The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - Et tu, Witzki? (feat. Adrienne Iapalucci)

Episode Date: December 21, 2020

Jay stayed at and haunted hotel in Austin and schooled everyone on the proper way to sleep. Adrienne Iapalucci joined the show and talked about an argument she had with a woke friend and then discusse...d the online dating profile of Bonfire regular, the Beastmaster, Justin Silver. Jay is upset when the owner of the Comedy Cellar is quoted in a book disparaging his comedy but who’s side is DJ Lou on anyway?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Comedy Central! BAM! Hi, I'm Dan Soder. I'm Big J.O.K.S.M. And you're listening to the Best of the Bond Fire. Stay tuned to hear some of our favorite moments from this week. You can listen to the Bond Fire Live every Monday through Thursday from 6th APM on Comedy Central Radio. Serious XM95 or on demand on the Serious XM app.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Also, be sure to follow us on all social media at the Bond Fire, SXM.M. Hey, Campus Crackle Crackle, it's your boy Black Tiger Black King Black Lou, and welcome to the bonfires best of the week. J performed in Austin, Texas this past weekend and discussed his stay at a haunted hotel. Then, he schooled everyone on the right way to sleep under the covers at night. The man's a genius. Have you, where did you, where'd you been going, Lou? What you been doing? I just want to visit... Oh shit, that's dry.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Oh man, oh I heard it. If you play it back you can hear it because go there. Yeah so where have you been going, Lou? I just went out on Friday night to visit my friend's bar and I wore masks all the time but you know people were hugging and shit. Yeah, how'd you wear masks through the drinks? Oh, I drink outside. Well, I don't want them smoking Okay, oh
Starting point is 00:01:12 You just did a bar not drinking No, you just go in to get your drinks and then with your mask on and then you go outside and live it up Okay, all right who are you there with who'd you hug? I didn't live it up. Okay. Who are you there with? Who'd you hug? Some old friends that I used to work with, I used to bartend with.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Republic and Ron. And it's like names that I think. Conspiracy Chris. Oh, we got COVID denier Danny. He's a good dude as well. Oh, that's Nazi Joe. Yeah, that guy's that's mouth kissing a Merrill. She's yeah, that's Nazi Joe. Yeah, that guy's that's mouth kissing a marital That's mono
Starting point is 00:01:49 Mono Marie that's you know, there's like the swap spit. It's pretty crazy Well, I hope you don't have it dude. I don't want you. You're all sweaty dude Yeah, but I feel feverish and I've been on the bowl a lot if you must know I don't mind if you have it and this is as bad as it gets for you. No, I saw Will Savin's this weekend and he had it and it's after it now. It's weeks later and it's like that's such a nice confidence at least to have that uh you know, now your day walker. Yeah, I could live like this for a while. Well, it's funny that the camera's right above a solo cup
Starting point is 00:02:27 So it just looks like he's like hey, whatever, you know, you just catch it and you move forward. What are you gonna do? Party man, what are you gonna do? This kegger's not gonna start itself Listen dude finnerty said it's five of cups. I'm charging everyone five of a cup Finnerty, that's a good one. That's a good guy's house party name. Well, you would use mine. Mine's Duke and Duke and it's always mine too. Well, Jason was just in the great state of Texas.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Oh, yeah. Country West. Taken on Joe Rogan and Dave Chappelle. One on one. You said you wanted that smoke. You're like, well, it's both due shows and let's see who shows up where yeah I think we did similar numbers except you know, he had like a whole
Starting point is 00:03:11 That's funny. We didn't do similar numbers But I mean their place they were doing wasn't much bigger like capacity wise Then I mean the paramounts great. What's the paramounts? I think they're tickets cost I think the tickets cost 220 dollars more than mine And seriously Yeah, I heard it was like 250 for a ticket. Dude, too, too, that's a lot of money. That's a lot of money. That is a lot of money stated a hotel that people couldn't tell you enough that it was haunted.
Starting point is 00:03:37 So that was awesome. You stated the Stephen F.F. Stephen F Austin hotel. They don't know. Now it's the state of the Driscoll. Oh, dude, I hate when they do that. I hate when a hotel plays up. How haunted it is is like, you're like, I don't, I, I'm not going to sleep now. People will be like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:58 They say they see a little girl in the steps at night. Like, what? We're honest. Yannis got married at this like weird manor. I want to say it was like this weird like we drove up. I think it was a state and we were there. Everyone's like, yeah, the this place is super haunted. And I was like, I don't want to know that.
