The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - Swear Jar (feat. Crack Amico)

Episode Date: September 15, 2022

Crack Amico joins The Bonfire as Jay and Dan make a pact to not swear during the show. Crack Amico tells the gang about his trade trajectory to his new album "White Trash Jesus" out now!Stream "The B...onfire with Big Jay Oakerson & Dan Soder" for 3 months free on the SiruisXM app! Offer Details Apply: us on all social media @TheBonfireXM@DanSoder

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Love start I love starting with I know black loser man of God only clean versions. Sorry guys. We're clean today No cussing Clean all day. No way dude over there gas. Yeah, I don't care You can cost we can't oh like what the heck and stuff. Yeah, this is this is freaking awesome Yeah, man, this is this is freaking awesome. Yeah, I'll try. Okay, and then I mean I'll I know I'm gonna blow it But let's just see how long we can go no cussing day one seals broke though. It's broke for you The other person let's keep going. Yeah until you break
Starting point is 00:00:39 This is a test against yourself black Lou Jacob you're both involved had How are we starting to do it to rest your for so long? I don't know, but we're gonna try. We're gonna try to do it to rest your head to play by those rules. Well, I mean, you did, but you didn't do like a three hour talk show. No, no, no. And it's not curts on in between. But I was still, I still had that part of my brain. Maybe the first two years we did this show. By year, three or four, I've had to hit the morning shows of hit the drop button on me like the dump button. Oh really? Oh, because I just
Starting point is 00:01:09 immediately go into like this mode. Oh, I did it once on a phone call. Yeah. A phone or I curse because I just kind of forget where at. And I've never done it on air of a show. But totally that was always the funniest thing to be with me in cake boss. We're on Preston and Steve. Yeah, and he said he said BS That's BS, huh? He said he said at the actual BS. Yeah, we're not cursing Yeah, I do it took me a second to catch up there because I was like oh you mean I almost just committed the We're trying not to cuss today. We're not going to cuss. That's our game or play. You can cuss.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Everyone else all you want. Filthy sailor mouths. It's filthy bad bad words. All the F's. All the F's. Yeses. Black Loon started the show with Annie up, but the edited version. So we've decided to be edited today. It is of course the bonfire faction talks here. He's sex. I want to three big jokes and dance soda DJ Lou Witsky What do we say? I don't know. What do we say Jacob? Baller What do we say black glue? What do we say? I'm not really sure. Do we tell this? He's out. He was planned to be out. Yeah
Starting point is 00:02:24 Do we tell what's going on? I don't know. Is it illegal? I don't. I don't think glue is going to give a shit. But come on, man. I think he will, by the way, I just want to say first drop. Nailed it.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Feldman's gold. Yeah. Um, let me text him. I'll get his approval. Yeah, get his approval. Okay. Why that was just yes. So we have, course black Lou our black king the black tiger Lewis DJ lose becoming obsolete
Starting point is 00:02:56 We might not have to worry about us taking them out. He's on the ones and two We got Jacob in the house. Christine's farting around somewhere It's a good energy. It's different. You know, I'm not saying lose not great, but I mean, Lewis is really nailing it. He is. He also, like, because Lewis been doing it so long,
Starting point is 00:03:17 he has a little bit of like this old horse shit about it where like, look at Blackloo. Look at Blackloo. Look at Blackloo. So into it. You just did it Not so over for me Damn, we're gonna get through the intro. You're doing great still. Thanks buddy. I dropped an ass. I'm scared as ass There's something fresh and exciting about the way Lewis is doing it right now man You're really stirring the pot, aren't you? Yeah, good. Well, I love, I hope we can tell what's going on with DJ Lou,
Starting point is 00:03:47 because you might be just forever anyway. You might be a permanent step there. I want to introduce our guest. We have sitting in the show. He's in town. Yeah. All the way from North Cacalaac, everybody. It's a nice gas digital across over here,
Starting point is 00:04:00 because I want to get the full story from him. But I know he was not discovered by Lewis. That would be a lot of Colonel Tom Parker energy I'm giving him. But Lewis had a contest at one point, correct where he was making a soundcloud wrapper. That's right. He was using his first sound and our guest was who won. He won the whole thing, correct?
Starting point is 00:04:19 And his apps amazingly effing talented. I'm going back to keeping it clean. Yeah, all right. I'll give you a mulligan. I'll give you one mulligan. That's a drop. Yeah, drop shot. I'll take it.
Starting point is 00:04:33 It is the mega talented crack amico everybody. Do you want, where's the cheers, Black Lou? Is that a DJ looping? Man, also on the day that Black Lou's running the board as a white rapper, that was a tough cell. You know, sold them, dude. A bomb already. Oh, you say he's got to prove himself to you.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Did Lewis was the was the prize money? Oh, well, first, let me say I'm freaking excited to be here, guys. Oh, man. All right. He's keeping it clean, dude. I'm flippin' pumped. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Yeah. We're on the game. Christine, watch your pig mouth. So Christine, you didn't hear you were out of the room. We started with an edited song, so we're not cussing today. We started with Annie up, but it was edited. So we're not cussing today on the show.
Starting point is 00:05:17 No cursing. Well, I already blew it. But Jay gets a mulligan. Is there a swear jar? I really effed it up already. I would do a swear jar. Let's do a swear jar. In case you do. It's five bucks
Starting point is 00:05:26 a swear. Five a swear. Five a swear. To pick swear. Where does it go? In the middle. DJ those DJ lose funeral fun. What do you say? What have we tell the story? One of his oxygen tanks. Was you not answer with the already canoeing? Can I call
Starting point is 00:05:38 you crack or can I call you crack or would you perform a stream? Me? Co either one. So do you want? Can we tell you the people your real name? Or do you want to go by crack or me? prefer Mr. Miko either one. Do you want can we tell you the people your real name? Or do you want to go by crack Amiko you want to stay K Faco? I'm a state crack.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Let me stay. All right. I like that. I respect. Now I do. What's better man that stays K Faco. I do an ask crack Amiko is obviously a name inspired by the guest digital world, Zach Amiko.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Who we all love over here at the Bonfire. And that is, but did you what was your name before that? Because you are far too dumb to do, start rapping for that contest. Yeah, you didn't have like biofilm moment where they were like, hey, you know those sizzles, that's what you do. Those crazy sentences.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Why don't you toss those out and inspired by the weak LA comedy scene? Or was your name always crack a meeko and then you saw a podcast where there was Zach and meek and you go, well, that's meant to be. This is Kismit. That's the thing. What was your name before that?
