The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - Lightning Crashed

Episode Date: April 29, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, it's Big J. Okerson and Dan Soder. Welcome to the Bonfire podcast. We'll have new episodes every morning, Tuesday through Friday. You want more bonfire. You can hear our full show every day on SiriusXM. You can go to slash Bonfire for a special three month offer. The Bonfire! The bomb fire DJ Lou this one's gonna to you a little bit so I was Digging in on some some of the newest uh, I told you I go on that rock and roll true story So by the way, I'll give him a little plug. He thanked us for plugging them by the way. He's great He's gonna check those out things. They're so good. They just had the kaias one. I just watched recently. Yeah
Starting point is 00:00:41 But last night I watched his longest video yet. He says and he says there's more long ones coming but It was a whatever happened to the band live and I got to tell you something Lou I was so uninterested in the band live that I don't even I mean it was interesting documentary I'm saying that I was so uninterested in them that they released I Think six albums after that one everybody knows oh Yeah, buddy, and let me tell you something. I almost downloaded that album because that one album has like four or five true four four hits.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Four hits. He, uh, yeah, throwing copper after that. First of all, that wasn't their first album. Then they cranked out like six after and somewhere in between those six albums, the dude straight up left the band had a solo career, the singer, and then decided to come back to the band, and that is when Lou saw him with Bush, with Bush and was a seven-marie, not seven-marie three.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Gee. I have become a seven-marie three. It was something like that. Oh, for some, he must have. Bicca it wasn't seven Mary three was Who he get you why to flab it to flat do wrong it to right Did I come for some how many times I earnestly sang that is a teenager driving It's not in the course yet was the best for us where you're on the road. You got to go She come like a hole going to Hulkenoke, Nafor Hulkenoe Hulkenoe
Starting point is 00:02:13 That song was built to just scream out in a car by yourself and traffic that is white guy biting his bottom lip music If ever there was one that's cut off the traffic white guy music That's the music that makes a black person afraid when it's cranking out of a car yeah now probably country now I mean you know probably different different different fears of different funger music every home um live it's insane how little I pay attention so many you know when the dolphins cry that doof song that song is from like three albums after throwing copper yes yes they pop back in for one more hit did they just have a different producer how do you do nine albums in
Starting point is 00:03:00 one of them just I'll say what it is I'll say yeah, the guy was a knob straight through that first album was so successful. They said by the second album, they were like, I don't know. We can it's the same reason why Metallica, God bless them. They're not going to write a fucking classic song ever again, ever again. And there hasn't been a classic song on their last several albums because they've lost that hunger. That's fine But live said they lost that hunger immediately They said as soon as the one copper was so big the next album they were just like man whatever and then they were like you We're just rich guys now. You said throwing copper wasn't their first album Now it was their first album. I think is a lot. No, there's one more before the first one is mental jewelry Yeah, yeah, no one gave a shit at all.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Except me. What would dispute the Metallica claiming me? Well, classic songs in the last several albums. Jacob loves on. No, I loved Atlas rise and hardwired those two songs off the last album. Absolutely. They were that good. But they just won't they won't catch the There's just no test of time on and Jason Jacob also understands that my lifestyle is dictates my death style my lifestyle But Jacob like my daughter my daughter is if she's not aware of right now If she's not aware right now of it She sort of is and she will be aware in her life of the song Master of Puppets. She'll be aware of even like that black album that was like the most commercial thing was like so many hits of it. She'll know and her Sam and I'm sure she probably already knows it
Starting point is 00:04:36 for whom the bell goes. She has a sad day. She can really vibe with nothing else matters. She could dig into but she feels real, if she feels real patriotic, she can blast a little don't tread on me. I wouldn't lay any dough. I wouldn't lay any dough that she'll ever hear hardwired. Is that the band, the band's fault or is it the way music is heard now? I would say Napster. Napster, my best. Fuck them. No, it's both. It's both faults. Absolutely. But the thing is like, where are they gonna write?
