The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - Out Of Character with Justin Silver
Episode Date: February 26, 2025Jay spends ten minutes teaching Bobby the correct way to introduce Justin Silver back to the show. Monday Night RAW premiers for the first time on Netflix and Jay is thoroughly disappointed in it. biggest beef is that the star wrestlers go in and out of character during the performance. Bob tries to mansplain the storylines to help everyone understand. You can find Justin Silver's stand-up dates at Bob and Jay's tour dates are at and *To hear the full show to go to learn more FOLLOW THE CREW ON SOCIAL MEDIA: @thebonfiresxm @louisjohnson @christinemevans @bigjayoakerson @robertkellylive @louwitzkee @jjbwolfSubscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of The Bonfire ad-free and a whole week early. Start a free trial now on Apple Podcasts or by visiting
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And now the bonfire with big Jay Olkerson and Robert Kelly
You really wait for him to throw those headphones on to destroy
Jay was into it. Well Lou knows I
Got a good sense
For where we start talking. It's good. Sure. Do I have a good sense for that? No, no
Genuinely, are you just being no smart ass this percent is awesome your timing is impeccable like let's see let's say oh this is genius
turn this up
let's see where I would come in on the bird over here
you got to give this part
What's up everybody it's the bonfire faction talk you should have been born in the fucking 80s serious exam I should have been
103 radio guy
98.9 Philly
Asking if I could DJ music here. They've said no
Serious XM has turned me down
Stupid I go hey can I come and just do some shifts like just DJing for whatever they know
You can't type a right, but you can fucking know music I
Can't like Christine Christine just got a nice giggle at that. I can't type or write, but you can fuck, you know music. I can't type or write. Christine just had a nice giggle at that.
I can't type.
No, you can't. And you can't write.
What do you mean, like...
I mean, you can write, but you don't write.
You don't write stuff out.
No, you don't. I've never seen you with a pen in your hands.
No, my comedy is a series of unflushed out ideas.
LAUGHTER When Jay does write stuff down, I save it.
I have a file at home that just says Jay's writing
because it's so fun to have those pieces.
You should make that into art.
Like what?
What writing?
Like stuff you wrote for like roast stuff.
It's mainly when you have roast.
Oh yuck.
I save it.
You gotta learn how to type, brother.
I have to learn how to write first.
Well, you know how to write.
What do I have to type when I don't know how to write?
You're so smitten.
It's in your head.
You just have to learn how to type.
We'll get you the Mrs. Beavis, buddy.
I can type fast.
Mrs. Beavis is in trouble for something.
What's the, I just saw there's a documentary
about the typing things, like a huge, look this up.
It's Mrs. Beavis.
Typing scam, is a whole documentary.
We have a guest in the studio
Everybody let me try let me try yes. Let me try yeah, just have a little bit of music maybe
So what?
That's good. It's the Beastmaster. I
Am so excited
We have a very special guest in the studio
He's got to be performing at the Empire Comedy Club in Portland
He'll be in Maine in January on the 16th after that at the Comedy Flex
Can I give you a note? Sure yes in the middle of it, but it really just kneecaps me. It doesn't know I felt good
I felt good, but I wasn't great. It was good. It was good. It was good
But how do you get to great by being good?
How am I ever gonna be good if you make me not good? I'm gonna tell you what happens
Okay, go ahead. Okay, if you pay attention is you can you'll stop this for yourself. Okay you I
Wouldn't say something you can't read but you're not great at it
You can't type I can't say you can read
Together we're an adult man
Together we're a secretary from the 50s.
Now here, you said he's gonna be at Empire Comedy Club in Portland,
and then you panicked because you saw punctuation.
You saw a comma.
This is what happens, and Lou,
just so you know, DJ Lou is laughing at you
because he's the guy who writes the ads out
and he watches this happen every day.
First of all, here's the thing, that's not true.
I'm gonna say this, my ad reads,
live smoking lately.
Dude, you're,
Smoking. Absolutely.
Now, here's the thing.
Smoking. Smoking.
You're right about that.
You've been killing it.
I've been killing it, thank you.
I did panic at that comment.
It was a big hit.
And that's only because you gave me a compliment
that I felt safe enough to. You panked, so you, cause then he's, so now you confuse people, you go, he's gonna be Empire Comic Club in Portland. And you go, he's gonna be in Maine, January the 16th. It sounds like two different things are happening.
But here's the thing, I don't need that comma.
Portland, Maine.
Pretend it's not there.
But the commas, that comma, is that in the right spot?
That's the biggest commas.
Have you ever filled out mail in your life
or wrote down your address ever?
But is that comma in the right place for radio?
I'm gonna go with that.
I'm gonna go with that. I'm gonna go with that. I'm gonna go with that. I'm gonna go with that. I'm gonna Yes. Yes. That's the biggest commas. Have you ever filled out mail in your life
or wrote down your address ever?
But is that comma in the right place for radio?
Thank you.
All right, let me try it one more time.
Okay, no comma.
I'm gonna, and this is,
I'm gonna just Bobby Kelly this right now.
I like it.
I'm so excited.
Use your hands if you have to. Thank you. That's the one thing I didn't use my hands. I'm gonna just Bobby Kelly this right now. I like it. I'm so excited. Use your hands if you have to. Thank you
That's the one thing I didn't use my hands. I'm so excited. We have a very special guest in studio right now
He's gonna be performing at the Empire Comedy Club in Portland, Maine
January 16th after that Comedy Connection flex in Chicago
No, no, no
Comedy Connection flex. You just added the word connection. There's extra words and letters. You added a three syllable word connection flex in Chicago no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no like you don't move because I got so excited that I was doing it that I tripped.
You tripped.
You've said flex twice to the point where I had to go back to the email to see if I
had it wrong.
I was like maybe Bobby knows something I don't.
By the way, now she just hauntily bolded the P on flex.
I don't know what happens.
Can I tell you what happened now?
Can I tell you what happened there, Bobby?
Now at this point, Christine went back and she put a hyphen between Portland and Maine to make it a little easier for you. You did
great on that. Well, the hyphen I think is better. I think the hyphen works. I think
the hyphen works. So let me try again. No, no, no, wait. I'm going to tell you where
you confuse the shit everybody. After that, it'll be at the comedy. And then when you
saw a word that had an X in it and just assumed you were never going to get that, it'll be at the comedy, and then when you saw a word that had an X in it, and just assumed you were never gonna get that,
so you need to buy some time.
So you fabricated a three syllable word
that doesn't, it's not on there at all.
It says comedy to end one line,
and the next thing is, and you just said,
not jumping right to that plex,
need some more thought in there,
and you just said the word connections.
That's the first thing you can assume with comedy.
You heard the alliteration of it because the
guys say why because I love the comedy connection one of my favorite clubs
that's nothing to do with where he's gonna be understand but I'm coming when
I'm coming from the heart you can catch me the comedyplex you're gonna wish it
was a comedy connection when you get there all right let me try I got you
let's do this again you're doing music so good. Music please. Take a second. I got it.
Just take a second.
I got it.
I got it.
I'm sorry.
I got it.
Hey, you don't crack, Bobby.
Oh man.
Let me tell you something.
In studio, one of my favorites, he's going to be performing at the Empire Comedy Club
in Portland, Maine January 16th.
