The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - Poison Danish

Episode Date: May 7, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Dan Soder and Big J. Oakerson. Welcome to the Bonfire Podcast. We'll have new episodes every morning, Tuesday through Friday. If you want more Bonfire, you can always hear our full show every day on Series XM. You can go to slash Bonfire for a special three month offer. The Bonfire! You know, Dan, it does seem funny. Every day we come back, we're down one more crew member. It's like a murder mystery. I'm Dan Soder, that's Big J. O'Kerson.
Starting point is 00:00:38 We're with DJ Lewin, Jacob. But we're still the bonfire on Seriesius XM 103 faction talk everyone's coming back it was coming back yeah I'm the California Black Luzon paternity leave and grandad's child was sick and so he had to bail today you know whatever he's fucking these fruit dads now all the dads gotta take care of this shit. What, Dan? Ain't no fruit, ain't no fruit to me. I'm here. I'm standing strong. And there was a chance, there was last night
Starting point is 00:01:10 could have gone real worse, but it didn't. Actually, I don't know if it could have got, how bad it could have gotten. But I'll tell you, Brandon have to work and also take care of this kid. I don't get it. I don't know. Explanates in Jacob.
Starting point is 00:01:31 This kid got fired. I don't wanna get. I don't know. Explants in Jacob. This kid got fired. I don't want to get into this kid got apparently a just a reaction to shots. Oh No, no, I'm not arguing with the kids sick at all. I think you're trying to say Munchausen by proxy. Why is this kid faking it so hard? Jay's like everyone. No, Brendan makes his kids sick so he gets attention. Everyone knows he puts a little cup of bleach in all their cereal. Maybe I'm an old man, DJ Lou, but back me up on this. I know Jacob's woke over there. But I don't even think it's, this is not anti woman at all. This isn't just so funny. Could you even picture, have pictured when you were born like your father taking off work to soul bond
Starting point is 00:02:05 with you, or could you imagine your father like taking the day off to nurse you back to health when you were, I would have never even dreamed of that being the case if he was there. I assume you're not allowing me in the conversation to do the fact that I never had a father, but I understand that, not the manliness part, right? I'm trying to make sure you're not trying to call me a pus, you know what I mean? No, no, no, no, no, I'm not calling you a pus at all. Don't even sort of think that.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I just feel like you're kind of calling me a pus. No, listen, I'm saying you're the same as me. Your mom got you chicken noodle soup. Do you know what I mean? My mom also taught me like how to throw a baseball. It wasn't like, yeah, exactly. Absolutely. I'm just saying like just the times are so different
Starting point is 00:02:50 where it's like this guy, the men taking on the black lose on paternity leave. Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, I think, I mean, it's great. I'm just saying it's just what to me. It's just like, I mean, I couldn't imagine asking for paternity leave with a straight face. And not being like, I mean, I couldn't imagine asking for paternity leave with a straight face.
Starting point is 00:03:05 And not being like, I'm clearly gonna go fucking kick out my boys and Amsterdam for about a month. Pre 2005, I think that would have been a joke to say. Like, hey guys, I gotta get out of here on paternity leave. And they're like, oh, all right, yeah, I get it. Oh, no, no, no. I believe, like Lewis sharing heartbeats with Hendrix, as we speak. I'm not saying he's not doing a thing. I'm saying you're I'm saying the term
Starting point is 00:03:29 paternity leave sounds like a punchline before 2005 Dan if you said paternity there you go paternity what did I say paternity? What did I say I said paternity? You said paternity. No, I didn't I said paternity. Is it pa and ma mother and father? Listen, I've been I've been stockpiling words that you've been saying wrong and haven't said any of them. Oh my dude Of course dude no way dude. I'm fucking waiting for you Uh-uh. I'm fucking. Yeah. I was just not the moment dude I came at you and you say I'm totally wrong that you didn't say the thing so the other turn I was saying paternity
Starting point is 00:04:05 I wasn't saying I believe you I'm gonna give you I'll give you a brought in all day every day That is real that was a real mountain term. No, dude. I'm a cunt for doing it. I'm telling you uncork on me, dude I'm sorry. I was wrong. You said paternity. You know, I just feel like it's not where it's you don't know You know what I mean? Go go ahead I use it wrong probably too they only get they only to the fucking wall. It's supremacy Yeah, yeah people get big on that one. It's a supremacy. It's a supremacist It's white supremacist or white supremacist. I think I've been corrected both ways I would sit white supremacist always. And then I think people are saying it's supremacist,
Starting point is 00:04:47 but I don't know. Here's the thing, I'm so dumb that you could probably talk me out of being like, actually you're wrong on that when I'd be like, I am. No, no, I still don't know which one's right. Turnity leave, I know. I know for a fact was right. That was the only reason I got thorny.