Starting point is 00:05:09 We're placing the right that song. Like, you know what I mean? Like Guns and Rose can't write welcome to the jungle when everything's fantastic. Do like, yeah. You're gonna do okay. Yeah, the jungle baby. The best you're gonna get from new stuff is like,
Starting point is 00:05:22 oh, it's pretty good. Oh, dude, just make sure it's a boy Leman's I can't make the beautiful people anymore and Dan I'm so sorry to say Queens of the Stone Age dude their best stuff's behind them always stop it stop it He is growing as an artist and constantly changing right probably for the worst. It's not gonna be he's gonna be changing Out of the thing you liked eventually Mara. Leman Mansker changing and I kept complimenting his change, Dan. And so that butterfly started fucking attacking young women. Yeah, fucking written shitty music with movie director. I don't know what the fuck he's doing.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Fab, you don't know what album he was fucking waterboarding him in absent. You don't know if that started when you were successful. No, I stayed with him. I stayed with him longer than people that I'd say, if there's albums I'd go as a great album, and when people go, it sucks. I'll go, sure, if you're a casual fan, it sucks. What I like about Queens of the Stone Age
Starting point is 00:06:14 is they change every album. So you can't be mad at them for not doing songs for the deaf after they've done like three or four out. There, I would say they're my favorite albums, like Clockwork from 2013. So that that was like and I loved songs for the deaf and I loved self titled and and right now by the way though see no well you know he's he's he's got a little something so yeah dude guys gonna keep these guys gonna keep rocking and concert performance wise it's gonna be huge because
Starting point is 00:06:42 he's always gonna do those songs and the ones you want to hear because he's not ridiculous and that's what you have to do Okay, yeah, I understand man if you had to do that You think anybody wants to go see bad company lay out eight new tracks in a row? I don't think so dude they know you bad fucking company But you know what if they have a take on maybe a bad company to all Metallica Unforgiven three electric bugle. Yeah, dude, that was always I mean, I'm, but I've defended it.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I got back on board on an unforgiven three. Unforgiven two. I was like, this is ridiculous. I'm forgiving three of the three. The force awakens. Just looking death magnetic. I enjoyed. I think that magnetic was a good.
Starting point is 00:07:21 I'm sure sure was, Dan. I'm not arguing with you. I'm not saying to a person who's into the band, you'll like everything they do. But there's a reason Jack White albums are in as big as White Stripes out. Do you get what I'm saying? Like it's just, still the same guy.
Starting point is 00:07:36 It's just like the same. It was the White Stripes capture to thing. And you only capture a thing for so long. Don't you think that's the importance of like evolving and moving and changing? So it's a lot of time. And I'm saying live evolved changed quit, got back together and released six albums. And I was unaware that anything happened after throwing copper. Yeah. So you were telling me all died in a plane crash like skinned. You're telling me that he could have cut off his ponytail, grown long hair the same length,
Starting point is 00:08:06 shaved his head and had a new ponytail, and you never knew that he- Dan, not only would I've never knew, he had hair phases in between these years. See, he's like a lizard cutting his tail off, it grows in. There was hair phases in there, a solo career that he claims was going well.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Loo, did you see him on his solo career? I did not because I was mad because he, uh, he motherfucker the rest of the band. He told them, oh, these are my songs. Fuck you. You're not my brothers. And then they get back together. Now you're my brothers again. Fuck that ball. That's all I guess you could say that lightning crashed.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I mean, we really do have fun Yeah, dude, he does seem like he blows as a guy completely Very mind it's very modeling pictures. He takes very modeling pictures. He loves it He loves it and he yeah, he's a fuck the man then he started touring with just other dudes and called it live Yeah, he's at fuck the band then he started touring with just other dudes and called it live What if I just started a podcast with a bunch of other people and called it bonfire and I had like a bunch of plastic surgery on my face And I got super into it. I was like I don't talk to Jay anymore. It's toxic for the show This right here is Philip and Pierre. They're the new Jacob and Lou Lou, what are you gonna say?