Starting point is 00:06:32 Well, I started rapping when I was like 14, and I'm not gonna say what my name is, but I went by Raw, which is my initials. Okay. And yeah, did the shit for a minute. I was pretty popping in high school and then kind of got into some drugs and drinking Okay, and kind of fell off stop doing music for a minute
Starting point is 00:06:50 I got really into podcasts of course you guys show all the gas digital shit I was a big opian Anthony fan as I was telling Dan yeah on the way up here Did you walk away from music for a while? I mean you said you were party and stuff But was it also like a this isn't going anywhere? you like just kind of like giving up on all your bomb door? It was just like you never thought I was gonna go and did were you like making a hard push? And then it was like fuck man so many walls. So five five dollars. Oh man. I'll mark it. I'ma be a dork today. Sorry. He said yeah? Nice. But please, I'm sorry to be to cut you off there. I was just kind of periodically in and out of it and crazy shit happening in life,
Starting point is 00:07:32 going to jail drugs, all that shit. You were in jail? Uh, quite a few times, yes. Really? What's the longest? What's the longest you did? Um, the longest I was ever up in there was like probably two weeks. Did you ever exchange letters with a lonely lady? No, damn, dude. No, I wasn't long enough. I thought we had been funny if you we just find Shannon Is Shannon's like he's right. Did you be Shannon? Yeah, I tried to give her a shake today And she actually opted for the hug so there might be something there. Oh, yeah, I tell you something big fan of your work There might be something there. Oh hell yeah, I tell you something big fan of your work
Starting point is 00:08:10 What I think very I think very talented would love if you married Shannon. I love that You great you're a great guy. I did Lewis with that bad boy thing in you. Yeah, you've lived the life I got to tell you from watching 60 days in tell me if I'm wrong because I still jail looks like the scary thing in the world of me But I will say I'm three seasons in The beatings especially the jumpings what's like a gang of guys jumping a guy It looks like it's almost all for show. They're not not hitting him But these aren't like put you down knock a guy out fights. They're like a weird like a it looks like the proud boys hazing for someone Almost some way where there's like say 10 Serials and they slap you like Paul you or punch your body Nobody knows how to fight it seems
Starting point is 00:08:51 Everyone gets in the weirdest pants is the fight, but it looks like it's non-stop fighting and you said you're the longest time in there It's how long? Probably about two weeks two weeks. I may be a lot of time. I've never done a bid. I've never done time Yeah, but even in two weeks. Two weeks. I may bail every time. I've never done a bid. I've never done time. Yeah. Put even in two weeks in like a jail. Did you hear? Like you're in those pods or whatever they have. The hearts pumping.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Oh yeah. You're put in there and you're like, that's gotta be crazy. I've never been to jail. You're done. Yeah. For sure. And one of the first times I ever got bail,
Starting point is 00:09:20 it was after lights out, pitch black, I'm laying there looking at the ceiling like god damn and all the sudden We're sleeping on mats. That's how full the pods are yeah, so you're on the floor on a map sleeping on like a red little blue wrestling mat Yeah, it's like a church lock-in. Yeah Super dangerous people with the opposite of church The opposite of people who go to church just a bunch of criminals that are like hey, so we don't have anything between us That's gonna be a problem for you. Yeah, so it was like pitch black and all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:09:48 I'm kinda sleeping kinda not, and my mat just starts sliding under me, and I'm on the shit, and I'm like, holy fucking shit. It's going down, about to beat my ass, I don't know why, and then the lights turn on, and it's this redneck dude who was dragging my mat, and he's like, you just made bail. Oh, really? It was like a fun. It was like a fun announcement. Yeah, you're like, yeah. Oh, you got me. He's like, huh? I just scared. You can't do that. Put a bag
Starting point is 00:10:12 over your head and take you out. Yeah. Take the bag of it. You're in your, you're on your own clothes outside. Oh, oh, this is how they get me out. Do that. I mean, you have to be so happy when you hear that. You're like, sweet. Yeah, it was a, well, melee from going from like, yeah, you're like, we have, it was a while me leave from going from like we Yeah, you're like we have goes up all right. I got a gotta fight if you get any fights or physical shit in jail Not I actually never happened nice weirdly said the S word What I say you said the S word no, oh wait me. I only have you know You don't have to do this you're not healthy to stand. Yeah, in fact
Starting point is 00:10:43 We'll probably just give you the money at the end. So you'll all have to swear. OK, let's go. That's five bucks. You said the S word, dude. I'm in for a tensky. Yeah, you are. I'm watching.
Starting point is 00:10:53 I'm going to hit a ding every time someone curses. I'm marking it. Thanks. Thanks, Black Luke. And I'm going to keep talking to crack about a story. but we will say we did get the thumbs up from DJ Lou Which they'll appreciate this also correct DJ we get a Terrified as I guess he reached out to you personally first Jacob
Starting point is 00:11:19 We have a producers text thread, but I thought when I texted you, I thought it was the group thread. Okay, so we just get a text from Jacob at like, you know, 1 p.m. It's like, and test today before you come in and before, listen up, fellas. And test again on Wednesday. And I was like, we was like, yeah, but I was like, what happened? Did someone get cold? I had no idea. You want to go to someone have COVID and then
Starting point is 00:11:49 Witsky sent an emoji with the hand up, like it's me. So now I immediately go, like, oh shit, all right, we'll test and then I go, oh, that actually sucks because DJ Luz was planned to be out today because he is going on. We made fun of him yesterday. He's going on a pilgrimage to women with hairy armpits at a Pearl Jam show in Philly,
Starting point is 00:12:11 Camden. We're outside of Philly and also a canoeing down the Delaware trip with his girlfriend. I go, he's cool. The is he going to Pearl Jam still? Or is he just? Yes. He goes, he he going to Pearl Jam still or is he just Yes, he goes he's going to Pearl Jam but I go all that sucks to your trips canceled he goes no way bro. I'm gonna tough it out
Starting point is 00:12:35 Yeah, dude. I read then Jacob checks me on the side and goes tough it out He goes I bet the out. He was, I bet the whole champ fans are going to be stoked on that. This is how we got it. Cause some guy was like, I got to puff it out for Eddie on 9, 11. I think he's going to, dude, I go look him and his girlfriend with limited lung capacity, trying to take the Delaware with a picnic basket full of halls drops. They're going to keep the mask on while they're kayaking. Well, it's just going to be two of them. So there's no point in that. I'm saying it would be funny if they did though. There's a hilarious thing like we got COVID and we're just going to jam out. Who gives
Starting point is 00:13:12 a fun. Anyways, we're hoping to get there when the openers wrapping up. That's even no, if she has it. Huh? I don't even know if she has. Does she know that he has it? She's Latino. Do they always get it? I'll tell you I think do you know things about race sugar? I think whiskey would be the kind of guy that's like I Didn't want to tell you He just mysteriously has his mask on her if she doesn't know would be the Just coughing into her ear all night. He's like, oh sorry baby. Sorry baby droplets. What does two lines mean? Sorry baby. Sorry baby droplets. What is two lines mean?