After that, he's going to be at the Comedyplex in Chicago January 31st through February 1st
for tickets and all other tour dates, visit.
I am Justin's...
Nope, nope, no, no, no.
That was so good.
That was good.
That was good.
Can I tell you what I was gonna do?
You missed on.
I tell you what?
You missed on.
I thought that was a creative...
That's creative.
I was Bobby.
That was Bobby.
I don't have a problem with that at all.
That's not my issue at all.
Can I tell you what I was gonna do?
Because I know what your issue was. You were doing the issue as was Bobby. I don't have a problem with that at all. That's not my issue at all. Can I tell you what I was gonna do? Because I know what your issue was.
You were doing the issue as we spoke.
I did, I was doing the website before I announced him.
But can I tell you what I was gonna do?
Visit him at
That's not even that website.
Visit him at
The great Justin Silver in studio right now.
It would have been, if the first time you read it, it would have went like that, I wouldn't
have said anything.
That's what I was going to do.
I understand.
That's what I was going to do until you stopped me.
But when someone's, by the way, I've fucked this up too, and I try to now pay attention
if it'll be like someone's name in their new special is called, you know, Andrew Santino, Cheetos, whatever,
like this thing.
I go, his new special, Andrew Santino Live,
at the whatever, you gotta leave the name out
and just say the rest.
And website is gonna happen on the plugs.
It doesn't really matter out of the gates,
because you're introducing me anyway.
Especially when it says, I am Justin Silver.
Can you, Justin, your thought, we have to introduce you.
No, put your hand down.
Hang on a second.
Not right now.
Wait, wait, I got this, I got this, I got this.
Bobby's gotta get this, Justin, not yet!
I just wanna say how good it is the way
you take ownership when you correct somebody
because it makes it personable and it puts
these defenses down. I'm not a dog.
And I just, I think that's good.
I am not a dog.
Just wanna say that.
What I'm saying is this.
Now, if Bobby starts freaking out when someone knocks on the door
Do we just give him other commands to do you just throw the cookie?
Across the room and he'll go get it got you all right
I think that my choice to read the website because it is the same name saying it twice
Separate it the great Justin silver is here with us today
He's freaking out. I gotta throw a cookie okay
You got to open the package first
So though she's gonna eat plastic and I'm not taking to the vet and I don't want to do it
I visit I am Justin
I'm just gonna be her silver. I am that you just in silver comms. Sorry out of it totally great. Okay after
Would see after February 1st, then it starts getting your heartfelt whatever adjectives.
Justin Silver. Now, before you think I'm critiquing,
it's kind of a...
So don't say the website.
Lewis started laughing. No.
Lewis started laughing at Media Day
while I was doing intros for people.
And I was like, what? And when I did my intros,
he says, you say everybody so much.
The word everybody.
And it's very possible.
So I try to pay attention to that now.
That's all.
That's the rhymes, is that.
Let's try it again.
See if I took the notes.
Because to get to greatness, you have to be good.
You have to be bad.
You have to be good.
And then you get great.
You are high level.
Let's go.
Operating and vibrating are probably
the highest level I've ever seen you
in 25-plus years.
I like vibrating.
You're vibrating so hard right now.
I'm vibrating.
You more than have this.
February 1st is your last thing.
You are a thespian.
You are an accredited actor.
That's where I need to go.
You lost 30 pounds...
30 pounds. play in Last Night at Eddie's.
Your stomach agrees.
My stomach is nervous.
Your stomach is very nervous,
but this isn't about your stomach.
No, it's not.
This is about your fucking heart.
She's fucking with me.
And your head.
All right, here we go.
Ladies and gentlemen, in studio, he's gonna be premiering.
God damn.
The word premiering.
Holy shit.
The word premiering.
I got it, I got it.
Just go.
You came out of the gates.
High panic.
Let's go, ready?
Hi everybody, what's going on?
It's the Bonfire in studio today.
He's gonna be at the Empire Comedy Club in Portland Maine January 16th after that he's gonna be the comedyplex in Chicago the 31st
through February 1st one of my but what I do know you said the 31st through
February 1st which you're asking January 31st you didn't say January you just
left January out yeah I know because were you gonna say the 31st through you didn't say January you just left January out. Yeah, I know Because were you gonna say the 31st of January and then panics because you this is it right here
You're dyslexic and then it looked like that to you. I got you said it wrong. I got it aim the angle of screen
I got I got I got I got okay. Here we go ready there
We ladies and gentlemen good to be back, but let me tell you in studio
One of my organic yeah you're but but why don't you walk around the room you says good
to be back but we do have to do this it implies that you're not even excited
for our guests let's go let's go let's go I got it ready here we go it's aimed
towards you plex is in big thing we go She double spaced it now. Comedy Plex is on one
word. Christine?
I got it! Let's go! Music please.
Right in Braille.
I got it. I got it. Ready?
Ladies and gentlemen, in studio, one of my favorites, he's gonna be performing at the Empire Comedy Club in Portland, Maine on January 16th.
After that, he's gonna be at the Comedyplex in Chicago, January 31st through February 1st.
One of my favorites, I love him to death, adorable, cute, and dogs love him too. Justin Silver, everybody.
Give it up for Justin Silver.
He did it!
He did it!
I want to thank God.
I'm exhausted.
I want to thank-
Justin, please, this is Bobby's moment.
Bobby, take your laugh.
Take your victory laugh.
I want to thank, first of all, foremost, my partner, Big Jay, for never giving up on me.
And believing in me, I wanna thank Lou
for making that sound bed pump me up in the background.
Christine for putting that goddamn hyphen in
and helping me out get from flex to plex.
I love you so much.
And Jacob, I wanna thank you for just sitting there calmly
and not getting involved.
And Black Lou, thanks for videotaping this. Can you send me that later so I can keep it so I can rehearse and Justin
I want to thank you for being you and being here today anyway Justin
Yeah, so anyway, so
I threw that cookie everything turned around
You were right. I know I know I know my baby boo. This guy is a beast master.
That took so long I forget. We had exactly what we wanted to talk about. Oh, Monday Night Raw we were discussing before the show.
Oh, Monday Night Raw. First Monday Night Raw on Netflix. I don't watch wrestling anymore, but I was like, well I gotta peek at what they're gonna do for the new.
Well, we gotta peek into what they do too. And also, Jim and Sam is in a wrestling show So. Oh, that's right. That's correct.
I forgot Jim left and now it's going to wrestling.
Yeah, now it's Sam and the crew.
But also Norton's gone off to do his own wrestling show
of sorts.
Jim do not say that or I'll pick you up and break you.
He's dating Esti?
You have Tuesday through Thursday.
Tuesday to Thursday, 7 p.m.
Austin and Belize avoid cancellations.
Big J, genius.
Yeah, big show, moved to Raw.
Moved to Netflix.
Moved to Netflix, which is
Pretty fucking great if I'm a wrestling fan. I like wrestling. I look I dip in and out sure I'm back in the last two years the bloodline got me getting he's not as much as me
That's hilarious. He was and that's how I kind of got back into it and then he grew up and then
They started getting in the pussy and being by himself.
Well I started like in Cody Came Back, Punk Came Back,
a lot of guys.
Cody Rhodes looks, first of all,
I don't know if I would, phenomenal?
I don't think so.
