The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - Dancing With Myself (feat. Robert Kelly)

Episode Date: June 23, 2021

Robert Kelly joins Big Jay Oakerson and expresses his immense hatred for the whole concept of dance. Jay takes Bobby through the musical numbers on a public access show that just happened to include s...ome very brave dancing.Stream "The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson & Dan Soder" for 3 months free on the SiruisXM app! Offer Details Apply: us on all social media @TheBonfireXM@DanSoder

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Dan Soder and Big J. Oakerson. Welcome to the Bonfire Podcast. We'll have new episodes every morning, Tuesday through Friday. If you want more Bonfire, you can always hear our full show every day on Series XM. Dan Soder is off today. I'll be back tomorrow, but he's doing his billions thing today. I believe today he told me close set full frontal nudity by Dan Soder. He's finally going to reveal that big fat hog on screen that we have always dreamed. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Oh yeah. Sitting in his place everybody from the Kata and Kelly show, from you know what dude, from degenerate season two on Netflix, from Comedy Central, Ezilian things, the hilarious, the legendary Robert Kelly is here. What's up guys? I fantasized we should all draw what we think Dan's cock looks like. Oh I bet I got it. I bet I got a down pat. Did I I know exactly I've been thinking about this since I met him. I've seen I've seen his heavy beans from behind. He thought
Starting point is 00:00:59 he was give he thought he was turning away to put his bathing suit on once in Vegas and I saw the and I saw the bean bag and I'll tell you what if that drag is anything indicative of what that shaft is like Boy oh boy. Oh Listen to me dude his balls if you look at his body nothing makes sense It's like somebody go to a doll like four different dolls and put them together I mean it's like a it's like a project toy. Like, you know, like, look what we got you, Jeremiah. And I think it's just a bunch of different arms.
Starting point is 00:01:31 It is a GI Gym. It's like a knockoff. Yeah, there's like a Barbie arms. He's got like, you know what I mean? Like GI Joe Legs. He's definitely got like some type of superhero head. I'm so happy you're here, Bobby, because I like to see when Jacob gets all geeked out when someone gets all about into knives with him. He was holding up by the way, Jacob, just so you know, thank God we know you and we're not filming today because you're sitting in a bedroom at your mom's house and you're showing everybody your knife collection that you're making, it seems at the beginnings of a school shooter situation, at least an active shooter situation. I'm showing my fellow knife in enthusiast Bobby. Yes, I have to
Starting point is 00:02:16 be honest. You miss Bobby. When he said, do you like knives? I got a roused because my wife hates my passion for knives and then when he brought up the knife maker There's only when you're talking knives you're talking a couple guys and Ray Mears and You're talking Jack lore and he brought up Jack lore and I my heart fluttered up Jackalore and I, my heart fluttered. For me, it's all Stallone survival knife or nothing. You know what I mean? If there's not a compass on the butt, I don't even want to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Ha ha ha ha. I hear you Jay, but here's the thing, that knife, you're not going to be able to build too much. You know what I mean? These knives we're talking, we can survive for, I mean, just months out in the open. Okay, here's what I can tell you about the survival knife. One, if I need to give myself stitches because I fell through some hedge and trees, I got that. I could kill a bore. I can carve
Starting point is 00:03:17 up and cook said bore with a thing. Then if I end up in some sort of a tunnel, I can light a never ending torch for some reason that never goes out on the end of it. So, I don't know, I think there's a lot of things you can do with that knife. You'll forget to kill around 95 Canadian cops. Oh my God, I really, we've talked about first blood on this show a lot. In fact, DJ Lou give them a little bit.
