The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - Strange Deaths

Episode Date: November 18, 2022

The guys dive into stories of actors and musicians dying in odd ways. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Big J. Okerson. And I'm Dan Soder. You can listen to a full two hour long episode of the Bond Fire on Series XM or with the SXM app. It's easy. Go to slash Bond Fire for a special offer. And now the Bond Fire with Big J. Okerson and Dan Soder. Do you guys just jam all day?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Pretty much. All day long. It's the bonfire, Faction Talk Series 6 and 103. This is our Thursday Lost Tapes. I'll call it that. Deepcuts. Deepcuts as DJ Lou Playsue, his favorite version of the worst version of Jeremy I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I do, you're gonna say that. Because it's building though, right? It's building. It's building. Is it get somewhere? Yeah, you gotta give it time. There's someone that was on drugs at this show. This is Red Rocks 95, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:54 When you start kicking in, when he goes... U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U- It's Colorado so we had a real school shooter there too. Oh also the promise Colorado was the issue was he probably had It's hard to breathe So what you actually mistake for artistic integrity was laziness Lou Maybe maybe I'm not as smart at the music leaves you Everybody's having a hard time breathing right now. Was he drinking wine this early in the career? Yes, was he always a wine guy? Everybody's having a hard time breathing right now. Was he drinking wine this early in the career? Uh, yes. Was he always a wine guy? Yes, the last few songs he would bring up a whole bottle and drink it.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Do you think he, uh, as he gets older, he's gonna start getting emotional, like my mom did with wine? He's like, yeah, uh, man. My knees hurt, and it makes me feel like I'm getting old. He's not doing the, he's not doing the u-ohs at all. You're not waiting. You gotta have patience with this band. It's like a fine stew. You know what he's stew?
Starting point is 00:01:50 He's tantric in it. He's tantric in the Pearl Jam. Jay is edging us. No one's ever seen a fine stew. A nice chilled candy beer. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a glorious ramen. Oh what elegant mud flaps.
Starting point is 00:02:12 He just came out of his chair just like you Jay. Oh wow, I feel like that was he... Nope, it's a compliment. Here we go. He looks very young. We'll tweet this out at the bonfire SXM. Where's the eye? Take right now, Lou. Give me the album version. Way Dude is dumb winding That was 95 you see that you can see the bottle of water by the drum kit and remember in 95 Like mid 90s is when bottle water started coming out. Yeah, it was like really remember cuz that I remember Dennis Miller had a like a 1-800 Collect commercial about it really yeah, when he's like hey babe Dennis Miller had a like a 1-800 collect commercial about it really yeah when he's like hey babe
Starting point is 00:03:06 Water and bottles back once next we're gonna walk on the moon you're seeing Dana Carvee's Dennis Miller impression Oh, yeah, it's fucking perfect when he did weekend update with them. I played it a little bit on On scanks, but if you want to put it on for a minute here it is worth a Kyle Dunniggins. Oh, did we do it already his new Bill Mar? minute here it is worth Kyle Dunnigan's, oh did we do it already? His new Bill Mar. I haven't, no we haven't seen it. His new Bill Mar, I'll give Kyle Dunnigan, I know Kurt helps him write these a shout, but Kyle Dunnigan's new Bill Mar is one of the funniest. His Bill Mar is the perfect. It's, but it's gotten better. Yeah, he does a, he does a thing. Do it for him. I think he did not enjoy it. No one enjoys it. Now it's It's what he called new rules
Starting point is 00:03:49 New rules and if I bet if you put Kyle Donnig. Yeah, he did. Yeah Laser eyes are wearing off. I can't read I've been knows in the past couple days I can't read the cut the screen anymore. It's the way three days ago That might be it Yeah, no, that's the actual new rules shit. I'm sorry. Now go to Kyle done a condensed to Graham. It'll be on that Apologies, but um, we'll look at that when it comes up What a great thing another subject that we wanted to bring up here was Jeremy the song yeah the reason I said start today Lord did I know it was gonna be that opus?
Starting point is 00:04:23 Well you kind of know you should have seen a comment because we were outside and You were like hey open the show it's your me today and DJ Liu went Can I like your version or my version and you're like he definitely went as he went red rocks 95 Did you immediately know that yeah, one of your favorite performances by Pearl Jim? Yeah, if you're to like isolate one song. Of that song, that's the best performance of that song. Because I think if your favorite band, you know, mine is Queen's The Stone Age did a MTV Unplugged, but for Europe, and they did this song, I never came, and it fucking rules.
Starting point is 00:04:58 It was only on German television. So it's an incredible concert, but then when the song's over, you want like, American hype, and instead it's like an incredible concert, but then when the songs over you want like American hype On Dragon's day and it's lagoon Kings and just so it's a clumpin' straggling through the I never came Because I want to get into a subject with about Jeremy about Jeremy. Let's just watch this real quick to To get it out of it because it's it really is worth just sharing and this is is Kyle Donigat's Bill Mar at his Instagram page.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Started over and on me. America has been scheduled for execution. Perfect. And no matter how hard you pray, there won't be a last minute call from the governor. Tuesday's midterms will be the most important elections in the history of the world and the good guys aren't going to win. Looks like the fat people get their way. On November 8th, democracy will be dipped in batter, fried, and then eaten. And for those of us who aren't magtarded, it won't be a happy meal. The leanon is the best part.