Starting point is 00:04:16 And then we stayed the night there. And I was just laying in bed and like my bed at the foot of the bed was like a long hallway. And I was just like, this is the lady who worked there. I asked her, I go, why is everybody keep saying this place is haunted? She goes, it's like it's hard to say because like the rumors have changed so much over the years. She goes, plus, you know, the thing was always room 525 was haunted. But, you know, there was like a murder or something in there and it's like
Starting point is 00:04:42 haunted since then it goes goes but the thing is when Hilton purchased it And kept the name everything the same but it's a Hilton property. They're going to help purchase it. They changed all the Room number like labels and I was in 521 Sure like it could be somewhere around like sweet. Thank you miss So this is long as you're not on that floor. The floor. If you're not on that floor, you're totally cool. It's actually a wonderful hotel. If you're on that floor, people actually pay for the experience of hating this day.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Yeah, but plus it's like, you know, it's a good. Yeah, I just thought from the lobby of this place. It's in 525. Do you know what I mean? And it's like, okay, but ghosts go through walls, man. That's part of the thing of being a ghost, isn't it? That's sort of their thing. Do you think ghosts respect those key locks on hotel doors? They go, I don't have a card for this. I can get in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:36 The ghost goes to the job as a janitor. So it feels better about what it's doing because I just, I'm crashing here. The dress goals trying to get through these times. Nice hotel. I did one of the, I did the move, dude dress goal's trying to get through these times. Nice hotel. I did one of the, I did the move, dude. When there, no housekeeping anymore, I just get that extra blanket that smells like closet from the closet.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Yeah. And I just put that over me like a little, like a little puppy in the bed, in the middle of the bed. Wait, so you don't sleep under the covers? No, dude. Who's gonna make it the next day? No one. You just flop it back over.
Starting point is 00:06:04 You just do a side, you just flop it back over, you just do a side, you just flop it so it's covered? It's crazy, it's crazy what you're saying. No one's saying, it's weird that you're sleeping on the top of the bed like you're down for an evening nap. No, how do you make the beds? I can't make it all hotel-y. I don't make it hotel-y, I just flop it over
Starting point is 00:06:20 just so that it's covering the sheets. When the sheets are all mushed and mashy underneath. Straighten them out. You know, you do a little one of these. You know, you have left them and you put it down. I feel like you're, I feel like you're coming more around to what you do and adding more to what you do actually to accommodate what my fears are. Here's what I think you just pull the blanket up and just the pillows are wherever and and bashed in.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yes. No, I don't like that Here's what I do is I take the sheet in the cover right and I and I flop them I get in and I flop them back over and I kick and I sleep and I roll around a lot my sleep And then I wake up and I get out and I take the cover you know and half the bed still made and I just and I just pull that Tie it up and I fluff the pillows and I go about my day. I will say this if I'm gonna do it if it's gonna happen if you get too cold in the room which can happen. I'm gonna pull up like you just said a corner. Yeah, I'm gonna get just my I'm gonna get my tum tum and titties under it. I'm probably the feet kicked out and then when I get
Starting point is 00:07:23 up all I have to do exactly is like flip that corner back over where I was. Yeah, that's fine. Just do that, but just do that but do the whole thing where you get in, you know. I can't though, dude. You don't understand the bottom comes out. That's an ordeal. Why? You just keep then you just kick to get it over. Say I like kicking my feet out. So my feet get a little, I can go from undercover to out of cover, undercover to out of cover. It's real big sacrifice. Having the comfort of being warm and I want to be warm to not mess up the bed. Let me tell you right now, the biggest problem in KD and I's relationship is how much I fuck the sheets up at night when I sleep because I roll around.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Yeah, the Christine's a pretty bad, uh, uh, bedmushroom. Yeah, the Christina and I I do were thrashers? That's my thrash sister. What's up thrash sister? Do you can you not have comfortable sleep? So you do a lot of kicking at night? In the middle of the night Christine just punches and cries. Yeah, I mean dude I do I've a bowed Katie in the back. I've done a lot of shit damn really I Hit you in the face one morning didn't I? Like I said lunch to you in the back. I've done a lot of shit damn really I Hit you in the face one morning, didn't I? Like I said lunch to you in the face one morning one morning
Starting point is 00:08:30 Christine elbows me in the face. I Cheek so much She's a she's a real thrash or in flailer. I'm a flipper back and forth a little bit But I do it all night. I flip all night, but I showed you we couldn't do it on the hard floors of Series, but I can show you on a bed one day my in place George St. Pierce do is as a core exercise. He would stay on a he would he would balance his body on a giant ball. Yeah, and then flip to his back like in place basically. Oh, I do. I sort of do that. I get I start moving the shoulder. I start tucking the shoulder under I get like my body in ready for the position, but then it is a
Starting point is 00:09:11 fast jarring motion to actually make the switch. So let me let me just let me start to start to not disturb Christine Exactly, and I need to work on this technique So I might need to a job adopt my J. When you're on your right shoulder, right? When you flip, you flip towards the mattress, right? You don't turn face out. You don't turn face all the way around. Because they what's going to do, if you do that there, because they were going to do, you're going to yank a bunch of covers and fuck the whole sheet situation up. Can I, we've just, we've just pinpointed my problem.
