The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - Enchanted Hills (feat. Mike Finoia & Andy Fiori)

Episode Date: May 2, 2024

Old pals Andy Fiori and Mike Finoia discover a video of a man calling 911 because he injured himself in his "flying machine". Jay gloats about a big 76ers playoff win. Jacob is on Zoom from Florida ...and shows off his scary doll collection. FOLLOW THE CREW ON SOCIAL MEDIA: @thebonfiresxm @louisjohnson @christinemevans @bigjayoakerson @robertkellylive @louwitzkee @jjbwolf

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And now the bonfire with Big Jay Okerson and Robert Kelly One thing I love about having a radio show Is a lot of people uninvested in sports all around or DMing me yesterday They're saying like I don't know how you did it, but you got me invested in one of the most extremely intense games I've ever seen. Why? Who else here watched the game? Anybody? Bobby, I know you were probably glued to your TV. I saw the end of it.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Did you watch the end live? It was pretty wild. I mean, you were supposed to lose that game. What does that mean? You know what it means. You personally. Oh, you mean like game one and game two, the Sixers were supposed to win.
Starting point is 00:00:44 But the referees played the game. Was it 25 seconds left in the game and the Knicks were up 28 28 they were up Tyrese maxi game was old bananas three 23 years old Christine you bring up the footage. Oh shit 23 years old no No No. Huh? No. You don't have to say it like that, dickhead.
Starting point is 00:01:04 I don't want to because I'm... You don't have to be a cunt about it. I don't want you doing that. Say no, thank you. Well, you know what? While these ladies talk about sharing their fucking pussy razors, let me introduce everybody. We've got a big family in the house here today. I was a dick about it.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Everybody. Pussy razors. Here's a bunch of stupid zin. You don't need another addiction. I'm worried for you. Bobby just got addicted to this. He just picked up a child. If I don't have another addiction, I might go back to sex or food. Is that what you want? I mean, sex seems like the number one choice in that option.
Starting point is 00:01:37 With transvestite. Well, that's... Don't bury that line. Is that what you want? I'm sorry, I'm sorry get to let's get to 90 Oh boy. Yeah, really get to 90 96. We all watch the game. We don't got it So we don't have to get a magnificent turn of events 28 seconds left back a little more So you guys got a radio show in New York? Yeah, see what happens here. Christy good. Please play. Yeah
Starting point is 00:02:04 The footage here. We're going on my phone. 23 years old I'm playing. Two years older than my daughter If that doesn't impress you guys on a real level, that's insane. What's her excuse? By the way gets the foul, draws the foul, hits the three. How many years old? 23 years old Hits the foul shot. The Knicks are getting nervous now. It's only a two-point game they fell the one of you these idiots from the low go tell us how low go now this flat-faced idiot is gonna bring the ball up and dribble around with a stupid little yeah what an idiot hey why don't you tell us how old he is like the
Starting point is 00:02:42 sixers song fucking droop Sitting in the show with us today on this monumentous occasion everybody Monumentous. It's Monumentous even a word Monumental Monumentous is some Monumentary Monumentous some philosopher You look up Monumentous. It's not It might be one of those two first yeah Monumentous that sounds like the guy who was the first monumental person monument. Well, that's momentous Another guy's chick mo ding bad Baticus all right That boys everybody is America's Amigo everybody Mike Fennoy a joint
Starting point is 00:03:32 Also sitting in with us for the show everybody, you know, I'm in love with its mark face Andy Fiori in the man You know, I am fury internet's gonna love this one Five LL Val Val and you jam sesh. This is a real jam session radio right now. I'm sorry You give me the evil Malo K you over there. That's just my face You're trying to push Zinn on someone who doesn't do it. I didn't know that I made a mistake I I know Lou did it and I thought did you do it? No Let me ask you a question dumb, it's just a new habit Yeah, I feel like doing it because it's cool. You don't like it It's not cool. I'm a I'm a tobacco guy. It doesn't even look like you smoke cigars. Yes, the cigars are the same thing
Starting point is 00:04:12 No, it's not cigars tobacco. What are you talking? I know it's to back Oh, he's not sure he's a good cigar. I talk like her. It's a I have one on stage. I went on stage Boston and I What you'd Zen in your bracelets what's going on here what about you tight flannel it doesn't fucking shouldn't be button you fucking Fiori, raise your arms. Yeah. I got a little McCain thing going on.
Starting point is 00:04:44 It goes all the way up. I don't know why, by the way, and I'll say this a million times over. If you're wearing a button-down shirt, I never, unless you're wearing the jacket, why do you not do two? Unbutton. Unbutton it. Finish what?
Starting point is 00:04:57 Unbutton it and give me two flips on that sunbutch. No, no, leave that alone. The more the things that. That is what I do, right? I normally do do it like that. I just went to the dentist. I want to look nice. You got to show off some ink. Leave it alone the boards that that is what I do Went to the dentist I want to look you guys show off some ink That's great you have J. Help you do it. Yeah, this is a guy with finger You can stand behind me
Starting point is 00:05:19 Like they look like you got a three quarters Wrinkles jeez Wow, give me the other one too. You're gonna look so much more badass instead of like some fucking molester that can't go to your schools Yeah, you definitely touching students now Touching college girls, that's legal. Now you're date-raping college girls and you can unbutton the bottom button Yes, also, there's no reason to have that bottom button done. This is the cool one because it's red. No, I know it's a flare piece. Well, I'm not a fucking. I don't know, Bobby described yesterday.
Starting point is 00:05:49 It's not East LA. Would you want me to go up top and just button the. Bobby discussed this button yesterday on the show, I believe. It's a fact eye button. It's a fact eye button. OK. To make you feel better when you're standing up.
Starting point is 00:06:00 And you put your arms up, your thing don't show. Andy, is that an untuck it shirt? No, it's penguin. Oh It's a can't tuck it sure Should never tell you Www for Christ's sake don't talk For Christ sakes don't talk A great mood today because most things are now calling for sixers and seven it kills you Bobby They won that game. Let me ask you a question if they if they lose in seven is that gonna hurt you more
Starting point is 00:06:40 Weren't you prepared last night for the loss? No, you are I'm prepared for the loss Technically tomorrow night when I watch it and I'll be prepared for the loss on Saturday I am NOT a lunatic. So I was saying but last night was I was such a cool moment, by the way I've gotten isabella's genuinely into the Sixers, which is awesome. You got me into it So she comes over she comes over and like we watched the games last night I remember saying to her, such a cheese dick in hindsight, but I went, because I felt she was feeling
Starting point is 00:07:09 the tension of it too and I was like, I go, this is exactly what's awesome about sports. This means nothing. It means nothing. This game's over and they lose, it's just whatever. Life moves on. But it's so fun right now, you're like, no fucking way, he just hit that.