Starting point is 00:06:11 He gated up a little, he gated the voice up a little, but he's nails it, dude. Also, the flag is a nice cream cake. Is that the tag on joke? So good. Um, yeah, I was watching a Rock and Roll True stories today about says the tragic life of the kid who played Jeremy, six minute video, every whatever he kept his entire track. So the song, so the song is a bummer about a kid and then the music video is a bummer about a kid because that kid died in real life. But that kid like he did acting for a while, didn't love it.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Then he wanted to be at work in the UN, and then he went overseas, and he was working as a speech writer for like foreign dignitaries, all this crazy shit, and then he went to the speech. A dictator getting a speech and late one night in his palace. He's like, don't use something about yourself that you've never told anybody. He's like, I was Jeremy. He goes in the video. Yeah, you're shitting me.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Shut right, the fuck up. I'm going to execute the 15,000 people who protested me and you were fucking Jeremy. Shut up. I went to boarding school in Connecticut. Of course I remember that album. So He and then at one point in the middle of all this What he was gonna do with his life and he was gonna start maybe working in IT. I don't know why he was dialing back to that He He went swimming. I forget where do you remember where? Seems like you would know
Starting point is 00:07:44 Do you follow all of the actors from the Pearl Jam? Of course, dude. Where's that lamb now from the cover of Versus? He goes deliciously cook to hear as for a Christmas dinner and a new job to Jeff Ament's house. McCreedy had it for a lovely Christmas dinner. I like I always use a mint. You always use McCreedy. Always. Trevor Wilson and he died in Puerto Rico. He had it for a lovely Christmas dinner. I like I always use a mint. You always use McCreedy always driver Wilson.
Starting point is 00:08:06 And he died in Puerto Rico. So in Puerto Rico, he was out far swimming on the beach and a current grabbed him and took him out. And he fought it and got back to see and then just believed like his buddy was like, hey, don't go out there again. It's pretty bad. And he goes by the air he defeated that current and the next time it just sucked him out and he died. The current was like, watch this.'t go out there again, man. It's not pretty bad. And he goes by the air, he defeated that current. And the next time it just sucked him out and he died.
Starting point is 00:08:26 The current was like, watch this. Yeah, they brought him back in and he was just dead by the time he got to the shore. Current was a knitwear. The current was a Nirvana fan. There's like, fuck you. I know who you are, kid. Yeah, the current's mad that a mud honey broke up
Starting point is 00:08:40 because of the... Temple of the Dog was bullshit. They should have should have just been Cornell. He challenging the ocean like that to me is always a loss. It's this. It reminds me of in sports when you're watching a game in the broadcasters bring up like, you know, we I don't know if we talked about Eagles commanders on Tuesday. I forget if we talk. Yeah, yeah. But anyways, when you're watching like an NFL game and they're like, he hasn't thrown an
Starting point is 00:09:05 Interception in 63 consecutive passes And that's always coming up to media. Yeah, you do that with the ocean. That's such bigger stakes To be like I got away from it already. I'm good. There's nothing I could picture more and now getting dragged out far from shore Is a nightmare, but like if you could see the shore There's some sense of hope inside of you. Whenever I've done those cruise ships, and you think when you're in the middle, well, nothing on either side of you, except great ocean. Yeah. And you don't know which direction is anything. If you were fell off and no one knew in the middle of that, like, I don't know if there's a worse way to die. You'd hope to God sharks get you.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Fast. But I'm saying you hope that that's what I just told you, because here's the thing. You don't want to just die like waiting and freezing and like Turning into ice in the what you know, I mean like I got into because I think it was because Somebody on here the USS Indianapolis and then I like read about it on Wikipedia And then I listened to the last podcast on the left where they did like a four-parter about it So in depth on it do there is a part where the guys were in the sea for so long that one of them went crazy and was like, there's a hotel under the water.
Starting point is 00:10:11 We can swim under there and have coax, you know? And they were like, oh, don't do that because they were all holding each other together. And so one guy would go and another guy, it's like exerting energy to stop a guy from trying to swim under and fuck everything up It's like do that sounds just being out at sea. No, I'm just going crazy and dehydrating. Yeah, the The what you're gonna call it they what some of them are doing was
Starting point is 00:10:35 They were out there for so long and I survived the episode I watched out there for so long and one of them was just like I can't anymore like I'm like I have to drink water I just started drinking ocean water. And then he went absolutely fun. And then I think he killed one of the people that were out there waiting with. He just went nuts. Because I see land over there.
Starting point is 00:10:57 And they're like, there's no land over there, Steve. And he was like, there's fog in there. And because they wouldn't let him go in that direction and whatever, like, oh, I think what happened was, I think you may have killed somebody and jumped in the water and then sharks just ate him immediately. That's the funniest ending possible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:16 He killed the guy for trying to stop him. He just jumped in. Blood should make me do that. All right, I'm gonna get in the ocean in the shark. I mean, I wonder if the blood from the first guy attracted the sharks. Now, how could saltwater kill you? I thought, isn't it like a quick way to blow out
Starting point is 00:11:32 your system is like pound like two liters of saltwater? I didn't know that. Is that a thing? I'm not sure. Do you hydrate and dive pretty quickly? Probably the way they were doing it. I don't know if- That's way more concentrated saltwater than anything you're gonna make it home.
Starting point is 00:11:48 You're right. You wonder if you get bit by that shark if you're just like, yes. With a sweet release. You go keep bite me just in half immediately so it's over. You want to rub your tone. Yeah, you almost put your head in there. Yeah, bite my head off. Turn it off, dude dude turn off the lights the one story about the guy that was He was just talking to his buddy, and then he wasn't responding and then he realized he'd been bitten in half
Starting point is 00:12:14 Jesus that actually do it. He's got that in jaws, but that's the actual thing that apparently happened you like but he didn't notice Guys like the shark and just a bit of a man half clean and half Just something banging on my feet real quick. Oh There's silent. Oh No, it's a Because I feel like you would see movement if a shark was big enough to bite you in half No, no, I mean that he he saw he didn't realize his buddy had got bitten in the head That's what I'm saying like if you're talking to your buddy, were you saying
Starting point is 00:12:47 that they were talking while he got bit and he'd notice afterwards? Because they were all delirious and nodding out, but they were all in groups trying to fend off. Because it's it's easy to notice when someone's pooping and you're talking to a little lone getting bitten half by a shark. On the phone, phone, you're like, it's in that's right. They were all half dead. Dan Carlin did a good hour on that also, Dan. In the end of this. I wonder if the Indianapolis, if I was the Dan Carlin one,
Starting point is 00:13:14 I listened to you. I know last part I guess, but there was, if that's where the story of the hotel with the guy, because there was like four different groups that were just floating of like multiple people. Do you try to, where are your minds at when you're trying to convince other people like guys? I know it sounds crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:30 There's a hotel is a Sheraton underneath the water. And I got points. We go down there. We could probably split a couple, you know, two queens and a, he goes, I'll log into my Netflix on the TV and we'll ride this thing out. I'm gonna take a hot shower, a snack,
Starting point is 00:13:48 and then I'm gonna sleep. I think I saw a Chipotle around the corner. So, and if you try to stop me, I'm gonna stab you. For me going down in my little water town. I will kill you. I'll fucking kill you. And I'm friends with sharks now too. Make complete sure that I will kill you.