Starting point is 00:09:45 If you flip to the outside, you're burrito rolling yourself, man, you're being a dick. I'm gonna come back at you in 2021 with a full progress report for, I'm gonna start inside flipping. When you flip on the inside and get that go, I'm telling you what you actually do, is you shoot some covers slack back towards her. And then when you get then when you get comfy it's all their way before you just pull over you
Starting point is 00:10:09 It's what it's like the delta miles of flipping you just really get yourself you get your own travel miles I'm gonna have you always what's up to go and when you're facing the other way when you're facing away from her Then you're gonna do the flip-back way then you're going over from her and you're gonna do the flip back way then you're going over because if you go under that way oh my god so you flip you flip under a way over towards yes oh buddy oh buddy I'm gonna try it tonight might save a relationship it might DJ low and black. Well, do you and your significant others have Sheet and comfort problems at all We have we both have the same side of the bed that we constantly fight to sleep on Well, it's like king of the hill that's still going on
Starting point is 00:11:00 Yeah, well, we don't we both like the right side and we don't want to be on the other side So it's like we got to take what's wrong with the left side. Did you tell her that you're the man? I do I say I pay for this bed Yeah, yeah, I have bad dreams on you have bad dreams on the left side. We got to go right Wait, why on the right is the right is the right side the one next to the wall? No, the wall is like a whole like you just feel like you're so far away from the TV and you feel like you're not even in bed It's just a bad feeling. It's hard to really No shit
Starting point is 00:11:31 Also is that the wrong side of the bed where you have your Eddie Federer catches your dreams? No, that's why I need the right side. I need to stare out his face I need to stare at his face. You know, I slept on the left side and I dreamt that Eddie left the band. Hey brother, why don't you, if you have any nightmares, just send them all up BVs way, huh? I'll take care of it. Don't worry, I could play this ukulele and knock them all away. Well, you know, if you dream something that's really scary, freaky, I could just take it and throw it inside my mucleady case. You know it kills bad juju light Hawaiian guitar. It's not I'm purposely trying to make it not I'm trying to make it not Johnny Depp. It's
Starting point is 00:12:13 all the way. It can be done. Johnny Depp's a little bit different. It's a tweak. That's my spring. My spring. St. Invent spring. The same. So what do you. So what do you do? Well, you guys just actually argue over it? Yep. And if someone falls asleep first, then you push them over to the bad side. What? What? You have a really toxic relationship for being so new.
Starting point is 00:12:36 You got that right? You guys have like under the highway rules. Really? Well, you fall asleep. You miss out. You can, what are your arguments about? Stop, me. Will's freaking out, because all this gooey is in the cabinet.
Starting point is 00:12:51 I don't know what to do with it. I don't know. I'm serious. Wow. You moved our, you turned our serial cabinet into a spices rack. And now we don't know where our serial is. Black Lou, how about you, Annalysa? We don't know where our cereal is. Black, Lou, how about you, and Alyssa? We don't use a sheet.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Nope. No top sheet. No top sheet. I'm down with that. Dude, I love a no sheet life. Hell yeah. We have a good computer with a duvet cover over it. And then we have two kikikos just in case. My question is how much you, uh, how much are you changing out those
Starting point is 00:13:25 duvet covers because I gotta tell you you got no covers you got a top sheet where's all your come going? I mean I know for a while they're clearly inside hello Hendricks but I mean you know now what do you do is the bottom of your fucking uh does the bottom of your comfort comfort on the top of a city car. She's burnt shit stains everywhere. Looks like a workout shirt. You're like, how long have you worked in a shirt out for? Bees wash it?
Starting point is 00:13:52 No, no, no. Hey, Lou, are you a wet nurse? What's going on under you? Adrian Apollucci joined the show. She talked about an argument she had with a woke friend. And then the conversation drifted into the online dating habits of bonfire the Beast Master Justin
Starting point is 00:14:09 it's weird because you anything anymore. So I going into the pandemic loosen up because people dying from COVID. So I I thought the PC culture w dying from COVID. So I thought that the PC culture wasn't going to be as bad. And it seems like it's almost worse because people are just
Starting point is 00:14:29 home and have so much time. Like yeah, so bored now. What I got like an argument with somebody about pronouns the other day, which I think are dumb. And then she told me that in 20 or 30 years, I'm going to be on the wrong side of it. And it's going to be what like racism is now. I'm like, you on the wrong side of it and it's going to be what like racism is now I'm like you're comparing pronouns to slavery I was like I don't even know how to debate that
Starting point is 00:14:50 That's like a level of woke insanity. I don't even get Yes, you know here DJ Lou for the record goes by hey who Those were his pronouns. Yeah, and I go by okay Yeah, I I go by okay. Yeah, I'm what huh? What I love about she just been when he was like online dating he would lie about his age But he said it was okay because the girls that he liked wouldn't go and I'm like yeah But that's they don't want you because you're older like why are you lying about your age? I'll get I'll get less hot chicks.