Starting point is 00:09:25 The band live also toured, Ed, the lead singer toured on his own and then live the band toured on their own. The both, they're both like no, we're live, no, we're live. Who sang? Now listen, you're all 100% of the time, 100% time you go to see the lead singer. I'd go watch Axel Rose play with a high school band before I went to go watch slash Duff McKagan, Izzy Stradlin, Matt Sorm, and fucking Steve Adler on drums. I'd go watch Axel Rose go Acapella. Yes, Dan? I'm sorry. What if you
Starting point is 00:09:55 replaced that with another heroin addict named Scott Wyland? Because then that's fun. Oh yeah, I do that over just Axel Rose. Yeah, for sure. Now you throw in another famous lead singer for sure That's what they started doing that's but who jumped for live, but who jumped in for live? No one cuz no one wanted to fuck with them. They just did instrumental Yeah, they're probably hoping they're probably hoping a John popper would step in or someone Maybe hoody dude if you don't do the lyrics in those songs lightning crashes is four straight minutes of the lyrics in those songs lightning crashes is four straight minutes of John
Starting point is 00:10:27 Yeah dude it's gonna find your car in the park John Hey do you say they don't have the fire anymore because I know this would kill the bands to hear that who Mattal feels of has a fire to put out a good James that feeling right James has listening in his truck going no, no. They can write a mechanically good album, but they wrote songs like,
Starting point is 00:10:52 fuck, and nothing else matters. Fade the black. So like, and now they're like, they're like, who give a pack? They're like, it's a, I don't like when the driveway is packed. Who's causing my spot? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Whiskey in a jar, bro. Now hold on a spot. Yeah, whiskey in a jar. Now hold on a second. That's a classic Irish song. I know. I know. I'm just saying like no, yes, that is what it is, Jacob. They don't have the fuel that would make me. The fuck, give me that what you're desire.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Oh. But that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they just like, no, they don't have it anymore. but they're Yeah, they just like no they don't have it anymore, but here's the thing they can write a mechanically good song Sing something you guys know this is what we do now Like talk about the lady
Starting point is 00:11:45 Like see my fucking song Eddie's like no Is this instrumental Seriously anybody This is how we do it is You see a one guy in the audience go, Hey Angel, it's a raise. Braille, move on. You still... You still go, shut the fuck up. You don't get to sing it.
Starting point is 00:12:18 That's not the party set. That's not the part you're going, here it is. The Angel, it's a raise. Just different people doing that. That's the part you're going to hear it is The angel of the rays! Just different people doing that. Bad, because they don't know where they're at in the song. No, there's from the bass hits. The angel of the rays! What you're seeing right now is called Lightning Crashes Vertigo.
Starting point is 00:12:39 It's where no one knows where they're at in the song, because the song remembers where the angel opens our eyes. What? Those were there at the song because the song remembers where the angel opens our eyes There's no he's still wrong you're still wrong Man and then when he goes on solo tour He definitely I mean obviously does the entire live catalog dude You could do could do two costume changes, get some pussy and eat something, and the time it would take for him to come and start singing the song. They could do the Jingjika Jings for five straight minutes,
Starting point is 00:13:12 and the crowd will be into it. If you're in line for a beer, you go, hold on. We got a while, I'm gonna get these beers. Yeah, so we went back, I got a pathop I've seen in my song last week. You're fine, wait for the beer. Yeah, this is a... Floor... The ZRS just hit a pillow, baby, Calcrete! I've seen him I saw him last week. You're fine. Wait for the beer. Yeah, this is a
Starting point is 00:13:36 Nails it even in cuffs dude. He hit them beat though on beat You know why he was able to get his diaphragm open He's really belted out My mom was a music teacher. Sorry. I'm clad- I know my scales. The placenta falls on the floor. Him being a dick and also a cellar. Another rabbi slips in the afterbirth. I'm slapping and Benny Hill music's playing. They can't scoop it up. Everyone's laughing hard. Yeah. It's a bloody miss on the floor.
Starting point is 00:14:10 The engine over the race. I like that. Well, I'm glad to hear I'm glad to hear that they got back together and he re-rehearsed. I guess I think they're back. I think they're back together, but still no one gives a shit when things open up Let's let's see where live is that. Let's see if we can catch a live show good 16 minute or rock and roll two stories Was a good one. He says they're making longer ones. Yeah, which is cool But they're great also when they're like five six minutes, but like I definitely would watch longer ones He goes in he has has no licensing though. So it's all pictures and no volume. That's not a lot.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Behind the music was great. Behind the music was easily forgotten, but it was a great series. Yeah, because the licensing, that's the big thing, unauthorized documentaries. Yeah, that's like when they try to make the Hendrix music, but they couldn't get any Hendrix music. So it's just like, where the hell? And going like you the greatest guitar player of all time wound a down down down down down
Starting point is 00:15:12 I call it Green Hayes. Yeah, called a voodoo kid. It's pretty cool. I Seen a bunch of those were there's no context I call it green haze I've seen a bunch of those where there's no context. He's right, so why they're great. I call it green haze. Blah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. But yeah, you're right. Jacob, those are always, I mean, that was a great 30 rock joke.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Was that she was doing the, what's her name? Joan Baez. And his job. And his job. Janice Joplin. Yeah the jenny job job story i think the name they came up with is fucking hilarious because hendrix is a state is like notoriously hard to deal with like they'll sell shit but they won't do any movies or stuff big mama dude he left it all to big mama no he
Starting point is 00:15:58 did it his fucking that's a crazy thing that i saw on VH1 one time. His half sister got Hendrix's dad to sign away all the stuff to him and fucked over his brother. Who like grew up with Jimmy. He gets like, I've talked about this before, but his brother gets no money from like Hendrix's estate. And it's just his half sister that was like, I think three or four when he died. Like they met once. I want to believe it was a big mama. Mm-hmm. I knew that boy was running around putting his dad his next ties on his head that he was going to have some wrong with him.