I think more like, he's, the personalities
in these things today don't look as fun
as like when we were younger.
Like they don't like stand out like to me at all.
Cody Rhodes?
Cody, no, he doesn't at all.
Is that an age thing though?
Cody Rhodes genuinely looks to me like he would be
like a jobber when I was younger.
Well because they went through the whole thing
with steroids that they had to go back down.
Like CM Punk, Cody, a lot of the guys,
they're not juicing, the big body guys aren't.
Sure they are. I'm saying they took it, they're not juicy, the big body guys aren't.
Sure they are.
I'm saying they took it, they went off of it for a minute.
Much more, for sure, yeah.
But that's the thing, I just think,
whatever it is, the character of him,
whatever his thing is, I don't know, maybe he's great,
I don't know, I don't watch him,
but it's like, when I see his face,
first of all, he looks like a, fuck,
he's made of crayon.
Well, he's crazy looking.
He's royalty, dude, his father.
Oh, I know, of course.
His brother is fucking hilarious.
You ever see his brother?
Goldust is one of the funniest characters.
But that's gone.
No, he's over at AEW.
Is he really?
But not as Goldust anymore.
He's more of like a kind of a badass guy.
Is it Dustin Rhodes?
Yeah, he's kind of tattooed and he's still a different number.
But it's him.
But he was funny.
Oh, Goldust was very funny.
When he got electrocuted and he would stutter?
Well, he started that.
That's still to this day one of the best, uh, movies.
I mean, it's a great movie.
It's a great movie. It's a great movie. It's a great movie. It's a great movie. It's a different guy. But he was funny. Goldust was very funny. Goldust, when he got electrocuted and he would stutter.
Well, he started, that's still to this day
one of the best Howard Stern things of all time.
They made it a bit on the show forever.
Artie Lang would do it.
When he came on, he stayed in, not in Goldust's character,
but he stayed in like a character that he had,
Tourette's like it was really a thing to happen. So on the whole show, he was doing like a character that he had, Toretz, like it was really a thing to happen.
So on the whole show, he was doing like a legit interview
with Stern about his dad being in the business
and blah blah blah, but he'd go,
nuh, nuh, nuh, and he would, they did it,
and it's, god damn it, it's so funny.
It's one of the best, if you look that up on like a,
you wanna see guys losing character live on the show,
he made people lose their shit.
Because he was doing such gay stuff, they hated it.
Well, Goldust was fucking, yeah, silly gay,
but he would make guys break character a lot.
He made Triple H break character one night.
Triple H looks like hell boiled.
He had a heart attack.
He looked deflated.
Did he?
Yeah, he had a heart attack.
Triple H did?
A few years ago, man.
Fucking heart attack, almost died. No shit, no shit. I was gonna say his face that that's speech in the beginning
They actually didn't get close to him for a while because when you get close on him his eyes are sunk
He does not look good. Yeah, he looks like an old man. And he was like a handsome motherfucker Triple H
I mean just back in like early aughts when they were doing uh
Me and DeRosa went to see Metallica Godsmack once
and we saw Triple A, we saw the long hair and everything
and that's a fucking great looking dude.
He lives up on the lake, he has, where I have my house,
he lives on the other lake, one of the Pasocki,
he's up in New Hampshire with his wife.
Yeah, he was back in the day.
What'd you say?
I didn't know what he looked like, I like know him.
But that's not even like a grunting face,
when he would just do Degeneration X dude,
he was like a good looking guy. Good looking guy, but he's old man. He's an old guy for sure
How old is he? Yeah, they're early. What is he like 60 now?
Yeah, oh, yeah, probably right plus that being a wrestler that at that age all the shit
He had to do all the cuts all the he was able to get out relatively quies 55 55 Wow. He's my age
You look way better. Yeah, I my age. You look way better.
I do, I look fantastic.
You look way better.
Thank you.
So then The Rock came out and did.
I thought it was annoying.
I think you gotta come-
Can I say, it's not The Rock.
It's the final boss.
Sorry, final boss?
He's the final boss.
My apologies.
It's okay.
But he comes out and it's like, I get all the showmanship
and I like that he does all the things,
but they're breaking, this is like complete break of K-Fabe
because he smiles and giggles and thanks Cody Rhodes.
Isn't Cody Rhodes the one he was cursing at
when he was throwing them against the thing?
When they cursed.
Well, the bloodline, when the bloodline came up,
The Rock came back to make sure that...
Talk to me like I'm a fucking adult.
And he was mean to that man, and now they're friends.
And then he kidnapped his kid and took him to China,
and they have to wrestle to get his kid back on March 13th.
Roman Reigns was... fought Cody,
and the final boss, The Rock, came back
and was supposed to fight...
I don't want you to keep calling him the final boss, I'm committing to it.
Was supposed to fight Roman for the title, okay?
But Cody won, he was supposed to fight
for the title at WrestleMania.
The Rock came out and said, I'm fighting Roman, beat it.
And Cody was like, all right, cool, do it.
But then at the last minute, Cody was like, you know what, fuck you, Rock,
and fuck you, Roman.
Ah, that's my shot.
I have to finish my story.
And that's when the Rock and Roman went back
and they did the bloodline, all this stuff.
It was in Philly, by the way.
Then the Rock came out to help Roman,
and then all of a sudden, everything went black.
The Undertaker was there and chokeslammed The Rock,
but it was supposed to be Stone Cold.
Stone Cold just didn't show up,
so they had The Undertaker fill in for him,
which would've been great.
If Stone Cold came back and Stone Cold stunned the fucker,
the final boss, AKA The Rock, at WrestleMania in Philly.
The fucking place would have exploded.
But it was still great.
That's the cursing episode.
When Rock was beating the shit out of someone
cursing on the air, was that Cody Rhodes?
That was a big thing.
He beat him up outside in the rain.
You don't have to tell me the beautiful storyline
that someone composed.
I'm just saying, is that who he was fighting?
Well, what happened was-
Do Cody Rhodes and The Rock fight? Final boss. The reason why it was so epic is that who he was fighting? Well, what happened was... Do Cody Rhodes and The Rock fight?
The final boss.
The reason why it was so epic is that the guy was like,
okay, and we're out.
The camera guy.
And The Rock flipped out.
We're never out.
We're not.
I don't give a crap if you shut those cameras off.
And he started swearing at the people and Cody
and kept beating him up.
Almost like, you know, scenes over,
but The Rock kept going.
Right, right, right. That, but the Rock kept going.
Right, right, right.
That was the epic part of it.
And now that they're on Netflix, this is like-
But Rock versus Cody Rhodes
is the only thing I'm asking here.
The Rock versus Cody Rhodes is not gonna happen.
I think it's the Rock,
I'm pretty sure the Rock and Roman are gonna fight.
But that's his cousin.
Yeah, I know.
But that's- That's Yeah, I know. Shh.
But that's not his, first of all, it's the tribal.
Taking a soap.
Hang on a second, it's the tribal chief.
It's not Roman, right?
It's the tribal chief and the final boss.
They are cousins.
The OTC, the original, oh geez.
But the, yeah.
Chief, high chief.
Yes, exactly.
The original tribal chief, yes.