Starting point is 00:05:02 You know, I'm hearing you wrong because you, that might be your natural accent, you're going paternity. So's like the uh instead of like pat paternity pat paternity I can't be also so you get but you're getting it right there's a place called alpha alpha and I say that goofy alpha alpha how are you supposed to say alpha alpha alpha alpha you start saying alpha alpha pie alpha to say what that read we have Makes me I mean if I was walking while I was saying those words. I would crash my head through a dry wall because yeah, it's just What is the what is that term? Where do I get caught up every time? It's a traditional? Yeah, it's a tradition. It's a tradition
Starting point is 00:05:42 Something about when I come off that last sentence. It's like I think there was one There was one specific Live read that we had that would Me cat me every time and it was from years ago, and I'm trying to remember what it was But it was a sentence where Jacob would have to be like can you start that over? And I get like halfway through and the Jacob would be like, there's just one sentence he didn't get right. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:06:08 I just just fucking who writes like this. Yeah. Oh, by the way, shout out to whoever sent, they got me an MP3 of the Jacob drop for my text messages. I was gonna learn how to implement it. Ah, it's on the phone though. That's great.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Yeah. So once I figure out how I'll do it, I'll send it to you. Buddy, let's, well, me and you aren't technology guys. We learned that yesterday. When we were driving in my car. Man, well, so yeah, I don't know if I want to tell you what happened last, I'll tell you what happened last night after we tell this story What happened? Oh, yeah, yeah, because that's actually this was a roller coaster of a night So we finished the show. I had a lovely tuna fish sandwich at J's house and then we went to that killer, Delhi Yeah, and then we were going J was going to the gas digital studio to do SDR. I had a I had some time before my seller spot So I went to the stand just to see who was hanging out and
Starting point is 00:07:07 We were just in J's car on the drive Down town and J Siri just went out. I don't know where it was never ever in the history three years of this car Almost because leases almost up three years of this car almost. I'm telling you I didn't know Siri was available in the car Or that it was even a thing I Was a button you can push that'll say like what do you need by that? I've had accidentally sometimes but it's not I did a button This just came up like voice activation. Yeah Well, it came up and we were just out of stoplight just waiting and it was like the Siri was like
Starting point is 00:07:47 What was that? Whatever she was like, what can I help you? What can I help you with today and I jokingly just went suck my dick Now by the way, that's all of a? I was like suck my dick and she was like and she goes Okay sending text to Anthony Cumea suck my dick Would you like me to send now and then it's just 10 seconds of dead silence as we just don't know what to say the wrong I just went. I don't know if you have the answer no or push a button. I was went No, one okay will not send suck my dick
Starting point is 00:08:29 Damn you me. I'm a holy shit the three friends I mean we thought of the three that would have sent it Lewis Ari Shane would have automatically in your car been like signed it signed that oh yelp that out Yeah, dude, absolutely. Because I saw the pitch and I didn't, you know, and I was like, this is, I felt, I was so blown away caught up in the mood of what had happened to me just being like, talk my dick, about to send to Anthony Cunye.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Cunye? My dick. And I was like, why just, no one said the word Anthony Cunye? I don't know, but it was fucking funny. It was such a roller coaster of emotion Because we're like what's that? Okay, I try that right now What's Siri? Hey Siri
Starting point is 00:09:14 Make a text to Anthony Cumeer suck my dick I don't know did you have Siri on hey Siri I don't know. Did you have Siri on? Hey Siri Text Anthony Kumi. Hey Siri text Anthony Kumi. Yeah Suck my dick. Let me be don't Siri on. I don't have it on See that's I if you don't have it on that's what's so weird about it coming up in your car Solaris it looks like I was a hilarious. It's coming up on my computer, too I'm a computer It looks like I was at hilarious. It's coming up on my computer, too. Is it really? Yeah, it's on my computer.
