiller
Starting point is 00:20:56 And I don't think He would do that I have I think he would Rape this girl That was the only issue Of Superkiller That exists
Starting point is 00:21:02 See this is why The fans go wrong Cause the fans The fans go Superkiller that exists See this is why the fans are wrong Cause the fans The fans go Superkiller loves kneeling On people's necks and raping anime women And I go see you as the fans I appreciate your Enthusiasm but you have to understand that you do not have
Starting point is 00:21:16 The uh The understanding of this creative universe like the creators Themselves Crafting on every content creator on Twitter Is also a great way to generate hype for your product. Thumbs up emoji. The point is, if you're a fan, like the best kind of fan is the one who goes, I can't wait to see what they come up with next. Not, well, I think that it should be like, I mean, I'm not saying that the creators can't make mistakes, but it's a lot of this.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Like I could have done it better I wouldn't have done that It's like well yeah but you're never going to be in a position to make that movie And you don't know how to make a movie so just shut the fuck up But then you also criticize people who are Creating things I saw them and Doug Tenable
Starting point is 00:21:59 I support Eric's right to Make that comic No you don't. No, that's the one problem you have with it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. If Eric had just said, I'm making a comic, I don't know if it's going to be good. I don't know if it's going to be bad, but I'm excited to make it, and I hope people check it out.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Okay. I'm like, yeah, that's the right attitude to take. That's what he said until it was like $2 million. No, no, no. Right out the bat, he said, the comic book industry hates you, and they hate your children, and they're going to turn your kids gay, and the only way to stop it is to buy my comic book. Oh. And that's what I took issue with.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Okay. If it was just a guy, and he's like, you know, I've never written a comic before, but I want to give it a try. I'm enthusiastic about comics. I'd be like, yeah, go nuts. Yeah. It's this whole, like, I've never done this before in my life, and I'm going to revolutionize the industry, that I go, well, that sounds ridiculous to me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Well, maybe that guy will give you a thumbs down, I guess, sarcastically. Mr. Painkiller says, why not just give the fan—oh, this is more fan stuff. I'm kind of pissed off, everybody. Dogmatic Socrates says you can buy the plaque removal equipment on Amazon. You know what? I actually saw that comment, and I looked it up. Can you? It's easy. Just be careful and go slow, but you can buy the plaque removal equipment on Amazon. You know what? I actually saw that comment. I looked it up. Can you? It's easy.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Just be careful and go slow, but you can do it yourself. I'm not going slow on plaque removal on myself. It's like 45 bucks. I thought about buying it. I don't know. This guy, iRiverbeard says, no, Vito. The white part of the crosswords was the swastika. So you were reading it wrong.
Starting point is 00:23:24 That's why you didn't see a swastika. You were imagining it in the wrong place. No, I understand where they thought they saw a swastika. It's still really the white part. If it's a swastika, yeah. Oh, sorry, I was about to sneeze. If it's a swastika, it's a very fat,
Starting point is 00:23:39 terrible swastika. Yeah, I agree. Bone says, I hope your teeth aren't bleeding this week, Dick. I hope they're not bleeding. Was that because you needed to go to the dentist? I do. I've needed to go forever, but I can't get my fucking girlfriend to find me a dentist and make an appointment.
Starting point is 00:23:55 I finally found my health insurance card, and then I call them, and they go, we're out of town for the fucking holidays. I go, I'm never going to get to see this doctor. Me either. I'm just going to pull them out. Dick, I have an exciting segment. Oh, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Wait, let me cue up the music. Now, hold on. I got to say, I know Stinger, this Stinger's a little longer than some of the other ones, but I hope you'll bear with me. All right. Well, you put a lot of work into it, so I'm in. This is my masterpiece. There lived a certain man in L.A. long ago.
Starting point is 00:24:21 He was bald and Armenian and had a podcast show. He talked big game. He loved to brag and boast. But he still got cucked by his Mexican co-host. Wow. Tried to sue for 20 million dollars. Thought that he was quite the shark.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Now he streams on Twitch as a banana and Dick owns his trademark. So vote, vote, vote it up. Don't be like that stupid duck. Oh, yeah, that's good. Crying alone on bed sheets of slime. Vote, vote, vote it up with a little bit of luck.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Dick won't cuck his co-host a second time. Please don't cuck me, Dick. Vote it up, folks. Okay. Seems like you had an epiphany during that one. Yeah, because I've just remembered the boogies video that he posted. Oh, yeah. I should have brought that up.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Fuck, I can't find it. If anybody has it, post it in the... I'm sure it was on Twitter. I know you've been fighting with boogie2988. Well, this is Voted Up, the part where we revisit past problems. In episode nine, Dick, hospital pricing, transparency, noncompliance. That was one of yours. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Well, one of our fans, Innocent Bystander, commented on this problem. Says, I went to the ER a few months ago. They just prescribed me some shit. And we're like, you could take all these other tests, but it's probably this. So just take this prescription. Okay, I go to leave, and they say that's how much you owe i say i'll pay that amount now and now i'm getting calls from collection places saying i owe a bunch of extra money because i only paid the hospital and not the doctor yeah what is what is that with our health care this is ridiculous collections goes right to collections Yeah
Starting point is 00:26:05 They didn't even let you They just send it immediately To collections When they're like Yo it's a couple bucks Yeah I think so Yeah And you don't even know
Starting point is 00:26:11 What you owe You don't even know What fucking happened Neither do they Yeah I will say I think we've mentioned it On the show before
Starting point is 00:26:17 But I always see this tip Where if you go to the doctor And they go like Hey it's 1800 bucks Go I need an itemized receipt Of like every procedure They'll say never mind It's free No honestly Let's get out of here Honestly Like they go like, hey, it's $1,800. Go, I need an itemized receipt of like every procedure. They'll say, never mind. It's free.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Let's get out of here. Honestly, like they'll like go, oh, we itemize it out and it's like $1,000. It's like less. So keep an eye out for that. I've heard that too. Yeah, it's weird. It's like they just make up numbers. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Anyway, that was hospital pricing, transparency, not compliance, which is currently number nine on our list. Good. Top ten problem from you. But you know what your most popular problem is, Dick? What? All the way back in episode two, fat brain. Well, to back you up, Dick, a new study shows that ultra-processed foods are linked to cognitive decline and dementia.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Dementia, wow. A study followed more than 10,000 Brazilians, and those who consumed the most ultra-processed foods had a 28% faster rate of cognitive decline and a 25% faster rate of executive function decline compared to those who ate less than 20%. Take that, you fat buddies. So if you're eating foods such as frozen pizzas, hot dogs, sausages, sodas, cookies, cakes, candies, donuts, and ice cream, you may experience a faster decline in your mental... Fat brain.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Yeah, fat brain. Literally fat brain. That is currently problem number three, Dick. Yeah, I didn't mean it like that, though. I mostly just meant like fat chicks posting on Instagram and looking at how hot they are. Looking at multiple meanings. That's the fun of the problem. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:53 I meant it more that way. But maybe they're posting that shit because they have a cognitive decline from eating all these ultra-processed foods. I don't know why I'm trying to help you. You know what? You're right. Vote it down. Vote it down. Vote it down is the segment. Anyway, Dick, vote it up.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Don't forget to go to Vote on all the problems. Okay. And help your friends out. Did you find a book? No, I'll do it another time. I don't know. Is he going to play the whole thing again?
Starting point is 00:28:19 Yeah, of course. I have to. That's the rule. He was bald in Armenia and had a podcast show. He talked big game. He loved to brag and boast. But he still got cussed by his Mexican co-host. Speaking of boasting, yes.
Starting point is 00:28:34 For $40 million, Scott Beckham was quite the shark. Now he streams on Twitch as a banana and Dick owns his trademark. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master.
Starting point is 00:28:49 This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master.
Starting point is 00:28:49 This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master.
Starting point is 00:28:51 This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master.
Starting point is 00:28:51 This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master.
Starting point is 00:28:51 This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master.
Starting point is 00:28:51 This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master.
Starting point is 00:28:52 This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This is my master. This It's almost the second time. It did work pretty well. It's a good one.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Dance to that for New Year's. Vito, have you heard? Oh, God. Have you heard about the Matrix? Jesus Christ. Yeah. Yeah, I've heard about it. Do you think that's a real microphone you're speaking into?
Starting point is 00:29:24 Oh, my God. The Matrix is all around us, Vito. Yeah. The Matrix, you know. Why Matrix metaphors? Why is that the big thing? It's always red pills and rabbit holes and Mr. Anderson. It's like these guys only saw, you know how they always say, like, why do you keep comparing everything to Harry Potter?
Starting point is 00:29:44 Women. Why do men keep comparing everything to the fucking Matrix? Your favorite phrase is the fucking red pill. You use it in a sentence. The red pill this, red pill that. You're criticizing fucking Harry Potter and drag queens. You're not allowed to criticize people who go like, this is just like when Thanos or whatever. You have no vocabulary without the Matrix.
Starting point is 00:30:02 You have no ideas without the Matrix. You can't express yourself to your contemporaries without The Matrix. You have no ideas without The Matrix. You can't express yourself to your contemporaries without one movie. Stop! Yeah, it's really bad. Andrew Tate did a little whoopsie-doopsie this week. What a whoopsie. I feel like he sabotaged his brand overnight. I think it's the worst thing I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:30:30 And it cannot be forgiven. It can't be undone. It cannot be defended. Andrew Tate's two-minute nonsensical screed on how he has small dick energy yeah was the worst most painful two minutes of my life and shrank the dick of every man on the planet right it was so bad a 10 hour delay on a response to a little girl who said email me at small he she was just minding her own business being a miserable cunt and trying to destroy the world on behalf of the Rothschilds and George Soros like she is every day.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Right. And for some reason, Andrew Tate unzipped his zipper, pulled a little penis out, and tried to piss on someone with two million more followers than him. That's what happened. Oh, I'm going to make a name for myself. I'm going to take my little dick out, and I'm going to piss right up the leg of this
Starting point is 00:31:36 bigger account follower than me. And she said, yeah, go ahead and email me your list of your cars at smalldickenergy at Let me give the whole thing. Go ahead. He tweeted what I thought was one of the stupidest tweets I've ever seen, which was like, hey, Greta Thunberg, noted climate activist. I believe she's a 19-year-old girl. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Says, look at all my cars, And they emit so much smog And I'm polluting all the time With my cool cars And he was like Why don't you give me your email So I can email you About all the cool cars He wrote in supercars
Starting point is 00:32:15 Supercars are now gay And lame That dude was literally The dumbest He has set He has set misogyny forward 50 years Yeah
Starting point is 00:32:22 Cause she just responded Very quickly She said sure Email me At smalldickenergy at And you're like, yeah, that's pretty good. Because that was a stupid thing you posted. Yeah, it was good. It was funny. What he posted?
Starting point is 00:32:37 No, what she posted. Yeah, what she posted was a little funny. What he posted was miserable. And unforgivable. Yeah, I'm like, okay, you own a bunch of cars. Hey, Greta Thunberg. You don't. So this is what, this is my problem, is manliness coaches or manliness gurus
Starting point is 00:32:50 are not good at being manly, because that was the most womanly thing I've ever seen. It was worse. Look at the cool stuff I own, and you can't ever take it away from me? It's my cars, and they're so cool. This is my problem.
Starting point is 00:33:05 I was having a meeting with a right-wing, let's just say a right-wing financier like a year and a half ago, two years ago, because I'm always trying to... Uh-oh. No, that's a good thing. I'm always trying to resurrect... No.
Starting point is 00:33:15 I'm always trying to resurrect my war against the banks, right? Sure. That's right. I don't care. I hate the banks. I fucking hate banks, right? Till the day I die, that's all I care about is destroying the banks. And he said, we're talking, and he goes, oh, yeah, what do you think I fucking hate banks, right? Till the day I die, that's all I care about is destroying the banks.
Starting point is 00:33:26 And he said, we're talking and he goes, oh yeah, what do you think about Andrew Tate, huh? Like, how does he get, he's got a lot of money, right? He's got all those cars. And I said, oh, bro, no, those are all, that's all fake. Those are all, they've got to be rentals or like owned by a Saudi
Starting point is 00:33:41 that he's like, you know, his buddies with. And he looked at me like I just told him Santa wasn't real. He's like, like it hurt his identity. Yeah. I've heard a lot of people. I know exactly how I hurt them in the specific way and how much. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Like I'm like, I can see the look on your face. Like I just suck your battleship, didn't I? Yeah. I saw the look on his face. No, no, he's the ultimate man. Yeah, there's no, what are you talking about? He's in the own fucking billions of dollars. Yeah, he's not making that much money.
Starting point is 00:34:16 What do you, he's a pimp. Yeah. Which is funny, I like it. I like the guy. I loved him until he came out on Christmas and called everyone a loser on Christmas Day. Yeah, what was that about? Don't call men. Don't call the men that you've siphoned off of all these other guys' audiences into your scam manliness seminar for $6,000 losers.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Like, what the fuck is wrong? I feel like when normal people see women in an abusive relationship, they're like, that sucks for her. You know? I saw that. It was a really weird tweet. Wasn't he like, you know, you guys are poor. If I had to live your lives, I would kill myself. And I'm like.
Starting point is 00:34:53 I guess you'll have a lot of time to think about that while you're in jail. I was like, aren't these guys paying you $60 a month for manliness courses? And you're going to tell them that they can't possibly Live a good life Unless they own I don't know A sex dungeon And a fleet of supercars Which you don't actually own He bought a supercar
Starting point is 00:35:10 Rental company From some guy And ran it into the ground That's why he lives In a warehouse Next to a fucking airport An international airport Yeah he does not have
Starting point is 00:35:19 Like a mansion Like he's filming these things In like the corner of a room Um And the The reason it annoyed me So much is because I went onto the twitter And typed in Andrew Tate Matrix
Starting point is 00:35:32 And it's like guys Doing blood oaths with each other Like giving each other insane Conspiracies About how Andrew Tate's like The Matrix is coming down on him And he he always said he was going to get arrested like yeah that's because he's probably doing a bunch of fucking crimes bro it's one of my other friends who is a criminal says you know buddy I'm probably dick I'm probably
Starting point is 00:35:55 going to get arrested soon I think because you've been doing crimes right no no you don't understand as it turns out that's been the craziest thing is the people who go, he predicted this would happen. I'm like, he predicted what? That he was going to get arrested by the matrix. And I'm like, if I know that I did a bunch of illegal shit and I go to you and I say like, Hey man, if I get arrested, it's part of a grand magic conspiracy. And then I get arrested. That doesn't prove that there's a grand magic conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:36:20 That's not a very, it's like, it's not a called shot. He just knew he had done illegal shit yeah and that it was eventually you guys think you get women to and number one work and number two do sex work someone's got to be there beating their ass and threatening them they don't do that for fun they don't work women don't like working it's been a very i'm just seeing all the weird conspiracy theories i saw a guy who goes and Andrew Tate has never talked about pizza before Because in the video he's like eating a pizza I saw the same fucking thing
Starting point is 00:36:50 So pizza must be some sort of code And I'm like you guys I always say this about conspiracy theorists Is that you want the world to be far more interesting Than it actually is It's like I think he just ordered a pizza Because he thought it would be like He thought it would be carbon emissions
Starting point is 00:37:04 Yeah I don't was the and again i want to stress the unforgivable sin was posting a two-minute video that was not funny that was not funny at all to a little girl yeah going i know you said i have small dick energy but since you said it was your email address that means that you have small dick energy, and I'm like oh bro Just no I've never seen a woman insulted by telling her she has a small dick let alone a little girl Why are you worried about this is but I don't want to be associated with it And I hate it and if you're defending it shame on you. Yeah, they're shame on you. He needs like a guy To be there like probably you
Starting point is 00:37:42 He needs like a guy To be there Like probably you To go Hey I want to post a video Where I smoke a cigar And fight with a 19 year old girl And you go Yeah write you some zingers
Starting point is 00:37:51 Yeah Yeah you could write Three good zingers There needed to be A zinger I don't think he had any Um I hate it because
Starting point is 00:38:01 I I hate when bad things happen To vulnerable men First More than anyone else. And that's what this is. It's men, vulnerable men. Thank you. With no friends who sign up to these manliness courses.