Starting point is 00:07:23 It was such a fun thing. So now, game seven loss to, you're like, no fucking way, he just hit that. It was such a fun thing. So now, game seven loss to me would be like, I got two more games of basketball on. That's what I get upset about, is that two times in my life, once Lewis, once Andrew Schultz, oh, Andrew Schultz is the one I really never understood the most because he's a sports guy.
Starting point is 00:07:39 His act? I don't understand it. His insane success? His incredible hairline? I don't speak to. His insane success. His incredible hairline. I don't speak. His Hitler mustache. I don't speak philosophical wigger. Flagrant three.
Starting point is 00:07:50 That really is his own genre. It looks like the SS soldier. Do philosophical wiggers. Great. You're a glorious bastard. Let me kick this game to you. I'll tell you what though. It's all of our faults, and maybe not our faults is the wrong word.
Starting point is 00:08:03 It's just a little bit of our doing and maybe not our faults is the wrong word It's just a little bit of our doing because Schultz figured out something so early Level with the clips and the whole thing that everyone directed him. He was very very gracious Yeah in telling everybody what he did and how they can do it and was amazing He was very very helpful with that. So like, you know, I mean, it's just he's a he catches a lot of shit He told me so but so I'm saying but we fed him the thing where now when he goes everywhere He has to go let me game you motherfuckers on you know on you know exactly on like dog rescue You know if I don't think about dog rescue Shultz. It's okay. You know about the military industrial complex
Starting point is 00:08:41 Oh, I don't know I don't need to rocket that with you. We don't talk about that. We'll talk about the Nixon Sixers series. I heard he knows his way around a pedo hunt. That's all I'm saying. Who? Schultz. Where did you hear that? From Schultz. I don't think that's true. I know my way around a pedo hunt. You sure do.
Starting point is 00:08:57 I even dragged Mike to one he didn't want to do. That one just went up. I saw it. He just released that one. I was uncomfortable. We were all uncomfortable, dude. I didn't wanna watch someone die. I'm like, this guy's gonna kill himself when he gets caught. I swear that's what I thought. I'm shocked there's not more suicides when they get caught.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I know, that's what I mean. And by the way, the one, I kinda thought we were gonna catch him. The one, not even the one they catch in the video, the one that came and ran right away. Do they say that in the video? The one that came and ran right away, the moderate, he happened to be the cousin
Starting point is 00:09:28 of the people who moderate her page. So when she put it out, someone goes, that's my fucking cousin. I told her she should make a hashtag thing whenever she has her videos in the thing, no matter when they catch the pedophile, everyone should go, that's my cousin. That's my cousin, that's my cousin.
Starting point is 00:09:43 That's my cousin. Isn't part of getting caught though, the excitement for these guys? everyone should go, that's my cousin. That's my cousin, that's my cousin. That's my cousin. That's my cousin. Isn't part of getting caught though, the kind of the excitement of it for these guys? I couldn't imagine that being the case. Well, I mean when you get caught. I feel like the thrill of getting caught. I feel like getting caught.
Starting point is 00:09:54 No, not getting caught. I phrased that wrong. Like this is bad. Actually no. I shouldn't do this. The thrill of getting away with it. And then when you get to the door with your Zimas and your condoms and your fucking toys.
Starting point is 00:10:05 It's a better way to put it, Mike just said, the thrill of getting away with it. Because no, I really think they wish they were on a deserted island with a batch of kids that were super into it. Do you know what I mean? So no, I think they, no, I think they really would rather. Maybe they should.
Starting point is 00:10:22 I think they would rather. I think they would rather not be. It would probably, they would rather not be in a boathouse behind a fucking Jones Beach arena because you want to take pictures of a little kid. These guys here. Targeted shot. What was it, did you research? We've talked about it on the show, dude, that creep.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Who was he, in The Grateful Dead or Fish? Fish. Was he still playing? Was he at the Sphere? He was in Goose. Did he have a 360 view, a young pussy he wants to photograph? At the Sphere? Was it a spherical view of all that young snitch?
Starting point is 00:10:53 It was 400 yards tall. You think they get sick of fucking kids? No. Would they go back to regular vagina? This next jam's called Old Enough to Bleed, Old Enough to Butcher. This next jam is called If There's Grass on the Field. Play that ball. If there's grass on the field, she's too old. Now, take it for a walk, Jimmy.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Take it for a walk, Jimmy. This next song is called Age of Consent in Certain States. Reprise. Age of Consent, Reprise. And in parentheses, it says it's legal in Mexico. In parentheses. Oh, Tijuana, says, it's legal in Mexico. In parentheses. Oh, Tijuana man. That's where you go. This goes on for 17 minutes and 11 seconds. The exact time it takes to pop a cherry.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Good choice, Luke. What's the name of this song, Jay? Huh? Was it Bathtub Gin? No. Fuck. It's the only one you know. Yeah. Because they say it that one time in American dead Dude there's so many Easter eggs
Starting point is 00:11:50 How do you come up with a song like how do you come up with a name for a song? That's all instrumental just whatever the whatever the first little ass and you said before they played non-stop for 45 minutes We'll call that you go you start Mikey This next song is called Peter try a drum thing and we'll go from there It's called Peter. Try the names wrong. This next song is called a lot of guitar This is called piss break for Steve This song's called stringring Section Take a Shit. Do you know how many times I've bought two cold beers and I get down to one of them and I just, I fucking, the jam goes on so long. I've thought about taking a piss in one of the 16 oz. Doll Boys.
Starting point is 00:12:39 You're a piece of shit. But I never did. You're a boil on the ass of Fish Tor. Why did you look disappointed when I... I am did you're a boil on the ass of fish tour. Why did you look disappointed when I am disappointing you? I had a pissed in the cup on a tour bus, and it was I Hated every second of it. Yeah, I hated it We had a locked door a middle of the night locked door on Burt's tour bus and
Starting point is 00:12:57 Everybody the next morning had to admit at some point they got up. I pulled Dan to the side and I was like Dan I don't want to tell anybody this, but the bathroom was locked and I pissed in a cup and then I had to pour it down like the sink drain and rinse the cup out and throw the cup out. I was like, I feel fucking terrible. And then Dan goes, dude, I did the same exact thing. And then he showed me where his cup was and I go, dude, throw it in the trash.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I wiped up, like, you know, I wiped all the, and he pissed from the sink off and whatever, and threw it in the trash. He threw his in the trash. Then we go out there and we're talking in front of Bert, and he says something about the bathroom being locked and that he pissed in them, and then we all admitted that everyone at Bert,
Starting point is 00:13:41 me and Soder, all pissed separately in cups in the bathroom, because the bathroom door was just locked, broken lock or something. And then later that night, when I ate like top off pizza, and I was throwing out the crust, and I opened up the trash thing, and I threw it in the trash, and Burt goes, what are you doing? I go, oh, I'm just eating the top of the pizza.