Starting point is 00:14:05 That's like drunk girl logic when they're down there and they're like, I know I'm gonna be friends with the sharks. Yeah, what? I'm gonna be friends with that. Is anybody even tried that? It's probably why their misunderstood. So they're just snappy. You have to lie.
Starting point is 00:14:19 The biggest nightmare, because when you see the fin, when they're coming at you Horizontal that's one thing but when they're doing the vertical attack and you just From underneath you have no idea when that's coming. That's got to be the most terrifying Wait, what do you mean like horizontal when they're coming at you sideways versus if they're like the Shade cover like yeah, I don't know if you like if I'm gonna get killed by a shark Do me like that top the bottom or bottom the top bottom. Yeah, no, I agree
Starting point is 00:14:50 I don't I don't don't take my fat. I know you want the fat torso of mine But also there is to be said for like getting it over quick like if I ever get eaten by a movie anaconda a movie anaconda. A movie quality anaconda. Pop my head. I mean, come at me like the way they got a void in the movie. Yeah. You got to take me head down. Do not slowly eat me for the legs up. Because you're talking to your friend and you go, oh, yeah. It's moving.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Oh man, I can feel it. Oh, it's all weird inside. Oh, I can feel like the whole. It feels like a large asshole is pushing me through it. And it's all weird inside. Oh, I can feel like the whole it feels like a alright guys Like a large asshole is pushing me through it and it's been nice knowing you guys also One last thing if you go to my garage Yeah, where's the middle and you go oh shit damn before I forget go destroy all of my laptop computers Please log me out log me out, log me out, reset my browsers Who goes, dude, I mean, restore the factory settings and get rid of clear my history
Starting point is 00:15:51 Telling you go, just do that for me If you wouldn't mind if you could just throw my phone deep ocean Oh, yeah man, getting, you wonder if the people that get attacked by sharks and live If there's any of them that are like, I mean you couldn couldn't just finish the fucking job. Like if you were suicidal and got attacked by a shark, and then you lived. Yeah, you're like, well great. Now I have a bunch of balls. I'm a half-man. Yeah, cool. Thanks for making me house them in. I used to be. Now I don't have legs to be able to jump off this roof. Oh, you piece of shit. I can't run for my problems anymore. You have
Starting point is 00:16:24 fucking stopped me. But you were saying we were gonna look up other kids that have been in videos or actors and videos who have tragic endings. I bet there's a list. Jacob, if you look up on Google, music video, actors, suffered tragic ends. But that's very specific words. Who have died? Trajican, tragic end. Look up someone who's had a misfortune
Starting point is 00:16:48 Yeah, I can you look up music video stars who have be fallen great Keep it mystic Look up look up video stars that have joined the other side As just celebs. Yeah, no. Performance who died in front of their audiences. Is that a big list? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:11 We'll go to that one, the Wikipedia page. You were just on it. Yeah. Go down. Right there, list of entertainers who died during a performance. Damn, they have centuries. Yeah, we'll do, we'll do, we'll do,
Starting point is 00:17:24 we can go back to 21st century works. Yeah, but you see what's. Yeah, it's come back to the 90s. Oh and heart. Oh, yeah, big one. Yeah, I just watched another one about that. I forgot that a live audience did see it happen. They kept going. Dark sign of the ring of it was great Brandon Lee I remember that yeah a lot of things on a Red Fox had a heart attack on a CB6C CBS sitcom what That's so funny because that was his thing so it was noted that initially castmates on the set thought Fox was only fooling around After he clutched the chair and fell to the floor remember he said that I'm coming I didn't so Larry and then he actually has one around after he clutched the chair and fell to the floor. Remember? He said, do that. I'm coming. And then he actually has one. It's me, Elizabeth.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I'm coming to you. It's the boy who cried wolf. Where God is like, dude, I'm going to take him out of the heart attack and everyone's going to be like, yeah, he's doing the thing. He's doing his thing. Go down to, uh, now we're getting back. 2000s. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Get to the two. Get to the yachts. Uh Get to the to get to the yachts 2001 I can oh died of a heart attack a conductor At the Deutsche Upper Berlin at the Berlin Dude I didn't realize it the guy from great white one of the guys died in the fire I didn't know that I didn't know that either. Wow Yeah, it was a hundred people he was the hundredth Wow You want to know what happened to the B-girl from the Blind Mellon video? Did something bad happen?
Starting point is 00:18:49 Nothing, she's fine. She's actually fine. Striving in life. She couldn't be doing better. Oh yeah, I mean the saddest one's Dimebag Darryl. Like, oh yeah, he did die on stage. Yeah, oh, there you go, a Japanese wrestler. Mitsuharu Misawa. Oh, cool. Got a cervical spine injury what took a suplex Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:19:09 causing a fatal cardiac arrest day Oh, that's the girl from SeaWorld that was a great one Where's what when Shemu just turned on her oh yeah turned on her like a that was 20-year-old Reuters don bronchio turn on her. Oh yeah, turn on her like a that was 20 to 16 reuid tiger. Don Braun show. Braun show was pulled under the water by Orca. Tick to tick it. How do you say that name? Tick it to. Tillikum. Tillikum. Tillikum.