Do you drive Max crazy while you tell him these storylines? He's like, I get it. Yes, you drive max crazy. Well, you like tell me storylines
He's not I get it now
So real quick while we have this little break here
So rock and Cody Rhodes have fought about final boss boss boss boss have this is them fighting
that's them fighting but that's that's
They they he fought the tribal chief in
He fought the Tribal Chief in WrestleMania.
The Rock came out to help him, and then The Undertaker slammed The Rock,
and then Cody beat the Tribal Chief for the championship.
So they break kayfabe in last night's thing
because he starts praising Cody Rhodes
and what he's done for this business and blah blah blah.
That's what I'm saying, like weeks ago,
he was slamming him and Kurt.
So I'm saying, I don't get why they didn't just come out.
Christine said this at one point.
Why not just come out and make it a fantastic show
instead of this big, long commercial for, like,
hey, here we are? It was pretty dumb.
I agree with you.
The amount that they thanked Netflix
and talked about their partnerships and all that,
I was like, this is actually gross.
They always do that.
This isn't a fun...
I agree with you.
I say the word Netflix,
then commercials are bizarre as shit.
They had commercials on Netflix?
Stop it.
You could fast forward through them.
You didn't have to watch them.
You could fast forward through them.
But there were commercials.
There were commercials, absolutely.
Wow, they're getting us in.
By the way, not just commercials,
how about if you go to it from last night,
that ring, it was all ugly.
I thought the whole thing was gross.
I don't mean ugly looking.
I'm saying it's for the first time ever for the first and correct me if I'm wrong
Wrestling never had sponsorship all over the ring. None. Just the canvas. I actually was just the canvas
It's the entire they talk about that in the documentary. Look at this. That's crazy. That's great cricket phone
It's you know, that's from Snickers. You know what it's from. Fortnite. You know what it's from. UFC.
Yeah, I was like, I was surprised to hear
they didn't do that already.
But UFC and wrestling, WWE,
are under the same umbrella now.
So that's why.
No, I know, but that's gross.
They're fucking the product up.
Listen, I don't mind the...
But I will also say, the black ring and everything,
it does look cool.
Looks like a Jackie promotion though.
Doesn't look like it's supposed to.
But it looks like it went away.
No sponsorship.
No, no, no, this is old.
This is old.
Yeah, no, I agree with you.
But they do have sponsorship.
They have Prime.
That's Prime right there.
Logan Paul was on...
That's Prime.
And yeah, he was Prime.
They do have sponsorship.
It's just not so boxing.
That's actually Prime right in the middle of the ring right there.
Bobby, can I ask you as a guy did the other?
Wrestlers sort of resent Logan Paul for his ease of just entering this thing absolutely not I heard I heard if you same thing
We Shane McMahon if you knew it knows documentaries if you watch that if you go for it
They'll fucking accept you and then Logan Paul is like because he's like jumping through shit and jump going up way
How he's he's giving it he's giving it up no there's a hundred percent respect him first of all he's like jumping through shit and going up way high. He's giving it, he's giving it up.
No, 100% respect him.
First of all, he's bringing more eyes.
And he's a bad guy.
He's bringing a younger generation to the WWE,
which is what they want, and he does, like Jay said,
he goes for it.
He doesn't want to be a heel.
The thing that they don't like is that he's not there
every week, like these guys are there Monday and Friday every week,
SmackDown and Raw, week in, week out.
He comes in for big fights and does his thing,
but he does bring a lot of eyes to it, so.
For sure.
I remember when they went to Logan Paul last night,
I was like, what, they don't like Logan Paul?
And Jay's going like, no, they do like him.
Watch this.
Yeah, this is crazy.
This is nuts.
This is actually, I saw a video of this.
This is pretty crazy. Yeah, this is nuts. So if you're willing to do this, dude, yeah can't hate you. Oh
Yeah, you can't they so yeah, so Logan Paul and whoever he's going
Ricochet hang on one second
Yeah, good part is the passive aggressive content
robot that we have they went
He literally I don't mind. I I love it too. Thank you Jacob that one needed it. Come on content robot that we have that went, he literally.
I don't mind.
I love it too, thank you Jacob.
That one needed it, come on.
I agree with you, but he went like this at the end,
when we agreed, and we were like, oh yeah,
let's explain it, give us five, he went,
ugh, and shook his head.
You're correct.
Jacob, here's what you can do, here's what you can do,
and maybe I just make a suggestion here.
I didn't mind that, but if you just, if you go,
if you did more of just like,
it's like, oh this is great, tell them what we're seeing,
guys, that's the thing.
I didn't do that.
This is one time I did it because Bobby was looking,
so I made a bit out of it.
You're saying positive reinforcement.
I don't ever do that.
I just tell you, what are we looking at?
What are we looking at?
What at the end, guys?
We have been over this.
He went like this.
He went like this after we were like, oh yeah.
Because you were looking.
You went like this.
Yes, because you were looking.
Christ almighty.
It's not my thing.
It's radio.
Logan Paul and Ricochet, I got to make sure you do it.
They jump on top of the ropes.
They fling each other into the middle of the ring
and double close on each other and lay their bodies out flat.
It's chest to chest.
We'll put it out.
You and I could do that.
No. No.
So how long, because that,
the WrestleMania 40 with The Undertaker coming out,
The Rock, that was like a totally viral thing
outside of wrestling.
How long had it been since The Undertaker
had been in the ring?
He wasn't supposed to be there.
No, he was not supposed to be there.
Had he not done wrestling?
Last night?
No, no, no, for WrestleMania 40 where he came out.
It was supposed to be Stone Cold,
but apparently Stone Cold is a little flaky.
He was writing a screenplay with Dancer.
All right.
Flaked on that too.
But yeah.
But how had it been a long time
since they made the movie or taken it?
Been a long time, and they just asked him
to do a favor and he did it.
They actually had to hide him in a tent offstage.
And they brought him in in the dark.
He hid inside a black tent
because they didn't want people to see it and blow the gag.
So they hid him inside this thing
while the rock was coming out,
and then they shut all the...
It was pretty cool.
Shut all the lights out,
and it came back, boom!
It was just...
Ah, it was fucking scary.
I have it right here.
There's a lot of reactions to that,
like wrestling fans watching that,
and they freak out.
They're so excited.
I mean, Stone Cold would have been better.
If Stone Cold...
Probably, because he's so much better. If Stone Cold. Probably. Yeah.
Because he's so much better on the mic, but.
Well, they're fighting,
Stone Cold and The Rock were epic enemies.
And they were the top of the,
now Stone Cold was the motherfucker.
And The Rock became the motherfucker.
And then they fought each other and it was the best.
Yeah, that was the bloody one.
Should I play this?
Yeah, play it.
We gotta go to the thing from last night.
Okay, yeah. We don't go to the thing from last night.
Okay, yeah.
We don't have any context on the bong.
There he is.
It's dark.
There's the Undertaker.
So, such a bummer.
When I saw this guy get in the ring last night, and I realized, a lot of people say, this
guy looks like me.
Kevin Owens.
Kevin Owens does look like you.
It's a bummer.
You got a nice Canadian round body.
Dude, this guy really is wearing his ill-fitting clothes
and everything's wrong.
I don't want to look like that guy.
You guys are the same little tiny bum as you.
He's got a little tushy like Jay.
We have little tiny asses together.
You got little fucking wooden puppet legs.
Hey, wanna walk our little asses around together?
You're like, what was that?