Starting point is 00:38:15 They believe in some modicum of success because he started during the biggest bull market in history. So whatever advice you got, you profited from. And then they take this and this little network of friends, and it gets their emotions all screwed up, and they start thinking that this guy's the messiah, and he fucking thinks it himself, I guess. I don't know why he would put that out thinking it was funny. That's the problem,
Starting point is 00:38:43 is when these guys start Believing their own bullshit When you know he goes I think these guys start Off as masculinity coaches and they go Yeah I don't know it'll be something fun to do and I'll just tell Guys to clean their room and beat their wives Wash their penis And then like you know People keep coming to him and they go you've really changed
Starting point is 00:39:00 My life washing my penis has Made me more desirable Yeah and he's like, well, hold on. Maybe I am a god among men. Yeah. Maybe I can do it. Well, that was the thing is that this tweet was clearly a man with far more confidence than he should have.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Than the whole human race. Yeah. Put together. A guy who has not recognized that he's not funny and is like I'm gonna own all these bitches Like oh you gotta be funny if you're gonna do that You can't just be you
Starting point is 00:39:31 Yeah you started this by the way And you're losing big time Watching that video like honestly Shattered the Andrew Tate Cause there was still a part of me that was like alright this guy is like You know kinda like a tough guy And he doesn't take no shit or whatever else And then watching that i was like oh he's like a scared little boy i i wouldn't even be afraid to fight him now yeah dude i i was like this guy's
Starting point is 00:39:54 like a fucking dork uh let's play the video sure because i you know it makes me extra sad because i had him on my show like two years ago i liked him because he was running the whorehouse and i like you know i don't care about human trafficking really okay i care as much as everybody else i'm like oh man i really hope it doesn't have stops oh hey oh right it's just weird how human trafficking is such a broad definition that i never know exactly what they're talking about coercion i'm like yeah i'm like so like did he kidnap them it's like no he just like convinced them yeah and then like you got to live here and do it like okay that's shady you're not and you're not allowed to leave i'm like yeah but how does he stop them from leaving like usually it's holding by holding passports and i don't know if he's done any of this but that's usually how it
Starting point is 00:40:38 is yeah um i mean i i don't know honestly i don't even care about it. It's confusing. It was just the video. This video is worse than any amount of human trafficking. I would rather it trafficked 100 women than post this. Yeah, and the devastation in the followers. Like, you saw this with Jack Murphy imploded, too. Yeah. When it turned out he was doing, like... Putting dildos in his butt.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Which is fine, but... Which is fine, but you gotta... That's been the whole thing. There's other guys. It's like the BLM lady that bought all his mansions Like, yeah, well, okay, but that's like That's fucked I mean, I don't know exactly what Nick Riccate is up to But like, there's all this stuff where I see these guys
Starting point is 00:41:16 No, no, no, no, no I'm just saying I'm like, look, if you're doing weird sex shit Just like, be be upfront about it Yeah, like me. I've never hidden the fact that I've done weird kinky things with a bunch of transsexuals And it's like yeah, so it's not a problem But then these guys go like oh, I'm hyper masking I would never put anything my butt blah blah blah blah and then it turns out that they love putting stuff in their butt
Starting point is 00:41:41 It's the money to me Because when you charge so much for something that's worthless you get the people who are the most sick like the most sick and desperate that you're preying on so like i don't know how i don't know how to explain this but that same like that same perverse compulsion to like to uh like show off sexual like get involved in all this degenerate sex publicly yeah it's like a similar impulse to me as this preying on like i see it as a weird type of predatory almost uh i don't want to say like a homoerotic because like that's fine whatever but it's like specifically against men which I find very bizarre
Starting point is 00:42:27 It's not a good explanation. Let's watch the video we could think about it Yes, here's Andrew Tate's Death sadly he will be missed Oh, yeah, so this was accompanying a tweet that said thank you for confirming Via your email address that you have a small penis. Oh, what a comeback. You don't have to explain. So bad.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Via. Via. The world was curious. And I do agree you should get a lot. So he doubles down on the same joke. Oh, yeah. And furthermore, furthermore, in addition, the second part of your email, vis-a-vis,
Starting point is 00:43:09 I additionally believe that you again referred to yourself. That's the same joke twice, buddy. Okay, that's it, right? You're done with that? Oh no, you have a two minute video. If you're going to post a video, the video should speak for itself. It should just be like my message to small penis Greta or something and that would
Starting point is 00:43:25 have been funnier uh instead he needed this whole explanation of how he wasn't owned this is a man this is a man it's literally a man who got owned explaining how technically he didn't get owned which is the worst I think he's a max for for, so he would have gone on longer. If you're in a situation and everyone agrees you got hyperburned, the solution is not to go, well, technically, if you read it this way, I didn't get burned. That's not going to work. You just got to move forward and find a new tact. All right?
Starting point is 00:44:00 Just ignore it. You can't play the reverse Uno card and go, well, you have a small penis. You don't use the word small penis. Yeah, well. Yeah, Greta's allowed to use that because she's a teenage girl. You're a grown man. You should have better burns. Don't use the phrase small penis in an argument with a woman ever.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Okay, here it is. Two minutes. Well, maybe we'll stop. I don't know. No, just watch. Greenhouse gases. I'm obviously a stranger to online controversy. It's not something I often do.
Starting point is 00:44:29 But now the mainstream press is commenting on the fact that I was informing. You see, does he believe that was a joke, right? About the press? I'm obviously a stranger to online controversy. Yeah, I guess that's a little joke. That's a joke, right? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:47 It also annoys me that he's like buddying up with smaller guys, like younger guys like Sneeko. Yeah. In an obvious ploy to like sift their additionally vulnerable fans to his $6,000 manliness. He needs fresh blood. You got to keep replenishing the bloodstone. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:45:05 I'm telling Greta that my very extensive car collection with internal combustion engines, which run on dead dinosaurs. I hate this guy. Have an enormous emission profile. And she replied by telling me her own email address. Greta's email address is, I have small dick energy. Why would you say that? Why would you ever say that phrase?
Starting point is 00:45:28 It's a guy And it's also a guy like She said You know it's directed at you She just phrased it Instead of saying you have small dick energy She did a little clever wordplay And made an email address
Starting point is 00:45:39 And you're really playing the technicality game Going well that means it's your email address What the fuck, man? This is the biggest manliness coach in the world. I will say I'm as stupid as him because I remember I thought oil came from dinosaurs. Did you really? Yeah, I don't know if I said that on the show. I was like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:45:58 The entertainer equally retarded. Okay, here. Why would that be your own email address, Gretta? Oh, God. Strange. I mean, mean also i don't want to assume her gender it's 50 50 but all right now you gotta no time machine for that one yeah oh all right so he's already established with the tweet that the email he's done the reverse card it's the bad bad play uh-huh did it again in the video he's now got a minute 20 to
Starting point is 00:46:25 move on from the email address thing and say something of substance okay let's see how long it takes for him to get away from this this email thing how many more times can you say small penis it is i'm not actually mad at greta please bring me pizza and uh make sure that these boxes are not recycled. Thank you. So I'm actually mad at Greta, right? Because she doesn't realize she's been programmed. She doesn't realize she's a slave of the Matrix. She thinks she's
Starting point is 00:46:54 doing good. Someone has backed her down and convinced her to try and convince you to beg your government to tax you into poverty to stop the sun from being no and then because i called her out on it the global matrix got this bot farm to like and retweet all this bot commenting to try and pretend her telling me that she has a small dick in her own email address
Starting point is 00:47:25 somehow teaches me a lesson. I want to kill myself. Welcome to a new episode of The Clown Show. How many memes do you have, dear grandpa? I have a little face. Bitter. Sitting somewhere without the heating on.
Starting point is 00:47:41 In the cold. Little hat. Shivering. Here's my tweets. We're just going to make my Twitter account far more fun into eternity. This whole, like, it's so cool to not recycle thing. Make sure to not recycle these pizza boxes. Got it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:03 That's bad. That wasn't a joke. The joke was small penis though yeah it was get a life small penis i'm smoking a cigar i'm contributing to greenhouse gas bro you don't own the cars you have a car rental warehouse yeah next to an airport where the saudis fly you out with to fuck their whores. Yeah. The Saudis love this guy because he's a fighter, so when he comes in and puts on a show. I don't know. The Saudis are great.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Why can't we get a Saudi audience, by the way? Because I hate Islam. I know. That's our problem. We've got to take the call to prayer more seriously. This is worse than actual religion, which I despise less. Well, I think this is a religion. It's the religion of just idiocy. The liver king and his steroids. I donise less. Well, I think this is a religion. It's the religion of just idiocy.
Starting point is 00:48:46 The liver king and his steroids. I don't know. Were people big into the liver king? Was he a big deal? People thought it was real. People were eating organs of animals thinking that they were going to get ripped. He was obviously on steroids. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Oh, nobody knew. That's not an excuse. Everyone is as dumb as me. It's not an excuse Speaking of which we gotta get some stair. Where's the steroid King? I want that guy just goes better life through steroids I get I know I got a steroid. Let's let's think about that. Let's see what happens You want roids to to go with your testosterone? I'm getting I'm gonna try everything this year I think you got to try going on a walk, though. And riding a bicycle. I don't wanna try that nonsense.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Nah, you gotta do that. I just wanna shoot up first. Are you gonna do exercise this year? Yes, I'm gonna do exercise. What kind of exercise are you gonna do? I have my exercise bike. I'm gonna go for... I'm gonna take your bike. Finally? Finally. Okay, how much exercise are you gonna do? A million. Come up with
Starting point is 00:49:43 a plan. And then we can gamify it with money. Well... Oh, see? Your eyes light up with that. We'll see. We'll see what happens. Let's just say there's a third party. They're not going to do it.
Starting point is 00:49:55 There's another fat... Is it boogie? There's a fat gentleman who I think it would be great to go on an adventure with, but... Is it Tony from Hack the Movies? No. Tony's not that... Tony's not as fat as me, anyway. Tony's not like a fat guy.
Starting point is 00:50:11 He's like a chubby guy. No, no, no. All right. Anyway, we love Tony. Tony was all... Did you see Tony posting on Twitter? Because our last episode, we ripped on him for sitting down
Starting point is 00:50:19 at the live show. He said, I'm sick in bed. I figured I would just enjoy my favorite podcast And we devoted like two minutes to ripping on him Sorry Tony Enjoy your holidays I miss Andrew Tate the humble kickboxer And pimp
Starting point is 00:50:34 Not the I'm a religious guru Guys need to understand to remain elusive This is the same problem with Elon Musk Elon Musk was great when it was like You didn't really hear from him all that much And don't charge Stop paying for this shit Andrew Tate you got popular through
Starting point is 00:50:51 TikToks which is you Condensed down to about 10 seconds And a man condensed down to just Quotes and 10 second clips Can seem like a genius Cause your brain fills in all the parts you're not seeing. Yeah. When you give me two minutes of the thing is if that's her email
Starting point is 00:51:11 address, that would mean that she's the one. And that means I don't have the energy. Her energy is of the small dick. My dick actually quite large. Honey, let me get a pizza. Let me get a pizza. large. Honey, let me get a pizza. Let me get a pizza. Now the unconfirmed part of that story is the idea that he bought pizza from a Romanian pizza place, which confirmed he was in the country. And then he got, because he immediately got
Starting point is 00:51:34 retarded, but I think that's probably not fair. That's probably not true, but it is interesting timing that immediately after posting that video, he was arrested by the Romanian authorities. I think they saw it and just like, he's a bitch. Let's get him. I think that, honestly, I think they watched it.
Starting point is 00:51:48 He has no game at all. And they're like, this guy sucks. Yeah. Let's just go fog with him. Get him. I think before they were like, well, you know, he's like a, he's a very masculine guy. If we show up, he might do anything. And they saw that and they're like, oh, he's like a little pussy.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Yeah. Let's just go arrest him. Let's go arrest him. Let's kill him. Let's take pictures of his wiener Yeah He's talking about small dicks all the time Well I know some guys are
Starting point is 00:52:08 You know Taking the The sexual trafficking allegations Very strong There's a guy I follow on Twitter He's got like a whole thread So I'll trust their judgment
Starting point is 00:52:16 That guy Nick Monroe Yeah Nick Monroe Yeah Yeah Well the problem with Andrew Tate is So many people just hate him Because he fucks hot girls That it's hard to say that he sucks now because you're siding with them. It's like, well, I don't want to side with you guys.
Starting point is 00:52:35 I don't care how he treats women. So he runs a brothel? No, it's just like a cam whore something. Okay. I don't know. But the allegation is that for some reason these women aren't allowed to leave or something? Well, how do you take 60% of a cam whore's money and it's not like intimidation? Yeah, don't take 60%.