Starting point is 00:19:37 And dude, if you're there with your family and you're like, okay. All right, guys, my kids starting to get a little worry. Pri apart of the show. Okay, Swedish comedian L my kids starting to get a little worried pry part of the show Okay Swedish comedian Lasse Erickson died during the final number of a show Friday King man to the final or happy men too. Oh man Oh rapper MC the last was fatally shot in the abdomen during a free performance. Oh a free performance Yeah, that was you getting paid for it. We're all the way up to 2016. Can do people dying on stage
Starting point is 00:20:12 Does that is there a refund Is how far into the show If they die opening number do you get a refund you should there's an argument there class action suit if they don't What did you ever see that? I'm in this doesn't count because they brought them back to life. This was last year. It was a soccer game. Oh, I remember that. Clearly he had a hard top. It was in the middle of the play. They collapsed. It was terrifying. And they were susanthaging them on the on the field. terrifying and they were suscitaging them on the on the field.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Who's original Boston drummer sit that's it. Hashin died after collapsing during performance on the legends rock crews. I know it sucks so much because the original go don't keep going down. Go back up Jacob for a second. But yeah, Boston, the lead singer of Boston killed himself. I think way early 90s or late 80s. Something but he killed himself. And so this guy's getting to perform. He was so excited to get to perform again.
Starting point is 00:21:12 The legends of rock crews. He's like, oh man bring it together. And again dude, you have a heart attack on a cruise ship. It's just like, you're dead. You're dead. Even if they helicopter you how fast is that gonna possibly be? That's the one I want to see who's Christina Grimmie because she was shot while signing autographs following a performance in Orlando, Florida
Starting point is 00:21:34 Where who is this? Christina Grimmie right at the top. Yeah Who is she? An American singer and youtuber what how do we never hear this story oh shit I think they uh look her up Jacob I think there's a documentary about her but like a guy little Wayne saw it was gonna sign her little Wayne it's gonna go a weird one I like YouTube stars a lot of people know know what you think everybody knows that little weses on YouTube big we see. I mean that is wild
Starting point is 00:22:09 assassinated You two her who's that man at YouTube? Are we part of the problem with that? No, I wonder if it's with these YouTube's library getting everything they want to It's stand if I wonder if it's like a stalker maybe He's already getting everything they want to understand if I wonder if it's like a stalker maybe But if she's saying a song Damon Orlando damn They're not gonna show it But go down to see if there's any like a documentaries about her anything cuz that's fucking crazy Signing autographs. I never heard one of these songs I
Starting point is 00:22:43 Hate to say it would be crazy if you were actually in... To her and you're like, oh no, big loss. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Christina Grimmie said I don't even know. It happened 10 years ago. She's dead? What?
Starting point is 00:22:55 I thought she was just taking the long break to write her next album. Damn, dude. Zelda Love is the name of... Wait, so is she a fucking... fucking like twitchers or something like that? I don't know. You call that twitcher. Twitcher. Did she twitch? She a methodics. She pick her skin Okay, it's the life and so it is a documentary the life and career the late singer Oh damn, man
Starting point is 00:23:21 She started singing and uploading videos her YouTube channel the age of 15 from the beginning of her career to her tragic death in 2016. Damn. That's a bummer. Is there a movie or documentary? Who killed her? Documentary. Is it documentary? They find out who killed her? Yeah. Go back to her Wikipedia. What if you find out she was a blood? She's pirate. She asked for this. She was heavy in the streets. Look, when you play the game, you know, she got a guy, whatever, whatever his cousin came back, boom, boom, boom.
Starting point is 00:23:56 She's on YouTube talking a lot of shit, zips up. So she did a voice audition too, huh? Is that a set up there? Right there, post the voice and majorly able to abuse. So she was a voice audition too, huh? Is that what it's set up there? Right there, post the voice in Major Leabutebuse. So she was on the voice. Okay. Doesn't say anything about her death at all. So, surprised it doesn't. You know the singer, Jackie Wilson.
Starting point is 00:24:19 He died on stage and the audience thought it was just part of the act. Like James Brown from Soft to the Ground. That type of thing. They thought it was just part of the act. Really? Like James Brown from Soft to the Ground, that type of thing. They thought it was that. Wait, Jack, you listen to Yo Love. He's from Ghostbusters 2? That's just him. Yeah, hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:32 You, me, oh. And he died and it was like, yeah, yeah. And he said you will. And he just stayed down. Just say you will. Yes. And then you'd lay in down there dead. The first person that realizes it, when're screaming you're like he's like
Starting point is 00:24:47 It's like he's doing that thing where he pops back up. I'm so excited for it. He Has moved and then you hear Is this something cool black dude before it does? Time to pass here. We go on June 10th 2016 Grimme performed with before you exit at the Plaza in Plaza live in Orlando Earlier in the day she posted an announcement on social media asking people to attend the concert After our performance ended at 10 p.m. Local time. She signed autographs inside the venue at 10 24 She was shot by 27 year old Kevin James Wow young Kevin James did that
Starting point is 00:25:34 Kevin James Leo Leo bull as they're initially opening her arms to give him a hug That's the shittiest thing ever because oh my god, it's you That's the shittiest thing ever because oh my god, it's you If you think as soon as her arms open up she goes wait this guy's been a problem She was like I recognize his face from somewhere. So let me be oh my god long time no shit Dude I did that in Minneapolis when I was working at me. Mm-hmm. It's like gonna do press And I have a heat you know I have heat other club. I don't I used to have heat I guess with the other club, but they're just like there was a manager that we both know at the other club and I walked in to do a podcast and the other comic that was headlining was there and I saw him
Starting point is 00:26:21 And I came around the corner and just saw that manager, but didn't put where it from and I was like, hey! and have I to the conversation and I'm like, I hate this guy. I'm gonna be like, oh we don't get along. So the conversation started because he was like, hey he was nice. He was like, hey! but by the end we were both like, oh we last time saw each other we didn't like each other. So later. Yeah, but this is the worst case scenario of that. Opening your arm for a hug and getting shot. I mean, oh my God, if it isn't my stalker. Oh God, damn it. Well, apparently after he shot her, he fled the scene
Starting point is 00:26:58 and then he was tackled by her brother and they fought and then the guy broke free back into the wall. Brother with the fury of you just murdered my sister Yeah, and then he he got away and then he shot himself Shot himself Damn hey kill himself so the brother never even guys revenge he goes just see no I could have kicked your ass to Oh shit, oh man Bleeding from the head on the floor she was taken to
Starting point is 00:27:23 Medical Center and critical condition with four gunshot wounds pronounced to the right for 10. Oh, my God. I don't come on. I don't know. And they did a, they did an autopsy, which said that she was actually only shot three times.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Why? Jesus. That's a weird thing. The, what? Once in the head twice in the chest, her official cause of death was gunshot wounds of head and chest. This is a poorly written Wikipedia.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Well, the guy that killed her, the Orlando Police Department said that the guy had traveled by taxi to Orlando from his home in St. Petersburg and he brought two handguns with extra ammunition and a large hunting knife. Nice, Jacob. The suspect traveled to Orlando apparently to commit this crime and then had plans to travel back where he came from.