Starting point is 00:13:51 Fucking witty. We all test. We all tested negative. Yeah, that been funny if that's how we told crack in me. Go we go We're all you guys any way this is a bug party You got it shoot net you had of all of our mouths Virus part. Yeah. No DJ Lou is off the only one with COVID on vacation Yeah. No, DJ Lou is off the only one with COVID on vacation. Going to my money. He's he's going to the most crowded anywhere. Any of us are going. Yeah, but it is all projam fans. So serve some right. Am I right? Then in the herd so we can get closer to Eddie. Yeah, he says he's trying to do.
Starting point is 00:14:20 He's going to go have a breath in everyone's ears. I am the highland there. We could be only one. There's a bunch of sweaty, shivery people. He sounds terrible. Does he? Yeah, just spoke to him to get the okay. He goes, by the way, I go, well, you're not sick. I go, you're not sick, he goes, nah,
Starting point is 00:14:40 it feels like a head cold in a bunch of body aches. That's that sick dude. That. Dude, that guy loves Eddie Vetter. I can't think of a thing. Is there a thing? I try to go, of course. Sixers.
Starting point is 00:14:56 No, my daughter's wedding. Like, I mask up and watch from a, you know what I mean? I find a way to be there. It's a lurk at lurk at a distance I was saying there's things I go to it's not a fucking I'll go way lower than my dog legal legal super bowl. No way. Yeah fucking watch on TV. I still can see it You go with COVID no Yeah, I was headed to it to a nine or super bowl. No, you've already been there help go to a sucked member Yeah, I did because I lost yeah, I remember J, I was a bit to a 9 or Super Bowl. No, you've already been there. Hell, go to sucked member. Yeah, I did because they lost. Yeah, I remember J. I was there
Starting point is 00:15:30 I remember crack you a panthers fan Now that I'm in this room I'm a Cowboys fan. Oh, I made it in here. Yeah, that's already fair Cowboys fan. No, you just one Black loose heart was suzy suzy CZ's fucking songs. He's got really fond love with you. I bet you guys have a complicated handshake by the end of the show. Great. Thank you. It's rough for the Cowboys bro. We got a long road ahead. Absolutely. Broken hand. You guys are going to try to steal Jimmy G from us or at least came in. I heard maybe I heard you are near Minsu. Oh, yeah, they were talking about getting him from Philip. Well, it would feel like you've up their good back up to their rival team
Starting point is 00:16:09 There's no way he's a part of here. Yeah, he's he'll bring back those 93 vibes. Okay sick Muller. Irving doing coke. Minsu's gonna sick Mullet Yeah, he probably better more beer. Oh Yeah, you know, he's definitely like a good old boy. So Philly is sort of the wrong place for him in that regard. It's not really a honky-tonkentown. He looks like a guy really looks like punch a cow and laugh. Crack a beer on his head. Is that our chairs? Yeah, it's me, my bad. It's not a fart. I thought it was your stomach or something I was worried about. So then you were rapping. you went in the jail several times when you got what made you get back into the music. Well, I got really into ONA.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I had been an ONA fan for a minute, but I got really into legionist kinks and then in turn, bonfire and the whole gas digital world and shit. Hell yeah. And that was pretty much what I had, just that content, content what I look forward to I wasn't really doing music shit anymore And then I happened to be listening to a particular real-ass podcast where they birthed the contest so that actually what so you were years removed from it and jump back into it
Starting point is 00:17:20 They brought you back in like a kung fu movie Hey, you had a you had a big beard, you were in a temple somewhere. Some lady goes, hey, you might want to hear this. Yeah, talking anyone that can do a good sound clock wrapper. Really even after it. It's like my dick, Shannon. Yeah, they flew out to me and I had a long beard and white hair. And I was like, you're the only one who can do this.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Yeah. You guys, hey, you got another thinking to do. Musta go up. So that's a fucking amazing that you came. Oh, another one. Another one. Such a bad boy. Dan, you dork.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Hey, I'm just be you. You effing dork. Hey, I'm just cool. One of us has got to get our FCC licensed by the end of this thing. Yeah, no shit. Damn it. I, uh, that's four, dude. No, you got three. No, I just said no, S. You missed one. Oh, man, you told me yourself. Everyone missed it. The only curse word you can say is cunt. Yeah. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Dang. Okay. I can only say one. I might be able to remember that okay, if you yeah, let's not count this yeah, yeah, yeah If you give me the f word, it's all over the place. Yeah As is too much. Yes is too much. I think this I think we give you the c word Yeah, I don't slurs. Yeah slurs count They would take out slurs on uh They would think of slurs on they would beep that on Andy up. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:49 If it's edited on Andy up, it's edited in the studio. If Andy up says it, we're here. If they couldn't say it, you can't say it. So I want to play... Accept the seawater.
Starting point is 00:18:59 While you're here, I want to play these two songs. They're not very long either, but they're amazing songs you did about comedy. And I want to set this up. These are the songs that won you the contest. It was kind of like it had rounds. I had like a first submission.
Starting point is 00:19:18 This was actually the one we're looking at, Bad Bitch and LA is gay were both after I had won. Oh, okay. So these were just on top of... Yeah. This was just... Yeah, because these are... You made videos, go to... You edited all yourself and everything?
Starting point is 00:19:31 I do. Really? The only part of my music I don't create is the mixing part, because I don't know how to fuck to do that shit, but I record it, I write it, obviously. I record the videos. All the videos I've done so far have just been in my house. People are accusing me of being on house arrest.
Starting point is 00:19:47 That's very funny. And then yeah, throw it in the eye movie. I edit the shit. Did you was it weird meeting Lewis for the first time? Like Lewis and Zach? Was it surreal meeting all of you guys has been like holy fucking shit. Really? Yeah. That's crazy. What if we brought OP and Anthony back together for this? He started bleeding out of his ears. I go, they worked it out in the whole way. I would think I had cancer if I was cracking me go there. So, hey kid, we put it aside for a day to come to high. Hey, we're going to jam a little in the old space.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Maybe it on the rooftop of Sirius. It's going to noodle around the mic a little bit. What do we got here? I do a little throw a little dice and then you'll step all over it. If anyone could bring them back together, I think it's me. Yeah, it's going to make a very rational. It's absolutely you. So you do, you do these videos after you won.
Starting point is 00:20:31 This is how I found out about you was watching these videos. LA is gay and bad bitch. That's right. And then the video and now the fact knowing you like make the video completely yourself is so that's really impressive. Also, especially with like time matter like what would were you always working on stuff like that too like AV stuff like even when you stopped doing music or it was just you just like I mean just figured out I'll just
Starting point is 00:20:54 give it a shot. Well I'm going to reattempt it one day but I had actually gone from music to trying to maybe do some kind of podcast that nobody would probably ever hear. But that was kind of what I was trying to move into. So I had been working with video shit and all that kind of stuff and just kind of hone my skills. It is weird that there's like, we're gonna put these out too on social media, these videos because they are really well done. It's crazy that in like 20 or 30 years, that's gonna be some stories for some very powerful people.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I was just messing around and made a podcast of my own, you know, next thing I know I've changed the way that packages are shipped. Got 400 billion dollars. Well, Rogan, I mean, sort of like, it's just hanging around. I mean, when he says when they show the early stuff, it's just them like going to couch. Yeah, on like a not well lit room. just them like going to couch. Yeah. You know, on like a not well lit room. Dude, yeah, Bobby.