Starting point is 00:52:52 It's not possible. That's predatory. I don't believe you. Oh, we're taking 60% of their money. Okay, so you'll throw them out. What are you talking about? I don't fucking believe you at all. Oh, this
Starting point is 00:53:06 bitch just walks the street for me and fucks guys and then gives me 60% of her money. Why? No reason. I'm just a nice guy. I mean, there's a lot of guys out there who want to pay for that sort of thing, I guess. Yeah. They all want to spill their load.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Which leads me into my problem, Dick. My problem is semen. I don't like it. And there's a number of reasons. Interesting. Semen is a viscous,
Starting point is 00:53:38 creamy, slightly yellowish or grayish substance made of spermatozoa, commonly known as sperm, and a fluid called seminal plasma. Frankly, I just don't like this stuff, Dick. Okay. First of all,
Starting point is 00:53:55 it's disgusting. Isn't cum just gross? I mean, I've only dealt with my own, so not really. Yeah, but it gets, it So not really No it is great Even your own cum you're okay with it Yeah I guess
Starting point is 00:54:10 I'm not like Get this stuff off of me It's got that weird consistency Where it's like kind of wet But kind of not It's like what is it And it gets everywhere You can't control it coming out
Starting point is 00:54:25 Alright Well you can kind of control it Yeah but not really I've been spending I've spent my whole life Trying to control this stuff And I still it's unpredictable It just goes it comes out
Starting point is 00:54:42 In odd ways and then what do you do with it You just want to jerk off But you gotta find like a tissue Or a sock Or something To get rid of it It's just It's just obnoxious
Starting point is 00:54:53 What would you prefer? I just You need like a woman I think it should Like if it was like a Like a solid thing that came out Like a tic-tac? Yeah like a tic-tac
Starting point is 00:55:03 Like a Pez? Like you ejaculated a Pez And then you could just pick it up and deal with it. Okay, so you just have a problem with the form that it's in. The thing is, Dick, but to get more serious, semen has a lot of problems for our modern society. Problems for our modern society. Now, semen is one of the primary ways to transfer STDs, Dick. I thought you were going to say they catch rape victims. Well, that's another problem. Well, that's the other thing.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Why does it have your DNA in there? Why do they need, yeah, why does, why am I always leaking A puddle of DNA Oh yeah When I just want to commit Sex crimes Dick more than One million Sexually transmitted
Starting point is 00:55:51 Infections are acquired Every day worldwide And that includes HIV and AIDS And it's being spread Through the semen I didn't know that Well
Starting point is 00:56:03 What do you mean You didn't know that I thought it was just in blood AIDS No it can be transferred Through your semen. I didn't know that. Well, what do you mean you didn't know that? I thought it was just in blood. AIDS. No, it can be transferred through your semen, of course. I didn't know that. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:11 I thought it was only a gay thing. No. Heterosexual and homosexuals can obtain. Yeah, I thought that was like drug use, though. No. So a straight man
Starting point is 00:56:23 having vaginal sex with a woman can give her AIDS with his semen? Yeah I don't think that's, that can't be right Well, now I feel like I have to look it up, but I'm pretty sure that's true What are the odds of that? I don't know But it's like, it's not just blood I didn't know that
Starting point is 00:56:40 Well, now I gotta look it up, because now you got me doubting it know that well now we gotta look it up because now you got me doubting it uh dick and it is also did you know this possible to have a semen allergy oh yeah they've tried that one on me oh yeah well this is a rare condition that is more common in women actually i put a bunch of cum in your drink and you don't seem to be reacting to that poorly. Up to 40,000 women suffer from semen allergies, which can cause allergic reactions such as redness, burning, swelling, pain, hives, and itching. And in severe cases, you can even cause anaphylaxis. You can choke to death because of semen dick.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Wouldn't it be better if we could just copulate in a way that we didn't have our fucking balls full of this goo? No, I think it should actually be more. What would be the difference between men and women without men shooting a bunch of cum everywhere? It's pretty much the only difference. You know, physiologically. It should be cumming all the time. You know, physiologically I'm saying It should be coming all the time You should have to go around with a trash bag
Starting point is 00:57:49 Rubber banded to your cock It seems like an unreliable method of reproduction Is that you gotta That's a feature, buddy Yeah, but I just asked Ralph Yeah That's a good point
Starting point is 00:58:03 Shouldn't we be able to like, you know, choose specifically as opposed to randomly splashing an egg? You would think so. With our semen. Yeah. It's so random, you know, and you don't even know. And then there's the, of course, the problem of the dribblers and the shooters and the dribbler can't even shoot as high up as they want.
Starting point is 00:58:21 So they can't even coat that egg. You know, the girls got... They wriggle and bounce. They don't squirt on the egg. The girls got to like go upside down so the cum trickles down into her. I'm going to throw up. Exactly! Because cum's disgusting!
Starting point is 00:58:33 No, because the woman. I'm imagining a woman in that position with her tits all hanging the wrong way. I've just always thought that cum, it's gross. It's full of sperm. It's cum until it's on her, then it's a mess. Go clean it up. The idea that I am walking around and I got a bunch of little snakes, like, swimming
Starting point is 00:58:51 around, and then the way to make a baby is I shoot a load of little snakes inside a lady, and whichever snake is fastest gets to be a baby. Can you please go to a drag queen story hour and give that biology lesson You have a bunch of little snakes in you
Starting point is 00:59:09 You do You have a bunch of little tadpoles At all times just living in you Which is fucking weird And then a girl goes Please shoot your little tadpoles Inside me Why would you want that
Starting point is 00:59:23 I would go on a surface level. Like if I was a lady and a guy said, I want to shoot a load, a little baby tadpoles inside you, I'd go, no. I'd go, what is wrong with you? That's disgusting. And I go, no, no. Cause one of them might, might swim all the way inside you and make a baby or just give you AIDS or some shit. I don't know what's going on. You know, this is the worst. This is the worst thing I've ever heard. But you agree it's gross.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Well, the stuff you're saying is gross. Yeah. It's not real. It's like snakes and tadpoles. And what else do you want to say that fucking sperm are? They're little semen. They're little living like bugs or some shit. I don't know if they're living. You're just constantly.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Honestly, I don't know why I don't get my balls chopped off. It's disgusting. That I constantly. You see why guys turn to Andrew Tate? They go to their comedy podcast and they're talking about snakes and their balls. That they need to chop their balls off How awful is it that I used to be A little snake in someone else's balls Like the problem is
Starting point is 01:00:32 You know it used to be Like when you're a kid you're like yeah god that makes sense You know the guy created everything And then you learn that the way babies Are made is that a guy shoots a load of Snakes inside a lady and you go There's no way there's a god Cause he would've come up with A way more magical
Starting point is 01:00:49 Fucking experience Than a thousand little baby snakes Fighting I agree with you Yeah Wouldn't he Especially the snake It would be like a dove or something
Starting point is 01:01:01 Yeah Or like an energy orb That like you transfer to a lady An apple Yeah You'd come an apple And that you transfer to a lady. An apple. Yeah. You'd come an apple and shoot it in her and it would be a baby. That's the ultimate argument against religion. Like if a religious guy goes, well, I
Starting point is 01:01:13 know there's a God because this, this, and this. You go, okay, well explain why I have a million little snakes in my balls that I shoot inside a lady. Is that in the Bible? Yeah, it's not in the Bible. And that's the problem. In fact, in the Bible the snake was evil. So every time well,? Yeah, it's not in the Bible. And that's the problem. In fact, in the Bible, the snake was evil. So every time, well, actually, maybe that does tie in.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Maybe that's why sex is bad under the Christian religion, because you're killing a woman with snakes. That makes sense. Yeah. That's the only smart thing you've said so far. I'm just glad that we were able to find a way through this problem. Point is, Dick. Why did you come up with this? How long have you been wanting to bring semen in?
Starting point is 01:01:49 And you have cum on your paper. Yeah, I wrote just cum. I've always... You've always had a distaste for semen? Yeah. What about when you were blowing that penis? I didn't let it come in my mouth That sucks
Starting point is 01:02:07 I don't want it Why does that suck? What do you think? I don't want anyone to come in my mouth What about other people's mouths? They can come, you know, outside of my mouth What about, would you come in someone else's mouth? I discourage it
Starting point is 01:02:20 How? Well, I mean, I basically Oh, don't let me come in your back! I basically, I don't force, you know, I don't go to a girl and go, you know, like, hey, you know, you should really suck on my dick, you know, whatever. It's not like that, you know. If she offers, I'll go like, all right, but that's, you know, it's your funeral. Because once you got a mouthful of snakes
Starting point is 01:02:45 I don't know what you want to do with it If you want to swallow them If you want to spit I would spit them out, frankly See, if Boogie had done this show instead of you We'd be talking about his dad's cum in his mouth Yeah, we'd be talking about all the rape And the molestation
Starting point is 01:03:03 So we're talking about how I explain to girls, I go, listen, whatever you want to do. It's up to you. I'm going to be in there playing video games. That's why I'm always so weirded out when a girl doesn't want me to use a condom. I'm like, what is wrong with you? Why would you want that inside you? Come? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Well, they don't want to come inside. Some girls do. Some girls really do. Yeah. Well, they don't have to cum inside. Some girls do. Some girls really do. Yeah. And whenever I finish, whenever I orgasm after sex, first thing I do, I go to the bathroom and I wash my dick because I don't want it covered.
Starting point is 01:03:35 What's your own cum? No, I don't like it. If you fart, it has like the worst... Ew, gross. I gotta get out of here. No, because a fart, it has like the worst. I got it. Ew, gross. I got to get out of here. No, because like a fart, it doesn't have that like that slick, weird consistency. It's excrement. And I don't have. It's much worse.
Starting point is 01:03:52 It's supposed to be. No, that's got like a little like air. It's like little particles or whatever. And also there's not a bunch of snakes in my fart. Particles of shit. So that's fine. I don't have like a bunch of. There might be. You might have worms.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Little, yeah, little worm babies just hanging out. How is that not the most disgusting thing in the world? Sperm is so fucking weird. It's cool. It's like smooth, like a new car. It's like when you're a kid and you find out you have like a million mites living in your eyelashes or whatever. Yeah. Doesn't that drive you insane?
Starting point is 01:04:22 You're like, oh God. No. Being alive is disgusting. Yeah. And the most disgusting aspect of it is the cum And that's my problem So you'd rather what? Shoot When you shoot no cum I want to shoot an energy orb
Starting point is 01:04:35 You're like, awesome Yeah Sometimes when you cum so much And nothing comes out You're like, oh, awesome If I could have the thrill of a true orgasm Without having to carelessly spill my seed like an animal, that would be the ideal situation.
Starting point is 01:04:51 What about like Peter North videos? You're watching porn, the guy's just like blah, blasting cum all over. It's horrifying. I think when I was a kid, I must have been scarred because I remember I went over like a neighbor's house and the dad was like, yeah, you can use the computer or whatever, you know. The story gets worse and worse. Shut up. My dad was like, had to go somewhere so he left me at some dude's house.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Shut up. And dude was like, yeah, you can play. This is when you developed your aversion to cum? Well, he was like, yeah, you can play on the computer or whatever. I'm going to go do something else. And then like you know, he had a bunch of like porn bookmarks and I had never seen a guy. So I was just clicking around And then I just saw a guy like just erupt
Starting point is 01:05:29 Like a shit ton of cum out of his dick And I was like a young kid, I'd never like All I'd ever done is piss at that point And I was like I was like What the fuck is wrong with that guy's dick? What the fuck is coming out of it? Because it wasn't pee, and it was like a
Starting point is 01:05:45 huge cum shot. How huge? Was it on a woman? Yeah, I guess so. I don't know. I just remembered being... Was the mouse all slimy while you were using it? No, no. I just remember being mortified. How'd you find the porn book, Max? He must have
Starting point is 01:06:01 left a tab open. I don't remember. I don't remember being mortified and going, well, if my penis ever does that, I'll kill myself. Why were you mortified by a guy's dick? Because I didn't know. It was weird how much fucking... Just this random
Starting point is 01:06:20 shit was coming out of it. And it was too much. I thought it was... it looked like Nickelodeon slime was spilling out of the fucking Yeah, that was the best part of Nickelodeon. All those girls getting slimed. There's a lot of, uh, there's a lot of, uh, slime
Starting point is 01:06:35 compilations on YouTube. I used to know a girl who was on All That. Yeah. Like the bad last season. She was like, yeah, the slime fans are the worst. season And she was like Yeah the slime The slime fans Are the worst Cause they'll send you like They'll be like
Starting point is 01:06:50 Hey remember in episode Season 6 Episode 19 Where they really slimed ya How did that feel How did it feel To have all that slime All over ya
Starting point is 01:06:59 She's like I don't know It didn't feel good Like yeah I bet you Was it warm Was it warm Was it warm the slime Did you? Was it warm, the slime?
Starting point is 01:07:05 Did you like how much slime was really fucked up our kids? What about the fake cum? Like the Japanese cum shot. Is that fake? Well, what, from off camera? They like splash her? Yeah. See, that's the worst.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Well, you don't like that either. That is the most. There's no snakes in it. It's still great. Opening like a can of. God, that Bukkake shit is Why would you want You hate that I don't understand why
Starting point is 01:07:31 Anybody would want cum on them Well you want it on the woman Cause it's degrading to her And you get off on Lowering her Yeah but then just piss on her It's too much Well that's too much
Starting point is 01:07:43 Too degrading Piss to me is The piss is waste though. Yeah. Cum is like not Cum is waste. Not really. Not in the same way. Not in the same way. No, and we did learn that pee is toxic
Starting point is 01:07:57 even though I thought it was sterile. Oh, it's toxic? Oh, it has like some bacteria in it. Oh, okay. Cum. Press one in the chat If you're totally Vito ruined cum for you I'm just saying If I offered you an alternative
Starting point is 01:08:12 Would you take it? To shooting cum out of my car? For the rest of your life Instead of shooting cum You just don't shoot cum How's that? I don't want that Why not?
Starting point is 01:08:27 Because I enjoy shooting cum on women. What do you mean? I don't get it. If there's nothing coming out, I was like, oh, that was pointless. The hell was that? So you want to paint her face? Paint everything. I disagree. I like a girl.
Starting point is 01:08:38 I don't want her to have any fluids. I'll cum in a sock and then think about the cleaning lady grabbing it and go like, hey, hey, hey. Oh, I hate that. You ever cum in a sock and then you go to come in a sock again and you realize it's the same sock you already cummed in? Yeah. What do you mean, yeah? That's the worst.
Starting point is 01:08:54 That's the worst. I don't go out of my way looking for it. It's still wet with the cum from the first time that you busted in it? Yeah, I understand. Or dry. I'm like, oh, shit. Yeah, well, I don't want to double up on a cum suck. Are you this way with blood, too?
Starting point is 01:09:09 No, blood's fine. Blood's fine. Cums like the only fluid. Even though it's full of AIDS. Cums, I mean, yeah, that's pretty bad, but blood's cool. Cums like the only bodily fluid that I'm truly just like. Snot? I can't deal with this.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Throw up? Throw up's really bad. Okay. Yeah. That's just because I've had some terrible vomiting situations myself. I got food poisoning like twice this year. Oh. And just like the worst vomiting.
Starting point is 01:09:36 What are you eating? Fast food? No, the first time was a guy invited me to a fancy dinner and he ordered the seafood tower, which was like raw oysters and shit. And one of those oysters must have been... You don't like cum, but you're eating fucking raw oysters with strange men?
Starting point is 01:09:51 Okay. He's not a strange man. Oh, he's kind of strange. That, I definitely, I got a bad oyster. The second time, I don't know what it was. But God, you ever have that like, uh, that fucking... Food poisoning, yeah. Yeah, but you get that like like that violent throw up. Yeah Yeah, I like it though. Shut the fuck up. No way. Yeah, cuz it's like
Starting point is 01:10:11 This is look at all these calories. It's getting rid of them. Oh, no, that's like normal throw up is great I normal throw up every day even when you're throwing when you're throwing up like It's violently. It's like I'm getting a great ab workout. Oh, dude. It really does fuck up your ass. It's violently it's like I'm getting a great ab workout like oh dude. It really does fuck up your ass. It's crazy See ya come. It's just gross Okay, semen retarded problem I wrote these problems last night at 7am Too much time I spent too much time working on the stinger
Starting point is 01:10:49 You should do every other time as a stinger We'll figure it out My problem is I forget where it is It's shoulder nipples I pulled a sweater out of my closet For sweater season Fucking big ol' Big ol' nipples on that shit.