Starting point is 00:14:04 And he goes, that's not the trash can. That's one of the coolers where we keep food and beer and shit, and I was like, oh, well, also my piss cup, piss paper, it's in there, but oh, man. That's the pissy pie, dude. I'm gonna go whiffed. When I worked construction in college one summer, I just was a laborer picking up trash a lot,
Starting point is 00:14:21 and the worst was when you'd walk around and just see Gatorade bottles full of piss Everywhere and you throw it into the dumpster and the tops aren't on some of them and just piss goes everywhere It's a perfect piss cup though, because the hole is big enough for everybody This is my get where you get the gags on certain things to me It's that if someone left spit like chew spit Yeah We're pissing a bottle if you gave me I mean an iron glove to pick it up,
Starting point is 00:14:46 when I pick it up with whatever is around my hand, I still start gagging the entire time till I throw it out. I don't like being around people's fluids, man. No, totally, and I got so used to it, I'd be looking at the bottle like, this dude's dehydrated, this one's dark as fuck. This guy drinks a lot of kombucha. Thanks Mike for taking hard-working
Starting point is 00:15:07 Americans jobs away I tell you what the biggest fear in the world. How about the guy who just out in Nashville Zanies Just left his fucking truck in neutral didn't realize it and went to go take a shit in a porta potty And meanwhile his truck is careening down the street smashing through the wall of a comedy club. Did that just happen? No, you don't remember that? Dude, it went right through Nate's face. Oh, yeah, shit, that's right. A direct shot through Nate Bargatze's face into the side of the wall.
Starting point is 00:15:31 The pictures are fantastic. Did you see the guy in the, I sent the clip in the fucking, the parachute? Oh, the YouTuber thing. No, I haven't seen this yet. I wanna see it. This guy, it's one of those things where you have to just sit in the propellers behind you,
Starting point is 00:15:45 and it's a parachute. It's like parasailing? Parasailing, yeah. Something like that. And he fucking was cruising. Just, you know, he had cameras everywhere, and he's like, 45, 46! And then his parachute just fucking wrinkled up.
Starting point is 00:15:59 He fell 85 feet and hit the ground, and he's still recording everything from all these different angles But he started screaming because he broke his back, but he's going Siri Hey, Siri and Siri doesn't recognize his scream voice and then I'm sorry I didn't get that he called 911, but you got to hear it serious. No, I love pussy his fucking his fucking description She was like what happened? He was like, everything!
Starting point is 00:16:27 But he didn't know what to call his flying machine. And where he was was such a weird place. It sounded funmobile broken. His contraption. I would have hung up on this guy if I was the 911 caller. This Focac the thing. He's so excited. My's so, look at him. My space wheel. He's so excited. My wind circles.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Look at him. Dude, I would not trust that thing. Wait for it. Initial. Look at his sock. That's a broken back, dude. Yeah. That's what it sounds like.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Listen, he's got his phone though. Oh, he's got apple pay up Hey Siri call 911 Hey Siri call 911 He's trying to get his regular voice Call 911 Hey Siri call AHHHHH
Starting point is 00:17:22 This phone won't unlock because his face is mangled Siri call 911 Oh See your master Probably doing probably doing these things right now by the way. Oh, fuck, you're right. Oh, he got it. And he goes, hi. Now calling your Uncle Steve. No! No, Uncle Steve! Siri, not Uncle Steve.
Starting point is 00:17:59 He's a drunk. He sounds like the lady that was fucking crushing grapes with her feet. I literally was saying, as soon as it started, I go, it never doesn't deserve a repeat. It's one of the best. Bring up, you know what I'm talking about, the lady crushing grapes. It is my favorite noise in the history of the internet.
Starting point is 00:18:16 It's still never not a jaw-hurt laugh. Wow, wow, wow. Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh. Listen to this guy at the end though, when the lady she picks up, she like hello, you know typical thyroid one Yeah, hey, he fucking doesn't know she's like what happened you got here. Okay. All right, please my flying machine My flying machine in the Enchanted Hills You expect to show up and see Falcor dead there?
Starting point is 00:18:55 Fucking never ending story. My flying machine is down in the enchanted woods. The rock pile tried to kill us. Then the Argonauts came. Then I fought an army of darkness and my back is now broke. My flying machine couldn't whisk me away. I'm in the enchanted hills. I think I broke my back. Right over Mount Unicorn 36 longitude I'm by the talking trees
Starting point is 00:19:37 Sure, my spleen's ruptured You got so fucked up man Having the best time you should see how happy is he's having the best time of his life. That's the best. It's the turn. The turn of emotion. That girl who's stomping the grapes, they say something like, Yeah, they go, don't be... They almost like, don't do that.
Starting point is 00:19:57 And she kind of does like, ooh, I'm gonna be a naughty kid. And then she goes like, I'm being funny. And then just eat. Do you have a... I do have a bit. Do you want to finish this? I thought that was was it I'm sorry The big crash thing
Starting point is 00:20:28 Ding my phone and then come and I'm the guy under the thing A fan boat, I don't think he's talking about that. There's no time. He's like metal angel to metal angel to How much is one of those contraptions cost? Yeah, the fractured neck back and pelvis dude, it's gonna hurt every time it rains the rest of that guy Is back and everything just sucks He's in the middle of nowhere though, they're not getting to that dude The coyotes gonna eat off that fucking bad leg now. He calls percussets flying Rescue that was with three other three other guys coming those exact machines only a flying machine gets in the enchanted hills
Starting point is 00:21:24 How'd you guys learn to do them so good? We got the emergency flute. Yeah, I got a flute that opens one portal, but there's no sure way back. Do you want to take this quest? Siri, ask them if they want to take this quest! He's got a Willy Wonka flute to call the fucking... Will they accept my quest? I'm looking at a big flying machine in the sky. Hold on, you've got to solve the ogre's riddle to get here. I give them my dowry of two woven blankets. Oh, this fucking guy. Oh, that is so funny.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Is that the end of it? I don't know. He woke up that morning going, yeah, my flying machine video is going to go viral as fuck. Today is the day. Look at that. Trying to have the flying machine. Cross it off.
Starting point is 00:22:08 It's impressive. Should I name it before I take it up? He was trying to. I love you, flying machine. He was trying to go as fast as he's ever gone. So he's like, he's like 40, 42, 45, yeah! And then, 40, 12, 17, 20. Found the cutoff.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Found the cutoff. That was a good initial something's wrong noise. That was a then, 30, 12, 17, 20. Found the cutoff. Found the cutoff. That was a good initial something's wrong noise. That was a good, he was like, uh. Oh! That's so funny. YouTuber. Uh. Beep.