Starting point is 00:16:36 He was different. Playing all that racket upstairs. Fuck you, a bunch of chicken scratch. I ain't know what was happening. Instead, it's a half white lady just fucking grabbing it all Rachel Dulles all Dulles all she got Dulles all dude. I hear you can't he won't allow his Adopted to be played
Starting point is 00:16:57 To be played during any War scenes any violent scenes really scenes and he violence scenes. Really? He bequeathed the entire estate to his adopted stepdaughter and left nothing for Hendrix's brother, Leon. Who's the hell? His dad. His dad. His dad died in 2002.
Starting point is 00:17:17 They did this to his adopted stepdaughter. That's fucking, that's pretty hilarious. It's dude. What's even funnier is they interviewed Leon in this documentary about his, you know, him not controlling the estate. Oh, oh, maybe that wasn't beautiful at all. Man, when he talks about it though, he's like, they made all of these products
Starting point is 00:17:35 and he's like the one product they made that, I couldn't understand why they made it. Was she sold the rights of Jimmy Hendrix to this red wine company and he's like, that's what he drank when he died. Is he drunk? He took like sleeping pills in red wine and then his like the lady that runs it's like, a Jimmy Hendrix Merlot would be fantastic.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Yes, remember County Central wanted you to fake drinking whiskey? Oh my god, yeah. Oh yeah, it's not. I'm gonna pop it in front of me. Even better, it wasn't whiskey. It was Bucardi, which literally killed my father. And we were doing, and we were doing that thing where we were, remember me and you were joking around
Starting point is 00:18:14 where they were trying to set up sound, and we were doing the, we were doing the talk show where I confront my father's killer, and it was a bottle of cartilage on, and they did it like what we were doing. They're like, hey guys, this is like their sponsor so we're going to kind of need them. No the guy the guy looking at the monitors was loving sound guy sound guy was sound guy was was in yeah he was way at time in he was in on the he was in on the
Starting point is 00:18:37 fucking heat diner scene he was in on the Christian bail freak out we gave him a lot of different bits do you think Hendendrick's brother went to the estate reading when al died and he was like oh baby i was up there right now floating in the atmosphere it's all beautiful baby because he left you nothing because excuse me excuse me yeah same say what excuse me while i check what i got nothing you know i taught Jimmy how to play left handed anyways. I'm thinking about buying an island in Barbados. What did he leave me? Was that one of Jimmy's headbands and that's it come again with who that fat little girl the my daddy adopted? Yeah
Starting point is 00:19:19 That fat little girl that was with my daddy's and my daddy's my mama. Oh Fat little girl that was with my daddy's and my daddy's a date is my mama. Oh No, that was when daddy married that fat white lady who sucked. Oh, man that kid sucked Yeah, dude getting shut out of you if your brother is like if you're like Michael Cobain You're like, uh, hey I just wondered if I could control curts of stain like get the fuck out of here. It's such a crush It to a person like as a person's Like makeup and their soul if they are expecting Like a free walk their whole life and then they find out otherwise do it's such a crushing thing to people
Starting point is 00:19:56 Like I 100% Leon Hendrix has walked into a bar and he's like Leon Hendrix your Jimmy Hendrix brother Well, you're buying beers and he's like Leon Hendrix. You're Jimmy Hendrix, brother? Well, you're buying beers and he's like, yeah, funny you bring that up. I'm not fucked over. Yeah, but I know some Philly comics that legit have a thing on their shoulder that aren't really much of anywhere now and they had like, hey, when's Kevin coming for us?
