The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - Playing With My Guys

Episode Date: May 12, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Dan Soder and Big J. Oakerson. Welcome to the Bonfire Podcast. We'll have new episodes every morning, Tuesday through Friday. If you want more Bonfire, you can always hear our full show every day on Series XM. You can go to slash Bonfire for a special three month offer. The Bonfire! the bomb fire Never say goodbye. Yeah, I don't you ever say goodbye You don't ever say goodbye. This is one of the songs I would have my GI Joe road pig rescues girl from from a party from
Starting point is 00:00:38 Really? This is one of them. Yeah, there's a lot a lot of Bon Jovi ballots made their way in and that after he just cleaned house in that house party And then he would take his girl he would take his jinx the red ninja home Nice would you ever be always saving her Would you be angry? They just do hand stuff Damn it was just so preferred to dude. He just got out of that party and then she'd go back and watch him Play a big football game with all the same people that were just holding her hostage in a party. Why a party? I don't know. That's always the funniest thing because that just shows you a big of a dork I was with my toys. I never even thought about sending him to a party.
Starting point is 00:01:17 It was always a business or military meeting. Never set up one just real situation where some fighting was required. Yeah, no, I think it was always breaking up a robbery or something or stopping a gang from beating on someone. It was always No, you had such real life crimes in your toys. I just do a big imagination. I was just you know I had like a mountain fortress which was the couch and then you know the hero had to fight his way through the fortress for what reason is he fighting I don't know. I was just know, the hero had to fight his way through the fortress. For what reason is he fighting? I don't know. I was just there for the contact, dude. I was there for the pure.
Starting point is 00:01:47 And everything fell into the situation. Everything fell into everything. Even for a little bit, if I would play actual war with GI Joe's, it was all about when he came home, disgruntled, and had to take a life of professional wrestling. And then I would have some wrestling things. And then maybe he played some minor league balls, some football. We got those games gone. But eventually, eventually he would just be down and out then and his girlfriend I just been taking hostage at a party and he would have to go rescue her and kick everyone's ass
Starting point is 00:02:15 Uh to fucking bond jovy ball. It's man. Just get shit man. Oh, how do the shit? Hold on? You would give your GI Joe's PTSD and then they would come back like Ted Williams and play professional sports Yeah, and then a sticky little heroin problem in between sports by the way damn and then you throw in the thickness of a kid napping In a taken-like situation where road pig has to go he trusted her at home alone because she's clearly a ninja Sure has to go. He trusted her at home alone because she's clearly a ninja. Sure. She was a ninja. So I think he thought she'd be okay by herself, but these party people. Also, it wasn't always, she wasn't being held hostage to party. She had been convinced that this is the life she wants to be fucking. So she's been indoctrined and she was banging another dude. Is that what it was?
Starting point is 00:03:01 I she's the last person I had to beat up was the one that was going to clearly take her from road pig. And who was that? Was there always road pigs? They ain't probably for me wasn't road pig. I probably gave him like a a knee and a Johnny. Sounds like a name I would have given him or a Mikey. What was that? Johnny probably would have been was Johnny the coolest name. I think I liked the idea. I think I liked the yeah, Johnny with H in there full John a full Johnny a full Johnny was it always the same action figure that was gonna take scarlet from road pig excuse me Johnny or Axel Axel made his way in there a lot too once a Axel Rose came out
Starting point is 00:03:45 Okay, and also Beverly Hills cop Snuck that Axel. Okay, not a black Different you know why that I had nothing to do with his race stand in the World's the Detroit cop I'm gonna Axel roll everything was supposed to be I get it I don't want to rock you didn't want a black hero times were different. I understand it Do you told me yourself that you went through tomatoes that whoever went and saw media or man in theaters? If anybody ever, if anybody ever helped out road pig Johnny, then I'll tell you that it would have been roadblock.