Starting point is 00:09:47 So series just turned on everywhere but your phone. Yeah, I don't like seer. Let me turn seery off here. I thought we were gonna find out that you had a fun seery voice programed in. Were you paid like a lot of money for someone? I'm turning it off, so we keep saying it. Every time you say it, it starts popping back up again. Yeah, seery. Okay. There she is. someone I'm turning off to we keep saying it every time you say it starts popping back up again. Yeah Siri Okay, there she is. That's why I love that episode of South Park where they were making everyone's Amazon and
Starting point is 00:10:15 home You know like the Alexa's Freakout by whatever command they were saying on the show it was making everyone's in their house freak out Which I think is fucking genius. If you set those stuff off and people are alright, you're right. Yeah, the man of the woods, you thanks for vamping. Happy birthday, bro. I was like South Park, South Park is great. So we had that, which was like, I mean, I thought we were backstage in an apractical joke or sketch. We were like, so like, hold me each other like, I was laughing at Tart is like dude the one gun nut besides John
Starting point is 00:10:50 Popper in your phone and you sent an aggressive text message to him. I didn't know where yeah so many jokes made about me buying his house that he's probably thinks that I'm just like drunkenly angry about him it's too expensive me going to suck my fucking dick. What are you? Oh, the money in the world for your house. I don't even fucking care. So I suck my dick in the cell. I'm still gonna send it. You you had a great point. You were like, there's no way to explain this that
Starting point is 00:11:22 doesn't sound fucking crazy. Ruts is like, add a nowhere Siri popped up in my car. So does that suck my dick And it's the craziest thing. It's also that we didn't It would make sense like more if we like said his name, you know, I mean like said his name Let's say I accidentally push the button that is for the talk Wow, we didn't say his name, but then again, it's gonna be, now definitely the words Anthony Cumi and suck my dick were involved in the conversation, but they weren't. Suck my dick was though.
Starting point is 00:11:51 This is the perfect time because this has happened to me twice in the last three months where I have to explain things away that didn't have you to that. So I also said to like this girl keeps reaching out no no no I'm saying crazy sending text messages to the wrong people about like shit talking I was shit there's this post on Instagram and I was like oh man it's this you know someone I wanted to shit on and I took the post and I thought I texted it to Katie and I was like Fuckin check that post out, huh? And then I didn't get a response and I looked and I sent it to a
Starting point is 00:12:33 Friend of ours who lives in Los Angeles. Oh, I've been who I don't really speak to a lot That's not the worst and then remember when I sent a text to Christine that I was supposed to send to you. Where I was like, I was like, I was like, I texted something about Christine and I sent it to J. I thought I sent it to J. And then I looked out and I was like, oh, why did I do that? Yeah, it's not as quiet as I do that. That's not as cool. Oh, fuck. I did one the other day. It's funny. Actually, you don't know this and it explains something with you. You called me the other day, if you recall, and said, Hey, dude, are you leaving right after the show? Cause I'd like to crush a tuna sandwich.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Yeah. And then I was like, yeah, dude, I texted you back. And you, uh, you, you said, Oh, I didn't look. But I didn't. Turns out I didn't text you at all. No, I texted G Mike from Legion of the Skanks. And all he got out of nowhere after what I was talking about, which is nowhere near. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:33 What I mean, you were talking about all you, he just randomly got from me a text going, dude, you have about 15, 20 minutes to fuck that tuna up. No context at all. Man, of course, this is the day we're branded out. Well, I mean, I want to know out of references text wrong text, wrong text. God save them, save them for Monday, though. If you have it and you're hearing it, save it for Monday.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Or Tuesday, let's be honest, some mother's day, the bracket system, we gotta get pictures. We gotta get the pictures today We do but but first Right here right now. There's no other place side rather be No, you gotta tell us what happened after so we had the kumiya thing So we laughed about that. I went and did my spot hung out who came home From your deli when I bought that tuna, I bought yogurt covered pretzels and a nice apple Danish that was in a package, you know, I felt like I have a little some
Starting point is 00:14:32 fun snacks. Very fun. And came home sat down ate that apple Danish and then it was just like, man, you know, Katie was playing Call of Duty, I was playing Mortal Kombat, it was having a fun time. And I was like, you know what, maybe I'm gonna take an edible. And then I started, I was smoking weed, but I started like, itching, my ribs, you know? And I was like, that's weird. But every time I would itch my ribs,
Starting point is 00:15:00 it wouldn't be enough itching. It would be like, I felt like I needed more itch. And then every time I touched somewhere in my body and did even a little scrape, a little itch like this, it would make me itch that part for like 40 minutes. Not 40 minutes, but like 40. Scratch that part man. Scratching the itch. What was I saying? You're itching your itch. Oh god dammit.
