The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - Macho Dan Savage

Episode Date: May 5, 2021

Dan gets interviewed for a Macho Man Randy Savage documentary and takes a lot of flack when it airs! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Dan Soder and Big J. Oakerson. Welcome to the Bonfire Podcast. We'll have new episodes every morning, Tuesday through Friday. If you want more Bonfire, you can always hear our full show every day on Series XM. You can go to slash Bonfire for a special three month offer. The Bonfire! Welcome to the Bonfire. I so did that big joker send this to the faction talk serious xm103
Starting point is 00:00:32 uh... you know we got five it is five o'clock eastern it's a lovely seventy degrees here in the New York metropolitan area all right it's good that 70 degrees here in the New York metropolitan area it All right, it's good. Nice 70 degrees here in the New York metropolitan area. It's looking to be traffic on the ones.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Our first time in the situation, Dan, getting burned on a documentary. No, I was very lucky to be a part of the A&E biography of Macho Man Randy Savage. You were great, dude. What a perfect fucking place for you. Used them in appropriate joke at the wrong time. No, they Billy Corbin who is that No, man, I was Billy Corbin who has done a ton of awesome documentaries cocaine cowboys a lot of he's like though, you know
Starting point is 00:01:18 He's the Florida guy He I met him doing Jim and Sam and then Billy Corbin he like reached out to me and he was like, hey, um, Mike Lawrence, comic, friend of ours is, uh, helping me on this Macho Man documentary and I want to get a fans perspective. Would you want to sit down and talk about the Macho Man? So I thought this dude was like, gonna have me do my Macho Man impression, but you end up, you ended up like interviewing me for like two hours just about macho man's career and so I was
Starting point is 00:01:49 When the a&e biographies came out. I was like, oh shit I want to see that macho man one thinking that they would use me in like a Montage of macho man impressions and maybe some like fan reactions from like super I thought you were as cousin dude I know dude they used to be way too much Danny Poffo yeah dude they used me to a point where I it made me very uncomfortable when I watched it like I had to be like is his this is too much dude this is way too much they shouldn't be using me for this and then you're a pop oh dude, what if that's why I never told you that I go he's my real
Starting point is 00:02:27 dad. I should. Randy Poffo. My mom did some partying in Florida and fucking took one in the mitt from macho man. His name was Randy, right? Yeah, Randy Poffo. Randy Poffo. And he was like, you know, second generation wrestler, like his family cat wrestlers and I'm like a huge fan of his What's his brother's name? What's his brother the poet's name leaping Lanny well leaping that but is it really Mlanny? Yeah, Lanny Poffo and he was the genius in the day of you I remember I go back to liking him is leaping Lanny Poffo high flyer high fly and leaping Lanny You know what tell him what happened tell the part that people got upset with you for because as I think about it more I get more angry with people getting upset with
Starting point is 00:03:06 you at all well here's the crazy thing is I fucking went on Twitter today and I've seen like I'm tagged in like a bunch of conversations and what it is is this is why I love bonfire fans and just people that know me in general because a lot of the arguments online are like this fucking schmuck shouldn't have been in the documentary which a completely agree with you on that fair fair fair point b is there like I made a joke where they were like they wanted me to talk about his whole life so that like when he died you know watch a man died by having a heart attack as he was driving and his car went off the road and hit a tree.
Starting point is 00:03:45 And so just, Corvette, though, hit an oak tree. Everything's masculine. Everything. And it actually was like a jeep. I think it was like a hard, sturdy tree. But when, you know, dude, and Jay, you know this, when any time you're talking to someone for a long time, as I just want to make jokes
Starting point is 00:04:06 Like I'm not gonna take this seriously the whole time and so I was just like trying to make the crew laugh And I was like you help back all your jokes until it came to his untimely death and then all of a sudden All of a sudden Jerry Seinfeld observant some things. Because they was actually quite quiet and reserved the entire interview because all of a sudden I got to his death and this guy just starts on court in a tight seven. Nice and respectable towards the business during the entire time that just cinches that bridge. But by the end, I was like saying something stupid,
Starting point is 00:04:47 like, what a macho man way to die, a heart attack into a car accident, thinking, like, ah, this is, you know, B-roll. This is some B-roll you can use. And they put it at the end of the documentary at a very sad moment. While they're playing like the whole, while they're playing like the incredible
Starting point is 00:05:03 Hulk ending music, moving on down the road. Yeah, like the whole other playing like the incredible Hulk ending music, moving on down the road. Yeah. Like the sad music's playing and dancing. Walk, walk, walk, huh? It's like me and my awkward face being like, who do you not die and drive in a car? Oh, no. And that's everyone's like, dude, if I was a wrestling fan who had no clue I was and I
Starting point is 00:05:23 fucked this dude. No, you wouldn't. No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't give it three seconds of thought other than laughing. Other than laughing at the whole situation. So somebody just like going, who is this guy? It doesn't know you like should move on to be angry about that. The documentaries are relatively candid, I think.