Starting point is 00:22:42 48, uh. Wow, give me it one more time. Yeah This guy is a fucking piece of shit I told you Denise Play it, play it Good Look at his face Alright, hang on Try not to hang on Look at his sock
Starting point is 00:23:22 His sock fell off His sock fell off. His sock fell off. He ejected off? Oh dude he had his fucking Apple Pay open. His Apple Pay was open. He's like I'm gonna buy another Jigglewatt and maybe I'll go to 53 next time. A Jigglewatt. He's like how do you call the embassy? Two more Jigglewats, I go back to 1955. And then a god damn wind gust got me.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Something Joe was about to do. Christine, please, yeah. I didn't know there was a butterfly pavilion near the enchanted forest. This is the best thing ever. This is Afro Ninja doing the back flip and then eating shit. This is OG.
Starting point is 00:24:01 This is like one of the first viral clips. This is like GI Joe parodies. I had somebody sent this to me I had a day job in like 2003 and I got this email to me No value without without volume and audio, but it's the funniest noise of per and also you just see this fucking doofy local tub chicks Shit pale calves. Yeah, really? I don't want to drink. Why are they why they crushing grapes on a balcony? I? Know no, it's like a good as well as stage God, please
Starting point is 00:24:41 There's a contest to stomp and how are you measuring who does the best stomp? And whoever stomps the most shoes wins an overnight stay, but it's not the only thing you do. The measuring cups are down below. Everything's going just great. Oh, the camera guy's right up in there. Solid content. And what else do you have going on here? It's really, it's so visual till it's all audio.
Starting point is 00:25:01 And spend the day listening to live music, eating international food. So that's the real girl doing it on the right. What a little turd. What a Rachel Dratch of a lady. She tried to cheat. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Jay's got to memorize like song lyrics. Oh, no. Ooh. That's got to sting. Yeah, give me one more, give me one more of the oohs. Right there, here. Yeah. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Dude, the other dud one they just go like hmm What do I do about this? She sees that shit happen three times a day There's some rich old man smoking a pipe laughing at that up on a fucking in the big plantation balcony Where were they she was trying to cheat to she's like wait stop. Yeah God the back to the studio is good, too. Oh you took a spill carrot I got a little extra. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, like somebody's trying to talk at like the, someone wins a college game and just wasted kids are running behind them. And the broadcaster just fucking breaks character and he's like, get the fuck away from here. They're so freaking out.
Starting point is 00:26:33 What about the black guy who got stung by a bee? Oh, that was great. That was the best one. Do you oversee, the overseas clips of those, just guys going by and like honking the girls tit and shit. Some of them just goosing like weather lady. And they just take it and go, oh God, what would they, why would someone do that to me? just guys going by and honking the girls tit and shit. They don't give a fuck. And they just take it and go, oh god, why would someone do that to me? They're like, Uventus!
Starting point is 00:26:51 Emirates! Man City! AC Milan! They're just goose and tits. They haven't gotten the woke thing over there just yet in Scotland. Just grab a fucking tit. They don't give a shit. The news things over here. Great.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Hey, what's up? I'm BK Burglar, Bob Kelly, a.k.a. the Rooster. I'm Big Jay Okerson. I only have one a.k.a. I'm a cowboy. Look, if you love the bonfire, which you know you do, this is just half of the show. That's right.
Starting point is 00:27:26 It's the podcast version, everybody. So if you want to hear the whole thing, go to slash bonfire to get the whole thing. Yeah, you get tons of other entertainment too. It's not just us. You got other shows that you can go to after you listen to our show. You can go to all kinds of other shows and you know what?
Starting point is 00:27:42 Tell a friend. But most importantly, this show. Yeah, this show. Just go to to the show do something resembling anything remember the girl quit like on air oh yeah recently right it wasn't that long ago I don't think I see no I think it's like a news lady quits live yeah it's just something like she says something she goes I don't take a really like saying fuck you fuck you and fuck you I quit it's just something, like she says something, she goes, I don't, it's really, it took a real life, it's like fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you, I quit. It's great.
Starting point is 00:28:08 I thought Jacob was cranking a Bud Light. That looks like a Bud Light. Jacob, what are you cranking, is that a Prime Energy? Are you getting fucking Jake Paul swole? You getting ready to put it on, dude? Is that Jacob, honey, is that you? Jacob, honey, is that you? That looks like a painting that would be
Starting point is 00:28:19 in Voss's house back there. Fucking G, really, dude, that room. It's a Voss painting. Mike, that room is so haunted. That's actually his family portrait of a little girl and a 52 year old man. Make Jacob big again, please. I gotta show you something.
Starting point is 00:28:35 In the background, Jacob, lower your head for a second. When Jacob first started going to Florida, that was a picture of an old lady behind him. And every time he sleeps there, Jacob's hair gets grayer and that picture gets younger It's always a different part of the room it's always looking over the shoulder it won't let Jacob go Every morning he has to take it off the pillow next to him and hang it back up. Jacob is so happy right now He's talking to nobody in the room. He's like I will I just got to go a guana hunt and I'll be back
Starting point is 00:29:02 Look how excited he is that he's not in New York City look at him look at his smile beaming he can't even keep his lips shut Look at all that sunlight coming through those black outlines Look how happy you are Jacob you gotta be you gotta be you gotta be stoked for swimming and shit in LA Jacob I am since you showed me the where we're gonna be hanging out I'm very excited, I got my. A Casa de Bonfire? Florida to LA, aren't you a little jet setter?
Starting point is 00:29:30 You really are dude, this is the most Jewish thing you've ever done in your life. Is that a nonstop flight from Florida Jacob? Or do you have to stop over in some cold ass, dark ass place? No, nonstop Miami to LA. It's a whole McGilla. Ah.
Starting point is 00:29:43 You think I had to hit Atlanta first? Yeah. I got Atlanta layover coming up soon. Really? Where's it, Fort Wayne? Yeah. Fort Wayne you can't just get to. It's the worst.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Atlanta's the worst airport in the country. It's like 50 football fields. And they took smoking out of it. No more. That was the best. You gotta sprint to the train. They had that smoke. I remember a lady came up,
Starting point is 00:30:02 left her baby carriage outside How much money that's not the worst story that kid dealt with how much is too much to not do a layover Like like if you were looking at it, and you're like okay, it's 1500 to not do a layover would you do it a thousand versus Alaya like where's your cutoff? Cross country? It depends on how long the, if I have enough time for the layover,
Starting point is 00:30:30 I don't mind it as much. Yeah, but do you wanna long see my thing? I try to get the fast layovers, and then if you don't land early, you're hauled, and it's never, I have never, I'm telling you this has happened once in 25 years of comedy. One time did I ever have my connecting flight be in the same even fucking hallway as the thing.