Starting point is 00:20:19 You're like, you know what I mean? Oh, really? You just keep staring for those headlights to the top of the street. I'm like, buddy, you better start thinking of some ideas dude And you always see it in the buy-out movies or whatever but like the shitty family members that come out of nowhere That's where sometimes I'm kind of grateful my dad is dead because if you've been alive That itchy palm to motherfucker would have came for me. Let's not remember
Starting point is 00:20:45 He wasn't a good dude. You're Gary might be your biggest enemy right now Changed up and fucking court dude. I'd rather have him as a you know a fucking a memory than just a guy being like You know those stories you're telling of me aren't exactly true I didn't find steel from your mom. I just took money that was ours and I spent it Yeah, as of now he's like the Nintendo guy He's got hits man. You don't lot. You know, it's like if live would have died after three albums Then you're like well, they had some hits, you know, I bet your dad I bet your dad owned so many of the Little cheap tin foil ash trays
Starting point is 00:21:26 yes a lot yes i thought you're talking about the other is that actually a actual asteris but they'd sell them like they would sell dixie cups almost yes and he would get them free at the bowling alley that he bartender that there you go i just like them because they made me feel strong because i could be a lot of course when he was done you can fall in the little secret tacos with the Yeah, yeah, of course when he was done, you could fold them up little pink little cigarette tacos. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Six cigarette tacos. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:48 My mom used to, my mom had a couple of them. You just fold it in the one hand, and you'd be like, look at the cigarette taco. Snag that from a restaurant. You also got to remember when, Dan, even when you were younger for sure and can remember those places, restaurants they could smoke inside.
Starting point is 00:22:02 So my mom would just sn snap, there you go. My mom would just snag those from like, you know, whatever pizza plays we're reading at or something. But yeah, that was when you would go into a restaurant, they would ask you if you want smoking or non-smoking. And that's what would be on the table and then they just throw it out when they're done. Very hygienic for their grotesque thing to be happening
Starting point is 00:22:20 in the place. I don't want to get germs from fucking sharing these ass trays. But yeah, man, if my dad were to stay alive, I think he would be, you never, did you ever worry about that? You think you're devastated alive that he would have followed the band live? Yes. No, he'd be a parrot head. Are you kidding me? My dad really opens his eyes. He would have a place in Florida Florida probably Western Florida is my guess Give him fucking fan boat rides Dude doing something probably just bartending down at like a club med and definitely a fan boat ride
Starting point is 00:22:55 Dude let's build the myth. I mean it's not happening So you get to go by his youthful age that when he died like by now. Yeahboat rides dude and fucking bartender and limited dude you'd be a fucking grizzled old 73 there'd be so many new Sheryls though I know but he'd have like a 55-year-old girlfriend with like a fucking fricacy tan I mean a real fellow sleep in it totally would live in Margaritaville Beach resort in Hollywood Beach, the and fact i think you would probably work there and more importantly kneecap me for money to help pay to live there see i'm worried that i'm too young to go there because that's the one i want to go to i don't want to go to a beautiful people fucking
Starting point is 00:23:36 uh... south beach resort i want to go with a bunch of fucking funny duds man just that's a whole town you would you would be in a cheap townhouse in Hollywood beach. You think he would be taking a girl named Cheryl here? No, he would meet a girl named Cheryl here. He would meet a lot of Cheryl's. He'd meet a lot of like, this is, this is this barrel for fishing. Yeah. Oh my god. Yeah. He would be the charming, he'd be the charming old bartender, which by the way, my father had phenomenal legs. I did not get the legs of my father I got my mom's bird legs
Starting point is 00:24:12 He would have short shorts those opes yeah, if he was up mid-quad on the opes and had some thick calves and then what are those? What are the shoes that chat tanks hates that my dad wore? Oh top-siders What's a top-siders Respectfully So shit, Dan how did we not talk about that yesterday? Oh my god It's a sad we got a fucking major chat hang story. We are it he got beat up by his girlfriend Yeah, his black girlfriend stop it We are in the end. He got beat up by his girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Yeah, his black girlfriend. Stop. It looks like he's blade. He looks like he bladed like a WCW wrestler. Yeah, dusty, dusty roads for it. He goes, listen here, baby. Listen here. We have high boy, Thama. Why boy, Thama coming in black queen. You're going to find out what happens at starcade at great American bash, baby.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Give a little update on what's going on. What's going on over in white boy summer? White boy summer is I think canceled now because. No, don't you dare. White boy summer doesn't believe in COVID or no problems like that. What's the actual video, a video popped up of him in an incident with a girlfriend?
