The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - You're Free To Leave (feat. Chris Hansen)

Episode Date: January 17, 2024

Predator hunter Chris Hansen has a new show and explains the complexities of catching evil men. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Bobby Kelly. And it's Big J. O'Coursen. We're actually a full radio show on Series XM, not just a podcast. For full episodes of the Bonfire, you can listen on the Series XM app. Go to slash Bonfire for a special offer. And now the Bonfire with Big J. O'Coursen and Robert Kelly. Yeah. Yeah, baby, we're back.
Starting point is 00:00:27 So excited. Jay, I haven't seen him this excited in a long time. He told you we met once before, right? Um, dark kitchen, I think Cincinnati. Yeah, that is the scariest thing I've ever heard anybody say. Jesus Christ. No, but I was there to tell her that this is dangerous and she shouldn't be doing this.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Yeah, I, yes. So, you know, that's what I just do. I come in and I, I go to the girls' houses and I, you're good Samaritan, right? Yeah, I let them know. Sure, I brought condoms in Wendy's. Sure, I have. Double stuffed Oreos and I'm wearing Fingalus mittens. I wasn't making you think about me exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:06 We have an amazing guest in studio with us, very, very exciting everyone. He has a new show, Take Down, available right now on TrueBlue at And his podcast, Predator's Life Caut, is available wherever you listen to podcasts. It is the legend. Chris Hansen joining the show, everybody. We'll take you for a hand, we appreciate it. Thank you. It's so weird. You're a good voice in person. I know I it is I feel like I caught doing something
Starting point is 00:01:32 And other voices associated with finding out you've done something terrible So I love that well, you know, it's funny because even on the weekends if I'm at home Depot with a ball cap And I'm unshaving and nobody recognizes my face, if I open my mouth, it's all over. They know exactly. Yeah, if you're at Home Depot and you go, excuse me, I didn't do anything! Yum, you get very nervous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:54 You've inspired a whole genre of YouTube video and YouTube content creators and taking down pedophiles is that a good feeling for it or do you feel it? Cause I know the flip side of it. I've gone on three of the YouTube people just tagged along with them or came and watched. I'm not sure, staying with you. Yeah, and it's the, but I've been there for them
Starting point is 00:02:21 and I will say that I do feel like outside of the public humiliation, there's not really much more they can do with it than that. Well, I think, and I get into trouble every time I venture down this road, but I'm going to go there again anyway. But I think there's a real place for citizen journalists, and I think YouTube and other social media platforms have allowed that to take place. Podcasts where the solution of crimes is crowdsourced. It's very valuable stuff, but I can tell you this,
Starting point is 00:02:50 and I know this firsthand, that when civilians do stings without collaborating with law enforcement, it makes those cases very difficult to prosecute. And that's just the fact. Now, there are some very diligent people out there outing some very bad predators. There's no question. And some of them have been in lofty positions of power.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And I've interviewed some of them. And they get angry with me sometimes, some of them, because I'm a little harsh in terms of the bad side of this. So there's one guy, for instance, who goes out and he trolls somebody online, the guy shows up in a hotel room, and he pretends that he's part of a larger organization and affiliated with law enforcement. And all he really does is call 911. So my question is what happens when the situation gets volatile, which it can, and the alleged predator gets violent, and unwitting police officers are walks into this volatile situation without really knowing what's going on. There's no coordination. Now,
Starting point is 00:04:01 we work with law enforcement agencies around the country on our takedown predators things as well as many other types of investigations and documentaries. So, we have a system in place that makes this as safe as it possibly can be. I get it. It's edgy. People watch it because, oh, what if the guy does this or what if the guy does that or what if Chris can't get out of the way. But we have insured the safety and integrity of these investigations as much as human they go. I'm sorry. Can they go they can go away too. They can you know because if you're not going to catch him. Right. They can disappear and if they disappear they do it again. They're not prosecuted. Right. Or they they think they can do it again. I've seen cases
Starting point is 00:04:45 we did a sting at Ohio in Montgomery County. A guy shows up in our sting operation. He's arrested. I confront him in a very aggressive interview. While he's facing charges two weeks after our sting, he shows up in a hotel room in a neighboring town with a teenage girl and having sex with her. And the only reason law enforcement in that community in Troy, Ohio got wind of it was because the mother reported the girl missing, pinged her phone. It comes back to this hotel room and they knock on the door. So here he is out pending further investigation after being confronted by me
Starting point is 00:05:26 and the Montgomery County Sheriff's Department and he's in a hotel room with a teenage girl two weeks later. So these guys will reoffend some of them. Well, we watched, I watched some of the clip today. We were sent of you interviewing some of you caught before. Is that what the podcast is going to be across the board? This is actually very curious of the psyche of that, because of that, because of everyone knowing about the YouTube stings, take down back to catch a predator, they're still compelled to try and do it. It shocks me to this very beginning.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Yeah, it's really something that's compelling them. If you had asked me 20 years ago, now it'll be 20 years next month since the very first predator investigation in Betpage Long Island the very first one and we didn't do that with law enforcement It was only the third investigation when we realized Look, we need to do this in a socially responsible way But if you would ask me if 20 years later we'd still be doing these investigations I would not have believed you would have said no