Starting point is 00:05:40 So it's like, they don't think into the dirt, but I mean like like you know they do show that he had like a pretty fucking bizarre relationship with his chick Yeah, with Elizabeth like that that was a real like problematic thing. It's like they don't worry about it like Him being that guy they're like hey man And by the way macho man would cackle the slim Jimmy's of cackles at a joke about the guy who's man at used death. That's how little you would care about your death. Dude, who's upset with Dan? Guy died. Yeah. Guy died. Sitting in a lazy boy. Very funny. Very comfortable way to die. But it was not cool much, oh man. You know, at first I was like,
Starting point is 00:06:25 because when I saw that people got pissed, I was like, oh shit man. And then Katie was like, you regret the joke? I'm like, no, it was a fucking mild joke. It wasn't even a bad, like we've both made jokes when you hear a background you're kind of like, all right, well, I've got some stank on that one. But that was a joke where I was like,
Starting point is 00:06:43 no, that was relatively harmless. It was just where they put it in the documentary. Made it look super callous. It just made it look like, look, I can't speak the rest of the people that were offended, but this right now that you're doing right now for me is not cutting it. I'm still angry. I don't know, just like your excuses, just sounds like you're scaring. I don't know if you really mean it. I think you, I think you think it's hilarious that a man, a champion, a former champion, a family man who had a family, had a mother, had a leaping, a leaping brother at home and a, and an amazing career. And you chose to go make a mockery out of this man's death. What's the deal with having a heart attack into a tree? Are you showing the tree that you're
Starting point is 00:07:29 not working anymore? Are you trying to kill the tree? Who's dying here? I mean, you could drop an elbow, why drop a car into a tree? He has his Jeep went into a tree, he had a heart attack, and then a fucking battle tank drove over a head and then fucking bombs got dropped from a communist nation that wanted to steal everything that we love the thing was the tank the tank wheels were the only thing that were holding his organs in place so he was still alive and then he fought two people in one successfully but eventually the tank had to move in his body parts fell out and then he died i also heard he gets funny and that's funny to you. I also heard his
Starting point is 00:08:07 penis was pumping semen like a fountain soda machine into any woman that still by him. Fucking geyser. It's a guy who has 55 illegitimate children. That has been great man. Yeah, not the greatest that pulling out. Yeah, it so good, so good when you're deep inside. Yeah, as he does so much, he fucking got flung from the car in mid-hard attack and landed straight into some hot pussy. Or they say, and they say that's what it am in. They say that that him coming so hard killed him. But it's like, you know, we've both been interviewed for documentaries before. And it's just a weird thing when you think about you
Starting point is 00:08:51 are saying something and then they're like, cool, I can use that to tell my story. Makes me think of every crime documentary I've watched for some guys is sitting down. He's like, I'd love to talk to you about this and halfway through. He's like, oh, you're gonna say I killed her. Your questions are forming into it.
Starting point is 00:09:07 But you're ahead of the game. You're ahead of the game on me. At least the network hasn't fucking publicly turned on you. Whenever this happens to me, the place that was like, thanks for doing an interview. That was fantastic. So funny.