Starting point is 00:25:20 That's right, yeah, I haven't watched the video yet, but people keep showing me the thing in him with a bloody lip or a bloody nose or something. That's a bloody forehead, I'm telling watched the video yet, but I keep people keep showing me the thing in him with a like a bloody lip or a bloody nose or something It's a bloody forehead. I'm telling you it looks like he blade it. I was at a forehead. Yeah, okay, whatever it is So he's like you fucking white boy summer might have yeah might be on the fritz Thank God we're still in spring Latinos get ready you're up you're on deck if white ones are on deck it's Latino summer that's a Latino summer and it's gonna be
Starting point is 00:25:50 spot the first year we had it we blew it we put Chad Hayson we put it Chad Hayson charger white boy summer that's what happens we thought we were we thought it was a lock with the hanks blood running through oh I thought a very least we were gonna get to do some sort of like a family cruise or something He's got nice white guy dynasty name really easy maybe ride the polar express. I know he has it I know he's been on it at least I know he's been on it. I know he knows for Christmas I know he knows for Christmas comes from I know he's met Santa Let's play this thing I I'm a chat hangs into the next girlfriend are at war over a volatile relationship that recently ended with both of them slinging allegations of violence and there's video of a bloody tanks.
Starting point is 00:26:33 I bet the sex was incredible. Yeah, yeah, for sure. It definitely was. Just like a Rihanna video. Yeah, yeah, they fucked savage You threaten me with a knife This is just a tax money with a knife Someone must not have gotten the email about white boys summer He goes, oh well, I'm having some returns on white boys summer It looks like there's a little pushback. The guys we should be up and running. I really... You attack me with a knife.
Starting point is 00:27:12 He's taking it very well. You're with Rick Flair. I turn my head for a second and you take me out, but I'm still here for your old title, baby. Son of a Hanks. I was born a son of a Hanks. Damn, look at his house Yeah, it's a
Starting point is 00:27:29 Police, your estate he's got a nice house for it being like or you think it's just Tom Hanks like guest home He's getting stabbed by a girlfriend in Tom Hanks guest I'm goes chat. Did you get into something at the house in Calabasas? Oh Shit Chet, did you get into something at the house in Calabasas? Oh, Chet! Chet! Oh, God! Come on! I don't do a good time x enough.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Oh, come on! Oh, I'm filming Cast Away 2! Wilson's revenge! We are looking terrible right now! We are not nailing this impression. Whatever, dude. Sometimes we miss. We don't have a Tom Hanks.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I'll learn, and I'll'll adapt and I will grow. Gettinx. Stronger faster. Tax me with the knife. Is she drunk? Is she going to attack who a knife? I don't know. She's technically the knife. It looks like there's a lot of people around. I can count five people that are there. Guys, is that she attacked me with a knife?
Starting point is 00:28:32 Where is this justice? Dude, he did the thing that the guy that hits the audience with the guitar, you know, that classic clip where he fucking honky-tonk's that person and then it goes back on stage and goes, you saw that he came at me and someone goes no. So much like the film you do a fucking fight at all. By the way, if she stabbed him with knife and she gets in trouble for great whatever. I'm saying like him just doing like the talking to the camera, she stabbing the knife,
Starting point is 00:29:00 look, she stabbing me and he's doing it for, they'll say documentation. If Christine, we were in any situation she put a camera to start filming us, I'd stun Look she stabbed me and he's doing it for he'll say documentation if Christine We were any situation she put a camera start filming us. I'd stun her dude. I'd stone colder. Oh That camera's going flying dude. Would you put the middle fingers over her face as she was knocked out and get down in there? Yeah, absolutely. Are you trying to fucking fill what is wrong with you? Well, he also isn't wiping the blood that's going over his eye and that's positive dude I want to go like this. This fucking going this. Now he's like BJ Pandu. He loves waiting for his mouth. So anyway, as y'all can see, white boy summers had a few hiccups. Yes. Anyways, we're in the for you. This is usually where we have a bronze we have a bronze to hooch statue always got to bring up hooch And this is where the magic happens guys
Starting point is 00:29:51 This is my moet is my moet is my moet drawer These are all my friends that I pay for It's pretty cool. That's wacky Brad. Yeah, should head Steve mark. He's kind of hang out and echo what I say. It's pretty sick. So also three black eyes are here all the time. I really don't know, but like they just kind of use the stuff and like that's chill. That's cool. They let me pretend like I know how to rap.