Starting point is 00:28:09 All right, well, the bags of the attendees were one witness complained that the security was concerned about food and beverages being brought into the theater, but did not catch Lobby's guns. Witnesses describe Lobby as nervous and kind of creepy. Yeah, you see it says they didn't offer Motive but they said that he had shown an unhealthy and unrealistic infatuation with the singer. Oh, yeah And try to make himself more physically attractive for her through weight loss hair plugs and eye surgery What shout out about the back there?
Starting point is 00:28:39 Space hair and I space here if they space hair didn't do it and I surgery then it's wasn't fucking you do they tell you right now You get a science wig and you ain't pulling Shave your head Um, it's all for not so they're going with the if I can't have you to nobody else can thing he lived like our hermit Cool, he's like he live under rock Which his family said that they weren't aware of this that he had guns or was traveling to Orlando. They say they've never heard of the girl, never heard him talk about her or watch the voice. However, his only friend in the world claimed to know about his obsession.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Your only friend in the world is giving an interviewer go like, yeah, he was pretty crazy about that. Yeah, he was nuts. Uh, he, he said he didn't know his obsession had that far of an extent. His coworker said the same. He would be angry and defensive when questioned about his obsession. And before the, you guys should work with the guy you go. Should you like know her?
Starting point is 00:29:40 And he goes, no, no, he's got bandages on from the LASIK in his hair. So his, his head's bleeding with a surgery with his, he goes, huh, no, no, he's got bandages on from the LASIK in his hair. So his head's bleeding with a surgery was he goes, he's going to work. He's going to be a thing. He goes, hey, grimy. Yeah. Ah, hi. I get this for you. No. You should tip you off.
Starting point is 00:29:57 He was probably unsound as when he, he would say to people, I'm tired and ready to ascend. Yeah. Anyone that says they're ready to ascend. Yeah, do anyone that says they're ready to ascend? Yeah, they were like, you know what I guess they go, I didn't know it was that crazy. He did say he was ready to ascend. Anybody that says ascend that isn't my grandma's age,
Starting point is 00:30:14 worry about. Yeah. If my grandma was like, I'm ready to ascend, I'd be like, yeah, dude, go say hi to daddy. I can't, I'm sure. I think after the third. You know, just pat her hand. I'm gonna send.
Starting point is 00:30:24 I gotta just tell you you're gonna ascend. You're like, I need a flat jacket, dude. I think I have to just pat her hand. I can't listen. I got to just tell you you're gonna send, you're like, I need a flat jacket dude. I need something. But when you have hair plugs and you're just a little overweight and you know, relatively young, something's triggering you. Yeah. Yeah, with that doubt. It's hilarious, it's only friend in the world
Starting point is 00:30:41 that he was a lunatic. Damn dude, your only friend is like, I don't know, he's not his only friend in the world that he was a lunatic. Damn, dude, your only friend is like, ah, I don't know. He's not my only friend. That was how he probably phrase that. I just wanna let you know, I have like a lot of friends, but I was, yeah. I'm his only friend, and I'll be honest with you,
Starting point is 00:30:56 like he called it friend. I was more like, and acquaintance, like we knew a couple of the same people. You wonder if they hated him. That same guy though, like a year before if that guy had something he wanted, he'd be like, that's my good friend, dude. Yeah, I surgery for for her.
Starting point is 00:31:11 He had lasek for her. Yeah, no more glasses. He had weight loss, hair plugs, and I surgery for her. She still wasn't in. But by the way, she probably was like, I don't know, do you know I'm a teenager and you're a man. Leave me alone. It was 22 and 27, right? He was like 27, I don't know, dude, I'm a teenager and you're a man. Leave me alone.
Starting point is 00:31:25 It was 22 and 27. Right? He was like 27, I said. She's never seen him before. He shot her. I believe she's going in for a hug. If you, what if that was the beginning of her going like, okay, do I recognize you? The person I think I'm remembering you had less less hair and terrible eyes and fat and was fat with the worst sight.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Well I gotta do it now. Yeah it's very yeah very sad. Um hang on wait get off of that uh there know what other people said the voice tweeted I want to see who Adam Levine wrote that he and his wife were absolutely devastated and heartbroken. You know how to let us know your wife feels. It's kind of covering right now. Blake Shelton wrote, I'm stunned and disgusted and heartbroken that we lost that sweet little
Starting point is 00:32:14 girl. That's a creepy way to put it. Well he says it in a country voice so he goes, we lost that sweet little girl. Yeah. And then, uh, and then Gwen Stefani said, who the fuck you calling sweet little girl? Yeah, she went bitch... Shirt your eyes. And then Gwen Stefani said, Who the fuck you call a sweet little girl? Yeah, she went, bitch, what? Excuse me? Uh, a longtime friend of former tourmate, Selina Gomez.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Hot. She was performing only a few miles away. Well, if you're good friends with her and former tourmates, maybe you don't book the same city at the same time. That's kind of a rose crowd. That's pretty fucked up. Sometimes you bump into each other like Jay and I will accommodate clubs, but it's pure,
Starting point is 00:32:44 it's purely coincidental She's of the amway center where she when the other girl got shot Selena Gomez was somewhere being well protected Yeah Her security team locked it down So that's great Damn, that's a pretty fucked up one go back to the list of people who died Who else had dancer, slumped on stage, but it's always a collapsing, it seems like.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Argentina's singer. Comedian, do you see that one already? Comedian Ian Cognito. Oh, I remember reading about that on Twitter. Ian Cognito? Yeah, Ian Cognito is British, right? He died of a heart attack during a show on bi-chester. It's a gay part of London or at least a bisexual part of London.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I was going to say it's only kind of gay. Yeah. It's just, you know, Lucy Goose, part of London. It goes what it's with what it's into. Damn, I can't talk. He sat on a chair and laid back for five minutes with audience members initially believing it was part of his routine and even come. Hey, guys, let me tell you something. If I ever take, I mean, I'm genuinely mean this, a
Starting point is 00:33:52 30-second pause, scream for the police and the doctor, please. Yeah. If I, if I go sit down and just say I'm ready to do a set, if I just sit down and just go, I thought a bit. Give me a second, guys. And they go go jays doing the old heart attack bit in the chair again. No, and I'm grinding my left arm going You guys you guys you what you think I can't get out of this? You guys maybe on smell toast I go that's what I said to her why didn't you buy it when you could have ran Falling into your mic is so funny. By the way a lot of these people that keep calling comedians Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not Ian Cognito, I want to see what his comment. Oh man. Oh, wide neck on the shirt. No, it's not a wide neck that he's wearing like a girl's. It's a lady. It's like a St. Pauli girl outfit. Jacob, bring up his comedy. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Bring up his comedy. His stage character was likened to Dr. Jekyll creating Mr. Hyde. Oh, oh, character was likened to Dr. Jekyll creating Mr. Hyde. Oh, you incognito. Postumously, you're about to get ripped, dude. You're about to get bonfire. It's crazy if you're an edg lord and you die on stage. What was that freaky guys out?