Starting point is 00:15:25 I'm like, yeah, that's happened when you get old. Yeah. Like, it was so funny to me. I'm like, just put your regular age. You get less of a choice. I'm like, yeah, that's the process. Yeah, you can't just lie to get the things you're living in your life and get the things you want.
Starting point is 00:15:43 She's going to find out your older. Dude, I couldn't imagine fucking a 20 something, or I could imagine fucking a 20 something year old. I've been a problem with that. That's because you're like 18 year olds. Yeah, I guess it will. Get a major in. Yeah, I'm saying I can.
Starting point is 00:15:56 What if I get you Adrian wrote that? I couldn't picture doing, I couldn't imagine fucking a younger girl with her not knowing my age. That would be weird. That would be weird to me Like that's a spring that on them later would seem very odd to me Yeah, well, I don't think he's he's not like Banging like he's not lying a lot, but it's a couple of years, you know for like three four years
Starting point is 00:16:17 Sure, yeah, I mean I don't know this was years ago though, so who knows? But I gotta tell you even if you if you take off five years or three years and it takes you out of your 40s back in your 30s You're still selling something false there. Yeah. Oh Absolutely, but the way that he explained this me. I was like, hey man. You don't need to convince me like that's all in your head I already know like Yeah, you like guys like, yeah. You like guys. No.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Oh, don't you like guys? Christ only knows. I think if he was in gay comics, he would blow up. You got them right, for sure. So I don't know why if he's not gay, he's not just out of mind. Oh my god, with that, just Justin doing the reverse of Berk-Krysher doing his shows, Toblis. Just being jacked.
Starting point is 00:17:03 He just jacked and oiled doing his shows. He's got good Just being jacked. He's like, just jacked in oil doing his show. He's got good jokes. So it's like Justin, like fucking, like having fucking killers actual good comedy sets, but just like appealing all the gay dudes. Or what if we just go full thunder? Do I fall up? Thunder down under,
Starting point is 00:17:17 thunder down under magic mic comedy, where he just comes out. Oh yeah. He goes, ah, there looks like, you what's up with loneliness? And then he's grabbed the whole and he's like, I'm here to rock your bones. I never tell you guys about the time I went to China.
Starting point is 00:17:33 I think this dinosaur fish just like eggs in me. I think it's that horsey. It's like eggs in me. No. No. I haven't seen him in a while. I mean like I haven't seen anyone But I don't even I'm like yeah, you ever see the you ever see a snoop dog video He became a dog and just went off into the wild to the
Starting point is 00:17:56 Nothing with the dog and me guys, he's still creating at the dots. He is dude. This gets Jacob so hard Jacob, how matter you that you can't do this this aggravates me He's doing pull-ups with a 45 pound plate attached to the east Look at that. Bob. Do you know so I can't do that? 45 you should he should just do jokes while he's doing that Yes, damn dude. That's what I'm saying now imagine it's playing genuine behind all that it's like Bup, Bup, Bup He's going like you know, I want to have one. I'm just a bachelor
Starting point is 00:18:32 You guys I never get something from Amazon Looking for my partner. It's like I ordered pens and Christine's gonna geol to this She was core strength Let me tell you something. I'm talking about a different world here. Christine Evans does not, one of her, not pet peeves,
Starting point is 00:18:52 but one of her not likes necessarily in guys is short. She looks nice tall man. Sorry, short kinks in the room. She looks tall. I think he also a lot about his height too. Yeah, this girl, Christine would make a heartbeat exception, a heartbeat exception for a Justin Silver in a heartbeat. Ooh. Yo, hello everybody.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Crackle Crackle. This is DJ Liu. And on this week's live Lost Hapes, Jay gets his feelings hurt when I take the side of Noam Dwarmen, the owner of the comedy seller New York City. Noam and I are friends, and it seems that he said some bad things about Jay in a new book that's coming out. You might want to pay special attention to Jacob's maniacal laughing in the background, as he enjoys me getting ripped apart for an hour instead of him for once. Enjoy. We have the gang all here, the lovely Christine Evans, Jacob Batat, comedy seller, company boy, DJ New Whiskey. Let me tell everyone out there, there is real heat between Jay and Lou.
Starting point is 00:19:55 There is real heat. No, there's no heat at all. No, here's what DJ Lou sent us a thing, little whole group today. And he was like, hey. And he said, no was right. Jay's a filthy idiot. And that's what that is mean. That was a private text to you.
Starting point is 00:20:09 I'm talking about the group chat. And the group chat, Lou goes, Hey, should we have no mong today for a while? And I was like, I don't have to see what Dan feels about that because we got to know from Dan. And then Dan, I call Dan, he's like, sure, I think it'd be a good like wrap up to this whole story with the book if you heard just today and Some things I was unhappy with and I go yeah, it would be good So I reach out to everybody. Yeah, let's do it if you can get no it was it minutes later before this nervous
Starting point is 00:20:36 this nervous nebush Fucking company boy turn coat turn coat Fucking company boy turn coat turn coat He goes hey Christine. Maybe do you want to reach out to Liz because I thought me this guy me I seem like he had like the the number ready to go. Yeah tell them if you want no more the trigger I'll sell the trigger like nothing all zap him on his hip right now We start to get him in the room you want him in the room? He started farming and out to other people that were uncomfortable doing it and then no one did it He goes hey, do you do you think if Soder calls
Starting point is 00:21:05 no doing his Ronnie Danger Field Impression, that he could think that maybe, hey, you know, I was thinking, like, I could call, that could be me, but like, the channels I have to go through to get his actual number would be a lot. So. Oh.