Starting point is 00:30:51 It's always multiple ones away, gates away. I don't mind, if it's a longer layover, I got to go to the lounge. I love fucking going to the lounge. If I have like a half hour and have to run, get a tram, and then I'm all sweaty and hot, I hate that. I want to travel over with them tram, and then I'm all sweaty and hot. I hate that. I want to travel over with them. I don't mind a lounge.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I like getting a nice little fucking latte. I can only have charcuterie so many times. How many egg bites can you eat in a day? Five. How many egg bites? It feels like the layover flights aren't really a choice between direct or layover. It's like there are no direct flights
Starting point is 00:31:23 from this place to this place know and it has to happen This is a little white privilege conversation black glue. I'm glad you're here to hear this Delta I'm gonna be honest. I'm there so much now step up the food game actually in the morning No, I know in the afternoon it spikes up nice. I Reached the breakfast is a little lame at this point. It's there's not much. I don't want an egg frittata There's not much. I don't want an egg frittata. I don't want that little fucking thing. I don't want that.
Starting point is 00:31:44 And I don't want that. They went off the hook when they opened LaGuardia, the new one, it was they had donuts, they had all kinds of weird shit. Good waffles. But they cut it all back now. There's no more donuts. There's no more like...
Starting point is 00:31:54 With the bagels still. What would you like? It's because we started dating. If they're listening, what would you like? It's like when you start dating a girl. Yeah. Six months later, you're taking all the breakfast. When you first went there, they actually applauded you.
Starting point is 00:32:04 When you went up, I always want to be the first one in the Delta lounge and go and they applauded you There was like a staff that would greet you now. They just now it's one guy Do you guys have good morning omelet bar omelet bar? That's not hard to do You can't do it on the bar sure like make your own omelets Listen you could have them constantly making like the flap of egg and then put inside of what you want It's not hard to do walk down the aisle. You know, I mean, it's not a bad thing at all You can make that I'm not saying it's the most ideal like it's cooked into the eggs toppings, but like who gives a shit Yeah, I'll tell you what some more options of bagels and honestly go the extra mile
Starting point is 00:32:44 You got things coming in and out all day at these airports. Why don't you give me some fresh Nova on that thing? Give me a little fresh Nova salmon. Don't they have that? Oh, they have the fish, the fish, what is that called, the fish salad. Oh, shrimp salad and shit? No, fish.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Oh, white fish salad. They have white fish salad. And it's too, it's a little chunky. If 25-year-old Jay heard this. Airport white fish salad. I'm gonna too, it's a little chunky. If 25-year-old Jay heard this. Airport whitefish salad. I'm gonna say, I'm there a lot now. And by the way, it's not like, I guess it's free to go,
Starting point is 00:33:11 but you have to use a bunch a year, whatever those points are, to get it. You gotta get the purple card. I say up the game a little bit. If you get the purple card, no points. Just free all the time. Yeah, reserve. The purple Amex Delta is the one that's free. The other one is not anymore and but you only get a certain amount of visits
Starting point is 00:33:28 I'm not with the purple. It's called reserve. Are you positive? I want to pay for it six I can't complain about politics because I don't vote so I if it's something I want to complain about I got a partake Yeah, Jay, that's your voice. Thank you. I like to have my voice be heard How about these showers? Everyone's talking about taking showers at the lounge? I don't need to do that shower after the I'm getting off the plane anyway. That's bonkers I know I've heard of multiple people going the showers at the Delta lounge are great I'm like your person that will shower at an airport, and I mean this I want you out of my lounge You shouldn't be allowed to be in the same way
Starting point is 00:34:02 I'm in there. I'm low, low rent trash in the fucking thing. Don't do something I would be appalled to do. Appalled, but I'll tell you what, went in the One Lounge just to take a dump, walls to the ceiling, fantastic. And you have your own door. You have your own door and it's good toilet paper. And while we're making suggestions to the Delta Lounge,
Starting point is 00:34:24 throw some fucking dude wipes in there throw some Baby wipes in the bathroom should be a dispenser. Yeah Every bathroom should have wipes every bathroom should have wipes you can't have a bidet though because poop comes out of your bum That's I don't want fucking airport water being blown on my ass Crazy, I know you guys all love I know you guys all love getting fucked in your ass by your own toilets, but I I'm sucked you haven't gone until I'm off municipal water, dude I am flush and wipes covered in shit the water that goes in the bidet is the same water that you drink out of the fountain
Starting point is 00:35:01 In your kitchen not true Yes Show me a video you drinking out of your bidet. kitchen. Not true. That's 100% true. And it's loud, really. Yes, it's 100%. Toilet water and, show me a video you drinking out of your bidet. Well listen, I'm not fucking a maniac. Why? Because you're drinking water. Because I shit in the bidet
Starting point is 00:35:13 and sometimes shit gets on the thing that shoots the water. You shit into the hose. Well the little thing comes down and sometimes poop goes on the little thing. I don't want that. No, no, no, no, see, but it has a self cleaner. I'll never use this. I never shit on my wipes.
Starting point is 00:35:23 I've never shit on my wipes. I use all three. Wipes, bidet, and regular. I do the same thing. I use the bid this. I've never shit on my wipes. I use all three. Wipes, bidets, and regular. I use the bidet, and I wipe it off with toilet paper, and then I use a little baby wipe just to make sure there's no mustard. Count it. You do the hat trick? Do you want to have, sorry fellas, a clean ass contest? You want to have a clean ass asshole contest at some point?
Starting point is 00:35:42 I'm not that confident. I eat like shit. I'm in 100%. I don't have a fantastic time. I know why I don't use it every single time. Use it that day. Sure. Hey, you're gonna lose. I never ever, ever. What?
Starting point is 00:35:52 Who you talking to? What's that, Jacob? You can't win. You're going to lose because you think. Say that, Jacob. Jacob, blindly get behind Andy. It fucking fuels me, dude. I'm gonna win this thing now just to ruin your life.
Starting point is 00:36:02 How do I know you're not? Hey, you know who I feel bad for? The judge of this contest. Who's judging our assholes Hey, you know who I feel bad for? The judge of this contest. Who's judging our assholes? You don't have to feel bad for Christine Evans. She's got a fine paying job here. Get an intern or a. I'm a fool to do, you're a dirty whore.
Starting point is 00:36:15 A reluctant young Dylan. Yeah, but you stick your finger in your asshole, right? Yep. You put your finger up to the first knuckle and clean out everything. That's the extra inch. Dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Yeah. And now I got a fingernail so it's less gay. My fingernail's painted. You use a Coke, you use a Coke nail for shit. I don't have that fetish. I don't have a fetish either. But I do have a penchant. A penchant.