Starting point is 01:11:06 What is that from? The hanger. From the hanger. Yeah. Yeah. What am I supposed to do? Going around? Can't you smooth it out?
Starting point is 01:11:13 How? Pull it down a little bit. Shoot a bunch of cum all over? Pull it down a little bit? Yeah, use cum to get it into place. It's poking up. I'm walking around looking like guar. My nice long sleeve.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Can't you iron it? Do you have an iron? I do now. You know you can iron it. Talking about I got a bullshit problem. It's all messed up. You can't iron just iron one part of your shirt. Yes you can. No. It's like a cartoon where something's about to move
Starting point is 01:11:40 and you're like that fucking apple's about to move and then it moves. It's the wrong fucking color. It's like that with shirts too. It's just a big damp spot. Do you put your t-shirts on hangers? No So letters I just said I can sweater long-sleeve sweater Emphasize what are you gonna bring some cum for us to how you have it right now? We all have it What are you going to bring some cum? Frost it I have it right now We all have it
Starting point is 01:12:04 Let's go Present it What if your cum is like extra gross? And that's why I should have shot some cum into it You ever like Yeah that's the other thing You ever like
Starting point is 01:12:13 These people who like drink cum You should cum on a picture of Melanie Mack And post that I bet she would love it These people who fantasize about drinking cum I'll get a little Melanie Mack figure And I'll put it in a jar Yeah the guy
Starting point is 01:12:25 Uh Maned Wolf Called into my show Who got All those like 20 guys To come on pizza Come on pizza Yeah
Starting point is 01:12:31 It was the most disgusting thing And you know that was disgusting Well yeah So are you pretending Cum's not disgusting Well just like my own cum Coming on my hand Yeah
Starting point is 01:12:41 And versus 20 strange men Coming on a pizza It's just different to me I just think all comes gross even my own come. I don't like it Shoulder nipple shoulder any clothing ruined by shoulder nipples feet oh well I mean I have stuff hanging on hangers, but it's all ruined And then what's it's not even the worst part isn't even getting the shoulder nipples on your sweaters it's going to hang stuff up and knowing that there will be shoulder nipples
Starting point is 01:13:11 when you get back because the hangers only go for no reason they only go to here even though even though if it went the full length it would create less of a divot. Yeah. I have hangers. I have hangers. Our audience is not hanging up their clothes. They're all a bunch of douchebags wearing t-shirts and jeans. Coming on themselves? None of them are wearing a fancy holiday sweater. Where do they get the money then?
Starting point is 01:13:35 We've got a ton of paying people paying for the show. Those guys have money. They're hanging up their clothes. Well, hopefully they're not buying sweaters. They should be reinvesting in the show. And they're investing in strategiesers. Your fans aren't hanging. They should be reinvesting in the show. I have. And they're investing in strategies to avoid getting cum on themselves. Your hangers last 50 fucking years.
Starting point is 01:13:51 You're telling me that you can't have like a nice hanger that has cups at the end, like red solo cups at the end to make the shoulders. Are you telling me you want to reinvent the coat hanger? Yeah. I'm tired of getting shoulder nipples. Maybe you're just buying shitty sweaters. No, this is a real, this is a regular problem that everyone has. Then I should be able to Google it and find results.
Starting point is 01:14:14 And I don't think I'll be able to. I fucking think you are, yeah. I don't think anyone is complaining. Hold on. I look for coat hanger ruined sweater. Shoulder nipples. Shoulder nipples is obviously not going to show up. Look, number one. Sweater nipple marks. Shoulder nipples is obviously not going to show up. Look.
Starting point is 01:14:25 Number one. Fuck you. Oh, is that actually a thing? Sweater nipple marks. Okay, wait. Go down. Do you not hang your clothes up? I just don't notice.
Starting point is 01:14:34 I guess I don't have a lot of sweaters, though. Does this have a nipple? I don't fucking know. Yeah, why don't you text me a picture of your closet when you get home? No. Let's see. See this dumb lady? Okay, no, but like, is there solutions?
Starting point is 01:14:51 No, there's no solutions. How to avoid shoulder knuckles. That's a scam. That's a scam. No, apparently. That's a crypto scam, Link. I know it a mile away. Properly fold and hang.
Starting point is 01:15:02 This is from the Website why don't you use some alpha? Yeah, maybe use some alpha male Strategies to avoid I don't trust alpha. Maybe you paid Andrew Tate. He would tell you How to avoid he but who cares who's looking at your sweater and sees these little bumps look at how ugly it is I don't even Look at this lady. Look at how ugly she is. Oh, look at this 100 by 100 fucking JPEG you found. Disgusting woman. Look at this guy. It's a little bump.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Who cares? Looks like you have a tumor. This is the stupidest problem. This is worse than cum. No. By a long shot. No. Everyone has...
Starting point is 01:15:38 Everyone has shoulder nipples. Oh, I live in a... You know, a top of a mansion. Fucking... I live in a... Oh, but I got little bumps in my sweater. Oh, there live in a top of a mansion. Oh, but I got little bumps in my sweater. Oh, there's little bumps.
Starting point is 01:15:49 Oh, my God. This is as bad as children starving and people getting shot in the head. It's way worse. Tiny little fucking bumps. See what it is. This guy's got, he put water on his shoulder to get rid of the nipple. Okay, so there's a- And you can still see it. So you can use regular water to fix it is what I'm hearing.
Starting point is 01:16:03 And this lady has an actual nipple on her shoulder. I don't know what that's about. That's weird. Look at all these pictures of shoulder nipples. Exactly what I'm talking about. See? See? Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Because hangers are made for women. That's why. Not for men. Women are always complaining that we're not putting our clothes away. Yeah. That we're just putting them on the floor and not putting them in the hamper because nothing is made for us. Give me a hanger that this that's this wide.
Starting point is 01:16:28 I'll put it on. I'll use it. I tried to get a bank loan for the orphanage, you know, and the guy said, I'm sorry, sir. We don't serve those with shoulder nipples here. You know, it's a real crisis out there. Yeah, well, Zelensky didn't have shoulder nipples in his sweater that he talked to Congress in. I looked. This is retarded. This is the first thing I looked for. You gonna bring in loose threads
Starting point is 01:16:50 next time? What about when a button falls off your coat, folks? You ever, oh, then you gotta sew the button back on? This is the stupidest. What a waste of my time. Alright, go ahead. My problem, Dick. I sent you a link as an example. I
Starting point is 01:17:06 Was scrolling around my Twitter Recently and I saw a page from the new Starfire comic book Starfire famously one of the teen Titans now just a Titan no longer a teen. Okay, thankfully Yeah And No longer a teen okay, thankfully yeah And They've apparently changed Her costume it was the same exact thing. I sent you the stinger in it hit number one Don't fucking take that tone with me listen grandpa Trying to look up shoulder nipples and can't even find an example Alright, I got two
Starting point is 01:17:45 I got two here You're gonna see the difference So on the left Click on it real quick If you can click on the left picture It'll zoom in on it That's Starfire You know Starfire, right?
Starting point is 01:17:55 Yeah It's hot She's a hot alien lady She's got those hot pants You can see her legs You can see a little bit of that pussy You get that ingween Inguinal fold That's what that's called Linguiney fold? Inguinal It's your legs. You can see a little bit of that pussy lying down here.
Starting point is 01:18:05 You get that inguinal fold. That's what that's called. Linguiney fold? Inguinal. Inguinal? I believe it's inguinal fold. Baby, let me get my, I'm going to lick your inguinal fold. I want that inguine. I'm all about that inguine.
Starting point is 01:18:18 I don't want that vagine. I don't want the vagine. Give me that inguine. Exactly. The inguinal fold? Let's see. I believe, we'll have to look it up later. It's grosser than cum.
Starting point is 01:18:29 Dude, she was wearing these fucking, this bottom, right? And you could totally see her ingween. She had that ingweenle fold right there. And let's see how much ingween we see on the new costume if we scroll through. Where's the ingween? There's nothing. There's no skin at all all the only skin is her fucking knuckles why is she wearing a loincloth i don't know and see that green part where like her boots meet they couldn't even leave her legs there's no ass dent at all there's nothing there's no skin and this is the desexification of media, Dick.
Starting point is 01:19:06 Yeah. And that is my problem. The war on sexiness. It's basically, yes, that we understood that certain types of media were made for men. That's hot. That's just, and it's not demeaning. Do you look at that and you go, yeah, that fucking whore. I'm going to rail that. You're like, no, she you go yeah that fucking whore I'm gonna rail that
Starting point is 01:19:25 You're like no she's strong Well yeah I wanna rail her but If she wanted to kick some ass I'd cover that in gween In snakes And now Shut up And now they take it away from us
Starting point is 01:19:41 We understood that this is comic books Video games, action movies What's wrong with their tits? These were for men This is media for men And for some reason they've decided We're not allowed to look at women anymore I don't know why they've decided this
Starting point is 01:19:56 Where's her skeleton? I don't know I'm hoping this is like a temporary I couldn't find out if this is like her New permanent outfit Or this is like a temporary edition But I was like, this just looks terrible out if this is like her, you know, new permanent outfit or this is like a temporary addition. But I was like, this just looks terrible. Even if it is like battle armor, why not make her at least let her legs, let a little leg show through.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Yeah. Show me a little something. I had a second link in that email as well to give you another example of what they're doing to our characters. But I had a list here. I mean, Laura Croft used to be sexy now she's uh just ugly tifa famously with the boobs getting shrunk i think that's a thing i know that affected dick it's the worst thing that ever it's the worst thing that ever happened and the mods aren't helping i've been watching the final fantasy mods they're not getting the boobs big no because, because it changed. She wouldn't walk the same.
Starting point is 01:20:46 You're right. I know. She would need different back problems. Hit that second one real quick. This was just the ultimate downgrade, Dick. Let's be real. You had Lola Bunny. Look at the curves in the first picture. She's got
Starting point is 01:21:02 clear breasts. In the second one, she looks like a guy. Look at that. Well, what's up with these, like, fucking shorts down here? Like, is that extra we don't want to show? Oh, yeah, you can't even show any legs.
Starting point is 01:21:17 She has to wear pants under her pants. Do you think there's going to be less furries in 20 years or in 10 years? Maybe this might be a strategic decision to try and limit the growth of the furry community. Because, look, originally you shot her midriff and everything. I mean, look, come on. Lola Bunny's a... She's a fox.
Starting point is 01:21:36 She's not a bunny. She's a fox. The Mortal Kombat games. Her eyes are all crooked. Hot. Yeah, well, it's because she's doing that, like, you know, sizing you up kind of thing. She's thinking about she might want to dress you up like a woman, like Bugs Bunny. We can't even get a sexy green M&M anymore, Dick.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Did you see they changed the green M&M? No. Oh, really? Google that real quick. The green M&M, famously the most bangable M&M. We all knew it. She had a. The other ones are guys.
Starting point is 01:22:08 Isn't there another lady one? Oh, is there? Maybe I'm wrong. Regardless, she used to have. There you go. It even shows the difference in that first picture. So she used to have those fuck me heels. All right.
Starting point is 01:22:23 Okay. And now they've given her like flats. Voice actress applauds. Well, the voice actress says she's happy. Look, we don't get any leg from the M&M. They've covered that up. We don't get any arm. And they took off her fuck me heels and they put her in fucking tennis shoes.
Starting point is 01:22:40 I can't even fuck the M&M anymore. And she's standing like a dump. And she used to have those pouty lips I mean come on guys It's just her expression She just looks shitty Yeah She used to be a strong Sexy lady
Starting point is 01:22:59 Yeah And now they're taking it away from us Now she looks like trash And this is all about of course Empowering the next generation of women. They aren't meant to be eye candy. They're not meant for you. They were meant for me.
Starting point is 01:23:11 And taking this away is a tragedy. Yeah. I want my candies to look like I could have sex with them. All right? I want the Snickers bar to have big fucking titties on it. Okay? That's the America I want. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:27 If I'm going to be forced to shoot this disgusting cum load everywhere, I should at least be given something nice to look at. Yeah, I agree. And they just keep giving me all this bullshit. I'm trying to find that post you did where you're asking for people to tell you. Go down a little more. I'm sure it's there. Yeah, right
Starting point is 01:23:49 below that starfire one. I posted, what are some famous examples of fictional characters who had their skin covered up or boob size reduced to fit modern standards? I had the example here of Laura Crawford Tomb Raider. They used to have a nude calendar for her back in the day.
Starting point is 01:24:07 Nude? Not nude, but like a sexy. They had like an image where she was nude, but you couldn't see anything. And those were like official Tomb Raider images. I mean, you can see, look at that cleavage hanging out, those famous triangle boobs. And now she's just kind of a generic, I don't know, empowered lady. Like a softball player. They fucked up Tomb Raider.
Starting point is 01:24:27 Tomb Raider would be huge right now if they had kept making Laura Croft, like, smoking fucking hot instead of making her into, like, a generic action heroine. I'm like, well, why don't I play this? I feel like there's a bunch of... It looks like fucking Hunger Games. What? She's Katniss. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:24:41 I really just don't care about... Like, if you're making me play a game where it's like a dumpy looking woman that I have to like stop from getting killed. I just don't care as much. There's that new game Horizon and everybody's like, why does nobody play Horizon? I'm like, because she's kind of like a fat chick. If that chick was super hot, I'd probably be playing that Horizon game. Make the bad guy a fat chick.
Starting point is 01:25:01 Now you're talking. There you go. Power girl with her famous boob window costume, which is great. Got the boobs hanging out. Now has been changed to whatever the fuck that is. With the triangle of not allowed to see my boobs. Wow. She's got two layers on the boobs.
Starting point is 01:25:19 Two layers to make sure. No. And no. Again, they always cover up the legs. Remember, it used to It used to be Every superhero She should be in a hijab though Yeah well that's true
Starting point is 01:25:29 Let's Why not just cover them up Head to toe at this point I asked if it was temporary We didn't know Samus Samus It looks like they kind of
Starting point is 01:25:38 Reduced her boob size A little bit A little bit That's a Fucking 9-11 look That they reduced These towers They knocked that down They knocked down those towers That's a fucking 9-11 That they reduced these towers They knocked that down
Starting point is 01:25:45 They knocked down those towers That's a tragedy Why do they do this? I don't know why they're doing it I think they think they're gonna like get in trouble Or like someone's gonna Someone's gonna complain Cause I mean I guess these people do always complain
Starting point is 01:26:00 There's the fan Yeah you're like Look at how Yeah there's better examples of Tifa than this one on the right. No, but I mean, those are still obviously larger than this sports bra. Training bra looking thing she's got on the left there.