Starting point is 00:04:14 The black the black GI Joe. I know who he is because I respect him. I don't mind. I don't mind. I don't mind being a boy playing with my dolls of color. Who is your imagination was woke? Who is the villain? Who is always the villain? Oh, that can go. That would switch.
Starting point is 00:04:41 That can go all over the place. Sargent's slaughter in the tank top. A lot of times make an appearance because i got a the x-neck is got tank top confidence is got a bit like a bad mustache a mean scowl and maybe would remind road pick johnny about his old sergeant back in the
Starting point is 00:04:57 maybe and it is army sergeant who discharged him uh... you want to kill innocent people damn damn there the morality in your toys was deep yeah it wasn't just some fucking fruit kids sitting around in his room listen to the bon Jovi Bells and having road pick break up a fucking a GI Joe party
Starting point is 00:05:18 there was depth dude i mean i didn't realize that i feel foolish for the lack of depth that my if I explain that whole story to you At the end that was like and then written by Tom Clancy when you I'd be like oh wow you know what that really makes me think that really makes me think about how we treat our soldiers when they come back and then play Professional football and leave their ninja girlfriends at home Aren't you even just now saying it's sort of invested in him getting that girl back from the party guys out of some rough Strokes in life. Can I tell you right now? I'm willing to go spend thousands of dollars on GI Joe's to recreate it Shot for shot robot chicken style
Starting point is 00:05:53 Dan it it makes me nervous It makes me genuinely nervous how much that I'm like if I was presented with a if I showed up in my hotel room in Buffalo on Thursday and there was my box of guys was in there I'd be like you know is like I can't tell anyone or show anyone but I'm gonna play with these so bad if I showed up and I had my ring full of Hasbro WWE toys I'd be like what would what's going on? Big rubber ones? No no no the small plastic ones those were the ones I fucked with. Still no articulation, Dan. The G. There was a good, there was a little bit of, I'm against too much articulation. You're crazy. You could do a, Dan, you could
Starting point is 00:06:33 do a fucking vertical suplex with the articulation. You could do it. You could do it with enough articulation. No, you can't. You're just matching rubber together. I will find, I want a rubber mash, dude, and it's plastic. And I want a rubber mash dude and it's plastic and I want to slap I want to slam plastic and do each I do GI Joe change the game and you were afraid to jump over It was they were the ones I Can't fuck with GI Joe's I had I'd all the street fighter GI Joe's remember when they did that one They came out kind of late if one of your fucking wrestler guys had to go to a party to smash it up With some other wrestlers to get his girlfriend back.
Starting point is 00:07:05 One, everyone's built exactly the same. Everyone's shirtless wearing man panties. It's not a fucking good, come on. Number one, the undertaker came with his own coat, which you then put on other people. So you're telling me? That doesn't make me unhappy, I'll tell you that. Oh, we put up these collar topics while we keep, I don't want to change subjects, but like, we said, please call in before we get to the final round of this.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Call in, if you've ever been attracted to a step parent, any direction, a guy or girl attracted to a step parent, or has anybody hooked up with a step parent, or has a step parent hit on you. Yeah, that's one of those situations. In appropriate step parent shit, please call the number, whatever it is, it's something. Jacob, what's our phone number? It's on your radio, but it's 866-969-1969.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Wait a minute, folks, people first, that was great. Nice pass, progressive answer. It's on your radio, fuck cards. I didn't realize Lou was dating the audience for the last 10 years Maybe do maybe do the thing I tell you to do every fucking time every fucking time you call it Also Aaron in New Mexico says that he has some limited edition GI Joe's for Jay and myself. What's up Aaron? Fuck you limited edition g i jose for j in myself what's up aron book you are that so i don't know that he promised me g i jose and it's cool that's
Starting point is 00:08:33 thanks for bringing back christmas and i need one what's up aron uh... yeah man don't be ashamed i still collect action figures on the it's not the collecting it's not collecting the issue do i want i don't want to collect them and keep them in the condition i want to engage them in acts of combat and party savings i'm telling you right now party rescues and i'll tell you right now if i could take katie stairwell over as a fort for cobra you and see me for six hours my lord
Starting point is 00:09:05 well okay so listen they updated the g i jose made a cooler looking but they're still the eighties ones right okay i'm i'm willing to i have road pick i have carlotte i have roadblock i have everybody i will send them to you for free i'm i've only listened to you guys for two weeks by the way thank you wait. Wait, what? Damn, Aaron. Well, welcome. Welcome to the family. Hey, other campers, a take notice. I'm just getting. Like, guy comes in. He's like, this is how you're gary us into your heart. This guy came in like my dad. He's like, you want toys? I'm like, damn. I'm
Starting point is 00:09:38 already picturing. I'm already picturing like making the guy do like a spinning backkick. I love them so much. you, I jose. Well, Aaron, we got to find a PO box. We got to find a way for you to. Now, let's give you Jacob's mom's address, right to stand. We're also going to give you a list of medications to let you know what you're doing. Hey, Brendan's leaving the show.