Starting point is 00:21:47 I remember being like, he's like, it's the wave of the future. And you're like, yeah, he's always got his finger on the pulse though. Yeah. And it was. Can you imagine a world where Bob Kelly is what Rogan is right now? Bobby would be so mean. He'd be so fun though. He'd be so far.
Starting point is 00:22:04 He would do crazy stuff. Oh, yeah. He'd be like, what. He'd be so fun. He would do crazy stuff. Oh yeah. You'd be like, what? We're going to do a roulette, dude. Shut up. You get into playing, dude. He'd be 300 pounds heavier. I'd be like, then, dude.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Yeah, he'd be like, he'd be like, brando. Yeah. I got the doctor, Maro. We got the cut him out of a house. Yeah. You go pure gluttony. He goes, dude, I'm going Gilbert Gate. Great bro. He goes, dude, I'm going Gilbert. Kate. Great, bro.
Starting point is 00:22:27 He goes up. You know, don't I'm dying. Burn the house down. He dies in a castle. Don't let me be a joke, dude. But he would be like living in one of those New York castles in the 70s. Just one of those house like an Epstein house. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:39 There was somebody who did SDR show a while back who was like, what, whatever, his name in all Christine? He just, he was such a creepy dude. He just has like castle parties all the time. That's what he calls them. And it's like, that's what's crazy about New York is like, you don't realize you're walking by this building and you can like walk in. And it's just like one person's residence and it's just a building.
Starting point is 00:22:58 If you're a really hot chick and you decide like, I'm going to go, this should be a test we should do. Is going to hot chick and higher her to go To every weird thing that hot chicks get invited to every castle parties Underground street fights where everyone's wearing tuxedos here some reason please show me that there's a lion heart world I want to see a lion heart world please Can we make her wear a helmet with a camera on it? So it's obvious. It's a hot chick with an ugly helmet.
Starting point is 00:23:26 The GoPro. Ball gown on, but it's like one of those things. Man, she is smoking, yo. What's that about? Look at the stems on hay. Yeah, you're gonna jump something. It's a, that'd be awesome. We should, I mean, because I'm just thinking of it,
Starting point is 00:23:41 so many girls have seen like videos of like telling stories of that like in like the hip hop world, especially as World Star has those a lot when they have like a podcast clip of two like former video hose, you know what I mean? And they're like, oh well, my third gang bag at Easy's house was pretty nuts, you know what I mean? Like whatever, just wacky parties they went to
Starting point is 00:24:04 and like just illegal sounding things. Like yeah, I wanna have an whatever, just wacky parties they went to. And like just illegal sounding things. Like yeah, I want to have an infiltration. I want somebody on the inside. Yeah, New York's got that old money darkness to it too, where it's like we hunt humans. Or at very least everyone goes and wears like those long nose masks, you know, walks around with feathers and the wieners out with like, what I dated that one. Chafing dishes of cocaine in the room room that one rich girl one time was just like like her family they just go yacht with other yachts in the winter you haven't done blow to you've done with Obama's kids she goes oh my god I took
Starting point is 00:24:37 some fentanyl Leo and I Yeah, St. Barth's. St. Barth's. Do you like the black little wheel to the power to cut your mic off and on like the way he does? Very sexy. He waits till you start talking, then he thinks he listens to the first part and decides if it's interesting enough to turn the mic off. I like it, Lou. I like it.
Starting point is 00:24:59 It's like a whole world. Next time he does it, he comes in with just a fat pinky ring. I can't wait. This is my silencer. My favorite scene is going to be when DJ Luzon was a fan of later and Black Lou walks in and says a bunch of nice things to him and then leans in his ears the last minute goes, I got you MF. I love it.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Way to play it. Edited. Yeah, I did good. S. But you say the actual word. S. My D. Did I cost? Have I been cousin? Yeah, I did good But you say the actual word S my D Did I cost have I been cousin probably a ton, but we don't count it. What are you talking about you?
Starting point is 00:25:30 You're counting damn shut your mouth. You're just mad that you're not a word the Nellad Dan He has to force himself to curse every day. Everyone just you know, he's a fake bad boy It comes out of me just falls at a I say apologize softly me I go if you Yeah, let's play one of these songs Yeah, we talk a little bit. We play a song. We talk a little bit and play a song.
Starting point is 00:26:07 You'll see. Demo shows. You'll see more. You'll see more. Show. It's our jam. Which one first? Yeah, we were very musical week this week.
Starting point is 00:26:15 What would you rather do first? Do you bad bitch? And I'm just gonna name it a song. Just name it a song. Yeah. You don't have to edit bitch. Okay. Sorry, it's a video, Jacob.
Starting point is 00:26:23 It's good audio though good audio It's a little volume on it. I mean if it's gonna be videos has anyone walked in on you filming a video that doesn't know you do this Like you're not like mom Well, it is and I do what a ass room We're like hey Mike if you get it come in knock I know these videos pretty well and I got to say it like in any rap video when you see it to any music video in general It it looks cool when you're doing it when it's done But like doing it has to feel sort of silly. That's actually why I prefer Shooting the inside videos because if you look at like just an example
Starting point is 00:27:05 Sagalos first. Yeah, all right. Let's get into it. It looks like it just looks like a video of like taking a tour of the steps of New York City Yeah, he's on the steps just there like figuring out what to do with his hands and shit I love Brennan. He's a sweetheart, but that video is kind of mid It's really like it is funny. I love a bad rap. I didn't even racke me going. Brannon. I didn't he won't do it. I didn't even overthink the lines been drawn. I don't even think I didn't even overthink that brand. There was on the streets somewhere and somebody across the street was going look at this. Put your little guy doing over there. His hands. Is the great hand is the great
Starting point is 00:27:40 hand. Bino rap. Childish hamburger. Yeah, that's great. How does he not go by that? I know. Come on, Sagaloo. That's great. And we love Brendan Sagalo. It's a play no.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Yeah, but we got to come on, dude. Go by the great. Yeah, great. What was it? I agree. What? We just this is such a story. Oh, the great him bino.