Starting point is 01:26:14 Here in the Smash Brothers game, they had to change her costume for the game. Again, they always cover up the legs and the boob window. They show guys with like their, Ryu has like a big. Oh, yeah. You get to see his abs.
Starting point is 01:26:28 But they always say, well, women don't care about that. I'm like, what? Women don't objectify men the way you evil men. They wouldn't even put my in the game. They put Terry. That's true. They would not put my from Fatal Fury because they said she was too much for the game. Oh, God. what did they do
Starting point is 01:26:46 They turned Goro or whatever Oh yeah Shiva from Mortal Kombat Into a WNBA player Disavow Is she not? She'd be great She has four arms What was the next one Hit the arrow there
Starting point is 01:27:03 On the picture There's a bunch of images Oh is that Zendaya As from MJ Oh yeah But that's not sexiness Yeah that's a little different
Starting point is 01:27:16 The evolution of a cartoon Oh this one is horrible Remember the Dark Queen From Battletoads Yeah that bitch was hot Look at that And then this is I think like they tried
Starting point is 01:27:24 To make a cartoon. What the fuck? What the fuck? There's no tits at all. There's nothing. Yeah, you're right. Not even a bump. Not even a suggestion of tits.
Starting point is 01:27:34 I mean, this is honestly. And his thighs are all fucked up. It's a bit related to a previous problem, the criminalization of heterosexuality, where you, the man, are not allowed. I don't know what that... I don't know why someone posted two identical pictures of Elliot Page right next to each other. He looks great
Starting point is 01:27:52 in both of them. The point is, guys, that this is what they're taking away from you. You knew you wanted to fuck that Eminem, and they won't let you have it. This is what they took away from you. This is the Matrix at work, my friends. You want to talk about the Matrix? This is the fucking Matrix.
Starting point is 01:28:07 What even is his accent? Andrew Tate? You want to talk about the Matrix? You want to talk about the Matrix? The Matrix is going to arrest me soon. Don't recycle those pizza boxes. Hey, get me a pizza. Don't recycle the pizza boxes.
Starting point is 01:28:20 So anyway, grit them. Grit them. Because I suck this cock. Boxes so anyway great. I suck this cock So you told me that I had small penis energy but technically Technically you're sending mail you have it you have the small penis energy In my mini sports cars. I was telling you That I also have a life life You don't have a life What a fucking idiot
Starting point is 01:28:49 He ruined it It was the stupidest thing The initial post was bad enough And then you just take the L and you move on But if you try to double down You're gonna get destroyed Yeah What he should have done
Starting point is 01:29:03 Is he should have grabbed a picture Of the green M&M, beat off real quick, and then in his post-nut clarity went, you know what? Yeah. I'm moving on. He didn't come. He didn't come. That's the problem. He had 10 hours to come, and he didn't come.
Starting point is 01:29:14 That's another big problem of come. Is that it clouds your judgment. You know what I'm kind of glad, though? Because his whole, like, I play chess. Because I found like His whole like I play chess First of all Smart people don't play chess Smart people play Magic the Gathering
Starting point is 01:29:30 Yes They don't play chess Or go Only posers and slurs Play chess Yes And Homeless black guys play chess in the park for money
Starting point is 01:29:41 So that's how you know It's fucking cool I mean homeless people of all colors This guy goes like this. Oh, real cute game. A computer can beat that, right? Oh yeah. A computer can't be magic. So have fun with your little fucking computer game.
Starting point is 01:29:54 If homeless guys can become masters of it, it's not that great of a game. The little boy plays it. Okay. How much did that piece cost? Oh, it came with the board? Your grandmaster is a 14-year-old boy? Okay. Cool.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Nice. What a baller you are that all your pieces cost the same amount of money. You fucking ass slap! And he doesn't drink. At all? No. And when anybody who doesn't drink Falls I love it Because
Starting point is 01:30:26 I'm sure he's one of these guys Who also preaches Like you shouldn't be drinking Or something For clarity Or whatever the fuck I don't know I haven't heard that
Starting point is 01:30:34 But you just But if you were hungover You would never make a dumb video Where you're like Fake ordering pizzas Cause you're gonna be eating pizzas Yeah I can't believe I said that To Greta Thunberg last night. Oh fuck
Starting point is 01:30:49 It was really weird. We go bring those pizzas. I'm like, oh the pizzas you prepared as a prop for this. Are they cold? Yeah Are other people there waiting for the pieces? I still need I feel like I need an explanation of that video because it just is him being humiliating. It's like a snuff film that someone filmed themselves. Kill himself, yeah. Okay. What a show, Dick. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:31:14 Did I get voicemails this week? I don't know. But our problems this week were cum. No, I didn't. The desexification of media Okay hold on Shoulder nipples Shoulder nipples and
Starting point is 01:31:32 Manliness gurus Manliness matrix The Escaping the The man tricks The man tricks Manliness gurus I hate them all. We all hate them.
Starting point is 01:31:48 They're all. If you're charging for, if you're selling advice, it's bad advice. You're a bad, bad man. Yeah. And you're driving people crazy. Guys, don't forget to vote on all the problems at where you can, of course, vote it up as the song reminds you.
Starting point is 01:32:08 Yeah. And also, we'll be doing our bonus episode. I'm going to try and get it out on the first of the month. The new year
Starting point is 01:32:17 will be the biggest problem in 2022, a retrospective of the year. Yeah. And I'm going to have to take a look. We're going to see what the top 10 problems from the year were. We'll have to get the list.
Starting point is 01:32:28 What do I think I did to fucking the voicemails already? Am I going crazy? I don't know. Did you do them or not? I guess not. Okay, here. So after about 10 years, I decided that I was finally going to go to the dentist. I started getting dental insurance like a year or two ago.
Starting point is 01:32:44 Never used it. So I was like, hey, I got this free tooth cleaning every year or two ago, never used it. So I was like, hey, I got this free tooth cleaning every year, so why not go? So I fucking show up once, and instead of cleaning my teeth, started doing all these fucking x-rays and shit. I'm like, well, this is weird, but whatever, maybe they need to do it. They asked me to come back a second time. I come back a second time, and they go, hey, your teeth, they look good, but also they're fucked. You're going to have to get
Starting point is 01:33:08 $1,500 worth of work done to them. And I'm like, why am I paying this fucking dental insurance? And I'm like, okay, well, I don't want to pay that right now, so I guess I'll go. And they're like, okay, you owe us $350. You owe us $350. So I pay $350 for them
Starting point is 01:33:23 to just fucking play around in my mouth And not even clean my goddamn teeth I'm supposed to be getting for fucking free Yeah Fuck you Vito I really Fuck you Why is there not like a law
Starting point is 01:33:37 That like the doctor has to tell you There is That was my fucking problem Lack of transparency in hospital processing That's the fucking next But I'm saying like Yeah there is that I brought that in
Starting point is 01:33:49 I know but like As you're Like before they X-ray your mouth Can't they just go Listen this is gonna cost 350 bucks Swipe your card here Oh no Yeah
Starting point is 01:33:58 No Like you have to tell me that you're gonna charge for this Yeah Are you allowed to be like Well you didn't tell me you were gonna charge for it So I'm not paying Like I mean you're going to charge for this. Yeah. Are you allowed to be like, well, you didn't tell me you were going to charge for it, so I'm not paying? I mean, you're allowed to just shoot up the place. It's illegal. It should be.
Starting point is 01:34:11 It should honestly be like, well, I didn't agree to that. I didn't sign that contract. I'm not paying you. Like, if you want me to pay that, you got to tell me ahead of time. You got to put your fucking prices on the side. Like, if you get an x-ray, just put a stamp on it. Yeah. $350.
Starting point is 01:34:22 $350. Oh, whoa. Hold up. Not covered by your insurance God I had the worst I hate dentist stories too I don't want to tell one Like you can see the dollar signs in her eyes
Starting point is 01:34:34 And she's like well we gotta hook you up to this machine And it's gonna feel your like jaws And I'm like this is like You just seem like a scam artist No I'm out It's all It is terrifying it's like a scam artist no yeah i'm out um it's all yeah it's it is terrifying it's like a mechanic but it's but it never works because yeah that's the only thing uh okay hey dick hey vito
Starting point is 01:34:55 just wanted to call and say how amazing of a podcast this is you guys have incredible chemistry i love how you and veto agree on some things but also have very wildly different takes on other stuff yeah like shoulder nipples shitty problem good on you because i used to listen to the other biggest problem i don't know and you know even i could tell before i knew what the beef was that there was a big weird divide going on between you and Maddox you know towards the latter season Maddox? but cheers
Starting point is 01:35:29 sounds like some kind of homosexual never heard of this Maddox gentleman so Boogie ah fuck I'll listen to it next week
Starting point is 01:35:40 no you gotta I'll listen to it next I gotta find it trust me I was getting texts from Boogie About you guys fight What, this week? Yeah
Starting point is 01:35:49 Why? Well, cause he's like Why is Dick fighting with me? Cause I'm a bully Well, that's what I told him Cause you're Cause you tried to murder Frank Hassell What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:36:04 Cause you're a liar Cause Boogie is a liar If he cared about his But you don't Because you tried to murder Frank Hessel. What do you mean? Because you're a liar. Because Boogie is a liar. If he cared about his... But you don't like... Do you hate Boogie more than most people? No. There you go. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:16 He's a liar. If he cared about his mental health, he would delete Twitter and be off YouTube. He's not any good at it He can't make any money on it That's what I don't think I was able to communicate to Boogie I'm like yeah Dick's like fucking with you
Starting point is 01:36:31 But he fucks with everybody He thinks you like personally want to like destroy him And I'm like well Dick personally wants to destroy Lots of people You don't have any money You're a big fat retard with cancer What am I going to do Make fun of you big fat retard with cancer. What am I going to do?
Starting point is 01:36:47 Make fun of you? Everyone you know is making fun of you behind your back. He's really having a time, I tell you what. Oh, I hope he doesn't kill himself. Ugh. Well, we'll have to. No one would be sad. Like, the only people that.
Starting point is 01:37:04 Okay, well, Jesus Christ. It's just a bunch of dare it's just a bunch of mentally ill derelicts who are in his audience telling him that him prostrating himself and getting beaten up and bullied by producing shitty content makes them feel better about their worthless lives like oh it makes me feel so good about my fat ass that you're being fat and retarded online. I said this about the whole nature of internet content is that, yes, it's not. It's complicated. It's real complicated to be fat and retarded. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:37:37 Hey, everybody. I'm fat and retarded. I think that some people can't navigate the haters and the negativity. Yeah. And Boogie gets really down on himself when people, you know. Oh, no. Well, he wants everyone to love him, and I don't know how to. I want to tell him, like, listen, not everybody's going to love you, and there's a lot of reasons.
Starting point is 01:37:57 Very few people will love you. Maybe a lot of people. He's got more people who love him probably than, you know, most people. Probably the dentist. He's got an audience. Because he put his kids through college with the size of his teeth. He did probably pay that dentist a good amount and whoever botched
Starting point is 01:38:12 his weight loss surgery or whatever the fuck. Oh, wait. It was botched? No, it wasn't botched. No, it wasn't botched. Is that what he says? It was botched because he stopped eating. He couldn't stop eating, but, you know. Oh, man. I'm sure they did the surgery right. Damn you, Doritos! Damn you! He got the gastric bypass. It's just one of those things where... He should have got two. He should have got a second one, yeah. I'm sure they did the surgery right. Damn you, Doritos! Damn you! He got the gastric bypass. It's just one of those things where...
Starting point is 01:38:27 He should have got two. He should have got a second one, yeah. Yeah. They should have connected his mouth to his asshole. I wonder if he got the skin tightening. Why? Well, it would have been a mistake. You're going to stretch the skin so thin.
Starting point is 01:38:39 Oh, God. Oh, God. It'll be like the gold shield on an astronaut helmet. Fuck, that's so gross. Boogie will be the invisible man. You can just see all his blood pumping around and watch all the seven Jack in the Box meals he's had today. I think there's good in Boogie. I just.
Starting point is 01:38:57 The good is what I have a problem with. He was like, if you go back and you watch like his original Francis videos, you go, this guy's pretty funny. I get it. This is good. I think he's very funny. Yeah. So he's just got to pull himself out of this, like, I have cancer, like, mentality. Why?
Starting point is 01:39:16 Why? Like a sick master, sir. And free now. He's one of these guys who convinces himself that bad things happen to him Because he's being punished by a higher power He is I'm the higher power I'm God Boogie You should pray to me
Starting point is 01:39:31 Sacrifice your toys to me Or I'll give you two more types of cancer And I want to go Boogie You got a type of cancer Which is apparently treatable Okay you still have an internet audience It's not the end of the world He's got to get new blood
Starting point is 01:39:44 You got to fight your way back up. He wanted to live in the, he wanted to be beloved. He had a period of time where he was beloved. I missed that time. I wasn't even around for that. But apparently everybody loved Boogie at one point. Yeah. And then it's not the same as it was.
Starting point is 01:40:01 And you got to go, hey, man, you got to fight your way back up. Do you think I should do a podcast with boogie I told him that in my response video to his dumb response video well let's just say we're exploring read his text to me maybe we can talk about it on the bonus episode maybe this will all be bonus content although I would take away from the theme of the episode you know what i'm gonna read boogies i'll read boogies uh i'll read boogies dms on our bonus episode that you can get slash biggest problem i don't want to get i don't want to get fucking sidetracked sign up and listen to the biggest problem in 2022 what if boogie was like castle greyskull you know go on and his teeth are like the portcullis okay all right listen to the biggest problem in 2022. What if Boogie was like Castle Grayskull? You know? Go on.
Starting point is 01:40:45 And his teeth are like the portcullis. Okay. Alright. I'm gonna make a Boogie cutout mouth like Carl. I was thinking. I was like, I was surprised you didn't have a Boogie cutout ready for this week. I'm surprised too, Vito. God damn it, Carl. Get out of here, Carl.
Starting point is 01:41:03 No one can stop me, Carl. Go back to where are these podcasts? Where are... Alright. Alright. No, I don't want to listen to that one. That's a stupid one. Okay, good, good, good, good.
Starting point is 01:41:18 The biggest problem in the universe is short-form content. Oh, sorry. Hi, Dick. Hi, Vito. Short-form content like YouTube Reels, TikToks, and Instagram or whatever. I mixed it up. Sorry. It is making us all so fucking stupid. It's making all of us autistic with how our attention spans are. And I can prove it because I've been watching shorts all fucking day at work.
Starting point is 01:41:41 And it makes time go by like that. Like a snap. It just, boom boom you're done half hour oh yeah half hour to kill 300 fucking stories easy easy you'll be seeing things that slightly intrigue you and also really piss you off and somehow it just keeps you fucking going keeps you going honestly they need to go do you watch any of that short form like tiktok instagram reels any of that stuff? Yeah, but it's only like dogs and girls with huge tits
Starting point is 01:42:07 See, I was going to ask what shows up for you Because right now I get like I get a bunch of poker videos What? Yeah, I mean, I guess I don't like love poker But I guess it's like interesting Because it pays attention to like which ones you watch at the end
Starting point is 01:42:21 Here This one says My mom when I was already a C cup at 14. That's really just chicks showing off their boobs. Isn't your algorithm? Yeah. That's pretty good. See?