Starting point is 00:21:18 You guys have to use them on the company. On the company, our company, our weekly department meeting, Nome's interviewing this guy this week Oh! Oh! That's a big shit That's a big reveal to the whole department
Starting point is 00:21:32 Oh, shit You're in three lives dude You're living three lives Disabashed you and Pete know about this? Yeah I'm not with them anymore Oh yeah And secondly, fuck you, Jacob
Starting point is 00:21:43 You always shit on me for riding the fence and not like taking sides. I just like to hear all sides. I think you're funny. You heard all the sides. And I think somebody here is mistaken and it might be you and it might be him. I don't know yet. Oh, it was all pretending to now. It was all pretending to now. Look it was all what do you think I could be mistaken about oh Jay it was all pretend to know now Jay here a filthy problem What do you think I can be wrong? What am I wrong about? I just I know the character shut off the mic down I know the character shut off the fucking mic down. I just know that the character of this man is not what you think it is.
Starting point is 00:22:30 And there must be some mistake because there's no way he could be that much of a dickhead. You know in the movies when the couple's fighting and they're like, I just where do you go at night? And where do you stay in the girlfriend? I'm cheating on you. Is that what you wanted to tell you? And it's with your brother. That was that moment.
Starting point is 00:22:48 He said, if you might be wrong, I don't know. No, he's, it might be wrong. It's in a book, Lou. Ooh, so that makes it real. It says, it says like a script, gnome, colon, J may have to worry about that. That's my question. A question as the, you know, person on the show,
Starting point is 00:23:08 but also someone interested in the story. Sure, sure. Did we get a hold of no? And no, his fucking, his right hand refused to call him. He was nervous. Witsky, you didn't reach out. He asked me to text Liz. He loves the character of the man so much.
Starting point is 00:23:23 He's terrified to call him. I would have but no one got back to me I thought you guys had it handled But the way you presented it though, I think we all agree the way you presented it was like all right say the word now I'll I'll on cage No, I would Nobody said the word if you if you said if you guys said I don't want to make the call I would have made the call I'll make the call right now. How about that? Fucking they won't Drew Hinkinson made this. Oh, it's a Hankinson dude. You didn't know that my second cousin
Starting point is 00:24:02 Don't you guys tell me other gonna say it's it's like oh I like his world war two stuff I got dude he does some stuff on a Sudanese civil war that'll make you buckle It's only the most legitimate reporting listen anyways Alu the author's crime to me is Wanting to put it out there, but like that's any author. I don't shoot the author. I don't have much of a problem I think he actually wrote Pretty well it seems like he actually offers up a bunch of chances for no him to be like, yeah, but like you'll always stand comic first if it's something like that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:24:33 Again, I'm talking about within reason. I'm not a lunatic. Do you know what I mean? If like Whitsky, if there was a convicted rapist who was trying to come back and do comedy, it's like, I don't. But this is, yeah. But this is our last show before Christmas, for our Christmas break. Oh, well, I think Lou's celebrating Hanukkah now. Well, shift at the Jormon household. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, like to do the say to this year? Yeah, it was like I would love to. My new life.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I don't know. I really like to taste a holla dipped in red wine. Man, a chevets and holla. Is there a way, you know, first show back on the 27th or whatever that we're doing? Can we get known? Can we have that as well? I don't know. I mean, we know the chain of command is known.
Starting point is 00:25:23 DJ Lou, uh, SD and Jacob, then Christine. Lou, did you give a, did you give a blurb for the book? Oh, yeah, dude, you want to put a little barb in or something? Or I just found one. Everything in this book is true. Any bad stuff is true. So we're blurb. It's not well written, Lou.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I gotta be honest with you. I'm like, talk. I know, I know. I'm reading the book. I'm sorry. Do you want me to text my buddy right now? I'll text my buddy. What school is the book does have a floor plan
Starting point is 00:25:57 for the seller right on the inside? Oh, it really does. So I'm like looking at it. I go, no, it matches up. I'm gonna hide there. I go, let me tell you who's usually a problem table 160 168 to mess usually 168 tends to be a problem tends to be a 160
Starting point is 00:26:13 Couple this little corner here that corner, but in front of that once one 151 59 and 160 any seller Waitresses listening right now. We're really killing it hand servers. Yeah, whatever servers listen right now They go do they're nailing those sections those are always the drunk people how do they know that what do you own Lou did he pay six thousand dollars you could have a seat at temple did he did he say he would take out will and you would cover it do you pay you it if they paid you in giant gold coins Lou I'm telling you bite into them. They might be chocolate Well, how much was it 30 silver what did you turn your back on what do you give me for Judas Judas you fucking Judas 30 piece of silver? Do you got do you got points on the book Lou? What's going on?