Starting point is 00:03:43 It's worth it. First blood. If the road. First blood. Jacob sings the ending song of it. It's fantastic. We talked about that a good way a lot. We should make a movie of like the son of one of the cops
Starting point is 00:04:10 who he murdered, who they were just trying to do their job because there's you know they're captain said we have to go. You know, I mean it's like I'm the a fight with people about this first blood. So Vestas alone is that was the movie that made me go. He's an incredible actor, incredible actor. Really? First blood? Did you ever hear his interview on Howard Stern about it? I thought it was so funny. He said that it was the movie had was a lot more dialogue by him a lot more speaking and he said it unfortunately when they had
Starting point is 00:04:54 that edit of it it read like a it was too quirky like a Schwarzenegger movie like he had a lot of like you know stick around you know while he stabbed somebody kind of shit. And if you, if you watch the movie, there's still one left. There's only one like quirky line. He says left one. And we, I think we talked about this Jacob, right? When he jumps into, at the end of the movie, when he's like, when he steals the army truck, he jumps into the passenger side and holds a guy at knife point and he goes drive and the guy's looking at him he goes look at the road that's how accidents happen like he says the only he's playful for no read one time in the entire movie he's playful but he said the movie had tons of that he goes then
Starting point is 00:05:38 they went back and edited out 90% of his dialogue and it became a really good movie. That's funny. So his speech at the end, his speech at the end, I mean, come on, dude, I always think of acting scenes like if I got the gig, would I be able to do it? And I've tried to act that scene out in like a loan or in the shower and it's a I mean to build up tears to get to the point where you know he says we're gonna go cruising back when
Starting point is 00:06:11 he goes back he goes to go Johnny Johnny I can't feel my legs. Uh I'm gonna go no I can't even get a job. Bucket fucking cause. Just it was the movie holds zero realistic value anyway. I mean, he comes in just to agree. This is a man who needed, you know, was just trying to find his way home, just trying to find a way in the world and somebody pushed him too far.
Starting point is 00:06:44 He was on the line. He was on the line. He was on the edge, trying to go home and somebody pushed him too far. Yeah, and you know what's really been annoying about the whole thing? At the end of the second to last movie, yeah, let him feel it. I'll tear your dreams apart. Oh, I think you give them all when they do first blood. It's a long road.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And it's hard as hell. There's your knife, buddy, Bobby. Tell me what do you do to survive? You guys can you guys can stick us to each other when you're sharpening stones in the woods. I was just imagine that out in the woods, sharpening our jack lures, our bunnies hanging on a tree,
Starting point is 00:07:36 our soup cans hanging over the fire. I mean, a lot of cheap Rambo knife when I think first blood part two came out, the flea markets were flooded with them. And it lasted a week. It was like, you know, the cheap, garb knockoff, but yeah, you screwed the,
Starting point is 00:07:57 unscrewed the bottom and the compass was there and had a little plastic packet with matches and a needle that I was never going to use in case I needed to sew a wound. Yeah, what if it's a sew wound? Yeah. What if you have to make a choice between getting caught by the cops or jumping to your most likely death through a forest of trees on a mountain? Let's see you pull through, let's see you pull through like Rambo did with somehow only one cut that maybe needed stitches on his arm.
Starting point is 00:08:32 When he hit the ground, only problem, just needed a couple stitches he was able to do by himself. And also he did it right then and there, which was odd. What do you mean? While they were manhunting him. Yes. Like as soon as he fell, he snuck off, he was holding his rib, and then he soared his arm right there and there. It just seemed like that wouldn't have been that pressing right there and there. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, but the blood was coming out, Jay. You got to take care of the wound. I'm just thinking,
Starting point is 00:09:01 dude, if you rolled your ankle in that situation you wouldn't be like let me ace pan the jump Before I keep moving like you're gonna go Dude if listen if you have a first of all you track This is why you don't you mean Jacob understand the rules of the woods and the life out there you're tracking blood Okay, you don't want so these guys are gonna find you you like like a deer They're gonna hunt you down your blood is cheering on leaves and and drip and everywhere on rocks You got to seal that wound though you and plus the blood you're using is energy that you're expanding you need to see need to sell that up Get it and the other way is the Clint Eastwood and sought you know
Starting point is 00:09:43 Cauterize it like put some gunpowder in it, let it on fire. By the way, that's what he, remember what he did, when he cotterizes wound in Rambo III, he heated up the knife and just touched it to himself. Look at this. So I'm telling you, it, how many mistakes I made in high school trying to,
Starting point is 00:10:02 when I was like, oh, let me look cool, like this cool look that I like? It's a fucking miracle that I didn't ever try to go to school with like a homemade poncho and jeans with a rope around my waist because I did do the, the man, what a mistake for a fat kid, man, I made. It was definitely wearing a karate key tucked into jeans like fucking Patrick Swayze and the Ender Roadhouse. I didn't look like that. I did power shoe pants, but when parachute pants were out, I did
Starting point is 00:10:39 parachute pants when when parachute pants were at marshals. And my real me to get a pair of marshals? And my real, my real dad who I never saw, I never saw, we, he took me out on a, hey, let's go get something. And I took him to marshals and I saw our pair and they had a pair that didn't fit. They were, they were just too tight, but it was the only pair. And I was like, I want him.