The Heatmizer legs? Remember those little, what was that? The heat miser legs?
Remember those little...
One foot in front of the other.
Yeah, Ikebawd Crane legs. Yeah, no doubt.
So, again, I have a thing with The Rock.
We go back to The Rock's speech.
He says to Cody Rose, like,
Thank you, Cody, for being such a great leader for all of us.
Like I said, weeks removed from having them having a good beef.
He gives love to everybody
and then fucking talks
about Netflix so much.
And then he goes,
he goes, finally, WWE has come back to Netflix
and the crowd gives nothing on that.
Because he's not back, they never been.
Which is funny, he goes, I know,
which was a dumb statement, he goes,
look at you guys out there, you're all like, that's not that bullshit. We want to hear the real thing and then he's like smiling
He goes he goes all right guys out there. I guess
Finally there and it's just the fact that he's going from like giggly to like alright. I'll do the character thing
You're like what is happening? This is supposed to be that would destroy me as a kid well
Here's what I know it's not real and all that I would just be like no, dude. We got to do the thing
Well, here's what I know. It's not real and all that I would just be like no, dude, we gotta do the thing
I'll tell you why the rock is the owner of the company. He's he's involved directly with them
So now you have to shit on his chest, but here's the thing is that?
Wait, wait When he when he became back as a final boss and he put the Versace back on and the glasses
Which is the original bad guy rock.
And he, I mean, pretty, it was pretty great.
And he stayed in character.
He can switch back, wrestling fans will let him switch back
as long as he doesn't pull the chin.
There was a time when he was actually singing songs,
being goofy, when he trashed Cleveland, did you see that?
Oh yeah. Yeah, he started singing, so he trashed Cleveland, did you see that? Oh yeah.
Yeah, he started singing, so you'd go to each town
and just trash the fucking town?
No, when I went to go see, late 90s,
I went to a Monday Night Raw.
Christine, lower the lights a little bit.
When I went to Raw years ago,
I was surprised and happy to see it.
Rock came out at the end of the whole event,
and does like, I'd started comedy at that point,
because whoever I was with, maybe Metzger, and I think I was like, I was like,
he's doing five minutes.
Like it looks like he was just doing like a,
he would come out and like shit on the city,
but like playful, you know what I mean?
Yeah, I love it.
He trashes, but he can come out.
He goes, you think Rocky Balboa's a hero?
He's a candy ass, blah, blah, blah.
And everyone's like, ah.
They just loved it.
He was terrible yesterday on this thing,
just because again, before it's like, what are you doing?
It's like they just, they wheel him out. He's had pageant style almost. He because, again, before, it's like, what are you doing? It's like, they just, they wheel him out.
He's had pageant style almost.
He just comes out and like, kinda like,
meanders through.
I think you're right.
Last night they had eyes that regularly wouldn't watch them
that maybe were into them and could be into them again.
And they kinda blew an opportunity
because they made it almost like a...
It's like they're doing a corporate.
Like an award show type of atmosphere instead of,
guys, you have the opportunity to do some fucked up shit.
You're on Netflix, swear, make somebody bleed,
say some crazy shit, be the rock.
Also this mistake, I'm telling you,
it's the UFC is gonna get too,
they're gonna dip their dick too hard in the UFC
or into WWE and they're gonna make it suck.
I'm not even a fan of WWE,
but it should stay a product
that's like professional wrestling.
The problem, I thought they did this yesterday,
it was weird, the two girls that were fighting,
I don't know who they are at all,
but I found out during the fight,
they're trying to do the thing now like they do in NBA
and UFC, showing up to the arena,
walking with their little suitcase through the hallways
and talking to the camera.
Now the one girl turns out her character
is like slutty hot chick.
So slutty hot chick girl came in just looking cute
and an outfit of wheeling her bag.
And then they show the other girl come in.
Now when I saw the other girl wrestle in the ring,
I'm like, is that the same girl?
Cause she's supposed to be like a beast,
like she's super mus-y and whatever.
And like she has crazy makeup on.
Mommy, mommy. Touch the ear.
No, it's the girl who won.
Yeah, mommy.
Yeah. Mommy?
Rhea something?
Okay. Her.
They call her mommy.
Okay. Her?
She looks, and she's supposed to be like a kind of
weird character, like I think she's...
Yeah, bring her up.
She's supposed to be a weird character.
But they show her walking in with her thing and like a half top on like her her panties like whale
tailing up her shit and just looking like a super hot chick and she's like hey
Yo, and then she has to come out and be like
It's like don't show them with the fucking walking in their character is kind of gothy
Right, but she came in just looking hot in. Her character's kind of gothy, right?
But she came in just looking hot.
Yeah, she's kind of hot.
Yeah, Rhea Ripley.
When they show her walking into the arena, dude,
she is just a hot chick wearing short or a low rise.
It's like when the Disney characters take their hats off
in front of the kids.
It's a bunch of MS-13 gang members.
They have teardrop tattoos.
Shit across their neck. They have 15 gang members. They have teardrop tattoos. Should have crossed their necks.
Here's another thing that they did.
You won't like this, is at the end of the show,
they do press conferences with the wrestlers.
In character or out of character?
At this point, the fans are in it.
They invest it. They get it.
I don't think press conference is a bad idea,
all in character. I have no problem with that.
I think it's actually kind of fun.
I would have liked that a lot when I was a kid.
What's the realness where you're showing like, I don't want...
So let's go through some of these things that we were saying.
One after that girl fight, for no reason, the girl leaves the ring and then they start
playing, they play The Undertaker, ding.
One ding, lights go out, lights come back on,
they play that last verse of American Badass by Kid Rock.
Undertaker came out on a motorcycle,
rode a motorcycle down the aisle, around the ring,
and then back up the aisle, and then went next to the girl,
and you thought, oh, it's gonna be a cool, like,
hop on the back of the bike?
But that's not what happened. And then they both just, he was like, oh, it's gonna be a cool, like, hop on the back of the bike. But that's not what happened.
And then they both just, he just walked his motorcycle
and she walked and they just went backstage.
And then somebody else, like, was announced and came out.
It was like...
I saw that too, I didn't like it.
I thought, right then, jump on the back,
get on the back, hold on, and fly off into the...
And maybe he's your manager now or some kind of thing
or you're influenced by it.
Like, make some storyline.
They just had him go,
by the way, Undertaker lives in Cali
and he said he'll come through.
So that was for nothing.
I think last night was not a,
I think it was an opening night of star-studded event,
more of a, hey guys, we're here.
Say hi to the Rocks.
I think the Rock is flaking too a little bit. Hey guys, we're here. Say hi to The Rock.
I think The Rock is flaking too a little bit.
As Soda told me that The Rock is supposed to do this
then cancels.
Talking to him now?
The Rock?
Oh, Soda?
Yeah, it's fine.
No, no, I don't talk.
You guys just talk wrestling?
No, no, no, I mean I bumped into him.
That's okay.
No, no, no, Jay.
It's a long conversation for a bump into him.
Jay, listen to me. I'm trying to take sides.
You guys got deep in the wrestling
from just a bump into?
Thank you, Justin.
Thank you, Justin.
Hey man, good to see you.
Jay, I deleted his number like you asked me to.
And when I see him in public, I don't say anything to him.
Wait, she was a cute chick before she dressed like that?