Starting point is 00:09:20 And then people go, that's racist. And then they go, I know, he just scumbagag racist and I was actually forced to interview him by my racist boss I'm trying to sue this whole company actually I'm like what? It's funny. Well, it's crazy about that is I'm actually doing my own documentary about turning racists away Racism and he was unbreakable. I would say he was deeply cemented in his racism Do you think you could do a good job at turning a racist to not being racist? Yeah. And also, and also like, I don't know, man, I get I'm always weird, especially those documentaries
Starting point is 00:09:53 that show someone who was like crazy racist, like you know, they got wrapped up in those gangs. I believe they come out and I believe they know they were ridiculous. But like as far as being a close friend with that person, it's not about having bad beliefs. I go, dude, you're too susceptible, man. You can have talked me into like black people were like the plight of my life that like need to be sent away or kill. You know, I mean like, or you just couldn't like convince me of that at any point. I know it's circumstantial sometimes, but still you have to be able to be employed. I mean, you saw a higher learning. It took Michael Rappport one conversation
Starting point is 00:10:36 to complete. So she had passed homicidal murdering white supremacist. Can I earlier that week he was no problem with black people. At least two weeks later, a week and a half later, you shoot, you shoot in fucking tower of banks in the middle of the field. Yeah, guys up in a water tower, just fucking picking people up. I mean, what a lie. But Iver Tower, a similar question to you is, how many conversations would it take
Starting point is 00:10:57 to get you to consider a occult? Like, how many conversations do you, like, I would think you're at least a five or six. You need to be walked down to join a cult because they gotta keep talking to you, you know, and talking to you. Yeah, yeah. I would say, I would only take two to three conversations.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I think by the, I think by the third, I'm like coming back and telling Katie some of the ideas, like these guys fucking get it. These guys, they always say it's how it happens and most of the people, especially the nexium people, that one particular, they were like, no, and I know, and I would say when I first went to the first meeting, I was like, oh, it's one of those pyramid schemes.
Starting point is 00:11:37 And then the guy was like, it is, but he just goes, no, that's not, it's just something different, they go, okay. Yeah, and then it just ends, like, it's like that much it took for them to get in. But like, so I hear what you're saying, Dan, but like, I just, maybe it's ego or what, but I really don't think I can be led into something. Like I just like, I would always see this silly in it. So quick.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Like just all of us like, like minded people doing like, you know, now we're our mission statements. Just words like that. I'm like, you know now we're our mission statements just words like that I'm like I know I if they that's what I'm saying they would have to play it real They'd have to play it real Up front up front real casual they got me going like go on to come to this picnic and then they're like you know We're like playing volleyball and they're like man. You you are so much fun to be around. It's almost the point. Thanks, Cliff. But it's like, once you come by the house, we got our kid games.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Oh, you like Neo Geo? We got a, we got an actual working Neo Geo from the 90s. And I'm like, I've been played, I've been played world heroes too and so long. And then they're like, oh, check out this chronic nug that we got. This is, and I'm like, oh, it's fun. And then by the third day, they're like, would you bleed for me? And I'm like, oh, yeah, sure, dude. I don't know. Dude, in 69, you had a fucking pair of earrings made out of Sharon Tate's nipples, dude.
Starting point is 00:12:54 You did out of there. I would have been right. I would have been right. A couple of shorts, a couple of short, shorted white girls. And then like, yeah, you want to hang and smoke, just listen to this guy kick it on the guitar like yeah, dude totally You would have been right there. Absolutely. I would have been like techs move over Let me get some slashes in before I go make a Sammy and fucking taste kitchen. That's where all the Jewish comes out of me I'd be like we're sleeping where?
Starting point is 00:13:16 Like no, it's like I'd go there for the day and kick it and have fun But like is there definitely a how late to the cabs right out here because I can't sleep here I'm so I'm so desperately seeking approval and also I've been through but like is there definitely like how late do the cabs run out here because I can't sleep here. I'm so desperate. I'm so desperately seeking approval. And also I've been through, you know, I grew up in Colorado that I'd be like, we're sleeping on rocks.