Starting point is 01:42:34 Here you go. And then she's going to show her tits in a second. They always take fucking forever. Is she going to show her tits? Okay, let's fucking go, bitch. Get your fucking tits out. Oh. They're disappointing as well.
Starting point is 01:42:46 See, and then there's a dog one. Oh, a little puppy. That's all I get. I get cat videos, poker videos, and guys reselling things they find at garage sales and thrift stores. And I go, man, my life is depressing and stupid. Although I did see a guy at a Savers find an entire bag of Muscleman figures, and I was like, fuck, I want those. Remember those little plastic?
Starting point is 01:43:10 I got the biggest collection of Muscleman figures because the guy spelled it Muxel on eBay. Oh, shit. I got it for like $30. It's like all the Pyramid guy. That's awesome. The fucking Rook guy. I still have my parents' house, I think.
Starting point is 01:43:23 That's awesome. That was a big win for me. Hey, I got the biggest problem in the universe. People who want resumes for trades jobs. Either you can do the job or you can't. You ask for a resume. I can go on Google and look up any stupid shit and key terms and buzzwords and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:43:42 You can either do the job or you can't Call me or if I call you Ask me on the spot Ask me and send me Pay this driveway I mean he's kind of got a point I mean I guess it's But it is good to have a resume
Starting point is 01:43:57 Alright alright I got it I mean they just want to know that you've done jobs before If you say like I worked for this roofing company for four years, I would assume you're a better roofer than a guy who goes, oh. Everyone talks about how easy it is to lie, but no one lies. This guy, like, oh, you want a resume? I could just go online and make a resume, but you don't. You know you don't.
Starting point is 01:44:22 I mean, you should. You should. You could, but you don't yeah It's like when people get busted faking resumes. It's on the news because it's so crazy That's someone lied for this long, and there's no penalties. I mean I lie on my I've lied on like every resume Really? Yeah, I always said I had a college degree because they never check. You don't? I have a two-year degree. But you're so brainwashed.
Starting point is 01:44:46 You don't have a college degree? I grew up in Amherst, Massachusetts. I got the indoctrination early. So you basically have one. I grew up in the most liberal hellhole in the country. Okay. Thank you, everybody. slash biggest problem.
Starting point is 01:45:00 Real quick, show our most popular supporters, Dick, because we love them. We got to do the... Oh, the super chats. You're right. Yeah, chats you're right chats yes we'll have our biggest problem you can hear dick's voice or uh dms well you didn't post boogie's dms to you did he send you more that you didn't post i think so yeah i'll read them off well i did kind of insinuate that he should call in but he really sounded like he didn't want to. He never will. He would never do anything. He's very unmotivated.
Starting point is 01:45:30 I mean, I get it. If I had cancer, I would probably be like, ah, what's the point? He was always like this. I know. That's how he got to be. He had fucking stomach stapling surgery. That's how worthless he is. He just constantly lies to people about what he's gonna do.
Starting point is 01:45:46 I'm sure. No, you're not. Well, I might as well. What was I gonna say? I don't know. I mean, yeah, it's kind of great that he has cancer, because now he has the ultimate excuse. Because before, he was like, why don't you get off your lazy ass and not do something? And he's like, I don't know. And now you just go,
Starting point is 01:46:02 I got cancer. He's like, well, I'm gonna die anyway, so what's the point? Like your fatness is going to kill you before your fucking cancer is. Probably. It is a great excuse, though. Well, guys, get those super chats in. Show your support for your favorite show. The one podcast that is growing unlike competitors like who are these podcasts,
Starting point is 01:46:21 which are bleeding viewers as they Seek out true comedy We're gonna get that rivalry With Carl going We love Carl True comedy True comedy is you saying You're ever gonna finish your super gala Oh no
Starting point is 01:46:40 I'm being roasted by Carl My artist got COVID I gotta got to wait on him. Oh, your artist, Rosie Red Palm? Is that who you're talking about? No, no, no. All right. Get out of here, Carl. Goodbye.
Starting point is 01:46:54 Raj Gajanji for five somethings. Film review with Vito. Like, I just watched The Sixth Sense. I will not spoil it anyway. Bruce Willis is actually dead the whole time. Why do people say I spoil? Do I spoil things? I don't will not spoil it. Anyway, Bruce Willis is actually dead the whole time. Why do people say I spoil things? I don't think I spoil things Jeffm for two says new cringe of the week material right here, which
Starting point is 01:47:14 Seeming no, it's probably at the beginning of the show. What was I talking about? Oh the super killer hentai manga. Maybe that's it Is that cringe of the week well that was good that was good in its own way i hope the uncensored one is released i've seen the thumbnails and there's a lot of action john olsen for a big 20 on the board says one of your biggest fans brad spent christmas in the icu the only laughs we had that day were listening to your last show. Like Rudolph's nose or the star over Bethlehem, you brought a little light to our Christmas day. Well, I hope Brad's okay. Wait, Brad Hedgehog?
Starting point is 01:47:54 Is that who it is? Hedgehog? Isn't there a Brad guy always? Yeah, I thought there was always a Brad guy in our comments. Well, I hope you're doing well, Brad. I do think we did a great last. If you're a good guy. If you're not a good guy, Well, I hope you're doing well, Brad. I do think we did a great last... If you're a good guy. If you're not a good guy, I hope that you're not doing well, actually.
Starting point is 01:48:09 I hope you change your life around. Maybe you got put in the ICU like you were beating your wife. She finally had enough. Or maybe you had a violent semen allergy. You voted up. But maybe your wife was actually a Nazi and you were beating her for a good reason. There you go. We don't know.
Starting point is 01:48:26 We don't know why. I don't know. But we're glad you're listening. Your Honor, I did beat my wife, but in all fairness, she said the N-word. Oh, you're innocent. Case dismissed. Boom. N-word defense.
Starting point is 01:48:38 That's how you get out of a sticky situation. Because she was quoting me. Oh, well, then you go to jail forever. No, you're not even allowed to quote it. Brits man for two. This is how much Bitcoin y'all got. I have no Bitcoin anymore. Not enough. Out of the game. Not enough. Please give us more money.
Starting point is 01:48:53 ASC presents. This is from Mint Salad for 10. I am a big fan of these Hollywood special effects Dix recently brought to the show. The biggest problem in the universe is how long even basic animation takes to do. Oh, currently in the universe is how long even basic animation takes to do. Oh, currently Mint Salad is animating a segment from our Christmas show. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:49:11 Yeah. Did you see the pictures of the elf on the shelf? No. You haven't seen this? No. She posted like storyboards or something. On Twitter. Oh, I thought she was banned from Twitter. Somebody posted.
Starting point is 01:49:23 Maybe Riley posted them. Oh, shit. Someone is currently, Somebody posted maybe Riley posted them Oh shit Someone is currently either her or Riley They're currently animating one of our segments Awesome Yeah I'm very excited to see how it goes I liked her other she animated the Joe Biden dog story Remember that lie about when he was trying to rape his dog
Starting point is 01:49:38 And he told that story Joe Biden never lies Dick shut up Stop it Anyway I look forward to that Thanks for the $10 mint salad. Don't forget to find her. Is she banned from Fansly?
Starting point is 01:49:51 No, she's not on Fansly. She's banned from Fansly. Slash tits mint salad. The Gentleman's Sausage for Five. Biggest problem in the universe is anonymous, unaccountable moderation teams that can engage in provably discriminatory practices without oversight. Cinder blocks for them all. You know, a problem I call that.
Starting point is 01:50:06 The unbearable silence of our technological overlords voted up. Yeah. And social media, which was Carl's problem, which is stupid. And we hate him. Fulgore. I see your mouth. Vito, why don't you come check out who are these socials? I don't want to. Why don't you come check out who are these socials? I don't want to.
Starting point is 01:50:26 Why don't you stick to one show? You have a successful show. Are you spinning it up? It's for the guys that are too busy to be on Twitter. Yeah, well, like, I am already on Twitter. I got to go through. Why don't you just call it Carl's Twitter account? Why don't you just go, you can listen to my podcast while you ride the bike.
Starting point is 01:50:42 What an old man found on. Who are these podcasts? An old man yells at young people. Look at this social right over here. You literally, you love Simpsons. Call it Old Man Yells at Cloud because that's your show. Very funny, Vito.
Starting point is 01:50:56 I went on TikTok, and can you believe what the young people are saying today? Full gore mark two for five. Vito, after the first arc of super killer is over His next arch enemy should be an African American villain named super predator Yeah
Starting point is 01:51:10 That's pretty funny well he fights Heroes though or does he fight Villains too no he fights heroes Yeah that's why the sailor moon Thing is so funny well there is Going to be a sailor moon chapter that I've been planning there's actually promo Art of super killer fighting a sailor moon chapter that i've been planning there's actually promo art of super killer fighting a sailor moon oh so maybe he saw that and was inspired oh okay
Starting point is 01:51:31 uh the treyarch ghost for 4.99 the idaho killer killed finnish women death penalty was that who he targeted specifically or it just happened to go that way i don't know but buffalo bill only killed fat women therefore he's what kind of an anti-hero okay righty tighty for two nine to disavow love the show since day one keep it up thank you righty tighty we'll try crab zula for 10 last episode you guys talked about how someone needs to reclaim the swastika. Well, there was an artist from my hometown in the 60s who made that his next, his life mission. He went by the name Man Woman. Okay, now I feel like I'm being tricked. And made paintings of happy dancing swastikas.
Starting point is 01:52:17 He wrote a book called Gentle Swastika Reclaiming the Innocence and had 200 swastika tattoos by the time he died. What? Man-woman. Really? Reclaiming the swastika. Man-woman is taking back the swastika. Vice.
Starting point is 01:52:34 Did this person die? Let's see. In the 1960s, Canadian artist and poet man-woman decided to reclaim the swastika. 200 tattoos and a failed marriage later, he says he's making progress. I don't think he is, and he died shortly after the interview. Fuck! This guy was gonna get it done and then he died! And all the pictures are broken.
Starting point is 01:52:52 And all the pictures are dead because Vice is a piece of shit. Fuck you, Vice. Look, they fucking deleted all the pictures! Yeah, because they were ashamed of being associated with the swastika. Oh my god. Give me a fucking break. I'm ashamed of being associated with the swastika. Oh my God. They probably don't. Give me a fucking break. I mean, it might just be a broken article.
Starting point is 01:53:10 I don't know if they did it on purpose. It's a 2012 article. Access denied. Okay. What are you trying to do? Go to or something? No, I want to see if they deleted any others. No thanks.
Starting point is 01:53:23 Back to browsing. Oh, that sucks. Fuck you, Vice. How do all the other pictures work? Go to the images of the Google tab. At least we can see something. Man, women. Man, woman.
Starting point is 01:53:36 Images. Oh, I see these gentle swats. Look at that happy little swatsica. He looks like Sam High. Look at that. Look at that self-drawing on the right there. This one? Yeah, look at that.
Starting point is 01:53:47 How do you know it's a self-drawing? I mean, it's a guy covered in swastikas. Who else is it? It's clearly him. Look. But self-drawing,
Starting point is 01:53:53 like he drew it? Yeah, he's an artist guy. I mean, I guess somebody else might have drawn it of him. Uh, yeah. You want to show the people at home real quick? No.
Starting point is 01:54:04 All right, well, look up man-woman swastika. What, are you crazy? How would I show a bunch of swastikas on this stream? Because we're reclaiming it. We're taking it back. I'm not reclaiming it. Man-woman is.
Starting point is 01:54:15 I have always wanted a swastika tattoo. I thought it would be like my own little private protest. Where? Put it somewhere no one could ever see it like under an armpit or something oh god that's gonna that'll hurt that's where that's where no one would see it i want to tell like the bottom on the inside of your lip no they might well i guess i like right there just the way just the way that it's like you know there was that point of time where they were calling everybody a naz. I think somebody else called me a Nazi.
Starting point is 01:54:46 And I was like, you know what? Let's dismantle this. And now I've rethought it because now everybody actually does hate Jews. And the Nazis are kind of real again. And well, what are you going to do? Send your money to Ukraine, people. That's how to fight. That's where the real Nazis are.
Starting point is 01:55:04 The Azov Battalion are fighting swastikas in Ukraine. That's how to fight. That's where the real Nazis are. The Azov Battalion are fighting swastikas in Ukraine. It's one battalion. It's one battalion out of many. You support them though, right? I don't support them specifically. It was like if somebody attacked America
Starting point is 01:55:19 and then like the KKK formed a battalion. Are we going to say like, we shouldn't fight back against the Chinese because the KKK formed a battalion? Are we going to say like, oh, we shouldn't fight back against the Chinese because the KKK are one of the fighting forces? I hope you're not going to have to go through that slower. China invades America. We all make little shotgun militias. And a couple of them are racist because it's America.
Starting point is 01:55:38 And obviously some of the militias are going to be racist. That doesn't mean us fighting back against China is bad. What if Israel invades America? Let's see. Thank you both doubly for not killing yourself. Sorry for missing last week. Glad neither of you guys have killed yourselves in my house. Thank you. Thank you. Rocky rusty Shackleford for 10 says killer stinger veto. I think that's a great one. Me too. I loved it. Turkey Tom for 10 asks, are you going to the, I'm not saying it.
Starting point is 01:56:13 Come on. You going to the fair? That's bad, Tom. Is that really Turkey Tom? What's up, Turkey Tom? I don't know. Anyone could be anyone. No, his channel isn't, it doesn't, it's not verified.
Starting point is 01:56:22 Hold on, though. Let's see. Does it go to the real one? It does. That's the real Turkey Tom, baby. Oh, wow. That's Big TT in the chat. Wow.
Starting point is 01:56:33 I didn't know Turkey Tom was watching this. Good to see you, buddy. He has a hot girlfriend now, doesn't he? Does he? I think so. I think the funniest thing with Turkey Tom was when I talked about, like, we were at, like, that rooftop party. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:46 And somehow it came up. I'm like, yeah, you know, I've had sex with, like, you know, trans girls or whatever. And Turkey Tom's eyes went wide. He just went, you're gay! And I'm like, yeah. And it was kind of like, I don't think he'd never met a gay guy before or something. It was interesting. He really thought it was, like, shocking, revelatory information. And I was like, nah, it's just, like, a thing, man. Anyway, It was interesting. He really thought it was like shocking revelatory information.
Starting point is 01:57:05 And I was like, nah, it's just like a thing, man. Anyway, that was funny. Thank you, Turkey Tom. Hack the movies for 20 says Maddox tried to be an authority on manliness and then pretended to be a woman to get people fired. All the manly coaches are kind of weird. Do you think Maddox was a manly?