She's cute.
Buddy, when you see her walking in in the beginning,
you're like, damn dude, they make her look really cute.
She's hot, man.
Look at her.
Her ass is killer.
I mean, her tits are great.
Her body is now, her upper body's too muscular. I love it and you know I'm into it and I
love her big nose. I love a big nose. I love a fucking. Good. Well then you and Josh Eddermeyers can go double team some
chick who's built like Lee Haney. Yeah. She's bigger than China dude. She's not. No she's not. She's crazy. Is it the angles here? You're wrong about that. Yeah, you're saying she's. She's not bigger than China.
You're not.
You're sassy.
And China's body, by the end, was pretty good.
Right in time for her to kill herself.
Yeah, this is more.
They also keep doing.
They did that, too.
They kept it.
Was it The Rock?
Who was it that gets up there?
And it's like, also, we should say a big thank you to Ted
Sarandos and the people at Netflix.
And they show them in the thing.
They're like, and he starts like, shh like and I think he does like he goes that's
right you candy ass jabronis and they're all like yeah candy ass jabroni.
Well that's the problem. It was fucking ridiculous. Netflix has evolved now so they have to
get their their fucking you know their lollipop licks man they have to.
There's an evolution having The Rock
do a little shtick with you from The Ring.
I agree.
Like, let The Ring stuff be the show.
They didn't give you what the show is.
I agree.
Yesterday at all.
How is it received by fans?
Is it hated on like this or no?
I'd have to look to be honest with you.
I don't know for sure.
Look at the comments, I bet.
But go up.
I think the fans, some of the fans had a problem with it,
but fans of wrestling, they're believing in a K-Fab,
you know what I mean?
So they're gonna go with it anyways.
They're gonna bitch a little bit, but.
There she is coming in.
I didn't think that she was like.
She's hot.
She's hot, but it's like she's kind of like grungy
walking in, like she's in sweats.
I don't know, I mean the sweat.
She has her shirt tied up.
But I mean she comes out in like fishnets
and like a fucking tight ass bra.
I know, but I'm saying also,
but her character is supposed to be...
A dominatrix?
No, but she's like a thing, right?
She doesn't just come out and be like,
hey, I'm going to be the next champion.
She has a thing, right?
She does a thing.
She's like a goth girl, maybe like, yeah, kind of.
Like talking like crazy.
But she's like, you can see this is a girl named fucking Sue
just walking into a place.
Her opening at WrestleMania when she walked out, she's with a band.
You'll know. I forget the name of the band but
her favorite band walked her out and she's you know she's that she's those
guys that she took over for Paige because she filmed herself getting gang
banged by everybody backstage I miss her what's this band motionless
motionless and white yeah that's that's kind of who she's that's her no that's
the there she is behind
That's kind of her look she's going for that type of music I got you whatever that is metal
But she's just being that either way my sleep don't show him walking in. It's just ridiculous show them walking in
Because it takes you out of it, right? You just want to see the movie
You were doing listen me personally. I couldn't give two shits so I'm like, I was looking at it from the perspective of like,
picturing Soder or Che was there I guess, but these people who were like really into wrestling, I'd be like damn that was a
fucking awful like wrestling show. Things happened in it that you're like, it's great to talk about, but not in a positive.
I mean, I assume they're gonna go and stop doing this.
But this was such a bad.
Friday night they're gonna be back to regular wrestling.
I know, but they reminded you all these goofy things.
John Cena goes, I'll be a wigger for one more year.
He literally made this announcement.
He's gonna be a wigger for one.
So he comes out and he's John Cena.
He still wants to act like John Cena, but he's dressed in the stupid outfit with the
He makes fun of that, but he's still doing it and he's going to do a year of it.
You know why?
It's just-
The Rock was supposed to fight Tribal Chief.
You're going into the storylines.
This is not the point.
I'm saying John Cena-
The final boss was supposed to fight the Tribal Chief.
The final boss backed out.
They brought John Cena back.
Now, supposedly, he's going to fight the tribal chief instead.
You understand?
You're ruining Bobby's hope here.
It sounds like they're just mocking
their characters, the whole show.
That's what wrestling is.
That's what I'm feeling.
No, it's not.
They're supposed to be the characters.
They're in their character.
Here, they're mocking their characters.
First of all, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know what you're saying. They're even dropping out the characters. No, they're not mocking. They're in their character. Here, they're mocking their character. First of all, I know, I'm sorry.
They're even dropping out of character.
Christine, if you could find it in any way
by scrubbing through, when they show something knight
in the audience, there's a guy named something knight.
Jack Knight, maybe.
Whatever it is, they keep going back to this area.
There is a chubby black dude
wearing a T-shirt in the background
that is so stoked on everybody.
And it's just funny seeing a black dude be like, he's like, you're the man. dude wearing a t-shirt in the background that is so stoked on everybody and like
it's just funny seeing a black dude be like he's like you're the man so these
like white guys dressed in like purple and pink and it's like Jack Knight
so excited for these people dude and I'm saying for him for that goofy I assume
heavy on the spectrum black dude you're ruining this thing John Cena comes
out and like John Cena wouldn't it make more sense, you're ruining this thing. John Cena comes out and like, John Cena,
wouldn't it make more sense,
if you're gonna bring the realism into it,
why don't you have John Cena be like,
of course, when I was in my 20s or early 30s,
doing that to, I've evolved in my,
I'm still John Cena, but I'm not gonna wear jorts
and do wraps between, because now it's
retarded looking to do that.
But you know who is staying in character?
The reason why they're doing that is because.
They're not gonna be around that much?
No, it's because they're millionaires
in acting, in the other business.
They're coming back and kind of that comic ego
that we have, that's like their ego going,
I'll do this, but who's not doing it is the other guys,
that this is their, still their main gig,
and they're the ones not fucking around with that.
Yeah, if you're like, George the Animal Steal
couldn't come out in the end of a thing
and be like, hey, this is how great
that we're on Netflix now.
I go, this is the guy that doesn't speak English
and bites the, hey, I don't speak any English,
and he bites the fucking thing.
Now he's like, you guys really are amazing people.
Wrestling was so good back then.
There was a thing where they did a bit with
George Animal Steel where he went to a doctor and he started talking to a regular person and people
were like, no, oh my god, they did something. They fixed him. And not real. It's like when you're a
kid, you're like, oh, he was always that way and he pretends to be. Got it. So John Cena's thing was
pretty bad, but to me, I mean the-
John, did you see John Cena's baldness?
Oh, can I see that?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It was shocking.
He doesn't hide it.
This is why I don't take the fucking roids, man.
Buddy, he-
He doesn't hide it.
He has a bald spot in the back of his head that is,
and it just showed up like a year ago.
With Dr. Wesley, dude.
Doesn't he say something about it?
Well, because he didn't say anything about it. He just came out. With Dr. Wesley. Doesn't he say something about it? No, why? Yes.
Well, because he didn't say anything about it.
He just came out and took his hat off.
I thought somebody said something
and he goes, let me see my ball.
No, I'm talking last year.
He came out in the ring and it was just there.
It was like he went bald in a week.
Fucking Jack.
No, he is Jack for sure,
but also now his body looks silly.
Can I please see?
Because he's such a fire plug of a dude.
He's peacemaker now.
Which is great.