Starting point is 00:13:32 That's fun. All I need is basically like a jacket to roll up under my neck and maybe like, I'd be there, dude. I don't want, I don't, and I think I'm the, I think I'm the personality that would have worn over to Charles Manson and been like, dude,
Starting point is 00:13:44 I dig what you're doing. And I in I go I see what you got going I see all the wacky shit there's there's a lot there You got those broads singing some fucking wacky shit out there Damn Chuck you're slinging dick I'm like you're fucking them all dude. I want in dude. Let me in or I'll tell you what I'm gonna find one half brain in this group And I'm gonna explain on what you're doing I'm gonna tell him this dumb shit you're doing Dude I would yeah, I would easily be I think I would be more into like
Starting point is 00:14:14 Like a like a cult where there's extra terrestrial ones like what was the one where they all kill themselves and Nike's with their dicks locked off Heavens Gate Heavens Gate They cut their Dix off. I think some of them did. I started watching that HBO documentary about it. I've been listening to several podcasts. I got about it. I gotta be honest with you. Somehow, if you might say there might be
Starting point is 00:14:37 general mutilation, they all dressed the same. That guy's face looks like a goblin. All that said, I find it to be every time I start this documentary, the most boring fucking story I've ever heard like get to the suicide that was that a decision did they all fucking go nutty on the same day like it seems besides that was a boring bunch of people hanging out also the credit is due freshest kicks in the cult death game I mean that's a fucking It's a nice. I think those were the Air Force ones. I did. I get the jump and everyone Earth Force one. That next
Starting point is 00:15:14 him cold is exactly the way Dan described it. They're just playing PlayStation and then a couple of days later, they're wearing like peach scarves. Yeah, totally. I was'm saying, that was more of a play-and-play station. Yeah, keep playing PlayStation. They're like, uh, it's like when you guys want to run, when you guys want to run there and fuck Keith or whatever, it doesn't. It's not even a big deal. Honestly, we're all having dinner later.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Dude, if I was a mashing, if I was mashing fucking arcade buttons on a fucking thing and they're like, hey, uh, Barbara, the Supreme Leader's wife needs her butt eaten. I mean, I do like one of these like from when you're a kid ago. Yeah, yeah, yeah, hold on. Yeah, I'll be there in a second. I'm on my last guy. I want my last guy anyway.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Do you have a quarter? I'll use her butt better if I can fucking. I'm going to fight this boss. If I could finish this boss. I'm in a deathmatch right now. And like the walser spikes. So you got to Mother's Day is coming up. When do we say his last day for submissions Jacob?
Starting point is 00:16:15 For smash or trash your mom picks. If we're gonna do it on Monday then I would say, uh, please get them in by, uh, Friday. Nudes would be appreciated, but, uh, are not necessary as it is your mother. Um, so don't do that actually probably I Need her do I don't know dude. I'm on it now. Now hung up on it. No smash your trash. You're wrong Smash your trash your mom. Do we even play it in this? No, no, no I think it's a great idea, but maybe don't send naked pictures your mom or no not naked pictures Just pictures it's she's the most smashable Yeah, sometimes that might be naked.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Then think. Okay, true. Yeah. And remember that the picks have to be after you were born. Yes, true. Yeah, he has to be a mom. Yeah, it just be a mom, not an 18 year old picture of her. Baby, there needs to cross through the puzzle, threshold or bust through the belly C section style. Yeah, listen, that could still be for a lot of our people. That's a still 30 year old picture. You know, I mean, yeah, preferably, I would say, preferably, I prefer a recent one. I'd say smash a trash, your mom recent, but I mean, because if you go back too far,
Starting point is 00:17:22 everyone's fucking, uh, you know, I mean, well, dude, everyone's fucking smacking. Well, dude, that's what a child is. It's proof of receipt from getting smashed up. I've gotten a few already. I want to tell you both. And so far I'm in. Jacob says, Jacob says smash. Jacob really?
Starting point is 00:17:39 Jacob, you are picky too. Yeah, Jacob's coming for that stepdad title. He's looking to fucking hang with your mom. One more thing about the submissions. Just send to the pictures and just give us your at least you're will say just your first name and where you're from. Okay, first name where you're from. Differentiate.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Yeah. Also, if you're a mom listening, you could send your own smash or trash in. Yeah, we're going to be fair. you could send your own smash your trash in yeah We won't go. It's the whole crew. We're gonna be fair. We're gonna be very fair on Monday We're doing it. See that's the way maybe they'll send some nudes if they themselves send them in God it's even I'm saying got you maybe they had a kid a couple years ago But they don't mind showing a little fucking pizoon. You know what I mean a lot of pizoon a lot of pizoon A lot of buzz. A lot of buzz. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:23 I think you need a little taste if you want one pick. I'll do one. I'll do one. You know what? I'll take a look. I'll take a look. I'll give you a little look. How about a little Amu's Boosh?