Starting point is 00:15:21 No, a lot of people do that. Did you itch it? No, I was scratching my itch and I kept scratching. do that I would you it's it no I was scratching my itch and I kept scratching and then I would scratch on my back and be like all right well that felt good but then a second later be like scratching again and then I went in I went in the room where where Katie was and I was like dude she's like come here let me let me give you a good girlfriend scratch it's just up on the back and you know I was doing that where your chest is forward like you're being. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:45 I'm just your filialians. Yeah. It's like, oh, I thought I was hurting me, but I was like, no, that's pure pleasure. Yeah. Pulling. So she's scratching me and then I'm like, that's great. And I go back to the to the couch and immediately start scratching my ribs again. And I'm like, what the fuck? And I ate half an edible. So I was like, you know, maybe I'm like the edible starting to hit, but I ate the half an edible after Katie scratched me so I was like this is I don't think it was the itching was from before dude I went into the bathroom and turned on the light and took my shirt off and I had fucking well likees and welts all over my back and wherever I had been scratching was raised up
Starting point is 00:16:28 Yeah, I was allergic to something in that Danish Yeah, dude it was I think Danish actually only people that aren't allergic to it are 70-year-old Jewish ladies who live alone Damn, what a weird snack to buy I got to tell you I thought I was a weird snack to buy in a place for a good snacks Well, I'll tell you Danish who picks a Danish. What do you what do you a cop from the forties? Love it. I love the mix of the cheese in it a cheese Danish. It's just wacky what you're saying a Never done it was never into Danish. I've never purchased a Danish in my life Danish is always like I want something sweet and this Stupid craft services has Danish.
Starting point is 00:17:06 And by the way, if it's a cherry Danish, I'll just hook it down the street, like a goddamn friendsby. Cause I'm like, nobody wants that shit. I almost bought the cherry Danish. I'm not even into Danishes. I just fucking thought that unnatural cherry dunk they're in. Love it.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I love science food. And you were buying smokes and I was sitting there and I was like That's natural. It was the It was like a you know I fell into the Danish because I was like oh let me get some yogurt pretzels This is candy, but it's healthy and that I was like you're thinking of they got a monster fucking black and white cookie They've got bakery stuff delivered They got a monster fucking black and white cookie. They've got bakery stuff delivered. They got muffins. They got all the real good shit. This is me half cheating. This in case, fucking wobbly old Polish lady, like yourself wanders in, looking for a Danish at some point.
Starting point is 00:18:15 DJ Liu, ever a Danish? Have you ever sought out a Danish? Never, never. Never. And he's a cop on the edge. Look at him. Jacob, Danish. Hey, you're also acting like Danish is a my thing. I'm telling you right now
Starting point is 00:18:27 It's the the first time I've ever purchased the Danish and your life You're like Len bias and Hank gathers dude. I really am I'm the Len bias of Danish It's it you had one Danish the Len bias of Danish you had one But just to celebrate just to celebrate the night Honestly, I was having fun you saw me you saw shame it was a fun night I bought it with you before I just knew what the night was bring it and I was like why not dude Why not get into adult contemporary foods? To
Starting point is 00:19:01 Nice Let's get it with day two night. And then I'm fucking gonna do tonight. And then I had a full on fucking hive break out and had to take bedding and he histamine and fucking put ointment on me. Hodgegar was on. And then not hitch. I did not hitch. That was the part where it was like in the middle of the night.