Starting point is 00:10:01 We'll give you his address. Here's what he's busy, his kids are sleeping. Yeah, I want you guys to give you his address was busy it is kids are sleeping yeah i want you guys give me the address to the i will fucking ship them out to you at no cost you guys made my life that last couple weeks uh... thanks aaron well we'll have to you know will have to uh... will have to send you something get on hold and uh... will have will get your email address okay cool and send you some stuff because Jay's got to have a road pick.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Honestly, if I'm doing something. Somebody says it's a road pick that's still in the package. No, he says he has it. No, but somebody says a new updated road pick dude. I'm telling you what? You send me, you get four GI Joe's in my possession. I'm playing. I'm going to send you like eight like eight and I'm gonna get four of them. Yeah, we're just gonna have one Dan you take those GI Joe's and you don't play with them
Starting point is 00:10:55 I'm not playing with you. It won't happen Now dude that's fucking Just for the record I didn't play GI Joe's before and ever Yeah, that was like that was like a two that was like a if you were like it like a fucking two guy one girl Three something like you want a kiss? Dude it'd be less gay if he came over and we just touched asses together Touch naked asses Just smack naked asses together would be less gay then you coming over to play GI Joe's with me
Starting point is 00:11:34 No, that's gonna be a solo game and I'm not gonna tell anybody I'm gonna put him in my suitcase And I'm gonna take him on the road somewhere and I'm gonna do not Josh is gonna be knocking on my door like We got a cheesecake. I need a juicy Lucy. It's What are you doing you're all hey? Hey, so why don't you come home with me? I go Josh and just getting ready for the shows right now I just want to grow for this stupid party the stupid part of get out of here guys shows right now. I'm just gonna grow for this stupid party. The stupid party. Get out of here, guys. Stop, stop.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Shut up. Get out. Just know if you take four, you're not gonna play with them, Dan. I want you to have four. If you take four, you're not gonna play with them. Just see no. It'll never be a party that I'm going to stop. Wow, man. That's a great one. Do you see David in Georgia? Oh, uh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Let's do that for sure. I'm just gonna let David know as we bring them on the air I'm already leery. I'm already don't know that's a lie Yeah What do these guys do in a letter to pan house? You're trying to get us horned up. I don't know dude And then she came in and she rubbed her Sure that was slightly sheer but Jay. I'm not I mean I would I want to believe it But I'm just saying I'm going to be a little skeptical.
Starting point is 00:12:46 There he is. David, is that you, buddy? Right. I'm Steven. I don't know whose David is. Hey, Steven. How the hell are you from Georgia? Yeah, I'm from Georgia, but I'm not
Starting point is 00:12:58 going to say what city. You know what I mean? Sure. Sure. It makes sense. All right. You guys ready? Shrap in. All right, go. So my mom and my dad, all right, you guys ready to strap in. Okay, all right, go.