Starting point is 00:27:03 What's going on big guy you got some points in the back of this? What's going on? What are you why you rocking the book? We're so on this book more than anybody. What they should think is very much for this. Yeah. This is a damn commercial for the book. And Luke, if you want to call your best friend, no, go for it. I'll tell you what, the bonfire over folds, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:19 You think you're going to sort, ride the live from the table to the top to the top. What if Lou becomes the booker of the seller Like this show falls and then he's like Jay you're filthy SD taps some money shoulder with a giant sword you are now the bringer of bliss and the bringer of pain 21 I Would have talked to him on the day for sure I'm and full disclosure like I'm very nervous to talk to him today for sure. And full disclosure, I'm very nervous to talk to him.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Not because I'm not going to work the cell any more in anything like that at all. I hate conflict. I know it's great radio when the thing is once I'm in it. I'm in it. So I know I'll go full tilt at the situation. But I really do. It's weird to approach it where I'm like, I'm just bummed out.
Starting point is 00:28:03 And I think he's going to be, again, it's weird to approach it where I'm like I'm just bummed out and like I think he's gonna be again It's my my guess. I think he's gonna be All excuses and shit, but maybe not you know, I mean maybe he's got but I just don't see what the valid point There would be other than if he goes I'm talking a hundred percent as a business owner restaurant tour Restaurant to That makes sense to me, but I mean like to be like just gotta let Jay know Crowns aren't really digging it aren't they yeah, let's let's definitely set that up because I would like to hear that Conversation Lou I would say take a sick day. I don't want you choosing between sides
Starting point is 00:28:37 Do you uh, maybe you could ask him a little one of your late night phone cord dragons of the closet phone calls on one of your late night phone core dragons of the closet phone calls. Hey, when you guys are giving your your good nights before you look up at the moon, I'm looking up at the moon speeches. Hey, in between your no you hang up, no you hang up first. If you could you guys got walkie talk. When you guys are done reading comic books over walkie talkies under your covers later. Yeah, wills like turn off the flashlight Lou Show them talking to no shut up. No, I'm reading we're both reading fantastic for he holds my career in his hands He's the He's my protector. What does he do? He feeds Lou a toy does he feeds Lou at the cellar you feed Lou. He's my protector. What does he do? He feeds Lou. It's what does he feeds Lou at the cellar you feed Lou. He's in Lou is so much free peed in hummus from that joint Lou will clear this up
Starting point is 00:29:32 Damn, dude, we'll clear this up. Who's the who's the guest at the table this week Lou? Who is it? Rebecca Trent Hey shout out Rebecca Trent. How many sellers show? What does he do? Glowed at Hermes fortunes. What is it you evil you evil people do when you hang out together? Yeah How about what a troll so bad I'm doing it with no walking it all on the cellar. I was like Let's have Budwiser flow.
Starting point is 00:30:06 It's here the coolest. Now you're the coolest. No, you're the coolest. No, you're the coolest. Dude, and then when we come back from Chris' break, there's this gonna be, he goes, Oh, man, no one tells this story about, uh, Zinefeld, you gotta hear it.
Starting point is 00:30:19 It's fucking great. He called me one of his unofficial Hebrews. I'm gonna write that down. You're saying any semetic things about my body. He's a Jew. And he called you a Hebrew? You're a Jew. I will. I am a Jew.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I want to be. I got cut and everything. We're gonna find out how Jewish know him as. Does he keep his allegiance to DJ Lou? He'll kick that poll off under the test your friendship with him DJ Lou. At the end of the conversation, I'm going to say no matter what, if we come to an agreement or we agree to disagree, at the end of it, I'm going to tell me you has to pick right now me or you.
Starting point is 00:30:58 See, there's no way I can come out of winter here. I'm not texting him. Oh, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't DJ Lou we could put our differences aside for a second here and I will say everybody get prepared to jump on Christine She's not I think I'm just do the wire myself. She's not feeling I am I'm starting to get it took me a few episodes to care But once it got a little Omar heavy. Yeah, oh That character's pretty fun. How fun is the courtyard with me and the kids? I just get it now. Yeah, I get who everybody is Wallace takes care of those little boys yeah DJ Lou did you watch the wire at all yeah I watched it all I watched it all in March of this year whoa we're not trying to do it at all are you playing virtual dreidel with your but buddy no he goes he's texted, he texted,
Starting point is 00:32:05 Luke, download the Dreadel app. And he goes, I'm doing the show. He goes, come on, bro. Come on, bro. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, he goes, LOL. OK. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:16 OK. They're just talking about the wire anyway. Can you jump with the time stick? Yeah. All right. We get it. Jay, you're watching shows that are good. Oh, geez.