Starting point is 00:19:20 This is what got me a scratch in my wrist like this. And then I was like, all of a do that again I tell you what you can't say what you know I then I went all the way around the wrist and it was broke out when I look can I tell you what's very satisfying Doesn't cause that same problem and actually solves the issue Little home remedy not hard. You recall the time that I tell the story from Atlanta where I Got a large reaction at an uncle's house who lived in the woods for some reason.
Starting point is 00:19:47 And then they said to get me in the hot water. Now what I've learned from that since is if you are having that kind of a reaction, like bad, I've had it on like the tops of my feet for some reason. Recently this is just no meat. It's just bone and skin. Straight scrap. But if you, if you would have gotten in the shower last night then under the hot water, the hot water, it gives you the sensation of scratching it, but it's not scratching and
Starting point is 00:20:11 it's getting that shit all out of you. That's exactly what I did. Yeah. I took a, I took a blazing hot, blazing hot. Blazing hot. How nice is that? And the best part was at the end where I was like, oh, there's still room for me to kick it up.
Starting point is 00:20:23 And then, you know, where I told you in the back of my ribs, it was where I was itching the most. Yeah. And I just did like a fucking yeah. I just, I'm not feeling it for you right now. Yeah. And it felt so good. But what's that?
Starting point is 00:20:34 I'm gonna make it worse afterward because heat will, basically make it worse. No, it's actually drawing, no, it's actually drawing the histamine out of your body. But look it up. Look it up. No, I believe. It hits me out of your body. Look it up. Look it up. I believe you Well, I don't look it up. I'm saying for the show to look it up. See if it's if I'm right or wrong Look it up. Now it's fine. I believe you got you bark you bark me down Check out bring up that video. I was talking about the other day goes. Ah, man. I'm good on that
Starting point is 00:21:02 Bring up that video. We're talking about the other day goes, ah man, I'm good on that. I believe you. I believe you. I know. I know the video is funny, man. Just you tell me about it. I don't really bring it up. I don't know. I'd rather not. I get to it. They bring that up.
Starting point is 00:21:14 No, you're right. No one's missing Christine more than Jacob right now. I hit, uh, I hit up the, well, when I got out of the shower, a joke, Katie, she's like, yeah, this is no work of reaction. She gave me the anti Anti-histamine Dude, babe when you're hitting like that dude. It's gotta be Benadrill. What'd you take? Fucking it's all yeah, it's a claritan. Yeah, it's eyes on dude. That's come on. That's fucking daily shit You gotta get in there with the fucking deep cleaner one. You gotta take like that fucking epic pan of
Starting point is 00:21:45 Oh wow. Do hives get worse with heat hot showers or baths can make hives worse. He can cause vasodial, vasodilation, which is sensitive to you. Yeah. Hives more blood supply and chance to spread. I do get that. It makes sense, but instead take cold shower or cool bath.
Starting point is 00:22:04 The calm, the interesting Jacob Jacob you are completely right. There aren't you happy you chose to look it up instead of just believing my that I said wasn't true and asked you to look it up. Man I took such a hot shower. I took such a hot fucking shower. Yeah, I don't know why I always heard hot shower. I've never even thought of it hearing cold. It's when you were like it doesn't it just help the itch. I was like sister you said it
Starting point is 00:22:31 I was in there rubbing my back along the hot water making it nothing's ever felt better And then I took a daily I took a daily fucking blocker and but Katie didn't have some cream some hydrocortis or whatever the is yeah it was the Benadryl Korean it was just man that was soothing yeah use that cream in the right place and you won't even need a girlfriend of my right DJ Lou DJ Lou am I right I feel like DJ look at my dick dude it's like rock hard right now let's get a little fucking want that money. Yo pal me up. Dude. Give me some of that money No, I know it's quite like when we have the weird pausing between then you better give me some money
Starting point is 00:23:19 Baby I got you money Baby I got you money don't you worry big J baby I got you money This is not get better with time to be not take what by the way Yeah, I'm with you seen on the Facebook campers group, but there is a definite a call out for you to do more Emotionless loose songs like covers the songs for us By the way, I agree there should be a catalog later in the show. Later in the show we'll get to the Facebook drama that apparently is going on. Yeah, I don't know. But Jacob just brought it up. Jacob just brought up the fact that if you have allergies, they was like, I've never seen Google passionately argue something like this.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Like do not take hot baths or showers. They will make the itching worse. I don't know a lot about AIDS. Oh, you died. Maybe a shot of epinephrine. Damn. Epinephrine, the best. That's the epiphenia.