Starting point is 00:13:06 So, my mom and my dad, you know, they got divorced when I was like 14. And my dad ended up doing really, really good in the real estate department, like really, really good. And he was doing stuff across, make it and land us and then you name it. And then, this whole deal was you're gonna pay for my school pay for everything I mean I had a pretty push. I was living pretty good and he ends up getting remarried to this technique Veronica and she was Okay, they got married. I was 18 so she was like 23
Starting point is 00:13:41 Damn was that weird, but how old were you when you first met her? What was the age when you first met your father's new girlfriend, Veronica? Okay, so I was actually... I was there. I think I made it pretty quick. So I was actually 18 and I was already starting a school. Like I just graduated high school. I got accepted to college.
Starting point is 00:13:59 And now... How old was your pop? You know what I mean? How old was your dad? He's only 20 years older than you. OK, so at the time he was 38. He was 38, married a 23 year old. Which is whatever, right?
Starting point is 00:14:12 And she was hot. And she was really, really hot. So I go to school, and then I'm like 20 years old. So this time, I'm getting a, you know, I finished a couple years of school. And then he's like hey I I want you to learn responsibility So I'm gonna start stop paying for all this shit
Starting point is 00:14:32 So basically just kind of cut me off like trying to close me a lesson So I said cool cool. I got you. So I fucked Veronica and I taught him a lesson Did you just have that workout you might be right then I'm liri the story now too No, I'm just gonna happen like how did it happen explain how it happened oh Easy so we had a little like birthday get together or whatever and then we had a whole bunch of people over and those some definitely Some alcohol involved and she was kind of flirty before that she's been flirty before and then I remember there's a bunch of people in a pool and we're hanging out and all of a sudden like she just started kissing me like everybody had kind of gone inside there's only a few people out like people I didn't even know I don't even know if she knew I'm so I was like
Starting point is 00:15:14 hmm and then it was kind of serendipitous or whatever because it's you that's a great sentence yeah it was serendipitous or whatever. Yeah, I mean, look, like, you know, they definitely didn't last. Plus they were doing like weird swing or shit anyways. Oh, so you know, you guys had a picture of Veronica, Jacob. Yeah, because that's Veronica. That door was a jar when you walked in. That was, I thought you had to really pry something open. It turns out you just, you know, it was a windfall but what happened she started like making out with you or something or just started
Starting point is 00:15:50 on it your fucking pig she definitely she definitely kissed me first in the pool and then she was all like flirty and i was like man i could do this but i don't know if i should do this and i just remembered that fucking fuck that dude. So I just fuck that. Are you guys cool? Does he know that you did it? No, I definitely told him about it. And the thing is like the weird the weirdest part about this is like she was making pancakes the next day. And I kind of brought it off over practice.
Starting point is 00:16:19 What while both of them were there. Yeah, 100%. I would never give information like that when someone's cooking something the easiest thing to mix common to. Yeah, or poison. Yeah, he wasn't cooking as she was. But then she stopped cooking and then they had to have a little family, family involvement. And then he just wanted to know if that's the first time that it happened like you just trying to act all cool about it at first like oh okay all right and we yeah he's
Starting point is 00:16:50 the fucking first time that happened what about that cow it's bro you're gonna pay for that cow bitch did you go did you fucker again ever no no that was it that was a one-time deal and they stayed they stayed together for a while to that? They stayed together for six more months. And honestly, I felt, you know, later on, like I'm older now, you know, like I kind of felt bad a little bit, especially like the holidays aren't the same for the old man anymore. But he's moved on.