Starting point is 00:30:18 That's pretty fun. They have sex with our girlfriends and stuff, but like it's fine. Like we're all bros. So white boy summer. Yeah. And this white boy summer oh not at all you push me wow
Starting point is 00:30:36 do that revolting wow wow wow you say that I hit you. It's a tough one. Uh, uh, uh, uh. You know, it's like good chair. Yeah. Oh Well, oh well. I was She tackled with a knife in the kitchen. I was home. She stole my stuff
Starting point is 00:31:19 I'm glad I made it a thing. I called her ghetto. She had some cousins with her. Okay. My dad was right. I shouldn't have went to that neighborhood and made friends because they're not really my friends. Wala wala wala wala. Did they stab on your head? Did they steal your dad's platinum ways of discs? Yeah. She's saying she's done with them.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Is this his house? Look at that spiral staircase. It has in Texas, Shigerlian, Texas. Oh, good. Children live in places. Oh, okay. Dude, there's got to be so much money in that family. He lives with Tim Dylan
Starting point is 00:32:06 Tim's like what are you guys doing down there? You guys making so much noise stabbing the fucking head to get out. Shut up. I'm about to podcast Chat shut up. I love you, but shut up shut up Go outside and handle what you need to Wow up, go outside and handle what you need to. Wow. She just attacked me with a knife. You want to get out of my face. She just attacked me with a knife. There's the proof.
Starting point is 00:32:35 She's mad because I caught her stealing, stealing my money, taking my credit cards and charging her rent to them, other shit like that. And you know, can you pay your rent with a credit card? That's weird. You go, you can't? I don't know if I feel comfortable calling up Anthony and being like, hey, Anthony, how you doing? You ready to take a number down? He's like, all right, go ahead, Dan. What is it? What's the expiration date? All right, what's the security number? Dude, I haven't seen one video of Anybody from that band Migos fighting a woman where it doesn't look like a fair fight those guys are all real pencil decks man
Starting point is 00:33:14 They're such little guys They're also skinny then is weighted down with fucking heavy metal around their neck and they're always in a real scrum with these chicks Do you think they were the changes as a strengthening exercise? I mean, I'm not saying which guys who do you fear more? But I mean, Ray Rice put his girl into fucking space with one shot and had to drag her lifeless body into a thing. This guy, she held her own. I thought she won when I saw the bodies on these people I
Starting point is 00:33:49 Thought she was the one who won they have there. They're wearing the same thing in their build exactly the same What now all right now where's the queen? Where's the queen dude? Which one's the queen now there? To the right to their outweigh. No, no, no, that's the guy You're right though. It did look like two twins fighting The amigos got a pack on some weight if they're gonna, I mean, if you're gonna get film hit and women, dude, knock them out, man, don't humiliate yourself. By catching a fair one with a chick, you're still gonna get all the shit for it.
Starting point is 00:34:14 You can't be in a fair fight with a broad. The look at the elevator camera is so fucking funny. He's like, gosh. I was like, I guess, sorry, man, what floor? On the floor. You just waiting to get on. He goes, 17 stuff. Are you okay?
Starting point is 00:34:28 Are you? She's still on the ground that guys like, I'll take the next one. Yeah, I'm good. Is she? No, I'm actually waiting for someone. Oh, he's got a fucking call of duty brand new video game system. That's by the way, this video just switched over to Quavo and his girlfriend, Sawidi, fighting in an elevator, huh? Her whole thing, this girl, I just recently kind of discovered her whole thing.