Starting point is 01:57:22 Kind of gave off that persona. I think he wanted to be. He was kind of one of the first like Do whatever you want men Women are fuck the feminists Yeah He had so much advice for everyone On every possible thing Yeah
Starting point is 01:57:38 That you could need advice on Like don't call people cucks Because that's just a sexual fetish That was so confusing. There's nothing inherently wrong. There's nothing inherently wrong with being a cuck. Tate's is worse. Oh, I did finally listen to the libertarian
Starting point is 01:57:53 debate episode. Oh, yeah? Yeah. What did you think about it? Well, I felt bad because, like, obviously you guys didn't think of it in the moment, but it really is that he thought small government means, like, physically small, like the number really is that he thought small government means like physically small, like the number of people running it. And you're like, no, even if one guy is
Starting point is 01:58:10 running the government, if that government has control over every aspect of your... Yeah, that's big government. It doesn't matter how many people are running it. It's the size of the government, not the size of the people running the government. And that's what he couldn't understand. And it is infuriating in the moment to be like no like a few people making huge sweeping decisions
Starting point is 01:58:32 for the rest of you is a small government right living right across the street from you that's like the most government it could be i'm like no that's a huge government that's like incredible amounts of government that was Yeah And then it went No it went on for three episodes though I gotta Well I gotta listen to the other episodes Cause I've only listened to the first one Got worse
Starting point is 01:58:52 I mean it's hard to listen to that show now Knowing Knowing eventually what happens Leo Lombard's Zardzi For Tensis Thunberg is king I agree
Starting point is 01:59:01 I need I need someone to draw me Greta Thunderberg As Thor Thunderberg is king. I agree. I need someone to draw me Greta Thunderberg as Thor. Thunderberg is what I'm calling her. She's a top G. Top G, Greta. She's the goddess of lightning and storms and climate. Marcus Aurelius.
Starting point is 01:59:18 Is that a furry Marcus? A-woo-lius. For two. Marcus A-woo-lius. Yeah, okay. It's a furry. For two. Says parading cars is the best sign of a grift. For two. Marcus a Woo-lius. Yeah, okay. It's a furry. For two. Says parading cars is the best sign of a grift.
Starting point is 01:59:28 I agree. Colonel J for five. Look at my fucking Bugatti. Look at my fucking Lamborghini. Like, bro, what year do you think this is? I'm fucking Ubering. That's the height of luxury is Ubering everywhere. I'm also not like... Look Look at me I use all my limbs
Starting point is 01:59:48 To drive my car I'm shifting over here I'm doing pedals over here I'm like an octopus But the thing about The worst part is the thing about Like bragging about your emissions I'm like that's what guys who drive
Starting point is 01:59:58 Like those stupid like Ford F-150s Like yeah this fucking Watch me roll coal And spit like shit in the environment. I'm like, who cares? You care that your car is bad? Get like, there's so many funnier ways to to like make fun of emissions.
Starting point is 02:00:14 Like if Andrew Tate had a video that opened up on like a thousand diesel generators just running nonstop for no reason. Yeah, that's hilarious. Or he's just like i just bought these thousand cows i'm gonna make a ten thousand more cows i'm gonna destroy the fucking greenhouse every time greta thunberg tweets i'm dumping a uh ten thousand gallons of oil into the ocean that's funny because then if he actually did He goes well she tweeted She tweeted
Starting point is 02:00:46 Ten times this month so Here you go Here's fucking a hundred thousand gallons If he just had one of those The gas station nozzles And he's just like Oil's just spilling into the ocean Yeah that's funny
Starting point is 02:00:56 That is funny But he's just so fucking lame Colonel J for five Dick I'm sorry to hear About your Fediverse node You will spin up a new one, right? And it will be pleroma this time. Please say yes. Don't give up. Yeah, I got banned I mean, so I just found out that Medica was so that Medica was
Starting point is 02:01:15 Quitting and that he's so sick because I got banned from post Yeah, Daniel Stevens or whatever the guy I'm not allowed to dox post Well, I'm beginning to know it. He's not doxing. That's his LLC. Okay. He defederated my instance because Ralph used his name. Right. Which is public. I mean, it's as public as Elon Musk.
Starting point is 02:01:36 Like, he owns it. He's a fucking publicly known person. He didn't give out your fucking address or anything. No. He defederated me so I couldn't. I don't know out your fucking address or anything. No. He defederated me so I couldn't, I don't know what's going on with Medicare and then Masto host just deleted my account
Starting point is 02:01:51 so I'm like, alright, whatever. If you want to run the Pleroma instance for me then please contact me. This is all nonsense to me. It makes no sense. Unban my Twitter, Elon Musk. Have you seen Hades 2 eat Q-tips Vito? I didn't play Hades 1,
Starting point is 02:02:07 but I heard it was good. Best game. Oh, really? You played it? Best game of the year. I played it obsessively. It's like, is it like a,
Starting point is 02:02:15 I like sauce, is it like a dungeon crawling kind of thing? It's like where it's a new dungeon every time. Yeah, yeah. Okay. You just get like power-ups
Starting point is 02:02:22 and then like the more times So is it kind of like Diablo? Uh, no. Because you get, you power-ups and then like the more times you go through. So is it kind of like Diablo? No. Because you gotta do the same like the same boss guys and the same dungeon-ish things, but they change every time and you have to like plan your power-ups every time. Interesting.
Starting point is 02:02:38 That's crazy. You gotta play it. Alright, I'll play it. What was I playing the other day? I was playing something. Yeah, I've seen Hades 2. Um, I don't think that the girls have big enough tits in that game either. Frozen Dick Dave for $4.99. Tate should have just put Greta to work as a cam girl job. He'd be rolling in FAS kink money right now. That seems complicated.
Starting point is 02:03:02 Osama bin Diesel, too. Yeah, but he has no dick. Andrew Tate has no dick. Not anymore. How can you look at that and think that that guy has a dick or hand or any kind of... He came off like a 15-year-old boy in that video. I was like, you, to me, seem more immature than Greta. If there was a video posted...
Starting point is 02:03:22 Like a scared little boy. Yeah, of him getting fucked up the ass, I would think that's more manly than what he posted. It's totally unrecoverable. If you don't realize that, then go cope and see. The people who are standing behind him and going,
Starting point is 02:03:37 no, actually, he did own her. I'm like, oh, you guys are lost. You guys are lost. Everybody can see it. It's not bots. It's not the Matrix. The man. Then she got all of her bots to come like and laugh. What she did is she was in the Matrix. The man constructed his own L.
Starting point is 02:03:55 I was in my Bugattis. I was in my Bugattis in the airport. You had to get an Andrew Tate cutout mouth, you fucking idiot. That would have been a media time better. No, I can do it. Hold Hold on I can do it right now Andrew Tate Hold on Wait wait wait
Starting point is 02:04:15 You're gonna help me pick one of these Jesus Christ You gotta find one where he's like facing forward Oh yeah okay Actually go up You know you can sort by like image forward Oh yeah okay Okay okay okay Actually go up You know you can sort by like Image size Oh yeah
Starting point is 02:04:27 Alright Tools Okay Nope not news Sorry Sorry Why would I not do this right now Tools
Starting point is 02:04:33 And then size large Size Extra large That should help Okay Uh What about that one That was in the top right
Starting point is 02:04:43 Would that work Where Top right. That one? Yeah. No, it's got to be looking dead on. Doesn't it? Kind of.
Starting point is 02:04:50 Oh, that one. Maybe. I'm just going to get you the thumbnail, I think. Shit. Wait, wait, wait. This one? I can't believe you're doing this live. Yeah, try it.
Starting point is 02:05:03 Why? It's funny. Just open some of these and look at them. Oh, here we go. Okay. Now he's got to be looking like a prick. He's got to have his stupid sunglasses on. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:13 Good point. Good point. That one with the mic. Yeah, that one. Okay. All right. Okay. Try that one.
Starting point is 02:05:21 That's a good one. Open image. Yeah. Okay. Okay Try that one That's a good one Open image Yeah Okay Hook up the dick's Photoshop corner In the meantime guys Talk about super killer Well super killer is a common Right now my artist has COVID
Starting point is 02:05:41 Which sucks Okay So And then yeah All the people are saying Like hey How come your comics You know
Starting point is 02:05:46 Why is it taking forever Well cause I would rather I mean First of all Even these professional guys Like a guy like Ethan Van Shiver The thing is
Starting point is 02:05:53 I don't want to do A campaign And then have You know You guys wait in two years For a comic book Oh yeah So I'd rather do the campaign
Starting point is 02:06:02 Once I know everything's on track And ready to go But even like these top pro guys I think even Jaren Shiver's campaign For his new Cyberfrog comic Right Is like a year or two late I don't want to be that guy
Starting point is 02:06:14 A year or two late Yeah I forget And not to knock the guy I mean shit happens COVID happens He's got another book he hasn't even started on See that's the funny thing about He has two books? Oh yeah, he has two different books that he kickstarted.
Starting point is 02:06:28 One of them's finally about to come out. I think it's... Let me see. Indiegogo? What's it about? Tell us what it's about, you know. Cyberfrog 2, Wrecked Planet. Okay. Wrecked him? Wrecked him, planned... Damn near killed him!
Starting point is 02:06:43 So the campaign closed on may 14th of 2020 okay and he was given 835 000 oh wow and the comic as far as i understand is just going out now huh so how long ago was may 2020 that That's about two years, right? To make one comic? Yeah. I'm not knocking the guy. I'm just saying if even industry professionals are taking that long to get a comic out, I want to make sure I don't fuck up my thing. Okay.
Starting point is 02:07:18 There's some comics that have been taken forever. He's got another one. Why am I ripping on Ethan Van Chiver? I don't know. Do you hate him too? The only beef I have with him is he won't let me come on his live streams because his audience just says to kick me forever. Oh.
Starting point is 02:07:38 Because, you know, it's a bunch of, he hangs out on Kiwi Farms. I don't know why he hangs out on Kiwi Farms. I kind of want to be like, bro, don't hang out on Kiwi farms oh i don't know why he hangs out on kiwi farms i kind of want to be like bro don't hang out on kiwi farms there's nothing oh so he thinks you're like a pedophile uh he doesn't i don't think he thinks i'm a pedophile but he i think he uh is worried about associating with me and earning the ire of his kiwi farms fans yeah that's a real thing i mean i think that's why noel stopped associating with me. Just because... Because everybody on his stupid website was ripping on him? Yeah, he needs money.
Starting point is 02:08:11 Everybody needs money. Hey, which is, you know, do what you want to do. And then Ethan Van Chiver raises another $360,000 for his second book. That was January 28th, 2021. So wait, if I'm... So that's two years. Okay, so that looks pretty good.
Starting point is 02:08:30 So what were you saying, Vito? Hey, order me another pizza. Okay, alright. Over here. Vito, were you talking about the Matrix? We were talking about the Matrix, yeah. You think the Matrix is trying to keep you down?
Starting point is 02:08:47 The matrix. The matrix is the reason that everything's gone wrong with your life. It's why your woman doesn't respect you. Your dog hates you. Why your mailman comes on your packages before he delivers them to you. He comes on my packages? The mailman? The mailman hates you. He comes on my packages? The mailman? The mailman hates you.
Starting point is 02:09:06 He works for the Matrix. Vito, I have 10,000 super cards. I didn't realize the mailman was an essential part of the Matrix. The mailman is the center of the Matrix. That's how they communicate to the rest of the... That's how Greta got you. Vito, they're going to kill me. They're going to kill me. Why are they communicate to the rest of the... That's how Greta got you. Vito, they're gonna kill me. They're gonna kill me. Why are they gonna kill you,
Starting point is 02:09:28 Andrew? Because I'm speaking out about the oligarchs of the world. But I think you just got owned on Twitter. Vito, Vito, Vito, Vito, Vito, Vito. Vito, Vito, Vito, Vito. She said, Greta said that she had a small dick, okay? Yeah, I know you can spin
Starting point is 02:09:44 it that way, I guess. We've all been wondering if Greta has a dick or Okay. Yeah. I know you can spin it that way. I guess. I've been wondering if Greta has a dick or not. I'm not thinking about Greta's dick. What I did was I enticed it out of her using my game that I have. You see. So you exposed the matrix. Yeah, that's right. Okay.
Starting point is 02:09:59 But then they arrested you. So it seems like this was a bad, it seems like that was not a good thing that you did. Well, that's what, you know, like when Loki, you know when the bad guy gets captured on purpose? Oh, like in Avengers, like Loki. Like in The Avengers. I don't know. I'm not familiar with that movie.
Starting point is 02:10:18 I only know Matrix references. So you know when Agent Smith gets taken to Zion and turns into a human being. Let me finish. Please let me finish. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm in the Matrix right now being uploaded and fingerprinted. Right. So you...
Starting point is 02:10:37 Okay. What? Why did you have to traffic women though? How does that defeat the Matrix? Fuck women. I'm not sure I'm following. There's a lot going on. Do you play chess? You don't seem like a chess player.
Starting point is 02:10:54 I'm not a chessman, no. No, you need to start playing chess. If you know in chess, when you controlled the queen, you controlled the whole board. Yeah, but you had multiple queens, and you refused to let them leave your premises. You held their passports. I don't think the queen is a hostage
Starting point is 02:11:10 in the game of chess. Me and my brother are like two kings. You don't have two kings on chess. I mean, on opposite sides. No, because then you can't win if you only have two kings. The king's the weakest piece in chess. You don't want two kings. That's what the Matrix wants you to think, Vito.
Starting point is 02:11:26 Okay. Well, this is all convoluted, Andrew. No, see, what I have, I have a whole. A room full of women that you've enslaved. I have a whole stable of queens. And me and my brother are two kings playing on the same board. And we also have 33 supercars. And we smoke cigars
Starting point is 02:11:46 that are not penises all day. Okay, well, I'm glad that you're not smoking penises. Have you ever kickboxed? No, I have never kickboxed, Andrew. You don't know. I don't see how that's important, though. Does that enlighten you to the Matrix?
Starting point is 02:12:01 It's only the most important. Have you not seen the Matrix? It's all kickboxing and flying around. Is that why you became a Matrix? It's only the most important. Have you not seen the matrix? It's all kickboxing and flying around. Is that why you saw the matrix and then you decided you were going to fight your way out? So you learned kickboxing? Have you been subscribing to my course? No, I haven't subscribed. I don't understand. You're giving this stuff away.
Starting point is 02:12:21 You're giving away my secrets for $50,000. Number one, you're in the matrix. Number two, you need to be kickboxing to get on the matrix. Number one, number three. This does not seem like a viable strategy for most men. That's, well. Also, Neo only had one woman. He didn't, Neo never kidnapped women in the matrix.
Starting point is 02:12:43 He just had Trinity. It's not kidnapping. Well, you're not letting them leave. They could leave at any time. I just have their passports, and I keep their phones, and I have all their emails, but they could leave at any time. Did Neo take 60% of Trinity's OnlyFans earnings? Trinity's OnlyFans earnings?