Starting point is 00:17:19 He's moved on. Like he's an old guy. Are you guys cool now? We definitely weren't cool for like a couple of fucking years And I'm still cuz like I don't know. I mean, I think I I have heard something about like Dan you with the college and stuff and you probably had to make it on your own for a little bit It sucks dude like first two years of push man And then I like like starving like the wolf dude. I can't believe you I mean I would think what would suck more than being poorer in colleges having it ripped out from under you because I started
Starting point is 00:17:55 Poor I just moved when I went to college. I just I didn't have any money from the jump So the thought of having a little bit of money and then it being taken away because your dad wants you to be yeah I'd be mad too. I don't know if I'd be Fuck my stepmother mad, but I mean, you know damn every time he didn't let you get Nintendo game and you fuck Cheryl I was like Cheryl move over Move it. I want to piece you like your your And I was like so what I Think David was our only call for this topic, which I find interesting.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I thought female callers would be like a stepfather, definitely making it weird with them. Yeah. For sure. Jacob, what are you gonna say? I'm just fascinated with Steve. Like he wanted to get his dad to start paying for his college again by banging his stepmom.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Like, well, it was like maybe, yeah. It doesn't really work that way. Well, he's saying he will stop fucking her if you pay for my school again. He goes, so how about that? I can take it back. I can erase your memory with this men and black. Yeah, listen, if you give me money for college,
Starting point is 00:19:01 I'll punch you. Now, I know a part of the brain where I could punch you in. We're just gonna take away the last 15 minutes of your memory. Yeah. Goodbye, Brendan. We are gonna miss you. Goodbye, the image of Brendan. So we never got to touch him in a studio. I know. We never got to feel your presence.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I never got to see our souls combine in one room Brendan, whatever show you go to I hope you you're happy, but I just I also hope that you're not as happy as you are right now Why are you leaving is it my gun? It's gonna be gone soon. It's gonna be so gone It's gonna be gone so good and Jay's gonna have such a big pecker. I'm not such a big fat dick now so You can stay if you want. We'll make it okay. I'll make it bigger for you. I'm making it bigger for you Just push them go If you want, we'll make it okay. I'll make it bigger for you. I'm making it bigger for you. Just please don't go.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Whatever it takes. Please. I'll even take that gun fed out and jacked it into my dick if you weren't even bigger and thicker. Whatever you want. Whatever you want. Baby please. Oh.
Starting point is 00:20:22 But. Day. Damn, Jacob. That was emotional. Jacob was by the way of singing that acapella. Us were just clapping. We were just snapping along. That was Jacob nailing it. What do you do tomorrow now, Brendan? Go back to Staple and TPS reports. Damn, fucking sucks. Well, affirmative action, dude. Got a slide yet for a black dude. Sorry, it's just how it works. It was actually more
Starting point is 00:21:00 that you're southern. It's from your Kentucky and I think the office really really doesn't like that. They were building up to this moment. They knew they put you up here and then tomorrow they're going to be like black loose black you can fit her flag love and motherfucker. We chased it out. We're tearing down your statue today. Yeah, go back to your bourbon barrels Kentucky. Do you when you do they just randomly sub you into shows? Yeah, that's
Starting point is 00:21:26 how I mean I did like me the cable guy show for a while I worked on Nick the Apollo show for the longest time. Yeah. What two nightmares? I'm so happy it worked out for you to be here now. With us two lovely angels. Oh my god. My brother got to call in live from prison on the Apollo though. So that was a hell. Oh hell yeah, that's pretty awesome. That's very awesome. What's your brother in prison for? There's opioid crisis that kind of stuff. Oh okay, it's, you know, it's sweeping the nation.
Starting point is 00:21:53 The opioid crisis put him in jail. That doesn't make a lot of sense. Do you know what I mean? I don't know about what. What if he was like, yeah, my actually, my brother was a doctor prescribing it to people. He was like, I did not think he was gonna be on the business, on the right side of it.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Yeah. Forty some bodies. Because, yeah, he was just going to these small towns and push pills. And then, you know, they finally caught them. They finally caught them lying. He would sell his prescription pads. He would just go, Brendan's last name is actually Sackler.