Starting point is 00:35:16 What would freaky guys out if I just fucking sat down? Ready to ascends. You got somebody microwaving nickels Hey, do you guys see my grandpa? Young word Vader and no, yes, Obi-Wan. Is anyone see it? Anyone else see my childhood dog? Fitchy Oh look, it's buckles. Oh, it's like the it's like the one who does the Philly thing What's it? What is the name of the there's the guy who does?
Starting point is 00:35:51 Seeing people that passed on and you're asking if they're there. I thought this was fucking up What's a check it out? Oh shit? Angel Los Alas are I check it out. No, what's the one from Philly, dude? We've definitely looked it up before. Oh God, he's got all the different. He wears like Philly stuff. It's just like a girl wearing Philly stuff. He dresses like my mom actually.
Starting point is 00:36:11 He's called the Aunt Patty. Yeah, Aunt Pat. Aunt Pat. No, Miss Pat rules. No, but yeah, that's why I keep thinking Miss. No, I think it's Aunt Mary Pat. I think that's what it is. Let's watch this first and then bring me a little Aunt Mary Pat while you're at it. Which by the way's Aunt Mary Pat. I think that's what it is. Let's watch this first,
Starting point is 00:36:25 and then bring me a little Aunt Mary Pat. What, you're at it, you're at it, you're at it. Which by the way, Aunt Mary Pat moves seats, sold out, sold your old dome several times. Oh, I bet, right? Yeah, especially in that area. Dude, wankz. Those people are fun to do.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Those people have fun, hucking rocks at trains. Hey guys, what's up with this stupid political system? It's like if I want to wear a dress, do you guys see that light? Hey, is it getting cold in here for anyone else? Yeah, it's a very bad here. Yeah, her dying on stage. She's like, yeah, and then I'm all like, we'll send me over to the fucking birds game. Why is that he breaks character? Why is, why is everything cold right? What's happening? Oh, oh god I'm sorry. Yeah, it's like time someone finger me over at Xfinney live Yes, and then I am and then I
Starting point is 00:37:13 And then I um Is he what else getting released? I don't want to go low dizzy. I don't want to go. Yo, it may repat I'm not ready to ascend. I'm not really cuz oh shit He's Kevin again. Oh my god Kevin. There's so much more I'm ready to do Commits like Sasha Baron code he's like call me Mary Pat and then also call the ambulance Is this him dying? He was a little incognito. Oh, I'm fucking like
Starting point is 00:37:42 Got four by four got a great big 4x4 and I love it. Could you just have a 4x2 which was basically a piece of wood? LAUGHTER What do you drive, big fellow specky geese? I have a good fucking look, are you? Am I not big enough for you with your glasses? LAUGHTER What do you drive, son?
Starting point is 00:38:02 What do you drive? A bicycle. You drive a bicycle, fair play. You're fucking dickhead, you ride a bicycle. Joe Rose, Joe Rose is an international car. You can't get enough of it. You want to name a sandwich after it. And when you do get a Japanese car, they're fucking brilliant.
Starting point is 00:38:23 You get a lot of value for money with a Japanese car, right? My Toyota, it's got a little device on it. It knows when I've earned a few quid and a bit of it, it fucks up. What? What the hell, Jay? You didn't use the word. I didn't use the word. It's called an off-roader, because it's never on the fucking road.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Bam! Count it. Count it, dude. That's Joe Proof. I'm the lambda now. I flew out there, fucking yeah. I actually cycle to Like snacks the comedy show I think hopefully she emblem blubbly baby.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I have water. Here's the fuck that's a matter. She's probably the fuck you you can't you? He he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he died on stage. So he's like well as you looking at your fucking coat I'm asleep. Well no one had any idea by the way. He wears a dress So he went down his fucking dork probably flopped out. Oh, dude dying with your dork out in a dress Never explain he goes no, it's this dumb character Dude sometimes even I'll like it. I can't imagine dying in your dick just being out. Cause it's not gonna look good. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Zero chance your dick looks good when you die, unless you die fucking like prior to dad. Oh, that'd be great. Wouldn't it be great just to have, or yeah, just like a, I want to hope I have a heart attack after I just jerked off and it's starting to go back down. Cause I don't want him to want to I'd rather not have my Boaner judged forever. It's fine I wouldn't worry about the flack from it But I'd rather have judged on looks like this guy had a nice soft swinger Yeah, if if I can die that's moments after coming. Yeah, I would pick
Starting point is 00:40:01 J&O in the shower Getting out of the shower right after I jailed collapse. Yeah, so I don't want to die in the shower, getting out of the shower right after I jailed the collapse. Yeah. So I don't want to die in the shower. So I was imagining them trying to pick up my wet big body. Also maybe you have the tower on your waist too. So circumstances are going to see your boner, but it's not always there. But man, I wish you would stay in that state.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Remember, is it clerks where the girl fucks the dead guy and then they say like, oh, you can have a bone or a ring of mortis yet? Can you play a little Mary Pat? We'll tweet these out. Is there any amary pat bombing? Because that would be funnier. No, I wasn't. I lied.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I was at the freaking wow. Even worse. And there I go. Being a good citizen being a nice because have the great pieces. Right. Use of my own freaking strength to hold the door for this ASL. And it was doing hokey fast. I was in a good freaking mood.