Starting point is 00:28:02 This is such a story. Childish him bino. Childish him bino. Yeah. God, this is such a stoner show. and you know childish. You know, yes, God. This is such a stoner show. Don't first. I said God. But yeah, that's why I created
Starting point is 00:28:10 some ones. So you don't have people looking at you because even me, I've been filming videos for years and I'm still like looking at the corner of my eye, just seeing if anybody's walking by trying to get in the video and like, I don't know. But I'm saying also just like the energy of like looking into the camera when it's like dark, you know, you're I'm saying also just like the energy of like looking into the camera
Starting point is 00:28:25 When it's like dark, you know, you know, you're doing your thing. You got the grill in it looks cool But when you're in a room doing it like mouthing along with the words your song making mouth. It's got a silly Do you rap along or do you do the I rap out loud cuz it just feels less retarded. Yeah It just feels less retarded. Yeah. What would they have? Yeah. So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so in the middle you're like, what do people just think I'm like? What's he is? I think that's everybody's corny, but I think that's everything you make. You're like waiting for someone to be like, this is awful.
Starting point is 00:29:12 But even though it's like music and film is different, like comedy you can get to kind of work it out each night. You're in the room. You're in the room to get to kind of work it out. But still you don't. When you have to produce like a finished product that has never been, it's like roast writing. That's what's the closest thing I can think of is roast writing you have to go like really bang something out And you have no there's like no safety net of it like you can't tell of his time tested because you have to go say it to be Arthur herself, you know, I mean so I see one thing I can relate it to so yeah, it's gonna put all that work in and then people are just like
Starting point is 00:29:41 Yeah That's what's gotta make you feel sympathy for like, you know, like when a Transformers movie comes out and like forget the actors feelings or anything like that. Just like the 8,000 Asian guys that have to make, you know, a computer and animatronic car robot. And then it's just like, man, that blue. Yeah, that movie stunk.
Starting point is 00:30:03 And the guys like, I missed my kids seventh and eighth birthday. Oh, one play on that one. Yeah, and I have multiple multiple dimensions to it where it's like I want it to sound good. I want it to be catchy. And now with this I want it to be funny. Yeah. So it's like a lot to try and group together. It's all of that. It is all of those things. Christine, can you turn another thing because the Dan can see it all? I can see it. I can see from right here. You can't. Okay. Christine 5 6 7 8 I love it. I love any Robert Lewis is a P. Diddy type. I
Starting point is 00:31:33 Am a place I ain't trying to hear your jokes. I'm trying to come on your face. Yeah, I wonder I'll back it up. Yeah, you're gonna love these lyrics You go back, go back. Yeah, I felt kind of bad about that one. I'm not gonna lie. Oh, it's rap to go back here a little bit. Oh, it's rap, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, come on, you're rapping. But it's like comedy, once you think of it, you gotta do this shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Yeah. Tell my day, I say test the Pope bad bitch Kelsie could bad bitch When he come is back in 2010 And average, baby ship a fat Use the beast all high and tight Stoop a tree's in jokes Now she trying to steal his body tight Ooh, bitches gonna make me sick Stop talking and suck the dick If she let me suck them tits
Starting point is 00:32:19 I'm not in serious hairy tits And sideways and push it beat it up Like a gong chan To that oriental alley girl me move you one time Guys, we fucked that little hip I'm gonna get a little bit of a shit I'm gonna get a little bit of a shit I'm gonna get a little bit of a shit I'm gonna get a little bit of a shit I'm gonna get a little bit of a shit I'm gonna get a little bit of a shit I'm gonna get a little bit of a shit
Starting point is 00:32:34 I'm gonna get a little bit of a shit I'm gonna get a little bit of a shit I'm gonna get a little bit of a shit I'm gonna get a little bit of a shit I'm gonna get a little bit of a shit I'm gonna get a little bit of a shit I'm gonna get a little bit of a shit And he led me swear to God I wiped that bitch I got that pussy in my truck even if I had a wife and kids That's a honey's in this list full of dummies But the baddest bitch of all is the only one that's 20 and it's conned in HK
Starting point is 00:32:53 Yeah, yeah Slim waist that cakes funny jokes, yes, Kim and fucking conned in Damn it, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck That's my favorite picture It's a great coming see me in the comments and tell me who's a bad bitch. You wonder how far this got into the world of female comedians with their like, you know, if you're watching it like look waiting for your name to be said. Oh man, so happy. You're happy if you're not mentioned. You're happy if you're not mentioned.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Second place is not being mentioned at all. First place is you got to be a bad bitch. You're a bad bitch. Yeah, besides having like, oh man, because no one wants to hear, you know what I mean? You know what I mean? Kimmy Kong is gonna be working on me and Ari and that Vegas gig. Why is that? I just worked it out today actually.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Great. Kimmy Kong, I thought she's a bad bitch. That's by the way, every one of some point. She loves it. Yeah, it's gorgeous. She's the man. Oh yeah, she loves it for sure. the man off. She's the man off. Oh, yeah, she loves it for sure.
Starting point is 00:33:46 The best setup is that it's dating Lewis for a podcast on gas. And then the payoff is that it's Kim gone. If Kate quickly heard it, she might not feel the same. Yeah, she put it. Yeah, I think a couple of them would be mad, but I think Kim was like, yes. If she was mad. Because you know, Kim was like, oh, he didn't even mention me. The song's about, oh my god. It's about me
Starting point is 00:34:06 If you if she's mad about that then Fenton all killed her sense of humor. Yeah, that's funny. Yeah, it's for I mean that man. She was there She knows what happened your comedian Was there any lines you took out were there any lines you like I'm not gonna use that um I Kept a certain person out of it Per request and that's all I'll say. Okay, but I like a, I like a, I'm definitely a Lewis request and what was it?
Starting point is 00:34:32 Who wasn't it? I'm not saying nothing else. You don't have to. Yeah, we could walk this down. Everything's always Lewis. Yeah. You probably already know. Oh, I already know.
Starting point is 00:34:40 I already got it. Yeah, yeah, he won't know heat. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it. Yeah, I was he won't know heat. Okay. Yeah, yeah, I get it. Yeah, I was like yeah, I got you Or writing credit gonna get a writing credit. I don't know Cuz you're right. It could be this person, but it could also be I mean blue audience Yeah, he's this so much. I'll say it. I don't give a shit That's correct, man. I knew it. Yeah, cuz she's not they're not they're not on you know the best
Starting point is 00:35:07 Turn around. Yeah. If you're a fan of Lewis, you already know it. Your brain went off the way ours went off. I think they think they think everybody knows. That's the thing. If you do it inside baseball stuff, and I know people do hate it and I get it. It sucks. Yeah, see me live. I'll tell you. I still have people come up to me. I still got me and they say goes that. Addison is wrong. People come up to me. I still go with me and they say, that's special you were saying. It's the worst last five minutes of any special you've ever seen. There you go.
Starting point is 00:35:31 This name I go. By the way, as soon as they start the question, I just bang out the name. I go, I told you if you ever asked me a personal. That bridge is burned, we'll say. But yeah, come see me live., big I'm seeing you cracker meco is talking about. You'll come see me.