Starting point is 00:22:22 He's him and his family started Purdue Farmer and created OxyCot. We didn't want to tell that till his last day. He's the reason for the opioid crisis. This has been by far the most fun you've ever had on a show though for sure. Although ironically, because we only got the one, I'm not even sure about the validity of it, Larry the cable guy's audience.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I bet a lot more step-parent fucking going on there. Oh my god, in the amount of ranch-consumed doubles ours. Oh, and this is a ranch family here, but I'll tell you what, nothing like over there. They're serious. Yeah, did they bathe in it? Why would I use regular milk when I got buttermilk ranch? I call this freedom milk. It's ranch with a splash of cream. You might be. You might have high blood pressure if you're using so much ranch milk. Ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Ranch milk. I dunk my Oreos and butter milk ranch. Here's my alley. Him and he's got, he's got Merc face on the payroll. So we have to watch out. We got to watch how we tread, dude. How dare nobody called in, how dare not one of our female listeners
Starting point is 00:23:31 ever had a family member or an awkward come on or a fuck situation. They're like, I tell you right now, I'm kind of happy to hear that, you know, it's a Tuesday. It's bullshit. You know what? I'm not going to tell a story about me and my stepmother having full blown sex
Starting point is 00:23:46 What you a Diane I was gonna tell my dad a pancakes, but I chose not to I'm not Dad I'm enjoying these pancakes and I don't want to tell you that I had sex with Diane. I was with Diane last night Hey, but what do you mean? Chase? Chase, it's your dad! Don't what's going on! Chase! What do you guys do? You smash a glaser!
Starting point is 00:24:10 What's going on? Chase, not the end! No, Chase, that's my heart! I love her! Chase, I love her! You can't smash the end! What about my winner? Well, should I trash her! Jeees! I love her! You can't smash Diane! What about my winner? Well, should I trash her then?
Starting point is 00:24:29 Well, you can't put it that Diane gets angry if you trash her pictures. When she's showing sign boob, it's the best. Jeees, it's your dad! My stepmother thought was very pretty when I was younger, but she had small boobs. My first stepmother, Kathy, was the one with that mean, the pounders. Damn, dog. Just fucking. Hounder. She's the one that I saw.
Starting point is 00:24:52 And when I thought we were getting robbed and I busted into the bedroom and I saw Kathy naked the first time that was 40. She was like 40. My dad was younger than her by a lot. Or there was a lot younger than her. Really? Yeah, my dad was still crying. And it's like late 20s when they joined.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Good for Kathy. She was in her 40s, but Kathy, yeah, she just had a fucking. Kathy's like, I want to, I need a pool boy. Come bang me out. And your dad was like, all right, this is my son, Chase. He likes to run in when he thinks we're getting robbed. Dude, just cut to my dad, disciplining her children and screaming
Starting point is 00:25:29 at the television at Eagles games in the middle. It's like, it's so funny. And then one day he was just like, yeah. He just like took off like five years later. He was just like, all right. Some many years, yeah, some, he split when I was like, shit man, like 11 or something. So he was with her maybe from the time I was like 6 to 11. Something like that. 7, maybe 7 to 11.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Damn, let him out. But it wasn't that long they were together and he just split one day. But like, did you, how did you find out he split? Did he call your house? No. Like was he like, hey, I left Kathy, if you're gonna get a hold of me, you gotta call this place. I don't, I guess before cell phones, I don't remember. Cause that was always what happened.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Someone had to call, but he went right to Ohio. He went right to Ohio. Yeah, he left Pennsylvania, it goes right to Ohio, goes to oh, so when he left where was Kathy living? That wasn't in camp, right? No, that was everywhere from they did Delaware for a little bit. Uh, fallcroft PA, which is just like a suburb of you know outside Philly. Um, just I played Jersey, you kind of where my mom lives now like in the air for a little while I just always kind of floating around was that kind of cool when your dad moved close to you
Starting point is 00:26:48 Where you're like oh shit? Not oh cuz you weren't out there yet you weren't out there till high school No, when I was 11 he moved out to Ohio that was rat. Yeah, I remember there's other place I remember those other places like yeah, I was just saying it's it's crazy that at one point with Kathy he lived near where your mom lives now. You know, yeah, yeah, that's the place where we almost, I thought we're getting robbed because someone was trying to get in the door at night.