Starting point is 00:41:00 I can't get mad at it because it's just local. It's just local stuff. Do you ever get buried in Long Island by like early in your career by like a local doing just local stuff? I'm going to bury to Miami, by a local just doing stuff like that. That's what happens. When it happens dude, when a local comes up and is like, I'm just going to cake you using all the shit that everyone knows that you don't know. And that I remember foolishly trying to like make a local reference after that, be like, whatever, whatever. That's worse. Hop a hog, hop hog. Yeah, then like, you didn't even fucking say it right.
Starting point is 00:41:30 And you're like, I'll go, I don't like coming to town and trying to do that with things you know. No, I'm saying I like, I mean, it could be something you know. I actually know, but just throwing out like things in town. Later in my career, now I'm very comfortable being like I stay at my hotel I don't sorry. I didn't see your city exactly. I know they're like, but I mean So and so barbeque place am I right? Well, if I'm gonna go to stilts you might as well Let me wear some sweatpants
Starting point is 00:41:57 No, but they're 400 pounds walks in the door of stilts Let's go central high cougars. Let's go. cougar pride. Let's go, cougar pride. Cougar pride. Let's go. Wah, wah, wah. Dude, the Aunt Mary patting though. One thing I'm so grateful for in comedy. You're sad I get to, yeah, my health, I'm going to have a down stage.
Starting point is 00:42:21 And then at no point for my act every night, do I have to like line up a wig and like do makeup, you know what I mean? And then be like, all right, now I'm like, I can someone can wake me up out of a nap. You know, you don't stage technically. Yeah, you can start. I'll go on stage and do it. You don't mind me on sweatpants. Yeah, fine. I can wake up through my nightwear and Absolutely. And just do it. Yeah, you don't have to do a whole thing. That's why that was my favorite moment I've said it to you before the Chipscuni. Yeah with David tell when I was like I came off David tells the Tour bus tour of Insomniac. Yeah, I did these coasts with them. That's awesome That's awesome because I remember
Starting point is 00:42:58 That was young and comedy well, I remember I was young in college and I was obsessed with Insomniac So it's just cool that like it's one of those things where if time travel was real, I don't think I'd go kill Hitler. I would just go back to like 2002 when I had no money and I'd be like, Hey, the guy that's opening for a tell on this tour and Sonny actor, you guys are going to be friends. You're ever regular together at Sirius XM and I'd be like, what about all my debt? You guys are gonna be friends. You're gonna have a regular show together. It's serious exam and I'd be like, what about all my debt?
Starting point is 00:43:25 And you're like, ay, get through it. You know? That's the stuff I was thinking about with time travel. Cause that's so cool. Cause I was such a fan. It's like how I feel about when I watch, when I read-
Starting point is 00:43:34 There's still a drinkin' to tell too at that time. Oh my God. I think that way when I think about tourgasm. Like the Bobby would later in my life, I would be like almost like an older brother to me. Where you're like, I just remember him bullying Jay Davis on tour. Gasm.
Starting point is 00:43:47 So funny. So you said you were on this insomniac tour and you came off with chip and then I came off and I was, uh, they gave me like a one night, I think like a one night head line at rascals or something. Yeah. In Cherry Hill. That's where it was for sure. And Chips Cooney was featuring.
Starting point is 00:44:03 And I was like, okay, sure. And he went and man, he looked there. And when he came up, he was putting on his magicians. And you know, it's thing he does like bad magic on purpose. Yeah. And he was getting his shit together for the show to go on before me. And he was kind of just asking me about me.
Starting point is 00:44:22 And it was very nice. And I was like, yeah, I just came off of David Tells against Somniac Tour. And he was like, oh, yeah, was that funny? He's like, what did you do? Like the clubs and stuff. And I was like, no, no, no, no. We did like these like big theaters
Starting point is 00:44:34 that like were outside college campuses and stuff. It was pretty amazing. And him just this old man, gray hair tying his cape onto his neck and going like, oh, it tells to him, and theaters now go, that good, that kid was always funny. Yeah. He came, like, I give him the pass.
Starting point is 00:44:52 It was just so funny. And then when he would come in the room, after the show, his closing bit was getting down to, he's an old man, dude, getting down to nipple tassels and socks with sock garters and a pair of tidy whiteies that had a permanent on purpose, shit stain in them. And he would have to put that on. I remember there was a comic name Hood, it's a seller when I first started going there,
Starting point is 00:45:20 that would have to, by the way, I mean, it was not long after he was able to do this joke anymore. But he used to strap fake dynamite to his chest every night. Now he's a Middle Eastern guy and he would do a bit about, he would reveal the dynamite. And then, but it really took me back to, I remember the days of like putting my stepfather's tiny underwear on. Oh yeah, and you're the nipple. And then when I did the fake nipple piercings that were giant, big tin foil. Did you have to like hold your shirt out to make sure they didn't.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Yes, I did. Yeah, I did. I stood in a very, very weird way just, because in my mind, it was so funny about that is, I'm like joke, schmokes, dude. I'm gonna tear through this four minutes. Yeah. Or whatever it is, you know, if this open mic,
Starting point is 00:46:05 I'm gonna tear this for minutes and then, I'm gonna, there was not even bit. Hey guys, by the way, I just got some new piercings. Like tell me if they're too much and I just like lifted my fucking fat shirt to show my stupid, like I just had this whole rig. I like a string around my neck that I would tie these rings.