Starting point is 00:06:29 You thought the investigations would have been the end of traveling pedophiles. We do it two or three times in who the heck is going to show up. But the story that you're talking about is an exclusive interview. It's first time this has happened in 20 years and it's on true blue. I do the podcast we look at past cases and sometimes the guys will respond and I'll have a few words with them But this particular case Dr. John's wall, parminder, John's wall a 61 year old physician who surfaced last March in an investigation with the Genesee County Sheriff ghost team I Can front him he was there to meet a teenage girl
Starting point is 00:07:01 He Chatted with her all day with the decoy, posing as this teenage girl, as he saw 18 patients in his practice and found time to continue this conversation and send a picture of his penis. And he shows up, nicely dressed, rain drover, and he walks in and grabs the on site decoy from behind a sheriff's department employee who looks like a teenage girl. And I go out and confront him. And he basically stammers and comes up with excuses and admits it looks bad and blah blah blah. Then he gets arrested by the sheriff's department.
Starting point is 00:07:40 He thinks a heart attack. I mean, the video is crazy. Yeah, that's pretty. And then they take him away. So now they go through his phone. Has he been with children before? Is he predisposed to being a pedophile or a predator? No.
Starting point is 00:07:58 What he is is somebody who had a addiction to pornography and to sex sites and had sought out relationships in the past where he gave women money in exchange for sex. And he had some, you know, he liked to be the sugar day. This is his first time. Not his first time, but the first time that law enforcement could determine with a teenager. Right. So he gets a great lawyer and they enter into a plea agreement. His sentencing is January 22nd. And as part of that, he's got to do community service.
Starting point is 00:08:33 He'll probably avoid jail time. He spent four nights in the county jail, came this close to committing suicide. He had to give up his medical practice. What kind of doctor was he? He was a general practitioner, family practitioner. Wow. So his life is altered forever. Sure. And they put him in the community to do community service? Well, because he's been in intensive therapy,
Starting point is 00:08:55 faced his demons. Okay. And said, look, I don't want to be this guy. Thank you for catching me essentially. I have my life back in terms of I'm alive. My wife has stayed with me. My adult children who are so disappointed and angry have stood by me. And now I have to rebuild my life. But before I can do that, I've got to get the word out to other men who are contemplating doing what I did and stop them. And the judge in Genesee County, Michigan,
Starting point is 00:09:26 looked favorably upon that. And the sheriff who had to sign off on this plea agreement, because his employee got her behind, grabbed. That's assault battery. Yeah. So we'll see, but it appears to me, and I sat with him face to face, and did a very intensive interview. I think he gets it.
Starting point is 00:09:50 You think so? I think in this case, and I don't say that, Willie Nile here. I'm wondering. Because a lot of people sitting around when you confront them, of course. Because you're in these situations and you're catching these terrible people doing terrible things. But when you see them at the end and they know that they're caught and it's over and it's, have you ever felt bad?
Starting point is 00:10:13 Do you feel like empathy? I feel like empathy for some of them. Yeah, I do. And I think for some of them, it is their first time. But beyond that, I think there are a lot of guys like the one in Ohio I described earlier who, you know, but for law enforcement intervention or getting caught and exposed on one of my programs, they're gonna keep doing it. Have you ever? The issue that I also have with the, you know, with the YouTube one, you know, they kind of like the homegrown
Starting point is 00:10:42 pedophile things is the idea that like you know, they kind of like the homegrown pedophile things is the idea that like one, I don't know like they're rational if it's just like for clicks or not. It's pretty lighthearted overall, but again, like I don't know like if you're again getting the sympathy, like a lot of these people show up happen to be, I mean mentally challenged for sure. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:03 I remember the famous oops. Oops. That was one of my favorite. Well, I saw the guy, the guy shows up in Riverside County, and you can see he's got a scar on the side of his head. And his main concern once he gets there, now the chat was graphic. There's no doubt in my mind. He was going to assault a child sexually if he had the opportunity, but he's more worried
Starting point is 00:11:23 about going to the bathroom. So he got a bit of a pass. I mean, he made the movie, but didn't have a big role. But then some months later, he shows up in another investigation in Long Beach, California, and we find out he did a year in jail for a violent assault. You're making the movie, brother. Yeah. But there's also something too with some of them like Why again and why you can believe a lot of time that is true when it's like this is my first time doing this is because I don't know how Easy this is probably to pull off
Starting point is 00:11:55 If unless it's being this that's why I'm saying I don't know how you couldn't assume it's not a sting operation because how could it go that great? You know, I mean like that's why I assume I said these people a lot of them where I feel a little bad for them Is the person when they get there? I go this person would have showed up if you said the the girl was eight years old 81 years old 104 36 that they just there's lives are just like I just want to say sorry for accidentally touching you gently Yes, I apologize He was doing my talking just sticking my hand. Yeah, we gently touching. I was like, oh God, I felt so bad.