Starting point is 00:27:13 And I saw Kathy's big basoons. Yeah, and your dad's winger. And my dad's donger in the same night. Damn, dude, what a day. What a day for a little J. It was a lot of fun. Oh, I remember they were tangent tan lines. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:27:27 So they were real white and then tan on the top? No, no, like different, like, you know, like, it was more of a mom cut bathing suit. So it was like, you see like the strap, the white straps that go over the nip in the middle of the boob. Damn. And then everything else was like tan. Damn, um, see my dad, my dad never remarried or anything. So I think it's weird, like your dad left another family. Like how does he check in with you on that?
Starting point is 00:27:51 He's like, hey, he's so cool. He couldn't wait to like sink the other person. He couldn't just be like, I was over it or I started seeing somebody out, which by the way, he doesn't owe me that explanation for her. But like he would give me an explanation, but it was always like selling someone else out hard. Like I remember he goes, yeah, he goes, remember my friend Kevin who I shot pool with?
Starting point is 00:28:10 Yeah, Kathy fucked him. So then I went and I fucked it. You know, if any of it, he could even just take it that he couldn't tell the story that like just let it be like a woman wanted to fuck my friend over me. He's like, so then I went over and fucked his chick. And then we talked about it over pain. when one of the fuck my friend over me, he's like, so then I went over and fucked his chick. And then we talked about it over pain. Yeah, he's like, now what do you want for your 12th birthday?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Damn, dude. Damn, I remember my dad hung out. I think like when I was 12, he was hanging out with, fuck, what was that, Janette? That was like Janette and she, I think it big. Big tit names. Jeanette didn't have big tits. Jeanette was a big tit name.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Yeah, Jeanette was, Cheryl had some fucking cam. Jeanette's also my grandmother's name. I want to see you. I was thinking of that way. Cheryl, I remember it was like, had big enough titties that at 10, I was like, dooooooooooooo at 12, when I came out,
Starting point is 00:29:06 we were hanging out with Jeanette. It was just more, she had like a white trash body. She was like Linda, she was like Sarah Conner's strong. You know, little twin in Terminator 2, she had like those tone shoulders from just a life of hard work. That would get me more if they were in bathing suit att attire something like that a musly body like a fit body and clothes wouldn't have made it Yeah, with like a
Starting point is 00:29:31 Dress of that time, but it was like an orange and white tank top and she just had like kind of toned arms And my dad was in his OPs and like a liquor shirt with a tiger on it just smoking cigarettes and his white re-box It was like gotta go to the lake with her. I was like this Family sucks. I'd be more excited. She was the mom of fat tittinille. Oh, I was fat tittinille That's like yeah, I always would uh Yeah, I think when I was young I think I'd be more attracted to a softer woman. I would feel Yeah, yeah, you don't want a hard, regi-tuned woman. No, yeah, if I'm intimidating.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Like a nice softer, yeah. Voluptuous. Voluptuous for sure. Yes, listen, the exact age you're supposed to be when things like the man's show would resonate for you. Yes. With girls bouncing in bikinis on trampolines. Like now you'd be like, that's dumb.