Starting point is 00:32:25 I'll be over here spinning. Dan watches cartoons like a real part. How many sound effects do you get to put into live from the table? A lot of chairs scooting in there. I used to play a sound effect of them walking the comedian would walk from the table downstairs to the stage. And I played walking downstairs sound effects and no Maybe take it out. Oh see we don't clip your wings we don't
Starting point is 00:32:51 Clip your wings at all here. The answer is zero sound effects really but they probably talk to you a lot right and get your opinions and thoughts on things Care about what you say and do. Nope not on the show shelf. No, not at all. You're not an integral ingredient in the show, would you say? Interesting. I'm more of an expert. But an article where a guy says that I am a filthy garbage piece of shit. Jay, let me stop here, either.
Starting point is 00:33:16 I'm over selling for sure, yes. I hate to cut you off, but you misspoke. You said article. It is a full on book. Shout out to the Hankinson. Drew, we did it. We did it. It's put out by the lovely people at a scribe.
Starting point is 00:33:31 So, you know. It'll be coming out. Get ready to get ready 2022 for the dance autobiography coming out. I'm gonna scribe. Hankinson. That's true. So in this thing where the argument is, Nome says that I go too far and audiences are not responding and he needed to
Starting point is 00:33:51 tell me I need to change that. Versus me saying, I'm sad that they would take that stance in this situation. Your argument is one of us is wrong. I'm not a litigator, Jay. I don't know. I was right or wrong. Yeah, perfect. I don't know who's right or wrong. I just love both of you. But you know both people. You know, but you know who I am, right?
Starting point is 00:34:19 Yeah, but he knows he's saying he knows known too. So, no, I'm waiting. He's saying we say you know, no, me go. No, I would never mischaracterize somebody. I, he may, but he might have a great reason or, or he might have been, you're filthy. You think he might have a great reason to mischaracterize. You're filthy, Jay. You're a filthy boy. He may apologize. He may say, I fucked up. But why would he apologize? You're saying there's a chance he's right about it. And I need to be stopped by the owners of a club
Starting point is 00:34:49 from saying the things I say. What if I told you this was all a hit job? I think Lou sent that girl in. It's possible. How deep does this thing go? Who the fuck knows? This thing could go all the way to the top. Who the fuck knows all I know is it too whiskey it finally comes out it finally comes out I'm not you're not Jacob cut it out whoa whoa whoa we might see a whole G-Hod between Luon Jacob Jacob I tell you there's a strong chance if it came down to it you would fight you would fight no more my defense strong chance with our question thrown down sash
Starting point is 00:35:31 man you have to get past Ludo you really do maybe you in black loop you in black loop can go high low on them that's our our dad healthy you can take me out I can't believe I can't believe you and black luke and go high low on them. Ugh. That's her off. Damn, man, help. You can take me out. I can't believe that our show is going to be pinned a civil war over this book. Damn. You know, you know, Lou is the Confederacy.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Hey, Lou, you know that girl you were going to buy a car for on Facebook? I'd like to hear her side of the story before I decide you're a knitwit. What if all of the bunnies came out? It's just a fight. We're all the bunnies to come out. Calling all bunnies. He goes, Lou is good man.
Starting point is 00:36:11 He saved me from very dangerous life. He also called me Bonnie, which bright and day. He goes, This man still me from my village. Put me in shipping crate and sent me to America He goes now, buddy. He might have done it for a good reason Strong look if he didn't put you in a human trafficking slavery you would have never met We would be sitting at this apple bee. Yeah. How would you be here in premise new Jersey?
Starting point is 00:36:41 We wouldn't be having endless fries at this red rob Jersey we would be having endless fries at this red robber Bottomless fries they even have that where you come from whiskey I think this interview absolutely has to happen and to clear not only jays name What your name? I'm gonna give now. I'm gonna tell them off the bat that you got a You got a someone on the inside on your side here for sure look at Jacob's nod and yes I'll tell myself I'll tell him when I talk to him tonight
Starting point is 00:37:13 oh tonight oh you know how to drive that fucking steak deep in the heart that's all right but yeah tell him right when you talk to him that you think there's a strong chance. It's 50 50 maybe he's right about me and you my work partner for five years. Backbone is ready. Is it is not quite sure if if I'm who he thinks he is. Damn. Not saying any of this. You might as well just wrote that book. You might as well just co-author that book, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Are you a ghost writer? Sure. Is your pen name? Drew Hankinson. Hankinson.inson Hankinson he didn't look I'm gonna say I love I y'all that and what's you didn't look at the camera Hankinson huh? Shit shit Andrew huh got you got you well you know what I think this will shake out I think we will find out that Lou Whitsky. I don't know. I'm trying to defend this and I don't know if I can. If Whitsky's right. No, he just pulled the whole like, no, no, no, come here right to. I kind of respect it. I respect it. I respect the shit of it.