Starting point is 00:11:02 He goes, well, why don't you wait and I go, well, I never see you. Like, I'll never get this again. Nobody's gonna, I was like, let me just get these. He goes, all right, I bought them warm to school at recess, right down the middle of the asshole. Just split. Oh, yeah, no, I, I didn't, this wasn't because the pants were too small.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Or maybe they were, I guess, but I remember the first stone wash, or acid wash jeans I ever got, and I been over in school first period. I remember, I just blew the ass out, pinched them together with my hands and walked home. Just walked right out of school, didn't ask for anything, didn't say I needed to go home. I was just willing to accept whatever the fate was
Starting point is 00:11:42 for me getting out of there immediately. Before anyone noticed that my ass was completely out. And this is, this is tidy, whity days, and maybe even tidy, whity days, where there's fucking stains on both sides, it was bad. Dude, I actually custom made an acid wash, dungery jacket. Remember guests,
Starting point is 00:12:04 when they had the upside down, triangle with the question mark in it? I painted a Roy Lichtenstein on the back of it. But it was dot, I was, it was dots, dot art, whatever, I forget what they call that, dot something. So it was little dots, little balls, whatever I forget what they call that, dot something. So it was little dots, little balls of paint,
Starting point is 00:12:28 of Roy Litch's down on the back of a acid wash jacket that I wore everywhere. You were a bad boy and artistic. That's rare. Yes, and autistic. Because I was definitely an artistic kid, but I wasn't like a, I definitely wasn't like in any drugs or smoking cigarettes or drinking anything underage.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Like some fighting, but it was mostly like, rarely if ever, probably never, once I always remember, because I tell the story of what an ass I looked like, because I lost the fight, but like starting a fight, like, never. I was in a lot of fights, but I was never looking to fight. I was more afraid to do it, but I was never looking to fight. I was more afraid to do it. But I was more, I was very artistic. It was very rare that like, a tough kid was, or except,
Starting point is 00:13:12 I always say this, there was a kid, at one point, I got in trouble for fighting in school lunch and they put us in a class essentially. It was like first period instead of like home room or something, you had to go. And they taught a bunch of, it was me and period instead of like home room or something you had to go and they taught a bunch of it was mean a bunch of like thuggy black kids had to learn songs that we were gonna perform in the assembly ultimately and they taught and the songs were the Rose by Bitt Middler that's what friends are for by you know Dion Warwick in the gang and country roads. I think
Starting point is 00:13:49 By yeah by John Denver, but let me tell you something some of those tough kids When it came time the solo and the Rose look out bit middler. I got to tell you these kids Kids with names you didn't know because they went by like scary sounding like like street names. That would all you know. In the spring when the sun comes becomes the rose. Thanks for that reverb blue. I hated that in school where there was always that kid who wasn't the I'm excuse you know quiet or whatever and then I was sitting at some type of talent show
Starting point is 00:14:35 And he could play the drums great. Oh, he can sing great. There was a kid who there was a kid It was a definitely like I didn't know what his voice sounded like through probably four years of school And then when I was taking drums in school. He was playing piano was a keyboard, but it was a keyboard and singing because because of his talent, they changed like the, you know, the school music show would end up being like, he does like three Billy Joel songs, like singing them with the harmonica around his neck. And he was just a quiet kid who never spoke to anybody really.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Like, no friends to speak of, not a group of friends or anything Very very bizarre that would be annoying a shit because then he becomes instantly sexy because of mystique That happened yep that happened a couple times in high school a guy would at the talent show just wails out a song Doesn't he we Lewis song. Knows the dance moves. Just some, you know, just, I mean, just has the jacket with the shoulder pads comes in, kills it, takes a bow.