Starting point is 00:18:33 Oh, your mom's Poonanay. And Jacob, hey, while you're doing that, why don't you send us the ad reads for the day because we don't have any. I got him. I got him. Did you? I didn't get him. I'm looking at my email it's fat it's what I got it I got
Starting point is 00:18:50 you covered dog okay is this the first one? ah total mom total 90s mom but do check it out absolutely mom and that's the one on the left is like Joe current that's current. I think on the left and right is back It looks when fanny packs and shit worth thing. Yeah I gotta tell you both pictures Smash This is hard to tool man, you know what? Oh smash Yeah, I'll say yeah, dude. She's got the 70s titties. Yeah, I'm sorry. There's boy in it. There's bananas with the
Starting point is 00:19:28 where the it's just a gripping nipple just the area always so much they slapped it on the front like a fucking factory sticker dude. It looks yeah like the front of a fucking bullet like you know, I mean it's not like in the front of the tit it starts at the top of the tit and it becomes all ariola. I like Oh, roller skate sluts hell yeah the awesome rough shape Yeah, the odd I gotta be honest. Maybe the odds hotter. I don't know but Mom definitely looks like take all the kids. I don't want these ones anyway. I'm out here trying to be a skate slut Hey, you want to go fuck? All right. All right. Well, let's take our break so we can get
Starting point is 00:20:12 these. Yeah, whoever sent these in. Do I reach we read the thing or now? It's Maggie sent it in and it's over mom Jodi and Maggie. The answer is a smash. Your mom. mom jody and Maggie the answer is uh smash yeah your mom get it you're mom get it your mom gonna fuck fish leave the shit I judge by the way if I'm not prime if they would
Starting point is 00:20:36 have never fucked me you know I mean that I'm like of course yeah well of cool neither of those girls would have fucked me look at Jacob defending his internet by the way you see the chat We find it. It's fine. Don't come at my fucking folks like that. I was telling that for your That good understand it. It wasn't
Starting point is 00:20:54 Okay, never mind why is your video off dude? Why is your video off that what are you doing? You're smacking it? We just got a good Smash or trash Do you want to burn it up right now? Yeah, we are really we're blowing on low. People are going to send a lot, but I'll tell you what. I'm just like setting them in. We're like, did you look Jacob? Did you already take a peak Jacob? I'm the gatekeeper. I have. Yeah, dude, you're not. You're Melkhyper Jr.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Are you tell us if they're going to get drafted? So be honest, be honest with us. Would you smash? Are you saying we're gonna wait because it's gonna make it's gonna make it weird me only have a little bit show left Well, I mean it's it's for it's for our mother's day. God you wink, wink, she's a pig. God She's a pig wink. Oh no, I she's a sloppy animal. I got a wink wink. I get what you saying face of a blood wound You got it. I got yeah, wouldn't fucker to save your mother's life. I got her. Stand where you said understand what you're saying It was a bit weird. I must have been sperm donor no way another man human man would lay on that and pump his seat into her They know they just sent it so everyone's gonna know who it is no matter like they'll know who it is no matter what
Starting point is 00:21:59 So just know that Jacob Batot thinks your mother is a walking farm animal But but just you know it's to go into the pile now. And so we won't know which one is that. So Jacob really just Jacob hurt you. It's the only Jacob hurt you by saying we should wait. Jacob is the betrayer. And I think we can all start saying that. Damn.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Get that shirt drawn up. I do want to show you one more, but I just feel we should compile them. Okay. I think we're going to get a bunch, dude. We're putting it out big. We made it a big thing. We gave a cutoff. You have two more days to do it.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Now, tell you what, if your mom had those banana titties, she's going to be riding high to a quick smashing it from the bottom of her boys. I'd say your mom would have to have an almost fire-like damaged face. Well, for me to not go for those fucking swingers. Listen, we just shot down a woman who looked like she was a secretary in a principal's office. And she seemed nice. But I feel like I've seen that face when I was getting
Starting point is 00:22:53 written up by meetings. Yes. And I said, like, they were like, do you ever jerk it to a teacher in high school that it was like, it was kind of off the beaten path for a lot? We were kind of like, all high school that it was kind of off the beaten path for a nod. We were kind of like, all right, Miss Murphy, kind of caught you in that tan pencil dress
Starting point is 00:23:10 and feel all kind of different. I'm trying to think of like one English teacher. I couldn't remember her name. One English teacher once we had a girl that was like, I was, it was a blow away that she wasn't even elderly. Does that make sense? Like all of them were so elderly that, like that's why I always
