The Breakfast Club - DONKEY: PETA President Wants Her Flesh To Be Barbecued After She Dies

Episode Date: June 13, 2023

PETA President Wants Her Flesh To Be Barbecued After She DiesSee for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's time for Donkey of the Day. Donkeys of the Day, ask Charlamagne. I'm a Democrat, so being Donkey of the Day is a little bit of a mixed place. So like a donkey. Keyhole. Donkey of the Day. The Breakfast Club, bitches. Now I've been called a lot in my 23 years, but Donkey of the Day is a new one.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Yes, Donkey of the Day for Tuesday, June 13th goes to the president of PETA, Ingrid Newkirk. Drop one of the clues bombs for new one yes donkey of the day for tuesday june 13th goes to the president of peter ingrid newkirk drop on the clues bombs for ingrid newkirk ingrid ingrid doesn't even know she's really one of my favorite people i love what she stands for and what she is committed to she runs the world's largest animal rights organization and if i know her like i think i do she is probably highly offended by the fact that i use the term donkey as an insult uh as a means to give someone the credit they deserve for being stupid not because humans shouldn't be called dumb but because donkeys should not be labeled as dumb because peter opposes what it calls a speciesism or a human supremacist worldview speciesism is the assumption of human superiority leading to
Starting point is 00:01:01 the exploitation of animals i actually agree with that I do even though I do believe in the circle of life I promise you Ingrid when that amazing piece of red snapper or my my is on my plate I thank God for it I don't feel superior to it at all I feel privileged and blessed to eat it that's why when it comes to red snapper I like it still with its head on and his eyes open I actually think it's disrespectful to be head of fish before you eat it but that's another convo. Now, the reason Ingrid is getting donkey of the day this morning is because Ingrid
Starting point is 00:01:28 is actually encouraging us to eat flesh. I know, Ingrid, this is not your intention, but this is what you're doing. What do you mean, Uncle Charlotte? The president of PETA is encouraging us to eat flesh. Well, I'll tell you what I mean. I came across this New York Post article
Starting point is 00:01:42 with the headline, PETA president explains why she wants her flesh to be barbecued after she dies i just piqued the interest of all our cannibalistic listeners somewhere right now there is a cannibal listening to us eating a nice bowl of grits and legs this morning and they're like tell me more well ingrid newkirk said she updated her will to include a request for her flesh to be cooked and for her body parts to be transformed into activist messages after she dies she's not joking she's as dead ass as a deceased donkey would you like to hear her explain well let's go to fox news digital for the report please
Starting point is 00:02:20 does it be serious because the issues are so serious. We see terrible things done to animals. People don't see that. And you can't really tell people about the gore non-stop. So I thought, I'll continue my activism
Starting point is 00:02:35 in a sort of provocative, gimmicky way, but making very serious points that we're all the same under the skin. You can barbecue my flesh and you'll smell it cooking with those onions and you'll think oh i want some of that and then you'll think oh no it's her and please don't eat any flesh here are the vegan alternatives the vegan hot dogs the
Starting point is 00:02:57 vegan hamburgers the vegan fish the vegan steak vegan chicken it's all available now and so we'd hope to change their minds without having them to put me in their mouth. Ingrid thinks that if it's her we know we're eating or if it's her skin we know that is on these products, you know, we won't use it. I understand exactly what you're trying to do, Ingrid, but I have to let you know it's been done before. A great book to read is The Delectable Negro,
Starting point is 00:03:30 Human Consumption and Homoeroticism Within U.S. Slave Culture, written by Vincent Woodward. The book breaks down human cannibalism that occurred during slavery in the United States. Yes, white male slave owners used to eat the flesh of black men. And Ingrid, I'm sure you know the flesh of dead Africans and African-Americans were used to make shoes. And I'm sure, you know, after World War Two, it was reported that Nazis used skin from murdered concentration camp inmates to make lampshades. I'm saying all that to say, Ingrid, none of that stopped anybody from eating animal flesh or using animal products. Because if you have a hunger for flesh, human, animal or otherwise, you won't get your fix. And this is why I believe your plan is going to backfire. Because, Ingrid, the way you described how you want to be cooked in the onions sounds tasty and i promise you if you're offering up your flesh as a meal we're gonna have a barbecue okay pete davidson is organizing it right now
Starting point is 00:04:16 all right ingrid says she wants to be cooked specifically with onions why stop there ingrid let's do a half cup of white onions eight eight dill pickle slices, one cup of barbecue sauce. We're going to add about a quarter teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of sugar, three tablespoons of water. We're going to get four to six inch center split white sandwich rolls and 16 ounces of uncooked Ingrid meat. And we're going to make us a meal called the McPeter in your honor. It's going to look just like the McRib, okay, when we're done. And believe me, sweetie, we're going to have enough to feed the needy. Ingrid, I hear you. I really do. When you say you're trying to raise the point that flesh is flesh, I get it. And you're probably