Starting point is 00:15:34 And now he's a star. And I never had it in me. I knew I was, I wanted to be on that stage so bad. Me too. But I just didn't know how to get up there. I did one time, I sang a Barry Manolo song with a tennis racket. I'm going to sit right down and write myself a letter. Oh, my fuck.
Starting point is 00:15:56 That sounds nightmare-ish. It was bad. It was bad. And there was, and there was a kid in that one who played he played the fake drums to a Billy Joel song, but he played the drums perfectly so you know like your drum off he Was amazing standing ovation paraded around the fucking school and he was a nobody after that day He was the kid for the next year the mother fucker. There was a cool named Lamar, who I think went on the plate drums for boys to men, ultimately, but he was like in my school.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Yeah, Lamar is Irish kid, freckley, just weird name, right? Yeah. No, Lamar was really good. Lamar was a good, my school. The Gillacutty. But he was an amazing drummer. I'm trying to think of other talents, people. I'll tell you what's also was a weird time and our age might
Starting point is 00:16:47 Line up on this Bobby. I don't know if it lines up or Maybe this wasn't for you or maybe it wasn't just Boston, but even in Philly, which is a tough blue collar town too The my junior high in high school years were this few year thing Where like you could also be cool in school like a bad ass if you were a good dancer. Reese. No, not like. Grudging Alder and Kinniki. No, like you got served kid and play. Like kid and play. When house party came out, it was like if you could take over a party by doing some dance. I'm telling you, Aaron Powers, man, he could do that split, that dance split
Starting point is 00:17:27 and pop back up from it and man, he was also like a chubby kid sorta. And like the fact that he did it, it can do it so easily, I mean, I would ask him to do it for me, like I was just a fan. Like you do this split and he would just be like, oh, and just do it.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Yeah, we didn't, let me tell you something about dance. Can I just be honest with you about dance? Mm-hm. Any, I fucking hate dance. So bad. Over the years, I hated meeting. I was like, hey, what do you do? I'm a dancer.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I would literally walk away. Because I don't want to hear your shit stories. I don't want to hear about your knees. I don't want to fucking pick you up from some dumb class where you stink and you're gonna come out fit. I hate you. You can see your, you can see your push sweating through some shitty shade of blue. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Her taking off her fucking leggings and their socks and's stupid tights, takes 20 minutes to fuck her. Uh, her beavers all mushed up. There's like unnatural parts in it because it's all mashed down. She's always got a yeast infection.
Starting point is 00:18:32 You just go wait tables right after dance class. She couldn't take a shower. She's drinking cranberry juice out of a wine glass. I hate this pain. Yeah, dude. I fucking hate dance so much. And here's the thing. There was a time I'm with, dude. I fucking hate dance so much. And here's the thing, there was a time I am with, now don't get me wrong, sat in my fever, great movie.
Starting point is 00:18:52 The second one infuriates me. Yeah, it shouldn't have been his trajectory of life. You're absolutely right, you're talking about staying alive, of course, directed by Stallone. Yes. But that's not the trajectory of whatever. You're the coolest guy dancing in a nightclub. Doesn't send you over to like jungle themed fucking Broadway man. You just get some pussy for a few years. You fucking weirdo.