Starting point is 00:35:43 It's a little coupon for a show. And then, uh, and the next song I wanted to play is, uh, is LA is gay, which we played open skanks last week. Oh, yeah, with Brian Cowan. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was fucking so good. Yeah. Where you were there? He was there. I was right next to Cal and we was taking the Lodge that's awesome it ruled I did as if Brendan Shaw was if you thought Brendan was funny past. Yes Past that's a fucking that's awesome, so he's made himself believe it I said it's awesome. Oh, it's his boy dude. I get it. I get it too. I completely get it I thought I actually respect his like coming to his like, you know, defense on stuff like that. I just like that you guys were saying or somebody was
Starting point is 00:36:30 saying, the question is, is he funny or not? And Calvin was just like, he's the nicest guy. That'll be out that episode be out on YouTube. I had to learn. I learned that way early in comedy. I remember this when someone pointed it out to me That he did it because he was maybe the best at it Maybe now older veteran whatever with his amongst his friends and I'm sure he always did like talk smack about other comics But if you wanted to go up and talk Garbage I'm fixing my words. Yeah, you're doing it with Jimorton about another comic, if he doesn't know you like well like that, does that ever be in young and him being like,
Starting point is 00:37:07 everyone's nice. That's what he says. Great guy. Doesn't say they're funny. Yeah. He always says great guy. What name he's like, great guy. Great guy.
Starting point is 00:37:15 And you're like, yeah, but you know, like what about this garbage? He's like, awesome guy. What do you do if he's not a great guy? I think he just still says he's a great guy. He just says no matter what. He's like, yeah, because he just still says he's a great guy. He just says no matter what. It's like, yeah, because he knows how to get away
Starting point is 00:37:26 from the cops. But they're like trying to get him into a deal. Where he's like, no, I don't know what you're talking about. And they're like, oh, you got to know him better. Because I'll tell you what I'll tell you what we're talking about sometimes. Especially with like the drinking and drugs that does happen in comedy.
Starting point is 00:37:41 And all that's like, like you're, a one like drunken argument away of like watching one of your boys get into it with someone you guys trash all the time from them going like pfft. Jay says all the time. Can I tell you and uh me dated me at a text read about this very thing you're like oh man. That was one of the things that made me realize I need to stop drinking. Yeah, I started getting chippy Really never chippy and I started being like you hack at a bar and I'd be like, oh, that's not cool Oh, it's like wake up and be super bummed out that I did it
Starting point is 00:38:15 But I tried Nate would drunk Nate where that was my Running man when when eight when eight goes up he goes Joe everybody says you're fun to derose everybody says you're funny, but I don't get it. And it was like looking like it was like a thing you say, thing you couldn't believe just happened. You're one. No. To this day, Nate's embarrassed by that. Oh, yeah. It's like, it was why I got I got a call to
Starting point is 00:38:39 Rose. He's I think the Rose is great. I go. I believe you. But that though you asked him why he's popular because no one gets it That was I Mean 15 years ago. Yeah Maybe wait maybe 12 or 13 but man. No, it's 15 was it really? Yeah, you got married right before I started hanging out And it was like oh seven and it's been over for 10 years, and also not yet. When you made this video with this just kind of like, you knew Lewis would love it,
Starting point is 00:39:12 and you just wanted to fire shots at the LA comedy scene. Credit where credits do, this was Lewis' idea. I love it. He is your colonel. Yeah, and this was why. Yeah, and you know what? Bad bitch was also his idea. Oh, is this a love story? Is it a producer? Is Louis still in love with Kimmy Kong? Well, that was that was my direction. Okay. Was that weird at all? What is the idea guy? But Louis goes like, Hey, I just kind of noticed that you're real
Starting point is 00:39:43 Kim having at the end. That's just kind of. I don't know. I just kind of noticed that you it's real Kim having at the end. Oh just kind of I don't know I just really we've been talking recently and I just don't know if that's cool. He was cool with it. No he probably loves both of these. I love the idea but it really is funny he goes he gives the idea but like a lot of his ideas he goes like hey here's an idea You figure out how to get that accomplished completely. I'll be over here. I'm honestly glad he doesn't want more creative control and be kind of weird. I like to kind of do my thing.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Yeah. And he brings me these ideas. Every idea, he's giving me, I've been like, yeah. Okay. Yeah, I'm gonna do this. Don't, he bring that snare up a little bit. Yeah, where's, I don't, don't get how many snared my headphones.
Starting point is 00:40:21 You're not saying the inward enough. Yeah. Just really, I don't rip Lewis I'm white and he's like I know I know yeah, I guess what would you get in trouble if I wasn't he goes Just get behind my big Puerto Rican shield your white. I'm white worldwide I identify as white. This is LA is gay Another brilliant number Bring child of Louis J. Gomez. And y'all so fucking gay
Starting point is 00:41:28 Yeah, so fucking LA and as song guy Fuck your best comedian his name is Brandon why Well fucking man is fake Did you see we don't care what a fuck this bill burr we didn't live there I like so much fucking gay I don't know, boo What you really trying to do? I better watch how I say this bad, boom fucking name
Starting point is 00:41:51 Cause I'll probably end up getting sued This shit got me in a mood You supposed to take a joke, ask your mother fucking age You take a special and bomb out the states Worse than Travis, bomb your fucking face I gotta say, you're basically Aaron Hernandez Just look up the stats and y'all wanting the same Open the closet, you cheat on your women and chronic dramatically damage your brain
Starting point is 00:42:09 Let it go, step to the sports you'd be fine, could it late in the back in the cut and just chill Only real difference between you and Aaron, what he did was funny and you've never killed Back in high school, all let him in Now you wanna get on David Letterman This shit's so sad, man, it jokes so bad That he couldn't even get on top of Letterman Knocked on the door of a machine, never let a man How to tell his woman he was gonna be a better man On the television he'd be lying like a weatherman
Starting point is 00:42:31 Taking down the videos and fussing out evidence Crying like a bitch Man this shit is sickening You won't even stand up for your brothers when they hear the saying Nothing about him I'll give you back to your owners I promise these cats and we'll stop to your homeless And that's just one of your comics in the land of the fake toxic
Starting point is 00:42:44 I'ma keep the land of the fake toxic I'ma keep the rest of y'all in my back pocket You better act like Kobe, and the cock kid just drop it LA is so fucking gay They all bow better watch what the fuck you say And don't joke, it's coast, we don't fucking play We want smoke, LA, you're so fucking gay So fuck LA and it's song guy You should the real move is to do that live at the comedy store when Lewis does his next
Starting point is 00:43:13 The parade. Oh yeah. Have you come out to LA and do it? Yeah. I mean there's at I'm not gonna lie I would be looking over my shirt. I mean I think between the two songs, if you like to this door, I'd like to say that before there's any ball
Starting point is 00:43:29 plus to go in the show, and it goes, keep in mind, he can clean this room out. My god, he's a wick. He's a grizzly bear. And I don't know what to do. It's like if you were writing a shit talk, oh, big, big, big.