Starting point is 00:24:17 I have that my house. You do? Mm-hmm. Put ice packs on hives. All right. Yeah, I know that. I wouldn't heat hives out of the shower. I really, in my mind, what's happening?
Starting point is 00:24:30 You know, when you picture what's happening versus a reality, when you call that the Mandela effect. Is that really where you know something? And it was completely different. Like Bernstein bears and Baronstein bears? No, I'm not talking about. I wasn't talking about that. More. I don't even know. I thought you were remembering it different.
Starting point is 00:24:49 I thought you remembered that it was hot showers were. No, but you know, I was going to say when you could feel it's so stupid, but you ever see that when you could feel something happening, it's just hypokondry and stuff like that. But if you ever had like a thing where I can feel my circulation is slow in my hand, there's, you know, I mean, just like, and it's not or But if you ever had a thing where I can feel my circulation is slow in my head. You know what I mean? Just like, and it's not, or you get feel like, I think I feel a shit moving from here
Starting point is 00:25:10 to there in my stomach. But these aren't real things. You're not actually feeling that. I don't think you have. I almost enjoy the placebo effect more than actually the good stuff that the medicine does when you take it. You're like, no, it feels so much better. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:25:24 So much better. And it's like, it it's like it's like it's like it's like it's like it's like it's like it's like it's like almost to that point when I'm having allergic reaction like that, the few times my life I have, and I've gotten in scolding hot water for it. In my mind, I see whatever histamine is in this image, it's a fluid of some sort that is seeping out through my pores from the hot water.
Starting point is 00:25:42 And it's actually going away. I don't. You visualize the changing of it. It's probably not what's happening at all. In fact, it turns out I could be causing myself to have to rush to a hospital because of these hot showers to need an epic pen. But I've honest to go. Like I've always felt that it was a curing the problem immediately.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Also, the confidence to tell a doctor that when you have to go to the emergency room, it's like, what did you do? And you're like, listen, I did the right thing. I got to do a scolding hot shower. He was like, what would I do? I did the basics for this situation. Everybody knows scolding hot shower. No, no, I played drums on all my hives. I would push him back and push him back into my skin. Yeah, it was because it's put ice packs on the highs. He goes, took the hives, put out matches on him. Yeah. See how that worked out.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I think I felt the histamine coming out. I had the, I had Rambo. I had first blood torso yesterday, but I got off my shirt. It's just like, Jesus. I took it off. Look at this. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Look look at all these but yeah, man Thank God again, that was the thing Jacob is to fresh eyes on Rambo and we talked about a while ago when I watched it again
Starting point is 00:26:54 And I was like from get go you're like Rambo Just fucking leave the town. Yeah, do you why you what point you prove that that whole crazy thing was for not you just It was a pissing contest and you were the smaller man if I'm being completely honest. Yeah, you could be a man. Some men miss Christmas because you couldn't just accept the fact that that town didn't want you there. Many children lost parents. Yeah, a couple of days there were people lost small businesses. You know what should have been the final Rambo? Sorry, before I lose this thought, the final Rambo should have been one of like the guy that falls out of the helicopter in first blood should have been his son killing Rambo. The final Rambo, the final Rambo should have been like, you
Starting point is 00:27:38 know, this guy goes to have this kid like grows up without a dad goes to Afghanistan. He becomes a green beret. He comes home. John J. Rambo's the guy that killed his father. Oh, the ass, all the ass hole cop. The one was actually said clean him up, clean him up, clean him up. But to his son, he was a lovely father. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, like they did that with Kobe Rikai and they do that with
Starting point is 00:28:02 stuff now where they're like, retell a story from a different perspective and you're like, oh, that guy could be the villain. But you know, that I thought that would be the idea that's like showing you the idea of like Johnny doesn't live his life evil. Like how about when he like he does a nice thing for his mom on mothers that you know, exactly. It's like, all right, it's a person. He's a complete person for sure. You don't think about that.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Like all of them. He's an evil karate teenager. It's I don't think it's like maybe that's what consumes most of his time right now, but I sure But did you know he's still his mommy's still his mommy's little Johnny? Do you know that once a month he volunteers down at the Y and just helps kids from the inner can afford karate classes? It's like it's not all this tournament and this one asshole from school That's just part of his life. You're looking at a sliver of John Lawrence. And, and that's the part broken. He's a love lord. He's like, clean him up, clean him up. And they're like, man, you just don't really know. You're like, this guy really does.