Starting point is 00:19:19 No, he's gonna line up on the pizza place. And it's gonna be a restaurant. Then he's gonna fucking it in the mob. He's gonna open up off the pizza place. And it's gonna be a restaurant. Then he's gonna fucking get in the mob. He's gonna open up his own dance club. And he's gonna be the king of fucking Brooklyn. And by the time the second one came out, the real estate places go up. He owns his mother's house in a few other houses.
Starting point is 00:19:37 And he's fucking rich. Yeah, yeah. Well, let me, come on, you like the song and turn that up. This is Frankie Stallone buddy. That's the problem. Save me darling. I am down, but I am far from over. Let me tell you something. Yeah, I was really rooting against you, but I saw the the fingerless mittens really pulled it off. Yeah, right. I'm staying a lot. He's my staying alive gloves. the fingerless mittens really pulled it off. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I'm staying alive. He's my staying alive gloves. Good. It is infuriating dance movies. Here's one that's, I mean, it's so fascinating to me that they made two of these, maybe three. But the first one is so you have to watch it when it's on, is breaking.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Breaking. There's only two. Okay, dude, it is so fucking bad. The dance moves. And that stuff, all that stupid shit, it's not that hard to do. Break dancing. In my brain, I thought it was amazing. It's not really that amazing.
Starting point is 00:20:41 It's not like fucking Circus Olatio. They're just spinning. The acrobatics it were the one things that make it look cool overall It's not a big a thing, but I'll tell you what three times a month in this house I watched the video for ain't nobody with the break in the whole break and thing in it when they're practicing Love it rest in peace Shabbat dude just died recently ozone I love that movie Don't tell turbo that oh look at this uh... shabby dude just died recently ozone uh... i love that movie
Starting point is 00:21:07 don't tell turbo that uh... look at this look at this bootpops it book turn your turn around all do you know what has happened bobby by the way
Starting point is 00:21:21 they had a uh... three-picture deal with it. She was in something, Lucinda Dickey, and they gave her a three-picture deal with like that shitty, going-globis company or whatever. So they just had to fart these movies out. Like, they're just made around, like, they had to give her a movie.
Starting point is 00:21:38 So they were like, breakdancing's popular. She's in breaking one, too, and a movie called Ninja 3, The Domination. That's her whole career. Okay. First of all, she's as flat as the guy she's dancing with. Second of all, I want to say something. Every guy in this watching it now as a father, a 50 year old father, every guy in this is gay. Very possible. I thought you're going to say, I think you're going to say every guy in this is gay Very possible again. I thought I thought you're gonna say I think I said every guy and this first of all Sheng's out with a gay black guy and she's breakdance with two other black guys And I'll tell you who I simple when I was young
Starting point is 00:22:12 I was like look at her stuffy parents when she brings her breakdance friends over to the to the fancy party And now I'm like hey bitch keep your fucking friends away from the fancy party Tell your friends stop reaching in with the cocktail sauce choice with their fingers Yeah, man, I love I love turbo nose on she had a good boss. She had a good ass She's got a good ass. I she's got an alright body. Look at these guys ready Dude, that is if you saw those guys walking on the street today, you'd be like oh, it's prime time Yeah, you know, it's funny. Godfrey always told me a story that he was out in LA
Starting point is 00:22:48 like way after this movie. And he saw Turbo, the little one. He saw him at a like a red light or something. And he was like, oh man, Turbo. And he said Turbo like did like one of these to wave high. Like he like did a worm with his hand to say hi. I think Godfrey said he was just like, ugh. I gotta be honest with you now.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I gotta bring something up that I did because I'm trashin' this guy. When I was in sixth grade, I snuck into the seventh grade dance at St. Joseph's. Okay. And Carol Cofflin was there, who was my love of my life. I mean, blonde, hay hair.