Starting point is 00:46:22 It was so stupid. How long did it take you two questions? I would do it once. Two, two part questions. Mm-hmm. How long did it take to get ready? And did you ever call it gearing up? For the... Whoever likes time to gear up. Well, no, because I would do it. The worst part is I was was a person who would go like, change into this stuff. I'm like, since my thing had to be underwear, that I mean my bowl meat was almost falling out of the side. So I'm significantly larger than my stepfather.
Starting point is 00:46:52 And, but it would kill. It murdered. I mean, people, like, you know, we're talking about this stuff. You talk about bad jokes, you used to do it, or whatever, people are like, well, why'd you do it? And you're like, because there was a result. Because was yeah, it was that you had it you when you Who doesn't laugh at a fat person getting undressed when you first got a fucking result? You were like oh shit like a big laugh. I mean getting into my underwear was
Starting point is 00:47:18 Chair-breaking laughter sometimes. How many people went nuts like it was Killed so I was so shitty. Did you do that on your first comic? Yep Yes, I did God, I want to find that side You too. I really have to exist some I would I would I would kill for an afternoon of All three of my comic view sets. I'd love to see I would kill for an afternoon of weed All three of my comic view sets I'd love to see I would kill for an afternoon of weed
Starting point is 00:47:47 Good sandwiches and bad comic view from the early days when you were like when you when you did it like watching your episode the episode After yours and just seeing like it was That was my favorite when I did comic view the third time they rebranded the name. I did it almost by accident What do you mean they told me the show was called One Mike Stand and Kev was hosting it. Kev in heart, so I was like, I was like, it's not comic view and they go, no, it's like what's replacing comic view.
Starting point is 00:48:14 It's like a new thing. We're taking a new approach on it. It's like what they did with a premium blend with live at Gotham. Also now this time they're like, money's good, money's real, put you up nice. They did every person that was on the show was assigned a limo driver.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Damn. Like for the day, damn. Anywhere you wanted to go, this limo drive was pretty weird. They put you up with the Sheraton Studio City. My room had like about, about when you could walk out into, I think it was on the first floor. It was like to a pool, maybe the pool or might have been my own little thing.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Damn. Beautiful. And then we got there and it was like, when I started starting the contracts, it's Comic View presents one mic stand. And Kev was the host and they, Bob Sumner, I wanna say it was, because he took over, he was the deaf jam guy. He needs to go over this thing with Kev for Comic View.
Starting point is 00:49:04 I mean, him giving this speech, it was like Al Pacino and even Sunday. He walked through. He's like, man, everybody thinks comic view is we're going to change the narrative. Everything's common. He was a bunch of people putting in fake hillbilly teeth and dressing up like a lady and doing the same old, I met the last slave joke and the same old, the slave voice and the white guy, they think it's all just that cool, but he goes, we're here to show him. I mean, I was nodding by that by the end of the X,
Starting point is 00:49:34 I was like, hell yeah, because I now, it's my third comic view and I'm doing comedy eight years at this point. Okay, maybe, right? Let's be fair. That's fucking impressive. Three comic views in eight years. I mean Okay. Maybe. Right, let's it be fair. That's fucking impressive. Three comic views in eight years. I mean, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:49:48 The first two times was there being boycott. Nobody could do it because they were paying $150 in a check. I think the second time it wasn't that. I didn't know you were a placement player. First, whatever. That was six months in the comedy. Jesus Christ. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:50:03 That's so early in the comedy. It was crazy early in the comedy. So Christ. It was crazy. That's so early in the comedy. It was crazy early in the comedy. So I was terrified when I was in the comedy. Yeah, dude, I was scared to do the desert diamond casino six months in the comedy. I also had been. Let alone fucking television. I also had like, you know, I was nervous of it
Starting point is 00:50:21 and I had bad people there for making me feel calm. Not that anyone was mean at all But some big person now. I remember the person I thought was by far the funniest human being there That was making me laugh but was so intimidating the person was Corey Holcomb. Oh my god. This is a pretty famous Corey Holcomb even he was a role he still is a raw dude still crazy. What I'm the funniest fuck? What's that shout out fox hole? Yeah, so funny. He's hilarious and a big part and everything He did made me laugh, but you said that you're so comfortable and just like being funny in a room of I thought you're gonna tell me there's a guy named like little mans and he just like it got you
Starting point is 00:51:01 Intimidate Corey Holcomb makes sense. You're like oh, no, I'm saying I was there like the first time doing it But uh, but anyway, and then the second time I think it was like you know scale Yeah And this time it was like paying more and all this like thing and that guy gave him that speech man It was so funny and looking around the room of People who knew they were going on that day. Oh, and I think you as an example of fucking stools We're going on that day. Oh, and I think you as an example of fucking stools. Everyone thinks we're actually fucking stools and talking about this and that.
Starting point is 00:51:31 And bitches don't be sucking dick. We're here to change. We are in hell. Everyone thinks that BET's nothing but a bunch of stool. And white people do this. Black people do that. Now look to you. I can't help you out there. Look, I'm too old. I'm too old. I would, I would help a stool. But I'm too old, but I can't. I gotta stand back here. I want to tell you what my mama told me what I was a kid. They think you're a bunch of slave voices. They think you're a bunch of slave voices they think you're a bunch of stool humps I Know you're gonna overly pronounce your words like your white
Starting point is 00:52:11 But for once just once Maybe you do some political stuff Not that they paid they paid an audience to come in. Mm-hmm. So was it terrible audience in the afternoon on a weekday in LA. Yeah, it was terrible. People don't know. I think when I got called in, by the way, I think I was the, or the sessions that I did were so bad that like they had to go and reshoot a bunch of stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:39 But I think it's the opposite of that. I think I was part of the reshoot ones, but I think our crowds were terrible too. Damn. It did matter. I think that was an episode of Ray LaPalski got attacked. Damn. Onstage by a woman, it was, that might have been white boys in the hood.
Starting point is 00:52:55 It's the Bonfire. Thanks for listening. Don't forget that the Bonfire is a radio show, a full show. We got a studio and everything. You can listen to us on SiriusXM or on the SXM app. It's basically the same thing. Go to slash Bonfire for a special offer.

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