Starting point is 00:38:18 But I can't believe it. I don't think black Lou or Jacob think I'm this person they're describing This loser Jacob would you unskilled? If Jamie Foxx no talent if Jamie Foxx wrote a very seductive song talking about how shitty this fucking Radio show was yeah, would you take his side? We have saved again. If Jamie Foxx wrote a super seductive ass song, right, but how much we suck ass, the bonfire, and then call Jake, and you know, Jacob was still working at the Fox hole. Right. Would you take his side? I know it's not exactly the same, but you get the point of making you say when I stick up for Jacob.
Starting point is 00:38:58 No, I'm asking Jacob. Jacob wouldn't go with Jamie Foxx. Would you if you were still doing what you? I'm a proud member of the foxhole team, but I signed with Jay and you're talking and this is coming from the guy who produced the Foxhole Celebrity Week in an Atlantic City. I signed the Oakerson damn damn Do you know that means Jacob got the high five the remaining members of Envog Oh my god dude. He got to personally play blackjack from Neo That one called me like grishy. He's like blackjack with this. That's more likely what happened I'm trying to think of funny things. This funny what he actually ends up doing
Starting point is 00:39:43 He sent karaoke with Peppa from Salt's N Peppa. He goes, uh, yeah, you know, all for one were there. They had the buffet. We had some crab legs. And we walked over, put some fucking, had a nice game of black chicken meal. Damn. Lou hurt me today. I didn't say anything. I just said, just hear the man out before you, uh,
Starting point is 00:40:03 he said, find an OJ. Of course. Oh, I'm gonna hear him out for sure But I'm saying what said is said in a book You're saying what's in that book maybe he's right If I can oh you can it's it's it's pinned. It's eard. Oh here we go Lewitsky Oh, here we go. I don't. Louiski. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Let's say the thing she calls me, see if Lou nods. She's like, he was disgusting. He was just disgusting, rape aologist and Lou's like, all right, okay. You can't argue that. No, him says the one thing. He's like, he wouldn't stop somebody from working there for like doing a joke, but it was like it's saying
Starting point is 00:40:44 I would J like he would have to worry about If he continues to do this joke that he wouldn't work there and he goes he J may have to worry about that This is what you're upset about no him says because it wasn't going over Yeah, there is no line Sam said one Aaron joke and one person complained He was an outlier incident J was having a series of unhappy audiences Damn dude. Just sending him home fucking mad and Witsky's like, yep. I remember that. He was swinging and missing. When you were reading that yesterday on the show, I thought I saw Witsky nodding along.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Like it was a hip-hop song. Like he was like, oh, oh, you have come as my guest and friend to several of my late shows at the VU. The very place that's happened. You recall a series of shows where the crowds just weren't digging me? I've never seen that with you. We always seem to love you. Yeah. You're irrational off the stage and you're pinning shit on me that may no mayor may not have said
Starting point is 00:41:50 Well, no, I definitely did say there was a little period there where all of a sudden they weren't accepting it like they always had I called his attention to it and that's all I said what did he buy you for Monica this got you all Did he pay your way out of a ticket? What did he do? Lugo's ticket. I get you an anyfitter cameo. He goes, hey big guy. He's getting better.
Starting point is 00:42:14 It's me out here in Kaua-hu. Yeah. I just want to say man, no, I'm told me that you're having a birthday coming up and happy birthday to you Lugo. I don't understand that you're having a birthday coming up and Happy birthday to you Okay You're Burning Brother gonna blow that one candle alone a cupcake
Starting point is 00:42:42 one candle a long a cupcake. Yeah. Oh yeah. That was probably right about the whole God damn thing. No, dude. Stop it. Stop it. We are going to have an interview to understand this, but this is probably the best press that this book is going to get.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Oh, yeah. It's called Don't Appalach. Oh, we're going to move this real quick of motherfuckers. They're both going to help me out. And again, I'm glad that I could get points on it. Can I say? I have such long history. I don't expect a conversation with Nome and all reality
Starting point is 00:43:08 to go like no one talks anymore, or I'm banned from a club, or I'm like, fuck you in that club. I'm just like, I think it's just, it's wrong. The whole thing's wrong. Unlike Lou, I've chosen a side. Wow! Oh wow! DJ, I don't mean black Lou. Black Lou has chosen a side. Wow! Oh wow! Digi there, I don't mean black, blue.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Black, blue has chosen a side. And that is a white family. Black, blue, that you've chosen. It's white family. Hey, it's Big J. Algracen. And I hope you enjoyed this week's best of the Bond Fire. You can listen to the show live every Monday through Thursday. And I hope you enjoyed this week's Best of the Bond Fire.
Starting point is 00:43:47 You can listen to the show live every Monday through Thursday from 6th to 8 PM Eastern on Comedy Central Radio Series XM95 or on demand on the Series XMF. Be sure to follow us on social media at the Bond Fire at SexM. This has been a Comedy Central Podcast.

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