Starting point is 00:36:40 A penchant? I know I heard it said, what was that? Baby reindeer, he said it was penchant. I like that show. I have a penchant for a clean asshole. It's not apocryphal to the conversation. But you don't clean your asshole like that after you take a poop.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Absolutely. So you take a poop and use baby wipes and then you stick the baby wipe in your asshole. When else would he? Do you do that after a piss? Like an ear. After a piss. And then after, and then the regular toilet paper,
Starting point is 00:37:07 I get in there. What I really do is I spread my asshole with my ass cheeks with my hands really far. And then I get that wrapped finger or two, and I really like, when I kind of put it on the outside, and then I let my asshole, and then I let my asshole swallow it back in. It's like you're cleaning the- And then I'm inside asshole swallow it back in.
Starting point is 00:37:25 And then I'm inside and then I pull out. It's like how you clean the bug trap of an above ground pool. You just get in there nice and fucking. You know what I did? There was a gynecologist's office. Bobby's blown away. I'm picturing a dolphin hole.
Starting point is 00:37:36 There was a gynecologist's office going out of business and I grabbed one of those chairs that have the spreaders. Oh yeah? And I just hop on there and fucking clean up. I spread myself out like a vagina. You get two ass cheeks, you spread them open. Do you use the seat to hold the other ass cheeks open?
Starting point is 00:37:50 Yeah, that's how I grip. We're talking about horse. By the time I'm doing this part of the wiping, I'm standing up. But I do the sitting down wiping. Of course. I do the sitting down wiping. I put a foot on the sink.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Why would you still, what the fuck? I look like Tony Pena when I'm wiping. You guys gotta stretch before you take a shit? And I'll tell you why this sink. Why would you still, what the fuck? I look like Tony Pena when I'm wiping. Because he's got a stretch before he takes a shit? And I'll tell you why this is 100% of the time, if you're not doing this, you're a disgusting piece of shit. Yeah, you're a weirdo. And I'm talking to everybody out there in the world.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I'm telling you, if you just stop wiping your ass, well you're bidetting, but if you just, and I can't speak on bidets, but if you're just wiping your ass, when you're sitting down, until there's no shit on the paper then Then you are walking around with a shitty asshole all day. Yep. You have then when I stand up that's in the real work starts That's when I one hand cheek open and the other cheek being held open with my this area here
Starting point is 00:38:39 Which I believe I have a thumb issue from this You have carpal tunnel. Yeah, I'm wiping your? I believe if I had a doctor tell me something, I'm telling you my hands are fucked all the time. Now Doc, listen up. Your mittens are therapeutic. Doc, bear with me on this one. There's copper in them. Oh.
Starting point is 00:38:54 I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. Jacob, what's that? There's a calcium buildup. It drives me nuts listening to your method, because it's like listening to a person who saw film for the first time, those people that thought the train was going to come through the screen. You don't know what you're missing. It's crazy. It sounds like I'm missing having a little thing inside my toilet that has shit streaks on it.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Or I'm shitting into a little hose that's shooting shitty water back out. It's a metal thing that comes out. And it's self-cleaning. The actual shit that Self-cleaning. It cleans itself when you're done. But the water, I've trained my asshole to open up. So you can hear the water go from this. Of course. And then the stuff that's in there comes out.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Like when they hose, you know when they're mining for gold with the water? Or like power washing a deck. It comes out, like more stuff comes out. So not only do I get up there, I get the other stuff that was probably gonna come out the next one. How do you know that's the stuff coming out from that?
Starting point is 00:39:52 How do you know? Because it's- You move around too. It's like a little mini enema. Yeah, exactly. No, but how do you know when that water's being farted back out of you? You feel it.
Starting point is 00:40:02 How do you know that there's things coming out with it? Because you can hear the plop in the toilet. Well and how do you know? You can't experience. How do you know it's just not water hitting the toilet? Cause it makes a plop. Wait a minute, so you got un-shit chunks of plop? Well you got poop that came out.
Starting point is 00:40:16 You got poop that came out. And then when the bidet goes up there, then it's like oh there's a little more. Here's what you're talking about. I'm also wiping after the bidet too. And wiping after the bidet and baby. And wiping after the bidet, and baby wiping. You gotta dry off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Bobby, you said you do not wipe after the bidet. I know. That's bananas. I will, I always have to check. I have to, you wipe it off, and then you have to get the toilet paper and dry. I actually have a dryer on my bidet that you hit a button and it has like a little hand dryer
Starting point is 00:40:43 that goes in your asshole. That one's doing all right. But it takes too long. And then a tip jar. What's this, a car wash? Nice to see how the other half lives. I'm not, I'm not, but I can't, I gotta know. I'm just telling you.
Starting point is 00:40:53 I need to be in there. Yeah, and what I'm doing, I promise you, is I mean, I'm in there, man. Yeah. It's probably much better for you to have a bidet. It is. You shouldn't be digging your asshole. I think about that too, where it's like, am I giving myself eventual asshole cancer by
Starting point is 00:41:07 only using wipes? Because I go through like a pack of wipes in a half a week. Sure. 40 to 50 wipes a week. I'm about a seven-wipe men. Seven in one sitting? You have to be fully naked. You have to have your pants off when you shit.
Starting point is 00:41:24 I do. Well, how do you put your leg up if you have underwear on? Well, I put them around my ankles. Yeah, but how do you get your leg up on the thing? Oh, he does it. I don't put my leg up. I do. So you get fully naked. I'm fully naked when I shit, whenever possible.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Why? I don't know, dude. What if something happens? What if your wife screams from the other room and you run out? I do like to have around my ankles underwear and basketball shorts at least. I keep one leg on, one leg on. Yeah, one leg on, but the other room and you run out. I do like to have around my ankles underwear and basketball shorts at least. I keep one leg on, one leg on.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Yeah, one leg on but the other leg's off. What if you're like, honey, and someone breaks in and you gotta run out. I go, just a sec, pumpkin. Today I shit with my tights on and I only pull them down to my knees and it'll be a girl peeing in her pantyhose. Robin Hood in the woods, dude?
Starting point is 00:42:04 With your tights. You're the newest convert, Lewis. Lewis is the newest convert. Black Lou, can you hear Jacob? Jacob's whistling at you. He says you're the newest convert to the bidet. It's fucking amazing. It's amazing. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:42:17 And you take such good care of your ass, I'm completely surprised that you don't want this thing. But does it have like a crystal clean water? Is there something about them in your past that you are, or you just think you won't like them? I don't think it's gay. I don't think it's gay. I know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Did you have a bad experience one time? Did you go through some fraternity thing? Actually, on Skanks today, the pre-record, we had something come up, and I meant to get Christine, I think you were in the shower when I was going to ask you. The devil image? No, we watched the baby reindeer. Yeah, I saw it. Good show.