Starting point is 00:23:25 did it about the school things like everyone was elderly ugly or just what and like the thing that was except one one period in high school of a English teacher that was like pretty. Do we had an English teacher that my friends had? I didn't have her. she was mid 40s body rocked body body body body out of you crazy and then it turned out I was on her second husband a hot 23 year old firefighter so that made her like that gave me like the oh yeah dude I almost ripped my dick off like a chimp jerking it to that when I found that out when I was like oh really she's getting dug out by a 23-year firefighter. Yeah, you're like oh damn, so she's a freak nasty. Yeah
Starting point is 00:24:10 Then she was all black teaching black teaching Shakespeare and then just getting it from a bus from a first responder Getting that booze just get it fucking done So I read I saw it. What's that Jacob? I can't. Done. Um, so I read I saw what's that Jacob? I was going on what you were saying. Looking back on, uh, well, Jay, you brought this up, but everyone, uh, 20 or 30 years ago, looked way older for their age. Then, uh, then today, like 40 is the, you could look like you're in your 20s, but back then 40 you look like 60. Dude, you can get with our perspective. I think it was the perspective of the kid. I don't think so, dude, because man, I just remember in certain people and finding out like I'm seeing pictures and I'm like, mom, how old are you here? Like 47 and she's like, I'm 29 in this photo.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Well, well, well, generationational, everything has to change. I mean, there wasn't like a one-gab year from people talking like, ye old family is here to go. We're someone's going like, well, that's pretty fucking lit. There was never like that much of a generational shift in like the children. Sure. It's a small shift every generation. Probably my generation with the real influence of like hip hop
Starting point is 00:25:22 and like your parents being, having none of that and being like, okay, that's so okay, like a black music is now like the dominant music. Sure. And then we're like, that probably is like a shock, but for us, our generation's gonna be like us accepting technology and music and that kind of stuff and also just like that's the hard thing.
Starting point is 00:25:40 It's exactly EDM, I'm like, I just don't get it. I don't get like, but some can be a millionaire off of it mumble rap at first. You're like what the fuck is this? Yo my god. I'm old. I'm old. Oh no. Oh fuck I'm old I got old and I try to fucking jump on board and and dip my poo in the old young man's water and I go Hey to catch you six nine rules and they're like he beats his wife uncontrollably like oh I find rules and they're like, he beats his wife uncontrollably. Like, oh, all right. Never mind.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Never mind. Never mind. Well, at least John Lennon had the decency to have it mostly covered up till he was dead. Thank God. Asians never talk. We don't know. Oh, blackbird. I think people just take care of themselves better.
Starting point is 00:26:24 I mean, I'll give you an example. I'm just talking care of themselves better. I mean, I'll give you an example. I'm just talking celebrities, it's four stars. Sure. You know, like Bert Young and Rocky. Of course. How old do you think he was when he made that movie? 45.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Oh, no, no, Bert Young. Uh, I know it's good to be. It's way younger than he looked. Way younger. How old was he? I know it's good to be. It's way younger than he looked way younger. How old? I think it was like 37. Jesus. I gotta look at his age now again. That's not so, that's not so crazy. I thought you're gonna say way younger. What's weird is some of them like. So the people you see as older and you're like, you find out they were like 21 or you know like 24 something when they were in this movie and they were still already balding and just like had masculine scars
Starting point is 00:27:10 on there is like life lived shit. But look at even Stallone as Rocky. I would guess he's 31 when he makes that. Oh, he was way younger than that. I know, but I'm saying he looks. Oh, yeah, I would have said even older than that. Yeah, you look at him and you're like, oh, it makes sense because he's probably a traveled fighter. He's done. He's taken a lot of 23 years old, Jay. Yeah, you're like, oh, oh, damn, he's 23 years old. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Dude, I want to see. Yeah. So, Mr. Stallone was 76 was rocky and he was born in 46 so okay, he was 30 Yeah, all right. Yeah, what's that? I'm off his wrong. I guess he's probably playing 30. I guess it's what it's a character Yeah, that's what I would have guessed that's I become the age to do the role to do the role. You know, you're welcome to my new slice the lone white noise machine. Now you sleep. I we should save the circle for tomorrow. And then maybe do one more smash or trash.
Starting point is 00:28:24 On the other side smash or trash. We're gonna get them every day now. It's fine. I'll do the, I'll show you the very first submission of smash or trash. Here's what we do. This is the first one. When we get it, when we get all of our smashes, then we have to have a tournament bracket system. Just true to see who's the most smashable. Yeah, smashable, smashable bondfire, mom. So it's fine. So right now we have a couple we have a smash Oh boy, I'm a bitch. We have a trash. Yeah. What's wrong Jacob? Okay. Well Jacob saying oh boys, not a good thing We're going top row. Okay, now I have a second. Hold up hold on now. Yeah. Is there two moms in this picture? This looks the a- that'syear sisters. That's not sisters.