Starting point is 00:23:28 She lived around the corner, but from my grandmother, but in the rich section of Medford, she was gorgeous. And I made my way across the gym. Everybody was dancing. And she, I was smoking a cigarette in the gym in the gym. Six, six grade smoking a bud. She walked over to me for the first time in my life And she went hey, can I have a cigarette and I Took one out of the box and I took it out and I went like this. Oh
Starting point is 00:24:04 Shit, oh, and I, I did the way. Oh my God. And I handed it to her because I was in the middle of dancing. And she, you know what? Now I know why I hate dancing. Now I know. I just, we just therapyed me. I know why I hate dancing because she looked at me disgusted,
Starting point is 00:24:23 took the cigarette, walked away, and then I went over to her friends and I heard them laughing at me, disgusted, took the cigarette, walked away, and then I went over to her friends, and I heard them laughing at me. Now I know. Now I know. That's the reason for sure. That's the reason for you. Yeah. That is the reason with that. I think I see you do the old cigarette trick. We are like, can I have a cigarette? You go, um, oh, can you? Like you pulled out of your nose, amazing Jonathan at tour. Um, oh, can you, like you pulled out of your note, amazing Jonathan it to her.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Um, I always said the funniest thing to me was I said, I talk about moments meaning something to you and not to anybody else is that Janessa Ferragelli, my high school crush, when I went to a dance, I went to a dance that I was punished from going to, but I was like, I'm going anyway. And my mom was like, you go to this thing, you're going to be fucked on the back end of it. Like you're going to be but I was like, I'm going anyway. And my mom was like, you go to this thing, you're going to be fucked on the back end of it. Like, you're going to be punished longer. And I was like, I don't care. I'm going. And I just went to this thing without a date. When everybody else was pretty much there with a date, I've always showed we
Starting point is 00:25:17 showed the picture before. I took a picture with the somebody else's girlfriend, because I need somebody to take the picture with. He was not threatened by that at all. He was like sure go ahead. And when I danced with my high school crush, just the difference in our eyes, she was like haphazardly like one arm up on my shoulder, which was all I needed and you know, the other thing was just kind of like looking and talking to friends while I was like and I was so
Starting point is 00:25:45 Zoned into like in my mind I was looking into her mind's eye. I was seeing through to the real her and It was that and the song that it was to just always makes me let that pretty brown nice you know Like that 90s what pretty brown eyes to mint condition the way you treat me What it's pretty brown eyes dude mint condition the way you treat me High school Yeah pretty much as a became Yeah, it's funny This song would never be played at my high school. No, but it's funny. I said before that's some that's some R&B stuff right there Is this the most woke you can be until I moved to South Jersey?
Starting point is 00:26:26 I didn't realize that I lived in a black neighborhood or really went to a black, it didn't make sense, you know what I mean? Like, could I say a black high school, but there was like percentage white kids, but just, it never, it didn't break out. No, it was racing in that neighborhood for some reason. Maybe as like when I left and it did like,
Starting point is 00:26:41 because I think now it's pretty much to the black neighborhood all around. I went to a black, I went to a predominantly black middle school. I didn't know that either until I went to high school to a different high school and I was like, oh my God, this is, it was like one black kid. When I switched over to South Jersey, I'm telling you, like, and it's funny,
Starting point is 00:27:00 the ones that became like friends of mine were like, there was like four black kids in school You know, it was like very few like very very few Justin right my problem is my all right not related My problem was like foot loose You know, I mean that was the music. There's a lot of bopping around and a lot of yeah It's not not you you can't look cool to it. You got to look you got to like really put it out there for it And a white guy going for it
Starting point is 00:27:25 And I'm glad we bring this up by the way because I'd like to introduce and Bobby you're here on a good day Because late last night We were hanging out me and Isabella and Christine is a bell took off this morning For Florida, but we were up late last night and we just popped on I Haven't had cable in a long time Bobby. I've had a direct TV. I haven't had cable in a long time, Bobby. I've had a direct TV. I haven't had local cable. So now I have Verizon Fios. Direct TV with the fucking and the antenna on the roof.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Yeah, love it. What? You get the football package and everything on it. Okay. It was huge for the Eagles. But so they, so I usually right to be now we have cable and with local cable comes I always forget this a public access television Mm-hmm and public access television and when you just there's nothing else on you're not inspired for anything
Starting point is 00:28:19 Just thumb through them What people will pay money out of their pockets to bring to you the viewer is insane. And we found a show called Late Night with Johnny P. It's been around for years and years and years. Based on a stat in Ireland, a lot of comics we know, Bobby, have done this show apparently, a public access comedy show. I know the show. I actually know exactly what you're talking about. Me and Billy Burrow, we live together. My first night in New York City, he was there. I turned on public asset. No, this guy's not definitely doesn't have sex.