Starting point is 00:42:42 And the thing started off with the guy guy like the first sexual self spoiler alert Is him fingering the guy's asshole? Hmm, and like I guess Fingering him and I was like that is what gay fingering is for sure because while I've had fingers up my ass Before I don't think I've ever been on your belly fucked No, I don't think I've ever been finger fucked and then I was like, I don't think Christine have you ever fucked me with your fingers up my ass I mean, I guess you kind of are fucking it a little what because he's backing up I mean, I guess you kind of are fucking it a little what cuz he's backing up
Starting point is 00:43:29 I mean, I don't just put it in and leave it there like a fucking dead fish She's looking for the prostate but I make love to your ass Jay Jay you back up into it. Do you ride it like fucking Cardi B? No. I'm not on my hands and knees getting butt fucked. What, your legs over your head? What are you doing? Yeah, well, your ass over tea cattle? Has Christine ever had to put one arm for...
Starting point is 00:43:58 Are you holding your tits? It's laying on my back. Showing her a tit. You're trying to suck your own nipple? Hell yeah. Christine's going, look at me in the eyes. It's laying on my back Trying to suck your own nibble Going look at me in the eyes Christine ever had to put their arm on the small of your back for leverage Well, you know guys, I guess I shouldn't share vulnerable things with this group Okay, I guess we all have a nice big laugh because I say I was asking Christine simply if she ever fucked my asshole
Starting point is 00:44:21 And then you guys just run with that you guys just go she ever fucked my asshole. And then you guys just run with it. You guys just go and fucking puke. Hey, extra extra read all about it. Jay's gay and loves getting fucked by his girlfriend up the ass. That's not what we said at all. I asked her if I don't believe she's ever fucked my asshole.
Starting point is 00:44:36 She's put a finger in my asshole and then been looking for the prostate. Did you ever call it an ass pussy? Never once. Christine, did you ever do anything fun like put a finger alien on and be like oh look what I found Ever put one of Jay's gloves on and go to work Too sensitive Christine's done with it
Starting point is 00:45:02 How often are you getting fucked in the ass by your girlfriend? I'd say it's been years. Every 76ers win. Every sixers win. I just torture myself. It's the price of ego. God, if you had the sixers win tonight, I'll let Christine just whale my ass like her. That's the deal you make.
Starting point is 00:45:19 And you gotta go 10, 9, 8, 76ers. Doing it for the team. All right, on 76ers, put it in. 10, 9 all right on 76ers put it in The Knicks always win when the sixers Fuck Jay's ass pussy, did you immediately wash your hands? No. What?
Starting point is 00:45:50 That's a real one. She made us from scratch snacks. What? She got cheese and crackers. You washed your hand, ate cookies. I feel like hummus. After fuck Chuck Udry. After fuck.
Starting point is 00:46:00 I mean, you see how he takes care of it. It's like fucking, there's nothing up there. It's coming out cleaner. Yeah, honestly. Honestly, her nails are he takes care of it. It's like fucking there's nothing up there. Her hands come out cleaner. Yeah, honestly. Honestly, her nails are shiny. She's got that soil all over under my nails. Her fingernail polish comes off.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Oh, no. They're shiny as hell. And now there's a butterfly decal on it. It stripped the sheen off. Put your fingers through a black fucking nail salon. Take the Harry Potter mirror. Everything comes out younger. She's like the Harry Potter here. Everything comes out younger. She's like, my wrinkles are gone.
Starting point is 00:46:29 That's Jacob's haunted picture of his great, great, great, great grandmother Louise. Wait, Jake, I don't think, I don't know if Andy and Mike have seen this, but I don't think Bobby's ever seen the fucking dolls. Oh, Bobby, have you not seen the dolls? What are you talking about? I mean, I can't get to them now. What do you mean you can't get to them? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:46:49 Dolls what upstairs Jacobs a doll you can't bring Jacob He has to go replenish his human juices his dad's gotta go read a Latin spell over his fucking head two months Jacobs an old Pinocchio. He's like software software update, come to Florida. Chayton, Louie, yo yo. Jacob, get your phone and go get the key. What kind of dolls are they? Figure out how to work your microphone.
Starting point is 00:47:31 We cannot hear you. Jacob, you're very low, and also grab the scariest of the dolls, please. Grab like two or three real terrifying ones. You know the ones I'm talking about. The real coolies. Why are they locked up? Because here's what happened. The dolls locked him out
Starting point is 00:47:48 We don't want to see him They're hideaways they're mad at you because you became a human don't listen to don't listen to what they say listen puppets You're gonna sing for everybody today King puppet talking to you. He's texting his mom right now. Can I get the dolls? She's like skeleton key Jacob you don't want to open up that kind of problems because they're evil Christine this is suppose that a skeleton key alligator skull attached to Jacob I thought the dolls didn't come alive during the day aren't you safe now you're fine right now fine you're fine that lady in the picture in the cupboard. They seek the vengeance for those slave souls
Starting point is 00:48:30 At nighttime all the dolls a little girls that his great-great-grandfather fucked. We got a one second I'll be that torso. Can I tell you something? What I took a chair to edit those are dolls from our lives in his family two out of every three dolls has this black face. No. No, no, no. Jesus Christ. These are pretty crazy. These are like old-timey.
Starting point is 00:48:50 These are like minstrels. The rouge. Yeah, these are the minstrel ones. Really? Oh, hello, my ragtime. Those were like the Marvelize and shit. If you walked in and saw these dolls, you'd be like screaming runaway. If I saw that, I think you had some kind of a creepy collector.
Starting point is 00:49:02 I've seen people collect odd, racist shit before. Shit, where was I at? In San Diego, where I almost, we looked at the picture, right, of the fucking, they had the old Dr. Seuss with the Sambo shit, the black face stuff. Does Jacob have the Annabelle doll? You know what makes me happy right now? Jacob has to go ask his mom.
Starting point is 00:49:18 For the dolls. If he can. Mom, can I get the key? I'll explain later. Yeah. You don't get it this weekend. Jacob's a grown man. And he has to go ask his mom right now for the key to the doll? I'll explain later. Yeah, you don't get it this weekend. Jacob's a grown man and has to go ask his mom right now for the key to the doll room.
Starting point is 00:49:29 The key's on like a fucking chain around her neck. She goes, no. I stayed at an Airbnb once in Red Hook, New York that had dolls everywhere, rocking chairs. And I was like, nope. I would take a baseball bat to those things, dude. I walked upstairs, I went, nope, and I turned around and left, I go, I can't sleep with these things.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Why would you invite people into your house with freaky fucking like, what are they like? I'll tell you what, in the 80s, you go to a lot of people's houses and they'd set you up in a room with no thought of having the black and white clowns. You know what I'm talking about? They weren't like clowns, per se.