Starting point is 00:12:32 We'll have a word about that later. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I've got the transcripts right here. I'm going to pick my hands in my hoodie. Yeah, wait, let's wear rubber gloves. I buy into that. I understand what you're saying. And I have that emotion too from time to time.
Starting point is 00:12:47 But then you look at another case, like one we saw about a year ago. We did a whole documentary on True Blue on it. And it was the strange case of Peter Pagick. All right, this 12-year-old girl shows up at a hospital. Obviously, she's been sexually violated physically harmed. What happened? On Instagram, he approached this girl,
Starting point is 00:13:13 convinced her, flew up from Florida, convinced her to climb out of the bedroom window, meet him in a church parking lot, he takes her to a hotel, and has groomed her over a period of days, into thinking that he's gonna give her some money. And by her other things that she wants. These guys are very good at finding vulnerable kids and they do find these kids. And they do sexually assault them.
Starting point is 00:13:37 We had a guy in Ohio as well who copped out to me and it was later confirmed had done this at least twice before with teenage kids. Do you have to help in multiple states? Do you have to go to the kids too because now they're programmed, now they're damaged and they might seek this out again. It's possible, right? So you've got to break the chain.
Starting point is 00:13:59 So how do you do it? I can do all the investigations that I can possibly put together and we will continue. And law enforcement does this independent of what we do all the time. But yet these guys show up. So the best protection for children is the dialogue and the conversation they have with their parents. That's your first line of defense. Sure. I mean, some of these guys can go to intensive therapy and never offend again. Some are hardcore heavy hitters that the guys would be doing this with or without the internet. And some are opportunists who might be in their early 20s, socially awkward. They think, okay, this is Romeo and Juliet. She'll be older one day. But I would argue that it's
Starting point is 00:14:44 just as damaging for a 19 or 20 year old to do this to a 13 or 14 year old, as it is for a 39 or 40 year old to do it. It's the same danger. The treatment, the punishment might be different, but the same danger is present when you talk about how it can harm a child. Have you ever heard somebody be, I mean, they're always scared when they get caught and bummed their caught, but have you ever met anyone yet, Super On Apologetic? When it came down to, I know the pizza guy was a good example, but maybe later he was like, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:13 now I fucked up. Yeah, I'll tell you a story about him. He tried to change his name. We're going to court, Jeff Sogel. Yeah, because it's, you know, the pizza thing just became so iconic, you know. And the judge said, not only will I not allow you to change your name, he wanted to seal the court record. So people
Starting point is 00:15:31 would not know that he attempted to change his name. He said, I'm not going to seal the court records. Really? Off you go. So now people know you tried to change your world. Exactly who he is. That's interesting. And I've tried to interview him too and he's thus far declined Has anybody has anybody come in? How what's the percentage of people that? Because you have to get them in and they have to get into the house is what what is the what do you have they have to do? To be arrested just show up or come in the house generally speaking and this varies from state to state But most of the time, the solicitation online constitutes the commission of a felony.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So in Florida, when we do these things, they will, at some point afterwards, if the guy doesn't show up, they'll go out and find them. Right. Not always just the texture enough. Yeah, but the texture enough. And I mean, that's why these cases have a virtual 100% conviction or plea bargain rate because you know the evidence is right there you said it you did it You we preserved it and it's the other reason why we Decided to collaborate with law enforcement many years ago is that
Starting point is 00:16:40 Proverted justice the online watchdog group with which we is that perverted justice, the online watchdog group, with which we collaborated in the beginning. They were great. They did a great job, phenomenal, dedicated people, but every once in a while, there would be an issue in terms of the chain of custody of the chats. And now, with the chatter as being sworn law enforcement, that issue goes away.