Starting point is 00:28:54 He follows his orders. He's a good man. Loves his son. And they sprayed, they sprayed, he was a sprayed him with like a fire hose though. He goes, that's the cleaning process. He also came in very, very hostile. He would, memory wouldn't let him do his finger prints at all. They had to mush it in. He's like, put your goddamn hand down. Put your, and he's like, looking at him, but he's fighting him the whole time. He goes, just dude, you made your point and came back to them.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Just go through the fucking motions. Just do it. Just get processed. They would have let him out that night. Oh my god. They would have let him out that night. There's nothing to hold him for. You're overlooking the fact that I don't, I think this town was the culmination of several towns. He just snapped. I think this happened in every town. Every town he went to a cop drove him nicely to the edge of town. Brian Denny couldn't
Starting point is 00:29:44 I wish every town. I wish every town. I went to the cops would town Brian Denny he couldn't I wish every town I wish every town I went to the cops would drive me around you know if those cops were picking guys up Are given to lift the towns lot less shit would be going on these days Jacob say a lot of tip money on those fucking Airport shuttles or those hotel shuttles just try to get god damn Starbucks across the highway But John Jay Rambo went and killed a father. Several fathers. Several fathers. Several fathers. Jacob, he's a villain. Nothing wrong with that. How dare you? I watched, like, a first blood was on cable, a little just like a month ago or something and I was laughing because you've been so long since I had watched it.
Starting point is 00:30:25 And he basically has on the boat when he's talking with co, like a phara faucet here. He's got to look at ridiculous hair. It's five and a half years old. You're talking about part two, part two. Yeah, you're talking about one. One looks like a normal like better husband. It's two, He's got a like bouffant. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Yeah. The biffon. It's crazy. It's the low started hitting the biffon in Rambo. Either Rambo 2 or Rambo 3 and Rocky 3. Yes, the whole thing. He's still he got 80s hair. Look at that. And 80s. Yeah, it's a he really, he really didn't care about like anything involved in the world. You know what I mean? He was just like a guy of the thing, but he did, his hair style did change with the times, which is interesting. Yeah. He made, he made a style choice. Yeah. John J. Rambo's like a lot of people don't know this, but I'm really in the hair. Hair care is a big. Yeah, but it'll be in a leaving conditioner and the thing is I only wash it twice a week. The natural oils are actually the thing that makes it look so full.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Do you know why my code name was Raven? Because I had zero dandruff. I like to take care of my hair. I go, oh, jebbl black? I keep it moist. I would, when I would be, let's say in Afghanistan fighting with Al-Qaeda, I would put dry shampoo in and they understood that. They knew I was in the haircare. It really is. Every of the movie is Rambo versus some country's army. Yeah. A guy, his own country countries never behind him
Starting point is 00:32:06 Yeah, dude like why is he here and they're like I don't know they don't even like him back where he's from I Thoroughly enjoyed that last Rambo movie We're little out of fun watching it. I had a lot of I thought it was so crazy violent and ridiculous It was exactly what they should done. They just amped up it They just turned it up to 10 the ridiculous fat and I was fine with it. I'll help did minute I've liked every Rambo movie You want to know the whole after that movie. I think it got there right. I didn't got there right Jacob Jacob turn Jacob got Jacob Trump's Trump 2024 Jacob's
Starting point is 00:32:43 Jacob got Jacob Trump Trump 2024 Jacob. You know, Jacob's on the Trump chain. Well, what they did with the Myanmar one or what about the Burma one? Burma that was that's where I fucking I didn't like that one. I mean, I watched it the one time never even thought about watching it again. I would watch when he grabbed that last Rambo when that last Rambo movie is going to be running on cable channels. Not cable, you know, like pay cable or HBO or something. Stars. I will watch that again. You know, I'll put it on the middle and just stay with it at some day for sure.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Yeah, because it's got big violence. But I'll say you didn't even like it a little bit when you grab the gun in the back of the truck when he was in Burma and just fucking. It was a Dexter's wife. I couldn't get past that was the chick. She was Dexter's wife in the show. Dexter's coming back, by the way. I know Dexter's wife in the show. Dexter's coming back by the way.