Great show.
I love that joke.
Love it.
It was so funny.
Really funny.
It was only one season so far?
Yeah, but they're doing season two.
Yeah, look at that dude.
That's fixable.
That's a Norwood 3.
I mean, he could go and get a space wig very easily.
I don't know why he doesn't.
He could fix that with PRP.
But it's weird because I never saw it
and then it was just there one year.
He dresses the bald spot.
Yeah, he dresses the, oh and hair.
He just doesn't care.
Yeah, he's gonna say that.
I give you credit for dressing it.
He came out into the ring like that so he doesn't care.
He doesn't care.
Well he's wearing a bald cap now.
Yeah, but that's part of the, that's his thing,
that's the wigger character. That's so you can't see him, Christina. Yeah, he comes out and he throws the hat. Yeah, but that's part of the that's this thing. That's the wigger character
That's so you can't see him Christine. Yeah, he comes out and he throws the throw the hat up
He has a hat in the the sweatpants. That's the same and if you're lucky that shirt comes off who's ever called his is a last
Year, I'm doing a farewell tour
But now he's saying he's gonna fight for the championship and when he wins the Royal Rumble now
Yeah, I'm trying to think there's anything else that I was like, what the fuck is going on here, because the last thing was crazy.
So crazy.
Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan comes out.
First of all, let me say this.
Go back to the end of that girl fight.
Whoever that girl is, I started off by saying,
I feel like she's got a weird little pudge body,
and by the end of it, I think I have a massive crush on her.
The girl that she beat.
Oh, the bowling girl.
Ooh. She's cute.
I think her titties are mashed into a fucking sports bra,
but she's just cute.
That's her whole thing is that she's, like, cute.
She's like the hot chick.
Well, yeah, she walks like she, like, flips her hair,
and, like, is, like, very pouty at the camera.
Yeah, do it when she walks into the ring.
Oh, oof. Yeah.
Yeah, she's cute. They were both really fun. This gives me a B, man. Oh, do it when she walks into the ring. Oh, oof, yeah. Yeah, she's cute.
They were both really fun.
This gives me a B, man.
Oh, total.
They're really good.
Total HO?
Yeah, this is making me pitch a little bit of a...
By the way, they show her, they show Topanga,
who now just looks like she got kicked in the face by life.
Christ almighty.
Oh, there's, what's his name?
Oh, yeah.
But I wanna see when this girl comes out.
Yeah, this was a night.
Netflix doesn't let you see what you're looking at.
This was a night of celebration,
more so than a, with matches, I believe.
I don't think this was a, this was not a show.
You know what I mean?
Oh yeah.
No, this was a big promo commercial.
But they did, I think they did like a belt change or something.
Yeah, her, dude.
She is hot, huh?
Where is she walking into the ring? She's teeny tiny.
Who is that? Go 10 seconds back. Her name is...
Liv. Liv something?
It's Liv, yeah. Now skip ahead 10 seconds.
I mean she took her boyfriend. Dom. Dirty Dom. She took Rhea's boyfriend away from her.
You could... She did.
That's why they have a big dirty dog. Oh, and that's Rey Mysterio's daughter.
Rey Mysterio's son.
How tiny is she, Bob?
She's small, they're all small.
I saw them live, very small.
All the women wrestlers are tiny, tiny, tiny.
Oh, she is, I mean, really,
she barely comes above the barricade.
Yeah, you can see how small she is.
But she's a cutie.
When she jumps up on the ring,
you can see how small she is.
But she's great.
No, she's doing the character.
She's like the cunty chick.
Yeah, she's the hot little cunty blonde
that stole the chick's boyfriend.
You know what I mean?
What I mean, yeah.
She knows how to work it.
Love to see what's going on with those titties
from under where she went on.
I know, they really give you a fucking lipid shot.
Oh, yes.
You get a little side burger.
So fucking horny, man.
I'm sorry.
That was my id.
Yeah. Look at that little sitting on the ropes. What a pig. I don't mind the ring, man. So fucking horny man What I'm sure that was my id yeah
Look at that little sitting on the ropes. I don't pig. I don't mind the ring man. Is there any new? No, I know you love you love fortnight and cricket mobile
Making pictures of her online like a Christine. You know what why don't you look up if Liv? What's her last name Morgan?
Liv Morgan's come up with a nudity
Lot of almost pussy lips coming out of that shirt. Big gap.
I wanna be with her.
Big gap.
I don't like a big gap.
I don't like a big gap.
Big gap.
I know what you're saying, but I mean,
I don't know if she had a.
She had a big gap in one of those photos you could see.
Yeah, slut.
Yeah, you could put like a two by four in between there.
She's such a whore.
Is she dating him?
Oh. Yeah, I like. Is she? Yeah, she's such a whore. Is she dating him? No.
Yeah, I like, yeah, she's kinda hot, man.
No, she's not.
Well, that's what I don't like,
because you see Rhea's real boyfriend,
it's kinda bummed you out.
Actually, she doesn't look as cute
when they get close on her like that.
She might be a lot of makeup.
Either way.
Oh, they're all a lot of makeup.
I'd do it.
Lita was my favorite of all time.
And I'm not usually into freckly chicks like that,
but the way she did the right thing.
They came out with Matt and Jeff Hardy.
She would come out with them,
and she would wear the low rise baggy pants
with the underwear coming up above it.
She was just so hot.
I like Elizabeth.
Miss Elizabeth?
You like Elizabeth?
Back then, huh?
You like a bitch in a ball gown.
Very classic beauty.
Yeah, I like my massage parlors back in the day when the Asian girls would wear ball gowns.
Look at Leeda getting older now.
But when she was young, with the Hardy boys, dude, I thought...
I saw her early in the game, she came out.
She was somebody else's valet at first,
like a guy who went nowhere, and she came out and did that.
I don't know how these girls do all these flips
and off-the-top ropes with those fake tits
and how they don't just explode inside of them.
I think they have before. I think they have exploded before. They those fake tits and how they don't just explode inside of them. I think they have before.
I think they have exploded before.
They have fake tits in MMA, man.
But she was great.
But you were talking about how when Hogan came out.
It is, he comes out just again to like, you know,
Netflix is a great partner, brother,
and he starts panicking how bad it's going.
Are they booing him because he's Trump?
Because he's...
Whatever. They're all Trump.
But he's in Hollywood. First of all, he's in Hollywood.
And he came... This Hollywood crowd
might be booing him because of...
I didn't even think of that.
I don't think they're booing...
You're probably right.
They're booing a Trump supporter.
No, and also, once you get him and you're gonna go, he's a Trump supporter, it makes sense.
Then it's gonna go back to, oh, remember that time
you thought it was fine that your son murdered his friend?
And remember that time you kept saying,
you don't care if your daughter bangs N-words
because blah, blah, blah?
I think it has to do with the Trump thing.
I think...
But this is like a wrestling event.
Like, even when you look at, like, New York
and they walk out Trump,
even though it's New York,
people go crazy.
So I think this is very blue collar.
New York's got plenty of Trump people.
New York is Trump.
So is LA.
I mean, as soon as you get off of Melrose
and La Cienega, it's red.
It's all fucking illegal Mexicans.
It's mostly...
No, but she's right, though.
When you get, like, the Orange County and those things right,
it's like...
I don't know. It could have been that though.