Starting point is 00:17:01 That's nice. That is true. This is a big thing right now. And like online, and the chat, that issue goes away. That's nice. That is good. This is a big thing right now. Like online and they just made that movie about child trafficking and the Epstein Island and they're saying, all the Hollywood, you have to have sex with a child and drink child blood. I mean, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Well, some of that's conspiratorial nonsense, too. Yeah, of course. But is any of that? But Bobby keeps eating babies blood trying to get in the Illuminati. I'm a hundred years old. You look good. Thanks. Yeah. Thanks Jay. You're welcome. But those cases are out there. I mean we did a big documentary for investigation discovery a couple years ago on Peter Nygard. Oh yeah. And here's the guy who you know had that big compound in the Bahamas. And he was, I think he's been charged or been accused of hundreds of sexual issues.
Starting point is 00:17:51 They should have looked at his hair and saw he was good for it though. What a wacky looking fella. Oh my God. He's in the something weird. But here's a guy who was literally, according to the evidence collected by the investigators, impregnating young women, encouraging them to have abortion so he could harvest the stem cells to inject in himself in a quest for use. I mean, who thinks of that?
Starting point is 00:18:15 I'm a hundred years old. Yeah, beside you. Beside you. You know, I also find interesting with the, said, the few things that I've gone on. I watched the, the show was underage undercover. Is that what's called? Did you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:30 That was a sure did woman in Connecticut. Now they go. I know we don't really see the actual like the sting itself happening on your shows. But like when they show this, they go, I have to say Above and beyond what would be necessary to catch these people like they're like I said they get involved in online like it let the guy like Jerk off on camera with them and do like they really like these You know, it some of these conversations go on for days and days Yeah, and before the guy actually shows up and some never show up.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Some guys are just getting off by having the conversation and doing his use of just just a male thing or is there a you know, I never seen a scene when you bring that up. So we've never seen a female in our stings, right? And yet it seems every week there's another female teacher Having sex with a student. I mean it's epidemic and we've done stories on these for true blue You know, it's socially acceptable. I don't think it's socially acceptable. I think what happens is According to the therapist with whom we've you know talked about this The female predator doesn't like the anonymity So you're more likely to see the teacher student scenario where the male predator gets't like the anonymity. So you're more likely to see the teacher student scenario
Starting point is 00:19:46 where the male predator gets off on the anonymity. They like that. But I have never in my 42 year career seen so many cases back-to-back of female teachers. You know what today? Every week. We're actually commissioning a documentary on it. Really?
Starting point is 00:20:05 You look at the movies agarub on, I mean, high school kid, or whatever, junior high, you bang your teacher, and you get a high five, you know what I mean? And like, understand. The lady chattily stuff and you're coming up, it's almost like if, it does damage to a child. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:20:21 So what's that boy gonna be looking for when he's 16, 17, 18? We did a big story on a... He was already a Mexican 13-year-old with a full mustache and beard. So that's how I think it happens always. I think those little Hispanic kids are already facial haired up. We have a case down in Tennessee where the accused teacher is married to a sheriff's deputy and was having the kid allegedly over to the house
Starting point is 00:20:48 and is apparently pregnant by this kid. What? Yeah, no, it's twisted. But you write every week there's a new case. Oh yeah. I remember when I was coming up, sex for a boy, you weren't in the 80s, in the 70s, 80s, 90s. I mean, sex was, you know, you tried to have sex. You were, you were the motherfucker. If you hooked
Starting point is 00:21:11 up with the neighbor or the never happened, it needs to be, I don't know, never once alive. Everyone just lied about it. Yeah. Well, I mean, I hooked up when I was younger and foster homes with like, you know, not a 38 year old, but the neighbor, you know, and I was, I was a king. I was, you know, that story got me a lot of fucking dude. What? Yeah. And when I look back on it, I would be horrified if my, my kid didn't, you know, it's up. Well, we did the case where a 13 year old was hanging out with other 13 year olds. And there was a girl who said she was 16 but was actually 26
Starting point is 00:21:45 ends up taking this kid, you know, on a cross country excursion obviously sleeping with them. They find him after being missing for three or four days and now the mother's got this got to put the genie back in the bottle here and how do you do that as a single parent? It's challenging. It's you know kids kids, there's a reason why we have an age of consent in society. We need to start now. I think we told you. We know more now, when we were coming up, you didn't talk about sex.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Your parents didn't talk about sex. Irish Catholic from Boston, no, you know, anything happened, you bury it, you don't tell anybody except your friends. Well, that's exactly why all this stuff comes out so many years later. Right. All the Catholic church stuff that's exactly why all this stuff comes out so many years later. Right. All the, you know, the Catholic church stuff that's out.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yeah. And now, I think it's, you know, parents are, you know, you talked to your kid about sex you in an earlier age. Especially on the internet. I mean, you know, when I was growing up, I'm older than all you guys. I mean, it was a big deal to find Playboy magazines and your buddy's dad's garage in a box. That was as close to porn as we got. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Bobby Sons-Tan, he's looking up Hispanic fat asses. That's actually true, right? Well, it's anything is available. And that's why you have to monitor. I'm just one second. I'm sorry, touch it. Touch it. That was between me and you and I said personally,
Starting point is 00:22:58 but now it's on the radio with the guy. No, I didn't talk about the other dark stuff. No, no, no, no. I thought he was letting you with the guy. No, I didn't talk about the other dark stuff. No, no, no, no, no. I thought he was letting you off the hook. But it is a thing where, you know, when we grew up, you had a picture. Yeah, that was it. And you didn't even, there was nothing in it.