Starting point is 00:30:24 You did, there's a lot on a date. Yeah, it's like now you'd be like that's dumb You did there's a date Yeah, it's like you know go meet a girl. I don't know jack off the pornography whatever it is don't stare at women jumping on trampolines and Yeah, it's exactly you're the reason that all female comics have jokes like in guys are like boobs like an ocarax and a kiss of boobs. I, yeah, but they're not always wrong, but that does. It's not always wrong. It's not always, but this does help the argument. This really does help. No, there's a guy that would get an ocar accident
Starting point is 00:30:55 because he had to see boobs. What do you guys like to quiet for you think it's me? It's not me. I can control myself. It's, it's, it's, don't you dare. Don't you dare. It's so far. Like, I cause you think about that call from your dad that you that like, Hey, buddy, anyways, when you called me the first time when he moved from San Francisco, he was like, really? Is that
Starting point is 00:31:18 what he said? Come eat your new step on? No, I mean, it's basically, I don't remember what the gap was. I remember Kathy and my mom started to hang out a little bit and it was being a little like, I was, it's basically, I don't remember what the gap was. I remember Kathy and my mom starting to hang out a little bit and it was being a little like, I was sitting around. I remember through a couple of fucking bash sessions. Damn. And you're like, and you're 12 and you're 12 years old. My mom was young enough to, I think I recall one time.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Like, I thought I'd be funny. I was like, you guys want me to call them and like say a thing. You know, I mean, I was like part of that thing. Damn, wait, so Kathy was over here with my dad one night. Yeah. And Kathy and your mom were cool. They were always cool though. That's not our problem. Yeah, because that's like, you know, it's weird. It's like Nick. My stepdad and my dad were always cool.
Starting point is 00:31:55 You know, it's called like when my dad would call Nick would pick up and he'd be like, what's up, dude? Yeah, my, uh, yeah, my mom and Kathy. So funny though, with that. Kathy was, but Kathy treated me very very like she was like involved me. You know, I mean she didn't treat it like I wasn't part of like their family. You ever reach out to your old stepbrothers? I can't find them online. I've got to find them.
Starting point is 00:32:14 There's thousand different ways. Yeah, I've got to find them because they're out there and they need to know that you have a radio show that props them up. Oh, yeah. Oh, my stepbrothers are fucking cool. I mean, they were like, you know, mean to me a little bit when I was a kid But they were like my older stepbrothers and I was there fat stepbrother It was coming over to slow them down. I didn't bring my bike, you know
Starting point is 00:32:33 I mean like everything I do it's being me like they never like ride their bike slow I like walk with my belly out of my shirt. I'm sure it's not how it was but it pictures that way Yeah, dude, it feels so shitty I used to feel that way when I'd go hang out at my cousin's house on the weekends and him and his friends were all doing BMX bikes and I just Sucked at it and I was like you you'll go hang out here. Yeah, it's cool. Maybe like hey We're gonna jump ramps sit here and eat these 15 Nestle crunch bars and see if we win the prize on the inside of the wrapper Don't end don't I've always been to get a research
Starting point is 00:33:04 You see good is it good if you get two backs of cars or does it have to be a front-and-a-back? A front-and-a-back fatso? Okay. Pack at it. No, no, no, no. Guys, we almost Crazy You guys have made it a drink my male skin pretty murky Just a lot out here in the summer You just throw pure hot chocolate for your stomach Just club to chocolate like a dog Wow Anyways, I just ate all 16 Guys up Anyways, I just ate all 16. We don't know what a shit dude. I know we got to go Brendan. We love you
Starting point is 00:33:57 Come back to show what we're in the when we're in studio any time dude open door your family now We love you so much that I'm gonna plug Jay's website right now big Jay comedycom. He's in Buffalo added a show on Thursday. Oh yeah, I'm dedicating this one. I'm dedicating this next plug to Brendan also, this weekend in Indianapolis. Some tickets still available. Go to the website Get tickets right now. We're all over the road. Check out our podcast. We love you, Brendan. It's Brennan podcast. We love you, Brennan. Take care of everything. Go back to holding those kids hostage or whatever it is you're doing.
Starting point is 00:34:30 We love you and we catch you guys all tomorrow on the bottom of the fire. So, we love you guys. Wow! Wow! You've been listening to SiriusXM's bonfire! New episodes every Tuesday through Friday mornings and full shows, always on SiriusXM!

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