Starting point is 02:13:10 Andrew, I just think that what you're doing... The money's not real, Vito. That's what you need to realize. The money is not real. See, the matrix is all around us. It's in the money you earn. I just don't really... Your woman doesn't respect you, Vito. How does that make you feel?
Starting point is 02:13:23 It feels fine because I don't want to take her passport away. That seems... What's wrong with that? I'm just storing it, but they're keeping it. Vito, can you get me a pizza, please? No. Are you going to recycle it afterwards? Vito, don't recycle nothing.
Starting point is 02:13:39 I don't recycle anything. What's wrong with recycling? I don't even poop in the toilet. I put the poop in a Ziploc bag and bury it in the yard so it will take 10,000 years for the poop to return to the ecosystem. Andrew, I don't think polluting is that cool. I don't know why you're bragging about your emissions from your cars. I just think you're going overboard. You sound like a 19-year-old girl, honestly.
Starting point is 02:14:02 I think I might. I think I identify more with Greta than your way of life. I'm actually going to have to own you on Twitter. Well, I will. I'm going to make a 10-part video series from prison about how much of a loser you are. I couldn't even, if I had to live a day in your life, I'd kill myself. Oh, I'm sure. Well, Andrew, I look forward-
Starting point is 02:14:26 I would drive a supercar so fast that I would die from it. I would drive it so fast that I would die. But if you're in the Matrix, I mean, that speed isn't even real, right? And that supercar, why are you so proud of a car if it's all an illusion? It's just code. Didn't the system give you that car? It seems like you've just trapped yourself in a web of the Matrix itself has taken you. And all of this persona you've created around yourself is as much of an illusion itself has taken you and all of this persona you've
Starting point is 02:15:05 created around yourself is as much of an illusion as the illusion you preach that men need to escape from. You've built yourself a prison in Romania to the point where you set yourself up in a room where the authorities are immediately able to apprehend you and
Starting point is 02:15:21 force you to submit to their whims. Wouldn't a true matrix man have escaped into a paradise of his own creation? It seems like this is all an elaborate farce meant to scam young men of their money for your ridiculous masculinity courses. Vito, I could kick your head off. Right now, okay? Yeah, sure. Vito, do you even play chess? No, I don now. Yeah, sure. Vito, do you even play chess?
Starting point is 02:15:47 No, I don't play chess, Andrew. Do you even know how many pieces there are in chess? I'm going to be playing a lot of chess in prison. Actually, have you ever even seen the Shawshank Redemption? I have seen that I love that movie Yeah That's about escaping a prison as well
Starting point is 02:16:13 It's a matrix Everything is a matrix Your hat is a matrix This show is a matrix Thank you Andrew Tate Thank you for telling us all about the matrix Alright Thank you Andrew Tate. The Super Chats are a matrix. Thank you for telling us all about the matrix. All right.
Starting point is 02:16:27 Thank you, Andrew Tate. I have successfully stolen Conan O'Brien's greatest bit. Yes, you have. Okay. And you've made it your... I don't know what you're talking about. I told you it would be worth it. That was the real Andrew Tate. What bit?
Starting point is 02:16:37 Andrew called in. Let's finish these fucking Super Chats. Okay. Good old Andrew Tate. No, I'll just fucking with you. Mullet Kid says, I need more Conan clutch cargo bits. So here you go. There you go.
Starting point is 02:16:52 Wait, no. Scroll down a little bit. Sorry. Let me refresh. We got a lot of superchats today, folks. You guys wait too long to do your superchats. Hey, everybody's got to get them in. You should do it at the beginning.
Starting point is 02:17:05 No, get it. Well, people want to respond to the show. Oh, God, there's so many. Jesus. Oh, my God. All right, we're going to rip through these. Oh, Hades 2. All right.
Starting point is 02:17:14 Yeah, you got to play Hades. I'll play it. I'll play it. All right. All right, click off so I can see. Osama bin Diesel for two. Is Dick going DEFCON 3 on Andrew Tate? I think you just got your answer.
Starting point is 02:17:23 Yeah. Well hung and dung for two. Andrew Tate isn't a mis Andrew Tate? I think you just got your answer. Yeah. Well hung and dung for two. Andrew Tate isn't a misogynist. He's a proud Muslim. Inshallah. David Marsh for five. Does Andrew Tate know that jokes are supposed to be funny? We like jokes.
Starting point is 02:17:34 Alex for 10 says, it's fair to be too far, but it's fair to be too far to be sure. Fairly sure to be Too far But to be sure It's fairly beefy too Too fair The far B says But the fair B too Has to be haired Oh damn it
Starting point is 02:17:58 There's none in there And I did the whole thing That was beautiful Alex Wow good job Alex Alex Awesome for five. What happened to the bonus episodes on the Patreon feed? What do you mean? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:18:08 They're still there. Yeah. Go find them. Contact Patreon support. James Gardner for $9.99 says Super Killer should have a reluctant sidekick named The Bad Man. Oh, yeah. That's cool.
Starting point is 02:18:19 It is cool. My buddy made that shirt. Inshallah for five from Leo Lombazardi. Koof for two use an own a hole veto jesus i thought you were a weeb what and then all my cum goes in like a little anime ladies plastic pocket pussy i don't want to deal with that yeah on a holes are a pain in the ass to clean out because you like put hot water in it and the cum kind of bubbles out behind it's not really like clean yeah it's gross got to turn it inside out.
Starting point is 02:18:45 Is that where we are? No. You keep moving around. No, I just, I didn't do that. I just resized the window. Oh, all right. Go past Koof. Procter's for two.
Starting point is 02:18:54 Siemens in the Bible. Look up Onan. Is that true? Is that what Siemens named after? I don't even know what that means. Onan. Well, isn't,in An own a hole Is the thing we were just talking about
Starting point is 02:19:06 O-A-N O-N-A And It's from Japan Yeah And what does Japan call it When you Like put stuff up your dick
Starting point is 02:19:15 Own I don't I don't remember Anyway Carrie for five says This is a weird episode All our episodes are weird Thanking Kat for two
Starting point is 02:19:26 Dick buy a mannequin and put the sweaters on it Put it on your fucked up fucking sex doll Which is trending now Put all my sweaters on that Did you see that people were taking the picture I took of your sex doll And like posting it elsewhere Yeah I don't go into your house and take pictures of your stuff And put them online
Starting point is 02:19:40 You can It's her fucked up knees It's giving her a tryptophobia Because she has all these holes in her knees. It's giving her a tryptophobia because she has all these holes in her knees. Whatever. It's fucking disgusting. Get her some knee pads.
Starting point is 02:19:50 Michael winning for five at the Mile High Club, a.k.a. Snakes on a Plane. Correct. Correct. Little snakes swimming around on In Your Balls.
Starting point is 02:20:04 Who are these Podcasts is here Yes With a fucking Two dollar donation Carl come on Super chats are for N words
Starting point is 02:20:11 Super chats are for N words That's rough Carl Buddy that's rough Gonna get cancelled For that sort of thing Slash bolt for five
Starting point is 02:20:18 Time to stump dick Dick I never cared for Tate But how come you Didn't speak out about him Prior to his arrest Beyond mentioning He stole your bit? Well, I thought he was funny.
Starting point is 02:20:28 Yeah, and then he did an embarrassing thing. I thought he was funny, and then he called. Look, he was on the show. He was funny on the show. He talked about women. I mean, he's a. I think the pimping stuff is cool. Whatever, I don't care.
Starting point is 02:20:44 He did a terrible bit. He did a really, really bad bit, and then he doubled down on the I don't care He did a terrible bit He did a really Really bad bit And then he doubled down On the bit He doubled down On a bad bit And then you look at all the
Starting point is 02:20:51 Guys who are supporting him And you're like This is This is psychotic This is bad These guys are paying this money To like Have friends
Starting point is 02:20:58 And that's bad I don't like that I don't charge that much For this show 20 bucks 60 bucks for the live show. I mean, people compare you to like, you know, Andrew Tate. The thing is, you never turned it into a weird grift.
Starting point is 02:21:14 It's funny. Like, you made a book that's technically like, I don't know, an advice book or whatever, but it's a joke. My advice is like, do drugs. Do drugs and have fun and make comedy and don't do them too much and people like what about investments like i don't know buy the index funds like you can't do better than that yeah pretty much buy bitcoin not too much though not too much like i'm not like listen to me and you'll your wildest dreams will come true they won't give up your dreams they're
Starting point is 02:21:42 dumb and there's no room In this world For a common sense Like have fun And don't kill yourself Kind of It's either I'm gonna solve Your whole life
Starting point is 02:21:51 You're gonna clean your room Every fucking day And live like a Like a god for it Yeah Yeah Ride dog for five Please give us an mp3
Starting point is 02:21:58 Of the veto's twitter song I get it randomly stuck In my head all time Okay This is the song You get stuck in your head? Yeah, it's great. Because the words are placed perfectly.
Starting point is 02:22:14 Because they're slightly behind the beat like a good drummer. Except for that one. You're fucking touching my feet. I'm playing footsies. Where did you find this song? I made it Did you? Yeah
Starting point is 02:22:28 Congrats You're an excellent musician Gun Ranger for 10 Says I like chauvinists who don't get arrested Yeah me too Same Me too buddy Mike Hunt for 10
Starting point is 02:22:38 The biggest problem are people who go after Dick And New Project 2 saying it was a con and a grift Like somehow destroying Dick or Ralph Will allow them to absorb their fans. Everybody does this. Anytime anybody suffers any sort of setback, it's like, well, I never liked them to begin with. And this is a personal win for me. Fuck those people.
Starting point is 02:22:55 Mullet kid for five. I need more Conan clutch cargo bits. I agree. My con for five. Boogie lied about fight Ralph and about fighting Sam. I doubt he even had cancer or got jerked off by his dad. I doubt that, too. You don't think he got jerked off by his dad?
Starting point is 02:23:08 Or that he has cancer. I think he has cancer. I think he jerked off his dad, and he feels bad about it. So now he's saying that his dad jerked him off. Yeah. His dad got snakes all over him. Boogie probably snuck into his dad's room while he was sleeping, started jacking him off, and then his dad woke up,
Starting point is 02:23:23 and he's like, get out of here, you fat retard! And now Boogie retells it. It's pretty bad. Because he lied about Frank Hassell in the same way. I'm not going down this road. Well, it's true. Lemon Sake for five. Carl from WATP
Starting point is 02:23:39 probably has fan art of himself as a South Parker Simpsons character on his wall. I bet he does. Carl, do you have? No, I can tell you for sure. What, from his background? You have the background? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:52 Do you have a little, ooh, what if I was Pickle Rick? There it is. It's me, Pickle Carl. I'm Pickle Carl. Is that South Park stuff behind him? Oh my god The 90s, huh? Drunk in Atheist Studio for two
Starting point is 02:24:10 Remember Battle Beast? Those were cool as fuck I don't remember Battle Beast Me either Mike Hunt for five I want to see Dick's Bojack Horseman Whiskey ending rant animated Is that from the one when we did like the podcast about it?
Starting point is 02:24:23 With Ralph? Yeah And you guys were like No, this is great He hasn't learned anything And he refuses to change And I'm like Is that from the one when we did like the podcast about it? With Ralph? Yeah. And you guys were like, no, this is great. He hasn't learned anything and he refuses to change. And I'm like, I don't think that's the ending necessarily. It should be. There's a little of that.
Starting point is 02:24:36 That's the ending for all of us. Thoughts on the at Vito Giswa. Yeah, there's a fake me account out there on Twitter. It's too close. I appreciate that someone is It would be better If it was like It's too much like It's too much being the actual veto
Starting point is 02:24:50 So people believe it Sometimes it's just shit I would actually say Yeah But like said in like A really blunt stupid way Yeah There's not enough
Starting point is 02:24:57 Super crazy stuff Go harder I would say Just stop Also I just hate though That it like It Can you put like
Starting point is 02:25:06 Parody in the name People think it's you People think it's me Yeah And I'm like Alright well that's annoying Yeah I get that's part of the joke
Starting point is 02:25:13 But like Whatever Matt White for 10 Maddox lost That's correct Clap Trap to the Shore For 5 This is a cool shirt
Starting point is 02:25:20 Vito Check it out at My buddy makes cool shirts, including his new line of Christopher Dorner inspired merchandise. Oh! I gotta get his Can't Corner the Dorner shirt. That's cool.
Starting point is 02:25:34 Skeleton Trash Bag. I should bring him on sometime, but he lives in NorCal right now. Gman45, I'm all for limiting the size slash weight of people running the government. A lot of fatties. The government should never be more than 500 pounds. Justice done for five. The show is performing an abortion on the super killer IP.
Starting point is 02:25:52 That's kind of happening. Clap Trap for five says this tape bit is incredible. All right. Give us one more refresh. All right. We can get our last couple super chats in. But guys, what a great show. We've been visited by so many fantastic guests
Starting point is 02:26:06 We had Carl from WATP came by We had Andrew Tate himself Oh shit, did I not resize it correctly? I don't know No, because you put it in a different window I did? Yeah, didn't you have it in a Oh yeah, the car
Starting point is 02:26:21 There we go, there's Andrew Tate is here Vito. Yeah. Thanks for coming by, Andrew. Do you have any last words for the Matrix? Well, it's been a lot of fun and I don't know what's going to happen on the other side. There is no other side. It's just Matrix, Matrix, Matrix.
Starting point is 02:26:39 Okay. It's just the Matrix. Thank you, Andrew. Let me put up the guys. Put up our supporters. We love you guys. Don't forget bonus episode.
Starting point is 02:26:47 The biggest problem in 2022. You're going to get that exclusively at slash biggest problem. So be sure to sign up for that. You're going to have some exclusive content on that bonus episode and you're not going to want to miss it. And thanks to all our supporters
Starting point is 02:27:03 for keeping the show going. It continues to grow. The big challenge for 2023. 10 grand! Get us to 10 grand. If we get 10 grand, Vito will show his dick on the show! I did not say that. Vito will lose 50 pounds and bicycle a marathon! I'll lose 50 pounds. I'm not showing my dick online. Vito will show his dick!
Starting point is 02:27:21 No, I'm not showing my dick. If you get us to $10,000! I'm not doing that. But why don't you tell two friends about the show? Go into one of your group chats. Go to work. Take their passports. Take their passports and force them to listen.
Starting point is 02:27:36 Tell two friends. That's your challenge for the month of January. I want you to DM your friend right now. Go on Facebook. Go on wherever. Instagram. And go, hey, if you ever want a great podcast to listen to, check out The Biggest Problem in the Universe.
Starting point is 02:27:51 Harass journalists. That's also a good idea. Say you have to. Say Andrew Tate did an exclusive episode on this. An exclusive interview on this show, you dumb bitch. Tell them you got to listen to what Andrew Tate's saying on Biggest Problem. He went wild. He fucked a pizza.
Starting point is 02:28:08 He admitted to all the trafficking, and he fucked a pizza, and he broke the Matrix. Guys, what a show. Take care of yourself, and God bless America. God bless Ukraine. Oh, fuck you.

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