Starting point is 00:23:17 And now everything ever, Well, let me toss this out there. What's gonna happen when it becomes AI? And a kid can go to Chad or awesome. Yeah, and it's moving. It's not it's it's it's it unleashes a whole yeah array of legal issues I always have to call it moral. It's moving to have on the joke bombs. You just look like a pedophile It's gonna be awesome. It is. I think it's all moving too fast in like a very scary way. On my own, at 46 years old, my desensitization, when we think about what you needed to get off when you were like young versus just the availability of everything
Starting point is 00:23:55 now and the like it's, it's, it's really like it's warping to be. If I had that young, like I remember I was 17 when I got my first, or 17 or 18 when I got my first porn clip on the internet and it took forever to download, you know, that very first version of like AOL and everything and it was such a when I was 17 the internet hadn't been invented. Right. It just was invented that it was it was that year when I was 17 when it all came out.
Starting point is 00:24:20 So it was like it was such a wild thing and And it wasn't everything your fingertips, like I said, now in your pocket, it's like, how do you, not only do they have everything ever, they shrink it down to back when we watched the movie. You had to watch the movie. You had to, at the beginning of the credits, you had to fast forward a little bit. But now it's just that clip,
Starting point is 00:24:41 the middle of the movie, at the terrible thing that you, everything ever is available on your phone at all times. just that clip, the middle of the movie, at the terrible thing that you, everything ever is available on your phone at all times. You can get, there are only fans, sections dedicated to the teacher, student, fantasy. So this comes from someplace, it's just not people saying, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:24:59 it's a fantasy that people want. But there is a line, like when you're watching, I don't wanna shame people out of what they're they're into no and not everybody who watches porn gets addicted and ends up in one of my Investigations. I mean, not everybody's Dr. Jawswell. There's a long line and if you can't if you can't stop at it and You know know that this is fantasy and this is you know, okay, and those the people that go beyond that and can't stop are the people that and To add do it you've got a situation where it's 24-7 you've got all the the people that go beyond that and can't stop are the people that end to end to it. You've got a situation where it's 24 seven. You've got all the access. You've got the addictive nature of it and you've got the anonymity. These guys wouldn't say things face to face
Starting point is 00:25:38 in some cases that they say online and they get all ratcheted up and then it's like, you know, they know it's it's like fentanyl in the heroin, right? A heroin addict knows there's a 20% chance the fentanyl is in the heroin and it could kill them. The predator knows there's a 20% chance. It's going to be sheriff Chris Swanson or sheriff Grady Judd or Chris Hansen and his crew. They know that. Grady Judd, that's Jacob's boy. Yeah, it's big fan of Pope County. Yeah, I know Grady Judd for 40 years.