Starting point is 00:29:12 No, but I know the show. I know the show. Yeah, yeah, yeah. My public access, you can't have nudity for sure, which is great. But this late night with Johnny Pete, he just has on everyone's a star. And it's just one of those like, all All right our music guest tonight is a country rock star And then it's just like some girl from down the street like singing a song But he does have because there's so irrelevant in the world. I'm sorry to say he does have
Starting point is 00:29:39 Like legitimate from the time What what's that music a freestyle music? legitimate from the time What is that music a freestyle music which was DJ lose nod in his head I don't know if that's what they even called it all over the place that might be tri state area, but outside freestyle music is like What are we always doing one here a little like yo my dream? You're banning it like this dance music it would be called I guess just dance music of the 90s when it was all just one hit wonders
Starting point is 00:30:07 This late night with Johnny P has them on and he brings out a guy Why I'm ashamed to say his second song let me know that I'm like, oh this guy was actually Like legit now you got stuff in the beginning Christine This guy was legit like Club music guy, but this is ye is 2014 this episode's from this bulb knows drunk from fucking statin island. He brings out, uh, it's no L. Is that any ring of belt? This is John Jerville's is true trajectory right here. He should have had this young and the second Saturday night fever. So this is Noel, who had silent morning, I believe,
Starting point is 00:30:48 was his big hit. That was his big hit, silent morning, but he comes out. Look at the lady in the back right there with the hair. Look at her hair. Oh yeah, fucking grandma. Well, let me tell you what that is too, because my mom cuts old ladies' hair.
Starting point is 00:31:02 So they get their hair done. Oh, yeah. Not bad. That thing you have to sleep sitting straight up, you can't fuck with that for like three months. No, you don't. Well, you know, get to the chorus of Silent Morning, Christine, just real quick. I don't bother to go, oh, yeah, I remember this song.
Starting point is 00:31:18 But this was a one hit wonder from the 90s. This guy who's singing now. Yes. He's also just singing over the actual song, which is great. Come on, makes me feel alive. I'm the song. What? What I see in your eyes It takes me too far Side and body
Starting point is 00:31:51 I wake up and you're not by my side Side and body This is the part we realize is a leather jacket It was a wrong move This is very exciting Now I'll tell you right where you get it. So get off this song Christine before you start going apesh it. I love this song, by the way, great song.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Yeah, we all did. But go back, but go to the question, the other performance because the opening of this performance here, Bobby is just is a comic as a comedian. it's I'm not using the word sell out In the sense of like like you know giving of yourself. I'm talking about sell it You know when they say like somebody like dives over the fence for the ball He just selling out to just giving his whole body forward. He's going he's diving for that catch And like you have that thing in you where it's like, I might look like an ass when I do this.
Starting point is 00:32:49 This guy doesn't care. This guy comes and sells out opening of the song to this sad studio audience for people who have no idea who he is. He was a one hit wonder. No exaggerate. 20 years before this. Except a lady with the hair.. Accept a lady with the hair.