Starting point is 00:29:05 This one is the sister of the guy who submitted it. Okay, so it's a mom and her kids. But that's his sister and then. Mom, mom, daughter, grandchild. But is the grandchild the one sitting in the chair? No. This is the child. The guy who sent. No, this is the child. The guy who sent the photo, this is his sister on the left.
Starting point is 00:29:33 And then above is his mom. Okay. And you can only you can only the little girl belongs to who Jacob? Who's on first? Do you see I'm trying to figure out here? I'm wrong. The mom is on the left. Sister on the right. So you are basing it on the person on the, oh, hell yeah, dude. Your mom's about to get back up again.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Yeah. Hey, Carson is the mom. Your mom's catching it. That's a host. I was even considered old me maw to do a little Mrs. point, Dexter action. No brainer. No brains, man. I was even considered old MEMA to do a little Mrs. Pointexter action. No brainer. No brainer, dude. That one, yeah. Fo sho. Yeah. The real pretty face.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Yeah, dude. Ab so lootly was really open. We didn't have to go to the back row on that one. Oh, dude. Yeah, back row. Back row seems like a lovely person but man lovely lady, but the mom Smushroom No, you guys going to fucking Smush City
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yeah, good job. What's the name on that one? We'll get the names when this positive. Yeah, yeah, we don't want a crushing heart That was not you and on him is ugly I want to give the names of this positive. Yeah, we don't want to crush any hearts. That was not you and not him as ugly. Yeah, sorry. That was Carson D. Carson. Carson D. My mother on the far left, weird. I totally thought this is sister.
Starting point is 00:30:57 And then the flip it like that. Yeah, I know we were really sweet. We were sitting there so like, oh, no, making you say that That's why the other the other one I was like dude say it's the one on the right because then it's a green light Yeah, that was Good bring it up again. I'm gonna think about it a little bit more I just bought your from 98 he said and grandma's like this is my lovely daughter
Starting point is 00:31:27 This is from 98 So now we're putting shit 25 years on her. Yeah, yeah, she can get She gonna get it. She gonna get it. I bet the years have been good to her. Oh, yeah, dude. I mean she clearly had a good skin routine She had a daughter Sherry look young. Give us one more dude. Ravon fire. I love I mean you're gonna blow all right One more the one that just came in wait and then we're out they're out of them and we're out Send it to need tomorrow day relax everyone. I was gonna picture their mom their hot or not moms. No dude come on. This one I'm already yes. Oh really? Wow. We're really
Starting point is 00:32:18 just blow our load in the whole up is fine. We're getting we're getting our tournament system. All right, if you want to see it here We go. Here we go. Let's roll. Oh Yes, oh Really even a once over I could get to say something Let me tell you why I'm saying yes looks like she fucking parties dude. Yeah, dude. I could get there. Can I say something? Let me tell you why I'm saying yes. Looks like she fucking parties, dude. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:32:49 She hasn't quit the sauce. This one still drinks for sure. Look at that wrist action. It should be chingling, jangling. Yeah, yeah, for sure. It's like banging a wind chime. Yeah, I'm worried about my, I'm worried about my fucking wiring dick hairs getting caught in all that charm bracelet
Starting point is 00:33:05 section, but yeah, yeah, smash. Okay, awesome. Well, follow us at the Bonfire SXM on Twitter, Instagram. Also, don't forget to send in your mom pictures for smash or trash because we're gonna have a day. Following Mother's Day. Go check out Big J if you're in Maryland. Go check them out at McGoobobies June 17th through the 19th
Starting point is 00:33:25 Go to big J comedy dot com for all tour dates. I will be in Alex by the way that last picture is from Alex. I'm sorry Alex Alex your mom's mashable I'll be in Indianapolis next weekend and then the following weekend The 20th through the 22nd I'll be at Helium Buffalo dancer dot com. Oh are we healing Buffalo weekend? I was after each other. I think so. I think it's you then me, right? Are you maybe I'm in two weekends from now. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:51 You're yeah, you're the week. You're the week before. I got to cut it off. Pick your Follow us at the bottom of the fire. And I'll be there. I will see you tomorrow. Love you, crackackle Crackle.
Starting point is 00:34:19 You've been listening to... SiriusXM's bonfire! New episodes, every Tuesday through Friday mornings and full shows always on SiriusXM!

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