Starting point is 00:26:11 I was a reporter down in Tampa. Pope County should have. He's a tenant judge. He's awesome. Pope County should really, Pope County Flores should just be a reality show. Yeah, same. Oh, you know, it's a big county. It's, it's, uh, Popek County is the size of Rhode Island.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Really? I didn't know that. Think about that phrase. And when I was down there in the, in the 80s, I was a reporter for Channel A and Tampa from 82 to 84 before I went to Detroit. And we had a guy come into the studio, and I'll never forget his name,
Starting point is 00:26:41 it's Ernest Christian. And he claimed that he had been hurt by a chemical used in an orange field. Never did this story, but several weeks later, you know, I'm 23 years old. I'm out on St. Pete Beach drinking beer with my buddies and chasing around and we had pages in those days and page was off. It's the station says, Hey, Lieutenant Grady Johnson, that needs you to call him at Polk County Sheriff's Office.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Call him up. I said, hey, sure. Because we had a guy, Eris Christian here who's a, hold up in a, in a house or trailer park and he says he's not going to come out unless Chris Hanson comes out there. That's Sheriff Hamamah and off I go and Eris comes out and, and Grady never forgot it. And so years later, a year or so later, they had a case where a couple was trying to sell a baby outside of the hospital in Lakeland and they set up a sting and Grady called and said, hey, you want to do a story
Starting point is 00:27:31 in this? I said, hell yeah, I want to do a story. And this is before we had hidden cameras or drones and all the stuff we used today. So we had a camera in the in the back of a truck next to the sheriff's camera and we recorded this whole thing going on and it was you know a huge deal in January of 1984 the horrific things that happen in Polk County I'm saying is a joke. It just seems so concentrated there. I don't I think I think there's a Florida element to it Yeah, my second son. Yeah, you're right Florida for a couple years and it's like night. There was something Is there a state that's the worst for pedophilia? I heard a dude.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Well, is it flammrta? It's not, you know, every, it exists everywhere. But statistically, it's a difficult, difficult thing to say because it's, it's so omnipresent. I mean, it's in every state, you go anywhere and do it. How is that, or maybe it has, like turned your stomach
Starting point is 00:28:28 like more in the idea, like, you know, it's being like a little too close for something and being like, you can't run off. It's about being like a little too close and now I've forgot my question now, that was so jarring. To see how prevalent it is and how easy it is to care because those again, you know, the amateur ones are two seconds away from just, you know, they just like post something
Starting point is 00:28:54 and it's like, you know, here alone. Oh yeah. And then we call them. And people jump right in. Fast movers. I mean, some guys will go on for days and days. We had a guy in our last investigation I mean, some guys will go on for days and days. We had a guy in our last investigation in Polk County, a guy literally said in the chat, this isn't a Chris Hanson thing, or, you know, Grady Judd's not involved here. And who's that? You know, always the sheriff,
Starting point is 00:29:17 and he's the guy who does the stories on all the, all the, the sting operations. No, I don't know who that is. I ain't sure if he comes in. He looks at me. And it turned out that Gritty Judd happened to be at the sting that night. He's got a whole team down there. It does is.
Starting point is 00:29:30 They're great. And he looks over it. Without missing a beat, Gritty Judd looks over and says, welcome to Pope County. This guy's being led away in handcuffs. What's weird to me is I was checking out your, I think it was your Instagram or something, that tick-tock won't verify you.
Starting point is 00:29:49 But, and that's something. They won't verify you, but they're actually verifying these places that are abusing children. Well, or better exploiting children. You see all these TikToks, the mothers who are out there exploiting their kids for fun and profit, or,
Starting point is 00:30:04 I mean, the same thing happens on YouTube, by the way. We do a story on YouTube, and I've got a presence on YouTube. It's not a major thing for me, but I do find it... We do too. I do find it odd that somebody can monetize a sexually exploitive video of their daughter, you know, just doing whatever. And when we do a story exposing that, we are not monetized because it's a socially sensitive comment.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I will tell you something I learned just recently on YouTube. They will, they have taken down all videos of amateur predator catchers in if the law enforcement is not involved in it. Wow. Not just demonetized. They've taken them down. Well, why would they do that?
Starting point is 00:30:50 What is the reasoning behind that? Because I think they're nervous about having this content up there and being sued because there's no, you know, checks and balance there. Right. Because it is a great thing. I mean, to have that's have people out there catching these people. But is it a deterrent? It should be. You would think it would a great thing. I mean, to have people out there catching these people. But is it a deterrent? It should be.
Starting point is 00:31:06 You would think it would be. Sure. But again, 20 years into it. These guys are still doing it. That's what's strange about it. It is not that if someone, when I was a distinct house one, when a person didn't show, it was 30 minutes later, they would have somebody else come by.
Starting point is 00:31:21 And then within that time, two other people have already said they were coming and they know they're gonna flake And they don't show up right, you know, it's very It's it's I think it's bizarre how easy it is. I have a question for you was I've been watching the Take-down episodes Which is fun for one like to hear you don't have to sense your soul for a reading transcription Yeah, so your voice. it's very jarring here that I know where he goes and you say,
Starting point is 00:31:48 will you suck my dick? Like I'm just saying, is pretty funny. It is pretty funny. It is pretty funny. I try to have self-censor. I mean, look, there's a fine line, right? I want this guy to get jar. I want him to get shaken so he'll talk to me.
Starting point is 00:32:07 And sometimes that works by reading the exact words, no matter how explicit they are. Not that big, but I could fit inside you. There's one example. We have some favorites. Yeah, well, there's a ton of them out there. Yeah, there's a new thing here in Gidoo, with the uncensored versions, but do you um
Starting point is 00:32:28 Wait, well what I wanted to say also with the females what I've seen on some of these things too is not so much female Individual predator that usually ends up being the teacher thing relationship for some reason, but a lot of The guy it's almost like she's I don't know if you call her victim, because sometimes they're kind of nasty themselves, but it seems like the girl gets sent outside to meet the fake decoy who's showing up, you know, and like that she kind of takes the rap completely. I've seen that a few times. Like a girl who's almost like convinced by her guy that this is what we're going to do and we'll make him happy.