Starting point is 00:43:41 It's like if you were writing a S-talking song about a bear that could open doors Like if you came in here right now we would all just be like I'd have nobody to blame because I could have chose any comedian I'd have nobody to blame because I could have chose any comedian. I'm gonna be a fucking animal. Oh my god. I'd annihilate me and my entire family. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:08 You could make the one guy that could break your neck like Frank. Yeah. Hey, nice song. That's a good song. Can I hold you real quick? Yeah. No, if you squeeze me wrong, I break. Yeah, and just to say, like, it is a joke.
Starting point is 00:44:21 And I don't think anybody's saying that Brendan Shobb is not funny whatsoever. I think it's just the fact that he's not that funny and he can't take a joke, which is what you're supposed to do coming into comedy. He's so new to comedy really still. And he came out, he didn't get any chance to be unknown and doing open mics and all that.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Well also, a weird world, man, to jump right into that right it's like oh because also Your feet are the part you're skipping Which is fun too is a lot of ball busting and a lot of older comics putting you in your place which happened Especially in New York. Oh, yeah, like you would I remember walking into the cellar and a striped adidas hoodie and I remember walking into the cellar and a striped adidas hoodie and just sharads. I just saw sharads see it first and I was like, no By the time I got to the table Keith was like what the hell are you wearing and then the roses they're cackling drinking Oh man, my jaw just locked up
Starting point is 00:45:27 The whole busting. Yeah, I was saying I was thinking about you bring me back to all of that when I will they one time were making fun of me so bad At that table. Well, it was a boss Norton yeah, to follow Colin Keith Patrice I mean it was that it was every night it was that so and and it was when it was packed back there We're getting stumbling. We're a Bobby Bustie. Daddy. And you're like, uh, Kevin Hartwood, you would jump right into the mix.
Starting point is 00:45:53 I was like, would he do the thing where you walk up to a group laughing? And you're like, he strikes me as that guy. But they didn't care. He would say the thing. And if they were like, I you sting shut up stupid blah, blah. I didn't want to get tons of that. So I would lay back and they were just breaking my balls one day from a, you know, they're all at that table
Starting point is 00:46:11 and I'm like one table over. Yeah, there's like, it's in the back corner and then there's a table right next to it and then like another table and it's almost like tears. He's just trying to like, you're sitting. I think I'm like eating wings alone or something or maybe Kurt was with me, I don't remember, but like they're with me apart and they're and then they start going to like
Starting point is 00:46:28 fight back, Jay. And then they start chanting. Fight back. They're all chanting. So like, by the way, this is the time where this isn't the case now, but like there was a time when they were like, the comics ran the olive tree in the sense of like they could be loud screamingly that they would never tell them the Quiet down. There's a restaurant here happening with actual paying customers They would just let them dominate and they were all like chanting fight back J and then I was like I thought I I think I had one of the pocket I always thought when this has been Vosvo or Kanga hats all the time Yeah, and I was gonna like, I was mostly trained boxers
Starting point is 00:47:05 and like the 20s or something. And I remember I was like, I got this one jam. I go, should have boss, why do you think that Kango had to go train boxers in the 20s and it was dead sounds and I'll go, boom, and they start, which feels way, well I was like, well, I didn't even want to do the thing. I don't even want to play a stupid game.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Your game's stupid. I didn't want to do this. Yeah, dude, day, uh. And then I just, honestly, I went outside to not be around getting picked on and then I just became a cigarette smoker with David's help. Bobbi used to call me. I smoked minimally when I met David's help.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Wow. And I would just stand outside and just rip bust with him because I was just like listening to him. And then you know, you'd go back inside of those guys and come out. It was all part of the fun, but I was like for the stand in that beginning years, I was never good at just sitting there and deal because I was like, I didn't. Kessam saying, Captain Kaffee, if they booed him because he'd keep going and eventually they'd have to not even because his jokes were better or worse than the last one, it was
Starting point is 00:48:04 like he was rocky. He just kept surviving. That was not that. It was just like, okay, that was 25 minutes, a half hour at camp. And then it was the last person can said something about Patrice. Yeah, you're right. Patrice. Now we're turning on you and then they all just turn on him. I didn't want to be in that all the time. So I can sit outside and smoke cigarettes with David Tell. And we would just talk a bunch and just like hang out Bobby would trick me He would call he'd be like hey, I'm gonna call you about whatever two gigs next month pick up When I pick up and it would be him they're at the table it be it no they'd be at home. It would be Keith Derosa Bobby some time and then they just like you suck
Starting point is 00:48:45 Bobby, some in there, just like you suck. You just on the phone, you hack. And Joe's like, he's got three voices. Stay stink. Keith was like, I hate this one calling Kaepernick. It was the quarter, quarter, quarter, four in the air. He's like, I hate Kaepernick. You made me a racist against my own people. He's like, that's how bad you stink.
Starting point is 00:49:03 And I was just, and then Bobby go, you hang up, you don't have those gigs, you hang up, you don't get those gigs. I was like, oh, one time it was 40 minutes. And I said, That's not Bobby anymore. I started getting bitchy at the end where I'd be like, I'm gonna hang up, I'm gonna hang up, I had to go.
Starting point is 00:49:18 And Bobby's like, I told you, you saw a change of it. I think Bobby was looking at dad. Yeah. Bobby absolutely becoming a dad Suck the venom out of him. They really did He's still areas is ever I had a flash but that could do Bobby Why did PTSD from Bobby? Sorry, I just this before I forget this moment I was just in the Chicago airport at a layover in Chicago coming back from Tulsa and I had a PTSD Bobby Kelly
Starting point is 00:49:41 Molyover loser whatever dude Delta doesn't fly direct directed Tulsa cuz it's a two-stop like fucking In the Chicago airport before like doing a gig years ago when I was still opening for Bobby and Bobby called me And I guess hosted you know what dude one time And they were like plug gigs at the end and I was like oh, I'm opening for Anthony Jussle Nick at the Wilbur theater On this Saturday at the 930 show So Bobby calls me and he's like, dude Why did you do that and I was like why did I do what he's like you guess hosted you plug Jessle Nick show I was like, yeah, it's at 930, he goes, I'm the 730 show dude.
Starting point is 00:50:27 And I was like, I didn't know that. And he's like, I was the 730 show. You're on my podcast. It just rips me. And then I hang up. Cause I'm like, I gotta get on this flight. And I hang up. And then the phone keeps ringing.