It could have been him coming out in support of Trump.
Pause it, pause it.
Let me hear this.
Who is that?
Jimmy the Mouth of South Hart.
Oh wow.
Yeah, I know, who's running Hogan's place?
You sure they weren't booing Jimmy?
Who's running Hogan's place?
Nick Hogan, that murderer?
And he went back to his old colors.
And it's funny in the subtitles too, because you're like, is this really happening?
But he's still doing crowd booing.
Yeah, but that might be just because...
The character.
The character of the booing.
No! Dude, this is Hulk Hogan coming out with an American... Are you kidding?
They're trying to give you the most Hulk Hogan version of...
He's walking out of a tunnel. First of all, I love... They're trying to give you the, I am an version of a- He's walking out of a tunnel. First of all, I love-
He's hunched over.
They're trying to give you the I am an American.
They are playing that.
Are they really?
That's, I'm telling you, it might be the Trump thing.
He's hunched over.
It's the Trump thing.
Oh, this might be a lot of it.
He's hunched over, but I'm saying he also,
for the first time you're really seeing, he looks like shit.
I know there's big muscles in there,
but he doesn't get older for sure.
I'm just saying, but he's still wearing a half top.
His hair is attached to his bandana it is I'm not kidding
that back of that hair is attached to the bandana 100%
bread Michael sir and he let me hear it let me hear it let me hear it we're
watching Bobby explain we're watching please he's a Hulk Hogan's coming out
of the tunnel right now Jimmy is waving American flag. Wait a minute. Look at the way he walks. He's got orthotics. Oh, yeah, I know his shoot
Promoting his beer
Just hang in there
Everybody's singing listen
Buddy they're booing now. They're going home. No, they're going, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhh uhhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uh dumb speech about Netflix. Hahaha. Well let me tell you
something, brother!
They hate him.
They just want Hulk!
No they're...
Stop saying they're saying Hulk!
You know they're not. Back it up.
It was Hulk!
It just sounds like booze.
It's like Hulk!
If I shape my mouth like that, everything sounds that way.
Yeah, maybe it's a bunch of special needs kids in the crowd.
Also, pretty much every publication has an article about him doing that.
Yeah, really.
Like, Christine looked up every publication.
Listen, the only reason I remember,
I went to go smoke a cigarette last night.
I went on a...
I didn't make the cue?
I went on one of the things.
I didn't make the cue?
You made the cue.
I didn't make the cue.
Did you call me yesterday?
No, but you didn't call me during the cue time.
What's a cue?
Jay, if you're lucky enough, you get into Jay's cue.
I didn't walk the dog.
I didn't walk the dog. Okay, all right the dog. Okay. All right. Great. Perfect
He's cigarette phone call? Yeah cigarette when you become his radio
but no when I was smoking I
was smoking a cigarette to the Sixers game and I looked and I saw things saying like
Actually was on Facebook to Ray wrote Hulk Hogan
But you blah blah he wrote something about Hulk Hogan to Ray and I was like, ooh
And then I looked up I was like, ooh, and then I looked up,
I was like, oh, Monday Night Raw was on it.
And I go, I wrote Raw, whatever, news,
and all the news was just like Hulk Hogan booed,
but yeah, see?
But, but, but was.
Bride and people, GMC, Daily Mail, MSNBC.
But he, I'm guaranteed he was booed
because he brought Trump, he did the Trump thing,
and people are pickin' sides.
I don't think that arena was anthem Trump.
Jacob, nobody asked you.
It's a wrestling event.
Shut up, Christine.
They have a confederate flag.
Is your name on the show?
I have a say.
No, I'm kidding.
You do have a say.
And her name is not on the show, but I gotta tell ya,
I don't think this crowd's super anti-Trump either.
You're right, it's wrestling people.
I mean, it's a crazy Trumpy crowd.
I don't think.
It's adults who love wrestling.
I was so upset, like, why are they booing Hulk Hogan?
He's like a legend, like he's never been accepted.
You're saying that grown men who love wrestling
and believe it's real.
Also love Trump.
Oh yeah.
If you believe it's real, you definitely love Trump.
Wait a minute.
I think the grown men definitely are not Team Obama.
It's still real to me, dammit.
That guy, that guy voted Trump.
First of all, I'm telling you right now
that this legacy media is out there
spreading fucking lies again.
TMZ, legacy media.
Now, can I tell you something else?
I know this is a bullshit website.
Go up, Christine, go up.
I know this is a bullshit website,
but I'm gonna take this as a funny.
Famed racist Hulk Hogan booed while shilling beer.
I forgot.
At the end, he also pushes his fucking beer that he's wearing.
Dude, they are...
This is one of the worst receptions and speeches I've ever heard.
What's his beer?
Real American beer.
He's wearing the shirt.
Here, we gotta play this.
Isn't it funny?
Or is that shirt wearing him?
Ting. Wait, should I play this or should we break? Please play it. We're in the shirt here. We got play isn't it fine or is that shirt wearing him ting?
Which way should I play this or should we break please put it? Oh, maybe we should break. Yeah, we should we're gonna
Go at this we have a lot of reads. Oh, there's so many really outdated. We got reads from the
Morning, yeah, the salmon Jim show we got there. We get Jim's reads
Salmon them salmon salmon them in the mornings.
Sam and them.
And the crew.
What's it gonna be called?
The Sam shows?
What's the name of the show?
Sam Roberts Show.
That's it?
Yes sir.
Wow, he really.
What a come up.
A come up, quick.
He really cut Jim's name right out of that show.
I bet he was doing logos for the last month.
If you, seriously, you're listening. If breaking, if breaking his pay, if breaking Sam Roberts
pay in half gets me and Bobby more than we currently make, we will take over.
I'm with you.
We'll take over.
Let's do it.
No, I'm changing my mind.
We need a million each more.
Hey, when are they, what time is it? Wait, wait I'm changing my mind. What we need a million each more
No, I didn't I told it wasn't I don't know what you've said to your team but in negotiations
Why do you have a team I thought we're on the book I thought mean you're on the same team umbrella No, what What team are you on? Well, contract negotiations. Am I on my own team?
You have a team though.
You got Frosty.
I have a team, yeah.
So I uh...
Do I need to get my team together?
It's contracts guys.
Did you just call my wife my team?
Dawn's your team.
And Max is downstairs fucking burning the midnight oil, making sure things are alright,
making sure your merch is moving.
Christine's on your team, right?
Why do they have a question mark at the end of that?
I'm his assistant.
She's my flight coordinator.
Should I have my team call your team?
But no, when we talk team, I'm saying the bit when they go, what's our first offer?
What are we looking for for our next years?
I say we start flat out.
I told them without fail.
Start at $125 million, the price of Call Her Daddy,
and then convince me backwards.
To get me to what I'd love and be thrilled with,
I could say no 124 million times.
To get to the million.
They'll go, um, have you sort of keep coming down? I go, okay.
Hey, maybe you're right. Call her daddy.
Probably brings in a little more ad revenue than we bring in.
We'll do one 24 million and it'll go back and forth like that until I'm guessing 2029.
Jay Okerson. Genius. Genius. Thank you, Noam. Will you be my team?
I'll be your team.
All right, great.
Buck 25, 125 million.
That's before your guys' salaries.
We'll be back, everybody.