Starting point is 00:49:56 It was just like figurines that had diamonds over their fucking faces, like little black-tipped noses. They were clowns. Just like French mannequin clowns. Yes. I stayed in a room with, what was it, Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls? like little black-tinted noses. They were clowns. They were like French mannequin clowns. I stayed in a room with the, what was it, Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls. Just like 30 of them.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Early Halloween costume for the big guy over here. Raggedy Andy. My mom, I swear to God, dressed me up as Raggedy Andy when I was like, that got you laid when you were over though. Pierrot clown. Pierrot clown. The French things. Little memory. My great aunt and uncle's house was just covered in clowns
Starting point is 00:50:25 as far as I could see. Eugh. I fucking hate clowns. The divorce in the entire house. I don't understand why they thought children would like clowns. Even the friendliest looking clown, it's like a clown is sinister music away from anything they
Starting point is 00:50:38 do being looked as terrifying. Yeah. A clown's an adult. Hey, your kids want to make balloons. Like, zzzzz this long a clown? Oh absolutely he has to speak to the speed Yes, exactly he's actually talking to the clowns right now. Where's one of you guys want to come first thing? Yes, do is find the amulet He's got to get the old book Just like a hundred percent don't believe they're locked and he just said that I get out of
Starting point is 00:51:04 What was the reason he said they're locked. And he just said that to try to get out of Britain. I do. I absolutely believe they're locked. I believe that 100% that they're locked. Now what was the reason he said they're locked for maybe like, are they valuable or? No, I'm telling you it's because Jigga probably finally had this an ass because these things are, you've never seen these before Bobby? These are, these aren't even the dolls you're thinking. They're scarier than what you're thinking. I'm thinking pretty scary. Do they have hard faces?
Starting point is 00:51:20 Yeah, are they cracked? Is it ceramic? Yeah, ceramic. With those weird hard eyes. With those weird hearts probably are. Oh boy. You'll see. They suck the air out of these ones. Are they cracked? You know what? I mean ceramic. Yes ceramic with those we are probably are no boy You'll see they suck the air out of this wall I think it never comes back. What if they got him? What if a doll comes back?
Starting point is 00:51:36 Jacob can't come back. He said I'll be happy to see you guys next week in Los Angeles Like a doll he comes back like a doll? He's dressed like a doll. He's just got rosy red cheeks. Hi guys. I'm back. Are any of them homemade? All of them by a sorcerer. Whose dolls are they? Are these like his mom's dolls or his?
Starting point is 00:51:58 Yeah. But this bedroom when Jacob's not there is for them. What? She puts them in the... Dude they have names. But this bedroom when Jacob's not there is for them. What? She puts them in the, oh boy. Dude, they have names. So Jacob has a bedroom and then they take the dolls and put them in another bedroom while he's staying there.
Starting point is 00:52:12 In a trunk. What? Dude, they hate Jacob. They don't like Jacob. He's being in our shoes. Why would they like Jacob? He's the one that got away. That's why they're locked up.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Jacob's scared of him at night. He's woody, dude. What's it like, Jacob? What's it like, Jacob? What's it like being a real person? You can never come back. I'd feel better if they were locked in a closet too if I was sleeping there. Absolute. This whole room is littered with terrifying things. All these pictures are terrifying.
Starting point is 00:52:37 No wonder he likes knives. You can't fucking shoot a doll. You have to stab him. I don't care for the southwestern motif. It's institutional culture. Oh! That genuinely got me. It's institutional culture. Oh! Oh! Jesus Christ. Oh! That genuinely got me.
Starting point is 00:52:48 That got me too. That genuinely got me a horror movie. Good job. Wow. I hate her. Oh shit. I hate Daphne. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Jacob, hold it up, Jacob, hold it up. You son of a bitch. Ask her, ask her, what? Ew! Jacob, what's her name? Yeah. Did you practice kissing on it? Under the skirt.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Jacob learned how to finger fuck with one of these things. Why, Daphne, I didn't know you were going to be here this week. You're so dry. That's just my mom. Don't be nervous. What's its name? That's the only one you came back with? What's the doll's name, Jacob with what's the dolls name Jacob?
Starting point is 00:53:25 This is the least scary one. I can't find you know remember you guys remember the one that's terrifying get it get that one I'm trying to Bobby you'll jump you brought Kim Karns back What is her name? It's under the foot I bet yeah under the foot oh, there's any Yeah, it's under the foot. I bet yeah under the foot. Oh, there's any Get in there Jacob, you know, they put it somewhere old-school patat that There you go like a grandfather before you Going up that parasol
Starting point is 00:54:05 Get up there, Jacob. Hey, looky what we have here. I'll say it again, great grandfather. Great, great, sorry. Oh, dude, I can't believe your father did that back then. Jacob, go get a scary one. Get one of the scarys. He sold his first house for a trunk of haunted dolls, dude. I can't believe they're in different locations.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Oh, Jacob, I think her name is tattooed on her lower back. I'm begging you to ask your mom. I don't know if you remember I just talked about Christine fucking my ass with her fingers and she didn't take my side. She went for the laugh. She went for the laugh over our relationship. Go ask mommy what the doll's name is yeah, can we at least know say mom? What's the name and where's the scarier one? Let's guess thank you. Can you call her in the Roman ask her on air? What is it? Let's guess what the name is before I think it's a zoo zoo that thing that that I'm thinking Madeline Madeline sounds like a French Madeline Penelope Penelope could be yeah, that was fucking no the scariest one. I mean
Starting point is 00:55:12 She was red Oh everybody Mike Fanoia, he's gonna be the music box theater at the Borgata Atlantic City May 10 through the 12th After that, he's gonna be in Las Vegas, Nevada, Chicago, and more for tickets and all tour dates. Visit And follow Mike on all socials at MikeFanoia.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Andy's gonna be at the best club in the country. The Comedy Connection in Providence, May 9th through the 11th. And there's gonna be Rogue Island Comedy Festival in Newport, Rhode Island. That sounds fun. For a whole month, you said? No, I've said it's a big Rhode Island month for me.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Oh yeah, there you go. May 23rd for tickets and all of the tour dates. Visit This week at I'm in San Jose, Bobby is in Sarasota. Sarasota. Sarasota. He's in Sarasota, PunchUp.liveota punch up dot live slash Robert Kelly big J Comedy for tickets for me in San Jose and then this week everybody show the thing for the The garage if you want to come see us go to serious XM
Starting point is 00:56:14 Dot-com slash Netflix is a joke fest for full details and how to enter so you can come you know purchase necessary must be US resident 18 and over please you can come watch us live at serious XM Thursday It's gonna be a lot of fun fun guests, so Next week gonna be the last I got a pair of say enjoy the pre-record tomorrow

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