Starting point is 00:50:39 I pick up. And then it's Bobby and Keith. And Keith is like, you're progging another man shows when Robert, Rob, he bought, I got you into the salad, dude. And I'm like, I know, I'm sorry, you know me, I'm like melting down. Dude, I was even saying that. I was walking through this kind of airport and I was like,
Starting point is 00:50:56 oh my God, Bobby Terrell was terrifying for a moment. Yeah, I might do one of them. I think maybe my first road headline ever That wasn't like rascals. Maybe I did rascals to that point. I don't even think so. Yeah, my first ever was like some Club in Virginia or something. I don't even know what which one it was It wasn't in proberting to go some other club and I did this Gigan it went good. Yeah, it went like really I felt like my first time ever doing like 45 or an hour or whatever on stage and I came outside It's called Keith
Starting point is 00:51:33 Robyn said my mentor so I want him to know like and he's the seller And he's putting a speaker phone. He put me on speaker phone as I start talking. Oh, no, because I'm going like Keith Wow, man like I just did it's crazy. I just talking. Oh no. Cause I'm going like Keith, wow man, like I just did, it's crazy. I just, there was people in the audience and like people, that's great. And then he's hearing all laughing and just going the war, just crashing me.
Starting point is 00:51:54 And then Bobby Kelly's listening, he goes, dude, no one, my daughter was a baby. Yeah. And he goes, dude, no one cares. I hope you kid gets sick and hung the phone up on me. And then it dialed back. This is Bobby, no one cares. I hope you kid gets sick and hung the phone up on me. And then it dialed back. This is Bobby, no kids are anything. It rang so fast, it had hung up and I go,
Starting point is 00:52:10 hello, and he goes, that was too far, did something. Bodies have an incredible... I mean, it was like, you go, it's gonna help you get a sick click. His action must have been like, hang up. Redial, that was... What? Kids, they have to somebody.
Starting point is 00:52:24 I think I wonder if you're the person that inspired me to bid about. That was, what? Kids, they had to stop buddy. He used, I think I wonder if you're the person that inspired me in a bit about that. Oh, really? Yeah, he's like, you have a bus of balls with your friends and you take it too far. And they're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's like, yeah, I hope your mother gets sick.
Starting point is 00:52:36 And he goes, oh, man, oh, man. I wonder if you hear the, oh, man, I love that. I was so funny. But that's the part of like, you know, bread and chop jumping ahead like that. You miss out on, first of all, these bonding moments where you're like, oh, this is great, but you also don't eat as much crap.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Crow. I didn't come. I think you guys have mentioned too, someone who did it kind of the right way seems like a sell volcano, even though he is very likable in the first place. It kind of, you know, it seemed like he entrenched himself in it and kind of remained loathe.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Well, Sal could have done a special. Oh. Oh, six months, eight years ago. Yeah. The day he stood on stage. Yeah. Because like, I mean, he had, he had that built an audience right. And that's the other thing too. Sal was around the comedy world before he popped also. So it wasn't what he was doing. Brendan. Infamously. And this isn't bad. But the problem also gets this episode in LA. I think a lot everyone right away is excited like yo a UFC Do's hanging out with us. So they're just so no one's gonna be like That's garbage like that whole set you're doing is not good like you have to work on a different thing You know and the people who would date I mean I used to get those guys
Starting point is 00:53:43 Patrice would be like if I hear you do that garbage ass, whatever joke, one more time, you know, you'd be like, all right, like, well, I'm opening for you this week. And I hope I guess I'll change my closer now. It's how you find out. It's just, there's, there's not gonna be an honesty when you're a certified badass. That's kind of famous.
Starting point is 00:54:03 That's part of it too. And you're, in didn't think about it. In your fighter. Yeah, you're coming into an LAC with a bunch of grifters. It's like all comedies is grifters that are just trying to be funny. And then it's like, yeah, I can see how he got sucked into it. But there is a point.
Starting point is 00:54:17 But I saw what Steve O's thing was when he showed me his next special I think it's gonna be. I don't think it's out yet. But he showed me the brick and I go, oh wow it's out yet, but he showed me like the brick and I go oh Wow like in doing it He really found like the action. I'm not just saying that because he's famous that I know him I would just not mention it if it was the case but my watch it was because he's just telling Stories about what he's about to show you. Yeah, so it was like I thought I'd be really funny if you know
Starting point is 00:54:40 I but whatever you say I put a gazillion bees up my butt. Do you know? I mean like yeah, he tells the story of kind of how it happens and the worst thing that happened about it and then you're like what and then he shows it to you it's awesome I was like I thought it was a really fun special like perfect and he's not a not funny guy he's on jack those guys are all funny yeah there was like a moment where I was like butt heard about Steve like Steve oh came to the cellar and this is when I was still like drinking and I was like Steve, oh watch this and I just like want well that was on PCP maybe I don't know because was he still like full blown Steve Oh at that point I thought my set did that to him Well, I was just saying yeah, it's it's easy to hate people from the outside to come in and the part that always is
Starting point is 00:55:24 What pisses me off is when there's arrogance behind it. When there's no like, hey man, I stink, I know. Cause I know a lot of guys that have ingratiated themselves by being like, hey, this is your guys' world. I like when people do that. When they're like, this is your world, I'm just like, kind of hanging out.
Starting point is 00:55:38 There's other people I know that have just came into the world and been like, I'm a comedian. You guys know who I'm talking about? People that I have history with, where you're like, you weren't even a comic. You're called, I hate that. That's like probably my pet peeve. I've always said about a fucking guy. That's his exes. I go, Kurt and I were prefaced by saying this. Everyone knows me knows this. I think Kurt's a genius at comedy. But something about the way he conducts his life for himself, that every girl he has ever put his pecker inside of
Starting point is 00:56:09 has been like, I could do this. She's like, if this guy who's mostly video games and sitting on a couch and his underwear is one of the best, then I could probably be great at this. And they all just started doing comedy. So like, let me take a shot and then everyone's like, hey, thanks for bringing in another one. Anyways, we gotta take a break. I gave Christine the biz so she got out of comedy.
Starting point is 00:56:32 We're coming back to Samaril. We're coming back to Samaril. Cracka Miko, please hang out. We're not. No. He's not coming in. No. What do you cancel?
Starting point is 00:56:40 We're going to be scheduled, yeah. Thank you. But he did Jim and Sam today. He heard I was here, bro. Yeah, he didn't want that smoke. Oh, it's DJ Lou. He's afraid of DJ Lou. Oh, DJ Lou. Well, Sam, I think I said you're a P word. No, like get it now. Of course, DJ Lou's promise. Crack a meco. Hang out with us dude. We got some fun stuff. Same a real? Funny you than Mike Feeney. Funny you're the Mike Feeney. You're the Mike Feeney. You have to have another musical thing with Prakameko
Starting point is 00:57:10 that's not one of the two videos. Oh yeah. Yeah, I'll do it real good. I'll do it real good. Every time we. We'll be right back, everybody. It's the Bonfire. You've been listening to Sirius XM's bonfire!
Starting point is 00:57:27 New episodes every Tuesday through Friday mornings and full shows always on Sirius XM!

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