Starting point is 00:33:26 And I saw that. That's a good teaser. Good teaser. But yeah, it was her. I couldn't get passed that. The whole thing was weird. Like, now he just lives in, but I just wasn't explained well.
Starting point is 00:33:36 I was at a Burma and I give boat rides. Also, I'm a full blown mercenary machine. But you know what it is? I think this is what it is. Rambo has a travel path similar to my alcoholic fathers. Where he would just like pop up in a place and be like, I live with Jim now and we got a cat. And I worked out at the bowling alley.
Starting point is 00:33:58 And then it would call me back in a year and be like, I'm working with a bunch of loggers and a lump of kids. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, wow. He's a journeyman, but it's like a Burmese. be like I'm working with a bunch of loggers you know lumbar kids yeah oh wow he's a journey man but it's like a Burmese mission yeah like it was like what are you doing like just you can give boat rides and fucking the everglades
Starting point is 00:34:16 you not back what to come home you psycho what are you doing John it's time to come home I come home and just live a fuckin' even when he came back and lived his life. It was like a farm with no TV or electricity and his- Is that you? And his fuckin' dumb niece who was sick of living on a-
Starting point is 00:34:33 He farmed her up so much she went out and to become a fuckin' uh- Sextrafic whore. She ran into the arms of the cartel. Yeah. Um. It's be normal you fuckin' lunatic.atic yeah man he's probably really you never think about how good at whittling is but I would imagine fantastic at it
Starting point is 00:34:51 oh my god I bet he's got so many poems inside of him oh he's like I wrote a whole album that's a response to the white out response John learned it was talking to me and I answered back, you know. A lot of people think I could have gone Chapman on him, but I did it. Instead, I wrote my own album and I wouldn't have done this sloppy as Chapman did it. I would have repelled from the roof when they were in the bed with Yoko and done it right there. Woke up, put all my headband, put a necklace around from a Chinese girl who died.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Wambo. I love you John Wambo. I've been saying that, because in Mortal Kombat 11, I told you, you can download them. Camper's or Rambo Terminator and Robocop. I love you John Wambo. I love you John Wambo. I've said that so many times to myself
Starting point is 00:35:46 After I'm like beating the boss. I'm just gone. I love you John Nobody to absolutely nobody You know everyone laughs when I say that I said on stage a bunch to and it's like what's funny? We went we went look for it. I believe on this show. It does not exist. Why does he doesn't say that? It's you never said I love you, John Wambo. I know what it says. It's just, yeah, it's not scary. Hannibal Lecter never says, hello, Clarice.
Starting point is 00:36:14 No, yes, he does. There's something about that. He doesn't actually say the lines, hello, Clarice. Really? It's good evening. Right, Jacob? Good evening. Yeah, good evening, Clarice. No, hey. Yeah, good evening Clarice.
Starting point is 00:36:25 No, hey, everybody says hello Clarice. Wow. Good evening, dude. You've been listening to SiriusXM's bonfire! New episodes every Tuesday through Friday mornings and full shows always on Sirius XM!

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