Starting point is 00:33:01 So usually it's kind of like a sad woman involved if they're involved. Well, it's all about vulnerability, right? Whether you're a financial predator, a sexual predator, whatever you are, you have the innate ability to sense vulnerability. I mean, if these kids, generally speaking, are all involved in athletics, now it can happen, and I've watched it happen,
Starting point is 00:33:23 but if they're all involved in athletics and school and they're busy, that's less time to be online being in a pool where the predators are hunting. Sure. Right? So, who are they going to go after? They're going to start chipping away. You know, when I was growing up, the rule was don't talk to strangers. Good advice.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Then, good advice. Now, the problem is that the stranger on a Wednesday, chatting with your child online is so adept at grooming, they're not a stranger by Saturday when they're trying to get that child out and about. They've shared their personal stuff from there. I get to take my kid off a TikTok because I looked one day and he just said all these friends, I'm like, who are these people? Yeah, who are these people? And they just send them in real life. You shouldn't be chatting with him online. I mean, that's a very conservative view of this, but I think that's, you know, my kids are, you know, 32 to 22 now.
Starting point is 00:34:12 So, you know, we're out of that box, but yeah. It gets more aggressive. I just took it all off. I took everything off. He can, he has YouTube. You can watch videos on gaming or whatever, but you can't, but now I got him the Oculus Quest, and he'll go into a room and play
Starting point is 00:34:27 what a gorilla tag or whatever it is, and there's guys in there. Oh yeah. I can hear him. He's gonna get virtually molested. That kind of thing. Well, they try to meet him. I mean, it happens on all kinds of video games.
Starting point is 00:34:38 And it all happens on all platforms. Yeah, I'm like, dude, you gotta get out of that. You gotta, you gotta, or whatever. Yeah, the Fortnite's and all those kind of things that are just communal games. Like, yeah, people talk about each other. Right, and you have to, you have to interact.
Starting point is 00:34:50 I mean, I remember years ago when my oldest son was in high school, he was playing one of these games. I don't know, it was Fortnite or what came for it. Call of Duty, that's not before that, even. Soldier of Fortune. No, World of Warcraft. Yeah, World of Warcraft, that's not before that even soldier fortune no Yeah, world of work craft that's exactly what I said I said gonna get it. I said look You know, it's it's 11 o'clock you got class in the morning you get to bed He's why can't these if I leave then that we lose and the team depends on me and so they get this yeah feeling of belonging
Starting point is 00:35:20 Yes, I have to stand I said, yeah, you know, you know, and like you said, and everybody cannot be, I just did. Everybody cannot be exactly themselves on the thing they get to be. That is funny. The people how they show up, like the nerves attached to it. And I wouldn't ask you a few, because I said, I've never even been involved in like the take down of it or the exposing it or yelling out in a grocery store. All the things I've been around that they've done, I'm just there when the person's walking up and seeing that happen. And my heart is thumping.
Starting point is 00:35:50 For so many reasons, one, you're like, we're about to be in a thing. Like something. I know it's not going to necessarily be a fight, but it could be, but also that it's like something's getting right happening. This could go, hey, why or could go crazy. Also, you're meeting a person who you have at least evidence to some degree that they are willing to come have sex with a child. And like so you're like, you're dealing with an evil person and the people, you know, it's very. It's volatile, but you know, we have made it absolutely
Starting point is 00:36:20 as safe as it could be. I mean, I'm watching. Well, now, now, that's the new because I was gonna say different use to be the person who walked out, which way I will get. Still do it, depending on depending on what jurisdiction we're in. Sometimes I make the first approach. Sometimes they're arrested for some. I think I thought I was always there arrested first and then you come in. Not always. Not always. In some cases, you're absolutely right. We do it. Different jurisdictions have different protocols. They have to handle
Starting point is 00:36:43 it first and sometimes. Yeah, but it doesn't mean I still get to interview this guy. And it's still very, very, very, uh, Have you ever come up with ideas like when you're being creative with the new show or trying to create, where it's just, nah, that's stupid. Like, because I can't, in terms of scenarios, well, I came up with an idea.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Maybe you want to throw it in that if, when you say, okay, you can go and they're leaving, but the cops are outside. If they make it to their car, they get to go. Home free. Car space. Now, there's a lot of cops out there, so it's almost like a American gladiator's needs. Yeah, they're not going to get there. Yeah, they're not going to make it.