Starting point is 00:33:05 He's the lady with the hair. She's been following him. She's given him five head jobs in six different cities. Oh, fuck, absolutely. She's definitely blown him a couple of times and never told his wife. And she's roll-ascaded with him a couple of times. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:33:21 She's a soldier. She's a soldier right there. Maybe the lady in the back, too, that looks like a dude, but it's really a guy. She looks's a soldier. She's a soldier right there. Maybe the lady in the back too that looks like a dude But it's really a guy. Yeah, she does just like fucking jigsaw I thought it was Karen Bergerin Please yeah, play this play this for the crew With purposely walks out this will be up on at the bonfire sxm word
Starting point is 00:33:55 what dude Bobby this brought me so much fucking joy yesterday. Oh my god. It's still so long before he sings. Because he learned that. He learned that with a choreographer back in the day. He just added every night club when he sang this song. That's the thing he learned. Oh, you think in his head it's just like two, three, four. Slip.
Starting point is 00:34:23 That's all it is. One, two, three, four. One is jagged. head is just like two three four slip that's all it is one one two three four one is that it can you get to the middle Christine when he does the fucking it and I'm not lying to you windmill kick now oh yeah yeah do that move he's known that move for 27 years that was his first opening move yeah might be might be here. Yeah, he's doing it one, two, three, four, five, one, two, three, four, five, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten,
Starting point is 00:35:01 ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, I'm not sure if it's not the end of this song, it's in the middle of silent morning, but you'll see you'll see in a little box. Oh, this game. Move forward a little bit. Go a little quicker. See, he probably did that dance move with a bunch of guys all doing the same move.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Oh, he had, yeah, he had dudes with him. Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. What are you guys saying? Are you saying that maybe one of these guys should bring some fucking girls with them? Yeah, oh somebody did that with my feet. This might be this might be the windmill. Oh God here it goes Sheldon down and Now it's gonna be the next song go to the other song just go right to the you'll see it right away
Starting point is 00:35:39 I want to see the windmill kick but then I want to show you one more of these freestyle guys who does bring Two women who are working way too hard for what the reward is going to be Christie go to the other video though The silent morning one This is a guy you get into a fight with at a red light by accident get you your ass kicked by silent morning, dude No shit, dude, and you wouldn't even know that even they say dude You just got beat up by Noel and you go, I don't know, no, well, I'm gonna go silent morning.
Starting point is 00:36:08 And then by the way, say anything either, they go silent morning, I go, no idea. And then they play it and you go, oh, silent morning. Wake up in your night by my side. Here, right there, Christine, take it right there. He beat you up with the same kick he does in this video. It's I'll tell you what this kick would lay you the fuck out if it makes contact.
Starting point is 00:36:31 This thing is deadly. Go, Christine. Oh, that's pretty good, dude. That guy could kick a piƱata. That thing was up. That's when he stopped the choreographer is like, hey, I just want to add one little thing if we can. I think it'd be good. And he's like, oh, I love it. I love it. I add that. How about I throw a T-Model kick? Oh my god. Can I tell you something? Doing that as a fat guy my whole life. The idea of doing that in jeans
Starting point is 00:37:06 in a tight fucking leather jacket is mind numbing. It's my blowing I should say. Oh, dude, as a fat guy most of my life on and off, like stuff like that. I remember Jean Cod Van Dam when he did the split in Bloodsport. I wanted to do that my, that was my dream in life. To just do a split on two, like my balcony at a hotel,
Starting point is 00:37:30 like some chick wakes up after I just bone her all night. Where are, and she comes out in the balcony. I'm just out there drinking coffee, splitting on my knees. Christine, you know, we better than anybody. If I had a genie with three wishes, one of those wishes would be what? Ben-Kick. What?
Starting point is 00:37:50 Spin-Kick? No, what do I want to do so bad? Split. I talk about this a lot. I'm gonna be there for me. Man, there was really one set of footprints in the scene there, huh? You've been listening to... SiriusXM's Bonfire! New episodes every Tuesday through Friday mornings and full shows
Starting point is 00:38:14 always on SiriusXM! you

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