Starting point is 00:34:50 She's a USC graduate. Her whole thing is about if you're pretty, you need a Mary rich and like her songs are all like, right? No, eight figures, big dicks. And then she's getting fucking beat up in an elevator. Yeah, well, he's got a lot of money in a big dick probably. Yeah. She didn't say, she didn't say,
Starting point is 00:35:07 she didn't say you can't hit me. Our whole thing is she's like an educated girl and she's investing and she has her degree and it's like just like an fighting an elevator. Maybe she took some karate classes. It's a local Taekwondo. Yeah, all that schooling, huh? Not one self defense class.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I mean, the elevator video is always funny because you're like if it's an elevator It's 100% on tape and then have a looking over the camera like hey guys Dude yeah to get there and in particularly in public where it's like you just that's like the world's watching always, like how could I fucking ever like do something? Like any- 1,000% through his teeth, he was going like, get up, get up, get up, run camera. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:51 You could get the fuck out of it. He was, he was, take my hand and make it seem like I'm helping you up. He's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's But I need you to get the fuck up you trip we were racing for the elevator because we're a cute couple who does things like that We do you set now please get up. I got a big tour coming up Everybody knows I don't hit Christine some too busy dunking on or on here The only abuses when you approve a wrong. Yeah It's only abusive. I don't say it on a talk show. So well, chat hanks is officially, I think we think
Starting point is 00:36:31 white boys, I'm or is he going to bounce back from this? Was there more to that video? There's a little more of it, right? Oh no. No, I was it jumped over the the quavo. She took wildbugs. She stole stuff. Doesn't the other one fist fight with Cardi B all the time?
Starting point is 00:36:44 No, I don't know about that. Yeah, I was in laying accusations down about the DA. I'm trying to get it invited to their house, Jay, and you're really fucking it up for me. I don't know. Were you trying to get to a Migos UFC party? Yeah, go. Listen, dude, I'm kind of in right now with Cardi B.
Starting point is 00:36:59 And oh, dude, I'll tell you what, then. I know you'd love this Those guys like Don't they rep sprite do they be so much right there be so much brighter house then I'll say what as an adult I've lost a complete flavor for sprite what even from McDonald's even from the McDonald's which is the best sprite possible Well, it can be good sprites sometimes Sometimes it could also be soda water because Sarah runs out. That's why you got to take a little gummer of it right there. You're just just drive away and trust. You just trust anybody that gives you something and tells you it's something. Hey, Jay, here's a bag of cocaine give me a thousand dollars this fucking guy if it wouldn't cause conflict dude
Starting point is 00:37:48 I would open everything I've ever got from fast food and I mean even open the bread and be like yeah No, dude come on Are you gonna put pickles on or you're not gonna put pickles on it? Why am I like this? I shouldn't have to tell you to put pickles on this Hey, Ace. I'm just gonna let you know. I'm gonna check this like a fucking Hey Ace, I'm just gonna let you know I'm gonna check this like a fucking You're gonna wish I was the health inspector by the Fucking bag. I'm going through it all layer by layer. So stick with me. You're gonna hear some hall You're here some horns all can but I am gonna get to the bottom of this one Why are so many of these dudes fucking?
Starting point is 00:38:23 I'm actually blown away But I don't believe I have any friends who were like physical with their chicks like With anything I Nothing I can think of off time I have like immediate like friends that I'm like are super physical with chicks I bet if I bet if I found out if someone was it would be someone that I'd be like really Probably you're probably right, but I'm saying but it's surprising how many people like do it Like there's a lot of people getting caught like doing this shit. I have girlfriends who hit their Boyfriends and I really really try to encourage them not to oh
Starting point is 00:39:02 Don't know why girls think it's okay to hit boys, but it's not okay. But like it's not okay to hit. You shouldn't hit me, Dan. Chris, do you know if I was just constantly, if I was constantly going after Jay, hitting him in the face and like trying to physically instigate stuff with him, wouldn't that be a problem? Chris, do you know what if I make you less hitable? If you didn't step over my Johnny Dangerously reference, that would make you so less hitable
Starting point is 00:39:24 to me. Chris, do you. All right Christine hit me once. Once. I like the idea of Christine having in enough school where she just trains ladies to hit their husbands. All right girls tape up the fists. We're going to cut our hair. It's battle mode Just get into smash them intense bangs times ladies. Let's go Get him up. You know what the hair is flying up in the eyes when you're kicking ass in there Yeah, I mean if you if I found out if you find out a friend of yours puts hands on his girlfriend and you just like Let it go. That's gotta that's Just as she is doing it If you just like let it go. That's got to, that's just as she is doing it. If you're like,
Starting point is 00:40:06 yeah, all right, Jacob, well, we just know you're okay with that, Jacob. Just staying quiet. Some people would say it makes you part of the problem, but oh, God, this is not what I expected. I do not laugh at this. This is not Florida, Jacob has lost his soul. Wow. Proveness to be this guy. I don't stand by that at all not one Iota I'm gonna sit my rules dude. I'm gonna sit down my friend I'm gonna put on a little Garth Brooks in the Thunder rolls and I'm gonna tell him to fucking keep his hands on Yeah. you

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