Starting point is 00:37:21 They're probably not 99% but there might be that parkour little guy that..., it's look I yeah, I mean I'm on point every time I interview one of these guys, especially when I do get to make the the first approach and you know you're watching their hands, you're watching the room, we now have the ability to do background on these guys. Oh good. Yeah. Pretty deep. So if we see a situation where you you know, he's got a license to carry multiple weapons. If he's got a criminal history that involves violence, you know, the police will, the sheriff's sort of the police will take him down first. Because it just comes as or if at the last minute they say, oh, I'm bringing three friends went, well, you know, yeah, sort this out. And then I'll do the interview. How much I loved and have done the impression of, and they've done some montages on YouTube of it,
Starting point is 00:38:07 but just your walk out line. If it's coming off as something they said is one of my favorite things in the world. We'll go listen. Yeah, but you come in, it's so like, it's like, I can't wait to kiss your whole body. Would you like to kiss my whole body, Frank? Why don't you have a seat for me?
Starting point is 00:38:23 And I love that stuff. I brought your double Oreo stuffed and some Zimas. I'd like some Zimas, Tom. My favorite. No Zimas for me, no hug for me. Yeah, or the God for me. How about the Wigger Kid? The Wigger Kid ripping off paper towels.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Or you were giving a paper towel? I was in Riverside, California. And he was like, yo, yo, yeah. He's giving a paper towel. So there's that one. And then I don't know, four or five years ago, we were in Fairide, California, and he was like, yo, yo, yeah. Well, this is a paper towel. So there's that one. And then, I don't know, four or five years ago, we were in Fairfield, Connecticut, where Jeff Socle showed up, and the guy goes into the bathroom. Now this is a calculated risk because, you know, you don't want him to get hinky, lock
Starting point is 00:38:57 himself in, and it creates a potential security issue. Anyway, the way it rolled is he went in. So I was waiting for him when he went. I was like, go see, and he thinks he's going to come out and see his teenage, you know, crush. And he walks out and sees me. And he just, you know, we had control of the situation. That's so. And you had the one where you knew the guy. Yeah. The same investment work.
Starting point is 00:39:20 There's some train. And every day with you, Not every day, but he was kind of on the periphery. But I knew who it was. And when he walked into the sting house, he looked at me and said, Chris, no, no, no, it's not how it looks, not how it looks. And I didn't put it together right away. I thought, well, maybe he just knows me from TV. And then I called a buddy and I said,
Starting point is 00:39:44 who is the guy Charles on the train. He said that's Oh my god, that is exactly who is so he forever from that day on became Chuchu Charlie What do you want? Chris? You're in the kids too He said why I thought the kids at. I didn't have my glasses on. And the copy interview says, you didn't have your glasses on. You were found the address. So. I know we're running out of time. I asked the one.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Sure. The cowboy text. You call them, hey, text. Hey, text. Yeah. Because he seemed, he was a pedophile, but he came off at least like he was the most pathetic, like sympathetic. He was that you were talking about the guy who was like 19, 20 years old.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Yes. And that's like, was there a follow-up on that? Yeah, you know, he, he, I think he got probation. I don't know what, with the actual, that's a toughy, isn't it? Because like I said that when I was young, it was not crazy. Not only was not crazy, it was pretty prevalent that like the 17 year old girls in school, like if they were like the cool girls, we're dating a 23 year old guy.
Starting point is 00:40:53 That wasn't a mind. But the 17 to 23 isn't necessarily illegal. But when you're looking at 12, 13, 14, and 17, 18, and 19, there's a reason in our society why those grades are set apart in school. There's a big difference between a 13 and an 18 year old than a 40 and 45 year old. I'm six and a half years older than my wife, but when I was 17, that would have been appropriate.
Starting point is 00:41:22 I mean, years older and Christine, we've been together since I was 12 and actively having. So I know we have to read this is crazy. I could talk to you for eight hours. I'll come back. I enjoyed it. And I please do. Please do. Chris Hansen's new show, take down. It's so awesome. Available now on True Blue at Watch True Blue It's great. You get to hear him curse. And he's going to podcast Predators. I've caught available wherever you listen to podcast so entertaining so fun such a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for having me I appreciate it. The great Chris Hanson will be right back to say goodbye and we're gonna let Chris go and pick our picture. You're free to leave and we'll see you
Starting point is 00:41:58 here. Great to meet you Chris. Are the cops outside? I don't know. Maybe. Hands on up to them. Be right back, spawn fire. And I'm coming after you. Hey everybody, thanks for listening. That was just a portion of our actual Sirius XM radio show. If you want the whole thing, go to slashbomfire for a special offer. That's right, and go to and to check out our standup dates coming to a city near you.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Go lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo

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