Starting point is 00:04:54 right. And that's why you can't just be offering yourself up to be barbecued because when someone tastes you and says, tastes just like chicken now because of you, they're going to be looking for another kind of meat to be added to the menu you can't be out here serving yourself up all barbecued and tasty expecting people not to eat you now the only difference i can see ingrid when we serve you up it's gonna have to be in slices okay can't serve you like red snapper we're gonna have to behead you that would be just a bit too much but what i'm trying to get you to understand ingrid the only thing folks care about when it comes to flesh is does it taste good we don't eat animals because we are monsters who can't control ourselves we eat animals because they are tasty at the least at least the ones
Starting point is 00:05:34 i've tried i've had chicken fish turkey deer bear shoulder squirrel dumplings cow of course lamb ox goat and every single one of them are tasty. It's that simple. So Ingrid if you really don't want people to eat flesh don't offer them more to put on the menu because if I ground you up into a patty you just mystery meat at that point. In fact Ingrid you will be impossible meat because it will be impossible for folks to tell the difference between you and every other animal product out there. especially when I add this carbone sauce to it you see this right I think you I think you would take you would taste great and a lasagna Ingrid okay I
Starting point is 00:06:15 don't know we should just keep it at barbecue I got tomato basil I got marinara how you pronounce that in view what is that abracadabra Arab rebita sounds right whatever it is we got it all i'm saying is when we add this ingrid you ain't gonna be able to tell the difference please give ingrid new kirk the president of peter the sweet sounds of the hamiltons oh now you are the donkey of the day. Yee-haw. Yee-haw.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Yee-haw. You hungry? No. Oh. I'll pass. Okay. Actually, you still opened my mouth.
Starting point is 00:06:59 You did? Wow. Hungry, Lou? No, sir. Okay. Not at all. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Well, I guess thanks for that donkey today. Ingrid, come up here whenever you're ready. I'm going to have the chef here. Just in case. Just in case. I'm going to have the chef here just in case, Ingrid. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Well, thank you for that donkey today. Everybody on BET, we'll see you guys tomorrow. Peace, BET. Peace. Everybody else, let's open up the phone lines. 800-585-1051. Now, every once in a while, we see people asking questions on social media. And this one went viral yesterday.
Starting point is 00:07:34 It was a gentleman asking women about would they prefer to be with a married man that tells you yes 100% of the time. Or, I guess, a man that's not married that tells you no 50 of the time you got the audio of course we do not married men say yes 100 of the time no no no the question was they went to a bunch of women and asked them would you rather date a married man yeah that never tells you no okay or would you rate data a regular man that's not married that tells you no 50 of the time married men told women if they're being blackmailed. Yeah. Yeah, I think not on just being cool.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I think it's a motive to it. It's definitely a motive to it. I mean, if a married man is telling you yes 100% of the time, it's like what Lou said. He don't want you to go out there running your mouth. Right. Because all you're doing is asking for money. That's what you really mean when you ask for money and things.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Yes. So let's open up the phone line. So there are some women out there that prefer married men so the question is 800-585-1051 ladies what is it about a man being married that makes him more desirable i'm like my palisade that is the question came from social media yesterday i don't even know why you're doing 800 this how you throw this to me? How I'm the one? You need to stop reading everything that come
Starting point is 00:08:47 across the desk. That's what you need to stop doing. Okay? I don't even know what you're trying to do this morning. You see, this is the problem, Looney.
Starting point is 00:08:53 We agree with him. We're like, all right, let's do it. Then when he hears it, he'll be like, why you doing this? Because here's the thing. You've been working with me
Starting point is 00:08:59 for 13 years. You know I don't be paying no damn attention. I don't even know what y'all be talking about 96% of the time. Well, let's open up the phone lines. 800-585-1051 ladies what is it about a man being married that makes it more desirable close your mouth it's the breakfast club good morning
Starting point is 00:09:14 donkey today is brought to you by the law office of michael s laminsoff don't be a donkey dial pound 250 on your cell and say the bull if you've been hurt in a construction accident that's pound 250 from your cell and say the bull

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